The Signal, 1903-1-29, Page 4BRAND TRUNK 4 Tvi$IDAY, January 29, 1903. THE SIGNAL : GODERICII ONTARIO TWO 1310 Bargain Days in Clothing SATURDAY and MONDAY JANUARY 31st and FEBRUARY 2nd AT W. C. PRIDHAM'$ We find that with our prrwul dock of Clothing we will not have nearly enough room ter the Targe stock of Clothing ordered for spring. We therefore have decided to have two big Bargain travailed put the price so low that it will be an easy matter to make the necessary room. Just think of it- 60.8uits, worth $6 00, $, 910,00 and $12.P0, , on bargain days et Beery garment in Rood va'ue at the original price. The saving to you 11 great. You can make money and make it racily by iutesting a one or more of thew suits. Also - 60 colored ,tiff front Shirts. mostly W. G. & K. make, en bargain days our 75c. KKMF:MBEK THE DATES - SATURDAY, JAN. 31st,. AND MONDAY, FEB. 2nd. SIXTY MEN'S SUITS AT 95.95. SIXTY MEN'S SHIRTS AT 75e. W.C. PRI DRAM• Menti Clothier, Furunrner •n.l Hatter. Mcl.ean's Block �► a ,xgnal, to nOntft rep EVERY THURSDAY MORNING nit at. rregaahrenev 9OD11ffIc0. THURSDAY, JAN. t*. ilia THEELECTRIC ROAD. ON ,Thursday last a bylaw wu submitted to the ratep Byers of Colborne eking that 925,001 of five per cent. preference stock be taken in the Huron, Bruce and Grey Electric 'toad, with the following result : For. Against. No 1-Benmiller. 17 100 2 -Sanford ... .. .. 67 3 -Carlow 66 68 4-l.esburn' 52 32 .'02 206 bis city egamet 4 The bylaw, it will be seen, was defeated by four totes. This was caused entirely by the action of the residenta of that part of the township contiguous to Benmiller, who claimed that, es the road was not coming through that part of the township, they had no interest in the welfare of the other parts of t'olbwrne. It to claimed by the supporters of the road that s Targe number of persons not qualified to vote under the Act, polled their votes in Benmiller sub division, and that in this st ay the carrying of the bylaw was handicap ped by some :i5 or 40 votes. If that be to there is no doubt that proceedings will be taken to lure the law decide in the matter. It is claimed, also, that • number of young men, -farmers' sons, who are not freeholders, -took the oath and thereby perjured them- selves. If that be so then in their case the law also should take its course. What course the directors will take now concering the route ha, not yet been decided upon. The vote in Col borne should not hinder the construct- ion of the railway along the Lake Shore road. The people of that part of the county, from Aniberley to the Mait- land, have placed themselves unqual ifiedly on recon' in favor of the road. At Amberley, Ktogrbridge, Port Al. bert, Leeburn and Yaltford majorities have been given in favor of the pro- ject and there is little or no reason why they should not get a service at as early date as possible. We believe that thR Lake Shore service will be an accomplished fart, and that the projectors are consider Ing the advisability of dropping the connection between Dunlop and Dun Bannon and substituting a connection between Port Albert and Dungannon. This would save Use construction of four miles and snake • saving in cost of ovbr 950,000, the amount of stock that would be lest by the township of Colborne not subscribing between the Maitland Bridge and Hheppardton would amount to only 99,100 for the :oven miles, and a saving of over ¢40,000 in construction would be effected. The road from Dungannon to i'ort Albert is as good for travel as that between Dunlop and Carlow, and there is no heavy grade on the former. if this route is nuumed, and there is no reason why it should not be, the connect tion between (loderich and Dungannon and thence to the C.P.R. at Wingham will give facilities for shipping as good as those formerly contempletett, and will be of greater benefit to the people of Ashfield, but will sidetrack the interior of Colborne township to a considerable extent. This will he unfortunate for Colborne, but the projectors of the Huron, Bruce and Grey Electric 'toad cannot be blamed if they adopt that course. The opponents of the road have made their bid and now they may lie In it. than four years overdue, and the people of the county will welcome his advent. -The 'sentence panes! on Col Lynch is very much like Lyii h Law. --Mayor Toe t Rot' name's administration of Toronto affair is remaking the work done in the previous regime look like the prover. buil thirty rents. -Every member of the director' board of tho Creat North Western Exhibition knows where the weaknen of the institution is sad yet not one of them dare attempt' to repair the weaknees. • -If lir. Jamieson and his associate. In the Jamieson raid hadbeen strunr up by the Boors ('al. Lynch would not now to un- der sentence of death and the South African war would never hive taken place There are times when failing to hang a man at the proper time tad, to all kinds of troubia. -The number of the old time politicians who are ,ending in applications for appowt- ruente to th, Senate would lead one to le - have that they looked upon it to merely • Senate-ariun, fur played -out political hacks. N hat the Government obould do is to ,elect haulier, healtbser and younger men with brain. and *lard to fill the yacsnciee. GOVERNMENT COMMENDED. THE TOWN COUNCIL. Getting Down to Work tor the New Year. N osy Proposed lmpra.eme•ts 1.11 taw.rdevitle. Weyer Level. ea Ib. retell( tenets' rweerses Seiler ,hep Way ale sr-op.wed. The town oouooll met en Friday •veul.g, with Mayor Lew* to the obair au 1 all the oounclllore ptrweat. Tbe minutes of previous meetings were read, but +s weevil obleutlune were made to Them they wen 1511 over to toe neat meet loe for oonslderatlos and uutreatloo. The !drover totted that let was informed that an error had been made In sppoiotlog Mr N'niaon.luog with Mr. Mullilllcoddy to the Dowd of health, Mr. Wilson term n ot having yet expired. The cloak was asked to look into ilea atter. Th. Mayor also read a decrement showing that a wltlemwl bad been made 1n the McDonald suit, the town paylug 975; and His Worsblp sated that he was Informed by the solicitor (bat the Itadolifle oas. also bad been nettled. The petit o sorts oommltbe was lostruot ed to iuy,-•tlg.te • claim against tn. town for damages to a horse belonging to '1'bos. Monts from falling through a sewer. A oommualeattm from the h. T. K. agent •total that the new 'tattoo would De opened •t as early • date as poedble, but that oo •owuot ot the bu.tnees peering up- on the Gnepeny'e otbolals them would be no formal opeslug. Too t,uderlob Organ 1'3 asked an .duan, it of 9S 000 on the loan voted by the town, then bolo' $12,000 worth of material to the building and punt and oo the ground. Manager Saunders was heard to nlerenoe to the applleatioa, and asked that tbe ' ouooll tot at quickly as pees1Dl., 1trio there might be oe delay to the work of rebuilding. Mayor bawls stated ,het the bylaw had set yet been registered, and 11 was the duly of the Company, and not of tee lawn. to have the mortgage drown up and presented. As a,ou u (be aeoseeaty formalities had been *emptied with, the oouooll would we every dlllgeooe to performing ler ibltgatloaa, Toe I'ompsoy's wmniuolo•Hoo was referred to the ape, tai *emmlites. Hu 11'orshlp said there was • oonsldershle agitation in town regarding the market, and be teem /et there should be, not only • wed bylaw, but a owl bylaw as well, by wblob the purchaser oould oompel she "relenting of owl. He also mentioned the o,,u-enforos- meet ot the .cow bylaw, which he .ld might lead the town into trouble. hollowing the Mayor • suggealloa, Councillor Murney gate notice of motion to amend the snow bylaw His W emelt) .uggsew 1 that additional light shoold be provided on the Huron red, and asked the oouooll to glee some 000slder- •Moo to tbe,luesttoo of publlo school,. Th. oounoll. of *ours*, bid no direct power In the matter of sohoo's, hut It weld pass a reeluttes embodying Its views The time bad arrived wbea large expenditures for schools wen ueoessary. The buildings of fifty years ago were not suitable now, and the nsutral h -hoot, with the growth of the lawn, was Sot now la • proper position, and massy of the students had to walk a great distance to reach it. H5 advocated the enlargement o1 the ward sohoob w (bat tb•y ooald'coommdate ol•sws ot all grades, ss WWI the system a other town•, and doing •way with the weirs! sohool altogether. By wiling the old grounds they would bare, with the 11,C00 now on hand from the St Patrick's ward school asuranoe, eufh.leet to pay for these Impros.meots. A oommuoloatieo from the 1.. T. R. Inlormei the *outsell that the railway lad bad to maks use of • o•rlo•d of opal, 5'1.600 the , .onsl5od to the town. The (`'r.peay would either *wept • bill for the .wool or would furnish the town with the ,ams quantity from It. own supply wean It was reoelyd. Mr. Murney said the water and light committee bad already sot.] In tbla matter and would report at the next meeting A oommaifottloa from A. MoK. Came- ron, of M.slord, esoreary of the Huron te Out•rto Kollway 1 o., stated that • fair prospo 1 now •xbited of getting the rulway balls, provldlog the oh war• e xlwld to rover the time oeoeseary for its oonstructlou H• totted that the ooanoil pate • resolution In this bo5.lf and for word the some to oho representative of the riding In the Dominion Parliament. 1'he matter WIN referred to the epeeist oommltae. n Thy followingaccounts were ,eft to the Anise Opal Co. fluanns nsmmilN.. E. T. k Toledo, O.. ear of opal, 933 50 ; Globe 0 1 Go., Cleveland, 0., engine oil, 96.89; Buch- anan. & Laweor, lumber and work, 913.67, 912 05, and 9.51.44 ; Wm Kirkbride, bleak - . mitbto,,57 ; Peter MoEwan, dabs, 98.50 ; paosard Klwtrto Co., So. Catharines, trans former to replace old type, 962 50, freight o e old transformer 'steeped, 82o. ; Tint :Seism., printing and advertising, 924.25 ; (le,. Hab-1, brick, $1 60 ; Muuletpai World, St. 'Thome,. poll books, ate , $16 130; Chas t.. I.*, o.atiog., *to., 92 8.5 ; I)r. .1 1. Tomball, m.dioal site's lame. X2 ; Mo Ks, vie & Hewell, hardware, 910 76 and 920.56 : Jae. A. Suchen. (*poles, $2 25; Alan & Molver, hardware. 9.5 25 ; 7 hos. Ssarte, livery, 911 : (imlerleh Engine Nast ago, stn., 91 90 ; National Carbon 1'0., Cleveland, O , carbons, 912 ; Wilmer Smith. repairs, 50o; Geo. Porter. stationery, 916 40 ; Beardmore Bolting Go , Toronto, belting, 975 95 ; Caaodlan (loners! Fteotrio Oo.. wire, oto , 99.95; Dlokl000n A (renew, 91.179 RA, inol011os oasts in Holmes matter. Mr. Brown suggested an Improvement at the market by the planing of • window en that the weigher could hay. • view ot the goatee ont.'de. The market oommlttee was anthnrl,,d to have this dewy At the Instance of ('ounotllor Marney, the market committee was l'etru.te,l to report upon • proposal to make an extension to the o.etle ,.r4. at the station to facilitate .hip ping Nr. tlamb•r moved, seconded by Mr. Thompson, that the market committee ate Into consideration at an early date the d- •Is•blllty of having • regular market and market days est•blisbd. Carried. In reply to an lequiry from • ooanoiller, His Worship sated that the summer hotel matter hal not yet been completed. He Worship again referred la the mettle et the atloanimeet of municipal offionro,led Ih• whole question was referred to th• epeeist committee with power to sot. His Worship's list of thteie to be done was not yet exhausted. He suggested that It would he well to none nue the street Iletting until 1 o'rloek In the morning. The late train was 00 often delayed that 1re- onently ow their merit raseeegere fnand Cha streets le darkness, R'illiam ('smpl..11 was •ppeInted tempor- arily le stied to the 4»».. of the sweatier and street Inspeoter. The Mayo, wiped his elate oloan for the evening by referring to the possibility of the re establlahoent of the boiler shops. He 5.11ered that Mr. Chrystal, the termer proprietor, was willing to return to (rode. rloh and r.-op.e the e1d work.. The sp.efal nmmittee nay *ethwbd b move I. the muter. Tee ooanoll naw ad earned. eery Liven And fifteens\ alda.y.. W Mt them f.4 to terferm then peeper loneness Ne blood bowmen poiseed sad outfit -me and dint.. eemme.ee. Tide oto be •yo'ded !y keeling veer •itelity at We- - weer mark, ohs Mond rah and pare by tithing , 0. Eery,' es toblei after with mel. Fern r ee hot • mill ba rapid •ellen es the Meer and kidneys, tt I Is eiert.ainly N. g reatest pred.nr o1 red vial oieg blood knows In selases Mor.lne Mrede.se, Lanais -4o I) sr n•.•, Pae In the hack and Sisk Hard mho disappear •1 owes wheel Ferree leo Mud. Get it tela . Prise 50o. • 1 Tlrusdele, or N. Co Pefrna � ('e Its 1ferle Appreciated by Members er abort 1 5.r.. 1 to•• el t:weipk. The lellowlog resolution was passed ty Om members til the short wars Claes in stock and grate ludg'r' recently held al :he °aterie Agricultural College, lluelpb. Several rime trona this district wen members of this class Moved by Limit Thomson, seconded by W. H. Boys, memier■ of tiro second ,bort ooar,. Ola in stock and grain lodging, held at the tlotorlo Agricultural 'Mega during oke two weeks Weeding from laou- try 8th to January 21ot. 1903, that, where- as the Department of Agriculture of the OMarie Provincial Government has prc- vided snob s oour.e, whir h ban this year been attended by • body of oyer 200 farmer. mei farmers' sons of Ontario and not . few from oteer Proelooes of the Dominion, and whereat the quality of work docs at this ooune bas bow oni'nently •i•pted to tie nods of its members, who hereby wish to tender to the president, professors, end others woo have directed oho classes, our heart s preol•stoe of their valuable ear• y •v •Ices : and whereas the new I've *tock judging pavilion, especially oonstructed for the use ot for and suoo.ding olessee, bus very greatly mlol.terd not only to chs omfort oI the members of the claw but •bo to the faotlltl.s for the best judging of live stook, therefore be it resoled that the members of this oleos not only soden.. but express their highest appreciation of the soden of the I;o•oroment for providing suob a course. bot especially for equipping the College with the llye stook judging psvillnn, so well dsplad to Ihe nods of the class etgosd SNAP $HOT • -Ms people is Colborne deal want to ass the wheel. go mead. -The we; r i.trr of Haran it genre oo behalf of the elan - R. M. Yo,Hu A. (1. Semite W. C. Mu W. A. Mn.1.aRi Ootarlo Aarloutlutal (ellen*, Gaeleb, Ontario, January 20.5 1903. C.mmittee. AN APPLE PACKERS LETTER. A ('.!.4ies Ye.s, Men Wise ■IwgIed Rushee*. weld Pl,ssare. ('ll.•cow Weekly Hewed. Iter. 1'0. n10y.1 'The following extraordinary epistle was dl.00ver,1 In a barrel of apples which a merchant In Glasgow received among • re- wenr oon.lgnment from ('nada "Deaf Friend, I don't know the person 1 am going te writ,. this short letter to. 1 was going to write to • oouvhi when 1 set down, bol 1 hty been packing apply. for • few years, and thought It would be fine to put a Tat' or to • barrel and Gas whore that betel would land. There is • vary strlot law on p•ok- Ng apples here, and 1 •m Tarr glad, for they used to send out bad fruit, and make poor people pay for nothing hut had trait. i we Irylne to do what'. Inose', and glue every what he pays for. Ituylog apples Iv elmathing bko baying • pip In • bag ; you don't know what you ore getting enol von pay for i1 and then open 11. The person that iota this, 1 hope. will write baok, and be plowed with th• fruit in the herr.'. Some apples ars bound to rot even 11 they look good when von put them In. i •m wrltlog Chia very coarse, for It might be In than ea long It wont/ lade out before any pretty girl would get It 1 will be very /lad to receive • bet1er from any fins dal In whatever part of the world We •rrlyse Ant a prey• te people that In • few years theta will he no danger of buying apples from Caned.. 1 am a prang man about twangy -ono vows, and having a farm. And In closing I will be looking for • reply front some Nee gl-I, and her photo. 1 would have seat min., oely 1 am twenty mile, from home. - 1 ears stneer,ly " The ranker may hay•• amerce. hart, hot it seem* to me that bb chief wooers it to push the ('ens aka ape!. busies.. alerr\e.• R..k.ws she Mel.m Asti If set rh.ehed henomoe a � hostile o it 4,11r n. Ne remedy compares with N.r•il Me, whish 1s prepared speolaily ler stomach esti bowel trouble. As a r.dlel oars for Cramps, Coll", (las In the tensely, Sommer O.mpl•let, Nervihns .xeelt everything 1e the madloel line 1. .n Indl.pendhle hews. - 0.18 maple, sed *oats oely 2h. Rev • bottle today. Tr, D•, Hemillaf'a Mandrake Pill.. Eicslspes and 51ltleasry imitable les 411 hMssw pe.pea •Mlle, printed el Meer, We pies. •t Trost Non as. MORE REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD DEAL WITH US We handle only up-to-date Furniture. New goods coming in every week. Last week we received a shipment of PARLOR SUITES IN SILK, RUG AND VELOURS Exceptionally good values. Come in and see themi DISCOUNT1"' We give a special cash discount on all sales of $10 and up. Goods delivered free within a circuit of ten miles. REPAIRING, UPHOLSTERING AND PICTURE FRAMING promptly attended to. BECKETT & STAUNTON UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS. Night and day calls prompt'y attended to. Night bell at the store, West side of the Square. 'Phone 89. AN OPEN LE11ER To the Editor A certain leedies divine of Uoterio, when oritlotelng the oewspsrer• of Torero*, owe- p'atned that during the late fight Is that I'rovlsoe about the "Referendum," the ma- jority of them had nothing poeitire at all b soy oo the .,..1155, which bas Id him to the 0000lusloa that the ordinary "Dally" nu Imager has an, *Diatom of .ahjeor of p.blio lotores►, hut, like tolepbe.es and t•legnpb wires, u • mere trsnsmltWr. Then le • ,.•rain marmot of truth le this statement. Nut only V this the one, but In many Ir - . taboo the matter 1. ,ren worse. Some papers only hays •pinivus when paid to e xpress them. It a.ufholont amount of the "fitlby luore" 1. brought forward they we be Inducted to bay• very decided and very strong opinloos upas almost any .ubj.ol. There is one paper, however, we are sled to +ay, which "nese e1 these things eau move.' 11 baa lt, eplal.ss upon every piWlo yae. den and upon 511 eeo.lons it V ready to utter them with a f.arl.ea.ss and .dor whims mast oommosd 11 to right Nl.klas moo. This oew.peper le The Mounted Wittier, publl.bd by Job. Dougall & Soo. The Wltoses makes for righteousness and trot: r.t,ardlom of cwt sad wweyneso.s. 10 Maeda four square to irony wind that Cense. I1 bas prtsoiplss (wbtob la a some- what ran thing fora newspaper to have to these day.) and by thew prinotples It to prs, pard to need or fall. Personally, I value Toe Witness ter many thing.. I hk• It beeahse of talo re11•btbty of 1m sews. I am also partial to The Witness b.e.nse of its du.tive Inieeoce. Every subjeol of Inter- e st is there dleetmed a stream, viperous, fearless editorials, and better *till, all ars dealt with from • Christian standpoint. These editorials bear the .tamp of • blah order of literary merit, sad almost • palafut ooeeotentloesnees. 15 t. indeed • refreshing thing In thew days, wbeo men talk of the ".Imtgbty dollar" as i1 it eer. Almighty, to Dad • newspaper whose principles go nab( down through the pocket, and whew owean aro willing to saorlflos tor oouaclenos mkt. Tt ere are papers thee pub' '5 real/low things because them may ..ours for the paper an entr•noo Into homes from whlob they would otherwise be exoludd. Kut the religion of -ihe Witness permeates the whole paper. tang mai 11 Ilvr, abundantly my 11 pr.,eper, and Insg may it be .pard 10 !storm, damn, loopier/ end uplift hu- manity. 5 eon very sincerely. o9good) REV. W,I). KBIC, 8.11, B.A. (Key. Mr. Kett 1. pastor o1 one of the largest 1'resbytertan churches le toe metro petle. -Rd. j "Chs Montreal I)ally Winona le the only mslropolltan paint in America teat dares to be a consistent eet.epokes enemy of the drink traffic -The New Volo*, N. 1 . him my deed sad gtv• him a r.a.pt for the money Iso pays me. Ans. - If the purobwt' V will's, te take your deed, or whatever pspwe yes lave entitling yea a 160 sena of land, sad take your neelp1 fee the mosey whit* 5. pays you, you oe.d sot trouble yestsleff aloes wvlblan farther. Bat the laud will lave to b. Io.tsd hereafter, and • pausal made oat from the Crewe to you sr to year m- alts.. or .raoof•res. I should twk Nal N. early who netnae•s• your dam weeld require yea to eaooute ea assigsm.al o1 your scrip to blm. A minister r.nsnlly preaobi • ttor.>ea and Illwtr•td ho pole% by saying: " Yee know you plant roles a the mashies sad heliotrope sad geraniums, bee If ,ea w•a1 your fuchsias to grew you mmol keep them 1. • ehd, nook." After oke esrman a wo- man wane up to him, bee fans beanie/ wile ploasur.. "Ob, 1 ase so grateful Iso that ow. moo. ' she meld, Magda( Ms band gad .h•k- lng 11 warmly. Hite haul 'lewd foe a moment---ealy ter a moment, though. "Yee," etre west es, lesven►ly, "I sever limier bailors wh•1 was Ne mads' with my 1ocbd•o." Legal questions Asower,d IToroato Mall and impinJ K. H. A., St. Auctiotls. - tis. -Can a soboal trustee or a constable bold tains u bwesblp oouaoillor, or any other menial - pal oSlns' Ans.-S.otlon 80 of the Mooldpsl AW IK S. ) (. obs 223)names the as dla- Dpeewee .)5.iIfied from bolding office ea member ..f any manlotpal waned!. The rootlets, as amended in 1902. dhyoultfise ''any member or • school board for which r.tw are levied" from holding the office o1 was• oilier of any muslalp.l corporation Ti,. seotlor. also dbqualifi.e the chef consta- ble of any oily or town from being • mem- ber of thsloounoll or any muololpal corner atter'. Every sheriff's bailiff, and bail'ff of • ihvl.fou Court le also dl►gsalifie�t .1 (; 1 .-t Inndee u - • • r t h1 1 Mae oerar R to puts his ballot In the box, or moat hs d•I1.., 1t to the deputy returning offser, anti let the deputy put 1t la' Ana-Sectloes'166 to 111 e1 "The Ootarlo KIeotion Act" (K s 1) ohap. 9) prescribe and explain tee method of toting at elections. Son 97 says the deputy returning olhosr moot mark of 'tamp his name or Initials on the book of *soh ballot paper, belorr delivering/ oho same to the voter. Seo. 103 says, that altar m•rkag the ballot deltto e•rd to him by the deputy the voter sisal told the .ams arrow so as to 000c.al the names of the candidates and the crow mde by him upon the lace, and se as to expose the Initials of the depety and t5m number on the bask; and without displaying the ballot paper, so ea to make known to any porton the rams of the candidate (er or against whom he has marked hie vete, ,hall deliver the b.11.1,pepor, se folded, M the depot• returning offtnsr ; who seal! without unfolding the same, or le env way dlsolosing the names et the 0aadlda.., or the mark made by the •inter verifyleis Initials and the number on tee hook .1 the paper, and st, onoe doprll the earns In the 1,.11ot box, In the presence of all persons entitled to be present, and then present le the polite, plena; and the voter shall forth- with leave the polling phew. The words of the statute show that tee deputy re. turning Meow Is the person to derorlt the ballot on oke ballet bax, W. S., London. -- q.. - i am a voters* and get a gree) of 160 acres o1 land Is New ()starto. 1 am toe old to work It. If !sell it to another party, will I jut have to hand 1 Ever Feel Stretchy and Dull ? 1 A If you do there can be no doubt as to the reason, no guess or gamble about it. Your liver is sluggish -impurities have stolen into the system and have commenced to work havoc. -what you need is a tonic laxative. Try •• Abbey's" (a spoonful in a glass of water) its laxative properties promot9 a gentle, regular action of the bowels -it stimulates the liver -drives out impurities -and it tones up the entire system. Ask your druggist for Abbey' Sa1t- ..,_ i • ' N J. H. COLBORNE cs LI JANUARY SALE IN THIS FOLLOWING LINES : FURS { TO THE INTER RESORTS 111 CALIFORNIA FLORIDA NEMO mCAhhUNAS" including New Orieano and the famous Hot Springs of Arkansas. One way and round trip Tourist Tickets are on sale, daily, giving choice of routes and stop over privilege• at principal point,. EXCELLENT SERVICES. Prompt conneetiono, fast time, luxuriou,- ly appointed parlor and sleeping oars Meals ' a la carte", served in the dining and cafe can, are not ourpaaaed in the loot hotels. Tickets, folders, and all information on application le Agents. F. F. LA W RI NOF:, Town Agent. A. STRAITOh, Station Agent. .1. 1). MCDONALD, Distrlct Passenger Agent, Toronto. THE MARSHALL SANITARY MATTRESS. PAT. UPT.. >500. THE ONLY VENTILATED MATTRESS IN THE WORLD. Per'tect.ly Ventilated, I'orbirtly bte.tlisnt, Absolutely N.ieele.o It haa handle. to lift or carry it. hy. is much cheaper and more durable than the Inst hair reettruse. 11 rannat get lumpy, and will not erg from nae. 1t to the masa. healty and moot rnmfnrtnhle Matt.re.. read*, or- can and examine its m.r,1.. Molinily by WILMER SMITH, Klee flesh. In High Orad, Furniture, eels. Out. Pine Cphol.tering done In order Tarnishing* and Art (land., Fist Ru'sst, (O11RRiC1E. DRESS GOODS 1f NDER- WEAR 20 per oent. dieoount on all Furs now iu stoctk ; newest makes, and all new for Fall ut 1902. If A lot of Tweed effects, good rotors, for I winter waists : 25c. for 20c , 20e. toe 15c , and ISc. for 12ic. Homespun' in black, dark and light grey., brown, grey brown, green and navy, at price. that defy oowpetttion, and all new goods. French Cheviot iu bla k and navy, 56 in cher wide, all wool ; the latest. -jut put into stock • few days ago. You should see them. 1In Men's, Boys', Ladies', Girls' and Chil dren's weer --a well -assorted stook and price. right. Bargain Days Two of the greatest bargain days we ever offered will be given on SATURDAY. JANUARY 31, AN i) MONDAY. FEBRUARY 1. This store is noted for great bargains on bargain days, but we intend outdo all former efforts this time. t0 Os..gelase PeManas for mks. 75.5ise Shea% M gly. away. J. H. COLBORNE The Best Possible Cough Cure t 1S FOUND IN ABOX OF LAXA - QUININE ASSISTED BY OUR BLACK CHERRY Cough Cure Theo, if any weakness r.maina, fortify the system with our... . EMULSION of CODLIVER OIL and HYPOPHOSPHITES, And so build up the system -make "Con." impossibt.. W. C. GOODE, Chemist, •NOFORO •LOOK... We can interest you in Rubber Goods. New supply just in. THIRD WEEK of our Annoal StockTaking Sale The following are a few of the extra close prices. We are going to clone out theme lines : 10 only Gatineau Axes, ordinary 65e., Hale price, 9 " King " 85c. " 10 " Chip Slinger Axes," 85e., 24 " higest grade " " $1 25 2 doz. Table Knives (122), E2 50 doz. 3 0 " (1100), 1 20 " 2 2 1 1 1 1 to (20R(, 2 00 " " (226R),3 50 Joan Tea Spoons, 3 5,0 " Dessert " 500 " Table " 600 " Forks, 500 " Dene. " 4 50 51c, Gale. 68c. SI 00 2 00 98e. 160 2 75 2 75 4 00 450 4 00 360 6 Camas Meat Carvers at 20 per cent. discount. 36 only Brum,, ordinary 15e. each, Serle price, 12c. each 60 " ' „ 20c. " „ 16c. „ 40 " " " 25c. " " 20c. " REGULAR LINES : Maple Leaf, lance, Racer and Premier Cross -Cut Sews. Buck Saws, Axes, Axe Handles, etc. We are just opening up a lot of TINWARE. Quality right, prices right. N. D. RO UO V I E, OODERICH. astabIlshsd iaoo. "sae Main 4303. W. F. DEVER & CO. STOOK AND 1110ND BROSZRIs. 1® Wollinarton etre.t fit, Toronto. Ni Was -Q Irssdway, Nos Tort; W 31 Streiil, Swim 8TOOSS, B ONDI AND MAME Docoglt *aril sold torr Dash or tea Hilitis. (4 t..) as agollistles.Panatelas atteades it wto r sr- /.aasO..eM.. Veraritlis. Y..b.s wl..maid MOT PARNELL. t. DEAN'S l EALT BREAD I That old favorite: Whole- wheat Bread is of special Interest at this season. FOR SALE BY W. P. WESTOBY AC 112N'T Hamilton $t. - OODERICH astabIlshsd iaoo. "sae Main 4303. W. F. DEVER & CO. STOOK AND 1110ND BROSZRIs. 1® Wollinarton etre.t fit, Toronto. Ni Was -Q Irssdway, Nos Tort; W 31 Streiil, Swim 8TOOSS, B ONDI AND MAME Docoglt *aril sold torr Dash or tea Hilitis. (4 t..) as agollistles.Panatelas atteades it wto r sr- /.aasO..eM.. Veraritlis. Y..b.s wl..maid MOT