The Signal, 1903-3-5, Page 7BUFFALO'S SENSATION
Business ManClubbed to Death
While Family dept.
Buffalo,_despatch : There are no
further developmUen/r In the Burdick
murder Care. Mem. Burdluk. the. wife
.4 114e Murdered man, arrived here
this morning from Atlantic City, mud
was driven to her home on Amble lel
District Attorney Cualtrworth, Am-
sistaint Abbott and re'erul detective'
worked together until 1111 early 1
to- Isy. The mom( important rine un-
earthed (e) far le the finding of the
hackman who drove 1111 untde111111 • 1
man to within a few doors of the
Burdick re.ldeuC)' n1111' whLu44hi 4011
Thuretlay ulght.
1 uremia and a alert valuable clue
is lu the hands of the uuthorlt.•n-
a tuft of about Witten or twenty
haIrN. They were found o11 Isle per -
eon of Mr. Burdick, but arm wait of
Lis heir. rhry kok ,1s if limy hod
Meet turn out. It melee they are
hair belonging to a yuan 4)1* l4) u
wuwau (lib put h40r tte.4 410 out ..:14
The hair le of it ,•'.fur and (4'v4 r.•
111:11 W111 Ise quick to match 4'.44 4 the
hair from which it wait tone.
'1'hc l'Irture or Marred N :a4.
at it •In 1 hlIlg L) p e. TI14. woman In du.
Merited by her ut•Igltb)re ate a "win-
r.•r,'end white her 4181ue lieu nal
beet, (Onuecled with Mr. Burtlii44'r
heretofore, It luta been the out%) et
of ue14411Iw,'0(641 goeip.
!lir 444111101•hm,.4 1'111)41' 1':4)41 \1'i81(11.
Arthur R. thinned, it titontiieut
Wee ie. who Iwo been named Iter(-
revetment 111 a ruff for divorce which
had been Inslltitted by 1lr. B.Ir.Ik•k,
was tbim'tal With the District At-
lOrc0y for sone. t line Istel
wear 441(1. Neither Mr. Coal...well'
dor III. 114481 1ant, Frank Abbott,
noted admit Out Mr. Penne' 11.111
been (Uelitio eat by them.
Cab Plays a Mlcater10u4 Part.
Thu (wlk'e learned early yester-
day that n one -horst cab w:u(drhen
up Ashland uterine half way In the
block betweem-w.immer mud Bryant
'tre•te, about _ o'clock yewter.I(7
unit Mug. A Iuu'e-to-house. 0:1114114
was mute by detective. to barn M
any 0110 11114 001110 to any of the
eious,w 1n the block by cab at night
Tee ollker4 meed not (ted that
any ono in the. blt,'k lural visit such
a vr•Idcb', nal uaturaily they reeeh-
el the conclusion that ltunllck'n mysi-
terlev \Liter e4' 4lailors tied this
Later report : New clew'', were
448411441 yPmlenbav_ta the Burdick
:warder mybtery, nail t1)" authori-
ties are now blmv wItIf then/• while
the (.1.1 'a 4)a w(II ar.: tate lei1144
w) u'k.4L
Our of tier (k.srlopmentl of ye,,ler-
(I(ly was the guinea(: of ir:fortna-
thou of 111" nevat.•rlous disappear-
ance 4)t It l'in'en bottle. TII!N bot-
tle inct,le11 Id regarded :t. of ival•h
moue• Ht.
It W8*• a quart bottle filled with
),InrtIIt emiktalle. It woe,, bought
by Mr. Burdick oU Thurwlay after-
math -the 8fteru.on preceding the
night on which hr WIN nen-demi.
The Write • keine \there it was
tonight n1641 1111'.81 00rtnlu other in-
14N•tnall0n reganiing it.
The bottle woe taken Hue the Bur-
diek Nene by its Loy. r. It entered
the, 1,0004' 111 the Wbnpe It, which
l4) met. f t
' N ( That IN 1
it \t nN 1 1.0 K la . T
Ind its 'nominal wrapper, with n
.o,rrul:)1lol top pewee MD•. Blllrhek
beak It h tine and put 1t In the fume
ily pru'.endrr l,, th • kitchen. There
Gee).r• other butt1o8* 111
.4:0)11' ch. mt. Thio.s+ three Iotlthem
were idle in th • I1181rr, %%h.ell the
police mode their !iron Nearelt of
liar house after the tragedy. But
11).• quart o.r•kteit !mete wens m11.s-
Since 't1).• 181111e woe plat away
in the kitchen (•ht•st it Ilan not
Igen ween. The bottle that fyt•m-
(41 part of 11) • midnight fetter:
t1)" remeants of which were fogntl
on the table in Mfr. Bunllck'N den,
is not the unr. That bit tie was 11
14(are n(fair, p.•tu.lnr to t1)" use
4.•!ruegietm, anti Is of it eorlaln
ink" 4h'1 imanate4 wily Trona Chi-
mer.. TIva roeklnf
ron.:d nett IO.:g. Th' p elee {nate
4car011e1 high :11s1 I i. for it. They
have notes) 11140 ,very nook 411.41
eoreer of tea• Benirk prr,nl-'w,:eat
telt him 1 supreme
Yet-tent/1y the police mud'. n new
woke'' (e( the prentetes and 'made
a .11eecierry that simply whim to
the ',eatery of the missing bottle.
Their watch was n Very thorough
one -more t)1 ,rough than any of
the N. torn) that hate prece.lel. It
ext1H.b.l 1''.rn to an exploratl'(44 of
the gnrhngo cans in the leer of the
Tucked away in lb, bottom of
one 01 these cans they/4(11114144 trace
of 11.' tntsstng 1o1410. It was the
wrnppr•r• of t1)• iced( that Mr.
Ikudtek hi.night ti, Grr 11-01.41. o11
T1nlrelny afternoon. Annelle.' t0 it
was the Meted top piece that 11)11(10
Its elent,if(Catem peve)blr. The Io-
.ICr are pre.4rling tie! wrapper mod
lop pleeie for further 810401 ,pinent..
Mr. Burdick writs Inmle :111 (ven-
in. thorn the time he brought the
lot1!.' hem... Etre nieonnin44 that
the liquor found In tea• drug bottle
wow part of Grit which: wow in the
genet bottle, and that all the rest
hail been .Trunk. it must 1'1111 'be
expedite) wlr41 became' •.f the loa-
the If It wan taken from 11)' pre,
18144'X, n hit honk it '1 Why ens it
taken) ntd1 what were the elreuln-
Ntnhee44 ntteteling the tektite; of it 1
These gne'8tkrIIN may not appear of
Importance t4) the My tune. The
iiiiee, M)wevrr. tire nnxlons to find
the wiener to them.
Late mut night the authorltie'M 4w -
glut the re-exuminnti., of one of the
women already eAn+ntine1 141 04)nmro-
tii)n w fill t11)v Invc*tlgntion, het who
Iii not in Tioy wiwhel fur-
ther inlor►nntlotl from the woman, If
Nh0 hn4,1 i1. / A Talk With the Beekman.
William DI•II11U141 I4 the lanrkmnn
who .Trove 11m nayeteriotm N1ranger
to the corner of .4 Ii1and avenue and
Bryant street, and he mays tent the
messenger w -nu perfectly sober.
"1.'r linrktnen have order"' to Irl
erunkel Hen off at rornere near
their home( instead of driving th('ld
,Pertly 1)1 fact of the Pelee of pee
demcP,' 041141 Delahunt, "but my pnm1-
,.ngrer Tame..ley night wan n sober
mal. Ile talked in r( gruff voice, 1.x4
well theatre nate talked to 8181 In nn
ordinary bu,.1111mellkei way. I did not
notice w here he stopped after leaving
the carriage."
))rinhust said that ho would know
tltr' Iden If he taw him again, 611
co:,l I not romi(Iv( ly Identify- a picture
probe -et, by the (roller.
'The Mutterer Melee me in front
of the Taft Hoarse, 41,641 toll me tint
he wnatel to her driven to the corner
flame\' ankh lh•hahllnt, "Thnro watt
nothing 11(rikln44 nhOnt thepnrnetig••r,
:Orb lie did net foment nervone 4)r
1111411.1 L"
Wier and Molh/r F:4nr1tlnod.
itrs. Burdick anti Mre. Holl, her
mother, were exnminel nt conrkler-
alrle length early to -day at Police
Stntlon No. 10, where they `ve re
tnknn upon their return from Can 11;-
totra, where they i 14'4 attended the
Ineeral of the murdered In 111. . M:4.
Hull wn( find queot)oned, by DIe-
triet Attorney ('ontr•gwerthl. and Ae-
,l.tnal )nporintendeel of Detective,
('uenck. Fie ten« interrogated
closely 844 to ell lle 4'
tell ,
I h
1'110 gi e.
fore M intone Merritt , one of the 4M,
vont", rime In and knew ri01ht1144 of
w•hn1 hnd Iiapeened nnt11 mho war.
Called by the domestic In the morn -
of thin city, tete (0u1141 it, t1)•• d.,i,
daft the 'district ettorue) 1:11.1 it
:bide, to far am eta iuunedlnl,• t:1111e
14/C01144.1.11041. Thr) 111400 1011110u p. q,1 r
which had been wet. to Ile. Itur.liek
L) a l'L•%einud wuwau, containing u
story of the granting of n 11114w -re
from her husband. The pollee Maim,.
that the woman was it, Cleveland on
'l'hurM.t(ay night, n164) that her former
(,,,.darn., le working 111 'New York or
sl,m•' other caldera' cit). A %fait
aftor wldutgltt was made to u it el: -
known attorney residing li the row(•
fec,llll;r', where he and 11(e elle were
qu.•(tloncd at length. The offlei:1.4
made to neeumatlon tehst•ver, or f11-
4imw11' Nettled the lawyer. it,
questioning them they simply 1311-
40*1 O4.141 10 get 1111 4141 'durrun11uu
obtainable that in aro way might
tend to touch on Mr. Ilur.evil's .11)
The Earlier Hrparts.
Buffalo despatch: Edwin 1. Bur-
dick. President of the Buffalo Enve.-
opeCompany, and well known in immi-
nent' and social circler, «44 murder-
ed nt 11111 home, No. 101 '.\silland
literate, on '171urmdny eight or ) er-
terdne morning. The body w,lr dis-
covered In a room on the ground
fluor about 8 o'clock eeet.•rd•ty
horning, after n e'r'.nnt hell gone
to Mr. lwrdick's sle•p!ng apartments.
on the mewed floor,: anti found them
'.Kell nt. The pollen ere without a
veto to the ok'i(Ityfuf the murderer.
Ilia wife. who formerly was Mist,(
."co Ilull. at present be said le
at Atlantic City, hn+lng gone -there
Mat fall. owing 40 'loin, ..tie trot:des.
Mrs. Ilull did not followw her .Llugh-
ter when Nle left the city. tut re-
mained Imre to Sake ears Ot flu
1_:4.ndchIldren, of whom she is sere
.after dinner en Tbured.a). Burdick
writ to n room' on the lower (trot
which had Leen fitted up a1' n cosy
corner or den. The room le about
twenty feet long and fifteen fleet
The bort per0nn to sen Mr. Burdick
elite was Margaret Murray. teepee -
I.1 no a kitchen girl In the letr llek
iome. Mine Murrey had been out
ceiling on Thursday night 1114 1141(1
jurat returned an Mr. Burdick woe 011
1114 any to the laawemrnt to nrrInge
the furnace for the night. That 1.;u
10.20 o'clock. The girl 14 p04111Ve
1f 8))0ne had come in 'or Out of
the house before *he fell nrlepp elle
would hove heard the nol44e. She
)card nothing.
The Murder Discovered.
At 7.110 o'clock yeeterd,y morning
Miss Murray noticed that the front
door was partly open. In the two
eenrs the girl iia.41 been 111 the mer -
vice of the Iktrdiolu family she never
had known the door to 110 left open
before. Fearing the house mlgall
• have bion robbed during the night
*dao ran to the' foot of the ml.Irs
to call Mr. Burdick. It 1.,15 then
found tris beet had. not been oecnpled.
Dr. Mercy wet* sent for nal the !Indy
Walt dlsooverel. A quilt of the (:d
log-eahin typo hod Tern wrapped
me4Prnl Omen nlout the head :In./
two largo Persian rugs cover"./ the
trunk and legs. I)r. Marry removed
the quilt covering the heed and face
end felt of Mr. Burdick'' arm,. :ta'1
LRS. Tkn ilerh vents cold. Rigor
motto tend not yeti *PL 111, but there
was no pulmo and death (41,e/tl1
11:111 180011 prevent for Nevem' hours.
'rho eke() hod been crumbed nt the
i4lmt' find there was n (/round On
1111. rl„ht hand.
'Tlle q'cap.n i'tt,•d.
.4n examination of Mr. iterdl:k a
W0et1.4 Ione tondo It plain that t1c
fractures In the «Ault were emitted
Ir) the impact of 4ome 110044 in-
'orament and a golf mice ennlly
...mid have mode emit such wounds nm
)Vero f0nrtl on the head. Ttln baly
4484 clad only In an peter/shirt.
At the foot of the couch were the
uu'llerdrawere and edocking'l. Nearby
erre the tronelero, ehlr1, tc4t 0m1
Coat, Dr. Howland, who WW1 pre -
'eta rind mule an exawlnetion nI
wrnmnls, said death hnd been :enc
td it drpreened frncture at t10' bare
of the Ault. Ho ,ill there were two
compound frncturcr on (l.o right Aide
and welt beck and that the skull
111 place4 had been literally ;miter -
1"m1. There warn alight. cut. or
'1hra4lon On the r)Rhl knee and th,
1811110 and ring finger of late left
hand were broken at the mlddlr
Joints. Tho ekln nhonl the frnetnr.•,I
fleeter had been torn hack, It wan
'r Ilowlnnd'e theory tint Mr. Bur-
dick had reoelved tho4lo wound* In
wnrding off or trying to Wi1.111.011 n
plow. The body wee lying fnoe
downward and with the face turner/
peril) toward lin welt.
Mrs. Burdick,he wife of the I. 4)t"
k'rPd man, «til nrrlve In Buffalo nt
7 O'clock thin morning. eul$'rin(rn-
tient Bull received n telogrnm (tom
her last night containing that in-
Hale In IN ad Mnn•4 He11(1.
One circumstance wlhtel maks the
(melee lw41lrve the murder was roln-
mlteel by n woman Ie the incl that
ievrrnl long etranes of Iron ar'ty'
hair were found to the npartnrnl
In which the (14141 Italy of Mr. Iter-
nMk was fount'. Thea Im Noll tee I.e the
the hour'. She tot! of her rule -
lion* toward Mr. Burdick. Nk8 t1 .-
n101 positlhely that they were un-
friendly or were on hurtllu terms.
rho r.l1.I elle could throw no light en
the Identity of the murderer in the
Ilocere Hutt night, and emphatically'
•kr:1erw1 that slip: Iwll,vrll 110 0110 In
the 44uutkehukl tad anything to 411)
with the crime or knew of it aril
twilling. She related what Wo dill
after being otter,' 111 the. morning.
Mr.. Itur•Itck was, next ,(llerti(nlel
nt length a4 to what oho could of-
fer to throw light on the p(64m.lble
1Mality of the murderer. 11141('(et
Attorney ('on(i.wort4 poll after the
elimination : "W' ox.4Iuel Hull and
Mrs. Burdick for the pu1pler) of Cum-
p1ltlu(( (110 PUUm!11140041 of all Wore
pre•.col In the be.4u on the night
the mentor occurred, and to sewer -
lain from Mrs. Burdick If ptleslblo
wen, in her Judgment, might have
epee n4lualel to commit rush n
el Wee'
Wl'o'n a,ke.I furl her n4,3 to whether
any 61rrerts west, (Miley to In• mate
014 morning, Mr. Clutt((worlh m:akl.
"'revere are nut: flu 4r1111.4 are like.
ly l4) IN' u.a.k. for the time being.'
Mr. ('u'eu•k mkt; "I still ant of the
opinion the munlerer 1v u woman.
We are 14(111 working, and there le
Leo pl0gree. to report. We 11:140 totL•-
1h4 l0 offer lar 11 411)elupNnelt now.
Sone thing may come at any time
or It may he a long tine) commie
It I. n very Hard -cane."
Princess Louse's Sister Would
[.'kc H4' Place.
London; March :t. -The forte corre-
MM)(Ide•Ill 0l the Daily Nee 14 report,
that 1'r1neesr Margaret Maria. 441.4104
of the ex -Crown Princess of Saxony,
t5 willing to rueoeud her 4)r the wife
of the ('ruwn Prince. Merrlage with
a .11'.on'811 wlfe'r rimier la nut illegal,
and Princess L4.ute' w'ouhi prefer to
o.t I'r'Ice1N Margaret the step.
mother of her (hlldrem then u
'doubt/Pr. Sloe ulna IN•ile'''.$ that
10c111e of her own popularity among
the• enema paupdr gill dest'eo.) to 111:
sister. l'rlICe*s Margaret is a Cath-
olic, but If Nh.• re.: a cities her 14)44te1
would au mom be unytiffrig else. The
Crown Pr" me woukl plea tie 'the
811 14011/1 by marrying according to
the. Lutheran riles without trying
to oblate' the authority of t11.. Vali-
Cell for Ilia r'm.arriu44e•. It Is n•kkd
that the (hood Duke of Tu.nv11ly.
felh.r of the prineetw's, Is willing,
if the Invest 4):t Limier's dowry le
seclr,d to her for life, to Kit. Mar -
gar'' as dower e.luitl to that of
The eorlelpondent does not 11101)-
1 ion the Crown Prince's ltic'nu tour,
which ao far ad Cali le. judted (cum
the story, lime not been Con4141t1•41.
Nell Take charge of Au.lrallan
11441144.41 •.
Termite, Hutch 2.- tecordhiI l0 11
pre"ate mP1.N11ge received Least night,
)fr. ThomaN 'l'nit, of Montreal, wan -
ager of transportation of the C'nt,u-
di:11 P/11'1L0 11uh1way, wLO it Mr.
Cockburn,' pro-ln-low, has Just Men
nppnint d l4) take charge of the whole
Gu%erlmcnl rnilwny system of 11.
Australian ('onlmonw,sl14)1, (t11.1 to
014411117.1' 11 on t1).• 11114`s of 1110 C.
AgJIII t Physician's Advice, He
Received the Cdu'din3ls.
Route, Murch 8. -Lr. Lappoulu, the
a'epe's Os) 14011141, ',414113 this morning
1 lama effort 10 11141uce 11114 11011114.1414
.0 reIWUllee her reulptluu of the ear-
llualr, put without
The uul11uc^e war hell In the 1'.4i e
erl4ute'eatery, and Lett XIII. spot'
uttlnuuurly for half e11 hour with
he forty-two rwr(111'141,4 preuout, \40 wee delivered.
The !tq)e, 111 the coulee: of Ilia re-
marks, referee! to hie ulepruuehkig
11.1. The card(nulr'greetel thea refer-
ee', with it (•huru14 of meet and 1vlth
ultimate:um of "We have ail c
.o Nein!' 4011 a lung Ilfe•"
By this time the excitement of the
retention had wlpro"11d ihspe 1,.'ii 's
,ppenranee. when Iia ittlrred the Ilio
eery hen form Wall bowel and treat -
:ding. but lie 1104' seemed to kave
10/1114041 strength and 11111111114 1,11.
Before retiring he prrlee11trd to (sch
'annelid a richly hound pamphlet, re-
viewing the chief event.4 of hie pon-
tificate, and contalulag u Little poem
if his own composition, and five of
him 1110140 Important eacyc'culthe
teen, inverting. nearly 10,1100 belies
'f railwiy, arid Mr. Tait, who 15 the
wen of Chief Justie0 Tait, of Mont -
nal, Ilam accept(d, anti w•il1 !env'
Vancouver for Mrllwurn', where Ire
will bet ■latltlied, on May INV.
Jar. Tait, n ho Ir may 8s years of
age, beeati him rtllwn'. experience
with thy /hand Trunk 11► 1880, but
hall been with the, Canadian Pacific
8lnce 1[18:), when 111 WAN II 114111.41
pritalo nrcret try to Mr. Nall Horne.
The election of tee Mayor of
Smit'''. Fnllr her been set amide.
Mr. 1t. G. A. Paton, hate of H. M.
('u1410ws, Toronto, Ir dead.
Mr. John Watt'rworth, ex -M. P. P.,
.1141 4)t the family residence In Mom.
JILL. Bunter, of NO: 188 John street,
TUrOIIIO, war killed in 1IV70 uun44 Ter-
fl"1'., ille bas rt....n ug.1 nearly 1)11
the 4)l l city official.: at rrdWlWd 41141..
The Bruer.' of Trade building at fort
Arthur wit. 81',01.1. entirety drNlroyed
try fire.
The ('anndlun-BritI"h Lund ('om-
puay, tum leen (ucorlornted, to bur
lane and x111 emigrants.
Toronto Cabinetmakers will ark
for 85 cents art hour and it nem -
hour day.
The Toronto Works C'ummlttee
will Inquire Into taw privileged of
the 1fe11 Telephone Co. • .
One yf the three MlishenOt't land-
.erkere meet) elated ut Winnipeg Is
.lied, and the other two are rtll,
1'l((t•en hundred of the M,ntreil
titrret Railway entpleyee" hate been
orgeelzel talo 11 nlli011 by 'lteru:x-
0011u1 officers.
Thom: .1 Tuft, ►can,lgr•r of C. '.It.
lrnulq'ortatiuu. has
to take :tierce of the .
Commonwealth c rullwny4
(luleg all III their power to bin:k (�
A new ambit ham been added to
the Russian ea4eudar by the conn,
bateau of Futhw' (3.ruphiul, of Ili
19411feff Iduineetere, It , W')rkl•r '
1.11// 1.040.14 wlracu.ou4 eerie., who .11..1
In 18:18.
A Delon Jack ('106 hnm 144.4'11 form: 1
for the uuculwut«latl•iu of whiter',
nu.' 1.111018 w1u w:ty 11. traieil4It
visitor', to Loudon. Lord Stratheona
it" the 11011sleet uubecrlber, having
sett .., L 1, 000
Retry Pbippp, a director of . the
('arloglu tit eel Comp 111,v, lea liank1rr1
to Lord Curzon, the Viceroy, the rum
of febV,000 fur the prutu0(tun of ug.
1leullurul /411'1 scientific education In
Teo King lin, Junto! tee F::Igled1
Automobile Club, the member ltlp of
w1a1o1► is now 2,261'. 1t It 1d been do -
('11((1 to 0r4unize 11 wum'In"l auto-
eto1110 club to co-operate with he
A telegr,uu tram Dublin to the Lon-
don Tuni•.4 4444tH that of the tlii:ty
aka persons nweleing 4)r uu•Irrguing
crime,' net ,./'alt neem, whom,. mimes
Wm. 1)'erlen published It, hie Hew•.4-
paper maw weeks ago wrier the
heading; "Boil of Ihoior," not more
than four are now lit 4)11.•
A ft l4hlful epidemic of diphtheria
hie. broken out in the Village of Mor-
ristown, N. Y., on the et. Lawrence,
,Ind all bu;lueve" li tenaporarlly muse
(tended anti the schools are closed.
Twenty deaths Irtve emergent and
new (mow aro reported dally.
Tie cu44agemeut iv announce) of
Herr Jan Kubellk, the Bohemian 110-
ill:lst, tine ('ount(e44 Mlrlun8e(taky,
not. Von Steil. 'Mho Countess, Is n re ta-
tty.. of Herr Cotonou' von $z:11. the
Hungarl to Prime Minister. Her mar-
rl'Ige to Count (" will be nulli-
fied. by the foie,
Tho Potter clarc lure been settled
by the $ell:nurctatiy (N. Y'J 1''nlnt-
er4 Uuton Nicking down frolu Ite
position. and William Potter will be
lailow4.1 to go to work Hi 11 11111011
pointer. and at OW ram a tine. re-
(Jtaln a member of the nlllltin, ex-
actly the veiny which he hap been
4tending out ler for -the pleat three
N l T I E
Nell be Ordered if Govern -
Pt esses
Pteses Bi Is.
Thu Hague, March 8. -There are
grave fears of a 'cerium' recrieles-
cence of Socialist tro,aule in Holland.
On Friday night, a Committee, con-
. ani , leaders
of the labor tg .I the
union*, • representing 'JO,IIOU work-
ingmen of 1111 braucient, met at
Utrecht and resolved upon till firm-
'' -
tela to
1'r rr'b 0 hull lignite'.
l pt, i I ac1
poru.( bills, which turbid' tot -Ekes.
They determined to proclaim a gen-
eral railway ►trek.• 0.4 Monday or
Tuesday, nhtch will 11te1, a charge accord -
John hitch, quarry examininit ing elle reports, until lee Mi11ister8
apw(ue, war xawat Gan-withdrethe bids.. TI(is will Hever
that hung fire when it went
off. Birch received Injuries flint are
probably 'fatal.
Samuel Lewlr, of Toronto, her beau
convicted of personotion on Dec. 4111.
An appeal will be (liken o4) behalf of
J. D. Coulter against Ilia conviction
for procuring to personate.
The Provincial Health Department
11eeu advlw:d of ou11,re•akie of
smallpox I:1 't liurloe'Iownmhtp,"last
Inge; Raleigh Township Kent ; Morn-
11144tou Township, Perth.
Tee 'Orate nt the Vert William
vie%titers eontluuee. The I:onrd 01
rind!) President and ).'lunger Dy44,
.11Y.e .enden%ori.g to effect a settle-
Tho residence of the late U011. O.
44'. Allan, at the corner �ho of Q
Park Ilaoe and
11e lute slave gradually, worked heel street, Toronto, hue been 1.01,1, 1180
way 1p, being super1114ct1(felt at
Mood.. Jaw 1n 7))87-0,,supierlrteudent
()Math. Delnio11 tit Toronto In leele-
t'l). Afterwards he team General Sup-
reinton.Jegt of the Ontario Ii (plebe*
D1418bon until Detre, whet. he Wan
npmenl(11 General Manager of (he
118,5 vast 0l Fort Willianm, tiring
(11,1111% thereafter appoIllr.1 to his
present poi(tlon, which added greatly
to the thorough training he hail pre-
tiou"1y received in railway matters.
4)l. 1'innult Recalled In Ottawa -In
1''11111011011 IAifh It.
(Mawr., Mardi 2.-11pecin'.•-('ol
I'innnit, Deputy elinhder of Militia,
who was o, n trip to ('nlifornin, rr-
tltnel to the city tide morntue. On
ace 4)uttt of the Martineau 4lefnlea-
tions, he ham returnee sooner Oulu
expecte 1. air, Frederick Borden tele -
'poplin! (!oI. !'insult that 1114 prow
filte herr. wap+ d,NIrnble, an,1 there-
fore he Met r . ,.,n:' In returning -to
Seen On his urrlcnl, tin Colonel meld
that 114' knew no more Mount It than
WON reponse 111 'the preee. HP knew
very little of M* personally,
but the nrcnnntant'4 ((floe gave hint
a good character, 4111.1 np14,ke of hen'
nm nn excellent worker.
Mr. Leighton McCarthy, M. 1'., le
here to-llny. Ile is on Exchequer
Cunrl buslnoulL
ing, she 14111,1 0110 heard to Mounds
In the night. heard nothing of any
led Ioleo eh:never. and nw0kr in 1hn
weenie who Is a handsome hrttnrtte morng
mutt calor of lint of the 4u«ie'r, In
II Ignorant of any .tretety
Last 4'.•n, -'s Urpn•1 ahow'4 n Great
Degree of 161.0wpe rte) .
Nen' fork. Murch 2. -The Commer-
cial ('able Company's annual meet-
ing was held (o -day. The annual re-
port submitted, Mews the Bear o
190!=to have boon another pro'sperous
year for the Company. after charg-
ing up to revenue account, land line
reconstnactlon and repairs, and re-
taining n veror%•) for.'xten*ions, the
company paid the Interest on 144
$20,000,000 of first mortgage home.,
amounting to $4(7Q(XX), elm )early
dividends mmonnting to 81,1!416.601,
and t•nnMfrrrrd to the regular re -
nerve fund S:l:d),(440, end to Its spec-
ial reserve fund for the Insurance
of stntlun1, nppnrnton and repair
ships elnn0,eee (1r n total trenM-
ferr, l to reserve of 8500,000, carry -
Ing forward n balance of 3147,529.
The cOhlpeny''s regular reserve fund,
which In incPstoil In first claim se-
curities, now nln0)1014 to 54,934,-
510:_x, and the Insurnen4 reserve
fiend to 5460,204)80. or a total re-
sent. of $5,794,719.4:*.
Sine.' 14411 111e eompany ham ne-
reinenln(nA out or net eerningn roma
$A(4410,O(10 beyond the amount paid
oat In dividends. $'*.1100,(XX) of this
nom wom need In paying off the oom-
merelnl cable company's homed*, the
hnl:inert being In reuerve an stated
The Srnnle of WI
menlnlre doelmring
gambling resort.' lo
Montana Howie of
primed a Mil to lire
It Iv uu(leretuud that the purcharer1-
inten.l to erect a factory there.
Tile Toronto painters demand4 for
an increase of five cents an hour
after May l.4t have not yet been
complied with. The master palut1
ere were notIDed that nu -auswer
to their demand would be required
by April 14th. -
Dr. M1)1.4, President of the Outarlo
Agricultural College, 'who ham been
Kuffering from a, severe cold lately
and overwork, bin received leave of
absence and left this morning for
southern C'nlifortia, w•I,ore 110 will
remain for a month or so.
An arrangement ham been entered
Into between the journeymen intone -
cutter,. and the busmen, et Toronto.
which ham amicably settled all mat-
ter.' between them. Il wets thought
that there might be trouble in the
'spring. but the etooecatterN now
may there will 1e 1100e.
John Murray, of the town line, be-
tween Wilmot 01141 Knott 44orrn, ens
found dead in Ills stable among the
biases. Dr. WinIterr, of Hamburg, wall
summoned and pronounced' dent 11 due
to npop.etly. I/occn44cd wad a man
of thirty-five years old, avid leaven
a family of a widow and one child.
,4Ohmin enamel a
the keeping of
hr n frlany
i epr•.e'nletete4 ileum( of ('ingreme, owing to the un-
seating of J. Butler, of Mitemer1. ere
be done, and the rekoiulion, it act-
ed on, and fully .uppurt,d, there -
.ore, means euwetluug near rt 1'ete-
The Goverment will probably ans-
wer by the proclamation of martial
law, as 11' ),u.. already iudieated that
it w'I.I thinly maintain .peter. A11
me:muree have been taken to pre-
serve 1)40 troupe from i ifoe1ion by
*minted leaders, and anyone dhmtrl-
tht•.bnrracks will be prosecuted.
Profe.Nor 414n.h'rgoes. lecturer on
.(oclnlism, 4)t the .vuaerdam Cuiver-
.lty, who, In nddre44Ning•the meeeting,
ndvi1el the soldiers to "shoot In the
right direction," (14 to be prosecut-
ed, ns will the Socialist paper, Yolk.
wltich publi.1ted n, Hemet cirduln,
acklrersed to the stationmasters con-
talning rules bow to net in thecae
of a etrfke.
[rain Plunges al full Speed Down a
- Steep Embankment.
not de, 'Genn'., M1ro11 8.--1 fast
p17'e11444'1 train. which 1.•fe 1 h:It-
aum'ge at midnight, war wr,•c1,4)
neer Lenoir• l'Ity early tee) .y.
tlnou411 spreading (If 1111' 4.1114. ''Ix
Iwr'nu.. w',•re killed and 1..'1.1:11 we,e
inks) NI. . I
1held•e•:u,(luror 1361, and the fire-'
lg•ttl, lk.gdugemneter, ',.441 elerk, !
des porter tad one lady .(1.t • • (iter
Num 'hexes: uuw:e(w unknown.
'n,,, wreck on 4448* Iewp of a vtueh
flub::11161110111, dew li WIlie.1 1110
Misty Kate Dougherty, of Logan
Townsllp, diel in the county 4114.
at Stratford on Thursday, night. She
warn committed to jail by the police
magistrate on Feb. 12111, as insane.
She had every (attention In the jail,
but succumbed to exhaustion of the
nevem, consequent upon the strain of
an unhinged minrl.
Dr. flolling8(vorth, of Ottawa, who
voted by mistnke twice on the ref-
erendum vote, and was sentenced to
six ruontlue Imprisonment the other
day, voted in favor of the Liquor
License Act. The temperance peo-
Hple In(titueed the action 84414)nst
iollingsworth, anti now they are
moving to get him pardoned.
N 111 Relit .o Pa 7 the Q',:r 1),•bt
state ter ken.
Jchnun.'Nburg, March :I. -The Cin-
derella Deep byre -hole hoes struck
the enl44 loulera to I(,.ly of the matin
reef nt a depth of 3,301) feet. At
.140 1',.14.'.,8 ,. l•i'y 1 .1't nhie, 4
feet of which 11:15 given 1188ny.4 of
10 dwt. and 12% dw;t. The "strike"
is of general Interest, 1144 it i.tuves
that payable, go).) reef. exist
der the '.t,de of lir! toSVnvhip,,of
Ik,kibnrg and 1'ogelfoutel:4 white,
Imme.tintely adjoin the norther'
boundary of the (1n.44rella Nee
The alining rights under then.
township' Ilweing to tie' Govern
meet, and IuoIii l"d Iltnnn44 4)4' me.
Mal asset,. which It 1m Intended
eventually to realise toward, re-
deeming the Tenn:dente' cor.tri1a-
tlOn to t1)" war debt.. The t1t4n-
ahlps ore equal '1 area to 164) min-
ing claims, HMI nwgnnlin4 tln'y ere
only half the 4ilIn.' of the 411n'ns
belonging to the n.ljaeent °utero.
mines, thin neset nlunl• would pro -
1"10 o'.PP h adpl011_ and a huff tn-
44'nnLds the reduction of the Tr:tnN-
trlul's thirty m11I1unw war einem.
The Ntrlkr 14 also, Important n(
affording further pro.,[ of the core
llrntnliou of payable 4.e. et Into t1)
deeper level'. The f(utura In thele
rase IN t1)' great «1,1th of -the reef
T1tlw, taken 4n •colJ.sncll1n with Ill
results from tjl' Turf ('lute Iore'
hole. goes to denlnnrlrnte that t1).
Intervening area of Il miles 40f
deeper level. lm nnrifer.n,s.
four of the coaches were
1,•1. eep1.1 tied partly piled up 4)u %n"
1.44111.•, Three 13(x(1•)104 wee hone I
(o t l light.
The engine of a ('lu(•Jnn:(tl *tulle
tull -
ern trait. nitwit iMlowe'! jar wt••ck-
et! p.•44•nger, we*, 418AZ/011141 111141
:.k.•11 let (11' •m•('n.•. 144 pulling two
of the rear sleeper*. hack rru the
1reek./ 1111 4 :(way from tho wrwek-
1 g". Hey were site!. En44lnr: a Bibb
Ol0 w'n4 tieing 4'.1(•4 11 puy41C(an
11.' lel 1'.1 1'0144111 010 1)4'01014,0 ly-
ing. "1 he v n never touched it yet
n (d dime. I \p.rt to begin to drink
1 14.881."
Guatemala Mobilizes 20,000 !filen on
Salvador Frontier.
Washington, Mia reit 3. -Wit 11 1 h.'
!treys of the Ilr'feat of I'rudli•nt 1
• 1..erla by Ilei. Bonilla 111 Iion•lurn5,
the State Iteietttutrnt line 110"n fore -
:1.1 to regard the attention in a!1 ('.•n- ,
tett .tm.rice as extern' iv t1ar.•ateu-
io4, /111.1 priv,tte athlete( rcv••ivrl In
tt'nwi11r14ton wvlrrntt tee apprr44Cu-
.lon that a general war between the
.tereral rapuWlrs 1'. imminent there.
The !Cavy Department to-dn)• r.'reiv-
e41 this deijwatch from Rear Admiral
l ilasn, commanding the Pacific *quad -
• on at Aival'a'a, on. the Pacific ('naet
of Honlura':
"8'111.4 al) t'1. inland 1'• b. :!_
lav taken place, resulting 1n 111.. total
i'fewt of Sierra. who ew•apel with
444) 11818. Bonilla 111 pnrailt, Cnpitnl
is til the I...ermsion of lather's
hermits. Fighting Fighting mupposel prac(i-
ratlly over. all quiet here. The Amer-
• heel interests un.l)Nturbotl."
ItrIntrd11)44 flu• situation in Glwtte-
ma't, thew• private advices have been
reerivel In Waehlugton. They are
. uani.lerel reliable:
"Everything' here 1s going from tad
to "nate, all men eaptablo of bearing
:1 tum ere How- mobilized on the fron-
t t. r of Raul littivador and In the cap-
ital. l'rewid.vlt Cabrera teas ".).10.441
nem. The revolgtionistN have 6.0444).
"Busi11^Ns is.pnrnlyzed. The fioane
. i.11
comfit 1011.1 are g••tting wore'•
(ve•ry shay. The cotUltry IM floo(kd
with paper currency ' worth, say
front five to sic cants on the dollar.
"Prvd•lent Cabrera is a lawyer. not
1 1.014101% i111 remake. lu the entente
'.chit.. 1111 ettielm his generals to the
frl4lt to du 111,. fighting. Fie 1,1114 .1e-
(eared Minitel( dictator. All civil laws
nee now sumpendel."
Su: en's I n Ops. Repulsed in a
Battle Near Monastir.
1. aldou. eteree 2. -Thr Geneva one-
reepoiedeit of the Deily Chronicle
I1urskl.tnn. both of therm American
eitlzet,w, line.. been condemned nt
ine%rim for „ revolutionarycon-
Mp racy riga Ilal the i1I 4Il.-\fes's..
Was sente'nce's to 41Pn111 x11.1 Dura-
ghtan to life Imprliolllmut. The
pa per declares, that the sentenne4 im-
pn,cd nr(• unjust In the extreme, and
were. pt.4.Pd for the purpose of ter-
rorizing the ('hrintlnu populntlon.
Great 84(rrm 111 itrhaln.
London, March 2.-Terrtflc tram are
running In the English ('1111111,•1.
N'n44N aro eweoping 1,1141 Kea fronts
of the south const towns and doing
touch 044 441.. Several fatn!ite.
44148' re'selled from the collnpse of
vllr,(11a ,lruvturrN.
The Ih)ter-('8181', mall beat, Pas de
Caleb', wino 200paemengero on boar\,
is rI poi tell from hover, to Is. drift-
ing 11.lp'1.'11y Leforr the gale. A
'urge Isirk..M•lieved to belong to
Hamburg. brew foundered off Lnald'n
Fed. Iter crew, numieering about
24) openare sapponrd to hate been
It 1vcotu.l(1ere(1 probable tint the
Pere Marquette hallway, which re-
cently acquired the Lake Erle and
Detroit River 11111Wny, le behind the
npftllcntl0O to 10 tna.lo to the Par-
a intent re Canada. at 1ti next mem-
s(o11, for nn Act Incorporating a
company hating power to construct
or acquire and to operate a railway
nn.l general trafllo bridge ner[wethe
Detroit 'cher, at q1. near Amherst -
T11 v 1+444.' or Argyll soya Britt's,:
menutnrturert hate 80 per cent. of
South Afrk•an trade.
The Church of England Army Shel-
ter for the Poor, at London,
hornet down end one nwan killed.
The typhoid fryer epidemic nt i(ha-
cn, le. Y., her 00 for remnant In the
dentll 0f eighteen etedente and .,lx-
tor'r) clllz.'ns.
Mr. R'I,i tom Churchill owl other
linionl4te (1eelnre they w111 per-
son a 'igoro.a policy of erltlelem
along )ndependeet IInol.
The DemoerntN of the United Mete"'
nem' gamhling
(m4V.41 there (1f an engagement be-
tween lies of
M:Icer near
Mona a re-
pulse. hlrty-
two 1 men
Turkish troops and Ise
k.ni11s and Bulgarians!.
411r. 714(8' Turk,, suffered
liter the fighting t
(1cad and ',(1114 w•
were found.
Muro.'(•o'4 hllalnn 1/el'• aled.
4418,111,1.44:,n' _.- t despatch to
the Inlparelal, iron) P. nta, Mlorticeo,
reit-ratan the report that the Sul-
tan's t roopN hitt,. ho.',i 111• 01110) MO
that War 4linister Menebhl luta been
The tnr•mrage doeH \lot indi-
gene the date of the Iu44a441ne•nt 4)r
the .pence 1.h ern the bene. wow
1'. S. 4'iltzens ('olulruae•d.
Vienne. March -Tho new -pari
Id.. Information tepOrts that len
.trmrnlnno, Petri, .tz,Nis find 11,1111
Strange i'rndlgniity 4)( lea Anterh•en
n) Milan,
London, March 3.-.t (e4T)atch to the
Daily Ti 1 •graph front 11.1,11 rays that.
an Amellcnn w•ho Intel; arrive -1 nt
(:rY1On 11. nllr4ctIng attention by his
pro,Hgnllly Deward -4 waiters, coa:h•
Men and boatmen, tipping them with
gold for the most triilhtg sem Ices.
,)n Thnrr.lty he rent terel motley
from 1,181 whitlow to pn..•ershy in the
street. Tar police, with 1110 view to
checking the (ilsor.l.•rs .5'cnnionrd Ivy
the scrambling for the money, net cm -
the mon rind communicated «1114
hen family In 1184ston. Ile 1181 the
equivalent of 441(,4X)') In him lockets.
111ot name Is not givers.
i:;i‘v a Police Officer Found Out. a
Female Fraud.
4'ouglukrep.1.•, \. )'.. 41are,, e. Tie. a
rinnrls and philanthropic elrelem of
this NO* 1'1.1 1, Jus( 1N'r'rl 4k'timltel
'ty (lever 'swindlers.. A yelling wo-
man, giving her nose .ns D.'iia
Flynn, called wt several of the pas-
tors L1 the 'city, potting 1144 11 mute,
and dr(crlbIUg by pitiable condi-
tion with pen and penrli.
Thr woman first offered proof of
her allege! nffllctton by calling on
errs. (' ',(. \e14on, l'resklenl of the
slnnngers ..t the (fallnodet Flume
or deaf 1[11114 , n1111 C0114 1111.1411( 1:4'1'
1liat 14110 'W11N a 111110' by lnd41111 to
her In tete slgn language. Mfrs. Ni I.
4108 tr.t.i1 her by e'arolly ritigi'14 a
bell Ie hind her hank, lint to no per -
pope. The woman then w'.:et front
(rale (41.11111,11.11 p ,-'.111 to ,another,
lhtwM,ti News.
1 :velem Yukon, Meed -2.-11111111•
411141.4 of miners leave staked on the
M{nthe'Non-Pyle Companion opened on
%Vchu•ndn y. Several 1.Ig le w•t1t n
ire pmmitteA. owing to the fort that
Herbert W)lr.n, lorrImter, formerly
of Winnipeg. staked wevernl clnlms
hearts the .hate of opening. WII4.on
cnntend4 the ronceeminn wee Irgelly
open revere! tints prior to Welnen-
7110 Tnnenn dlncovery 1n reaming
gnite n fever soul the new find will
greatly benefit Yukon merehnnto.
volliecting n considerate'. mon 4)f
;weepy. 1'lunlly• a pullcrmnn, wit'
by chance m.'t her In the Ntreat,
sent her to the Nnpet•Intendent of
the 1il4 finale, 11 110r 'Mho 1111111(("1
for trnnsportat10H to \1'w York,
having ls•1•n trtaitrferred from 1108-
mons try the poor nnthorltir•.. Later
she caplet at police headquarter..
To test her an officer sonde n pre-
tene*• by carrying on nn hnnghnary
rnnverNntion un' the telephone, le
which he 4(1114) 8111•' w(atld 111140 Lo gr
to the penitentiary. The wamnn,
I(•nr'Ig this, mod., n 41)1511 for t1),•
door, reel fought deeperntely to get
out of the 0tntton. Chief Werth'.
trek her Int.. hi4 office and quoN-
tlnt.'•l her.
The emote sold that eh" had
feigned dnmbnrr.s 1)1 .4111nny, Troy.
Philadelphia nn.1 Brooklyn. She erne
let .go. on n prontlne to 'ireg no
more in Poughkeepsie.
1•I -t1 SUi'1'LIES til(it,
Sal 0.ty Nish add at Ordinary
Pr 4.11. in ifn1(1a.nd.
je,ndon, Marsh. 1.--Tlhp bestoruus
weather around the coma ha- eer-
:01151y affo: tel the Lenten) emit Imp-
.p--Ulles. Tee only kin 1 of i1.8 that
an .e ..von,... .11 o01111nie llrlme. 111
,alm•,n, the'ng season, loth in
Scotland anti 1rolnnd. entitle op le
el ver; nn,,C.'enefnlly.
The famine in lobster., them', Is
the ,,tent 1401 101111 of all, nn1 lo4er44
of tee pink nml /white Aimee nm well
as the proprietor* of the hit( rem-
tnurinls, nee flp•lin,4 0:(11 that this
nice lie sie 1 fief• ham becalm, c lux-
ury' of tie, tu0mt. ensemble kind. 1..ih-
-ters are 101 per cent. dlmr:'r tient
they steed 1 be. 04 soft' as lice glee
tinge apieer Ming naked for them
during the last few day', nt the
who'esale merketn.
Tim (1011, ome Devonshire cr.ths
have n11to Iseome 9(11141044 nn•1 ex-
pensive. What pee known nn "hotel
"snipe" have riven to two ehillin.N
n potted. ('rel and Melee n1..' egnnl-
1y etpen41ve.
Aeror.ling to a Stitt imticbui--0)drer
Man, Manual dr Ya11r, in 18T.
Sy race t1', MMr,l, 2.-JWIeph H. Per -
the v,•lernn loin collector and
retie limiter, will publish a work or
(40,1 volan)eu, runtalning the itlogrn-
phde4 of nearly 1.0,000 centenarian.*
and peotogrnpltn of'5144) He ham been
collect rig them all hie life. He twee
that there 814' at prevent 4,000 cen-
tetal:•inns 111 the !lilted States, The
el Inst man In tin world. he nays, Im
Mn 1 111'1 t'nllo, a Mexican 11511144
near 41141 Frenrlmco, who In 111T. All
parte of the wort) are 180114.11 1n
til( colheotlnn,
It144)tre Than Jumbo.
London. Match .tecortiog r'' nee
hilly Mfn11 per. ISowlork 841.4 bought
the London '0041 hlgg.'a 1 elephant,
.11ugo, null 1.111 (ran8(s,rt the nnitont
10 1 144 I'nitNJ 14,111.•1 It,unwll)1t.•ly.
.1 Ingo «a1 n bah, 111011 the .1 p:anrn
Jumbo wan shipped to the United
Sinton. Ho In now 22 trireme taller
than Jnmbo was, and le Kill jl'rowing.
The price pehl Is not known, halt Is
' 00111 to have been four Hymen In