HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-3-5, Page 3"A Free Sample Packet"
of Delicious "SALADA" Ceylon Tea
(Black, Mixed or Natural Green) will be
sent to any person filling in this coupon and
sending it to us with a 2 -cent stamp for
Write Plainly and mention Black, Mixed
or Natural Green
Address '. SALADA" TBA CO., 'Toronto.
•••••••••••• ••••••••••••••1
••••••••••• •••• oo..oNo..
Turnover collarettes of pleuteil
elegem having long front pieces of
fact ahnpe.l pleated chiffon are
among The pretty novelties.
Halt awl pepper cloth. principally
pepper, le very Jaunty to effect
ellen Made up lu Norfolk *setae..
for geld and women with gtrtiah
Flcbum, Ierttuw awl 15:10 Pcla•r-
ti,e falling from the rhoulders and
, Mashed with tong .carf ends will
Ise et promtneut feature of deers
thin rummer.
:fume of tbu al.letweiet 'mite matte
of (moire velour Irate n crlspne.s
land (-hie style nl.mt thele that is
extolled by no oth:•r material toted
for that purpoec.
The unique ribbon New, made en-
tirely of satin ribbon coiled deftly
to represent the flower. lr being
used In place of a bneklo 011 ninny
of the light suede rho.•.. fur evening
Round. deep collnre of white taf-
feta. appliqued with Mechlin lace
are among the demo). novelties that
etre Intended to adorn foulard silk
frock', for the coming spring and
rummer seamen.
Dainty frocks of weep Silt can ti.
eippropn•lately noel i1)Ilehly trim.
mol with blind remote. embroidery
la ineertlonte either straight or in
saved patterns. If carefully laun-
dered these dyes..es will wash rad
'safely as) a p'eket-Inadkerehief,
And iold their rh :pe awl color.
A New .'tire.
Chtlton is becoming Inure std more
used In the fine detail ornnmentrution
on the more elnl..rate ball gowns.
1be petals of towers, !mels, small
birds and butterflies rare In mon)
cases made wholly of chiffon In plain
colors. and In those esivelnlly tinted
for the purport..
Shirring, tucking, plalte. awl hem•
stitching piny nn important port In
the making ut'iyt gown's both for tiny MISSAlite M. Smites of So.
rind eretting wear. and delicate em-
either it white er .taunt., Minneapolis, Minn., tells how
solariums, appear upon the n. west \\•Oman's monthly suffering is
shirt wahine of Iselin rani.. linen. late' .
eliambrny, organdie. and otln••r permanently relieved by Lydia E.
Fresen cotton grass w. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Title oeweet blouse owl fancy wal.t , "I have never before given my m-
edlars are shap•t Inky pointed gib- dorsement for any medicine, but
die both front and back, or that Lydia E. i'Inkham's Vegetable
bake Site bl.hoft form. with "polntel Compound has added so much to my
embroidered tabs In front. For
life and laappines+that l feel likemali-
simple Rousts or morning waled' the . ing an exception in thiamine. For two
straight clerical inlet with turnover , years every month I would have two
edge of Iorr, embrotdcry, or hem- days of se -ere pain and could find no
stitched mnalln, tw the preferred style relief, but one day while -visiting a
friend I run across Lydia E. Pink -
et finish, with lentis to match at
the wrlste.-live_ Poet.
A' new toeing skirt m.ml•.I Is or in that it worked wonders with me; I
step IepRth. Tear erten graduate.( now esprriene no pain, and only had
sorer, with nn extra gore that forms to use at few bottle to bring about
ant outside Sec plait rat tin bock thin wonderful change." -Miss ALtcc
Another design particularly n..aptr.l M. Sarttv, 1104 Thief Ave., South Min -
for wear with a Ru.s.huu p eiletot or neap,lic. Minn. -ss000 forfeit If adr/oaf .p
shorter Roldan blo *r Is of two abovelett. atoninrpnofnenew cannot kp.',g t d.
piece(' clrculnr ehamet. with lnpp.•.1 Many women suffer silently
front breadth and rather silo lu• and see their best giflmfadeawake.
vetted box plait Ili tiro hark. Pruu,Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
of pna.rmeatrrte in applique design, 1 (r•
omp d makes the entire fes
sirnppings, hrakle. or Allk stitching 1111110 organism healthy.
down the Moo of the happen pew's,' FREE ADVICE TO WOMEN
add to the styll.h effect of tt1N model.
-N. Y. Eve. font. firm. i'inkham will give every
ailing wexpert advise en-
AItF. WE I'AIIMF:ItM BLiNi)? I *Indy free. She ham helped thou-
' The Detroit Journal recently' is-' sands. Address Lynn, Maas.
rued a special export number. Il ---
contalned an article written by Mr.
C', Morrie. the Vetted Heater Con-
sul In Windsor, Ontario. Among
other thinga, he anl'i
It Is commonly known h• re that
.mime of the Inrgor (once.' nn In the
United State., In order to undersell
rompetitorr here, have ',hipped tato
Canada machines of at former end
iter pattern. The Amertrnn farmer
Olt' tray nothing Ono Is not atrIetly
sp to date, and rat lin end of every
season there nre left over some ma=
e'hines that will is, n year oil the
next ..'tion, orad these mnfItlne'N may
Iaek some new innovation, tett will ,
du tho work. and are "vet as g0mx"
an the up -to -dote machine ; and these
machln,re-beck tenni era -are 'stepped
into Canada at a much reduced in-
voice value, thus easing 'duty, and
they are inset as acceptable to the
Canadtnn farmer an env machine.' .•
80, ncrnrdtng t1' no less n prawn
that a comet of the Republic to tbn
wrath of mo, we farmer. who buy 1
Clotted Staten machines aro really
buying the obsolete machines Rath.
erwl at the Vetted St ite. Implement
agencies and shipped Into Canada.
It is not to bo wondered at that
the United Staten maehines ehlppM
Into Canada do net wear or glee
satisfaction like the ('nnmill/in Imple-
ments One could hardly expect this,
to be the case melee the rather
e2traordlnary Conditions cited by Mr.
pie do not have much more than
1(0,000. This meant that rad flair Its
coarser than other 'deaden, hut It liar
the advantage of Meting longer.
Look l'len.ant.
We cannot, of coure•, all tie
And It's has! for ae all to
We atrc sure now• and then to
lonely --
Anti we don't uIways do no
Ta he patient 1e not alwner easy.
To lee cheerful le much harder still,
But at lined we eau always be plead -
1f we make up our•minsIe that wo
And It pays every time to be kindly
Although you feel worried an(1
If ) ou senile at 'the world and look
Tho world wlll'soon smile hack at
leo try to look up anti be pleas-
No matter bow low you ern down,
(ioo'l humor 1e always Sontagfou.,
But yon banish your frien•la when
you frown.
middle of the rib minter is wedge-
shaped. 1t corona tun point alwoet
like the apex of at triangle. le tine
English rib this old reroute out and
a bit of l..Liepel metal le tutu:Mod
that strengthen* the tip of 11w brace
to a remarkable degree. American
umbrella ribs brutally break at thlr
place, while In the 1•:ngllrlt rltw this
to the lust to give way.
"Ar to prlr•er, they very like the
weatlien A goot, armleeable umbrella
with latglish ribs eau bra hail for 111.
You eau get nu brclla with Amer-
Icne1 rllw for 811 conte In New York,
but IL will turn hostile out at the
1 ghtert lit of wind. Awl holt cestode
mu 01 another way to test for l'ag-
Ilrb rets. •Opel nu umbrella, and 1f
the !racer bend enmity and have little
elasticity. they tiro Amerleau make.
Tile Engll.l, bracen and ribs aro al-
most Brea and always rtroug."
Only Thune Perrectll Well are hood
Natured and puppy. ,
When a baby is cross. pevieh or
sIL'tplerr, the luothtr may be certain
that It Is not well. There are tittle
allmeate coming from tome derange -
MOM Of the stomach or bowel.. wheel
the mother's watcliful eye may out
detect, which . neverthele.o tuake
the msclvos manifest in irritability or
rteeelesences. A dote of Baby e Own
T:ab'ts glycol at touch a time will
speedily, put 'the little w1e riglet and
will give 1t healthy, natural sleep,
used you have a pueltive guarantee
that there le not a nett( le of opiate
or harmful drug in the mailclur.
Tiesumatlds of mothers give lair
children no other. mudlclpe, and all
mothers' who have ural tin tablets
'brake then!. use. A. McDonald.
\lorttxt, (tut., any.: "baby s Own
Tablets are the beet mMlelne for lit-
tle on.m I have ever urent, and I la-
wnyit keep there hl the house 11/ came
of emergeeicie...•' Good for children of
:ill ager from birth ufrward.•Sold at
45 cents a box by medicine drulere
8' rout port peti.1 by writing direct
to the Dr. Witlharur' Dledlcino Cu.,
Brockville. Ont.
Land's '. e etable Compound, -
she had used it with the beat results.
and +Ovine(' me to try it. I found
11a1n of the Human Heed
A sclenttet with n reel nmounl of
patience has counted the hnirm of she
human head. In fntt, not content
with counting oar 110n11 of hair. he
undertook several. The result.' of lee
nvestIgatlone are furious. Blondest,
for Instance, have the greatest num-
ber and theme with red hair the
smallest. In no case In there much
variation between trtea when the
soler Is the some. Light -haired rico-
Pio have between 140,100 and 16d,-
000 hairs. Brunettes aserfge only
about 105,000 hair.. iBed-haired peo-
Hot C'lolhs are sn Excellent Antidote
for Paine.
Hot fomentation'. prove an accept-
able "cure for ache* need paint" dur-
ing the cold whiter days, when the
very mention of warmth emend
ttNithing to eenbltIvg nerves, and It
Ir eurprleleg to what an extent lite
antidote fur Deli. 1.' now, prescribed.
When a fomentation be cal.e.l for by
n phyelclan, or when It *hall seem
to be the proper Oleg In the emerg-
ency of extreme 'eternal palms, a
flannel cloth may be folded, wrung
hut of hot water, nod applied dlrect-
I,v to 111e .kin. Neverthetr'sN, It In
better after wrlhg:ng cut thee cloth
n.. dry as derirod to fold It In a
dry flannel cloth of one or two
thleknerSee before applying It to the
A 11111e time le required for the
hei1t. of the fomt•utntlon to penetrate
the dry flannel, and thus the akin
le allowed an opportunity to acquire
tolerance of the heat, and a greater
dh•aetee of temperature can bo borne
than If the motet cloth le brought
directly lu contact with the 'mance.
Tho outer fold of dry flannel will
also serve to keep tin cloth warm
by preventing evaporation.
A fomentation Ie sometimes needed
when no hot water le rat hand. Soak
the flannel In cold water, ringiug
as dry as desired, fold its a new.-
pnp:'r an.l lay upon the 'dove or wrap
it nlx:ut the .toveptpe.
111 at few nitnutest it will lie RN
warm as We patient can bear. The
paTer keeps the pipe from be -Ing
te➢t'e1 by the wet flannel, and
at the rime time prevents the flan-
nel from ►bring moped by contact
with tjle pipe. Fomentation's thor-
oughly applied will relieve motet of
the focal pails for which liniments',
lotions ant poulticen nre generally
Page Woven Wire Fence
with its continuous Dull lent edmpodris tits
hurt .lock -holding fence n.a.to. Page No.
7 niru.tai.ds a 3,u0Opound.i etnfn-common
No. 7 wire only 1,701 pounds, Common wire
eel nut cod -It straightens out again It
hast'( a spring t.utprr fags wire has.
TM rages re reins
0:i.' u,alaad,
rrsaaraan, 0.$)., a.e at Jora, ea. 11
spoke to blot. 1M' rcceivc.l no reply
ooI ugalu he addressed hint. Ag.du
ho rucr•hol no reply nut& till, the':
MetJuog .k'tern:illel to fled out who
the mall was. Ito approached •to
where the figure had been, and ay
he neared the shut the m•ui dl.<up-
peertd. No trace of the man could
be found. kise,jucg swear.. that he
saw the mon, but the moment that
Ino upproachtel to w hero the figure
hail been U vanished rte 11 by magic..
Nut evorl the a:ighteet trace of a
11180 cot,id bo found. and none of
the stun working eroded the mine
Iof etrat-
- h n a
at the!raw'stw' nu t gl
ger, nor were any of them near the
Place wls+re MiQueg had seen the
figure at about the t.mo that the
engineer saw the vleion.
shortly after this three dleti ct
atgnahe to hotso ties mem given front
the station were heard to the bolo
lute of it. shaft whore Henry le.
Jones and nose others were wotk-
Ing. At tho lento the sigunld were
giver: 110 one was nearer the Woo
than fifteen feet awl the search
made to (Recover the proem' who
gate the riguule luaso leen unaall-
'I91reo day.' after this strange (lc•
e.trrenoe, on June "6th, 100e, Hen-
ry Jotce was killed by falling out
of the bottom of this skip a db.tnnee
of several hundred fret down the'
teams shaft from w'hielt tho myst'!r-
Inum eiglaals to hedge tho men had
!ren 100.0'.
TI.eee three occurren.•^,+ trade a
great intpre tion upon i i ray of the
rues nod particutarly to more top•
eretit bous of them. -limiter Timed.
England Make.. Better Mtn Than the
.A Buffalo umbrella maker 1453 con-
fided to the Expreon tient the main
cause of rotting of the tllk I3 the
perepiratlou of the hands n-hlrh,'tur-
ing the proem' of rolling. rombine.
Little. Jim's Triumph.
James. four years off,' has been
naughty to the point of evoking a
whipping frons him long-suffering
mother, anti del day long a desire for
revenge rankle! in hie little bosom.
At length lwdtltbe came, awl, kneel -
ug before her. he Implored a bleeding
for each member of the family Indl-
tbtualle. mfr alone being conspicu-
ous by her nb.tence. Thos. rising
f'ew1 Ilia tk-tout po.'tun•. tho little
suppliant flied a keenly triumphant
look upon Iger face: saying. ad he
turned to climb into bed:
"1 s'Peee 30u nothea you wasn't
1n It.". -Harper'. Magazine.
applied, and ern grrauy woe Pre-
ferro.l to tiles• rernedlee, since they
nre cleaner and aid nature more
effectually in re/storlatg the parts to
n sound condition.
No Tlmo lOr Then,.
Philadelphia Record.
Fleet society woman-hnvo you
any children 7
element .ocely womn n-tiractout,
not I can't even find time to take
caro of my dog I
W. J. Dixon Cured 01 Rheuma-
tIsm by Dodd's Kidney P1;13
Ile Could hardly Walk or bleep, But
is now Strong and Hearty Once More
Barwick. 1'. 0., Rainy River, Feb.
16, -+Special) -The hardships endur-
ed by the ..'Luer' of n new country
.to often bring on 1(h.•umatism that
any well authenticated cure le
agerly dl.tculsed *111(1 carefully In -
mitigated in thin neighborhood.
For tills renown the recent euro of
\Vellum John Dixon has created a
.ensatloln. 1Ie w•nN to fnmiliar fig-
ure limping .sivnmd with lilt. etick
Itl*I tie cure woe iso speedy and
Infante over the ateneutent service
at the temente of the 'white dug. need
1lrtened to bottle touching ululation.'
at cercmonintr in the uplattdr of Mex -
leo. Even the colored 00nipeutcVl-
ine her Iti tearful ride; but the Per-
shing' doingr in memory of what hap-
pened to the haulm make these Deem
like children's troubled.
la Pure, Rich, lied Blood! and Strong
• Nerve.
You con ahvsyr lull attaemuc amen
pale. weak
anti women. They . are
told laugu11-11to victims e ( head -
ached and Istekauliee, enmity tired
and 'anal) 11 averse to e'erUuu.
They oau't eat, or they can't diger(
%that they 41.) eat. 'titter weaning
nerves kill .let': tit LIr temper Is ir-
ritable; their vitality %atwitter). And
It ail coulee from poor blood semi
uurtrung ueryer. You can Promptly
banish Anaemia by" e'nt•lohiug your
bloott awl toning up your nerves
with Dr. V1'illi:one Pink !'Itis. They
brintg goose appetite. wined sleep.
bright opine awl perfect health.
They are ie tmaupurubly the greC-
ert benith-glt•Ing medicine that *l-
ent... has ) et dirco'erett. All over
tem word, grateful people prove
the truth of th.er! Jdntementr. Misr
A. M. Tuckey, Ozdrlft. ant., ray':
"1 do not kuuw what would have
Ireoome of mo hod It not been for
Dr. Williams' Pink I'fllr. My bkmel
Teemed to have turned to water,
and I wile troubled w-tttr headaches,
dlzzlue's and general prortrntinn.
Eventually, I becawo bo weak I
could scarcely move about. 1 triol
Revere' medicines, but they .111 not
help me. Then I watt ads lest to
try Dr. Williams' Pink Pille, and 1
moon began to flntl great benefit
from them, anti after taking tbem
for a few week.' all my okl strength
neat^health returned."
Don't waste time and money ex-
pertmentlug with other mrmtlelue:i.
When Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will
.ureiy make you web. You can get
them from any dealer in medicine.
or port pail. at Me. per b'ox, or
sit boxes for *2.50. by writing di-
rect to the Dr. Wfnlams Mallcloo
Cu. Brockville; Ont,
How to Prevent Mould.
1 p is, leen reCCl'n•t that u
few tote of ('unu•Upn butter have
been delivered In the United King-
doms stxu whist Sp Med with mould
out the butter ptpor enol butwoen the
Irrx dud the butler. That hoe oc-
curred w1 Hit 1/101111 butler. As mould
id u tiny punt or tongue. It le im-
p 411(1nt that butter makers) 'awl
(.utter dealer.' should know by what
Meant/ they 0011 outlrelly pzevedt Ile
growth on butter plektgoo, butter
pulsi'r, or ()teethe batter 1t:*elf. Mould
e:w only .'Mlle from pre-oxlrting
mould, or
h re
the pirpusu of see.! or fruit for Its
11 prulacaon. 1110 Hpm.rflr be de-
mtroyel m0mdtl c1fannot begtu to grow.
' In
u , favorable dltln
growth are u certain degree of 1amp-
meoe owl a moderately low temp1r-
etture-plat Id to ray, a tempos.:
taro below sixty degrees. Some
forme of ntuu'hel grow at tempera,
turret as low as 82 degree. fahr •
or the freezing print of waiter.
Formalist Is an ElfireetiVe F'unglelde.
or, 1n other word4. It It a destroyed'
of fungi 0111 of the spored of fungi.
A weak Solution of forme lilt Is effec-
tive for the destruotloe of .'gores of
mould. A good course for the butter
Meter to follow Is to prepare a
*trop brine of salt, nddtng run
ounce of formalin to duo gallon of
the Witte. Thu butter paper should
1,r soaked lu this solution The Weide
of nil butter packagee should, also,
be rinsed with It. The butter paper,
while .1111 wet with the brine con-
taluing formalin, should be planed in-
sane the butter box, unit the butter
luenedlately packed in It. The brine
tenstabdng the forwent' well deter°,
ell stems cf mould on tho butter
paper and on the Inside of the bor.
A brine can be used for a long period
1f It be boned once a week. Ac the
formalin evaporates during the bold-
ing proceser, it will bo necessary to
add to every gallon of brine, after it
lino boiled and cooled, one ounce 01
Proper Cooling.
For the protection of the butter
welch is to be e1Llpped to the Lat-
ted Kingdom, It 1s important that
the butter be oo01ed to a tempera-
ture under 88 degrees fahrenhelt,
from the second day after it la
Made- When butter Is allowed to
re'nulu at a high teruporature
e!1:uages b. -gin which spoil ter dell-
vate flavor aad free' -made aroma,
leach ereamery should have a cold
storage room at a temperature un-
der 101 degrees falrrenholt : only re-
f tgcrator oars should be used for
the carriage of butter, and 1t diould
be Put In oold storage compart-
'nont. on tho steamships, and be
e:e['Fled at it temperature under .^.5
degrees. A temperature of 110 de -
groom fahrenliett 1s still better.
During the kte:4 two or three years
a great 'toad ot, interest liar leen
taken in the subjcet of (.Tell lets
to amine. Formerly :t prejudice ex-
isted noshed them on account of an
idea that their nee wait reolonruble
for a cone/terabte portion of the
eoft bacon pri'duceel iei the Canadian
packing house.' nl cortain,searune of
the ,year. l'nr(gful experiment hug
*hewn, however, that routs can be
frit lin moderate qun111itieN, combined
with other• feed, without anytfliye+it
lour effects ou the quality
pork produced. Al heavy root crop..
can be .'army and economically grown
in nearly all those. portions of Can-
adn Where swine raking Is carried
we extensively, the fact that smote
can.be profitably fed without Injury
to the bacon, 111111 trail poRitIve..bene-
fit :IN far nu the general thrift of
the, animal Ir concerned, becomes or
cuurlderuhto lmpditeope to our
Proportion of Roota to Orale. -lite
experiments conducted by Prof. Day.
1'rof. Orin/nits and myself. as well as
t110 experience of many of our beet
termer++ indicate that the most econ-
omical and satisfactory ration for
.wino feeding contains equ►1 parts
1.y weight of grain and roots. The
ueIdiUon of about 8 Ib.. per day of
tktm milk or whey will go far to In-
sure thrifty growth and fine qual-
ity of pork. F. W. Hodson, Liro
Stock Commlad000r.
all, who, turning around In Happy,
confusion to Inde his face In his
mother's clothes, said: "Mother le
precious, wo cannot do without her."
Could there be a better definition
of what Peter wished to teach than
"Christ 1r precious : we cannot do
without him." -James Stalker.
The longer on this earth we live.
.ind weigh the vartoue qualities of
The morn we feel the high, stern -
featured beauty
Of plain devotedness to duty.
eteadfaet and Neill, nor paid with
retiree' pralee,
Value of Howe.I Iveco 114.1W reached 11 pular t". 1 Eight. porous of mange's or cnrruts lbst 11 ei'rnpin arllarmlteel�extpense
1 nbraet tit! value weight or as) Iu work done squarely aoelanwant-
ed days.
-James Ruerell Lowell,
mile. within the Arctic circle. anti
to send title message necessitated
a drive of 10 miles to the nearest
telephone office, from which It
would bo telephoned to Ilnparanda,
wrote the special correspondent of
tbo London Daily Dial' iebut Palate,
Sweden, on Feb. let.
1 crossed tltvl Arctic circle. on Fri-
day night In a blinding enowrtorm
on the way from Maturengi to
Korpltomlolo. During n 'ledge tour
of the dhoti -let 1 noted on all rilem
evidence's of a dtarvlfg popula-
tion. Tho temperature on Saturday
was 6 divorcee below .sero, Fehr.,
which was, coabtkered n mild .buy
In this l.eallty:
The Population consists of nlonl
fere thoneand permutes scattered
0,smelete that It is little wun.ler un or n wide nrrr. Practically nine
{.sept.. arzp tomortg-om Zioodo Km_ out of every ten are In want, and
007 I'lIIH nt something to .'erns by.
aro barely cxieting on the Rturvm-
"I bad an attael of Typhoid lion allowance of the relief eta -
Fever," Mr. Dixon *nye In telling floor. Tim majority of the people
Itis story,"nnl after 1 got over 1t Wn-n nest to*dal meat *ince tilt
Awl Marto.' to work itte'unentl,nu autumn, anti hate fuel but little of
Jet Ia. I had paled In my back amt 1 the moor ekimmat milk which collstl-
in my r•Igltl hip en bad that I haat
to 1.$) it stick to walk anti 1 hate
no comfort In oileeplug. 1 cou1.1 no be kllltrl on account of the lock
more than dress millet( for meetly
toner, with a lined. black Sae.lish
larley-mend bread, their milli' sus-
tenance. Many cattle have had to
two moaner, awl bur three or
fourI of fodder. The relief food In this
month. 1 coul.l hot Ince my rlr;ht 'district will give out shortly, and
i if store Ir not then f•rrthcoming
the people must inevitably 'starve,
The local sheriff anti the pastor
toed me on Satarlay that they es-
timated It 1(1111.1 require about $7
to supply an average family of rix
with June sufficient food to keep
them alive until June, which IN the
mowing tlmo. During the same per-
iod fodder for each cow, would coot
i9. Both the ltterif( and pastor re-
gard tho Immediate future with the
Rrat•ett npprelr^niton, All relief
food has to bo parried about seventy
mfrs atter leaving the railway.
During my journey on Saturday
I sow wane most depresrdng *lichee.
In many earoo rt family of eight
are living in a ..mall hut, Finch nre
would not 1..$) timeel for slteltering
cattle In Englund. The have
scarcely any furniture, awl their with potutooe totem' to ln•tl!ate that
Siete are but it heap or rag.. Dem- fel raw they are of very little nu-.
pito the terrible meld, these poor trltive value, int when cooked they
people are too impoverlehet to be aro worth about one-quarter RN
aIle to afford proper w'lndnwe, mucli nN mixed graln."
un.l the ehlnkc• between the logs Artfcbokce
are often very Inndequntely stuffed Have a fwrlfng v01ur 'stmi'nr to
with mows and pnp.'r
Ono mai 'inmate the horrlblecon- that of potntoasl
liege0 of t hew. eunglr-roomed dwrl- Turnips thay%aboo not been fount! a.
liege. In ono hat in Knrpilomlole wtttlrfnclury n.' not bee or .ugnr
1 stew two ten-rnpw wound round 1*'etr for awlno feeding. either In
with 01.1.' They were the only eamoant of {loin produced or In tho
..lyse -or put my right leg on m)
left knee
"A brother of mine athlete! me to
try Dorklb Kidney I'Ills, and after
• taking tb'reo box08 I began to walk
aroun.l awl do shy work anti Ince
upmy mhoter
"Six boxes( cured me completely,"
Impure blood In the breeding placeHAS A VIVID IMAGINATION,
.we anylm a t, I Ooe of the Mn.l com,pleUous Charwc-
n pernou covered with.terlmtieNof the Persian.
for Innumerable Illumine's, When, en
rdy arterio * from rheuma-
then, limping on crutches, or find on
our tarry
.ores, 1s) feel tempted to e..•t11 0411 to I Mile Perefa11'e imagination 1r one of
them, n!1 well am to theme suffering 'Ido strongest rhitracteriwtles, and It
from nenemin, eerofiln: "Poor ifla,, ham found fill piny iu his religion.
the help to nithle your reach, end When he split with Ids Turkteh bro-
y, n s1111 eontton° to mutter 1" We tier over who should be sncccs.'or
linen the right to any that, since we to Mohnmmel he did It with the fan -
hews known the htmtory of this po- ettical enthudaim with which ho doem
pular medicine.: hardly any others rrpre hing-exrrpt tell the truths.
with tho acids used In dyeing the milk. ntelletne has succeeded In achieving: The off.pring '.f Fathom were henee-
He rays nn u ubrelht m!sul.l never be such remarkable and thorough cure* forth the sacred emlodltnents to Irbme
on lir. August Koenig's Hamburg and when the Turke and Arabs with
rolita. "Thera is another IdleremlluR I „rope. pacts aro eloquent, Thou- almost equal fervor dlep.ied of the
thing clout tin umbrella bumlues, women of teetim04itatN hrino newt 111131114 01 various motho.W of tulle -
nod that id that nu ggoodunnttteUn , of curet by thee° "life drops," ns der held to be polite 1n those days.
rile are made In Elio United State.. I a grateful patient named thorn, and tin whim wan complete. Tito gulf
All the bell alis nano from Englnmt' f every day the Bet of them el incr.ns- Iw'lween.Shllte awl Sunnite wan fix -
Tent in pccullar, too, when you etoP Ing. It slit be further aald in penile ev1 for all time It line never nem
to think Mout how nitwit Atne-rlctane of Dr. August Koenig'.' ll-unburg
pride themselves -on titter lodu.'tries pro tint they are prepared from .trek.. To ,tile day, In periods' of
abed hovv they tonal that they spare and roots, without an at "treks between the Rector. the 1'orslan
equipping et.1. with the best awn- I D y neconntt it n greater virtue to have crockery to the piece. The hut. nre readlneser with witch they nap
no expellee In mixture of mineral Nlnbmtancr.., such killed ono Hanoi than n whole corn- 1 pietmrewpu to last at, but they en by PIRa. in.leed, no other roots
It a tet mercury, sine, etc., axed there- of (hristlnnt nor hie tom u' n n w s n . naoun o t e.' to on stem
little leer of sugal' beeetr are equal
In value to one pound,of grain. Thlu
IN the conNensue of opinion of the
Copenhagen, Ottawa and several
American experhuent etatloIN. At
Copenhagen the mangelr were fell
finely cut rand row•, and event when
one-fourth of the daily feed wa.t
glsen lin the form of root* no Injur-
ite m effect's were noticed In the
quality of tho pork. The grain per
head In ton day. on it ration ilk Ihalf
grain and half whey or
7 6 pound.', whereaN when the grain
won. repincel by roote after the pro-
portion of 1 to 10 the Increa*e won.
found to be 8.3 and 8.6 Ifs. When
half the grain wait replaced by root.'
In proportion of al to H the grteth
of the different Iota wan pretty near-
ly the temp, 011, M.5 111.. for the
graferal boot., fest Intoe and S 6 lbs. for howtng n sma111ime
ference In favor of the latter. In
this experiment it must be noted
that the pigs lend been fed roots
previously, and consequently took
them readily.
Value of carrot,..
in experiments with nearly 900
pigs on outlive.' e.'taten In Denmark
it wars found that carrots and man-
giest containing equal quantities or
dry matter. had .imilatr value in pig
furling; In other words the amount
of dry matter In route Is of import-
nnce rather than the total weight
or the quantity of sugar contained.
In a number of Daniel' experiments
four of cooked potettoet rove prac-
tically the Brame gain ate one pound
of grain. , The quality of pork pro-
duced from potato ?netting 1s) eepe-
clally good an has been shown by
llurtrous experiments In England,
'relate', Deunnark and Cabala. in
this connection Prof, Orlwlnle. of the
Central Evperlmental farm. Jaye;
"Potatoes nre frequently nvallal.le
for feeding pigs (specially small po-
tntoes.• All experimented work here
ohlnery. .1 good rib -making machine fare do net hire the urnphenamant af- Many 1 1 I 1 t 1111 r t 1 t f 1 tl li a more watieftetory considering
costs about *:'5.000. There are m111 -I ter effects hire lee from the , rc nt alt timetf whether In war or hod. oral hopeless' ntttery. the yield per Here. pralntalsllity and
11041• InveNtel lel the nmbrelha Kuhl- theeRn-called blood prlfhe rand news, shows nt what vette he molds . In many cnwvt Ihtbl"m are no aro- (seting vnlne, lion the large red
the ChrlRt,lnn. :lc latet on account of their With mongol•
nese In this country, no
$2 ,,0(ttl, the purgaticro, whk'h often remove
coot of n machine, in not too thing email tits and minim much greater The cultivation of til.' rellglnun ern l.'ellig iron watt to afford them
that 1s) keeping American ribs 1s) 0msw We are otter naked. "When tenAinn, century niter century. hne ohs-ten/ince that In all probability
furors from making ns gels ribs at ..louhi the wyNtem be purified." Thie wrought upon the Persian tempera- a'orew of tlfFw 1111 .Inn ►x torr. the
ne(' made In England. I believe that nmol Ilk.' n eorrotive nei.l. To the memmer. The nenreen doctor to Kor-
th.. trust.' tend It cern profitnb!r, furl must be left to per*onal. judgmWhen art, original formulae he line trtckel on pliomboto lit PP rat n dY+tunen of
the Present rat least, to urn out 1 we tette only reply' When na-
L The w ren t.' n-•hnrrore nrml deprlratlon, Munger rand
t t nen
cheap rife for cheap urnbrelln. poen tiro demautde 1 P R gp
.'rally oonwldereI the proper time Mceratlon enoughto make nn or -
to produce a reality good article.
"Thteso i:nloleh rile colt anywhere for purifying the Protein. Wo do not dt-
innry entg° torn of I181111,111%dtau 10. 1 ve
, rntlrmen hotrthes,
from 25 to GO cents each. The primo wont to meet that theory. but we morn
differs+ acording to the mnteriat need must point ont that blood.phould he shaken .by tpdrltual grief, cry like
nnd the care with which the ribs are putrefied nen at °tle'r limes, when
i nKlleh rib fe there are bigots that It to not Glenn
ennmelet. Tho etwapnet
better than moat. of the high-priced nest wants regulating.
American ell's. - They aro stronger.
they aro carved better, 01111 the en- GHOSTS HAUNT THIS MINE
nmeling aI11 04rtlaid the enameling
In the American warce. The Fng11M1
ribs ane bra detected rattly by looking
at Oho braces that evt+•n.l from the
mlrttlln of the ribs' to the clrculnr
strip that elide'. up and down the
7b many points to the Staten orCali-
fornia, Oregon and Washington.
The (inion Pacific will .'ell One-way
They SIAM the Workers and Give Colonist Tiekett at tho following
Some Myctcrion' Mtgee's. rates from Missouri river terminals;
Weird stories of ghotthkn figurer $25.00 to .'lin F'rauclwco, Los An -
ween rat the entrance of the m1ue gele3 asst Inney other California
stick. Olaf tempt tales of groans tort mo,tu• points. Tleknte on sole Feb 15 to
"In the Amerienn nrlleln the end trot' rounds being heard from the lot- June 15n 1903.
of the brace that fits ,igalnet the (0111 of the chafts are related by ----
The Prost 10 Wire. and 6 Stay Fcncc
is the strongest and heaviest wire fence made -good openings
for gold agents ; write us at once for terms. Ask for catalog.
wsuAN0. ON7.
Tse FROST Wing Fence Co.. • W4NNaeI0. MAN.
1J 31ak1 ii
mlting um
front the property of the RIR Kann -1 $0'0.00 to Butte, Auneowta nnd tlel-
whet Mining Company rat Creed...! ena.
These tales, which rlvnl three of $22 50 to Spokane and Wnuatehee,
oubliette,' of whom 1. rack Ii-,nheli Wi,eh•
mine. ere Pail 1" line" Im.''gnu•' .'0hn-: *25 00 to Esrrett, Fairhaven nn.l
Pn•rml 1111011 Mt 01 tin men eat-' New Whntcom, via Huntington anti
ptoyel la the big Knnnwha Company's skana.
melee, that they hove omit work awl I $,5.00 to Portland, Meows and so_
'ought pieces+ In other netters where 1 attta
elm unnatural fights and ro:nult' $2500 to•Aahlan. Roseburg, Eu -
are unknown. gene. Alban and Salem. via Port -
Tim fleet Win t0 ruiner, a ghoef- R y
like talo of his ezp^rlenoe1 while MTedlekrU on wale Feb. 1.1 to ,A fall
workler at the mine woe Neil 11-•
AO 1k0R
•n who hamJ est returnr•tl $_0.00 to Ogden end Kbit Lake City.
forty-nine mile..
I sieitei two villager. ten miles
rap^rt In lbs, foro•t. 111 011r Inst 1 i
found seven motherless children.
Their father walked to Oellivrere,
over one hnn.frel mile,' away, to find
work Pomo mopthe ago. but hem not
retnrn.o and In tin meantime the
el.11dren have been kept alive by •
the nil of this neighbor, en pour
lin thele Ti little °nee nye
mve 0R. 1^
In charge of Anna, the ebbed girl,
who ie oely 18, end the young/et
is four. The older children aro
'Meting th,Mtrar'Iven for the sake of
tin ynnhg^r. Tit•• e^inr• ee'•rrty pre -
veils In alt the Mita around. ,
in the other v1 1 or ' 1 o 11 1 a wo
meet melting show for drinking wa
tor. of which the mupPly lo 1.•1y
(tort. The bread h,ol nearly 'Alen
out, and the villagers were nver-
avhelnir'.1 with Joy when P11pp11nt)
Wills Rhine morn. Severn) Retrving
folk begged for fond from me at
Noose/mullein. i gave them breed
line meat and nn nil women, near-
ly blind rend I,- rely able to wnlk,
wept teary of Joy when given wont,
of 'Odell elle had net antes sine
the (Ammer,
Another worn^n b Heti' :Owed
hyeterinnl with Joy when given pre-
meat. end expriv e'd her
think, 1n the form of t,Iseeings In
Qneg, an engineer. It was nlont• 1'I ^I a, t 0-01 raho•n 1+ now ane
Ito ;pentha ago tint. whlleetlnrt- lobs roll IntormnUon eel! on or ad- *1 ted poorest Alstrbte In the NWT.Ing nt the reel of the lyras. he yaw •fres. 1(. F. CARTER. T. P. A.. 1t bourn Province,. e
mein not more then twenty fent Jnnee iteilding. Toronto. Canada, or , Tito people ere hotting their het
use/1y. Thinking It noes one of Ili•• F. B. CHOA'1E 123 Wrwlelwnrd avcnee,' gear whit +tenth re. Ig"•• 'nn wh;eh
0 I oat united to epees,
sloes.' emplo3ol rat the pl oY kr [stroll MMh m m pa
My Mother's Good Old Thee..
1 remembered when 1 wandered o'er
the hills In boyleh glee;
And the dinner hornet long echo
brought no boding thooghte to
1 wad young and I was happy. ani
my stomach no'er went back
On to tingle propoetlun that my
teeth would dare attack i
Never thought 1 of dy-Rpeprla an I
charged the J^Ily cake
And the old corn beef arld cabbage
that my mother toted to make.
Ilut tho year.' have brought pros-
porlty. The servants In my
Keep th:lr straining ears a -quiver
for tho falntcrt of my calls;
I have eaten of tho fattest ; I have
drunk the richest cup-
Jumt to realise at tart that these
have need my mtomnoh tip;
And I'd give my Teat possesstonsto
be able to partake
Of tbo opt corn beef and cabbage
that my mother need to make.
All the years I've sought tho dol-
lar. 'struggled upward slow and
HU rO.
With my locket growing wealthy
and my +tomnch growing
Every year I find my table more
with luxuries+ replete;
F:very year I fin.! that fewer are
the thing's that I can eat
TIII the pathway back to childhood
oftentlmee 1 yearn to take
To the 01.1 corn beef and oabbegs
that my mother need to make.
And strmet,mee In ',Useful moments
i will fall asleep and dream
Of the ruaatrt buckwheat steaming
and the sorghum syrup's
gleam -
Dream that once more 1 nm living
whore Welsh rarebits are un -
k mevn
Arm1 thn n0onhour unacquainted
with the mad, dyspeptic moan ;
Then I Jeer at pepsin tablets and
forget my stomach ache
In the Dorn beef and cabbage that
my 'norther used to make.
-Lowell Otus Reese In Lesheen
Worse and Worse.
Dufratn Commercial.
•'I only married you bac cunei 1 need.
oil the 'dough' so badly."
"And, Jud Ing Irom the bread ycse
snake, .'one krirad 1t worse and worse
as time goes on."
he Chest Pains
of Bronchitis
The dry, tight cough. the soreness aggravated by cough-
ing, all disappear with the use of Dr. Chase's Syrup of
Linseed and Turpentine.
It In the tendency of every meld
to devel.p Into bronchltlt, contttmp-
11on or 'sone forth of lung tremble.
Bronchi' le Ire motet dreaded. 'remise It
!las a tendency to become chronic
and return regain 'nod again, until
the patient I.'enmen worn out or
fella en .'nay prey to e0nsUnptlon or
pneumonia.' Only the most robust
con,tltutlon can throw off broncbitla
Aged people, children and all who
err In delicate 'health or have weak
lungs have every reason to fear this
If the rough he dry and hard ; If
there Is fain, Nnrenret or tightness."
in the Moot ; If breathing In difficult
mid rouses pnln In the chest, you
leave every maroon to entp{wer that
you have bronrhltls, and ahnuld
promptly begin the uta ,of Dr.
Chane'.' Syrup of Linseed and Tur-
pentine. a
• Cough mlxturee that may help an
ordinary cold have no effect on bron-
chltlR and nathma, hut fir. C'hees•++
Ryrup of Littered and Tnrpentlne hen
won Ito enviable relnatatlon on ae-
rount of Ila wonderful slerPlS In
erring these ailments. it le far
mole than a mere oeugb medlotne,
and tete on the whole system, thor-
oughly eradicating disease.
%1r. John ('lark, coachman, Port
Hope, Ont., mate.: "Being exposed
to all torte of wariness:. 1 frequently
catch coke. Last winter I was so
tad with a cold that I could not
weak above a whisper, and had
great paten In the chest. At last I
feared( 1t would develop Into eon.
gumption if I did not succeed 'lo get.
tlog proper treatment.
A friend Reedited me to use De.
Cause's Syrup of I.Inw ed and Tur-
pentine and 1 begun to Improve be-
fore ilbad taken halt it 'Kittle. One
bottle eared lay cold, which I iellevs
would have proven spry *oriole If 1
Md not geed this natibine."
it 1.. neceeuary for y0,t tot be carr
fol when baying Dr. Uhaee's Byrd,
of ieemed and Turpentine, for there
are many sahetltutes asst imltntl•bns
offerer. The portrnit and glgwater*
of Dr. A. W. ('ltsa.'e are on every hot-
tir of the genuine 25 cents a holt'',
fntatly sten (three times ss muehl 40
cents At all dealers, or Yamana os),
Rates & Cn., Toronto, -
to a.