The Signal, 1903-1-29, Page 6J/mt;LtIt;?v45 er/f% �(L,t CiY.s i`IG4�7�%ll ✓ 4Le/l'.ei' x, 46 - CAi44/ O t' &eV lefirrt Jsa: GIPSY'S MARRIAGE Thal yon loved tel• 4(111 the saure� k hie • temper -and -the Dermot Kings (.1pry, her eyee, for One see I temper le none of the bet, a11.1 (IPr- ured seek,n,t her hu..b:url'4. renal,: fruw father to 101 with mur- He stands ate' watcher her. How prising regularity argil unimpaireil lovely she Ill. How beautiful are the tory-nasi so, wh+'n the last carriage true, sweet notes of her voice. rills away, and tho heavy oak doors' Lady Dermot, sen, le playing the nye wind again, he. [kyle net go back neeompaDeeper ; and (.1917 iw stand• • to the drawing -room where he kuuwe iuig at her side, B el:.all, NI(ndowy Illpsy le waiting for 1du1, but h' - figure, with her weird. beautiful takes Women to ids study ani ryrk and the b1 prr- •.1Ilan(« , pante to enjoy lu poy the luxury of a sulk her cropped curls ehiuulg Ilk* "1141 the Coon:Nation of a pipe. stars, F.xeitewcnt outer tier; Preselely there eines a gentle tap vousuess have flushed cheeks to n brilliant crimson. and her nude trembler tt littler. "Affectation t" murmurs Miss Blake. But the song goer bravely on, and stIll Sir Manske never uterte his clew from IAN wife's face. Other eyed are also wittehiug her. 10101144 Bryon. leaning against the doJr- load, gime', steadily at tier with al very grave exprmation on lile face; and Mr.. Bryan patens ntten• tively to the long, but keeps' her keen eyes ,fixe 1 (n the ninger'r ince till the last note dlr. away, n11d id the murmure of thanks that fol- low, elle snort■ cheerfully to her - w -1 f. Poor Glptp! Rhe never dreaola of what In In "tore for her. when, by 11 p141 by, MrlI. Bryan cowed over and sits down by her side, and begins he 011 her voice .. compliment r t "My dear, It he genie", something ant of the cumIflOfl Amt du you kuow, your song carrier ale back to nutny yearn ago -to the very smug and the very faro 1 .remem- ber at an opera In London. I have been puzzling nhi the evening where 1 had Preen lite face mud' heard the tnk'e, anMl then 1 rem0mherwl." spry ghee :t will. 11,1rllril hook t.uward her hutbtud. one thought to Mr.. O'Hagan not her mother. who war 1.) n circus, and idle turns 10 Mfrs. Bryan. with u great lung;u.; to mkt Jointer to hrr own dead mother at last. "She WON just( eke you." Mrs. Bryan keeps saying-"su pretty, and such a lovely voice. I remember her per feetly well in the 'Bohemian (sort.' my den r. Could Neh have been a r,. latI'P7" 4.14((11 lip the crafty old woman. noting every sign of agita• tion on Glpay'a Ince. With the look of a martyr the girl ep'llk. low 'mil clear. "It was my mother," rhe sayer. "Ali. was n singer. nail wear till the silage.' "11i, then, of pourer., you inherit her voice!' :uwwera Mrs. Bryan. af• feeling not to notice the general scout a dna t ion: --- Sir Maurice ha. turiw i it .husky re -1: (11I)Ny'e heart Is beating wildly "She known I nm not ashamed' of her now," Nhe. thilikN, "my 900i' dead mother In Heaven, who left me her beautiful voice." Every one Acta a■ 1f nothing had hnppened, and they talk away not If there wen nothing extraordinary in Sir Maurice lk'nuoot'sy'o ng 1%ift e sullenly Announcing that her moth- er was an actress. Mist Blake' kooks straight into Fier Maurice u angry ey'ew with a trium- phant light in her own. "Wlint charming candor r' the murmurs. "It is not every one who nosed or could let PO rourngeous. n« 1.ndy Dermot. Don't look No angry, my denr Maurice -ea If it mattPrwl the least hit r' He only given an angry growl, and mom' strnlght to Gipsy. "My mother went! you to Ring again ; Lady 'lantanl INsio shared with your Yoke." With n•pwift glance• up into 1111, face, Gippy complies,. The Dowager Lady Dermot In the meantime, with 1110 tact of a dol.'n generale, is ex- patiating en the beant y of her daughter -In-law's raker, the gift` In- herited from her thee, IMP of the most gifted of woolen. She wee • the daughter ,of an Italian count - quilt reman- 1 e -ren away and went on theology, and nfterwnrd married Roger Der - met ; aMl after that lie never nll(IYwI her to sing In public -till which charming mash fe14rr* are accepted with a grain td emit, and in general ars diacrollte4l. . Lady De'rmot's first look of icy Ma- iden/mire wean not loot on the nlsetu- .bl.d guee,'R, and they are net 4,CPIY- ext mew, when, with n /smile sweet na honey, sine tnkou Iilpey'N Mind nr141 hends her to the pin no ; n nd awes' snare the lovely %001' charms and electrifies the audience. If Sir Maurice notices the thrill of wetness that makes her falter in the sang, he pretend.' not 10 do so, and no nnmw,ring mtn1'0 insets her wistful gnxe to -night.. For mice (tipsy le afraid to he Alone with him. Rhe e. lotwting for the even- ing to lie over, and yet, when every ,ms' line gone, Rhe le dreading the; mo- ment that mulct cane. For the first time In their abort married life Mau- rice hna hooked rattily at her. for the Brat time she feels afraid of him. She Mande and waste In the druawing- room, pale and miserable, wlshing he would Dome, and yet feeling relief in Ilia a'wiener, But Mir Mnnrem has no Intention at the door, and a eery 'meet voice with tears to It wh►rp:•es, "Maurice!" (:limy, lovely as a dream, with wet eyes and quivering lips, lays her tusk arum about 1,'e Deck and prerei'r her but, Means' cheeks to her. "Iluidniial, darting!" t lu alt those warrld life rhe liar noser celled hlnl "dealing" le•fore; and his whoAu soul thrills at the whnoyeresl eurees. "My wife, my own!" he rays, low nn1 passionately, forgetting every- tl.lug bat lots love for her. "I wan n brute; and I liars matte you cry, (.tipsy. Forgive, • Uuur;e.'," alio w loiters hack, with Irbl i'.culelilntlou kilt upon her line. "1.couhul't help It, dear. It "seemed as if my mother know, ant that f ways nwhumeetoaf her, nal I hind to speak." HI's remaining Ie beyond his imag- ination, for In his well -regulated life imagination luta no room ftor heel, Ill,lht,4 (4 I111Cy un the'. He 01117 looks down fondly nt hie wire, and idioms the tears from her cheeks. "1 Null never tame you, Glpyy ;3 -OU Will nla'nyr lie the same wlkl, untam- able little tllr4(, unlike eter)body j • ride laughs., ail sigh!, two. "Ah. Mauro •, filly 'Mimi 1 everyone he alke 7 1 try oar hard ; Int If you knew how much Iclppier 1 ant out d•alkitig. lir driving with you, when 111:14, W no 0110 11) watch. ant 11100.1 not be Weeny., trying to any the right thing, tear !" Then ale Asks, surklen- ly, with gsueitlartilng ryes : "When 1. .11 went wrong to -night, were you :rutty you had marrir.l m0!" "No, never for one moment !" its• an- edarling, fr/ - erwrrm, fervently. "My fart ug, 1 th one yo(( could do or set could ever m.lk' ns' 41rrry, eter re ret that you Are my wife." erethak- 'oil nothing ' Hite e p.'rel't", altos glowing, upraised Pyle Mitt went U, b.4( rending Ilo strokes her hair tetldrrty, and nusw(PM, half -smiling, half -serious. 'Fa1•Ppl duegrnee shoul'l come t!trou,tl: you as lir: good old 08n1' or Dermot--; then 1 Wouht (-uric titer-t1ay 1 sem your face." 1II.c own grows grate an he holds her Diose to his breast, never dream - Jig how theme wort' shall one "lay re; oil ((11011 himself. "Demmer!' !' whispers tthoey, with ehtldllke ',pe. "That could never be." "1 trust not,' he rejoins, nulling. ''Do y01 know,Gipsy,v y.l ml 1110 Der- mot!, - nOto have ',seen the sem" for gener- ations. •The men have been wild, Hold, bail, many Pf them. but not one wont has ever been breathed ngalnat the women; 11) near, you knew n little of haw careful find peons es' are of lie fair 1111 1111, of Der- mot. noes she know --has else any idea of the pang that slot through his prowl (tenet to -night when she said her mother wan nn w•tress-oi the blow to his prl.te that her elni9le won't; gave hint 7 Very :tinily ahs• renitmeN it whop, with a child's cling- ing milliner, she whispers "i am worry :'' Sorry that, for one whorl hour out of their whole life, lee face ,lould hove wont a Trown for her 1 CHAPTER XX(II. Druienueen Castle le willies itself to -day ; the. long dining -roots in de- titeinl of et.rythiug i•tee,1 the lend (uu1 gone Dermot'', who, !ranging from the wall, look from their, gilded frames in to the 9011.11011 floor. It 1P the day of the ball, and prepera- -t net go on bonny. (lmey's little feel have nlrently dewed gayly Iq) nn.I damn the 'Mining hoards - Nhe has mooed into all the moult, and with pie:eed ryes, watrhe"1 the, nrran,re- me•ttte. The Dowager Lady Dermot l. eommnneler to -(lay, playfully am• rttlr:trg (ilpey that elm. le too Inex- perienced to understand much things. sit' to lepsy, inlstr011 of her own 1101111', it Is nil like fairy -work. LI the 1 brnry n noble banquet seems the work of unkeen hand!: glowing m4P=ea of flower' meet the eye at lorry- turn, and she IN told that eh, line telly to I,1ik pretty to -night, and not tmnitle her head nlnout ney- t h'ng loo, )ant an this trees In the Drew'. tient woods are flaming red. crimson and gold In the Afternoon sun, Oip)y Its perched n 1 n ruetie gate w•at(h Ing for HIr Maurice. Through the trees Phe ran, nee the sun tinting the item. and branches, and lying In lowing 901"11 'N mt 11 • g"ru-s Th larches' are turning pale lemon color but the horse che,tnuts and ',septics Are tipped with rcnrlet. and g:owing gllinplos4 of crimson tooth out ngnlnst the dirk pries. of scolding lie wife ; he menne to .How perfect It nil in -a day that speaks of death 1u its brightest fora, it death In beauty and nolor delight - tut to the eye. tipsy rogue the gate. with u buueh of crlw.on rune hlpe In her baud, mud a spray u( blaokberry leaver that shine like flaws agalnet her brow (• threes. A touch of frost has made al, nature blurb ; and money the bright green of rummer WAN (lever w) beau 111(11 1414 the dying glories of withered hates and yellow stubble, as'. glow - lug ani I lardy 111111. autumn gathers up her trmblug garb laid prepares to go. A rabbit steals out anti nibbles' enutiourly, utas Miley watches him e Ith breathleus Interest, hie rare laid back as' he vigorously ulggl.y away at the foot so liberally petit ldrd by ❑allure; then her tasselled eyed met hones other brown eyed watching lane anti there le a whack of 1111111111, u141 he t4( off. Verily, Lady Dermot Ir slily piear.•d, to be Awu41rd itt smelt things' ON Hulse, and 11) watch. ns' she dues, three little hole hi the bracken where bunny itieuppearwl. But he Ike' not slto4 lith woft, timid face agalu, and Gilley turns with a dart, to feel that she to out alma.. Vp to this lUuwellt rhe 111141 not observed it email, slender pertain. ►lowly cro..i: g the wide field. her Tight footfall waking 10 sound on the whorl, bleached groom, Molded (town us' 1l hum been by n hundred buoy rhi':•p. Balt now, no (l1pey turns, w I11 startled, wide-open eyes, n look of surprlee anti f.•ur sweeps over her faaoe. Iter heart thuwpe loudly, 1114(1 a crowd of old memories* rush into her mind. 'the figurer, gait, ererythisg about the neweomee reuliads her so fury ibly or her dead slater te.hy1 (lull. by the thus the stranger rencle« her rile. (:(pry's face e'xpreua.s won• (tering Lear more than anything e111.'; and, though she trembles ali over, she In hardly surprised when till' AMU II, raising her veil,dfrclusee Sibyl's face, white and wan, the feet• et Hibyl, whole elle 111411 mourn- ed so long 'as dead. "Gipsy, 2Iou't you kudw Ion 7" 1l it Hlbyl'r v1iee, the voice of old. oral at wound of the well remember"1 tours n whole limit of rocollectione swell up in Gipry'r heart. 'it Ur byl 111 rind!: 4111,1, with n buret of tears, site pule her arms rowel her aeW. f.auid sister's neck, (11111, wrought up to a wit.' pitch of ex citement, mingled with no awe strteken gin/Mews. cries and robe, half fearing all the time that .a Mart be 1111 1111161011. a Taney of tic• blithe "lawny, deer little (;spry, dill 1 frighten you, dear 1" Olney holds her thghtly in her Ntroug, young arae, clinging to Iter paomit owl t4(ly. alike �1 really?" !" site a. ''You are Sibyl, r y at last; raising her face and looking steadfastly at her. Sibyl smiles, and n'ke: "Did you *often wonder where I ens, Glpr;y !" (To bo Continued.) HOW'S THIS? ' wee offer tone Hundred Dollar.' Reward for Ane rare of Catarrh that cannot be rered by Ilall's Catarrh (411'. t'. J. CH Eel F-Ykeke, Toledo. O. We. the undersigned, have knows 9..1 r hruey for the bent Ir. years, and bullets him perfectly honorable in all bumInme trans nrtluu■ and financially able to curry out any ',bllrnsluow sonde by their Item. w•rwr • Tsesi, t\'huW"Ir Iaragglets, To- kdw, 11. w'a(.rt.u.INNX'i • (141111/1!/, whukanM lrugglate, 'fooled., ti Hall. Catarrh Cute Il. Laken Internnlly,aet- Ing dlreell, upon the blood and mucous ear - face tit the ...velem. 'rrwthnoulala ret free. I'r'e. -76e per hotr. Sold t v all rYms'1 • Ia Ilall'a Family I'll', ,ere the beat. For Goodness Sake Wear Qranby Rubbers The Rubber that has the largest salt in Canada, simply on account of its goodness. Made from St.) new rubber. "Granby Rubbers wear like Iron" I'rool' rush ite. l htcngo N.o .. MIC -I noticed your wife .ittingin the whitlow sewing then morning. I thought you told me ye.terlay 011ie was IIi.I Dlx-So site was; but to -day she's on the mend. , Ilia Own Fier Will. - lh'ar Nlr11,-I clangol speak too strongly of the exe(Ilence of M N- AtDS LINIMENT. It le TIIE rrtneoly In my huuwehold for buena. spralne, Pte.. and we wool.' not he. without It. it la truly it wonderful medicine, .IOiIN A. at.t('D(INALD, Publisher Arnprlor Chronhe1P, •444► 414 Breaking The • • News Gently. 4 r44444404e4e4e444444444444 " Then, 14Ir, you refire to pe:mlt nie to per my Address', to ,your dnughl.'r 7'' • e Mioat Plnpfinth•nlly." " Goo 1. Thin eleare the atnio.•phere. Perham' you appreciate the feet that you hart -net Any monopoly of tin,igh- ters. There are (Altera. Several of them." " Sep here, what 110 you m'an, you vagabond, by ruining to me with such ;mperttnent talk 7 Make yourself scare.• ht fore I Net the porter on [[08 Consumption is a human weed flourishing best in weak lungs. Like other weeds it's easily destroyed while young; when old, sometimes im- possible. Strengthen the lungs as you would weak land and the weeds will disappear. The best lung fertilizer i3 Scott's Emulsion. Salt pork is good too, but it is very hard to digest. The time to treat consume' tion is when you begin trying to hide it from yourself. Others see it, you won't. Don't wait until you can't deceive yourself any longer. Begin with the first thought to take Scott's Emulsion. If it isn't really consumption so much the'better; you will soon forget it and be better for the treatment. If it is consump- tion you can't expect to be cured at once, but if you will begin in time and will be rigidly regular in your treat- ment you will win. Scott's Emulsion, fresh air, rest all you can, eat all you can, that's the treatment and that's the best treatment. We will send yos a little of the Erllul- cion free. R, sem Oat alb pk(en Is the form nl • Libel on the r ype of erery bou4 el m klaio. you buy. SCOTT & BO W N E. Chemists, Toronto, Ontario. 5oc. and $i: all druggists Irving anti 11I1 Newsboy. •t Xcw fork Tlnie. Henry Irving le telling In IA a with I1u011 guylo of Il. 01 - phi t that 1e M117. occurred during hes hurt risk hare. "1 w'UN sloshing clown Broadway uuu afternou-.1 t1111 my lung locks floating over the pollee tl( any 1011 eola when It newsboy rushed nil 'o , 141141, geeticulathig vloltnl13, b s.1 a.% sue hi a trestle rules Bark, back, Slr Henry 1 Fly for your life I" , "1 confect 1 wnr n bit flustere.l. Anal as 1 looked uervt)((wiy round, I asked : "'What's the smatter, wy lull 7' " " "Orrhble danger, Sir 1 Tberee, a barber In that hotel optimal' 1" 1paar.l r Liniment lures Dirtem- per. NIA Secret Relief'. 1'levelaud 1'fnlu heeler 'Do you belief in the equality of the 41['x4(,:"' "Yew, 1 .b. 11411. I wouldn't like my wile to know It:'-Clov,hu111. 1'In1,1 Dealer, Ialnarl'r I+Inlment direr D.pb- therta. Cehuliter." Lucky Pieces. "Nearly every criminal." said a de- tective, "currier some sort of lucky piece in his pocket, and trill venture OD UV undertaking of moment If he ham left this place at home. Huhner, the murderer, carried tt diene, which he hail found on it country lane An 1,1e boyhood. Mime. }tumbrel, the Frcuch aelmiier, has u lucky stone from Mount Vewlviur, Due of the Frtencll detective, told tut,, and there IN moue In all her dressier a special pocket (or some this. ltt•tvlull, the counterfeiter, tired to carry au Fgyp- tiau scarab. 1 kuow a pickpocket %Jlmo carrier it tooth of a rat that bit hew, and that he afterwarlr killed, land Its a fact that this pick- pocket fiesta come to grief ranee he took 11.9 the tooth. One of the moat proficient earl sharps. in Philadel- phia earrien a lock of hair from the brae' of bis divorced wile -nut from eentiwent or regard, us' he will ex- plain, if you art h.m. but becaun" the lock of hair brings. h1w Tuck. 1 don't believe, AS u matter of fuer. that 1 ever met it crook who dole'% have some .ort of pockelplece to rrlyt on." -Philadelphia Record. r°i WHEN LOVERS � .► QU4RREl. . 11 00000G:owe4Oe oocc o : ro000Oo The lovers had quarreled "I'11 never speak to you again idle cried. 'Perhaps you'll glue no. (sack my ring: he retorted scornfully. "1 w(alldit wear your OW ring for a thousand dollars," ';he on- serted. "Thte It' the' end," he said. -- "Wait a minute," interrupted the milord friend. "Don't forget that these are the dnyit of Arbitration, ho let us arbitrate title affair.' entirely in tate wrung!" 1110 ` Insisted. "It's all ker !Ault," he replied. "Well, let's breve a .ttewent of the case from each .hie," said the mutual friend. The girl lh'slght It over and her face . ger.. roti. "if 1 tried to Inst It In %cord.,'' alio said to nerseile "lel be posing am a little fool." Somehow the grievance was tan- gible. The youth thought it over. and he began to feel uncomfortable. "I'd be a Jackass to try to ex- plain thin thing to It cold-blooded mortal," he Pall to himself. "Well. Iet'e hear what it Is,' said the mutual friend. "Nothing," Paid the youth. "Not a thing:" said the girl. "ane I'd like to know whit business It le of )encs, anyway." "If you annoy my fiancee any more," said Die youth, "i'11 break your head. ' Hrre'w your roe/. Oracle." "You're so goal to me, Ralph.' maid the girl "Go away, can't you 7" they bout H eld to the mutual friend. "Softly, Iny old friend. Tile rage Is loth unbecoming and dangerous. You have a decided npopletie Inok. Vont Must be rarebit. It le fully to petluil trotter to ruffle you. Look at rne. no 1 'wpm at n11 agitated? \ot n bit of it. Yoe lift%P 1e001 rude to ter. Yen 11183 be ruder. But yon una't Ilp411 m7 rviunuimlty. No, air I" " If you don't get out i'll t111'0'4' lbl« Inkstand at .101." " Don't, There le something about you that con%ince. me that you couldn't throw taillight. Yon would must up the rnrpet and spatter the wane and smear the furulture. And for months these lark stains would II!. up to repr„nch your bad temper and your h;tck of akfll. Neter throw Ink If a club ie handy." K.s here, my young friend-' " Thank you, sir." f . Whet will your lake to efface your.elf • itow 111.11111.1 of you to suggest emelt n thing. There are men who can't he (ought. 1 nm one of them. I decline to efface myself.' " Well, what 110 you went!" "Do yon etlll refuse to permit me to pay my n,hlreeseh to your dangh- ter 7" Yew's "Net you don't Neem to nnder.tand (lint your refitted Is worthies'«." " Why. 'worthiere7" " Becnute she and i ■tot0 11101y and were quietly married yesterday." " }:h ! merrin' 7 That do.n make a llffrrenee. Draw up it Nlalr,"-('Irte- lnvid PInln Dealer. • "Pape," mak* Mine Strong, "1 w -'.h yogi would stay In this 00en:.11g. Mr. Parsley will want to speak to yoe "Hae lin really proposed nt teat 7" "No," replied the dear girl. with a look of determination, "Mit he well tsnlghlt!t 1 kl(nnrl's Liniment Cures target In Cows. Berore and Aller Marriage. Philadelphia Bedord. When a fellow in In love with it t ire," says a cynical bachelor, " he (nye, ' I could Ileten to you forever.' After he marrlc, her he ban to." ASSESSMENT SYSTEM "The heart never Mule that the bills an protoeted When drawn on the firm of Wife, Childress or Friends." Every man should carry sufficient insurance to protect his loved ones, and to Insure to them the Income they enjoyed durlug his life time. Arryour toyed once telly prole: ted to the event of you beim 0111ed hence` Th1s Is a pertinent question, nod one that man eh"ubl npply to himself. 11 they are not fully protected then the CANADIAN ORDER OF CHOSEN FRIENDS will provide duet, what y"1, require. Look up your age. tautly the figures strinz Arse, nod you wIII find nt whet a email fort you coin carry nnolber 1500, 51,018), $1,500 or 52,001) or !neurone.. or proteetloe. TABLE t)F MONTHLY RATES. At the On On On On Agra of $500 .1000 511100 $9000 18 years $0 99 50 58 $0 87 $1 111 19 and 90 0 80 0 60 0 00 1 90 21 " 29 0 81 0 62 0 98 1 24 23 " 24 089 064 0 911 1 2.1 25 " 96 0 83 0 136 0 99 1 R9 27 " 28 0 84' 0'611 1 02 1 86 9U " ;10, 0 85 0 70 1 05 1 40 91 " 't9 0 86 0 72 1 08 1 44 11 8 " R4 0 87 0 74 1 11 1 48 (5 " 86 0 111 0 T6 1 14 1 59 a T " 811 0 40 0 80 1 90 1 60 4 40 ,,, 11 48 0 66 1 99 1 79 (1 49047 094 1 41 1 RR 18 " 44 0 119 1 04 1 Lib 2 08 I n " 411 0 119 1 94 1 e8 9 48 47 " 48077 184 2 R 8 011 49 " 50 1 101 '1 00 n 00 4 01 Phoned you 'Ono deeps a"p.reonal benefit' during sickness., then by paying the lotion. but monthly ronlrf"unon• you will m.selve a benefit of 115 per week and 1a the event 1,1 death, a taaeral benadt of 550. At Ages of le 7Pnre 19 end 90 41 99 J3 " 94 Jn " 9e J7 " 98 (l " 11112 111 " 84 15 " 86 17 " 8e t9 " 40 41 " 42 t " 44 i7 " l+sl 19 " e0 0Vi Por mon taformatlos apply to the as1001 1 Connell or write to w. F. ,MOMTAOOR. Greed ReeOr*r, Reenter W. 9. CAIMPBRt.1, arena Orgsstrr, Ha411toa YRQANIZER9 WANTED t0 4s ....«.. 0411 04 0 0 4 0 49 �6 0 R NO IS THE TIME To use Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder It la an antisep tic. heal- . In ilo•ssin . applied dire.tl) to the disea.ed surface by the s patient 1,•un;elf, who blows the r through a tube into tois h K n 111 nostrils. The cur. dates from the hest puff. You needn't snuffle from colds or hay fever if you have the catarrhal powder in the house. Cures a headache in ten minutes Item. J. I. 111.711011flt write• "I have need Dr. Agnew'. natarrhal Powder for the lot two months and am now completely cured of Catarrh of see years' standing. It Is certainly msg. foal la its effect. The first applies - 'Ma bolted me wtthiu five sane 4ter." Dr. Agnew's Pills n costing10 cents for fortydoses two-fifths the twice of other first - sass pills, first cleanse and then cure the bowels and liver for- ever. 1 •wull:Pit dlhw:m Round to Make a Sate. • New York Timoa. Mfr«. Newrtch-1 don't need any powder; my teeth are ell gold filled tinlepnu,n-Then perhaps you would lhkn to purclmae a 'Lot tie of our metal pot ieh 7 For ten months I nufferetl with Rheumatism : 1 could mous neither Immix nor feet- and felt excrucletiug pninr In my whole body. A German friend recommended Rt. Jaeohn 011 ; the rendt netonlhhed me, all pale vani.lied. ant I wean cured, -J. it, Ily- Iald, Troy, Now, York. t'errled Unanlmonsly. Chicago ('hronjrle. Quite h youthful reporter Asked Mork Twain for nn interview on the eon! situation. The newmpaper man Kogan by staying. " lar. Clemens, I have been bistro: ter' to Interview Yen un the humor,' of the Coal famine." The New York Timex mays that the to teran humorist gnaped feebly for n moment net then replied : "Young mese you go tack to your editor and 1:11 him 11 IIP emptied all the short and long dashre In bis composing rooms Into the forms. he would then only he Able to net up n prelude to my. opts on 011 the coal situation," Minard'e \latent Cures Colds, etc. \ Every Woman Should Know. That Prof. W. Hodgson Ellie, Official Analyst to the Dominion Gov- ernment, has reeeetly made a uuwber of analyser of soaps, and reports that "Sunlight Soap contain* that high " percentage of oils or fats necessary " to a goal laundry soap," What every woman does not know Is that in common soaps sire ,fre- quently pays for adulterations at the price of oils and tuts. Try Sun- light Soap -Octagon Bar -next wash illy, and you will else that l'rot. Ellis la right. He ahquld kaon. 305 'rho l" ( .Si •Mouatale. L11i1un was n talkative little girl site was very fowl of nuking quer- Gone, although upset of her quer- Dame were (twiny ones. One day her father took her for a walk Klima the road, ant, t»eing a mut„ passing her, sine 41.1141 to her fa- ther: "Father, look at tll:t( fanny horse." Her father told her that he erns not a lora', but a anile. Then she asked what it mule wits. Ile ,-itd to lo'r : "A mule 141 NM a bone anti half a tlo,nkey." "Willem half le the donikey 7, she natal. Few the (Attlee/no-a. An A B C book. beautifully illus- trated, le one of the latent advertl'- Ing pi uauctions of Massey -Harris CO., Ltd, the tankers of the (amour Mlar- rey-Ilnrrlli tanto implements. by'mettioning tier paper and mend - Ing your name and nearest, on a posit - card to the Company ei Toronto you Can obtain a copy. Hereditary. Barnes -Terre goer 1leller In Iter automobile. (low qu'ekly he tins learned to run the tlttng. Ntde'W-Yesk I suppose It its u lacelly that 1M luhcrlted. 11ift either toted to he quite al expert at the wheellmar- row.-Boston 'Prime:riot. New York aead Its ('la New York Central. The numerooe trains, the excellent service. the uniformity of its teeing, Its four tracks, and the location of Its depots in Boston and New York make the \car l (irk ('"ntvpth the fav- orite line to those points. Any ticket agent will confirm the above. ' Their Fortllnaie Fmc•ape They hnd walked !lalf•w140 thremrh the park nt n snarl pace, and elle now snnk on n •haled trench: Its •sated himself beelde her. They were entirely Alone, .0100 foe' an old man nt one end of their seat. Im- mersed In a book. Their ngttelrd eon%cesation continued. 'Oh, It to too tire/Whit whip shn•1- tiered, covering 1141* face with 9e:• homier -as If to abut out Nome un- bearable sight. "('earful he Agreed, deeply move.' rind ,mopping the profuse' perspiration front lits brow. "Herrible 1" she nddenl. "I can- not hear to think of It. The 10N4 of hope. happinePp, perhap, even Ile. Itself--" "Moth :" he interrupted, gently. "Let us strive to think of It no more, or it may grow, to prey '(non our mind,." 1'nndou me," weld the old men on the end of the bench, hl.s watery two lllttelld01l In lively a1Prel(en- s10n ; "line there been nom% awful dlasster'! (Give you been forenl to Inok noon 10m1 Awful tragedy :7' The young couple regarded each other In wow ronfuleion. leseltat'ng. ly. the youth et natured : "No. sir. Von one, we have Mat become .•ngngr.t. end wP were talk- ing of what n eal:tmlty It would have twee hind we net met."-Det'embr Smart Rel. Dimple Makers. The Parson --Your wile, air, 1s try- ing to ruin nay church. Wllherby-lf that is really the cave, the only thing for you to do le to )ole my poker elnb.-Hui rper'e Ila ua l•. --- etiolate-Why was the engngrioent booker off bet Wei 11 llarluppw and (1I.'. None,' 7 Slolps-1 be (leve they carne to the n•lanclusluli' that her tts•01041 wasn't la l gco enough to support them but',. Hhe-Dkln't our ho,ieynoon paha quickly. de/toed? He -Well, 1 ►Monti any It did. Why. It aPrmcl no time before 1 hn•l -pent all the money 1 had. IP e - Blnrrhe-M'tlwl - sways that her H '•n e t t0 Tom e a secret. t. R rtw•n F,llth-Yet'. Es en Toni does not PIM- pn•t It "1 hope yon do - not der•end to mali- cious goo+Ip.•' Sall the woman with- serion. ideate. '\o'' nomatOfePMille Cayenne. "No (1 10 that I know t•n•sipll ulaliclun.ly. They do 11 merely for fan.' "They had One of the atraneewt n.arrlag.s re•nr Id 1 for a long 'In what re'pe•t 7e 'In every resp.«•t Why, both pa- rents on bath sides were present. There was nothing auolden or secret about It. and their own cloryyman performed the t•ercmuny."-Judge. Rhe -My mind. I'd have yon ander ottani), bonnom-thing higher than Areas. 1 e -Ola 1. It 7 On v my .docs ( y*Our hat. 1 rnpholic 1 -Philadelphia Even- ing Bulletin. "I always do an 1 pions. when Ivalon and mamma Are drpesed wnlol little Willie. "Why r' queened Atelier Elmer ," 'Canso ttley can't punkah nie then for fear of muweln' their clothes." "Beware," said the fortune teller, "of 'a tall, dark nnln." "You aro trying to black male me." faltered 111P fair Young mntd. -Chicago Trlbunn- I+he--Dkl you suereed in master_ Ing the French while abroad 7 ile-Nearly. 1 41111 not PUCCPPII making the Frenchmen compre- hend MP, nor could I (make out whet they were driving at, lett i got NO that i r(wil.l under.tand my- self when i tntknel. Monkey strand R.'ap removes all stains, Mot, dirt or tarnish -- but won't wash °loth's. a,a Don't Swear. Rxehnnre. it 44111. my blood to hear the Blest Supremo Rudely appealed to on retch trifling theme.; Maintain your rank-vnlgarlty 41e - spine, To .wear Is neither brave, polite, nor wise; lou would not ewoar upon a bed of death, Reflect, your Maker now 111:17' '.ton yonr brnntII. e AMP ISSUE NO. 5. tars Winston • t-e«o:.ing *)]14.9p rboula always W 11.141 fer t:hIkIred, softens. 1fn 'ruching, 11 tooktand no 18. rowdy (us' D "vb sii, '�' TEN COURSES BY MAIL,;',„;;;,; thoroughly Ltagil►. Expert lnelrw•tors. 110.11. ,blast Otto, lion. (lewd lar kundrutur subs lutes lar rtrlleulah. NMrs D•pvt• sat MINIMAL 114(111411001. -- E, _sr.eaks-Cu. WANTED, AGENTS*verf tow l: /'ll11 radii Io MCI1 mad„ t0 rHnsrle IMF% Suite. Jnckels e..1 s1lrlw; guudewplolawluu,. Crown 'Tailoring i-..., suuada's 1.at'g..t Tull• ore, Toronto. WANTED AGENTS '" keep r nod ,kbit. lu 1'nnndn to sell If 4N'l( onlrred clothing; good r•uuunl.wluua; union label. Crown Tullorla, 1'n . ('unadu'■ !Arguer Tailors, Toronto, U,TAN'I'EP-9A UN IIANI), u.11(141h4 man (without hl('uwbrbnM prrh'rrwll mast he elp•rkm•ed In ,(•Orrell to1ud11 awl earn 0f sl.ek, mud Is. well rrr,wtwI4(JN ; .11, , w single man. Address l'u.1, Ofhes draws, 27, Hamilton, Out. iklrAXTFI-NI:N TU I.FtAN\ BARI.; troll.; *wetly prnrtlee Isrnlrheil nes work; histruelluuw And Ireterew to • % 9erte; wage. 1,11,1 whop exlwtkaes.)4uterlay-, tends. reeeil .l, ',want 'spelled; eateloguu mailed free. Meer [MawrCollette, 1't!. raga, lit 1M VOOR TIME 1't'LLY freeeelep 'ill+ WINTER? If not, we are "Pen for nu hulwrt and rnergetk men t.. rrp,r•wnl uN, and can start you In profitableburiness. w'rilr.l'urtrid t tinpply 1'1,., I'arldule,Tor.utu BUTTER, NEW LAIN ECCE AND POULTRY WANTED 1'oiulgnun•ntu of l:utI, r, 1',•alary find n. laid l.itjta guiles awl. Prinw are foto ho,n•, „ 111w, ('heirs yuuu41'1,Irkets•oiry 1dekrel,ef• _ w'Iling 611 to NIM per purl:. %1111 I.II, :lo, lper 1b. fur BEEI4WA X. drll'etd• 'l uruatu. 'urrrepondeure wllclt.•.l. JOH1% 7. VEIL. 69 Front Bt. East, Tweet* VICTORIA PROTECTOR The only hrgeule Nan- kin Mupport'r news x„ rhnnur, no ,.,diel 111,,. uu 1ruubl.•. a pku..ure t. w,Ar 16 Indorsed by f l ounnnd* of hike and phyalrinnr. Au•v 4(w •ct..7r.u. Mamp,k uud termer *1.1M): 5i. ea) 1" r d„ua. 1'nta ague ,d •. 111.* :agen l'.. g0.1,.4 t'. 11. t'A\1'11:1.0 R ('O., Ikos 1301, Dept. 11. 1•011100, Ont. 1 OOQOooOOOOOOOOOCOO ST. JACOBS OIL Q1, 17 CONQUERS PA7 Ili fj �JOt) POSITIVELY CURES Rheumatism Neuralgia Backache Headacho Feetache All Bodily Aches AND GOO Blood will tell lain a down, has a rough coal and atight hide, anyone knows that his blood 14 out of order. To keep an animal .sono - micelle he must be in good etealtb. DiCK'S BLOOD PURIFIER is a necessity where the best results from feeling would be obtained. It tones up the system, rids the stomach of bot,, worms acid other parasites that suck the life blood swaNothing like Dick's powder for a run down hone. 69 cents a package. Leeming, Mlles & Co.. Agents, 110, 0911AL. No roe lo Worry. lln..t c n Tra na r' p,. RIre-Vou'II probable merry agnIn, John, otter I'm gone : huh 1' In afraid You 11 never get mother women' dlko 111e•. IlnPhnnd-Nn, dent : 1 don't think thrre'II be nay ;linger of that. I '4lIlln't worry repent It, 11.ar, If i were you. R Te psora 11, 7041 thak Til Chase's Cent:Dont ala Zee esti P`� and ab+oluto cess, for each Piles and crsry tam itehtnR, bhr_dingand pro:rndlrrplles, the mann'nrterers have guaranteed IL 8eeter . tlmanial. In the dairy pre0, one ark your meet' - bore what they think 1,e IL Yon Can use It and I get roar money hurl; If not r•nred. Men box, al ail dealer. or Knpa'nox,1lrrlx it ('a,Toroata For a Cold that hangs on For obstinate coughs and colds there is nothing equal to that old reliable remedy Gray's Syrup of Red Sprue Gum. Prepared from Red Spruce Gunk it iv soothing and healing to the Lungs and Throat. It stops that tick- ling in the throat, and after a few doses that tight feeling in the chest 1s relieved and the cold and cough pass away. Try n 25 cent bottle. Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce Gum - Dr. Chase's Ointment Does "111" Mean Kick, There are etgnm of an exletlug pro. perr.lty to econatrain the p1441tla1 withdrawn' of 11141 word "reek" from the. Ara/Aran language in favor of the word ' 111." Netv'p,pere In their heed -linea . ped elecwltere epPnk r evndnye of "a spry 1I :nen," it i used to be "n very rhk man." Why 1 the change? T "An 111 win 1" Le a sat- (•factory nee of Inil4ltagi., but "al. Ili man" grate! on the ear, and 10(,0(1n like an attempt to improve on n Itnttel that fund no ieteeptlllll defect. They may this new ween 1n a euphemism Inlporteil from Rag- land. A corrnaponrlen( of a flow ton paper dlecnanr, and dlNapproves it. protesting not Only against tiro oro of the nnwarrentatite adverb "Lily; ' but ngnlnat ''the growing use of thn word 'III' In plane of the home• lir word 'oM'k.'Thle Boston pro. trot/Int. quoting Wi beter, finale that ehakeepsare with hardly an exoep (ion owes "111•' to moan mental„or- nt. or Impersonal ,hlsnr(IPrr, "111 nt 4111mr,' "111-nd'u.cl,' "ill.brp.l, "111- fnres," nre nil ilk and familiar Ore of it good and Induatrloll • little w. we. Hunt hem plenty of legitimate wdrk of Ile own to do. without hiving ,'on- adenlne,l to flgure n1 a loehte ln8tl- tote for "akk."-Hnrp+t'a Wcekel,