HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-1-22, Page 5W, Acheson& Son JANUARY BARGAINS Simply a plain statement of facts—no exaggeration. Big money savings are shown on evely side throughout this store. These January bargains illustrate this fact very clearly. Dress Goods. 460 yards dram suiting§ in plain and tweed effect., full 40 iisohee wide and splendid colorings. our regular 2bc quality. at tar YartL. Ifre Cotton Blankets. D uble bed aice, with pink and 2 toe borders, at per pair, special 66o Ladies' Jackets. Fur coat. and cloth °oats Still a very flue selection of high. ohms and 'Wish oasts in all size•. ranging in price front $6 to $20, nolif all Mar. ed away dowu for January. We invite mimeo. lion. Flannelettes. 660 yards 36 etcher wide otter heavy flannels. an pinks mid blues, stripes sad cheeks, regu- lar 12ic goods, at per yard 10e Furs. Ladies' Astrachan lamb cepa. well lined arto 30 niches long, full sweep and high ',term oulliu, Blankets. 40 pairs heavy tarps double bed sue all pure wool, w.•ite blank- ets and fast borders iu pinks and blues regular $3.50 and $4 00 quality, at per pair $2.75 Butterick patterns for January ell in stook. Faeriou shake free. TOWNSHIP COUNCILS. MONDAY, Jaey. 12th. OseMeli Met per salons The lollowlen peresus mode the 1140.11•111y declaration of ▪ sod property qual tioritlen Jobs Jobs Stewart and Jobe V ad, cession. Mrs. The sea& mottoes f ..r estag salaries and rappelet.nd ethane were read tad passea. Molted b, Jolla Fent eseesded be ey Jeri. Co:. that by aw Ne 1 now reed be Waseed. Moved by I. C. Weeds, mesesded J. B. Kilowatt, that bylaw N• 2 mew read be peered. The follswian easeasont were Neel World, $6 ; W J. Patios, poetise breemoir s tepee. $2 60; J Ga t, use ef F• Grits. travel. $6; Hespnel lc. Melt Children. $6. The foilsman officer. & ad Georg- Helloed. auditors. Joba C. s wee respuo'uted en beard of bails& fro Was roars Th. alit k woe inettorted seedy Mots It.y6•14 hue, se re mays Ins Noce teem off be poen° hanway. Cowbell thee eiltatusied see.. en the fir. Mooney in Ifetimary. Nixon EITCRDT. 11110III1AT, Jae. 121111. The sew °easel sassotest for Co bets" township neel la the towoship hall aeoerdiag Wallow H.11, Richard Jewell. Ales. Reboot member subecrIbed to the nein eery sloolare. ilea and val•Basidein of ofbmr. Toe Reeve took the °noir sod afar • few remarks the Angler's Petroleum Emulsion %ids diges- tion, Improves nutri- tion, and increases weight and strength. It is pleasant to take, and agrees with the stomach. Thousands of welled people cannot dig-mt and assimilate their foo& They therefore get insufficient nourishment, and are slowly starving. Angier's Petroleum Emul- sion with Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda is for such. It helps digmt and assimilate the food, cleanses the stomach and bowels, improves nutri- tion, tones up and invigorates the entire system and thus .ncreases health, weight and strength. Physicians pre- scribe it for persons who are recovering from any illness that has left them in a weak, " run-down" condition. Get &small bottle, take according to directions and watch re- sults. isie"=ristser.s. Smolt. tee. itrailall! hill Mlles% POI. I: W.J &war ghee mid esti lrom Gorden Vegan. •• for Ms manilas of seamier. I o we. moved by H111. entosided by Roberto:Ho, the, W• J. Kornigha be &oftener. Moved in •siswdmeat Maar. secoodea by J•weil, Mee liordin. Young be amempor, lb a.... voted with 'ha motioo, which ea• Moder, that ali ita rat of me old oilier. be re appointed. C• rood. The beard ol ossalth weri appointed as fellows : Jean lnr three yeses ; Joseph nether - torus. fwo years ; Halbert Yantis. am year ; with Dr. T•yler ea medical advises. Moved by Roberwsen. esasialiel by Hower. that R. Reitman sed James Jessie,' be al - pointed earthen for the °errant year. Car Jewoll, shoo • groat of $5 00 be given io hall he Reeve submit bylaw Est sante. Guam', 'I !tie maenad ihaft Moe Cantnisa Canoe of assaseise. Porissa the to et .1 mum of hie oohs and pals anri es th • ey s -nasal catarrh vapor of Caterrhotooe,whlish wavereas every • eell eon air taw.* of the throat. lung - mid sea. I. k lie eryi.oda of germs.' ovary brow h, skiers mirop mu mug discharges pro - illy,' Mt I boas the timeinhean• C•torE0 sod lie action or ...rain tad nefeslieg 1, 41•••••• of the Terme and Gunge. De Jarmo, will haay ism es uses. ea. pekes! that l'eisrrh so, • 26c Mascots, or Pelmets & Co Ki•g. tea, Oat. Dr. Hamilten's Pills ogre Oeastipsi Ion . soomora, ass treasurers 'cgs • bora Is • create, (elites te tee Pr. - better paid bat would yea thialt,'' be said t "of a trimester potting 83 • year tor b a work Township treasurer. rarely get as Inch as $100. asiel $50 et $35 i• quite • commas rem Men In town. bit ea this sweeter Dories the year titer. tressurent, sad bk. 1,11Di "bake Dill 's many, considering that there are 000 The govtage Sash of 111,111111" Is lets of tel and eltehring blood to sear. lob and In•isorste the poly It yoga blood is thin and watery sae "Ferrotone." I sundae the necessary elements each a. phosphorus and free, sad ontokly restorer loot strain? la sad ilium*. gerrosone is a. erten Palled r. vanities fn. the tired, t he tie• rood the FIJI' does; It •Lime1.1.. app, th▪ e *yeses too hesIthiy for dienumes to to :at. So toot° dee. se moots good la s shirt time as Fere, :.Itee. Get it today from say arena& tor 50./. per bor. or sir boles In Ktnestes, Out. Dr. Heasilleo's Pills ogre Cenesipstlisa. •urnaliann, se it Is said, because I e Mild le bore," he says. "She dooter to • - Amami*" gets $10. the editor notes it at.. .evis 0; Ai Is ebroimeed, the master tots $4 00, the edirsir WM 'es It up and gent 00 ; is anarrisse, the minister note another fe. the editor a pleas of oaks or 000 ; Is emery u,,rioeialter ;et v2,5 seio, the editor Or n it mid rectory, 0000-- n I thee the priv g. of ruralize ftr• of charge • card aws HAVE YOU BEARD OF THEM.' OF LOCAL INTIREST. HOLIDAY PCIILICATIONS LIVID -WO h ays ju. rsesived lb. Co, ISM.. &flushes ed clop to ook form, 'bowie* the Oneness SM. traidestial attmo oho of She valeta of Clasley. The Hein prise, is this instep°. at any ma, well doorman, ill seine, os the be• nd lo t het of This War Ciy, • h on gives Semi nc. that the largos of IRS /4.1gal.). Aral is set allowiag Itself to be loft behind in the raor. effluent ler the presoak 114111 as fellows : Rivard anti Leo Eliot ; Pianist. Mao Urea Dyke, The appointmeisi of • on, t for *soh ntestlno was left with the sitei.0 live. ROYAL Tim -Lana' 'OL'IlT1 Of - As the meeting el the /I ocie I/lento C.a. D istrict. oounoillor, Mrs. Colin Consoled. M▪ r Jobeeton. Verna ; herald, Mr Bier • deo, Belgroye ; dowry .1d. Mrs. Se..Lt••, •I▪ ve to Grand Council, Mr. Johnston. The arnoigwnestr. for the Jane meeting wens left la the hands of tn. rizecoriv• kat. sod E rioters k.rr •n Miller. •••• pa 1- t to the loos! yards shoo I '30 v.. - tee y afternoon. the wheel on N. D. o 20 006 brok• off, owisig to the axis be urn'. which wee oaueed by • hot b ra. ear rao •bout twelve lengths on Li. wile and then fell •over. break or in Le, • a• partially es:tattered on h• ground. T. out len. was c.l'ool out sod the grain tee &cadent happened whore it iilA end o• on the reart. or the result might hays boo nem eerions. • weevils of lin• 0.1. tows consul ee .1 emit soaks ago, Aid. Hay hand., paitide. it tee boa -A of trade, in closing • emotion I eigthy d tomato° on coal r• CI, stared lb ha !matter was to be hroeght to tho WS, • 'es of the Dread 'frank It sow.or In ...saner that was like•y, while °taro, to secure oansideratioo. As to cilia. wee.. would be employed he did not nay T los sod Guelph. and rrpreseatati yes w.1 meet la Berlin shortly for the 000sideratio set only sof the °oat rata, hot also of Ike eastern mall esityloe from Now York "MI &Mere States. idosnar, Joe. 19'1. party of young people train Port Albert sad tato 'drove to the 601I1 of ur . og. • After the merry drive the hoiiii.Leb heet end bootee. gave the young bolas _ coreedisoly phobias time. Dancing er.• •his order of the atoning. wort the me. to• rten *vomit It was demtrnetrated at the great Goderich Town- ship sewing match of last season that the " FRASER & LOGAN SAW " was the swiftest cutting Saw known and made fast friends with the large crowd of witnesses McKENZIE St HOWELL HAVE rgit :;;q !„. THESE SAWS IN STOCK besides "The Leader." " Buffalo Bill " We have had such a run on Cross -Cut Saws thus far this season that we have had to get a second shipment IN AXES WE CARRY THE BEST MAKER giving a wide range to chows how You can depend on getting a good tool hom McKENZIE HOWELL - THE PLACE TO BUY ALI, HARDWARE CHEAP. GODERIOH. "Liar OMNI INDUARII. COUNTY CURRENCY. feelings of &Bretton and esteem for bun bevel beta given preetloal ex prerseion. Alter kin forme!! eery l• the Bly,b sauna the. ,1111, p ortur during our y ea. • Os had spent immix them. The address wa• so- esmpasisd with a pos.• of sold. At Clio. be Woe lielt I Una? If you bass oarimay sooriatioss la the otom• sob, • bad tale In mouth, headache -rem. stabs, that ton drops of Pontos', I.:modulo oar*. Nrir•i clieeetiou. dispel. the ry • If. .11 heumatism.. Jordan MCKINS1 Goderich, Block. Ont. Is Uric Acid In the bleed. Unhealthy kidneys are the cause of the acid being there. If the kidneys scarred as they should they would strain tha Urio Acid out of the system and rheuma- tism wouldn't occur. Rhea. nudism is • Kidney Dlis. ease. Doddi Kidney Pills ham mad' • great part of their reputation curing Rheumatism. So get at Ma caw* of those fearful "booting pains and stiff, aching joint& There la het oleo mare way - A Determination A1)ETERJIINATION to clear out all mid- winter goods before stock -taking brings out some remarkable prices. Compare our prices on first class goods with what you will be asked for them in other places or with our regular prices. All we ask is the evidence of your own eyes and judg- ment to convince you that this is where the real bargains are. S:oves and Ranges At Wholesale Prices. Dodd's Kidney Pills Dress Goods. I have.4 few of those strictly up-to- date coal and wood ranges left, which I will sell very cheap before stock taking. • Now is your chance to save ir.iney on a stove. BARGAINS IN Heineaptio tor 480. No uos glee you • list: we hays a lair imortaient yet at las ihao half pe-tw, Soo the hat we oan give you at one dollar. Jackets. Not many left, can't lest long at one ouarter Coats. A loft yet. kfee's or. for sa IF/ 00 i• 010 00 fey 66 00 Bowe short coal.. $3 00 • S1 90 114 50 meters or short. colto• for 22.90. A few left at any nI4 price,. All Winter Goods MID- be eloorml Coddree's wenn envois 5 % Torso( T ware up io 60, for 15u. 50d Hoof* for 25c $2 00 idea's Suer( Moill,rs for 75; hig reduotion• le charmer one.. Au:ether los of Befits wool at 2 on. for 5o. New Idea Patterns are the best. 5 GROCERIES ALL THIS MONTH. McKIM'S BUSY STORE. Worsell's Cheap Stove House. TOO Blyth Ntaadard Ari.ingensmata ars al- ready helot made for holding the 12.h July e•lebrotion i• Birth this year. Amol mile ham be *is subsaribed by our oit.z. oe▪ lebration even •t 'arty date. The following spotaintmeots of Hoene. ProviaolinG meat . West Huron - James slitmea. Hugh Qiarr rt. Wilber Roderick R •bertsee. Yet South 111.1,011 - Wild G. Wilma, Peter Dough., flew Jells Carr, promoter of the Brunswick oad tut. Pas to Alex r. of Fordieth. miderstao i that the purobseer will se pwwitwoun March 1st, eld that re writ red 13 A , to• sisioioal of the Dutton high meow row surprised hie many biocide her• brlogio• Mte- Taylor home soh him. A, Armee sire 'swerving *vent occurred is. Auger ve.y few of oar lit zoos were •stres .if it. (In ler the olronmmancell ma!) • totra.rnse. Mr. Geo. MuKeion••, 1/' ring a11 his property for sale by leerier. Mr. McKeeza has been reaulaut of Win. - ham m year., but hes deo:cried move to California it h• Is able to dispose ▪ prrperty. He has not been *opium, the beat of he•Ith for the tan two or thrs, winter, and wishee to move south In orb r •o e.o.m. the °rod weather.- Winirhao W. MoKeoz-e, of town, and i. well knowr staler oen used state for • few week•, hut -omlnat ions three names were submit tad f• be mi•yeshIp. bot ti•10 day two withdrew. laving John Bray •1r. -ted by acclemat 0, te. mare weirs elected hy scol.yr•i Tr, •nuee 1, therefore to new cono bor. R.eve- I Is with couch regret that Rey. Father Myth aro bidding him farewell, and their WHEN PEOPLE SAY blood they should often say bowels. Impure blood means irregular bow. els. Blood purifier paeans bowel regulator. Constipation means had blood. Bad blood means bad health. Iron -Os Moans the Cure IRON -OX TABLETS ant a gentle laxative and a splendid tonic. They are not a cathartic. Cathartics do not eure. Fifty Tablets 23 CAnts good Salmon at 103; regular pries p i Regular 15c tia mote, 2 fiir 25... Floral Department. Ferns, etc always 0.1 hand. Flora Out-of.town orders reeeive prompt awl &rend attention. Lightness of a Dorothy Dodd On the Scales. CEO. STEWA GROCER ARO FLORIST JON'T FORGET THAI LISTIONTL great many interesting fact' may be discovered with a pair of scales, hut It id doubtful if any single fact will he more in.erestir g and valuable to the averagu woman than the weight of her shoes. For this tells her the number of ounces that must I e lifted thousands or tittles each (lax, and a little calculation will obow Am she lifts tons of shoe leather a day—no small labor in itself. The "Dorothy Dodd" shoe saves the lifting of more than 'one anti a half tons every day. A pair of "D ,.uthy Dodd" shoes are several ounces light- er than ordinary sham The feet are just so much tubre comfortable, atp you are so much lege tired. Put a pair to the %NIL They cost r. of in Pros J BROPHY & SON .sre, Malt or day. idiilkp Salsa! Fire hurt -lace Co. BATY INSURED or Off:1HW AND DIRECTOIta. se. flostolly, 0, finis W. 0 Ilmadto. Polley -1 °Here can pay Mee Keninni• vree emit cords na clot at e Mr. rifet•' 0: .1 111•Lese Bros.' Palace Cloth log Store. 1501, Mill Wood FOR SALE The non is cut into stove wood lenath au will be delivered to any ;Art of the wn the same day Orders meet by. telephone r., will receive prompt sittention. 'Phone 98. PETER itt WAN. v-ni par of the $1,000 l'iizi• row eat Wm. Shararm, Jr., Ins edusive sule at I have reel:mod my Now 'INICA of ete., for FALL and WINTER Wear. If you are gee.ing • nem eitr ng suit, HELLO RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF AL Scrallioll 'lad Coal 116. Al Coal weighed on the Market Bootee where Joe get 1000 lbs. for • ten. VITM. LEE. orders left •t & BLIPSAILD'S titer. promptly attendee M. The Division N Y OUR ME That is just what the student, of the Let w on vont an ! Inclifier•st Drugs and Medicines dinned hme The indif n• purrrie•wei to bum rart of on. purity are offered to garotters. Proor.atary Medicines Is VII, y terve. Prices are ly w, Itl F. JORDAN, TRADII IMAMS DCSIONS COPYRIGHTS AG. (enemy ascertain Our mon free whether art tIonsstrict confident al. Ilandbook on Patents lotrentlow Probable ttntable Comic antes - sent fros. Ideal menu, r manuring patent.. Patents taken through unn & Co. rend., scoint natio., without Charge, In the Scientific American. rotation of any relentldo Journal. Terms, SA • year: four months, M. Pohl by an hernidaners 'V C A Building, Brintlou t , can do after mmpleting their husineos ur shorthand 'raining. They need no pr, ittrod 'will." Are you intere.letl! rite foe reirlimilara, College re,operte Jen 5th. DOMESTIC ECONOMY. Household economies haa hoceinie a scientific st lily, and one of its most important lesmona is that the fixida which enter the 1-edy be the greatest purity and h. st rpi.lity that. is no oi'oe. For the preparation of sin se • holesofiri food. care niust ha niter • iscil in pra uring lira" rimer (Ivies riev. pintl it is in 1 Ina branch "( the housekeeper'. work that we belie.% we rout hill-) yen. Oar stock is gond anti /real) and estentsive, and we fill all ordcrii promptly and carefully. Clive us a trial. THE GROCERS, WEST sUPF, sIQUak RI Telephone No. 91 IELIMINVO From the worst worry to the highest satisfac- tion. One stepping 6tone The Thought" ' . :I?, I . i!..1.4 ,er.-:- P Al \r". VomeMsted IlIesakaoteal Owes. Leave year culinary troubles, worries and expense behind you ; enjoy the economy, the con•enittnce. the absolute reliability of The " Happy Thought. " The best friend the careful housewife can have. Just • tench to the patented dampers and it is ready for any Its efficiesey will be a revela- tion to you If yon are using the common kind. • Is this sot worth investiga- tion ? Bead for booklet to TINS W14. St/CR STOVIG CO., Llaaltos1.44, Brantford oe tall sad see the ageats. - sot by Coa LEE good Salmon at 103; regular pries p i Regular 15c tia mote, 2 fiir 25... Floral Department. Ferns, etc always 0.1 hand. Flora Out-of.town orders reeeive prompt awl &rend attention. Lightness of a Dorothy Dodd On the Scales. CEO. STEWA GROCER ARO FLORIST JON'T FORGET THAI LISTIONTL great many interesting fact' may be discovered with a pair of scales, hut It id doubtful if any single fact will he more in.erestir g and valuable to the averagu woman than the weight of her shoes. For this tells her the number of ounces that must I e lifted thousands or tittles each (lax, and a little calculation will obow Am she lifts tons of shoe leather a day—no small labor in itself. The "Dorothy Dodd" shoe saves the lifting of more than 'one anti a half tons every day. A pair of "D ,.uthy Dodd" shoes are several ounces light- er than ordinary sham The feet are just so much tubre comfortable, atp you are so much lege tired. Put a pair to the %NIL They cost r. of in Pros J BROPHY & SON .sre, Malt or day. idiilkp Salsa! Fire hurt -lace Co. BATY INSURED or Off:1HW AND DIRECTOIta. se. flostolly, 0, finis W. 0 Ilmadto. Polley -1 °Here can pay Mee Keninni• vree emit cords na clot at e Mr. rifet•' 0: .1 111•Lese Bros.' Palace Cloth log Store. 1501, Mill Wood FOR SALE The non is cut into stove wood lenath au will be delivered to any ;Art of the wn the same day Orders meet by. telephone r., will receive prompt sittention. 'Phone 98. PETER itt WAN. v-ni par of the $1,000 l'iizi• row eat Wm. Shararm, Jr., Ins edusive sule at I have reel:mod my Now 'INICA of ete., for FALL and WINTER Wear. If you are gee.ing • nem eitr ng suit, HELLO RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF AL Scrallioll 'lad Coal 116. Al Coal weighed on the Market Bootee where Joe get 1000 lbs. for • ten. VITM. LEE. orders left •t & BLIPSAILD'S titer. promptly attendee M. The Division N Y OUR ME That is just what the student, of the Let w on vont an ! Inclifier•st Drugs and Medicines dinned hme The indif n• purrrie•wei to bum rart of on. purity are offered to garotters. Proor.atary Medicines Is VII, y terve. Prices are ly w, Itl F. JORDAN, TRADII IMAMS DCSIONS COPYRIGHTS AG. (enemy ascertain Our mon free whether art tIonsstrict confident al. Ilandbook on Patents lotrentlow Probable ttntable Comic antes - sent fros. Ideal menu, r manuring patent.. Patents taken through unn & Co. rend., scoint natio., without Charge, In the Scientific American. rotation of any relentldo Journal. Terms, SA • year: four months, M. Pohl by an hernidaners 'V C A Building, Brintlou t , can do after mmpleting their husineos ur shorthand 'raining. They need no pr, ittrod 'will." Are you intere.letl! rite foe reirlimilara, College re,operte Jen 5th. DOMESTIC ECONOMY. Household economies haa hoceinie a scientific st lily, and one of its most important lesmona is that the fixida which enter the 1-edy be the greatest purity and h. st rpi.lity that. is no oi'oe. For the preparation of sin se • holesofiri food. care niust ha niter • iscil in pra uring lira" rimer (Ivies riev. pintl it is in 1 Ina branch "( the housekeeper'. work that we belie.% we rout hill-) yen. Oar stock is gond anti /real) and estentsive, and we fill all ordcrii promptly and carefully. Clive us a trial. THE GROCERS, WEST sUPF, sIQUak RI Telephone No. 91 IELIMINVO