The Signal, 1903-1-29, Page 5TIIE SIGNAL : GODERICII ONTARIO. TaoluzAy, January 29, 1903. $ W. Acheson &Son JANUARY BARCAINS Simply a plain statement of facts -no exaggeration. Big money savings are shown on every side throughout this store. These January bargains illustrate this fact very clearly. Dress Goods. 460 yards dress .ult'ngs in plain and tweed effects, full 40 lecher wide and splendid colorings, our regular 25c quality, at per yard.. Cotton Blankets. Double bed size, with pink sod Wue borders, at per pair, special Ladies' Jackets. Fur coats and cloth costa. BUII'a very One selection of high- class and stylish ooata in .l1 sins, raaging in price from 96 to 920, now all soaked away dowu for January. We invite toupee - tion. l6( Disc Flannelettes. 650 yards 36 inches wide extra heavy flannels, in pinks and blues, etripes ami checks, regu- lar 12ic good", at per yard 10. Furs. Lathes' Astrachan lamb (apes. well luted, 28 W 30 inches long, full sweep and high storm collar, regular prime 916.00, for ... .... 912.00 Blankets. 40 pain heavy Targe double bed size. all pare wool, white blaok- ets and fast borders in pinks and bites, regular 93.60 and 94.00 quality, at per pair 9275 Battenck patterns fur January all in stock. Fashion sheets free. W. Acheson & Son. Owing 1. senelaa.d 111 health, Rev. R. 8. 0. £alert's, formerly e1 Se. Hitless, has soot be kis redgnatles as ps.Mr of Wrests. tier Preebyerien okron. Physicians say noth- ing is so helpful for throat and lung troubles, whether acute or chronic, and for wasting diseases, as Angier's Petro- leum Emulsion with Hypophosphiltes. It Is pleasant to take and agrees with the stomach. It relieves congestion and irritation, soothes and heals the bronchial tubes, snakes breathing easy, changes the character of expectoration, and cures the cough. Its effects are rapid. It aids digestion, helps assimilate the food, and has a healthy action upon the bowel. Pills and aperients are =necessary. �ease wa.bl: win L_ .. �, ar�'era i tyles er1r ,ninthweal gess ...d.► Trine Am gSer. nw.M E-Ya+rd rel I s w sine i k....as base a wY ir• ssna7 ym.a - aabml Weer, Tonna. amnia. A.14.?. ►.odaan rrli le mil by &monis nirser\wa Rash r She era seed rant ea gat gag Lsn.r.a. Large dm, 9.- sag& s. IQ1T01. M. 1$A HU$LT1Mr U.S.A. rlistakes Cost Cloney ! IT was a mistake to buy the following goods in so large a quantity, and now 1 have to sell them at a sacrifice to clear them out. New Raymond drop head Kest ing Machines, were 94000, nos only 928.50. i.ustrous Perfection self feeding tont Heaters, were 934.00, now only 929 50. 3 Coal oil Heaters, nasally sold at 95.50 each, now only 95.011 each. 4 doyen squirrel cage Mouse Traps, the best trap on the !market, were 25c each, now only 15c each. 34 dozen sore death Mouse Traps, were r,c each, now only 4c, or 3 for 10c. 750 dozen Moulding Hooks, were 15c dozen, now clearing at I Oc dozen. 2 dozen Razor Straps, with razor paste complete, were 40c, now only 30c. 2 dozen Thermometers, were 30c and 35c each, now only 20c each. These are only a few of the many bargains I am offering, and these goods were all purchased in too large a quantity and must be cleared out at a sacrifice. Headquarters for ia.snrs, Kenmore, Table and pnrtket (lot'or , W ringer., Harnett* Oils, Harness Ogees Ing, X -rut Raw.. Area, Files. When you deal with me you can de pond upon it f have lust what you need, or i can get it, or it boll made DIRECTORS IN A QUANDARY Mint la 1. no Mese .Mel e;eeertr\'s tall s\ewf The annual meeticg of the West Huron Agrbullarsl Society was bead en Wedse.- day, 21st last. Then wee a good ateoad- aooe, and the Snscofal failure et lase year was the pause of • good .1611 of dlacaselo•. The direction eubmt'ted the following report, a000mpaaled by the tleasurer'e eutemeat (:ederlab, January 21, 1903. To the members of the West Huron Agr1onl tart! and God.rloh Horilouharnl Societies (:RNTI.aMc,,-lo conform ty with the Aot nader which we are organized, and by wbiob we hold the g.N W. Eihibitloo, we beg to submit for your 000sideratlon the following report of our put year, with some reoommeedattoaa ter the oouideratlon cf nor suooe..o,. The ant else seat out to memt•re and prize einem' to November last art torth the state o1 oar finances, and we herewith Drowns aloe the treeaurw's statement, as requited by statute, with the auditors oertl6oate thereto. W• regret that wears oat ahle to make a snore favorable showing for the put year, but the prinoleal deficieeoy is the falling off In gate receipts, paused by the •zoas.leely bad weather whloh prevailed nearly all the week of our fair As .101.4 to ear o.ro.lar of November 23, we held several mutings te o.nsldee the beet mare* to pursue, and the deoutoo arrived at you are all faultllar withis discussing our action we ask you to Lear in mind • feat which es (blot has boon loot sight of by .ems, that for the put fourteen years year board hav• been carrying a pot• caused by deficits In former year., and which had tut year r..ohed the sum of $750 The oriels of the debt was a deficit la 14488, w hets we hell a tour day..hew sod there was rale .very day the. week. Th. Interest en thew note., reommed from time 1e•1I,te siuoe bas .ggreg.tod 9417. wbio6 shows the wl.dom of wlpieg off • .I,fi.tt the seme year la which It arlso.. to the prim I:.t hr 1902, mottos was given the. the board were by resolatloe, empowered to p.y off 9300 of th1s note from rhe receipts of that year, lrrnl eo117e of the prize I. .t. and, a already stated, se ha•, carried out that resolullon. How beet to mut the remainder ot that indebtedness we ark yon to coaald*, sad to - "moot the board yea may cheese today WI:at of 16e futon' Wb•tshould be deo. 1. revive Interest In our 1.11 lair, and to bring 11 up to the ob. ir.d 000ditloo. wblub present day agrloaltare demand"' May opinion* are .z pressed sad .aggeetlo05 mad., and w• deem it win to present some •f t►.0 for your consideration, that you may more eo.Ily instruct your new hoard 1 A thorough n•lelon of the prize 1 es, somewhat on the lieu suggested In the model hos prepared by the i).partmeet of Agriculture with the •s.ltsaoce of the Can - sense A,.00latlon of Fairs and F:zblbltloo.. Them changes seed not be enumerated here, bet they are hued ria the r.00mmendations of the various 11.. stook aa.ca:arloni and the metsuoo..elal fairs in the Proal,(.. 2. If ealy a two day's fair Is bold, • change In 16. regulations that will allele •II Ilse stook to be hruugbt in and judged o3 the seemed day, Poe 11 tub 1. done, then •11 eih biters of snlm•Is torrent perhaps grade fettle) should Ie compelled to take titans or Dens, •nd tbefeu therefor feinted M • one day rate. 3 Methods of management Whore • Gatos of Nolen.. .able, se in oar one, the joint beards number twenty -sir mowers, sod tbooah all are oeppoe.d to take an active toter!** In the fair. and promptly carry out any wort wbleh may be ailntted to them on the various committees, they do not do so, and frequently neglect and delay mace, which Ie pu.tleely detrirental to the . roe eeful monagemmt of the 1.11 fair It 1. argue.) by some who have seen thio effect on our Stalely, that. 1f the wort mnld be placed In the hand. of • trustier mmmlteee not to exceed five, who would be e lyen fall power te deal with all matters u p to the day of the fair, better results would be attained. (itbar, have advocated the hiring of a thoroughly eotive and ezperlenoed man as mansg.r,wbowould he paid Inc hle service", het would be held reepoosible for the pre• partition and oarrylog out of •11 th• details requisite snob year. This annual meeting may suggest other ohaegos, hat we oertalhly think your new Noted should try some d,ffwonl plan than time whloh has been followed In the out, men or ler unsatisfactory each year. What shall be done 1 3 wipe oat the re- GEO. L. ALLAN The lending Hardware St've. NONFAT 0001ls AT HONEST PRIMA u 4a4er of our Isdebtedaeae, wkieh immune to about $4501 Two plans testy hay. been . uggeeted. (l) Auk the town oouuoll of (4 «dorloh to donate half the 1040001 and the Society gado/take some spooled effort to raise the ether ball. (2) Engage oan•aeee.• to sell at (east 1000 membership Nok.10, on the an suggested It our (dreier November 234. Your board ere ounvle that with a sloes tloauolal slate for 1903, and •t least some ul the (bangle mentluaed In 161. re- port, we can reasonably hope for the Inauguration of • new era in the history el our fall fair, wbloh will meet the conditions that present day agriculture and ktudred Industries demised, and prose a noanolel e uooew as well as an enoour•gemant to the dey.l .pmeot of agriculture, Isttloulture and those otber branottes which tae under the work of fall fairs. .1. C, M.aatl, President rtMARI'IA1, ITATIMINT. Reosipt.,- guveroment grant $ County greet .. Memberahlp fees and donatloas.... Idrmbereblp lee. retal.gd for 1903 Ilse c recelpt• Yulle, Wue, step Borrowed on note Hortaoultural lees Horticultural mem. retained for 1903 386.00 20.00 144.00 79.95 292.40 88.80 189.45 129.00 82.00 91411.60 Debursemente, - Ov.rdraft t0 leak $ 97.28 Special prizes paid r 41.00 Mem. foes retained 161.96 Prizes of 1901 pald 76.50 P.Id on note... 489 45 1'.Id Interest 69.00 Wareing expenses, salaries, print- ing, band, etc, etc. .... M Iso, I leneous Balance on hand 376.61 59.67 bl 24 91411.60 Exception was taken to the action of the directors in not devoting at lent a percent- age of the year'. recelpte 10 p•ymene of the aotoal expense Incurred by erblblton, but to the end the opinion seemed to be that perhaps the beet way was to wipe ant the entire indebtedness as speedily as possible and start with • oleao sheet and improved method,. The *teatime of ...thous resulted as tollows, 1 ballots being necessary on the selec- tion ot se000d vb. preadult, aid tine direc- tors from the township/. President, J. C. Hartle ; vioe-preelde.ts, W. F Clark and Isaac Salkeld ; daubers, John Marquis, Jobn S.lkeld, er., Geo. W. Sturdy, of l:oderlob township ; John Barr, Hullett ; Col. Var000 and Wm, F lout. Colborne ; Robt, Thompson), C. A. Humber and W. T Marney, town. The goestlon of dates, revision of the prize list and other details were left In the hands of the pew board, who met at the oonolt.ion of the 1 meeting, and re- appointed James Mitchell as secretary. H. L Watson as treasurer, end W. 11..Robert- son and Wm. Lane as auditors. The prod dent, Dr, Clark and the "ureter, were ap- pointed a urnmittse to welt on t6• town commit with reference to the Iodsbtedaeee, and Sept. 29 and 30 were selooted as the dates of the fall show for 1'403. Tb. board will be called together as soon as the oom• mitts. have an answer from the cannon. CENSUS OF 1901. Mere I.tereotlag wagerer' Refaties t. 1\e toasty et sere.. As Intereetioq volume on the amens of 1901 has been Issued from Onews, and w, take from 11 some figure" relating to our own county. The population of the three rid- ings of Huroo is given as follows : 1901. 1891. 1881. 1871. Huron, East -17,267 18 96S 21,720 16,425 Hares, Soutb-17,448 19,184 21,991 20,254 Huron, West -14,774 20,021 21,.`12 21 306 Though the population In each of the I idings bas deers/red amps 1891,1he number of houeoe.rid famines allows all Inorosae all ronnei. an inclination of the tondesov to- wards smaller familia.. The figures are Houses. Families. 1901. 1891. 1901. 1891. Heron. East -3 710 3.644 3,749 3,677 H aro(, South -3,769 3638 3,814 3,692 Huroo, Weet-4,004 3,894 4,027 3,958 In Eset Burets there are 8,618 males and 8,649 females ; to South Harps, 8,721 males Gad 8,727 females ; f0 West Huroo, 9,277 males sad 9,497 females Io 1891 the males lumbered more than ►he females In East awl South Harps. lo Feet Huron there are 5,236 giggle males and 5,067 single females ; 3,104 married men and 3,114 married women; 279 "widow men" and 477 widow womso. In South Horeu there an 5,418 .Ingle males and 5,179 siert, females ; 3,053 mor reed men and 3,061 married women ; 249 widowers and 486 widows. In West Horan there are 5,786 single melee and 5,632 single females ; 3,222 aw- ned men and 3,207 married women ; 269 widow moo sod 637 widow women. 'Teat the towns and villages have gained In point o1 population at the expense of the rural distrints 1. olearly .hewn by another table, which elves these figures for the Huron riding. : 19(1 1891. Haul Urban. Raul. Urban. Huron, East- 12444 4,823 14 166 4,8.12 Huron, South -13,826 3 623 15 948 3 236 Huron, West 12,069 6,705 13,547 6.474 The sbovs figures all relate, of neane, to the rldioge as co0e:ituted for 1),mmton election purposes. These Where do not, however, make up the whole of Halon onunty, the tewoahip of Osborne being to the electoral district of South Perth, and the township of Seephen and the vlllae. of Kxe'.r to the shooters! district of North Middlesex, (.borne has • population of 2,367 ; Stephen, 4,172 ; an I Exeter, 1.792 Adding these figures to throe of the three rid.ngs, the total population of Huron 000017, at the tablas of the (ensue, w.. 41,890. t•1.r1'I.Ar1q,N Pr MUNI, ll•A1.ITILA. The area lin sores) and the population ot t6e various munlolpalttles are 11 follows : 1 A GOOD COMPLEXION Who does not wish to possess it? Who does not delight to see it? It is the beauty of good health. It is the evidence of rich blood. 1111211120 IRON -OX TABLETS MARE film BLOOD RICH AND PVIUD J0 Tob/ete 23 Cent. Area A,hh.ld...... . ....67,174 Colborne 36.834 Ooderielt towasblp...63,849 Croy 65,341 Hay 54,241 Howick 71.860 Hallett 53,312 IloKIllep 53900 Morrie 55.155 Stanley 43.294 Stephen 58,106 Taok.nmlth 42,708 Tarnherry ... 37,054 Debora* 42,920 Wawano.h, Reef 42 997 Wawanoeh, West. 43,186 Hayfield 1,762 Blyth 429 Broads 900 Motes 900 artier.. .. ... , 1.275 Oted.riob 1,200 H.awll 500 Seafortb 550 Wi.gham 650 Preseter..... . 504 Population• 3,497 1,866 2,628 3.557 3 627 4.140 2,898 2 686 2 606 2,152 4,172 2463 2,141 2,367 1,960 2,215 568 871 1.114 2 547 1,792 4,155 2 245 2 392 446 Army, 1 Frleed, 26 heleo,ing to venous sects, and b us.peol8ed. 0141i,1011 0r TIlI rKorl.a. 411 the population of Bast Hume 4,003 are of tf(bglteb orlglo, 6,455 of Irish. •rid 5,532 of Oootob oriole, 1,249 o1 0e11uau, 98 ot Dutch, 34 of F'renuh, and • few others et different origins. The population of South Heron le divided by origin as follows : English, 4,499; bleb, 4,641 ; Sootob, 4,640 ; lemma. 772 ; Ger- man, 2,812 ; Uutob, 16, and • few othsu simmered. Of Weat Huroa's population 5,612 ars Foetal) in orlglo, 7,378 Irish. 4 908 Sootob, 5/ of other British orlglo, 72 F'renoh„737 Unman, 8 Itetob, 21 Sondtnavlan. 2 Russian, 8 Jewish, 11 Swiss, 2 lodleo, 2 Chiles" or Jep.oere, 4 negro, 10 of ••rlous orients, and 42 uospeotlied. Uoderloh has 1,184 F:tallith people, 1,296 frith, 1,423 Sootoh, 12 of other British orlgl.,23 French, 171 german, 4 Dutch, 12 Soandln.ylan, 8 Jewish, 9 Swine, one Chinese, 4 negro, and 11 unspmlded. Other sobedules give the divisions ot the population by nationalities', the blrthplaoe and oltlzenshlp of Immigrants, and other tabulations, but readers of Tag 8:UNAL will probably find In the figures alre•dy given a suttiolent task fur their mental digeat:on for the pree.ot. New Hee l'.0.1.. Habil starts. generally from aaln, catarrh snuffs and ointments 000tdolos this deadly drag. 11 1s well to remember that the ouly,direot saes ►tfiu oar• for o•t.•rh le Catarrbozone, whloh owes by the Inhalation of medicated air. Simply breathe Catarrhorooe, and it will care all forme of Hronobitfe, Asth- ma, Lung !'rubles sod Dulness. Every breath from Cat.rrbc„ons lobaler soothes, heals and relieves. 1'ermanant ours awann- teed eyes though other remedies tailed. Try Oatarrbozone, price 91 00; small size, 253. Drained', or N. C. Polson A Co., Klsgstoo,((at. Dr. Hamilton's Pals Cure Biliousness. Stoves and Ranges At Wholesale Prices. I have a few of those strictly up-to- date coal and wood ranges left, which I will sell very cheap before stock taking. Now is your chance to save money on a stove. *TAT1fTl('* Of I113tION*. Fast South West Heron Huron Huron Muslims. ..... 2,626 15.19 2.832 Retest* . 428 164 300 Cengr.gitlansliet• .... 162 3 42 1,16eran. 426 1166 55 Methodist... 5 804 4,478 7,212 Prsshytwla.... .. 6.768 6,6114 6 232 Roman Catholics 400 2 262 1,700 vaMelfied 94 103 46 Vdbas sesta 670 1 170 366 The taws e1 Geste ic4 1. e•'d to have 419 Remus (lathe tar, 701 Aesiioaas, 1 6713 Presbyterians, 1,214 Methodists. 47 Rep- liers, 5 Menseallea, 2 i.athraa.. 27 BretA res, 17 Dlesepls., 8 Adventl.ta, 13 Ssivatlen Worsell's Cheap Stove House. TAILORING... 1 have recs.-veil my New 't coca of Suitings, Trousering etc., for FALL and WINTER Wear. If you are getting • new spring suit, • light overcoat, or anything in my 11.., I can please you to goods, fit and prloa gageady-trade fl.t\l.g 1s Meek. 13. DUNLOP, : ;BR The Division bei wren g ,od and Indifler.nt Drug's and Mediolnes 1. strongly defined here. The loth!. fluent kind are never ordered and never permitted to form part of our stock. Only goods of undouoted purity are offered to oaalomore. 0.r alook of Proprietary, Medlotnos 1. very lure Prices are low,. F. JORDAN, MEDICAL HALL Mill Wood FOR SALE The al eve is cut into stove wood length and will be delivered to any part of the town the same day es metered. Orden received by telephone or left at residence, 128 Camhrie street, will receive prompt attention. 'Phone 98. PETER McEWAN. G.Nleneh, Novemher 21.1, 1899. 63-3m HEART 11 ISEASE fa a eymptam of Kidney Disease. A well-knowe doctor has aald, I saver yet made a post-mortem es" amination ins caseol death from Heart Disease wlds- out finding kiss kidneys wereatfault." The Kidney medicine which war fret on the market, most meoeea- ful for Heart Disease and all Kidney Trouble', and most widely Imitated 1. Dodd's Kidney Pills BARGAINS IN GROCERIES ALL THIS MONTH. A tine back Tie worth 40c for 301 per pound. A 50c black Tea for 40c•. Also 50c Japan Tea for 45c. A good Salmon at 10e, regular pries 12ic. Also o Salmon, 3 fol 25• . Bottled Catsup, 2 for 25c. Regu'ar price Hee each. Regular 15c Salmon, 2 for 25c. A Fine Line of Fresh and Choice Oonteetlonery Goods Floral Department. Roses, Carnations, Violeta, Palms, Fares, etc., always oa hand. Floral designs a specialty. Out-of-town orders receive prompt and taretul attention. CEO. STEWART GROCER AND FLORIST WWII' .ars eat; Asa PEONS Its DON'T FORGET THAT �/STOWEL , I8 THE PLACI 1'o HET VALUE FOR. YOUR MONET, Opens Jan. nth, 1903. Two tonnes. ('ommer- , dal sad Shorthand. Bend for College Journal, C. A. FLEMISH, A. 1. MCINTYRR. Pres. Sec, BROPIIEY & SON �'�+• - TNg 1. JAUIN,. - !%6, .eYa\ \ re.e.<ov* nom\ TtAmoo,VoNtr,s. [Orders carefully a'teaded to n• ■11 boar., night or day, (k.rIrer Mckillop Mutual Fire Insurince Co. FARM AND ISOLATED TOW' PROP- ERTYiNBURED Value of Property 'morel up to January, 1901 M:I,o4w,.75,en OIVICRN0 AND UII(RCTnµi, .1. R. McLean pros ; T. Prager, vloe.prrs. ; lee. Connollyr, b. Dale, W. O Hroadfoct, J. Watt, Jae. Evans J. O. Deere, 1. Henhewe•s. directors; ; W O. Breed/0 is. 5,. it.. 'h, inspec- tor of losses ; T. E. Hays, Seel cll., secretary treasu rsr. AORNT14, J. W. Yon, Hnlmesville; James Cumnitng RMmondville ; It. McMillan, tleaforth ; H Smith, Harloek ' Polioy-holden can pay seeeeetnente and get their Dards recelpted at Mr. Coati. Clinton. or at Moi.ean Bros.' Palace Clothing etre, Oo.fe etch HELLO ! THE OLD RELIABLE ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND THR BE"'r Scraiitou Bard Coal IN THE MARKET Al Cosi weighed en the Market Scat. s where yoa,1et WrIn the. for a ton. WM. LEE. Orden left at LEE & SE2PU..LD'8 Store promptly attended to. DOMESTIC ECONOMY. Jordan Block. Household economics has becomes scientific study, and one of Its most important lessons is that the foods which enter the body should be) the greatest purity and best quality that is powi'tlo For the preparation of these wholesome foods oars must be exer cued in procuring fine -claw Groceries. and it is to this branch of the housekeeper's work that we believe we can help you. Our stock is good and fresh and extensive, and we 6)1 all orders promptly and carefully. (live 110 a trial. THE GROCERS, WEST SIDS SQUARE. Telephone No. 91 NicKIM'S1 , t. W. A. McKI rI is Visiting THE QUEEN City this week, after - snaps. Look out for the BARGAINS NEXT WEEK. ttlItttlIrtrItttIttttrItItt Furs, about one-third off. Jackets, one-quarter to three-quarters off. Men's Overcoats for 93.50. I3iq bays' short Overcoattq, leas one-third. Double. fold Meltons, 15c. 54 -inch all -wool Homespun, 48c. Millinery at any price. New Idea Patterns are the best. 1444444444 McKIM'S BUSY STORE. Lightness of a Dorothy Dodd On the Scales. Agreat• many interesting facts may bd discovered with a pair of scales, but it int doubtful if any single fact will be more interesting and valuable to the average woman than the weight of her shoes. For ' this tells her the number of ounces that must be lifted thousands of times each day, and a little calculation will show that she lifts tons of shoe leather a day -no small labor in itself. The "Dorothy Dodd" shoe saves the lifting of more than one and a half tons every day. A pair of "Dorothy Dodd" shoes are several ounces light- er than ordinary shoes. The feet are just so much more comfortable, and you are so much It.es tired. Put a pair to the .oat. They cost $ 3.75. N, B. -Of course we will gi e you particulars of the Pitl,010 Prize Contest. the re w. for red for be Me log it sty. of t Wm. Sharman, Jr., has exclusive sale at GODERICH, ONT, The King of ll.cgtee- "DUCH'S HAPPY THOUGHT" One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Canadian Women have decided for The "Happy Thought" Range. Common Ranges were not good enough -why should they be for yo• Don't be imposed on by " just as good " talk. The construction 04 The "Happy Thought" is patented. its design registered, it is totally different in every respect to any other. These is none like ft. There can be none so good. u you only knew the time, the trouble, the laborit would save you, how little fuel it uses, you would not be one aingie day without one. VII The WM. BUCK STOVE CO.."VitryiTitORD Meld by CIIS. L. LEE, odoricli ALL TB USEFUL BRANCHES are taught iri the t fur stailen's are not iitarantoed Dice otos, but niter a course in this college it will be No Trouble for Them to Hold ,Any Position. We aid then), if possible, to ob- tain employment, but we first equip them to wainiai,4 the (IML;') reputation this school ha* acquired. J. W. WESTEiRVELT. Principal.