HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-3-12, Page 7-•.- -L*-
Locked in d Cell, Smoked and
esslly %I," drtw,ed only I'y the rlluulr
al oiick 1'r:,bvy rousing let Bryant I
Subjected to l orture.
In the Regular •• Sweat !lux " Alanuer
.- No \\'arrant Seive,t and tilt Girl
Reieued Aller I ive flours by Or.1cr
% f a Justice-- (treat luJignitlen
at the Officers- Accused lel Being a MurJesers—Alar Father IuJig-
rant Nobody safe I rent South
Outrages by l,uarlo's %AurthlcPes
Dalective I�orcer.
Ruffolo, N. Y., $&role 9.-7118 out-
wuaslaut t they obtatol.l know all that
.ago upon Hier ILutchlnaors tho I,0U•
Out., girl drugged s,0 ppllcu
1{xawi11ru by \u,1- ualrlr!,4.
Itaadiluurters by the police ole Srtl-
Marion Hutchinson wages sulijoeted
to u several crura-examivallou In
urdu), ling caumed univerlall atm-
lite private office of 84periuteudeut
drmuallou.. 7the girl aatlrfitrl live,
bull. Niue i,ohce ullicltlx rut about
efficerr tlwt aha wit" (nnucPat after :
here Retail eagle Ile turn wade suggem-
tiufeIA to Amrirtunt Dibtricl Attor-
114slrs In the gwerlt las. where the
levy Nurthwurlh, who questioned
"third degree" wam rebue*teti to. tier
tiercat leni tlhuite w
(rirnW tlok rumwur) Lytul pro^t•rd•'I
cal freely all queNtioum except tlloie
Ings to procure her .••Irate, and thea
Intende4 to pry Into tier private life.
the police had the .:Prve to reassert
I►Imirlet Attorury Cuutmw0l'tl told
m LI
ha I Il ,L W 1-n u ill r
II d
ns, t hu r
til g
her air renemblyd rlwlewhus. the wo-
rprl, nllllouYlt aloe lin(] lx•en p!nl•NI
nal Act
w b • •4 t•
n U el A
1 11 mJ u N r un
the eight of tin •uuu4Mr, tun! she
iu a cell with a w„man drtictire.•
brL:l been pu'ty Idrutifled by u cab -
, •o t accltw 41 to u rvstrw
1 Ind I1 w
mail 11umed ihevu ,.:4• as a aNreil cl
1 M• P g
lural 1otJ I
r u r
ci►r e l l t s• w
1 w1, hal n .w •unl if
nUc w•iy ler round..,
her house un lli,at night, altoo tout
1m4eu Aubp•oted to vuriu11d rump.
sir wnm hurpctoel of being un very
rrirtrllF terms Nr. Burdick.
w•i,io-h are putt of the third dl.
nn leaving to hear Imagism
`alto reptlel that she avun at home
k „.•, Auch
ease the nlaht of the tragedy unit
l,de piuoue messages to "hu:d tier" itnd
could prove Il. %vleen umked about Iter
I.. o,g fureel to tit In a small room
friemtshf es and her rriatioushlp witb
where a tut of ofticerr amotedmtrtiag
Nr•. Burdick• dhe declared that she
stns umler no obligation to dlmcume
(,gurm. filling the phaco with b"VIke
her private affairs, aulot declined to
Ile client, her br#Un to rieel. to intake
411 sag.
Ir.i tlit:y, uud thus to help furca
During the conversatiuu til.• ca4-
w,mv etpremmlo11 frum her lips whiela
iu:tes slippral (rest) tile+ rantau unspion by
Il led lflitrilingtnl, but could riot posi-
•1 1
o t l 1,u
w illi / let 1
o Istru I
u u ht 1,.r c 1
I c a
1 4Iv Ib•utif her. lel hr • .4•Aun
s u /
A 1
Awn Of guilt.
w n el•
II Iltwi h ill %\'at U t .• Il
a tuna n II ulgl
of t,be messier, •lipped in, but could
1'elrax Itrutalitlrtt-
uwke no IllelitifleaLion.
yllwr llulcbinrull says that .\+MIME-
( UAa~k Saiid %hr "U:1 -;I Hordlck
alit A,ept. Cumuck flail) cltarged h,•1-
with majority crf
!ll"wkiug lu'u ..pill•. of her r4 -
ilw .arra) fur you. p>or KiH,
ine .)o . poor
lueelene•,, Nims llut•hinaon chars, ter-
itel her tr„ntia,nit ,am Re gnu=d Out-
tient )ole were forefoot ill 410 thio ,1,w•-
r,tgi♦ I
lul drad,” aloe charges Mr. ClA4.1ek
•'Tlwy n(-c+tmo.l ler• (of late 11mrder lei'
with raying.
1,D•. B•irttirk,' mile uuhl, "and a more
For two hours Misr Ilut"llif uA war
alsrur 1 all, unfoundr;f c:,argt, wain
subjepted to the mp%o•r•At of cross-
never mr11l- atealumt anyone. 1%'hy,
. %raminatJOfld let till' Imuldd ler SUP(.
whit • 1 Witt. bitting ill the private of-
I:ull, Chief Or Detreti%r,l C'ttoo"il Lund
fel- of Nuperifeten.lent (full. I Itestrd
Dtstriet .Attorney Coathworlll. tioe-m=
,.,wrone 4cly Over the tely,hon.•,
elgly there, war slutbtng that I%uu:d
'!lull her, eNlr klllo4l flim.' 1 heatrl
warrant that officials lel holding Nimes
411her things, too; tlyingd Inteude.l. I
llutrhinr,ta, for nhnrtly rafter n4ou
mulgm►Ac, IO t•rrity til,•. t
0-110 roam released. Itow.•%er, thli,taw
"Mr. Cmuick ula•nly duclsirallint 1
riot done until Philip C. Fenn•lly, let-
bad k:lltd Air. li ardick, cited added, am
t.,rncy for Mind Hutchinson. lia-1 m1'-
1f to encourage, not- end ease levy
plied to Justic'. Truluao ('. %Vhlte.
mind, flint 1 had Iii-en'drivea to it.
.f the. �nprr•tan Court, for n writ
Several of the right or nine liters iu
ilia- room with nn) quertiunt4l we
.if 1u,M4tm corpus coal metI'll'fig S41pt.
.atony: toasty liurw. '
Rull ,Lt. produre tier Imdore Itim.
••Tliey nmkt*l nut if I fwd pohrd ilia n
(Cowardly Tmclit%.
statue In re whim on the 1'an-Amer-
:c:u(Niiw'ny, referring, I I:avo• min•
ail'lo'n the writ %as oer%t,d upolsl
1:•arnr•f. to 1-i reiorf ronlalnrd !n lar
hupt. L'uli he dol trot retolst it. d:a?lug
;anoaiymotlm 1,•tter, Ol courw•, I w v. -r
that it wnm ungreiww:try •:ul•I that
,tad. 1 never posed mnywhcre fur Uny'
Ulm IiulolOosOn was free 1+,-gu.-teal'
having been untler arrest .Lt a.1y
titanic Nlahl or Tragedy.
Masa Ilutl'llturon on the contrary
' On the night Nr. Burdick wad ki l
,.I I lwao, at home. I hail supper thcr-
Alloys stle Wa■ locked Ile a cr!1 fur
%ilia my mittber, minter snot a womnu
two hours. Ilcr company wall 4s,
w•Ito boar,4t with un. L gmart Lha even-
I•male puller mpv. In nil,liUuu tat
jig In flit• ho,"Ae with tier rest Of sh-
all than rhe day" rho w.ts mtnpp••d
htrnmchut.t, :trial soma time after It -
,1f r%vey dell of clothing used xult-
.,,'clock wept to ieol. I seam not out at
Jected to a wortifying lamrch fair
nll, ntml every ase there will mwl7lr t0
,.,me csik!uce that would cuts Ice IIpr
it, nm the police 1PILmeal on hlquirintr.
Os, tho murder. Iter uttorsa y, Philip
"Thr mtorlom t!41 to the effect that
%'. yenaelly. thraltend to sue those
1 %••nm vrty friendly Willi Nr: Burdick
r•spunrllllu fur tier detention tat 1'O-
'an•I that I went antontubiling with
Ie heall•luarterd for heavy dauu.gp".
him I.n%p 1140 fountl:ation ill (Iwt. 1
IMte•tiveswloorefumed to be gllute'l
work4tl for lam, rod 1 know
float Mimm Hutchinwm mlKht Im•
merely noo a1 Joint loyee kou%d, tier em-
ugnir, mummoned'to patties, IO-wilplar-
�ploi er. I r-xhnded littl sem as ten n
term if evrtnhl expected •1•'%eloN-
ur.'ailp miirpriAtkl Stt the nil. galli.m. i
mentr matcerinlife.
�1n%,• t.'1•,.
- Iteputationm Shaun••►• l
"I w4'rkr•I fur him Inr Ae%rr,liwel•kg.
R11rdick's dead nild Ir1-11-rtttill"
01,h'rs,iflw .•n%rh.pe", Jailor wish to
him1 was round in the den of -1114
den,. thin I wills h1 him ufft •e tai" it
pretty. Asblantf accnut• holler
float title#-
,,gnaltl'r alA the etuployrr n1- ,lel ruemy
oT Ills who wlshl.l to art e%idetnre.
nine days ago. Since
n number of reputatioud have l"n
ngainnt him uta whlch to LrtNo action
sllatterll-Innocent men Also wag-
I aro been mumppeteif ; women of
fora divurro.
- " Il rernr vec.v- e sy-(ler per•aofle to
m eculale rfyatu c•baracfer base
e m P
brava hnOIP4I to pollen mintiofaw and
Incenl nn4 elrculate• mt/ried wklCh
1 tout width
Nannl x+it•)' In Ili,. trl'inK.
a.kr,l to tell of their connections
menu ruin to winir nim. .
with the murdered man.
District Attorney Contsworth has
• What Must p.4grle thiuifuf lel.•?
MI)' name i,. n, doubt, t)o the 1y," of
taken sudden divorce from the 1'o-
litun4reh' atf lh0111" ldso of per.un4,
tier dfo rtment, stating Incl flight
man) of %%htnn komw alt, loll don't
tint loin T/rm'ince was mfmply to
know• that there i- riot truth in 01� 0.
"wrigh the evidence unit mtalement-
brought to him."
,tori^ . It mains (-%erPtidng to mp;
it no•iln,4 lir ruin of an) rrputntioil
which the police
'far nnnmmopmrnt tint lir. ('onts-
n'"I m% failure.
worth had taken that stand and had
*list Her- ht a Ct,ll. .
r 4 Or til P 4111 ct•
rt m t
. then 1
c In Ipmnld
.., e
, d a 1 1-n
(, e let% r
% he • n t KK
's,1 t
b . 1
t .loin don
n Ile c ?
lnarrPdting Afnrl n 1
lec.1ey aroused a.wavat of
t . l
n%•ns 'like• n eriininuh bol t sly 1'u
}n bw„-hataa�o.ay.iUl un•..
Axellrmg-nt, for that arrest. lgken in
mil n rrH for
,.!her wOnun, who no doubt ay.%a n.ot
connection wllh the inability of tilt'
:1 prls,tu•r, Idtt Nome' one put there
police to alboover n real clue, loan
to .h•av Aonlrtlilnw fmt_of step. 1 vvns
rtomp.l a reeling or civic Indignation.
treatc•,l Ifk,• ilia erdinAlr) hrimbaul;
There wan bait_one new "clue"dur-
1111(] )pt no %varrienl hnd ioren Nerved.
ing the dny. It watt learned that A
•• There mixt IN, rcdrems fair flit-,
blonde women of regal beauty lino
and If th"t, Is i mhall hn%e It. Ny
made n pnrchame at n drug store on
turn is romInK. 1 Intenl tit Joring
the night of the murder and hnd
muit regnln.l ewrry mor• wh„ h:ol :u,v
then ordered her hnckdriser to talk*-
part lei thin praprrding.
her to ,Ashlnnd revenue find Summer-
•'May retain w'nm ranmacketl from top
to ImKtotn, clothing wits thrown
The pollee art• looking Mr tier.
:IhOut, Ietlerm were opeae-I anal real,
v41fen r►te.
Irictnrem taken dawn, allot m.,t11p•' fair
lor.ltea Mrs. Palnr'm Slasel.14'I'l. �
all i know, (-nrriel Uw•ny. it, fart.
(lie avholt- Itfln!m' w•41" "4•nrrhe.l.
anon Mel ,also fair Nirm.
Nr. Frsived mtntp-
"itr4 sa�"td' Io l'enit•.
� 1
I'+tine, Imdresl to -night n puhllc
mint, fn which he rkliculem flip 1-f-
The gniekrnes,e (,f till, polit,t• nn,1
foram of the police to fastpn 1.1nme
aloe Dlstrlet Allornry to .Iruy tint
MiNOR Il11trilinssll hnd lorn und••r
npnn that woman.
Thr only podatte of lnlere.l %hich
arrfwt rnumpd match oclnm.mt. Tis•
hr mentlonot seriously are flip final-
Dlslrlet Attorney mt:ited Irnmpd6flely
iffy; in Afrm. Tnlne'a oPllnr of an Olt
after Peter ha,l been relenmed float mile
land merely tape,) "Invilel tO come to
Itnd rnatel stovat lifter• which show-
the muperintemtent'a efllre to make'
-I no plana of having been noted for
U rrin lnal pOrp lar, nal him panphntle
rpatmofl mpvil,tnall,th•Ct therewhr hall
r,'it•ratlon of a statement already
lNeen arrested.
%idely pnhllmhel that Mfrm. 1'nln� Is
not the, my4cterlcnnm .inne Imp reamril
Rims iisteldneor) Iw toll, poolow a
In Mfrm. Bnrdbk'm counter divot
at "I fignnt•o, aml bait un attrnct-
h e hoer. Sh • IN well ehn•iste , high-
1,10 agalnert her husband.
1y rnitOrel, and 1114• nppearnnev
DRAGGED t`ROM HER 111:11).
are mrtnupr indican• refinement.
Mi.,'. il,tchhlNm castle herr :11"ant a
Mll.all11tehhwan Tnkpn lW(l4*aet(vd7
y''nli •lata, in er. 11or with her
nnottaer nn l 1-i"err, I'lorwrep, frum
and Ho%s• %, art'hrd.
11Aaf"iOn, Ont, I'poll arriving in 1h1,
Mllas HntNilnsm was In bed %then
clay, the ilntrhlnmrrem wi•nl lot live
five detectives arrived at IlerliollNe,
III a fn.hiemal-le lnnntll,t 111111x" on
On Ppb. 17th last the
nt No. 19 Went Tu r mlreel. 4hg-
%ram laild that Aurepri otendeffl 111111
Miain stlept.
Ilntchiunr,nn mord to No. Us wrml
wlmhel to scan her coneprnidg the
Tupper mtrevt.
Rnrdlck murder• and without atter-
NI,) !the %'nm Arre-Ircl.
lila n wort] of expnalnlnlion, rceept
It 1.11.0 Superintendent 111111 I -Anel
tit. being arnnned before her reptulnr
limP fair arl"in mile drpmmerl and total
tilt• follo%inx strtlpmpnt
the nffltrars mil wrnLhl aCrompAl„y'
"Ni"m 1lutritinsan was brought to
lw•ndgsarerterm nm n res It ill
them. 4
1" sir Irft her room two delecliven
it” identification h}- n hurkman
I rnnnnt rernll, roll,'
entered, Inpkina the door nfer-them.
t'nr nearly T,nlf an htnir th:•c ran-
w•Ir-e nnnle
•aid tll•it til,• %ontnse.wrom om, whim
drawers, rnmma vd tilrnllgli
! 111, t 14jontnirhr Theell an lnisti
n Read trinket anrl acrutlnited Ph
Ili-• mur.h,r. That IdrntificAtl0r
raphe which hnna on the wall.
of . las Rntahlnwrts's rmiv this a1'-
I rano, 1)0.iti%r Th" farthrr ri•amnnn
tines a prntr.t wam movie, lint In nn
1%rsr that n %vonnn answering flit
avall. TIIe officers said that It was
I ales:ripfilrn of List" w0mnn was mPrf
-•.- -L*-
by Patnllwau Meyer nt w'tx)ut 1.10
esslly %I," drtw,ed only I'y the rlluulr
al oiick 1'r:,bvy rousing let Bryant I
u! r uulrltle. .Au anti wua
wtreul cult lshtuttd mreuue, tllru
0 N
T fl
treat LII, but by ilio tlwe the fire
l; Lu,
near the Bunllck Impar. .A further
t n
lal.a[le arrived the ve-sisel wild be.
wtntpment leguAI, 1,v the uulhoritler
),md I rig srlvwt. Tile dl,fieulty a%-
• ! In l•twching her w'ttb h[rr•
%W1-' tlutt l yrwlllPgrw'muri tlipli %am
MI IAN IlUll'hIIIW4,1'w ltl•N1'Ipllatll N'aat
1A' tf{AA'' S Q
�1, 1-'U
-ti (UTill tllt
hlailuml(ll' n•
N•ra he the u . ,art of flit- cit,.
el l
In Itnelr.h lhP tluwl+r The .liar► hull
.Ilei part of tile• fruule%%ork are tail
h,s, well-known eitlarn. Who itu)-
t lilt t Iollatlllr.
flW N'UI W►11 tvlal 111111 aI1H IItlII I/awl
hal• wn). elati that wilt- wnrfllal to
'frill Through flt- Rapid..
get to ll tin ulld Tupper rtreetr.
MY"n Niltehtuso Boon leu Tuppe'
One Mall Killed Others Hurt
Tile) l Ulitte:tl war uuduubtodl% nue
„f Lite fiuert f•erh-water rleauierat
street lipid' Until rtTeet.
1 I
oil till• volltilll•nt. die wake,built its,
".Uld wf►y wus flit- wolmul relenm-
el:"' Super(ntt•lrlrnt !lull
Some Fatally
Toronto ley thin litertrum Co., 0116
than seto-
wax United.
••I "a1- Il4,t piawment Whell (till w1-,-
war 1W frrl lougur all,
bet built III Calluda. mile WAN tU Ill)
mal, UJU11l- od,ati•11WIltr to tilt• Ill.-
betwa-,u thlr city unit lluebec. and
lrkt Atlortey. I have- been inform-
war to leu furuirhod its a mutt la% -
el, huw•Psr:, that ilia. woulau o.al-
vinced her intern,gtitorli flout dhe
;J 1�
uriunil wnuuer. dill wall launclitd at
T"1'onle) lit 1'ebrtutry hers, year, and
aluld prole use Mibi by hpr mothPrp
utter tlelflg iusLrcted'uud passed L*
her winter, ulld Mlrr. lkwghliu, who
lion. L. J. 1'urget, tho 1'rerldcul u(
it the l,vulding houni, win+re Pine
lhu Richaheu A Outarlu Nu%lgotloya
lives, aalNe by it Woulall frielia(,tN'hl
CUlupAtl), ilia(] Mr. F. S. llllderrle•ewP.
wum urruelttat with thein Ile 111,1611-
SI%ty prop►r 1111411441-lbr„pitallo Tnxrd
the Uefecrul Muuuger, leu intet'erting
call lisatter'. Tll.t w4,111J1ll u'nm ri•lean,
..I IND auw• Wu, c oasinmd the
ig !'are lee. ,riot nt - Vrswc•1 %t'aA Ihr
question urume-could d1O under her
thorltew that she %Jar not tilt- atilt•
Irrgrhl and Newcrt lel' It. ds, 4►•
own 6,teiw uud with tewporary holl-
err mnku the trip (ruin I%uruulu to
whau tile) wuntaL.•'
F lert- North llall'a Million.
Montreal uud purr r:tfel) through the
Girl Entirely I1111ovem.
"DI 1 )Lw order the arrest of Mitriuu
11utei;Wwon. the ')ouslg wuwwl,n woo
wad taken to Nu. 1 Station allot I
i[o,kool oil'" tho lil-trlet Attorney ,
WU'd umke4l.
"I gue,as rile war nut arreatolt,"
NIi l Mr. Coutrworth. "I Ktleri llmt
.110 WUm blu,Ply arksol to gag topullce
lua.lquarturr to llutke u mlaltemrul ;
)u•t i1., Mr.;. Paine •awl Mr". !lull
N' rive. •'
"�lo lin't her attorney 4ay that
Aloe veno+ arrrrlol; that rile w'ar
wqi-cl.el 1114 locked he u cell,"
"Tote vurprl,e m•," raid the dls •
t1- ail at u o of
k Lletrter:+•-••f>�rlll u l to w
that. Ila,! sot heard of It. lklt I
call it•11 you thalt. 1 knew nothing of
that ')011nµ wem;lll nt jail. I was In
Jay oft f is e c Y f4u-
k u l r roll n esims. ill
A•I 1 + • PIe-
I IIIrlafl.nt of 1'ollce l'uvack t
prurat fur aaf to come to police I
laulquarlerr Imwnliately, aro le• had
v%un:u/ theto whupt h0 wantidme
to talk with. I hurrlal.to Head-
ituarteri lLldlding and found the
tunaµ weaman Ile mupl. Bull's, offii:e. 1
queodlom4l Iter anal found that mhr
forew ah.011itply nothing of tlr,caeme
out tohp wan IminneBrttPI,V alloweal to J
"If -lin knew nothing of the cam., '
why wive #,h•� arredttd, as rhe
via h114 ?.•
o til
'r i N r
'N I1. II • " let r. ('oat
ret t i I M
F 1 art Ion - 1
"1 I n t .1 •: r Lha u
n w r t q
doWt know• I think that 4tuA. Itself ,
and A,w►stint Nnp•rintervelent ('•
wick would be Ute only ones to an-
swer that qu obi tion. Tin girl wait
certainly m► morn Implhntal In the
Burdick raw tt.an you are, or th.ln
I aa), In a criminal way."
fluffnlo, ]gnreh 9. -Another eye-
wltio-ad of the lone, w0fl%-let is till.
Ilclnlick tpurior mystery wnm IPill•II-
111 ye4di-rday. He maw, at the Nuntm!•r
-street end of the '.trhll•el rl%cnue
bll.ek the woliltul tr:e:I by I'ntral-
ol tJ1 Never sill lir Pr%ant street
-e n %P, r 1
ro�) .loaf tin Idem•k. Tln• P is ll k 1 t
nlulu .(]dein tl:l. willowtrint Imic of
. %1'r'IN•1•, least It.l• luall %v wq x, n laxt
I.i!:I:l 111,1 tf."I what h• saOw4 or
li— nff.dri
110 1= l-abrit•1 R• -Il. it olrcl•il pa-
trolawit. - whet h:a4 the p.•rui snrflt
tr•.4t vs. Sowtjjwr ,4rrrt frum EIW-
wemtt inenuw` vir-- hillisnm.ntl avenge,
wl•i•1: Nlelu Ica taut blue;,. un �uuai-
tour -treat, Im tweeu Flm%aml, .%mh-
I.;i.:. Nurwoeal asd Ith•hmund ase -
I'll .. Lio_,K,dtta ime duty every wAlit
t Kari) con ilia :4m1 14 lea witch
:.tit fewrtin�lll' hat% been on this
•.,t m.•%.•rnl )r, rtm anot tilt• espt:n-c
: 141-Tu4, by re,io pts on the vtree•t
-n I. til^ , nnU41 in s: . '
• \v1' clot patrotnln�nnd A truthful
n.I llmroughl% roll.•► Ir w In. lac
"Ahc.ut L".aU caclnrk, or 1►rtwc#-u
ail. 1s, holo pn•1 I_.t:A-It cat•tllnl�
could riot luso been tat r than
1_.4:1- o'clock -I saw a etr4 a wo-
nuui nt tie [rummer ntrcet �ml of
th•1 A Akland a%enue block. 1\ wnm
orating along `ummer rtret om
th.i wrwt.h,war,l A\ hlnnd a%enn�11
lhp uiqu•iL•e male of till- mtrr,•t.
ant th„ Wtwann tl4.tinctl). I i. Nei
to plUrU her uud could riot, and tier
own action. ruggrxt..l 6,110 wren a
4t r:ulgpr. Nie certnlnl) WJr not
can,! of fill' u,ual frrquen:erm of tine
l,.orogKhfar,• or I would ha%n re-
Ow'dtel her. 1 lh[wght it sol
strarrora ani unusual that a x1ranap
wor.nn .lonld IN, (tilt con rout, tam
ill' wnm, Alt that hour Rend plae•,
an•1 I flr•it ra:ralhd With too foot
ser ti� trot to httrtlo her,- nn I thpn
tappol will. my vtick. ,
stir Did Not Conte (lock. -
•, Cl.c• nlUuli•ilt ,hp lwurd It and
"n N' Ity.. rf.e started on up Ashlnnd
n%W111". nn thi! vast mialo of tilt,
;4trtrl. I watelml her for n Yew
ruflnpnt• an:l then turned Ioick aa•tia
to Aletllnn,l Revenue, mo that if slit,
hnd 4(teitlr;d or had l,tarel lmlpk to-
ward Sumaivor latter;. i wont(] meet
!.1-r it1loI w•e If air was lost ler hint-
ing Inr nnyone4 home. SIU• stn ,
cot in xiKut awl ns,)- fire! AiKht of
lips w.m let) l:lmt.
"abe wit, :t gco( mY4lhlm-mi1.41 wo-
nvu fr•twren l+",0 and 160 Ioulld4
'I e1- L JI v1, n1, hr t I 1,h sag ht
1 % t 1 k
+ u. + 1 • th-i It
fru her c1, sit c t lits t t
wo. a c.tp nip wore. IIaIG Meyer
4;4►1 1 arra sant+-;.,.+1 1, ail film W0111aal
w flit, rauu, woman he Paw nt flit•
Bryant 4lreet end of the block sit
1.10 or 1.13 oidock that night• 11
vertninly roold not hUV0 tak,•n h •r
from :111 LO 45 minutev to walk
from Summer street. to ftrynnt
•Rant on Amhlnnd menne itolelr" hhe
dtorelmtl on the way.
helot nl"l Mo)vr ta@e the lone
womal, entirely npnrt from Joey.
Rall w,rs her v:ilhll two minute.'
walk of Burdick'4 haeuwe, a nlrAnger
In the block.'whn ha-lrnm a%%U % renin
lilt, on her wily Ie -ling to or di-
roctly pn.t flip Burdick halve. Mey-
Pr Nc•4W liar ilrabably' 40 811' 50 mile-
ulr4 later. within imir •I minit"'r,
walk, or the Bnrdirk hnn•r, corning
frcrn or hist flip honor, and !Irr
wily, %Incl' 11014 milw I,rr, h:n1 led
ter t!irertl) past the Iturrllek home
nt the very our the dcaclor who
flroet r%nmatxtl the hfwly mays Bnr-
flic•k. wpm killed.
T1tt- IA ad.
N, Jikmilo, an italin11 laborer, 1411-
do)el by til.• ail. T. 14 Ile diel of
ai (ructurwl mkull two traaverse titter
being taken to the hompitni.
Will probably Die.
Evill massive, :1_ yeure#, buderwuker.
*plate fractured lural dishlcutrd;
puritl3sed field in a crith•ul }oudt-
t hull.
later, mt. (Iermun, :f7 year., a plLlnt-
rr, onwe Injuriem used exeudltion Jed
White, Willi the arklitloa of a brok-
T a •ice.
u ort 1 o in u
u lel"1 it t rnul
IIu411y 111juri•d.
Geo•gr Thirub•y, _7 ypal.v. frac-
t , e.,
ore of t i end u lel t ai
II 11 h
K .
i Mersi i leo.
lel s r
Juhfe O'Sullivan, lee yearn, hpival
rjuries alll contualunr,
Jansen N'. Haugh, elm of Malla-
ger of Nunlr•ul Wink', pullet tit.
t'harles, '•t yeftrae. bruINW allot C00-
tu0-i,um, fracture of th gh hone.
Il:uoll ThownA, 1:: )purr, 1a1411y
cut and bruiheet about that head
and Ing. '
Jtu.Arll Brown, sun tit Dr. Brown.
sherbnoke dtreet. _1 )earm.'con-
euKoluu et the: brain.
K•low ani 1LPIro%*•. iu years. r.zrN
lel, fracture of skull.
lel 1-s 1 un,il. ' -
11c• t
Junie,i Ilorl•y, iii yearm, cats 0
CoAll ('nwpbeli. _Ai year", hevere-
oun t 11 ala ail m,
Jowph %erner, a1 year", traetur-
el thigh.
Trunk Dufresne. 441 ye:ara. thigh
mvriondy crusbsrl.
Emile Ch most, '33 years. fraclur-
e,l It•g.
Arthur Bill:;', ii yp.srm, Injury to
. Samuel. UcBrhl•. Ill y'earm, frae-
tlle,l thigh. '
C 11. Mehdisth. 10 yraro, iu}lry to
i lac .
11. Flannignn, IN years, fractur-
e, l leg.
Ileeri mt. Martin, mkull fractured.
1'olicewwn S. Schu,lu,•t.legbrokeu.'
'171ere i� a hong ItAt atf per4oflm'
%ilia mlllor lujurlem.
JL,r.lreal det,lntch tic' de ilia, .t%'r
nru likely to tile, six %ray boldly all-
jurel, flfty-flee more ler Ips. di4-
ab'al and confind Lo llurpit,a41.
worm, of other. m:ightl) bruos.rl ler
cut, wall tilt, I4rw of aha flower of
tai-• ]t. t 1►. fleet, i -s tho rrmult of
ti..% Iterating lust flight of themte3ne-
er Montreal. The lorw of ilf.• ,lead limb
e-kwlauger uud Luehiuu Itapiltn, ler
wuulo It be ulceimster)' to Luke her
down lag halve.': Objeetiuflr were
rotated Gut Lilo inanagrweut do-
eidel to ruu'tho rlmk of tukiug the
vaaael down lulact. Old offal e%perl-
(-faced p:loth were, ong.tged, uud, of
err waiting let lit. Louied three day.
fur c.11w wcitthcr, the trip this! fur
having ►m•ru hardy trade. the prow
wan heatdeol twvurdr the rapidd.
.Ap.trl, from it dight mimllap tat tilt:
hrgiuniug tho %easel went lhruugh
without apparent itljar), but nn ex-
amiuution later showed tlmt it Frick
had mlruck the hull, meexrttatinK u
e at I later.
rvu4vul of snwe of 111 ea p
TJIm %p.6,el gran then taken to rk,rel
to be finished, but a strike auluug
the workmen caaused her to return
• e N r r a tt•d
to Muntrclll. whir h r w
user winter, ilia unusual thing fur a
spar.•: of her title uud 0a:ue;
The 111.arant-•.
Stnntor forget milt til -slight tout
altuougli film cuwpnusy Jowl adl•uc.a d
ulxlut ila:l_5A.0J, the sa!%x•1 w•AN rlill
ill 1110 liuuik+ of tau• B••rtrau Com-
Iwul). Tile It. A U. Cumpuuy hell the
.n.ul'ance IN,l.l:icu a1- s;wutity', which
were rmpla to wave them frum low.
Thr Nrnator cool 1 riot team'! til:, cow -
panic o; tutere"te.l. Tile Montreal Ili
.wtlmatt l to bo.worsh about :$.-IIU:
iN)tl. .%notller'%emm.1 will b• baht to
t 1 e art laic .
There will lo• an official invedtbg:►-
tion 1pto liar. cause, of the fire lwd
aline of the iuca viAlK of til" oll"41.
Turplito, Marc:1 9. -Mr. John Ber•
train wsim mien let his home till N'nl-
Je r Faded Lows, slight by a relorlt-r.
.cn.t \shit• he d,cU,)r-d to give purti• n-
Inrm ns to the coeupnnleN inter, tot.A.
he paid that the host wan fully ill-
Aun-t, and ]gild ls•an a!1 along. "I llay.•
tams. ro-turloe 1 frum Buff:'I •,' m;lGl Nr.
Rrrirnm. "nml know notbiila nloul
:h:• fire, P%o.'pt wloat al,prared in lb,•
Iliffulo pap;'riv.'
Mfr. IL Fcwte r Chaffre, local agent
for toe Richelieu #I Ontario Naotiga-
tion Coul:"iny, coufirtu"I what Nr.
nertrnw mi i regar ding the ve-e^I lh,-
iaa fr11ly itahan•4.1. lir wail the lows or
the Montreal w-oull not Interfn ra,
Willi trip set -vie • of the Rich I cu ok
Ontario. Navigation Com{muy thlh
Aunoner, The Montreal wus Inten•1.v1
ism nn nklitional bteamer, un•I til.•
sersicu to (Joelm'C %till by equal, nt
Icamt, to VvItist Il Iran be•n.her4' lofore,
h)• using the mseamer Beytupre. for-
,,;"Iy the Mlontieal. 1718 #,teatner
Virginia, which formerly run between
ilnitlmcsre and Norfolk, finm lfl^. n lail-
ehnme L by Ute it. It U. ('ontlareny, and
will be put leu fur the Kaguenny mer-
LILCO multilttrle endeavoring to wit -
new tl•e slsa:tacle frum /ha' Is•mt
c burnin
n of sk•sv. Te.
loth Gh• w It K
%eeret'I 1ay Ile tart cuhtom house b.lr:n.
watt tl.p .Attain wharf, oil which ttood
tho frnln•work supforlm :u1.i rufv•r-
ul Lill- freight she,!, the fruit rides and
ro(,f I,u%lug boues rl•u►usc.l fur Lha
winter. Tao plane packed threu-
•,eheh tm•neath tills lrngil.• dfruc-
turp, uu.l vtmmi uthrrr, presm.d fur
,p,ce. cli•ylxd, Lease tlftrr ,ulothrr,
all the 41peo Of the Ah441, and perch -
1 in gl-w t numta!rt leu the rufl,•Ir+.
o loulice trioti to preaunl such a
.—. tut•nt. but it war uultob�lhl •..
Tf.c) c%cn at the (lent iurwll 114.11
to stay- the crowd frum nppro.tching
tl.e, wlutrf, but their effort.% were ail"
nothing below such a hull Of p,a,-
plc•, ,1.outbig and excited.
Freight Shrel Collapw•el.
T1.0 fire war nt Ltd height, elle
flallsrs #,hot across taw froacn d)kp
Unit threftlenel to scorch the faeem
of the nearest ontookpra, the Wharf
enclosure, w.w one ewaylug masa of
Lnllutnity, the appro%chee were
-rowdal tl:o revetment wall wav
hlncli Witt, people, Comini-mionere
4tr4d nil(] the thoroughfurcw lend-
ing to it were overrun with men, wo-
turn, children, vehicles anal shouting
cninress, and tlio whole city w•t"
,•stir, w'hpu, with little %•nrninga the
frnmework on the wharf collalr>rd,
earr)Ing rafter. and glrlettr aflit
+ctea mina b intim down uiron the
iclple-sm throng betipath, ami hurling
and knocking other out Orlon the
r it.
• 1 •Iran. hetwe n I
•o1, i l Ir
r in tilt >, t
r 1
.n f nn.l t
hr 1 u Ulu sh >.
w1, r K 1
Tl.e p%ct4pment, which already had
beem nt - n high pitch; 17mamn to=i
tell-•, and mllualit. of alarm'
In Neth 1.ngli.h rand French filled tilt-
air. The different hc>+)ntnlm were
immelinlely notified. Unit moon the
crowd nude way for thn "tretchpr-
Imrier••. Maultlmn the pollee and
w111Ina hr114•r4 proreateAl with ilia,
work of rescue, rnWtng ail.•, blenm"
Unit rnfler•+ from tho nnfortlin•it,,
onps, nnrl nmmbdinK Others who were
:umonK tits Injuril.
Mea r cmittnnudass Te led liar Killing
a Iirld.11 Ot1+4 cr.
Jtlot-mronfi-I 1. Nar•1. it)-Tla+ trinl
•of linreml CPllierm, on lir oloarg' of
111100 1K ll,leul. IfovIP, nt f,lndley, In
111110, ham r'emultel In the noglllttal
of the norumr.l.
I.irut. iMyle wam taken primoner In
ilia- Orange Free :ante, and shot by
Crllirro, who wnm re hoer command-
nlll. it awn" r%Ihear'd that hr had In-
curred hoer hatrel owing tO his bP-
ina 4'Illployell t, ('pnoosing fnmilles to
tilt. cunronLl'nton enmpm.
Lien(, lloyle'N mister came out from
F;ngland, made dillgd,n( oenrch for
tape* brother'm holy, anti induced the
nuthorlllea ill fast to undertake flip
:At the trinl the pri.onpr'm defenoll
wam that Ifn had Acted In areOrdanee
with the nrtlrr of IiI. muprl/r offl-
pw', the Into ornernl I'lolllp Bothn,
uud was thrrpfore protected by the
laws of war.
il4m!p(tal.t Tasted 10 lisp VllstNs.
Tho hompltnIm tbmw• open their
,loon,, Jim]. after flip rrlellcal rorpm
Imld glen much nmaintance on the
wpot, n prcmr-sislon of nrTnl%Urincem,
cabs•, Other %r•hiele4 nal permnnn
nfcN't, with broken arnsm or calm
anal bell"". followed by a crowd of
tlloll"illela, fro%"] tu1snUlm then.
6"s,. plmcef or r,ltpr wprp Illernll,i
leldegel, nrhl Notre Isame Ho•pitni,
Idtta the naintet, wnm great I) tnxf-i
Not only %•earn the hcmareltaln, Notr•
lessme ami the lieenenal to particular,
ret time end of their n,menatr•pa In pro-
vldinsc n4irr, Imt sluany persons
precaval towanlm the doors, with
n,)xlortrl Inlnlried for mbalna caned,
Nnm►I,ta of taw slight!) Injurr.l %cent
home without mellal aeslatnnee,
wMte otherop left the h expitalm lit-
ter their wonmlre fwd been dremetrd,
ndl 411,1 not Imrtvp their nnmew Thr
wrtmq iineNs'r of tile. 1reItiml, there-
forr, cannot Tse bmoreertainel, hilt It
M hellert+tl a hnmlml In P:iooily %Ilh-
in tam, mart. It Im remarkahle that
mnrn pe.via'nm %sere not kllle,l out-
right. The nlnln thing that sonveal
titr•nl %nm %hl- 1,,w•newm or the stnic-
film and tier gradual tapering. Thr
erow,ks t-se11aat li wen• Lorne dow n
rather than kncN'kel down. nn l Ihr
weight wnm not mnfflcirnl 10 enimli
tem iTad Wntrl• I"n 111 flip h"mfr
ltmdcad of Ice n nnmlr,r umlonbted•
Iv would hair, leen drlwnel.
Trip Iturnord Volmmr•l.
Tho %arwcll wwm nmlergMng the flail
Imhing tolkell m, an•l t r• prvmetw,e
tltwro'Ore, tit hol000 nppnratna fol
ll,e men, A Quphva! heater an] at
option Icon grime is M'llernll to hnv.
e4twml the fire. A w•atell,man wn
moWrof at the time, bait the appar
1 � i , I (
ii ITS
Aly 1-D B G
Bill ill Pennsylvania to Reward
Ha a lsbia rg, Pa., IIL'I mll lo. -!f - Mtr.
iliunUe, n, canwroa c•,unty, had him
wa), llc•re %sill I"e no lle-.d of fnl'-
tber waroing-, It� liremhleat Boost• -
%ell agaha.l. til- tl:Ulgpr of a balling
r,ff to flittive-burn Ir.pulation in
the Cnittd Statem. Bluulle, wha iA
% r l- i I-
s ,• + 1-r n u e Ic e 1 h I
IAm elf ih Inr 1 [
ren, this foreuuml intrinhureal nn
act of Asmembly which maker 1114'
(i,mnlonweulth tilt- patron nod
I+enerncfor Uf all Peul•Opmmflll mull'ellm
wl•l their offmprinK. Il In eulillel
".An act to sulr6,t.dto IUrgp faml-
IIeIA and presll.• flit gob(] mrdreld for
m,AherN of large fxwilirm."
Amusw tho prmisionm ie. this:
".Any I:1%%fully oru'rit•ol wunutn
N Ir, IN Ilw moth•4• of mtC children
Alntll rued%v 1$10 in In Otry Unit it
ten.lollar gold nie,bil. Asty I:n%-fuhy
lnrtr 1,`d evoutnn %%h.% Lt the author
1-f little ch;Idrca mhall rpCl•h"e I;,r_'tl
Dt uwue) Ju:d It gold m,•dnl of Ahu-
Ila rnlup. 1113 t•sw-lully ntaarrlcd
wo lel the mother of l;%etve ehll.l-
ell ill recri%r 'S:, i11 CUNII au.
r I
-tt - --elf - t -i' a p-
�� iiairpin eN 1 Ann
a•qW y
Istwfnll) nut•rrird w-onOln wits, b4 the
mother of fifteen emioreu 'hall re-
eplve 450 Ili coin of lire realm wool
n me al of th•• Ailing- value."
The act nlstr prmlled that-lvvery
heseulh mm or daughter of nn)
lawfully ulnrrlel husbaml nn,l wilt..
"hall Ge ealurateal 113 and nt tar
expense of tho Commonwealth lit
an) rectnol m• nendetny ler college
demiretl h3 mald mon or einuglrter,
provlleel that cost mhrrll nut ecceed
it Im name lepeeiflNl that the Gov-
ernOr 0-bnll olemlgn the nirdaly, atilt
may make much chnnwem nn Iw may
sec• fit front time 111 time,
Ttm fltmt de41Kn xuagexLrtl eta Mfr.
nine L4 that of ja yeailng hay
tree. In other to mn6e the net
Operative it Is prti%H,A that every
Imythrr clnlinhlg the provioyi.Utd of
the act mhrrll file n certifiento In
lam Court of Quarter Sg-m.loslm, Net-
ting forth flip pre,misp upon which
the claim f" 11Als.1, and that Il
mlinB. salon Mefrlg fli(A hr 4iromptly
certirtel to the AwlitorAlenernl,
The enlly elcepllon fonde b It�Knlnat
Ipg,%jt) dlvorted women err those
Ihing apart Inlets theur Immh,en,lm.
tJ R Et
Declares He Hopes to See �t
Iluclaeurunoa ter Plaseacla llslnleg
to be tbo real Mlarla Gautlrlupe.
Opinion. am uuw' dlvMed betwcwa
tier asset Fellp4a Buis, who lu"irtr
that 61he IN n,Jt Mturia. (ilii+ hse,4
fl41w t:pl,n urreoi 1, and her m.or
Id"i. till' Autwewrluu to the• 101-01'.
e•rty aro deckalreet t0 lee null. Tb,
farm servant flow final" Ithraw-l( leg-
ally warded to the retail t?) Maria
Ifaudm JupP, Wholes Ile had Rev'r
.e. -n Lefurr,
e t>tl�e
M'as'se-Veve�•m_Per O r
Col. HI•udrr.e:u I,lvase. Ni• li..•e %"r I
Ill.tocy 1'telhaiahrd ON1r, wt oki,im ,
DI4onIpla-n.• . Nnw11y ('1411'1,
• . e 1 1,d pret
:grin - I a 1 a
1 tlnlx,s liup )1 ft
Isla liar Hto Nether.
A Loa•lun oablr: Lunt dp•uc,r,
the) I.Ihrral I.vdrr Ln the IiuuN, ler a
I.OrdA, mpe:tklug tat Aceriuwtua 111,41,
ulglit. replied to the crltlel=Ulm of
hln "perch Laat SaturdtiK. alld wail
hu %•ah ILIA slrollgly Ile (4001' td
Husere Itale u•1, Riser. but th.tt• he Ile-
lieto 1 It waul,l b1- e%eutually cyuced-
441 h)' th, 1'nl,nlAt party.
Iwrnl Spear:l•'A speech, to wllirh
41 ill-
Ri e•f + • 1, w•nm 1 .all let B r
h t lir 1 u
it hr
harm, uud in the eourx•• of
xall that Heinle Jtul. for lrt 1114
'•wax %a-ry dlhti►to4, uud that It ,
1 l or -
1 [, . N• 1 U , 111 I f
% lel 1, 1 hal ullUc. t I b
womixt." .
lie had alwuyd believed that it
with more prlbitble that tali, Ca-
buiht party wuul t eventually car-
ry natant, mt•anter" of a.•If g,nerfawd11t
fur frelauab, then theta the Liher-
idn would 4111 1-,1. .
fish 1%urk l'nlisli;had.
A J.owlos• eatolr: 1'ol. Get). ll.
Hen,lerinu. direeta• of military Lil-
ielligenve to South Africa, did Jit
(, ell.
» , . at l 1. H
.A 111 assn b: • % t t •Q:
4, I 1y
derAon; %sh,t w rote a "I.lfu of S1011e-
unli Jackmlla;' %Vale writiur til' of-
ficial hfmlory- of the South African
%air. %%111011 ht• lour left unfhushed.
lilt went t,. Egla pt Ln bud Ite-10 b,
%%illi the Il<t of recuperutlnw. Thr
pulserK J,u blllh long r-ulugi•4lic obit-
tenrtem lei ham. regro-ttiug that he
dill not li%o• to w'rlte hi.4 cuuteen-
polatr•d '•Life t)f tieseprul Robert E.
Lee,•' for which h„ halal 1"•eu eol-
Iecting mat.•rial•+. Ile aline had pro-
JPet•ol a '••Life e,f lVellinglutl."
Pra1m fur Iler Manhole.
A Drpst/!a , ett%on3 eablc: little
Prince citulge, uldrsl soil otClown
Princ.• Frederick. wis. mimsfn; from
Ute 1•::I.:c�• yl-aterday, null fur se%-
pral U lura+ lain . t Corm and the
Ih,11WI10:d 4•fflctals vloere 111 clan-
Oteruntion. The fliVO1'ite rumor
wus th-tt. Ute Prince land Gera ab-
duetett Ily agent:• of lei" molter,
til.• f:•rtuor t'1•o%sn 1'rince.e 1.•aliORl-;
lilt til^ bey w'aw fourttl praying to
Ili'• cathelraf that his mother
sili}ht rptluil. Ht• with In an Jswuti)
of tvar, anal mupphcatious.
The Sociabotle ' ore uringy the
Urow-n t'lliscesle vi,b,lhb• aur political
agitation, neat the wilopulurity of
lhu Saxon monarchy npp.•Ure to
hsse IN•r bay IleigpTtsb d,
IC cw 1-lgre (,f 1'rince.s U41 t hi:d.•,
Aimter of til,, Crown lh'Ines., waN
nrranLnlcll h% a 'o N'.
t c1- 1 iu ere of
the princlpal hhoppitig Atreets of
Dre,Nlea. nuc .ILiy' Gtst wet!k, atilt
criew of 'i;i%e tilt our Iw11dse;,.
w•nre ralA#• I, Princess Nalhille %vnm
W, fri.;hlcwd trial, wheat flu, po-
lice n•atcht•I flit- Acme, sir wit" ea.
caartr,l tutu a 0-hnp Strad v%eutually
%%eel. out I,y th.• reUr dour asset
Lomeli alleth•'I• enr'rlawe home. ye%-
i•ral slmflar Inei into, hilowin„ tier
uulopulnrily of the royai huuwt,
hn%e 4mcnrre4l Alnce tilt• ngttatliit
cause! by` the HOpculent ref the
Princpso, Imalme, lout slone 0f them
have la•en meutionirl iu ail.• Il.•wm-
papers of DI-volell.
11 (m a la irge lulpurler of viatOlhe.
11814.11 Glmmlm.
I.onank, )larch 10.-lirlttmh In411a.
according to a telue.-took Ismuld r•-
cently, ien(m.rtrd lead; year nearly
twenty million imrun,lm worltt of
grey, while curd adored pipet- goal"-
_I1411,711,:a11 yard". Of thi. quaain-
tity the., 11:sllteol Isingdow Peut L'4,•
1475 worth.
Iter tin Inlpartm amolnited to
L106.1?2'9, lmd tea vxlm%rts total-
led L.5,488M.-11. Nearly five million
ponndd worth of this was ernt to
Toym a l teluimitpN for games
Inlltorted from the Unite.! Icing-
do 0
m nm notal In L 1' ►
ill t to LTS et
trOOka n d
n slat matte t r (
P .w1,
r c L 1 3„ -
1196i alp L (M5;_Jewelry L;158-
:i.iil; tnT/ri>'eco�141,a64; itnA,rellast,
tim'- illi; rarrinarm find enrtm,
L 171,647.
Terrihlr It.a%agro, ill' ilia• 1',June
Assonm (hr Pe•oplr In India.
dstanlrt, ML 1,t4 -h Q0.-i,U-t, we4-k ,nor
L'1,rA10 clmUlm from phsa»e orcurrd
In Indln. Chlef eonlrlbtttorm to thin
frerinlArible total were: Bombay 1'reo-
ldanry, 11,7(8; Punjab, LkH''; il'ligal.
",757 : send united provbi rem, L',SIO.
Thr dentin for the week In Ih+mis'ly
,itv aggregat4Nl lJ43, flgnrew repre-
mes,t.na n tenth rate of iN) per 1JAII)
1"•v nnnnm. Tine mortnllty among
Enropearlm wnm nt the Pale of linty
8.47, bail ntnmng the nnth•enr the rp-
eord wild r\cepUc/nal. %'Pry few Of
lhO dlmtrletA In and nbout ilombrey
city aroapeal with less than a threw-
flanre, into Imer 1,(M. TrfdW. the
.Inlet rellpmel their own record with
n mortality rain of 251.1112 pPr 1,(100
per nnnnm.
lir. F.. P. Ft.Nll-s, of Tor Ito, will
etira. from the city' merlee.
41atoulo turnituie m4nuhsetua4+r
unto atltalocdl prlcrt 10 per cent.
Mr. Phillips Thtmnp.,oa bar rmdgu-
'.1 the, wrr.•larymhlp or the otivixie
1'ov i'lli4t I.t\ague.
TI,o 0tria.11,tu Northern Hallway
will %1W1:d ie million and u halt .leo
tho 11'11.111'•g terminul.
Two emp:uyeei of the Kingcotcan
Ppulte•Ilti•:t were di,ahurapd for
'air)lug 1,uprt fur consicta.
Tho la•;u ing of .t. Jamar' eIr'ctinn .
env,• in the, mupremP Vourl waauua-•
clu•4'd and judgmeat rox+rved.
Tw•a m onthv f,,: feature mtudy have
Ie•4•u ucllt•i) to the third year course . '
,l the o. A. t..
Th•• D., F'ol'eh[ 11'irelrmm Telegraph
t'!uilmn) ler Vauada )m" ubtulurd au
t httdri0 charter.
Judgmrnl wan alien Against this C.
e t tw C ser
'. n N'Innl f til hr tl
1' I, t n
r.'y:,r fiug tasatiu'l of Enid
'I`he D.,t.,r%ic, Nan., hotel nett po,rt-
4fiv., wo : INlrnd. The hotel oects-
I tc uta ell.
•.al a e,eCa ;.• f 1, t- 1,r n b l n
, It 1 t il K
lir. P. l'. lVade, K. C., Winnipeg,
title# best i,11polllfr,l til J,m,al1,L In Prr-
patluK til•• cam+ for the Alamka Bo•tn-
,!:try Cummirrlos.
'17141 Go%ernment Ilan droidel to
cull for teud,ors for an Atlantic
.•tralpAhtp w,rvice of ,16. 1N and Lt
kuuth redpo•atively.
t hirf Ju;,ticm \furs haw been ap-
Io4nteal Administrator' of Ontario.
itself will otters th,l l.egitiliaiture leu
March 10th. Sir orive.r Mowat print;
u,oapucilate•1 Gy' IIl1lrrs. -
l' ilit'n I r
• Of iulm of til U 1
'tilt rte
r u ndrrrtunil
partmerlt oro unnbl t a
wish IA)M Ktrnthcuua ml'unr by
tits rtttempnt am oahlet from Los-
doa, tb ll an arw nal' Ir being rn-
tabllshed let Ottawa.
A stew- regllnput 41f lufanlry In to
be url,alize,l In tb.4 flurry r;uuomt
Di-triet. It Ls likely that litebeed-
quarters wiil b1- t Parry titoutt.
Lend the compw+i •.m drawn tr•om
points adjoining.
A dehptttch freero Montreal rP-
ceully. mtutiilg thin tam C. 1'- It, -
uuellt ele'ris. to ill.• Itumber of 400
were out on leltike, ad entirely wth-
(ni t fou"tt4/u. Thu C. P. It. im n t
peace with itm enlpldyeem.
There Is rejoicing In aienrkaunae,
Mich., the little firhing hewlet, over -
lite lrewr that the eight fhnber•e who
were carrlel tout Into Ore,u Baty
by un Ice fine aro Aute.
Peter Oran ler, Regard :,3, commit
t•d Nuiride tit Nnplptln ole aaturciny
le)_ taking n whole box of rough ole
rats. He lilt l for risme hourm after- .
wird. 11•, Gad boa;u d.'a.inapoh•nf for
.,IIU•• lime. .
.Arinugena•nt4 are Going made for
U. clow, aLllatiou of Trinity
Htalictl College , with Trinity Vol-
tprvit). New buildingw will bag
encl.w. P
Toe rlchemt man In 7turrla, Nikolai
Terehtchenka,, her dist died, In title
85th year, leasing property saluel
I fI(X)LX ),tYJ0. For more than fitly,
yearm he ham beets Vise of the curl-
ohltiew of Mtoscow•.
.Al it Iliamm leveling h0-1 at Victarim,
Il. t'., on Saturday night a 70soluliuu
Willi pato"cel stalking that Dominion
(;mernment to givr British Columbia
rolorem•11fat iota un the British sloe of
th,• L`nunbtry Cbplmilemlon.
Mieliu_,•l O t'unnor %Its-kliicd lea thu �--
C. N. It. Ret Mattawau by Jumping
frum a ralmomeo stud ro10nK resider th"
%hi4+4 .til iscw•st w -n" hold anti a
%erliet of acciiental detsth relurnett.
Dr. 1:. 1. Sm►th, Baptl4l unlmosiou-
ar), ).at Jumt urriveml horaw ole fur-
lougl, trots India. IJe rt•porl i that
the whole country in which the Bell-
tl4l .suii,ciun. ore hituutwl had billion
Inun:nlpel Willi water, cau4inggrent
Ali iuterp!iting test wall made Ret
M Ohll College, Montreal, Ou Kolur-
lay In tilt• prese►ecc of lion. Meana.
Prpfoutainp nn I Sutherland, in pur-
A111111ev of tit., Idea to lay it cable,
alanK til.• ht. I.a%%rpaC41 channel and
regul•tte, Ili,- Inanition of nhlpm b)' 16r -
coal Itlo,truilarnt".
.1, .1. Krlmo,.►oup(-rintenlant of ueg-
Ircta:l ehlldren, reperlm that he to
daily is reea'Ipl of letters stating
that hnmem are available In the pro -
since for buy. aml girl" in rot it car
fur the hcip they can render•. Nearly
all Ute• lnmate:4 or Lar charitable In -
1 t e m hi s e
wt till nes .f1-. h I n til k c lel l
I ,
b e. n foster huruem.
n I ec I 1
Swede- Pn.h New •• Mlilk Flour"
Nnchbnc Ill'.►Inn1 Forrign ('tiu,itr(rs
`'tockholin, M•ir•h 10.=It Il nthborl-
tath'el) muted that'the "exmlrhttur,"
ilio newly -invented maeliltip for ex-
trneting •milk flour" frmu mkiui-mllk,
ham withmtoo.l all ll•mtd hi the dalric•n
of the world, roto will shortly ts,
piner41 im•xl,le ilia• Nrparator n. nil
urtirl:• of utility.
It IN esti ated that flip Insrntlnn
vi11 <leld a profit to the• Swedish
!Inlry Indnmlry or $_,000.000 annually.
v machine 1!ppnhlp „f workloa
through ",14M rynnrtm nt m11k In ten
It!;nl•a will cai.t from $1,000 to $1,200.
A Iimttel cnmmnt i, nr Swrdl"h enpl.
t+lllxto ha" of tailmO patent" Ili moat
foreign eountrlem.
Preull,r ('till- ate Nlimnkcn Identiiv
%pprnrm IN Spain.
Ml iorll N:ireh 10.- An r%lraortin-
hry came of mistaken Identity Im
Imnlln(t lire hihniolttntm let the ,an-
lortitnt lora l'f I'Inmenoin WAR-
cerer+). ,
Nine- ypars ago "miss linihlnlnpr,
tilt. olnugGlrr of a s%"II-til-d.1- f.arta
Pr, .elrt•,tppeorvol, 11noI am nOlhinw
'n"ir0 %via , h -nrol of hl•r, she waw
given nil fur lost, Twat/ )earn little
n )(,link, wnnings h asking rihh 111:,
(-stmt, Into tlt., town, and was r•rog-
nitel h) told recganintancen of Maria
(;nndnlnpp nm 1h• mi•ming Prrmam.
Tito new comer protemtral that sho
wnm not Starlit Grandnlope, lint Frl-
ipn nota, n nntivr aif M ur•rell) Mtll-
nOt. Ant tier di-nHI-4 w•pre of 110
n%all. 11fvl til,• relletivem Insl.teel on
her tnkl!iw pnsmrsm;on of the la -rat.
Age left by Mlnrla'a father. I;wbme-
rlurntlp hlin marred n ycalna fnrier
A few day" nate, a woman made be
DRIIIit, ANfi I uKE1(tiV.
It in repurtr"1 tlaet the C. P. ^R,
anal the ti. T. Jt. will wxm oppu of-
fice; at /lrinlol.
:A muccemafnl attrl hate 1►Pen maele
by the expretlflon operating against
tilt, Mild Hullala.
fly. C. Lelith Itemietl, member of
Parliament for the C'hertmey othholon
of Surrey, IN dead.
Rev. R. J. Campbell Willa appointed
to the pa-Lorato of the famous
City Temple, Lualdun.
Solirit0r-li4mrral C'nuplm•ll has been .
, Ivet,A mi mliter of Parliament ttoa
Dublin 1.Olve-volt.r. 1,1 muerensiun to
Nr. I,erky, who loan remlgnel.
A de,slu a It frmu Tangier. Mforncro,
t•t4'plwrd nt I'nrle, xaym a ontirlor who _.t
heir jurat nrrivtrt from Fra announcer
the enptura, of the• pretemlPr.
Bimhore Korum, of Treves, urrmany,
ham %% ithalrn :an lits Mlet forbidding
Catholic prar,•nt,i to meat their chlld-
dre n to lion-VathoAct "choole on pairs
of being refutw-I UbmohntlOn.
A bill hem been intrar.lue•d In the
Ilmlhe of C'ummous by Dr. Robert
.tmlrome, 1t. i'. for IVrmt Mayo, tO
remove trip dlmrbllitips of Lie Jesuits
and member. of other religlou"
Orlerio. C,
According to Aho 11[aar-I of Tradr
reLvirrlm Ot eso iarttion to Comades,
flip dep%rturem during February w•prP
effort, than doable thome, of February,
ILK/_. The total for the print month
Wit. 7,0"5, rovnlmll•P,I with :%SL'6 for
the .fine that montlim of last year
TGe 1:,;,o alt• Fmriet wtys that when
f�inw F)4rivatlt mttirtm for the mouth of
1 r:u,re, et tilt- en 1 or thin month or
tha-beginning or April he will land at
Cherhourg, and have AJI Interview
Willi 1'riv.,d0lal Loulw•t PlthOr nt I'll riot
or on Ills, irony tte\the. Riviera.
Dr. Aumtin Peterm, ('hnlrmnes M thr
Mlalne board of (tattle Commlmmion-
ermr fonn•l n came of tool-end-mowth
dimrylml) yesterday at 11'atertowo.
Thin U tile' fit at ,%ams to bP dio"veted
in tl,lm Rtate minee, Fob. I& 1718 die•
rase! animal wan In % carload free
r Dcrlford. N. H.
lira. ,
m•i t H
9 Hol
nrid ,
e 1-p
-e r!
in m
ng d
to ►
aN W
few i
t Led