HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-2-12, Page 4grimPrigNK 4 TOWBOAT, Fpbewq 12, 1203. THE SIGNAL : GODERIUH CONTA RIO lb Signal, is ruet.tsuau EVERY THURSDAY MORNING . • ow D. ■iYIU KMwT OOD$RICH. THURSDAY. FRH. II. 1 1. SHE MAN FOR '1 HE POSITION. THE report, that M. Y. Ml'LEAx, of Seaforth stadds every chance of being the next registrar of Huron will be hailed with satisfaction by everyone ho desires to see s good officer in that position. Mr. McLean is • titan of sterling qualities, and has the ability to take an efficient official. That he is bead and shoulders over any of the other aspirant goes without saying. If the Government is wise they will leas no time in confirming the appointment of Mr. McLEAll. No mora satiafactcry appointment could be made. SOUTH AFRICAN OPPORTUNITIES ELSEWHERE in this issue will be found an able and interesting letter from the pen of D. E. Mel'oNNELL, a gentleman who, at intervals for set eral years pant, hu favored our readers with articles on the manners and teas toms of many lands. In the present instance the writer deals with the proposed Great South African Exhibi- on whicl: will last from November, 1 03 to February, 1903 -four months d is destined to be of great im- ports ce in bringing together samples of the roducta of the British Ewpire. There s no doubt that the exhibi- tion is an .pportunity that should be taken adv&e of by all Canadians who wish to • •D up or extend their trade in that c• utry Australia and New Zealand are ••eking strong bids for South Africa t . e, but they can- not well compete th Canada, for they are, essentially, 'et, countries of raw material. CUD , therefore, should hold the premier p e among the British connection, for lanufac- tured goods. South Africa requires from a. oad every necessary of lite, to Any with of the demand for luxuries- s d mond that is growing by leaps and bounds -and no part of the Empire is in a better position than C'an&tta to supply these needs. Canada's ship ping facilities now are fairly good, since a monthly service has been es tablishrd direct with South Africa, and her muanufacturing industries are sutliciently strong and flourishing to compete with thou' of tho United Suttee for the vast South African trade, with its increasing possibilities and potentialities. If any combination of exhibitors were arranged we feel auured' that no better representative on the ground could be tound than Mr. MCCONNRLL, a thorough Canadian with long bx- perience and clean record in South M and with a knowledge of the soca qnd its requirements ermined by few. The editor of Tnx SPINAL 1 bs pl�alwd to give further intor by letteer to any person who dal to to exhibitor at the South .t 'can Exhl.'tion. -a g APSHO1 .....The hank chef is greater t n ability. -South Huron shou get the pluu this trip. -The North. are still i the election buniueee. - -The vacatey in the Huron .goo ry office to now nearly old enough to vote. -RnNIRT Hot.Mrs, M. t'., io in great 1t? mars! at Iiye-e'ectins. Tote Can't keep s\ good man down. - 1f North York gotta the other way wo tear that Brother (Jamey, whose! "milt ire are ManitAwliu," would big,n to wahhte. - -The weather prophet's acid this waa to be an old-faahionol winter, but it hie hail n number of yellow 'streaks in it up to data Seeats-ulum for played -out political bacse. What the Goveromeot should do le to ea'• cut b•edter, healthier and youoser Ines wttk brains and ballast to till the vaoanotee. A Great Opportunity for Can- adian Manufacturers. CAPE TOWN EXHIBITION. --GuJenob Stgoat. Simeon Reformer : Hoer : Ileal ' Uanl•t. Every word you say la true. 1t bas Dome to ti's pass that there are but two ways 10 get to the Senate. One must to a millioe- alrs coo•,actor, promoter or pill -makes, or • worn out ao1 defeated member of Pail ■- men'. It i, high time some of the other sett sl moo were gives • chance Huw would It be, this time, to select a man be cause be had brains. Stitt AHD KL51.1 Tl: ,t1T1 Ko TU ..:NADA' Toronto Star : Tb• rumor le abrc.td tel as. totarest;og development In the our future in Con/titan politics. 'Ibis Is no lees then the return of Hbo. Edward Blake luta the political arena to Canada. This mart Is ststed to have Rood authority, though oar details of Mr. Blake's plans art Yet koowo, •zoept to his own Immediate Weeds. The basis of the report is a statement from Mr Blake's own lip,, reale before hs left Cas - •d& to return to Knglaod for tee ass -m bang of the House of Commons this month. le conversation with ao intimate friend be is stated to have said list he was going back to put lits political affairs sorties the ocean In code-, and that he then in'eoded to re turn to Pamela and re enter publto Lf' Tbts.tateme•t was made to TLo Ster thea morning by • man wbo clamed to have the authority of Doe who, as he sale, "ought to know ' tio.LsTt Till meter roLli V. Woodatook Sectio.-Rerbw, - Com - Plaint comes from 'Manitoba and the W.t of the queh'y of Ontario apples shipped out there. TWA is the old story. 11 le the oomptafat that her Men Doming from the British markets for years ; and it Is a ooze - plaint which has eaased an eeormous lore to ibis o. uury Some farm. re bays neither the sense cor lbs honesty to ship coed applt a sad to bay them properly packed. It has been the same wtth ubeeas and with bis• t. r and with poul•ry And so it has been an tidal' so ogre', fur Canada to secure the trade Lith in Bata n and elsewhere which m'ght have M'ti here. 01 course at is un- reasonable for consumers either lx K. Rain or tee Noriheest to objet to rubbieb being soot them. But that 1. the way with the markets of the world In that . ter days. When rumors lose the ,re's wbtch might sully be theirs, they will probably reel ze that honesty le tae best palmy. MaNCr.t.TuaEls' 01111 1.1 1001 HUyx THEIR UMW" Woodstock Sentinel Kev,ew : Canadian buy)ers will not be okra to patronise home ledustn•e ori•e they are 000vmctd that w hat 1.t (Dud for e.!. is as good as lba can get slumber... But wbo oat blame them for ask eat for what Duma from acrou the border when Amenoaos use web adm treble means ot Ie•.t,og the Cicada's public kco • o1 lbs ezoedru.e of what they beast to soli' l'snadian firm must meet tbts competition oy similar meth .1.s or .t n•noao goods win remain In st:o.tg demand. What Den be done alurg this one hes been admirably iiiu.treto i by ,h• advet twog ramps:go ooc- dac'..d by the Ti,leon Company of Idiot al- bum. which bas by eat :ear n ly clever, tinsel and persistent adoer.atug pratiully driven Americas competing goods from este home mArk•t In a few week.. If more of our 6rme ebuti'.l 1.,1 o v the example Ilius set and depend on the elo•II•nc.t of tom products and the at. of modern bootees' metsods In locr•asmg heir rale., loomed of apptymg to ilea Government for iuoreased iff prat. *eon sod the different mao.o!- litles for bonne., 1t would M to 1 hs ad - ase of all ouau.rned. Sub buuuweee low out this policy will briny orerg'h counter The r prosperll y e .11 • Pr, •isertty of the great body of le, not 'hs mei. 1.1 .filer of those Ilett upon to purobase the r ✓ e as to mean the pro who are goods. Tile TINULN. Toro Ito lila. 1tsea isevlaole_that the prevalent to ..nty towed. isdepeed- ince In Caa•dian ureal em should nensoy • oonelderahle ohm.- .1 the sheat on of the Canadian Tran A. o,lation at its late annual meeting lbs ems was tntrcdeced by the Pres .lent In hi t a Dual address. •5d oyer and over •gate It ca up toodsntally 1n the contour of the dMita Gone. Wbtie tbs great majority of Otos prefect were identified with party newspas, there was :early .Dpereut among them th conviction that .1 Is quite postai a to be in 'menden' In the expression of political opint• s while remelting within the fold of a .'littoral part v. That this Is tioomlog the vi w of the g I purl c 1s evident from . oy indications. and it le better •o. Tb. m it e ffvotly• cheek to wrongdoing oo the pa of pohtiohtoe is the express:on of an adverts opinion Lv • journal of their own politico! oomplexloe. What the wrongdo or po. Iltictan furs meet 14 not the ordinary ut'.a,ic•■ of an "indepeoleot''paper, but the independent utterance of • journal which ordlnar.ly supporta him. As to this kled of lodeper.d lice In j •urxalism tieing Mit for the whole county then can tie no two opinions, but 1t Is also best for each political par y. Nothing c,uld baso' • more demoralizing effsot on state. mend 1p than the feeling in the mind of e statesmen that, so mater, what be dees or levee undone, he Is sure of the support of his party pros.; nothing meld be more effective in prnmotlrg the haba of tor• thought then the knowledge that the party press cannot be depeaded on to deism' the Indefensible. 01 CANADIAN .MCa1ALlem THE LOAD UPSET ON HIM• • Mennen -Leri'stator 11•141% .t1 phrie, "My l'Uli- ties are Manitoulin," will Ro'lbwn in history w'th th t cif the Georgia et/SWAman who cad, "I speak for Buneomlen' -(fur temperance friends have another shocking example to put on exhibition in the fact that one drink blighted a bright political future in Centre Rrnee quite recently. WHAT WHIRR ARE SAYING none IXAMPLR. • Exchange : The evolution of the youthful Wweurt Idea was aptly ttluetrited when a school teacher down there wrote the word "dolma" oo the board and asked the pupils for sentences contain ng the word. The bright one handed In the following : Our dogma has throe pupa. ..s 141. rannt.rM. Has 000ver.atlon grown lees refixed' Are we toe wedded to osrde and *port' Are all our morals the slipshod k.nd Lately described la a certain court 1)e we behave like a rowdy orowd Who we ars met at • rnmal °rash le toe smelt freedom to rola allnwmd Have we forgotten the way to blur? These are the things that nor utiles claim • Still. though we might ho improved, 1 know, Ueahe res ear grandmother, said the same Silty or ty dear• ego' -Leaden Tau«, Arrn1HTM Rel, TO nn •RNATIe The somber of the old time poliileiase were are audios In apol nations Inc appoint_ masts to the Somata would lead nes to M 'Lye teal they leaked epos I1 merely as • Tram..er Found Deed 1 seder elem. Rarrrle. UA Thursday slt.•rnoon while Rieb•itl K of Henaall, was r1. hu May to Zurich with load of flour barrels, the load zoom who `oppose A. t, Kones'e farm, It appears `there was no one who saw the tconrreoce\and as the bones teatime de• tacl{Rd Iron ohe load no ooe thought of looking for thedrlver natil t11• horses were oanght near towrl..� Mr. Beek not tarolog up, e I parties 'west. to wbae the load lat, and after remnying the barrels the body was found, but life was extloct, The deoeasad leaves a growE.ap family and an aged father. who have hostelel, sympathy in the true° death. Ileceased worked for Geo. MoEwan, M. P. 1 erl.lakeMr aline of t'elarrk. If you have a ringing 1n the ears, drop - mom In the, •brow., bad breath. headsolte, morneeg wbakoe.e, Lad taste in the mouth - then I '. catarrh 1's. Catarrl'oacne Inhal- er lour times daily and •rradlaate int. awful .1 sense from your system. Cetarrhozone king the germs, heals the Inflamed mem- brans., clears nose, throat and air perilous by one aoplloation. l'atarrhosone quickly remedies the head aolwe and dullness, pre. vents dropptog, and Ie warranted to ebeol- ntely cora all forme of Catarrh, Bronchitis, Asthm., and Long Troubles. Two months' t rest ment costs 91 00; trial stze 25o. Dourest* or N. l'. Pnl.ou & Co., Klne.ton, Ont. Dr. il.mtlten's Pitle Pere Head•obe. Clinton** Tensa Oneere. CLINToN, Feb. 9tb.- Thi town oftiolale woe appointed at the lest meeting of the oonenll Wm. ('oats wee al pointed clerk 1 ; Jos. Wheatley unmoor, chief .,astable, caretaker, het' Hereto womb waster, tannery Inspeotor, loepeotor of Mead, meat, 11.5 and wood, and 1,50.1 officer ; Rrh'. Welsh, nightwaeahmtln and assistant to ohlef non,tebl. ; Thos. Cottle, aneeeor ; N. Reitman, uelata.t assessor ; O. Crich, smutty k., , Rdht. 11 *anal, posndkeeper; J. W. Shaw, meth cal boaltk officer; W. J. Paisley, saglesr. Mies Hees and Miss Welsh, of thls tows, atteeded the hnepltsl hall In Steal, 'Verdi nal Theredav night. The n.wepap.n report that Mus Horton was to h'ack silk, with gold embroidered girdle •ed skirt panel, sad Ow Welsh le white ergasd,n. a-- •■ A11 -&ruler anew tape tele•r 1 ee Imre Dulles are Lew eosin Africa Ir pert feed aupallec liaeblserr. farsllsre mad CIYrr Geode. *Special correspondence of Ter S.u01S1..1 gt In view of the much talked of kit itteb at d Colonial Ethlbit loo to to held ,n Cap. Toes during the lour most,?. November to Fob- ruary, 19034, It may be of mors than paeslog lotetest to the readers of Tna SIu- NAL, espeolally those engaged to maoulu• turiog hulloes., to koow aomettiog of wt• trade r,gulr.mehts of this oouotry. the F;thlbluoo 1. uod.r the dt.tingui.hed patr.oar• of 1.ord Milner and the venous gouroere and tummtesloo,re of the South Airman ...Attain, and jadgisg Iron lite irony appllcatwoe for spans it bids fair to ma • great snows. It. will be the first on • large sea's ever held In Cape 'fowls and 1. aa'd to I. AL Red -or wholly tiriti.b. lite local merobacts end those intimately associated with the proj.ot claim that it In only fair that the industrial display should be oon- tined to those who came to the help of Soutb Africa la her recent 'Angelo, thee bringing the products only of great Brugia au t her many dependencies before the .'iu'b African oonsummg pablio. The site o5esen I. the beset to be bad is Cape Town. Adj.noine the Hotsn:o.l Gardens, five min use.' walk from the postotlios, and lylog to the nu of Goverment House, u an Im- muoee public bail with an extensive garden sod grouses koowo as Good Hope Hall. Tele with • ooea.dieable area adjoining the Botanical Gardens has been .soured and the uuotr•oto made for the erection ot Mach- inery Hall and snob other buildings as are ueceas•.y. Arr•osemut* have Mao made wt h the Government that for the time be- ing the bolldines ase to be oon.ldered bond - e1 warehouser, so toat all roods unsold o•n be reshipped without tayiog duty, while toed. sold from It will b. subject to the regular custom. du' v. 1'pe tariff of Cope Ct l .oy yarle• slightly, bol. 71 per Duni. ad valorem movers Dearly all manulacturel actio es exupt wbeeled vehicle., upon which • duct of 20 per oent. is charged. All machinery 1t r w:utaoever use and all sort u'tor.l Implements ars fru, while pessary et meats and trczeo meat are temporarily tree. For Canadian maoul•oturers this may W 000s'doed • do:que opportunity for • peeing up and extending their trade reb- .1one with South Alma. Certainly up to the reason Canada bas baso very slow in peebtog trade in flus find of enormous trade oossib.lities, while the State., Australia, Argentina and New Z ••land bave for some year. been doing • 1.utuhlog business, the latter mere part:oulerly in produce, grain, ft sur and frozen 'nests. South Africa 1 pends upon Importation atmust entirely for its food supplies, and 1 c tutor tllu.trive this bettor thin by ex- .mto:op the moot if • Cape Town break fait and d Doer table, whlub would Le very me•kry if it were not for the products of inure favored 'slide. We depend upon Arertcac ll.uk.r O&M and snob like pre- oustio•' for our moro••e porridge : our beton nomas from Ear/laud and costs 323 Per posted ; oar eggs from the island of St. fi•lon• a 75e per dozen end generally stats at teat ; tea from Iodla at boo per poosd .a if., from R -o at 40, ; Latta from Aur a:la, Tumults, Argentina or Sweden at pricee mei :g from 35a 10 50o ; jam, al- though mode ?wally to smell gaantltler, 1s mainly supplied by Enrl.ud and Taiman!a .t 303 for the 2111. this, and fresh canoed f nota from America et therm* prices. Tb. .1 once table relies open Australia and A.gtataaa los beef, mutton and pout try, stitch Domes in freezing chem ears. TIe prices owing to o.mbinettons est mea monopolies are •Tways maintained at n gh rates ; ted which 1. put on board at 571, sy a• 5 c'. per Ib. i211I retails to ,Cape Peon to 25o Tasmania, Viotoria anti the .na'h of France supply us w.th potatoes, wb:oh are retailed •t 60o for 14 lbs, while 1• e flour or wisest tor our bread oomes mainly from South Australia. Gordan vrget•bie., wh:oh one mlebt expect to he reasonably cheap oonsidertog the favorable FEBRUARY BARGAINS IN FURNITURE One 3 Piece Parlor Suite, mahogany finish, upholstered with silk tapestry, only $17.98, One Oak Morris Chair, reversible cushions, at $4 60. One Oak Rocker, upholstered with silk tapestry and with spring One Arm Chair, mahogany finish, seat and back upholstered with velour, for $4.25. One Reception Chair, mahogany finish, seat and Lack upholstered with velour, $3.25. One White Table, enamel finish, 99c. One Jardinier, with 3 shelves, white enamel finish, for 99c. A number of other articles at cost. BECKETT & STAUNTON UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS. Night and day calls promptly attended to. Night bell at the store, West side of the Square. 'Phone 8a island towns el Cape Colony muss monde in seani-darkness. Di will be •pparent from tbe foregoing si•lemeate that: the whole of South Africa is • vast tielJ tor the enterprising maoutao tutor, and if Cooed& seizes the opportunity &ad makes a fitat-olase show ot her latest end most up.t.colat• goods, ouch as mach inery, agricultural implement., Inventions, electrical, unitostlos, •entliation and do- mestic appliances, turniture, musioal in strumeote, hudwiere, boons and *boos, and textile manutaoteres, it oannot bat teal to very extensive and prottasiele deal - loos, sod the opening up of new trade emlo let. for surplus production CEMETLRY SEXTON. Town oo II Nettles. e rteing last was a brief one, • number ot m•ttere being held over in the •bestios of Counoillor Reid on acoount of his brother's death. Alt tbe other members were pr - The report of the oemetery committee, forego:Beading the eppolotauct of Wm. Aldoue as sexton of lidattlead oronetery. era read and adopted .115001 comment. 'There were thirteen •pplicants for the li0111/10a. Die *ace suits' one hes been employed at Ridgewood l'ork for • number 01 yea's. Solo:titer I) k moon was heard in reference to the summer hotel be law, In the frailties of whiob an error was mute in stating too small • sum as tile •mount riiiiiitod to to re• ndered the debeet rues unsalable, end the town borrowed tb• rocney from the Bork of Montreol, and hut ti so paying • h igher rate ot tuterest than the deben truss would require. Mr. Dokituon stated 168t, 154 bylaw risy,og bees corfirmed be Aro ot Parliament, roe Act of Parliament The Mayor and on'ootor wer• author zoi to give the proper Drain to tle• Lents!ature of the .n•entioc ot the town to seek the paw tog of the required Act. Bylaw No 4, appointing H W. Ball anti W. R. Robes:tem litore fcr 1903, was read three times an.1 adopted. J. E Bridges flaying left tbe town, Ge - weld Carey was appointed to the oubl.o library Mord au hie stood. Jobn Kernighas, whose term at the board bad 'aspired. was re •ppotioe 1, Hue Worship sand be had intended to re- port es to the pregame that had bum made the absecre et Mr. Reid is mild defer bie re- port to th• next meeting. The Mayor god Comic Hots Humber isorl Brown were isopoloted a oommittee to draft • resolution rewarding the death of Ammo sor The publio library bylaw approved by the electors on January 5.1) woo finally confirm. ed by the °outwit. Mr. Dick.nson escorted Out th• organ (eatery inortoze bad bum executed and reellitIalld, and the title so tar as be had inventigated waa satisfactory. but he bad n ot searched it thortioably, It was agreed that the solo:liter should oomplete the searoh, end on tile reporting schwa- title the Mayer won't! commit 10.5 the opeotal committee as to further &Mien. o sunders said he wished the title olurly est•hlistied. as It was intended to form • j One stock oompaoy, and they wanted to have everything satIstaotory for Investors laureation were given for the prepera- Clan and ed•ertlsing of the debentures f.o The Oeunoil adjourned to meet next Er i. day seeming. TOWNSHIP COUNCILS. l'olliorn• Council met in the township hall; all flu members present. The minutes of previous meeting were read and adopted. Mon No, 1 Levy Snyder : 2, Peter Fisher, han ; Ft, Edward Good ; 6, Aloe. Malloy ; 7, Amos Fisher ; 8, Charles Oka ; 9, Hinny Fisher ; 10, Andrew lieddel ; 11, Samuel Hart ; 13, John Sums 14, Asdrew Halli- day ; 15, Albert Good ; 16, William Allen ; 17, William Walten ; :8, Charles Waiters ; 19, James Manning ; 21. William AskwOb ; , Walters ; 27, William Neuss: John Robertroo ; 30, Thos. Robertson : 31, m. Cunningham ; 32, Mayor Young i Robert Ho ors ; 44, Willien McPhee ; 45, Robert Glen • 46, John Triffin; 47, Andres. Culvert ; 59, Willa Venlig ; 50, Hugh Bogie ; 65,John alter 66, John keepon -Charles Faber, J es J nee, Joseph Hetherington John Llakleter, N. G. Rogge awl Kilned Jrnitios Foneeviegrers, -James 'hankie's, 'homes C Potter. Amos Fisher, Rich. ard Allen end Ales. elution. The as ors' report was received. Moved by J• I, seoontted y H -II, that the report se read •Aopterl, each auditor to routes $3 tor hi servitors. Cirrled. Moved by Returnee, n econded by Mosier, that the °ark write' to John Barker to !toward ibe lase George 1.,Itele's gun to the rk. Carried. The following attenuate were laid by oolleotet's salary, $70 ; poetise, $2 Mrs. Jones, 91 10 Chas. Seeger earns before the oonsoll representing/ the If , and IF.'eetric R, Co. and presented • polities asking that • seemed bylaw be * hip to take $25,000 monk In said /C. R. on the grounds th•t the alleged •otore were polled at Ow lost •otier. Th• eon:toll de (dried eat to tsk• any sotle.. omit they ▪ Cornell sej sort est to meet again Mush 16th •I o'eloon r T. W. thDossim, Clerk. CiODERICH TOWNSHIP. TUIDWAY, Feb. 10. WILL 1)osx -W• hay• again to 000- growl...el Master Wilt on Nouse for being one of the successful competitors In oat C1684 la the annual "Aleodt mild Seed Grain Competition' for th• Province of Ontario. received in February beli • amour for $20, being tk• *emend prise for 1902 He has been sucensful for Out three years. 1900, 1901. 1902, wionlog In 1900 soehtti prize, in 1901 first prize, &ad in 1902 second prize. W• must say this Is pretty good tot Ueda:fob bown, MD. Who 6•411 doesn't pay 54) 'elect rood nod! To FIVILD A Nue,' bellow- -A meeting of the ratepayers of S. No, 6 was lulat yea of affairs oossequent upon the burning of the school house. The feeling of the meet lop wee to favor of tbe orectico of a new bit Iding ol modern style sod equipmeot, and the cairylna out of this design will give tOe sectio0 school Accommodation of the mut or- ir- tate demporiptioa. A question in regard to tee insurenoe on the old build- ing will be referred to a lawyer, and it was &bolded te bold another meeting ie two weeks The lasp101oa that the tires In the old echoed were of incendiary orison is wide - ' puled io the section, and it Is said that certinn person Is strongly suepooted. Not sick enough be ley um but you at• out of sorts, blood Is weak, nerves use' rung, kidrays deranged, vitality is low. You •hould take Forrosone at mum; le will ea- r ion, streogtben and purify the blood, n agorat• mid pacify the servos, azd le - estrus your moray, vitallty and power. Ferri zone will must, your appetit• and doopetion, mak• you 'beep "madly -to (sot will mak• you wel' try Ferrozons. run Nor mi -co ri•litRerLans Id Humor -1 h• lateetoepo of Die Re4letrar-'lecie-al of the Provion, wtoola deals with the year 1901, g ives the dealt rat• from oo 'gumption throughout Ostarlo ae 1 47 per 1.000. lo the cit ei it was 2 09, and ie the rural dis t.ioeit Os pre-eminenos as layout a low Bruin was 1.11 in Huron 0 94. In DoCferlis 0 SO, while 10 loud. and Gun. 1 o was 1.89, St ricoot, Dundee mid Gleagars v. 1.46. The both desth rat• from lb's die .1111411 in the highlands of Olsten° is rower I • able. asd aecelbed to poor secitatioo and the people I so The rate le Algoma woo 1 Regulate Your System. You can protect yourself against chronic constipation, biliousness, typhoid fever, grippe, and all kindred complaints by using bey's Effervescent Salt It will keep the various organs of the body working smooth- ly and will drive out the poison that causes disease. It is the most won- derful regulator of health, the greatest preventative of disea- se and the best tonic and laxative known. Sold by all druggists. TO THE INTER RESORTS OF CALIFORNIA MEXICO FLOR.I.cDAAR0LINAv Inoluding Now Orlesne and the famous One way and round trip Tourist Tieketa a on sale, daily, giving choose of routes and top over privileges at ptincipal point.. ly *pool's parlor and sleeping tars Moak "a earte", Nerved in ths dining • enfe mu, re not surpaseed tte btu Ticketo, folder*, and all infotniation on Town Agent Mon Agent A STRAIT() J. D. lOrDONA Dietriet MORE BARGAINS OUlt. two bargain days were a great success -big selling both days, and still we haye some great bargains in the following lines. Ladles' Furs. 3 Storm Collars, black, 2 Grey Lamb Caps, 2 Grey Lamb Ruffs. ! This lot of Furs will be offered re- gardless of cost., 4 Ladies' Coats 4 At half price. A few small Iota ot winter goods in other liner regardleas of cost. White Goods, In Skirts, Gowns, Drawers and Cor- set Waists, all new, just put into stock. Priem right. Dress Goods. light and dark greys and brown, that must go at some price, no mat ter how small. Wrapperettes. r 15 short ends of these goods. All good fmt colors and good patterus, which are at real snap prioes. Our sale left us little to offer in those lines but brand new goods, direct importa, and prices away down. Cosnispeliten Iststutroa ter was. Sbeeta to give away. J. H. COLBORNE The Best Possible Cough Cure We can IS FOUtsD IN ASSISTED BY OCR BLACK CHERRY Cough Cure Then, if tiny weakness remains, fortify the system with our ... . EMULSION of CODLIVER OIL GOODE, Chemist, BEDFORD interest you ul Rubber Goods. New supply just in, Home Repairing Outfit No. 1 HOME A complete outfit of Tools for general Boot, Shoe, Rubber, Harness and Tin- ware repairing, consisting of 44 first-class Tools and materials as shown in the cut. It will save its cost many times over in a year. Full directions accompany each outfit so that anyone can soon learn to do all his own repairing. Each set packed in a neat wooden box. For sale by N. D. ROUGVIE, Parnell=Dean's Bread Gives strength to the weak and health to the sick, and helps the healthy and strong to retain their health and All who eat our bread like it. They like it because It is tasty. They like it because it ni never dry and chaffy. There is a uniform goodness, a never varying quality about our bread that is not found in any other bread that's made --not even the bread that's made at home by the best home cooks. Thie ruperiority is due to combin•tion of circumstances governing the making and baking, chief of which are the skilled use of the best material' and our own process of mixing. For Sale by W. P. WESTOBV HAMILTON ST. GODERICH. DOMESTIC ECONOMY. Household economics ham becomes scientific study, and one of its most important lemons is thet the foods which enter the body should be the greittent purity and best quality that is possible. For the preparation of theme wholesome foods care must be exer- cised in procuring firsr-class Groceries. and it is In this branch of the houeekeeper's work that we believe we can help you. Our st,00k is good and fresh and extensive, and we fill all orders promptly and oarefull Give us a Oriel. Telephone No. 91 ILL TB USEFUL BRANCHES are Matt in the Onor etndente are not gnarkablarl niers joie, hut after a 0011111.1 in this nollego it will he No Trouble for Them to Hold Any Position. WA nki t.hn*". if Pomlib14. nt'' has seroirerts twin employment, hot we Hut equip thorn to maintain the hi Ihreintalion thie enhool J. W. WISTIlt T. Principal.