HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-3-12, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. THUNaDAY, March 12, I e103. 6 W. Acheson & Son CARPETS, CURTAINS, LINOLEUM • Reduced prices to make quick clearances for February. Wool Carpets. 680 yards heavy wool, reversible, 36 inches wide carpet, in best colorings and designs suitable for sitting rooms, dining roow, or hall --a dozen patterns to choose from, regular value 75c yer yard, special at Laces Curtains. 45 pain Nottingham lace curtains, 60 inches wide, 3i yards long in white, floral and spray designs, our regular price $2.00 s pair, clearing at $ 1.25 Curtain Poles at 19c. 125 curtains poles, size 14 X 5 feet long, assorted woods as oak, mahogany and walnut finish, complete with fancy ends, brackets and rings, regular prioe 25c, Saturday and Monday price Shirtings. 500 yards English Oxford shirting, Y8 to 30 inches wide -good weight and warrauted fast colon, our best I2ic quality, marked special for February sale et Dress Linings. 1000 yards heavy twill Silecia waist lining, a'i inches wide, in black and grey, regular value 15e, special Saturday and Mon- day at per yard 60c W. Acheson & Son. 19c 10c 10c MAFEKINO. TURIDAY, Mrreh 3rd, 1903. P..aosai -Mtge Wheeler ntaraed to bee boon to iwekeew Friday after • pro- les/led visit with hinds here. Idles Ethel Treleaven loft Saturday for St. Cetb- .rlsss, where she 'moods taking •''ares in tellers. She will be greatly missed .mo.p her many trlemde .... Miss Pblllp., 01 Whieneurob, 1. vl.lelog Irteods here Wes Aldermen, of %.oa. returned he her hews8•terday after Montag her stutter, Mrs. ?Way, nil ether freed. She tbteke elate: las bud .won for • stint to tie laken. Mies Sproule, of Duega.atn, . riotllag Mn. 8.Yden, 1r. NOTE/ -Me e.00ert Ih B akee aharob lest friday eveslag u•d.r the eosttoes of tits W. f. M. S. of A.b0.ld tir:.0 was, ooeer•ry to the expectation of those who were We -feted, • •s, r ..s in e•e v way. Tea program . ee.isted et oborusee, dusta, q ammo so tote., 8y t au mem bets oft 8n oho r, ably by Miss Etoel Wbrelor tied Mies L'ul. Laden's; • very pretty duet by Mr. sad Ms Oaten; a dant by Messrs. Oat.. sad Fluky, also r.sttatle.., roadie/. et., Aamber .1little girl. awed to dialogues and drilla ani did their parte very well la. And. TIM sr..e•de a se.sted M $16 96. &WOOL RiIOST rose Faaar*ay-No. 9, A.enan.- 8r. V : J. Cease. &tethers, A.sr• May Kilpatrick, Leal. Tranvia ; Jr. V • Weak, Kilpserw8. h -nest Blake, Bailie Sbetbere ; Sr. IV : Is. Stealers, Rama TesM.ves, Wes Leann, Annie b iter/amid ; 3rd : In.s. Filo,erald, W m. Baster ; Sr. 2sd : l see Kited, liecrge Tee. laves ; Jr. Zed : Pear' Sanders Leila Blake, Geo. fleeter. Wallace Twaml.y, May Sender*, W. Alt.., Elmer Alt.. ; Pk 11 . Panne. Mothers, One's Stealers, Taney Fltsgssald, VI' alter Alto., Mary ?launders ; Pt I . F: Hall, Mary ill•. Elea. W. B. HAWKINtt, 'i'raohtr. ST• HELENS. MoNOAy, Marnb 9.h Mn Taylor, of Ooelpb, 1. Ocoee at hes father's, Mr. aumsbr yes. Tbe shareholders of the public bell Bold their nasal aunties lase ftlwdsy everting. Row. 8. M. Ts baby attended the regular seesu.g of Presbytery bold la woolliest Iest Tuesday. Oar reeve and Walt were la UNUM° least W'donde y etteedlor • steetlar of the Good Reade Ase.elatlee Two of four local horsemen, It. Mo(;ulre and M. Humphrey. bawghI from Wleirb.m Two Big Specials for March One in. Whips. We are clearing out many lines of our Whips, and dur- ing the month of March are offering some rare prices in all lines of whips. Look at These Prices. $ 25, .30, .40 Whip* going for 20c .50 Rawhide Whip* going for . 40c .75 Itawbide Whom Poing for ... 60o 1.00 Warranted Whips going for N0o Another in Tea and offee Pots . The Rochester Stamping Co.'s genuine "Silver Nick - le" Tea and Cake Pots will not tarnish or turn color. They wear better than the best of silver. During March we are clearing a number of these out at a discount of 20 per cent. hive me a call. I'll es myk$tb Iia re' GEO. L. ALLAN Th, Brading Hardware Store HONEST GOODS AT HONEST PRIDES. reeeetly three azo horses that they ked bought any Oliflord Mr. Sberwood hes sold • team to The.. 1edd. A Dumber of frleode of Mr sad Mrs. D. Rutherford spent • very mot ,gable ev.olag at their borne lest Monday •v, -grog. On Friday evening at • meeting of those Interested In summer tool it was drolded to too Ube two "rings" wain this year MIs. b:. K.Lerteon, Mies M. Salkeld, also Andrew sod Isaac Miller visited at Mr t ,rees's, of Lueknew, est day lest week. .OUNGANNON. Nerc..-The boat •gesey 1a Dungannon for Tug Nfo:AL.le at the om,e of J. 0. Ward, .1. P. envoyanoer. to.. who will reoelve orders for subscriptions, •dveetlelug and lob work. mod 1e •uthort.ed to give reoelpte for amount' paid for the some, MONDAY, March 9 h. YY'maim hg Ash Tits Roane --The weather at preeeat to delightful mod springuke but the road. are In poor 000drtoo and business 1a very dot! In c000..laenes Mtn• In it. Marra!,: - Oa Wedoesd.y. the 18.0 tams , the maotolpel father, of Weis Wawasoth will nett l0 the township hall at 10 A a .. 11 hdegetllaa son Wm. IloGrestie, neve and olerk rsspec- tiyely of Wawroes0, .rid aim County (coon olllor T. b. Derain attnded the good roads m•etlsq to Chinon lest week. PivaoyAL -Your humble correspondent 0 estate, btmalf on • v.s'.ttne tour to relatives and friends at Millibars and other potato For some two or three smite pest it bas ben bruited that Rev K Felt - bare. wbo about a year ago raises, his oharge u pastor of Err,n ohuroh ben and Telt for • mason raison ,a Algom., had de °eased. We presume the repot 1. Iuo..r.-,rt, es w' have not tees a notice o1 0 in the peen.. BLU8VALE. Mosr*v, Mae 2.d. Mr. Molierenott was to Toronto last week, W. Loath, of Toronto, to vi.lttnt' Joseph Leech this week. L tib Aurin Denman has been veer III, bet is r000,.rts/. Mrs Code. of Trowbridge, 1s visiting her daughter, Mrs (2. Jank.00 • Perot' Parana bait ed from Stratford Burman College. Mn. Snell has been .11 for some bat we arc gl.4 to boar that she u some- what better. home time, Mo., , Maron 948 Albert Thomas lanes for lManitoba ea Tuesday Anion Dolman spent Suad•y with Fred W eemen N e aro sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. J Fawcett. Mies Ee• Paterson rent ,und•y with Irind.ln Wlogh•m. Rey. W. J West was In Woodslook a mole el days lest week. Mr Hood, of Sunshine. vis0ed bb daughter, Miss Hood, on suoday. Mise (iallogher, of Howlok, is visiting Miss Maggie (;rseoaway this week. The Indies' keratin Mimlenary Society held to at borne at the meta last Tuesday atght Re•. W..1 West expecte to attend Oh 1 meeting of the Presbyterian A.eem- oly to be hail at Vancouver next June. Rhea B.I'. Fnwler has returned home alter visiting a maple of months with ha friends lo Galt, Olenmorn,, Ayr. Paris and Stratford. A o0nrrn.por•ry arks : How do you pro- m -ones It-yatoloe, quinine, quinine or Quinine • Physicians say noth- ing is so helpful for throat and lung troubles, whether acute or chronic, and for wasting diseases, as Angier's Petro- leum Emulsion with Hypophosphites. It is pleasant to take and agrees with the stomach. It relieves congestion and irritation, soothes and hems the bronchial tubes, makes breathing easy, changes the character of expectoration, and cures the cough. Its effects are rapid. It aids digestion, helps assimilate the food, and has a healthy action upon the bowels- Pills and aperients are unnecessary. 1. nada with beensa is Itw to tonn Wog t fly wrM. 1e w.,h 1- m,.wl...i s tar i relit n..,y ,'nemu aur pr w.mlta 1 es.d A. gMr . Petrwhw Kitts sod WI Iib • asw.N. r h..r .vee low m w l b cony y-ew. - - ReMt P.4.e$ IkenbisaY ..M t•►deogigW e..rvwwrr. 11.mwM Or err aid WOO - p► dog I salver'..t erg. dm is await gee. BOSTON. IIgAi/ge►CYUILTT1. U.Isa• BENMILLER I BOOKS AHO PERIODICALS Mea to Seery Beton Merrimau's now novel, Moguer, M•rob 9 h, I "Barls•ob of the Uaard," CONCERT - A yawl octarta nwent w. ll in Alive (iarAplAN �fAOAZINt-'1'i.-e u a be held In the Methodist obureb u. Moolay onion neat. The feature of We •yeorug will be a sane of minion pictene presented Ly Key. T. B. Copelaud, of Asburu. There will be gramopboue selections by Wald Gledhill, mus:' by the uhulr, remains, Moo and no pales are being spared to make the entertainment a great surmise Everyone t0ytt.4. CANADIAN BANK Of COMMERCE Amalgamate. with the Eellf.k Rankle l'empauy, Great interest ha been shown In 0 announcement from Halifax that • pr vt.00al agreement has tau made unit wbioh'1'he Halitax Ila• k eat C.,mpany Is t be smele•m•tad with Ile Ceoadlau Bao •1 Uourmerae. The to ter bank bas at pre eat & paid-up oap'tai of $8,000,000 with ✓ est et $'2,500,000, but a week or two ago speolat geoer•1 meeting of the sbarebold• was called for 14th of A neat to pee bylaw Inor.aeing the capital stock t $10,000,000. 1., bead officio is 1.'l'oront end it has now eighty four breaches throug eat Uan•da mod the Uotted States, stretch tag from Sydney, Cape Hraton, in the e: Memo Fat, to Victoria In the West, an from Dowsers to the North to San Fremoi•a in the South. 11 l. reeee•estied •t all tit petioles' business control 1e 1'an. 1. wee of Montreal, and his its own ohess w Ne York, Portland IOr.5o0), Soattl., an London, hoglsod Gaul the retreat ntabll.hmeat of • Mane at Sydney, The Caeadian Bank of Commer had no otbue 1n the hi ultimo Proylno.e. I stock, however, has always been • tiiorlt lavestm.at with Noy health', no lees the $800,000 onto °spits' bring held to 0151 Province. The purchase of the Holds Bat a'or Company wilt give 1t 'Bose • tibiae addltloosl point" In Nova Soon•, In Iodine beide:, Truro and Windsor,- 1 ant, all tte more important planes. Ter ranches will also be obtalaed ti No firmest/01k, -at St. John and Ssokvllle. 'The present directors o1 The Haifa Banking Company will 000tloue to an bar feryloes 1a the oapaolty of • looal ad tory Loud at H.Ilfax, the 'abler wit become local manager there, and the court toff will be takers Into tie sery:ce of Th Canadian Bank of Commerce. There ooweyueu'Iyy no doubt but that the good 011 o1 the institution u bene taken eve long with ii. tsogI1l.+ assets. Originally established 10 1825 as a private psrtaenhlp, under the same name as • relight, 'The Halifax Bathing Comp•oy bc- me Inoorporated m 1872. 11 has retained he frtandsbip and support of many of the Id Halifax firms whose predecessor. did nausea with It to its *arbor years, and to p11. of the disadvantages ander wbioh 10 es tedays • oomperat.vely small boat bank tut always labor, it has built up • sound d raremunerative busleeei. It has • pa,d- D oepitel of $600,000 with a rest of $525.000 's deposits ars about $4.000,000, Its.e oral aeta about $6000,000. and with he added aireorth and prestige which Its o. moo The Ceoadlan Bank of 2ommeteroe will neoe.sarily .1vs, • large in- rease to the present bum ers may conb- ently be •:pted, The Lerma under whfob the amalgamation 111 take place are said to to u 10110We t. After the oeeeary approval of the share - elders of The Halifax Banking Company as been obtained and all the requisite legal °onshore b•ve ban oompleted, 1'h. amoebas Bank of Comments will ueome he lt•btl'tles of The H•Ilfax Raukior oma0 py, and will /the 1a exchange for the urplun of ,u ante over ita liabilities ito:k Beak f The Caoullaa Bk of Uommeroe of the r 'sloe of $700.00C Deabtless some of the new stock which he Canadian Beak of Commerce is taking u'.hority to tans will be used to Darty out he terms of the agreement. Huth banks are to be congratulated upon be gement which has been mare, h uh mast materially strengthen the posf- on of The Gaughan Palk of Commern and d to the exceptional faotlttlss which it wi- ndy pansies for conduction a sucoee.fal baokmp hosin.es. Whoa the amalgamation ha taken plea, it will have • peel op cap- italised rest nmblsed of nearly $12.000,000. anti total assete of some 180.000,000, with 101 braoohee dlstrbuted tbrouyboul the length and breadth or Canada. 5 10 c- er k • a re •0 . 8 a . t oea b Le epre 0 w x e 0 b t v w • D oa b • to • u A w h h (• • e W T • t. 11 ad STATUE 1 O FRANCES WILLARD. $5.eee Eas Seem appropriated\ fier Illlls.1. State Legislature, AranorItTn, I11., Feb. 24. -'rim 'll ap- ptnpnsttoe $9.000 to pay tor • statue of the late Fracas E. .Willard to be placed In Statuary hall 10 the natant °spitol io Washington evoked a Lvely debate on the floor or the House today, end marked Clarence 8. Darrow's brit appearance In :ea1H►t,ve work. Tbe bill passed by a vote of 102 to 16 The Senate pawed an ldeo- t , al bill, so that the matter now awaits only the 1;overnor's signature. 1'8. last I.egbl•ture p.ased • similar hill, hat the appropriation lapsed before the statue was completed, and no money was drawn from the epproprlatloo. TI. t all to dry was io effect • re-enatmeat of the bill nI 1901. When the bill Deme to • not ,n the House today Mr. Darrow opposed 1s. l . said he was opposed to paying public mnoev for monuments to privlle cloven, no motor how worthy they may have been. He praised Mise Willard and her work highly, hut maid that ootwlthrtanding all the he would oppo.e this and SI similar bills, He said the frlenle of Miss Willard should tbem.stves pay for the statue. Mr Brundage, who Introduced the bill, explained the tenon for its Introduction, and defended the appropriation for the . 1.toe as ooly • small testimonial by the State te the life and work of the great apostle of temperao, s. Mr. Busse (Dem ) a,,4 Mr Johna'on (lOm.) opposed the b.11, ',keg the same position a Mr. Darrow. mew (lsaatry bland (.et 5. same Jobe M McNabb. of Youthempt•n, writing to Thr i'ort b;lgtn Tines, relates on iotersrliug little bit of heaters, in expl.nart.'n el the way In which (chantry I -land obtained Int tame "Many years ago," wri,ee Mr McNabb, "(captain Rayfiell of the R• t..h Navy woe tnatroote1 to maks ,vvey. 01 the treat ('roadt•n lake., soul n•n.c 1 v.r.- nue blonds, pointe, etc.. •moog them Cnaotry islsod. Sir Francis Chantry, after ■ horn the island zea, 'ailed, w., x0 oml a. nt English sou pro', born et Jordaolhnrpr, Derbyshire, April 7th, 1781, wort to Cor- don In the beginning of the nineteenth cep tory, oommeoewd to staly at the Royal Aoadsme (of which he became • member In 18181. He established his fame by he. manes' !mete of Howe, At Vlno.at, 1)t l- oan and Nelson. for 'Trinity Hones and 10reenw tch hospital. Amen. hie bast know' statutes are throe of George lth la Edinhur.h, Brighton Sad ',Innen, and the hats of Wellington In front of the Royal b:xohanre, London. He was knighted 1a 1837 and died 2518 of November, 1841. For further annuals, see Holland's M.m• oral. n1 Y r Franob 1.'. (tondo', Iasi) and Jos e.' retorter tons of the life of Chaney (Lendon,1449.1 wealth of good towline Meyer 's tt.e•lvub, U.ord,su Magazine. TL• Hoe. t'1 Serif Shoo wrote et ' Tae Nee • of the Nate. west puloun5 out that Ore period ul s: - me m,ul hu plumed, and that the stetter who now pees to the WY'ese goes with a Der - taro eo,l a/solute prospect. '1'bs need. of the Weer are populuwo, transportation, • liberal land poQoy a reorder tattlers, and previewed autonomy for the Terracing... Protestor J. E. 1w Koeeiguol deals with "Hallway Subsidies la Cooed& and the Wilted States," and shows bow much twee e :1ror•gaot Cao•d• has been than tor neighbor. Frank Y'sigh describe, the "Strange Ston. Uuoument. of Brittany and Cornwall" In au article whfob u profusely Illustrated. .I M. Jaokeon writes of "lo. - bo•ting en Toronto H,y, " sod Katherine H.I. tell. some interesting thlogs about Alban', the Uauedtan prima dolma. There are three exnllect short stories by l'silip Marche, Hub,rt McKean .1obnstow and Frank llaobury Ford. 'The departmentm ars seen better than usual. 1Nk MARCH Mt'Cu'ag's. -The March Mol'lure's will not only be read: 1t will be talked about for many days to tome. Lie - oohs Steffen'• "The Shamelessness of St. l.oub" a as article that can't be dodged ; It u, Indeed, u Mr. Steens says, "romatbing n ew to the history of Amert,:su municipal democracy. Of distinct Imourtanoe, also, le Samuel Moffatt'. article, "The War on the Locomotive,' which le • surprising re- volution ul what the trolley people are up to in the new toter -urban deyelopmeot et • Ieotrlo travel. Mies 1'arbell's fifth chapter of Woodard 111 History urate of "The Price of Trust Building," brank H Speer men has • epleodld character sketch of • remarkable man, Jetta L. Whitman, jailor of Cook (Monty Jul, Chicago. " W hltmen- 1'amor of Men" le the neon of 1e. Ftcttoo is plentiful and ant obese. There are *bort stories by LloydOrbouror, St.wart Eiw•rd to tote, HermleleTempletoo, Myra Kelly, Justus Miles Forman and Keene Abbott. Arthur Stanwood P1er'e new novel, "Th. Triumph," Ls in Ito second loetalmea end premiere to be as good • story se is y - where running serially today. T/f: MAtt/'H Cot*oJ'OLITAN.- The ' mopolltan Magazine for March 000taiw 'anter of noteworthy articles. "The Polio. Systeme of Europa," by Avery D. Aodrswe, formerly pollee oomm,ee,oner 01 New York, embed's* many co the rosette of the tonnes titss of the author oa his recent t thee' yie.t to Europe, where he went to study the police systems of the le•dtop countries. It 1s capitally Illustrated. "1 be Selection et • Hume," by Cl•reuce A. Martie, professor of architecture at Cornell University, 1n he first of twelve •rticles on the 1 subject of "How to Almio- later a Household. ' Limes larks K:oharde 000trloutee ea taterestlop personal sketch o1 the great paltrier, Von ` Limbach Iwo other character thatches deal with James Brooke Dill, the prominent corpora• Lion lawyer, and Edward Henry Harrtmao, the Western Ratlro.d l;i,r. &bort Hob - bard, to an article on ''A (;ladlaeorlal Reo•issano.,'' makes • strong one .rooter football as It le played today; and Tom Meson discusses how many mea • girl ahnutd be engaged to before the marries. -The Woman o1 Fifty," by Mrs. Wilson Woodrow, dale with the victory of modern woman over her busdltary enemy, Time. Other articles are : "The Young N•polwo;" by Field-marshal Vlsoouot Wolseley, K. 1' ; "Mankind in the Making," ray H. 0. Wells; "Iosuranoe es • Profession," by Charles F Thwtog, I.L. 1) , President of the Wester° Swear University; and "Beauty lo the Modern (;horns" The Siaroh Co. •'polite° elect 000tates lour complete stor.es In addl- • IRON-Ox TABLETS are an effective, but gentle, laxative; therefore an imme- diately perceptible effect upon the bowels must not be ex- pected from them. Therein lies their great merit. QUICK ACTION MEANB = VIOLENT ACTION A violent medicine is somc- times necessary, but it is a necessary evil. Never Forgot that IRON -OX TABLETS ARE NOT A CATHARTIC 50 Tablets, 25 Cents TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of 'manger intuit be left at Oda ()fLce not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes must be left not a ter than Mon- day noon. Casual Advertianuttwts accepted no to not a Wednesday of each week. Molders are simply kidney dlaorders. 11.. kidneys alter the blood of all that shouldn't be there. The blood parn through the kid- neys every three minutes. If the kidneys do their work no impurity or cause of disorder can remain in the circulation longer than that time. Therefore if your blood is out of orderour kidneys have failed In their work- They are in need of stimulation, strengthening or doctoring. 'Dna medicine will do all threet tTanen nest and mat imitated blood medicine then lo Dodd's Kidney Pilis CLEARING SALE AT COST AND UNDER' Of ready-made SUITS and OVER COATS, woollens. All o� lered work carefully attender) to H DUNLOP, M. l BROPBEY & SON - ?Ea- urea - lP WWI T Ot\ Dt ee\ort *i. i•t\ T.utnooX' trso ordere ureft•Ily attended to at ■11 bean, mato er day, Surber /Street. The Division_ between food:and Indifferent Drugs and Medielnes is s'r000ly defined here. 1'be ind,t tercet kind are never orderei and never permitted to form pert of onr stock. Only goods of undonn'ed purity aro offered to customers Our stook of Proprietary ,Medloines 1• very large. I'rloes are Icw, F. JORDAN 9 Ml;D1CAL HALL. oderich Feed and Seed Emporium. - In retuning thanks to our numerous customers for their liberal patronage in the past, we would respectfully announce that we have moved our seed and feed business from our old stand on Hamilton street to our elevator, corner of Victoria and Nelson streets, where a full stock of carefully selected FIELD and GARDEN SEEDS will be kept. We call special attention to our new varieties of Seed Oats, which we are introducing for the first lisle, namely, the Newmarket and tihe White Murray. The last-named variety comes from Frontenac County, where it has been grown for the past three seasons with splendid results and carried their weight, 39 lb., through the season. Oil Cake, Linseed Meal, Herbage= 'and all kinds of Cattle Food, FLOUR and FEED constantly on hand. Dive us a call. Yours respectfully, WM. BURROWS & SON Highest price paid for grain of all kinds Oat matter wet er of Quickly slap DOMESTIC ECONOMY. No matter whether n1 Inns stapling or n ot d.afn.th eau be permanently cured by Vetarrhoesne, whish bile oven to the wont Mone. The pl t !mated vapor of Oaterrhe:one allays inflammation, prevent e sti mores the catarrhal onadlue. that I ammo deafness anti relieve* right away. , Thane•ods have proved the eth..ten.y of Catarrhoenee, sod with snob a vaiuebb remedy within tray resoh there Ie ..o looser an, reaenn for p.nple to roman deaf (.aterrtioreo. 1e r000mmend,A aI.n for Oe.ghe, (lelde, Catarrh end Rrnnohtilr. Campion reedit, $1.00 ; trial ..., 250 Druggist., or N 0 Pollen 1 Co., Hastlerd, (' K Ifouwr'holrl r'ronemien ha. become a *.'ient.ifie ,f lily, and one of its most important lessons is that. the foods which enter the body .hould be the greeto.t purity and hent quality that is possible. For the preparation of th().e w holeaomn footle ,rare must be exer- cised in procuring firsOchuie Groceries. and it in in this branch of the hoiie keeper'. work that we believe we ran help you. Our stock is good and freeh and extensive, and we fill all orders promptly and carefully. (live us a trial. eft• li. 9 , es tapton, Oet. S'T'LTR.T:Y at CO_ Hamlltoa's Pills ewe Cwettsaties. I THS GROCERS, WEST SiDE SQUARE. Telephone No. 91 Jordan Block. McKIM'SI New Store New Goods WHITE QUILT SPECIAL Just twenty to sell at 85c, fine crochet quilt, reversible, and yol would think value at $1.25, for 85e, UNDERPRICED EMBROIDERIES 50 pieces, no two the same, good value at 6 to Re, all one prioe, per yd. 5c, others equal value at 7c, Sc and 10c. BIG SCOOP IN WHITE COTTONS Some very special prices in white cotton, just when you want it, specials at 6 to 10c. Our snap is au English cambric, at per yd. 8c. DRESS GOODS The new nicker sad snow flake, at 50c and 75c. Our special broadcloth, at $1.35, $1.10 and $1 50. We know you can't get the equal of these in any city at the prioe. TRY FOR SIG VALUES AT MCKIM'S BUSY STORE. As Builders Of Shoes The makers of the shoes that we sell aro right in the lead. So are the shoes. They are first in looks. First in solidity. First in durability. Let us show you how all these qualities look when combined. High class shoes for the ladies - High class shoes for everybody. We couldn't put the prices any lower. Wm. Sharman, SOLE AGENT FOR Dorothy Dodd and Slater Shoes. Stoves and Ranges At Wholesale Prices. .1 have a few of th a strictly up-to- date coal and wood range left, which I will se very cheap before st ck taking. Now your chance to save money on a stove. Worsell's Cheap Stove House,` HELLO THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF'. COAL ALWAYS ON HAND TNR B&ST Scrutou Bard Coal IV TIIK MAI1KRT AI ('al weighed on the Market Prates when yonhnl M011 Ire. for a ton. WM. LEE. Orden left at LEE to 3EmPHdfD'9 Stern promptly et tended to. DON'T FORGET THAT _L/STOW£[ 1E TEE PLACE 1'O Oleg VALUE FOR YOUR;MONET, OpsasJ.., Sth, 1903. Two courses, Comelier - rid mid Shorthand. Send for College Journal, C. A. VLSMINO. A. r.. MoINTYRS, Pres . Ileo, McKillop Canal Fire Iasarvice Cu. FARM AND ISOLATED TOW1 PROP- ERTY INSURED. Value of hroperty laurel up to January, 1901 51E,S4s,el5,ee O/TICII la ANU UI NILCTORe. J. B. Mclean, pros.: T. !reser, vtoe-prey. Jen. Connolly.. O. Dale. W. 0. Srostfoot, J. Watt, Jas. Evans, J. O. Grieve, J. Renewals, directors; W.0. Bro.fo H, tleeforth, Maroc. - tor of Iona ; T. E. Hays, Saforth, secretary - treasurer. An5NTi, J. W. Teo. Rolmesvllle ; James Cumming Egniondville ; 1t. MoMIII m, Safonh ; R. Smith, Harlock. Policyholders can pay assessments and get their card, receipts. at Mr. cats'. Clinton, or atMclean Bros' Palace Clothing Store. Gods a 3 AMERICA'S 1,B EST Editorially Fearless. Consistently Republican. hews from all of the world -Well written, original ntorie.-Answers to queries -Article, on Health, the Home, New Book,, and on Work Aoout the Farm and (.artlen, =1F, .31rr.L The Weekly Inter Ocean ,•- Ie a member of the Annotated Prose, the only Western Newspaper receiv- ing the entire telegraphy, news' eerv- tee of The New York Sun and special cadent The New York World -daily report, from over 2,000 .pectal cor- respondents throughout the country. YEAR 0 N E DOLLAR Suharrlbe fee Tier .Igaal end Ta, rerkly later lire.■ em, year, heth papers ret •I.n, t • L • r1LL .L,AN.ITARY MATTRESS. PAT. SEPT.. l91O. THE ONLY VENTILATED MATTRESS IN THE WORLD. Perfectly Ventilateil, Pertwrtly Itrmilient., Ahwslutely Noi.eleea, 1t he, handl,m to lift or marry it by. is much cheaper and more durable than the hetet hair mattress. it cenn'I, get lumpy, •n.l will not sag from tree It is OM mfent. hnalty and mitt comfortable Mattress male. 'Call and examine its merits. S01.l$only by Fine WILMER SMITH, 1At•Ier In 11,04, (:note F'nrmt.nm, Fnrn..hing, snot Art (Jonas, Upholstering lion() to order. PAM Street. UODERICH.