The Signal, 1903-3-5, Page 1e Trimeff ''A'8" ADV' T8 Ant AorivE AGENTS WHIN PL.AC t IN THE SIGN AL ionat. LOOK AT YOUR LABE L IT SHOULD BE MARKED PAID FOR . .1903 I.s3S.A.ID =NT C+ INT MINXir BE'.42A.F.EaRt Tri T-J-IR.C3 CJ 0 T.7 INT T FIFTY-SIXTH YEAR. • 2924 Publie Sotto*. 1110tYLAW NO. 3 OF 1903, Ole THIO ToWN8HIP OF OOLIountix. Fon T.8E17,041%0000, STOcK lot THKHURON. BRUCK AND Ulan' KLICTRIC it• I I.W .1 COMPANY! Whereas The Huron, Bruce aod Orley Klee trio Railway Comtreny have applied to the Township Of Coltre.res to take two buttered and fifty shares of av• per cent. preferso, root of 1100 00 each In twit' railway and It hes bees deemed to be in the interests of the people la order to secure the construction &int orratioa of the said railway by tee said Company that el6,000 of said stork should be taiga in the mid railway. subject to the term, wad conllUons agreed upon between the Cor poration and said Railway Corupeey, which tenni and oontlitions are hereinafter set forth And whereas. in order to provide f ir pay meat , the geld $20,1100 of stock. if the same aholl te eubecrIbed tie. It will • • n11/0010err t3 roue debentures of the Township of Colborne for the sum of 125.00'3 eatable; ars herein Pro - aided, when the oonilelous herelnafthe eou taltsed with regard to the truing of suoh de twitter's are fulfilled ; Acid whores/1 It ls derrable to issue the taut debentures at one time, and to mete tee principal of the *aid det* repayable bt yeari7 aunts divine the period of twenty yearebeine the currency of th• rid debentures : rid yearly sena being each reerativ• SUMO with the Interest that th ; aggregate amount pay- able In meth year for principal and interest In respect of said debt shall be es neerly as pas- sib'e equal to the:mount so payable in each of the other nineteen years of sail period . Med whereas the total amount required to be reread annually by eerie( rate fee paying the rid debt and interest se herinbefore provided is 1 1.6:0 54 : And whereas the amount of the whole rot able property et the rid toward!, of Col- borne. &robed inn to the 11401 revived &sees inent roll. la $1.0013.720 • And vie ream there ls no cuistanding or 141.1104 debenture debt of the sal 1 couniol polity . Ann WA. rare the total amount of the debt Intended to be created by ihts Bylaw far the rv. aforesaid is the said amount of theireatore the Mumoloal Couuoll of the Towasklp 3f Colborne era s as follows r uader and •dreent to the tree* by the muni. !grapey), and who shell beer tee n met., weer shall be settled and sensed upon with the Menlo:pet 00U ell 0( the ild CirporatI b tore the Company shall do soy of the aety. 'natters or thing,' ehavemeationel. Teat ;Ili rat s to be weed thrtughotit in the oonstructiou of said reed shall be Dot heathen 56 pounder& the yard T. roller or slots her weight as Is oidtharly mind in similar reeds. 5. The said Company 4150as/reel that thel will Nur, all sum fret ht as may be offered to them and toomistruot sod insintain freight sidings at oonvenlent points to be mused on between the • id Company and the esti Munhepel Council for louline etioh stook and freight as may be offered or which they msy be required to oarry, said rye* to tato eon struated as to caul urdinary freight tare of any steam 'snarly •net te arrange with the proprietors of the Grant 'trunk Itailw•y &ad the Canadith Peelfic It 'Sway or any other railway they may connect w:th tor tee oar - risme of such cars, such arrangemeets for transhipment over rid 111•1111 railways to bee made as soon sie passible. 6 The maid Townshil furth &grime to great sail Company exemption from taxatioo. excepting rhea,' tate., tor • perlad f twenty-one yeses framer date of oommenee. meet of Ita ope a.aos. Toe said Townelno further agrees to pass 6'1 ne marry Bylaws to parry this acre -meet toto full force and effete, aod alio to give the sold Compsny the tau to page over, upon. or along any hlghway within the meld Towaship. msy be mutually &greed upon by said Township Council aod the Compri h•vine due regard to the fore eolith conditions see forth In per/seraph Four hereof. and nu hereby disunite', under/tine 1 and agreed that the Compauy shall hsve no right to occupy tiny parCon of the said high. ways raker and until eel upon such terms set! conditions as to sateguardieg the later - este of the ratepayer. along rid highways as the said Too nshiu Connoll tee at bie impose. 7. In ease the told Toweship ghoul I h. die satisfied at any time with the ratoi charged for freight by the easel morrip toy. or the nom oompletlon of traffic srramteinefits with farm rail ware or in the carrying out of t ,y of the conditions hereof. It Is agreed between the parties benne. I.11•1 rob of the said parties shell &patent •6 arbitrator for the purpose of axing the said rates or non -completion of said 'radio arrangements or aondi Mos eel le ore the said arbitrators fall to ogres the Judge of the County of Huron @heti appoint • third arbitrator. and the award of the said arietrators. or two of the said arbitrator* shall be final and shall be binding on the GOR3- Pliny. et. ft to also ag toed betweeu the red Com- pany and the said Toupee', that ; h• number of trips for the oonveyance which shall oe in °aril etes of the inost tuodern type* of pa{ &angers to and from Ooderich from each of the point* shall oot be lees th .0 four rich way daily, u item permitted by unavoid- able occident& or ortructions caused by row stores, sod in the event of the obstruo ion by snow storms the Company &greed to or ail doe diligence in cleerlog oat the •aow tram thee tretks. and resuroing the nervier, 9. It is agreed between the said compaity and the said Towoali'y that the rid sectlan of railway eltall be oompleted on I In operation Oa or Wore the 30th lay of November 1211 or within such further period as may be au [horizon by the Bylaw of the meld Township, le. The said Company sleet not be absorbed by or amalgamates' vrith any other Company or pass under the control of may other • imp Any wIt11011I the ooneent of the Township of Colborne being and °Mai oed. - IL During such time al the sal t Township are tbe holders of the sod stock, the Reeve of the said Too estop for the time being. shell be ex allot.. a loirector of the slid Oompany. 12. If the said Compri, steel at any thee desire to olishramat • or pees under dIffereot control and the said Townsnth objects. the Company will have the r ght to coal oe the said Township to traoefer to the norntnee of the Grapany. the era "lock on repaymeet of eald sum Of with late/teat from the time that sueb objection is made This Bylaw @tali come Into full faros and etfeot white finally pared _Mier hating re rived the areal of the easotort entitled to vire upon it JAS. TAYIA)R. Reeve. F. W. McDONAUeillerk. elpallty, by t • props ty owners. aud by the I. The Corp •ratton of the Township of Col- bert. sh&I I take two hundred and tlfly • hares of 6' lave preset I preference capital stook of Ettlf each in the Huron. Bruce and Grey le Hallway Compeey upon the fulfill - meet by the oath Company of the term; and creditless hermoafeer eet forth within the time heir r specified. but not o rewire. 2. It shall be lawful f x the Corpora' ors of the rid Township for the purpose eforraid to tsar debentures of thorn] Mu. etpolity to the &mere of an 000 to stuns of not lees titan 1100 each. payable in annual instainther ex tsodlag err a period of tweet,' years from the dote when the debent nese &roily this By law gaitherised to be hotel such data to be 108 1•14/8 t1111.0 the Bret day of March A, D. ISM, debootures to bear interest not ex ceedieg the rote of tour per tont. per annum from the date thereof. pitiable on the thirtieth day of Septeinbee In wok year. coupon, there- for te be attached to said debenture'. litaeli of the said debentures and the eionpane thereto attached shalt besieged by the Reeve of the rid Township or by tame other parer authorized by byte.. to sera toe ere& sod by the Treasurer or ,ald Townehle. sad the k shall attach t hereto he °crem- ate peel of the rid Townehip. upon the fulfill - most by the Company of the terms and ocndi Lose hereinafter eel forth within tee time hereinafter speottled, I And It the be la awful tor the Reeve end Treasurer for the time beteg of the rid Township of Colborne to borrow the sa d sum of illet*.IXO for the purpose of paying for the sald preferenee csp tal ace. trout say prom or ore poison's swilling to lerd *lee saute reps:eh:4 In twenty years. aed to Inoue in lieu thereof the d•benteres of the said ooraors elm. and the lender shall pay the money loaned upon the security ,• the said deben- Puss into the breach or agency ot the Beak of Monter) *A the Tows' of Goderleb. ere the special credit of the raid Towered!, of Col. borne as fcglow• "Toweehly of Cotharne, Acootint. and the rams .4611 be pof - able out only or, the joint cheques of thn Reeve &ad Treaourer for the time beteg of the sold Tovroehip sad shell be ezclualvelv applied for the purpose •fore ail. tamely. to pay f.d. the preferesos capital stook solo be submcribed for as siotheald. s Thoth shell b 3 rained annually by special nthe on all th• rarities property la the rid Towle/hip of Colberne during the term of tweet) years from the date whrn the said 4,,eam,o.,.. up 4,7 t be h) law •uthor eed 10 be issued. the gum of $11.1.11..P.1 for the purpose of peplos the amount doe m each of the wild /it tit's kw principal &ad Intereet of 1138 0111 6 The vote* of the Clualiged electors of Oil. menlelpslIty shell tic tithes on me Bylaw by. the Deputy Return. g °Moore hoteinafor named. on Tuesday, the 17th do; of March A. D RIOS. rommeecing at the hour of nine Olor is the morning and continuing until eve orlook In the afternoon, at, the under- mentibeed pler Polling lieb-41. 8100 No I at the Temperance Hal'. Refrainer, A• &eve lierldle, Deputy Beturaing Officer. Polling Sub di* iair No. I, at the Temperance Hail, Sanford. Herbert Monis. Deputy Re- turning Ofilorr. Polling Duhdl • 'roe No. it, at the Town Hall. Smiths Pruitt McDaniel). Deputy Re - ant eg (Mow. Polling Statediristo, No. 1. et the Temperaoce Hall, Ileiseburn, 11.. Depu.y Hoorn leg OtlIcer. T. tht Monday. the 160 day of March A. D. 1903. the May the sant Township "all attend at the Township Heil In the said Towle - ship, at ten o' lock in the forenoon to 09931 tel, Porno to attend at the anions P01 1 Ina Plan • &foretold. and et th anal "maiming up of votes by the Township t7lerk. on behalf of pereons tetra tied In the promotle. or oppoe• leg the passim/ of this Bylaw respective', P. The Clerk of the said To • netup of (ig- nores shall attend at he said Town.hip Ilail at ten o °look In the for, noon of Thursday the 19th day of March A D. lu 3, to euin up the member •otee given for and against the Bylaw. Aed take Gotha that the shovels • true copy of the proposal Bylaw which hes been token tato tonelderation and which shed! be finally pared by the Council of the Munici paLty of Colborne tin the event of the reset of the electors being obtained therotoi •ftec ose m lath tram the arse p -bliestIon In T e :tonal newspaper, the date of heftiest pupil- age/ion was the lyth day of February A. 1.1. 1903 and that • pell will be held an 1 the vote of ?releasers of the said Municipality will be taken t her re on the day and the houre and rears fleet in the Bylaw above written. Y. W. Ili 100NAOIL Cars. INN M aNI) CONDITIONS. Tbe followire are the terms and 0mil- lion. agreed on bat e'en Ole Corporation ard the wild Huron. Braes and Grey =settle Hall wity (;empany and the tat leg of 'tack in the said Company by the Corporation of the Town - ',hip of Colhoroe under h Ityla Is hereby declared to het mu Meet thereto. and tee &moan, tilif16,000 to he paid for much stook *nen sub- bed for and Isauen • 'OM. oey ble to the said Itailway rompeey Only In th• menace and st the timed pet forth thereto. sod not otherwise, rid no pert thereof shall he pate to mild Company n3capt In sou !slap" W1111 and upon fulfillment of snob terms and t omit - titans. 1. The maid railway is first to he built In the Town of Ooderich en1 to ea.; nil at trot from the Grand Trunk Railway station to the harbor In said Town and to boo Winner' from the told Railway Matto. to the Village of &Littera ion Itt Township. end from thenoe to Ah. ,pardten. and ale) from Dunlop by way pf Carlow to tho end of the Core wen Of •uhure. and from Cerlow to the Nile. with time Intention nititwately of reaching K other dine, Dunitannen, Wingham and Wroanter Making conseetIons elth the Canadian l'eci Ile Halfway. I. When the sa ;I Klee Ho Railway ly grad- ed. wired, rallo laid and folly oompleted anti in every reapeel • modern firm clam' up to elate road and ready tor the rolling "took In the Town of tioderieh from tho Grand Trunk Ita'lway Stet too VI the wharf and overate,' with the saki road in the fo •nehip of Col borne, and when ono nine of the said road horn the Maitland Bridge Into th sal I Town ship is ao eforee&M fully oompleted and reedy tor t he rolling stock, $1201 00 shell h• paid. end •5 additional 11 INA 0 1 as each thereafter is In a similar manner ora- f tes& end the balance of the gild stim o M,400 'than he isal4 road Is comp Wed thel operation for thirty days eith the dal 11 ear vice hernia rrovided for from Ootteeleh to Sheppardtou and from Duel lip to Cerlaw an thence to the (tote wee: of Aware. and from Carlow to Nile The meld (5ompeay further agrees Mat the tree* "hail net be planed on the turnpike, Itnyelle1, er travelled po-tion of the road Vvelent Where weeeseary for croselewn and Itrowsk •.11agree). eel that geld track. po Switches sad wires shell be plated eo as to interfere AO 111.110 Ai preelhe origk the ermine on the heeh way op in or aione which Ita rail way ray lee eanstrorted. and thot the looation ot the treeless any highway to he used. the planing of pwllehee or term -tars, the laying of tbe track...we= he rored•. the otatruetlee 0 the read Aorta/the orstrectlen or le ethitteg "Peke. peerding petters oreetengo Prim* • falters. el that pro ty oeners rn T. Me IOWA, th land, the Mrs =felon, the aterfewieses with the fwi ix water menet the ore sinew et W irer t said militia fer IOW peel Meant mete. *Maws end drablardle. nineeng 101 mow and leo and dlapeellog of some se sie ao leterfore with the 0nblie bilboar. malateeere the reed grey saimust eie the (bemoan? a moue. erowei ef poles bed wid:Labee er:rwo nieetvierjel. bridge., Ibis read way Mlle, eseeenart GODERICH, ONTARIO. CANADA : MUCH 5, 1903 I °PIGS FOR FARMER& Fraellical wiseeteed at the Iowa tele election Tn. West Hutu Formers' leetituta is o leatino a SWIM of meetings this womb, oats of erlach was bald •t the othrt house uo Teti3disy afternoon. Toe 13111111140,111311 W41 o. large altnouoti Secretary E.ford said it was better then at mteetange of the lest.- tu e pre•ioutly held In Golorioh. For somo reaton or other the terming do not (urn out eo well to matinee here they du to throe held in some ut the smaIler pieces lo the riding P.olident H. Oh• r F Htfo-d, the energetio suntan, took up as abet it of th3 seed laveetigaitoi whoa has been curie 1 on by the Doin•nion Dap tam or, ot Agrioulture. Sample" of seed as sell by dealers were procurel by the Depsrtment frsm vuloos pluses, •ad the result. of Oil loyestig•tion were in ro ns curie rather startling. Follow.og are arn• of the figures se giyea a • table is ▪ 1 by the Departillent Rah ['Lurks. Wher• Sold. Price Per cent. Coot of No. of par bush. of pure 'tura vital weed vital wed. seed per amide bush. per pound. $ 9 07 5.535 9.86 13,350 7.75 9,180 8 06 1,033 8 47 9 360 10 74 36.990 M. Young ocionpled the V ()TICK le hereby given that an application will tie mode to theLeguelative Aresembty of the Pre- via e of Ontario at the soot stewing ussion thereof on behalf of the Huron. Bettor en4 Grey itlectrio Railway Company, for an Aot amending the original °barter by empower. lee the Compeny to oonstruct, operate and maintoin Ito railway from Dungannon to the village of Loolthow, through the County , f Bruce to the Town of Walkerton. and also through the Township" of West. and Kest Wo w sorb or alone tne northern bounder, there- of to the town of Winghant le order to emnnect with the C,Ielt,; and also from a point on the boundary Ilne between the Counties of Huron and Aldo Ines theonth the County of Middle- sex to the city of London , also from a point on the line at or near Parkhill in the t of MIddlesez and thalami throngh the County of iamb' on to eh, Taw k of Sarnia in said femme ; and further amendiag said Charter. by ohanging tbe nem, of t e Goopaey from that of the Huron. Bruce and ilrey !electric Italie/Ay Compeer to that of the Ontert Wait Shore Electric Italway Company ; alto foe power to pew a bylaw or eating professor stock ; end o ratify 'tind oon. 'Um Bylaw No 110 et the Municipal Cor poration of Town et reoder ch and the agreement th sin contained. 't Harm. soe k Grey Kiesotric Railway Company, be _ D. McielLLIGUDIOY. Suretary of Fattener/ Dated et the 'arie erdegioh. NW Nth day Kemptyille $ 7710 a673 0 oawa CeIntolirn 7 20 93 Carleton Plus 7.50 93 Pembroke 7 20 FtE Ftenfrew 7 3181.818617.. tawa $ 9.60 SI $11 85 2,265 itembroke 10.80 72 15 00 14,528 lo use (that ot Renfrew) the clover seed cootaineed ou-tiohth weed Med. Toe D tporomeot this year le suing the Wooers to send ampler of their oar scel direct to ()Wawa. "The Ittuelop of Hogs" Wee I,111 @cajun introduoed by George Lolthwalter, ot Goderich township. He advo 'toted the rale - tog of the suoderd to as highest type, that le, the No. 1 Ideal booms bog Thirteen years 040 etnaia'a ithporte in tine class were valued at $600,000: now they were 113 000,000 Toe outeparative perrotoges el pork pectinated Or marketed ware Oalt•Lil. stied thus. 70 per cent. No. 1; 20 per ort. let; 7 per cant. eel', and 3 per out. teamed. It 1111 DO nlOr• to oroluo• what the menu tailed for tbao tbe inferior prodneo. for stoat' lees wee realized. Th. speaker detailed the proper method' of beeline and explained tha oausee of soft, tat and bruised pork. Speaking of bruised pork, be said the banes for thie was to bet ohtrged to the .Irovar arad not the hornet The hog. were ;noodle after they lett the lartner's hands. Tbe farmer knew too muoh to tojure hts property by treating them In this wry. There was more profit In free if they were •Iloisel to rue and pet owne exercise. hag -wrens would obeer•• the experiments1 reports they would hod them pretty pearly correct. 1 her,. wall en Interco 10/ McQuaide° of the d ub; mt. 0 as person thought he quickest way to get winos from hogs wu to get them •way es woo es rouble. He did not think it was well to let them run too much. Toe drovers did nor make any differenoe in the prier they po'd for dingiest kinds of pork, evo he did not see why the former should rates atty but t cheapest kind. Teems views were strongly combatted by • tau speaker. louneturity was the eau of odious. An eight-moothe hog, from 190 to 200 Ns., we. bloter ohan ooe mow.hs old at, the same weigh'. To food any kiod of hogs way poor policy, os that sort of thing would bring the hostages to am end. Cala. they sopeiied th• proper produot the Camila/I tortune until not ret a's the Placa in the merket which they had oceluired. Buye-s were beginoing to disoriminato, sod the farmers moot look ahead a little aod not injure their p in the market. !Mgt would make jolt as fast pork oo • little ion, say in Lawns °Inver. 14 clover bad ts he gathered every day and pot in the pen it would require an extra mon. The hog was originally • anneal animal. Tea tuition of oruleed pork wee Meetly. ad, one epeakor 11411111g 1,13•8 he had seen bog. seed la mesh a way alter belle deliver eet by the farmer that he wondered it was soopped as ornelty to animois George '3 wallow, Clinton, gays an addrou on "Poultry." Fanning, he s ail, now re- nolred all the thought. and effort a man raid put Into the business ; and as ruloh oare kkreA retiolred in regerd to paultty se with 0',her stosk on the farm. They nowt not go back very far to hs tim• when bone ware not oared for -allowed to rOolt Wher- ever they would, • little grain throwo them sac/virally, let theoll gel water as well ae they noel& No wonder tiler did not pay. Rot lb was •rry differeet now, and with improved methods men were buttoning to doel there Wee some profit In poultry. Th011e who said bowie do not pay were those who did not give them proper attention. tee- perienos showed that fowl would ty se well an say other stock the farmer had, with the r Ot kind of o•re. To get the h*st returns they must ley in the 'rioter, when the mar. k it le high, and to inlime them to lay they mutt hove onmfortable quarters an I rr ii4E be fed juti °lonely. Their food mott.be as near Fer OUSE TO LKT-ON ANOLESEA Sr. I Apply to COLIN C Westat. ]rOtt SALE -THE TWO STOIC,/ hriek store and frame balding. on lot 23. ecinth side West street, aledjurniture an 1 houpeho d effect+, the wren, ot he late A ',teeter Wallace. Apely on the p Isis after March ilth. IN% MINKS WALL '1 1,41 OH POR SALE. -A FIROT-CLA S U hundred sore farm lo the township of Wewanosh, being N.8 lot 13, con. 2. Soils g ood clay loam farm Is well feneet. and hen nearly four mills t underdraining. Weer oneurp opted Thero i4 One sore of fruit tree, aid eerie firewood. Good frame nouse, frame barn and other buildings For terms and further particelars apply to R011 J K IRK, Doogannotly, O. 23-im Vitt SALE TO REN Amu south of town. Aleo two etoros pelt to Hank of Montreal to rent. Apply to If. DUN• LOP. Wen strut. 111 li‘OR SALE OR TO KEN L.-FIR:8r- a olasa Macre farm, n miles from Wing - ham on Itheknow road , large Mindless, fair- ly well unierdralneit good barn. orohard. Farm te in grad stele of oultive ion, Apply to IMO. THOMolOol, °derrick or to HENS? Tit alS0141. Winehsen. 0111 insuranoe. etc. IHAA. E. SHAW, ORNERAL 1111SUR- 8.../ ANCK and real orate sweet. 011es. tee door east of P. 0.. Godetleh. Agent for the le ding mutual are 111.1011m ooln ninths &ad looting stack companies Meroantlie tend manateeturing Hein at lowest noes Oall at °Noe. w R. ROBERTSON. 7 7 • AO0onntant and Inenranew Afeent. Books and sonounte made up Milldams mated and rents collected. Fire Issersaes In British and lanadion Corarls. Afoot Haps' *Moe North st:erwit, GemileetProtor tt yJ. T. NAFTNL, R(41.1 . SURANOZ sad lie, Life. A/pedestaled M40 edirlei Orl meitual or rah rates prat hte. nest Knells& and Canadian ofer east Other to Diehl Rarrietera. Ifamilton Wrest. p to what they got in the gummier, lethal aad grub.. Toe speaker te3 his fowl °lover hay regularly ; he out It in summer, press. ved it in the best c 'edition mumble until winter, mixed a little ohtrooal with r, and the her ate it eagerly The cost was yery Tue sulatioute for the grub, they got in summer was grouni hone. A ha was supposed to pay tor her own had sad one dollar a year TI, we who welt till warm weather fur their hens to lay would find their chickens au In hatching, sod when their fowl wee ready for ktiltag it would le, on the inerkeo ia •buodaside and prase would be low. Toe man who ',atoll a profit would noon to the inoubstor ant have his hems ratite to tattoo early. The exportation of poultry from Canodo bad maraud tenfold in tale. in tan years and was now about $1,500,000, and the lattice - hon. were IL would morrow. Foilures la ices/nog poultry were on scsouot of not uoderston ling how te oare for them. Ile wonld advocate a purobrwl fowl always. 1. oast no mole to 15111 a mumble than • ampere], but it too& • good deal more to fatten a meanest than a purebred. Cleat linen in the poultry house wu flummery. AROttNO TOWN AtviDaNT To MDIA LILA lb -Moe Lewis' msny hands heard with sympalhe of the psonlul aomdent whioh b if,41 leer oa FrIday last. 10 some meaner she blipped oa • rug to the house aud broke her ankle, bitti banes Moog Ireatured j 1st •bove the j Aut. 14 W.11 I.ke som• time before she w.11 be able to ma the tojured I.mb. AT AN EARLY Aos -The death 000urred on Tiseadey of Mos Kota Msleer. second daughter of Andra. biolver, West street, doer • short °isms ot typhoid fever. Tee young woman wee • teleirsph operator, beteg employed of lath at the 0 P Ho office, and worked up to a week ago :toter/ley. Sitis Wei ily mourned by those who kat, her, ein 1 ber dooth at so early an age to deeply regretted by her relati•es and friends. The (orient will tak• plea Ole afternoon from th• family residues to Malt - loud /amatory. 4O•NT INT° A PARK. -11 •a.dente tn tits vlomity of the old t.ar grounds to St Patrok'e ward• are Inetiteriog • moveateut for the ounvereion of the pleas into a pat k They soy that the greuods aro of no, use to There was an uolimlted market in Great their precut ouch, len sod are by no means a Britain tor fowl properly fatteoed. a re- beauty Hoot. end it the towu is not goiog to taro them to some twe toey might as well • made orntmental. The piece has by turns been talked of as site for the !wept - eel, the minket, the publio eshoul and the Carnegie Array, but from present tioos it looks se lf It would be unoccupied tor some Doric Ward to what wias the beet 'Neel ot fowl, the sp silt there was • geese difference of °potion. He liked the Wyandotte himself. Hei thought the Pest breed was [hat whioh • ma liked beet himeele as lope are it war purebred. le reply to ohs onestion, what is the beat layer, Mr. Swallow said bruits like the Leghorn rad Hamburg would fay more to 1101:11bere than larger breeds, out not MOre its weight. Mr Swallow's eddren also wee followed by • discussion James iditottell was the next opeaker, hie ableot being the fall fair in referessue to the boy aad the girl ea tee form. He dwelt u pon the imporeeteu elf the fsir as an wiuoator lf the fell tale wee not ran in • meaner to suit them, had they done their part in endeavoring to lift it to a hother standard` If not, they had no right to oomplatio He believed it oould he related to a higher audited, and thot it woold pity, not ooly dollars and oat", put in a mere satisfactory way, in giving an Incientie• boye sod girls to take • greater letterset a the different deopartmeals of the farm. Hs wanted to interest them in • new depart- ure to be team Is oouasetion with tise Great North wreath fairy If they lived error eras other fair be hoped they wonla try to to- trciluoe something on the same linen in that fair. These features had resulted in great access la the Whitby model fate sod oom- pr sad the giving of valtable prizes to the teacher aod puoli of any public mahout station for th• beet ooilection cut flowers orowo on the ochool ground., the best ea- nitot of grain in the straw, o d'eations of clover. and greaser, roots, fruits and age. ot'oese, benetiotal and lejorioul Remote, teto ne director, wanted to give thus met/Iola • trial, and the usletanos of his healers was rigout -eel when the appeal should be made to the trustee. and teachers .4 their school leation. 1 13• concluting speaker was I). McGilli- eta idy. Hs thoueht a good way to sethre the tureen of tits boys and girls in the tun woe to give them aomething tor th• work they did in their staee time, so that they riveht lisve some packet mthey and be independeoe. The speaker reoalled the, time "thee some people sere not in favor of the Farmers' Institutes, or even eh the Ag- ricultural I lollege. but it was now co ended on all Innis that good had oome from them both. Toe farmer. were engaged in • busi- ness whioh was the larpeet industry a Cie: - oda and or upon whioh other industries were largely tirpeirleat. At one time it W04 supposed that arty oid fellow rut I run a farm, but it hos her discovered thst a farmer needed al much brain power and had to use it aseeotiveiy as ite any other 000ups- tan, tf los wore to 1,1 enooessful. At th• re- cent meet ite of the Cenodian Plea Aesooia- Lion Mr CI relate° had submitted • elbow. for supplying newspapers with a better oleos of fornilog information then Ent been publIshed in th3 par, aid he lielieeed the neA- plan odeht he eullop•el by the news- papers in the near future. Situations Vacant. WAN VED.-411101) CAPABLE 01111. TV for doing eteners1 hones work, Apply to N. lee HLLICUDDY. Weetost: tf ANnw. - SIX 11001:1 STONE masons. Steady work weight MOO all summer, Apply to DANIKL , con - to aotor and builder. Margaret, Man. (4ENte AVERAGE $600 A DAY the year round selling our goods. ki- 4 In nee. Houteshild nerritiesi, not WI, or linthrbee, N dolt treason Write II M Attotlf ALL & bond an, Oat. \VANTED.-A 0001) ETRONG BOY, el or from the town o• oonntry. to learn the tine sod lei soksmithing b wine* JAMB A. TRACH•fit, Muslo. BRIDGE, GICUROE LE r °radiate of Toronto Choirmaster Knox shu Prepere1 reeelve Piano. pipe ogre% voice Pupil' prepared tor Univers y examinations. Stu tio St. Lawrence, Moat I street. N o„ iveratty, Organist and h, thoderloh. pile In toll laying : Hare and theory W GLENN CotlIPIIKLL, Organise awl mneloal director of Nor Methodist ehureh, teethe? of piano, wan and theory Pupil, Prattered ter aminetIons of the Toronto Ooneervator METER RATE REUUCELL reeterleb a elocerie Light INAte tow geld le Re the Lowest la Ostarie. At • spooks, meeting of the town council on Friday evening bylaw was panel co- mpeting bylaw Na. 3 of 1913, whloh estab- lished a meter rate tor ielootrio lights, and Ilef • new and lower ram. Tne rate previously Mal Wel 1WeIVII mints per 1 00 I Watts, with a discount 0' 10 pee out. for Prompt payment or of 25 per coat. to were of 150 kiln 1% ei a The new rate Is ten can's per 1,000 st at•g, with a discount of 10 per coot. to eonsu,ners of over 50 kilo Witte, 15 per oent to consumer" of ova 75 kilo Wat,to, aod 20 per Dent. to users of over 100 kilo W•tts. On all ptymente made on or before the tenth day ni the month in . which the tome are dos, there le a further J•scount of 10 per cent. The neer est ea hive bug adopted 'for • careful calculation of the out of remoter ani maintaining the olootrio light plant, and it in believe, that they will meet, the °barges ou the plant after hotfooting an amount for the strait lights and the light. geed by the *trituration. Theta rates are lower than th iee 10 any oilier -0 storm muoloipality regarding which the nitwit has Int nmation. aV bath- er the figuring by wheal they hove becos arrived at is °maw, or not it will take • year's experience to tell ; tor the present they are eraply on experiment. The old fitt rate le obsessed up to th• ot M•reh, rt'. which date tho preettut meter riet• took effect. The mete, rental remetne the tame, 20 oen: e • month fo: oath meter of 106 -light oapaotty or less. and 25 cents for *soh meter over Oat, eapaolty. Gee of the prooisOne of th• bylaw is ao foliose :-The corooratoon 'hall h•ve toe right to ghat off the apply of light for an•- ot the follow/mg reasons : (1) For repairs or alterations ; (2) in ogee unavoldatI awl dent ; (3) for ona-paymeat of the i.e.., °heron or rent whom Age ; (4) for fraulu- lent representation in gelato. to oonisma tIon or see of light ; (5) ler atelgnment or tosnlvenoy of ooneomer ; (6) when they c in- sider the wir_log ANNOU_NCiMIENTS. (lo to the °A reliable oyster home, Victoria Restautank, West street, for feeds oyster:, Geld in hulk end ell &tyke : Caen, fry. sr raws. 0 tefootIonery, fruit. tobac- cos and ontare. (7. proprietor. mill ae st Iteditoret, ea There - der. Mac 11, street • 00. Of hippie, Will he pleoerd to moots. applies - Pons feorn all those reo iiring etch InitruM Oen at his now studio over Thomeen's mood° store, Use of Mass for primal°. may be ar ramrod tor. 6711 Mottos VaDr. S. I. TAURN avrrin tt'ti IWO OPTICIAN Ant, nye NERAIL IN- SPOrIALIa0 OHM. went. All Riede of Speetaelee and Ryeglaseee made Ohre Insnr&nee to Order Ptheolial attention given ta tittles the plan at lowest eye, orders by mall promntly attended tit Be amassies rep- weirs of parties ming my name. an I employ fe wh t R UHIPON W.. TORUN . mos k Gerrow neerree; fres rted lastatitiotted OLD FRILNLet WISR HIM 31:clAgs4 - The Prosoott Messenger *aye of our new merchant who hails from that tura : "After eioaduc; ing a emmeedul boot and shoo ball- oon. here for nearly five peers, Mr. J. P. Keienargh leaves to norrow for Isolate* Ont.Owlsore be will continue In assume line • ola of the but assorted Mocks in that town. Ae a Presoott boy, Mr K•vanaeh loaves comae tatted' behind who will watoh with faulty eye. for his proeperity in his larger business eld and who seal with hlm hes for hie future sumo.. even tab's friends enter - their beerty w This evening Mr. too him to • oomp imeatary supper." THE VIiToRIOUS HARMONYS. -TM hockey match between the Signals aod the Harmony. last Thursday night was not • partteularly lively specimen of tho Too los %low, and the play dregyed oonsetthenoe. The Were One man short and the Har0000y• scored two goals before attention w as called to the fact that they *ere playing 800 meo to six. With eyen numbers, however. the Humour; kept ao eta load. There wu good individual play log on the aide of the N goals, but their opponsata ployed more in horinony. During the latter psrt of the game there were only tea players uct the toe, Wiggios of otte Hot -twiny team being disabled end one the fipmel seem being laid off to keep 1111041 even. The score was 9 to 2 in favor of the Harmony'. Ma, C A M PlIELL's RUBIN ATION.- Many will learn with regret that W. Glenn Comp - bell, 1.r three years the efbOient oreanist and cholnueiter of North -A. blethorlist ohurue, has resigned that position. Mr. Campbell hods it necessary to devote all bis time to his lotito anti ever-Increaging 0141e Of teup,le. II • remsrkable success In pre paring widgets tor the lorooto Caroler- va ory extimeittlii.311 has made for him • reputation that he hoe pupils from all one Huron county, representing evin• fOntletil rilereut towns and trills/its. At, the coming midsummer examinations a be held in 0o(le- Noe, he will have over thirty pupils taking piano and theory osammetions Mr. Camp- bell bee &freed! pawed thirty -tour pupile at three exam oat:oae, but we believe this pre. - eat class to oaks a record for the (aunty. aft Cempbell orteinly to be 000gratm- t•ted on his suocieso, and 11 will bo wiloomo nein to mons, hat he intends to remein lo io tertob. N.11 Suedes!, Much 812, will be his lot as orpenwt at North -at. cburoh, • there will be epeeist must° In the evenog, Dap eillt'AGO -01.1 neighbors and Menlo of Mre. Galloway, a farmer respected retident of Go:leach who removed some tini• ago to Colman, will be sorry to learn of her death, whioh routes I io that city on tn. 23 .1 ulto She was taken 11; about t wo weeks befcre with pleura pneumonia, and In spite cf vit.dioal attendance and the services of • professional matte she awe cumbed to the attack She leaves a family ot Jams, William. Charles, Fred- e rick, SOC., Jorphine and Mrs. .1 A. Cameron. All her children were with her at the end exoept her eldest son James, who Oyes in C,evelood, 0 , sod who did not er- ✓ unill the mt. day. The funeral took place Wedaesday mornieg from th. family borne. .116 It olne ave., to 14•7 Vintrol'a church, 'wher• h gh moon was celebrated at.ol 4 Ite.tratal amnion preeobel by KW. Fether Daub., who attended the deceased to her last Illness. The remeine were in - totted In M mot (Iermel oemotery. Mr*. Gallowey hod not been very well for 1110 Iset Tem, her heart having bottom' affected. To the fart she remembered with affection the oil town and its people, &ulnae whom o hs had for so many years. The he amity have the sympathy of their Oode- riots friends in the great whioh they have sustalaied. \Ladies gel gentlemen, me Prof. Doren - wind's it mot dal wige, toupees. banp, wavy and plain fronts, serirohs. in every length and shade, ete His heir roods styles when properly ad. plead protect oral orearreint the head, setae awl beautify the upression of t,he fans and eonseireently tone up ago I top- potramoo. Past Dtre•wenii hae for this aunt may now ad pretty dosiges. He hal added • eamtur of New Vert, Lon4oe ao 1 P•r p4I 'erne D. ICGILLICUDDY, EDITOR. schoot ohildron's Masses oontalned in the model fair Mao and al dismissed and reoom- meoded at the zumillange of the Cmadiao Fats. Association, the lssard to •mpto wee him to oorrespoad with teacher. and orus• tees of school aerations in tio atrengeinent of tiler thereof. Oo uootent of Uol Var- ooe &ill Jobe Mania e, offer wso ita• cepted, the secretary to prepare a list of the proposed ol fur competition, sad sub - nettle at nett meeting the board. Otlar (Walls were discussed ard will be the sub - Jett of ourreepoodere, so aa to have them In oh•pei for is000derotion at the board meeting on &Ludt 14. INTILIDD,Tisi. MRETINi.l. -The regular mmtiog of the Colleelato Institute Literary Salety was held on Thursday ersoiog. Tnere was • large attoodsooe, and a good progratn was p eeeee tad. Au instrumental solo by Miss Graoe Doke was the opentng nuinber. This was lollowed by • reading by !dial Annie Swarth. Her selection wail the acentuut ot the heroic struggles of Ma. Reggae to preparing her family for intro demon iuto °society" at the Birds' Celle - mew party. sod the delightsome story lost nothing in the reeding. so well did Miss Swan render it. Tne old favorite, "You Oan't Play In Our woe cleverly pro - Maud in wing and paotomitne. Odious Mona Craig and Irene SAIIIIA were the "amo little gide,' and Miss Etta Soults ung the wo•da. lt, was very well done. A mouth organ duet by Altred Naylor and Horold Lnio was executad in happy style and was •ig- °Foully applauded. The G. C. 1. Journal was read by Fluor Hugh Reis, and Pram pal Soraog followed with the /motion drawer, giviog som• interesting Information in regard to the Alaskan benders affair ape other m•tiers around of through the drawer. Mr. N•rans took re remit to refer to the honor o inferred upon a gradual,. of the school, Frank Munro, now attending Toronto Uolversity, in bis solution as • representative ot the Univer- sity in a recent Interoollegote &late. A solo by Mr. Merritt two an lottrumentd duet by Messrs. Fleming and Wightmen were both enured, as were also several of the preceding lumbers. The oritio of the evening was Mr. S'y, who was on the Col- legiate staff as a substitute during last mooth. Atter reviewing the venous num- ber', giving praise where It was due, he suggeowed that somethlog le a greater de- gree incentive to high effort m ght be atria. luoed into the proorams of the Soo:et.y's ineet.ngs. Mr. Sly's remarks were well re- alved, and. it msy be hope°. will result In nu Society's increased nufulowa. The einging of tho tational anthem brought the meeting to a aloes. r1IR 84211001., BOARD - The regular meet- ing of the public, school board was held on Monday eveniog. When the meatier; oom- menoed Tawas, ball, Creogo, Cutt, Nicholson and Warnock were present and Dr. Noiholetio wu moved to the chair. Cowman McKim, who wag suffering from a severe mold, oatne in afier wards sod took the chair, and later on Mr. Aoheson came In. Tne priosipal'e report for February showed an ennienent of 22.3 boys end 257 yule -total, 480 -seated attendance of 187 boys soil 211 girl* --coital, 34f3. its a.tendancie was 84 per cent of the number ou the roll. Too followleg aeounto were owned : Lee & Shepherd, supphes. eat $21.11 oWas. Pogilethweine, hauling wood to Temperance Hell, $1.25; Owego Porter, stationery, $6 ; The Star, westing. $8 ; S. S,othere,. repairs, $2 ; N. I). Hougyle, nordware, $1.60 Atter some diecuo non in regard to agreement. with the . teachers, from which it appeared that the board had co each airreemente, Instruottons wore given cleat the teechers he asked to sIgn sgro*uteute for the balance of t ho term of their megegemetes, that le, ix midsummer. A few ma'-ters of repairs wen° with, awl tbe deck was then clear for the chief discuselou of the evening, ota the (motion of school aocommodation. Dr. Nicholson started in by proposing that • new school be built on the Ostrow property. which it grim understood the board oould purchase fot $5,000, awl that the present cootral school budding he used as a ward school for St. Patrick's and St 0 's ward'. Mr. litli entered objeotioe on -the ground that the proposed lowelen was too mar the Collegiate and the boys of the two schools would fight. If they put a new school on 'he old fair grounds or in • nentral looation he wou'd favor at 1./r. Nicholson did not think the boys ot the central school were of • bell:csee disposition or they would fiyht the convent pupil", and he had never heard any oomplaint on test 'core. Toe offer of the Garrow property was one of whioh they could not get the equal for many years. Mr. lireigIe milted the opinion of Architect Fowler, who was 1,00.011110, sort upon Mr. Fowlet's stating that he believed the pre* sot ou litog could be medial id Mr. Cratgle geld the bosrd Auld not involve Itself lo a large outlive for a new betiding. Mr. MoKim advocated the prinelple of men- tralizatloa and argued in favor of one large central school. The (Indult:1h sohools wore sway behind what they should be. He bet - laved in progressiveness, and thought this town should teed in the matter of sohoo le as it did in other things, minimal ot lagging behoel the small towns and villages in the matter of cahoot twoommodation. Dr. Nicholson said there was $7,000 of school taxes due by th• organ futory which the coun.-11 had no right to rebate. Mr. Warnock was not in fever of Lakin, th• (farrow site. Inspector Tom spoke up and sald that everything poseible was being don• its the central school to ditioredit the system of ant ilotion and mske the, school uopopu- lar. For a while the discussion became lather aorlmoniono, Mr. Acheson m•kit some remarks about the ohairman whir h brought • tienithant "Thank you" from th• latter gentlentan Menem. Nichol- son, eralgte and Warnock were appointed a onmmittee to report at the next meeting on the plans prepared by Mr. Fowler for the remodelling of the old building. the ,,ommittes to oonstelt with the principal and the intmeeter. [Mr. Aoheson at this mut• ing made a remark which we believe was meant to ineinuate that the articles in this peper favorite, the ereotIon of a new school were written by Mr. MoKim. Mr. Acheson Is altogether wrong if this is his opinion. Trio Suiem, is quite capable of writitig its own &Moles and is In fever of a oew school no moiler whether Mr. McKim le favorable t 0 It or not. -Ed. SIGNAL ] - - LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF NoTID4, -Frank Martin 'hike returned borne from New Vork, where he has been lor some wake takiny • course at the John .1 Mitoh•11 Cutting School, securing Mt parchment an a thoroughly goolifieed ^utter In it few weeks he :wends opening tatlorine ee*ablishment to the Bedford block, and At he has had geyeral years' ex - parlous 111 1118 troths and In other respects postures the oonfidenoe of the communey nie 00.105111 should be 1104110414.., , W. A, Mc- Kim le now doine button in his new otore, next door to hie old stan.1 he store hoe been thoroughly renovated and retitle 1, and some of the most up-tc-iate improvements hay. bmin installed. Abundant light, Ito ententlal In • drygoolt eatablishment, is "'cored by means of prisms platted over the front eirdows and door The windows are of the molern dust proof pattern, providiog to an Olen:lent manner for the dianlay of goods. Accommodation is provided fcr the millinely deptirtment, and upstate. aro the el thing and dreier-making foray, It is a fir store In our advertlaing oolumns wmk will be found the adyertieement of Jae. A. Straohan °tiling attention to the Perfect gasoline etlphilee, for which he is agent In Oslo looslity THIS SIDS A I, hse one of 'hoe enginet, which is gaiety vary u thdaotion, being easily taken care of and providlov efficient power at a 'email out, SNAP SHOT & -Major Ctothit's majority in Centre Brutes Is not by brevet. - LltreNON. died hard- in North York, but he 'lied, sure enough, - VS anted -a few mum newspaper men In the Legislature. Apply to .1 P. YVBITKILY. -The Ceram Brutes election hae distinct. ly and definitely put the outsider out of business sa a political factor. If a man wants tu an election he will do better by playing a lone band. - Dr BeArre Nowlin rises tO remark that when he looks at the bhuisterial majority he feels conetrained to believe the Sutulay school &dace, "The wicked etand on slippery places," ts correct. -When The Hamilton Spectator aye, "There itre uut enoggh prohibitionist Tories in ttto Province to elect a township pound - keeper," it certainty ia not aware that in West Huroil at, the lad Provincial election every Tory in the riding woe a shouting prolabitioniet, and they had JOHN A. NICHoLle and Miss CHARLOT111 WIGGINS and otherg from outside W help titem shout. own and Mr. Cameron practice during the coming session of the Legislature of (Mario. Mae Minnie Stokes bag retired from her position as asmatatat in Lao. W. Thomson & 5012'a MOHO emporium, a position which sh• tilled with eiliolenoy for several mare, and le suceideded by Miu t Ida Bell. Remember the sale of Mos. Peemore's houtehold furniture, also the lot at the oorner of Victoria and Trafalgar striate and buildings thereon. oommenoing •t 1 o'olook this (Thursday) afternoon. at the resideace, Trefaigar street. last Friday evening ot the seervioe pre• parawory to communion In Knox ohuroh, ',blob was ooncluotod by th• jouster, on• hundred and eighteen pence- were admitted Into full oommuoion with the ohuroh. Of these, one hundred sod four were reoeived on profession of their faith. and fourteen by certifioat• from other . hutches". Al the oommunton der11011 Sibbath the attend• mos was the argent. in the history of the oeogregatIon. The rigors of the winter green ore Delon - eine to abate, and now le the time to order Tug G N. W. EXHIBITION. -A Wooly your sweet snit or light overcoat from V. 4. attended meetiog of the Mauston. of this sir Pridhass Style and fit guaranteed. bibition was held on Friday leo, *ad some radios% ohs. gee made In plane for a 1903 lair. The dates enlecin I at the annua merottnr, Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 29 and 30. were ootiarmed, unless a change ho necessary in order to get oa a a:milt for expert pietism and otner features Monl. beers' taken. ars to la sold bo directors and speolel isanyaseer• en oommisnlon, for $1, thews tickets to entitle the purohaser wa e xhibitor's privileges and a single &imitable ticket to each member ot lils family ,•tpable of attending the feir. Tito peri lila will twe retrieve! by lamina comasitteee for group, of detartmento, who will wort to a meet - In, of ;ha buil on Bililfday, March 14 Ile are te sow th Ati I not forget day Susestary Mitoleoll efroged • yeses Ilee• se4 406e. Tien free If *be heard welsh, adept the COMING AND COOING• 0 • • i .... I in rites tat reed be, op , too 40 in a , az ng c bit ia,a mat ow less --- Mae Sophie Fisher le visiting in Tomato. whit:L.0f .Ron. Alan is Menne* relative, In Mr.. H. Newton visiting in Louden foe a tow days. Mies Noaml Rambla! la gone to visit friends lo London. Miss Ella Halls. ot Eater, la the smut of Mrs. P. T. Belle. W. A. Silliok, of Wingham, W•4 in town for • few days tho peat tweet. Mime M. McGregor, of Mansell, Is wishing her sewer, Mrs. !tombs°, Eset-se. N. B. Smith hoe been attending the millinery shows Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. Thu Elliott attended the f moral of • nephew at Clinton on Monday. tee Stella Aoheson bay returned to bowie after •isiting several points in the Proyinoe. /Ahab Herald Mrs. (hums Haltom and Mise May Fisher, of Goderioh, are visiting •t the Damloion House. H. F. Molars, of Kingston, wail in town but week. Oint former townsman le now iotsrested In an elevator at Sarnia. Mrs. Kest, ol Seisforth, and Miso Alio' Ham Iton, of Wroxeter, were smote of Mn. Palmer. for • few days the past week. Mr. Manua, of the Bank of Commeroe staff, is on the slok list and bag gone to Isis hom• in Toronto. H. J. Melville. of Wood- stock, la taking hie place here. Sd11111 AO Me McKay lett Seturday hut to 4pend a tew (ley. with Mrs. W. Hero (harmony Miss Hattie Thomson) at 1,111. and afterwards make a two weeks' volt to her home at Rodney. Mrs. Joho Stewart and daughter, Mile Gracie, have returned from Cleveland, O., where they were visiting Mrs. Soewart's daughter, Mrs. J. le Andrewe. We are pleased to learn that Mrs. Andrew. has re• °overact from hew Frank Prepay left Saturday morning for Vancouver, 11, C., whims' he will leave shortly for another trip tO the Klondike. Frane was on* of the first to break into the Yukon district when tho rueh to the north- ern El Dorado 001nrile 00,1 a few years ago, aad the land of gold and mold ha* an an ignition for him still. AUCTION HALE& TIII•RSDAY, Maroh 5tb.-Sale of house- hold furniture and furnishings, the property of Mrs. rumor", at the residence, Trafalgar street, oommenaing at o'aloak. At the same time lot 739, oorner of Vlotorisi and Trafalgar streets, with the buildings thereon t o offered for sale. THOS. OUNDRV, anotioneer. FRIDAY, Maroh 6%. d &notion sale of farm stook aad implements, haled. tog hones, oowe, steers and heifers, wag one, tele., sleighs, etc. sale on• half MI18 AsFO' of lioderich. EttitIRT VVILF4r Is, proprietor. THOMAS (4015DR7, auctioneer. MO,DAY, Mara 9th.- Auction mile of fat In stock soil insolent ma at lot 7, Matt- l•nd oonownion, Colborne (one mflo. from ounrosnolng at I o'oliiet sharp. F. %V. towILL, PloPfleter• 'TWA. GONDRY, anotioneer. WRDNIND•Y, Ma0011 11th, -Auction sale of form stock and implements, at lot 11, Lae Retire, Colborne township 16 MUM north 01 Ooderioh, on Lake shorel. This Inoludes soups extra goo I newly.oalved caws and_young oattle, sheep and pig' ; property of HAMILTD3; McMANes, who has sold th• turns and Is stolen 1,, Manitoba. T11044,41 01"NDRY, InOt.10080T. 1111PRADAY, Maroh 12 h. -Auction ale of farm stock and Implements at west halt lot 13, onnuesion 2, W. Wawanosh. oom- meson, 141 1 o'olock sharp. Enna.1. KIRK, tlfrolifleter. TI1138 (;CNDR1( Auotioneer. FRIDAY, March Ibth.--AuatIon sale et farm stook sod implement', at lott S ItauldmR6T, oan. 3 W.D. °albums (about half way be- tween toodiertch sadoilentailler). A 14 re FORD, proprietor. Tnowee Werth; auctioneer. Reporte from Ilte /mine state that R. D. I::ant outages to improve steadily and rapidly. Peter MolOwan was able to drive oat the put week ad .111, we hops, moon he In hle old-tleell torn. A party of shoot twelve rano people freni lA1011011 drove to town Thureday even - log and eojoyed an hear's altetthe at the fish. Stewart, who was ticket clerk at the II. T. It. 'towns for amoral week', has been spooinetti station agent at Ayton and ettoosieeted Move by Mr. Ober, of Puha. A. It. Macdonald, barrister, will elesenpy 11'6891mm of M. 0. Cameron, K (4., ICI' I' alter Manta 108b, awl will attend to his DIED. GALLOWAY AI lle ay*, Chi iseo on Monday. February Nat Mee. Margarta Galloway. formerly of Goderieh. mood on rare. M. In Gorierinh, on Tnell 1111y, Mareh Cetheri re Henrietta. frond Asinghter of Amens Meteor DOD011t. tio Goderich, on Truedey, Mardi ani, lin, Freesia A., second eon of Frank J. and 011te Dodge. ogee year* months aad 7 days The funeral will take piece from the reel thence et hie parents. Vlore% erre on ThUpe Ikeyb1.11trelmheiSth. 1110&at 10 Volgik ad.m.ofzi the anaintaacee eird 'please aosept thio latiniallem. olo am &MI Wf le bui