The Signal, 1903-1-29, Page 1THREE •"A'8"
.:. 1903
r GOoNSaA . Jo.. Ib 0000
• VYkost 0 N a 00
Erllour, lumpy✓per owl1 10 to 2 10
Ontout. psr ew1.. .......-1 30 W 0 3)
• toe.. ` ...... - 17 00 to 1700
• ton....,..... 10 00 w l0o1
per M
R▪ y. No Mbank.........'."". 0 e0 to le
H whet r bosh 0 45 to 45
Ores. • ha. tuewl.......- -90 to 19
PsM • bask 65 to 66
Hari.,. par boob 39 to 30
Par, Eos new (0 to S0
Potato*. 0 bash.. 15 to 50
Hoyer. ......-.....--......--le te 17
Okeso ,moor lb.... 10 to 11
yraNQ, ' • d... 1D to 10
to 07
r••••=10 almN• • ••••• 50 to
. , . 60 to al
60 to 725
13 to 0 It
le to 0 16
Il to
00 to 600
(Jost.. ittwlt Yon 90 to 6 00
Ordlasr► 406.400
ONNIM See........... 00 to
. per lb.........__ . ..
Dressed ►.Bit fon
!rowed Hest Mad -11.1111.1
a..*, • comfortable sod ooewaleot
hews Apply to Mir Mo010'cudd), gigot
ammo, or at The Slower OMoe.
Card of Thanks
I take this mous of tendering my than is to
the Oore Ilbtrlet Mutual Fire Insurance Co.,
of G&1 for the prompt ..d very rtet.ctory
w ooer la which they paid my loss of $3,000
ea gar Hoer mill al Port Albert, wh0o6 00.
emoted ea December 77th. It N.
Port Albert, January 17th 1001.
(2)@lem . Shaw, Utmost Agent. poderloh.
ONttee b m.11 promptly attended to. 19 21
nate of Tomato Uslvere0ty, Organist mid
rimester Kul a6uroh. Uoderloh.
to noelve pupils In following :
pp{{•asapp. otos ory[ .. vWoscultarosod tbeorr•
PapOe pnauad fee L alvenity ex.minatloa.
Studio 8t. Iewrosoe, timeless' 'trot.
Ornate .ed musloal director of North street
Methodist olur,h tmeober of Moore, , pior.
sae ..d theory 'upylle Moore, prepared for all es•
adorns.o of the Toronto Co.serv.tery of
Most. Will be pledrd to ,.Delve .pp*tos.
times from all those ratulring such Ira.tnto-
Ron M his new studio over Thomson's motto
stow Ile. .f pla.o for praotloe may he ter
mitred for. 67 tf
ansui'Sa S, IFI,
ANON aid real oiler* 'gest. Oso,, lee
door east of P. 0,. Uoderloh. Agent for the
leading mute& ere in...rano Gore?eater and
le.dl.g .lock companies
Mereuule and maoafactu rims risks at
low'wt rates Call at ,mos.
Aeeoantest and lesurenoo Afoot.
D oke sad a0000.*. made up.
Be11d1011 rented mad roam collected,
P100 lo...s.. 1. British sad ('anodion
Cor PMa'tI
la Ye'esldfe0l t Hays' eras. North
street. Osisele . 6f U
L` BURANOS mid Real Rotate snot.
Firs, Life, Saddest and Plate Mose lasaraech
µl mooedf d oa mooed or Gash N.. at lowest
es port be -
Best i.gll.h sad C..adi so composts' rep
ralle od.
salt door to Dloklasoo k 0•rrow
IygWora Idamtltoo ONer.
Publlo Notloe.
Nobles Is booby given to the members of
Eke Gore 10 strict Mutual Flt,teauranne Co.
of Galt that It bes age's declared soother
retrad or du• dend of u weny se' moot, on &I
business 'DUO mutual or prem mint mot plan
anter otherwise .rrmogod for the Lear sorting
December 31st 1901. R. S. SYRONG,
''bas. Z. Shaw. General Assn,.Ooderich.
Orden by mall promptly woad, 1 to 1910,
of the Hnlos mad Br000 Loan ..d Invest-
ment Company will be held at t6.. ('.mossy s
arks. Ootterleh. on Tneedq. February 3rd.
a et, at f o /look la the afternoon, to rostra
the atonal report ped to treoeaot other bal-
ts,sa W, L. HORTON,
Undertrh..1 .y. 2'0. 1901, M1aag.r.
11 of the Iro*tees .d the Alemandrs Marine
sod Goers' Hospital will be beta *t the
marl house. to the Town of Ooderloh, 00 Mon-
day. the 9th day, f rebrnary, A. D, 1961, at 0
Voiotia P. M for the purpose of eboring tram
tees, and other business. IL. N. 1.9 Wirt,
U hereby given That an application will be
made to the Legislative Assembly of the Pro-
vince of 0.0.5*t) at the next ensuing sesttos
thereof oa belied( of the Huron, lino* and
Orgy EIseer1c Itallway Company, for an Ail
. mend*,( the origin. °barter. by empower -
0., the (bmp.s, to construct, operaso and
maintain It railway front 1)nogann00 to the
visage of Look.ow. through the County f
Broom to the Town of Walkerton. and also
t6rr0000gr*h the Townships of West and East W.
sealers, tee .orthern boundary there-
of to the town of W *,gleam 10 order to connect
with the(' P,R.; also for power to poow a by
law Groot:DA prehreooe stock ; and torolly
sad maim Bylaw No30of theMaslcloei Cor
porallon of *he Town of «oder ah and the
aligrsot there'. Contained.
Horee, Brno t OreSleotrIc Railway
0ompaO7. 6v It, McGILLICUDHY,
Dated at the Trews of Ooderloh, this 71h day
',January. 19'S.
Anotlon Hale
woman* t In.trp%Ion. ,.selved from the
seer. 1 will offer for sale by public ace-
s my auction rooms V the town of
t the 7th Aa a FeDrn-
eh on Saturday. .
evicts, 7 /
.rT A. Il 101q at the hour of two ,relook In
tA. etterec on the following valuable property.
Litt No, 7P1 In the Tows of OodeHeh In the
C nn sf '-
pDn t Ie proteerly I. Greeted • frame planes
m41, xe0 two Mottos high, with gravel roo
• jwlek engine se/ boiler hones. 30016 one
etpry high with gravel roof. Tbe sold build.
fat(. coated. the ft" owing menhlnrry 1 planer
s.A Toothier ; I *Gerona planer . * matcher : 1
rig mw anted table; 3 ernes nut sows and
horning , 1 rning turbo : 1 sander; 1 jointer :
1 Jig saw 1 bend saw , 1 10000105` (Dr *aeon)
merhhr(TN fait twe artloloe'w111,M sold lintr-
Joet toe vendor' neat
Tit*( property r kaown as th, Morrie flat.
leg 11111. it M well Mooted and .0,10010. the
machinery secesrry for the marrying ea of •
Montag m111
At the present Ilene there 1. mill ons other
Orioles m111 Is ap.rt*lnn in tho teen and It
le believed that G good open*ng for another
n lfe.tsy and Chet • good brininess ran he don..
T1RMO OF SAI,R Ten per nent. down on
I M day of sale to the vendor or 61..ollnl'rw,
mad the rat.,.. stable NI days thereafter. or.
If the porehmor desires. an *rrengamGn
ase M made w)h.rebl * pert ou of the pity
release memory will he allowed 10 remain on e
meNwsga en terms and oom4111eas to be
FenIww perllmalan will he made known on
rho day of sale er os, be .00.1,06 from the
g aaothtime.', Mese... Uleklnson & °arrow
OMrrtmer$, (9o4.mleh, William Wsrsook. Hs
oIre, or the saAsMgsGd,
at (Waite title Rh flay of January,
A. , IM16
UD/OOT & HATS, Ameliorator eta Yoram.a
FINE, von S.W-1NO Llttt'uR -012 Moody
Polio* Mogtstrous Siam Imposed • time of
$50 and 0011. upon Nathaniel Boggs, of
Carlow, for selling liquor without • 10.010.
Thi complaint was laid by lapsotor Pais-
ley. The offenoe wee committed un the 1416
W. C. T. U. PAawe MINTING. -A parlor
meeting will be odd by the W. C. T. U. at
Ore home of Mre. K. %t'. MoKeez 0 0o Mon-
day eventog, 2nd of February, oommenuloq
ab 8 o'clock. A very ,oriel Invitation is
exuded to all. ('ollsolloo In aid of'um-
bermes's work.
New FRKWHT SHED. -Information 6a
bolo removed at the G. '1'. K Libor' here
that h le the loteotloo of the Company b
✓ eplsos the old fright eked with a new and
modern rlrootare. The erection of the new
bulldlag will be commenced as soon a the
weather oo0d*tlons are f•vorablq so that al
soon as possible there will be an up to -late
freight depot flt to keep oompany with the
fine oew pa.aoger station. Offices for 16s
agent and freight olerks will Le provided In
the new freight building
Soo, or Erb:LAND -Tae following officers
of Liverpool Lodge, Nu. 140, S. O. E B. S
have bout labelled for t6. year 1903: fast
president, A Kiobsrd' ; prealdeot, 1'. Knee -
shave ; vloegwesldmt, C. H. Yymond. ;
treasurer, J. Walters ; secretary, %%. C.
W'oolgar ; (chaplain, W. Knseshaw ; first
oommtleee, G. Symonds ; second do , H,
Cnn,iogham ; inside guard, .loeepb Noble ;
outside guard, W. Pr.oloue ; .ureeon, Dr.
Whitely ; trustem, W. Wakefi.ld, J. Rich-
ard.; auditors, C. Symonds, If. Morris.
1N lo.t•II•Noo wee 00.4,0ted by Detrlot
throaty, Mayor Jackals, of Clinton.
CANADIAN Pea`*. A'tvu, !Arlo.. -The
forty-fifth annual motto, of the Canadian
Pres. Ae.00latloo will be held In the Board
of Trade tallithim at Torotto 00 '1 hursday
and Friday, February 5th and 6 h. The
bao{not will be held oo Thursday eyeniog
me MoCookey'.. Prseid..t 1). MoUdllcuddy
will be In the ohmic, and *moor the speakers
will be Pointer Koss, J. P. Wblts.y, M.
P. P., ,rosop0 ilown.y. M. 1'. P, A. B
Ayleewortb, a F. Ammo, John Lewis, Joh.
ii Robinson and W. K. M.Nwght. The
program for the dal m.ett00e m.ludei sub.
plots of especial interest to tomb/on mit tito
l'oLLEY'N LIVIKr SOLD. -A. M. Polley
has sold hle old.esgblebed livery bns*w
on South .tress to Ou.dry Bros., who have
token posses.loe th a wroth. Mr. Polley had
bees so !..g In tie bush... that he seined
to be one of the p.rm.nsnt Institution. of
06e tawn, but ea h. Is getting up In years
he d.oid.d to nolo a chanes. We cod, r -
stand he will demote hie time largely to Mle
farm In lioderlcb township Hle s0oaseon
in th. bushes@ are s.ergetlo ono capable
and will doubtless do • good Wad.. Then
Iioodry will Gave charge of the business for
the pr.mou', ss Capt. Gundry tweeds to pt)'.
la some tin. yet In West Alrlo., to which
plass 6e will re'urm about the, tn'.ddle of
next month.
Ai '1111 LIN. I; ,1,4 Ftl•Loao1.-A oswe-
paper dispatch from W luipeg on Friday
,,sterns oews of an ex ploslous at Mouton in
s budding belonging to James Huston, a
former roiliest of God.rloh K.rtuo*tely
• o oaf was hart, bat the monetary loss was
oondderable. The dispatch was a follows
• A defeat Ove Kos ge.erator sx
plodsd In the basement of t6• pnstofbo
block at M•altoa, owned by Jas. Hattori.
No ore wt) Injured, bel the flames destroy
ed the block and two @bores. The loss will
be $20,000, Insurance 010,000 The laws
are• -Jos. Huston, postmaster and owner of
Llo;k ; Gee. Ety.sson, jeweller ; D. Goon,
birdlimes merchant ; U. H. Nieho11, ,weer
of second block. Toe explseim was so
great that It Metered rite walls of aho Has.
too block."
1't'RI.1.' Si-HOOL Bo*;n.-Tbe nllatory
mooting of the public school board was hold
on Wedomday eyealog, 21st lost. Te. board
this year le oompoid of Kobt. Mole.., R
H Putt W. Warlock, Wm Acheloos, M
N:oiolern, W. A MoKlm, Capt. ('ralgle
and H. W. Ball. W. A. McKim was elected
chairman for 1903 Th. followlog st•odlnr
oommlttese wore appointed OostiOreat-
AtIrrA(Ti'RIoa OPTn'i IN Aon .lig
AU 61n4. of Speotaoles ani Lyeelasses made
to order. Special attention Riven to fitting the
Orders by mall promptly attended to. Be-
ware of parties using my 'tame, as 1 employ
n o tray/ditto agents whatever
Sstlefsotion ut.e4. iit•blbhsd 1071.
For Sail.
i'OR SALE OK TO RENT -25i Atom
L' mouth of tows. Also two stores noel to
Bank of Montreal to rent. Apply to 11. DUN-
LOP, Wrist sorest. le
hundred a•,. farm 1n the township of W.
Wawanoeh. being N. 1 lot 13. am, 2. Soil a
good clay loam. Farm In well fenmol and
ha excel? fogy miles of undsrdraieing.
Water There is one sore of
f rult Tree. and some firewood. Good frame
house, frame barn and other bonding.. For
terms and further particulars apply to IOOHT.
J.:RIRK. Dao,an.m P.O. 10-1m
Holyrood with fifty acres of land &Oohed*
The pur.hsor o•o buy thit hotel with one or
two woes of land. whlohever sul s him. The
h otel and out bottling' are ins gond state of
✓ etitle and doing • good hominess This is one
of the best °pantry stands In the County. For
(nether partirolars apolf t )
It Looknow•
1p nnfnroI,hel. (Moat supplyof coal and
w`EON, Real on aRelat Agent, • Ili-11RltT-
r 1 miles from Win
ciao ilei mnro farm. r
F .er I
hem on I.nokenw ro*1 ; I.rre hoild 'nem, fair
Fwell nnlerdrslnsl, wool barn. orohard.
ares is ie good stole of nnitiva-lore. Appy
toOKI(pp VI -Old 40v, Oode,*oh. or to }IVORY
THOMSON. Machete. - Ql t1
Notts* W Orodltorlr.
In the matter of the °dote of John It.
Wearherhead, late elf the Township of Welt
Waw•nosh, In the t pnnty of Moron, farmer,
Nolloe le herebyeyrie. pursuant to this Re
vlend Statutes of ntario 09; Ch. 121, that all
creditors and olhe,. haying claims against
the ',Mate of the wild John It W.o*herlhead,
who Abed on or about the le dap of Almost
A. 1).1101. are rennired. on cor before t he tnd
day of February A. I) 1967, to send by poet
prepaid to ('. f0.aoer, floderloh. Ont, aolioltor
for the ozonators of the last will of theold
doo.osed. their t' nonan anA eurn•mes. ed
Anomie and desoriptlnm, the fill partionl•n
of th0r .*alma, a etotemant of thole •coons*,
and then nature of the .moult, Iif any( held by
And further rake not'.e that afros the said
lost mentioned Atte, the ..l4 'salute s w*II
proe.o4 to Aletrlbute the tout* of the dseaaes-
among this parttime entl,led thereto having
regard nets to the elelms of whioh they well
thou nave melee, ted that the said overeaterswill eel he liable or the said menet* or for eat
part ,hereof to arty p w*ea er penis.. of Kitese
claims notl0e .hal* not h ven hien reoel,I4 6y
tem at the time of such tatribetlen,
MOA 111th day of Howbeit A. D. *001.
C. 89AO*R,
8.IId0er for the wild txeoat.'
l roisle, Moluao, Warnock. t''tasace-Mot
Lean, Cutts Aobeeoo. Sohool managemsne
-Nloholion, Ball, Auhmon. K. C. Hay
wag appointed as the board'e representative
on the Collegiate Institute board, and 1n-
e psotor Tom was rrappohded to the public
library board. A oomplahu of ly
moors puol.bmeot of a pupil was brought
before t6s board, but 000dderatlun was de
'erred. It was deolded to hold the 'emit*.
mooting' the first Monday evening ut each
PunTAI. CH•Ni:EN.-Postelles lapeotor
Hopkirk, of Loudon, was la tOwn on Fuse -
day and 'oohed Into • number of matters
whioh had been drawn to his attention by
the Gedsrioh 11,ard of Trade. An informed
meeting of the president and some ot the
ni^sobers of the Board of Trade was held to
the afrer000n at the Bank of ('ummeroe,Mr.
Hopkirk befog prompt, and several recom-
mendations regard to aone to rs postal matters were
pretested to him. It was eked that Ewe
new 'tamp vendor. bet •puolated, to take
the pl•oes ot the old ones who have virtually
gensootof the bua:ues, and that the post-
tli, • be kept open on the afternoon' of holi-
days an hour longer then hu been the prac-
tice 1° the put. It is understood that these
recommeadattone will be given idoot. Mr.
Hopkirk also proml.d to lovmtigate ex to
the Importanoe of the mail whioh reaobee
t;odericb on the early evening train, and
airaogemeot may be made so that the pub-
lic may get this mail the same evening.
N1tT 1 OAR !WAIN IN 1;"u1KD'll --Che
poultry glow, whioh closed oo Friday, wax
the moot.00ceufol yet bald by the county
A•sool•tloo 'liner. were 510 rattles, and
oomdderlog that shows were held also at
Brantford and Owen Sound lent week the
.atmos is moot gratifying to the dlreotere.
A meeting of the Aeoclatlon was held to
make arrangements for next year's
chow. and It wee deetd«y to hold It agalo to
lloderlob, ebb h le the centre of intermit to
poulr*y In the count). Orli :ors were elected
ss lollowi: Powd.ot, A M Todd; who
president, (',Ito Campbell; mooed yioe
president, John Howrle; third trios
prmldeot, H. D. Reed; treasurer, K
Belabor, jr ; director., Ooderfoh-Cita..
(lost, Wm. Aostey, Wm. Doak, Jae
Hardy; Wirrrbam-T. Bower; Clinton -A.
1;. Drigg, Geo. Barge, Jae. A King;
Exeter -J. B. Carling, Ju. Seolor;
Auburn -Alex Askwlth, Chu. Howson;
Constance -Wm. Carter, Medd Bros. Tree
*bow nest year will be bald theseoond week
of January,
A Son CAsg,-Coroner Holmes and • jury
ere bolding an Inquiry into the death of an
Intent ,IMI la Colborne township. The
mother is a young womoo about owelity-
two years of age, called Ansi' Gaul, who
lives at the boos" of limb Kuntz on the
h 11 •ho,. Saltlord. She name out from
Germany two years ego and has Moots lived
with the Kanto family, Mrs Knots befog
her .mot. On 7oIurday, the 17th of this
mootb, • child was bore to her. The girl,
who ase oontioed to her bedroom, concealed
ti u faot, but on Monday Mrs. Kea' 4, lie-
oomlog eap.oions of her Illness, tearohed
tie room and louoil the body of • female
child In the ws.M'and. Mr. Kuril collie
0)r Whitely, who notified Coroner Holmr.,
and on Thu-edayan loguest was opened a0 the
Ku.'x hoax The ev.deooe of Id re. Kuntz
was taken, hat the young grunion wt) still
too 111 to appose. and the It /1 wee
adjourned to February 5th. when the
result of Che poet mortem examIoatioo will
Int given also. It is bolero! that 'he
medical evidence will show that the child
died of negleot.
"Jos K Tile Cuoogtt"-Some woke aro
considerable lal,gutloo, not unmixed with
Alarm no the part of the weaker too, was
caused by the actions of a man who on
I oec•sion. !oak/4 people at .Ight and
00 ons pretext or soother gut them to walk
o0 fruitlers *rrade to distant put of t6e
town. Now It Is said that • "Jack•the-
choke " h.s appeared and has mole,'gd girls
00 th. street at night by es.z ng and
apparently attempting tochoke them. The
polio appear to think that there has been
n oodles' n'arm over rite matter In one
nue, 11 hob they tbiok I. the only one that
hoe really 000urro/, It le strongly suspected
that the whole thing wt) • .leas., and
that the young man who bas owessd all the
trouble woo simply intending to play per-
haps a rather rough jogs on 'young woman
wllh whom be was well acquainted and In the
darkroom got hold of the wrong girl.
Naturally enough, the affair hoe Irlghteoed
the glrlr, and they mese lodoore as muoh as
possible .t night. and have taken to oarry-
ing solssore and hatpins and ,mob things,
when they do have to go out, as Weapons to
repel the unwalcome attention' of any on.
mannsriy roisterers,
TI1. SICK LINT. -A.Strattoo, O. T. K.
nue it, whom long Illoes, has mused h.e
friends mooh concern, left on Monday for
Montreal to undergo an operation, which it
1e hotrod will remove the trouble from which
h' huh en suffering. 11, w•soocomp.nled
by Mrs. Stratton ....It IR Want Is some-
what better the past few days He still has
' hard fight before him, but he Instil-, hot
that the preterit favorable tura will nelp
h m a good way towards reonvery....Peter
Mcr:wnn, the well knowo salt manufactur-
e., hos Men paring through • long.00atln
ued *11ue.e, He wt) reported much bettor
y.terd•y..,.t;hae. Shephard (I.0' of Lee Ah
Shephard), who woo III at Linden with ty-
phoid foyer, ha now reoowrsA and Ief0 the
hospital last week .....1. H. Wor.el0 is
.n ,cher citizen who hue been on the sok llat
for some weeks. Ho lo still oonflned to the
hotter ....Jos. Reid hay shown oondderable
improvement ill.. week and he anxloos rel-
e tlys. sad friend, aro enoonraged to hold
some hope of he recovery.... Mrs. Wyatt,
who 6.. been very low the put two or throe
weeks, is still qu to III, If many wishes
could bring it about, ail the muff would
have a speedy restoration to health and
llerrtlARy.--Mrs. Smith, in aged reef -
dent of Goderrloh, din I on Saturday at the
home .l bar son, A. h: Murray, Vonore
street, at the age of eighty-one years. The
Aeoeue,I had lived here with her mos the
post ten yore, previous* to whioh she hal
boon • remittent of Sedorrh, where her tins.
band, the late Thomas Smith, died .levo.
years Mn. Two other sons -Francis
Manny, of Toronto, and Riohard, o; Brant-
ford -and two (fought-me-MrsMltohell, of
R ploy, and biro. I,ouak•, of Lt 8tl1s, 11), -
cnrvlye, and all were proem', at the toners!
azespt the tett named. The remain' were
Interred In Maitland romat *ry on Turbidity
•tfernnon. Rev. Ja. A Anderaoo ono.
dontet the yin -low, and she bearers were
John Sha r, 1) St4A.rt. John Kernlghen,
.tae. MoCraoken, Thoml'amphell and James
Boohanan . , Anothor death occurred in
town on Saturday, Mrs. l'rtnes, widow of
the late Harry Prises. of D,trdt, posing
away at the loom of her .t. or, Mrt. Christ
doter MnKay, Kltrtheth street, whore she
had boon st•y,.g for eavarel wee, follow.
Int an operation which she underwent at
Rnffaln. Denotes was fifty throe years of
age. The lanai' took plane to Maitland
..emeory Tumidity alt.rnete. Rev. J. A.
Andersen beteg ti• officiating rlareyman,
and IM bearers ('apt. Alex. Nel,eod, Alex.
McLean, Wm. Hatable oe4 Rohl. WII11ams-
old building. It .estimated that the neon, -
miry lmpruyemuote would omit In the sod
not leen then 05,000. whioh mots • pretty
large sum to expend on what will .till bo an
old building, no matter what may ba dune
with lt.Ths propoesl to male that the build -
log and grouudr oo North street be sold,
and that the proceeds, with the $1,000 Io -
'uremia on the St. Petrick a ward school. be
dsyoted tow.rdo bonding • new sohool on
the old Iain ground., combining the central
soboot and the ward sohool. The dhfferenos
In t6• outlay would be more thin ouu0te0-
oMenoed by the differenoe between m new,
modern and complete bulldtn, and •o old
patched -up one. There le deo the consider-
ation that the present ground' oo North
street an too small and the new proposal
would remedy this ddeot by proyidlog for
muoh lugs, groa°fls. Another pl.o, which
w as Wombed by Mayor Locale .t the ooun-
oli meeting Friday night, 1s that the
schools In Si. David's and St. Andrew's
w ards be enlarged to accommodate pupil' of
all grades except perhaps the two btghest
()lame., and that a new school be built on
the old fair grounds for St. Petrick• ward
pupils and fur the pupils of the whole town
in then) two h19b.•at *lasses. • Ooe great .d•
vantage of this plan would he the saving of
• long walk to many young ohlidreo who
n ow haw to go • mile or more to the school
on North street. Those proposals merit
manful oonelder.uon before the board coo
mita Itxslt Lo the expenditure of 15,000 on
the old Central school end $2 000 an a D':er
ward school.
108066NAnt AT T,u, CD1.1.4:IATl.- The
io4lafery at the Coll.gtafe 10•
"'Batson Friday evealt,4 was well.101,4e2
sad, lite most eff,rt nadir similar •as-
ptces, was • thorough euocess. The mane
wax furnished by Moes.. Pearl F:vane, Grace
Dyke, Hattie S*ulte, Vera Whitely, Thirz.
Lewitt, M•grle Murray and 'rens Ache.o..
Mr. Cook and Mr. 1).y. 'ibis tooios on
the engagement cards provlr:ed openings for
conversation which the moot obtuse could
hardly miss. First on the list was "('he
l'araiyal." No better subject ooull have
been suggested for "breaking the tae," In
which the bashful 7000 •1, i.i3O wt)uroc-
oss.ful al was tie awkward yout:g lady at
the rink,, "Stamp Speecbcr" wasnext-not
gaits eo good a toplc,,u the girls didn't
know much about It, and when the girl
000'1 talk It's all off. However, there were
lots of other things to taik .bout, .od tin
time wee not wuted. "1t.• Modern Old
was the 'hoco a of his hie for the bright
young student of the masculine gander, who
hastened to assure his partner that "the
modero girl" was all firth, and that Venus
and Helen of Troy and ill the other .,,lent
girls ct history or rominee were not to be
compared with her. W hat the "modern
girl" said in reply is not tor publlo.ttoo
"Modelites," the next•ubj.ot, was not so
popular they Dever .re. It some, at the
(.olefin.. -The New Etr,iotly." was •
gorgeous rucoes*, but "POnctuollty" wt)
doubtful. To the grist majority It brought
qualms of consolenoe, while the others, who
prided tbem'rlves o0 b.l°v "always 00
time," were ioeufferable in their panede of
sapsrlor virtue. 'lb. discussion of "Favor-
.) Author,' we. the boot thing on the Bot
for those bookishly inclined, and opinions
ranged all the way from Heoty to Hobert
llrow°log, with a brute peroentane In favor
of Ernest Hortoo. "Next Veer" was die
mal, and when toms was up the floor was
quite wet with the fuor, born of regret
which dropped from the cheeks of those Who
are portico In their last term at "the old 0.
C 1." The last Wont of all was "Skat-
ing," and In m•oy • o*m, no doubt, the .n•
gagement terminated with an agreement to
miaow It •0 he rtok when the tnod play' to
night- Some of the boys oomplaloed of be -
nig rather tired when the thing was nt-er,but
they will .11 be on hand next time.
S.'OTNMtr C1t.DIMATL-Friday evening
last the members of Inverness C•mp,No 54,
S. 0. S , with their friends, .gam met to
sealal gathering to oolcbrate the memory of
Sootla's immortal bard,tod the e,oelleoos of
the program and tbe.umpruousness of the
spoilt amply susalred the reput.'Io0 of
the invercesaians In prnt'ldlog oojoybls
entertainments. The elegantly •;,pointed
lodge room to the Odd Follows' Hall, who.
the program was given, ws- crowded to the
doors. Past chief Jar. Mitchell 0roslded,
rod after ex.eodieg the weloome of the
lodge In • few Kul oho•en words, called
upon i'lper Cralgle for • wee bit skirl o0
the p pen, L'tt'e Mit. Alix Sounders
milted "Uarrle's Ltttls Suter" with splen-
did enunciation. Mies Lambertns, of A.h-
field, was heard with pleasure in her clear•
enfoed rendering of "One lliel.ndm.r'p
Tnsst," and then fnllowsd the star voa*h.t
of tto evening. Master John Macdonald,
who gave • tech, BOOR with good intone -
too and ti inimitable style. A spirited
applause wt) accorded the young singer.
The graceful Monteh noel was danced by
M 9 Meae1 Doty, the Minim Srraughan
and Master Hugh Mole.., Miss Mona
W•Itere, of Colborne, put a great Ani of
expression Into her reiit*tlon, ''L..ks," and
her splendid enunciation was • treat indeed.
Miss Johnston, of Colborne, has a very
sweet polos and her solo, "Hominy Castles
n the Air,' received a ge0erouo applause.
After • brief l.terml.rion Piper Cralgie
•gain led of f, atter whtob lien. L. Allan
gave . °lever exhibition of olob-swieri,g,
Mus Keturah Brows *sag "lionise Primo.
Charlie" to good vote., and W. Glenn
Campbell gave • ekilllol p;aoo selection.
1780. L,'hbrt,ge, organist at Knox ohuroh,
sang "His Majority the King" and while
not dl.playlog • strong voice Rase evidence
of cereal training, and hie singing was
duly •ppreol.ted. Miss Str.ughan and
Mu. Dive Unldthorpe danced the swor1
Aimee, and Mist Edna Stratton recited •
piece In broad Santo8 with good sxoresdoo.
Thr' ol 0 ewe.6 air "Annie Llur.e" was
given es • violin solo by Miss Jean Mc Lire°.
Wee Patterson, of Auburn, whose singing
was so muoh apprenlatel at last year's
anembly, again delighted the *0 44.00.
with her strnog,oloar rendering of "Mortes
of the Forint." Mho hells Howrle'e per•
formanes of the Irish 0:, was very much ap-
preoiatsd, at the oonoluelnn of which Mr
Mltehell made • brief address, neatly ex
prosier( the sentiment of affection for the
land of their •nceelry residing In to. brensts
of the none of the land of heather. The
program cn.clade4 with Auld Long Svne,
whioh was song all hands round, and the
Alecn.doo of the ddscttbles In the room
downstairs became the all-•Mor6leq theme.
A short informal danos co telndrd the oven
Inge enfet t•temant,
Ong PrOLIc Broom.,, - The pnhIo .ehoel
heard has hem for seine time considering
plass for rho romnielllep of Ilia ('.0Iral
school, hat It hes bernme *'otos' question
wbelher 11 1. worth *IOW patching up the
Colboran st. midmost to Me.. Ceyley Ham-
Oa Thursday •reolog last Mien Lillis
W-.bster entertained at the home of her
mode, J. C., Augleee► street, the
'adios being those of the Thimble Club, who
assembled as usual at d o'olook. After
about an hour had paced • number of the
gentlemen friends, who had been Invited by
Mies Webster as • surprise to the 1•dlex, •r-
ayed and • delightful eveotog wee spent,
The Dollar-Etghttes and the Shortie, hal
• hcckey matoh at the rink Thursday
sigh;, the U. E's. owning out ahead with
the soots of 13 to 1. Alex Mo. Iver was
referee, and the teams were:
U. E.''. Shorts.
K. McLeod Ooal L Cuff
N. Mcllalrmld foist G. Allan
J. MoLran O. peim6 L. Parsons
A. Molvor 1 C. Looe
K. Cannell IIr. CampionFowesde
W. MoLeao C. Campton
l Mol o sl.
, O.
The Nra•wels Newspaper Ilse Pras/iee ever
the torso Cos0r11.
W. H Kerr, proprietor of The Brussels
Post, is the Warden of Heron for 1903 The
n ew county oounatl mot Tuesday afternoon
fur vs first tondo°, ail the members being
preeeut creep' Mr. Bowman, of the Morrie -
Gro) -Bruce!" dly.,.00, who's uniur;uout-
ly told up at home. Some Boys ago hs
stepped on a rusty nail and In 000teyueace
has a very @Lr* foot.
Snortly .Per 3 .',look nitric Lone called
the members together and .Iter some brief
preliminaries asked them to sleet • Warden
for the printout. Teat.
Mr. Mo Leao, of No. 5 division, nomloat-
.d Mr. Kerr, •ud Mr. Miller, Lt division
No. 8, reoo,Cel the nomination, 'Phan,
aucording to the Irocedure prescrtbrd by
statute, there was • 0.:, of half an hour,
olthough it was well uoderstood there
would be no further nomoatlo0.. At the
end of the time limit th,• clerk declared Mr.
Korr elected, and the coup,-,llors from
Brussels took the chair amid the •pp!aage
of his fellow members. 14 Honor .ludgs
Holt alministered the oath of ttti o and
the newly -sleeted Wards° then addressed
the council bristly. He sop:awed hie deep
appreciation of the honor that bad been
bestowed upon him In hie electloo to the
chair, ant promised to endeavor to follow
worthily In the footsteps of the men who
to previouo years had .ably presided over
th• council of Huron. He mentioned some
ananges which had taken piece within
recent d•yr, the lamented death of the late
Crown attorney and the elevation of former
County Councillor Holt to the bench, and
made • patio, .ttcrsmce to some of the
matters which would m ane before the
council this year.
At the oouoluei in of the Waniso',
adaress the council proceeded to the
remaining busioew of the session,
We a dark nlon.l that ham nosily., Heine.
Ant when roe .re getting tailoring you wait
more then a good lining, you want the haat
and most stylish garments yon ran get for the
mono), -and Prldh,m's le tits piano to get
out that.
The ,iannary thaw hit ns this we.., and
It's fair sailing around the Sonars.
The intercolonlal Railway, through Io
edyerlid•g event, W L Crlghtnn, le son4-
lag not a very fin. calendar for I0103.
Th. members of rho Wemsn's lestitui•
ars replotted to remember the o1 home
to he loves oa Thursday, February hsh, at
a1 6De home of Mr.. Book.
J. B. HtwWas, (7oloorse stmt, has oar•
phased the h*red.,.o resldenes of S•ndlord
Stoker on St Patrtnk's stree•,and Meads re-
mover* to le In OM sorlag. He has ..14 kM
Toe sacrament of the Lord's Supper w111
be anmtuls'ered next Sabb• • 6 morning in
V.vtoria . et. atm.:0. I'.o slag sub)eet :
I he Graod Ass oo or Oisosral Judgment.
All are welcome,
Rey. 1', E. Harrison, paster of the
Empress avenue Methodlet charoh, Wiest
London, hu beenilly:tot to the pa.torate
oft a Ontario street church, Clinton, :sod
it le understood that he will accept. Iter.
W. Godwin, formerly of Goderloh,end now
pastor of I; race charch,5t, Thomas,has been
invited by the board of Main street Metho•
dist church, V *.'er, onceeeding Bev. B.
MHly•rd. Mr. Godwin hu •ocepted.
At • special business mewling held to Vic
rorla-et charoh Monday motor, Dolled for
the purpose of considering the question of
pastoral supply tor the coming year, ein
Invitation woe extended to rhe °regent pu-
tor,- Rev. .1. W. l(obin.00, to roma', •
fourth year and 000tluoe the good work he
has been °arrvtt,g on ID this church. Mr.
Kobloeon, however, declined, believing It
would be better to move at the end of the
conference year.
Oo Monday evening the Young People's
Guild bold • very interesting and Iosuun
titre meeting is 'St. (.eorgn's church sohool
room, with the president, J. H 1'Igert, in
the chair. After the regular booth... of
the,**' :fog, Bey. M. M. Iloldterg, ot I)un•
gannon, delivered an able arldrssn on ''The
Blblo-t%h.t it Is," showing what preo•u-
Ions were taken by the Jewish copyists to
prevent interpolation and how the 11,61•
had leen handed down unchanged from
rte earliest times. Mr. Goldberg Is very
orthodox witn referenoe to the unlmpeaoh-
• ble authority of the O.-rlptures and differs
widely with some of the oonclusoa of the
hlgher critb.. Some Jewish phylacteries and
a miniature• oopy of a soroll In Hebrew, such
all was and Is used by the Jeer, which the
roverend gentlemen had with him, were ex.
.mined with Interest by tile sud,enoe A
hearty vote of thanks was tendered Mr.
Goldberg at the conclusion of his address.
The Clinton New Era last week made the
following reference to the pastor of North
street M.h,dut oburoi: "Kcv. Dr. Daniel,
of Goderlch, ohalrmao of the district, con -
domed ednosttonal sermons here on Monday
tut. The attends,. • wee not large In the
morning, owing to the storm, but he was
greeted by • fall house in the evening. Roth
his discourses were able ones, the evening
one especially so, the argnmrot and line of
reuoning being ole.. and convincing. lo
closing he allo.led to the fat that this was
the first opportunity he had of preaching to
this ohuroh and he oomplimrnt.d rho eon-
grrgatloe nn the beautiful edifice they pos.
d, which In his opinion, was one of the
finest he had over oomrpted outside the
cities. When he expressed the wleh that
hi. Golorioh o00ge.gattou mould sec it, par
ocularly in the evening, there was a very
audible titter as be said, 'I0 Ihie orugogs-
lioo will sign n ,bloom to pay their ttavd•
leg expenses down, dill e
Ro • ohs
yue ler
their b*' 11f, 100.4.0 .400 *Iway.
repel.. n °otdlal weloome here at any time."
MI.e Korth* Farrow has returned home
Irom Shelhurn..
IL , A. McKtm mode
Toronto this weak.
Mrs, tit's,) Turnbull
rotative' In F'.trelea
MIs. Stoop, of Clinton, was the guest of
Miss Iwithwalte over Sunday.
J. E. BryAge• left yesterday for At.
louts, where he expecte to @pond the sum
Mr Sao's returned en Monday to
Toronto after ep.adlag •boat a week •t
Mn. iDoyle, of Brantford, hat returned to
her home offer • yutl with her suitor, Mrs.
I'. T H.0*..
Fred Eviler, who has hewn attending
the Central H,.*.ssm 5 12*.. a1 Mtratford,
1s home for • few weeks.
Mn. Chesn.y, of Seaferth, yhtlt.1 her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Stratton, prier to
Mere departure ler Mentzeel on Monday,
W. ,1. Voter, proprlorer .t The Rodney
Mercury, wee In town for • °euple of May
0hie week sad made • pl...... oall upon
ITus 13111,At.
11111ete (1I.Mt Mn, M.o4.uld of Gale
a huslne,e trip to
lo vowing with
riob and her dougbter hove arriv-
ed on towo on a lengthy visit to Mr. and
Mrs. Nordn.lmer of Uleusdytb.
Ur. and Mrs. Wbttety have gone to Jaok-
wn, Slwh., to he present at the weddlog of
MIs. 1'. 1a Fisher, veto .11 was to take plaue
yesterday •1 the home of her Oster, Mrs.
Lo4.or, 1° Oleo 0.07.
Let poets write herr pretty swage,
Let patriots boast of oo0otry dear ;
But better for the man wbo lenge
To wake hu vlllave record clear.
Muses of Mosaic rhyme disdain
To lend enchantment to our theme ;
bard Byron, Burns and 'I'humu faint,
Have not a lane from which to glean,•
Immortal verse wt) sung lung dooe,
On Scotland's Tweed and Daland's
Shannon -
There's osither poet nor patriot pilaw
To Moo the praise of our Dungannon.
Between Belfast end struggling Nile,
(,'pun the road that teals 1.0 town,
A y.lage is for sur and style
That • herd to beat for mil.:, around.
The street. are tow, but they are ,lean,
The sidewalks, •omewh•t out of date ;
Toe stores aro few, the shops between
In other towns ate hard to male,
0.d Delau'l here live. o'er again
In mama end accent, tongue and lute,
For, sura, Duugenuon Is nee name -
A first rate plane for man and baste.
1 h old .tare oc.tch goes rumbling by,
Tao 1•rmers drive the r produoe lar,
1.'s curious, but we know nut why
They dotal down the °lootrte oar.
Nature has Oven us tine Imiarlon,
Fields around are ruh and rare;
It we only had . xtauou
1%•should be beyond tompan.
C lurches there are, one, two and three -
Enough to mase all sdo0ers satiate ;
A school house of no small degrte
Where Allen rules without complaint.
Doctors, too, ars here galore,
Medd and Bettie .0d T. E. t'.ee,
Tendiog both the nob and poor,
Sums for cash and somo for graoe.
Ploughs and harrow., stoves for Sally,
Kept by friendly Jimmy Kos,. ;
lhompaoli Will and 1N111 McNally
Make their living by their blows.
Charlie Elliott vies with Youo*,
W'alkum with Men t'r.wlord etrive.-
Pnouely merchant., spurning wrong,
To serve the publ c each one trio..
1t) winter time you need • robs,
In spring and summer whip mad collar --
Dan IlioLle reads line Daily (;lobe,
He can fit you without bother.
In hem• and store, in town and kirk,
How dark the olgbt without • light ;
"a In our town Is one Habkirk
Whose oil Is simply out of sight,
outte to order, up to mark,
Or • mortgage', loan, or money -
upon our townsman ('lark,
Or upon our wealthy Juhnuy.
Tins and kettles, (amps and shades
At LVh*-.,d's smpcnum you will find,
Ilread rind biscuit, pies and oakes,
At Trele•voo. to your mind.
Don't forget that Mr. Ward
Keeps .o otti. •, on Main et tee';
He's • man that takes no part
In low (mootg or deceit.
Little Tom Is sure t.• boot you
11 you pay him mutt enough
Long Wirt Sproul a sure to suit you
W In you man no tourer Dough.
If you want a d*y'. doyeroion
C.11 upon the livery man;
Ha can take you to the station
Faster than most others can.
If you want a 'pleodld ration
Two hotels are in the place ;
Drinking rum will ourse p nation,
Unoktoq Leer bnogrt sure diagram,.
Alam TO ompeon, Harry Jones,
Will am Rae and Cliff O'Neil
W111 tnrsake their former bomr.
When the bells of marriage pea'.
Off the male street, on • side street,
Urefnl knowledge you will find, ,,
1)0 the . ,roar -MI the fresh meat,
Kept by Mike and Joseph kind.
It a hou.e you wish to frame,
Or • ban to hold your hay,
Ilxgloy aura'y has that fame
Of doing work that's sure to stay.
!Mitchell, Moles and Elliott will
Mand alone among the rest,
Thinking doubtless that the hill
Smaller is without the nest.
Ifpmrahence some nom. Ie mimed
From this immortal sorted sublime,
You'II mutely find It on a 11.6
Of rotor length, so do not whine.
Enough of men has now been said,
We turn no to a happier theme,
For sure oar vlltge would be died,
Were their no girl to olalm se quo,.
To make a dress, to trim a hat,
10 sort our mail, and teach our sohool,
the ladies hers can do dust that-
That to the right to vote and rale,
We re glad to welcome those who come,
We're sonny when some go away,
0Ve hope for all when work is done
.1 starry crown, a doodlers day.
Let us be kind and bud and true,
For kindness melte the hardest heart.
Justice and .rush, twin sisters, ton,
Are sen to 11110 the hatter part.
Thr.. thioge are mond and sublime,
toys, life, and sweetest liberty ;
Three things are deathless and divine,
Love, lite. and Ilod'. eternity,
We'll lots, and work, and pray, and wait,
As long as F,Oher thinks It beet,
And than through pearly, golden gats.
We'll enter la with lotted ono. blest.
Working, toeing, praying, waltlog.
Whlln the sun a In the sky.
Trusting, h°plow, hoots". trusting.
We need not he afraid to die.
W knter$DAY, Fob. 11'h. --Unreserved
auotlno sale of farm stock and Implements
.t lot 7, coo. 6, F:, 1). Colborne, common°
lag at 1 o'oleck slurp. SAMn.I. STgcmoo,
proprietor TnoMAu OVID,IT, macs lone. T.
l'oi*Tlvu,r Tng Lan &MCP -All
parties still indebted to M will Rigidly ..It
at the old stand nn or before tits fired of
Fnhrnory and arrange for settlement of
their 000000ta, *e all en0standings r'0 to
enn,t for oolleollon altar that doe. T. O.
Ti l'1.1011.
Ir will bo a source of considerable
' (tefactiun to our townspeople to learn that
am agreement haa been arrival at between
the municipal authorities and F. BARLOW
H0LMg11 by which the town will come out of
the troublesome entanglement over the no-
torious coal cast) it) much better shape than
was considered by many to be at all pod -
• or, at any rate, probable.
Mayor L1wl5' diplomacy, together with
thin dostr. of Mr. Hol.6gs to show on an un-
mistakable fashion his wish to dual fairly
with lite town, may be ered.ted with bring -
no about this highly gratifying and much-
to-be.leoirol conclusion of a matter which
has been a eouroe of annoyance to comes.
.Ivo councils.
Mr. HM -MIN, learniuv that the town had
run abort in Ito cool supply, mule an offer
on Monday last of 150 tons of Massillon
lump coal at 06.50 per ton, delivered, and
three Cars of beet anthracite grate coal at
08 per ton, delivered. These pmts are, of
course, high in comparison with those paid
before the period of scarcity in fuel, but
that they are not too high, considering the
presout state of toe market, may be seen
front the fact that when Mr. Roosts' offer
wee•,received the eo i*.*l hail under consid-
eration an offer front a Detroit firm ot Maa-
o ,llon coal at $6.43, without delivery, or,
adding the coot of do'iyery, a higher figure
than that eared by Mr, 11016[.1,
As a concomitant of this offer Mr.
Hot-aros has given the Mayor authority in
wntittg to pay ,the judgment against him
out of the purchase money of the coal. The
julgmeot amounts to son.ething like 0650.
Chairnuu M1Lw0, of the water and light
committee has given his assent to the agree -
Mont, and the contract has been closed.
The Mayor and ',council, Mr. HOLrMES and
the ratepayers are all to be tongrstulated
upon this happy ending of • long-drawn-out
PALTRID(0E, At GMerleh, on Jaaemry
2.5th, 19,3, to Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Paltridg•,
a daughter,
SM1TH. in Go.mrirh, on Saturday, January
24th, Mn. F'oiley Smllh, relief st the 4.t*
Thoars Omtth, 01etl 91 71.'R
Go to the told reliable oyster hone,
0lotorla Restaurant, West street, for book
oysters, sold to bulk and •1l aryl..: stews,
filo or raw., Conteotlonery, fruit. tob.o-
o0e and cigars. C. HLA"KNTONI, proprietor.
Our annual sale of dry geode, muting and
overcoats le now on. 75o, 01.00 and 51.25
hommoouos and saltbox, 50o. 500, 60o and
750 French flannels, 35o. Thirteen all -wool
styleh Raglan overcoat, worth 010.00, tor
tU .10. Goo. E. KING, Wlogbam.
The gun club bad It weekly praotloo o0
trld.y lost, and had an Interesting shoot.
The more. were : (25 possible) -K Mabel,
21 ; F I'retty, lb ; C. Proust, 15 ; F. J. T.
Nolte!, 11 ; (13 possible) -W. Whlssly, 5 t
110 possible) --0, Prone,, 5 e D. Props., 2.
Auction sale at the OLD CCLLObITY fluor.
Hamilton st , on S•turdoy. Jan. 31st, own -
mewing at 2 to ot. and 8 r. M. 1000 differ-
ent articles will be offered for mile to maks
room for spring gcod., in fact almost any-
thing you oan think of. G. H. GKgoo,prop.
TuiapAy, Jan. 27.
The 6r„t meeting or the Auburn branch
of the West Huron Women'. Institute will
be held In the publlo library, Auburn, os
Tuesday, February 3rd, .t 2 o'clook P. M.
The president and secretary of the Womb
Huron Women'. Institute are expected to
b. preeeut. A oordlal Invitation is ex-
tended to all the ladles to aleeod.
WltNgouar, Jan 28th.
Mrs. 1.trlok, of London, is visiting Nr
mother, Mrs. Tyodeil.
Mlsv Aggte Fsrgomo, of Morden, Man„
Is vldtlog at her old home,
Cuucty Coanolllor Young le in the county
town attending the first .eeslon of the year
R. 51. Voting, Will Sallow., Chu.
Roblosno and Bert Vuooe ley. returned
from Guelph, where they.tteoded the short
course to Hook •od groin jodgloo at the
Agricultural College.
The annual msetiog of the Presbyterian
ohuroh at Smith'. H111 was hold a few days
. go ()thorn were appointed for the year,
and the trimmer read his report, .bowing
• balance on hand of 066,
Nonce. -The loos, ageoo7 In Dungannon
for T*ts S*,Nar. i• at the office of J. 0. Ward,
.I. 1', conveyancer, te.. who will reoelvs
orders for subscriptions. advertising and lob
work. and Is authorised to give receipts for
amount paid for the same,
TIIIRDAT, Jan, 274h
WOATIlIR -14 would appear at time of
writing that • January thaw i. near •0 hand,
Rt it --Taking oars of their stook, pro-
vldtog fuel and storing • supply of lora
for the summer heat are engaging the a0tos-
tion of the farmer-, at present.
Pi',at,-Sb.hpbing is reported to
he very good exospt for the numero0, bad
pitch bole.. Path masters should, with
their staffs, b, on duty in repairing reads,
ANOTHER H*IR.-Ono day th• latter part
01 last week Mr. T. W. Little presented
her (lege with • 0ns bouncing boy. Of
ours. Mr. Little i. In raptures of jov and
wearing many smiles. Hs is now the father
of tour boys.
Mn•n Mr49E1/.-Our county tow6 has re-
cently lout two of Ism moot, promiooet sea
hlgbly-mtsemed ollitmo, 1n the portions of
Ater. Walla., jeweller, and Ira Levels,
mot Orowm
y Attorney. Vow s()dbe
had the privilege, as well as the pleasure, of
being very agreeably acquainted with both
of the deceased for • lone Dumber of trepan
bud with many others In this locality will
deeply lest their removal.
Ne,. iNW'6TRy --Is le reported that, as
the roller Hour mill hex been destroyed by
fire, some of our oabobe are seriously co0-
.,d.ring the Idea of forming a joint stook
onmpany b erect A hares flour roller mill In
or now our prnsperoa ylllage. It I. olalmod
that, a11 water privileges tore an .roell.nt
tor snob an industry and as It Is well known
60 be s hr.t-ole.. farming motion d
her., it would tc a profitable undertaking.
Should the *o'erpr4,, M entered Into we
wish it mimeo, wbloh we presom. It would
hay.,prnvlded th•1 the much talked of oleo -
of, railway De oon.truoo.A and operated.
I{IT,t1R AND Till -rote Miss Ellen
Davtd.on Is visiting her sear, Mn- Jam..
Wilson. now of F:ler., and formerly of Dun-
g.nnon. .Samos! Kilpatrick of Brook.
pill, is visiting relatives in Ashfield and re.
flowing former aroualn)anoeshIps. He has
Men for shoot eighteen yowls le the sMley
of the ()ret erin Life I..orawoe /le„preens.. to
which he taught. salient very munresefwl)y.
He la load In his prsteme of the growth aid
seatn.r of enr thriving v1I1see Roo,
111. M. Uel1berg left no Monday last
6e deliver a Iselin. to the Vansg ^P_ea-
I1s11A 1. oe*nectd.. with Sl. •
ohuroh *0 GedesMA.