The Signal, 1903-1-29, Page 88 'LWO Wtt, January 29, 1903 THEIGNAL : GODERIOH ONTARIO. ALTERATION SALE COMMENCING SATURDAY, JAN. 17th. We have leased the premises next door to,.us, now occupied by the Brunswick Cigar Store, and in the Spring will have th© two stores made as one by removing part of the dividing wall. The new premises will be fitted up as a GENTS' FURNISHING AND CLOTHING STORE, our already large business in these lines necessitating our having more room for the next season ; also the removing of our Clothing Department from up- stairs to the first floor of the new part with the Gents' Furnishing Department will make it much more convenient for our customers -and easier for us ; and the room they now occupy is very much needed by our other stocks for their proper display. We intend to make this the occasion of a general clearing up of all Winter Goods. We want none carried over into the Spring. Our large importations for the Spring business will need all the room we have, consequently everything must go now if price will move it. Bargains ! 1 OFF 3 111 ready-made garments for Ladies -Jackets, Skirts, Waists and Capes. FUR BARGAINS 1 } off all Furs, Mutt's, Caperines, Muffs, Jackets 1 OFF 2 all Millinery, trimmed and un- trimmed Children's and Ladies' Hats. Bargains 4 OFF ALL DRESS GOODS Suitings, Waist uresis, Cloaking, Tweeds, Woolens, Silks -every- thing to be cleared up. Bargains in Prints for Comforters. off price of all Print in stock. Table of Cloth Remnants. } price. Remnants of Suiting, Dress Goods, Woolens, etc., ranging from 1 to 21 yds. double -fold, all clearing at price. off Comforter% and Blankets. Bargains ! 1atT OFF Clothing -Men's and Boys' Suits, Overcoats, Pants, Pea Jackets, Vests and Smocks. • 1 4 O 'F F Men's Stiff and Soft Hata all go- ing at i off. 1 OFF 4 Men's rind Boys' Caps -Cloth and F'ur. Never Have We Offered Such a Money=saving Opportunity ! S1ITH BROS & CO. Making Room for SPRING GOODS tEIOURN. Mosoiv, Jao. 26th. M. Foley .pert Sunday with hi" par este Normal sohool, Toronto. Mark Horton was down from I)aagoonoo the ARSTRA'T of 1I1A'''IAI. esThursday The members of the It-im•a Catholic Receipt/J.-- Hoch. Taylor spent several days I., •hurch •t Kogehridg•, with many of their Itel.toce on hand from 190' Hallett tut week. , teams, bay. beet' this Pest week or 10 Cooper, as ooe of the wlon'r. ot prizes at sheets will shortly be published coutahine a skat'og carnival held In Clinton on the the books added to the library during the 16th lou , and go'Mooday morning of last year, and will be distributed free to al, week rhe Mt to commence her studies 11 purchasers of catalogues. Mn. James Horton, held her tint reo.p , drawing the brick required for the new tloo last Wednesday. I Mies M. Taylor, af 1 oestes0, is visiting t her noel., James '113101. Alex. Horten. spent Sunday wealth .1 Mr. Saunby's, I4uogaaoo„ Miss 'Tens rowan, Myth, a no g0nt of her cousin, Mrs .1. McManus. Two of our young men had a had rune..s hat Thnrsd.y evening, while Bolo, 10 1,1r the report of t1e election. This owner of the outfit s.oapsd with only a few bruiser, but J",spit bar bean confined to the house ever shoe. 'i'ru, l,Ay, Jan. 27th. Wear'. -Another bhak 1. soon 10 be made 1■ our midst by the departure of neo o1 our popular young men. Alex. Hor- lsw is going out to the Alberta &strlot acid W rioted his term to his neighbor, ,1a•. MecManue, for term of seers. fns. yon o% Tn. KAlI0 k4, Sinn the referendum vote the electric railway bylaw has been the general theme tel debate In this ward, and the meetings held I.y the promoters brought about many discussions. Oa Thursday last eighty four •Mtn were polled here, fllty•two for the bylaw and thirty two against The scrutineers for the r•llway wine .1. 11s Hawkins ,Lod E. Van E•erv, of ()oderiob . Ind ,lehn Llnkl•ter acted to • slmlllu oapselty for the tows ship. S. It. Williams was deputy return- ing other and A. A. Williams poll clerk. church they are to build during next sum- mer. We nalersteod that they Intended to build • stone one. but found they oould cot gat meter al suitable, so decided that they would have • brick este l0uea,l. Kegln•I l H•ughtee le on • visit to his brother, the Key E. J. Houghton, at Dui. - more rectory, near Scranton, I's... whore the coal etriks was on tut year. Hearts had quite a lot of adventures in his j ,atney there. The Uoderleh train did not make connection with the Buffalo train owing to the scow dente, and later oo be arrived at Sor•ntoe alter the street oars had stopped running and had to walk the treck over • distance of or miles and rouse his ohrtoal brother by means of t6• night hell. DUNLOP., TresnAT, Jam. 270. Our or.e-tlm. resident, Jobs Dario. sell known here and about Seltford. Is dead. Mrs. 1) McColl, from near Ender, and her son 1)svld, were prs.al at the fuoeral of the late K 1). Morn.. From the l'ort Albert Item. we motto. that ems former townsman Wm. Smith, who was our bl.oksmith for sono years and left here tor the Port nearly tea years ago. has row removed to Kingartb, In Bruce rellm) y Mn. Quaid, sr , one of our oldest real Beats, who le peering the soda bei nine- tieth year, the other day threaded a medium sswlag needle (not • darning mood1"1 without "epees," and she I. still able le do light stewing with ease. From the New Kr. of Lvt week we motto' that our late prec.ptress, Miss Kra GODERICH PUBLIC LIBRARY. Nesthlr Meeting Last a•Iwrdar Sincere' meNrt. far 1.et, The January meeting of the t;oderieb public library hoard was held on Saturday efter0000 loot, wbsn t6• librarian . and treasurer's report• for the past year were presented The election of officers for the pre..ot year will take place .t the n.xt. meeting, which will be held the 7th trot. LislteRI t''V RkP„KT. Number of 5 o.ot reader'. oard. issued, 5115, 8z','1,5 ; number of yearly cards, 4..t til 00. 51 00 ; number of oatalog,iss sold, ,t5, at 10o..$3,50; number of tine. oolleot•d, 453„ 32(t 19 ; number ( t book. honed, 11,- 767, (',onetstieg ot notion, 6,2.37 ; history, 1.715 ; t literature, 1,560: mleoeilan eons, 703; voyages and travels, .567; science, 207 ; biography, 78 ; poetry, 55 ; rellgtnoe, 134 ; etre/* 516: works of referees*, 250) ; number of porous who hat• t.ken books out of library, 600 The number of reader. h"losrtlrg the ronin averages bo tween thirty and fort v. In the evening the number U fltty to seventy five, wester when there tea attraollons to draw tit• moral reed log class away. The order ol..r.ed by the patrons of the library is goof. The school boyo and girls heh.v• mush tetter than they dad Int year. A, Or r, Librartes. W• may remark here on the .mall num- ber of oataloguee sold during the year. It le • matter for surprise that when they eon M obtaleed for the small sum of loots. any ilk ler should be wlthou.. one. Additional 'TATISIO"T 9176 34 1a.mbere' fees 61 50 Legislative grant 120 00 Msalolpal grants. 315 00 Sale of mogerloes and newspapers22 55 Advertises/seta In oatelogoe. 35 10 loterset on ba'k d.poelt2 85 Exp•rdituree Rent, light and beating Salaries Kooks purobseed Book binding M•gerloee and new•paperr, 1902 1903 N•w oatalogue Sundries Belaoa oo band • FRASER St LOGAN Cross -Cut Saws ! HAVE YOIT HEARD OF THEM 8733 34 The following MECONl) HAND STOVES, which have been taken in exchange for HAPPY THOUGHTS will he SACRIFICED: FOR GOAL OR WOOD ; 1 No. 921 Duchess of Oxford, with reservoir and high closet. 1 •' 919 Superior, with reservoir. 1 " 921 Aberdeen Warrior, with high closet. 1 " 918 Favorite, with reservoir. 1 " 918 Famous Active, with water front. 1 " 920 Kitchen Witch. WOOD STOVES 1 No. 921 Oxford Rival, with reservoir. 1 " 9 Consort, without reservoir ; also several others. • Also a number of good fleeting Stoves, taken out of places where 1 have put in Furnaces : 1 No. 5 Radiant Home. 2 " 6 Radiant Homes. 1 " 7 Radiant Home. 1 Universal, with oven. 1 " 14 Royal Peninsular, with oven, and numerous others. CHAS. C. LEE. at the Hums Presbyterial oI the W. F. M S wee held io Koox cnuruh, (lode/lob, 00 January 20;h. The weather was all that oould be desired, but the l.te.11 of the Oslo. made a very meagre .)te04000e at the bossiness meeting. The rooming *salon was mooed with devotloual exercises, oouduoted by tit. pres- ident, Mrs. Neil Shaw, of E•moodvllle. Th. s.ssloo was confined to hearing reporte from secretaries, treasurer, and from various auxiliaries and mluloo bonds. Thew re- ports ware most satufaotory, allspe•king of progrtss In some dinotlon, and the treasurer repotting Morease of foods. After the Mooing prayers by Mrs. Sewers, of Broom Bind, the ladles were invited to the lecture room, where the ladite of Knox ohuroh bed provided • bounlllul dinner, el welch the poste showed dos •pprsotatton. After a few minutes for so, 'ablllty we h•sts sd to the oudlsoos room again to work. Alter singing • bymn, •tee election of ofioers was proceeded with. Mr. Fletcher, of Thames Road, gave • Hlblo reeding, the subieot being, "Tbe Place of Missions in the Bible." The subject was ably dealt with and showed that then 1. • foreshadowing of minions In the 91d Teetameat Daniel aol'olpatsd mission work; Jonah sa.s. an un- willi0g mlesionary. 4)1 ooaree the New Teatemsnt tells of Christ's advent, and Hie commis/don to His dlesiplee to preach the gospel to lively creators. After prayer by Mire Wlisos, of ('locos. we listened to • wry tours.tlee address Irom the president, 0o the relation between prayer and mles1001. The problem of today 1n' to brio( the church to her knees. Uod I. able to answer all ?toyer, and there are many .trlktsg Instances of answer to payer. Miss (ion mall, of Kgmondvtlle, sang eery effectively an appropriate song. A representative trom the North st. Mstbodist ohm •h brought greet ng. from their society. and bid us 1.odspeed. Mrs. Johnston, of P.islsy, then favored to with • very Instructive .ad IntatestIng talk, the enbloct being some of the duties•, privileges and opportunities of women In Christian lauds. What 1. the 'reshot need ot the world, and our respon- sibilities to supply that need; to whom do w. belong? We are responsible tor oesysy- leg Uod'. meas,•; time would fall to tell of the exoelleot words, and many duties point - ad out; may we have grace to herd Hie mts.age. A eerie. of prayers for mlsalos•,by Mr. Taylor, el Blyth, and Mr.. emirates sad Mrs. 1)05, et (iodsrfch, was followed by • hymn and oelleotioe. The offering was 37109 •183 75 70 90 6 20 66 75 40 00 75 65 37 26 176 74 733 34 • This includes.oretery's salary for two v else. D. J. Narret, Acids Tresourer. HURON PRESBYTERY. d.dloated la prayer by Mn, laeliele, of Heosall. Mine Alto, o1 Rieke, give • meet estertaislns and full 0000uss .f the 1 meshes. A few oledeg words by Mn. Odeon, of Uoderloh, the oldies member .1 Knox uburob Auxllla, y, showed her isle/est was net •belts(. eves though 1..r hair woe silvered, and pupils to shame with her vigor many young', womse. Another hymn sad • olo.tog prayer, by Mn. ienderson. of Hconall, oloesd this mesion. The Presbytery of Heron met It Kao' u nwell, 1; ,der , b, on 'Tuesday, 79th last Key. F. 11. Inrklr, ot Swim th, was appoint - .d moderator tor the nett el: menthe. Session r.00rde were examined and ••tested Mr. l'.rriere reported that the debt care the manse In his charge of Orend fiend and Cornett had been tally Paid. It was agreed 'n ask the Asesmbly's augmentation Gout mutes for supplements as follows: For heard Head and Corbett, 3100; for leeburt' and Union, 3100. It was also decided to o ak a grant o1 $50 for the Hayfield and li.thuy charge, and • er,n.lar amount for the chime tl Vara and Blake. Mr. Mc - loosen was appoloted to Melt the former charge, and Mr. S.wers the latter, for the parpore of lndutlog them to make .itch sn Ino.... in the minister's stipends as will raise them to the minimum, Including the rum to be asked from the Assembly cum mitfee The clerk was 'llrs''4d to onysy to the widow and family of the lata Prloclpal McVbcar, of Montreal, the sympathy of the Presbytery in their recent bereavement Rev. Mr. McKeors, of Honest, China, being mimeo', woe Invited te sit and deliberate. The following resolution on the liquor luesllon was unanimously adopted: "osmuoh se the Presbytery, to • former re ''abloo, uraed open the people to support the I,'quor Act submitted on I)aoember 4:h lase, It would now put on record Its plseeere a1 the wry large vote oast to fayor of the Act The Presbytery 1. of the opinion that the 1)ov•rment is now jn.tlhed In re intr. - du. ng and enpoortlog the Ael, and at soy rate that suoh legislation he enacted as will elms the bar, and do away with tI a heating sys.em; and meanwh le that license nem mWlonsrs he urged to nittetlally reduce the numh.r nI Pommes And the Presbytery hops that all the (needs of tempsnbos will elyesaob forefel coasidsratioo to the matter as w111 secure the full Assent of the •oto •oaf mks for U,. father advancement of the weft" upon the presentation el the report ot the Presbyterial Women's Fore'ge Missionary Society, showing eralllylng in Greases in boat contribution. and member .hip, the folleeler reeelntloo was passed "The Presbyter, hereby e.prres their high appreciation of the wall desist and 1•ben of the Women's Foretgo Missionary Swishes within the bou•'le and their gratitude tri Hod for the seems which has orowa.d their snorts during the year They sspeolally raoord their satulaetlen with the looreaee el onnbrtlmt.ton., the amount .1 which 1. eaeefd.rably In wows of that of the vowed- def year. They aloe express their belief that the growing Interest In Wedge m,selens thrnsghons bbl ohor, h le largely dee to their effort., and pray that the divine blow lag may 11c117 attend all their 1.t ffnrte te promets this great work " Ilr, lrbbbes, of Hamilton, was nominated as floodwater .1 the next Assembly. Mr. MoKerrls, of Resin, beteg Invited to speak, addressed l'rssbytary wtth groat elngn•ans and fere°. 'litft sootragelar mestle of Presbytery will be held a1 Kippes, ea Marsh 10th, a1 10 e'eleek A. w. It was demonstrated at the great Gaderieh Town ship sawing match of last season that the " FRASER & LOGAN SAW " was the swiftest cutting Saw known and made fast friends with the large crowd of witnesses McXENZIE & HOWELL HAVE THESE SAWS IN STOCK besides "The Leader," " Buffalo Bill" "Racer " and " Challenge." We have had such a rola on Cross -Cut Saws thus fa this season that we have had to get a second shipment. IN AXES WE CARRY THE BEST MAKES giving a wide range to choose from. You cart depend ori getting a good tool from McKENZJE & HOWELL Clearing Sale of Winter Goods The eysnlng seesie°, after tote *posed with devotional eixetoleee by Rey. Meer.. Anderson and Ierkln, heteoed to the re- preeostattve from Presbytery (Rev. Mr. Mahatma., of Klppea), who 10 • few w.11- obeeeo wells brought the greet/nee and oeogratulatiow from the Presbytery. We were favored dortsg the melon with soles from Mee. Anders** ted Mr. Tboenne, both of Kooz church ibolr, and an anthem from the same choir. The interest of the evasion watered 1. Iter. Mardock Me- Kearle'e address. B. thrilled the endI.0os with a grepblo aooesal of his work la Woad Inducements for February 1 - r THE PLACE TO BUY ALL HARDWARE CHEAP. EAST WOE eouARI. GODERIOH. MISSIONARY WORK. asesel MM.Isg .r Mares ►vsebrt.rtal W.oaeo. UWtaw.ry a.°.esg. A very eaeeemfal and interesUsg SSMieg Having finished stock taking l have decided oto offer the balance of my Winter Goods At Cost Everything must be cleared in order to make room for Ins spring stock of Boots and Shoes, consequent- ly a "move -out" price has been put on each 'line. Don't miss this opportunity. Sale commences Saturday, January 24. Repairing neatly done. E. DOWNING 9 Next Wilson's Drug Store. Chian. Havtsepaesed tbreagb Ube Borer troubles, and hastag reoelved *emoted wes.ds, be ksows eemetbbs et butterluf for the Master's sake. The work •f metes (Ala• Sud les 350 soilless of people is appall - lag. H• has labored Is Chloe twel•e rears; he teak as to lowsheauoa te Chloe, .ad palated vivid pictures of tis• servltade of the women, their degraded ooadltloo, the Idolatry of the people, the strong, sturdy N O, with great staying power, dinging with tenacity to old onetime, wonderful peeesver•eas, ustIrlog Iadostry, very e oenomloal, revsrest te paresis, 90 par nest. u nable to road er write ; their greatest mrd 1. salvation; the work for them mast Ise dons patlestly, perseyst nrly, faltklelly, prayerfully. A larger asdlesoe would have Wee well repaid for oomlag to hear et title work by an earliest laborer. A vete of teaks te all wits belief to nay way te make this a euoossslul meettag, followed by a hymn' and tee benedloUes, olew,l • eery lmterestlag meattsg. Mas. 15. laws+, Presbyterial Secretary, t.`u.Tos. Officers fes 1903 :-Hem. presideor, Mrs. U. Floweeer, Theses Read ; preeld-t, Mn Nall Shaw, 1(Ame edvwe ; 1s. Woe, Mrs. .1. H.miltes. Uodeeseb ; 2a4 000, Mn. saw ors, Hruoensid ; 3rd ',.ss. lana J. Witte, Swaforth, s.oratery, Mn. R. Irwin, 011atm Nwarer, Mrs. 511.0 seen. Basion► ; ose- retary of .appllas, Mir Kau MOTasgW, (,Tama ; literature eaaetary, Mn. J. 8. Headeraos, llseaall. NOTICE TO \ Water Takers All water rates are now due foe\ 1903. A discount of 10 will be allowed on all payments made this month. Parties owing for 1902 mut: be prepared for the water to be turned off. W. L. HORTON, January GUt, 1903. Collector. 1 lot Pictures, copies from celebrated artists, rang ing in price from 1 5c to 50c, clearing at 10c and 15c. 1 lot round and oval Pic turew, clearing at 5c. Several dozen loxes Note Paper and Envelope.,con- taining 50 sheets and 50 envelopes, usually sold at 20c, sale price 1Oc Boxed Note Paper, emboli seri "(loderioh," with en- velopes to match, finest quality, clearing at half pries. A few odd lots of good square Envelopes,2 pack ages for 5c. Odd lots Note Paper to match above, half price. 40,0Lt,1140,0f0,0Aif>tettllf>t1f0,0,0 0,0,0•04,0•0•0•4•014,40•410A eitinif menti . yaL-"- HOD(3ENS BROS.arrasN c ser• SNe w j t F J T1113 LAST DAY1,F CATURDAY, JANUARY 31st, is the last Clay of our financial year and 3 47 of our great January sale for 1903. We are going to wind up both 3 with this list of specials for Saturday selling. These represent bargain 3 lots and odd lines that we would a great deal rather turn into ready FF 3 cash, even at a loss, than carry into another year. Quantities are all F 3 limited, so the earlier you come the better your choice. 3 Spring goods are here already, waiting to be opened and put F 3 Into stock. Every day they will be cpming along, and bright and early F 3 next week we will be ready for early buyers and people who like to get F 3 their spring sewing done early. We will have more to say about spring 3 stuffs next week, and this list of specials will be here for people who w 3 come to this store Saturday. i ;3''l. Pew Dress Goods Bargains. Isere are some prices for good dress goods that ought to interest you. They are money-sav- 3 ing and they stand for good qualities. They are just last pieces that are left after a big season's • selling. We would rather have the money to 3 count than the goods to enter in our stock books • on Saturday next, so they go on sale Saturday • morning at these prices. Phone 100 B PORTER'S Book - Store 3At 15c. k few ends fancy dress • goods, short ends and loot ▪ pieces of lines that sold at 25c, 35e, 40c per yard, medium and dark colors, • would make capital quilt 3 linings, double fold, clear ▪ ing bargain days at per • yard 15c 3 Black Goods; 4 1.25. • Heavy all wool black cheviot • finish cloth, suitable for 3 coats or unlined skirts, reg - 3 alar 112 00 $1.25 Skirting Serge, 48c. ▪ 1 end only black worsted serge, winter weight, will wear well and make ser- viceable suite or skirts, regular 75c, per yard..48c $1.25 Serge, 85c Heavy navy blue serge, good quality, all pure wool, extra wide, regular 31 25, 85c Fancy Black, 19c. I end only 'fancy black dress goods, double fold, regular 35c, 19c Fancy Black Goods, 50c. 50 yards, about half a dozen patterns, fancy black/goods, neat, small designs snit able for skirts, last ends of 75c and 85c lines, clearing at _. 600 Myrtle Serge, 25c. I end only myrtle green dress serge, all wool, good weight, regular 40c, for 25c. Many another clearing bargain will be found on the dress goods counter on Saturday. We'll save yon a little money if you come here for a dress or skirt. Some Saturday Fur Bargains. ('aperines, muff's, ruffs and small furs of all kinds are selling at exactly one-quarter less than regular prices. This means money -saving for you and a clear stock at the end of the season for us. ()ur furs are good qualities only, and one quarter less than our regular prices ought to tempt you to buy. All ceperines one quarter less than regular price All sable rnffs one quarter leas than regular price. All muffs one quartets. Inn than regular nice. All fancy ruffs one quarter lees than regular price. Every article good, every article reliable in quality, every article a bargain. Silk and Flannel t Waists, 52.66. F We want to see the last of F our silk and flannel waists F leave the store on Saturday. F There are barely over half a F dozen to sell and we are will- F ing to let them go at a good F deal less than regular prices in order to get them out on Saturday. ti ladies' waists, silk and French flan net, embroidered, tucked and hent stitched, navy, white, old rose, grey, made in the latest styles, sold al $3.50, $3.75 and '4.00, clearing the last ones on Saturday at each $2.65 Silk Remnants, 15c. • 40 short ends of plain and fancy ool- ored silk, lengths i to 1 yard, all kinds and colors nearly, clearing Saturday at your choice for.... 15c Remnants, 25c. Altable of silk remnants on Satsrday at your choice for a quarter, wither- ed from all over the store, not one but is worth doudle the price, some a goal deal more, choice of theta all on Saturday 25c Remnants, 50c. Another table of remnants for S.lur- lay. tido one at your choice for 50c. Most of those on it will be dregs good+ or staple goods. They most go out on Saturday and 50c each is the price that will sell them. Blankets, 51.38 If y��� realize just n�. good these blankets ..e m1..� your realize .just how blankets are, what a bargain they really are, there F won't he one left Saturday F night.. We never gave such a blanket bargain. Very fine quality all wool blankets. I single, 5 pounds' weight, large sins, going Saturday at $11.38 IIODGENS BROS. ..VOT!1!!ITT!PTIuTTTTMTTftuTTTTfoTTTTifTTolululyfurk