HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-3-19, Page 108 THOU/DAY, March 111, 1'1 3
"Wise men dip into the future --
wise women plan for tri' Ure need,
Nota day passes•that we do not
open new spring things for ladies,
gentlemcu, girls and boys. 111ey
come amigo. More tidings solid than
ever before, and, of course, more
b,u41 t. Soliu of the new tbiu.s
opened this week are : -
Ladles' Black Silk Capes
Handsome style's, tho bent taffeta
applique, prices firm $5 00 to
Ladies' Chiffon
The tory latest
wear, dressy, e
very res+'•imide,
Ruffs and
thing for neck
omfortnble and
prices #2.50 to
Embroideries and Laces
Never have Wei shown such a
large ,valie'y of the t ew de,igns,
WA' all to prices, wo situp!) sa)
they are away below anythi,1g
we have evert ffered.
Dress slaking Department
Very busy, but we can book your
order for later on. Come and
see our work. Styles on view in
the store. Let un quote you a
price for a costuiin complete.
You will find it pay you.
I. a000 times Iho Spring when you wild
ti ash dreamt,* 'or which we've agree,!
'l'o bring you here the Inst on earth
I It prints Biel gingham. Islet lee word!
.Ina -h w re 1lwu i out u.
In of l I rs ask to- gouda a. Moe.
I'ejue. and [icons there' 1 is•, too- , -
A,sl 41a1,.1a 43ett .'Ire, sonlrthirg new,
a ilia in ty roum.tyedg••s very Isle:
I reir • olor • emhiues am ups to hale.
Dimities mu,lits, silks am! lateen.
Things that will wash lik.1 b.bies' fors.
Everything at wash goals that's new -
and it tee, •
quality high, and low iu pri e.
Allots! this sale. None tan Burps
1 las lice of goods. 'rbey will it t Iasi.
Op rhurattsy you hen can view it.
If you dew's tome then wo know you'll
rue it.
New Dress Goods
Stacks and (leaps of new spring
goods are waiting you here, var-
bty sufficient to please every
taste, prices to 'Leet the ideas of
the nlo,t economical, NEW
Men's and Boys' Clothing
You can buy suitable, serviceable
anal 11)Bali clotl.ing u. ,ur store
all the year sound, atoxcee'iingl•
nue'er.te price* The new spring
goats are lust to hand, come and
a ie W them.
NI en's Waterproof Spring Qve mats
Mn'ns New Spring Suits
Boys' Suits and Separate Banta
den's Shirts, Collars and
New Sirn; st•ck to hand in all
Ouse line the very latest styles
311.1 puce., you will fnd.right
and low.
Smith Bros. & Co.
Id n. H.II, of Looloo, a vuINog her
mother, Mrs. Rusk
M. G Cameron. M. Y t' , was home from
Tercets ovet Send.y.
Miss Holt it stintuit 10 Toronto, the
guest rel Mies l'vchraoe.
MIs. Annie Mackey has returned from her
yielt to her home at Rodney.
Yn. Greir, of Sesforth, 1. Viellag Ir.
psrent•, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Acheson,
alto Till:e 1 debut. wbo sat employed
ler e'me time w.th W. Acheson & toe, One
gone to Ambo ruburg, where she 1:11 spend
sever.) nasike with tire, I:ey.1 I: A. Fe.r
and lamhly.
M s• Mary Nicholson r• turns on Salm lay
to Saginaw atter spending three week, tit
Mies Mary Sharman re' greed to Rldgr.
wry yesterday after 'wen hag her father's
Mrs. b'smore left nn Toads), for Ses-
forth, where she will remota. 11f1f a while
with her sister, Mrs R<.•. \
Mus A'unle U.mpbeli, who wak palled
home last week by her mother's death. will
1111)0n 9 t.
on1er your Spring Suit
or Overcoat until you see the stock of Fine
• . Clothing Goods to be opened out in the
i have leased the store in the "Bedford Block" •
formerly occupied by 'throat; tit Cornell, ►pd will be
r. arty fer.11usiness in a few do)s with is choiceselec-'
Orden. will be executed in the -latest and most
'approved style, with'first-class material, rand at the moot
reaoonnble rates.
Your patronage is stlhcited,inii I will guersseee
eatisfsetion-to every customer.
Wait for the opening next week.
Redford Illoi k.
Mere hsnt
Sell, and Tots of it, too.
it was recently stated by one who should know that our first paid
the Grand Trunk Itailwatinore cash in freighta last year than ony other
house to (lodericlliut we can do more anti are doing•mor, every
mon .h.
Our ftcililiee for haudlit.g our business are better than eve r
We hart in our employ a competent bookkeeper and stnograplt.r,
couplet with our comp!''.' system of bookkeeping, insuring accurst) 1n
running accounts Wash ue. Of goose we prefer cash and wr ;0,e a
liberal cash discount,
IVP ats0 1140e erg el w 'ftret•el.as tense builder, Mr. Wn1. Van -
stone, of Ike 'iter, to nu riot red building our ideal, Ameuicren, Frost
and other fence*. In .fact will sell and put up any kind of fencing
you may desire.
We like the ideal hest. It is 1 No. 9 hard steel ,tire, not too ex-
pensive, and very (tong. •
Our coiled and barb wire le still $245.
Try vi on paint. 1n fact everything. We sell right, and endeavor
bo always handle the best line of geode, and give satisfaction.
As announced Mitt week, Tits Iiia
sat luta been pt1 eh:ised by Vallatter
Jr Robertson, and the pre est issue is
the 81,it under the new proprietor.
,hip. A new tress of tyle was
order!, but uwia,g to .Ity in the
Tilling of the ore,
er only :0 portion of it
was •ay:iilable for this wo'k's issue
Next week. .1t is expected, the Imw
(blew N iij JM' '•omelets Other t•h:u-.g-
es art• tonteutldat•tI which it is 11 eel
will make Tas 81u01110 uml'e vaiwt6le
dem es er to its readers.
111 this job printing depart mint
every effort will be 'mule to keep
abreast of the times in the facilities
for turning out .titstchtss work The
record ef' the office for tine printing
,tit be fully maintained, anti with
modern equipment and excellent
workmanship orders may be left here
with every mummies. of datisfactory
'I ruttish 1a taws for the pree:at week.
Mrs. W, A. Donee and children, of
icayner, •re visiting Mn. toner's puerto,
lir. and Mr,. Jae Crsigte,
Wee lMuKs7, of Ember, arrived io town
Saturday to attend en her uncle, A.
Nuorr, who le eerlou.ty ill.
Mrs H H. llmkans..n and sob, of
-relt 1:0 Haying at the residence of the
cdy'e usols, W m. Cannot ell.
Mrs. Jas. Stewart, South street, has
'termed from Waning the wedding of
ler brother, Dr. A b: Matbs.-r, I.ts oI
Kansas, U. 8., and now of Oxford county
h, sweat took oleos at A•wood on the 4 b
ass, lin. 8 ewart *bee visite., her pares'e
sJ other [vends at Mtr1tford on her way
The 11ratees of Nu1111 stt,. ( 3141ho-
list ehtu.•h are ail Vertisiig fin' as .h.'ir-
ivantsr aid 4340111..1 to sult•ed Mr.
Campbell. Mt Mildred l'aliiyii.11 is
ailing as urge list in the meantime.
Rev. Jas.:.. Anderson has gone this
week to Jlont•r•rrl to attend th'i.tt um!
meeting of the Iku111l of French Ey
geliaittiou 111 431111113't 14111 w all the i'tv
byterian church. His nil tit next
saltiest will be emptied ll1)• itev. Jae.
Ih11nilton, it. A., ill the assn wing. Atlti
Her, J. I. Small, H. A., in the even-
Iter. 1). Metiilliyrey, formerly of
1..oletir•h: who is on the 4111 'vial staff
of the soviet y for the Dist riled 1.1.141
Knowledge in l'hina, reports that the
vale of Its bks 1s un"1• than twice He
large this year rte in previ years,
and that gift. press r:11itlit keep ip to
alae di•u'and for liten,tule ill that
Re), 111.. Perkins, retire. of 'frivitt
Aligns alai church, Exetil'i•, delivered
the adetr sp at last night's service in
St. li.smgt s rhllrl'h. Ile is a graduate
of Cambridge. and 'slime untying to
Canada hurl 11 curacy 1n London. Next
Wednesday evening Hee'. John Berry.
R. 11)....r Parkhill, Is expellent
to preach. and on the S lav follow'.
Ing. larch 'a)th, Ice). Midges' S. %1's
Howard. H. A., 1111111/ .Iitf•hell, who
mill lo' remembered its ,11)4 of the
eurafes 111 this 1atrish wider Hey. 11'. A.
V g. 11. A.: is expected to 1*. hell..
f In'Siai*lay evening Rev. J.....1nd-
.n,a.ti, pastor. 1 Knox ehtur•h. preached
his ant l,t,I 0411114n to ,.sluts• Ind fish-
ermen. There was a very larges , con-
gr.gatiun. including it goodly bele
of those who ph' their business in the
waters. The pastor 1.sik for his text
the words from Psalm lf)7::11 - :14, he
briuge•th thrid into their desired
haven.- He ent•eaat...I his 11431111* to
take the fluty
Spirit as theirs pilot and
the 1Vor1 oflita1 as their chart of life.
1titl addressed a few especial words 14
rotrl,,.'b tot ltls' who airs about to make
their first voyage. Appfvl.riatr. hymns
Wylie sully and 1h.. 'heir ..ong the ali-
ens "'Ilse Radiant Mori."
310.• Lay. 3btn•h 'Lied. -- Registered
geldiii y rising flue years 1,11, harness,
cutter and htlnse•hold furniture, the
propert o .leery Flynn, act lot 1H,
11. West, A Ifl,bf Meat. Kingp(ohlidgt•I.
Salta mils. ret1::111''.los k. Every-
thing e'ithont reserve, as Mr. Flynn is
touring 10011), \TioM.ts (il•NnIt',
nur1 ionret•.
1\"r)401•:su.av, Mat , L11h. .►uetion
wale of Lars! stork Hutt illldemt•nts at
lot 17, eoneetes 1. fief •l,l mad. -I
Guiles south of (i,ob•rieh. \t •wring
et I o'clock sharp. (ih:onmit: 1.11,:1 errr,
pmyn•ieto1. T. firNlrnv,
1e'HIn.a Ye Mnteh 27th. Austin wale
i.f, valuable business 11•..p•It y, ' slid/
fixtures and household furniture's., Ja•-
hinging 141 the 1441111 ,4 the late
1V1111ar•e. 1'1340.'t1y eotusisting of last'.
2'. West stereo. S2 feet frontage and f•
running bock 4C3 feet, Orin -et, With suit,
brisk .store :old dwelling, also frail'
store and dwelling Joel ftt • stable -
will be oty,•rrd in .int laurel. After-
wards hour hold furniture and shop
Hztutrs will be sold. '!'nos. (il'NiMY,
alert i. eieer.
'ritrHsn.ay. 3lareh 20th. - .tuetinn
where spraying Is not attended to, but have trees
more or less deteriorated through ravages of Insect
ur fungicide pests. You could not expect much
from a tree Infest.! with {.trashes, as twig in cut,
which ahuws San .Iose8e*le natural, and magnified.
We do not magnify the merits of the
SPRAMOTOR Sprsyschlne,
when we may it to arsotutnly ala, test In the world (laid
!Medal. and 1. fret Prisee in every a.niest we 'lave eaLeejd.
including Pan-A,n rlcan, give w heels°. to say tide, ane It
1111 give us pleueure, and be or profit to you, to write
us for our MO page book, •'A tkui.1 Hou, On Your Farm,"
which contaii.:i valuable ron'.rulu end lotormWnus; It Iatrwa
SPRAMOTOR CO., Buffett°, N. Y.. London, Cwt.
There Are Few Orchards
1 am still sacrificing the
Second-hand Stoves
which 1 have In stock to
make room for my
weal 111111-11 sow. 3111 a large ler
of pigs. -brood sous, ,•te, Everything
t,f Iit. sold without lt'et•ve, as the
favil has been tented. Mie. 11'sr. Jos est,
proprietress. T111031.01 til • N 1M Y. 401e-
l1"vier. •
(:!VINO . 0 Ht'slNP:ss. -- Mks A
1Vulk a their intention las
give op business in 1b iig,tiiii.111, and
for the next sixty slays are offering
uct ion s
Several hundreds of
rolls of Wall Paper, clear-
ing at 3c per roll.
Collings to match, tame
L'ordera to watt!, I.• ler
Hundreds and hundreds
of rolls, suitable for bed-
rooms, kitchens, !Mlle Pte ,
clearing at 1 and 5c leer
Ceilinga to match, same
1000 rolls of bedroom
Papers, pretty floral de
signs (new this spring),
usually sold at 7c and tl',
ori sale at Sc per roll.
Dainty Dresden stripes,
.8c, 10c, 15e per roll.
Most elegant parlor,
library, hall and dining -
room papers in ail the
newest shades, prices rang
ii; Prem 15c per roll up.
sale of farm st,"•k and implements et ( i
lot L eoneession 11, E. 1). 1'ollsn•tle III
uliies rth noof Smith's Hill1. This stock
includes a number of good horses and
colts that have leen. prize winners.
Four do,cn Window
SItsdes,compl• ie with goal
Pring rol'er, ,' eari'•g ret
Spring is coming
Hunt out your Bicycle
Ii you havPn't onP, ca11
9rourld and we will sell yr u
"Br. ntford"
""' el -cent"
'Hy slop"
"Berlin" et..
1f you here a 11 heel and it needs repairs we have everything nerd
ful in the way of 1 tree, Pedals, Rims, Spokes, Saddles, Enamels,
etc. Our RIMAMR i)RWARTwUFT 18 in charge of a itrpeir man who under
stands and can make right any ill that a Wheel is heir to.
Our Musical Instrument. still lead.
"Dominion" Menne-and Organs.
"Wortewith" and "nerlin" Piance.
(3uitars, Violins, Harmonicas, Mandolin., I:ramophonee
10,000 sheets Music -Vocal and instrumental.
Write for a Catalogue.
11it'll' L.,r• ,.tta'k .If •!iron g,aa11, II11I-
linery, elt'y weals, Is iota and shoes,
glrart'i.',., entr•ke•1•)• anal ttlell(•Ines at
greet realuetbons.
,lose.op, Mar. loth.
Our pgHllar. Violinist, Alex Me -
Nevin, is away „rl 11 fortnight's visit
to relatives in Iiibla'1t township. Perth
Rachel Gordon, formerly well known
here, and Of late years a 13.silrut of
('bites, Wile united • in marriage on
the Illth inst. at the residence of her
parents. Mr, and Mrs, Jas. (I(tnics.
and etudeute mat entre
at any tan e
b gnu March 30th. Tw ...In rust, cam
merc:a and shorthao.l. Send for col-
lege bourn 1,
C. A Ff.RatlN(i, A 1.
Flt and Wear
'!'here are some things which can't be improved. One of the
things is the "Queen Quality " shoe for women.
You can make it more, elaborate, you can decorate it, (•1n.
bullish it, use costly materials and all that; BUT FOR $too
This means that mechanically it is perfect As for its al,.
pe,arance, the fact that hundreds of thousands of women
choose it instantly above all other shoes would seed to in-
dicate that it is attractive.
Why don't you go 80 far as to try on a pair the next time
you come to the store? It costs nothing to see their tit
your foot.
BOOTS, $3.75. OXFORDS, $3.00
Shop pwnit.n, t, Alex. Robertson.
Mr. nein Mrs. Robertson left for their
home in Manitoba on 01Vwl111144Llay
afterne.m, and several friends of the
bride from here were at the (iederich
stat• to any good-bye and wish them
a happy future. H. A. Horton and
other relatives. front here Were 1311e34
at the wedding festivities.
M.,idr •laws ago we notes) that the
family of 11. McManus lull. takes 't .
laud in the Assinitsaa district itie,l
Iern• ahuttly going there in eoiq.:ooy
with John Stewart *til his seat
Malrulea. (hi 'Itilrialay 0411,14 .1 the
lwrt)' Iravo fur their new• host,'. T1t'v
will take three tenors, iuq'leue,•nt..
fatal Iliaehidlel•)• and a eielall(ity ut
tiiiI*•r. It is with pleasure• a int 14..
sir le of friends sew that N. M.-011 , t,
is woe• on the nue! GI recovery 11'.
his serious illness. He will 1e a61.• t..
start for his stew holm *bow 114•
srrolte1 week in April.
New Spring Millinery.
Having returned from visiting the 1903 Spring M,lllnt ry
displays in the leading markets of fashion, and hsaing ut.d.'
Targe purchases in all the latest novelties, i will be ready mi,t.
week with a handsome display of both trimmed and tie
trimmed Millinery.
Ready-to-wear Hata a Specialty. o
Thanking you for your generous patronage during l,s•'
w•a.orts, i extend a hearty invitation to the ladies to tali at i
inspect titin season's styles
t', iNTY14E, Hamilton Street
(r1:LePnoN.2j H O DG E N S BROS.
Some Linen Bargains
Makers' Seconds
THIS week we have some linen bargains, "Makers' Seconds," in linen
towelings. flost of them are slightly imperfect, but the imperfec-
tion is more than made good by the reduction in price. All are in short
lengths, but none to small to make a good drying towel. The makers
sold them cheap because they were not quite perfect, and now we pass
them on to you at prices that are positively money -saving. Ready Sat-
urday morning.
30 ends of linen glass toweling, 30 inches
wide, red border, goal weight, lengths 3:
to 40 inches, clearing Saturday at the end,
each 10c
175 ends, very fine linen glees toweling;
these ends are about 141 inches square,
plain linen with red border, they would
make good table iapk ns or glass towels,
on sale Saturday at, each 44.
150 ends of linen crash, 16 inches wide, good
weight, red border, some of these have one
selvage, torn in places, ends 32 to 40
inches long, choice each, Saturday ....64c
50 ends linen crash toweling, good weight,
red bordera, would make dish or roller
towels, lengths 2 to 2A yards, ready Sat-
urday morning, your choice, each .. 15c
75 ends plain tea toweling, 25 inches wide,
maker a capital towel for drying china or
glass, ends are fron, 32 to 40 inches,
choice Saturday 10c
New Wash Goods
"Prettiest wash goods in town" is what people
say who see this stock. More new lines came to
hand this week. Every few days there is some,,
thing new to be seen Here. Novelties that you
will not see in any other store in town, and, best of
all, only a limited quantity of any one pattern.
New Shirt Waist Prints
Elegant new patterns, suitable for shirt waists, in Crum'e
fNitlon. weal' prints, fine soft cloths, 32 inches wide, fast
colors, new ani nobby patterns, per yard 12 i
New Mattings
Now matting., a popular material for waists and skirts,
pain whites, while grounds with colored stripes, or plain
colors, fine finish, makes stylish ltd setvicesble waists or
full dresses, per yard 25c to 30c
Mercerized Canvas Cloths
New niercerz"u4 canoes cloth., an elegant material for
vision or full dresses, in white, pink, blue, hack or cream
o"e of the prettiest things we have this s^assn, per yard
New Scotch Zephyrs
no cf !mod. mile designs in fine Stretch z-•p!,vra, checks
and stripes, in all the popular colorings and combinations,
e o ping In'n'er for fancy .vaiets nr children's wen?, per yard
15e, 20c reel 25c
Table Damask
With the towelings we got
a couple of lines of table
damask, a little under value.
They are worth more than the
price we are asking, but wo
get them cheap and so you
get them in the same way.
One, and only, 56 inch cream
darnask, floral patterns with
border, good quality and will
wear well, on redo Saturday, per
yard. . 25c
One end only, 72 inch cream
damask, hell blenched, good pat
terns, a good cloth to wear, ex
ars apecisl va's'e, at per yard 35.•
Table Napkins
120 pure linen table napkins,
bleached ani hemmed, good
weight, on sale Saturday, al each
25c Veiling, 10c
Saturday morning we hilt 011 sale, a big bargain in veilings. These ratite to its
away under value, If -must we cleated out every mete a wholesale importer had in
stock. If we iliul not two store3 wo would have had to let this chance go by ; as it
is, you buy ''2 c veilings for 10e per yard, if you come here nn Saturday.
200 yardn of veiling, assorted ends, with or withoutchenille
white on black and blue, regular 25c per yard, on sale .turday, atrerpand black, cream,