HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-2-12, Page 3NO LONGER TO
Ornvcl Permanently Cured by
Hold's Kidney Pills
Iteaben Draper, of Bristol, elver Hle
Leperlessee. and Is Prepared to
Furnish I ro of o.' what he days.
IL•Irtel, Qui., Ja11. 28.-telpecla1).-e
1t be with feeliugr of *nteuru rtelef
thud laeupie here now uttault that the
oteeratiug knife 1h' no longer neres-
satry to cure that Duce dreaded tlr-
twre-Uravel. Eaperlkuco has shown
1t to bo neem of the numerous. fumlly
of ailment.. arWing from diseased
Kidneys, and as such easily curtib:o
by thole) sovereign Kidney remedied,
w t-rT tTTd� ltne Kidney Pills. Reuben Draper,'
\ 1 1w '1 el ea e�`lt1e - A41 welt-traow.n In fhb nciglltx,rhuod, Ir
ono of those who can speak from ex -
(By Augusta Prescott.) nee :all made of Luce of the fillet vie p.d•rlance. Ile este°;
The gown decollate Is la again. It I►tiy, a design Jgu uu uud, end I WAN taken le with what I thought
le tailed the nouveau urt. under title demist' there war ret to WAN grnwcl. I consulted two doctors,
You may sty that the decolleto a very hwtrour piece of white stint.
but gut no hurting reik+f, end 1 cou-
lee, taever !deem out. But wheu you Then. ubs%e the yoke -for It aur tlnutd to grow weaker all the time.
roam lu retail th lludtcl, which rtyo*i doeoIktt-the wrist war drapaal In tense a man aw wlea net al tryh time.
up aroe nf lieu neer: the EI I1( nu erste, with two Jeep riffle'. of odtril
Kidney Mlle, for, Ito raid, they Iliad
►sedan ruff, which enrtrcled the chllfou edger.' with white ribbon. and
thete►t : the czarina collar, let with a. {'tib roll or cram! cured lair soother. so l of %bitten thought 1
extol am a chin chopper, the! add around the /shoulder". moult try .hens.
elolieska neck, which showed -ion': "11at the work war not yet cum "Jur* ono nook after starting to
a esluare of limb Iyp)u flue chest, piete. '*tee girl (Uel not look eta- use lxekfr Kidney Pills I padded) a
awl the Bernhardt thouat, which le Iheleotly pirtnn•syue. nhe needled Oil stole a0 metro Mem snnll beau, abet
high in front and tow In the back. 'new art touch. Su nerww one wheel- 4 flays after 1 pureed another atwmt
then you will admit that there have der 1 flung a garland of lbw Thumb the else of n grain of barley. Tide
splen 0 great usuy rtyleee riuoe the
dt.oUete war lu vogue.
True, there hove been a great many
wuuseu who lease warn the low-cut
pgow-n. But ndurly always It war to -
enure 01 1.0e1r 1ttit t,tlt phy Meal
reason that they did 1/0
1t was beenure of a lovely chtu''er
perfectly modeled throat. a pate of
itlapled, skaplug Meal/tent or a neck
that took un ail the 'manlike curve
witlsnrt th • laake.aer: of the swan.
It well for one or other 'of there ren-
ews' that women wore the decollete.
And even when rho did "O she felt
Omit rho wits not dolts* the right
%%eaten eal:et her Immuletrt. Prete-
de.lte' atter were Interviewed upon
tee subjet•t, and the prior women
neck dw•ollete 1.11 like 00 outcast
from ttt•r Own family. Yet mire wane
It twoau.e her axsJtwte maid It wi
tee uulug. alst what t 1h'+ nee1tete WIN*.
pe'rr to a %yomaan should be her law
leveryhed) In au Art Neck.
maw awl tat taw beet 1 fatal ira.l tI." gave mat great/ relief anti 1 began to
onW 111 it bunch of green attain*. feel better awl gahrl strength. I
The rater hung down the back and hove the stones In a betthb ureal can
at the end of the gruel:ant was caught 'Mow them to any one who may
juet ut the aul.klle of the back of 0004 wlmt 1 ray
the wales.
"Tyne result war perfect and the
girl became beautiful," raid tea•
The debutante'. are playing end
havoc with ate plane of the medic's•
by towing old picture* in the mat-
ter of ns.ek erasing. Now, 011 every'
Gnawing, Piercing Pains That Almost
Make You Screen.
,11 !r your 01d enemy, rbeutuseirne
cuwe again with the winter to tor-
ture you. Thee puler, remtquher,
aro eaurel b) tad blued, you may
se them by rubbing with liniments'
and outward Iotlous, but cannot get
rad of them In that way. 'Itheuwu-
item Is ranged by had blood, and the
Eteryteely water deoollete, And the 0niy certain way to drive it out of
girl who has uothing to allow wears the system Ir to enrich your blood
the krw neck alongside the one who Ity taking Lr. William.* Pink P1115.
Inas a plump, pretty throat. There le no care of rheumatism Dr.
Birt• and here is where the art teal- Williams' Pink fills will not euro if
veru compel in, the thin girl wears gleen a fair trail. By waking new,
one kla.i of low cock and the plump rich red blood and strengtht•nitlg the
girl wears another knid, awl este le server thea 'trite at the .eery rout
bet as Rend lookuig in the Iuug run of such diseases. es rheumatism,
WO the othar sritatica and lumbago. We give one
so. much for the triumphs of the case out of thousands to prove the
n ew art. the uuaVeau art. urt•k truth of t111■ r(atement. Mr. A.
Ant. ,-p raking of thia Dee k. A fork- Lacombe, Morel, Lire . seer: " For
loreable I reuce dresru,aker rake: 1 five year,$ 1 war n victim to the tor -
The nouveau art o<•4 I+ jure wheat lure* of rheumatism. At outer the
its name Impliesp, a new art perk.
hew art. the art of looking at tidings
1n a nattaral any, tiro art of apply -
bog Impe'rs,nlstle timelier to there
bad come In. and dr.ewakers t•very-
wb.re are hastening to employ It
in 11.. making of •near gowns.
'There came tn'o my rtu.Jlo--for I
sail my td.owroom a studio -a few
days ago a girl whom+ face was pret-
ty only In certain lights. She Ineked
wepreest.,n and her ryes wsre lifted
at the toreerm to mage them almost
Japunete In slant They were like
long dark silts In her face. while
paler in my Ln&en, shuulirre and hlpe
were uhuort part endurance. Often
I could not 'frees myself without
aerlmtauwe. I tried many renudies'
but I never gut more than tempor-
ary relief until I began -the ume ot
Dr. Weebtier' link line. . l ural
altogether elglrt Lover and since
taking them I Irate nut had a
twinge of the trouble, and I feel
better In eters any than I :id for
year. before. 1 wool.' strongly &d-
elve every rheumttIe sufferer to glee
Dr. Wlhhtm.' fink Palls as fair trial."
Remember that only the genuine
her a uth warn bot*OI UI a pccull_m•_a -0ate will curt: In,ite.te,.ee_eneee-geesee
night • wheel' nuht le benutitul or l[therefore SPP that the full name,
intent be ugly. There were groat psw- -Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale
eibllltlss la her drew' anti nim greet People;' le found on the wrapper
eapabllitls o1 spoiling Bunch goal around every box. Hold by all medl-
looks as Nle hed. cine dealers or sent port paid at 500.
'bites Alice Itbosevclt has Just iueh per box or 'elx boxes for $2.50 by'
a fees. capable of Wing beautiful or writing direct to the Ur. WiI Itmr'
sot. netor/ling to her modiste, uud mctlleine ('o Brockville, Ont.
another woman of tele type le the
present bra. Jamey O. Melee. wino
1e generally considered such a great
tee ut y.
"I tock the young woman. who
must toe nnitaelerg, and dressed l.er
in one of the new materials. • bro-
il of lettuce
Ludy khews old pictures were
{cental in very almpie faehfon. Juvt a
wlmling of tulle around the ahoal-
eters, with a rose somewhere, or
maybe the tulle alone, without the
caded ac's in a shade
e ace a Um 1OPP.
The obutunte le dressing her
g ee n. I chose a heavy liningto nock nftcr these old picture studleu
male O. cling. as so many of the them. fire. away to buy four yards
dresses now do, and 1 made It long of Petered chiffon. comes homeund
enamth the knet+a which le
Ie for that artistic tate s0 goal ,ideas 11 around her shouhlersp.ll..
'train(' s it up al one elle and dewy at the
to bebokl when one t4 rlawling. other catches It with n pin sod she
A 1'ewm Iertrurte linen. 1s complete.
toad. ds of lettuce taomotlm5' the new carved wood-
"""" w,t was en beetle are Ailing into the chit -
g reen crepe D over .maIt was fon and then the effect b ever so
laid in tiny tucks acmes the back. mode! more dazzllig.
while the (root wan Gniehed with : Rut for the woman of the world.
open stitching, like wide fagot the woman of years and the woman of
stitcher. embonpoint to rely upon tulle or
'The yoke, which was a deep owe chiffon to dangerous, and for her
there must be a more elaborate ar-
rangement for the new art neck.
Miss Alice Bailey, of
Atlanta, Oa., tells how she was
permanently cured of inflamma-
tion of the ovaries, escaped sur-
geon's knife, oy taking Lydia F.
Piakhaln's Vegetable Compound.
"1 had saftered for three years with
terrible pains at the time of tarn-
atruation, and did not know what
the trouble was until the doctor ro-
aouneed It inflammation of the
ovaries, an'1 propo•Ied an operation.
" I felt so weak and sick that I felt
sure that : could not survive the or-
deal The following week i read an
advertisement in the paper of Lydia
F. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com-
pound In such an emergency, and so
I decided to try It. Great was my joy
is find that I actually improved after
taking tap bott'ea, and In the end 1
was Spred by 1t. I hart .'elated eighteen
poem& and w.* In ezeellent health."
-Nfsl ALMS BAu.r1, Sn North ROnle
l'fard, Atlanta, Ga.-ee000 forfeit If.dpl..r
ri t1MM IOM{ Meso. ,Mr.re..re ern... M pre -
1 d dine.a, . of the ovariof es s aro
dni1 throbbing pain. •0rom-
ed by a tweed of tendelrnee.tt
,A heat low down in the tilde,
twoh oeoaslonal pp"��booting pains.
rweIIin . gomeflmaa
"That. 'happened four •years" ago
and 1 have had no return of the
troultlo since."
tucks abaft three fingers from the
floor all the way round. At the
Irick, am the skirt was lung, there
was u eomfurtablo cascade around
the foot.
But the art noutertia buck is muu-
agel In more ways than one. There
are more tricks to it than are learn-
ed by the simple winding of the
thitat with Herne uud by the .Inap-
ing of the shoulders with lace.
A lovely gown, %torn by one of the
Martone gIrlr just before .be went
In mourning, was mn.lo of white taf-
feta glace. Tht•re wee nothing re-
markable about It, exeept that the
Wort was trimmed with narrow
Wands of white curhmere urbund the
holt ,u. earl. an Inch wide, 1,1111 slight-
ly swaying In the lines, rattier than
Mealght round awl round.
The waist war in white taffeta,
shirred right arrow the lips ; tbeu
gathered In at the belt. It was•cul
de'collete in a very striking manner,
not low, but on original new art
A bonier of lace was brought
around the shoulders and up the
front , 111'tt nn( wide. At the throat
another land of lace went around
the neck. Tlair deg roller of lace,
with the two long late. talo In front,
falling over a Ince band around the
trust, made as nice n finlrh as could
Ise drslretL
Then du a great deal In the way
of dressing the low neck with lace.
If you have n piece of fine lace In-
sertion three Incline wide or two
inches wide, yea can plate it around
the neck dog collar Nahum} and can
let the talis hung down to the boat.
Then nratind the neck of your de-
collete yr deme set a band of white
Ione. And In\thls wny you will dile
pensee with the nererrlty for a 41a•
mond necklace and book lust as well
nw--t11 cell -fTur alines of Gideon -1a
were at your shin.
Hunerhold I'Ithis.
1 10 to (0.' 11.1114.1 Ince.
arid in there more elnborate nr-
raugemeuls can be counted the neck
of fillet Ince. Tine neck Le not (illi•
cult to menage and its beauty le so
apparent that It needs no dlr.ts-
sloe with those wllo will try it.
For the fillet lace neck, done in
art nouveau style, take as much of
the beet kind of fillet Inca am v
earl afford. • Patch it upon one ride
of the low neck and carry It o+em
the shoulder so that it come" up high.
like It ►trap Here on the shoulder
place a new art pin, which can be.
in the turquolee enatrix, with n
snake of gold wound round the phi,
and Carry the drapery across' the
bock around to the other siwnlder.
Hire the scarf of lace is place* low
and the shoulder le hilly exposed
Let the finish 0f alae whole be n
large flcahtolorel rose to match .1
the monlate.
The neck la not all of the •-own
by any means, but 1t is a great deal
The lower part of the gown can he
/merle(' out in the newer fashions,
which 'show narrow hands of silk
npon the 'tlrt, the bands coming
together in the middle of the front
to form a p.olnt nn.l r1 -Ing nt the back
to give the long Spanish beck.
Mrs. Harry ,Payne Whitney wore a
Io•nutltnl black cloth gown bnllt In
thl. faehlon. It is not a decollate,
bit a walking dream, with the 'tklrt
}tut long enough to ellghtly "weep
the floor.
The trimming reinitiated of halide of
very dell taffeta *Rivet it pnrticlr
of glom and they were put on very
narrow ao l very elope together, all
coming down to it ioint In the front
and lifting at the back. At the bot-
tom the ..klrt was very elate and
there was n .'Ie11ne1 flnne• ,.{r,.. ,
For the evening gown one depends
npnn the long pinIa look and upon the
eleK0nre .,f "•n gouda. But If the
teethe be not or the very expnnrIve
t nrlety wwhleh rate bear rime 'moo -
noon then an.• need help nut with
the trimming. Onr• eh' the gowns made
of nn lnetpetalte mntnrint Wee In
S oul'Ine. The front of the skirt was
t irked nett three 0 -pre awn rnwa of
lurking droning down the front, the
rnwa ening ref Inrhrr npnrt.
I.Irlle 11h,e. for All.
',to hip' Idn•1 n Antler teeking. and
the heck ear lever.' In the anme
way. Thei formed the only trim-
ming the Aloe nffnrrlcd, rand the foot
flare was (managed by releasing the
Sponge your black dr with good
cold tea, and all thugs pptr and
stains will disappear, Ie .'Ing the
stuff looking as gleed as nevei
Borax, dissolved 1n a little water
and added to cold starch, will pre-
vent the search from adhering to
the iron, helps to stiffen the linen;
and makes It glossy.
To clean buff -colored linen shades,
lay the shade on the table and
brush. well : thea cover with pow-
dered bath -brick. Rubin lightly with
a clean duster; then shake well and
rub once again. f
Anotber use for gasoline 1s 1n the
chinning of dainty rlbbonr,.lace or
chiffon whlok will not bear washing.
Place the articles to be cleansed In
an air tight veered and pour enough
gasoline over to cover.
To remove dirt Prom porcelain
sinks, bath tube and marble wash
bowls, dampen n woollen cloth with
gasoline and rub over the places. The
dirt will Inetantly disappear. leav-
ing the surface clean atld polished.
Itissolre half an ounce of borax
in et pint of water. add 1-2 teaspoon-
fultincture of myrrh. two epoon-
fele of eauede-cologne; put them Into
a bottle, and put a tablespoonful
�.vvvtrwrnMn� Mnn..�.
Paris, Jan. 16 --The question of
new watete 1s it fascinating one that
Is keeping busy the mint or the well-
dressed women. The waists more
than the skirts will "how the real-
m' changing from winter to "raring
Waists have been touted around In
every extravagance of furb*lowed
extremity, uuill the terrine trodden:
etre prepared to mettle ,Inwn LOA ra-
tional 1• e•uty and beoomingnose by
keeping tee beat of. the old reties
and building new twee r'tther un
whet war not than on whet wee.
Thu maturate waist ham iswll fought;
uttd condemned, pronounced parse,
and had all dirlwnor Moped upon It.
but It uhvayr cuutlnutd to head up
Its howl and be worn. 'Phis spring
It will corn° 111 once more, and will
tau worn more than it had been la
three weenier. There aro marry
glorious styles for tho ropernto
w,tlrl, but It will In uu way biter
fere with the reigning "cottwee"
that Ir, the rhlrt awl walla of nue
ton ttrlal
Only the separate vrnlet with the
different mnlerlal Kittle wi!I be In .1-
ccllent form for all oceurhon■ but
formal evening wear. Tuft wash
stuffs awl lacer anal ewhruiderlt's Mid
louislue Silt* will bo flet favored me -
Whale for tho wgwlrut. waists.
Tho 301(0 effect jd gaining favor
steadily. and three-fourths of tho
no w middle separuts or for costumer
carry out. this' ides, In Immo form.
while the bolero outline lu lace, rib-
bon or a mbroidery comes second In
Ono of the do bathed yoke effect
fnehlons that I have, Seen appeared
In a white organdie gown. The
walst wee cut to fit smoothly over
the dwulderr act' bust, buttoning 1n
bock. 'It was pulled in well at the
belt and wall islet n "ruggertion of
'wryness 111 bock.
Acrorr the bort, running fruw under
arm to under arm, war a row of Mee
Ineertiou three lecher deep. while
down the centre from meet line to
waist was u perpondlt•ular row of
the Taco. thus forming it 1` of *Mee
in the (rout of the w.al.tt ted carry-
ing out rho auk° idea.
The sleeves are gathered In al the
shoulder and cut In a wide flare or -
tier. so that when they were Bath: red
in just over the elbow. un u straight
lino of lace they formed a Midge puff.
Down the back of the retch* was a
straight insertion of the lace. which,
with the tuff, formed a lace T for the
rl,•rve. 1
1ltairhrd Welt a Beate.
The 'skirt to this waist hed a raw
of lace directly down titot front uud
back and two rows, ten inches apart,
around the bet . The b,t•.om edge
wipe finished with a three-inch duel
The 'skirt war made up °ver ata t r-
gund)o drop skirt. um wort of the
rummer skirts are.
Tails'1' furhiun Ii,'trimming walelr,
especially eepurnte wahite. I. 0110 of
the very pre(' y new and weeder
tuwles. 11 ie ,. sae with embroedrry
or Valeurieuuer lace or white Swiss.
Every Day from. February 15 to
April 20, 190a, the Union Pacific
will me.. Oneway Colonist 'rickety at
tits following rates from lemswurl
D.00 to Ogden wool Salt Lake
$.-O.0U to Butte, Anaconda and
$22.50 to Spokane an.l Wenatchee.
W e.h.
e25.00 to Everett, Fairhaven and
New 1/lhutcom. via Huntington and
Se5.00 to Portland, Tacoma and
Sea t l le.
$25.00 to Ashland, Roseburg, Eu -
eve, Aatxtny and oaten), tL•t Po.t-
$25.00 to San Francisco, los .1:1.
gelew and many other C'ulhforn)a
From Chicago ani Mt. I.ouir 'woe
p1011 r*i,tfar Iow rates are In effect
by ,liner connecting _with;
Pacific to all thole point,..
For full information cal: on or
l.'url'►5u TEITrH pre=e2pAd=rode'tiGOGx.GxSi00030000G0?99000:J700001k00000
A Trying flake to Both Baby and
,. Mother
There 1e no time whop balky •re-
quires. more attendee that* durleg
eau teething purled. At that time
the little tme /r abrade creed and
fretful, rubyeut to rtt,wach 'throe -
tiers and , Jmotlwer oxmvclelows..
teflon muthere are. absolulolj' worn
out earwig ler baby, awe the whole
household it iu a tx.11dation of anx-
tuly. This uenteli& ou ewe be easily
remedied by tiv, urn of Baby's ()wit
Tablotm. alt.eh coot the sour little
stomach. allay tine tutlam nation of
the guess and give the little ate
healthy. natural bleep. A mother''
word nut always be depended upon
where the heaaltl, of her little ones
hs concerned. and tIaousoadd of
nit/there prate this medloloe. Jird.
It. L. licit/inane. Brlrtol, flue., wipe
"Ut nay urtlwatem Ikaby'e Owzi Tub -
lobs have no equal as a medicine
fur cldklren. They are invaluable at
the teething perkse uud 1 would
not be withaut thew. as they keep
my baby lwalthy toed_ happy.
The Tablets relieve all the minor
ailwente of little out's; are guar-
anteed to ex,ntabn no °plate or
polwuwus "hooding stuff,'' and
may be giveu tette absolute safety
to a new born babe. tkild at 25
(nate a box by all druggists, or
steal port pekl, by writing direct
to the 1)r. 'Vlllbtms J1eolcime Co..
Brockville, Ont., or Scbooectady,
I-ood Required by the Working nurse,
tiC000C70000000GG�19000000000000 OCKaG
'i ado i urea tete a dweller teutuace mum leuttel or (altguat a !what
theta the u:, and
a consequentlymust should have water ugly to small
• bo fed lead ut a time. IL liar leer quantities.
power to digest coat{° foody. It eats Tim Anneal have a proverb: "Rest .
much slower, as it mutt do all fir and fat are the greatest suemlee of
1 ehowtug before the food le 'swallowed. the !nese" Hard Labor ur as abuad-
1•'or there roasolr It requires u lunger noes of exercise should go towel in
: time to out, and its fool sluoull bo hit 1141 with heavy feeling, awl when
more copoeutroted. It 1131,1s tele a period of 'diener COMM for the
a 'Otis course food at a time. Most horde the grain ration should be cut
people feud too pouch ruttier than lows tam -Mali at Ieast, ur sten with-
drawn altogether where the fodder
1h' of particularly good quality. .
'Fite skirt Is of the wide sweeping
unite trlmmu l in lung silk straps.
The %,civet 1s richly sprinkled With
elide peat°, and each of the rondd
purer 0f the ,.leered alai bolero le
cut mo that a binge/ white pea
shoes- In the centre of euNt. which
Is iti beautiful cuutrnwt weth the
elate matin beneath.
The strapped waked are muds lu
wary eambinations, and often the
bolero an.1 sir eve cep are of lace
hietead of faggotrd pieces. Fre-
quently the strapped effect le re-
%ereo.l and the upper part'strap-
peel, while the lower part 1. of solid
material to match the 'grape.
elec Meet taiel for -tailor-made
tints Is tr.0 nev'.'*sar,v to ',e aban-
doned anti will be even in a 'vari-
ety of styles namely with the etl(f
regulation cuff+. The lung biked -
'ler swum and full blolse.uuirk them
11.11, aaad white 'clli predominate fur
•u.th.'r Benton. Sdtie Fontaine.
of this mixture Into the water with
Which you clean your teeth dally.
1t will whiten the teeth and "teen -
thee the gloms.
Hang of New Skirt..
Shirts do nut long quite the same
at. times. of last winter, but they
are staidly altered. Where there have
been tittle hip -ductal on the aide
breadths the rearm' can be tot out
and the fulness thrown further back;
truly It must be remembered that In
so doing the blwulthe 'ehoult be
raised a little to obviate any .train
of the skirt over the lope. Net or
other tranlureut textile draped
over the gatte a Rea it be moil -
toiled after Ude lateet effects, and
ruching can he nettle by the •vlelt-
ing deemsw:tker, who now brings a
small' pinking machine with her.
A well -fitting waldt can earl' be
covered, either with folds or with
weft draperie», It blouse effect hg
•tlwnyr prettier awl mere you
foil than any other style. Girdle» an
pollens of foldtrl silk, Let, lace, vel-
vek or ribbon *trappings have a
wonderful transforming power, and
if the under.Alp !append to be a►
shot taffeta. It in quite among the
p001Lbh.ttlea to mike a fold ter
,ittra}lplog of the sllffcrenr what. fir
the silt, with one of black or other
colored* velvet at each edge. *loth
collar and girdle should form a
point In front. /lithough on motile
1lguVes a deep corselet formed of
ribbon etrapptngo, curving high at
the back and .fittalntshing to it nar-
row, belt in fron .la found the most
becoming. Crimp' sat
bone also glre the
Is an attractive In
new• gown. Pretty be
and loserted rest, are
tf renovating an old go
Th•. Reason of It. ---
Ao many of onr venders are inter-
ooted In farming matters that we
feel Notified lu ocoasionaJly devot-
ing a little apace to the question
of form Implements.
As 1s well known, the crape In moat
parte of Canada lent harvest were
very 11Pac3 ; eepPc'Ially wax this "o
in the Canadian Northwest. Weare
not oleo to foretell what the next
emp will be like. ('nne'quently It le
desirable 10 be prepared for emer-
We learn on good authority that
the binder which Petnbllehed the beat
record In Comdr Mat year wan rho
tort the rena0n that it del en mag-
nificently In the 110/1 11.V grain ane
that It le equipped with n floating
upper elevator. Sbou"t a hlg bnneh
of grain h0 carried by 1ha nonveyor
cantata to the rlcvatnre, the nppnr
elevator antomatically ries to ad-
mit of It priming up freely. There
le. therefore. no choking or slnfr
'halo le n srienlid lecke, epochally
Intrdncr.l by the Ma.aey-Itarrla
prupla who are to be eongratilate0
0n tho progreeelve methnM they em-
ploy in tho manufaclnrn of farming
Imp! most*
They ere a Canadian beneern, too,
which mnkna no the more prowl of
their success. ,
H. F. CAi;TEG, T. P. A.. •
14 Jnne+ Building.
Toronto. rantuta:
I•'. B. CIflJA,'11E, G. A..
•128 Woodward ave.,
Detroit, Mich.
or Loul*Inc milk with Turkish eni-
broldery, or colored linen with wh,te
lace or embroidery, or stiff white
limen with heavy ecru or white lace-
alp,of these fors charming cumbine-
And It le a style temple enough to
show to advalltatge tied fine lined of
shoulder`, and 111141, 01111 1•I11.bOretn
enough to opptsar "dreary." The neck
1s done In any fashion, cut out. and
lace -edged. ouilined by a wide uruarc
:ace. OC with lace or
e'uetltly the yoke
d in fine tucks.
e than ever in
style of wallet
de le scroll
1t tort lace
rom neck
e front.
the 11
band of the b
ribbon stock.
above the lace is 1
Insertions aro m
favor. Another prett
line a bolero effect
pattern to each ride w
Insertion, while fine tucks
to part the bust line form
One of the .implert, most
Myles Is • yoke entirely of
Lucky that dip,' "lightly to u.'
while the untuckeol part forme a
blouse. Tle back le tucked solidly nn
the sleeves are t i -k•'d before they are
cat. The lace Stock 111114 down aver
the yoke 111 a etlnted chemlertte, and
the patted sleeve" are flniehed at the
elbow with n very full and drapery
frill of rich Ince
A very lovely lawn waist hae n
tuck yoke, pointed to front un•I
square ha hack, cheer with n 2 -Inch
row -Of lace. The blouse I.elow,
both (rant and back, le own sued
Illamn of alternate diamonds Mince
and lawn. The neck le ent out anti
n row of Inco diamond.' are vet In,
'chili, an edge ot lace finiehe" the
edge. The .1001'04 are puffed fell
at the elbow and /rant at the top,
and are of the mild "ham and lawn
.linmtmdo, while the frill that fin-
Idhos the sleeve in tucked solidly
uud demo with a lace edge.
In All the spring Gowns.
I must describe this frill, ale 11
is al* Inno"a_Loo, and islet be
greatly need trtl n11 of the spring
not summer gowns, both silk and
dei wash material+. 1t is a 1O•hncl,
rgnaf.' 1 round holo 181 cut In 11,
to one 1.kle rather than in the
tukltlle, just the rose of the end of
the sleeve It le to adorn. Thin
learns tmc of the four point". long-
er titan the other three, :and this
long point in met directly in the
back. This wpuare affair forms a
Wtnpery' rather than a "ruffle.'
and le a doh/right' cha'hgu.
The 'strap' wuiet 3.. a handsoglr
thug. 1 am ,dirnving n picture of
it with skirt to matte'. The nml •r
wnld de of white metal. Guar the'
is a waist made 00 etrape of dark'
real %rivet, the straps set far
enough apart for the white 'satin
to *how beneath In alternate raw,.
The upper part o! the wulet Id In n
bolero to which tete strap' are wet.
Thu+ bolero Ie made entirely of
.mrnll rowed plebe. of .velvet fag -
forted together with red twlet.
i'irectly In hack Is a how of black
satin. while black satin rveettes
trim the front 4r the watt. Pbere.
la a broad .trap running from ne^.k
to weed. The cap of the aleet.•.4
Is of the fnggott 1 round ple,cee of
vpltnt. following by Wert /crape
anti n hand of tete* "ilk and A
"Alin rneettet. The eleeVPa form
11e pnffi, with it long cuff eat vel-
vet trireme.' 1n Ince, and peers la
a &nee and silk cellar.
n or taffeta rib-
rh look that
line, efiChua•
her forme
Evening Poet.
trelLa.w r-
1'ream Filling -311t 7-* sup sugar.
1-2 clip (lour eel tot tesspo on snit ;
nil 2 r:g+ e;lght!v )entre aryl grad-
ually 2 cups well/lel milk. Cook 15
minute; in ridable boiler, stirring
constantly at Wirt, then o•easimt-
Blwad Stleks-emit 1 cup of milk:.
full 1-4 rap litre"r, 1 1-2 tableexwae
*near nal 1-2 teaspoon salt : when
luki•wnrm told 1 ,v east nook • (lernolve'
in 1-4 cup lukewarm water. 'white
of t egg well 1settetllu.ml Thine to
kneed. Knead, let rise. shape, let
tee eget anti Croke In a hot °ten.
plx'a 1'u101ng-Om-half enp tnwhit 04
piece hut
wet in tile
and let It t
eggs' and no
beaten. l'ut in
bake linif hone;
snaked In tml.l water, 1 quart
4 cup •Iger, yo:kw ref 8 eggs.
• fried Ine; 'Melt malt,
r else Marna. Put tnpl-
nllk when milk le warm,
eken then put In the
r, which have Leen
v d
ret to
melding dl h and
t 1(l n
Orit m' :4 tkems-cion
meat an two cepa
milk, a Pr nleht..In the
al tonewannflil of 'snit n
sneer. Diem 'v.' two level mapoon-
fule of Imola in a little hot water.
and add it to tate mixture. Ir In
emeltll wheat flour to Intake n 1ff
hatter. Warm„the gem pane, and i-
ter greasing them, fill each one -ha
full of the letter. itn.kn In n quirk
two Alpe oat-
, or Mitten
rode of
too little, especially ut hay. Acwed-
ing to the tables of standard ration'.
reared by the Gorman Invertlgatorr,
a 1,000 -pound horse require' 41.4
pounds of digestible food dally when
dolug moderate work ; 13.6 pounds
for Average work, and 16.8 pound.
for heavy; work. With a basal ratlun
of 10 pound' of hay, the grain needed
to furnish tho above quanlitier of
tagostlblo nutrients, when cwlsi.tlnlpr
of a mixture In ,equal mirth' of corn
and untie would bo approximately
11.5 pounds, 15 pounds And 20 mounds
for tho three sorts of labor. Leve-
ler'', who made obrereatlous ct vetel ;
a number of years with :3,000 omni-
bus, army and draft horses, came to
the conclusion Coat a horse per-
forming ordinary work requires at
the rate of 1.215 peundr of dlgertlble
nutrients per 101) pounds of live
weight. This Is equIvnlr'r't t0 12.1
pounds of digestible food daily for a
1,O00 -pound borne, a quantity not
Inconsistent with the German {tan l-
Cretan' Cake -Put 1-2 cep butter
and 1 rep of torlling water In a
saucepnn. Plnee on front of rnrt.'r
an.1 bring to ioiling point; null 1
cup of flour, ogle clgormuly, remove
from ranee an I n 1 14 un: eaten ertg*,
1 nt n 11ine, 10-1time 2 minutest be -
tarter nehlit`om of eggs.• i/rop by
rp:,enful' mI n lettler'•.l sheet, 1 1-2
Inches apart, and hake In hot oven
35 minute+.; coed, malt ani f111.
behtable+ feed for Ileum.
It 1h' neuesrary, eh' ducally with
hoard -working here're Hutt u large
prop urtluu of the d:ti13 rat tun be cpm
pusel of the more couceutrnted feed -
(ng stuffs., A.1 horse wuulol have to
euurume uter 40. Ilse, of luny to
obtain 17.7 tier. 'uf digestible uutrl-
ente, 11. ipproxlniiite nutuunt re-
quired daily by a horse at revere
labor. Ten to twelve pound./ of hey
dally Is quite mufti/lent for a (heft
horwn The mangers of work hordes
0a mune ef arms are kept eontreantly
supplleewilh hay, which is not only
wn.tefnl, but Ihprclnue to the animal
um writ. ltece1:1 reditatr,lrw hate
sltawu • that tuuweular effort Ir
lergely euslalmd fly the carbo-
hydrates and rot., of the food,.
:tad It Is probably trite .let
rut lend eo emst•d of the ordin-
ary farm prolu.tw, meadow hay,
'straw, tillage. roots. and the cereal
grain'. %vllt be found .ufflchplly rico
et protein without thn addition of
nitrogenous feeding sluff*. 'Muhl -
le.w, le eases of heavy latbur, the addi-
tion of it little oil meat or other nit-
rogenous hest will be betwficlal, Ac-
cording to the llerin*Iu rta,ndardr,
the• eutr(tivo ratio aimed be from 1.7'
to 1.8. nccorrllug to the severity of-
hthor, the daftly weight of 'protein' to
Is, from 1.5 to 2.5 pound Oats -are
regarded by e's:L. ii, as erwentlal to t1,.'
tisetnte•napce.ef the driving or work -
Lc,; IIOTet.t, but twiny other' foods are
t•uoceesfully user. Ut their place,
w•heytt.bran. corn, barley, titled bret'-
cre' grelns, etc.. aro often used. ib-
etted of (mt,., without any Nut re•
state. trot frequently with consider -1
'tittle ndvnntatge In the cowl -of (tit-
irration. Tmotby hay, although not
pstrtioularly rich lu dliKielihb nutri-
ents, ix 'preferred by nowt horsemen,
chiefly on 11r1ount of the freedom
from uK&et, n.tal the clod with wlticlt
it eras" be (thstiryrulwhel from ether
greenest. With working horsed whoan
eelietenanee is tersely eulrplied by the
t.'ratiu IMP!. timothy la probably the;
104)51 Nntlwfnetory roughage, lout
bright, clean (+Wer La e•verllont for
(dee lensed o"d colt.'. ted: req^trey
very little reef 11 In retention, to fern)
u suital.le ration
Menne Sample It►tbns. • '
V. C. f dwerds' Method.
,Some years ago tlw W. C. kwhvardr
t'o, of 1U/calomel. Out , adopted a
syrt0m of fe,alaug their hordes which
liar proved vary satirfaautury. Air.
LJwurtlr gives the following de-
scrlptiou of It: "We employ only 40
hurter about our wale lucre in the
suwmor estiloa. 1u the rear of our
'stables we have a level room where
our cut straw for beldiug and our
cut hay, oats and ground feed are
kept; here we have two mixing
luxe* where the mutton for the
hordes are mixed before feeding; the
cut lay it put hitt) theme boxer and
1h' thoroughly .piked with water 1_
board before It Ir 1.nl. The ground
feel is mixed dry, awl before feei-
lug Id thoroughly mixt•: with the wet
buy. The ration av Martel out with
nail four poulele cut bray, Calf Pound
bran ate* 5 Ibu. groom! Boat. and
barley to eacll horse night thud
morning, and 4 lbs. dry eat.. at
noon uuly. Our ilua•eed are gen-
Pettit) of large rise, anti are doing
oacearlvely land a°rt. and We
•found dere ration tio small for
teem. and we gradually increased
it until we. mottled Juwu to this:
Five Jbe• Illy. 5 lit. grunted grain
abd li 1h. of • bran to earls burrs
morning •tel night, and It lbs, of '
dry oats at awn wily 1.110 lay 1.
and thin wo altud ample for the
largest hoists 'doing the mewl ex-
cessive work. leer mating b :at
lea,t 10 Ihs. ..r h ty per day for
ruche horse, and 0 be. of grain 'or
Inch. Sot only 111
but our lureed are
better in every 'way.
.yetem it were u win
us to lose frau Due ati
()Very rummer with c
flalooat en, but in the 1
mummers, unser our new
not only 10110 we tett 1
horde. but we hatvo not had
Iter re. t much spuallth• ration
we feed would be ample for
borers, or ler tiny ttor,.ir aiding
ordinary work. We may add, al
teat with this eyetem of :feedlhg
hay, together witlt the free use of
wheat bran ant It little ground
outs Mixed aOl, it, we find that
wo can develop scone in it mnner
that we stave Clever seen thein'de-
etomad before." le %V. l►wln
Lite Steick lwunlleskarter.
rotate good rite iota. for 1,000 -pound
ItOr. s al moderate work -are rug-
graal by Jordan': -
1. 101ty. timothy or mixed hay,
111-2 Ilia. mute.
2. 10 lbs. duty, 101-2 lbs. oats anti
bet:l.y, repeal parts by weight.
3. 10 it.* la'ty, 8 lm*. teals, 4 1be
brewer.i grain*.
4. 10 lb's. hay. 8 lbs .outs, 4 'bd.
*•Mit t bran.
,. 11 the. hay, 8 1-1,4 lbs. corn, 4a Ib,
wheat- beam. 4 Ma. brewery' grains.
6. 10 11rs. h*ay. 5 line ctx-nn, 41-11 Ibe.
,baa eery.
7. 10 lbd Way. 5 lbs. corn. 81-2 lbs.
talent bran.
tl 1*) lbs. hay, 5 lire carr. 8 lbs.
were' gralrw.
10 Ifs:. tray. - 41-2 lbs. burley, 4
Ilm.' • haat beau ie 3 es. brewer•.'
grail uO e "
tillage. east{ and outer green fwd
be esb.Lttuted for it minor
hay with advantage to
appetite and health.
No ter for Law.
Toronto Minh'. -
Every trouble that nrlert any-
where in the United rite tea Margrete*
nnew the pretniling 4i'reepcct for
\ negro commit. n crime In the
month, and lite community lymoles
him, or burnt' him, hrr(llr ea of the
governing Iow.
IVhen workmen go on etrIke. there
I. violellef, .boating. murder.
The coal famine eiteeee match scenes
no that at T,lelo, where a rnolo
melted firs, enrol of ..eft eon* and enr-
rlrel It away, to molested by the po-
llen or the nil way authorltlev. To
relieve an acute d(gtrees, It le the
Mob that net,. an.1 net theme In
anthority. Whenever distort/ed. the
Amerlenn eltletn rn.heo forth with
hie gat or hie cudgel. forst. bla only
may oft&
part tr.. tt
the urumtl*
Where the 'ork hi parlor the
amount of gra: In the ration el.ould
1*e ire'r01it0l; bu the amount of hay
M11011141 ranwttu wt donees. The in-
creame in f.. 1 .haul hr: greater pro-
portionately (114111 • Increase 111
the a 1110111 eh' 'work d ne, and as it
general rule old heroes o1h1 be fed
Itet.er theta, swing ones. tort judg-
er -1a which eotuoy of expel. ' ee will
always be et refer Kull{ aha any
inochanlral rules for feeling. ( this
Is certain,' lencrver. 1bat w i-
tem; (Pellrle !tlf(v ere lewd, n .1
wl.atever or.ler of feeling 1's Adopto
regularity and nnlforiulty 'leonld nt
nil llnpw prevnll is 10th furling and
watering. 1f water 14 OIWIJe avail.
atJl a :t bort. will riot take enough
to Injure himself• ,but with working
horarst it t.1t1 alwny4 be fmtnl Ket-
t& r to gt./4 theta their reguktr arid
Inrgest .Itpply pre110e111 to feeling.
.1n1 it ma,r t*1.0 be well to 'supply it
Ileetel ttu;'tntlty ,rifler feeding. When
thin tier ease,
neultbter and
'rather the. old
1 thing for
five 11o1►e4
awl to -
el *ecru
t one
What rnatn 111 there so bold that he -
'Mottle 8''iy,
"Thep, 111141 thus only would 1 Mote
the lett?" '
Fier whether lying calm atttl beatt-
(Tamping the earth. to love' anti
throwing b s k -..
The tulle of beaver 411om waved of
Or whether, .fredtsheued by the Mum
IL be:.rs the trtule and Herres of the
To .14(15 of awe* or corn noisily
Or. whether. lteltt.t byb Irmpertr;- --1t
gives mute ,
To eternal fury, IWwie and roars
At all Its rock barriers, lo end lust
Of ruin drinks the blood of living
And strewin,. Its wrecks o'er leaa'uee
of desolate rlaot'e;
AlWays 1t Is the sea, and all bow
Before Its east cod varied jesty.
So all Ur vain will timorous Well es-
To set the metes and bounds of Lib-
For freedom 1s Its own eternal law.
It maker Ite own conditions, and do
Or calm alike falf.ilts the unerring.
Let w* nut then despise It when It
StU1 has a eleeping lion, while •
Of gnat -like evils hover round its
head ;
Nor doubt it when In nein, diejolnted
It ehakem edea torch ot- terror, and
Its dry
eltrllla o'er the quaking earth, and
In the flame
Of riot and war we see 10* awful
Mise by the scaffold, where the crime
man axe
}linger dawn 31'-groover the knell of
shuddering Kings.
For alway.. to thine eyes, Oh Lib-
erty !
Shiflett that high light whereby aha
world 1s oared.
And though three Way us, we will
trust to thee!
-John Har
Just As Bad.
i In
Du yew believe n to nl
y t u m files
are .. danger.um 401 *ley are mild
to Tri'
Hem -0I, enrol \ fellow ran get en-
gage* In to of them at. easily as
ho need to the old-fuphloned bugs
1. • 11
girt -Pack.
Bronchial Colds
and Chest Pains
Croup, ronchitls, Asthma, Cou ;h? and Colds Yield
Prottlll to Or. Chino's Syrup of Linsood and Turpentine
There ere nut y 'temente.; why you portrait ted signature of Ur. A, W.
.Irenld nee hr. Cerm'. 'Syrup of ('latae on the wrapfw'r.
Line/sod and Tnrpr iter In prefer- 11'0 know that 1)r. ('brae'.. myelin Listened wool Turpentine will not
once to nay tither *i(mci:t for cli..appx,lnt yon, ieratino It Iran 'doe,'
d1..Pnses of the throe. and lenge. 'the tent of *Jule. nn'1 the Males,
of theme the boat lmpor mit Dan is j which are at least triple that of
the fact that It hex been '"std for i any "Millar peepttrntlon. Are Weed -
3 ears nn.1 ale.o;altely pro n Ira lly Increasing year by year.
rip;ht rte first pnslttnn. An a positive tare for eronp, brow -
awe the ch:tie, asthma, throat fromllea.arwl
meta:.rkuhle valli • of turpen1,50 d 'severe r11:11' ate 1 euhls. 11r. I harle'e
lineeel as Trfne.'1s1 atq'nts. The. S,rnp of t,1111e01 'awl. Turpentine
hate Dern ..n rnmhhnv.l With. half a has n melte Iion which Cannot 1,.
elude other ingredient's in 1)r. bodes by the cheap and oft Injnri.
(bare'e Syrup of Linseed and TM.- r,*W cough mixtures whirl' ere of.
'pelitine n' to form it motet titer- fere) In {Mame of It by Rome dealers.
toughly effective and nt the 'tame Even the mnanmplive, who hate
limn pie
An: me,lI,ciae, renehrd the latter stages of bit. in-
\/ IR frrgnrnt.ly the en PP with nn 'skll,ns 'townie, ferule Pare' nn't com-
nnu.unlly encrr•setnl netlelr; 1)r. fort In the woe of the. preparation.
('ha..e'.. St•rnp of Ltnetr•.1 rind Ttr- while It Id Imtrvwsihln to estlmnts
ppnntirliT� Im;Roted. There nee now the c.nlntlows nnmisere of lege .w.
Isvat.. or preparatlope with name.. vers onoea whieh It ha. aeti*dly
rlmietr to thl' nntf ammo even go enrol. Cr. lhaar'e ltyrwp of Littered
en for not to leOiette the bottle and and Tirpentlar, 25 Dente a lerttle,
wrnppor. it therefore becomes ne- Family OUP, three time', an w,Inh,
oeeoary for yon to he very naretnl lb ednto. At all dealer., or F.dmnn-
whsn haying, inrtltt diel neelag th. min. 'flutes 11 Co.. Torootto,