HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-2-12, Page 1Trllless 11 A'e' ADV'T8 ARI AOrivE AGENTS WHEN PLACE IN THE SIGNAL THD L EADINa NDWEIPAP33R OF HURON QOU'NT V . FIFTY-SIXTH YEAR. -.2921 GODERIUH, ON 11ARIO, CANADA : FEBRUARY 12, 1903 LOOK AT YOUR LABEL.! IT SHOULD BE MARKED PAID FOR .:. 1903 D. M°GILLICUDDY, EDITOR. THE WEEKLY MAetima REPORT 00Rts104. Terb.OI1 1.600 11 o 67 10 10 2 10 -.. lab toXsi ....... It 00 to IT 00 m 00 to 10 On Instal W M"Sm, Pre ss\..,...• 010 to m whom, peg h ' 0 15 to WI h.M taewl .. ....._- 10 *0 •per a 40 to 0 aV •y, 1.. caw.... 6 (5 to Pertotees. 11hagh.. Fall WMM. Nom. witty•4rsr ew1 Floor. p 1M. 4er eon • •gt w.- pre 0 16 m ot00r . ever lb _-.-....- 0 10 to lea, lreek sapsslud, • six_.:: 0 18 to �i t 00 to 07 tib l0 00 .....�_.. _ 0SOt0 10 y 5 5,1 to 06 Driiesedate.._ -' 666 to 7 oil _ 0 11 to 0 IS How perIb., .,..... -_ . 016 to o 16 Lord, pm Ib. +• 0 14 10 11 ik+ened Bed tan Unarm 1 00 to 6 m Dremeed pporrtt laudt . CO O to 5 to 00 lit= 100 to ( W 00 10 6o 11 11 ne liltuationS Vacant _ _ice WANTED.-CABINKT-11AKKRS, AL se twos, ♦pply .t Mae. Th. H. dot G fURN7T J I. Ou., UMITI:D, Bu11 il WANTED. - SI\ GOODrigSTONE. Ines all /.miner. Aptly tel1ll/ 41SL work tCARNEY,cos wooer and builder. Mayo .ret. Ma.. AUKNT':t AVERAGE 11600 A DAY the leer mood selling our goods. Ai way. is use. H.u.'6n'd seoeeslttee, not fads MLgnHALWAS p L & 00.. London. Oat. WANTED. -A GOOD t:TRONG BOY, Sitter from tee tows or eomtry. to learn the machine sad blacksmith's' ►ursine s JAMES A. 9TP.ACH♦N. Wanted. • WANTED. -BY THE 114 OF APRiL mgt. • monferteiblei and coovMta.t yam. Apply_ to !ries IgeOUI caddy. Elgin armee K M'M IAL O em. trod°. Gi1:UROR LETRBRI UGE, OrednW of Toronto Cato tasty. Organist and (hotrm•ster incl Seurat'. Gederlob. Prepared to receive pupils In foil 'wino Fro.. pipee. votesaultsm sod theory. Poole prwared far Uslverdty si.min•tiooe. , incl. Lassen*, wreewMesses* street N WGLENN CAMPBELL, . sad mnsixat dirwotor of North street psRn.lt int Maro4 sootier of peso. Poo or Pupil. f r all ea. 11a r.t fo fl.. and up prepared r of Wort the Toron'0 (0 1 Music. W of Mtalc. WIU be Dleeaod to receive aDgllcm Sew hem all those requiring such lm,trun• oto. as \1s new meth. over Thomson'• nista rMem, ties anged for. of pian f mance may milia auOS. St3o. AROUND TOWN CAei WITHDRAWN. -No °vide ace nam offered at *6. Folios Court 's Obe obarms •galnsl J. B. Rd word r•eardieg the sale of a load of wood, the oats befog wlibdrawu. Mounts MILL Sour. -Toe Muse' platting mill a Cambria rood was sold at amnion M Saterdeyy, the purohwr• being Messrs, lsob•n•a & Lawman The prim was 1900. O.U.F. Surras -Court Oodeeicb, ho.32, C'ansdl.o OrJer of Foresees, w111 bog• . . seal sysoloo on Tour•doy, the 26th of Okla month, whoa an orator sapper and ooacer0 will ha given to Vicorta Opero Hoa*. The member. of Court Uoderioo •r• known se goal entertainer, and no doubt will mok• this • very pleaont @vis - for for all who •hood. Tickets ere for sale sow at 25 •set4 CANAL AT Si. Jo011•n. -Among tbe appli- eattose to the Domlatoo Parliament for leg dation .t the coming sumacs le one for Ineorper•tlom el the Ss. Jomph Transpur- ttte Company, with power to oo.atruct an 'shown foot oaoal •yetem, oreattng • t•ylgabls w•terwoy betwoon • moot on the •scut. *hors ol Lok. Baron In the moat's of Hara. or L •mbro., and a point to the sort neon shore of Lak• E 11. to Klg.o meaty. Th..Ie the sbeme projected by Nate see Castro, of ht. ,los.pb. PUBLIC L1ORAMY Or/It:1RN AND tow MT - Tenn. -A, 'h• meeting of the publlo Ilbruy boor) held oo S.turd.y last the following om ors and 0ommittw were summated for the sawta6 year: ('h airman, J. K Tom; esse••ory. I). J. N.Lel; tremors', J. Ksrlghan; room committee, E Coulomb, J. H. Worsen and U. F, Carey; book com- mittee. Jags Doyle, J. A F,w's:, J. Kerlgh.n. J. 11. T,c.t sod O. F Carey; finance oomm'tt*, toe flavor and 0. F Cony and J K. torn. The •oouoi report was read sod 000flrmed and ordered to be .0.' 1. ahs D.perlm•et of I. lao.uo., • Got K0IeU PcIToyyl/-L-IU a000rd000• soul* le•tr.otn•s trom the Uap•rtmeut. too (lodertcb custodies will her..: .r to motored at 7:30 o'olook A. Al. tor the 0001.01000 of boo -bolder., and the g I dutr.b.'loo will roommate* at. 8 o'olookThe money order d•p•rtmoot will be opmo from 8 A M. eoott000nsly torsag0 the day. Uo Saturday so re.np the °Ilio' will M open, as 1n the mot, until 9 o'oluc6. A dishes this been mode is regard N holidays, nod hereof tor the office will be epee on boo' longer o0 tM.s dee than 1e the p..*. tamely, from 10 to 11 o'clock In the morning, and trent 1:30 es 3.30 o'clock 10 the .Iteroo00. CHAR. R. SHAW, URURRAI, iNSUR- ONCE ..d reel meat. motel. Omw. ane deer mess et P. 0., Qederiob. Agent tor the Ie•dIN metml bre lemur. toe oo'meals, m.d 144104 @Sok eomp•01ea Msssettie end meaafaeta rime risks at Sweet rete. Call at o1oa. W R. ROBERTSON. TT . eeoe.wt and Insurance Arrest. Bests and sodomite made up. B,Ud1.ge mated lied rants eolleoted. /fro 1..0r..es V British .ed C...dl.h 0em/a.lea Uaoe-I. Preadr*t a 0431 MUM%, North scree, Oedmfeb- 0* _ F1. T. NATTKL, OF.NRRAL 1N• . SUMAS JE u1 Real Seas agent. File, 11f.. ♦ eadeatand Mete tilos Ineeronce *!'hated 0a mnmal or m.h peen at lowest autos bte. Boot Epossi.g0W and Canadian o.mpa.l.e r.p. ro'.1s4. Omen .oft door to 1)4.61.10. & Gar►ew Barr*Wrs. H•mllto. Street. Public NOUoe take allu a of the Installation of the mine u achloery, and by ,pt iog It is 'emoted that everything w.11 be In rhodium.. Mr. Y r.uhon opened up I0. Marosiass and other oo-ver properties In Algoma, and le ✓ wogolzed as one of the beet mrolog eogio• W e to the revloo. Mr. 7traohao, who learned bis trade to Goderloh some yes' ago Swards t ok up his abode Io the Amoroso "hire," where he purohated town property. UI late years toe new 'tattoo being bollislonplde has enbwoed the value of his property, making Mr S:uwhan iode- waders. But his lows for machinery takes him to the minty. After completing his oostr•i♦ with the Mariposa none sod leas- ing everythlog to work'og order, be will vis,1 his mother sod two sisters, Mr•. 'Fawley sod Mrs. Morris, to Colborne towo- ' blt.-Cum. N ouu1N'e Sprrin -last week, owing to the •been» ol the editor in Toronto, eaten ling the Chadian Prem Auou •tion, the report of 'h, supper given by Warden Kerr w* overlooked. It la rather tat• to publish the report sew, but then la no doubt that the revlvieg of the *coital gather. ins by the W •rd•a wu very much .ppre- cl•tsd by the members of the council' sod the Mho( Invited gusto, and the kenera1 im- pression ae that Mr. Kerr '•u • jolly good Wow, which nobody cies deny." Tut ('I.INTOHK PONTMASTrt.SHlr,-Tae Clinton New Era of Int week sold • Mr. W. Co.'s, to whom the peslttoo woe fle61,' o ffered, haying dsowoed :o swept at, Mr. Ism* Montt hos been recommended to the Posbmarer-G-neral for the g million of primrose's, made 11.0ant by the dash of ib, let, Robert Ports. Mr. Soots hu been • readout of tbe town for tweaty-one years, and is held in 16e very highest mtoem by the olt'z.o, generally. having beim Chair- man of the Collegiate Institute Board for eons. time, and •o elder in Willa Pres. byberl.n oburob. 'There •/ere • number of .pplioante for the vacancy, all of them deserving men, and It to no reflection whatever upon them that the prize goes to Mr. Soott, as only one peso oould get it. Everybody will admit that Mr Soott Is w ell qushfied for the proper disotarge of the duties of this Important office, avid 11 he only wowed' to managing it u well In the public) (eterest as Mr. Andrew Porter hos done while he ho. beep filhog the position thele will mot be the slightest ground for oom ploe.t. Theme° m Mnou. -The following Is •e •ttr*t Irmo the nit respeottn,r the use of tebsoo by minor : -"Any perwo lobe Other directly or ladirwtly mils or gives or farolebee to • m:o..r nods .tgbteea Vass of •g0, cosmos., cigars or tobtcoo to any o • tori ohall on nom wary woy oloo thereof before • Juatioe of the Pos. be sub(te • penalty of not lose than 410 or mon than 150. with or without mete of proesoualoo, or liable to imprisonment, with or without herd labor, for •07 term not eiomdie■ thirty day., or to both hoe with o- withuu• was sed imprise.mwt to the sold amount Md for the said term. is ase Mammies et IM 1007.0tier/ M.gl,tnl0.' A Gtiontu a 111A11, IsysemON.-The railway coal. goard wmmimlos b* bS.. wined •1 Ottawa for some time testing a groat •arlety e1 rimed. brought bafore atom by mgwlo0• lave.tors. The animals 011 la the tees have become Tory •Ipert and appusetly have little difficulty In ptting over or through most of the 000trlvaeoee p'.oed before them, 0e• of the guards tested le week was erected by James ()wham, of (lodarloh, being • gas which folded drum the olds at rich: scrim to the rr.ok. with a platform cenoeot.d with the este by pulleys and lavers. Tole OB.tr sopped all the annals bat we. There seems to be creat difficulty In o.,otrivtar • thoreaohly stuf*tory "mord. NOTICK -TRK ADJOURNED AN noel meeting of the Huron vmod M ke d a Less and laves'meComma( at the Oempen7's office. Goderfok. on Mondey. F sheer/ W h. nest, a 1 o @look In the .fter 0M. to moose the I report and to Emmet Sher bhnoge. W. L ItORTON. uelerlak. Feb 1rd. 1901 Manager, NOTIt'R L hereby 'teem that •e •ppllmlloo will be modisv . fthe Ont� soot seeming tetive at the soof e,.10o thereof on behalf of the Huron. Raul' and Grey Elessno Railway Oomooe . for an Act amesaleg the original charter by empo0er- Iss tN Company to oonitrnet, °perste and meted' he railway front 1)00 .00on to the v111age et L.okaow, the sob the eHMOCou tyles HMO es the Town of WSkerton tkrpm► dm Townships of Well and Eat W weessh K slew Ws* .orthers boo "Aerl there- of 1e tie taws of W inghem le order to eon0•ct with the CC P.R •sal also from • point o0 the boss/limy Ilse bet as Comities of flume e nd Mel/lege' through the Count/ of MOMS . 11* to the city of London , also from a point se the lino at or sear Parkhill In the (' -aunty of Middlesexbtosendhth t a n o (30101 t11 mid '0o,.ty ; god further amendlr i sold Chester by ebMwlag tN memo of t r Company from Mat of the Ronda. Home and Orel Llmtrlc Ranee, Cemp•.v to that of this Outwit West ghee. ilsotr'o Rs Iwy Company • also for power to pus • bylaw swung firm Bit.. No 11 of ass Mluelc and Cor peratlen of the Town rf 'oder oh and the Mtreem•int therm oontaloed. The Norm. Bram t Orey Sleatric Railway Oomoituy. bv D. McGILLICUDDY. Hao lard Dated et the Tows of Goderloh, this (74* dal M February MM. NOt1W the booed by the county *wool', the Yawn I hooka foam hos been organized nod 1e aounull, the publlo sohool board and the reedy to play any t0:m in • town. Alai. separate shoo' board ro.,eouyely, All McIver will remove any communications. the members of the boars were pren.nt. Co motion of Rs. Dr. [10, ,woud,11 try Judge Doyh*, Mr. Jotdoo was again twisted chairman. 'its .000uut of B.Okett & Swanton for furdlehturr, $13 08, sod • few small .fermate were ordered to b. pard. M.sero. Aohosoo, ('Aborts* and Hays were constituted the props ty committee. and Sheriff Reynold., Judie Doyle, Ur. Taylor sand the obairwee the supply uum0Utee. It was deolded tbst the retools osmium. of the board bo held the drat Thursday lo mob month. A motion w.' pse0ed that the sum of $50 to planed art the hood. of the ohstrm.o, who may pay part or the whole of It to Mr. Groot upon the letter's herding over to the °bittrms° and moretnry We are pleased to learn of the °omai - .11 the mlhtsry supplies and equipments to oat mousy toward r.00very of Peter Mu his bads in 000sectlun with the °sda Kwan, who hoe We0 confined to the house ramps. It was resolved the the A4am.ou for several.. kis. We hope wa obeli soon memorial mousey, now out on mortgage, be sole to sink• hie was off the sick *St- evan nstwhoa paid Ur .6.11 be plooed In the Huroo and Bruce Loan t'antpaoy until snob time ss It men sato b. Ioaued on mongols. TUX "DOLLAR-KtuuVVIN" WON. -The 'lgo.l block ream sod the D.Ha--Ei.bties met for obs first time on Moodey atomise at t6o rink. and had a lively game of hooky. •Tb. Leap were U. E '. Signals. N. MoDiarm d • Goal N. Abbott ti McDonald Poled K. McLeod .1. McLean C. Potust E. Stewart Alex. Malmo (S fittest R. Campbell A. McLa.i Y t Fsrw•rd0• H Welsh McLean U McDonald � B. Sheppard rd Refers. -Joh. Wlggtse. rho Dollar -E gh•Ies took th. lead from the -•ort and held it to the end of the pins. •toning by 9 goals to 3. The Signals .bowed wont of prwr,'•, amt items of them were too light for (nor heavier epponoots. The gems was rather rough .t t.mes sod Reims Wiggles had to bead ems ot the Dollar-E'ghtes to the ends for a few minutes to cool oft The 1). E 's are • strong aggregation and op to the present are 1. the hood for the In, al championship, with the Hanoi* second. sanH-T Ie 'MS Drouser-The.4joan04 Inquest tato the dm14 of the ohlkl of Anode Oorl, of Colhnrse, was resumed at the Mose ef Jamb Ken.: oo Thursday after - seen by Cereser Holmes sod hie jury. h. N Uteri. was prompt In the Interim* of the Crown sod M U •lohoetoo, barrister,' also 'meshed ate proo.eding, Mies (iorl mode • yoluetary •t.teme.l and admitted that she was the mother of the child, shah wee born on Saturday. Jeo.ry 17th. Sbe said she was alone when the °blld was born; tee child was not .h•.. Dr. Whitely de ppe..n.ed that he had been celled the follow,og Taesdey Md feed the girl In bed qules .rom' hie .10011.0100 of the ohtld be ben blood that Ito death w•o dos to delay to delivery. Toe jury broaiht In . verdict to ao.n-d.noe with 1.* mottos' models'. / pRov. I!. L TAUBK ♦Rr.a0TruIlwe OPTn'IAI 3Nn aye .parr( Au0T. AE kinds of Epees ales tool Eyeglass, made Wenger Reeel.1.ttetl.0 Riven e5 Rain the oilers lq quell oroeptly attended to. Bo- Wiper'artles mine ml name. as I employ j yN waning teems whatever to b 003. STRSZT W..T'RON For dale. John 'I: Nowell sod his family have two vre0 Iy •IlLuted with aloes for many week. pas', but we us glad to learn that he himself and hie wits sod daughter aro now all well uu the mead. Mlle Sara Herb. of town, has ban so - pointed vlos-prep dont of the missionary department of the Epworth L..rum of Onderich Matelot, suoo«d.og Mus L'oote Acheson, who ha resigned. Our awoke sire dos to s number of readers ot 'l'uu SiosoL, muoludiug nam• rood friends arms the border, for °optes of our issue of J•ouery 223d. W• 00043 ore still a few more of the same liana. THEY Waal HARDe0M1LY Raw outtsa- En.-Mr. and Mrs. 1). P. Meteor by, whom weddlag to St. Peter's church we reported lost weak, were made the rootpleotr el many valuable gifts os the aueploiuus 000aton, • lid, of which follows : From the groom'• mother, a piano, • int of black walnut parlor ure:tura, • br.akfaal, diaper and'tm ser. vice of beautiful obloa, a full outfit ut fine table Woo, silver lentos, forks and 'moots, table mats and numerous other stoles ; from Will M;Cori hy, brother of the groom, o handsome parlor cocas table and a sat stand ; from Mr, sod Mrs. Lewis, • hand some trousseau tor the brads and the wed - (lag Demitasse, bride's 001e, bowl oat*, etc. • from Wm. Hackett, of Port Albert. nanle of the 'room, . present 1. mousy ; From Mae t7•tharioe Lo..s, three pictures ; from Mas Julia Lewis, • wiry pretty Aim teapot ; From M.otsr Normao Ludo • bread board .ed knife ; from Mrs, Lewis, sr., and Mies Lewy, an ezteatlot dialog table of block w.itat ; From Mrs. McCord', Mrs, Rd. Mo(-orvle, Archie, Uon.ld and Laura Mc- (1oryle. • silver bowl and a dozen sil- ver spoons ; from !lite Hannah Dalton two linen troy clothe ; from John and Mary Dalton, of Kier.Fridge, • wine est ot nye . twee ; trom Rey. Father West a bs,*i.nre loving oup; from Mn. R. G. Reynold*, two Ohio. yam ; from Aerate, Joan and Mary Tom, • berry bowl ; from Mrs. Kiely. o Mobs willow work basket ; mom Mre. J. Kidd • Mimeo dleb ; from the Moses Ma Gdlicu 1dy, • pearl Md silver o0tter knife. ; from G. Allan • very handsome oar1100 int ; from Wm Evelyn and Master Emmet Doyle a pepper moo salt set in .,Iver ; from Masa B. Hoover, • b.rkitome p'otore ; from Ilse Bella Baker, • beouttful flower stood ; from Freak Moil eor, • carpetet•w sweeter from Mn. H. McGraan t • glom int and pair of a.lt castors ; besides other articles. The groom's presale to the bride and bridesmaid were browhrs of •mo-byst aid bnl;wots set to dull gold. YIt 14o)(T1104 AT TH1 ('1NTRAI. -On the some .101 el • young woman named Emma Bell, of Loudon, who hoe been , Siting 10 Goderloh, Richard Fordeo, of Oed.rloh township, win brought before Polio. Moels- r.'. Seager on Monday charged watt theft. E. N Levels appeared tor the Crown. For *00 edsonad to be tried summarily by the m•gistrsts. From the evldeooe It oppose that Miss Roll went for • drive with For- do. lest Saturday evening, another young man and woman oleo being in the 001401. Alter the drive, during which the young ladles ret on the esottemeo's knees, the oomplalnant 'shoed that • l.. T. R ticket from (Jol.rin to Loodon sod • quarter - dollar were easing from her pocketbook, which had ben haring no her belt. Coo Sable (3andry'• mrvtoes were 'roared, and on hu interviewing Fordeo the latter hand - e.4 over the Uoket. The m•giar•t• convict- ed the prisoner ..d remanded him until yes- terday morning, when hs imputed • *.renes of six months In Costes' Prison at bard la• bor. Fordeo has • towed •t the mogis- tnte'5 court, this being his titrd 000vlcttoo. 'io Melt AT CLINTON MAR, 11 4TH. - The geed roads oommlttee of the 0oo0ly eo.o04*, compoetd of Warden Kerr, C000- olllow Miller, Connolly sof Cantelon sad Cle,k Inn, one at the R•tteshury hotel, Clinton, on Tee■loy, to m•ke•rrenvemonte ler the w.Mmplaed oos(eronoe with rep- '.esn'alt7* of the minor man oip•lttlee of the noway. it was decided to 1071'* the m m'c'palitise to send represeitstives 'o a motto, to be held to the town hall .t (141 - ton on Weda'day, M orch 4 h. A. W C.mp001'. tte Proylnoial road, oommitelon .r, will b. presto, and the manor will take tot , 000dder•tim the question of establishing a system of comity roods en u to place tab county in • position to eta m • ehsn of the mdlloo-dollar fond ee. apart by the Provincial Government for roads im- petrate/et gBALK OK TO RENT -214 Annie Of town. Also two clow oat to Muse' to mot. Apply tin H. D'IN- ssm.t. RIO ICA SALR. - A FiRST CLASS a re.f.•m 1n the townahlp of W. beteg N. t lot Ii, eon. 1 Poll • Isms. hem 1e way towed, and temp muss of nn8erd'finlnt ed. Than U ens alma of gess. thempod. Good frame mad other bonding.. For Haw psrtlmlere aptly to HORT. .em P.O. 111 -lm to KkNT.-YUneedpReNIMRAD OK tend App'7 to enW. IR. RO SRT- OR TO KENT'-FIEST- mHss freim W rMOM . Will the lidos .ho wish to ooutribute to the refreshmen•t•h1. of the euchre party to ha given by the Daughters of the Empire in O tdfellows' Halton the evening of Febru sr y 20th kindly sad their donations oo the after: moo of tbs. day" The mooting of the hospital trustees, us pounced tor Monday everda4 last, was .d. jourood on account of the aloence from town of tlo reg.nt of tl c Doughters of the Empire, Mrs. Msodmi old The mottles well bi called again law oil. The Exeter Times soy.: Meson. J. P. Roes, of Chatham, and J. W. Broderick, of Go 1.rtob, with M . 1). A. Row .nd R. Horsey sang • quartetto In Moan street Methodist church on Sunda eveotagl•et wbioh was m0oh nope a i,t.d by tho* Ip at- tenl.uo.. Metre. Ron tool Broderick were members ot the choly of that church over twenty year. ago and the bl.ndlag to- gether of them voices were parson' whom of the put. COMING AND GOING Miss yliddnr left on Tuord.y on • visit to New York. Mn. Pridh•m is ylsiting her daughter, Mrs, Crewe, la Canton. Mr. and Ms. H E Hodgeos spent o few dayrlo Toronto this week. D. F Hamhak 1s away on • trip to New York, Rocbseter and Toronto. kf..e Fergaaoo, of Yordmm,. Man„ 1• visiting rd•nyes to this eon. ton, Mts. J. W 'issuer spent • few day' with relatives In Wiogh.m the put week. Mn, A. Mock, of Carberry, Mao., t. vmUng Mrs U. Canteloo, Quoins,' street. Mit. Laura Aohesoo hes raturned trom • p,easspt visit of 1 weeks In Montreal. C. Moffat, of Mtp wp° lie scootof Suod• y in town, tee gust o1 Mrs. MoK'onop, es seam. Wouio INOTITCTE AT Houk. -That young bet staore s urean r. mon the W'omso'e lnetitate moored *other wows .o the "so Mous' gave by th, Goderloh nr►och o0 Thundsy e.wteg lame. The g.theriov was •t the St. Lswrenoe and oombeted 125 penile, but the hostess, Yrs. Bet k, lobos osusbilltiw leMOO lee are well known. was quite roust to the osse- ous, and everyone present had • most eo- j ,yeble time. An ezoelleot oyster supper proved • very •stief.ctory prelude to the •ub.equent prousedtoge,and loo dentally the luscious blvalvee sod the other dainties so noiottlolly provided bore handsome testi_ moorto the oalm•ry abilities of the Int., of the los 1 .ts, When all had been sordid they muembled to the large parlors and ball to listen to the program, wbioh was opened with a. iustrameotsl who *rash ally reod- -red by Mt.. Sktm;ng.. R. M Vouo1• president of the %Vera Huron Formers' 1L- . nuts. who acted as obalrmao, then Faye • hrlel address, oompl,mentiog the membered the Institute upon *0'.at they hod snood, been able to accomplish. A recitation by Yato limn and a good solo by Mho T'r.thew•y, ' 1).tly • Lock of Her Hair," followo3, both being wall 1.0117.4. Miss Mary 1.. Green, of loyal, read •o excellent paper In which she spoke of some of the higher alms of who vY nine s 10rtttate, toiedino to the uplifting of the home life. A solo, "My Sunoy Sue," by Moss J. •Joho- stob, Carlow, wa. well rendered, and • .bort, stay address from Harry Morris, of Colborne. was punctuated with applause and laughter. 'The gathering was (ben fated with an Ioarnmeotd 0010 by Fred. Doty, • recitation. "The Dying Confession of Paddy McC.be," by Mies Rosa Allier., and • solo, 'ioonote," by Mist Marth. Wells. Miss Bel'. Rowels added • plowing variety to the program by the demean of the Highland II og. Mee. Colin Campbell in s short addr*% epee • seoci0ot statement o1 the programs of the doet,tu's sod of the benefits to be derived from membership rhereln. A brilliant Instrumental solo by vbr. Inthbridge and • pretty solo, " Theo Hone ot the Girl 1 Love," by Mie K,iar•b Brown were the next num- h.q.,. An interesting and appropriate ad dress wa stye° by James Mitchell and was Mud with close attention. ek vocal dad, "When 1's Gang Awa' Jamie," was song in • baipy manner by Min Brown and Mr. Lsthhridge Miss Bella Hanle d•oord the Irish i•1, and Mines Murray end Dyko gave a pretty In .trumenlal doer. A few remark. from Norman Kerolghsn and • mou'h .•rk.o solo by Mater f, Newton, vsry well performed for so small is musician, oorcluded 16s program. Hearty vote. of thanke were passed to the hoeteiw, to theme whn had is►nn port In the entertaiomeut and to the chairman. The national snrhem wee .Ong, followed bi ',told Lang Syne," and the getheriog then dispersed, 0l the hoar of„11 O'olr ck, after • very Interesting rveoing, Th* ladies of the issiltuts are to be omaratesl.,ed upon the •occes' of this mental gathering, whioh we Fr,ERAL OF JAMS. R1iD.-Ths remains of the late James Reid were Interred Is Msltlsnd cemetery on Friday afternoon. Toed' was • very large •t1.0411 oe .t the L.neral. Rev. Dr. Daniel, pastor .01 Nnrth street Methodist church, was the nffiol•tlog clergyman, and the bores were Coanmllor Chat Heid, of town, Wesley Reid, Y. U , and Herbert Rold, of Detrol., brothers of the deceased; John and Alit. ✓ ergason, of Cleeland, and Robert Hoard, of Detroit. brothert-ta-law, The funeral cortege was an a4ecttog spectacle. At the h ind of the Marine Band. marching with mottled drums, was o•rr.ed the horo of their late comrade, draped In black and mate as the departed bandsman, while the strains of the Deed Maroh In Baal made • solemn requiem. Following the band was • large body of Oddldlow., members of Huron Ledge, No, 62, of whlob dewed was • Past N. (1 I0 lho ororeteion also were carriages 0ootal0104 the Mayor and town waooillnre .red the corporation of oars, who mourns! • falthfnl fellow worker. At the grave the (hld(ellow: burial oeremony was observed, the *rvlos being road in • meet imprimis,* manner by Chaplain E. Downing, with H. W, Ball as N. G. TAX Ex1Mr•rini.a -A?eor ling to the repott of the Bateau of Indue'r.es for 1901, Oed'rieh has been generous shore almost every other town In the Provisos In the matter of tax exemptloal. The value of property In this town exempted (eta psi for echoed taw). esetualve of .t.tn'ory exemp. t ora was 1126 500 fterho's eget/Winne amounted to 4131 400, and 1 oh0arg'. to 1127 500 Lindsay had 1.56,225 exempt Irom .11 bot oohed Ng, and $59 500 exempt for all miaow. Pet.rhoreneh's ex -'rep• teens amounted to 4238,940 ; Pn•or•t' had 141 400 exempt from all hot silhnnl tees sod 4101,000 exempt for •11 psrems; I (w- ontn dominion'. exempted property was veto. 1 at 8217,276 Simi* S'• Marie oleo g anted large *remotions Theo* .le ahnwt Ihs only towns In the I'rov,eee that had goes is lar as Ilodannh in the 1r0ntine of exemption favors. The flsares for Aealort') wore 44 OOP) ; W lm1bon 115 000 ; Itro..eIs. 42 860; Ruler, 46,000, and . property In few of 100 r ear. • elm 1 7 Blyth bas . p w As Rx ran? Yu'Rttrin. - Arohfe Str*he, b -.' her of tn* tete IHvid gtraeh.n lied nettle of Jaws Straohan. our *70derirh m.oh;s .', h.m been apbntnted master mr,'h- Kaio of the Modems Rill mise.- H.. 11 ►yr/IMO Tenders WIESENd. rl1RN1)RR•9 WANTRD.-SRALKnTKN- 1 dere will M rewire.' op se Feh IA, ION. for the .re tl4s of a belch Minreh at Nile. Plano .ed opfelM'W'm0 ma b saes at Nile P. 0. R. MrinW AIN. Reoty. BOARD OF TRADE. About 111eera•g-0meers Sleeted and Ee- p.rla preee.trd. The Board of Trade annual meeting op Moody evening was most vr.tlfyllg to the .11.04aoce and the later.*. 'bows. But while these features were bopefel and sa- tour•giog as so 'ode: of our hetuesm men, there is still rood, for Improvement. 10 a town as I•ra asGo1erlch, there Is no rooftop why nine -tenths of the bo.iuo.e mon should not Was an wave personal loterusl In an oriurrstton of this (barmier. which io Jambi' of dome w much to oasts' the town's welfare and thus help its boelces and publlo lotorest.. The 6o11001og gentle. man were In •ttend•oos Sat Monday . R S. W'dl:ems. J. H. Colborne, W. A. Mo. Km, A. J. Cooper, C. A. Naito, Wm, Burrows, Thos. Burrows, J. Boson 'Thom, C A Humber, S. A. McGaw, J T. I:die- ,berp•, (leo. Porter, Wm. Comphill, A. M Told, A. Saaoders, J A. Maloto.h, J. H. Mo0wan, S. E. Hook, (;bas. Les, A. 11 Me- L,•s, J*. Beck, F. W. Doty and H. B. Beckett. The preliminsry outdoes' Wino dbpoeed of. Preadult Williams rood the annual re- p,rt of the oouocIt to the Board, an eihsa■- of the Ladles' Ald Society In oonneot,1os aye document t000bin' upon .yery Indus- with Erskine church will be held at the may l• the town and tilled with ioler*tl0e residence of John 0111ott, Ashfield. A good Ivens and figures regarding the oat year's program h* been prepared and • good •1• busioeoo, tendance is anticipated, Alter several gentlemen bad expressed their Pewees with the scope and ob•rw .r '.f the report, it woo adopted oo motion of Messrs, Nairn and 5anodere, with the re- gowt test when compbna It appear In the local papers. Owing to the •hteom of r'.me information promised, which was not yet amiable, the report was not os oomplete as inuuded, but it will appear next week. The secretary read • brief statement of 'he m*tiogs held during the vise, and the maters which hell boon weed upon, show. -ng • large amount of aorreopuo1cuce, and treasurer McKim reported receipts and helsooe from 1901, 432 29, disbursements $23 87. balance on hood, $8.42 Boob reports were adopted and the Board theo proo.eded with eleotlon of officers, resalttng as follows : l'reald.ot-Me.sn. S. A. MoGaw and A'e1. Saunders were nominated, but the former, for reawns glow to the mooting, felt compelled to decries, and Mr. Sanders woo unanimooely Wotan. Viotti president, Chem. A. Nairn; treasurer, W. A. McKim. mod secretary, .Ism* Machell, both r.eleored. Members of 000p ii -F. W, Doty, J. H. (',olhorus, 5 A. McGaw, Wm Campbell, C. A Hombor, J. T. Goldthorpe, Jos. Book, Geo Porter, Cho.. Lee, A. J Cooper, G. M. Klltotb and A D. M,L-an On mottoo of Mees'.. Campbell sod Soun- der's, R. S. Witham., the retiring preside , .o do- tal( and to ode honorary r • w soil m p Y tag 1 gentlemen pald high tribute to Mr. Williams' ze,l and ability as the 0 -ad 0t the Board for .eyeral years, testifying to his tail htulneesand persistence amidst much dlsoouragsm e. t. A Warty vote ot thanks was unanimously passed to the.eore•.ry for his pest mrv,om. (o»Ider•bl• oorrospondww woo reed, m- elodies • squeet Isom Berlin and Gab B midis for t he sending of delegates to • 000- rereoo. to be held In the to -mar town on fusel., 9-12, to eod.•vor to 'enure better train 5111 -Ce from Toronto, and more (•vor- snte Irelgh• rtes for coal, but lommmch as our own It mord le carrying on °orrespoe- denoa with tits P. U Department and the G. T. R..athon'ies for the Improvement of moil and train service here, tt waft decided to take on •otloo on the Berlin meeting The corrmp"onence went Ths meal twill- • ice hen... left In the hande of the execu- tive, the 0eeret•ty to ask the P. U. D.p.rt rent to arrange f ,r the sale of stamps at rhe eostnfftis at all hours, and f1 Mc- Gee, Williams and the seoretary were •p. pointed • committee to wait on Mr. Mc- Guigan, Tr.ffc m.neger of the 0, T. K , when he visits here, to urge the desired swatch f.ci'Itm for the h.odling of gram .n1 other prodooe at the oars A spirited Meows oo took place on the 140eet4on of grain prices hers se onmpared with other local matinee, and It was shown r6.t to the main prime rule as high here as * 1 any competing point, .rd that with the ■ hlppiog fomlltles asked for from the 0. T. R. this will be even • bolter casket than thews elsewhere to the 000nty. After passing • yore of thanks to the re- tiring prsetdeot and the mentor y, the Board adjourned. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS --FE& 0. allor Stone Masons Wanted-- Daniel Carney, Margaret, Man 1 Cabinet-makers Wanted -H. Krug Furni- ture Co., Ltd , Berlin 1 Roeideut Representative -Central Press Agency, Toronro d Second Week Moving Sale -W. A. lid - Kim 5 February 13argams in Furniture-'Book- ett & Staunton 4 Buy Cottons Now-Hodgena Bros 8 Tenders Wanted -R. McIlwaln, Nile1 Agents Wanted -J. Marshall h Co.. Lon- don ,.. 1 Aonounoement-"New Amori„ao" Lunen Room 1 Announcement -G. E. King, Winghsm1 great Clearing Sale -E. Downing 8 Tenders Wanted -S. S. No 6, Goderich Township 1 1)r. W. 1. Hyde Is in Toronto this week attending the snout' meetlog of the Ontario 1)onnal Society Mies J. (2. l:otin,on returoed last wok from Toronto, and will remain here till the mtdiuury opeoing, are announced. 014.. Coro i'n.c, who hoe born staying As Toronto, I.tt [hot city this week with • par- ty on • tarp to Nowa, to the B Asensio. Maes D...no*h .nd Mies Berth. Farrow left on TOe.d•y to spend two week. to New York City. After her visit to the metropolis Mose Farrow will return to her work at Snelburoe. W. W. Smith, formerly of the Book of l',,mmerce here and late of Carman, Mon., /peat a few days with friend* to town the put wink. i1e has left the service of the Balk and totend* to make • venture •t St. P.ul, Minn , in which his many Goderich fneons will wish him *once**. B. U. Grant left yesterday moraliser for hie home at 11.11. Daring the past two weeks he gala° 1 rapidly 10 strength, sod he .s now ab:e to move about with e00 t sod comfort. His many tneod@ aro delig6tod with the chasm* and hope that thu Improve meat wall 1001.100• aotil his health le (My restored. Miss (:root, who hu giyen her brother molt diligent •tteoti,n during his long tilos., accompanied him yesterday CHURCH NOTES. LITRRARY 74..'I1T1'. ---Go Nelda evening lost the 11. G. i 1.1 Society held its fine regular mist* of the term. The large usably hall woe filled with the students, their parents and friends. Moor the roll nail, to whloh s large number of the papfla answered, the new president of the 9oelety, Gordon W'ghtman, gays be* Io.ug- oral •math. Fhb was heard with many owns of opera'sl. Afterwards the following program wag elves: Piano solo, MIs. Yvrtls Howell • recitation, Rom Ideon ; flog drill, by some of the girls ; quips Mon drawer, Principal Strang ; plson endo, Mr. Lethbridge ; G C. i 'Inures', by it. new *alter. H. Bala ; vinlle solo, Fred Keener; solo, Mr. Fleming ; recitation, SW Shelton. At this mooting an old office win revived, that of crow, It Ming the Intentlnn to have different person. Amen to take this Important pest at the warless mooting of the %Sotto At this meeting Fronk Edward filled the pndtlon In • very astable m , hie comments npnnIthe various performanose being moon to the point His rnm.rks were enoeur.ging to all who took pert; he mule ..notal men - ties of tM flea drill of the 'Irl., sod oleo of the towhee who had thele training In hand. A number of thine who took port gave en bores, .hieh were warmly applauded. Tho noshing Mooed with the Nett.g of the N.''ne.l Anthem. TRNIRRS WANTRI) -- To.NiK'4 R w1'1 bet te.•lved M the l04411(t1A ap to Friday. Prhirmiry 1101 sell. for the rsct nn of • new 0011.0 hose for ',shoot settles Not (teetertob t.wsehls Plass and .peo'Ruons may be ewes at hMm * rettifessio of the moor el•not iter IL none nation I. Gott mints town amp. CHRIS JOkilISTON, It O a•Te..a INTERMENT -1'h• remain., of the lots Thoma Clod were•interred in Dungaunon o*mltery on Tuesday, the 3rd lost., Ue10g moorted thither by • large number of sorrowing relatives and sympathizing friends. Rev, Mr. Ooldherg cooduotsd the obsequies. ECCLtaI AnTtraL hoT1n.-Rey. M. Tarn• bull, of Uodench, and Rev. M. Goldberg, of Dtngsseoo, exchanged pulpits lose S•h- 0.tb....T6e sscr•meur, of the Lord's Sup- per was administered In Ersk n. chinch bore Fat Sabbath and also at Port Albers Presbyterian church. Preparatory servtoes were conducted very aoc•pt•bly, as am o ouooed, by Rev. Mr. Smell, pastor of Smith's Hill •pd Manchester congregations. Two new members were rwelved by proles S on of faith and three by oertlfio•te into Erskine obnroh, and there were two ad- mitted Into Port Albert Preabyt•run aburoh by protmalon of faith. The 'Yocing Bible ole. which is 000duoted by the pas- tor, Is being well attemdel. Tbsre are . taut 103 pupils, 011 of whom mem to be quits interested .nd •ppreciana •tbe .1.r- oues, PERSONAL. -Master Nstb.olel Whyard and sister, Miss Ids, son and danrbeer of our genial and suave Division Court Clerk, returned home lost Friday afar enjoying • month's visit with relatives at Elmira, Waterloo Co We noticed the oompll• mentory reforsoce in the lost Woe by the shoran and popular Dool"p soribe of THE S(0NAL to the Item, "Dungannon In Verse." and oleo to the ootsl of the Dungannon mer. reepooden•, and we o.o pay • like tribute to the efficiency of the Dunlop scribe.... George Smyth and Mise Alice Thompson ()awes daughter of Mrs. E. Thompson) . re to be united in the boode of matrlmooy on Tussdy, the 10th toot. We wish them • Inas mind happy wedded life.... Mr and Mr. Wilson sod sin returned to their home at Stanrtsathe, N 7., on Moud.y .t for .pending an eoloyable visit of about • week with frteod• Mrs ..0ne evening las week • vory enjoyable time we •pee .t the M.Iiough House, when mins bestw and daughters omt.rt.toed • large number of triads. The Junior L f Vrot0n. •,•, chords will bol • oonoert to the basement of the ohuroh on Friday evening. Felruar► 13tb. A good program is being prepared. Ad• m,wloo, 10o. Kev M. SL Goldberg, of Dungannon, and Rev. M. Turnbull, MS:. (Jsorge'e ohurch, e xohaoged pulpits on Sunday Ia1. Rev Mr. (Milberg t. always to with pleasure, by the 000gr.gation of St. Georgie., .nd his e rmens on Sunday woos ahle sod dell ore. The aft nal board of North street Metht• Met church ba invited Rey 1)r. Daniel to remain here for a third year. Th. loglto tion was hearty and unanimous. Go Sun: day Ur. Daniel e: pressed to the congrega- tion his desire to swept. the invitation should the stationing committee be armed, an ano0dn)em00t which w.e hoard with pleasure Ly the 000gregatlon. At 'he muting of Sr. George it t ouog People'. Guild on Monday evening Mrs. Tlgert read to o.refally onparsd paper on "Elliott, the Tt.hhla", dealing with the life of the prophet and the lessons to be derived therefrom. The Goild is growing to numbers and Interest at each meeting, and will Mostly affiliate with the recently org.nhed Aogl*rnn Young People's Associ- ation of the gnome, an •sswlalon formed for the purpose of nnifying the elutant young peool•n moieties sod of promoting :he organ z,tton of such where they do not already exist. AUCTION SALES. Tltl'aNPA t', Feb, 12 h-Auotlon sale of • n.rina 1 of good newly -noised °owl, oows 1n o,lt, heeler. and steers .t Bopp' hotel, Carlow, commencing at 1:30 o'ulook sharp. RI''liARn Par,o., proprietor. Tlinu AN Guno*Y, aoctloo.er, IIATI'RIAY, Feb. 14th. -Clearing 'motion solo o: hone., harness, owttrrs, pulping, wheel barrows and Implements at the Many Herne w.rerooms, Hamilton et., Gotorloh, oommesotng at 1:30 o'clock sharp. GEO. LACI'( A Soo. proprietors. TIInN GUNDRY. auctioneer Ths 40.ellon of proyOling • place where the yoong men of the congregaion might enjoy healthy and innocent •muse - men'. 0nu 'pend their asinine. in peons, free from dnub•1nl surrounding., has long •,,rated the mind. of the leader. to the dishes/8 has requite l in • considerable In. 1 Methodist Moron of Brandon, Man. Th • o ream In the m.mb.r.hlp of the organiza- tion. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF OOMAOI AT i11T(TT7T1 Tel -T'ne erol'at.n.y meeting of th.lblleg!•te in.tl- Ove trent«' boor4 win hold nn Wedeeed•y .7 last nark Th. esoretary .sed that he hod twee .e/lffed of the app0s, met of John Aeh.•en. J. H Colborne, R. G Har ted Jed. D.yl... member el Tronb 1 betwdin Amin• and Torte( Ilene, Imnlibeot but gill• s ta•t'Ihie a propoei- tied is the 'trOnhl* the nest drowse esperi..n res till he know, that the hest and moot o 7- lahclothing ,'.n •Iwai• be had at I'ridnnme tailoring es ohllahment. Saturday will be St. V,'rntl,e'e Day Fred. A L wig, piano t.ner• Is at the Hotel R.df0rd. young men's olob rooms are the result. The floor is novenae with a hsodenme osrpet, and the windows ars draped with curtains 'inseminations of maste'pl.ees adorn (he wall., il.Prg the place an elegant and Immo. like app ..rance ('"pies of the trading mopr.ines are nn the eoprooll reading tablet and the oomm1*toe of m•n•gement propos.* adding to the Fat ell neoersity domande. The numerous mirlrrs whleh nrn.m.nt the pillet, add nosh to the hrillunny el the rooms. Reereatlon Is pro y dot to the lecture rooms, and 1111(107 LEtBURN. MONDAY, Fab. 9. Mr. and Mr. R. Culll.on, from NI loran', with their obildrso have bow visiting Mr. and Mrs Ju. Chisholm. Tug log Hamm -Lost week was rather • merry 005, With t.o danoing parolee 'mous the young people, closing of Sat1r- d.y night with a ekating tarty. The latter ended rather abruptly owing to • big break In the i0u. With Finest preseooe of mind Joseph, the h,ro of • reoeot runaway, made an exoalleot pilot and got •11 the young folks out nicely over the broken los block to dry land with only wet feet. L11arRo 1.1AM, -Instead of going to gem, of the midland 00001*.. for the improvement of farm stook Cha Young, one of the leading farmers of the Huron road, Gnderlch township, Deme to Percy Ytew.rt, of How Pork term here, and purchased • fir. -nese oat( of eight mouths, which daring this oomiog Year .111 M peed for improve- ment of stook In the Coldwater Tow osh,p, no that the farmers there w111 get the high. eat rates for their male in Ontario. FRIDAY, March 6th.-Untwrved •notion rale of farm .tock and implement', lnolod- log hones, anws, stars and heifers, wag- on., tuvgle., sleighs, eta. Yale one-half mile east of Gndenoh. RoRIRT WILSON, prnprletor, T,iMAs (letttnsy• sooty Th. Harmnoy Ctob hid another suocseslul games nI p(nR•ponr and boohoo ball are hop on Franey night f..gnontli Indulged In. Doe's frrgst the ..,.h'e party In the Oda- f*flown' Hail, P h nary 20th, under the .,•eplove of the 1)m/toot*of the Kmptr.. Mr. Sir, hate of Toronto, it tea.oh•ng .t the U Jleg'0.s loot it ire ,.nate month as •ap- ply anti' Mute Perls* comm Mr poaltion. T6o wools mn.tl.1 of the Daughter. of .h. KmDtre w'11 hs held In the low I hearty at the eeerr ham•* en Mand., liebrn.ry 16th,at415r'e R 0. Attnll We been elected Ret moo - president of the U,n.lton Hackney Horse Atemlarleo and also one of the repreeeeta- Myopia the Wester. Fair, Leedom. Tlso Like Herr R Matitnk. Mdll.g 0s. ANNOUNCEMENTS. yva Crrin'N 70111 -'Phe following from a Clinton peps. is • referencia to • body who resided here some years •go and has since been In business In Clinton : ^Miss Gordon, who has oarrled on . dressmaking bugloss here for some time, ha. closed her shop, preparatory to goin4 w..0. Dams Rumor elates that she will go in Msroh, .s the partner of • properties farmer of the Prairie Province." A large (drabs of old friends here extend hearty good wishes to Miss Gordon. (Prom another oorreepondent 1 Mester Jim 011ddon is visiting at Porter'• Hi11, Miss Mlnnlo Show, of Goderloh, spent ,Saturday and Sunda .t her home. POR TER'S HILL. MONDAY, Feb. 9th. I) S. MoDougsll is on the sick list. Kobt, Beacom hoe purchased • new cutter. Mus Dunlop spent Monday with her par- ents In Clinton. F. Morgan, our popular merchant, wee in Goderloh on Saturday. Misses Noll McDonald and Annie McPhail are ;taping In (Arehart'. %l m McDougall, of Kgmondvllle, spent Sunday 10 thin ilalntty. Mies Isola Hillock spent last Monde with friend. la Daogsnoof. Master louder Dykes, ot Ood0rtoh. visited .t the home of his awls, Joo. Tor - s1100. (''1.UARIMo SAI..--0er clearing nate 00,'. (4005. t,11 March 1st. Mn. Wester won last week'. 16 prise. Ono. K. KIN., W is, - ham. le m.kge nn Qifferonne at what hoar you sell, you're always "just In Hme" at the "Raw AHEM,AN" Lesnh Room, West -sit. Regslar meaty abase*/ dally. Drop In. no to the old r.B•Me 0y04(r home, Vieterto Resr.nr•ss, West 1tle.r, for froth oyster*, sold In bulk and all aryls.: stew*, fry. m rows. (1tsfmtlensey, frith, trbee- eee sod Mgore. 0. BL.Ac'sfo.p, proprietor. AUBURN. TrsaDAY, Feb. 10th. We learn *hot Dr. Frank Turnbull has diepount of hie medloal praotios hors to Dr. .1 M 810nii.8, of the town of Wal Iacehnrg W's understand Ur. Tarn hall will go to Toronto for • (maple of months' study and will than go to Europe for • time to perfect himself In some optimal d.pertmnnt of medicine. Dr. Turnbull meds many feleede nolle hors and will he muoh mbad.- _ - DUNOANNON. NOTrct, The Io0*1 •40007 In Dmneannon for Ti,. 64x01)11. Is at the offs el of J, 0. Ward, I. 1' , oonvyanoer, to.. whn will receive order* tor 0eimsorlptlona advertising and fob work. and le authorised to give rd,st9ts for amount, paid for the some. TEERDAY, Fah 10. Co1'AT ANh Cor ?''ll. -Daytime Court will he held here on Tuesday, the 17th tau The mnni 1411*1 fathers of West W.wa.Mh will meet nn We/needay, the 18.h Inst The A•hMld notation will most es the 14'11. Wei AL T•A. Oa Thersd•v everts malt, 12M kr., sem �e flfMt H. Taylor, ot Hallett, visited ills brother, James Taylor. Holl• MaNevin has returned home alter • three week's visit to relatives. ills T. Sturdy, of Dammnnn, spent revered days last week, the fume of Mr. and Mee Foley. H. Conk returned to Woodetook on Mon• day, .ft.r • week's Matt w1th his wife and patents. W,III•m Chisholm had several teams hauling wood to No. 5 eokool. Mr. and Sirs. P. Stott art •otoreuoed • few of their young irlend. at a party en Frld•y evening. .lame' Ktrkpetlok Ilse moved back to hie farm on the 1.. S. atter living for • term of years at. the Point Farm. R^►M. MoKeet¢'e, of Inland China, .111 na0097 the palolt el*he Presbyterian church on Sandy. Febrility 22. Seryl.•, at 11 o'olook. Into. Fulled', Dunlap, loot his favor%. horse (Yam) which i. wall -known In hem burn, Ming one of the mob -horse at tk. Point. Farm when the retort wag In going order, BORN LAY. -A( Skeany, Alma, on Jan. 13e4.1903. to Mr and Mrs. H. M. lay (neo Oameron, of G0Aer6e41 a son. HYITTb:, In Rrootlyn on Monday, Tsbruary int., the wire of Rd. Ryltto tlormerly of Uoderlehl of • dangbler. MARRED 0)0PRH NRNDERRON At Kingston, en Rehrnnry tt , Krese *I. Piper, Montreal en of Mn. W. Cooper, Cllnsonl. to MIss rw*Henster.ne.. DIED. MARSH 1n elipto.. at tM Renes 0t R.gt�w on Mislay, PIA. Mb, law. Fred YM1b Ito mealy of OoAmiehl, eyed N ywrs e 6 1 month. EV Na. - Ie N4 M Po Hes int to 4/4 her to t tial ItO d k. bet IS ISM 1