HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-3-5, Page 5THE SIGNAL: GOt)ERiCII ON'I`ARiO. Tiiuiuuty; March 5, 1903. W. Acheson & CARPETS, CURTAINS, LINOILEUMS& Reduced prices to make quick clearances for February. Wool Carpets.. 650 yards heavy wool, reversible, 36 inches wide carpet, in best colorings and derigus suitable for sitting rooms, dining roow, or hall -a dozen patterns to choose from, regular value 75c yer yard, special et 60c Lace Curtains. 45 pairs Nottingham lace curtains, 60 inches wide, 31 yards long in white, floral and spray designs, our regular price $2.00 a p sir, clearing at $ 1.25 Curtain Poles at 19c. 125 curtains poles, size 1 X 5 feet long, assorted woods as oak, mahogany and walnut finish, complete with fancy ends, brackets and rings, regular price 25c, Saturday and Monday price.... Shirtings. 500 ysrds English Oxford shirting, 2S to 30 inches wide -good weight and warranted fart colors, our best 121c quality, marked special for February •ale at 10c Dress Linings. 1000 yards heavy twill Silecia waist lining, et; inches wide, in black and grey, regular value 15c, epeeist Saturday and Mon- day at per yard.. 19c • W. Acheson & Son. 1Oc COUNTY CURRENCY. Morrie : MIM Hewett Healy, formerly el Oho 7th Wm, wse monad Deer Saginaw Michigan, last week. Seefottb . Rev Karel Dau Hodg ne sn- eered epee his fourteenth year as rotor of Si. TOomse' cburob en Sued., last. Mashes : Wm. Lew.e, of Toronto, for. merly o1 Leopold et., Wiogoem, bad • fell tee 10. los,re.altiog i0 • broken leg, 9e•lortb : flumes Ward has porobaaed the residesoe of Woe t;iI otr, la l:Imood• 'We, poetise for It ole sum of $1,200. Brussel*: Fred Adams hoe pat In • treat milt power to ran bre pomp work. °mobil• our .stettietlae this for • h tree poser. &offstb : Henry Beattie, hsrr's•er, of tele ewe, bag purchased the law praetloe of Jams. Scott, or C Inters, and will ebortly Neste there. Ethel : Tee rem el R roble R Kreu- ter, herders/. otitis, are loo•ted to the Simpson block. Tbsy sold out tests boathouse •t Atwood Cabers' : Tb. fermi •t the 1.'. Samuel Madge In U.borne toweeb p wee sold the .00r day to ben ..!•• Nlisoo, of the Loa- der road, ter I6 500. Hallett • .luno. Seal' hoe rooted the tum •f big brother William, oa the gravel road, fee • toren of two years, and take full p01 memos the let of April. 011.1..: Lewis Unveil* bar teetered apos the duties sf b.eg•gemsar at the 'rause, te repl.oe I:sorge Stmmeu•, wbo hoe been treseferred te Waterloo. Ked 9 A. sad Mrs. Armetroor and dsavbtw, of Hemel. North Deketa wbo hay• Iwo melte et .l •m•• Le rd's for • Is peel few amoeba, retora.d bows Let w _►. Bsyeeld : Tim Pretest time 000gre;.Nos In our vltl.ge hat loota b..1 their paster'. salary 8100. Tete, after ereoting • $7 000 abarob loot wooer. seethe we I fee the liberality of 0h. esegr.g.oee. Wlagb.m • C.oeolilor W 0 Vase Gee h as prreee.ed tee Bee farm of Danoeo 9 .- wort, withle the hots ret the oerreestioo. The prtm rep tad 11 Si 700 1 he property is • ..lar .tile one, end •r sestet v . tutted. Brussels ties bon Ned p It b holes were counted on the to. mid a hail miles of road north of Rrsseela one day !set week The interested moolotpi11tlse should tike settee a this male travelled reel both north end see 0h. Dilates Ephraim B.I1. of Hallett, (l,rolbsr of Dr Hdl,nf reset, -reertee from kis farm, ass lased' moving Iota town et an early date, if •.mlteb:e home °ea be pec• cured. He boy rooted bar farm to Wm. Deer, of the same towoehep. Cllotoo : P B. Crews, who is removing M Ktog•toe, bee .011 b1e bestows here to W. A. Haily•r. of G,enure, who takes pos- session on tee 10 b of March. Rstyfield: Mtee Aoo• Wnidleo wee 000 Of Else t•.ored miss that were permitted te play et tee Coo•ervetory 1,00061 held In l.oadoo the other .resins, she baying obtained the required 90 per can,. at the exams This le . very oredtable pees Le•dbary : At • resent piano.z•mloatloo at the Toronto College of Music, Miss Manus Sab,es°, of this place, wee *warded tint class honor. Miss McEwen u a oleeee. Stadlen. young lady and beer many worm trsends will be pleased se leans of bet sae case. Wleahsm : O. W..loselay of list meek Mn Hobbs restive' • alephooe mssWe from her d.oght.r, Mrs. IU. 1 Sorel, of Ewe, sating that their rseldenos had bean destroy.,) by dr. on Tees lay night. Tee *meat of the loss has not yet been .soot• Wised. Hullett : A hop► .rent took plass at the home of Jae Caldwell, ter Widnes -1.y, Feb 25th, at 12: ,lock, none, when his deugbter, Mesa L zo ., booths the wife of T. J. Tenth. lye, of Gnit.rv,Ilo. S"usher. M.sltobs. The o.remooy was performed by Rev. .1... Hsmll'oo. Breseele : H .1. Mord.., fo•merly of the S •nlud Bank, Brussels. who maned Min Wilms, of this liner•, has been appointed men.gnr of the Mstropolitao Hsok •t Poe the, Oat. H. has boon managing the Stooavllle brush of the Stsu1•rd for the post few years. 01,01oo . 1 be wife of Georg. CAttl* east week received the end sows of the death of her youngest brother,RobertCottle, Dome-, which 000arred • hew 4.y. since, •1 the result of on sondes,. He bort h•. foot la 1 lbs elevator of • 1.1141ne la that city, and wee take to the l:nerge.oy bseplt.' (leagreas set to and although hit leg was ampet•e.d they could ant sss ht. life. He wan •• 00. tem. 110 employee In Ih• organ flattery here, and leave, • w1f. .ed four children. Sselortb : St. Columbia cburcb was the wee of .o interesting event o0 Monday moms" of Net week, when • large gather• leg ...ambled to witness the mars •s. of M1.. Ano • (;Orli., daughter of Jews Oar• 11e, of Mole hop. *o Daniel Shimmies'. the popular &Pear for the Frost & Woad Com• petty at Seetorth The oer.mooy wee per. formed at real( -past sloe by the pastor. Rio. Albert McKeon The bride wee attended end Peter Salllca a by Mr sister. Miss EDS, was groomsman. Brussels ootorday, F.b. 21.t, Wm. ll, M•oklem, ed Buffalo. N.Y., brother to Mrs. John Long, of Brussel', died from blood pol.00IOa, atm •o Mow of four weeks, aged ,thirty -.yen years Doomed woe • aerometer by trade and res elved • out or scratch from • saw on his hind It 1, .ap- posed the dye from hle mitts poisoned 1b. wound •o4 the remit sem as above slated. A w,fs sod two oh,l Iran mimes. The fore seal took place In Kinmrdineo0'Fawley, the former boots of Mr. Maoklem, wherein. parents still reside Two Big Specials for March One in Whips. We are clearing out many lines of our Whips, and dur- ing the month of March are offering some rare prices in all lines of whips. Look at These Prices. member ever docs. The family moved to N ,r t Il Hay os Thursday after • re,Ideooe if ab tut thirty year. to Grey towu.hp an'. E hal village. 'l hey carry wdb them (tit beet wishes of • large wrote of friend'. Morrie : Tuesday storosos, Vett 17th, between 4 sot 5 reelect the home of Widow Smith, 6'0 line, was destroyed by fire sod little or oothloe see saved ou'side of the hid olothus o0 use bed. Fire or 5ln.t•d at • stove ply, there belts oo chimney on the house, There was en Neurone end the loss will loot up to from 1100 to 1400 or there• • bout.. The bouse ..s • log one and we. hutlt prnbehly luny veer., and while not of greet vslu• was quite oo.y. They had b.ugh' the Cameron !trot last year and moved • house from It. to this farm but it was not ready for 000upaties yet. Mrs. Smite wee alone at the time the fits took plans, her eon belie at B uatele with • lust of loss. tioderich townel,ip : W. le ',mimeos he. tendered hie reolen•tleo es teacher or S 8 No. 11, to take effect ee soot as the board oto •sourIl a suomemr. He bas been offered sod has •coapted the m mSot of the Ottawa branch of the Ballotyre Dairy Supply Co. as • good salary, and w111 re move to that city. Mr. Lswreooe bar been oosuooted with the school tor nearly .Ix. teen years, wbloh meows that lits service. have been •ponol•ted. Hs hes .len been seoretery-!reuurse of the Holeoesville cheese and batter factory for • 000elderebl• time, mod has g.Ined en extensive weight into the dairy bugloss. FROM NEW ON TARIO Come. Ilse Story el W. J. 4x.• -Rhes malls= Completely cared fry leedd. Kidney rills. BAMN It K P. 0 , RAINS Rlvax, Mer.'n 2. -(Special.)-(.rest tnterts'. is takes by the settlers to tele oelgbbonceut in the o►as of Will am Joho Dixon. H• wee a familiar fitters limping around wl, h • suck, and his Rhuemah.m wee apparently there to star Dodd's Kidney Pills fired him up H. says • "Rheumatism attacked as as en after -.floor of typhoid fever 1 had pain. •n my book and right hip •o I had to u.. • stick to walk. - 1 mold oo more tit.0 dr... mv.elf for three or fuer months. 1 soul not Noe my right boot or put n.y right ler on a,. lel, knee. "My brother riemsed me to try Dell'. Kilo., Pr l., sod 1 did Three rases •o .bled m• to walk 'reboot pan, ted six boxes cared me oompletely " 1 9S, .30, 40 Whops; going for 20•' .60 Rawhide Whip* going for.. ... 40.,, .75 Rawhide Wh p* teeing for ... .... 1.00 Warranted Whips g q for 601. Another in Tea and Coffee Pots. The Rochester Stamping Co.'s genuine "Silver Nick - le" Tea and Cofft•e Pots will not tarnish or turn color. They wear better than the best of silver. During March we are clearing a number of these out at a discount of 20 per cent. Give ifle a call. I'll M Ey best to Please Yet GEO. L. ALLAN The tootling Hardware Stere HONK$T 000116 AT HONKHT PRiORS Ethel The members of Ethel dtyleton, Sons ot temperanm. met In the lodge rein ussd•y eveoing of Leet week •pd p'Meoted Morns Fogel with a kindly worded melees., • 000mpsoled with an upholstered eesy °heir and • purse of moues. Mr. Fogel bee been • member of the society done the °re.n•st- Mon, whloh was about taewty e,rbt yore ago, and h.. hem • loyal end oensaent LOYAL. T1:1100Ay, Feb. 24•h One of the most eo;oyeble evenings ot the sewn was .pant at the residence of W. F. Yours on Monday evening tut. Invited friends from the surrounding .dgbborhooe and town made the 00044100 all that could AMOS •••f•M de•ved. U.Omos end oto. r e • Indulged 1n, and .t 12 o'clock a very dainty repeat wee mrved. W McPhee, of Car10., with violin and the organ •0.ompanlm.nt furnished the beet of music. E Torr,-b.r.., with 610 grspbtpeeee, r'o'ieh'ed thew.' sen the 'tutee room with • grow cosily ..lentlnno on that iwrram.ot whuoh oeused greet mirth and ,n the small hoar. of th. morning .l' itemise,' to the r different plane. of .bode, thankless, Mr. end Mrs. Yeats .oe family for tbtt very roi..yaMe.settle. meet. Angler's Petroleum Emulsion aids diges- tion, improves nutri- tion, and increases weight and strength. It is pleasant to take, and agrees with the stomach. Thousands of well-fed people cannot digest and assimilate their food. They therefore get insufficient nourishment, and are slowly starving. Angier's Petroleum Emul- sion with Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda is for such. It helps digest and assimilate the food, cleanses the stomach and bowels, improves nutri- tion, tones up and invigorates the entire system and thus .ncreases health, weight and strength. Physicians pre- scribe it for persons who are recovering from any illness that has left them in a weak, e run-down" condition. Get a small bottle, take according to directions and watch re- sults. Apr. •.0m1.r- Ithmweldo iIs sn.test. "a gAoffer'e. Lq.i.tee_ anon, sec 1OTO111,1IL0eSsMQ``ccTppa.LL. AUBURN. Mu. p11v • , M•roe 2,d. e. 1'asrry WEDDING. -A v.etty .• ems 0.0 .oleos 151 at 1b• t.ud•ooe of !,bee Howse., Februm, 25 h. by Rsv J (' Dunlop, Clutoo. The 000treathe peewee ware Melee. Jewell, Co.t.oroe, .Id.et 000 of R...h Jewell, .ed Mies Fastens. Armstrong, Auburn The bra legroom's father ane. mother were promos, • x sire and • mimes r of o:h.r relatives of bridegroom awl bride. Toe bride wee beautifully dle•..A In white. -ewes a bouquet of 8awere trim mold not be.orp•ssed for emealleem The bridegroom • • witty entorpneler and well - lo -de !meg fermis of Colborne. The youoo mopes start life with the Tete triple est pro.peot• as far OA this world Is c Iocerme. Tneir many friends nee. In wnbmg that the •.me sbuodant hammisse together may be thein. present at one of the moat pleasaat paruu ever t.eld m levyel. ACCICENT OR MUHULH T thee, is at wba0am Into fllstsrlra. Death et e..1. nimble Wlogbatu, Feb. 2b -Au °tliolst misery 11,5, the death of the lets 1 J Sete h wad opened lo the resume cb.u,b•r tin 'I'uerdey . 1.0111g by Coroner'Itiel.r mod the folios - ne jury: --Wo. Clegg Ifs isles, , 1V.,, Fe - saot, Ow. MoKeez'e, Wm. Holmes, A. theism tubo Galbraith, A. Losers, K 'Pennant, John Kerr, Geo. Meson, Wm. Dore. ('. N Gran, C. A Campbell, W. tlsunett, W. J. Greer sod W. W tuella. 1. N Lewis, of Godericb, settee enmity Crown At'o•nry, wee in attendants. Atter being sworn lo, Ib• jury viewed the reinsure wh,ch had uses exhumed. '1'ne tint witness cellist was Mrs. Smith, widow of thedemiseJ, who stated that her hu.tand cams In uss oo the moils of Feb leery 3rd, abets 6 o'clock, and sifter tee I.1• the boo.., shortly after 7. Abut fif- teen or twenty m10mo, afterward. he wee ,orrted boos a00n0SOI000. :{ ,ale one seed bey thought be bed Less oe the toe. H. t.d net say anything .e to what beepeoen hem, Witness saw on Muodey empire orevwus to the lejury • roll of bells whish bar beamed bad, mod whtob he said . ,,ouuted to over $200 ; Let did not knew shrubs. be had say mosey with b1ne when no w.ut out co Tu.sd.y evening. Short iy odors the operation wee perfumed, Mime was oo the Meth day afar the sooldeot, waists thought her husband said some- thing abort losing 5100 It wa. the morn - ,ng atter the emideut *ben they found that then 00 D° money in nu pockets '1'11• oily recon for tbiuking then was mossy misetog wee lbs disor.paocy between the . ors aoluuot and ethic sucuuat, of about 8114 MIs. May Smith, daughter of dsosoeed, corroborate 1 the evldepse of her mother. Amos Tiplmg stated that he, In company -eh his Mil. daughter, was returning on Patrlrk street Irani Josephine street to his home shortly alter 7 o'clock oo lbs eveoing of I!ebro.ty 3rd. W hen a the northeast o ,ru•r of Pat telt and Woos stems, the 51.' king of Mr. Smith's dog frightened Ills little girl. He '0.0 sew •moo with a loos dot k ovetr0o•t .n i • soft telt bat going north oo Mlon,. street, stoat opposite V. Vietnamese. re.tde. 1.e He bad nothing in hie right ban I. Witney. •t the same time saw k m.10 01.00u hie took for M•. Smith going rm. .11 tie. south tette of 1'. - ✓ ook Mem; e1. ha'eie •err 0 '.u. averts poOasi sod be wss *o11..e q-" • •ro•ree. Mr. Smith would ...ab 'h. °tercet y ouebl. t wo or teras sane ahead of the u her a.. . H• saw 0o ape hot 11. S011 b a of v he o• I . e•an .t the t me. E. War I swelled to e•vlog see • U. e e h en he afterwards ..•rued was Mr Sete lying o0 Ml.she street, across Peti t' k . re ▪ e e h1s heed to the north. He reis.,1 5 to up by the .houleese, and be seemed quer. .1 ff. Hos nveroors 4.. aro. 'I'ns green 1 a' the plats ma not p .ocularly rough. Web NI .0.4001100• of 11., (Ii..., u•ev got tea Jared mw up tied e at e1 to take him b •mo H• took off hie own gl live and put Leo la his overon.' pocket. its settee some, bete they amid nos uodetsteed what aid. They tbnughe it mei an .colds. , DA out Dodos env ober man passing bar hese. or on the street .h'mt. that tune, W. H. Gime ars 1 he woe meted out shot Iv .Ler 7 o'olock hy Mis. Forte. Foond 'd.. Smith 1. leg ea the street sei.s his ovkroe.' honor• i and his hat o0 In vs prepsr peso. N ben they helped him up mod askee him d h. mole w.ik home with their em Irene, 0- 5.15, ••l',1 try." When Deer Its (Mr. aira'0) l utile b' • y 'et hen down seal h. e..d, "fake me r gee la cis house.' ee 1 - n••. sad the light at hu owner ,. 0. ly 16 -,.nal. power 01,1• and won1A not •now 1 eh, a. far se Jnr. V.nnorman's house. The %elk we. very toy, bend, sod u .vv.a lo sp.. He did bot ask M1. Smelt west had b•ppeeed to h M. VARNA. MONDAY, Much god, HYMENEAL. -A very pre-ty wedding took p!.the at tee bees of Mr and Mrs. John Johnston on Tatshy, February 24.e, at high coos, when teen seely daughter, S.r.h Catherine (Cole), beoeme the wife of 'enemas Johoews, • prwpero0• former 0l Nile While the woodiog rose k was being played bv Miss Mary_ (.rk, the wedding party took their Mao. in the varlet under • bell of evergreens and rove.; the ceremony was performed by Rev Mr. Me- er, of Visas, Mies Lime Johnston, sister . f he groom, noted as bridesmaid, and little Ethel Beattie. of Seaforth, as flower /ire, Mule J. Wellington ,Jobo•an, brother of the bride, eras rroomemu. The bride lotted charming ID •gown of whiteorg•odts trimmed with silk lace mod ribbon; she wore • bridal yeti, and curled • moque. The bridesmaid was dressed to insane and the little 8 ewer ger! wore • cream silk drew, trimmed with lace and losertlrn. After the ceremony the wedding potty, cumbering about 'meaty five, adjourned to the diming room, where able. ware spread with the good things of the "won After sometime .phot to music and • .noel that. the bride and groom left tor their home at Nile. The brad ,'s gedog sway stet wee of blue la Iles' doth, with cream waist, and blue for felt bat. The presents west numerous and one'.ly, and included • Memo & Hach peso from J. W. Johnston, brother of the bride Mrs dobnstos was sae of Varese most popular young Mies. whole blip school sad public eohoul °seri oulum. I'b• 011.1155.., a 911.51 sad, 0111 L 'aid before the 0,..001 of the 0 s 10 reaharr' Aaa.ul.tloll at lbw •00011 1.:001•• insetted. Sous of Ouse eheogo. ',nem e to tit rather radlml °nave'• er. itenk ear ot it s seismal wimples Moth bays go ted hien 'a meklos tko proposed & sows, It. 'red, se regards the hist school eu, dotting', that lie believed that whet was model wee • hieMrsaod•rd to leo .aseotlslmute ,OL., 1.y 60 per cont, mod that the o•udid•'e e hculd be relieved of .,.y examination in Latta, Greek, Fermat, or hessian. valuable as undoubtedly these subjoins are for educe tau•I purpose As regards the public school curriculum Mr. Haroourt Intimated .h•' special attention would be paid to en• oourng,ng the d•yolopmtu's of ostureetudy, domestic) "mince. and tuaaual and Mehemet. Swathe In tee eohonl, What Detective Greer Say.. -r ',owe, Fen, 28 •1 -P 0. nu'*l ln.preene vein Omer mos s1 yesterday from tVin.- ham , tib.ae he has bee" t0ye• Ig•tlog the myt.rnos dostb of J E )'Smith, . premto eat enema of the town. He doled that o'• •rrasts had been woes, mod emotes' y nothing will es done unrll Marsh 9 It, when the adjooreed Neatest will be heli. A+ked ,f be thought the man wee murdered, the detective sad : "Wail, the wuouf on Smith's head tvul 1 have boon by • 5155 on ihs I, .. Sm'th'ei skull was very then at the bun, and elmot es teen as • behest •r the temtd•. awl • fall might 1y hay, caused the !erg• wound, running fr. m the book, along the 1 -ft side. to the front of the need. W• .ri going over the boo d to es. if the 1114, whish demoted was so posed to have been oerrylnr, and which was no. footle oo him when picked op, had 1400 paid oat to anyone As Smith •Is•ys pad his .concurs by elegem, Lo.ever, It i• hardly possible that the meets oould have been mislaid. There were some char- acters to the town that night who had no bo.ioese to be there, and who would kill • men for 11 I am going beck to Mecham In • few days, and will follow them mw right tip and find out what they were dolor In town that DUNLOP. Momper, Msrob. 2 id. H•ny T. Williams a in Uo' n•ioh town - . hip this .e.k nn a fel te /ht's 'Halt to hie on de, Cherie' S(cace. Toe Fie. i'ress Tuesday of last week had lb, I"Mowing wh ah omit. es a reference lir • yours lady well knee° ben who h.. meds L odon her home leer several yeers eel x Ben deaf mu es stet ided r someelhet novel •urine at the Yonne Menet Cbnattan Assootet ion parlors Sunday sl teroeon Mao. Lily Cummins, of thutie y, receeed hyena. A sermon .a - preached by Mr feed. H lig den, el Toronto, and it w.s an twit -toe effort.. A seemed eery.ce wee held to the evening." The wood I to and d•nciog party held et Robertt(uild's Moody n,ght of Ir.r w,ek SAW a good throne'. We Region h:Iw.rd•, of near Seemlier, ably hid the function. of muter of '•.r•nonle•, .•1101.4 by .Joseph 02..: Nevir, 0l I."ebure A sin nterte of y,.'Ln•sta 'n turn kip the den..,,, on the move till the .m: hours A mtdnieht 0 .omptar.us supper was serve 1 by h'• gen .1 ho.' and hie sister, Mess M. .d'ia'l •5.0 dlkohergel the duan, ot totes. 5.v ,y one present .peaks li t having h el a i thy aims listen • number et ,ter resident.. w.r. vu..t..1 55.0 dene,1g part • sero t y Loyal'. teenier !sense. Vt.. F. Yo0111, at elects many of his neighbors as well as friends from Lot burn, Danraanne, Donley, ilnderloh town and the telemeng town.hip were pr'sent. Colborne's tar-femul v,nluMt, Wm. Maot'hse, wee the heed saltiest, Mina resisted at, limes by L,yel's late rssedent, We, Jones., jr , env/ of Gnderlch, H. Cuff, rel O0denoh, not row • et to nor social paries here, ohorded on the organ supported hr Mu. Iona Neville, of Gedertnh, MIM Redmond, of S'. Augustine, and o 51., Smog lady mo.telane of the nelrhborhoot1. 00'6.. tired 0t denote. many of the party .slimed to lee gr•mopbene selooNOn• by K. Port -Noy, of the Canals!. Tow., slide ethers •mooed themselves with p.deo.ed ousted, At midright an es- o.11eet topper was served by Ih• hors and heetes.. who thrnuehnne the monism with their two daughters attended to their emote with the g. mil h.epltallty re horst• Soorland Owleg to a .sear. Bold year haaMe meths was privonteri from being' SOME SCHOOL CHANGES. atemaeh and Sewell Trembles. A promptly aatet•o'ory ware 1 r Collo, lodwutioo, Hes there, Hiueueoua, Sick Stomach end eu'nmer Uompla'D', 1e • few drops of Nerviene iu sweetened water N.,viho• at uooe relieves pain tied •uffermg erre testes the cause of shy trouble 110,1 Ours. permanently. Pol•on'• Nae v line 1• the beat groom' put pees remedy for toms nal mime kouw° ; it tel. so 1511 Oily that no boasabobl should be without it. Buy • 25 • bottle of Norville, today, tea s11 nett. H•mlltou's.l'1lle aur. Corettpatloo. r.Mlealer ramie. All discriminating people ween going to Gnome erayd by the Grand Trunk Rate my. Tue "Interne loos' L rotted." loses Mootreal at 9 .t a. and Toronto et 4:50 les. 1.011 the traveller i', the Windy Cay at 7.20 next morning, Invariably on time to chit mina's. Tee a commodattou en that lira n testes nothing to be desired. -Toronto Truth Radical l baited le View for Both II1gl and Pul.lic,tread.. Tuxo.Tu, Feb. 27. -The Minister of l0Ioo.rloo, Hoo. Mr. Harcourt, hes ander onssidsra'loo a thorough revision art the TO ADVEHTIeaR9. Notice of cnsnges must be left at this Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes mast be left not it ter than Mon- day noon. Casual Advertisements acoepted no to no, n Wednesday of each week ( Although the medicine business should, above a11, be carried on with the utmost conscientiousness and sense of responsibility, the unfortunate fact is that in no other is there so much hum- bug and deception, The anxieties of the sick and their relatives are traded upon in the most shameful manner; impossi- ble cures are promised; many prepara- tions are absolutely worthless, and some are positively dangerous to health. As a consequence, all proprietary remedies lire regarded with suspicion by many people, and the good suffer for the had. Por these reasons we announce that our pproprietors are the principal share- holders in NIRRM WALKER & SONS LIMITED which will, we are sure, be an ample guarantee of the truth of every repre- sentation made concerning IRON -OX TABLETS The Iron -ox Remedy Co.. LA& W alk.rvtlle. Ont. BACK= ACHI3 U you have Backache you 6... Kidney Disease. If you neglect Backache it wW develop into something wove -Bright • Dis- ease irease or Diabetes. There is no use rubbing ■red doctoring your back. Cure the kidneys. There Is only one kidney medicine bet k core. Backache every tios- Dodd's Kidney Pills CLEARING SALE AT COST AND UNDER Of ready-made SUITS and OVER- COATS, woollens. 011 °releted N... irefully attendee to H DUNLOP, ITKY.ET Jordan ]VICBlock. K I Ooderich, Ont. J BROPIIEY & SON - Till I.EADI,. YWAR.V a\ \Vete'003'01 lana .V.moa\tines s . Orders coronet], attended to or all `.ansa, ■Ilei or dal. Quebec aired. 7.:4111.1 11_5ll Don't Forget 2 BARGAIN DAYS 2 • • AT OUR NEW STORE .. RAR(iA1NS• IN NEW 0 0 0 0 5 Just to get you started to our new up - to - date store. SATURDAY AND MONDAY ....MARCH lth AND 9th. • M°KIM'S BUSY STORE. Boots and Shoes WE FIND that our stock is too large, Y and in order to reduce it and make room for spring goods we are going to sell DURING THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY THE BALANCE OF OUR WINTER GOODS AT C.OST Comprising Men's, Women's, . Misses' and Children's Felt and Felt -Lined Goods. • We have odd pairs of many lines that must E be got itid of at ALMOST ANY PRICE. RUBBERS AND OVERSHOES at lowest prices. No. 1 goods. Not punched Rubbers. Wm. Sharman, Jr. �1uuu uuu uulwuuuu w�uuaw u�wluluulluuu/uw The Division between good:and indifferent Drugs, and Medicines is 'Nome'? defined here. 'the Indlt• Went kind ars never ordered and never permitted to form part of nor stook. Only goods of endou ,ted purity are offered to ooatomer•. Oar stook of Proprietary. Medlolnes, h very large Prises are low. F. JORDAN, MEDICAL HALL. DOMESTIC ECONOMY. Household ecenoIni-M hits become a *cienf.1fic *t tdy, and one of It* most important lessons is that the foods which enter the body should be the greatnat purity and heat quality that is poui'de. For the preparation of these wholertome (node care must bre exer- cised in procuring fire. -class Otocerie.• and it is in this branch of the housekeeper's work that we believe we can help you. Our stook is good and fresh and extensive, and we fill all orders promptly and carefully. Give us a trial. sf77.7M7=Y dz co_ THE GROCERS, WEST STi)E SQUARE. • Telephone No. 91 DON'T FORGET THAT Stoves anJ Ranges At Wholesale Prices. I have a few of those strictly up-to- date coal and wood ranges left, which I will sell very heap before stock aking. Now s your Chance to save money e n a stove. Worsell's l's Cheap Stove House. LLO THE OLD RELIABLE ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND IIIA 1411-T Scru!oll Hard Coal IN THE MAHKKT Al Coal weighed on the Market Hoor., when yoaf1M =Mlles. for / ton. wM• LEt. Orden lett at. LEI & sLizpapagps State promptly attended to. i8 THE PL AC. To GRT VALUC rOR Vol; 1 N')NeT, Open. Jen. it h, 1901. Tw • sou sss, Com.oee- kai • n Shorthand Mod for Gilled • Journal, ('. A. rLBMIN'a. A. 1. MoIvTYRre Pres tNe, lIciiillep !Weal Fire Ifuar.oe Cs. FARM AND ISOLATED TOW' PROP- ERTY INSURED Value or Property Insure 1 up to Jao•t.re, 1901 53,5455,1)5.I 5 Or►,l'KNa AND OIRLCT01e, J B. Melesn, ore. ; T. ler sr vin+ -•roe•. ; Jest. ('onnollr, 0. lea1e. W. O Brosdta.t. J. Watt, Ja-. evens, J. d. t;r eve, 1 Ba sew, 1, N Atr einem; • i Hr t. ih„ Mt tfo 'n Inaoeo- tor of losses ; T. Z. Hays, tiesforth, seoretary- treasnrer, AU CNT•, J. W. Yeo, Holmooville; James t'a'inting Kvntond villa; It. Meet iii , 0enforth; R Smith, Reelect Pollcy.holdere can pay asseeemeots and get their cards 'wort pier! at Mr. Cost.'. dints°. or at McLean Bros' Palace Clothing Store, bade "fah AMERICA'S1 BEST Editorially Fearless. Conetstently Rapubtloan. hewn from all of the world -Well written original*torie•-An,wors to queries -Article. on Health. the Home, New Books, an i (rel H ork Aoout the Faru. and Garden. The Weekly Inter Ocean 7-- I, a member of the Associated Preee, t ho only te extern Newspaper receiv- ing the entire telegraphic news eerv- lee of The New York Sun and .p cial aide of 1'he New York World -doily reports from over 2 000 epeeist cor- respondents throughout the 000ntry. YEAR 0 N E DOLLAR aehwrlhe ser Tk. 11111.1 litre The w.Ykly Inter urea sea. rear. 0.t\ Myers 5.. Mil M. MARSHALL SANITARY MATTRESS. PAT. Seer. . 1900. THE ONLY VENTILATED MATTRESS IN THE WORLD. Perfectly Ventilated, Perfectly Keeilisnt, Absolutely Noiseless. it he. 'smiles, to lift or carry it hy. IA murk .temper and more durable than the beet hair mottreoe. it cannot get lumpy, and will not seg froen nee. ft ie the moot, heelty end moat eomfortahle Mattes. made. a! Cail end examine its mens*. SoI.i only hy • WILMER SMITH. Dealer In Sish Grade Furniture, remedying. and Art (Reale, Fine Upholstering done to order. East Street, (:ODERICH.