HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-2-12, Page 5• THE SIGNAL.: GODI(;RICR ONTARIO. THURSDAY, February 12, 19(.3. W. Acheson &Son GREAT guying Chances For Two February Days Saturday and Monday February 14aoa 16 WE plbce for February selling -for a regardless -of -value clearing, many lines which will go out early on those days. These special offerings for Satur- day and Monday indicate our values dur- ing our February round -up of drygoods. Capes. Ladies' Astrachan Lamb Capes, 28 inches long. full sweep and farmer's satin lined, high storm collar, regular value. were $15 to $18, 2 days' sale price.. $9,75 Cotton Blankets. 50 pairs white cottc,n blanket, full size and with pink or blue fast oolor borders, regularly sold at per pair 75c, our price Der pair 45c Corsets. 80 pain Corset, in all sizes and from half a dozen of the best makers, Yatisi, B. di C., Cora - line, Watchspring, all sizes in some makes but not every size in every make, regular value and price $l.00 and $1.25, placed at one price 50c Canton Flannels. 350 yarda 27 inch heavy Canton Flannel, in white only, regular value per yard 8c, on saie at5C Men's Underwear. Men's •1l pure wool Shirts and drawers, double-breasted shirts, finely finished iu every way, in all sizes, 36, 3$, 40, regular value 50c to 75c • garment, sale price 35c French Flannels. 300 yards finest quality pure wool French printed Flannels, for waists and gowns, our reg- ular price is 50c a yard, two days' selling 35c Carpets. 400 yards yard -wide reversible anion Carpet, new patterns and beet colorings, regular val- ue 35c, at per yard 25c Dress Goods. 125 yards 5s -inch black Cheviot, heavy weight and suitable for handsome skirt or suit, regular price per yard 8Oc, Friday and Saturday 50c W. Acheson & Son. COUNTY CURRENCY. Brawnier J D. lyres eon of , ha late James 1hno, has • position I. ooseeetlos with the Amertou Army ..wine Is Useb. Turaberry -. Andrew Jobb. of Tor.berry, died asddeoly whit• .o*•ged at h . farm at sans es Monday of Wt week. Seeforth : A bright little lad, ytunglet moa o1 S. Holmes, fall no the sidewalk the ether •veo'eg, 'motoring bis arm. H.INts : T. Tremesr. of the 4th, has rested the farm sl Aedrew Glen, fifty sores, ss the 3rd eon., for • term et five years. Sesfortie Mrs. Ps•k., Bask of Comm.nes, had the mulortsoe to fall se the slippery fl istakes Cost pavetmest a few days ago and had her arm fractured. ldeaforth : One day r.esntly • IItU• daughter of Mrs. H. %Seodley fell and frac- tured her leg. It is • severe mlefertone for the t•mily, ha whiob Mrs. Woolley is the only provider. - Grey : on Wednesday of Let week • pretty wedding toot pl,ce at tfreesele Methodist parsonage. whet" Freak Woods aril Mie. Holds, youngest daughter of Hartwell and Mee. Spelese, 16 b our , were united to mart •ge Brussels Arch. Crude,' sad family go back to the old bome,i.ad after • resides*" of ..serol veers It" Bruseds. The chase* 1. mads owtt"g to tos decease of Mr.Crudes's father. Their Hres"'Is friend, will ba a unit it wlsbng them health, b.pplases and prosperity. Goderieh towoship : Peter the 7th o00 , hal the mufort one of h • fa'. motile Mat week. osttls were not for water It got a bone fist In 140 throat i of • veterinary surgeon were 1 without effeot. 'hBrunel" On Wsdne.day of lest we ek e Metropolitan Hank opened it. tiro-, Inroney • agent ; Fred H. Gilroy, of Mcant Forest, ,the to nit k, Brussels, for business, ageer h• managementefAE fd• as teller ; and George Thompson, Ir., Bruit- , -eel,, as puller. C.oteloa, of line of losing W bile the 1n some way The service• eeoured bob IT was a mistake to buy the following goods in so large a quantity, and now I have to sell them at a sacrifice to clear them out. New Raymond drop head Sewing Machines, were $40 00, nor► only $213.50. Lustrous Perfection self feeding coal Heaters, were $34.00, now 1 only $129 50. 3 Coal oil Heaters, usually sold at $5.60 each, now only $5.00' each. 4 dozen squirrel cage Mouse! Traps, the beat trap on the market, were 25c each, now I only l5c each. 311 dozen sure death Mouse, Traps, were 5c each, now only 4c, or 3 for 10c. 50 Boren Moulding Hooks, were 15c dozen, now clearing at 10c dozen. 2 dozen Razor Straps, with razor paste complete, were IOc, now only 30c. 2 dozen Thermometers, were 30c and 35c each, now only 20c each. These are only a few of the many bargains i am offering, and these goods were all purchased in too large a quantity and mist be cleared out at a sacrifice. Headquarters for Rowers, Scissor., Table and Packet OnL'eryy, W'ringers, 5arneee 011., Hammen Dew- ing, X -rut Saw•. Axes, Files. log t6e sad mtelllceaoe that hl. doeakier, Lot. i. H., wile u1 Want. Lindsey. hail posse rd sway. 40e wag married the veer .g -i mud weal Wise with her bemired. Weettield ; While oumlog tram the loo oral of James Solute un Muwd.y of lest week, James W ooda' horse wit suddenly sMikee with paralysis; they managed to get le tato K. McDolwell's baro, when three veterloattes hav• been to .Ltrud.uce ; the animal la In • vete preusnous uuudiLloo. W roaster : 'l hoe* who remember "Mart" Tbom•., who was employed to the livery here some nm• ago, will be lorry to hear 'Mat be met with a serious ►ooldent while employed on a Dieu at H.uovrr. He lest one tout and wag utbsrwlwseriously towed by missing his footing while boarding a Malo. So•forth : About • furaalght ego as Mr. Edwards was driving •long the side road eluotstde Elward Jarieyu'. I ora in Tuuker- uuub, and turning out to meet another vebtule, his horse broke through the end ut the culvert rad got one of 1t• biud legs broken, and 6.4 to W killed. The roma' was valued at $75. Clinton : Mrs Wm. Taylor has returned Irian (:Mosso, whither tae bed goon to watt uu her d.ugbter, who hes been •thog for tome t1m.. 00 arriving In that o,Ly Mrs Taylor lamed that the d..otue had clewed taking Mr.. blsauh 'u another climate, and the letter lady has gone lit Arsons in oompauy with bee husband. S.alorth : Word wit rete veil here last week of the death of Geo. F.Ier, which took place at his home In New Orissa., Louisiana. Mr. Fisher wit a native of Seeforth, sod left here about damn" years ago, and has resided In the southern States ever moos. He was a printer by trade. Hs was • younger brother of Mi,. M. Y Mo/wan and wit about thirty-three veers of age. Clinton : Mrs Yam. Cook, had the. ter• riots mistortuoe to dip on tbro door while walking ',rotted In her home a new days ago and break the heed o1 the femur bone, which will In all probability aeo.i.t ate her spending the rest of her days on bet bank in bed. Feb. is one of the wont aooldents + hide could hays happened to a person of Mn. Cook's Si,gshe being eighty year. old. Clinton : A quiet weddiog took place o0 Wednesday, Feb. 4tb, at Kingdon, when Mies Irene H.odenon. only daughter of J. 9. Hoodenoo, WIIL•ane street, wag married to Ernest 11 Cooper, Montreal Mr. Cooper is a ton of the tete Won. Coops., and brother of A. '1' Cooper He is ..oretary of the 1 ',os4tau M•nuf•cturers' Assogl•tion In Montreal. Hie mother left on Meaday and was present at the wedding. Blyth ; Jas. Page and family left last week Le yleit with friends to Se•fortb and Mltohell, sod oo Maroh Lt they alert for l Ii.boro, Assa., where they will maks their home. The guild of 1 rbnity choral:Fro t at the home of Mrs. Litllet.or, Tuesday after noon and presented Mrs. Page with a feat set. mei to .he evening the You•g Peesole:� moiety prisesred Muses L use and Ruth. P.g- wt,1 a Boole sod prayer beck. 11'logbane : Tho.. Abraham has reostved • let tar from 6 e coo, William, of b ullar•or, Cellte o's, briegmg sad news Mr Abraham w ag o0 duty from midnight ahttl 0080 on. night recently, .bout 2 A. 11 , fire broke out in his moldeoes, whiob wu•pseddy redwood to .hes. Nothing was bayed, and the only, •on,Tommy, who was about nine years of age oould not be reused. Tommy was • very bright c'evsr toy. and naturally the parents are heart broken .t his sad death. Mr. Abraham 0Ales of the may friend., whose kindly offers Dame to him In the time o1 his troubles. Wingbam : On Tneedsy evening of last week J. 8. Smith, b•rdwer• merchant, net with an accident, the result of which may prove rerlous. Shortly after seven o'olook he sae rdarolog from tee to hie p'•oe of boeuooee, and whim at the oroeslog oo Wont. street, nett W. H Grto..'', be appears 4, h.•ti fallen heavily opera the Icy oroesleg. At soy ram. he wag found shortly • t •rwsrds, lying unoon.otoua. Meier, Ward and Green and others came to hie sssis.aaos and carried him to bis home Dr. Cblsbolm was oolickly summoned and loead • serous wound to the has of his head. Rruseel. ; Jame. Shaw, whose farm ad. 'eons liru..eis, met with a .erton. lois • oonple of wise. ago. At noon nine had of mottle were allowed to v0 to lbs river to driok and when they were looked for about 1:30 were found submerged to the toll. water, th, toe 'vivito broken down with them, rendering r Impne•Ible for them to get oat without help. One ot the main al. had di•ppared loader the Ice and wit not recovered. As apsedily as possible the others were acerloated hot wars n chilled that before they ooeld be got to the .tables two bad died and four others were dead be - lore nigh, Tn. lo.ci will foot sap posetb'y from $300 to $3.50. It wa an unfortunate otroumdsnoe and Mr. Shaw I..mypatblz.d wteb In his los. Blyth Oa Friday morning, 30th alt , Mrs, Mary A. Mi.Klmmtoge, mother of Lira R. MoCommtos, paced quietly away At the r.etdeooe of her d•a.htsriseed slab' y• fear years. She got ap and dressed hsr- sell and died a few minutes afterwards while slitting 1n • chair. Ethel : A telegram was received co Wsdneeday of lest week by Wm. tsars, Brussels, from Ne.paw•, Manitoba, contain - The very best medi- cine for the relief and cure of chronic coughs and bron- chitis; dry, harsh throat coughs; irri- tating coughs of grippe and consump- tion; whooping cough; croupy coughs of children, is Angler's Petro- leum Emulsion. It soothes and heals the in- flamed and irritated mem- branes of the throat and air passages, promptly relieves the cough, removes foul mu- cus, makes breathing easy, and puts the respiratory organs in a strong, healthy When you deal With me you can de- condition, so that they are pend upon it i have just what you 1 able to resist further attacks. need, or 1 nan get it, or it it is pleasant to take, agrees isn't made 1 with weak stomachs, aids di- gestion, and has a healthful action upon the bowels. GEO. L. ALLAN 1 An Ie,•. r..rnte„en Rmeld.n 1. Indent and OW scribed by rhv.h'i•ne. seed 1, hennaed& sol • id W Magee.' e•erywho s. The Leading Hardware Storm ANOIRR CHEMICAL COMP•MEs Homan Goons AT HONKAT PRIORS. 111011TOM, MASSACHUSETTS. U.S.A. IN CUPIU'S GARDEN. Old le ugllek 8eug. 'Tea (luau to Cupid's a.Nrs 1or 11..4010 1 dol go, To cis the pretty Li items that to Ihet gardeu grow ; To. tint it w•• Use Jetsam no, the Ltly, Pok and Kee, They are the duvet tl,oere that ill that garden grows. Vi 1'd not been In Cupid's gardism oo more thea half an hour When 1 sre'd two tine young mildew, •-sitting In Cupid's bow'r, A pulling 780.11417 Jeeloe, the Lily, 1'tok •old wm The) are the tloist 11,w.re t6et lu that garde. Bre..•. I loudly steps to one of them, and there to her I says, •'11, you engaged to neer a young man ? Come tell to one I pray•.' "I bsao't engaged to 0.'., a moo, 1 solemnly dinners. 1 alms to b• • maiden and still the laurel weer." Says 1, "My •tars and gortas, why here.' a pretty go, For • fin. young meld as ever wee. to fern. .l1 mankind et." 'rhea t'utber youi maid looked sly at me, sod from be. seat's tine's rise., Mays •6e, "Let us go our own way, and we'll let she go shw'o." CARLOW. FRIUtl Y, Feby. 6th. Mas Julia Johnston tgwuted In the pro- gram at the Women's It.t tote "al nom.' Edd at Uoderich last eve0log. A large number •trended the first meet• iog of the Women's Ioetiteve In Auburn on Loesday lime. A very proti'able afternoon was spool. Uordoo Young has made ins annual rounds the' tut three weeks among the members of our uoaeregeuoo oolleutiog In • d of the schemes of the oburoh. Mr. Young hes had very liberal oontributloos in old of that good work wblob is being a*,rled on and is to be congratulated, as be Is the smiler member of the congregation and 1e yet eche hale ant beatty, having seen over feu score yeses. Moetmr, Feby. 9 h. Mr. and Mrs. IR:Netl visited Glendale farm, Mrs McNeil's former home. The Christian Endeavor Sanity le making progress, five sew memb-re having been added reoeetl►. H. Towdey took up the •opio on, "China and Chinese Missteps," • paper for ..nloh be deserves credit. Tits Sunday sobool union convention will be held In Auburn on Friday. February 20th. The monster section will oommeno. at 10 o'clock and there will also be aftsr- noo0 and evens* sesst„o., to which all are weloume. KINTAIL. SATCRUAY. Fob. 7th, Mho Jamie Griffin nae gone to L.ode°. J .1 O'Rielly Suuiay.d at Jim Griffis's. P Dineen left for Muu siog oo Weds's. lay. Miss K. Morin u at J. T. G'Kie:loy'.. Mn. D. L. Howard, of N•w York, 1. .i.tttog her pwreote. Miss Ida Flynn. Ktogebrldgs, epeet s few .leve with K. (*elfin. Colin MoDonud, of U.koia, Is the guise ot Moe Flora McDonald Mrs. .4. L 0mett. of Chicago, Is vatting at the home of John Styles. J. C. Dalton, the 0101100x. nttendad the oyster supper at Port Albert. Miss Manta I) Kelley eotertnised • somber .f visitors lest wink. We are pleased to learn Dan McDonald is re:overhng from an attack of .cls.iia, A sleigh load rf peer!' from here atteot- .4 the ore -er supper at P.,rt Albert. Kin. tett people are not afraid of snow or ra o. 1:..I. Murphy, of Stretford, agent of the Deering Co , and J. MaAvey, of I loderloh, were out trying to tusks • ale ot a binder J. T. Griffis. They got the premiers of a sale, but not being eatiefied with that de- cided to e. to the 12th onnosedoo, but find- ing the rods to • poor ccnditloo stopped off .t .I im Grtffiu's,+hers they spent • pleasant evsoing• FROM 1 HE COAL PITS (ores nae ore Proof of sow Dlseaee Dwpprari(Selene eedd's Sidney ruts. lot IA,, 101 1, Viotorla Cn., N. S., Feb. 9 (Special) -Angus D. Mol)ooald. goo of the postm.et,r here, while it work 1n the oriel We. .reload lite back and was snot home 10 agony. The dnett r wag tient for but could do little to relieve Me 'offerings, and he was laid up all winter. lase sprang a hotelkesper Webbed him to try Doild's Kidney Pills. That hotel• keeper did not see him again t111 August, when his first question was, "Angus, how's your bank?" "As well as ever it was." "What cured 11! "Dodd', Kidney Pills oared me oompietely,'• answer- ed the thankful Angus. And the postmee er at Indian Brook I. always ready to testify to the truth of lits eon's staiereent. Dodd's Kidney fills sure disease by curing Vibe Kidneys. KINGSVRIDGE• SAT'RIA', Feb. 7 Tom Murphy Ie sick In bed Miss Anent Dalton bee returned home Mies Mergaret O'Malley was the "fleet of Mrs. .1. Flynn. Jerry Flynn we are sorry to "'pert. bat • sore toe. We hope to see him around by Easter. The pro Ise euchre 'Arty at N. Del'on's home 08A • grand •uooesa. But • few nt the boys wore unfor.onae In having an upset, whloh left 110 1' lair ladies root• Ing on a snow bank Noble's hill seems to be • fatal .pot. AUBURN. FRIDAY, Feb. 6 h. Wow,v'n 1' oTITrTR -- Tee dere meeting of ta0. Auburn brach of the West Huron Women'. ln.tltut• was hold In the pnblio reeling room nn 'lowboy, February .ird The ettendanow was very good, and the msettag was prononnoed a •nomoss Miss M. L. Orme, president of the Institute, prsslued. Three papers wera rend, one by Mr. Colin Oemphell. of (Imlerleh, Lim geoterel w.oretery, on "Unoking Mri!e;" another by 0. Clark on "Les,enlag the Labor of Iroe10p;" and one on "fable Manners," by Mrs R. M. Vetter, presi'.mnt of thls hranoh. it le hoped the,. the Interest In this work will inoresse, and that there will be a Iargar attendance at. the Best meeting is Marsh. . 'pretty ewer for Cramp* and 15111. The meet rellahle nen for Cramp*. Celle, Ityeeste.yy, and dammer Complaints is tea drops of Pot*ea'• Norville. In a little sweat, semi water. 5,rvtt no retiree • the pale sad distress at 0n0•. insures prompt rel •f and • speedy oars ID every twee. Ner•ilme 1a as exoelias remedy for all pain, whethee (s- ternal nr esteems', sad •hneld be In or•ry heemeheld. All I)rugN.ts sell and swam - awed Nery111ss. f'rios 26o. TO ADVEHTIBERB. Notice of onangos wart be loft at this Office not l•tor than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes 1 wart be left not lr ter than Mon day noon. Casual Advertisements' sooeptmd ao to nor o Wednesday of each week. woman's Weakness A woman's reproductive organs are in the most In- tense and continu+u• syne. pathy with her kidneys. The slightest disorder in the kiu,eyl, brings about a corresponding disease la the reproductive organs. Dodd's Kidney Pills, by r+ - storing tis kidneys to their perfect condition. prevent and cure those fearful dis- orders peculiar to women. Pale young girls worn-out mothers, suffering wives and women enterin upon the Chane of Life, your heat friend 6t Dodd's Kidney Pills BARGAINS IN GROCERIES ALL THIS MONTH. 'A line black Tea worth 40c for 30e per pound. A 60c black Tea for 40c. Also 50c Japan Tea for 45c. A good Salmon at 1Oc, regular price 12Jic. Also s Salmon, 3 fot 25c. Bottled Catsup, 2. for 25c. Regular p: be lbc each. Regular 15c Salmon, 2 for 25'. A -Floe Line of Fresh and Chown Oonfeotaonery Goods DUNGANNON. Ntrrice.-The lona) agency in Dungannon for TRs 810X•11. at the Atm of J. 0. Ward, 1, P.. 000voyanoer, t•-.. who will receive orders for s,beorier Iona, advert Cow and ion work. and 1e authorised to give receipt/1 for amounts paid for the same. PRUINTATION,-Tbe congregation of Duugawnnn Methodist ohurob showed their appreciation of the pat services of Mee. MoNab (tormerly Nie, Frank Crawford) 0s presenting her on the occasion of her wed- ding, with en address accompanied by • handsome art of Dresden china Mrs. Mc - Nab, as 1s lodiated hy the address whiob follows. has been • valued worker in var- 10u9 beamobss of the ohuroh's efforts fur several years. Mem. Mr Nan. liana many bleeds in the church desire to •cones the high esteem In which you are hold. Your m•o r noble gmalltlw, .zoellent spirit and affable man- ners /aye won you • warm oleos In oar affection. We would espeolaliy empbe•ize th• faithful and ttHcient service. se cheer- fully rendered to the cburob and the Master, h.r a nam I'm of years, as o•gantst of the church and of the League, and o. • teacher and worker in the Sabbath school. We heg of you to socept this set of Ungdeo ,•nIna ea a dight token of our high appreol•• t ton of yourself sea fiend and cc -worker, and of your valuable labors in rue church .f Cbrl.'. We trust that In after days the sight id this memento will recall pleaeoot memories of earl.or years. We prey for you and your "'teemed bu•band every bap• pines. and en ever-wldeniug sphere of use- fuloew Io the Master', vineyard, T. R. MCNAtR Mae MCNAIR MR.. 1). G Rte-ittk Gin STOTRgRfl Mia. Geo, STOTnBaq W. Kiss Dong•nrom Jao. 1903 It says Something Floral Department. . Rowe Carnations, Violets, l'a'ms, Ferns, etc . okays oat hand. Floral designs • ,pix i ilTt y . Out-of-town orders receive prompt and caretul attention. CEO. STEWART GROCER AND FLORIST Wail' SIDE Mil 41t1. ►Hol.. lust Stoves and Ranges At Wholesale Prices. I ha e a few of those str tly up-to- date coal a d wood ranges left, w ich I will sell very c 1 ap before stock taki Now is your chance to save money on a stove. IMO Worsell's Cheap Stove House. JordanGoderich, McKIJI'S Ont. Block. SECOND WEEK MOVI NG SALE OUR MOVING WE ARE BARGA SALE I8 A SUCCESS BECAUSE GIVING GENUINE INSS ALL O V E R. DRESS GOODS -Anything in the store at these reduction- $ .20 Dress Goods, $ .16 .20 .40 .75 .55 100 " " .75 1.26 " •' 100 136 " 1.10 1.50 " '• 1.25 This includes the very staple lilacs and colored dress goods, which are as staple a las tory cotton. W. have some other bines of dross goofs at great deal more reductions. We must clear the latter before we move. 10c Linings for Sc 12o " 10c 15c " " 12c 18c " 16c .50 0 Fun, a third off. Jscketa, a half off. Mill seuouds and remnants of Table Linen at s clear saving to you. Berlin and Zephyr Wool, 5c. Very sheer linen Handkerchiefs. ladle.' site, regular pr os 10e etch, now 3 for 1044 Meat's pure linen Handkerchief', were 25c, sale prioe 151:. Linen spools for 2c. Sale pees on Huse. " • Rmtrnideriea, " " Clothing. •• " " Everything. New Idea Patterns IOo. We mad sell these goods or move them. Ws ureter to sell them without profit, sad any tlta• are any way off at all we will .ell without reg,rd to cat. It is to your inter- est to look int. this proposition, If it is not true it will nit cat you anything. If is is tette there is a saying for you. M°KIM'S BUSY STORE. mttttttttttttttt Boots and Shoes nmt►mnmtttmmtt►mtttmmtmt YWE FIND that our stock is too large, Y and in order to reduce it and make room for spring goods we are going to sell DURING THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY T H`E BALANCE O.F 'O U R WINTER GOODS AT COST Comprising Men's, Women's, Misses' and Children -'s Felt and Felt -Lined Goods. We have odd pairs of -many lines that must be got rid of at ALMOST ANY PRICE. RUBBERS AND OVERSHOES at lowest prices: No. 1 goods. Not punched Rubbers. Wm. Sharman, Jr. iu�11u�W1111WINu�luwwllauu�uuili�IW�Illli J BROPHEY & SON - Tilt 1.1t.11No - H utl.erut. llveeetor* uwok YAmoo mere. 'orders carefully ■ttended to et all hours, .Igit or day. Quebec rtreri. Mill Wood FOR SALE The above is cut into stove wood len.th and will be delivered to any part of the town the same day as ordered. Orders received by telephone or left at residence, 128 Cambria street, ill receive prompt attention. 'Phone 98. � PETER McEWAN. tlf, odea , November 21,1. 1899. 53.3m HELL TAILORI NC... 1 have reee•'verl my New Strom of Suitings, Trouserings, etc., for FALL and WINTER Wear. 1f you aro getting • new epring salt, • light nvercoat,oranlthing in my line, I can plwo.e you in gond., ti' amt price. Warmly -Wade Clothing In mark. H. DUNLOP, aTNEET fora new arti, le when it becomes Immediately popular. There mutt be a reason for 9. Only twelve weeks after the frit bet of IRON -Ox TABLETS left the factory in New England they wen. gelling In every State end Territory except Ahik., Delswste end Indian Territory. 1 HE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND THE BEST Scrlltou Bard Coal IN THE MARKI(I' Al Coal welsgh VI nn the Market (.&ansa */here yontgM month, ror a tnn. WM. LEE. DON'T FORGET THAT L/STOW 18 THE PLACE 10 GET VALUE trutt YOUR MON KY. Opens Jan. 5rh, 1903. Two courses. Cummer t tat and Sborthend. Send for College Jour mal, ('- A. FLEMING. A.;(,, MoINTYRE,ileas McKillop Mutual Fire Ifmtrvoe G: FARM AND ISOLATED TOW)' PROP. ERTY INSURED. Value of Property Iosurel sap to January, 1901e3,e4[er13.SS orgy calm ANI I1RgCI'nite. J, 1t. McLean, pima. ; T. Fraser/ viers -prem. ; Jas. Connolly, U. Hale. W. O. Hroadtoet, J. Watt, Jac Keane, J. U. Grieve. J. Iteooewe!s, directors; W. H. Broaden at, eesfn-t h• Inspec- tor of losses ; T. S. Hays, Seaforth, secretary. treasurer. Al amts. J W. Yeo, Holmeeville; James Cumming Xentondvllle ; 1C McMillan. Seeforth : R Smith, Harlook Polloy-holden an pay auessments and get thele cards reoelpted at Mr. Cost.. Clinton. or at Mohnen Bros.' Palace Clothing Store, Rode rich Orders left et LElll & sHEPILLS.7$1 Store p'•nmptly attended to. AMERICA'S BEST EdltorlaUy Fearless. Consistently Repubiloan. hews from all of the world -Well written. original stories -Answers M queries -Article. on Health, the Home, New Books, and on Work Aoout the Farm and (arden. atg •Se i, The Weekly Inter Ocean 1• .1 member of the Aq.00istetl Press, the only ttestern Newspaper receiv- ing the entire telegraphic news sere - me of The New York Sun and sp mol cable of The New York World -Jail) reports from over 2 000 special cor- reepondonts throughout the country. YEAR ON E DOLLAR ashsrrlbr for The elgsal 'M -T1s Veeekty Inter Ocean nen pap, beth papery ret *l.:.0. THE MARSHALL SANITARY MATTRESS. 1)% NMt oil; dame' ech. in tk iced : of.M flour aiders ft to 1 ber sPre so tbi eDytl n PIM and die ick• bars is she 1800 10e11Y Ott Why Was It? It you try the 'tablets, or ark any person who has tried them, you will have the amwer. It is a great medicine for the Stomach, for the Blood, for the Nerves. 50 Tabl,fr. 25 Cents The Division-_� between gond and Indlflorri,t Drugs and Medlolnee is .trnnely defined here. 'I he Indit- f.rent kind are never ordered and never permitted to form part of one stook. Only goods of endoant.d purity •re offered to oaalnmer•. Our stook e.f Proprietary Medlel ries 1. very lure lilies ire new, F. JORDAN MFDIOAL HALL. PAT. 4IPT.. 19as. THE ONLY VENTILATED MATTRESS IN THE WORLD. 1'erfeetly Ventilated, Perfectly Remittent, Absolutely Nei•nless. It has handles to lift or carry it by. in much cheaper and more durable than the heat hair matters•. h. rannot get. Inmpy, and will not sag trent arae. 11. is the most beaky anti most comfortable Matti -e,. matte. 11111F -Call and examine it. merits. Snldhmly hy WILMER SMITH. limier In High Gratlo Fnrnilnre, Furnishings and Art Goods. Fine Upholstering done to order. IFm*t Street, (1OD111E1f7E,