HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-2-12, Page 8g Titvrenty, Februalr/ 1�, I!)(3 THE1SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. 4EE—CCC c 4- 11.• -13333333 ff fffi f Cleari ng= Up Sale. MEANS a saving on a good .Many articles that you have either a present or future need for. In every depart- ment are odd ends of winter goods that are going at less than cost. It is worth your while to investigate. 177. Sc Table. 5c *yard for ends of Prints, Cotton, J1luelin, Flannelettes, etc., every one worth double. Also special wide stripe Flannelette, good weight, light and cloak colors, at 5c • yard. ' • Millinery, Half Price. Balsnce of winter Millinery going ht half price. Trimmed and untrim- med Hats. Ready-to-wear Jackets and Skirts. If you have a need in these Tines you will be money In by corning here. Prices less than cost. Remnant -Table. Ends Dress Goods, Cloths, Tweeds, Serge., etc., suitable for waists or little coati snd.cbildren'a wear, go- ing at half price. A few Furs Left. Ruffs, Caporines, Mufs, .Jackets, go- ing at less thap.cost. Men's andjBoys' Clothing. (lcercoats, Pea Jackets, heavy Suite. clearing at 0110 quarter oil. Bargains in Winter Weight Dress Goods at Clearing Prices. Smith Bros. o. CANA- DIAN PRESSMEN MEET A weal eurren.twl Catherine rr.reralwan. from The Toronto Ulol..' The business cond.'ed by the Preis Association at yesterday's mee'Ine l store the largest •ttendouw to its history will make this ao eventful convention. Whin Pre•Ident tan. McGillicuddy took the chair Ise the 'maned chamber of the Board of Trade he was surrounded by editors and publishers of the daily, weekly and mootbly •essp•pers and periodicals of central Cato ada, sod from a- far east a. Hallux. The feature of the morning was •v address by One 1'reeldent, which cootaleed moms interesting comments on the relation cf journall.ts to public men, and rejoiced at remelt syideocee of lade:endenc. In t:.na Mao j"urnalbm, Mr. 11. J 1'.ttypiece, M. 1'. 1' , wbo has long taken an active rnterest In the association, was elected president for the cendog year It was detailed to abandon the contemplated excursion to Groat Britain this year, and several altern- ative projst to were left with the executive to oousldsr. Report of to the Postmaster Gemmel the privilege of leasing the right ul way and poles for Willa telephone and telegraph hoes of all railways hereafter granted charms, or •'nendments extensions of charters, NI ib.. the post. ,Bice may hove a' goyim—mantel MI. graph service across l'anada; the news eerviee between the ball and the west should be imlemeni.ot cf corporate intim nos and mirbt les made eo in th:e way." The chairman at tb'.s point extended • weloome to Rev. 1:. 3. Bond of The Chiise- dao l:unrd an, as use of the new members of the •rsortstim. The report of. the secretary -treasurer stated tnat 213 °endfi,etes had been halted last year, with rens pts ul $460, cempared with 211 certifioa'es and receipts of $467 the prev:ous yser.Alter paying the oecersery espeeme for the year there was a ba!anoe o0 hand of 562.81. Fumy A,.AI"T Till ,*10100 Tee report of the r,xeouttve t ommtuse referred na the attempt made since last meeting to ..core a refund Irom the Domiolon Goyentmeot of the association'. expert... In gone. 'ion with the Inquiry that proved the existence o1 • oombtne among the paper -makers. A deoutati �n had cons to Ottawa, on sixty publisher.' signior • petition for • refund mod A r • reduction to duty on newsprint. The c - snit was the refund of $1,3 paid by the ss.wlatloo to the stenographer 1-r a report of the proceedings. 7'o refund the npeoece, the Goverment milled, would establish • preer.dent, of which ether bodies wall take advantage. The executive had notified the Government time it proposed to renew Ito application for the costs immured. as it had undoubtedly • stromg moral (Oslo (oivElJNMCNT TLI.g1.ltA1'll LINK. The concluding manse of the report '''the execut 'e committee would room• men 1 this' the a ;everomen• of Cana 1, rose v.' etre se••nitvet,etsrdoratttee ne•Rsetiadtss em••sat T w w w- T w w T T T T T T th ♦Stock=4 to Taking 1 she �,, Sale IE :s s.... ww,.a,4„a•4� weer tu!Itloot Intelligence to amble them 101• bold the 0o0.ptuanmes for I he party. 11, by any memos, the mud mea attained Cab; - est p ettluas, the e.wepaper mem had to ?reclaim that the mud was marble. .I,.t'heohiero IN raal.lAMR1'T "Some six or seven yeah ago 1 was struck with the fact that to few newspaper mw have found their war to 1'erhameot— Loosl or Ilomlvion At that time tbess w ere may one or too to tb. Legislature. 1 •puke of the matter to tome of the mem- bers of the usootatice, and 1 am pleased to see that today, oo both sides of Mr. Speaker, there 1. gaiting to to an •isle journallsUu 000tlogeot Without • word of disparage- ment of the present Admmutralioo, l Kava oo hesitation ro slating th.t • Cabinet could be formed from the nswepapsr moo behind the Premier *that would be inferior is no way to that by which he is uuw .ut rounded: and, so tat as tb• leader of tea Op vesicle° is 0000eroed, 1 yr.ly believe the ootbing would Pelee him better that 1 have kir. Jo. Downey, M,P.Y., multiplied by six or eight at the present juncture. "lo the Commons, the pressmen who hold o we have greatly impressed there peroot- ality upon tbat body, sod it is generally conceded thee that grave and reverend body the •lenate, would be oou.iderebly Improved in dignity, grace sod Trey matter by a much larger number of newspaper mea below add- ed to that useful and ornamental pillar of the Bntuh North America Aot. " •7 be Man ilehtod the Pen' has not to tl. s pest recetved the coulder•Uon that aheuld be hie porttoo, and the newspaper moo have been larv.ly responsible for it. As a rul• , the stronrest opponents of news• paper men who hay dotted to enter pub'lo Isle bars 6.811 newspaper men. The policy of the wolf pack, turolog acid rsadlog the ,u 1.e .dual wolf has been exemplified oo more than one occasion. P, after Tsars of porb•ps too faithful service to his party, s newspaper men desires to retire to the seclusion that an office grants, the ory Is raised in the Drees the. he le ao '.,f» seeker,' and the impression U created that for a newspaper man to seek ct)i:e atter years of bard mots p'.soo' nim on • heel with the burglar and the blackleg. 1f • Cabinet Mloi.ta, or member, or • relstlye of • Cattiest Minister or a member, 'leeks office, the press of that party send up • grand oho.as of meant, but Ii a gew.paper man be an applicant, his name is usually anathema maeaathe Tota Is a matter that rests largely In the hands of the journalism, and 1 commend it to their 000dd a rat loo. "And now, gentlemen, 1 have bad m- say The time of my Mashie draws nig•. 1 take th's opportunity tot bask the meaner. for the uniform kindoess 1 bays rsatlyel at their hands during my term of office. My •xecutlye has been one which It was a plac- er. to preside over, and without wnbl.g to make Invidious dtstlnotioo, where all have teen so loyal, I most put an extra jewel in the diadem of our indefatigable secre•ary, of whom it can truthfully be said tint what ever his ttaodtlnde to do hs does with all Ma might. "Gentlemen of the (lamellae Press A•- soolatlon, 1 tbauk you." Situ .i•.0 LK e.wTAcg To ga(:LASD. The executive had engaged in o,rres- poodeoee with the l'osimaster-General on .he subjsot of cheaper newspaper postage b tweets Canada and Great Britain, and the latter had written 0o Januar• 28:11 that he had been informed that Canada could not reduce the pos'age oo perlodloa's to Great lir,tlan without consent of the British postal w horltt(s, and a request for permuaioo was promised coaskieration, although O. was contended that Canada could pot make a ,eduction under the terms of the Uolvereel Postal Polon "1 have today," A3 r W'.! - ,ram Molock wrote, "written to tbs I'ot'- muter•.eneral et Great Britain reminding nim that the general propos,tion of e reduction 'd -uch rates both ways betweo the 1 rated Kingdom and Canada is st11 "oder bis consideration, sod expressing the 'tope : hat until be oottld see h, wry to matter our slows grid*ally bs will at Least consent to our reduoteglb• outgoing rate." The rreetdeue satires.. 'Looking back on the year of my pie n- arney,In •n endeavor to elbow results, 1 feel like putting up the placard, 'Nolle n' Dein'.' When 1 assum.,l Mho. the aesoclo• 'inn was In the last stage of its fight alaiost the paper comb:i.. Ws fought • gooi figbt ; we nslshed the work : and—we paid •.be costs. Ohs story and its oatonme are written in the ohrontolee. "No effort was made to get up so exam sloe lase year. We were all tee busy trying to recover from the tffee', of the trip to the d.aritims Provinces in 1901. Incidental y they' was a i'ro.ino'al eleotlon In Ontario last year, whtuh proved a sutfiolsot wear - nese of the flesh to many members of the a- meol•tloo. Hewsyr, to help to make time u• a pleasantly for thole of our intoner.. who like to talk about summer excursion., Your exeautite appointed a oommitt's to meatiest. the peashilities o1 • trip to the Old ('ouopy. and that ' ommtttee ham brought l en • report that may or may col be satisfactory to you. An alternatlys proj..' has been ruhmt'ted by Mr. i). F. Bork, of )'ort A,t'.ur. 'Von pays your money and you lakes your cboho•,' Prices that must clear the balance of our winter stock. •••••••• It does not pay to sell at these figures, but we must have the money for spring goods. If you do not require the goods till next season it will pay yon to buy at this great bargain sale at ticKENZIE & HOWELL'S KITTS. good lineal tondo", Mill., were SU , new Lbo h0,. A better grade to Blear at SKATES No, 5C ub, were 45e now .... , 3bc Nn. 101' tib, n eklc plsteel, were $1.25. now ... .. . 11.00 Ho 'key Skates, were$1 00, now .00 • " 200, ' 1.56 Ladies' Hhekeys, " 1.75 " 1.36 Our Mock in Skates 1. nearly Pt' anvil ant BELLS. 51.00 Strings tow. $ r0 150 " " 170 165 " 125 1 36 ,.. .. 175 Snow Shovels acre 3(A•, now 2) pails of the arrest International Stook Food, regular prier 53 75, to sell at 5,3 00 Razors anti S,lrsrwear away down. In Axes and flaws wn aft Riving the hest of 1 75 1 '1(R'� 1.A1. At the Toronto industrial Far jut dep'.mber, 'hem Day' was inaugurated. I b•il.ve Chit by the cooperation ot the Exhibition executive and this asaoolatten toe day at future faire oan be made • enemies. Last year the prose men had to Fp it the glory with the 'i °Jollier visitors from Airetrall., and your president had to let his Iisht shine alongside of the ef. lgeno. of N r Edmund Barton and sir John Forrest. 1t took him all his time to hinder the ti front getting keeled by the kangaroo. "10 the matter of m(aberah'p and tinaooe my Information is that the year Net closed has been nae of wbteh the aseoolatlon has oa0se to feel proud. Our Membership is at high water mak, and, In spite of this eopenme• Ineurred In fighting the combine. 1 am pleased to he able to state that the association has been able to keep up a good financial ,1Mil lag , aril with every prospeoe of bettering its toaditIon. Thie has not been brought about by my Napoleonic finite ial efforts on the past of your pre. oldest, but Is really • teethe'. In the cap of yoor seorslary•treaeursr. *git'i'Arxh .'IIAN,,F.*. oom for SPRING GOODS! The following SECONDHAND STOVES, which have been taken in exchange for 11 APPY THOUOIHTS will be SACRIFICED: FOR COAL OR WOOD : 1 No. 921 Duchess of Oxford, with reservoir and high closet. I " 919 Superior, with reservoir. 1 " 921 Aberdeen Warrior, with high closet. 1 " 918 Favorite, with reservoir. 1 " 918 Famous Active, with water front. I " 920 Kitchen Witch. ti WOOD /STOVES: 1 No. 921 Oxford Rival, with reservoir. 1 " 9 Consort, without reservoir ; also several others. Also a number of good Heating Stoves, taken out of places where I have put in 'Furnaces : 1 No. '. 1 „ 5 Radiant Home. 6 Radiant Homes. 7 Radiant Home. Universal, with oven. 14 Royal Peninsular, with oven, and numerous others. CHAS. C. LEE. T Cook of the London (Marg.) Pass Club, ',Wine that a oomp.oy was organisbg there for the purpose of eervlog Cwodlaa some Porters with a pines servios of interest to Caned*, using the Marconi wireless •) term. It woe hoped that press moose's doylies. - ed s I newspapers could le bad at less than • hal!peony • word, and that • lull morning an.1 evening service ooutd to soil at $10 • week, oxolusive of the cost e1 telegraphing, and for weekly papers at 85 • week. Mr. (' W. Yonne gave an letereeting "I bit with the nonreader." • department wtlab, he said, was greatly neeleo'ol Is ran e6 weekly newspaper 1floe.. Mr. H J. Pettypuo-, 11.}'.P., tori ot the evils of "Doadbesd Advertising," and •dye oated the appointment of • committee N consider some way by which the •rsiclatlen oould assist In keeping op • standard price for oataide adv. rosin/. He argued that oo- operation would secure exoelleot results, a many publishers lacked the backboee to bold up their price. The ermine discussion was brisk. set yiCrIte g1.LeTLD. The election of officers resulted as follow., each by arel•matioe :—President, H. J. Pvttypiece, M. P. P., Forest Fres Pewee; Ent vloe-preeideo•, John H. Cooper, Can a Ilan Magazine, 'Toronto ; amend A.oe- preetdent, Arch. MoNee, Windsor Record secretary-trsasurer, J. T. Clark, Torooto Star ; atm.taot.eoretery, J. R Bove. Tor- onto S:ar. The exeovtivs committee . Is ru npoeed of A. H. U. Colgahtue, Tommie; H. J. Smalltield, Reefrew ; Arch. MoN.e, Wiedeor. Yr John A teepee reported for the ex- ounion committee that the proposed trip to 6ogl.od would ooet about $300 I. reply to • circular only ten members had stated that they could go. He turrets -as reiom- moodel that the project be abade.ed for •bs-Dreeent This view was accepted by the assoct.- tion, and savers! suggestions tor Ir'1'r through different portions of the Cotte] States were referred to the executive for ln• aestivation and report. At the af'ernoon 'elation the pres.dent read a letter from 5 r Sandford Fleming. pointing out that ., far not a single press massage had been tent over the new Pacific able, not even between Holstead and Aus Malls, and suggesting that the •eeooiatwn urge upon the Government the e pining o1 the 'Able free to preen messages for, nay, 500 words dot y, for a per u I of three months, in torero. to bond up a constitaeaey Tne sulijeot of newspaper postage was ir- trodoced ty a paper by Mr. Char.' N Rob 'risen of The Ottawa Jou•nal, read by Mr. Brsdwin. It dente with daily pipers, mid, atter pointing nut that a surplus exited In the Postetbw Departmen', sated that the scheme r•1 rural floe delivery wou'd have to be Lorne mired In 000neo•Ino with • poes'- .b;. +noreare In rat/Lit would he a gala to the daily papers, and they might be stilling to pay extra for It. S:111. the new,piper, br- otiose of Its dissemination of information and education, was not In tb• same position as other business propositions. Mr, Jame. Ao'on discussed pottage from the star.tpnint of the class jrurnal. He suggested • trouble of Metalline In which the regulations should 1, rtvi11.1 to conform with the newer ...vies an 1 methods of pub Ilcation. A lengthy deou-ston followed. ;etching finally in the passing of the following race 1.tto.:—"That we hereby p'ar. on record our conviction that in Ilia Interests of the podotfiw and of the new.p.pere generally• It b desirable and , xpedieot thst the postal ant and regu'allons be revised io severs partteulars, and that the xi -midget be ao- tbo,ized 'o appoint a ape al metal commit tee, with full Authority to treat with the Pee•master- General in this matter.' Messrs. Petiypiece, Aoton, Patten,. Mc- Nee, Clark and Cooper were appointed a speelal committee, with instructions to make an Interim report oils morning. Mr..1. P. Whitney was Introlnoed, sod In reply to a word of welwme from the president declared : "1 doubt it any man in my position ever had lees complaint to make of the newspapers than 1 have." xuh, rheas .Rhxe l: The soret•ry read • letter from Mr. 1'. "During the )wr there hay. been Qom* etarthng Miasma le journalism. We have •ego old•tlme party journalist. forsake their Idol, of word and stone and mirk the light that Independence g is. War have seen • hlde•botnd p'rtleao journal deflected Irom error to Nghterusnree of pupae, and we have seen such • enmminpllne d journalist, of diverse 1mh''esl mhibtolelh tinder one roof lee Heat it hemoeuse,dthe ooriptaral tat. bine of our ) moth to come Desk te or, for, of •, ri v. be I on is lying down with the lamb. "Aad ebb Is a hopeful sign for j nre•li,m, 11 le well that 115 day of hide -bound par- tlsaelrhtp should pus aw.y, and one reason ,2,w, whyit Se well t. that the newspaper man, tiner the sew order of Ming., will nom hare is eopertaaty o1 itemise to bio own. Is former days +ha newspaper man in • can etltueney was looked noon es a useful loglemsn to some amt oleos I.wyer, doctor or storekeeper w he imagined himself to be • statesman in .01170. It was the duty of she editor to write up and b.pnise the am- nitiooe one, wit host hope of tna t.r reward, and ',Imply because he milted the party •.wsp•p.r. It the brains or ability of the editor matte his paper • seen..., f% was spokes of se betnr a meth to rte party; but 11, by the neoleet of his early or by ae- vlronm.n', the paper s ckened ee diad, the Mam, fell satiate, noon the editor The rat .dltrr had to stand by 'any old Wog' in (� the shape of • oandldate that his perry Mnneht not end teeny • time and oft miehly port plebes of .tuff were brooch. nine. These are ell good grinds, eitlwr winter stock a whore we hare an ever "nipple, and we will clear them this month. Sale rem - meows SA11'R1)A\', FKBI(1'AR\' NNN•• rIcKENZiE NO W E 1L tOn. Like Klplin•'a '*.,pane What', hl.. CUNDRY BROS. NILE• Torspay, Feb. 111 b Ow to it Ntrrrv.—The pester of the M•lhodut oburob here, Rev M. J. W flea, bas rece vsd an Invitation from the cooere- tattoo of Ootaric-rt Methodist oburob, Clin- ton, and bis accepted eutj.ct to the action of the station ng committee. Mr. Wilson was well lilted by the 000greganoo bate and they hal ettended b m • unanimTus Invite• poo to remain as their pastor for another year, but the board telt they could not expect him eo remain In view ot the larger sobers of ussluloena ne will have to this appointment.. .. The Masbo. dist 000gregatlon intend building • new brick oburch shortly and are advertising for tenders for the coo.trnotioo of the same. le 1s the toteot.on 11 erect a neat buildieg at • cost of about $4,000 or $5 000 that will bs oommodioas and moot the demigods of the Increasing oe•gregetlen. Wish to announce that they have purchased from MR. A. M. POLLEY Ht. Livery, (lock and 'Bus Business, and that they will he found AT THE WI STANK, ON SOUTI ST. With • good stock of useful Livery Horses. Well-appointed Hacks and reliable Drivers in charge of the 'Bums, which will meet all trains and steamboat. All calls attended to promptly from DUNLOP. MONDAY. Fah, 9 h. Franca' Martin, from the secood coora* don of Aihfleld, scj Ted a plsasaot ylslt 111 our midst list week The Lsobu,n blow last week •boat early Iambs wit• heels beside the mark. No low, r than five arrlvrd In our burg during January, and the Goderich botcher, w 11 name,' the editor had to eedeavor to 'maks hotels and private hooves. t T H E PLA (7 E T O 11 1' Y mss out of mal,' and when the rand men mer. elected, he was rigiired M polish np TRt.Rrt101fR 50. LE A R D W A It E C 11 N A P their/poach., cad twin.. them with seth- T. GU■ORI. W. H. GUNORI. ,1 Inducements for February aotwave to drive al far es Labors la gel their Easter Iambs. Doolop sabeorlbea to Tug 51i3OAL wlo hate nal yet renewed for the present peer may. do .0 throurh the local agent, wto le au' hor'zst to rewire eubecelptioos. Lout week the genial form of Kober: Bsndeneo, one o1 the te.dlnt threat - e re of Goderlob township, was awe here as be parsed tbloogb en route) to Laval to tee his brother -'e -law, R Mac - Millar, to have a d,bate oo the 'hair 0. railway. R. H. was the first thresher to use the emotion engine to tete ooldwater tome •' ship, sad with Ire wbist'e he woke up the Della o1 that township a little 'Meted ot the S ATINS A M. train rushiog along from Uode- rice. 1 lot Pictures, copies from celebrated artists, rang- ing in price from 15c to 50c, clearing at 10c and I:ic. 1 lot round and oval Pic- tures, clearing at 5c. Several dozen boxes Note Paper and Envelopes,con- taining 50 sheets and 50 envelopes, usually sold at 20c, sale price 10c Boxed Note 'Piper, emb,'r sed "(loderich, with en. ve'lnpes to match, finest quality, clearing at half price. A few odd lots of good square Enrelopes,2 pack- ages for 5c. (Aid lots Note Paper to match above, half price. Toe official board of Via* oda etre.% heethodut church bis Invited Rev W. H. Graham, of Spate, to become the patter of the obur.h at the dose cf the preemie conference veer. The great Clearing Sale of Boots end Shoes will be continued throughout the balance of this month. B16 REDUCTIONS IN ALL LINES. We roust have the roorn for our large stock of Spring Hoods. Call and be convinced that this 16 s genuine Mb. NEW GOODS AT AWAY DOWN PRICES. The balsas sof our Fell Goode et and below ooat, Repairing. E. DOWNING. BENMILLER. Trre"DAY, Feb. 10th. Tbs Heomlller branch pt the Women.' Institute will be held In Gledblll's hal: on February 19th as 2 !Volsci 1•. M. A fall attoodm(e of the members 1. re queered, and a medial invitation is ex'eoded to all ladies loarosted is the moiety. RESIDENT REPRESENTATIVE WANTED. A wide-awake. ener,rette, up-to-date business man to take entire chance of an omen to be °resod to Uode rich for toe county of Huron by elm's* Toruo•o corporation Must turn eh Ent dale reference aed 111.001.011 cash, This po,tuoo will hear the clesnat In- ,estlgatton. Meat on this paper. Ad dress BOX 200. Central Press Agency, 1 ORONTO• iso YEARS' EXPERIENCE ATENTS Trying MARKS Dgssows COPY MMONTII &C. MITOSIS mending a •teem, and d.aertpel„n ma. YM eIeII) Otals oar opinion rtes w s u eta, invention M probably priest hla I'.,n,mun,.-s. lions Strict lf ernadenlial. itandbook.m Putt." sent free. i)tdeet agency 1or.eoortoepatent.. Paten's (Mien t n. argeam ta. (u memo oak., wnboat ret,•elrr $cieatiiic Jlmericaa. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. ?.rhe CO ..cistron 14 any .nent3lc jo.rnat Terme, year , four Ricotta., /L b7 YI New- Mueaoam ()sCo 341 New s. Y9rk Photffe 100 B PORTER'S Book - Store r (TEPJHODGENS BROS. eOOR wsT HAMILTON eTREET A Buy Cottons Now COTTON prices are on the jump. They have been that way for the last few months. Watch the daily papers and you will see reports almost every day of advancing prices. With raw cotton at its highest price for years, wages of operators higher by 10 to 20 per cent., and the cost of production increased all along the line, prices are bound to go higher. Today we cannot buy as cheap as we could three months ago. When we have to go to the market again we will have to pay more, and will not be able to sell at prices like we can quote today. 8 White Cotton Hundreds of mill ends saving of 2 to 4 cents per ate in getting this lot. The 10 yards. It is nice, even and finished soft for the needle. get a supply before all are to 4 cents on every yard. 8 Grey Cotton This might not have couple of years ago, but it !lad we to buy it now it we are selling it for. 2000 yards factory or grey free from dressing, will bleach yard wide, special at per yard Good White Cotton, Good Grey Cotton, Sheeting's and Better sheetiigs and had in stock. They are clean, from pure cotton by Canada's ter values you will not likely new for spring, 1903. Here Are Two Ileo acbel Sreetis , 2c' Good duality unbleached twill sheeting, soft and free from dressing, made from clean, pure cotton, 24 yards wide, extra value at per yard 2Uo Unbleached Sheeting, Bleached Sheeting, Pillow Cottons, All standard widths The Famous Crumb Bette)' prints than prints are not made. They excellence the world over. are now on our counters, best time to buy is now, Wide, soft cloth, good The price is 14c Now Embroideries These embroideries are of the Swiss makers: newest designs for 1903. have never had -and the seeing. All widths, Downright r Bargain. of white cotton ata yard. We were fortun- lengths run from 3 to quality, full yard wide, Better come and gone. You will save 2 Bargain.- been called a bargain a is a decided one today. would cost us more than cotton, clean and pure, and wear well, full 5; 8c, 10c, 12c. 7c, 9c, 10c. Pillow Cottons. pillow cottons we never honest goods, made best makers. Bet- find. All fresh and Specials. Bleached Sheeting, 25c. Full bleached twill cotton sheeting, heavy weight and good quality, soft and free from dr'eating, extra quad. ity at per yard _'iso 18c, 20c, 25c, 30c. 25c, 28c, 30c, 35c. 15c, 20c, 25c. and good qualities. Prints. Crumb's famous English are the standard of New patterns for 1003 and by long odds the when the stock is new. quality, fast colors. per yard. • fresh from the looms They aro the latest and Prettier or daintier we new stock is well worth all qualities. good values. Getting a Discount. (vetting a discount means saving money if the discount iie a genuine one. Isere are discounts on three lines of winter goods that are the real thing and mean money saved for buyers. 15 per cent. oft Ladies' Fur Jackets. 25 per cent. off Small Furs. 50 per cent. off Ladies' and Children's Mantles. 15 per cent. off Ladies' Fur Jackets. Nota great many ladies' fur jack - etaare wleilttlintoto sell.take What15 cent we have less we g than their price for, rathperer than carry them over. They are first class gar - ments in every way, the kind you would expect to get hem, anti at 15 per cent. leap than the very clo.est price are lower in price than you can possibly huy one for if you wait till next season. 25 per cent. off Furs. One quarter off the, price of .11 our runs, caperine., muffs and boas. We have a few very choice pieces left and you can buy them at a straight re duction of 2:e per cent. off the regular p $ 5.00 Furs for $ 3.75 6.00 s. se 4.50 8.00 t. ss 6.00 10.00 .s .. 7.50 20,-00 e. e. 15.00 One Half off Mantles. Not a great many mantles left to .11_-• few for Wien and a few for children Every one at a bargain. rhRy are new garmetnta, bought for thio •eason'm tr&de, tint. we don't want any of them on hand hexa sew son, so you can take your choice at exactly half the first -of the -seasons price. Tf you want a mantle yourself, if you want one for your little girl, here is • chance you should not let go by Iwen.ma\ HODUENS BROS.__