The Signal, 1903-3-12, Page 8gRpNnTRuNK 8 TutlumIAY, March 12, 19113 THE SIGNAL : GODERiCII ONTARIO. Time to Loosen the Purse Strings and get ready for Pring Buying. THIS store has not arrived at its present stage of usefulness I.1' chance. There's no lurk or speculation about this business ; it isn't the result of fortunate circumstances, but dQWnright honest, hard work --work wherein your interests as consumers have been care- fully studied at every corner and turn. We came here strangers. Our business friends to -day number into the hundreds. They know us and they have confidence in our merchandise and methods of doing busi- ness. If you don't believe all this, visit the store during the coming weeks, -we aro opening up the NEW SPRING GOODS, -notice the number of satisfied buyers in the store, and you'll believe that there is friendship in business: for we look upon every customer who leaves a dune or a dollar in the store as a business friend. HOW FOR THE NEW SPRING MERCHANDISE: Fancy Ribbons. II you are on the hunt fore egai ce, .Cud prettiness and e.onrmy in ribbons you must not fail to examine our collection. Hundreds of new pieces received. speci- al line, fancy ,.tripe, new Amulet., neck ribbons, at 25e. Laces and Embroideries. 1u this fiea tom you will final thousands of yards of emhro derma, every- width, anti the best values we have ever ehowu. A'penal line, 6 inches wide, regular 15v, for l0c a void. New Torchon Laces, Every width and the hest wearing lace for underwear, be, bc, 748c. IOc a yard. New Dress Trimmings. . Every dross tine season. will hate trim- mings of lace or Nude, tete. Fashion has so decreed. 110 have prepared for it with the biggest Collet lion and heat van nes we have ever shown New medallion trim- mings. black aol wLite, b o, 7&, 1100 New silk trimming, 10c to 111 00 a yard New Wash Goods. Handw,me white good*, the eorrct tiling lits sea* u, 15c•, 20c, 25c, 35c per yard Special fine gingham, in plan and -tnp.• deeiglis, retro ar 211, , for 15.. Dressmaking Depc:•tment Have you tried us ` We can give you mlisfacticn Prices rr sooable. Smith Bros. & Co. GOOD ROADS FOR HURON the area of each div,moe, on the several Meellaa ■1 I Ilse. ehru.es 411""" .1 leading roads leadlog to market towns and villages to the . ouaty anise the supetvleloo Tak1.g a;enrrameet l.rant. of the county cow,. Mors in each chewier, The mooting caIS.d by the o0a0ty oouooll with the advice and counsel of the township at Clloto. on Wednesday of last week for ceuoell, wherein they are satiated." the discussion of the roads improvement In the afternoon the • 1 meeting was question way a large awl reprewotative held, w,:b Wanton , herr .n the chair an.i gathering, every mnnlapaIity lo the ooaott Clerk 1,o& toting as secretary. except Wli gham and N roister being A W t•ampbe.l, Provincial Roal C.•m- repreeoted. mu•loher, addreset I the meeting, setting The I'roelool.l Government has set aside forth the evils of the meta. labor system the sum o1 81.000,000 for the aesletanos of as at present worked out. Th,ro was a the municipalities in the improvement of loge expenditure of labor and money and foals. Oo this amount thec000ty of Huron's the road- were not at All what the% should would be 840 000, the 000dittoo lmpo.- be, and las tame case. were proLively bad ed by the Act 1. -Ing that the ooanty shall Nothi,, bet.rr was to bo exoec'.-d when • e xpend twice this amount. or 880,000, upon hundred .1 fferent pathma•ters had as road Improvement from r. own foods. many different Ideas of road budding. to The oouooll met lo the morning with all the lett tem year,, \Ir. ('.mpbell said, the the meml,rrs present and received the report I',ovlr, • of Gowen hal spent emough of the ,'ommlttm appointed at the January 'money to macadam ,e every mile of ro✓1 no se,0o0 of the council. Doe report was the Prov;no., but In return I.,r that •span adopted after some amendment, eke Import- diture tray had nothing substantial, for ant clauses being as follows: year after yr ar the work ha 1 M o. goo* "W• would r.00mw.•od Ill aooepledl that ever .gala. If the work were doom pro perly, and under a systematic pl.n, much better necks could be Waited There were two different ways to which adyantege nreht be take. o1 the G mew'. offer If the oounty were to take It up if wood hare to take over. peroeutage of mileage of roads from each township and the money would be divided aoonrliog to sell.. The 0000ty would denies as to the roads co which the money should be spent and the whole oouuty would be rated s000rd- tor to assessed value ; the amount levied from the town.. toge, her with Ins Govern- ment gran', would make about 50 per near. of the expenditure, and the rural mooted polities would provide the other ball. If the oounty refused the offer, each separate township could apply to the Provincial treasury and draw its share of the money, but to this -ase thine would bo no asr,tance from the towns or .111..es and the town- • certain amount 1•e raised extending over a period of veer., Instead of issuing debt attire* for 1110,000, wbloh w,.u'd t.• about the •moult ngulr.d from thes minty 1, mea the d•moods of the (lover 'mem hill, as the a'n000t we would rece.ve from the Uovernmeat would be somewhere near 140,000. " W • would sag.5.1 tt at the sum of 88 000 be raised yearly by county rive, which would be a total if 812,000 to to ea minded to mob sed every year, to be designated a. good route appropriation, until we have received Huron's share of the 11,000,000 as set .side by,tbe' Government. Our toual.ild **stow meet Is 852,301.290; a rate of 2.5 of • mill would raise the 88,000 "W• would also recommend that the several sums rat ed to each and every year and also the .meant recc,vd from the Government I*• expended equally in the. eight divblooe of the oounty, according to i -lupe would here to expend two clothe.. for Stock=taking Sale till McKENZIE & HOWELL'S We find lines that we will sacrit co to clear out, but we cannot take space here to enumerate then. So far the sale has been a success. We are doing a larger business this February than last, and have decided to add two staple lines to our bargain list: Coiled Spring Wire, at $2.75 Barb Wire, - at $2.75 We are known in this section as the cheapest, and the place to buy the blest hardware. We wiutt pleased customers and our reputation to continue to spread and be sustained. FENCING is a big part of our business. We have given spec- ial attention to it, and can now give almost any kind of fencing required. Wo are now taking or- ders so as to insure it being here when wanted. There will be a big rush this season for fencing. The fence we like hest is called the " Ideal." It is correctly named, for it is the fanners' ideal fencing. We believe it is the strongest and best fence for the least money that has been put on the market. The life of a fence is the life of its weakest point This fence is Inane of all No. 9 hard steel galvanized wire (No. 9. is -the large wire), that is, latterals, up- rights and locks are all heavy wire, and, therefore, has no weak points. Truly it is the fanners' ideal fencing. We will also handle the Fittts1', Atip;R11'AN and PER. 118 0 fences, and think we can give you entire satis- faction. We will handle the BEST PORTLAND CEMENT made. Our stuck of HARDWARE in being well -assorted with Spring Goods, and will give you entire satisfaction. McKENZiE & HOWELL THE PLACE TO BUY ALL HARDWA$.I CHEAP • •owy dol ar received from the Government. Tbe flat plan, o1 wares, would be leas es - pensive for the farmer. A nave taken at the oo8o111.10o of M•. (:ampbelt's add em showed that a msjsrltt of those prefect were Io tay.,r of the scheme A motion was alio -Lulled to the ,ffe.l that Lao dclegnte• report to tbu.r r. aueo•lve moolo'pel council., and that the to moil. r, - perttothe.oaotyoletk wheth,r hey a,r in feyor of •c'Ion by the o,un'y on000•I or not ; toil, It fav tr.,tile, that they ,'el'voa'e the roads with n the townships whwh th.y conelder &heed be Isoind.d is the general *ohm* 01 Improvement. OODERICM TOWNSHIP. Tris-. , 111 rib 10.b. '6 400L RsrouT. -Tbo following rt psi .bows the studies of the papas to 3 S No 1. Oodorleh township for the mouth of Feet userf :- 5;b Clam. -Elsa Oilman, Hefty Hider, leen@ Salkeld` Ledwle Rae. 4:h Class -I.tly Graham, Lou as Dry. - dale, Mary Salkeld, L u • 5.lkeld, yam. Andrews. Jesse Jehs•tes, Must* Roe. 3rd C!w -Ansi* Drysdale 'Ltd Retie' Gke, equal. N m. Chisholm. Robert Forder', Myrtle Johnston. Reggie Johnston, R 11e- maa Johnston. Sr. 2ad Claw. -Carrie I;rabam, /Vex Ch'eholm, Harold Newoombe, Roy F'ordeo Middle 'Lod Clam. --Norman Montgomery, May W.atleke. . Jr. tad Class -Wilfrid Hlok. aid James K , (quid, Muton Delwin, , 1; ',told 0,6.0 Pr. 11 -11'111. Fordo. Mary Dna no. Pr. 1 -Lura Salkeld, Violet Ltttbwalte, Myrtle Cblabelm. LUCIA M. Tar oozes, 'I'etbber. A Paototain Butt. -Alex. Chisholm bas purchased • Mammon shorthorn nail from lien y Morris for the Improyement of stool( for :ha year 1903 The animal has • splendid pall/tea, and Mr. Chisholm to to be 000gratulated upon bis,gott to enhance the quality s1 •ter► la this township. DUNLOP'. TUESDAY, Maroh 10 h. 1). L swarm attended the Farmer's lostl- tuts held at Carlow Thursday oljlast week. Mr. and Mrs Coss. Spoon, of (;oderloh sewash p, gaye our bu'g a traoa.eut vale work. The mild weather of the first week in March brought time advent of crows without number and gentle Rohm Rad Breast was ales even vlewlrg locations in the farm fuses'o where suitable to build his nest fee the caries summer. The cheerful crow- ing of the roomers In the d.ffereot bare - yenta, aupportsd by the g gobble of e1,• urk.y 1 'clip and the twitter of the drake nd his ducks on running streams of the reeks w tae oelrhbcrhood, tolls ns spring Is owing ouw LELBURN. 'I't r -DAY, March 10.b. Mrs. Humber, of I;odericb, and Mr.. Hot kin, of %Woodstock, were recently the guest, of R. F ulford, nt 161• plane, Oar popular tone./ town.mao Joseph MoNenn w111 go to Wlogham on Tuesday of eh, week to attend the mouton. of tis. Grass. Grand 'badge to be held in 01.11001 1001 during this week. Irmo, another oorrep,Dde.t 1 MONDAY, MA. . 2,d. Roy L'aklater 1, expected home today. Mr.. J. Farneb and d.ai;hter. Bch h•nta', are visltloe et the old home. Misses Ragmen sad Oebaldietes, aro visiting their aunt, Mrs. Jai. Horton. Joe. McNeely, and Herb Taylor, .pen' Monday ev.Dlog to GAJerlob, with their fronds. Several of our young mon attended the wool bee I•st Monies, at tdr. il,•td., Doe - Tb. two Will. from Sbypardtoa overfed o11 the i r'. Joseph w:11 ban le as up his sow a Int, SPRAMOTOR There Are Few Orchards where spraying Is not attended to, but have trews more or leas deteriorated through ravages of insect or fungicide pests. You could not expect much from a tree infested with parasites, as twig in cut, which she#ws Kau .lose Scale natural, uud magnified. We do not magnify the merits of tits SPRAMOTOR. SpreiyMgchlnw, when we may It is absolutely the beet in the world Hold Medals and Pert Prizes in every context we have entered, including Pan American, give us lissom'. to say this, and 11 will glue us pleasure, and be of profit t' you, W write us for ourel pogo book, "A Gold tune ()n Your Farm," which contains velu:,ble t"r,nulae and mforn,atrou; It is tree SPRAMOTOR CO., Buffalo. H. Y.. London. Can. THIS MACHINE I5 FOR SALE BY CHAS. C. LEE. I am still sacrificing the Second-hand Stoves which 1 have in stock to make room for my SPRING GOODS. CHAS. C. LEE. sat articles offered for sale. The stook brougtt good pricer." A SCORCH AT CLINTON• Combe Sleek mestreyed by Fire Massy algae. Mateo, Oat, Marais 10. -What Is krona as the Combe Block was completely doetroyol by gra last night. Ths Week caudated of Combo's drug store, Hay'. laundry and Condi'. hatcher -bop, sad ailoios Cooper's bookstore. Mr. Comte was filling • pr.scnptun Lr Dr. Shaw, and, while lo the back .bop, oarrying • bottle of %loobed in one hod aad a tamp In that other, we Wall -Paper 1 Inducements 400 rolls of Wall Paper, suitable for bedrooms, kitchens, halls and sitting - rooms, all one price, lc per roll. Ceilings to match, same price. Ilorders- 6 -inch, lc per yd., !f -inch, 2c per yd. 1 he augmentation committee Of thSye•d of H.mdton and London not at Ludes last weak. The emote decided upon for the 1' .sbytory of Huron ass : 1100 for megre- gation o1 Grand !Toed find Corbett ; 8100 1, r oonorsoatlon of 1, shunt and t'oloo, 850 for c n;rega ,on of Itat6,1.1 and Bethany (this g ant to Dears at. the end o1 the sasamg Yowl $50 for the coogregalno at Varna sad Blake. Speak log of a rale o1 farm stook and IM Momenta held by Wm Fob, r, of luckier. smith 1ucker- smlth township, recently, a New Era oor- ren000dent nye : "Anotionmr (Landry, of •;mieri. b, wielded the hammer to the oath - Notion of .11 Many complimentary re- marks were made me to Dm ability and rapidly with which he handled the dlffsr- SPECIAL COLONIST One Way Excursion Tickets NOW ON SALE trent, n11H.e., ws.la.a....f1311.1 4iewa:ale'M t stored*+prises, 1 re rester Helena, Hsllr. Haden. •alt 1 t - Lake t Iv), Puebla ap.kser wa,a .. ...lµ0.1111 Norlh isles least sad a.olr.•y relate *43.411 can rrs.rtsr•, fat .e44.15 Special Settlor,. tr•ins to CanadianNorth- westwilt leave Tordrito, every Tuesday, during March and April, 1903, at 9 P. te., and the. "Pacific Express' will lr.-e Tor- onto at 1.45 r M. Passenger, travelling without Live Stock should take the train leaving Toronto at 1.45 e. w. For further particu'ar. apply to Agents of Orand Truett Ry. System. F. F. L•AWi4I;NCF:, C. 1'. T. A.. A. STRAITOT, . Ihpot Ticket Agent 450 rolls, $, 10 and 12 -roll lots, reg- ular Se and 10c per roll, clearing at off. Several lines gilt Wall Paper, 12c, 15c and 20c, clearing at Se and 10c a roll. The above prices are strictly cash and are made in order to make room for more Wall Paper specially 'contracted for with Wall Paper factories. This will be a money saving year for those requir- ing Wall Paper, as our prices will be away below the or- dinary dealers'. Store close. 6:15 p.m. Telephone No 1008. 1 Geo. Porter • GUNDRY BROS. announce that they have pureha*ed from Mr. A. 14 POLT.R'7 hie LIVERY. HACK AND 'BUS Runineanend thet they will be found at the old "'tend on Smith tttrwet. with a good stork of *mend Livery nor"'e*. Weil -appointed Backe and reliable Drivers In charge of the 'Alto..,, which will tneet all train,' and steamboats. All calla attended to promptly from hotels and private house* T. GUNDRY 'rs1.SPHONR 50 W. H. GUNDRY tai the misfortune to fall, cousins the (ire. This was t6• oldest frame block In *owe, and was weeding when (Tinton was koowo ell R.ttonhory'e Co,,.,,.. Insurance an balld• inn 8'2,000. Mr. Hay wall loos b•a,Ily, as also will Mr. Como. and Mr. Couch, but I hear lees is partly severed by insurance. 1 HE WINDHAM INQUEST. Jelin Maxwells Name ('oaeeted with the Smith Myalerv. Wingham, Maroh 9 -Tb. moony lo'• the detects of Selwyn Jams Smith, who was insensible on the sidewalk about 7 o'clock on the e.eoiog of February 3, and who died on the 15, wan omit t laed before Coroner Dr. fowler totrght. Aotiog Crown Attorney Lewis of (ioderich appeared for the Crown. •ud eobj•cted every witoe•• to a oar.f•1 et emtoat'on. Dr. J. 9 Chisholm, Dr. T. lblehohp, Dr. '1, Arses, Dr. J. Y. Bethune Fit and Wear There are" some things which can't be improved. One of these things is the "Queen Quality " shoe for women. You can make it more elaborate, you can decorate it, em- bellish it, use costly materials and all that ; BUT FOR $100 A PAIR YOU CANNOT MAKE A BE'T'TER SHOE THAN "QUEEN QUALITY," HAVING REGARD SOLELY TO THE TWO GREAT ESSENTIALS OF FIT AND STYLE. This means that mechanically it is perfect. As for its ap- pearance, the fact that hundreds of thousands of women choose it instantly above all other shoes would seem to in- dicate that it is attractive. Why don't you go so far as to try on a pair the next time you come to the sore ? It costs nothing to see thele tit your foot. BOOTS. $3.75. OXFORDS, $3.00 E. DOWNING and 1)r. P Maodooald, M.P , gave eyidesw d••orlbtog the nature of the jejune*. Dr.. Chisholm ate 1)r. Bethune ioollued 10 the theory that • blow b.d been .truck by some blunt lastrum•ot, but would not .ay that • tall would not have caused the *toles. Dr. Atn•w was o1 the opi•io. Ib.1 a 1.11 would muse the Injuries. 1)r. Maodoald luotdly •aplato.d how the lajurtes might hays res.lsed from • fall. Ebbed Tinting, a little gird saw a map following Mr. Smith on the eight of the tragedy 8 al other witcesees proved that on Meade', the sighs before Mr. Smith received the fatal warts., a man was In the town togging. This mart answers the d•- •eriptloo of oee John Maxwell, now In mut toffy In (iodwtob, -barged with woucdl.g with intim' His movements have bees traced and he efts to Luokaow on Monday, Fel roary 2 off at Uoderlob on Wager day, February 4, but Tweeds► is • blank, although the Crown honeys. he was not to W logham. Wm. Holmes, juryman, •wore that a man who ID mate respects answered Maxw,l. dseorl ptlos was as his .tor• bogging on tow day. the fatal day. John (lemma got a -heck ohaoged ly deo•a•ed o t8• alien-- o1 February t atter bask boars. Smlta Thea had • Dumber of balls la his poesessloe. Charles 1'. Smith, so of the deowed said the mission mosey, a000rdlag tc 16o bookie, automated to 8114 Several years age • sum el 650 eit 850 had bees stole. from bis latheonr. Aft., o. bone's ddlberstlee, the jury at 1:45 r•turaed with a weediest the. the d,.• ceased died from the result of blows, but whether lh• blows were delivered by lotrot •r set they could set my. t✓ (TELEPhO5EM..2$. ti O D G E N S BROS. tad DOOR WEST et HAMILTON STRIlttT A Big- Hosiery Bargain Cashmere Hose at 25c per pair, worth Di t• 15c. Blzee, 61 to 9I HERE is the hosiery event of the season. Just when spring k open- ing up, when you want them most, we have this big bargain offer- ing for you. Better hose we never sold for the money. As good as we are not likely to have again for many a long day. It is a big los. of Manufacturer's overmakes we bought away under value. That is why we can sell ladies' and children's all wool ribbed cashmere hose, that sell regularly at from 30c up to 45c alpair, for 25° A PAIR. 300 pairs ladies' .end children's all wool ribbed cashmere hose, most of thein have seamless feet and double knees. Made from fine soft wools, goal qualities, 1f bought ice the regular way not • pair would sell for less than 30c, and most of them would sell at 40c to 45c a pair. Manufacturer's overmakes, sixes 6} to 91, on sale Saturday, per pair r 25c Our Corset Stock Canada's best make of corsets have a place in this stock. The famous "W. B.," the leading American Corset, also has a place in it. Not a make in the lot but is thoroughly dependable and will ebe found satisfactory in every way. The stock includes such well known brands as New Century, "197," �v Imix, "13. 1," "Yati•i," "Queen Moo," Erect Form, "W. B." (3 styles), Military Hip. and children's waists. Corsets 'di igned to fit all figures, at prices ranging at from 50c to $2.00 per pair, and every pair downright good value for the money. A com- plete assortment of the,new long or military hip corsets, which are growing more popular every day and are much in demand for wearing with the new habit back skirts. Carpets for Spring Carpet stocks for spring are ready. We have discounted any past effort with the collection we have gathered for this spring selling. It is one that would do credit to a store many times the size of this. Good qualities only are to be found in it, and the patterns and colorings are new and up-to-date. Having two stores for an outlet we can show just double the assortment of patterns that we could had we but one. Before you do any carpet baying come afid see this stock. It will be well worth your while and you will he as welcome to look as to buy. New union carpets, 25c to 50c. New wool carpets, 75c, $5c and 91.00. New tapestry carpets, 28c to 80e. New Brussels carpets, 91.00 to 91.25. New art squares in wool and union. English valve; carpets, English Axminster carpets. New linoleum&, 2., 3 and 4 yds. wide. New floor oilcloths, 18 inches to 2 yards wide. More Skirts, 89c Another lot of those famous black sateen skirts at t-t9c to hand this week. They are the biggest skirt bargain of the season. Better get one before this lot goes. i.adies' black sateen skirts, made frorn good quality sateen, hard or *oft finish, trimmed with frills or ruffles, good value at 91.25, another lot to sell at each 89c A Handkerchief Special Here is a Saturday bar- gain ill pure linen hand- kerchiefs. All hemstitch- ed, and narrow, medium or one inch hems. Worth in the regular way up to 25e each. As good qual- ities as lines we have in stock selling up to this price. A mixed lot of over 200 that we cleared at a bargain, and now pass along to you in the same way. Ready Satur- day morning. 200 ladies' hem*tit.rhed handkerchiefs, all pure 1ri•h linen, just in this week, as.ort- ed hems and qualities, worth up to 25c each, on nide Matur- day at 4 Two for 25o. IIODUI3NS BROS.