HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-1-22, Page 8T ,t THP IGNAL : GODERIOH ONTARIO. 1 A pri I/ 0 N1N11b14,1111414,1,1,111t4,1111,14,Iblel Ib01141140,111110,1,4,1411411111,40bIb160,0,lelnil0,lb4,4 11141011.1b1Y11,1r0,1 1 TLLarN>ta he'• U. HODG ENS BROS. 1:: �:Oa .. 1—, -4011111110.--. I COMMENCING SATURDAY, JAN. 17th. ° We have leased the premises next door tofu*, now occupied by the Brunswick Cigar Store, and in the Spring will have the two stores made as one by removing part of the dividing wall. The new premises will be fitted up as a GENTS'•-FURNISHINQ AND CLOTHING STORE, our already large business in these lutes necessitating our having more room for the next season ; also the reproving of our Clothing Department from up- stairs to the first floor of thonew part with the Gents' Furnishing Department will make it much more convenient for our customers and easier for us ; and the room they now occupy is very much needed by our other stocks fur their proper display. We intend to make this the occasion of a general clearing up of all Winter (foods, We want none carried over into the Spring. Our Targe importations for the Spring business will need all the room we have, consequently everything must go now if price will move it. rr''t tai ,fid; Bargains .`'' Bargains! •: I{ 0 F F 41 ready-made g a t art e u t, for Ladies—Jackets, Skirt., Waists and Capes. °I. FUR BARGAINS 1 } off all Furs, Rues, Caperim:', Bluffs, Jackets' " �r`t:: OFF 11 all Millinery, triunued and un- trimmed Children's and Ladies' Hats. ALL DRESS GOODS . Suitiugb, Waist 1itroda, Cloaking, Tweeds, Woolens, Silks—every- thing to be cleared up. i Bargains in Prints fol Comforter } off price of all Print in stock. !Table of Cloth Remnants, i pike. 1 Remnant, tit Suiting, Dresa Goods, 1 Woolens, etc., ranging from I to 2! yrs. double -fold, all clearing at i price. 1 ofl Comforters and Blanket... Bargains! UFF Clothing—Men', and Bows' Suitt. Overcoats, Pants, Pea Jackets, Vests and Smocks. O FP Meng Stift' and Soft Hats all go- ing fit } off. 'tea 14- O F F Men's and Boys' Caps—Cloth and Fur. Never !lave We Offered Such a Moneysaving Opportunity ! Sl'1ITN BROS & CO. PON FERS HILL. Mu'Det, ,nae. 1''tb. H hone, of Uinta., spear, Sunday at krseside. Mater Allen kettles le rsoorwmg from blg todtepeetttoa Wm Itchy wee the gest d 0ed., lots fruooe Iwo week 1, lie Idcl'ooald left '.o Monday t.afdasd the btsieeee o. lI.g. at 1 bathos. .lou. +r. ''h coo., spec' last week Milk relative 14 the ytoinlil of htooardis.. A sleigh I'ad of y000g peopfo of the 1,5 oeoesaioo meat 14.t Thursday events% cosy plea...oily at the home of Peter Mo. Doog'l, out thee. The. Morgan, of t,odenoh, spent • unday with relatives In this •Tuohy prior to his leaving for Detroit. Oa his way to that otty he will epsod scros time with Chatham fried.. LELBURN. Trs•tAy, Jan. 4 t4,. Three of oar most popal.r g.11ast. ta- med . element surprise din' 'Or party 10 Loyal Friday bight o1 last week. With • view to Improving th. stock In this maiden the If°Means Bros. anti Huts e Tiros male put atlases n1 omitss at aha r. m' rile held by Mr .15.ld e. t4,. Bayfield reed. sect:. mother oorrespon-leet,l Tr uuov Jan. 20.5. \ ose for t+:e electric. railway. Sawesl e1 t4, rhlldr.o i. 0.e •lulol'y have the ohlckeape• Miss Jessie L'ttkla's,, of'•Merl n, spent Saturday mad yoedsp at hem.. Mr and Mrs. A. Hatton Inas Gllddoe ep.eo Sum'l.y et B. Glidden e. Clara rani rd 5N tea oenhoed to the bots., ibis bait •• sok with 14 grippe. biles \V111 e, of Fort All( rt. spout SNP day at the home et ,lames Kyl.panok. Mies Margery K'rkpatrlok Set tetoreeil NOTICE TO Water Takers! All •• ater rateee ire now dun for 1903. A die.:oent of 1U ' will be allowed on all payments made this month.. Pattie., owing for 1902 mast be prepared for the •' ater to be turned off. W. I. HORTON, January ''art 1001. Collector. to Leaders after .mad/a5 the bolld 'ye 11 home, Ales. Hortoo and V. i b 1 chord vier ,d is Clt.se. Sued.', the suets ot tear lady Yasuda. tSnstiee Led/saver every study eyes• Ism to tea detreb it r 50. Topp'. for las. 'Lb —A. twig with Cht.een mi dot IlvasSIAL —Oa \Vedeeedsy evening, Jae. 7 h. a happy motet rook place at Ise Or the rfheieele5 clergymen, I.ede- tidy 1r, bel.g the uniting le the bods of msrrtmoi.y.t Ellen Horton to Jame He• ten, by the K -r. !V. McK.y. Ti. bride we • *irefully drifted io . trs•ell nit dress of pre,, molt cloth with bat to 50.toh. W., alone with their boot of friends. *rend ouegretulattoar, bup•op that they will have a long sod happy voyage over the see of matrlmooy. DUNLOP. TCaeDAT. Joe 20th. V. w. fob... went to Duulte INe weal, few aewer.1 dm, 1. see, It s rind, some ot the fa:est mason WO, k on the t.wly erected nems around there. 11„ bar my, however, thick t\ illi.m bad some tabor briskness of the sort that will require a ring to close the bargain. 1 burday of beet week the tidings oame .f tti• death in Toruato, abut an Illness „1 about a Igor, nl R D. Morrie, eldest ser of 'he late Jos. Morns. In Maroh last h. first went to the boepltat, s•turolbg bate 'a May and in September Reims eat to Manitoba where he rumuoed for semi weeks• fits heal' b wee set goad. however, and he was *bilged to ,Non.heboapital, oolong robustly a the end approaobed. Oa 1 ridgy Dight hat bit rematne arrt•d by train and were Naso to bb metb,t'e rwldwoe he t,.,brald. Tbm totem. lit ti•.5 place in heeview comet. In Col. bane on Monday Mumma, 1'ey. .1 A. Aeder•nn, of (iederloh, onad.oting the servlee, 1 h• 0 id F'Inwe s.rnoe •nal go p.rformd 1y the (Lawlor, Padre, cud the mars et Ansa.. Man •' at wreetbe to he pl.oed on the .make'. Kindly sed 000 1' In his manner the deo,N^d made marry It .end. To his mother. Meters and brothers ,-e ,floe oar deepeet sympaihv. All the brothers of the deesed. Ieela4'.. Edwla from An. ale, \Ian„ were present at t.s funeral, and the large number of (Head in att.edenoe attssa.l the atoms in *blob the deceased was held. AUCTION SALES. MAMMA?, Ian. 24 —Auction rile of working horst,, roadster horses, general purpose oohs, tingle and doable hareem, two .5.igh., two .otters, three steam of bells a'i4 some cattle, at G.n4rt'a aaa'ios teem., ntldertoh No reserve. TnoNAI Or -suns, auctioneer Clearing Sale of Winter Goods The Itrewlea Times rem.rts Mai a enisp ..d dedloauea .emvlase of tae saw Z e• , hutch, se the , upperytlle Ye'h.d'., on• tali, under the .barge .f Key. E F. Ara, agang, ferment et thi• sewn Elm wit vow were held ea Sunday sad Monday, the 1111 anti 125 1a' , and wee omisen try success fol. 1'5. 'Time sey. ; A very pitestao fettere of the ser•tae n the feet that the tell.5 bow N Rend.,- mid th' amount sue - scribed and ratified os Monday mesh., te• getbw with the amvent previously tuba rib ed. i ample to pay ler 'hr ..w piass uI werebip. The uborob ones ,$3 500 Prot too 5. Its fled toe I ion $2,400 b •d tees eabeertbe'I. The Subtlety o.lteotteae and Monday eye arts .ebr'nbwen' end eobwtpt'oea re - Ired $2 too. m•ktng • total el $4 660. Great er+MW t is doe the .a erper4 paste/. Row. E, Y. Armstrong, and his ooasregauw fns talea=e.11eot achievement. fl istakes :f Cost rioney IIT was a mistake to buy the following goods in so large a quantity, and now I have to sell them at a sacrifice to clear them Ou t. New Raymond drop head Sea ing Machines, were $40.00. now only $2P.:•0. Lustrous Perfection self feeding .load neaten, were $31.0'1, now only $''2 50. .t Coal oil Heaters, noisily sold at 15.50 each, now only $' 00 each. 4 doyen .gnirrel cage Mouse Traps, the best trap on the market, wero 2."c each, now only 115e each. 31, dour sure death Jlouse Traps, were bo each, now only lc, or 3 for 10c. r'0 dozen Moulding Hook., were 15c dozen, now clearing at lflc dozen. dozen Ita,or Mtrap,, with razor paste complete, wore 4nc, tow nilv 31ic dozen Thermometers, were 30o end 31.c each, now only 20c roach Having finished stock taking 1 have decided to offer the balance of my Winter Goods . 1 At Cost Everything must be cleared in order to make room for my spring stock of Boots and Shoos, consequent- ly B "move -nut" price has been peel on each line. Don't miss this np}xet'tltrrity. Sale e00Q1AiON fJatarday, Jannftrt 14. Roperleg sw$y dee, w -rax„ .�ttt5+s,wr These are only a few ot the many bargains I ani offering, and these goods were all purchased in to large a quantity and must he cleared ont at a sacrifice. Headquarters for Rants, Firiseora, Tahiti end rocket Cut'ery, N ringers. Heroes (his, fl aroma prase Lent Kiwi. Ares. File. ANNUAL MIDWINTER BARGAIN:lri: ,tF l t't ;�, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, Jan. 24, 26,. 27 3 or'HE above will be our mid -winter bargain days for 1903. They will be a fitting climax to our great January sale, which has left last year's record far behind. Twice a year, near the close of each season, we hold three bargain day sales. At this store stocks are not allowed to accumulate. They must be kept on the move. We will not carry them from one season to another. This is the reason for these three days of special bargain giving. We want to rld the stock of the last remains of winter goods,tand from every department 3 have gathered together the last ends, thebroken lots of winter stocks, and marked them at 3 prices that should clear them all out before we close the doors on Tuesday night. Here is our bargain list. Not an article on it but is priced away under reallvalue. Make a note of the days and arrange to come to this store Saturday, Monday or Tuesday. We will make it pay you well to do so. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 31 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 Big Skirt Bargains. Here is the best bargain in ladies' ready-to- wear skirts we have ever offered. We bought them away under value. They were to have been here in time for the ,]anuary sale, but the maker did not get them delivered until the other day. We bought them cheap and they must be sold before the end of the month, so on bargain days we put them on sale at prices that are less than you could buy the material alone for. - Ready-to-wear Skirts, $1.98. Ladioi line walking skirts, good quality material, cut in the newest style, iegelar price $.1 00, black or dark grey, our price for bargain day 111 9P Ready-to-wear Skirts, $2.88. Ladies' skirts, made from good quality diet iot. itotnespuns, will wear well, brand new goods, just in this week, bleak, grey or navy, regular $4.00, for bargain day. $2.8S Furs for Bargain Days. We have not room to print a list of fur prices for bargain days, so have decided to give a straight discount o1' 25 per cent. off all small furs for these day& If you have any fur buying to do, came here bargain days and we will give you exactly oft' the price of any ruff, cape, caperine or mutt that we have in stock. Our furs are all made from ehoigts selected skies, and getting furs as good as these art a -quarter less than regular price, you get fur bargains that are worth conting after. r 16 per cent. off Fur jackets. 15 per cent. off every lady's fur jacket in the store on bargain days. Not a garment in the lot but is first class in every way. Rather than cavy one over we will give a strright discount of 1.5 per cent off our very close prices for reliable fur gar- ments. We have a few choice garments left in stock and if you come bargain days we will give you a bargain—and a good one. Mantles at Half Price. On bargain day we would like to see the last mantle leave the store, and in order to do this, if possible, have decided to put every garment now relnaining in stock on sale at exactly half the first -of -the -season price. These garments wero bought for this season's trade and are the few that we have remaining after the most suc- cessful mantle season we have any record of. S'ou can easily figure up how cheap you can buy a mantle. You can buy A e 5.00 mantle for $2.50. w � •, ,� A 7.30 mantle for 3.75. A 10.00 mantle for 5.00- A 1'1.00 mantle for 6.00 All ladies' and children's mantles on sale bar- gain days at half of the first -of -the -season prices. Bargains from all ova the Store Bargains picked up here and there through the store. Not one in the lot but is a money saver. We are just anxious to get rid of them before we take stock, so quote these very low prices for bar- gain days. Wrapperettes, 9c. Black and whit wrapper- ettea, patterua mutation for waists or wrappers, regular 12lc lines, clearing bargain .lays .,,. 'o, 20c Wrapperettes. 14c. Fancy wrapperettes, good weights, patterns suitable for waist or dressing sacgaes, colors of bine, red, pink amid black ground, regular 2Oc Gad _:tc, dur- ing bargain days at per yard 14c Art Drapery, 7c. '2 ends art drapery, good quality, shades of pink and gee• u, regular i'2tit, for bargain days 7c Kid gloves, 23c. pair. black and colored kid gloves, swell sties, btaodard dollar qualities, per pair )- .. • Corsets, 39c. 40 pair, good corsets, neem at styles, Halide from strong Jean, all sizes up to 24, reg ular 5t/c, for bargain days 39c Hose, 35c. Another but -of those heavy worsted and woollen bore will go on sale bargain .Lys at 35o per pair. Bet ter buy all you want for they are worth 50c, and when this lot i. gone we will have no worn at 3:'c per pail Tweeds, 33c. :,U yards all wool twet,ds, suitable for odd pants or boys' wear, regular price 75c, for bargain day clear iug al per yard 33c Sateen, 6c. ends cream and ecru i:ateen, suitable for linings, good finish, regular 12ic, or bargain days 6c Yarn, 10c. 100 skeins beet Canadian factory yarn, clean and free from grease, regular 1 llc, clearing bargain days at per skein 10c Cashmere Gloves. 15c. 35 pain all wool caehwere gloves, black only, lag pain of several linea that sold at 1:,c and 310e, for bargatu days .15c Table Linen, 30c. 1 end only pure Dime table damask, very fine quality, unbleached. This is a ,h- ula 75c lice and too good to sell unbleached 'resell It quickly we put it oa sale bargain days at per yard 50c floreen Skirtings, 35c. ' ends fancy colored motets skirting, extra good qual- ity, regular 65c, for bar- gain days 35c Single Blankets, $1.38. \ ery tine quality all wool blankets, single b poends' weight, large size, very special for lt.rgein days 41.35 Shaker a Sheeting, 25c. Cream or grey flannelette 'heetiug.l 72 inches wide, heavy weight, regular 35e, for bestata days. .... Shirts and Drawers, 35c. den's fleece• -lived shirt, fwd drawer', also a few pain of all wool dr.wors, regular ;ale to 25c, clearing bar- gain days at 35c Children's Underwear, 22c. Girls' ribbed woollen ;este, a little cotton woven en in- side, regular 30c to 40c. also boys' fleece -lined abtr4 and drawers, medium and small gives. regular 3Oc to 4('0, all .t one price for bargani days, choice 22e Men's Working' Shirts, 39c. Men's flannel and knitted shirts, last .flet of linea that sold et 60c to 75c, clearing bargain days at each 39c Dress Goods for Bargain Days. 44 Here's nearly a whole col- umn of dress goods bargains. New spring goods will he here early in February and we want these out of the way be- fore they come. You can make mo mistake buying any= of these. People who come early will get hest choice. 7 At 15c. ' 200 yards fine} dress good., short ends and last pieces of lines that Fold at 25e, 35c, 40c per yard, medium sod dark colon. would make capital quilt linings, doable fold, clearing bergain days at per yard 15c Plaids, 25c. 100 yards fancy plaid dress goods, mostly dark colors, suitable for waista or children's dreams, regular 35c to 50a, this lot clearing bargain day. at . 25o Fancy Waistings, 50c, Regular 75c. 75 yards fancy waist materials, French rlashmerew printed, very fine final- ity, also good French flannel with silk embroidery, last of lints that sold at 7Jc per yard, clearing bargain days at per yard 5Oc Suiting Cloth, 39c. Black and Grey suiting cloth, 52 inches wide, good weight and quality, special for bargain days .390 Skirting Serge, 48c. 1 end only black wont" d serge, winter weight, will wear well and make serviceable mite or skirts, regular 75o, for bargain bays, per yard Ole Satins, 35c. 125 yards good quality colored satins, heavy, firm cloth, suit- able for fancy work, reds, pinks, blase, browns, tagular 50c, for bargain days ...... .,35c Suitings, 70c. 75 yards all and winter sultings, lana ends of lines that sold at $1.00 and 0,1,'25, of some there are snit lengths lett, of others only enough for a skirt, navy, grey, brown, black, all go on sale bargain days at per yard 700 $1.25,Serge, 85c. Heavy navy blue serge, good quality, all pure wool, extra wide, regular 41.25, for bargain days . RSc Fancy Black, 19. 1 end only fancy black dress goods, double fold, regular 35c, for bargain days l9c Fancy Black Goods, 50c 50 yard,,, about half a dozen pattern., fancy black goods, neat, small designs suitable tor skirts, last ends of 75c and MSc, line,, clearing bargain days at . , .. ... , Silo Odd lines, 35c. A few suit and drew ends cloths end serges, 10 and 54 inches wide, regular roc and 75c. eletring bar gain days at per yard IN" Dress Goods, 37c. 150 yards colored dress material~, all wool, 36 to 40 inches wide, merges and cloths in myrtle green, navy, brown and grey, regular 50o and 6C2c, clearing bargain days at per yard 37c Trimmings, Sc. A table of dress trimmings at So a yard on bargain days, short ends and last pieces of lines that sold et 1Oc W 25c, ail our prices on bar gain d.ys per yard . be Eiderdown, 19c. 10 yards of fancy eiderdown, imitable for children'. .oats of dressing eaogaes, regular 40c, bargain days to clear.. .- 19r Rfemnante. Seep our tables of remnants at 25c, 50e, 75e, rem- nants of silks, of dross goods of every thing, will he gathered to?ether and marked at quick march prices for our great mid- winter bargain days. 3 You'll find many another Bargain at this store that we have riot room for here. We are bounq Whend oude it 1 iith me ouaoyou de j to clear the last remains of winter stocks,grips interesting and will make g in order to do it. need, or 1 oan get it, or it :3 +rs isn't merle li i,e tri' p HODGENS, €E0. L. ALLAN 1 E. DOWNING, 1Y The tatading Harlem.. Shore a 1i f:f ►% limit lblittJfl'$; - OODER/CH. 't? "et^>'«'..-u:waer,tkf Next n ilvon'. Drug Stowe.444J ii "1"41.""14 nvr:AT assns AT HnxERT "ICI" , �41,4441TTT*TTTTTTT�11'1T,°MOP '1411040#004"1"1"04‘10444"."141 uLX:. .mew