HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-1-15, Page 7SHORTAGE OF COAL CAUSES MUCII SUFFERING. Coal Strike Inquiry Continues Without Judge Gray. Hooslck Fall., N. Y , Jeal. 1L'. -The coal attention here ham reached a serious stage, and there Ir much suf- fering. The only way to het coal Is to rob care conoignetl to Now Eng- land points. Every night people equipped with bagn, harkets and bar- rels, board slowly moving frelghte and &supply themselves. One dealer gave out two tons of buckwheat coal hold for her personal are, IN•laluse of absolute necessity, unit Ir burning wood in his beater. The Strike enquiry. Philadelphia, Jan. 12. -Brig. lien. :Wilson pgalrl presided at to -day.. ✓ esslonr of the aothracllo coal strike commission. ('h•ttrman Gray it rtlll confined to hie home by illuerr. Abel Culver, controller of. the Doll- nw•are and Hutton' (luppany, who anti on the stand when the commis sent adjourned on natutday, was ngaln Called. lie said the nagootate- ments handed In on Saturday Are flu - al, and that the miner.: represents-. (ver have agreed that they are a fair presentation of Rhe 'case. lien. Wltyon Laid he hoped the re- presentatives of other companies' will be able to arrive at some under- .latidiug with the miners lu the pre- reulatlou of statements as the Del- aware & Hudson Oaltlpatly had done. Mr. Culver was cross-examined by C.' $. Darrow 19r the mlhore. Mr. Darrow aRkwl the witne+Nl If the company robed the price of coal .10 cents after the strike, foal he ropiest that It had, and s) far as In. kn'•w-, the price 1. still maintained. la ausw•m1 to other questions Mr. eenteei• mid that the company wait rediae; ooai nt tidewater at $S n (ou for prepen.l Niro Tho com- pany sella to middlemen. lissome Anderson, of Scranton, n clerk In the veal department of the Delaware & If 1P10011 Company, WHO the next witness. He submitted a ..tatenwnt 1411(4)4 Iii that 2.8S'J of the 13,23$ employe/el have been in the •ulploy of the company from 10 to tt0 yes11•N. 114 told of the working of tlw relict floal and maid that *ince her1 the Nl tr tt miner's had lost 110 lave at _e different collieries, thus re hieing the prohu•tton of coal by the company 92,561 tons. A FATAL FIRE. Watertbrd, N.11., Se- verely Soorched Lew Night. 111. John, N. it, Jan. 12. -William Friary, of Point Duchene, aged 20, was burual to death, his doter-lu- law, Mire J. D. friars, and her mister were 'severely Injured, and $7,11110 property lose war occasioned In a big tiro In the preruleer of .1. 1). Friars, at Waterford, Khig'r County, Intended to Shoot the Grand late last night, J. 1). Frlarr' 01104401 and butter factory, store, dwelling. cuW-storage warehouse and leu- Chamberlain. tweed' were destroyed. It le thought the fire rtartel from an extra atovo which had leen put in the store -" 'during the cold weather. The Friars' building had between $3.410 -QUEEN PULLED SON BACK. and $4,000 lemurateee. LUNATIC'S SNOT NOT FOR ALFOiSO WOMAN LIVES DOUBLE LIFE. Rho Ir 011P Man'. W'IA, by Day and by Night Another's. New York. Jail. 12-Testimuuy to prove a woman'' double life panned In two communities, In one of wheel 1,114 was known as the wife of is prom - {Jerome Insurance agent: In the other um the wife of n wealthy and highly respected florist, was produced In the divorce cult of McConnell vs. McConnell. According to tbo complaint of Al- exander M.:Connell. a New York (tur- bot, whose clientele includes many Fi.tli 14(1411(10 residents, his wife, Ma- bel, who hag for several years pre - 141.10.1 over his hone and e•u)oyed the protection of his 1011110. )a/f. during the mime time, regnnled as the law- ful wife of W. I. Payne, a New York insurance broker. She was Mr.. Payne by day and .Mrs. McConnell by night. SHERIFF SHOT DOWN B1 MAN --=ARRESTED. Street Railway Men Strike to Force Certain Claims. Birmingham, Ala., Jan. 12.-\ EP -like two n••groe.. They probately.will port reached here yeoterday' mf Cha 11.. I; nell..1 if caught. neenpslnatIon or *Remr.ff 040144', ut WPM lidos Ra'eogulzrd" Bibb county, nt Ilrierfiei•l, late rant- Waterbury., ('oaf„ Jan. ,12.-(11 Holey bight. iters.' nail Ate • of Ile I110.1111 OU the lines of the l'ou: .lepulleN had arn•stP I two ur;;rlr r n.ec(rul l:allwny told Liftbturg l'1b, nt that place tte'l were t,lki't i in tie+ 0-4), (ens still tied up to- . 411"5", o - 'Clem tat tlw.k.j.rt. t,.ft.sinl-a truer,e4d-miry-th•--setorkie*A-mrnarmt•n-nint for ('enters11.' Dar,1.1 tit• negru.N, eotelector,., %let quit °n .‘unday who was Walking. *Ids a 111. P11.1- i morning to enterwp a 4 10 for .lenly drew a !d of and .hal the reco4nttIo.t of the.r union. rein- siterlff. 11e .1ie almost eistee41.. 1 ettnlpulent of sevj'r l dlschnrK• d Roth prisoner enenl•P.t. :Pnrehini; `men, and an itcrenee In pit). parties are ouriug the woods in i The 11 11103 111011 placed pickets • every 41IrP• ion. .1 rPle)rt from l about tit barn. awl power house, Brlerfleld t lank teghti Nays a The men have aunt 3 ucleck Chir moi has- forme.t sad io-eha*h.C- aft,-, ani.,, tse return to work. CROWN PRINCESS PAWED ? Spanish Authorities- are Tracing Feito's Antecedents, New York. ,Jen 1_. -Thr most l'.0- 1lagee It' the royal proceeslnu,ln which Id sensntional reports are now cur- the Duke of 14utomayer, the Grand rent in the Saxon capital. may' n Chamberlain, wetssupposedto be riling, which ceusc.1 the circulation Herald despatch from Dresden, re- of reporte th•tt an attempt had givolingihe llh.eess feral.., .,nit the 1.....,,,..l. on the life of King Al - query, "Is the pXinceet under llyp .-Ionia' Is ohown, by lettere found up- on him, to byre n wife and two chit-- Arms living ie Buenos Ayres, Ar- al In profesalonal nal journalietfe, , entire,. Tie. Sptnlsh Government circles. The Dreelen Zeitung prints his tee graphed there for informa- a statement to the effect that M. tlelt aeg,trlttng Feito'e antecedents. florin exerted nn Influence upon the The pollee nee ',•arching for an an. crown print:sow pretest named I'Iercontl, who NAN 'Madrid. Jan.- 12.-Felto, thr nuanm recently expelled from Argentina. maniac, who on Saturday afternoon tit,I went to Barcelona, where all fired a shot 10.1111 it pistol at a enr- tram, of him was lost. SCORE ONE F04 BULL, BANIiERILLO THE VICTIM. A Little Diversion No rogrammed at Mexican Bullfight. 01 law), T; (, ,tan. 13.-FrnnNr inti him nu 1 jtuumcd 'Will ng-tinnt the l(4tillern. :• native of alndri,1 nal n 114141 I1 fence of the nrenn. M:tlllern, ,'einng the pre.Ilenment of law ront- flmous harelerile4 nl nu, ,fn:tr12 I minion. attempted to distract the plata del taro, wn•, fatally injure, . .4 1 nutmeat" MO til,..n. Thr heti Inrited le hill -tight this nfle•rnoon in the , eine. tee now tome -mop and With a DbturberArrested Declare•. That Ile Meant to K111 the Duke or sestonl- ayor- Nor He is Not wo Anarchist -Shot ('al med- a *resat km. Madrid ':'port : Ar King Alfonso and (,Queen (31iesthuta uuJ the court were roti ri1ug from church on Sat- urday ultcle/ion a roan, W110 after- wnrde gave Isle name an 1•'etw, fired a pistol at ono of the cur:nacos In 111e royal la-oocsawu, The bu.let went wlhy uad no 0110 was 10jared. Tao King heard the dot and put his lead out 0. (1.0 e..rrlagit w,uuuw, nut he our iwwedtate.y Oregg.•u beck into eel re,o. 4)7 leo leaved auutllcr, wee nue sea 1tekWeluta lltiueear eTagd, The eco of Cavi. gw.rda Im.ueelutee 4y threw t fa -elver upod tee would- e sia Sn OY loWe m. -- vrarw d t11 wee tukea to the Uo•tee eta - CUM, Alms lin s.,td he aid not derlre to kill the Ktt:g, but tho Grand ennui- , ttau Luse 01 Sutumeyur, at wnose carriage he had Mined. tie War searched and in hie Iexketr were /• .ouuu ui.n cried letters w.erkod "relle*-_ Weil -groomed Animals tered,' and addreeesed to l'rerWeut p ltuo:event, Bing Edward, the Emperor Consumed at Banquet --- (• t:et'm.uly and the, i'rwWent 01 the Illgh Court of Judice of Mexlco,.und also receipts for n uumuer of reges- tered letters and u vlsaing card of aha Mayer of Madrid. Nut lar IDs Kong. Felto WW1 later pat under etamin- et10u by a uuglrtrete, to whom Ile repe4te41 his su►temeut as to the °b- iota a 111s clouting. leo ilrlrted that .111 was slot. Iltt .111arcisiet, ur111 144:(1 .haat 1111 Nile, a Fee..ea woman. had condemn! h.m lu a Mini. asylum. Tee ,,rb,'oatr, L1 making tele etutemebt, dtL 1104 0441 AP excite,, blat there are t.dlielatlone that he it luaane, .il.detr'r-o the interior - bits- graplel to the prefl.ote In the 1 view %that the attempt wa4 d,reeted gnu.et the Grand ('unmix la n and not ug,linst the King. Het grants. Merry-. A p,loe sergeant, who was the first .0 r.lze k'041o, makes the fol-owlug etatcmeut ; , "Alter the Ktng'r cerr;age hail palsied. Felt°, who war *Attesting in .rout of m•', ruled a vette 111111 tired at the second carriage in the pruea•r- +don. 13e•ietro he cot..d'fire n aeeulel -line, I struck him eel!' Iny sword. .le cried, 'sou wish to kid me, but 1 meek the life of the Duke of Soto- mlace, 14110 1w -the cause of nit my ,suubtes-' The Luke of Iiutom tynr However, war not lu the recoil,! car- ri.age, tt bring uccnpied by the Mitre eine de la :Vilna, the court grand equerry, nett two palace officials." 1t 1r the curium of the epaulet. court CO attend divine &service every aaturdny at the ('hunch of Atoeha. This church. however. is now bt•Iug rrhuk't. Chao the King gots to 1110. Church W the- linen ?owes). on tite.s' occaalors the court proceeds In /data•, precedes' and followol by detach- menta of the !loyal Body' Ottani, and necomp.anled by c•Irr:agell containing the court dlgaiturles and grnndoes of Span. Oration lbr King. After the eh/toting. the INeople ga- thered along the route from the church to- 1110 palace, giving the King nn ovation as the royal car- riage proceeded slowly toward. the royal residence. The prefect of Madrid 44110 Wan in the Ittet carrkag•'• left the proceo*lon and gave orders lor Frito to be taken to the pollee sta- tion. Felt° 1e.34 years of age. and teas born at l'osatdar, in the l'ro- vince of Oviedo. He returned to epnin from Mexico Inst June. ile wets &slightly' cut in the howl by the police aergennt'o /sword. llueetionell an to what reasons he heal for wiehing to kill the (:rand Chnmttx'rinln, the prlNoner maid the (hike of etotomayor had offered him a position nt the palace, tilt hn.l fail- ed to -fulfil hie promise. Frim Not an Anarchist. Mndrid, Jen. 11.-Felto, the man wilts final n pistol at the carriage in the royal procesdon, in which the 'hike of Notomnyor: the (:rand Cham- berlain, was ruppor0.1 to be riding, red hi OIIIOI PI IIES` SIDS. The Delaware aid Hudson Ry Cc. Gives Evidence. WAGES AND HOURS OF LABOR Philadelphia, Jan. 1:1. -Thu repre- t1 /auti- sm* °1 the Delaware d sou Couquhy, the Hirst coal company to present Or ride of the coulee) retry with the anthracite mete b,rto,I W°rkeN to the strike comm , occupied both oerslour 011 Saturday. of the coultalrslon. Three persona :gi- p/meet' beton. the /arbitrators 011 be- trsif of the vompatty. They were James H. Torrey, 01 Scranton, the compaaly'r t procllsn/ counsel, Char. C. Rose, of Scranton, Superintendent of the mining department of the company, aim Abel I. Culver, of New York. eoulptroller of the company. When Mr. Culver took the wit- ness stand he first presented copies of the µay rolls of the company. One of the wage stat.mente furuisued to the commierlon miaowed the percen- tage ut mon receiving certain Nage.'. The statement allowed that 6 per rant. of the company's men were re- ceiving over •1,e») a year, 3 per cent. .)(K) to $t,OW, 6 per cent. 0},00 l0 pal►fl,_&-per cent. 1/00 to $1100. 13 per ekut. $600 to $1110, 12 per cent. to 5600, 10 per cent. 8100 to $500, U per cent. $300 to $100, L per cont. 5200 to 5300. and 23 poi• cont. received under 5200. The cunlmtesou requested the informa- tion In thin form. and it WI4N fern - imbed, bat air. Culver proteet4d It was snot fair unless it Ntatoment a0- twmp.tnie,l It showing how many days the men worked. For instance, those who earned under 5200 a year worked on an average estimate at about half the month during the entire year. In addition to the wage 'date - mentos Mr. Culver presented n mass of other etntlstles showing the num- ber of houeer the company owned, end the rents received, and show - tug the dockage for the year, which amounted) to .11.10 per cent. lir. Cul- ver disputed the accuracy of Mr. Mitchell's statement of wages pal.: to anthracite mine worker., and thoNe peed to the Name claim of workmen In the soft eonlfielda. This etntement was handed to the com- missien at Scranton, and showed the bituminoue 'nen received more pay than the anthracite workers. The whtueos 4111 for company le making it determined effort to lessen child labor. and that the 20 per cent. re - Mellon In hour. of labor each day, without a decrease In wage., 1e tan- tamount to a 25 per cent. Increase in wages. Ti1Ia concluded Mr. CNal-, ver'* examination, and Mr. Terry then read the taws of several Statex rm tin question of child Inhor. Ile wild the emit compantes would glad- ly Join with anyone In haring laws enacted forbidding the employment of children In and about anthracite or *oft coal mine. ender the age of slvtern years. WINDSOR WOMAN'S DEATH 4Liberals Won Three By -Elections Meir. Witham 1k•lw,m Palle 'With a by Good Majorities. suit 13,- Jrr, Belp Windsor, Jau. lite w Mr. 1(11.4410 e.0.ww, u we. kuowa tt•1Jout of tine city, 4.luet meta whist' dertu.ndiug the cellar Is at her home on Wind/ter nce- nue, &slipped Awl fell, ecutto g coal oil all ot)r her ulothing 1 the larule she Witte carrying. With her Meer ablow 'lie uefurtunate we - wan managed to 0(ml, the steep stair' auto the dining -room. 'tad ru'hed past the table, the cloth of it cutohaug fire. lu her excitement end wile with paln, eine threw ner1elf 111to a cane -bottom. chair, and the bottom war burned out of it. Coe. Gauntly &creanitng. she managed to get into the parlor, where lobe fell un the floor. All of tier look piece In a few et condo to rapidly that, - Dy the time Iter daughter, Will Muy lie 1.601111. who was ou the second floor, could reach her mother her injurieq were such that clferts toward 6/10. lug ler life were seen to be ueele.s• Two mem on the /street also sward the nemeeta'4 aCreumr mei ruched w, but Mrs. Iielsom was dying when they nrthed. (ler roue and !mud' were burned black, awl the carpet where oche fell was destroyed. Another heartrending feature of the neeila'ut Wap the fact that 1:•'r htusband, who W chief engineer esu the Oruud Trunk Itnl:way transfer, I.araaudowne, was on board that boat, which wee stuck 1n the toe on the river, and not until (her morning '111 the terrible nPws reach him. M.. Belmont is a menttwr of the Llceu..e Board and a retiring member of the oche.' Board. Besl.le- the. hurhenil t e Mrs. Iso leitosse A one dn4r„I t r M Ile w son; t\'ttimm Beleom, Jrm, THEY 111MEI $N NOOSE HAVE, FIVE SEATS TO GOOD Illi i'AI(TV STANDING. _ Liberals.. t'oluewnal I(t•N Liberal a ngl.,rity f;-sianl--Noires i teirrt•w THE BY-1:LleC'IYONS.-- North Grey -A. G. Mackay ILibrrah, majority, 209. North Perth --John Drown ll.tle•ral•, majority. 421. North Norfolk .1. 31. little IWberali, majority, 55. 51 ONTARIO MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS: RESULTS OF THE STRUGGLE. Men Chosen by Our Ne'ghbors to Manage Their Affairs. Mayors. Y BETTER EAIEN THAN ABUSED Bei lin. J011.f::s.--a;xly well-groomed horse., 4411131 uad .cancel tar weeks on clover' and eater, provide.( the e banquet, menu at n reuuarkabl b 1 att,gtae.l by 1:01 gueett, that Willi given to -right be• the Berlin Sud- ety for the I'retcnt►en of Cruelty to 4.111 11k1 TIP! menu • comprls...1 horse 1a1ne soup, pickled horse tt.n,;u'11-11.1ut 111 mare 1q 11:oleir4 ter The 144000, nu:l roast, Iez or filly. TOP ate-do:tbte fru- to shakable rebel'. Member,' of the lte•ett.aag_ aldermen eel--r p:ewtt- tattve* of art and literature were nntont; the (company. The purpose of the banquet wait by way 0. cotavinc.n,t the diners Of ,the pet/stableness sol wholes ume- nese of horseflesh, to Induce horse- owu r. to- save - their old horse=s .roan mime ttleir year. in III -use.( drudgery', by feeding them 4111,14.1' healthful condition. until they are fit for the table. 0.41• o: the ip.cakern eni.1 tint 80.- 000 homes hail been butchered and eaten in Berle' in 1902. and he _hoped tlutt the numbervt_ou1.1 dickey he ten times ass many. tlnrPrr SNOW--S-TOR W urn tr ifio qt' clhnll p. bull-tight n of 5,000 sprctnN,re: TkP ^ - eve the previous report,' crowd was largely cum )s d of °1"O ''g"lust the fence. Ih•fnre the I :Ports that he 1. g p 'there could 1e. of tiny nmeistnncer to Tralllc Motels Interfered With In ee,tnr suffering from monomania. A careful Alfrrteatir,-ttnr}ymtny ihesr 41191A,-4 hale -fighter, the Places. tngnlry has mhnwn that he ie not -n-ttendeel 1 fared 11JmoieverelV ln the side ,f N. pg. - 1B. -__connected with Anarchism. ' --' dn,v's hoary snowstorm 4471;77,7- 41(11 i.'I A here -by rail tI bomb, which watt *eat TPA night and to -day 11-y n h reby rail In a box from Ilereololm, ArnprInr ., - J. llarvey llrneebrldgo J. D- " ler llroekvllie ,»... J.'llwrriscla liolle(1de . • R. J. liralmm Brautlord »«.. „,....,,... M. K. llaleiraui Berlin .„,,. J. 11. Eden McKeown Clinttall ... - Jackson Couourg H, Floyd 13, C, Algnire W. A, Iwgg. Ur. Newtun W IitiIow N. McIntyre 1)r. J. O'Brien , C. McLean J. A- C. Grant O. H. Hamilton H. Caul 1:, N. Lew1• W. J.Morden Hart • -Ilett J. Ituttel 8. L. Mckny l.0 don . .. , .. - .... Becket . Ada p Becket Listowel „ F. W. Hay Lindsay .,.,.. ,,,F,,.„.„:„•_4,_11,_ Soother(' Loosmington L. Wigle Mount Forest ,„... ',T. A. Halstead Mitchell ,..... . H. Campbell Bornwalt ...,., Colllugwood Deeeronto „..., Dunnville , ... Durham »_.. Eeeex Forest (iruvenliurst Guelph O alt tlnnanolue iloderlch llamtllo:i « Itu.stIvilie Kingston Kli c.i rdlne Kingn•111e • -Mentors] ..«..:. :, ... J. D. Hammt1 N•4yau._e - .1 y Aruunlau Norte B.7 .. . W. McKenzie. Niagara Falls ..........:..s-. 1i. Hauaa •..ser Otargrville - -- - ::♦.:.' Marshall Ottawa J. Cook Orha44a „.... e.,,. „,... F. F. Fowko Ordlls ,.. J. McCo.h Parts D. Brown Poterboro ...,. G. M. Rogers Perth _-. .„„. „....... J. A. Stewart Prescott „„ _ . W. Step enema Parry Sound A. Johnson l'enetangulrb€ne G. C. Copeland Pluton ,... e W. Boulter l'emuroke .».. 0. Do Lahey Renfrew ...,, ..., ,,, W. E. Smallfleld Strathroy .., J. Robertson Sarnia .'' Thomas H. Cook St. Themes Stratford „,.., Hit. Mary'. _., $pzitll's Fa1•1 ...... C. Maxwell W. Hepburn F. E. Butcher G. k'. McK►ntlon klault tate, Marie ,,. W. . Pitt/loner 41{ , C tthartnes W. 1 Burgoyne { Funnel' Trenton .._.. r ... J. I t' 1 Tilstfnburg G. Brasker Toronto Thos. Urquhart - Toronto Junction J. R. Chisholm Uxbridge ... T. C. Nicholls Woodstock John White 1Vtndpx R'. Denko Waterloo .„,. D. Bean Walkerton „.,, S, W. Vomit' VV allaceburg T. B. Dundee 4 es'••17TV•!!gV• IN•7e"s Z NEWS IN BRIEF RE -VIM OF ALEXANDRA CURL F,,hinn or Quern's Oirlisesod Again Coming Into Voetie.- • L'lndon, Jan. 13.-lt Is l.uticenble at 140ti"* that u 110:4' ur rather u 1 rill) fashion in hah-4lrrering 4r spree/ Ing - This Is lee Alexandra Curl, wh1011 to l artier pertralts of the (Ogren, when mho war 1pe 1'rinrc.a of Wale's, Is wren grncefuhy falling over the ehotlIders. It x-.411 introduced ln.n1ed4- ntely after her marriage to the 1's ince. It wt's copied b: all the - ladle"; of the court and remains -I poplar until Its royal origiutttur charged leo metre's.. The Alexandra ringlet was sucge:et- ed again in n ltitiuting by- Ellis Rob - (Its of the Couutc.N of ('hesterfl^I.1, whirl), after nl.pr•nring In the '•414e)k of Beauty," wise adopted In conjures - tion WItl, the early Victorian robes at the coronation of King Edward, ootn1.13 by, the Countess of Warwick, e Dudley, e the ('rntnte sof Du ter, ,lir ('uuul a,' of Ensue, the Ccentei:e of Mar and Kellte.• RAs \J s 1t>••eV /1J tit• t.2 . CANADIAN -Thee( nettic. LLgtu station at Tweet( _ was burned. The city of Tofonto has resumed the sale-of-voai.-- ---- - - J,airlry's 'lute!. at Iltterton. was destroy el' by tire. Loss, $3,50J. .\ new Separate School has been opened on Clo.e avenue, Toronto. lion, E. J. Devic has dented the ru- mor that he has resigned. Tan R. Costlgau, K. C., a son of . .d teniamol'IMIiii.e•es• an DEMENTED WOMAN FROZEN. Body /'fund in a Snow Iltulk ,After a 1 tYeY. _ Bchulectad . N. Y., Jan- 13.-Mrn. Serail Merritt. a young woman who had 1.0en missing for n week, ons found in as snow lank at %Yest Chari- ton Saturday afternoon. 1.h0 had been lying in the snow .Ince Tnrsday and Wan 410 badly frozen that mile we -boar ane( -#-1,a 4-.A(ter tie- leg1R confirm- F1.n.' . lie was_ FaunJ Tcii-hln a. few fret of n farm Winne and had been twice men by two men, who del not tell of their discovery. Mrs. 3lerritt Was 20 years of age, nnThnd WOW- Aep.i'atztTi`om --iter husband, who le 56, and the unhappy marriage preyed on her mind until it le believed *he became demented. There Is no evidence of fool ploy. panted their- Jauslaatttl t an' to this city to ntten;l the rnrnl4nl which opens to -morrow. The first two bulls weer spiritless .'reeturee and not enongil excitor). nl rteulteel to mime: the trouble of creasing the river. Il.)t when the rotes were grned for the third en- counter it Wns sewn that the 1411104(11 elected for slaughter one n very fierce Somata; tree buil. Matleern thigh. - ImO.lerillolt the -,r mneintn•el -tn- retrur• trim. 11e was enrrled mut nml the k t Ing of the lull prucecdea w'1111 - out farther Ineilen,- R'hrn II:ttiliern wits examined In n nenrl!y drug chore it WAN found that both of his legs were broken and that n number of bh,oe Vesesee In me tl.lghs were ruptured. He w'Rq re- moved to the Mexican hoipitnl, nn1 to -night it wag reported (lint he %fN Mel driving wand, pausing delfts which Wive delayed northbound trains. Buffalo, Jae. 12.-.( snowstorm witch began early \yesterday morn- ing, e0111.111111.1 throughout last night, 'reel to -tiny le *wept by a brisk w-csterly w -Ind, the snow in drifting Melly: Over n teed loam fall - 0n on the level. Ali mall trains are rp and his cone -mho peren..l the 11.11111 dying. Alntileorn 111 x'011 known 111 o,orted from two lm Chemo tears - -taet4es of their craft vont 4.er-w ..sial 1phstve- = .-,,4. - -and - logit taek•,' - Jynl eat Zan$-- Toa 1 a-- =troth' of five minutes thc,y worried- 1e nn : port In wore,' of encounter. vette l _ome 1,460_4Pela cif the 500a4 -41a_ rent. Suddenly the hull lurnol on one fierce belle both In this country- aria 5001' Nnoveturm of the *0as:rn yes - of the other men who were lnrment- 14p1In, trolley came the coldest night of the winter In the city. The. morn - 14„ has been found at the retiree(' eta - tion. All attempts to find the eon- Nlgnee of the box have been fruit - hoe. The bomb rnachpd here the day before the funernl of Senor Ha - pieta, and le supposed) to have been for use during the pnes ter of the funeral cortege. HAZERS BREAK CADET'S JAW THERi;SE RESPONSIBLE. Mdnrc, 1luntbei•( (,aced •d try the .111,14.• of Innen et inn Palls, .inn to -Thereto. Itemiser( .-- f1 IRt!!f,•_h'61`i N`sn1,Stb ryurstinn- - ins twine rawest -rte.' ity M 1,•-' ,. Judge of Instruction. :time. Humbert trttvermel the (tartyard of Ow primon to the nudes -ground paesa a leading sins+,- - - Ymaasaer al Annapolis Forced lu'o a Flo Night. Atltnpoliv, 31'1.. .Inn. 1:I.-.1fter the prnctti•n1 extinction of hazing nt 16.1.1 .sits • 1 a 10irons+: crimen ut•i.7ilirl;s American Window Glass Com- pany Withdraws its Offer LABOR SAW ALLEGED PLO1 Pittsburg, 1'a . Jan. 12. -There was little wtrprl(ee expr.ee :I In labor eine) -q to -Ino .»•Pr Ih^ es Imre n' th profit sharing proposition between the American W1n.ksw Glnew Comppoy&, nrsl the members of the Winslow (11 14'ork A porint,mt_ Wo. teen eon- a(elerni It n deal on the part of the Mr. linens had no control over theme Amerman Window Glass Anna:lotion men. and the monopoly that OP Ain whereby tl would secure the entire Prime Window Chars& Company hail whitlow glass trade of the country. hopna for fell through. The Amerlrnn Pio company made the propn•1410n Window ((lass ('ontpnny six months 1n 114111. 10 1h.• amen (lint it wont l AMifo1nnnrnl lint theywnitIl vlth• Idea them noon shares of mommas draw their proponel to the men. lint dock -witch to -111 '. had 0 inn'1 the antloa was not officially token vein,. of $290 (;0) taro elf. I :onion untilesteMs' 'term, President or ihr Windnw ulnas Mr. Isrn. sa141 yneteeter that the Worker., wnnl•I gee renter to 01:10 mi'n had had an opportunity to make the ferneries of th- eotnpnny tliron h Ncnrtethl4A anti Mod felled to itorept tart the year, If the rnmpnny o' de- It. aired. Thea would 114(111 the re, alar /awe A. f'hnmherl* President of inimmer .hat down, which Is always the Window fila.,' fbmpOny. 4001111 customary, and would have allowed only My: "81 Burns" competitors which the latter roull :O .t overcome. Mr: Borne agreed to the proposl- lion, the stock Wan snhsrrilied for by ihr min. end In I!N)l Mr. Burns WAR elected to the directorate of the glass company. Internal strife :trove anions the workers. Barns bun -1 tint he ('1111 tint envoy ant his promises, for the men oltJcctel to working when they did not care to do w. \ Prot came in the ranks of the glass workers, an,t they were d14-1,1- .1 Into two Mellows, one of which. known en the Denny Mellon, tinnily withdrawing from flu• parent 1+„ly anal starting nn orgnnlzntign of Ile own, f 84.10 o UP' river, noel are employed in this city, .lit( not get to their work until nearly nom. The meow of yesterday froze into the Ice in the ricer and packed it Onto nn Mimed Impenetrable 1111110 and de - In) e.l traffie. Fonds, N. 1'., .fan. 12.-A terrific i liteiri raged In the Mohawk Val- ley y.Ntrrday and lank night. The New York Centre! Itailrreaek.ls badly handicapped. The section crews wore working all night. lLchael Smith, of Forela, foreman of the 'lettere gang at Jobe.%Ole, was kf110.l to -lay. fit getting (nut or lite w•ne of n westMnmd train he Olep- psi in front of the Pacific express, wept hound. Cleveland. 0., Jnn. 12. -Four dr• grrss below s on, the lowest temp0rn- tnre M the winter, wns recorded hese to -dee. At other points In Northern Oein, the trineor.ttnre fall to 8 h tow. U1rlrg thr night the wind reached n vet city of 14 mile,' nn hoar. The Ptperlment of an eight-hour work dry has proved en satisfactory mitt thr nnvnl dockyard,' at Toulon and L'Orlent that M. Pelletan, hhn MI•dater of Marine, has ek'elded to ex- tend the gtitle1 to all the navel ne- mesia 00 Jas. 15. O.tie hlterrt)gJtt lir • gr.the f r,t at Calgary. By tiro ufllciel returnee .old. l'omu- hrrt'splurality over Mayor (lowland. of Toronto, is gorier at 767. 3irltcon) _denier with cmJllasis a current story (list he had becukne en - g : ged to Mit Mct.fltvray, of epee y. keep. m .y be taken to attack the election 01 11:e Labor aldermen 01 Rt. C:ttlwrilion on tee ground that they arc not properly qualified.. TIie Beek o. M.entreal has decided Ott Itte 0»14ee its capital stock to $ 14,000,000. Th., argument of the'appenl in the Lennox ete.•tlon case wait not eon- ...lute! on-clulei at wijoornment. The new l'tin.vpal o. l'pp:r Canada seelege, Mr. 11. W. Au.lch, will sail .0r Canada on February 5th. lion. (Jearge E, foster wt'/ 0o1111 - tutted for (110 ('omulons by the Co11- .e4'VaklVPe of , North- 044ter.o. Ile accepted. Th; thirty -lo=th annual convention of the 1Artern Ontario lhury-men'e t,'sohttion op.nel nt Ottawa, with Mr, D. Derbystnre, l'rcw.dc'ut, in the halt, About 443 comber,/ of the Dominion 314:hodt&t Church, Ottawa. inter vi •4-5c 1 'ley. De. .:nee 181111 protrsu d ,.gulu,t their !*45101- w.arlig a eke - .c,.1 gown- . • lrsey .-LT-Alt.e s t •o--stiege 144 141 n eve hoard 01 Educationfor Toronto would be mem up of ten or twelve mrmuors. tee m,tj;trity elected by the whole elite, and Uto 0th/Ze i4ppolUted ivy tie anted Texllce. - T..e-genesn-atemet o ween ion of the Palle neer a Asso.latien of Eastern tlutnrlo beset' at the Normal 4.hool, 'flume. yesterday. the President, Mr. D. Derbyalere, in the chair. There .ens ,nn attrnlnm•e of abort 150 Ielegatee. At n nN mine of the ('nbinet at Ot- tawa the character of the repre- mm(ations to to risede'to the Brit - too ernment rit- tiooerhment on account of the Al a el reint.0a of the elude quer- entitle iregnintaitiein favor of *swirls .mom totted ritote t ports wan obi - 111.611,1 11 v. Dr. Gordon ha,' born confined to him houee et Halifax for a week Ing the past twelve months of 60 per cent. Major Glenn, Soh United States In- tnnlrv. tr •.n triol at Melilla. ?hera- ld with catering the murder of pri- soners of war. Gloucester (Mass.) fishermen re protesting against the ratification of the United States treaty with Newfoundland. At Keystone. Nevada, the manager 11f a copper.. mine_ shot and killed three and wounded three °therm; of twelve men who attacked him. in an address at Washington, Mr. Carnegie raid he had on hand 800 new applications for free librsriee, and would likely grant them all. The Ruseign steamer Baron Delo- g en has arrived at New Orleans of balms - vesting machinery for the Blacken. S . The. town of Webster, a summer resort five miles above Cassels, in Platt Canon. Col., ham been des- troyed by fire caused by a spark from a passing locomotive. The Crown Princess of Saxony and M. Giron, ber lover, have temporar- ily separated by the advice of law- yer'', ponding the trial of the divorce omit at Dresden. M. Giron has gone to Lausanne(, The majority of Lord rlalmeny, eld- Fel son of Lord Itosebery, was cele- brated hast night, by a ball at Edin- burgh, which ur1,1 . wl c was attended by 4W repreeentutivee of the county taml- liee'of Midlothian. They feetivltles will be continued until the close of the week on Lord Itosebery's Scotch estate, where there is a large house party. TAKE NO NOTE OF TIME. Look e.k nt the ('lock" IP Mr h Edison's Ad( lee to Young Men. Probably no man In the public eye Is as Jealous of his time ns is Thomas A. Edison: -the 'wizard of 3leuio- P+lrk." iCela eatplul-te-slo -to • p,.eible nee of every moment of his own time, lie expects ids employ- ee*. to be equally careful, (east a single _ minute tltltt -might yield -an ln4pertrole invention, .luontd -tip -by. ,\ year or two ago an old friend, otiose .0Th wax Teat aiariTng oTTl life, called upon Mr. Ellison and pre- *ented 11IN *0111. "My boy," meld the friend, " is about to Ntart on Iris Mosinee,/Mosinee,/car- eer. Now, I would like yon to give him a few words of advice and a motto which he can adopt In him work," Mr. Edison vent' very busy at the time with half a dozen engage• meals pressing. but, looking up at ritethe big Heil or IFF -TITh the lab- oratory and shaking theoung man's hand warmily,T1e said inti a smile that I..pecullarly his own: "Young man, the best a(1Nee Icon club at II . antho tire. apparent y there ba/ been a PPrlou. cane. .\ /trim in(P.n- thntlov le going on. Thd victim of the affair Is thought to I., M:dmhipman Itobcrt 11. I'enr- Po:t, a men'','er or the fourth clan., who 1s In the Naval Aca.Mnty Hae pital ureter treatment for n broken Jaw. It in further understood that the Injury wee receival In a fight with an upper eines man. Charges have not been laid ngnln.t anyone yet, but 1t Is almost pertain (hat there will 1,0 Inner offiela' notices. Mdshlpmnn 1'e0rl•o11 Is from Con - eon', X i1 It is tm.lrral'no I that he was, enr1Jeet to rontinnnns "run- ning." which meow, hating (n n II :ht form, aryl that rather than sub- mit to It he agreed to a flat fight. Flied for Kerpe. "What 1. It, sir?" inquired the merhanl(, whom Mr. ilnuskeep heel billed in roaming. i went you to fix my dnnghtPr'1 plena In ihr parlor here," said Mr. Ilsoek.ep. "lett thnt'a riot my line. I'm not a Phan tuner, Mot a earpenter." kpow 1t. I Jost want yon to nall the 1M down over the key- board."-Pblladetpbla Prmw. 1 In behalf of the nccuee•,l. Mmo. ilum- bert was well prepared to go through with the ordeal, nN she worked half of Inst night nrranging nnawero to 14110h q°0.tlon. tie *he thought she Would likely be naked. it is ri•porleel that to M. Ley hem queptIoas,Pile re- plied with much nrrogance nntl cnn- fldence ; *he eittegorlral:y refnge.l, however, to weever to a dnglo sloe,'- ' 1 n r• gardlag lh • ('rant r Is or tl el • ndCions, eine nlg Nh, reserved her rr- p'1'41 In this connection for her trial, when elle would tell nhsolut.ly every - thine. A1,r amid Ow Ann alone re- Itponalble. N KING EDWARD WEI.I.'' Sir Frederick Temps ways Hr le a Heard' Men. Nice, .inn. 11.-A1 n luncheon given to Sir l rnk'Ock and Lady 'reeves nt Hole! die Parc the other .1 y by Lord Broi.ghnm, the dlutingutatiel 'surgeon told the host tint king Faineant land not only got over 'eery trnee of his serious Illness, but nme- nily to. stronger nn,1 In letter health than he bas belrn In many penes, noel thnt at the present Ino - Ment tlw King In as hale amt hearty as any man oontd wish to he. t'rr-t- Ioave lor Kingston on Saturday toi 11 101111110 his elution as Principal of Queen's. Flaxen-Italrel little Robbie Mil. bourne, 141„ Int years old, Les in heti at hl. home en Alexander wrest, To- ronto, nil Innocent,victim of n thou.thtlems but ncserhrlrre cruel prink on the part of four erhool- mates. The unfortunate 1:1d r left leg is hent Into a V ah.'tpo, ani he mut- ters su•h pals that he cannot hent to bo moved. Ile will be fortunate If he dies not become a life-long cripple from the treatment to which he hes been .uhjeeted. The Mrrrltton inquest las been nd- Jottrned till .inn. 31. BRITISH AND F()RE'ON. A seem of lives were lost through floods In AtRtrta. Tire hundred thonnan.i Mauler rt - flee have leen ordered for Om Turk- ish army. A Norwegian bark was wrecked off the WnshIngton const, and eight men drowned. The revenne for the year from the flrltlah grain registration (littlest and mope tax, will exceed $.17,:.00,000. British statistics Indicate an In - ermined emigration to Mood* tder- tUvr O BOYCOTT I'LIR1 S. Rw•a1nN le a Pennsylvania Teem Or• Railer... for Self-1'roteetlon, At Mount Carmel, 1'a., the young men of marriageable age are trying to get even WItht the girls who "turned them down" when the Phil- adelphia smeller. were there. They hare formed the At.tielie1 club and over 150 names hove already been attached to the following pledge: "We, the uralersigntt, do hereby agree not to nesnclate with any girls in M(etnt Carmel who were with any enudiere while they WOTei PnrnmpII here. The object of• this Penh is to protect onrseeves, to make rsnmpple, of the girls who went with wddhtN1 and last, but not least, to show the young ladies, that, Inae- mIlela as we were not wanted when the boys In blue were here, we can got along without the Wrist now that the .oklter, h.avn left. "A fine of 25 rent,' will he Im- pooetl for the fleet offences. and 10.111 he doubled for Pneh .ddltlonnl of- fence The ngreement will hold for ono year." Wm. ikug01a, .1. P„ of Mimleo, drop. pest Heart at the Victoria indentrlel School. 1 • a .1 .7 .1