The Signal, 1903-3-19, Page 8/771, ft 4 't ' elett
6*71,Ce Ake
azn,ot�'/n/�/OW 6-7
Lt'/`t�1fi !1'ke'NL
y # I
a 011/4,71,.
' fol event. awl . hetber brown -eyed
'sr blue-eyed, •w Mary Dermot is •
porwou of considerable Importance.
Sass Bioko hears the tend with •
curious throb at her h(•arl. 1f Mir
Maurice lierneut's w lie should tib'•:
1\,111l'11 have btu known to dist at
ruru timer. t life given utast a life
token -will It be r• :"
In the bright walight rhe walkst
enol 10014 at the clear blue sky, and
w under. how rhe would greet the
10e.Ientpa, that cant, to say 81r
Nuurtre Dertuut's young wile war
"Ludy leerut t to very ill," 111 the
bulletity and Slur make "'VOA SWAY:
to her Ow is room, -Wet eosin) clue
mhtluW -oil her wbolt is her 1s01'. •
•'811 it einklug,'' 3Jro. Ulnke rays.
cheerfully ; "and dir Maurice had
brut fur another dto'lur."
White 811 death, M.'01 1.11:Iko btrwr
le r head when, ou the following
sitial.y, sir Mlaurtec's wife' 1l+ pro..
• 4s1 for 111 church. uludye Ityt1 art.
full of tears.
' "Oh, pour Maurice!" 8110 sada,-nf.
4 ;.4.rwar' 111 luncheon. "Ho Sul ete Ills
v. Int w► 1•.Isr.uu+tlely, it would
*1*rt.ok hilt heart i'f ybu died."
Flora makes no lead gond a meet
' 111:ut 100411 because the lair and
young lardy Dermot lies at death.
door. Sire. Blaktv help.) ht•rrelrcithw
I) to Laub cutlets and 'green peas
T moi' before alio answers. ,
"err Maurice would marry again
sir Maurice 1e very pion' of „ lase -ui tied ample •pi oporliunl., to a year; tuna aro 110. (ho IMotelr
r. 'MI garden. 110 likes to pout u,a atoll -cattiest and n lilts-upr'.usL 3114- "d cogstancy y WI imagine. I hardly
the oid•fashtuned roses that 'have pears to have taken Ipsseeeon of the 1 thluk hex poor.
wife eau life; she
bloomed hero uw long 11 61 ten can clstl:. Sir )huuhu lusts I:11u+wj the i
Wald dreadfully weak yesterday. 1
remember, spud are no rare :►0d of 1:'•1et o.' a sort of amuse l•p.ty lift 1.811.49 drh•o ovt'r th:e nfturuttun and
:111 lunch er11►rmvuenco now no the euutewpt. And tha Dowager ,Lrtdy tits ,tire."
rr runt htwit 4 ,bio .1 has drl...n over (rum the to some people there le eumeth:ttg
l lupp0u,lntn era.
Anne teapot at the castle. The 1 .44 r 1 utas'taW With
a Bole her 41 of
teapot "lid duty :it 1110 nursery. and 1
r -
tin 0W ruses were torn r'ittilerhly t,-rs•as to matt*( of code .
by hie own baby handl+. Both ur.' i 1 p laird hie Hut. Gipsy lire be;
1,o) caluOble to bo tuuch•d .11uw'.- t1% 4,1.11 1.111 and death. T.. lir llau-
111s mother's moles risme are as, r'c.: •is•rmot tit time 1:e au agQuy8.
nothing compared N'.th the old , 1 4, cy pal. *-brat 8tuls nn h"u r. 1,11
hiyuttva. Btu• remove! n 410Z4.1 hi 1114rr, Ito prlyr fur his wlf*'r Illy,
loads of them to the dower huusl , h :'11`1 cow 0 tout to 1411 Lib' Lf* lei Cum'
and Sir Mlnur.c" fillet' the gap:. lie will never ►peak toed 11 11:1.413,
with 11 1av:e11 hand,- auJ ry*rye 1 woad 19 her alraiO. 1ft, 4144 been up all
breeze that blow.. is heavy au,l j rti�l.t, 111141 auUou' au I haggard Ito
sweet lu the inland 01,1 ,nrdei. (•v'ks In the gut) 11) rays ut the bun.
It IN 11:17'1 favorite IM.luut. 5th* 811111'. .1t last the mut by .6•011 upi•e.d;
'lover the flowery 1111 the owertie1I. .•,t.1 Ids m,dh''r 94101.91 1:1. grueiuuw
11 In /I GOV i nth 100 110:190 lull the 11 Ie1 lmp•41nu1.
quad. rho utter restfulness -of thio "blood news, l;aurc•' : Std the bit,.
n.lrkt of ruwr. Hero rho and Irl the tower ringing en tin birth of
Wady* Blake often bit fur hours in o'er sol: 41441 hoir.l"
boll' , plrus..nt cuWpauionrhip, and la 1' .\ua 5.41s,4 7" hr toile. with his
to such other uf thuughtai an 1- feel -
iinau uN hate fluid:lug. "lluvc'
bergs too deep and ■••nous for the 1.: guy darling "•
11,:. she Ix +111 1'IRht :" en4we1,4
bus; nark -n -day •wur1,L 1a413.aluni►t h.,ty
Dermot,•1:.' 1t. lo.'k'nS. up
t 1rr buds and bloeso 41' lilal3 s blotto nit 111 r situ. •' J!y dear Slane oe• what
lu lace and lou' the en,t*re- gest' •4u oaro! 1 d
0 believe you
brevet little I.adv Dermot --leads to
10ule1'►•(n111 her nature, at ua'., so hv%e Ir'eu rr+iug.'•
and ')-et fits.' with is kin 1 y' wife Is III 1 Inc*,y" h* 1(473*. hl
ut mud
u Int. so eq. thDlking of lbs blank life
y wuu1J ful:t yonr nbutc the ` "%."111 lull." 1'1441.ii wha had bests
treadmill of t very day lib., slid 1, (.:111•
• a irritable gyp$3, with al pied tut for Well, you hese n rots naw;' Ti'
open-air hf•, a kern lour and a twee. '4 r ',I ..It bull,oey uot. a tb f 4th ►t 411
elation for the %serld of u:tturo. .i "3 u l tldn
Brought up b•'side tb•' never-. ndin g "
roar ant mut mite of the waves, huura I. 1:3 +led Ly the husband, with :r Moe
8ll 1 'hunt',, it Is „wan wap- gt'. ,41' with it Rrv.t 1,n•,' nhd teirdrr-
• der that 8110 bat grown up ate 4111!1 a'' s, st ,nos 411.1;(. 114 4441, stn 1 11 nk+
IN t 1 ''' ,411 'lIImo•t reverently on w Idle,
(J.u1yw smiley, 811.1 sighs, ton/. to' 11 'u Rlpsy'. hnldN:l; .w luvingly In ler
A /rid how total!) the wife 14 wrapped i ., low • of 14'r arm the uwreel• of be-
ep In her husband. She 11w:1. s for the ' 11' I:Ity that repreeert1 the run awl
P 1.ex't hlippimno of the picture, 1,1e1 •'' r .J 1)rugl:uu•CI (11.1[11'.
. leh..v%bosi ph* thinks of what her !personage of the ample pro-
-life 111.(0 might have been If Jim had • I"•'.tions 4,14.1 the wilt" d•t1' .101.11 the
Jived. I !winos of the occasion royally.
• 'And1 think," Gipsy said ,IA•", •la 1 ".\ fin* 1«03. Ntr 4Laurice, Heaven
solemn, serious tuner, 'that there ; W.'41
are v 'rse troubles than death"- •lid , / tY, tuf1d11,T dawn n
i'Bib)nrnrr of t he cc bite flit nevi
thitlklug of her ono bier b n, with the muther-touch tlt'.1 001004
%%hnwt rtsnuw Cue never` be up3 , by l:frtinct, 411M'I'fees n ably wizened
1"••".' fore,. and tan doubled -up flats.
"1 know.' 141 ('Pr1. 4lldys, Nnft• 'Uy bah0,"' duhls'taIP•r.. "Man-
ly. 'sit 11 s141 r3e,', lew) awl) ril4', isn't he lov'ell' • nil Sir Ilan -
0 111011g lite rises. it.", with Lis 00.0' parentage .sit-
She .:11 Imo*. be Iraw fowl Of ling nw•kwardly 1.n 11110, tuuelee the
Jim; next yet Gladys :s p'•r1111114 emelt fern, timidly.
nrnrr•r hnppinr,m mourir;titr, him ns•
strati than sin 0414.).) ever have been ".t blhy with n I81h?!"_J" w'111a-
h10 ole 10.011 hid t% (e. She 'flumes! P. rs, kxoklug ut hts`Fvio possessions.
for 'him Often.• !more moth fr Sly darling, my wife:' The per-
taild,unu•h Petr him. w•e•pt'more. than s.•n0Re with the white rap, think -
thew w14vtddp. frit Me lie 1,' welting (1.0 demonstrative
'Moue .41.11griefoften ) 141' of
him; and yet, a�:th him flying kine •"'ler In•ly'whip most ha veTy quiet,
upon , h r bps n311 her flrl111 11 L1ut :tir Muerte... I think mho d 44 1ln11
Lint, Sill, the past i nlium s:nese wen little *Isom now," ami with.thle hint
forgotten end forgiven. ns only n she hurri'•N hint IgIm•I11t11tott'iIV (Int of
woman can forget awl forgive. She the room. •
I.ilm with 4lypry, maims Shu row's i 111 the library h* final I.a•dv IMr-
alel thinks that tin b.'." part of nit, writing 0ounlle.e notes to bi-
ller life lint beneath Jini Lefroy'N, form her dear friends of the import-
%hite 'Reny.•mtPR0. , ! 11111 event..
Hut to -day l.;IJNy'e rnitic. Prat in "\4 hat, It pity ?u' ham brown pyre,
the rode garden Is unle•vup.ed, The linurlre.. :.•I the Bernet" have had
bhl.hiilg blieto NIIN nre minium 1.o blue errs --tie Dermot eye."
her 03 ca; ,the faint, .11,4cly perfume ' The pant 1 fnther !aughs.
riesling from. the hearts of n, thou- i "The iternelt rye'. Note 'Peak of it
tat 1111 .011.14 iv Ixtnlot away by the as If N was the 'r%i1 syr' tu:•lller.
soft 'memo 'o'er the high actinism j "They nor• nlnnto blur," sloe cti,n-
nall, The 'tweet little Indy wah Clem., folding up lite Holt%, '11111
tins %main' brown eye., is not here • I, nN If It wast a .)Leet in»tit
it today. The row,' ashi• the mitodibie to" the D1',ympt fnmlly to lutratuce
ural the hirdm lotto nil their, .own tsnn%11 orbs. "In'l,1,am sorry ynnr
nay tostJey. A robin ..tient.. .aln.1houl.1'take aro mneh after the
tb,+ whole tG•iruiug .0 t411,o .4 mother'. family. Ste Is .:'fully imn11,
chair, and every Nigh • of the south •L441; but A'11.Must bo thankful it
windbrcitlicn tett, (r•mh sweetness 1111 wasn't n girl -that would havebeen
colo. - . ! derndful !"
At Urumnneen Castle e nd4hu••1 Tae new.' truvele far and WIsir,
eveltemrnt In sIth'I+' ..1 personage of the newspapers nnnennre the Jy-
$ 2100 Piano FREE
The hoer..'. tr not^d 51,1414.-1 Pt yrs priol.,1.`•.4-44, 4114•14 ror,•11y arrtn4elapell the nautili
or r..,, dlwere r w•l tell.1 eon n e ',e
/ eiders l . h M .. t: n e l 1 . everyday 1 1 an you top 11 ere
in trout proper or't he soot %I. 11,.1. 4 10•(1, rot? of dw.'mi-. -.try Ait i,- e,, 8,5 net al,a of all tM
I hest -.•f rl,4 m • aorr And to the .near, of d n 14411 ll e y pso, epeand the aen*favorite
el ninny of nM end .: nd 0,uob 11.1 M'1e n' iner the
I nne. It 4.,..y )prwoann tpann u, Nt. ou the
and 11
ale.• 1140( r,anmu' In colors( f i prdnla y middy won Mot
m. N•'w,*4, 1 you mato1, A* he
.•'.sof Oa M4 colors( If alt,) s uI'l way w'n .1 11n. fiat ro',fen s whichmen month
IN he L
anda41 *1..' *05 1A►4nd 1'prltat Nlwnn,,ainrdatgoo, "ill d oro they
aroebmm,th ) y 141
N molten 14 11,.11 Ito earn •fn 0 0 1 only m top irony" 11nl1 and there
er) ars, primes rend) Irl
N nntrlyr ital l Won't l 4 " .0"? ("0? ret' if 1•F.14T 111,.peen 14 wrIs only te rooeasf
toIr. 141wa with. Won't a .nod r nay 4 14' 41141 yrnm 4n.tees,font d nn to wenn your 41 aN
retoen , y lalnl,. Send yo bsy 0 of IN, pa eel. 8 r a en's and lou w.L.' 14• 1144 yet
1,12 nm real R- rsanowt .+I nal ,rlw m lila tl y' Prlsn ►nd 1 n h O6lN 7, 1111 OW
l'PRINttT PIANe. �-eMl,w you will, and aulmay It ewes 7ma nothing long. eswaY Nby.
CASH wlaa•a
WingI, nab. Mm. 1. r.OW*..nnnna Y4a. Y. M. WEAVES
M lahan, ON1kl7n, lows
Mn 1:l"w1 Pella,•5 11.1'.: 'Catoctin* £ipe,. nra41.LL A.M», V.T.• , ballet*. .Ann 1r
pr.. New Louden, 1 1. w It. I'r.bte, 41.nor, Mw ...
. • 1:n n.T( Pere..,'.m, % 4,1 M1018lIn" 1110410411104104nlo 01n*,
Leen, 111_i_140 11. 11• Ilion e. W. Anon,, 1t. 11. ; Mn .•hn lawn,, I.,..Lu. e, P..; 'In. Ana M.
. 01.11 *44f4ewo, . 11 n w /,m, Peon*. I11.; Senna It. A Iolanda,lo M,Inlane•. 4 " my
ueM.r, t.tewl•tgrt 1"1 : %Ire. '' mummy. simnel. ewers.: Mr. !tetanal Joran, ,'Mitt Na; clams,
A N 1.reww, s 1aw.lfar'i •1., 41810 Mow : M.w,'•.nmo l nelson, 10 Conran , • 11wrr-•... MMorn • Mas. A.
(('el1'1144, 1 m,rherl►rvl I nen a 1'„ Ulm )ne, ...woe .rnrhSoa, 141 er... hr. 1 Iu11Hl.m t1' 1'14.
1:'m.n I. '•seek., w.!unarrni cls; Poona 41...arle•n est II clrp.ul 1.1.. it'.:..; J".. ln,m(, to
i ,tut, An, 444.44,(tele : MU. Lwn ti. 4tent ee.o 1. ants in.. he Ir..nd.4 a.; Una Jrnme Nebo00N
"sem Pa . lata P. losaan It/ Shubert et , "awn. 8. A'sna I 50,1,, IH Penman A,..,
40,4 te41414.11/ 8 Central 1.. (4hl.M w.4. ; A4r4's H. h owl, 141 h•nnd Ave n0rhester, N. T.;r4lm
y � �•e'e ; e**Oat soon *ie 4., 11,4 iny~' •. I p ww % ifri ar? New foo 0 o; %Ir i 1. in i4.,eta
Hetet Al". (-hoar,. 1• • UM lours •e. And. Byron, Pl.: ilei Nat gnb•n', 11n. i.. nes l
Iw14sh,4 I+rmne.I'na'den4, ('11 : )eros 1le11 I. ,:108 Ilmmnn, •1.1.. and many chars,
n'• nnld wee theRami a nl lnrw nth." ww..m l.a. les,• 01.41 prime M•„orrronr.Mtsn
'44 t. mots, 11 e.tin•L r,' 61.':414,11.1111M1 .:MA won.”'
" en renown to rnnhrM anyone that w. ale rely
'SII do rvu as weeny. t� a 4b:.:! element to lave /o'sown of 4ny el er
be, Tu,t hr yn4 ono mem
son. la 44,1 loge • stomped.nev.a4 for anon reply. w. pay ell pyla., sund4h.p tl. no§ prnmply as p.mllla
11.141:' p Terre • et NIA* 1.0. 1-6 the Rim na.n 4 stave, Slew andm
Ilwm4M s sabot whoPAIN If 4 ne'ae non's.. • r-. ere1 Iho,wmle of awful awl ,*10441. n premiums,
wefts. ow 14.1 ,0103 p'un's , . na 1 .M 1'pr,4nt Pant.t'N , fee t n,Tea nolo. tololf
fled to :M ab .M In tor••In•I. •'•s,5.., %Awes, boos ►00.,44,.. l0.*ii, W.t.'hN, linaelat
let w'"?. L t .t ...
r Mr t. nn est
q tar • ww. A,r .:ant toe 'I ern,. n.• 1 m wt sow should 9rr•a of 1r.Um'nn.* on C:P ,n 4., i. eM of 44. w'l 150 ,n ,. red.'w •stent. , no, loilsrnm i do w pt
•111.• One Ntjrnwtwa,w.reraore lel. M pg show towered. eV MI. • trrtlinonhI* from 1 . eke
Mw ws,,eee. n'. a tar seas',Iles?.,allunw.nN 1A1 wnof ,
{r re, if"' awl sq t -n, .live per' 404.•., Wer
Sumo .bat<a of •••• I14 *
140 F M f, A'. noon,
coats th ole f t/v' ese a E.*, ...a ' M .ren ,, I If On, Sumo** no* tanned
W yaw
rod, Pero wr4.054 IM .sd.r a l'.ny 1' 1' Ion .1 web, lir lTyothin%aN.live1M
rod, re rris 4My1M d-.4 dshi gal.,, 1,,,'. lnn eons eP010Ilan,4 w•Ii andyenymay
tore•• a rise 5 40 a.M.r4, Nes l Ft ear.t a. r'•- Worn. .neer w e waw) • n
w.� w'. anew, 11 a fY. MR..'1 .114 .r nM. new 1. \ wwr N'Mt. N wl woes. Add..-,
11111 1 w 291-3 Corns fit., k 3124, Ilest_13 Mitt.
uhauic exhilarating in the misfor-
tunes of others. !'here ie quite 11
lirtl(Y'..'Ioli of corr.-weer Olt 1110 robin
to Drum:niece Cattle, en route to
le'trn -j he ',siert bulletin. awl the
occupants diocese every scrap of
"Ay Maurice 41111 out ',d Ida 101111
-telegraphing for [real' advice -the
t•I11111- dyalg, tool"
".011 'Ireadfullj raid. 1'(.or Sir Mau-
rice 1- ,
1'. opic' spent ttirdly of 6I;)sy now
that she Is dy intr..tauding oath' 1•.0
et1.rklw'a, of the borderland. Au.]Bowe
are sterni they were Out k'11der to
-her. (tut 1'o mor* earnest prayers" are
.offs rel 'hp than the 'rem. 1:14;; word.
that 1:11. lr,en the 1.144 ut Mrs. llritw.
4.•ry near to the titer of death
1x1* %e1111g mother approach. 11111
her husisate 'ei 1(140. nn 1 prayers anew
prat to keep lief Mick. She is
.hplli1.R neer the brink. :nest ,,I1'1 'i.
I4'wtrrl''dw 10 eat 0 her.
In there days bar Mlnurlcr's mother
risrg•'ts c41rythiut except that Ler
sun to nearly losing Otho love of Ills
heart, the wife he o'Hire evilest her
wi-hes , :' n 1 oho le very goo 1 to him
Ir, 811 Orr. -i ha t.• 1 am a great
sufferer flour rh•4111/at inn.. 1010 I0(4'-
ly 1404, 1.. •u a .nfined lu Illy 11,011.
v•:11g 7•nr 4llN4IRD'S LIN I11ENT
add. rt: -..1. 1 tried 11 and g..t lin-
le relief. 1 81e'1sliw: uhv restor-
ation to lell!111 to tit • 'woad'rfui
power or your nit diebho
Nfid.sM •
The walking sick, what
a crowd of them there are:
Persons who are thin and
weak but not sick enough
to go to bed.
"Chronic cases" that's
what the doctors call them,
which in common English
means—.long sickness.
To stop the continued
loss of flesh they need
Scott's Emulsion• For the
feeling of «•eal;ness they
need, Scott's Emulsion.
It makes new -flesh and
,gives new life to the weak
Scott's Emulsion gets
thin and weak persons out
of the rut. It makes new,
rich blood, strengthens the
nerves and gives appetite
for ordinary food.
Scott's Emusion can be
taken as long as sickness
lasts and do good all the
There's new strength
and flesh in every dose.
We will be glad
to send you a few
doses free.
Its sure that tilts pktan Is
the form .f a lake! to en the
dnr:iig 1' 1 t'r,i:•1 • nights an 1 days
01',01 II• r. Pee m% .1y in4
"yly- 1.1'. my heart, ho vrtep+, nes 11'
110lo110 over 1.1s elle. Is his little hips•.'
' hi. lore, 1.1. d..rtiug, to be tnken'trom
him ?
"11 1 if old see $ihy 1," she nluenture.
L:ilaly, whit 4Mle, height 1.74.11.
Itis tuns away • with a
rude Of Intulrtillgtears, fur lie
thinks that t•:byl tel dead and (ilpey
Is raving. And the Window' of depth
re0ms t.. hoi,,E ...WV 14444tlaeiyv.
Every one I s1u te satisfied that
Sir kiattr:ce'w wife will die -pot
few enjoy the pruepect of an Ito
posing funeral; awl the room. is
r.4p14y'x glydsit rear their heads
nn.l blush and bloom unseen. l'er•
ha pi" Memo of 1110 w'hi1.0 01101 44.11
he III 11 on tier coffin; Nome may
be even place:' 111 her pale hands.
--Ilut oho he alive Mill. Tho P111 11
Homo nal NMN-annlhfr lung Any of
agony fur tho husband; yet, when
the shadows colhla creeping up from
the glen, Il'I' 7 iw /1.1. 111 n being 011
this. earth. And, lit by bit, step
b)• step, elle retraces her way Mel:
from the river of death, b•tek to
the wants cl:top of her hnsba tele
terns, back to the oorl•1 fig tin, to
learn the great levo of mother-
hood, to learn the eweetedm 'of
the kisses of her chit.
sir 12nlriee'm (ace Is radiant •lure
lag theme .lay. of eonceleNceatce.
110 Mttf look nt thp.bnby now with,
out thinking what n dreadful price
hp was 140 nearly paying :or 11:N wan
1411, heir. nn'.1 by degrees 11:m lave
totem the sharp(rneJ, drawn look of
intense ngouy.
itnitetin'. rr01 not pinnal no at the
l.••i(ry-Wlt.s tow, the asrria.ges maty
,!rive right tip better the archway t,
the C..Ntle, and the dowager "Laity
DR. A. W. CHASE'S !e,_,
Is ant due(' to the d,- red
pens :)y We Improved Ls we
Ideals the utero elan 11,. •r
•t. Ir , Ir he
IW'oatrt. p. 'SIP S. - 10
4Frwi sn.f crupnt t s
Calarrb and l7.y P.s-o, 1nn.e
free. Ali -dealers. or In. A W. ( h ;ae
Medicine Co.. Tamm. aid SuSalo
•rappppe.r s1, line .4
lr.ula.n you L..y.
" Chemists,
Toronto, Ontario.
60e. and x11 a6 druggists
The NPw'.•et Verolen.
" Where are' you going, my pretty
malt ?" . ' ",l'w going ping-l4onginr,
sir," .t1e wait. " *lay I got w1111 you,
my prep)' maid Y' " Yes, If you like.
kin,' tilt," she. w.•ttd. s'1 • Ifni Hint away
to the plug-tsoug Ile, , 11141 then cane
nn hour he'll never forget, for him
sh•'utlerir itehe front the Many rt«Ips
to p;ek up the halls, ani him 0430)4(1
(Door., where she smote hhn twice
with her rtJ•quet small. which left
her hand em site struck the Mtll:
plot bet/ Deter ping with her ponlIs
ngalti, for she heard him swear when
rile pinged h1m thew-Beltlmore
1,erty ,i 1'1 eel "1 n few choir.. ft 'mein
an I talk. in hurtled old+pert of dear
I.ip+)'e rrcnvery.
She w Ill 11o1 04'.('11 1Mr:11111U 10 her -
e.9 11.541 elle, town almost hoped that
het' Non'm wife wo11.1 .'le. nlm01t wlrh-
'd tICit the brown. velvety eye:..
w'ihlrr nn I hlltrhter -tarot fever. would
rhea. forever in the I•Iet 1411,1) Hhc
eluent wished it, until Rho raw her
-.•n s• ruck niel smitten down. going
4!. ri wn;lt {b.' 4 r'r,e bitte'rn...e of -death,
nl;:+lt why a Lite .:octor meet l three
11,.114 11, 1'Ope.
N'. 1;•qn• ! Ail iter f 1.' will Lady (ter-
m L r. member •lir awful look of 11i-
L-uIN11 111 hrr son's facts an he turned
:end 1.tlob-1 nt her with lite 0110
l:re•krn cry of agony :
"1111, 114n1'011, It cannot be true !"
111. 4.0, /Or hid dark-haired abort.
wtil' she never can. 110.0r will, utslrr-
.laux:•-)t IN 1cm,mnrehrn1ibh;,
'Mr ,Irnrrrt, hurry nn l get wel`."
hr wld.•pers, lov1Indy, laying n linlf-
lt!,.w'n crittlaon rp1*.' against
ler pale cheek, nnhI lilp'.y raised
1,011. )lapin P1 fit tf) hi., and 1101411
slue m•.• tfnderly• In her wrested
The . /
Th R k w. e,.1 1 Ido nn 1
n 11 w 'i►'n,
11.' (tet mummer breeze Mats hell,
' 1 nm het, er," she Nayl, an 1 *.tush •
and her rye's go trust 114.1, linable..)
10 :' em -ill 'tenet nee of pl:1k ant, , I
'n I nh1.1. 1101' 54(1!,.1 1, 14.1 s'Ilts tl',
n0.4 of 11." 11 tr of Drumnn'-e'1 1'ns411'
' 11" 1. P•trrpp " whir•rs (tlp4y, with
is fan,' selt'
e+et that S'r Maurice
kisses her rnptnneed; nn.I than, lot-'
lowing hrr wistful gave. he goes
'01.)7 to tete punk end waste errrtlon
nn'I 1•w'k, down nt the tiny frier
r.•DAInR on the ince-frilled pillows,
.1n I naens romplmeet l,; to the rands
wend. hrr'nthing.
('Tb be Ossiisas4.)
To cure itching and
disfiguring skin diseas
The Only One.
The witty stupldlty-a truthful
paradox -uf office boys 1s prover-.
bin!. Hare 1s s little rueodute which•
may help to prove 1111s, *aye the.
N. Y. Hun. To the office of it local
farblrt pu 011, hep cunt rolled 0010 UNLIGIIT /
ly by wuuIPu, *11014) ON 1110 0110 day
le -
au ureter, who wished to rel' ru10e
pictures. In the anteroom he war
asked by the C't•ncerllr : "11'11, 110 you
wallt to .e''!" lee tuna./ out at ranl-
n Editor."
Thio office boy looked at this and
amid: "There Is no man editor here.
All ate women. In fact -wit11 pride -1
ani the only eau lu the u(flca" aaa ear tae *Maar Sae err
Mlitald'a - Liniment Curer i 88r51". _- _
Common soaps destroy the
clothes and render the
hands liable to eczema.
N'hY•kmts Telenrapby an 4)141 Ides
We are reminded again -that there
ie nothing new ..under 'tbu 101 11, not
even 3larcuulr eyeleuu of wirolers
telegraphy. The l.ou.luu eorrespuu-
dunt of the Now York T?lbuue fur -
Hutt journal with two -column
account of the work of Jamey Lind-
say of Dundee, .H,otIan who All
10118 it40 1411 18'14 "14utlt'(te'led in tele.
graphing messaged •,yeller ponde
without wires." In 1859Lhrlray read
n toper before the lirltlrh Aseocia-
1ton on the 1tuesibllltler of wireless
telegraphy. Iluw 10uo11 b[ the truly.
prophetic vision lido brilliant
$coteluinn must have had 114 'shown
by the fact that 114 early ad 1831
11e wear delivering lecture's lu which
he predicted that within a few
years houses mixt either would be
lighted Ley electricity Instead of glls,
and heated by It Lindell(' of coal:
and he also denwnetrnted the fac-
ility with which wheels could be
turl,'d ,end pulleyo raised by electric.
power, and forecast Che substitution
of els'otrlelty for steam ns 11 motor
for machinery. •Ir. Marconi himself.
we are informed, In an nddres4 de-
fWered ett Dundee, has dole full Jut -
(4('0 to thr memory of the scotch
pioneer an the "first man who thor-
oughly elleved til the possibility and
the u11111y of longrtliltnnee wIrelerr
telegraphy."-Leslle's Weekly.
lll'sanl'. Liniment. Cure Dandruff.
no matter what other or haw many
Other applications have failed.
J1.Idam used it and got well, and
she keeps it for her friends and her
children, having ',armed it is •
neverfail in the treatment of piles,
and in tetter, salt rheum, ringworm.
eczema, barher's itch, and all stria
eruptions. Price, 33c.
The Sisters at St. Joseph's In.
fant Home, South Troy, N.Y. , state :
" Manychildren come to our
home covered with eczema. W.
would like to buy your ointment by
the pound."
Dr. Agnsw's Livor Pills
ere the most effective pills—while
milder in action, more quickly set-
ting free the digestive canaL 40
doses, 10e. - •
The ill1►•rrnee,
Princeton 'I it;. r.
"What', 'the difference between
tiff. Trnmpg' Protective Anemia t10,1
and n golf fiend 7"
"Wplt ;•.
"Why bine links IAA find the
othnr, tramps the I'nk's
To Color C'artnlnll\With Coffee.
If the. rurtatnh 1111%0 pm. 110 trt'1 a
color, why not 11414.• their colored 1
with cofftv'. Strain tone very et retie 1
coffer through ti nslln Into n tub of
rulJ.water, wash the rurtaln14, rine" 1
them in clear cold water .41441 POWWOW
'try ; then plunge into tine e.lffee-
tlnted wnter, ,11x1 elllr about for a`
Pew niluuteo. I'Imtlly wring out, and
pin on the line.
S raTE for I)e1,., etre or Tol , an, 1
Fat'a,1.1111%41 ,lakes oath lint hes* the
Menhir pertuer of the nem of F. J. 1' •
esus, doln4 10010err to the llty .4 Toe,1o,
1'40003 nut! i4tau,• 8foresald,aad tlu,t atld arm
will pay the onus 01 00k. IIl'NIIRED
1.A Its for earn mid every e1010 1,1 1'A
shutenunot be curet' by the ear of H.AI.L'r
1'A -
Sworn tendons mo Dud ■1barrlhe•.t In m))
preemiethisutadsy of 1►eeember, A.D.,1IMO.
/ a~
w1A1.� A. w. 11 LEANON.
l �r Notary 1'nnlle.
Halle tato rrl. ('are b taken In tern/illy and
nohi4Ireetly oh the blood and mnem'..nrtaren
of the system. mend for te.tlquolre, free.
F. J. UDEN EY .0 fat., Toledo, 0.
$.•Il by all dr.Ralao.-7•:••.
Hap'. ramlly f'llle urn thy hest.
If nerd's Lln,luent R•'lieves ltesral-
Her Monologue All Heady.
IIusMlnd-1'm going to the club.
You needn't trouble to nit up for
Wife (grimly$ -011, it will be n plea -
mere, I r1NNnre you.
The Dos: latm,•nt.
It'd very hard to suffer an'1 be slut.
our nomr'n applied ler 1•'.l ,1 hn111n11
.4. "doggerel" ie n. rhyme that's very
111,5) -
Indeed. the very worst that's to ire
.0 look i,.'dng-(Ytrlrl" when it's been
AI HIM 11.
Ales. I think we're very hardly weed.
Y :nun's' 11 "0:•g" because he won't
1st -
t filmiest waken an honest doggie
%^' w k t n 1
t" n i u fel w most Ineonth-
4 slur upon the flow:•11 of our ,youth;
.t "hound" n .villain of the deepest
(jet. e-
An Ineult to his dogloni s mnjrety;
.t "cur," of rour,e, Ire not a whining
Yet torn 'Ire Ie called to hear the
- .Might.
'119 'dog one's footsteps" ie. 1 reallj
A dreadful thing. from whirl, we doge
- would shrink.
.t ".k+gina', len hand religions school,
.1 "dogged" person nlwey. plays the
And "dog-dny.' fin.l* nm misting with
the hent
W0 waren on11 blink our eyes or lift
emir feet.
Why' -wily -throw mud upon our
5.411111. name?
•t dog's n- dog Karo all the world
the Name.
-Lot hiann newes.
and heals
the soar
and weak
lungs. After a few
doses the cough is re-
lieved,and the soreness
passes away.
Gray's Syrup cures
to stay cured.
At all Druggists 25cts.
Gray Syru p
Red SpruceGum
Every i s1
needs a
New Century Welsher.
1t is the best, you cannot
afford to de-
prive your Lrital77wifeofsovab_..a.ti1e an aid.uablIt hat hailbearings and ilr"1strong spi. aln ,springs--
thorou•11l f, Ycleanace A
tub -full of clothed in five minutes.
l'av'e your dealer .how it to you
or write us for booklet.
The Whole Trail,.
Houton Humid.
i'aps i _ 17)- Did yon ask
mamma If you could have Ihat
apple 7
Five -leer -OLS -Yes, papa,
tallesllu !salt,
Thu fireman ldl►o hats turadotl n
girls' boarding ra'huul from wlilcll
+ue 11111rtu had been rent ti wnag 'tul-
dreitdug outs of hie COWteunione In
thy street, but the atria d411't know
it. They thisuglit he war speaking
to theta.
"'Where'. the 'wee?' 110 demende.l.
"Yet hup•rtlm'nt sling:" they
liettterl' lone Ratty West.
'V1a Chicago and Northwestern Ry..
overt' clay from February 1501 to
April Huth. Colonlrt 0120 way we-
und-claw tickets at extremely low
rates from stations In Ontario and
tiucbec, to points In Colorado. Utah.
Montana, Nereus, Idaho, Oregon.
Warbington and California; also to
Victorlu, 1'ancoover, New Weitmin-
Iter. Nelson, Roseland. !etc. Full
purtlelclarl, rates and folders eau be
obtained from fl 1f. Bennett, General
Agent. _ !Cast King street, Toronto.
Nen' York Nun.
A11am wtu naming the animals.
"1.111 1," asked Eve, "v41Mttr•rer made
you call that beast a horse?"
"StupI4I," In replied, "there will
have to be heresies. carriages later
un: '
Priding himself on ham forethought
for posterity. he continuer! his labor.
The success of orange culture In
Central and Nort,►ere Callfornla for
ten years past suggests the climatic
unity of the 'State. Some of the
most rueeertlul ornage gr0Tui ars
11011 Hailes north of Los Angeles. ?Oe
long rummer, the ws{m and dry at-
moephcre, \the abundance of water,
and else pow price of land, make
thus• fields to tho Han Joaquin and
Itlrrnmente rnheye very desirable
for orapgs'e and nil kinde of farm-
ing and fruit growing. Just pow the
rates are ape -tally low. From Feb.
15th to April 80th the rate from
"'Wage will be $:t:1 to California
volute. 1f you ares Intereste.l In Cr,ll-
rernln, web publications as •' Then
Lead of Opportunity" and "Califor-
nia for the Settler" will be helpful.
They are free, and may be had of
F. 1i. Chnate, General Agent, South-
ern I'acifle, No. 126 Woodward ave.,
Detroit. Mich.
11e GIN the Job.
('h h'ago Tribune.
'Cl a Senator - ]!r. !'resident, 1
!want you to do 'something for a
man who perste IM'Ip badly•
The" 1'r eklettt-1 m, abet are bits
ct1011e7 .
Tho Senator-11r•'w the fattier of
es'••-nteen children and more eom-
l'14 7. a (W -
T1:0 1'reeldent-Mr 4'0(4(43oul O,
Mr 4.'rG•Iyntt ("e.•r.tary l'orlelyotl
entero 1 Kindly rearm° a nice poet -
tient In your hew department for Mr.
Yullhaw The. senator will tell you
about hint. Hew A 1110 Roue •and a
rommertrtal factor. .NP1t 1
Paps -1)e careful. new. 1M not tell -
n Ntory. Aid you (4111 mamm6? 1
five-Year-Old-1'apn, 1 naked her, I
1 Y peeled.. She eel.) 1 couldn't have
M neri's Liniment for sale every-
11INre. I
stn I:vrmpinry Mlnloter.
\ droning monotone he need
When hr 111104 talking 10 his flock;
The Port of affectation that
Made nitre-%ickeel •eofters mock, ,
Anel err he'd talked a half an hone
The pions 0110l were loot In slum-
And n11 about the 110nse were 501051
Dernlut hrn'1a nodding, without
Anil then, nn(' Mlurfnl wag there wee
aft VII n print too good to keep;
And to (1st friend In whlsp'rm maid
"Ile'N giving hie Ix'IAved Bleep"
11. W. Ofllllan In Baltimore Anted -
Tld. 114 the proper .rn ism to forglee
�sa.emlee. 11 you linen no enemies,
Org1,lv•nto n few of pier friends..
(tr and Reston Via New "fork
The Numerous trains. the excellent
uniformity service. the rel y of Its trnlpee
1t■ tour tracks. and the 'memos of
It■ depots In Boston nun' NOW Yorke
make the New York Central tlla fav-
orite line to those points.
Any tteket agent will confine the
Hamorona $'elms.
"Tills 1P an elegant piece of em-
broidery. It 1'. oter fifty yPerm
olds" "Benuutnl: D11 you melte
itr.--Mt. Paul Dispatch.
Art Mnnneer-Well, 11)la Is gnat
wort. Who do 10:1 like to .1, -ter
IWalt 7 Art Int -`4allnry - Brooklyn
('netomrr-Yop elwrged me fill for
ttdm non garment. 1 think that'll
pretty high.
Tlnllor-Weil, the b111 ns I made It
,,.it at flrlrt wet for 513. but that In
suet, nu unlucky number thvt ' I
thought you'd rather pay a doltnc
To many pollute In the Mates of Cali-
forela. Oregon and Washington.
Tlse union Pacific will sell One wny
CQlonhet Tickets nt the following
rate. from Simone river terwlonle:
521100 to Han Francisco, Loa An-
geles, rind many other Callfornto
rotate. Tickets 011 pale Feb..15 to
June 1,5 1003.
1120.00 to Ogden and Salt Lake City.
520.00 to Butte, Anaeonda and Hel-
5.2.50 to M/wrkane and Wenatchee,
$25.00 to Ererett, Fairhaven and
New Whnteotn, via Huntington and
525.00 to Portland. Tacoma and Se-
525.00 to Ashland Roseburg. Eu-
gene, Albany end Salem, vla Port-
Tlrkrtn on ante Feb. 13 to April
n0, 11103.
For full Information call on or a(1 -
dream it. F. CARTER. T. P. A., 14
Jnnos itnilding. Toronto, Canada, or
F. 13. C41O.ATE, 125 W'onrlward avenue,
Detroit. Mich
A Ito.y 4'nnnol,Prwr.
The Arttet-it wntdd be smelt nn
honor to h avn 301 buy my picture!
Who ('null Itlsmr 11 :'
Mrs. Ootroc-?1','11, i 11 have my eon-
nolneenr to look 811 It, Mut i don't "MN 'nee w4rlre n pierlled look."
know when he can cam". I'm buying '1.0004.14 the megistrate. ns the
110 mush art Jot now tllnt'my con- 1rampslimellyd forward in Or gr.tap
noisome in frightfully burg:, of n brawny pnlleenunn.
ISSUE NO. 12, 1903,
Km Winslow'. boot fund x rt •
always be need for t'hildreu 'teething h
soothes the rh11d, sof tette theum., tures
1,0110 sad 0. the bed remedy 1,,, Dlarrham
WANTKI-R1:1.1481.1: LADY ,Bettie
to .utk•lL :r.1.,.; katldeume lent,
natured. Apply 1'101ndlntt Laity Cors.'...
Loudon, Ont.
WANTED -Energetic men, nurser, eery
salrmnru tore(-rrrd. rorreal1.,I1
lablJ w4o,so "ll('u%181:, 4ILI,a it sum
DEN. T0110070. CANADA
SI 204) itl'naYM t'1lts'I'l'1..\sn�11.
Ki1 l l«'atluu. Al,lrwl„
Pease, 4373 I:rhn *045)110, 11481401E ►'olio, \, Y
teuding-Iswnminif neteh1 nettk•r. uu
a.•IW'1 ,'•'I,Venlenl farina I.1 t'••Ilaa:101ln,
thrrs'.* resorted. For lulormuul..0 erre
R. N. Ilubin.uu, (.1nnd Ungallant, leant, \1.y. 1.1.
Yeas.), l tut.
Creamery anti ('heave Factory
El at Mairklrk Station, M.C.11ty.
Land, buildings, •'.glue, bent,
mei all tuaehluery for butter an•1
Ilk chess. tusking.
will soli wko d proper'y�--euro
4 Pete or d.14rba1-very cheap for
40 cash. Apply to
alb ilo. 353, St. Thomas. (►ul.
Butter, New Laid Eggs
and Poultry Wanted
Consignments of 51.lter, Pont try end now
'fJJ Kggr ludic easel IMe•,s eau lorrh„1,.,
Moe. t holes y.-aatecte •keus,•Iry y!rkrd,rl'•ea.
ee111ne no 0, Mlle per pale. 44111 ,wy ;,k
per tbH
. for I EMW X, delivered �nrnntU
1'orrwpuu4eulr mallet Wl.
JOHN J. FEE, e}j,''Pneon lo.
1t Mas No Eq'..a
alanufsetrr.,l only hr
',wok by all Imams dcal'.-r•.
The flow of Milk
will be increased.
Why gotoal,lthe
trouble of keeplug
cows and get only
sheet ball the mi; '
they eboltkl pots
strengthens the digestion and invi•
gorates the whole "Totem so that
the nutnment ie •11 drawn from the
food• Jt takes Just the same tree -
bre, to care for a cow when she
gives three "marts as when she
gives• pail. Dick's Blood Purifier
will pry back ha cost with good
interest in • few week..
60 cents • package.
twee dsg. MINS at Co.. Agitate,
Doren! et”.
Libby's Natural rlat'or
food Products
Trees etdk'la' pre and allow ,. '
aorta of Impromptu spread+ without 1
Impromptu appearanet lied permit rho
h,et0.e to enjoy rather than *las a. Our
lw0,klet. "H.w In N.k. 4:•ad Thais In
Est." free to Muessers .." Llbby'o At•
lea of the 10.1d. containing 32 new map,
oubleh d 0lpreealr for us by the largo."
map and atlas puMe)+s in America. 4.
ready now. Indexed, and girt -knew mar.
of China. Mouth Africa. the Philippines.
Cuba, Porto Riot, and M 01 s• mash pro-
tical new 'Many 'Ilan rubll.h.d We mall
It bang ■dd teen for P two 1141 stamp.
Libby, McNeill s Libby. Chicago
Ike Wirier Greatest Caterers
Wood's Phosphodine
The Brent English Remedy
is an (4.1, well established and re -
holds preparetIon. Otto been pre-
Pcrlbed and used _over to years. All -
.Irugtl,ta In the Dominion or rano-
da sell and ret•'anmend u 13e14t the
only mrd1-1 Rn of Ito that tires
andb'eo universal g n .east eetaturtllM.
It promptly end 1 ormonontly runs all forme
w•.knrn. Eml..Iwn•. apermatnr-
rhea, Impotency, and all effects of Atoms or
Evefmn,s, the F.T..a--Ive into of Tobteeo, oplam
er 4timnlante; )t.ntnl and nn4n
Merry, all M which lead to 10-
e1inlf7, Inn.11t7, Consumption
and an early 114ve. Priv. 1t Mr
park''', or eh for K. One 14411
111.4..; .1* will Mia )yelled
t'1054ptly M1 ?Wen* of PAM lint
for Mmphlet-free, toae7 address.
Tae Weed Cetwpa•p,
WI.daer. out.. Ceases.
She Wan Dead.
'1' 4:, ,, lP rinkl•
"Ilenity, Mr. .Tone'., i nm 1017
-orry to ioar that you 1.',r•h•.I your
mot Iter."
"Whet would you 1014.1' no, t•, do
with her?"
Monkey Brand Soap cleans kitchen nt•'n
silo, steel, Iron and tinware, knees ern'
forks, and .11 kinds of cutlery.
A Penny Saved is
Penny Gained
A Selkirk Fence
chine will Save
many Pennies.
A Catalogue will be mailed a'ou if roe
will send name and address,
SELKIRK FENCE CO.,'.w•eiand, Ont.