HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-3-12, Page 3"A Free Sample Packet" of Delicious "SALADA" Ceylon Tea (Black, Mixed or Natural Green) will be sent to any person filling in this coupon and sending it to us with a 2 -cent stamp for Write Plainly and mention Black, Mixed postage. or Natural Ureen Name Address .... Address o SALADA" TBA CO., Toronto. sTHE WESTERN MARKET FOR ONTARIO FRUIT. A WARNING AND A COMPLIMENT FROM THE WEST. .•wink,.,wV,,.,.n....n..ns�.�r•h/\n,it/HtiHt:�eSi�ii�ilt.iti.JYWAAMA - 'Chu Cuwwcrr(:e6 a 11 ley publiea- l undrale u( barrette of tippler which pullet Lha wrung way by buys elaom 1 learned to lick afterward. At the eamu peeled of my life 1 °vets 0udu4gl the lg,wwiny of huy- iug It out -til aw•eoding Devoe -by experimental eauklen aunt,. The eausequence of all this is that that lilt of remaining hair and 1 ore old. nail. l trust. Inseparable friends. i Indulge tho hair and the hair Indul}tes me. Thu Wile Indulges 11111 to wear It after wy own con- ception of lh : way It ought to be emit, nod l hldulgn the hale by firmly loch leg to !etre It trifled with by genTleieen of the seir44or44, eh.) poetweer nrtietie ideas more bi- zarre than my ow -n. l fear 111 have to ark you to Iehulge use loth -tile hair and we. Out the way 1 dlrt:ut- txt you to cut it." The (.111 b r uoI(11p44e1. No. 4 boon Cleaaud i1 up. Fortkwich, Jan. S, 1110'1. Massey-114,to., Limited.. Toronto. ' Doer Sire. - Tho N.o. 1 (tinder worked through thick turd thin this last season. Tie. grain was Wetly tangled and lying down, but tit, No. 4. moon 0101111141 It up. I tau more then pleased with R. as. 1111111 not expect it could du the work sin elran thh Neiman the aluali° the grain was In, but it mule 110 a111i'jerlee; tlo• reel brought sill lying stuff to the. elevators, 1 wlnli y(nt a moat pr.oeperoute New. Year. Wi11. ii. 1:TTINGER. tion devoted to finance awl inrurane..I will !ever realize the costs aganwt . muttons, publisher 1:1 \I Ivulpty(, web. 16.•441, mol their muddy 113 not the oho henalittg of "Ap4.!ete nut Wanted worwt, either. With this fact to view MAKE THEIR OWN OARDENS ILL 1.140 \Vest.' ll to le elitag t- It •fold not «e(nt nut of pine° to W41111 _-_. preslees tile belief that It uuty nut the trade i:1 the rust against nggree Ants Forin a I'us.gue. in Which Their lo nut of place at this limo to utter; eating the sltuatlun by further .hilt tt lura•r'wPaxl it Grown. a word of wanting to Ontario npph., merits to nu already uosatlefactory shippers against a udieg any more! western 14piee• leek"t• :The Iml4tes of the ant are an in- ,frult to the west will t flea i. i+,g ! Such IN the sltnntion.: and Onto.-Gverting tautly to aUlrnl'rlr ul acre that rale will h„ found for the rho en' otter reatern apple shlppern y u geode. 'Our periodical *1dts to the' wool" c-rhtiuly b, wilt advised to all times. The ingenuity they tilr- wereleousei! at Winnipeg and our 41.1- initiate Into the truth of theme aIle- play to otomy things almost immei vlrnt from other storage pgiot 4 int (r+atlonu before deepntching further compneha•usiuu rand placer them 'up - She west. It goes on to ',trite, demon- shipments to the steel. *trate the toot that there are int-) 'Ifhe sum•• piper r•ptrte n speech up the highest plano•Qf insect Intel - 411.21i40 stocks of spider now on hand . by the Peeeutent of lin 'Winnipeg 11geuloe. Recent study tsf theca here. far, more than nnon414 10 meet ito.anl of Tr14(P Mt' .1,*ho lies=c.11, tie mrntturer has mulled another to ell legitimate demands fur 'revere' At tine nnhi wtl meelieg of the l•oIt. ;the ni+wy pu•lr that show the Inu '- tieing to come. A look at the solver- to which tlwt gentleman. un ler the Gil1.111 the,(: tIIII 144 pew iii°eea. This tieing column,. of our city deity pea- Iwerlasft of "Honest App(o lacking," err will convince 4141y04104 that there wild "One. remelt of t1.., section of l.tert discovery Ir that sense see- r.. already too tna17 apples In lir• Dile Board last )ear was the !rent- o -,,r actually plant tial Inose their c atty. as the auction sale nn• leo ceaneats are liberally besprinkled with Mice's Of apple raale4, and even at low Mees, which ere being {rill !or the ult In Uiia way. e0111,1111111 twit is ne ■tlmnlatel to the point i brought fare from Ontario with a .inets itch plu4ttt unl tut htU:' trag- where pr Locke will be -taken 1 neasonel1i• feen„ 44 0f u•urance that I amts out of the hater, Sometimes car! of. Moat�;1 the Onenrlo apples' the fruit on the top of the barrel' 'which have sctkl hero from last at kart Intrly represented the gen- j they will nth; a whole plantation year's crop has re of decidedly 0rn4 Contents. It In also'snt'efactory over nt,tht. bating the plants rag - poor , otiablee..thatt furt.ismore than to r . o! Ipmrots 1 for Meikle eittthat lrthe dischalt reing hist gel fragments. of their foliage. would be no better. if u. t very mut'.''dutles Ina most Y•O41imendnble main- 1 1;111.11 ravnlly it wise suppose.! Mutt worse. le whlrh case t , shiers r ice lining no 'omelet ,m ty of pro• ' tlw' 111 al cutter•( ate the eeeer of M1af. might better feed thein to the I4,1 -tone:, 111' noble se th' Winnipeg but now it Is known (het they carry where they ars as. 1t lo elmt ser- fruit Beale r4; tv11n 1141 Ilitherto been IIe fragments to lh,hr noun talo that on hrrlval at Wi leer NO 'unmet at t1" nerey of lichen- %there (no elate' them wee:tea o, they would have to be Pala for •ss 1 est paekrr•." W. I1 vier 1, Dominion mo:stching them ,it the ►lame (hur than the freight charge's upon the . Department Of Agrlenitnre, Feb lie! with .tell secretions, until they There -are to -day In store In this city 11a13. • I lei ve mute a suet, spongy me(4444. This le kneaded an•l wolk••d over and - 1 over 0(Ly'11.111 mad it i,i a big beep fu•l O. 101111 II 11010.1. In tide iporn;y mass the rants de - poen Ile ',pore's of rt cestem fun- ly improve' qu111ty of the packing own crops. of the apples .Idppea into nmd weld In Y''nitulcl during the Inst reason. I The ),I(( leaf -cutting ant of the For filtered tl:e find time It haste tropical 1s. the 41x0114. prufICil•nt 44(re- 1c., postehle 10 ptirch:I Ne apples vies In the agricultural L'tu'. There BEET ROOT SUGAR. Will its Manufacture be Pro- fitable in Canada? THE PRICE OF LABOR. To the Editor • • • blr,-To the beet growers. lutepd(Ig beet growers., and luventurn of the, tarns I address these (lues: Tamps *4440 grew le eta fur augur tuaking Wet year know quite well how it retsu1Lal. 'le•, (hunt l cannot toll more than they know. but fee/ know m•rtectly troll that the groat - 11141410 10 thutw 440 far 4144 the ttw- .11ltlt of money they were 1.11 receive front the hems 'sugar rogueries, iIWl not come up to their eapn:ctatiuue for the rea«uu that they were (lucked at every Well At hath! bit of earth beim; left 011 the beet root "4'l ley being 1,4111 thud the toot was nut cut oft sttort'euuugh at the head or at the fort ; lliere.ore the farmer .lid mot obtain within Zi 1' r c41l, of what he expecttd to ubtaln and war I.roua(rek There are four beet factories now iu operation la Ontario; there nee four more projectw•1..Wueil•I it not be 4e11 for the grower of boot and the iuteu(ling 44luck..01te'* -to cuuri•l:•r whetlter It he wp.t: to put money into 111144 venture? 11 cue uidy•from the writer's belief, eventuate in one of two thing, -the t.uvernweut of the lomiulon or thee I'rurinvial „uwerh- lueut of Ontario meet provide mon- rivet, money (rum the treasury funds to prey dividend,. to the stoekhuhler, or the bttsiuer•1 1s 11 fnl.ure. ll monde to rearou that whcu labor ns mit static° and m) high-priced ad to -day it 1. In Ontario, aid when labor le •o ',brae la Europe -agricultural Inblur being In Lui0(x, tc-any, where beet 1' grown, talk per tiny for a man. 1.1c per day for u woman, coal chard labor IU.: per day -we are working under 11 disadvantage. Thu business is not yet tented, and has to 1«' tested. Ouo other thing let us recall, the busancseee and factories which have been started H ere starts' by une,. fife to(rtr vchlch , a the now rr and 111 being•et4lvoeatel aro also being started by prowotere. Their burin• en Is nettuni.ly to obtain their comnais- .1011, which amounts to a cdneider• able sum, ane to reel the machinery at an extremely high price. 21 per cent. alare its worth, to the eitOt•k- bolJure. Would It not be well for these who are thinking of taking 'twee in that Venture, by growing beete or utt,erwi••', to I'''" end fund out w1h!at tire the results of 010 bnl- rtt:co .her(s of the four (nctor(o1 i.ow' 111 the ftekl. and We whether nesney was really note by any o' them. this season. Ti,..' spl•ciow. promises of the promoters might as well be taken with n grain of salt. arc! I think it beborvea- the iuteiitl• leg beet grower and lnveetun to thiok twice before he leap., (lovertiment bounties, sire _very nice things to get. if (towable, with which to pay dividends, ut orae front such, to the lhiektnit nen it is ewidete . that no dividend eau famed un"elw b owl fortune awl luck upon whaell few should w!« o REMARKABLE ML�DICAL Went On OCOJOOOOOODO TILE WOOING Crutches. OF FLSIE Joseph Smith Crippled With Rheu- matism for Five Years. NEVER HAa ANY RELIEF. Absolutely Cured by Munyon's Rheuma- tism Cure The People Endorse Thee Remedy Enthusiustica.1y Because 1t Cures to Slay Cured "If my remedies will not do what I claim for thou, their sale should be prohibited by law."-MUNYON. "1 have suffered terribly with rheum&• tient fop lire years, and 1 mai so badly .,ffceted that 1 had to g° on crutches. 1 triad many adverteed remedies and physicians, but it was no use I steadily i.ecatne worse, My joints and feet .welled up, •zed 1 would have frightful ,,.tin•. I secured a tial of Muayon's ,t!IPumatian (fore at the free dietribu- .ion held at the --eine,. and I am now ••umpletely cured. 1 (haven't an ache or i pain, and I feel better than 1 have 'or the last ten years." --Joseph Smith, 11V Church street, Toronto. YIINYON'S REMEDIES. Munyon's tee 1erre prct eats pneumonia. Sie. • Munyoa'a rtheu(naiI in ,•ure euro• Rheu• matl+,u permasoraly. Pelee ark; et all, druggists. - ltunyon'• Dy.pep•Is Cure positive( cures All fore. of udl4e.alu" Awl stomach trot• hive. Price 26e. PBZE MEDICAL ADVICE. Prrsonsl 1.1'.(•rw aildrraer to Prof. 1Jen- y011, I'hllndeiptaa. I'.4.A., eentllultas de• (41444 of sletneaa, wilt he ■avwered prompt - l7 and free sdvle• as to treatment will be then. . Ue0000000000000000GW00VOV "Woman, my doer Where" 'ob- verted the Colonel, us he deftly 'Me- lted Lite end from his after-dinner cigar, "woman Is the Issue of man's ea lidence." "beet. liver, or doesn't the cigar ruin you, Colonel 7" 1 intorruptest tit this point ; and my mouth distend- ed lu u sywpathetlo grin. "You'll excuse my raying that I totally dleagroo with dour prem - roes," I retorted. "Woman Ir l240 poetry which leavens 1101 lee sordid waterlallen, the torch which lights Iasi weary path, the 14ccutive which urged him on to noble deode and o)dv- alrous tactioes. I know ono girl wtio ouitld be all that end more. The sort of girl at whose teat a mut might place all that was belt lu him just to gain ono smite of app.uval from bur tonderAl(w, out kind thought In her pure heart." "P110 difference I1 standpoint be- tweou i r aud'45, old chap," answer- ed oho CO1une1, and 1 noticed n kind- ly twinkle lu hie eves "Would It be and are bluntly grope,' In the dark fur emote path w111oh will load tltwn 4trulgut to your heert'1 1 know of 0tle week lonely wayfarer who (lade the road etrewu with ob taoles gad teeming with turnings which lead Latta aartray ; for their e'ievtou41 twlst- lilplP 01117 (441111 11101 e.t 1,b starting pphtpr, Could you 'stretch fort lite heuid our anti In all ktudneer guide orring feet ?" - Artak eupptring1� 1 guide this wan- derer to the oltudel and eurroad•r at ?mIrettuy euaa 1 be elAar• that k• will nut requite ta(y ktnibu+ai by loadlag me with ehelue a.nd making m• hl. days?" No 1 no' Mather will he erect It throne and set you upon It as his 4ut.ea taste. gave the wayfarer a little ltopo. lie la ru anxious to woo you' aa you would be wooed." It:" "I wee; wall I shall "'leap uptao roto exclaimed, and, before 1 could ut- ter a word of thanks. she had sipped away, to be ween n0 more that night When I returned to the drawing - room and made (i, e's excuses f no- ticed that there was something In the wind between tn7 aunt and the Colonel. She wan lookingradiantly, happy, and her guest at Nast 11,0 year's younger. 1 suppose we had better tell him ?" said my aunt. "Certainly," amid the Colonel. "Tote fact is, old ohap, Lady Trevtlle and fell' to ark the nano of your Main- 1 „gave dolled toren In double har- Ity. ? No, bettor nut;' 10 udd0d, hast- neer," finished my Bunt. "Strictly a1J'• entre nous. I had to practically Ridg 'I don't mind t0111ng you. Colonel;' myself Into his firma, for the dear oho stupid would have let my wretch- ed not -roll rta4d In the way or our mutual happleees, and ft was not likely I wan gulag to allow that," she concluded composedly. 1 gave her n congratulatory kiss, a d tben turned to the Colonel and extended a hand, observing re- proachfully : "Well, of all the deep- dyed traitors you ere the deepeet! 'Woman, my dear Gilbert, is the bane of, man's existence. 'When our first maternal parent-'," "Stop!" he Interrupted. "Remem- ber. 1 quaallflel the'statemeet when you started to Introduce personal - Hee into the question; and besides. Lady Trevttle-" t"1►ora," remarked that lady. itarenthetically), "Dora," amended the (colonel, 'will bear me (Nit when I rewind you that I en- (xdally pointed out that denlsene from another world did not come under that heading." 1 rose early the next morning, In tending to take my usual stroll be- fore breakfa t. A. I left the house 1 caught a glimpwe of Elsie some distance ahead. he was carrying 1401410 fishing tackle. and was evident- ly heeding for the stream which runs through Treville Park. By the time I iota trached her she had gut to work. Whether it wan my unex- pected approach -that «tart lel her, 1 don't know, but, sit any rate, be - I rerpouded. "It is my ward. "Elite Brluton. Ah, that's the way tho wind blows, does .':, you sly dog. Undoubtedly u charming girl, but hasn't who just as. da td(xl views ltbout our «ta ns I have enunciated regarding here 1" Yes," I agreed rather glumly. "Site doesn't think much of us, and one cannot wonder at It. We're a poor lot, ttakt11g us all round." "Faint begirt," h0 quoted, and then added, meditatively; " Of cour•o, 'Elide lush had every encour- igetnent to grow sweet awl woman- ly. I cannot 4011001440 a girl being otherwise who was mothered by Lady Troville." "Yaw." I intereectel. "There's an- other good woman Whore will you find better emu my aloft?" "Alt, your liunt,wy boy, that Is quite t In to k n different matter. \1.11 were R of women -Lady 'Prry N1,' IX 4111 angel." "Thank yDNU. t'"!. \1'uu'lIt. mime it clear v0:c1 from the doorway of the dining-reesw. "Yens put the 0141 adage vcxicernnlg listener,' to the - 1 blush." The voce watt that of toy n11nt, toll um she spoke she entered the room. •'Elsee h un ter' terrace." she re- marked. Whether 'a was uN'ant for •t hint, 1 nut not prepare) to ray'; bat, sit fore 1 could eatch her, alio stumbled tiny rate. 1 eagerly «e';ze:l the op rind fell in the water. The river war pirrlunity nod Intimated my .Ilte11- somewhat turbulent from the tr- ete' of }pining her. .1 • 1 linseed out feel.' of teary, rain, and by the time l caught n el:mps:: of her penning 1 got her, the current bad carnet over the balnstrudes at the far her out Into mW-rtreau. Site could raNd, gazuIg at the. settling „111. The not awlm, and neat have been badly, g10r:r.ue light lord settled tea her frightened, but was too plucky to whn1• 'ire"s, penciling a delicate give utile -mice to a tingle cry. amt. TAKE AMOTHER'S WORD. euinl'-ilal(00 le( colors ujnlreamt 01 ceaseseto 'struggle the moment rhe et the wearer's indlesuphy• - fell my ane around leer. aim, greeted me wall a smile, n There war n rock a Ilttle lower q'lll Charge H1. Place of Deposit A Phillipsburg, Knit„ merchant whose rate thaw been blown "pet' a time or two, hits 14 way of 'seeking usual money comes an after tank- ing hours around in u1d. placer. One night recently 110 burled it hu n Isvu, barrel, When he caner' to look for it in the morning he, tuua.1 that a clerk line w,igheel 1t out w1t11 n ml'1 KIIre of leans La had mold He took alt', troll and follow- ed the benne to a customer's heads. whore the money ova, reeoy..•w(, ,11444, w•hl1h torp e" the grouter port BRIGHT S DISEASB CONQUERED u:ftr Im•0.1 ilfpp). I.i,frrea4. .pee_ la t I 11 1 ' ries of netts have different species Thouwands of mother's to all parts which 1 ►tercel to trace some slgq of fungus. of Canada lento written to say of tenderness& Tle' most IIiehly developed of them y g that Baby's Own Tablets are the Together we pns4(d down into medical rerearc.. Ir the long no. :all is grown by :► Bras lien ant. It ! t haat medicine they have ever -used thee grounds, and wandered away • i e x �un i u ehonn. t Startling Cure Reported conquerable itr+glt'rt rlee'•(..'• that IN known on t rust i get t I( ( depend, tog the cure of the little Illy that rale by side, lin.' for re many ycnrs u•W pllytel- This tnnglem 44 ter!. etch nn. n e (,,,, cat': nn 1 n n►0•.1 important lafflict all children. It le Impossible ••1 respect you for y.rur honest Mane' skill at 1st?, null xlctuu,i albauxein, wh'cla le plrttculai matter to be could Le that 1' to publish all lhuve lettere, tut• Avowal. th-44 eveuing." rhe Hata "I fill )► news- From a Small Town :at its mercy. 10t/...1 by int ant* sauwu. without queetion, thet they wraith! more then 11 a man to treat MY 1411'‘ with Tln1 {.ttient hl this raw le Id lu T. 1'rolu a most nitalmen the inn- ,tock of *1111, of the era..' 111 la ("tektite- • (mlxr, but 111.• following CITIractr tp,° rano candor hr gives 'U) hie gni wort rut he p'•rwtt(e4 • to 4"1.11 ; utror factories le being offered at late a fair simple of what ail moth- teen. The mwjrira,v of wen seem to h.atn !sown n Contig girt named lee Ot tide is +a aim Ole matter •v'O cent,' on the dollar. Things( Itself on say *lout this meliclneh think that all woolen deem Mein - is elltl.Ifeeent. - Mts Ins. i1op6Ito, Tolermery, eerily In pert tions mach as we 111 - Ono furlll•r matter ehunit not be Ont. -''The Tablet+( are blessing t ca.1 147, 1 in Nova Scotia. NI tint Parker. and two doctors 0 weir known •t0 every. floret( nml d1ngnorcd her eltse ga%0 it sir the' agrien(turiet. But it oertarnly 1. unnitcrab;n opinion that, l!right'rdt+- melee( ill that ants sllould hate 1.4.1. hail her h1 4t, ehrtchee. 4411;1 et it. ' that oily the grate pie eltel her. , T: t at tend th • prettier 0' the fun - (From Mall and i:mplre.) .11elitax, N. S., Feb. G. -(Special.) News has reached here from the lit - tie Town of ltubennorubo, on the 1n- terooloalal Railway, in 11tuits ('lune ty. of a. cavo that le pint ns lnport- •nt from a medical point of vi •w . es the operations' of Dr. Lorena 'sof- from so, d from n surgical standpoint. The .11.4- enao that has at last yielded to The ptreuts, ameelling t, g4.4, up the true te n1 nn 1 ntleiter, Juni ns .Ii','r- t human planter would. -\s runlet; 1, g11,4 10 grow t tha4s1. -te r. tote t k stem* the... 111" allowed to liu1117 tsar 'pores t permit th^m to struggle w:uile life rema('1" !. 0 re enld to have experimented w,(4 ape -131 prrpnratlun5. end, an a last resource pinned their intik tet I1O.Id's Kidney Pills, with -the result that to-el•1y the girl I. 1 1 the lend, of hcaltlf. Details of the cure are rot yet to hand. but It will bo investigated. mar both the medical fraternity and the public are deeply let"reeted In elle matter. Temporary, I '100 MUCH FOR THE BARBER. N. Y. Rua. Medgo-ldow often do ,sou got n. wet 1,1 a cur :' llrrjuri.'-Witenetcr it go4N /intuit.' n c -Irv.. and I forget to hold on to the• •trap. I,II'It'a LITTLE 11.1,!1. Are the Ohre. Which Lanae 11it Great- est est Amuait of Suffering. , It 1e every -(nay Ills tient tilrtrees most -three which sotto you 01.1den- ly eon.! make you irritable, Inpatient :ant fault-finding. The root of thews trouble Ilow 111 the hexa} mid eerve44, and you ea+mot get rid of Mena me 1111 the blood has beem•ltta(lo rlsa an.l purr, and the nerves etrenglhcu'd , laud Iouthod. Dr. WI,llams I Luk l'I1Is will (o this, nasal will du it snore greedily fuel with more hoeing !r cult• than any outer medicine. In ;proof or this lIrs. James 1'atterson. l' Aimed,. D. C., sore: "l1y (laugh- ter wen In poor he,tltlt, nisi her ., •- tont, treaty run down. She ways {Nile, sutfrred from seven betel/aches,-wed 'very nervous. We deckled to give lber 1)r. Williams' }'ink fills, end nf- ,ter µieIns Mx lo•,e,,, situ Is n strung, boalthy girl. I gladly recommend the pills In similar. "miles.' Those pule euro all blood and serve troubles, such as anaemia', neuralgia, Inelgest11n, heart trunld , rheumatism, St. Citu.e' donee, par- tial paralyeate kidney troubles and the wertknere•s which afflict women. Be sure 'Ion get the genuine pills with the full name "Dr. William.' Pink PIM fpr tette I'e•oplo" printed en the wnyrpOt around the tax. if In doubt, 40ne1 direst to • tho Ur. 'it ill ams' Medicine (n'„ Beeek1'111e. *M1 tho pl!1+ Rw111 bet mnlle'l, post paid, at 50o per box. or el% boxes for IJ2.,O. 1 Gentle Reminder. Philadelphia inquirer. "Pardon me." sold the polite man 1n the ehe.ap restaurant, "hut i don't like anything aweet In m,v coffee•, "It ain't been eweetenel sit all." replied the waitress, n.' who set flown the thick china cup before hen. "Ah 1 I may I'e wrong, lot 1 thought i mow your thumb In It." Effort to lacunae Ills C'uat •r'N ('en- rereal i"nal Powers hnCeeeded. A, Il 1114(41 times happens', the lutr- herr was d(ApoNwl to talka(I4enr4r, the patient l0 silence. After 'several fol les mtttemptw to extract mor•' t n n grunt or two front the one hl« care, the tO'eeoriul nrtl.t made n final effort to neon e• th" man'« ernt•ereatlonal p"were. ('al - ting the top of the hen.I gently 10• venture) the remark : "Der h:llr on tier top, sir, 1t le a bat thinning out -)e«?" "Yee.' - Ienttllcally interesting. mom "Of der tunic den a little, eh''' a MrsFairbanks tells how ililsatppointing, for the . 11117 (ulle.e soon a� 1t scuds. fi- let,* the' ell' grow the) mil But the nnt1 do grow. n ,ors nR o \oiyed you to -night a eulrile Cour- re'erltolud. The promoters point t,* the tact tlml rlmr) beet factorlrw In the (Tilted Atilt re have prlld fair .iirttlenne. Thier le entirely atter butnble to the higher price of suRit: le the 1'14,11.1 :+tater. whlrh U nlrrlt L cent per {Lound higher than In ('nnn.111 cauo„1 by the .tmr•rlrau tariff on foreign sugar imported, tN ing nls0ut thnt m'Ich higher th,ttt :h • (!median tariff, thus affording them 1 cent per pound more protection,. 11 money In not made by the lee - torte., where floor the farmer.'tand who hay grown n crop which 110 e'tn- rot .(i•poe,e of otherwise? Ao Obeervnr. 1 nth mol her an 1 cllldL 1 ala ma. '1'., 1111 .1 141.41111i1141.41111i1141.41111i1an )It r. John lh,bbb� St. .tndr,•tc'e 11144errdt to our intelligence -a Viet of masoullue protest ngnlnet a mere (..man "taring to have a discrimin- ating mime" Feet- tjur.-'1 c seller it my duty to te•onmen'I Iltaby'a Own Tablet's to 411I tuy frietr1e who have child- " 'elnl. A. Burns, aihlltonas• Mnn,- elm stoke the wools atM_1.h[nlgh •1 hate found Belo'r Own Tnblirte her ere.d.d'emanleil them, but just eito lifted herself of her own ac - .14. all yon claim for them" larnenth the surface there was a ,,*1 1 ere( prestos' her lila to name )Ira 7'. .1 Pomo. New Brandt!. 1° h rkalg wiet(u,rss ehleh begged I tee* 11 eco to toatbt the aster - N. It. -'Tet Tablis are just the mei to rvutrenert her proposition. tlint for children: tire) mike well. cheerful awl happy.'' , ortus anll told her that 1 hail been Ili �aeretuy of the 1\'omnn'w i•1, B. 1. analog gales talon colors. that 1' Itiebtm eaolety, of which elle hart • "own. turd for tide I Inconel m7 lea -den. Reaching it I clung on with try dieengnged arm. "Can yor hold for long?" Min mold, am soon as she Mali remained Ler breath. 'If not, you owlet let tire P♦. IG to of no use our both get- ting eriew•n1d." "I could freeze on here for yeare," 1 remarked. (•heerftelly. "But 1 don't know bet what I Altai' let you go 14"lsse the answer you were going to give too tide morning is satiable - tory 7" Tee words had the deelrcd ef- fect of rem -oaring Ler. ' Come: what 14 the verdict ?" I d/montlel, threateningly. '• Tlla C teeth to gootlnosa3-ftad- Tnrnt to omen :" Mir replied. But. ' e t k t m y t:n•., • • h• m 1 ehcnik1 have taken ler •n n, 1 • • • • ]ll'N. 11. Il. 1.14144. xeamr -"I (:ate foiled the Tablets a most satisfactory ns.11eis" for U1 1 1 - ren. 1 (alwvaao krrp them In the Ur . A. W. 111 g ns,. North River, LIES OF HISTORY. N. N-"1 cannot prelim the Tablets tiro mit^h. Thoy aro the hest awl- -- Inatome! Wanders Dwarfed Wine for rhlllren 1 have ever en (teal Truth le estewn. teed." You,0nn tike the wooer of these roma thirty ,'ear', beck,n,ote'0rs veil every confi,len*'e,Awl say I BostonH ,*u have 1 R 1 J4:4t a sir }'lord JILL uncu%cr. 1'ompeil, there form a very ex mpgrearane• of •a I. filet century of th eo,.;unng three, years IAlermnas been uncover }kala 1011. The results halve been, tit really "termed every. moment sprit Leen pee+ri,i•nt, wrote, stating thet 11 (/a rt term h••r nm wa44t•l, bat nu Ili. n1••nulx'rtt locket upon her as it tcere w'dtl[iu slKht of the hxlge vvin mi•: r.lblr IwOk.'tiler. dkwN. Eton the mere worry were de- 1 h.,ppe.,nt•1 to know that her Wad me, for ne that ineutent one of a: -w. r was:, thefu(lge-k,•t•per'r children, w'(In WAR ••I'I•,,m, tell the MNterhood that a eetteng towards 1144, trlpprd up on girl n, vcr remises a mere man's real the gravelled drive nml fell Rhe two)! 11,11.,,. unlit only iter art 1111n 1t►rwnrd rind p:ekld him sip, estrct•hes bet were her and n wet- hn•hmg him frantic errs with ten - cry elate." r t le cr- der, Knott, 11(f words. Whl: h, tlewrd In the Il lit of a lI n putative guarantee that • fur us. the rules u( 1.1x0 relates t••ntnln o0 opiate *1r The re14c01 11:111 cut the pour mite's reneon for mnrrlage. iN Lw Liz apolo- rnnb:fog um 1" Pennell dretg. No other mnlldm' kn1te I took him from her and car- filet to Eaelll absurd. 1111 sit 11ea ,*f ilii poet a similar Rexnnuhllr Sankt h1 tied ilim to the l,*.lgn It rens pretty tan town !f thei.lr.,zgtsts or sent by mall at 2', to see her bending over to oldea, have lbe eltrIslaan ern, rout. n Ira by writing' to "'mI*(l. to bathe nlld bind nit the tis• Dr. Wt' Innis' Si lien' Co, Berk- chide. hurt. 1 toted with till armee nncl•ut %Ito, Ont Lute amp the mtntle id 11041 twomns- h •rI- S 1c NORM nu n44I Christopher CultInt half jihMt iN 0n 'olrhltryC ceeet.a, burled agate, and probably for the As we w: ikcd back, I tried to telt est time. The event tusk place at her how* morel the little scene 'haat r i• int weediseardet when (11e nee,( for wire ' C'hri'stopher Columbus' Laat F ,- Funeral.. l..v iilg .'mpa.thr became apparent.. ( 1 t leave until the child's No,"rove'1 't0 be by no means either After ap nother long pewee : neglect of warning symptoms Iuagnlfiecut or tete:mite as pope "Ilave it been bnl•l lung?" f I will soon prostrate a woman. ,ler fi Ind(. o). Ur, Kollwry, who W In magination lute always putter -11 ter tnklu;t n long bbreath of err- 1 The man xmllal wearily. Then, n She thinks \\'Oman S SAI safeguard beat p "I c Hint ml for Ns effete. he replies': is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable charge of the excavations., asserts 1 where Damn Into %h' worldat way. positively - that the famoux walla IrPen 110 Then i had nn interval of compete-' Compound. were certainly not more than eightI (140on i0 c0 reutrl� hirsute luxuriance, but it • Ignorance and i,, elect are the Helen ht circumference, navigator, wn' not enduring. I have long ,Ince cause of untold female suffering, not Nor IM thin till For not only way seamen. of in .•merged -nu lonite. ,Cafel .01 d*'pricn- 1 only with the 1awa.of health but with the city comparatively Ini.I it*ice vitalise -I by n cortege tem. .It nu longer afflicts ms.. IR/ na rig 1 .01_ Snell warniunceof acure, I' otrea c pains ftI s eil epknuor and wealth of architee- Marine; the ('41( not (1*'ii- It to weigh open yonl' tad general he.' renes, c%n li pwae The German lon.ter141 over this and ptrnrral wcarinc•., !til I was tura' detail could, the doctor de- i Cadiz, and other dl roti, n white wlth0ut. however, sip- well nlph &afire!' bate haul no real ea et sit 1 f Musa i pearing to Reprehend the meaning of the mates wont:(. "Der hair kl loot 'setter, sir, if 1x•rhane you keep 1,1 long In .ter d t and was n Ntruc by t t f f teal to the cathedral at Havana. Af Trouble back like ?" he euggested offer an- warded la a few were,. to find that my In reality the exploere hove 0011- ler the Ppsnlelt-American. war they I d n e y eirihhr period of 'atelier, aches and pains di•appeared, and I tl11ool then►•eliee, by actual men -I were taken to Sprain, where, by de - Thr man removed hie gaze from vain telt the glow of health through surentent, tent not even lu Nebu- - sire of a. descendant of Columbus, the floor, fn#tened it upon the my 1)0)1y. Since I have been well I, chatter -ear's, royal palnee wits there, the Dake of t•eragnn, they have ceiling clet'red his throat again have leen more careful. I have also a ring!, prltnte apartment whiell been Interred In Seville Cathedral. weeks ago In the famous and 1(4lolwil, ns.'. IMI cathedral of Seville, Sisson, 1 n epecial mausoleum flus truete,1 to hold the esthete of cepa«u,l by novo glorifies' 1n eeffiu ons borne by ayy and WW1 follow - leaden' by„oho Arch - .the MWdaler_ _of tin -General I'f plainly -lou seem to taken rY1.4111 tarts,. The In hiding 1111 those endearing qualities! I r e ashes a no us. Holm prostrated. I knew I had to do something. Happily 1 did the right thing. 1 took Lydia E. P)nkhar's Vegetable ('omp ound faithfully neeordin4 to ire.' moue, a "You speak an though the most or - dine -try attributes of a goo,( women were lr-vking In me," eke rnv(N.ntied, •'►t,,w•puld be n herd boort that was net toucher] by the 'sufferings of n little chip.' "On thea0ntrnryi" I proteetel. "1 give your erelit for all that le eeweet nod -trop. -tmt%'frn•Rtv.- to.41. 1 steak n have been from your h (lows rt. th011111 It were. (inn dried mon bmat lel ,tail- • rp oral with s, many slot,. any :i cin to let them appear. Why he cote the ouiy hulloing material avail- i remorulte a« those Of (clam 0. They and rlistnnt to times who love yon able, and large or imposing etliiaen rested for two centuries nt Santo • could not possibly have been con -1 Domingo, dml In 1790 were transfer - ted their u t alone A Herrin Little Irl. Friends of T -year-old Wm. Dunn, of well-Ur-eto lr epi.'. who live M Gut- tenberg. N. .1 . set . a despatch to the Rochester lieu eerat and Chron- iele, were making; :t hero of lets to- day for envIng the Inver of his two corn panties. I' sweets Bellew, N year. old, and Johnny, two years younger. who fell through the len OM !t pond, - On breaking through, the Bellew boy managed to keep Ills own head :end her sister's above the water be clitmging above the a 1444' of the loo. All of the children en the lee ran away with the exceeton of the Dunn boy, who, pror•nring a couple of planks', pushe.l them .lowly over the 1414 on 11141. estate gait, Thea, when the pli111ke were near the two children, he crept tit himself 111x1 pellet out the girl. The two, with all their etreto dreamt the bora I next managedi 111 1I11 • am' "mote once more: advised a number of my sick friends wetted lei considered large enough' surely the Inaerlptlnn requlseat 10 "Let me assure eon. my tremor- to take Lydia E. Pinktulm n V epee• now n'hlyr f,*r a Indy'n ►oudo'r, tare written over thle tomb would let Weed." saki 11 , "that the np- table' 1 o1n1 • oar hlgf.ret public o pearnnen of my h:'Ir, as i have been aernstomed to dress It In very watltfnctory to myself, and, per - hams 1 ntittht sews say, to my friends. What little hair 111111 n4orna my 1►: nd i have peesrmwd fm• n long time. 1 know It well. I bane been on fnnliller termor with It for many yearn. I helve ina.lrrt- Irreai;lar, nnppressed or pniuful men- ontly mingled sprier emu and ntruation, leueorrhmn, di..pin(ement, chewig tar with It In my years rte„ r,'memhor, there 14 enc tried and of extreme youth. i have often true remedy, Lydia E. Pinkbam's• nun -dried It 111 order to preeent n Vegetable Compound. proper non -guilty appearnncr et hem, after eurreptilous -swim- ming expetUtl(ms. I bare Nei it. •• r - - !,.micro Mparr 11m•,•.,e_ entrance d 111 Compound. Heel they have pierce had reason to be «erre. entire very tidy, Mow. Matt' 1'Alnnaffle, 216 South ith St.,\finnenp"lie,alInn."(Mrs. Fairbanks is one of the most euecenef ul and highest ealnried travelling «ales - women in the West.( --115000 forfeit IforIgImrd •f above :et ter proving genu) neneree• •nv(be, ' 4,itN When women aro troubled with •-- t li roomwas the have been or more than ordinary lxsnquetting hall. wherein occurrent elgnlflennce. It Its to he hoped that the. "Mee. mens, tek41 nphnraln" i.4- thle Interment will Nemo to Nettle cldrut, and thin was barely fifty feet forever the (11•'pat1 an to whether long. The houses 0f the common Ie'4) ('olnmhnd remalne were ever really pit WTI' mere hovel's. So perl,hee n removed from Santo Domingo. - 01,04 11sl illueiOn, It in probably the seine with not a few of the Ireml-mythical wonders of ()Melt 1(mem. The famone ('01044Nne Of !tholes, for Inetanoe, which has ghee 1lle word -"coloanal" -to the English Inngunge, -and which was esteemed one of the alSPf wonder.' of the world, would, if standing to - 'date be quite dwarfed by the gigantic IIA11•Nay• Statue of Liberty erected sit the to New York harbor ;�lu�it�11111 ���1/��=1 1� •I1I�ICw■II��II1i�I��II/ II/�It♦M----II --- /fir ����I 1/11111/ /_IIIA inim��ti•�� �If wininit♦i 1�mit� '�t�am�i��mossl I�tt>♦MeamI���I BII�IMONMI •�i_prCllrtalofirllrltif� +lseMgl M �I.� IMI=;�IMPARMI THE PROST STEEL GATE et the oIrnnge't and lightest known. 1:.,. d agent. cam handl,' a large number of them yearly. 11 we are net represented ; , your di.trid, Writs n. •hove the agency. One Agent to each locality. leant's, ca(•lel. iht FROev Wiley Ff11rI CO., Wta, AN 0, Ont , W1n00410, Man. OtN4 day n r 1.rgrant In the lin+1 n num('s0r off recruiter to 3'"2 'terra Withent a Hitch. drill, rind n-nntoel the 'married men m,e ielnn+l, 1rpt., tlfltT_'. na{xlrntre from the 4)\tett 4in:tln 0 04. .0 \141«,Mv-llrris pt. 11. he fornl theca in line and gate 'Ittrr'n('0 that wore of 11. ,,.and:ra(fenticmrn,-1 parrhner4 one of "Sl,;tl0 men.n, ulsx•r- and mor- y011P No. 1 }sln.h•r 7 ft. cut, from tied men, fall leek In the rear." Iagent R J. spoor, and ant Well All txok their tarsiti0na rxrept one, plea44ed wllh lel. having cut my nn Irlshhurn, -whet st0o 1 still. map of n__ 744'11.4 %v 1(11+sit it hitch The sergeant exited the reason why m mistake wilts n open of heroes.; Ila eel not m0t.sl, but no Ammeror medium nine. Tie, hinder worked Vi1 0 from lett. m, man, are you "tarried?' ,� "ceasy nn+l hnndlrA the crop so ' Pis," replied lent. perfectly th it 1 wvntlel not heal - "Then, yews ere te:n 1Ir'!" "No" "Then wltnt nee , mol '.' "f non eenrtire eel Tie r'rarearlt 1 tote to perch islt: n Ni1Uar One R ft. nut. If sagely were hnllt. 1 (tan r.t,nmmend it 11n"sr'-11nrlle 7 ft [limier to nn} e' mw c.l"h'or'. J.%%cm \I•. O•ihHJ}:N. i.eslie's Weekly. Plain Talk to the Czar. I heard a plantar story, with regard to the late Csar of Iteteeia. Ile veal one night playing it game of whist sit Homburg. and the hreeent king, then, of course., I'rinee of Wales, and several of Ills friend', wren of the party. Among-tho44r friemle was ter Jansen Maeklntoeh, a well-known hon vivant of the eighties and nlnetiee. Nle Jnmess was one of those blunt, downright, toogttepoke') Nrotch- men who didn't- know fear of God 0f man. in the midst of the game Sir James rolled Oat to the Cssr, "You've revoker) Everybody's, blood ran cold. The Prior's of Wales, I have herrn told. kicked the Seotohman un- der the table ; rind the Czar, blush - Ing and eonfii eft, reclaimed in be- wilderment, "Revoked! Why. I nev- er did spelt a thing In my Wei" not Sir James periostea, and the mon- firth was proved to be In the wrong; nitereepon ter .tames replied to the observation of the ('zar, "i daresay baOn've often revoke 1, vont' majesty, t tide la the first time yon were ever told en." --U 1 1'. and Lumbago Thirty Years of Backache and Rheumatism Winter Beano); 1 is Especially Severe Attributes Cure to DR. CHASE'S KIDNEY -LIVER PILLS Th1N 4en40n of the year 10 ever - tans trying on the older people. The plains 111,1 111111114 grow Inure 444444010 In the colt and changeable w wit 11- er, the kidneys get out of order, rleumatien n1e1 lumbago torture their victims', there are aching back'. and limbo, stomach derangemrnte urinary awl bowel animaters; and tier - lone, painful rind fatal malrell0e. Ur. Cheetah' Kidney -Livor Pills are perticulnrly 44111101 to ,the need.; of persons of advanced age. They re -r gelate and Invigorate the 'Ivor kid- neys, and bowels and prove effectual when ordinary medielnee fiN. Thi• letter from Mr. Robert JarkIOn gives some Idea of what this treat- ment 144 arromptINhing every .Iny. Mr. Robert Jackson, ship carpen- ter, Port Robinaon. Ont., atntr4: "I wail afflicted with kidney trouble and Inmbng0 for about thirty yearn. The winters were nlwnys very sev- ore on me. end i wee many times Inenpncltatel elth all tree rmr10.1* aympintne elf both trembles. 1 line baataehn, hilioesoeee. rhenmallm, head:Who. 01,1 11.11.5 eta' 1,1)5). and wa • wrecker) pl,y.leally I uer.l all sorts of n)1,1tcln.•m nn.l 11.1441 been if ealed by the medical (11f.'«mkm to no per - pump. "In the Ppring of 1(x72 1 1/ rga■ ,i i',u Dr 1''.' s is !u:•v-L,Iver 1'111 Y. and from the start rer.ived gtreat t 11,11 Un eel 1 he treat meat until I fully recovered good health mol vigor, my old trouble being a thing of the pro.t. I am seventy- five years old, and if, at my adveno- el age, I hnvo reeeivnd much grand results from the tors of Dr. Cheaper Kidney -Liver ('111s atter yearn of un- necessary suffering, there can be no doubt of their nfflency in the treat- ment of younger persona. I recom- mend them to every one, f hetes 0111.1 to think of words to express my gratitude, but It 1s beyond ex- pression, for they have done more ter me than E °mild have believed." Dr. Ohame's Kidney -Liver I'111a, one p111 a dorm, BIS cents a hoc. At el dealers, or F.Aman.on, Estes cad Co., Toronto. , 1 l h in rile. of 110, read isle ter then mop( in m AR ng d ak. tube is,a runt few t ler ale bas 9 (gn