The Signal, 1903-1-29, Page 3Some Stunning Toilette's. Tbo holiday reurua inraiiabiy brings about n failing of( lu the at:endaece, of *mart folk a1 toe theatres', aye Lady Modish In Town !ropier. Netertlielesr beautiful toilettes have been cuorplcuour at several playbourer during the port fort- night. Of oue of there the hat war lh•, mart 'aril/lug feature. It was trey targe, of whit.. fur felt,"and it wow plm(wt covered with chroeuutlu mune, of the byt LInkSii white vurlety, with undercur,Wg petals. t.4 thrix -quarter Boat of white broadcloth partially covered a while net gowu, gurulsbed with tel:et 1 lowers. The coat was, lucked all over, stave where there were wile iteerr- t lotw of Bruges Wee. it ca,s;aue of welch abio uriumeuloi.t the entire length of front. A wuwau In it scarlet gown ,node In sample Prinoeer style wore to charming contrast as blown ail - 'Jun cloak au:1 lint of brown ,.Ir Jett.. The hat was tILe.t to just talc right abgie by uterine of a duel. r of rel turebudr, which wets t:wk'•1 snugly under one side of the brunt The top` trlmmltigr el -were 'Iso re chiffon. ribbon nod rosea It ons a curlour combination 01 colors. but moll effte.the. - fourko ('ockrut cavorted two Ihnuetsauely gowned women lu n box at the Sljen Theatre a few, eten- tugs ago. tine wore IS white xpnnglee! inme, made lit the menet extraordi- nary nt.'uoer. It iota t111.o-etch wl le Insertions of block jetted lace, cross. ed :X-fnMhton over the beck awl front. The cartel war .,i move•! ,w.I etrlkheg that the tell tte escaped no one. • The hat war n white, *Oatbra- ver. covtre0 with delicately tinted orchils' 111 pink and ,white: Trim- med among these wart n terbium' path' blue autili nbloNi, with mold falling Jiimt toter the liner. There were oleic flowers ant rte. bow uneer the left -std.. of the (ran, where It turned alightly away lroir, the few.. Ono of tee wuet delicate. becom- ing and ravishing a .tomes I have wen this winter is. a sllveregrey crepe de cline front one of the beet Parti houses., It 1s trimmed. the bodies. only. with .ilk antique lace. Tete Is ,.•t in r►- very .hallow lolit'd yoke. and again nt the waist line. for ti,, depti of 'lout • two Intra, - it Is *Islhle- The finest of haul shirring. alter - rutting wit h closely etltelie.l iani. of crepe de chine. forms the body of ter' waled, nN well as, the tope of tin sleeve.. Dangling grey milk ornaments de- corate the front rand sleeve:+ nem. Tho latter nee quite too vial orntt• to descrll e. Below- the seem -1 tap the fulloovs •1s left entire to tie elbow. where it. •Ie (vaught Into a whet•) kinono-lik•. cuff of Idea trowel bark. aitch.rl not atlortierffewHIt btu• urea ni ntr. • Beloit► tide la Still another more iiuodeet fullseist or pnff. ending in n 'handsome pointed lace Buff; the lat- tice 1s fralher-)»nasi and -perfectly ,etnished. ' The. *let Is a gem. It has a chert, hip yoke and slender front p.;ynel roeching to the )ottom. Ten rows Of flnert hand shlrrlu'; are joined to this yoke on each elle of the panel. and .thew, alternate with bands of rto.ely «t{trhwl crepe to form the entire rides and Wick or the skirt. There are no Imo than ten series of sl,trrings and stitctling'. en either Nide. of It. About the bottom le a geminated and very full asror.l;ron pinlfe.l flounce of crepe do chine finished with severe[ ruching.. The skirt bas hot a particle of trimruing' Atte thin exquisite hand work. an 1 It la b'au- tlful. The new ,Tnp.arwes choke for opera next .venlne [tear are ',nether fea- ture of the new stylise for winter. Theme are Just art gorge'oum nlr the orientate wear them. anal only slight-, 1•v modified in shape. One worn at the opera Inst week on two different oemelons was ON pals. yellow wilk, elaborately em- broidered In large red poppies and green leaves. Its wide sleeve., not so loose ae PAINFUL PERIODS are overcome by Lydia E. Pink - ham'. Vegetable Compound. e Mhos Menard cured after doc- tors failed to help her. "Lydia F. Pinkham'. Vege- table Compound cured me after doctors had failed, and I want other girls to know about it. Dur- ing menet.rnation I suffered most intense pan low in the alxlomun and in my limits. At other times i bad a heavy, depressed feeling Which made my work et'em twice as hard, and I grew pale and thin. The medicine the.doctor gave me did not do lie ono bit of good, and I was thoroughly dieeournge(l. The doctor wanted me to stop work, but of course, I Could not do that. J? finally began to take Lydia E. Plnkham's Vewetahloq Compound and felt better after taking the first bottles sixbot. bottle, and after taking I was entirely cured, and am now in perfect health, and I am mo grate- ful for It."- MrM (3zonate Memel[?), 137 E.152nd St. New York City. - t110ee ,...a ill ..1 1•W e1 Ow* letter wooing rtere.'.w... .14w14 M erwrw..d. Lydia F. Plnkham'. Vegetable Cotepnand curve female I11. when p11 other means have failed. the original at the armhole, were put.kkre 411ghtly, Ili was also the body of the cloak 11 had a rtrulght, lose lack, rhowtug the flowers in cluster's, ural flan about 44 hello long. A white gown, with ether tiptoe glee and a rupx rubuudnnee or Jewels, wan worn un,e'r this gorgtour ether. It w•0111.1 he old to predict a rrtivn1 of spangles nal colla Jet gown', but iIdiwatiunv really eeew to point that %tu,v. No less than it dozen of there brilliant eroutliour were mprinkle'1 'Ostia the horoshoe at every opera performance this week. lilost of thee., gowns It'll ol•Nlgmr w•role(tlt out In tho Irlderoeut bits of tlu4 el. Brill 'cowrie are made a filmy and clinging as p es db'r, wit plenty -of fullness about the 0111 of (1144 ,. ku•l. All are r e. e t- 1 �n 1 ut with {II u 'ton Ince Tlow•eYre, end d not a little I r fringe. Although one seer litany pallet(en awl scintillating spangles o, all va- rletlea,'-the gown. Itwu'If court he Port and eillow•y, with this 'sort of or- letmnntatlou usel with sparing di.- cretlon. Yellow not over milk. with a p:all- iettal border of gold n foot deep, maker n stunning toilette for a dark- h;i1hel Woman. IFACE MAKING AN f AM TO HEALTH. "If you want to improve your face, make, faces." say.' Prof. Anthony Barker. That Is the beet way. to treat 1t to uphill:.lirtg physical rul- tune. exerciser. It mound.' simple enough and silly enough. But It is neither. .\ short trial will prove that the right kind of faces can- not be mask' In al jlUv, although. with n little patient prec:dce they earl bo 'secured. \Vhile yet aro praelleuig set will feel that the ficial menet''' are be- ing stretrhel and brought Into play paleness among 8e'lentary l*u.l am they hate not loon In years. Teas rhoul.t 0(4411 11184' you That phy- v A MOTHER'S DELIGHT. b SWfiee Her Little- oars le-althy,lto ey A and )lapel . All mothers delight in Neeilrg their Moo ones bright, roily awl happy, but unfortunately all mothers do not um' the beet method., to gain this re- sult. When baby IN cropn next fret- ful they give him "soothing .tuff.," believing they are Hieing 111m -but the result I. just elle upposetr•, nt these et.u(te ug stuffi are i )iaOnnmM 1n.l dongeroure lope.'. Own Tab - I. t., d.uukl elw:lyn lx' used end they will M' toned a prompt relief feud speedy cure• for all the minor nil- nl.•nlr from which little ones suffer. UI experienced mothers tow threw tablrtr, end all mother.' who tow them torahs) them. OLev. A M. Bleck. sat. Peters. N. 14., easy's; "1 11er.- 11.,.1 (Ion Tatbk-ts` for. 'lust of tiro ullmeulr. tram which little tare suffer. and 1 find them .-the best medicine. I have ever tried. Nu uolhe•r thrukt be without them in the hottoe." Theme L.Irletr are geed `(or chil- dren of nil ager and carogiven with absoluto safety to a',new- I :)rti babe. 4.41.) by drnggielu or`-Cnt by mall at 2:11 cent,. a box by writing direct to The Dr. \Niihau oe Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Send um your name on a poet cart and tvo will mail you n valuuMs) little look on the care of Infants and young chil- dren. .ienl eniturc for the face by ntak- lug (neem im not se) r:tlicnioas as It would seem at first blush. The• benefits that neernr to loth :nen nod women from making the faces Wroth described teal or (.1 - tern manatee -n day, either opts' rising, or before going to bed, are mnhifokl. They will roun-1 out and natur- ally fill emaciated. thin told hatchet faces. Sleeken eyes, hollow rbetess, aril nese'. 8huormrall, thiel ix•tw ea the eye. will dUNappsar. 'fl,ev will reduce to mol:' per- fect outlines facers burdened with sup.rflurn v fies,h Double clin% puffy *rev; ami Tlnbby, down -hang - Ing cheek, cannot exist long for ll.e man oho makes lace.. They tela" keep the eyes bright. They will prevent wrinkle, that enr'wnrn look, and defect. of the .kin. They will do nwny with exeemave anti oaly blu.,hing among those who have that eruberrni.tng trait. Mun- cie'. healthily thickened by, r•xerd'e anti under centre' will riot permit Wood to rush mo suddenly to the surface am thin; flabby and power - hem fleet,. The ohrwing muscles will be nettle etronger and mastication inn teri- ally Hided which to turn will eon - tribute to bettor digest:on and es- shellntirxl of fond. Ileennar the facial m,, ales will he filled with a bountiful supply of fresh blood. woandi will heal wore quickly and lo' les. likely to leave .cn r.. Women ttIII not find it nerPmi ney to resort to rouge anti other n0- ceuuorle, of the toilet to get rendre.-an.l-cream cheeks, cherry• red lip., ip.nrkllng, dancing eye•. And charmingly r•ontrnettng facial lights and shadow.. Thr.* facial exercises alto develop the neck 'ext throat. By etrength- ening the throat mueelem that part of thn hotly Is better guarded against all the Ills peri l:nr to It. The froom mndw work nil these ben- efit, by nnueing large supplier" of blood to be'sent nil over the face and neck, the flood Minding up end burning away whatever neer0«nry. It (tile n t the thtp face: It Carriee away superfluous end enenmbering' flesh on the fat face, and altogeth- er it Imparts new energy and pow er to all parte of the fora In bele(, whoever maker" these face's' will be bleared with features thnt are full of vitality and the power of constant atlrnetlon, became ev- erybody Blow to seen lnlmnn being A Is Who the picture of health. Exercise I. -For developing the macho of the nook nod the upper part of the breast there le no bet- ter exorcise. Among the mnweles af- fected are then" which join the face At ewes .1rle of the Ilpe and from there spread oiler the front of the neck end olnar normal the breast. Therefore, whenever One ev'retun le executed the whole cheat le rile ed up eosekterably. 11-' aiso removes • .74 FROST The .uu.a•.t .ad I...bMet V.I. 4.ou 1f we are not represented in your district write us at once about the agency. Good open- ittgsfor good [nen. Orders eastly taken. Results satisfactory. MOST Milt MCI CO'll.td, •luerq, r... •.II.n(, 011. vre,s es si ivrinkler from the forehead and around the eyes and maker the lips etrouger and more pliable. To do tele exertlee firma opera the mouth, draw down (tie corner's, and wrinkle up the forehead, all am much draw the lower Ilp and adjacent mercies up toward the twee. 'fry to make the 111) touch the tip of the nose � Bring all the muscles around the eta pe)wrdblo. Then, huldlug tier pos- ition, put the Jaws firmly together earl hold until weariness comes. It Is better to do tier anti a1' the other eYereIH r gently at first, In- vreaming the 10114101 and energy try hard to elute the Iipr over '(11e opened Jaws. All of the wander in the oeatr'tl part of the face to the line of the rose are stretched and 4evelop-d. The exercim oleo helper to 'flake the Chiu normal anal shapely and re• mover wriukler around the -lips nasi lower part of the nose. Everette, 4 -This dlrseettrr hollow cheeks' awl replacer them with nice- ly rounued ones. It IIINO rtreag(.iousv the chewing muscled, and In tier way greatly aide u,articatioi rind digest tom. With the mouth slightly .hut, draw tbo lower Jaw to the :•(g'It (or left) as far an possible, awl then pull the flesh over the teeth In the some direction ns nuu•h ,lad ;to hard MN )OU cute At the mama time shat the eye* and pull the adjacent radi- cle together. -' - Fiercer. 5. -Ther (IIIc out the lower part of the chin and makes It rormul,'und detelope the laughing lnmreles uuder the eyes. ;l Because It Is excelltnl fbr general development. helps the skin anti Insure. against easy injury. thlr exercise should be slow" often. Execute the exercise by bringing every n'tscle toward the centre of the face as tawch'aw -trrteiWe. The nearer the face Is 10110 to tak r e Ii h 'shape of tt elect the better the h 1 the 'exelclre performed NF.\t• IIi1' YOKE. Gown worn by Oraule•r In "Jouiu." Of pair, rose Liberty crepe de chine. The hip yoke differs from that of the preceding season In that it turuu tip sharply todistppenr•into ter walrt line at the sides near the track, the Mince at the back fulled Into the belt. The large enlplace- rnt le 1.1 cronm filet net, Timet with squares of filet motifs; there le olio an Inset of blnek Chantilly about the shoulders. Little rose mnalh, poen one are nttncheil to the collarund sleeves. The hem on the skirt Is re deep. • with prac lee. Ie tide way possible rupture of all facial 1)10041 ves.rls Will. be made mpossible. )xerel,e 11.-hes, the opposite of .the former ever se. pulls up the low- er part of the ince and draws (hewn alio mn.eIes above the eves. itv stretching the chin muscle.' It tnkoe away double next fill.it nut hatehet (Minn. Ivy concentrating nnmeronr muscles around the eye's, it brondenr name. thnt Are too thin between the ryes and fill. out . sunken eyes and takes away puffs. Mtnrtiug wall the mouth shut, thrust out the lower jaw an far As passible, and, while holding it there';. edam eyes rte doer together no. you possibly cnn. Then try to Open the Pyo', Exercise .i. -Close the eye. rind con- tract the forehend, elevating 111e eyebrow. ns mueli ne poNsible. Open the Mouth es wide an you can and A WINTER BCOt?H0L. La Grippe or influenza Responsible for Hundreds of Ent Imely That ha. La grippe "startto with a sneeze- nrxl end. with it complication. It lays a strong mast on hi. hack; it tortures him with fevers and chills, headaehert and backaches. It leaves him n prey to pneumonia, bronchitis, con.emnptlem and other deadly ells - eases. Y.III ran avoid In grippe by (n te with Dr. 1s, a«te fortifying . 1 y Williams' !'ink !'ills. They protect you ; they cure you; they up -build you ; they banl.h all evil after of -- feels. Dr. Williams Pink Pills ward of -f all winter nllmenta They pure ail blood and nerve dlaorderg. They are the greatest blood -builder and nerve tonic t11.tt 'science ham yet dineoverr.l. We know til« to be the 'solemn truth, but we do not ask you to take our word alone. Alk your nrighltora, no ,n.itter where you live, and you will Worn of utomrono who his been mired by Dr. Williams.' Pink 1'1111.1, after other medicines, hail felled. It Is npon the evidence of your neioli or. that we alk you to give thews .pills it fair trial If yru are .4-k or ailing. Mre. F,mma' i olieet, St. Lutelle, Que., nays: "Worts ran tinnily tell how pleased 1 am with Dr. Wlltlimui I'ink Plll.. I had an ettnck of la grippe which left me It .offerer from hendachrs ami patine to the "domicil. I n.01 several me ll- clnr«, but nothing helped me nntll 1 of D . W 111 nim' Pink . 1 JIP r I . begin the II PP When 1 began them I ons weak and very mlv'h run down. The p111. la-:ve completely enrol me 11"1 I not only am as strong as eV*, but Mer gained In fleet).' The gen- 1111,0 pl;1e always bear the feel name„ "I)r. M1\'llllnm4 I'!nk Pill. for !'Ale People." on tlin Iilm'I emend every box. sebslltnteu ain't cure end to take them Is nowte of money and endangers life. IFor threw who care to vary these bort of facial exerciser with othe,., the following will be found benefl- rl•tl nod extremely Past': Exerctve 1. -Smile. Place the end.; of the fingers on the lumps of flees on the cheeks under the Pyes. Let the face resume Ito neturni position nod then, while r.' h.tlug with the flrgers, draw up the laughing mar- clar by smiling and lower thein to fairly rapid eaecceesion until tire.!. Exerctse 11. -Draw the cheeks to- gether at the lip, with the lienee ;old, while reuleting lith the iin.I', toll the cheeks apart. • Exercise 11I. -Put n , erookexl fore- finger on tin chin just below Or- ton.)). heJonrr lip and raise up the Up. re- Pfeting with the finger. Fxereisc IV. -Close the mouth 'rel path the tongue down toward tn,' throat. Thee 1. good for tee thront n►scle., and materially strength - en's the Oxtails. Exerclee V. -With the fingers on the eythrowar end resisting, try to done the eyes while raising up the eyebrows. Try to close the ey'. while modeling With the fingers placed at the Wes` (>f the eyes. !lands and Renelltve hands should ways be rubbed .be t with an emollient m (lent alt waell- fng. and If frequently wet. pre - (toted from the hetlon of at art much ao possible by the use of rill. When Inflamed, friction with oil lnrpentine or camphorate( vamelltr IN beneficial, tei11 , n11 1n cern IN hastened If they ere w80hed In a warm de- coction of walnut leaves. After the oily enbetnnce. are rubbed in. dust with this powder; Chilblain Powder. • finllealate of bismuth, 211 drams. Powdered starch. 13% earners. When the chilblains aro ulcerated and broken apply tho following lo - 114111 three tlrnre daily, hnndrtging will. linen or nntlweptle gauze when nree/Nary, olherwi.e dusting the In- flamed parte with the powder; Berate! Chilblain Lotion. Eider flower water, 7 ounce., Tincture of catecha. 2 011nc011. (glycerine. 2 ounces. iloraele meld, A drama. Both the nboee remedies are ileo effective for the same trouble in the foot, FOR THE COOK. \ good end an Inexpenelve break - fare sweet is apricot marmalade made from cannel nprlcote. Me refire the fruit, and to each pint allow throw-fourthe of n pint of smear. Cook over n .low flre, stirring anew 1e a While until the marmalads Is SAVED FROM THE GRAVE What T. C. March Says Weld's Kidney Pibia Did for tt Im. 44lory ora Nova n4,011a Man who had Almost liven Up Hnpr of ever bring Well Again. Central 'economy', N. t .. Jau, '1,l. - feel us if Dodire Kld- rloy 1'111.4 heel raved 100 from the grave," le the way T. C. Mande of bbl. place, talks of those wonder- ful etterwiuuturr of the pain. u1Hl aches, url.11g !rout Dew/teed Kid- ney.. And Mr. Marsh 8h(uld know whereof he ',wake. Ile wail 'under thretor'r cure for Kidney Coum- ' plaint for 8)1110 time, venal, despite their t•Ifurtw cuutiuutxt to grtnv worse. Ih' was almost in derioir w 11x11 a frlen.l athlete! him to use ikltld'. Kidney !'ills. I1, .111:11 at lie - Vere carr: the prrgre.s toward.. re- covery was naturally slow. but he pereevertxl. and now h' fent. Ju. - w . 1. �I ltee'.k' If (x 1 ill; permit; t I 1 In 114 r 1 K K quoted above. Mr, Marek thus doe- -crates oe- -crib es ht, ease : "1 WAN under the doctor's cure, but didn't Weill to get any bet- ter, only worst -!t• I was advised by it friend to use 1)udd's Kidney -fills. After I had 08e,1 them for a tittle I btgiul to feel a difference, and 1 utter rtut)plsl until 1 lend used "1 Moser. 1 ruppo.e I .sill have to use something am long ns, 1• live, but - I feel as If Ikrkl's Kidney Pills had raved Inc from the grave." "1 have recommended Doilies Kid- ney fills to t:vrryune because of whet tory have alone fur me." • thick. Iloughnuts-Crca4 two cupfuls of augur with one-half cupful of butter. add ono -hell cupful of 1n!Ik, two egg's beaten light, two cupfule of flour ei to which ha* been sifted a teaspoon- ful of iaking powder and flavor with vanilla. Work in ,enough flour to ntnko a wort dough. Roil -out into a eheet nearly au inch thick. and cut into 'Warmer Willi a cutter. Fry In deep fat. For (linger Snaps -Cream. n cup of butter with one of augur. beat In n cup of molaraes; stir In a cup of water, a table/soon each of ground ginger and cinnamon. a tibio- ,axon of nllspleonil a scant ono of 'Kola, witted with- a pint and a half of fhnir. Add enough flour to make n dough that can h.> roiled out ; roll than. cut into round.' and bake. ' For Hard titngerbread-hlcat one cut' of Nu w Orleans molamer over a pan of hot water; add half a Cup- ful of butter to it; when the Mutter ham melted remove tite howl from the water; add onotablespoon of gingcr; di.n0l0e half re teaspoon of sola In a little boiling water; add it to the mulnare'; stir In flour to nolo, :t ra ther stif( dough; toss on When the Lantpsare 1.14. The cllil leen like to get an attrac- tive book to read after Hopper -m) .10 Sim old fulkg'scmletitne,. We 11nve pleasure In Informing our farming reitderu that by mending their lune and. adiresis on a pont-epr.1 to Mote Hey -Herrin Co., Ltd., Toronto.. they tt lilt M. Rent the Massey-Harrta Illus- trated, free of charge for one year. It ie it bright tlltln magazine, con- taining many new plcturer and «)1411' good reading. Don't forget to men- tion tela paper, or you may not re- ceive the Journal. u -41114114'4 bea-ed r -roll- We - in a quick oven. Gingerbread Cakes -Take one cup of New Orleans molaa.ee; one cup of sugar; ono cup of sour creum; one small cup of butter; three eggs; three cup, of flour; one Npoonfnl each of cloves, cinnamon, ginger ,and linking soda. Brike In two loaves Inn nesler.te oven. �.tl��}1✓+..G'.sc"3.t3e�.P'1.�erX.�i�dta/.gs�,d..���Pf.!rii'esr'.+!'.�-.dlie'.rr�r:'t /� 1 CO-OPERATIVE TESTING IN DANISH DAIRIES. Lep- Tho fairer re of 1t, mem k hate ou,ltwl a trey etweesieul est -opera- tive nyrteln of !riling dairy come, w'tlleh Iola p rel of great value Iti tithing the etan.hlyd of their horde. t r•horh rkeleh of tin plan which lh:;v !tate foiluwerl only prove of In- terl.it to ('unnu!•un dairyymen, who might well Imitate their Aan ia% en111 41(ilurl4 le Ger parli'ulnr 1st 104,81, -peeress) or Testing AewuvbaIWns, Four-clllef objects are kept In view in erg+ullailg them. turfing t►wd- clutlour: I. That the tree given the VOW.. 14,1481, us, wuoh as, purrllde, be we•I,lhe.l or measdrd. .. Theft euuh cow's duly milk yield. le weigh- etl onto per week, or at loon. ruffl- elfblly often so that accidental 1n- Ilueneslu may not twee any rertous cffeet. a. That the percentage of fat lu each tow's, milk yield it teat• (d sufficiently often to eliminate ac- t•hlental lnflueltecr. 4,'11eit an ex - net 11040unt 1), kept ht emelt u m;ul- Ill• r an to above the relationbrlwro n the Miller ylcl'i uud the food con- .uu1a1, - The ortgluil l arsoelatton, ` that of Veka, bud 1:1 uu'iuhor., •lggrtttattitg :;110 cows, and, tats !fret year'r ex- pellers were 817:1; but tete tlotern- 'tient recognized at once the 1w- twrtunee of this mlotrment, 811)1 gave them a grant of $02.50. Koine of tho by-laws of the original 84• ...elation declared 11Att : "The ob- ject of Ute n.rxoetatlou war 1.0 build up it Viet) of come which would give a Large Irked or !itch Milk; Tho membership should be limited tenllor:uhy to 12 or 13, who agreed to let the milk of each cow be tee' - 0'1 every fourteen day,*; thio ex- penser should Ile distributed In pro• portion to the fol te.t, made, and collected twice a year; three di- rectory should be chosen, one o1 Whom should resign every third year after the first two y(drs, and w•ho should elect a 1're.ldeut and N,(cretary-Treararer; the Axsoelt- tion should continue for five years, and no member should withdraw be- fore'that time, otiose 011 aced tii(t of remove' from the district." Thu dl - rectors of the nus,olatlon engaged a "teeter; who took 'sampler and tewted the milk of eneh row, and for whoa' nee rellalh• apparatus n•uN !.ought. This teeter al - No kept exact reeordw of the milk yleel of .each cow and the feed consumed in proportion to the yiekl of huller, and also prepared 0.blen showing the -comparative value of the Various. Individual cow.' rend herd.. u. ecotionecal producer's. ,o' that those cows having rpechtl valuer for breeding purpomes night 100 8CIPcle.1. (Growth or the A«socaatxrne. • At the c10.4, of the first y'ear's work the Government npproprlateil $2•4,00,to'be divided between nom - elation's whlcti mado proper reports, anti tho plan spread very rapidly. By 18117 1t lend betel clearly deulon- etratr.l that the "tester'" were also n seful in securing better 111k for the creameries. and the dairy proper Maohkert T!de•ntle' Moon had frequent ,Iortu41{une ao, to the work of these association*: notably as regards Pc - ('1101(1(1 milkmen report. fr the various aesociatlone. Joint meeting. were hold end several weak fe•tturer. .O: the xcheme pointed nut. In 11+98 i'1.250 was Appropriated for tho stip- port of the various nl.orlatlone, nod In 1899 th0 eejen ateoclatlon again w-Inelttllilhg a report- ne to the rtllA,dg of calves and hogs. In the mime year, ala general meet- ing of all tho local agrhehltural an- sociaUons, the blank forms for the trot aesoclntlons were fully Memo's - 411 and uniform methods agreed upon. In 11100. ace Owl four distinct en- noclnttoo i comprising In nil about 240 teat nisoclatlons. and the results. compiled from the report)" of the various districts furnish a great dent of vnh'ahle Information. For insolence, the 0141 notion that n larger flow of milk must neces.arlly give n k.wer percentage of fat wag die - proved. Most Important of all a co-operation wan effected between the telt neooeintionit 1111.1 the breed - /nee ansecintions, (Mull associations), and a chief Inupector wax appoint- ed In one dietrlet. who helped to xr'lect the cow. entit10.1 to be bred to certain b,,L.. and to Hnpervlon the keeping of the hent book* Tile Maetkort Tldende Pends blanks to the nemocintinne, end when these are Mind ptabltshee them and senile copies to nil the member's. indeed (everyone interested In dairying 11e1p- r.l thin plan along, and the, explaine Why there .are now 250 'met) nsan- elnttons. CCOOGO.SO 2=000 OeeC90C COOpOp GRACEFUL CARRIAGE OF IMMENSE VALUE. •90000CBOCOOC90C000900000 N) N,Au6,II 'vin earrbvr herself is,, a slip-sltol,loose manner wit com- rnnnd the respect and admiration that a woman of graceful bearing and uplifted countenance will re- ceive, yew, and if nail be, demand.. There are many noble -hearted wo- men who really do themreive, injure Ike by the awkward way they curry themselves. It Im very hard for others to ere beauty and grace of heart In an unlovely outward 'p- prarance. It Ir the exterior charm of the rose that giver fitting expre.- elon to its hidden sweetness. Although there are ninny beautiful Nnmrn with wopthless hearts, still that fart .tor. not weaken the other fact that spiritual nobleness and a fair body are a consistent, hermon- loue association. Everything that appertains to the elevation of the soul affects for the better the aspect of the body, beautifying and refin- ing It, says the Cleveland Plain Deal- er, Just as rare jewels need fitting caskets to rest In, No It is only meet that 100017 souls should be indnaedl in bodies that are beautiful and fair. --- Little Smiles. Diner -Dm t this ment rather tough? Walter-Tier/ea no denying that, sir, but then WP .one extra strong toothpicks with It.-Tit-Mts. b� 1_ hell-J(Iua Apn Teck .1111 perNists that she hasn't reached the right age to merry. Belle. -1 wonder what she'll 001 - shier the right age Nell -,Dotage, perIm s Oyer -A man le foolish alio a.*N a woman (Inr.11ona J. Alger-iiow', that ? Oyer -Aho won't answer them to Ids satisfaction, but 'pave her time 88 1 .h,e 11 tell all elle k oma {lentil and C.ttpid mel one tiny, Marksmen Loth, one grave, ono gay. Then snel Dents. 'so grim and .lark : 1 prefer n .Wining mark." "So do i," Dan Cupid scoffed, " if 1 only know Ire .oft I" She (mnebngly)-11ow can Chinamen beer to eat rate? Ips, (eheently)..-lt help. pill the Chinks. Tenrher-.TMinnio, what 1. tourer 7 Johnnie -Sugar, ma'am, le what 'Make. thing's .e'nr If you don't put It In. . IItw Thew' Women love Foch Other. nr,>nklrn Engle. Pearl -Did yo4, Neer about the nw fat frl;;ht (purge got on Ids wedding day ? - Mahle -1'e.. 1 was there; 1 saw her. A Sample Itesult. • .\.i 1111 exalnlple of the practical rrsnits obtained three years' work of the Fnnrns Association may 1'11 8n0tevl.'Accept' ng to thet Maelkert T:- derde. the nterage results per cow In the herb tested were as fol- lows : 11.1.. Lb.. Per Cent, Year. 1111k, hunter, Fat. 1 11t)9-1900 15.102 191 3.34 1900- 1 90 11.281 202' 314 MI 1 1902 0,101 238 3.:,0 This shows nn Improvement in the average yield of 47 Ib.. butler per cow by testing aryl aefectlug in three years. The work of these arroclaklone it evidently the key- note of cheaper nillk production, anti the oo-operative plan offers, lir only meant of securing ryrtem- atle testing: Some Suggest Ions. In my opinion sometb:ug along tine above Ives should be worked out In Canada. with the creamery us, cheese factory as the nucleus, of the movement. The teeter would matte the factory leis headquarter,' met if the farmer,' were trusted to do the weighing of the walk and taking of the samples. It would Le porrlble for one man to do the work for all the farms reaming milk to the average factory. Ho would re.pdre to leen each farm before the tett started; take note of all oondlttons, record the num- ber, age, etc., of each cow. feed trod. eto. ; rhjw how the welghleg mud sampling rto 141 be done; ; toile enough two -ounce bottles with initial,' of rammer and uuw- bor.e'Stamped thereon to take rep • erste sampler of two milkingr, also blanks 'for filling in teed records every two *reeks. Having time prepared his patrons, they would send in to the factory on certain day, tho sample bottle% of which 'the tosteflittpould be able to tent n Mete num dally, and still lutve time enougu for au occasional vbdt to the fertile. Thera would be no moon for tate farmer to welgtl or take wimp:est incorrectly, al the tot4l averugo of each herd wou!d be known ''by the patron'. dally delivery and factory test, and any trkkery would moon be dtr0uvered. Another Advantage. 11. thin pptue to that the factory can well afford to pay part of the ex- pM.n*ce, because the teeters' visits to that tura will mho) encourage better care of milk, better sanitation in the ,tables,, etc. 'L1 any case. the matt) point it to include In the test at least for figuring the average -every cow and heifer teeing fed On the fart), whe- ther they aro dry or in milk -that le the crucial' test ; the rest Is simply a inetter of took -keeping. The food given cannot be weighed out to each cow-that•would be 100 expen4ve- bet fortnightly estimates, tested by the goatee now end then, should be recor)erl. Tats Idea uvty not be of di- rect benefit to the professional breed - err, nor to the progressive farmers owning largo herds who may do their own tcseing ; but the latter may be public-spirited enough to join with the quill farmers n.rxi thus make the t.rtabfilhntont of filch 11 rystem pox slhle.• Neverthele.a, the professional breeder of pure bred dairy cattle would soon find an increased demaa.l for ills bulla when tho neceselty fur tette' cows/ had been Impressed upon the farmer by the testing system. - F. W. 110118ON, Live Stook Commtssloner. Jim's Great Luck. "You balk about luck 1-- Look at Jim Duckihaw. The other day when the cold snap e4tm0 on. a big Icicle formerd on one of her eaves. It must have been ten feet long, and Jim gut nfrnkt et would dropdown and bratn somebody. Ile used to stand » the gate warning people tv • look out for it, been se he didn't want anybody to got smash- ed, and have to pay damage. "' "Inas I 'epos', It fell at last ?" "Yee, It fell the day the run came out ood adfl strong. It fell utralg tt damn, Just mis.i.ng Jim's wife, and entered the ground, and at once dltappeared. And Chir is the most wonderful part of ft" "bio ahead."' "Weil, sir, It wasn't ten minutes after the/ Icicle went down before oil began to flow from the spot where It entered. That Icicle struck oil, sir, and Jim ham a well there now'that runs 100 barrels a day. Queer about twine people'm luck. Isn't' it ?"-Cleveland Plain !)baler. it hakes a Difference. With every evidence of fru* the railway official clung to his seat. TIu' train woe making about a wile +t minute and leo road was rough. "l'ot:doctor," ►to saLl at hurt. "it Is necessary to run ns fast as this:?' "It's according to your orders, sir," answered the conduotor. "ley orders?" "Vete sir. It's a Mighty rough stretch of road, but the etatlons are few and far between, and you have frequently given us orders to make up loot time here," , "I twee?" "Yet. Her." "Well," returned the official thoughtfully, "on the occasion" when I have given you Owen ordere 1 wets 'anted In a comfortable chair In my office, commute...Wie with yon by wire, while now lam 011 the train " "Yes[ dr," "And it makes a difference, conduc- tor -n great difference. To -day I'm not so pal4tk'ular about getting this train 111 on time. I am a good deal 1110ro intorewted in pinking sure that our drwtinuntion Is not thn pearly gntee."-Chlengo Post. h la human nature to be ungrate - ftllt to the man who fight', your bat- tle for you anal gets licked. old Settles On the Kidneys Hence the Backaches, Rheumatic Pains and Lumbago Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills Prompt to Relieve and of Lasting Benefit. 11 to not only the lunge Mutt suf- fer during. the 00141. .lamp meneo lS. Tho kidney., are almost equally 5111- cepUble to midden rhnngoa of tem- perattire. and many n ,'erlou cone of kidney dl.atse env Ito beginning with a toed, whirl) s'tl1ee on the kklneys l'ersona working out of doors ere most likely to be vletim, of elx•11 lr011b1e2 (Ilsl suffer from baeknehe., loading°, rhrannatiwm and ..rippled, aching limos, bat anyone le lethlp to sit lin n draft or expose him beck Lo it current of calm air. ('oil settling on the ktdn't-m armlet conanalInn, acharging nR of these 111- t( ring orptin1 and eunregt, nt .le- rnngelnent of the whole digestive Ansi exeretoryy ey.twm.. The liver felts to worst, the I owe!a hMome eon- .tipeted and the Ntnpmell Kele up- set. Berat ee M their direct and enm- 14nevl action nn thaw. oretinla 1)r. (been'', Kidney -fever Pills- aro of most prompt nn -b most larding Qcne- til for such dereagomto 'j'ky are pnatit•e In their effect* nn•I ora backed by the experience and integ- rity of Dr. A. lir. Nemo, the famous' Receipt Book author. Mr. William Boyne, of No. 19 Ile. Gee street, Tormto, says: "I Was nffllctrvl erverehy with kidney die- ea.ee, Mono In the badder. Inconti- nence, deposits In the trine, severe pains In the Irick aril strains over tho Toho. I woe so had that f had to get up two or three time. In the night and could then only 'nabs armor with groat pain. "Though long a mutterer and un - nide to work, t woe confined to my rel for three workm, A411 during that time thevnght 1 eoohl not possibly enJnre greater misery. ft was the flirt I began to one Dr. ('haaw's Kidney -Liver Pelle. it Is with gtyt- tlilsln tint 1 my that they have freed mo M all these symptoms, and made me a welt men." Dr. Cheeses kidney -Liver Pills One pill a dose; 25 cents a hot: at all deniers, Ednieunson, Bates • a•. .f .1 1 floe tag it sir. of t