The Signal, 1903-3-19, Page 4TROISDAT, Meech 19, 1903. THE SIGNAL : GODERIUH ONTARIO 201hCenturyBrand Clothing Is bound to win, can't help it, once p *pie know what the 20th Century brand of clothing really is You esti t cos Ipare it with the onto., dry iteatly-to- Wear clothing, it's not in that class ; cowpire it only vvitit high class ordered work. This maker's geode are matte from tine ttnp'erted wors'ed and tweeds, first -clan* linings aro used, cut in the latest Amer! 01 lityl. e, tine tirm'l guaran tee Roos with every garment. Prices for this high claw clothing range from 11000to$10.00 Beatles keeping a sock 01 the above goods, •p'i it cede . f,r this wak••r'a Roods are tskeu, over 200 samples of the latest goods to choose from. We can fit you no Matter what your shape• is, investigate our claim. fir: TH B 30tH CENTURY BRAND. o. Our Men's Working S :iirts As advertised in last week's Signal, have Mem selling well. people who have seen them admit they are the beat for the money they Ila,. *ler seen. Thee shirts aro all American make, Made of goad strong material, all seeels double stitch, some are double front and back, good full sines. OUR PRICE FOR THESE SHIRTS 18 ONLY 150o. Ws want you to see those shirts: If you do we are sure to have your future trade for,WORKINO MEN'S SHIRTS. PERFECT FITTING CLOTHING HOUSE. M Fl 2.7'13 W. C. PRID1IAM 0.1-.0TFI.I ER, Fp' RNI8IiF t. H&TSAR. iri tci9nal ruesmeno SVKHY TiIUILLiDAY M1)ltNIZU NY VANATIKR & KOBKKTSON. 000tIItl'll. TIIUltMI)tY. MARCH le, not SALUTATION. This week we present to the 'metiers of Til& SIGNAL the first issue under the mew proprietorahiI). t)) doing so it seem% fitting that ne /should Make some statement of the aims and. purplowes which we'intend to ho'd in view in the conduct of the papier. Our, first duty is to return to our sulrwrilierry sufficient value for their investment ill nuns and such gegeml information as it is within the province of m weekly newspaper to provide.. We will apply ourseI%1: to this end and trust that we shall 1m• able to furnish it news service which will fully satisfy our obligation in this respect Beyond this lie those responsibilities, comprehensive and not easily tip ire defined, which a newspaper it supposed to take upon itself in its capacity as a ectad-purale inetitutirn) To do wluat in him lire for the ml'aneenent of the interests, material and other, of the ter tu1uunity in which his laden' is pubaahed ; to supply a medium through which the voile of the people may be. plainly heard: to discuss public questions wit eineelity of purptiee laid with ms, eye !dumb. do the public weal -these are obligations which the newspaper publisher (night rhe'•fully assume ; and although we would avoid p: (anises, diniring rather to be judged by our Is•rformanlew, we have to intention of shirking any of the I4ala11N11/lhtlee properly devolving upon us We hope that under our management THK 814;NAI. will prove itself useful: of use to its leaders, of use to our town and to the other cemmull e14 which 111:ike up Its constituency, i U44', may we say, to our conntry. think, and the newspaper is the nat- ural inNtruniellt for the setting forth of such ideas as are worthy of (wing :added to the general store of intelli- gence. Tile $IIl'AL will entity give Ile t0 annilluuioatiofls upion ques- tiiryns of general public interest. conclusion, we would express our lit\easure and gratitude in --(laving from hearty task we wishes be A EDIT ur friends m, ninny and mo wishes for success in the eve undyrtakee. May the ply fulfilled ! RIAL NOTES. In politics', Tiue Sn:iAL hes Iserf independently Liberal ; we purpose it Abell remain iso. The idea of hide pendent* in journalism' Iles leen noticeably growing of *'cent yeast in Canal*, and 1t is a wholesnn1 sign True, there have been for many years in this country journals 4hi1.11 have made a Glow of independence, insipid, ,purposeless things of the "if," "but" the other _ land- style- --of this sort of "independence' the lees the (setter. 01 immeasurably greater ulefulne,u, to our mind, is the ,journal which, believing in certain lines of policy, esp1oumes the causal of that party through whirl it reanam4bly hop's its *1111'. *lay he •achieved : not yielding it slavish allegiance. nor denying '.orae virtue in the oppMite party, but supporting its own• party warmly when it is right and tmkiug the•pNtrt of a 14nditl friend when .it gees wrong. in this apirit "Tim 1314:NA1. purposes to; entltinue, pre. fel'ring principle to party, di/seeming nlelsulen rather than men, but. honest- ly and fairly edvrx'nting the care of Liberalism so long tart it k'liete4 such w courwe to be in the best interests of the people whom itw•iahea to serve. There'ie one respect in which, with the • (o operation of pulsus spirited citira'ua the v*Ire of the average newspaper to its tToatitmensy may he greatly Increased. This la 11) the prvaentat ion of the views of ,nen who are well qualified to inform and *til ase their fellows. Not many will be found willing to admit that tie brain% of the eonnnunit.y Are 4s, pnaa4aainte of the newspaper editors, yet to them is left *linnet eliehisively the diMrn4Minn of matters which are of import and concern to ell in common Why should this lie 4oi (;mat benefits 'Mould finer from the 1•O' on inter- change of opinion among people who Oi,t'lrio posit' * sled I•dIy "Ii. Thu m' oilier for been but a oho. t time tic,( footlights, hut he 1 just at pre •.alt have y'' ffvvor. Manitoulin his fore the poli. I,,ij.t lung 1he tors already mild \as proved him*' if an adept in tokin' m double • No matter what nun tow), tit' k of the (fanny charge•, there is no doubt that' public sentiment domande w ch*' ge for the litter in p.ilitical recross. in Ontario. Neith..rpiety is in a . rs:t ion to cut stones es at the other. There-nhould lie no delay in the appointment of a street inspector for the town. The made need attention iultuelietely, and a good man should be placed in charge of then) as quickly as passible, We notice that the Huron • fy- tin+ roe The (Ilatanee at which the empire of the Crar Inge behind in thhe march of political end atx•ial progress ig, strik- ingly indicated by the dt'cror which h,►4 just 'been hewed to the Huasian people Freedom of, religion is pro - el iimed, ro- eliiuled, provision is wide for the establishment of a tertian me*sure of lord self govenluu lit, and the system of forces labor auiong the peasantry to Ire nlnlishel. insurance companies, if there ore any in Itn'ai*, will) now los 111 a -position to abate somewhat the premiums upon risks on the Crer'e lift`. 'flet was a naive remark *made by one elf the Manufacturers at the meet. log in Toronto last week to the effevt that the Manufacturers' Aswx'i*tion w*M lir favor of a tariff pleferenee to Oreat Britain. "We are in favor of :anything to promote imperial feeling. Ilut w'1• Kant the tariff raised, so that when the preference is granted to British goods e. wi!I hake -morn _pre- leetion-7 When the British menu- faeturer sees that his gooda are exclud- ed from Canada by a tariff framed i in behalf of the monopoliate, he is to be eonaokd by the fact that the duties ,against Uniter! States goods are higher still John Bull is not quite *simple- ton; neither is the Canadian consumer. IRON BEDS Just arrived, a fine assortment of IRON BEDS for the spring trade. Also a number of ASH EXTENSION TABLES, exceptionally good values We have a large assortment of DINING ROOM CHAIRS from 58.. each and upwards. Come in and examine them. Picture Framing, Repairing and Upholstering promptly attended to. BECKETT & STAUNTON UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS. Night ane day calls promptly attended to. Night bell at tI e store, West side of the Square. 'Phone 89. CURRENT OPINION. ' The epee. Sas Changed It. Wad.. 'Hamilton 14114 (tltl ln• : We haven Ilio lot of choice plragtmph' about Mr. I::itney. written a little w'1411e ago, which w•/• elder her male to (frit mews- pNtpe•1s at bargain rates. Adding to the Vocabulary. 14uulun Advertiser : 14)11( Aveleiry.. the English ecieutist, has • 'd a new word, w'hIl'h pr. anises to find a Iwrula11- ent 1F411441' in the English language. Speaking 11f the scenery its the north of England he maid that rocks woe found •'tmatiVw here." We have "any- where." 1 "somewhere." and why not -Man)' where'% It is shorter and 11111r'expr .sive than•• in many platers.' Land At -.linty has already given to seiellee the WrMls ulvdihir 1(11(1 11.11e0 - liths•. Wow to Attract Industries. Galt Helwarl.m: New industries :o.• what ever)' live 14)14')) 114.44413. \cad all litre tilwn4 1(n• Idler them 1111' manufacturer in these t• is not llitelling himself to es 414u1 - '1y of 1141MsINs•ks.s Ile wants t4) rub shollIlels with well of his kind : t . feed that his lines have been east in pleasant j)14441'$. Thi. town that ex- hibits signs of pt- glees, that looks healthy, clean and busy, is a plisse that will in the future :duvet nanufactur. 1.114. 11 Mors a opts. is in addition ag- gressive in puMhieg itself into not ire II 444 61111141 to M111.1•IY44I 111 it14 11i111S. Oood Old Porr.dere. . Ottawa Citizen : 11 wo11liPsecal that the demand fur break feet footle has 6.44.11 ensues by the fact that e11u1 41ra- tively tea c,4.k1. on this side 4)f the ,t t Ia1111e know how t/1 fair ik porridge properly. This !nay he 11 surprising statement when the simplility of the dish IM elons11end. 11(11 1t is a fact that in nine -tenths of Use hest hotels it h3 impossible to obtain 141tlineal porridge properly 1'141ke1. The .4ruerican n14tue of •' 14- more arcmretely dca1•ril*s the dish which) i'. sert.ell tis porridge. and 1h is two lin o11'like pNa•rnlgi•thien half-1' (4M1ke.1 dough is like In,wd. The ingredient. of porridge are few' :and 1iu'pl•. 1 int (here is a knack in making 1(1111 rind:eg w'111rh 14 its 41tMe11It to er- twin. ,w th art of hacking a good cup of 1'14111e. it 1,4 Mot AM N MIIIMI itllte f1N• INteeitlge h ill as a substitute for the •rlinal'V IeNdl 4'l a.ke1 tea -ridge that the easily -cook. brwkha.t foods have been 1•.oh'et. Ti that extent they are 1111 at 1'1411 are. N' 4•)' wTIl" llet'el' 41111'111 the original a4 staple +fetich. of diet. when the sat •t• is properly cooked. COUNTY GRANT 0 Oblectron to Reding a Private Ent Public Monet. . The opening of the I)otninion Parlienlent has been completely over- shadowed in public interest by the Mta►rtling drelopuents at Toronto. The speeeh form the Throne indicated the iute•.tion of the ISovernment to deal during the present aeaaion with Several matters of importance A comuliiIsinn of experienced men will be appointed to report upon the question 'rhe• following letter appears Indent IN•r of •rhe ne ass •Is PI 11K.vm Sm. I uolirel 14 letter in Pont it shrift time• ago. toyer the sign Dae rif Dr. Me\aughlou. giving 'whlil nay -1' 411,11 1Mirde anent the pt'iv'Nte laetrile' in Clinton. Al- 41Nltlgh the Ihs'lors Moly IM are to e1e,1(e exaggerate(' 1111pr'M$11+fts only Wish. 111. N 1•Nt•pNl )'e)', (40 (4111111144 myself ta11111t• teal 1111. eonlilinell in 1141 letter. riothe 11115111•11ry 111 it /•oliI,ty grant for the Mahn elm nee of a private institution. Wlint has the hospital done 1.. justify such an expendltien• of pnhli, Humpy? It is entirely it private enterprise, ot•ig1(inated solely I con- ducted exclust'el• far the 1)4)11neial benefit .1 In: 1' . .lust Ie•1•muse large cit des 111111 111w'1111,ait hill\' slggat1 hie -peals is no r ieson why the ...mint v of Huron should support this one, ft the pt.lprietor womll w•t apart two- car three roans ons of (111• l nem) men- tioned for the benefit of the pew ilnel gill' .111'g11•al 111111 mldienl treat Meld 11' It II la.lel for 1 he Hominid Valli 11f *'2.511 tier week 1104 1e done in Illy 1111spitala), then 1 eutdel we sane ai•gmuil•nt in _fnvur_ut a. gruliL_--.hitt instead' of that the charges. dreading to repast, ere11 exceed 111..'' of the private wards of the city hll4pit,ll. Should Mr. Mclean, of The Seaforth Expositor, who also ad ylweet•1.:1 count 44 great. chimes• to bequeath 11 legacy no one, ',Weide hie r•lllion%hip, would for a moment object. Or if m • glwlefiel petleIt, who had no relatives., should leave to the hlepil.l all he had. so long As no undue influence was exerted, the public would have no ranter for e pleint, Inrt to met•merlin *lune)' for that 11Impose would I4• eminent $4 ahem . .1 uM 111 row pliable w.lidd ft i nm• to give ie umnbiped howdy to any gr.e•el', butcher or linker who charmer H4) entabli,h x MlNitu•MM to pie tnote 111'. own pe•r4nlal interests. hr. Gunn evidently pi11144'1uen 011 exi11(germtel Well aM to the itnJMletane• of him hospital. es he ham already asked And tee•ise11111111 the 1). ' ' (ioven'- nevnt the large building that stood wi 11 n the site .1 the new 11Nml/offl.'r nt Clinton. and not ,1 Murk of whirr w•,I4 need for any piddle para mw•. He has ales, attempted to obtain other priv'i. leges and p ertlideites on the etr11e•nnggffh of it. So it le quit.' within probability that lie, or wleix411)1' fur him, may apply for a soled ) gtwnt. Private hospitals are of no advantage to the pt•n scion, and to theme who wilt flak on all side% of the gnewtion not *n ixel good 1•4erl to the pl111I1'. Sho11d slleh Mn Ap.raaliiwlion Ire mode, 1 trust Hutt v1141 N1 1\'M1111` 1 will See that the comecil will reject emphMti.A11' any sorb mooned And that will I.e, aecotding to The 1'Ihdon New R.ra. "Kerraet." Hearse' (silly retie, I(AT1Cr.t YKN. THE NEW SENATORS. Thomas Coffer, of London. Enters IM Gilded Chamber at Ottawa. Ottearn. March 11., no. following gentlemen have 14ei1 called t4' the SeIrate: In Ontario Mr. Frost, of F1v41t & IV 04m11, Smith's F',,11s, Mueeeerds Hun. F. 1'1e4ll0W: Thos. (il1Te)•, of !amebae. 4111ertd4 the late S1'Iator O'1111nohu.: J. K. Kerr. K. ('.. 4urelds the late Hun. A. T. %1'imel. In Nova Sesnia--Hldlw l'nrrie, 111 1Viiedsn'. sueve4de the late Senator h'rino:one. ----- The appointment ,4 Thomas ('ofey. of [Amebae, to the 1)uII inilu Senate is exceedingly gratifying to his friends and 'a41 ' I. in 11 esteru Ontario. Senator Coffey I4 11 levy... aper 111x11. owning *use publishing The Callender I(t'eoril. Ile was !morn at ('ant leer 0111e11•' 41)ulty Limerick. Ireland, on the 5th 4)f OI'Iul4'r. 1!413, and cams' to this .'.reentry with his temente while he wits cert' young. Ile served for many year, in the 114111 new.•4411411lWer of lyes in London. 1 in 1H7)4 nerehaseil '1'h.• ('atholir Keeton!. which h5 lute roil - ducted with great 4ue4'i'rs. "The St. Catharines Well." 1s, the ••li*ldl•n ('ity of (':milt," eleven wiles from Niagara Falls, is situated the hintoriv "St. l'at hat'ine's \Cell." The waters of this fauslus -e11 are saline, and its prototype in 1'. mope is the e•Iebt1del Kr•utmuarh SI ing in Prus3ia, and are 4) great si4 illy for such likenww am the Use. gomt. neuralgia. liver trembles, skin preset ole. iw•sses. and ease% of rler%olr, ion, oral. a tonic, ineev and sine - ''The 1C1•Ilxnd." l'))N4lrllel and enlarged. the principal 111111ding in w•hirh thew waters are used and tweet rumfut'able tee latiou can to f 1 then• a reusmehhe rate's. For illnst•Nt 1 booklet +old till infor- mation apply ti F. F. l4awrenee, town ticket agent. (.1 ...1 Trunk Hailwa)', or to J. 11. Mrlhnul , district INsaw'nger agent, • ol.alt.o. DUNL'P. MoNnv . MAI.•11 Itkh. Hw•ce Middleton of I'1411•t•ich town ship was the guest of ).11 and Mr.. 1). IJ, wino) at I.Ilrm'111Ie wh 1• attending the meeting o1 the '4 eel Huron Farmers' Inst it tete at l '14r10 ' 1011 Thine- day, hnlwday, the a(1) inst. Phone 86 J. H. COLBORNE Cash or 1 Produce Spring Importations Embroideries and Laces thin stock of those la,ea IS very coin Wa,car. Lacca 1 ono rent up. in vale, llaµa Mud nleh►h0us, car 10011 lace and smbr.i lerloa Ready-to-wear Goods 404* Dress and w'slkiog Skirls In blacknavy and grey, latest designs, tailor Mule, great 4.810e, $2 50 to 114.90. Under Skirts A big shipment in black Matann& ('lona ranging in prim. from 79e to R: 50. Those are the beet value we ever ofier ed, and real snaps «very one of them, Come in and see them. Black Satanna Waists A ten sail lett at aleariug priosa, 79. to9d75. Corsets From P& to 51.25, latest styles for spring. Prints New, from 5.• to 124e. Caneehan and htnglish. as good as min be found. Crum's world -famed Prints 1243, over 150 pieces to sole t from a') new Chambr•44, Linen, Toites and (ling - lanes, uu all the Iesli:v makes and co:- Dress Goods In the following new makes in b'aek and co'ored : - Unmet* Cloth. Twine C'uth Vigour•, Mystals. Bis its, 'Zibe- lines, H packing., Crepwhass. Von'. Dons and Cashmere Hergee. C .mopulitAn Patterns front 10o to 15c. Flannelettes 1101n & to 14*. 'fable Linens front 2be to 91.50 Special linos in Hu.nrv. A 26c, w dens 8, 84 9 94, at 20e, • ) wool. Lace Curtains Aud Bobbins,' 1. Curtain line and Art Muslin., at all 0000eivable prices, new for this **aeon. Domestics In Shirting., Denims, Cotton Tweed,, Duck.. Drills and ("sew..., White Goods All new this mason, Gowns Skirts, Drawers and Corset Coven The bait a.. sortment to be found anywhere, Fashion Sheets to give &way. 1 ..H. COLBORNE, MAM/L7roN-NT. 1 MQUARE•, k's Sprig lila - Yes Nod Spring laicise! Sassafras Bitters Are the Best No nlalhctpc ever offered the public will correct the stomach. liver end kidney., purify the blood and brighten up the spmu as this will. Makes rine 1051 all µoaf as new. Ite03vea 14,411• pimples, etc Try a bottle or two. It's guaranteed. 150o. 6 tot* SS 50 GARDEN SEEDS IN PACKAGES. Ell■AI FURNITURE HOLISM Sv pov s, w. ACTSGENTIv LIVER` on t1(5'. 4s L5 KIDS1 BOWELS 1.5( Er: OVERCOMES 5 (A 7:V 56 HA6ITUAl LO PERMANENTLY ITS BENFrIG1AL Ef fECTS, BUY THE GENUINE-MGN'F'D BY allRPNlacFIZISYPV1) e 4TJ,'441 ti! "1'w t:a kr? vt 4 4e1 HED SAU 5v ALL O0u&4.ISTS PRKt Stec 1111 bOTTiJ, NsTI PATION "PERFECT" Gasoline Engines (0. Dr. OPENS EYE SPECIALIST (.raluare of London, Kug , wilt'+• in the ethos of tku store on TUESDAY, MAI1C11 31st 1)piratwua undertaken •ila..e. fitted awl supplied Make appointments ahead, :I on sealest, at this store, GOODE, Chemist, SEOFORO ILOOK.. . announce that they have purcbseed from Mr A M POLI.EY his LIVERY, HACK AND 'BUS Bunlnes4. end that they w111 os found at the old stand on South Strew/ with a good stock of ueelul Livery Hones. Well-eppotnted Hacks and reliable Drivers In charg* of the 'Buses. which will meet all trains and etesemboete. All calls attended to promptly trona hotels knd private houses iT. GUNDRY TELEPHONE 50 W. H. GUNDRY of transportation and r*ilw*y facilities, eapeeially in referent, to the require- ments for the forwarding of the genii' prnlncts of the West. A, rdist.ribu• tion hill will be introduced, *Ito bills will, respeel tae the erention of a rail- way 111,11111 ixeiorl, the alllendlllelll of lire patent Nem, the Militia Act, ('limon ' 'gratin'', the reorganis- at- of the Marine mid Fiaheriee Department., the settlement of railway labor disputes and various other subjects. 111 his 'p el+ in the debate on the address in reply to the speech from the Throne Sir Wilfrid iAurierdelight- el the House by his strength and vigor He spoke for over an hour and finished witholit any evidence of fatigue, Mr. Horden, the Opposition leader, :11141 Mr honk, his Ijuehnc li*IItetlet11, in gra•'iotla trans expre/a ell t.hnr ple*s11re *t .he Premier's restoration to bofllh. Settlers' Trains to Canadian Northwettk For the convenience 141 met 11.•, . rho dewire In travel with IIo•ir elle, is, the (irnnd Trunk will rent special trains Which will heave the 1',,i. Station, Ti 4 11111 4 1, every Tuewb,y daring )I '.•)i 1 April Al it p.In. lime, ills%elling w11h1A11 lige Mfew•k sh.rnld Inks Ih.. our slm,ion•s are not guar'nlc.sl mde )el.. I,nt npd•r a .+.nnv 4,, On, rope's. It will es Irwin Meting Tornnlo,at Iiia p. m 0•011• No Trouble for Thorn to Hold Any Position vvo a1,1 then, 4f possible, in nit. g, twin em ovmetit, but we first wimp them to m',1 4rn the hag 1 repel. ion 1Sis soh 4,' • IAMr•M,, flt•ket agent. filer' I hM et. nlrl44l. rich, fur;mtrti'nlate And ticket«. 1 J. W. WESTERVELT, Prineipai. Type of 3 to 50 Horse P war Stationary Engine. IT WILL Saw your wood, Pump your water, Hun your cream separator, Thresh your grain, THEN GErind your grain, •Shell yo : r corn, Cut your ensilage. Arad pay for itself id' a year. Some of the Uses to Which these Stationary Engines Have Been Put : Electric Light Plants, Machine Shops, ood Working Machinery, Flour Mills, Bakeries, Pttmping Stations, Printing Offices, Dairies an Creameries, Grain Elevators. Cost of Operating, I to I;c per hour per h.p. Requires no attention after starting. No wood to b danger from fire. no water to draw. Tide engine is not an experiment. Every one is folly guarsate .I. A few simple instruct hone ere to. I that is necessary to enable ant man of ordinary inteligq 11141 10 run u (boos starters all the anent 00 It pos. & is oiling. It 1ot easy to start it and stop it. We would 1.• pleased i„ semi yon some de.criplh•r n " '''0 matter about the. engine • Marine Eigises from 4 to 14 b.p., according to site or dimeasious of boat or Iasncb. ViCroIIA-s'r. MA('HINF: woaKS And Mr. Strarh&n moll give you all the information pr'..ble. JAS. A. ST RAC H A N All kinds of 11e aft slid Illarkamtth N'o, k .Ion.' all ',wiriest 0'0t.1r11 All .'Lee Of Pipe Fittings, Threading, 1.sth., Planer and %o., Work dor. ALL THE USEFUL BRANCH S are taught in the Irt It Pays to Paint. There is northing that adds to the mean' value n1' the renting value 1.f a hoods like good paint -there in nothing that r:. 1.t* home more home• ike them good paint. It pays to pain:. Tae Letter the paint, 11r bower it pays. THE e 'H . 7,J WiujAIMS PAINT l'A a 4 1 the 'epi- Merue; It ease an far -•plays fel 111-•( l tet'tn:.c is 1.1.'0 r., long, and looks no well, se long Lit it i.a tis, '.v.,.: 1/110 paint like it Ior beauty •r,1 /: •r.41:if.ty, (04OCQn,Cl; cal satisfaction. For Sale by N. D. ROUG V I E, GODERICH. ParneliDean's Bread (lives strength to the weak and health to the sick, and helps the healthy and strong to retain their health and strength. All who eat our hr al like it.. They like it bertauae it in tasty. They like it because it le never dry and chaffy. There is a uniform gnorll.rat, a re v. nvarying gnelity about our bread that is not found 1u Any other breed that's made --not even the brr*d that's made at honor 1,y the best home conks. This superiority is dun to a comhin'lion of elrcumatances governing 111e making And 1..kung, chief of which aro rho skilled tales of the bast mat,rfals and our own prno*se of mixing. W. P. WESTOBY HAMILTON ST. QODERIOH. .4