HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-3-5, Page 44 TgOuDAT, March 5, 1903.
. . Spring . .
Already we have received several shipments of new spring goods and soon
we will be rte'dy to show you the best block of Men's Furuisbin.re and Ready
to wear Clothing ever shown in this district.
We have gained the reputation of keeping the beet stock of Men's Fur-
nishings and Clothing in town, but we don't intend to 1* satisfied with past
achievements; there must be steady going forward.
We feel especially proud of our clothing for spring : nothing to equal it
has ever been shown here before. We have decured the sole agency for the
20th Century Brand "registered" of men's fine tailored clothing. This brand
is exclusively high class and can be compared only (excepting in price) to tine
ordered clothing. Enough said for the present-wet.h our future ads.
We also control the W. E. Sanford "Oak Hall" clothing. For • general
stock of men's, youths', boy& sud children's clothing, Sanford's are leaders in
Canada today.
Glen's Furnishings.
Our stock of Furnishings for spring is iu every respect up to -the -moment
and everything to be found in a first-class furnishing store will be found here.
Our stock is made up tor the most part with goods from the following well
known makers : W. G. dt R. fine shirts, Austrian Collars and Cuffs, Dowin
ion Suspenders, Arm & Hemmer Brand of shirts and overalls, Christy's "Lon-
don' hats, King, New York hat and .1. B. Stetson Hata of Philadelphia.
All of the above are leaders in their line, and every article is fully guar,
Watch our weekly ads.
We have good news for you.
P, S. -See our special tVaterproof, in grey and fawn, at $2.90.
.T O. maCllWe71141T
THE election of -Hvau CLARK in
Centre Bruce last week points a moral
and adorns a tale. in fact, ib points
several morals and adorns any number
of tales,
HUGH CLARK is a newspaper man
and writes bright things in the col-
umns of The Review, of Kincardine,
when the spirit moves him.
Under strong temptation he was
induced to become the Conservative
candidate in Centre Bruce in May
last. Centre Bruce is naturally a Grit
riding but Ilvoil is related personally
and by marriage to • sufficient number
of (crit electors (who swear by him)
to turn the tide at an election.
On May 29th, 1902, the tide wits
turned by a majority of five in favor
of the gallant Major -tor Hone, with
other accomplishments, is a defender
of the country for about twelve days
each year at the annual drill.
After that came the protests and
Centre Bruce wise in the mix-up. So
was the constituency ot the Hon.
What is popularly known as a
"saw or ' was the order of the day and
HUGH CLARK'S riding wad sawed-off
thing was deed wrong, but it was a
bargain and should have been carried
out on both sides or not at all.
HARrouRT wan acting Premier at the
time, owing to the absence of Hon (1.
W. Rose in England, and agreed to
the deal. After the Monck protest
was withdrawn, however, somebody IC
well and truly said, e!e•itiou. are not
won with prayers, and when election
day came around Centre Bruce not
only re-elected Hone CLARK, but
rolled up his previous majority more
than ten times. The temperance vote
and Brother PHILP'S speeches and
prayers did not cut any figure in the'
election. Neither did the able ad•
dresses of the Cabinet Ministers, nor
the eloquence of a score or more of
parliamentarians who nightly woke
the echoes in the halls and school•
houses of Centre Bruce.
The people of the constituency saw
that a job had been put up on Hum!
CLARK in the matter of the ' saw -off,''
and they resented it. They saw,
Also, that men like Brother PHIL,,
who get busy in politics when they
should be about the M ASTKK's business,
deserved to be turned down, and they
did the business very effectively.
And, in additiou to that, they were
impressed with the idea that "Shot-
gun pleagee" at election times are
usually accepted by the weakest man,
who will promise anything in an
emergency and recant as easily when
• party exigency arises.
At the time of going to press, HUGH
CLARK betide the fort.
S ab)rrle
.leeases• a0 the taloa
vanities at .esmlller.
The following is a report of the tiptoe
convention of the Methodist sa.1 Evage-
llcaI churches held in Rismtller Melhod.nt
ohorch on February 17-h. President Wm.
Stevens was in the ohalr.
IQIU Ii e; sansION.
Opinion exerolees by Ret. E. A. bbew.
Mo.u: by )lcrnaler oboar.
Fret topic by H. Mew, sr. The lin-
per tacos of Child Cosrnnlon.' The speaker
referred to Matt. 18.3, where Christ llksee
the *eauer.'on of man to a little ohild. Some
People th nk children 'moved ed at revivals
amount to nothing, but who eau estimate
the rssalt of • ablld's oonversion' By early
oovenion we bids a multitude ot eine. it
oonveraon does not come until late in life
here are always the regrets for • Dalt lite
mi..p.nt. Ir children grow up converted
God will use them to Hie honor and glory
l,hrl•t we. • good example cf ouch. Let o.
therefore seek praysrlully to w10 the child -
inn 10 J esu.
N,rt topic, "S.S. Links and I.,•ke," taken
by Rev. .1 G. (turn. Nast, look of manatee!.
ry. If the teacher Is not l0 time the Claes will
lou interns1 end become disorderly. Leg
of cordiality let the tranher give each
soholar In oIe n a hearty grasp of the band.
Look of hymn books What an important
footer is music! Every we scholars should
et bast have one book Fetweeo Liam. Look
of order dui tog prayer How often this Itch ls
seen. One certain position for all should be
Ind chorine prayer, either .tandlrgor krill'
ing I...k of memorlsng It would be
beneficial If, for fn't•r]a, suoh pasae.s ea
Psalm 23. the Itotitu1,.. the Lord's
Prayer, tits,. were memorized. L' k of
Bibles. 10 le important for the Bible to be
in the slue Lock of horsey. The young
nbould have good reading pltoed before
thew. A .aguestloe: let won' e phos a
10,11 book In the library for the privilege of
eoholars for • cattalo Ntne. Look of parents.
Paten,' should attend sohnel as an example
to children Lack of review. Int each
ohms take certain lessons for review; by this
,..me 111 light who has studied the teems
welt Lsok of some one to In..k alter "tenors
or young men who might come In were an
interest .bows in them Leek of mu.loeary
spirit. Intermit should be tsk.n In all
mambas, home and abroad. Leak.. --A
leak is of a twof,ll r attire, it oar] let out
and le In Leaks from w.thost are acorn
vetted teacher., a gone: moral teacher is
hatter than sone at all, hut it to well ler
than to to movenae,. Poisonous hteraisre.
Rower. of this leak; beer• cood literature in
sotto: I or none at all. Amite, r leak,
mousy mewl by queoGnnable methods, snob
as mento entertunmente, eio leaks from
with a:-Pointlrn t0achlog; better h.ve
Ars tr0 ha well t i m tut the ten that will
sot stay. Leel Leek, iusttese:on. Nonfood
le does without the attention of the
"The Need o1 Sociability 1s our I.eagu.
and Sunday Scheel," taken by 3. Cl.
Sohwarr We need Alois* help to be
see able. The powers of evil are useable,
the .1,et61 g1..•, the mrd table, the hell
room; mmaMldy is their Iw •d n vitamins
"welched" and Centre Bruce went to
Of course CLARK wile unseated. if
the petitioner is earnest and the wit-
hal* tells the truth any candidate in
any constituency where a protest goes
to Court will be unseated ninety-
nine times out of a hundred, and will
wabble on the hundredth.
After the avoiding of the seat came
the bye -election, and Dr. SrART, the
idol of the Liberal party in Centre
Bruce that, bard been shattered at the
previous election, $gain'was put in the
field. HUGH CLARK, the unseated
candidate, took up the candidacy for
the Conservative party where the
Court had turned him down.
About this stage of the game the
Prohibitionists took a fiend, and a
reverend gentleman named PHILP WAN
strongly in evidence. Bruce hail spoken
strongly in favor of Prohibition at the
Referendum, and Brother PRn.P, who
didn't know that there is a great
difference between a political cam
paign and a preyer meeting, wanted
to be a hero in the fight.
He attended public meetings end
spoke for thaws who had battled for
the right against the mighty on lteffr
dum day He also produced a pledge
and said he would give his personal
support end the support of the goal
men and true whom he regimental to
the candidate who *mild sign hie name
to the pledge.
HUGH CLARK wasn't -signing pledgee
e oulable *beatser an opportuolty affords 11-
lote'erthie discussions followed neon
• t0pto.
"l'he Pastor'. t)pporta lty In and through
the S.bbe'h Sohool,by Rev. e. A Shaw.
Eve y duty watts o0 opportunity. Life it-
self 1010. 05 orp ,rtunity. By • ppaasetors per-
,ontl minnows in the school be Masan leen-
o no, Jur good. He both gets and gives.
Hy befog 1s touob with sohool work he de-
✓ ives' bandits he cannot get from the pu'rur,
as 1t ti lees formal than the pnIgt. 'Teo
•.els, be give. an enthu.lasm, others get lt,
to he bee an opportunity to help build up
school. He helps to mould for Christ.
Coobdeooe Leepeos betae:u poster acd
People. By being la Sunday school be hoe
an opportunity of becoming bettoracyooint•
ed with the young of the congregation.
A r ran t inn+ babth"Y.
Devotional immolate by Rev. J. U. Burn.
Music by Bethel oholr.
Reports ot the different Sunday sohoult
and league..
Nett an address to the children by Rev.
1. l:. Burn Subject, "Monet," the
speaker wino by way of illastrai i in • omit.
A coot has a wrtaln losonption and shape ;
it has • destiuer. So boys and girls uv tot
te•ogs of obenoe ; God de.tgnal them for •
pu-pose. A neat beers the Image of the
ruler of the country to wilfub it belongs ;
so I:,td hu stamped his Image upon the
b'ye and intr. The longer the osis is
.way from the mint_the more dtebgured it
vii. So sin disfigures the Image of (,od.
Hot can not a new oeot be male o1 an old
tom' h.ysn so can (lid make sew Individ-
ual. of tit• old ones, u, for metates, Saul of
fibrous, Msry M.gd.leoe. A. round mosey
14 mnah better than squire money would be,
me we should have .Il ooroers rounded cff, u
saroestto loth, Iatsehood, etc. The looks of
• omit w111 tell tee usage It has had : w
Mye sad girls as they grow up will
tell the ave they bare taken o1 themselves.
A ant le Lttie in Taloa, but bow
useful ' Ho we may have but one tal-
on., but if used for (led what good It may
to ! It is koowo to wrist empire • omit be-
longs ; so it 14 known to what k.ogdom boys
and girls belong. Last thought, the dea-
rer of loving mocey too much. "The love
of money ie the root of all evil." Loye of
Clod should be placed first.
The question drawer was very sty taken
up by Rev. Dt, Daniel, of Goderloh. Ques-
t o0• of interest to Epworth I. armors and
Sunday .ohool workers were answered to
the .atldaotioo of all.
' Toe Effects of lute and Impure Litera-
ture upon the \'Moog," by John Young.
As company ibfiut hose w so w111 the baoks
to reed. Reading matter leasee Iia kr-
p.eutoo; especially on the yassg is that Im
pree,lou luting. Toe minds of the child.
rim should to stored with good reading that
they may not be led into sin but grow up
workers for God. if Impure reading
i. indulged Is the boy will wake up
otos day surprised to find bow ler away
from God he le an I stripped cf a good lits.
The memory of a good man ie blessed. II
the minds of tb• young become allowed
with novel rie Bog !Fey wi11 surely be led
Into no. 11 a boy take his mother's Bible
it will be a May; io It ars recorded the lives
of good men surely worthy of ittemple.
Music by Hertel oboir.
' Imlwu'lual Rwpowtbih'y for the
N nett' l noversion,' by A E. Allis. God
hae planed as hen ac0000tahl+ to Him
N e have a duty. Christ spoke to each of
His disciples, "(:o ye into all the world and
preach the gospel " Our responsibility Is
to trod alone. He save us abilities to do •
work. Luther, Knox and Wesley thoaebt
of their reepoasibih'y to Gnd. Note the
result. We it's responsible for all our duty.
Everyone should be ruponubre for keeping
i dight in comm heart. In the church we be
loom ,o, • ru mg oar r e ghbor.. Whomever
me ass bolp is our neighbor. God says we
most warn thou we Dome in oont•,r with ;
we sae neglecting Int duiy by allow:og els
to go neobeoked.
A number ot good points were brought
not 11 the dltcu.onoo 1,Ilowing thio tolls,
one worthy of note being the re immobility
fur the evil of Inremperacm. Toe heathen
know, not the I quer teeth a. The Christian
n orlon/ go to with the gospel and t*• dent
outs follow., destroying the good effect of
iboes grad tidings. How great the respon-
sibility of the!
nye/Oen b0irION.
!1n to by % on Choir
l,troduuttoo of new Dreeldeot, J. G.
Music by Evengeltosl Choir, followed by
a very instructive address from Rev. U D
them, hie ow i eat benne, "Alain.' Alma
In c rnneotion with Sunday ooltonl : -alms
for order, to make the school •!!motive, for
• knowledge of the Bible, for the salvation
of the sohol.'s.
Marro by Z on choir.
Rev. lir. Daniel gate a very interesting
address ; .abject, "Ccuy.onon Pointers,'
°•male, ag.reg•ttos, m.goetlem. oonseore-
1ion and charity.
histo by Evangelioal choir.
Seoret ary
that day, but Dr. ATRWART rine, And Should net the Is of Clod try 17,1.1".1
Cron) mr
C►rat ria enolable.
wished tit+
.001.01.'11 win pool, ler O
Brother Peu,r went away with the
Just arrived, a fine assortment of IRON BEDS for the
spring trade.
Also a number of ASH EXTENSION TABLES,
exceptionally good values.
We have a large assortment of DINING ROOM CHAIRS
from 58c each and upwards. Come in and
examine them.
Picture Framing, Repairing and Upholstering promptly
attended to.
Night and day calls promptly attended to. Night bell at the
store, West side of the Square. 'Phone 89.
What nicks Promises lee Mae Prewar
Fol'owlsg le a summery of Hicks' prog-
nostications for March : Tim first regular
storm period for Marsh le from the god to
the 7th. From •bout'l'uesday, the 3r4, to
Friday, the btb, there are reasons to hpscl
ail the Changes and phenomena of a very
deolded storm period. A marked °huge to
w armer acd fal:ang barometer will lead
rap dly Into oloudmeer, with general rain
and thunder storms to the south. Rains
may alio be expected in central and oortt-
e rn esctlone, but change to mush colder will
follow the rain., with heavy snow squalls
geterafly along the northern side of the
country. Sharp change to ocld will briny
up the rear of these storms. The regular
storm period, contrition on the lb:h and ex
tending from the 13th to the 2Cth, will bring
a time of ezoeedingly unsettled weatbsr,
Witt probability of many heavy. and some
dsngeraw squalls. The iodtoatlons point to
two very derided dietarbanoes during this
antral period In Mince, Coe at the very
trgtnolog of the period, and the other about
the 17th and l0' b, Toe storms on sad
about the 18.0' will barely sub, de before
the entrance to rea?tlomary storm condi-
tions due 2101 sod 22n (. 'Tote is at the oen-
t•s of the Vernal equinox, aid many
e.,1 i noctial storms, with mush unpleasant
weather may safely be counted on. to all
oen•r.1, greets en sad northern sections,
mtegled rain, snow and raw depleting winds
,will render It .xo•edlcgly bard and try:og
on unsheltered nye stock. Th. lost general
mi ern period in March t+ central oo the
27,n, oat clog the 25 t to 30 b. The Mmoo
is ea the celestial equator on the 27.h and
at Its fell on the 28th. As we spproaoh tress
days It will euro phenomenally warm for the
tete n, t0• barometer will fall to low end
danwerous r.adtogs, and anyatare from
Fr.day, the 27tb, to Monday. the 30 h, It
will be wise to k sop an ere on the gather ,,
storm lodioatioos Very warm, humid
weather, with greatly depressed barometer,
w 1 presage ,1oaooe and danger, especially
to central to southern porta of the oou0:ry.
Lw snow and deet corms will be most
natural northward. The month, In every
probability, will r„ac0 eta otos* la the midst
of the cold wave at the end of these storm,.
A'. the appresohing'elisions of the Par-
liament of Ceoeda and the Lagielators of
Uoterio, queetlonu of anusnal Interest sad
importance will ooa e up. As a re.alt of
the yo s on the Lgnnr relater' low, new
temporaries legislation Is likely to be out-
witted by the (iorooment to the Ontario
Ae.embly, while the whole Province will be
deerly loteres-e I in the (lovernmeot's
sur°Is t,, wards the various proposals for
the control and distribution of Niagara
pow. r.
In the House ot Commons the of *Wien of
the ',mil' will doubtless randy. mcch attee-
(ieo, a,ud among the measures of great
n ational importaooe to h, submitted to
Parliament are belle for the creation of •
railway commieston and for • general redia
t rlbotloa of the conetIteere es, seed doubtless
proposals for the extension of the Grand
frank Railway to the Nadia Coast. The
imesinn at Ottawa s ill doubt les. last four
or five months.
The News I forests) will be repreueoted
to the galleries of both limas sail scull ea-
dsavor to wive Interest) g and Impartial
repera of all proaeodmgs sod debate..
The Nese now prints d• ly Its exolodye
sables from Narope sad teleerephte de
u pstate' mitering the news of the whole
°nary/. St.afonrreepondrnte In Montreal,
O.t.wa sn4 Winnipeg rend each day
ds.p.tohes which appear to The hews alone
and the local and Pnylnotal news of the day
1. ed. gnotMy °oyered. fits epnrte pare Ie
an impnr sot (min,.. l'.rtic,d.r at ten, inn
a (nd to the fir Aoolsl end °ommer° al
peva, at d eke onlomos of The New. 0on.
Mtn more •activate, more complete and
more exclusive information on t.h, financial,
lir, -,took, grain and produce Mailman and
Me wholesale trade than those of any other
paper pnbliehed to the Ct•v of Toronto).
A epeeist sebeoription ' ffer Is now medal
hy Th. Niles, °eyertng the 10111111001. of bo'h
Hr uses. The paper will be melted daily to
any address in Cased. or the United Stater,
from now to the else. of the Federal Parlla
meet, 1. r fit y conte IVmitby stoney order
or postal este In The tews, 106 Yong*
, Toronto, and the piper will start
nett day
pledge awned by She me.li,ro in hi. dantptem' leer, rho work of a rort.at Lay.
not. all tit. s, nal pert to tha pe.t0r, What
pocket, to return for which he ere the soil's memh of the Lyne f.r•
promised Centre Bruce and the fall
nee, thereof to the doctor on election
But, as lion .1 iSRA*I. TART* has
Whet the grsep of bend has deme m.y roily
be revealed to as to h Christ was
sealable with the. women •1 tee well. Note
the tomb; she wa saved and mere In the
ea, Josue said, "I,,te n,. &.o'h.e " 'ro
leve mesas to he seeable. Let ae them be
5 Iserease dear appetll•.
No'ti'ng will stimulate a keen, healthy
rsll.h for lord, i good digestion std
pert. et senmrlatino hk• Ferrr.one, wbioh
le the moat sn,,r.efnl tent" and health sewer kneels to malloel smarter. Ferr-
ee.ne 1• a emotive ours for Aneamla, im-
ppare blend, Rolls, Pimples, Indigestion,
D,spemt• •s4 all stomeoh and bowel
trouble. Fere. sone nleanw, •trengthesa
and purifies the bleed. It levifwr.te1 tM
hew and nerves, henleb.e dekeese aid
pain, and makes ailing people well Try •
box or tern el Ferrnm,ne, the emelt will ho
• ewrprpa. Prior boa et Thsaglate, or N.
(1 l'nl on a Oe , Ktnestee, tint.
HasIlbs'e Pals Gore (nnstlp•ttes.
WIreiese Telegraphy e■ the takes,
Tae system of wird.... telegraph' to to be
broagh• home daring the approach
tog eshe.on of navigation, ea • complete out.
fit Is to be Installed on Lokes Erie sad
Uuterlo. Ooe of tit• stations wt I be at
Toronto and will be erucwd at Dome. To.
Marconi system will not be used but that
of Dr Lee DeForeet, of New York, one of
the repuban's teremoet soten,iots. 70.
system is sail to be winch simpler !bars
Marooar'e sad is marl to be regarded by
electrical exports ea coodd•rably In adv.00e
of the :••tun's totembus. Toronto capital-
ises ars Interested In the proposed scheme to
aooirole these lakes,
With this system extended to the entire
°Sato of !ekes w II oome onrretponding ad•
vaut•ge, Tome will be more p•rtioolarty
netioe4 on the upper waters, where the
shipping 1. mon 'Impale* and the explain.
b.t wean .h free moot' greater. Ships In pwi
will be enabled to oommuoioate with the
skotq arid thae aobtaaes mare be rendered
1s time to save many lives and mush val.
sable property, orders may be transmitted
10 moving steamers, distant lighthouses
may be In impatent c000xtron and in hen -
riled, of ether ways wall navigation be
benefitted. Should the prop sed system on
the !ower (ekes prove satisfactory, w t
doubtless will, It is alions' her probel le that
during the nett ee••oo Lakes Huron at d
Superior and the Georgian Bey will be pro
vlded with station,
Excitor : A partueren p bee be•o 1, rmt 4
between F. W. Uledusa° and J. 1., Stab -
bury, busters of this place. The name of
the new firm will be Ula toren d Stubary
Mr. Madman has fur oyer hy• years prior -
timid law to Eater, .•omtoq bare is the 1a11
of 1897 ,n a partner of the lat. KV. Elliott.
Mr. Stacbury suooseded the Lt. R. H,
('o'lun. and during the four yeara h. b..
been hers be ba..uoo..ded In est•blehtog a
splendid bestow. Both partners are now
well known In *ha community sod se they
ir. 011101 o1 totegrlty acd goof ability the
.wooers of the new firm 1. already assurmd.
oN �(5s zoiD
`�tSvlt1 -Pwta.p`v 01:" N7 Mx ( Cal 0 Nv
rel 5411 et Alt WNW -VS. p9I0 30e. PU DOTTI(,
� ,„I
Gasoline Engines
Type of 8 to 50 Horse Power Stationary EnRlne
Saw your wood, Grind your grain,
Pump your water, Shell your corn,
Run your cream separator, Cut your ensilage,
Thresh your grain, And pay for itself in
a year.
Some of the Uses to Which these Stationary
Engines Have Been Put :
Electric Light Plants, Machine Shoals, Wood Working
Machinery, Flour Mills, Bakeries, Pumping
Stations, l'rinting Offices, Dairies and
l 'reameries, Grain Elevators.
Cost of Operating, I to Ilc per hour per h.p.
Requires no attention after starting. No wood to burn, no
danger from fire. no water to draw.
This engine in not an experiment. Every one i. fully gsarsateod. A f.w simple
instructions are a I that la nen-emery to enahle, any man of ordinary in' olli .nce to run it.
()nee started all the attention it ne. 1. .lug. it 1. easy to .tart it and stop it. We
would be plea.e.l to .end you .once rea.hno m.ttor shout the engine.
Marine Engines from I i to 14 h.p.. accerdisE to size or dielatsises of
but or land.
Call at the v It70I:IA-,'T. MAI TUNE WORKS and Mr. Stilleben will give you all
the informatirm possible.
All Imola of Reran and Rlsuk.mith Werk deme no shortest entice. All Mizss of dips
Fittings, Thrwding, lathe, Planer and Vice Work dons.
Chance Goods
Just In.
A shipment of tailor made Skirts, black and grey, $2.50. A real
snap, direct from the waters.
Lace Curtains.
A special lot with prices away down. Babbinets, curbaiu wets,
curtain muelins, in great variety. Just arrived.
Rain Coats.
Spring shipment, in black, navy and grey, latest styles and at prises
that will wake • ready sale.
Dress Goods.
A lot of black, grey and brown
Itomespuns, worth from 50e to
$1.25, at less than wholesale prices,
A few dress and skirt lengths in
black bro:•des and Malaise makes,
worth from 80c to $2.75, at about
half price.
New dress goods just in, in all the
following makes : -Bedford Cords,
Diorite, Zibolines, Cr*' names, Gran-
ite Cloth, Satin Royals, Twine
Cloth, Vigoux, Mystals, Ilop Sack-
ing, Venetians and Cashmere Serge.
Ladies' Skirts.
New dress and walking 'Skirts in
black, navy and dark grey, latest
designs, tailor made, $3.50 to $4.90.
Great value.
Dress and walking Skirts, $2290 to
$4.90, all new and tailor made.
New Whitewear.
(ion ns, Skirts, Drawers and Corset
Waists from 20c up.
New Goods for
Early Spring.
New Prints, Crum's best, at l9Jtc.
Other makes from 5e up. (;0),1
patterns and good colon and fart.
New Embroideries.
A large assortment and prices away
down. The beat linea we ever of
New Laces.
A big range from one cent up, in
all the new crakes of Vele, Tor
chons, Footings, Beadings, white
and cream.
New Dress Muslins.
Iteady to show three goods now in
the following lines and makes --
Liberty Crepe, Linen d'Aveoer, I,tn
en Tissue Satin, Ratan Roye Tsui
bour, Laino Laeee, Stella Batiste,
Cler Batiste, Linen Toile Detain
ette, in the newest colorings. \V,,
don't expect to sell these goods lu.t
now, but want you to see them for
future selling. They are choi, e
Osemepslites Patt.ru tar sale Fukien Sbeets t. glye sway.
for the Lungs
in taking our Emulsion of Cott Liver oil and
Hypopheephitee you are not taking a powerful
drug to disturb the ecaoomy of Nature. but
simply building up the lungs and nervous system
with a scientific toric food tide at, any time
It fortifies the ey.tem, mums stubborn oolds, pre-
vent. coaaumptiow. Be in time. Take it now
None Better. None so Cheap.
35c. 3 for $ 1.00.
ot London, Ont.., graduate of
London. Eng , specialist on eye, '
ear, nose and throat, may Ir
consulted in the o160/1 01 this
store ON MARCH San, for
themes fitted and
Operations undertaken when
W. C. GOODE, Chemist,
• /LOOK. .
A Painted Floor
makes housekeeping easier. A dusty carpet
keeps the whole house dusty. A rug can be
easily shaken and the dust -left outdoor.
is made for floors and floor's only. Made
to walk on.
For Sale by
N. D. RO UG V I E,
Parnell=Dean's Bread
Gives strength to the weak and health
to the sick, and helps the healthy and
strong to retain their health and
All who eat our bread like it. They like it because a ie
tasty. They like it because it to never dry and chaffy. There
ix a uniform goodness, a never -varying quality about our bread
that ix ■ot found in any other bread that's made -not even the
bread that's made at home by the best home cook..
Thie ruperiority is due to • combination of circumstances
governing the making and baking, chief of which are the .killed
use of the best material. and our own proce.s of mixing.
For Sale by
ILL TOB USEFUL BRLNOHES are taught in the
(her students ere tee_g ar nterd mart }nM, Mut altar a mune 1n this eutlegs it will e,
No Trouble for Them to Held Any, Position. We aid thein. 11 pnw leis, to oh
fain esep'nyeaent, bat we erre equip the to maintain the hhi h�°tWen tbis snhnol
has enquired. • er W. w ES ega Ea T ZLT. Principai•