HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-3-19, Page 64 Troamoon, Iltiaroh 19, 1903. TH E SIGNAL : GODERI(' 201h Century Brand Clothing Is bound to win, can't help it, once p opts know what the 20th Century brand of clothing really is You cau't.compare it.with the onliulry Rerady•to- Wear dlothing, it's not in that cleat ; coitlpire it weir with high class ordered 'work. This maker's Roods are made from tine ii»portwd wors'e•l and tweeds, first-class linings aro used, out in the latest Amer': m steles, the firma gusran tee `nos with every gement. Prices for this high class clothing range frotu CO 00 to $16.00. • Betides keeping a sock of the sbove.good4, apN:i►lonleesfor this maker's good" are tskeu, over 200 'samples of the latest goods to choosgtfrow. ss We cin fit you no rostter whae. your 'tape is. - investigate our dale's foe THE 20th CENTURY-•JIRAN!". Our Men's Working Siirts As advertised in last week's Slgaol. have been selling well; people wbo have seen them admit they are the beet for the money they have ever seen. These shirts aro all American mike, "lade of goal strong Ilsaterial. all seams double stitch, some are double front and back, good full (lies. OUR PRICE FOR THESE SHIRTS I8 ONLY 50o. We want you to :sea these shirts: If you do we are sure to have your future trade for WORKING MEN'S SHIRTS PERFECT FITTING CLOTHING HOUSE. W. .c. PRID LEIv'ES 1_..L.r1' El 1ElR. le XI 1BEIER. HALT IE i, ht' i�lt�il ss •IrelWMeaa EVERY Ti►URSDAY MORNING int • VANATTER k ROBERTSON. YODEnteil. TIIUM!)tY. MAR III It IIM1I SALUTATION. This week we present to the readers of Tus 811:NAL LIIC first issue under the stew proprietorship. In doing so it teems titling that we slrould 'like some statement of the Minis and purposes w'hic'h we intend to hod in %ice in the conduct of the palter. Our first duty is to ,turn to our sul,e riIwrl sullicient value for their investment in news and such general . info/motion ss it is within the provinee of a weekly newspaper to. protide. We will apply ourselves to this end and trust that' we shall lie able to furnish n news service which will felly satisfy our obligation in this floret Beyond this lie those responsibilities, e4Hupn•hensive and not easily to be defined, which a newspaper is gummier(' to take upon itself in It t•apacity as a semi-public institution To do what iu hint lies for the aelvanceinent of thio interests, material awl other, of the .1lulruunity in which his paler is pubiehed ; to supply it medium through which. the voile of the people may lee plainly hosed: to discuss public questions with sineelity of .purpose and with an eye single to the publk• weal -these are "bigot' which the newspaper publisher might cheerfully' assume ; and n141 gal we would avoid) p:INlli1114, , desiring rattier to be judged by our p'rforinen.es, we have no intention of • ahirk1ug any of the eespollsibilit les properly devolving upon us We hope that under our management THE SI1:NA1. wili pro%e itself useful: of use tv its leaders, of use to our town and to the other communities which nakeb up its constituency, of use, tney wee say, to our country. thiuk, and the newspaper is the nat- ural instrument for the setting forth of such ideas as an, worthy of being added. to the general store of intelli- eenor. THE SLIP AL will gladly give space to oounuuuications upon ques- tions of general public interest. lu conch's' , we would express our pleasure and gratitude iu ..•ceiving from our friends s, Many and so hearty gt.od wishes for success ill the talek we have undertaken. May the is fishes 144• amply fulfilled ' . EDITORIAL NOTES. Ooflrio politics just et peter lit have a deci 1. dIy •' U.mny " tl ever, in politics Tut: SIGNAL has 'seen independently Liberal : we purpose it Nhell reuulin so. The idA.l of italc pelldeal.e in jour dead has been noticeably growing of recent years' in Caned*, and 1t is a N hole•wnne sign True, then; have been for many years in this country journals which have Made a show of inndIepNnl(Ienc,.insipid, purposeless things of 1FLP "if,'r'fiui'r and "on the other hand"_stile--of this sort of "independence" the less the 'better. Of imilleas0rebly greater usefulness, to our mind, is the journal which, believing in certain lines of policy, espouses the CAUSE of that party through which it reaannebly hopes its aims rosy be. Achieved : not yielding a slavish allegiance, nor denying some virtue in the opposite party, but. supporting its own party waisnly when it. is Tight and taking the part of it candid friend when it g .•s wrong. In this spirit THE tiioNA1. purposed to continue, pre- fer)'ing principle to party, diw•uitsing tueINut•(•s rather than men, but honest- ly and fairly advocating the coulee of Lil,ersli,neso long ex it believes' .much a Course to Ire in the (lest interests of the people whouu'it wishes to nerve. There is inn respeely in which, with 1he e1( operation of pulrlir spirited citiren4 the .alai* of the leverage newspaper to its const it iienr may 114 greatly increased. This is 1 the presentation of the vie%s of Hien .*ho are sell gnnlilir•d to iefnrni amt alt imp their fellows, Not manly will Ire found willing to :ehnit that the brains of t 1'nlllllllnli4 y are in lwwrseasion of the newspaper eelitalrs, yet to thein is left almost eselu44ively the di'cimxion of matter. %hieh are of ingot 1 and ('oneern to all 111 common Why should this 1e• so? Orem Iw•nefitle should flow from the emanon inter• change of opinion among iw4tpl.• alto The m' miter for Manitoulin by been but a shoat time Ie fore the poli- tleal foot lights, hut he is hustling the •):d actors already end has proved himself an adept in' liking a double rJle. No'uuttrr sheet Due Ivey plink of III" Uanmy chargee, there is no doubt that public aeutimi•nt doutsnds a chi• ge for the 'steer in political 'mamas in O"urea Neitlu'rp►rty is in a p es:lion to cut stones at the other. There should be no delay in the appointment ore street inspector for the town. The mels need attention in0nediately, lied a good tnwu should Ise placed 111 charge of them es quickly as pea/iblr. We notiee that the Huron rose! is in espe.•4,11y 11x.1 lotldit' . The distance at which the empire of the Cror lags behind in the-nlnn•h of political all' soden progress is strik- ingly indiestad by the decree which has just I14e11 issued to the Beeman p44)p1e Freedom of religion is pro- cl(iuled, provision is "Inde for the estalrliehulent of a terteiu measure of lord self -goer •nt, and the system of forced Itljnr among the p•miantry is to he ab elishl'd. Insurance Companies,. 11 there are any in Itussia, will now be in a position to abate, somewhat the premiums upon risks o1'► ---the! Czar's life. That was a naive remark marts by one of the manufacturers at the meet. ing in Toronto .sat week to the effect that the Manufacturers' A'so*'iation WWI ir. favor of A tariff prefereuie to (Irma. Itritain. "Nee are in favor of anything to promote Imperial feeling. Iiut we want the tariff raised, so that when the preference is granted to British goods we will have More pro - ion " menu- . lecturersees that hie goods aro exclud- ed from Canada by a ta,'ifl• framed in behalf of the monopolists, he is to be ronsolI•d by the fact that the duties against United States goods are higher still John Bull is not quite asimple- ton; neither is the Canadian consumer. IRON BED Just arrived, a fine assortment of IRON BEDS for spring trade, Also a number of ASH EXTENSION TABLES, exceptionally good values. We have a large assortment of DINING ROOM CH, from 58c each and upwards. Come in and examine them. Pvture FraTing, Repairing and Upholstering prorr attended to. BECKETT & STAUH' UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS. Night ane day calls promptly attended to. Night store, West site of the Square. 'Phone 8 CURRENT OPINION. • Th. npsc. Nes Changed Its Mind. !lain lit. iti S1w4•tlit"1' : 11•.• have H nice IIA of choice paragraphs about Mr. 'Gamey. written a little' while ago. Which We offer for wale to Grit news- paper'. at bargain rate.. Adding to the Vocabulary. "don Advertiser : Lord Avelau'y, III .uigIlsh scientist, has e • I N new won , which p11,1116.4. to find a t rllpan- ent )h v' i11 the English language.. ti! e akin 4 the scenery in the north aif Englain he said that rocks were 1 "clam 'byre." We have "any- where.- dnat .where." and why not •'elan.. wheel "Y It is shorter and Ilor• (44I"" ice t 1" iltmany lames.' lewd Ave1Hu•y 11as (wady given to seisms the words 1)041 tc and p11wr Whir. . )ter. to Attract Indust (halt Herein."• : New 71)1• what ever)' Ill tee t11N'tl 'lnd all lice town. arc after The uii*iillfactllr'1' hl these U is Int hitching I ' 'If to n cm 'tv of all.slacks. fie wants le, 1116 simulates. with men of his kind : t , f.4.1 That his lines 11:14'1' been cast in 1delut places. The fowl that .•x- iawlillhx sign* of prlgri"..' that 11wrk1. healthy. desist 111111 ),(Isy. 1. a 1.r)4(-(• that will in the future attract uu footle. 04x. If such a place is in addition ag- gr4dive in mashing itscl( into with... 1t i. 1101111)1 n1( .11..11441 111 jig s. Good ad Porridge. Ottawa 4'itizl'n : It Windt' went that the 'stun"' for III14akfilst locwl. haul 4, ell er•ateel I,t' the fart that 111111 aara- tive1• (ea. e. 1411:. 1)n this sidle of the .111x11111' know how to cook porridge properly. TUI. may he a surprising statement when the simplicity ref the dish is 49,II,1der41. halt it 1s a fart that HI Ilill1.411111s of the hest 111(41144 it i. 1111poossi1111e ill 0147/111 INat11.141I 1MWrit 1ge prgw•rly ce14rk.41. Tail• American name of •• 4411" mor• accurately deseri114•s the /fish which 1. 14014'141 as pit -ridge. and h ie I1( rt lore like pairrialge than half- oke.. dough i. like bread. The ingredients .11 1N,rridg/•are few and simple. but 1here is a knack in lulaking ,Lad c.slking Which is n. diMeadt 1.. Me- gane ile the art of milking ,a word cup of Vinare. It is lot as a sided it lite for 4...ii'idge Mlt its milistitiote for the ordinary .1,11)11 V.•114ikld , N(11'1114(1• 11111t th,' /iu11I-l'INlkld Ineakfi/At foods have liven 1•441(1 Yf41. TO that extent they are an luh•antagl•. but they will never e1111af the •origitlal lac 11 Staple all il'1P of diet, when the latter Ie prgwrly VIM Ikea,. dusu•ies "lode. '111. '. The opening of the I)olninion l'arlienuent has been completely over- shadowed in public interest by the startling demelopmentN et Toronto. The speech from the Throne indicated the inte•'tint' of the Oovernroent to deal during th.' present session with several matters of iulpnrtence A conunissiml of experienerd men will he appointed to report upon the question of trnnaportetion and railway faciliti•"a, imperially in refelenee to the require- ments' for the forwarding of the grain pmlucts,of the West. A rndistribu• tion bill will be intmlucell, ahem hills %11)1 resprt to the creation of a rail- way .nI11uiseio11, Hie amendment of the patent laws, the 11itlt.j* Act, Chinese, immigration, the moronis- m(' of the Marine And Fisheries Delia' tmeta, the settlement of railway Ilihor disputes end various other subjects. Irl his speech ie thedelved/son the Iuldn•ws in rept' to the speech from the Throne Sir Vi'ilfrid I.surierdplight• ed the house bey hia strength rued vigor Hr 4401.)' for over an hour and finished withoo' any evidence of fatigue. Mr. tion 1, the Opposition leader, and Mr. ',nnk, his Quebec 1IIe11IPnallt, 111 grin .111n terms express lel their plesanre at •ILP Premier's restoration to health. THE NEW SENA. Thomas Coffer, of London. 1 Chamber at Otte Ott.Iwa, Match 11. '1 gentlemen have leen Senate : In Ontario - Ft'*..4 ek N'rwd, Smith's :1(111. F. ('11• •: I'111 1o111dr 111. ssliec•ld1 the telemuhue:.1: K. Kerr, the late Hon. A. T. W M otja --Rufus (Write -- succeeds the late Sestet The appy minttnen t of ' of 14111(111". to the Thal excetalingly gratifying and ,w111itvisa in 11 Senator l'lfey is a owning and publishil Il4s'orl. Ile was 11411'11 c1(uut'4 I.' -rick. 1r•1 of October, 1841, an country with his part very young. Iled1•rvl in the Iowa! mows London. andill Itf4 Cathodic Ht'clnd, w' dialed w•11I1 great au "The St. Caths 11t the •'(jallle•n eleven utiles frau situates hehistori. lV.•11." 11 Witte well are s114 0, are En11gw• is the slab Sprintg in Pru irs specific for .Iti'h 4114(11. gout, neural .kill Iliw4lwt.s. HIM insist ration, 1rrasa pie. -The Welland enlat'glrl, is thea p which thew• wale rutllfot•txble *114 folllld t1111• at 1/a For iltkslrated hate apply lo' ticket agent. tins t,, J. I). \Iclhns ,agent. Tan11141). 011 li Iteeve S161'1111 s1114, woe the. g1( La wee' .11 11.11 the Il(19'11 Farmer" hist Rode ,114':o_Iow-unThm..4 ���ae chi V. of bio• 1) iI, t. COUNTY GRANT OPPOSED. Objection to Aiding a Private Enterprise with Public Monet. The (..11..wing Iett/•r 11114.•x1141 111 (4 "•lent nl0nlw•t' of The Ilruss•I, Pied: DEAR tion. 1 not 4441 a 1.•4tot• 111The Pawl a shawl t' • mei. over the .i41111 - tine el Ih•. McNaaghten. giedeg a nnuiew'hnt rII*V'4oloril nrtildl• nnrut the 1''' '• hospital in Clinton. Al- though the Doe -tool '. story 1. alit 10 .• 1• 1'11•(11xngge•HIted 11npur4wIINlp I "nlv wish. as 7. ratepayer, to confine itiyw•If Wont. f,,atllr' routain.d in 111s letter. viz... flop adv.1•(Icy of a comity giant for the MOintrnance .f it 1.rtvite instil Illicit,. What has the hls.pit.141 dune tai justify such Tan expenditure of iodine no1114y? It is entirely it private e•nterpri5(-. origini1.41 :solely and e1111- fillet.41 rxrlusivrh' for the thiamin! benefit of Dr. 1. .lust 114oratto • larg.• lit i.'A 101/1 (owns punt bully support haispitalm is alp tenon why the county. of Veer" should A,1r�N111 this oar. the reptile, or w•oull wet maul two .'r three 1114)1(1. 1,114 .If tiee I we•lity 111.•11- 11,,11.4I for 1In' benefit e,f the purl' and girl• (111 (icxl and nu41i1•HI Uealnl.•nt With levant fair t he ljollinal14lll of $2.41 per week IAA is done in city 111spitaIN), then I could e.4• wale erg cut in favot'1(f n grant. hat instead of that the ilia es. airlieliiig lir report, 4Vl•lI rxe.44) those of the in -Waite w•Hr1x of the city !hospital. Should Mr. McLean, of The M1•nfot'th Expositor, who alar 11)1v114•ntt•x n 11111M y grant, chemise 1. IN4pllealh H legacy no one, outside his redid ionahip, would fair a ininmenl nbj.et. (h' If w • grilteful patient, w•hai hail no relative/. should leave to the hospital all he had. so long as no bur influence wax exerted. the public would have, no cause for e plaint. Int to lime ruble lIUmey for then renewer Won 41 Ile eminently Ahaenn�. .lust as *a Mid* 4Birilkl it. IN• to give H nulnieilNal INanty to any griever, blteher or linker who chassises' f1(.wtal)llNh a Inkiness to pr, to his own personal inte11•«1x. • 11r. (40,111 I•Vidently )NNeee•e114•i1 an exaggerated Mee as le. the iinlwmtallee aif him hospital. am he has alre(uly asked end reveille' form the lhnuiniot, (f1(vera+,1 TLi. engine i, not an experiment. Every one is fully g to d. A few simple nl/'nt the large Inihling that wtood1 in,triktems ore a I that is necessary to en$hle any man of ordinary Inte:Iiq u.n to run it. 0 well the Kite of the nw l(e o1NNtolat (Moe starer•' e11 the attente'n it need. is oiling. It 19 easy to alert it and stop it. We 1,4intutt• and not a Mirk of w'hieh wive wonl.l he eteeesi ie send you entre descriptive rra:ing matter about thi. engine 115(41 for any pulrhie pupae. He has nlle1lptell to obtain other pile'. lege. and peri nioitrs on the etrerngth of It. So 1t ie !mote within probability that lie. or P41 nr for him. Inas apply for n ...amity grant. Private hospitals are of no advantage to the pro eseion, and 111)114«• who es: ill hook on all aides of the qu(Ation not an iced gond earn to the pnlrlie. Shnudd sash All Hpppliestioll Iwe Hittite. I trust that you as Rearden will we that the e,Nnnll will reject /huphatlrnlh- any such mlnps(11 and that will Ir. according to The 4'lint.n New Ern. "Kyrle -eel." Respect :tiler YInn1., It ATKr.t Y * N. "PERFECT" Gasoline Engin -w' nar►d swe.a.- ia��� iM- Weal -appointed Hacks and reliable Drivers In ellarea of the 'Doses. which will meet all trains and steamboat. All calls attended to promptly !roue hotels and pi -taste houses T. GUNDRY TELEPHONE 60 W. H. OUNDRY It Pays to Paint. There it nothing that adds to the selling value or the renting value of a house like good paint -there i< jla)nothis. tng that 4:.. i home more homelike than good paint. W T: It pays dui :c b_!ter the paint, the bbetterit THE SHL, :+t71I-WILLIAM$ PAINT Type of 9 to 50 Horse P wer Stationary Eng Ina. IT WILL THEN Saw your wood, Grind your grain, Pump your water, Shell yo r corn, Run your cream separator, Cut your ensilage. Thresh your grain, Ansi pay for itself in a year. Some of the Uses to Which these Stationary Engines Have Been Put : Electric Light Plants, Machine Shops, Wood Working Machinery, Flour Mills, Bakeries, Pumping Stations, Printing Offices, Dairies and Creameries, Grain Elevators. Cost of Operating, I to I jc per hour per h.p. Requires no attention after starting. No wood to burn, no danger from fire, no .ovate ,Ito draw. Settlers' Trains to Canadian Northwest For 'lir convenience of settlers who d. -sir' to travel with their effect*, the (icnn.1 'monk will )1111 'spade' (rains Which Will leave the Union Station, T1.11.11140, every Tnewlm• daring March noel Aptid, at h p.m. 'rale' th,v1•lling without litre stork shred) tok.• the • htr.1,..).'n'a ears not gnartntees: Irwin hotting 'h)fnlltoat 1:Li gest". hale No Trouble for Them to H 1•'. F Iwwrrnee, ticket agent, (hide- twin eM1''ntmellt, Mut we first "I rich. for psrlhldMi sad ticket", 1 Ilan acwines'. Marine Fillies foto I to 14 h.p., according to site or dimensions of boat or launch. call at the VIC(ORIA-ST. MAI 11INI Wiroks end kir. Strachan wdl grove yen all the information Iee,e,bl'• JAS. A. ST RAC H A N All NINis of 14' war end Itlwrksmith Work door (l, shortest .1,t1. All 141zee of Pipe Flange, Thr'vwhng, lathe, Planer sand Vico Work doll.. ALL THIS USEFUL BRkNC11.43 aro taught in the ere Into, Lal after w roc r.' n, th,' mallow) it wi,l 1,r old Any Position I4'• wi,l Ihem if pnw.11dn, to n►,. nye 111.'61 lo ma'nlw:n Lbw h.g1 repots ion this.r,MwA 3. W. WESTERNER, Principal, pays 11 the beg( -"el b' -e-•1.. r.+ it e. on far -plus id talc tedbeclnse i; -1 1, + long, and hook. w I we11, as long as it Li ta. lc i r no paint like it for beauty an:lt? sbll auyr foe rel satisfaction. For Sale by N. D. ROUG V I E, GODEilICH. ParnellDean's Bread Gives strength to the weak and health to the sick, and helps the healthy and strong to retain their health and strength. All who eat our br. al like it. They like it hatauae It is tasty. They like it hriett 1e it U never dry and chaffy. There is a uniform goodie -re a re v. evarying quality shout our bread that is not found in any other bread that's made -not even the breed lhaes made At home hr the best home cooks. This superiority is due to it oomhin'lion of circumstantiate governing the making and hiking, chief of which are the *killed use of the boat materials and our own pree.s of mixing. For Sale by W. P. WESTOBY HAMILTON ST. - OODRR/OH.