HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-1-15, Page 8gANll TRUMK g 'Teotunee, January 13, 19"3 THP»IGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. ALTERATION SALE COMMENCING SATURDAY, JAN. 17th. We have leased the premises next door to ua. now occupied by the Brunswick Cigar Store, and in the Sptiug will hlive 'the two stores anode as one by ',moving part of the dividing wall. The new premises will be fitted up as a GENTS' FURNISHING AND CLOTHING STORE, our already large business iu these lines necessitating our having more room for the next season : also the removing of our Clothing Department from up- stairs to the first Noor of the new part with the Gents' Furnishing Department will make it much more convenient for Our customers and easier for. us : and the mom they now occupy is very much needed by our other stocks for their proper display. We intend to make this the occasion of a general clearing up of all Winter Goods. We want none carried over into the Spring. Our large importations for the Spring business will need all the room we have, consequently everything must go now if price will move it. Bargains! +OFF all ready -mach: • for • I.sdies=JsetteTSTAtrtrt. Wait.: and Cates. FUR BARGAINS 1 off all Fur-. . Ruff', l'upetutcs,, Muffs, Jacket, 1 0 ,F F , Remnants of Suiting, Dress Goods,' 2 I Woolens, etc., ranging fruit' 1 to, i 0 F F all Millinery,trimmed ands un- �I yds. dbublo-fold, all classing trimmed Children's and Ladies' at :l price. I Men's and Boys' Caps -Cloth and Hats. j_uf Cninf0rl4Ks and Blank, t__ Fur. OFF CET SOMETHING USEFUL NO DUST IN THE HOUSE IF YOU USEABISSFI.LS Now is the season that we are remembering our friends. When picking these remembrances why not get, something that will be USEFUL every day, such as A Carpet Sweeper, Nickle Silver Tea or Coffee Pot, Chafing Dish, Pair of Skates, Set of Carvers, in Case or Otherwise, Pocket Knives, Table Knives, Silver Knives, Forks and Spoons, A Coal Oil Stove, Etc. Bargains! OFF -ALL-DRESS GOODS -eivthine--bin's anti Boyd' Suits, v.rcoats,- Pants. Pea Jackets, Suitidgo, Waist 1 :,",d . l uuklt,r;. Vests and Smocks, Tweeds, Woolen,, Silk', ---every thing W be cleared up. Bargain.' iu Pinta for Comforters. off price of all Print in stock. Men's Stitt' and Table of Cloth -l:cutnants, j pries., iug at j off. - OFF Soft Hat', all go. Never have We Offered Sick a money=saving Opportan l- Sl`H�tl BROS & CO. t COMING AND GOING 'e epidemic Io the neighborhood of the atloo, .L, oh,l Geo displayed good ability in -'- town. the r,u',tton ut their dtl1,•reot uarte. J. B 1'.,yl-ornellwas t.mefp.m Tot onto ever NIM Edith tensed bat returned to Lewi',su perintendent of the settee', ocou- �uaday. Tor in* after •pee•dier the boltda," image. pled the chair ,n a MOIL acceptable manner. MI t tl. 1 *looser has been v.ntlog Meade moth (•,sods bat' I ainbf A tory sua•ewtul re . foam .ervfw *saefa ti•y6. 'd the past week. ]ties Sadie Smiii6 i,iieid- Trost- hit's lcosd in Victoria st cburob last :Abb. ton inn week •'m • visit to her brother., N. I bon evesloe. The night wee stormy a d B. and Geo Smith. Oaf *storable, yet there was a /erre 000grft- Miss ('on 'ante 1n Toe ,I learned to getter, who listened attentively to . sermon Mies Mabel Joht.eton is attending St. \l rraret'e • ollege 'force, n. Mise Hattie It000gb bat returned from e two week.' visit lo Toronto, Mrs :•..esger is 'pendia' • few weeks 1e lero0tu with he, sea, Kee. C. A Seager. Norman .11leo left on Monday to enter di. seryl•. et the Rook •l Moatreel •t hell. .Glee Mrs. 111 , and Frank 141 ;sham hive gone to To,onto to .peed the recommit, of the wloter. Mise Nary ',be, man returned to ber mime' duties at 1:14;sw•y on iturday he, holidays has loo been prolonged * nook bet BARGA1NS IN GROCERIES AL1. THIS MONTH. , a •"th 40, i,.t ."0 la r I •octet. .1 50t We, k 'Tea for 4(A . \ Also bOt Japan 100 ter 4* A guu'1 Salmon at 10.. n"gi,lai I2ijc. .also a Salmon. 3 lut 25e Bottled liataup. .1 fur 211.. Regular *tare 15o each. Hamilton on Monday to w'mp'ete her term at the Guist ,o Normal College. Mrs Geroge 'Thomson and Mrs. \\.Jter will spend the remainder of the whiter whir Rem A. E M. I Monson at Rodney. Arthui Sheppard Istaot Hodgeoe Br.o.' store, left th,a wi,b for Winnipeg. to 'ak- a sundae position there. We wish him •uooese In the .Vest Mise Maud Keane was c ,Ile.1 to her home •t Clinton on Friday by the death of her father. James Keane, as old sed respected rssident of Chotw. Thps. heft.., e1 laol.l.tl, Alberts, • former well-known rsetdect and merobsot of this town. hes bear renewing old .orlualat. ea'sehlps le town the past week. We've Soett, lets wltb W. C 1'rldham, left oe Woodsy to t.k. • situation at P•t- by George t, • rt•II.ble young mac, and will no doubt have the suwees he dawn.., %tobt, W. Breokeubrilg", of New Haven, , le ,-pending a month with L'e nag hives l0 town and vicinity. He has ;mat re. Weed from a vita to his sister to Grey township A. 1Iel . Allan tsR this week on a two months' trip to I,tetero Canada, where he well tn.estiate methods of pscklm' find, His IOVNtlgatlon may take him to the Cal..d Stave also. CHURCH NOTES. The presbytery of Huron o,ll hold He Regular 15o Sa'muII, 2 lot 2', regular msetlog to Roo, church, Godarlob, A Fine Line of Fresh and ' ea Ti .d•y, the 2Oth teat , .t 11 A .1. Choice Confootlonery Goods K.v tee. A Anderson, on 1 asides eveo,ng. opened • preparatory oleos for otmmunioaote in the lemurs room of Keel uroh with a membership of fitly three Teta alma will meet every Te.,d.y •0604.11 till the first of Match. heat week, bow - aver. ' We elate will meet se Moody trial's T:30,oblook. The Baptist Jtsadrm eeheel-he ittiljMt anus! ietbortog Test Friday etrbt, wain, untw,thsiandlog the Inolement weather,t -�-- there wee a toad tutoout. '1'w. was served in the h■11 et h ai, and alter lull lusnoe bed ban done to the tempttog "gassed o kindly provided by the • l the 000ereaatlen a program of snout.,,, ,ate end song,. was gives GROCER AND FLORIST by the a Lolen. t',nstdsrlog the fact that wtoi asst. sat sae reloN. lea euly a short time had been spent to preper. -Floral Depart Rocs, f;a 1,4i0ii0, 1o)u(::, 1'atwe, .ror• ul ., ..1l. , a t"" 1 Floral --dmtgw a ,peeialt. (Jgt-ot•town urttsi, ,.e Btu• prem, ter•tillattentive- CEO. STEWART & LOGAN Cress -Cut HAVE VOl HEARD til 111i;\1 preabed by the pastor from Rev . S. It was more t,mttioul•rly directed to those who were unlatch In churob *bip oo profession of !pitta After the ser- mon ermoo eighty.Sva mimosa were celled, chiefly adults and nearly all responded by rioter forward and receiving the right hand of fellowship l rem amputee and . 'ams !seder'. The Hernia Presbyterial Sooloty of the W. 1. M. '4 will bold It. I mottos to Korot church, Goderioh, on 1 asides, the 20th Inst. Tee morning .mlo, .111 oom. mouse •t 11 o aleck • afternoon .ses'on at 2 o clock, and ev.nlag s.selos at 7:45 What would be nicer than to make your wife or over Shoes .� Rubbers... If you have mother a present of a nice Anything you are needing in theme line can be best supplied by um Men's Overshoes in the latest shapes, with one. two or three buckled. Women's Overshoes at right prices. Men's, Women's and Children's Kubbersin all styles anti grades. See our Men's " Stub Proof " Rubbers, which are in such demand. It is economy to buy these goods -they are so durable. Call and see our Men's and Wouien's lines in Felt goods. Whether you want them for house or out -door wear we can tit you at the right price. any reliable to be done bring them here, and be up to date assured of a good job. Happy Thought Range ? CHAS. C. LEE Carries a full line of these useful, up-to-date' presents you are invited to daliauddeauuiuie thein._ e'oleot At the swamis seesioo the meet- ing will bs epee 44 twin men and wome0. when the greetings of the Prseby•ory will b.. onveyed t,) It.0 M -sets. id.1'.l1doLsoaan, .1 Kipper', sad J L Small, 8 A., of Aalborg. The address of the evening will be rpt ea br Kvv. Murdoch McKee/ e, who a home ea furlough from Henan. Cbine. and who pees ed through tome of the terrible Bowes re JANUARY LEAfl1AC ALES E. DOWNING, Next Wilsons Drug Store. Rll(l Al the ZS' •lar mesnng of the C.O.P., ►old Wt week, Tboe. Barrowe was *looted Iaisle se a delegate to the High users, whim la se meet at HamtlteaIn Jose. mall, Malted them. Th. it screen mon.. .ill he addressed by Yrs, (Rev) Jona Johnetee, of 1'sisley, presidia% of .he Brno, Presbyterial buct.ty. Go to the old reliable oyster house, P,otora Reateursat, West sweet, for fresh oyster', sold la bulk sod all styles, stows, fry* er rune. CaeteoUonesv, fruit, tobaa nae and wears. C. B1.acxrresl, proprietor Sr4 uL fiO ICs-tfaytee sold oat my bedsore: It to aeomeary that all th.se wits ars Indebted to ms sbould settle that. a000sots belor. the 1st of 1• ebruery, 1903 Alter that date all accounts ..malaise eat ...widish will 6, plwd la the beads of • solicitor fuer oell.otloa. The books will b. lett la the bands of Rite. Rattle htHooe at the old etaed. who I. satbat, el to give r.wlpw for all swages' paid. T. G. '1'u - uoo. The tire. weal m.s$1.g of me Deurbt.rs o1 the Fmprre will be meld In toe law librety as the apart beset en Mesdey aftor- etoa nest, the 19th test., at 4.30 ealeek. Owing ea the refusal of the Chutes C I- legtate laseltute board to release Mat Per- im Immediately, MIs, MoL.enee has re. turned te her prattles so the staff of the G. C 1 low ate proems month, •l the tad .f wh,oh It 1..xesetd thet the new teacher wall be ea band. kir. sed Yrs. Rana Correa, of Howell, Mich., whet sprat Cb ieueow with friend* bore, ed borne lest week, sad se their arrival totted their hese. oompastely Resided. rated by the freecinh sad bunts. g of the water pipes. 1 ben friends at Howell eta dleoeyerbd the mishap• week age yasday broke hate the house and did all they mold to ease the o.at..W, tint • grmt amt of damage had already bets dear. /Amt. 'emit ream Mics bees reatred by_lhs alsetrie 1Lrs lideldlra► mg ere being teetetned ebledy meed .be Neste, Tie .seals M already au tusbfe es ib power home la the drsaed Ice4 whteh 41e .tsgine W be carry, end this dtbeya lees time half of the where ban beets plasm' NOTICE TO Water Takers! All water rate" are now due for of 10 will be allowed ou all payments made this month. Parties owing for 1902 must be prepared for the water to be turned off-. W. 1. HORTON, January 6th, 1903. Collector 11903. A discount t'F LBk: FOLL°.c1WG LINIt' Odd Lots of Note Paper and Envelopes. I apA to ,,idem paper auo enrol- opes, c,entaiuing .-'U sheets anti :,o envelope., regular price 20c. .ale price lUc a box 21 boxes coutalniug 1 qr. paper embossed "(;oderich," with en .elopes to match, finest qual- ity. regular price _5c and JOc, Hale puce 1:'c and 2Uc a box. 4.4 boxer note paper and euvel ores to watcb, regular price 1 t,c sud 1 •'e, gloat mer at half price Odd loL good uuvelopee, clearing at half price 'kid lots black lsordered note paper awl t•o', lope*, clearing at half prier. TO THE Clearing WiNTER RESORTS oog , f CALIFORNIA FLORIDA MEXICO "CAROLINASS" 1111, hailing Nes tirlcan- ,ani the tenuous Hot r pnugs of Arkatt.as One way and rosiol try' Tourist llcket. aro 011 m a, daily, giving choice of route* and Am, (nor pre;Ocio/ et (1iucipol points EXCELLENT SERVICES. l'rutuld c nine -two>, (IAA omit luxurious- ly appointed parlor awl e'en -ping news Moats 'a la attic". terwal iia tMdituitR ro, aro not •wrpsnee'l 111 toe best TtckeLtt. lolfoin, and a'1 tulurwation OU ,q'.hrwlr 111, 1 Ageut,, l' F' LAWRENCE. Town Asante .1 `,TRA1TIM. ti alum Agent. t 1'. MtDONALU, IN.Utct Panoeugct Agent, Toronto. I.. copier, Boys Own Annual, this year's, publisher.' price ;12.00, clearing sale price,1.25. buys of the Empire and Chums, this veers, rubliahers' prioe :11.7:', clearing sale prig $1.00. Young Canada, publishers' price 1.2:,, sale price, 750. Phone 1100 is PORTER'S Book - Store "A Joy Forever" It was detuou,trutetl at thatreet lloikricli Town - :,hip sawing match of last Benson goat the ~ FRASER az LOGAN SAW was the swiftest cutting Saw known, end made fast friends with the large crowd of witnesses. McKENZIE Sr HOWELL HAVE THESE SAWS IN STOCK betides ' The Leader, " Buffalo Bill " Racer " and " Challenge. ' We hate had loch It run on Croe:,-Cut Saws thus far tins season that we have had to get a second shipment IN AXES WE LARRY THE BEST MAKES giving'u wide range to choose from You ean depend on getting a good tool froti, McKENZIE & HOWELL THE PLACE TO BUY ALL I(ARDWARg CHEAP. NAST AIDE apfJARE, - GODERICH. To the roti,ieut will be our Christmas remumbr.uce if you get one o 3Nf OtOs11f isteriene i1btl 11f i 1111111111 lnininini inistla4 4.41*1�11 Onlo1111bN11 1 I ra,amiwtla s.. ra I --J n r : t Al C BROS. nn e 3 3 3 3 s_ • \IOU will save money if you take advantage of our January sale bar - 3 i gains. They are money savers in the truest and best sense of the • word. We must get all stocks down to the lowest possible point before we wind up our financial year on the 31st of the month. To do this we • are offering special price inducements all over the store. This printed res Net wain. ./ •aliLT.a4y. Annual January Sale Thhr# Week s list gives hints only of the way we are selling the goods. There is many another bargain at the store that never gets into the paper. 3 3 3 -a i 3 b ay before, we will have them as cheap rain. You won't make any mistake if you will buy all you will want fol' six months tocome, while you tibuy them at a price like this. --. Those Cashmere Hose at 26c. We never sold cashmere hose as good as these for -'5c per pair. The way they are going up in price it will be many a lou 3 3 3 3 3 3 Ladies rihbetel caehteem hose, assorted ribs. seamless feet, made from tine soft yarns, goal weight, worth every pen fig of 350 and IGe s pair, for our Jan- uary sale our price is :5c 6 Qc Flannelettes 71c 3 Have you laid in a supply of 3 these flannelettes ' If not you had 3 better do it soon. You will he 3mune}'inireIret if` you1iuyall you are likely to want for months to 3 come. There is no doubt about that. 1000 yard' heavy pink flannelette, good 3 weight, soft finish, 2`t inches wide, 3 fast colon, regular wnolemle price 3 was 7,{c, our January elle price is... hie 3 1000 yards fancy flannelettes, •sorted 3 stripe' in pink, and dark greys, good .3 wolght, fall 311 lutes wide, meld ail over the land at lbs per yard. When they are Rene we will have. no more. Our January sale price per yard . , , 3 VIOLINS, ACCORDIONS, GUITARS, HARMONICAS, MANDOLINS, GRAMOPHONES. PIANOS AND ORGANS. See our "Dominion'' Pianos and Organs. See our "Wormwith" Pianos, See Our Godericn Organs. SHEET MUSIC AND MUSIC BOOKS. All the etsndard ao'l popular Mune in stuck or obtaiersi on ,borteet notice, SEWING MACHINES. We sell the "White," "New Williams," 'Standard' and 'Queen" All supplied with latest attechineets and guaranteed for tete yearn `skater obarpened in the most approved style C. W. THOMSON & SON Mfutic and Bicycle Dealers, OODERICH 3 3 3 3 3 Mantles for January. w 3 Not a mantle in the store but has bad a new price marked on it for Jan - .9 u:tl % We've had a big mantle season and now want every garment sold before 3 stuck taking is over. New and stylish garments at prices that will save you money. Come and see. 3 3 3 �14V1"1tfItTTTTT01vTTTTTTII'tTTTT1uTTTTT401Iffk,0001elk 7,10 Dori Undershirts, 26c. Here is a January bargain in undershirts for small boys. All we have left to be cleared, and 25e each the price to do it. Girls' Vesta, 260a We have too many of these vests in stock for the middle of January. Rather than take any chances of car- rying them over we cut the price like this for our .January sale. 35 girls' ribbed vest., medium stce', soft wool with lura enough eotton woven with it to keep them from shnnking, 11,14 cum of line. that sold at 30c, 35c, 10c, choice of lot now for26c 'W'ool Hose, 35c. If you have any stockings to buy for boys you shouldn't miss this chance. You save just 1 5 a pair. Heavy ribbed woollen and worsted bona, double heels, wear well, sizes 8i, 9, 91 °oly,regales50o, for January� Me21's 173110=17012- 171kriKOINL- We want to eleaan-out every dol- lar's worth of men's underwear this winter. Not a single, solitary gar- ment is to be carried over if prices will take it out, here is a sample .January price. 1U suits of men's underwear, odd_ lines of_ tieeoe lined that sold at 50e, 75c, 85c the garment, and plain all wool that sold at 50c, all at one price for our January sale and that price, each .. , 37ic Plaids, 25c. We have some plaids to sell E cheap this month. All are good E qualities. E Boys' fleece lined undershirts,ht ood weight 10(1 yams fancy plaid drew goods, suitable R R fot waists or children's dresses, quali- and quality, last ouev left of lina ties that will wear well, regular 35c, that sold at 35s to IOc, for our Jano IOc, some 50c, all at one prioe, per pry sale choice for ... .. 25e sans 25c 1 HODGENS BROS.