The Signal, 1903-3-5, Page 88 TIukaDAY, March 5, 19('3
Time to Loosen
the Purse Strings
and get ready for Spring Buying.
THIS store has not arrived at its present stage of usefulness by
chance. There's no luck or speculation about this business ; it
I n t the result of fortunate circumstances, but downright honest,
hard work --work wherein your interests as consumers have been care-
fully studied at every,corner and turn. We caws'here strangers. Our
business friends to -day number into the ilundrnds. They know us and
they have confidence in our merchandise and methods of doing, busi-
ness. If you don't believe all this, visit the store during the coining
weeks, -we aro opening up the NEW SPRING GOODS, -notice
the number of satisfied buyers in the store, and you'll believe that
there is friendship in business: for we look upon every customer who
leaves a dime or a dollar in the store as a business friend.
Fancy Ribbons.
I1 sola are on the hunt fortllegsem°, end
prettiness mud emu rut 10 ribbon" you
must not fail to examine our collection.
'Hundreds of nee pieces received. Spv. i -
al line, fence "Mime, new shade., neck
ribbons, at 2&.
Laces and Embroideries.
1,0 thew nes Don you well rind tbuuseuds
of yards of embryderiee. every width,
end the host values we have ever shown.
A special hue, 6 inches wide, regular 15c,
foe 10c a yard.
New Torchon Laces,
Eters width and the Leat weertreg lace
for underwear, fie, 6c, 7c, sc, 10(- a yard.
New Dress Trimmings.
Eters dress this seam) will hate tram-
ming* of humor bind., eta. Fashion hoe
ao decreed. • M e have prepnted fur at with
the legated collection a1)1 beet ya'ues we
have ever shown New mwlallion trine
mings black and white, 50e, 75c, 61 00
New silk trimming, IOe to $1 00 a yard
New 'Wash Goods.
Hartdwme white god., the correct
thing this seat n, 16-, 20c•, 25c, 35c per
Special fine gingham, in pl.ut and
.trip. designs, reau sr 20:, for 15c.
Dressmaking Depa; tment
Hato tun treed us We tan gne you
satisfaa•hun Prices reasonable
Smith Bros. & Co.
(('occluded from page .1
Joe. 13. Doyle, 3-dget.keseper to the Renk
of Hamiltoo, produced the ledger of 1bo
beck, whiob showed that the last deposit
midi' by Mr. Smith was one of $184 30 N
January 29 h l•et. It was hie practice to
make deposits two or three times a week.
Ther• were no cheques leaned to February
by Mr. Month.
Wm 1'. Thompson, clerk In Mr. Smith's
More, war celled. Mr Smith's custom of
depositing wee cot regular. N atomss did
not ere bum hays money Monday .1,51 but,
knew he must have had it from Monday'.
tales. It was the deceased's praotte• to nal
anceinn o*sh book piety manila,. The bel.
aloe Tuwo•y mi rang showed $154 in hula,
but • ob'qum of $37 had bean cashed.
There was nothing in the books to account
for the $114 Tee decemed Rsnsrally mad.
• memoof be, net traneecttoe', but then
was nothing to the books to "bow any
aft haying Leen paid,
I/r. W. Gann, of Unstop, tsstified to hat -
lent beam tolled to see Mr. Smith on !?•b
rwry 3rd, and arrived hen about midnight.
He Lound the patient in a sant mulattoes
state. He could with d,thculty be aroused,
bot eras not coherent. Ther warn no pat•
alyels of soy part. Ile loan] a depresel..
• 31114 below the moot prominent put of the
b•ek of the bead, Into which on.'. heti.
finger 000ld be plead. 'There was no scalp t
woaod In hu second vitit, some day' later,
be Mond marked dtsoolorattoe end some
moiling end tenderness behind tho left ear
Then was no other iv'idsnoe of it jury, Oo
February 12.5 an operation was performed
Is remnylog a plea of bone about t of an
Nob (e diameter. He Dottced a tractor
extending from the upper and h•, k part of
gibe skull downward and forwent to above
the left ear. neve was no d•preesloo of the
bone, no efts between the skull and the
cevering of the brain, but they found a clot
00 opening the covering of the bride whiob
would to 'efficient to account for the
parslyss.. The psti..t caper talked leoldly
Toe doctor then read the report o1 the post-
mor tem examination made by himself and
Drs. '1. and J. S Chisholm. In answer to
• questtoo, "ranee. "easel *bat 11 res
possible to have received • blew end moved
stoned some. It was porltle to have *of-
fered from concussive and before "Caton of
blood tock elects tie m'ght have got op and
fallen .eau,. '1'n. Injuries could not bare
been produ:ed by • melba'. There were
two dutchet bajnne,, and must bays been
caused by two falls or blows from • dull
club. The skull, oossidering Its Ibi00ea,
cou'd have been fractured by • list, but it
was not probable.
At the conclusion of the dieter's •vu1•no.
a0 crag made sold Monday
.veoteu, Mstet. 9.5, at 8 o'clock.
Toth" irditer of TIIE Suns AL.
Slit, -The optoto0 against the site of • now
Ttor.r, barldlog is very short." voted sod
the •raiment of tnv,egrurty absurd. Is
there .t present soy harmony le bev.ns the
Market on 1b• ptettrest site w tow., the
Blew of wh , a is commanded by shires part
of our boast, the $quer• park! If criticiser,
Iwteul of &hackies the ooa0mre setloa In
Ibis vutlr, had cleared the way by
.Ivooetnng the renters' of Pmts depot for
foam products, It would probably have less
reason to complete of income 000esurroaod-
gs in the near future. 1t le not so very i
env since 130 market woe o0 the Squ.,..
Ti.lle significant. The contention that
our library mutt bed a mottos rho. in seam
oa-31-tbr •wy place booths" the bore, saw -
logs. etc., v,tnpl•med 01 may remain nadir-
turbed is puerile. to soy She Meat. The
00000.l In usigoing this be►ut.lal looallty
to the u•s of • nubile library are to be
ouirratulaud on posseeslog a far-seeing acid
op -1c- late rosier. Into the eternal fitness
of rntnts
From whence does the West street sug-
gestion emanoae" Is us scarce pure with
a ,Ingle eve fur the rublec good, Zwhboot
ere iodic. or lo'erssr! Would cots one -nary
Sale 1111
We find lines that we will sacrifice to clear out,
but we cannot take space here to enumerate
them. So far the sale has been a success. We
are doing a larger business this February than
last, and have decided to add two staple lines to
our bargain list :
Coiled_ Spring Wire, at $2.75
Barb Wire, - at $2.75
We are known in this section as the cheapest.,
and the place to buy the best hardware. We
want pleased customers and our reputation to
continue to spread and be sustained.
is a big part of our business. We have given t*j cc•
Tal attention to it, and can now give almost any
kind of fencing required. Wo are now taking or-
ders so as to insure it being here when wanted.
There will be a big rush this season for fencing.
The fence we like best is called the "Ideal." It is
correctly nailed, for it is the farmers' ideal fencing.
We believe it is the strongest and best fenco for the
least money that has been put on the market.
The life of a fence is the life of its weakest point
This fence is male of all No. 9 hard steel galvanized
wire (No. 9 is the large wire), that is, Iatterals, u1S-
rights and locks are all heavy wire, and, therefore,
has no weak points. Truly it is the farmers' ideal
We will also tlindle the Fitter',, Asia:watt and Pal -
vial fences, and think we can give you entire satis-
We will handle the BEST PORTLAND CEMENT made.
Our stuck of HARDWARE is being well -assorted with Spring Goods,
and will give you entire satisfaction
b.ild:o1 look somewhat toomegruoue stead.
log •towel!• the post -Mhos' Would 11 8pR
003 hove a melaoololy s.1-dowa-o. appeal.
woo! ferbam. the advocacy of this u'• M
on the peluuple o1 wronge make a
right. Ytu's truly, ('biers.
Lester.■ armies eater .
levestle•te and •ee for yourself rhe art
coverings u0 vitae and toupee". Prof.
l)oreowend', mese eta,' Oros ►r0 worn on oyer
55,000 head* by ell 01ees.,, and In all et..
flow to h1e. They are the "*•ecce of per.
fectior, light to welehr, durable and • free*
benefit to health, sod a broteutloa to the
Beed rgalwt voids, draughts, oatarrh, etc.
Tryi.g o. *u1 demeoetrattog he complete.
awe of these goods fru of °barge He will
be at Bedford Hot. 1, Gndettoh, Thursday,
11 -rub 12 b.
Wall -Paper
400 rolls of Wall
Paper, suitable for
bedrooms, kitchens,
halls and sitting -
rooms, all ono price,
4c per roll. Ceilings
to match, same price.
Borders-- 6 -inch, lc
per yd., 9 -inch, 2c
per yd.
450 Tells, $, 10
and 12 -roll lots, reg-
ular R
a C and lOC per
roll, clearing at off
Several lines gilt
Wall Paper, 12c,
15c and 20c, clearing
at 8c and 10c a roll.
The above prices
`are strictly cash and
are made In order
to make room for
more Wall Paper
specially contracted
for with Wall Paper
factories. This will
be a money saving
year for those requir-
ing Wall Paper, as
our prices will be
away below the or-
dinary dealers'.
Store closes 6:15 p.m
Telephone No. 1008.
GeJ. Porter
There Are Few Orchards
when spraying it not attended to, but have trees
tion or ler" deteriorated through ravages of !"sect
.r fuhglcide pests. You could not expect much
from a true Infested with pant/area as twig in cut,
w Idch shows Han Joao Beale natural, and magnified.We do not wrghify the merits of the
,I I' I WTOR SP`"YM.c1,Irte
when we ear It le ah.,i"f"fy 00 trawl 10 the world Ootid
>bxLl. and h net Pries ill (-very contest we hare entered,
'Audio' too Aulerl ,o . Mae us Ile,,." to ray fhb, and 11
well gine u, plra*ure, and be est profit to you, to write
wfor "oral page 1.015, "A 0...1.1Blue On Your Form,"hick c.muuno valuably fr,nnubraend mtonn.tlo.; 1t latror•
JPRAMOTOR CO.. Huffish.. N. Y.. London. C.n.
1 am still sacrificing the
which 1 have in stock to
make room for my
Nome". The boost wear la Dungannon
for Tile tl:1:N.i. is et the once of J. O. Ward,
J. P. oonvesencer. ate.. who will receive
orders for sotworip•1oos, sdrerusirtg and lob
work, and 1s authorised to give receipts for
amounts mid for the same.
Tt c+fur, Marob 3rd.
St'Mtrrlt SvreLy -Several of our citizen'
sad others have during the lam* week been
.burbly enr.god In storing up largo .1%111010m
11 toe to 000l their petalled lips doriov the
beat of pert summer. They .tate
that the Ice is of malleo% quality.
t MAN,:s O) I'lsorsery.-Liotti."mambas
an 1 zobaopiog property 1u this motion o1
ibe 00.01-7. Dam. humor has It thee S.
1S. Saudet.ou hos parch••ed Mr A. GI.'s property on U.rtdson's y, aid
'bat there iso other ezoh•ugss te10g mads,
*hicks will appear In our next.
SanAL.-A social seder the amebae of
the Epworth League will be bell to Gay'.
hail, Duagagnoe, Vood•y, March 9.h, A
fine p will be tendered, onoe sting of
'seal sad inetrumental music, recitations,
Ma Progreso to big n at 8 o'clock. Re-
frssbmeata will be served alter the program,
totlos.t by • *meal boor, Rama, etc,
Lac/VIM -Rey. M. G.tlbora will dollen
a leo' are nut Tbond•y "mooing. Subject
-'•1'..1 .ad Precast History of the Jewish
Nation." The looters w111 be held In St.
P.ul'r eharc5. A silver oolle:tioo will be
taken urs As the d r' is
of Jew,eh eziniono. an boIeresttag linters
1e •ot'o p.:•d and then will oo doubt be •
large atteadene..
HAAS AND Turas.- Mess Montgomery,
of Tomato, le os ea extended vent to Mr.
and Mn. William lhonlpsrn and other
rola•tyss her.. _ .Joeapb DAvld.00, for
newly et St. Helene, awl now of Mnskoka,
*Mottle/ relatty,. bore . Maier W.
14:nwford, commercial traveller, left hue
.se Monday morons', vie Luck now for Grand
Valley on a bwloese trip. •f er speeding
IIlwd.y with tits parent. We were pleased
se ave him look mo well and to know the% he
I well in b•s new a• ropstlon.
Moyrar, Minh. 2x/.
Min Amato M, Phail is In Clinton.
Jae. Harrison tort • valuable oow ktsl
lien Elliott hes returned from
Miss h:'m. Beetles hoe returned from
G ,!erten.
Peter Mci),ugall, 1-., 5s-1 • .uoow.dol
w,od-bee On Frida.
Mrs. C. ('amohell, el Goderleh, spout
Tue.d.y at Rroeaide.
I W m. 1' 'uor, of Loyal, sprat 'Tuasd.y
announce that they have purchased from Mr. A. M. POLLE,Y hie
Ru.tneesand that they will be found at tete old stand on South Street
• with a good stock of useful Livery Horses.
Well-appointed Hacks and reliable Drivers In charge of the 'Buses,
which Will meet all trains and eteamboate.
A11 calls attended to promptly from hotels and private houses.
Is Coming.
M. OI CE 12.
This winter vioit o' 1903 1 am prepared to show . larger varlet ref NEW
YORK, LONDON. and PARIS STYLES Than ever offered to the pith 'e 1e,
fore. i shell hove I,AD►Ks' and GENfi0I WEN'S wins, 1 )3:Pkett
BANKS, WAVY and PLAIN FRONTS. SWiTCHES of all long hair in
every length and *hash, etc.
LADiEN, my good* ate incognito,' as the HTANDARD OF PRRFitC-
TION and their see protect. the head ens pro -Ammo a younger expression to
the lane.
to EN rtEMEN, are yrm held ! 1 invi n yon In my show enema le d• m-
nn.trat ..the mmp stn "*crewe of ely a•1 mveringe in N 1135 and 'I'OU►'IOt,S
worn oh neo • 06,000 header. They are light in weight, strong end most net -
oral in *peroration and a protection to the head against. DRAUGHTS,
COLDS, VAT ARRH, NEURAL(/IA, *1'., aid rices a yotngnr tent henchmen.
nr exprominn to the fare. 1' atm remember day and date
Boderich, Bedford Hotel, Thursday, Larch 12.
night •t the home of hs brother, Joe
Mr. Porter. of Wt.45.10 spent Suodoy
at the home of Alex. Cos.
War. McDougall, of EAmoodv3lle, "peat
Su day with relatives here.
Mees Edna Elliott, of Goderioh. Is the
guest of her friend, Mies flatke.
Miss E -nm. P,oker,3 was removed from
1'lletoo hospital to her home here lest week
We are pI..*ed to see that Jon Shaw
bas recovered from his lodbpoeutloo.
A rev from this vicious atte.ded • daoce
riven at the home of Alfred Plow, of tie•
Ise co0oesslor, on Friday night. Testy re-
port a good tune.
Miss Mande McDougall, of Detroit, spent
het weak la tk s v,ctoi'y. She oam• up to
Gott.r.oh with bar cousin, Miss K.t•
Muliougall, who tido' 111 woe rumble to
some .Il the way. ----
MONDAY, March 3rd
Mrs. Alex. Sfo.telth, from Klopro, was
guest of her •wee, Mrs A H Chattels,
lately, and oho Mr and Mr, Alla and
d.uehter from l'uokersmlth.
U. tog to the illness of nu Wiser. Jolla
L netater, Roy Lloklear hid to come home
from h'e studios at Guelph Agrloutterel
College Monday of tele weak.
Tbasoav, Feb. 24th. '
Tn. FLoca Mau. Bylrw.,-Tee swage
Fit and Wear
There are some things which can't be improved. One of these
things is the " Queen Quality " shoe for women.
You can snake it more elaborate, you can decorate it, em-
bellish it, use costl • materials and all that ; BUT FOR $100
This means that mechanically it is perfect Alt for its al,.
pearance, the fact that hundreds of thousands of women
choose it instantly above all other 'hoes would seem to in-
dicate that it is attractive.
Why don't you go so far as to try on a pair the next time
you come to the stare ! It costa nothing to see then* tit
your foot.
BOOTS, $3.75. OXFORDS, $3.00
ul tble township hare submitted • bylaw Os
the ratepayre for the loading el 117,000
te John Sohosahels for the•a of •
roller bone mill at this plans. It will be re-
meml,ered that the mill, which stood ma the
ureeeet site for sizay-tour years. was pt•
terly destroyed by bre early ID the whaler,
meanies • greet loss to the owu•r, and
rough ln000•.ale•oe to the fora.,. A
artful perusal of the bylaw will 'bow thea
Mr sobo.oh.l, will give ample security to
the township for o o r tins weal am
oust asked,
and when we 000sidrr lb.• Due 1. • wealthy
township, %be vat intim of wbleh nesse, op
t• the handouts, sum of $1.692 975, with iso
•EI'tlog debenture debt, we as tax eaten
should not bultat• for en Instant
1. giving our vote Io la•or of this lea..
The r.-hulldtov of this mill will not in .ay
way Injure any of the •urroaad:og.onnity,
bet will add 410,000 at the levet o.lcula•b
to the value of this 1•Ir towoehtp of Dari.
Or bat matter a sew cents • 11.d t• Olaf
tante mob year uot:l this debt is csoo011sd,
which It Ie booed to be within the period of
fifteen years' This le a progressive age,
and We the of Asbe.:d menet af•
fold to he ketone In the rase. At the par
sot tune tins. n. •o roller flour m II Is this
township, a.d though be W. le out cess
*rally located it a rise only ere that o*a be
t ot with •ufliol•st water power all ate year
rimed en wbbh to bu Id *5. rata, wkisk
ea absolute necessity to the tarn.-.. Vet-
ted are the obteouoo• rives by • few easiest
this lean, but every rlgb'.thraking ratm
payer easbt a ase tai bases that (a OMR
N hs duetted free Is sad kelp M mks i5.
majority for It es kla as possible. air,
Schosa►ale has twee •""Notal with the
sold for lbw lest ciao year.. H. 3. an r
oiliest miller end boa proved himself to be
hottest and upright, with a Ism, .brew! le.
siert tato .11 bis business treaw.ottssas•
Thos yore on the bylaw will be 1.5.x,
Moroh 15.11
One Way Excursion Tickets
Pres minas' stomas. $.c, In
Ill feMraN aprlmp
e- re ass ver, •e leas
Moue. *odes, .all
tae tele. reek)* '
spas•., www ale w
sena Parlay fea•1l•
woe O.4.Nr Peta543,1.
a..Irwoeateo, Call. . awe t
For further p•rtleu'an apply to Agorae of
Grand Trunk Ky. System
C. P. 1sT A,
(►spot Ticket Al..,'i
(TI: 1.0 P80', tic, 2S. 1101)0 E N S B ROS.
lag DOOR
-lack Sateen
Waists, 98c
LAST week we sold some black sateen skirts cheap. This week we
have some waists that are just as big a bargain. They are the ad-
vance guard of our spring shirt waists, a special lot that was picked up
a good deal under value. All sizes, good quality, on sale Saturday
L oli(e' black sateen shirt waists, moade from good quality fine black sateen,
corded and tucked, trimmed with strippings of black satin and smell satin but-
tons, a went that woulei be real good value at $1 25, on sale 8 eturlay at your
choice for 98c
For Corset Comfort try "W. B." Corsets.
New Snow take Suitings.
Handsome, effective, stylish and abso-
lutely correct for spring costumes. They are
fashion -favored suiting fabrics for the coming
season. .Just enough change from the plain
stuffs to he stylish, but not enough to be loud
This week we opened up a large ship-
ment that comes to us direct from one of Can-
ada's leading makers of costume materials.
You will see the same in no other store in
town. They are made from clean, pure wool,
and of most there are not two suit lengths
Snowflake suitings, "bade from clean, pure imported
wools, will give excellent wear, all the new spring
colors, such .a blue, green, brown and black grounds,
with snowflake effect in white, a suit length .
$6.00, $7.00, $5.00
''W. B." Corsets are America's Leading
8 Lace Curtain Special.
Perhaps it is too early to talk lace cur-
tains, but we have an extra that should put
you in the notion of buying, oven if you do
not need them right away. Every pair new.
Just in last week.
Handsome loco curtain*, strong, firm net, new
lock -stitch edge•, plain with email figure and heavy
border, handsome new designs, very special value at
per pair ......,
"W. B." Corsets have the long military
NOW Cotton Dress
We have had a trade in cotton
dress goods that has been phe-
nomenal for so early in the sea-
son. Many new lines came in
this week, and the bulk of the
spring stock is now on our
counters. If yon wish to see
some han(Tsomo wash dress fab-
rics come arid see these.
Crum's English prints, fine soft
cloth, 32 inches wide, in patterns for
spring of 1903, feet colors, per yd file
Scotch ginghams, tine qualities,
check and fancy stripes, suitable for
children's wear or ladies' blouses, Doi -
ors that will wast* and qu.lities that
will wear, elegant new designs, per
yard 20c, 2.'rc and 30c
New gingham!, in neat small checks,
fine qualities will wear well, in blue
and «hoe, red and white, pink and
white, assorted sizes, enitabin for
chil,lren'n wear, per yard ... ... 1 2i
Those Mill Ends of
When Saturday is over there
will not likely be one of those
]Hill ends left. They are a big
bargain and have sold like the
proverbial hot cakes. How-
ever, 1,200 yards cannot he sold
in a day, and we have enough to
last out this week, but no more.
Mill endo fancy striped flannelette,
pinks, blues and greys, good gnalitks,
29 to 30 inches wide, lengths b to 10
yards, at per yard 50