The Signal, 1903-2-12, Page 6xie,d 4,1t,zt /0_ -/Tt: zia,th 1745z0 ate,fwe7ae4, /1 it**1.10,-.):. GIPSY'S_MARRIA6E 1•444444/4* I.. •I, 1 rauot, rattling down the for 11 tho eveulug has come at loot. rtairr:ut, looks at the hWrbnu•l -old boo, Moonier hot and t,uIJ by kurus, tufo 'Ulan/nog in tho hull bw.ido the 'at rho 'Ayr her hang of Colonel Wide firepl.tcu, where -it • a few Bryan's AMU, 'and dtit'err u 'ltd.: ad olio -largo gloom,.t she cannot thy thought striker Iiia of all then 11111, unwiring the p'lklr-air Maurice wrong tool lai.Cry thin wont hat Iooklog so mnoly art dignifiol lit lilt euusesl. Hot' c.rl:a, wt 1l -bred taco co- cooning dress, with hit hood 111'11 In prt,.oe tin wurprise,'aud-y'et be looks. tIp graceful, courtly fashion pica• down at hie hitter agitated taco Isar to him. brut a httlt now to look sliul•ply no ttl,y•/lowly mote toward down at hie wife. whim,. dark, -b./. :Ito dancl.tg-room• witching beauty look* all the more i 'What at %access your bill Ir :" he batty la the Wapitis, yellow drools, ►a;,r, and thea It is his turn to look her face uptunied to has with a chid- uototty at tho ..trauge expreaustou In like, pleading look. Isar eyes -reproach, dislike; anti yet AN the (lowngorm wellohod ration . there Is a certaiu mute oidtfulue:os foot reaches' the last step of the, lu the (Cootie rho gars him, und, etulro, Sir M.wr,co etoopr tool klsw•u • when he epoako, Ida tome is nut quite', Ulp.y, not they both start rut.! i uu easy woe. "lbs look tired, Lady' color am the dowager approaehee, ; Dermot -please don't *lanes If you and. with a light Ie igb, racket up 1 arty Le remark*. hastily ; sol In a tout _tape her sou'* cheek wiWi h.•E" itxoal she tai herself egalu - our fall. thought of poor Sibyl, and rho has ' "F y, slily buy, makltik lova to. your uiiu ed her mud again. tot n wife.' '1 am not tired, and I like* to "Better than to anyone oboe's." 111'1 darter,' elle ausiturs, Lraieci. 4101. anewerr, laughlug, .•nJoyttlg Olpoy'r ; looking up, weer Dur liurbauti regard- bundng cheeks. ing Dur at: Dia* Lite Matte of two or His mother also surveys her with tliree whirliug coupler. her calm. lee cold manner. • ,,Through too crowd their eyes meet ,: "Charming, my ear child, she ( only for nue 04oweut, out do tiulr ` murmurs. "Maurice may be pardoned , mould converts ; add bu crones over for kissing an sweet at fate; and you to her rule. look lovely with uooruamvuto-vu in- "DA, you wuut me, Uipsy?" "'moot and youthful." f ".\u"-heettetlugly, and ,yet hor The exquioite topaz necklace on eyes are be.eeoiang. her own whtto 0(1* would Intoe• w hut would elm mot give to be malted (iip.y'a dress ; but .tp to hoot (btu minutea uloue o ilu Maurice, ;to prorent the dowager has kept n 1 tell him everything and trust to air ftrja hull on the tnmily J;`wel-C.YC. )mdgweut, This lint secret weighs uud the young wife's Jewel* are 1111 heavily uu the yuuug 0ife's heart, preseuto front her huebatel. Ludy but run ulluws the iuoweut to peer Dermot Is lit block Nnt.n tai light, by whop she can eltare 1t with her with Ince fluunee» l.., corky that husbaul. the tate Sir Mosaic.) often e.glietl Sir 4latukw stalks quite as over tlielr value. She bur. an idea pharuntly ate 11 els wire r that Mrs.. Bryan oho ulten•le to oyes were not dumbly Lie - air tier lace fluuncii,. and she koowo ootobtilg some ub.puken couu- hrr own to be tar superior to the a. 1 of 18.04. He alma:: 1.. 15.0.1,' ul nor Bryan ince. fon of ct,D.ss, told 1tughr ru•aurw:rr "You are too smell for ttnythlug w tor uurl.rwg look but • f.iwsl•.," /die ruw2Lks, affable,"1 iro at%..; , Bryan , ytnaa,t i a-• w - to her 041'0 wife, aN"flie partyion all alae nohow, h boom. at.d guar procrtdn to the drnwtng-room, oft la mtxtrcu uf a portlier. "Yon are the float small Dermot ; to daunt. with 0 04 of uJl u:hrrr 1 Hope the ear,• i" out going to Her w'r,ule Wing relutl., at ib!' ttitgerierato" (with it ligilt' laugh,, ihltt7Lbt hal UbDce chi. wu.l. ::lid tttkiri it mw'eep.m c':rt,•y o1 her dance rile dt•r." Et ea .h=tutur:•l u w•n 0plen'iuI !Igor,. in flu• mirror.umguee to-..Ltt.t allow .b.1. tau fair Sir Maurice p.uehe. Dir wife's I.,l' Idol, 1).•rtuot fo toot otiful in - cheek 11111 hulghN, imei1. TUI 11011 for spots, hil,' :.uevrr "Beitu(y.unadorned :'.•he v.l,.opi'rdr 11.lgge.. Aller clunk: buto Iowa out- wit!) a "11roe.1' .lsowh of -her soft ndttey her .ayes' brlglltrr tooto nby took. "My own nolo liip..y queen l''-•turr,.1111't .•tea Sir Muuglr.• li t.•r Tido eveulug half lk,•cuutlly are drtvnm+ ',Ito, rhos mad In CAW lit t, dressing 'for the b111. At Oho Orlin- tali Iorfe1..Hu, 1444 .;1'r 1, wh�ti 111 *howl: mix thlrli:8g•tong,, are at 'art; s.uwaryl,, :.1, tit, Jaucr.01,•r. work, nod nix puwder•pnfft :are Le- *kelt' patine fur .t Monti 111. ing applied tiguruttidy.. Mrs. Pryor' 0' r...ar I.roximl,y 11'r .la- It all off 't" nolis the Batty, all .11140 i rtli by cut iry ,11-.uuure•1 r• - in wblto, as b•reoni'i the youngest; markt l..ua.t goo situ ear 411 no tart hnlr Is cut .hert`.oid curled in agitated ma troll whurle enc aboor lr uriackt/oNhdgcd Imitationof the lug loconppcurs to b_ n t ul:erwli' lm - youthful Lndy Iter t's tllnirl: silky tug Moire fur her young daugb.or crop. .0 donee ea or; da:.e.', It t• re'Is ' The Baby 1s flapping away with tho yin• :ouflg 11181.4. Lel„g Very- pion, puff at nor hot .'hocks. ntt:I :u,tlh,•1 °"w' ..nn.•s waits for a parlre•r i i of tho ',isle Id equallyis t lit ,a-1 tui,1. Turing 11114 waltz, h'.wev,rr, the point of b nose. whlio tho oth Is • lois trait iphautly {waived with u 1.01 'lorry 11 nn out from 1he' * re- antra ui tome Hurt, and the mother. spicti'Io nowt. i ever' stage Of. pr..n1 0) W.4 follow h.t• clary moment. .tr'too; no! oho' of Mrs. lirvmeltnw UG: Mrs. Bryne, who 1n 001 wrur- t4 811.1.011 1!11; lo.rsolf bo 1 sooty black lar; her Splaattll tact, tit-(s1t, •hill's ev.ltet toil ea lags that that iva. ol.dhrd Iter wick, tt oil parson in her wedding triton'.' wa used oleo block velvet, mad doplayn it perfect nt the six rlirist.'uing• of or, silt blaze of diamonds that mo le a mtxrk- daughterN. - • ry of her .hrlteIed.-.tbroat i ch.! Si). pairs of Irony- .houldern ins du-ltiug line ',.r light o.dntillatos that of Nix lot: itttices at hunt, d t. ill. eters 10.4lin ut. list• uwlt.'loun the Grim -haw brigade is reale 10 , y1•h1 follow the datr+ero, and light the fray. L5ce1 aril -tnrintaneel..atl. 0110 of the. Mmes Itriwrhaw. flowers and bnwo. they f;utter nbont . dear rile, look at Matlld•t in their own doming 4uwm.'i►nd In- tar. thaw to b 1'k • and pink -Poo wont that tame Mir Mannas 1111wma'I. rofug of plain gl s'." ouch a hail motel,. The r age of plat girls: Tho ag1- "1p aetr,ee .ittt,rliter." 'tatnl and reel turns beet -root col - "Poor Sir Miturte.•." ..r; her la .ng girl look to -rayed ".and no 401 'snows who she really in the fatal h uk and pink -very much was,' remarks Mins tirlmennw, ten- black bud vers\,.much pit01t-nod at derly' nrran,flot tlic blue wreath. , th.s m,.nunt, ilusitcd and hratel'rso '.ire yon sure any .Jresv ion'. tea he halm opposite: \to Dir i oth•rr, low, mamma 7' being ono of thous y)i.Eng ladles who "My doll el ikl, to," (Novena the .uy No ot.e: tl), ' Pieito-.t:tko we old lady, peering at, the expaave of a mnmmt :' S 8 to "m+ltum.t" • brenvt-bone to-beret/11a large raver 1144 been taken, an•I stands, w, h fat, locket Holm triumphantly. hetiv;ng :houLters, right In (rout of "Ion nil look very niche. Baby, aro her mother and the tdeloom ,critic. ,7011 quite tial back enough, my 01.1 Mrs. Buyout lino never' rein pot ?" nttetht•r or .:au{khler before, and "Perlin . not, minnow and a lew .t u pu 11 tat b+ it whit mutt enrehd of reefs are aete.�r.linRly taken in. 11.-1 t•eugu'r If rho ha'I. "1•I,uo.ainga The IL1by can adtance only with ,-r..ttu r.' :h• soap,, r•'gJr'lnq the difficulty now, and pitting down is a bri nth", s-, gnsp.ng damp, 1 throe;h proceeding atteu'Inl with mach don- her it. 1l -rammed Cy -,glass; and the, ger. DI11. It avuuld be rou,.dlling to nolo low. took lit the .11,'- 011.1 gl i nt' b• oven the tightest -11e•1 girl In the of hor rye Is worth walking nil •a to room : and to b' remarkable In any .ea•, vh'• e.ouliuu:'■ her (Ire of 'l1-na- •,way is b. -Orr than n•'t being re- turps et'itbapny long after the "dl. - Marked at all. nudhng crrtturo' has prnnc•daway. "f mean to 11101. a foot -warmer," I urdti; this tame (tipsy Mill .rands, Nayo .puutht•r ea eel *Inter, decided- pale Hit'I tigitatei, beside Colonel ly• "1 ktin not going to got my feet Bryan. cold nior only lac.• hot fur Any one." ''Don't yn!1 think • Ihr rant Is tory Arconlln thn Orim•nw broug- hot 7" she says at last, In it tramn- hnm, eaten! al hto hold four at at loan wanner. H, r hand:• are cold n'i Own win' six 't a crush, 14 pro- ice; bit' elle mu.t make borne stento Tidal with a tit foot warmer ; and to get hint out of the roan. Ev of all the way to thi ball six pairs of *.4..v Saul in watching nml waiting • ratio fret otrnggle wolsclesdly, but entplde. desperately, for ps,wae•' tint, and the ''1VM1•L soli come an! lotto nn ler 011 Indy-a martyr to. 1'r 'laugh- or some elnrel-cup 7" melts 1'x,1+.0.•1 ter., no uiun1-AtN with he \ft'et tike Bryan, poking down lit th" al range, atnn. ., and Day a nothing. * intense th,'ughtfuln' 04 at her face. ' Ytxu ran hate ii c.,ioitig urn.', They paws 4.111 through the crowd mmmtnl,' r, mark+ 5 ren n, comp, 'tl- Into the hall : but rash to r:• vitriol•' 1a-, sitting Ow 'talo'. f,•r: it shot eoupl•'N mini Ino a deslro for solitude lift 0.1,0.1.1 111110 to Ole usher nide awl Foram aro disporting 11001..1':yes ,,f the earring,*' an•1 plaiting too •'1 . 11111*-w,n11 you handown hent f rml, l i tho r,•ntre of tho et IIK out on tho terrace'? hot Iin. -i 1 at 'vivo air," .nyn OIpwy..t:N- " Yr., dl lir," i-Ilarmnro Mn,. fl r: ns- rootlets .111t•, looking up lit him with , ihniv, spilt" well nwure Allot 1;1•• it vague lwwlldermetrt, water will not M' r''plenl'sheat it 4 "Certain !" .ho anawere. anti. o'tlx•k iu thou morning. tboltwls eho 'IFioue couples aro • • '• Pogo)ilreply Png, d with each other. '• Oar douse; t.n.l; Derm-.f :" they d, not it to - notice tho The nam,nt : h • lin. h 0'.1. woteltitor lovely Lpdy Der of nod Colon.' 0i We make Granby Rubbers and Overshoes out of pure new rubler. l an ati slut h lit' said of env ocher make? Graub Rubbers Cost the maker more, but they coat the wearer ICs:., for enc Lair does the v.ork of two pairs of ordinary rubbers. "Granby Rubbers wear like iron." ktryun ns they pass out. tidal is tau tutor, and any other yt'rnnrua La the room would havo 011 i igal the w'holu thing much hotter. Oro be Continued.) MOW MIN MAY WALKW ELL. 'fhrt'r toait AH in the F:trrt•tre That bh.wi4l No be Oterl.s.ked. Ther,, suggerllour for the br'n"flt of ptrlestti:u are mode by a writer on hygleulr matters; Not every mein ruts be a great walker, but every uui'utal mon con b:' a good walk, -r. There Is Du better etercise. - Eton *touchy walking Is good, but it 1a- .•asy to drop the slouch part sod mak() Hat .evary ttuy walking nue of Ute Wet of health b bows. Every Dur- uutl man dors miler of walking each ,iay, moo dtt•rs of vara amd carriages. i tt. a lath. , .a lite walking I.ek 1 fin w ko more atreiut. a little more thought- ful, No' mod to take -au extra otap uulcar,thu delight of it Inmpires the fowl. Wolk with the Bead up, rkiu utwu, rhoul:lers bock, tibtlomhlat alum:tee tome and coding each step who a tw• t• '. "its; out" rligltll„ bend auto.. ..out u wobbly motion and avoid puuudiug the patewtut with heels. Carry Lead and .hualderr mealy w'1U1uut guy .181i' swaying. if unused to *itch efiort It will ralulre much *A:ought tit first to kel,•p from lapsing Into careless ways. Al Co a few trials the care, comfort and inspiration of such a walk will rucutnage pt'rslrt- enre. Breathe deeply, .lowly. und Omagh the nose. Nark when you eau. bearing lu uaiud that perhaps ''bo who rides In a carriage roles to- ward lila grave." Du not sit hunched up 8t a desk or a table. hold 11,.' up.prr body us In walking. !lend at the hlpd awl at the nick wh••n ncces- sury, but ntv..r hump toe back and shoulder.:, ,ilve IIu lungs room, keep tlo'ta filit•.I with nevi' air and du not let the backbone curt•:* either to the u'ight unto tho left. Sleeping on 111e rlLtlt side to toot. lin the buck it the ruuriog position. Tnk•• plenty of mleep; to rest In bed is the best of nerve tooled. Worries are sleep scares ASSESSMENT SYSTEM "HEAVEN itLEMt( THE 111APLF: LEAF' 1'oltI' %'l II." • Canadians are 1ntrlotle. Cauadlar. en, uor:ia., t'itnadlar enter- prise. This 1. fully t•st•melliied by the wonderful growth of ris CANADIAN'OROtR OF CHOSEN FRIENDS • Just look At I lite r,', rd. 11 I, hurl to twat 1 Tear. Nu.ul members 1907 1711 15140 :47 1b61) .. 1,39 1wA11. t.u•l 18141 4S 1514'25,391s1):S7,o5 1+94 - I1.710 1095 ' .11.504 1490......... 11.•1148 109 7 15,1127 le:)s 10,4511 101)9 1••.208 91N1 241,11)7 1901., o 22,574 There,460 Council* of thrl lyder In Con - rola, !hue he overlie 1s ....'r 50 utrmlwra to each 1',cncll. - Thew m,mbers err payh,g X178,0.10 an. noddy to Inc wl1•',,. :Jed rnrphuue ,,f de- n-n.r.1 t',nndlnn.. Just notice the Small .unnm.tneeewnry front eao,h 1/11411,..r tn.m .•1 it... , .enth n,T'•r and also wt n,,lite 11 lir11, I.,r ..1.1.••u, I'.- • Autounl %totality of Noir- Monthly Age •ur•e•. In;.•• meat• 14 *1,01)0 •tf11,2 : *44 55 yo 1,1 111 .25 t:1' 1 4nn0 .a2 24 11051 _ .111 2a: 1,11.'.1 _ ,tat 24 1.1(114 .1',s 841 1,on'' .2" .7o John tow. 1'ur fuller fufurma0,,n apply to the nearest Connell. ti• to W. 1'. Montague. Brand K•o cooler. llnminon. oolt. ..r 14. w'. Fm . *:ap. 61.11. Gruel l I rrg,ilx,-r. ,i n1::Ilton* t,d. I er%nnitor+ wudt.•l; 1114.T.11 0•1144. _. %%tILRL: UEMF CAME FROM. Yty.lr'rl tonna 114 the Original Ito - )4$) tint .e .. Mona I't•trtoux011.10 The nitres of Joliet, up to the be- ataning of the eighteenth century, re:rrrisl to rock eroot,t us "un un - rip. diamormL" At that limo toile was thuu:,^ht to be the only Inn.) of hi pl'01Ue 1 that prec;on's stone. It was 0411, therefore, until the die - cote ,v of India that the diamond won known to us. Yet am far hack an 30') B. C. it "'litacth• hlntory" oft prfc.our Holton was written, and in 1'dny's'tiw:. the supply must have INcu plentiful. as Ile wrote, "We :h•hik out. of a moos of gems, and our Drinking voomels, aro format of em- erlatao" We are biro told that Nero • t>hal his weak eight by epectncles do of emeralll. L' It io very difficult to deter - Mine a Metes all the geoid came, n1' JL cot a ere took care to leave no I,'curd. ' 1e notions who traced In them wee afraid of theire wh rt- nl*ut's b Injt, known. nail even the most l:el••tit nercha11(0 would not discloser any definite locale. All sorts tai( myths unto Ltronliugly sprung :qs Concerning the oh•igin of gems. °Manion,' was the me given to a youth who wail tut oto the hon- est awl roost (wild:Int substances to 14riorie' h.ua from "1 ills that i1•'011 I. heir tat' Alte'tlly wan n IWOUltra' ns mph beloved ilnc- chus, hot waved from him by klata. who clauftr'l Amethyst into n Item, w•herrnlon Paneling turned the gem into wine color and endowed tho trio( ren with tho gift of precervatlon loon intoxication. ' • The pearl wan thonstht to ha it dew drop the 11011 had opened toreceive. �ndr•r wn, wall to bit honey melte.) by' the a;tn; ihvoppei Into the neo and t•anvo,Ied Acconling to the Talmtrl. Noah had no light In tho' ark tint alma which, same from previous c tool',. PROFIT The matter of feed is of tremendous importance to the farmer. Wrong feeding is loss. Right feeding is profit. The up-to-date farmer knows what to feed his cows to get the most milk, his pigs to get the most pork, his. hens to get the most eggs. Science. But how about -the children ? Are they _fed according to science, a bone food if bones are soft and undeveloped, a flesh and muscle food if they are thin and, weak and a blood food if there is anemia? Scott's Emulsion is a mixed food ; the Cod Liver Oil in it makes flesh, blood and muscle, the Lime and Soda make bone and brain. It is the standard scientific food for delicate children. Fici. 1p 1 i 41; 1 .01 Send for free sample. 0. sure that this Orton (• 111 torn ut • label 4 on the moppet of ever, bottle of Yr,.uton you buy Scott& Bowne CHEMISTS, Toronto, Ontario. 50c- and $t t .11 drojsle4 The uuwtoe mato tacks without lonk'rtg; the wise man thinks when aialkU.y aj1d the wiser wen I.hinkeand s silent. Mlnald's Lluimeat eta. Cures Cads. Poor Old Dad. re ,kin acat'oe pick up it paper .o' ita "poet*' corner greet, Copt yell see air pltty poem 'Bout the mother, saintly tweet ; Sat ye'11 oats a time a-sarchle - Eye. will be er-achin' bed ire ye'Ii overtake 1'r poem At thus aline for pore 011' dad; So. It isn't willful in 'em- T1.em that, write of mother door - Mat tlutr's nevt.r notice taken Of her We n48D ',stun' near. too, It's never meant to slight hila Batt hit looluo a Ilttie aul- kll the l.ouqueta made for mot 11.•r Not a bloom for poor 0181 dad: Prue. our mother watehetl nbovo lam, Till her dear old eyal mud achy, 3nt o1:1 and. he hnmp'd to feed us, T11; him back would nearly break. dottier crooned above the craull •, 1;n,e devotion 1111 she had'; !t111. that wasn't any circus At this time for pore ole dad Do not ,nke one line from mother When ye write the soul -sweet long, 31st If thar'e, a word for father Now and then it won't he wrong. Pore ole mule! He's hent and wrin- kkel, An' i know 'twould make Illw gia.l 1, while you are pralsln' mother, Aomethlr's sed for pore a1d Owl! Can't Help Hornell to Nisi ('Hol. N.Y. Pun. Hewitt -I hear that your wife bee tort her Rand. Does it trouble ber such ? Jewitt -Yes, it's swollen so that she un't get It into mf pockets. ildnard's Liniment .lyra pleas.- . per. Pointed Piragraphs. A stoat calf ltuaketh a full studding. The man who ham but one milt d slathers has no retirees The atmlospltere of sYx'iety 1m apt io make a green man turn re's1. There 10 plenty of room at the top .t tauren 1pole of 11111040811g we• 11111040811 When a mm's temper gets the bent 1 him It shows him at his worst. Many a fool men caste a nhadow m his life by standing In his own light. A aria aurally makes a lot of mew racks In attempting to cover his d.l ones. IWhen they overtake a horror thief n Arizona th"v call a halt, then ell for a halter. If people were compelled to follow he advice they give there woekl Dom bo aa advice famine. • Didn't Like Oh5krelw•nre. .l lady living In Now Yorks. -tow n mold of whom dao is q•lite fond, and Whom •he considers n ouprrior young phrnm. Thinking to give her a gr''nt plen.nrr rho porch/tool tick- f•tm for the tt.ontrn not give them to her. Tito next day Hie asked the girl how .he enjoy'vl the per- .forma'naoi "(trll. ma'am. f didn't think much of. It," .al.l the girl. "What W:u the play 7" naked Mr., "We -II, It lind no name, ma'am," Pall Julio. "No nnmr-r' , rlalmed Mra. -- In natnnlahmrnt- "No. ma'am," maid Julia, "tho pro- 1 gramme hart printM on It 'As Yoe Like 1t,' unit w11 didn't tiko It nMll." $touglhton-Oh, i know when 1 gee encu gh. 1Ioetnter-Intl when ami get en- ough yon don't know anything, Cure Your Cold with the old standard reme- dy that hits stood the test of 40 years experience and iv more popular to -day than ever before. Gray sSyrup RedSpruce6um is carefully prepared from Red Spruce Gum, retaining all its healing, soothing pro- perties. it it pleasant to take and is always effectual. as cents. At all Druggists. EXTRAVAUANCE BROWS. *merlon Has Not Yet Iie,e'lopeil the " Perlwlt Yprndtbritl." Yet, uno uuowiuul and ettravuguut ur we ore, we 1.510 out yet tlevtlupe.l Ute "perfect apt•udthrltt" as he is to be fuuud on toe other aide of the .1l- inato. It.to'wr at timer as lfhe must be u preoqµuel of an older. a maitre 'of - foto" eivllt.ttioo. Toe wan, either yuuug or old. who rune tlaruugu 11 largo fortune quickly Ira rarity with us. Digo air our rttul aa -d 01 'Ding. and of the ordinary moo - tom of Ilvtug ie, our staltdar,l 01 wool might b" tolled pro.legraae ettratagaueo la by no meatus bra high. 01 cuurme pretty Lucite suma are warted In ttriuus formai of llwipatlou, here as etre- where. But that is not the point. To take the atingle It.•w of gamlfling. hawk ulteu do we hear 01 a mau'. Iwlug ruiued by it here ? 10 doubt we hear stories of trewawleur rums lout and won ; but much sonar 010 trot stow either "to make or to break" arty - body. For mart whore Incomes tiro reckoned by the huudrede of thou- ssudo or milliour to play hundred - dollar poker le too great reckleeaucrr. itut how often do wit sec young writ, of the rmall-aalurlwl curt, puntlug a thousand or two thousand dullorr at A time at baccarat, no you can ally day in Franca? We lova not too in- stinct to 04111' rued scrape for eleven months in the yttar. and then sle•11 out an our waving," 10 itfortnight. I once wet Ito Franco a yuuug roan of old provincial family. Legit host to the backbone, proud, and very poor ; ho was about twenty-one, mode't, thoroughly "correct." as good, Ionia - Dont a young fellow aa- one wou1lt care to meet ; the sort of young man who sttetur 10 have been overlooked and left out in the cold by Frruet fiction, though by no moans a great rarity In F'rtuch real life. I happened to ark him ono day if he ever played cards. He said no, he tail not Dare fur that sort or thtrlg. his mean■ would not par never go Into a guu,o.t•.,,-.out-o,., said he, "or Into the card -room of a club;.ometlmeo I way J..ln In t► 1 tale game of poker among friends. Just to past the time, but only a very .mall gave. Dever more than a louts limit." A lunar limit I I wonder what club- man, out of the millionaire claw, In New York, Boston, Phltruielphla, or any of our large eastern elder would call tour -dollar poker a very small" game 1 -From "The Polut of View," in tate February itcribner'a Mlnard's Llolmeot Cures °argot In Cows. No Lack of Parsons. A Scotch divine took one of hie par- lshloDerr to Lark for his non-attentl- ancte at kirk ; the man said: "I Mona like lang sermons." The parson. with some wrath, replied: 'John, 7.1.1 dee. and go to a place where ye 11 not hove the privilege of hearing long or short sermons." "That may be." maid John, "hat 11 wtnna be for lack of parsons." -Sao Francisco Argonaut. Sick Stomach is working-- Sick Owner is idle M pew will (fir* your relgetotlem a ✓ eef. It will get slang Yew w Mb Mkt by it..... 1'e DR. VON STAN'S PINEAPPLE TABLETS which digest your food and rest your stomach. You want relief and Cure. Pineapple relieves at once and cures quickly. No stomach can be cured except it can rest while diger tion goes on safely. The patient eats heartily while taking his cure. It strengthens the weakest stomach. Pineapple is nature's simplest and quickest cure -Price, 35c. in five minutes after using DP. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder the healing has begun, and it continues till the work is quickly complete. New health, comfort in breathing, new vigor, and removal of danger of consumption or pulmonary trouble. Common soaps destroy the clothes and render the hands liable to eczema. NUGHT OAP WLEDVCJ S EXPENSE ad /so tae Oefaseo Sur m A Compliment. Detroit Fire Pros. "Poe* she furor 1►•r father or her nwthor 7'• 'Well, 1 ghoul.) ray rho root o' teoulpllments Both o' thew." New York and Htt.a„ala New York Central. The numerous tralne, the excellent eert'Iee, the uniformity of its trains, 11. four truck*, and 1111' location of 11. depots In Boston rued New York. mike the New lurk (,;ural the flty- orlte line to those points. Ar, ticket agent will conflrla the above. Precoeloa. Youth. Montreal Weald. Walter (aged 5)-I'1yla, when I grow up may 1 get married? Papa -My son, I regret to wee you anticipating trouble so early 1n life. Y Oilers' Low Rates West, Via Chicago nal Northnvoetern •Ity., overy day from February lath to April 110th. Colonist ouc troy gee• and -clary treltot• at extremely low rates from etationr In Ontario and gurbec. to points In Cotorudo..Utah, Montana. Nevnakt, Idaho, Oregon, Wu.ttingtou and California; also to Victoria, Vancouver, New Westmin- *ter, Nelson, Rosolan4, !etc. Full particulars, rater and fo:deri ran lo obtainl'd from It H. Bennett. Oeaeral agent, 2 Etta King street. Toronto, Ont. - - FRIGHTENED DV A SNAKE. E ast India Newspa- per Relates • Harrowing Tale or Woe. In the latent copy to haat of an Indian coatomporery 1s an Interest. ing example of Balm loquacity. It takes the familiar form of it "Letter Lo tho Editor," and runs as fol:ows; "Honored Fir; I should like to bring to notice of the' public. through widely scattered co.umns of your valuable Journal. a peradventure that overtook my personality while tak- ing oueturnui perambulations on Wart Moat rout, In order to caution fellow eltlsens against simultaneous clangers. Whll.t wending my way along saki thoroughfaro on the evening of the 22nd instant. anti pursuing u course as crow Oleo to- ward any humble abode. 1 was mu'1- .14'nlh and Insta,taneounly confront- ed with monstrous hissing and mo'+h confounded row In Immnllate vicin- ity. I Bret remained sotto boot.. and then on applying close ecrntlny of my double optics to spot whence proceeded above sold disturbance. i Was much horrified and tempornn- t'uualy paralysed to lo anal behu:d a mighty enormous reptile of cobra do capello making frontal attack. "My pedal appendage* being only clothed in wooden sandals. i there- upon Immediately took to nether limbo a101 btntt harry retreat (an stated in war telegrams). or, in uthrr words. made rnptd retrograde moor -- moot by ,oeomotlon of lower .Lanka. though personally much eourageous. i wnukd like to Indignantly qu'wtton. What aro our newly i'Iectnd city fa- thers cogitating that they should not tako commensurate ctepo to rel" - gate such carnlyorouo aoltnals to limbo of oblivion and Insure moiety of potdestrinns and footpadm? I'I. ao.- answer mo this 1nsic ru table (lnration. famous sir. fraying for ) ode w •I - fare and Inert --ma of filial hot I. 1 am. most obedient .Ir. your nt•er- obr.ii,nt servant "i41bo ('how.Inrl nhoa•. "?f B -Ir 11140 ep1.tle Is cunNll;n- td to w tetn paper basket and no notice taken of my abovo humble complaint. 1 'ha11 meworfate In g other paperm." Henpeekcd. Poor old Lehman -the fellow even talks as hill wife dictates. I waa Cured of lame back. after auffering 15 years, by MiNARD'R LINIMENT. Two Ricers, N. H. ROBERT ROBS. 1 wan Cured of Diphtheria, aftr,r doctor* foaled, by )(INARD'S LINI- MENT. EN'V. ntnttgonlmll. JOHN A. FORE!. I went rural of contrnetlon of rano- clew u. -clew by MTNARDOt LINIMENT. MRH R1.CSF.L MAUNDER(&. Dalinot,o 11' t_ Her Skating Lemon. I certainly thought her a beauty; I thought that she most be my fate., Uatll, moro for plcaw.re than duty, j geld I'd Instruct hor to mkatn. Oh, 011d was the hour when I told her jot make for some morning a date ! She came. I endeavored to hold her And teach her the way she should skate. Ms meek, In a manner most frantic N h* clutched. I feel rolled on to H ate It might hove seemed very romantic. Had she not been learning to .kntr, Rhe fell, with a stream most 11P- npalrin,r 1 knon to n frnetlon hor weight, I know, too, what hoses mho win we0.ring, The day thnt 1 taught her to nkate We rose, and .he maid she would try It Again that mho thought It was greet, 1 mvsrlf wait u1t p we.1 to deny It, Ant .h, seemed Art ermined to • kelp. The next time together we tumbled Thr Ire nearly frarturcd ley pote, Tho merkr•t of ..Int. would have grumbled At teaching that dama•I to simile. f think for her ants e1,,ent lesson 1 mighty long (Imo •ht will wall, f hadn't n well bowl led dream on It hart me, that learning to skate. Whoa mulling gawky die/weer pots and pan', Lever's Dry Soap (a powder) will remove the grease with the greatest sera. 4 London Pollee Methods. This is the modus operand) of Lon- don's police: Two citizens engage In a street fight ; crowd gathers to bile the mill ; four "bobbled' appear, working their way through the press with a 'by your leave' or "kindly let me peen"; they Have neither bit - nor gune. Two seize emelt com- batant, leading him Heide with no rmigh bands and arguing thus In chiding tones: "Arent ye 'shamed o' ye'aelf ? What's the good o' fight - ins' ? Leave wraps to (logs. Now, run along and hehnvP ye'self. There's 4 gond chap." These words are accotu- penta1 by a pat '-A1 the shoulder and a gentle ahoy* away from the Fayette of conflict. Rarely Is there an ar- rest. A brutal clubbing In unknown. The London police are peacemakeru. Mtnard's Llnlment lures Diph- theria. Men's Talk to Anlmalo. A plllologiat has tore rooting up the derlvutionw of the wordo which limn uses when spooking to animals and finds that moot of (loon words are very old sow:• of them going look to OP ohildhon,l of the rare. The word "whoa" 111 01111N,s.,l to bp 111. (lreek lntarjeotlon "ohs," n x1111 to attract 'Monition. another form of which Io tho Naneerlt word "you." no -fining "ho.d" or "'atop." Thr m lkor etyo ".oh' '10 the yew, which comes from the Rnisrrlt "soh," manning "knelt still," The mill ".•hick i ehlek'" la ns old as the fowl+ hoof, lining the Nas.anrlt "kink," the name. of Ih. chicken. When fowls nr,' .c:irrd away , with the word ".11001" Montle/illy theansae (Jmou:ation was asked so woo I wool by Reeek hotupwlven to the tlmo of Penelope. !ISSUE NO. 7. 190:3. --Mea Wtsalow boot bang tlyrup .pool, always be M 4 hlldrrn .T uuWlnr. 11 teethes a 'afteu.theguup,cures wtad woo me M _.-._ retuedt leer 1Narrpua, TEN COURSES BY MAIL L•,'""ug pro...0.u4 Own 'uglily Uluxlal. Ea tort luetnartor•. Iudt t•Irh,ul attention. !kiwi aur heud.uue *.,110. logue furrneulare. ConMp etpeenDepart. went elef&TAI. SUSINlsl c0LLE6E, tweak' coo - t.tl'R THAN 1't)Lt4 I.Y O'Upteurum 1tt INTER? If rut. wo ere up•e for :a_.num.. mid energetic roan to repnatt• u., unit run ptnet you Inn promobie besto'. Wrote.PortraitMupldy Cu., Parkdmk,Torouu IIFARM OK I'MAL • 1'.11111 or 917 Ael1K$-12S !MOM/SEP .1 -HI nerve ut grute her timber; tt.rrr•ery bmlldhtgn, well war brad; contrition! toarhuul 011 ehurcb.•e; lis adios to .I n lion: lgw•prhv; 1 •ru'a furerubl.•• Auau• 0, Motu', Port Huron, 111th. it,' 181)4015!) rh ),AW -1 *11.0 h'!'A1't vs ling Invention: Irrou Wet ...Irwin. 1110. Ilocry ; .Ievrinp. lural. Iph, caul pit war In,u. the run day or nigh. wit ,oat Mrs, fuel ur ,q. h' -n'': lit setwd operetlou; hundred* of r, for race*. Molar F'uTh.0'01'0 , Ilruver, 1'ulu-..Iu BUTTER, NEW LAin ECCE AND POULTRY WANTED 1'1.1.lg • d...1 Rutter, Poultry 110.1 lie. In1d,1.40. rultrlb••t. Priors 1'rm forrhulr,•, nal. Ulm. 1'1 , 1.•: ,yuan. Clib ion..dry pyIrkrd,r1vn, .x1111414 641 t0 (Nair per Inde.' W 111 ,cry ark pee{{err 16. fur 11555w'.1N, dellrtywl 7runtu, l apuuJ,•,ur rultcit,,i .1000 J. ►'mai, uJ Enlist Mt East, Toronto VICTORIA PROTECTOR 'Eh • only t.ygleulr kin Supporter made No rhaus. 1,. .ulr•,I linen, t" trit,hlr; N Id>,„'..rc1,) war It. 1. durw-d by t 11...11.11 of Mill,* unit Ott •ban.. Aur.pT• 1144TKamp!, s :.not weer 00; $ .tw t .r d..arla. lit logo. . 1 10,11.11. 1 ROE.n(;.' '• good. C. W. CANFIELI► & Co., 1100 t Dept. H., L4.1d41t, 0111. • ••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• • 1 20 MILLION BOTTLES SOLD EVERY YEAR. [ Hspploesa lithe ahse-es of Min. and rd. i tors have been m•.!! It .:my throws b• e toot bat Sr JA.oss Cee cf RHCUMATI" NEURALGIA. TOOTHACHE. HEP ACHE. LAMENESS. SCALDS, BLIP'. SPRAINS. DRU L,FS and an ran/ far o ^ molter 31 rtm.dy cal be appcst. It ,.- -. falls to r_re. Tho..senda vhshave ben 4 -- dared Incural'Y at baths and In hospitals herr thrown ova their snitches. Del: r, caged alter sales ST. )Acca: OI.. L'I-sea s In t:evn 0,440.1.. accompany every home. CONQUERS 1 PAIN • •.••,1'••.•.M horse Health is one of the most important things for every farmer t,' consider. Dick's Blood Purifier will build up a run down horse. It tones up the system, rids stomach of bots, worms and other parasites which und r - mine an animal's health. 5o Cts. a package. LEEMINO MILES a CO. AGENTS. - - - MONTREAL. The Up-to-date Tramp (blotto Peat. Lady of the 1101100-•,'3.. hare, I want you to quit ringing this 1'11. Dort you daro to corse here again. Tromp (n Jokero-..Very welt, Misdeal, as long an you twain, I'II hate my citl.. pro -s your name from my vis- iting list.. Piles To morn to len Lh*$ der. (T 1 Chase Ointment r ooeeta and abnlate cure for each and every form of Itching'. bieedln endIwo.rudlre piles. the manufacturer. Dare cuarenteed It. Bnter tlmonia'. In the dally Press and sok your neigh bore what they Wink Dolt. Yono an nett and get your money look If not cored. Mc s bot, at all nester. or Vita aa.og,H ATI* t Co.,Tcronto. Dr. Chase's Ointment The Tyrant Man Analysed. Americo*. (is., !boarder. Whit 1s loon 7 Man that 1n born 6[ woman 1s Ncutll cabbage and few to a lintel). in Infancy ho 1s full of collo paregoric nn.l catnip tea, and in olds nice he 1e full of curio words and rheu- matism. MO REWARD, SIN. The renders of his pelt.? will be pp'tss.A to 'tarn that there Isnt lent one dreadedel•eaas that .mlr0me lin been .Alit to tan. In an Ike atogea and that to Catarrh. He11'. l'ataro% Cure is the only positive more now known to the me'l,al fraternity. 4'.tarrh, bete`` a mg .tltutional dlwa.e, squires a conatltutlosal t✓•'ntlnent. 11.1!'. ('ntarrh Care Is ..ken la• trrnnll., .acting directly upon the hlo,xl end 'murntu .liaise. of the system, thereby dw lroylug the foundation of the dieet.e, 1104 giving the patient..trength lir handing up the roma' to tion and u.elatleg natnnln doing I,. work. The prnprletnr. Darren math (anti In Its mita tire powers that they offer 0 s Ilnndrot Dollar. for any sans that It Wks M can. f'tnd for 11.1 of testimonial". Address' 1•. J. ('HRNPT & CO., Talent, O. RoIA by drnral.ta. 711,. Hall'. Fautlly fill' an the best. Mwlndlyd. Mr. tom. Mover, Fnfrhnnit, Minn'•we-' I wish I had that man where i tn, writes: ''Moo. Sophie l;tellmn_ could get at hl n," sabl aha young char hid an mon woundnn her Ktrot, unman, from which she anffered (Amend 1T Whnt man 7" aske.l the elderly yanr0. antra to the eoritlmlel n.5' of Dr. Ai.ttuat Koenig s lira ilropt. she ham now completely rat covered nn11 legs to exorcism to you her heartfelt thank* for It," Concerning "1 rrppooe black arms roil and ,vel- Im► people know what love In, a0 0611 an we ?" "O, yea ; lay. Is color hlied.n "Tho ono that Mdrertlsed how to get rid of rongh, red hands -for • dollar?" "Yon Pont tho dollar?" "Yen, and what do yon think the katefnl thing Phut 7" "I have no idea." "Ho asks the easiest way was to ppaay Off the rongh, red hand. and Mare polite btaek Ones. indianapolis "two.