The Signal, 1903-1-15, Page 1THREE r •A !s f ADv'TS Arta ACTIVE AGENTS WNON PLACe fN THE rSIGNAL FIFTY-SIXTH YEAR. •'2.11 !•ubite N_oWo/ /( 1 LA W N O. 4, rOF 1NU'L, OF '1 N E I AKIN sUN fIkOJ0 OR 81WK t11N THk j{AIIt,UWAHH Iy K.fll). Uit%Y ELW i Irl Where" the Huron. Bruno and Urey Bleo. trio hail -y U%NU MY nave bpph•d to the tot k tee D wO NI of olbewne • • o uodrad f0 V cad ilei)' •her•• of e.. 1» seat prelrr•ow •Wok or 1100.00 each la their sullwny. and It b•@ bet a doomed to t» to the Interest• of the people 1& order to "cuts the eauatruotion sod ,per•tur of the rid railway by the •aid(Jum p•ay that S3.OU9 of said •took should be, .,I. . Ike rW railway• subject W the tarsi• and ouodltio • agreed uppoon betw••n the I orpors iia- sad the said Hsllwte Comp»o) .,Mora t•run and, oodttloos are bervinatter eat forth; AD,, when". Ia order t pro, Ids fur Vat - elest of the rpt Is.06p or stock. If the eame $ball bu subscribed for. It will be na;esear to treue debenture of the 7'cwoshlp of I'ul Dome for 1b sum of 115.000, ppa•rable as hereto pro, Wed. when the oondltt*os'bombasticr .,allied with reward to the semifinal of such debentures ore fulfilled And when•• it Is desirable to wue the rM dtbosturea *{ ooe time and ta make the princippaal of tht Gold debt repayable by yearly absw ,lurlih9 tLa pr ad of tecUty lore. tern¢ tram 0urrgaal of ll.e •0l'1 Gkwturw . rid Ilearly stems b• ,,a such r e=v4 :•am@ wif e e Int*rst that t►o atgregol• +mous' Pa able la teob esr for vnncf pai cad ulermt w r, spent Of old debt sh•II be as nearly as Famous bla egtt•1 to the •mount •o I tyuWn to each of the other aIneueo team of ••id period , Aad where" ,he total amnuat roblulwd to be r•larl annually bit special rate lot gab lag Ibe r1d debt sod lotereot se b•miabefon Dro- ,id, to/1. trn.ei. ADd where" tel amount of 11.0 wI.etm rat &hie propurtJ of tae G•W To ill of Cul Iforos, ainoon R to the last nrtesd •e°si• meet roi,, is yI.OtCl.7V And eLere" there 4 so outstanding or sir letters debetutur9 doktof therid municipal• Ity. And whcres: the total amount of the debt lotesded to be created by tate Bylaw for the Pt "" aforesaid Is the said ow, tat of li2S. - 100: Tbwefore the Municipal Coune'I o' the I awn$, I9 of Wborate asset• as f ho we L 'itis Corporation of the TowD•blp of COI- berbG $hall take tern hundred and fifty share@ of 6 16, • per cent t referentx: caMt•I *u k of IIIW.W @son to the Ilurus Bruma,d Ore Electric Rallwy tgmp•oy upon the rule! moot by the bald Company at Ibe tares. ami agsdltloam batt! other act ftML with!- the time bertlnaftty specified. but mot otherwise. f. It Shall be lawful fur the Corporstl.,, of ill* =aid 'IbwoshlV for the urtao a arors"ta toWuedetonat❑r.oafthesaidlitoctalent« to toe amount of p6 ten In suws r nut leas than SIN@w L, parable: can alacsa [metal,non •, et I"dl" u, *r • pvoorrrel of sweaty ) me@ from Ihu:date wbeothedeboetur"are o th•ily- la w au brlu 1 to be Is.ued. •Ruh dste to be trot let•, tban the dept day of J%ly. A. u Vol. the d*brsturw to Leer 1 au: east *et •=o oisf the rat• o' f sur riff ,e s . pxr samara (rani she 664 thereof. payable Mt th . t hwt ee;b Its at seseamt)w is Mot //oar. , anipase fast*(* to be bed to ••lit daboato •a.. 1. is k Of LING Mid debentures wit the oopQs thereto aUsche t .bail els slowed by t 1.0 Reeve of Ito said Tawasbly or o oma of i- r person &Whon<ed b Bylaw to • Ib some. mad bit the Tn».ura of rid Td w .ship. land the Clark •hall attack Iltdreto tae• aarDae ria •eel of the rid Iowasbto. upon the tot at most by i he ( ops trey e( I be term. an 1 can d 1 tines hereinafter a" forth wlthlo this stage h •rel n atte,r spot,, God f. wnd It •call ba Lawful for the Ils•reand 'r s"Urw for the a nn b.I of the rid Tewo NIra( I Other to b .r. )w ITte said sum of tl UOQ rile the purpm r I f paying for the eat I Dew forenon Carlos'.tot t. f.mm car petwn or o voratios wllltaa Lot..1 'bell.Me, r-D.yanls Is twenty years, and w ,sou I M I»u thereof tel• dement urge o/ We 1wt ourpws"a..upoo the loader M -ll pey @*~it) of theriddebeeturesia Lethe br•nca prr •ae•of et the Hash Or Montreal .t too Tawe d 6.6.,.b. be tate as mals, en It re tel and Township of (',What" r follows . '7owo Nip of Colborne. Han, o, Hruc. east Grey Elmo- fr. RanwaJ to fair Aa cue, •' .01 tM sale Nall be Mt ab's uut only on the I gat cheque* of the It"•e a -d Tresdarar for the time betas of thoe.ld Township mat N•ll els-tutu ivsAy applied fur the purpose aforeme-I aamglr. to ps for the pre renew wplel•toot aI I b+ subwrtbed fa as aloe aii. 6. Tbwe •ball be raised manus -lag by epgolal moon all the ram We prep""If t• thf •alt IowebiD of Colborne during the term or twenty lore from the Ants whf.a toe mid de bemisreemre h, the It))IGw •uthorlred to G la sued. the sum of igi rJ.S& for the puppose of vying the amount due ac each of the ea d t: s for Fort"cipal and Internet Im respect of tbteeald debt. b the vo not the qualified el•olmi of this lauslcipaloty still be to/w un the Ity •w by the I"u ) Iteturelnw Omoe+s here,omrter named, os Tk under. th 'And day of January. A. u. 1'J,.i, commencing or he hour of n nee O oL*ok m th, morotug and .lot.. iing u I,I, five eoiysik la too site now. at tate uOder- ,nwtieped visa" Netting Bub-dfr,een No. I, at the Temper •shoe Holl, tionmUw. Andrew 11.4,11• Usp us Iwo I Officer. lla•Babdh force No. t, at the TemtVer'snse Bal 8ahf eid, J. I Goldthbrt». Deputy Ito tayslDg utHub i f elltng Hab dl,i•loa 90. J at Rho Tewa tisH Bmlthe Hail,,rant Yoboosagb. Dagenty Returning Offte •r. Poll a BaDAlvisiw No. 1, at the Temper Yes Hail, LeebQa. R, Williams• Ueputy Re• tuning OtNcer. 7. (a Wednesday, the'Istria, of January, A R ION, tar Ream of the mid I owaship Nall OPtttt••ssdd •t the To. ma.Ap Hall its the said Tswtwhlp. at tea u'olooe to the forenoon. m, HO W t pored" to •,teed at the tarlaas Volt tog plao" allarwid wit at the final summioa op of votes try the T•wnehl p Clark. oo bob Jf the Der*ona Interested It, the PromeLLng or pppoGlow thepse-ce of thl 11, la. n,pective- b. The Clerk of Ib• e., t Towlsshlp of Ool- ttirae *ban wtegrd at the told Tonmehiv tied st t•o cclock in the forenoon of Friday the 23rd day of Jaa,uri , A. D HIM to Gum rap the somber of vote• gives for and against the B taw. TERMY APU I'U'• ur1 IUNB. I be tot owlets •re the to -MR sed I ontiit,ons "roe she 1»{woas tb'a C n4r&tiou and the said Huron Hrufiu soft Unyf EI*Ctr,o Hall wy I:Dm oay, sod the tetle,t of stook In the Wd L✓omMo by the Corporation of the TownGhlp 091mo ae under this Bylaw Is hereby ,I to lye lob. thereto, sed the emoumt of 6'5.oW to be paid for snob •toot when snbwMbd ftoerr and fe+owd h tow vm) able to tbooLd 1WI,vay Company ant In he m"ow sod at the %Intoe set forth therein. god cost otherwise and so part thereat N.1 W p•:d to tet l umpeay .,Dept In outs frdan •-e wltb and upon ttilglmwt of sucb terms and oondition•• /Whereas the llama, liruca and Grey Kle• t Bah way ( ollle•ni hart h fel. Ino,rporal, "talate Of oDLa►la. es, 0.1 In the to.- I 9 .►rd i 11. Chapter 78. and h, ash •u t I t t 506. t)d' wh^reof t • GLOO O I w1:A.OM I. iplpon OamaLa•I•o pretermene e'o • and 111U ,til ,G a Immon stock; And where" Ihel'ownshipof Colbornely 4e@lrall@of has one tileotd, to,lw• oomman' floe bet w,we the ltraod Trout 1tallwa3 -1•- a , 9 n Ot( dcrlaa ride twasn gpMtlftllnll rttilY"'-llifita"6`f-'Ve#ep'ow+•- fdaltrord and to ertand f„ shepptr,lton. N - Ban Ale trete wwt of A TIb 'caw Aad whereas In oetler Ill„rotn, it b nOOm •I bscribe tory wot the said Towoty s of told , hr w0 atmdnd and Ghy •Hers* rat on hund- re♦ elta" each of the Hao Per owns, W*fm""c Attack of the rid (lam Pmly. Ay whereas the amid Com gamy 1, wlllle,t u Pea U» ,m-herein.Mtetn to wnetrun,, diIs aeA mdutain said Elootrle Rol way, Now f4fG indenture wanaae@th that th, rartla outtiolly .,arm the one with the other, as tshim t N h" lha eahl 1WIws> Is fu111 eouivls ted •ed ready for the selling stock in the town of Me@It1, from the Grand Tnuk Itallway Bigoflea a the wharf &Pit ieasewsd wltb the said road Ill• Towno"llp d Colhom 0, real =Mpsos m should r(:sA from 'he A1aft• Hf16ge rid '1:?wnshtots fall, O gPmmyylettid an for rhe Mlln■■ ,,tock. a11s6.o11 ,hall Ifs an Odd,l4o.al aI-I'M - II`(o1 •• ooh ndlw lop Millar man Itr, omaVlooted •n Jnp /ri; n,.r the mid rem O< {2,.000 welm :itil'N A (tt ,rt omplat al asA in ep•*•ifw health is µn ,h, it I "tvt, het nt imppinea,. ,Jg_de rloh I 9INO)psrdtow, A"Pasotable of Aub'rre thin tri mc." The said Towomhit tri, 'H row n• C R C a ('mn bets. Qte 7 b school taxer for ap wig yI( of feaRel{rf aim 1Gore from rIN ti os o „e fetter Of re" pe tPam all n.Oes.mry Ryle - la assm.,nent lot. fnl torenlandl -'- h adv* the Gold (Mlo••pwy ht 1( - o,er. ' Mn. shy atot W blRhw t. Ctbe„ciA nerr v " M t .w ,"" by .aid TowtiAtts Co" . Coma"t.^,I sa-g p I. 1M do reed lb.{ hava n , „ h( t. On.nfil PRtk blslaWar, nn alit and asst aibi sj and 'oAIN •n- "` to • I' ,him cam,•teyere • rM hlRl,L -s a ", i ll° Ir!II I :.:• „ h ,, , .orae rosy atwln . L *waT»Id LOsNoy kreebyr two i ; .Ij al.f r # k 1r , . -_ t l 5:?Ili , -.•• t` \ - y 1 f LOOK AT YoOuAr LABEL I _-_.-- Ir SHDULO Off MARKED PAID FOR ..«1903 TH 3 TaDADIIVC mq:awSPAIPEi% OF HLTR.ON OOTJNTY. GODERICH, MARIO, CANADA : JANUARY • 15, 1903 Dr WGILLICUDDY, EDITOR. drol sod Ilfty (G a .hero, u1 Ova p:r Gon'. pretereono a onk t i mW Tow'eehi0 as &*4 when said ulaok or soy Dvt thonof, may be duly ptl4t,r,.s heretu pw.id l Is ooaddorw Ion whet esf. 'he ssi l C0'no ser at1t1r. N t,1 oo hatraet, operate aOd Orton •tat RltwW1) Rallany Ix,t.een Ood*rion.u.dth vW.4. of Sheppttd.00 Nth, and rbe I are we.s of Auburn, sad to supply maa.v.h v i sufttai-»t facilit'se for carrYimr sit frei`At n p+emmOggrs bet%Wa the rill 'Paws of OuAe• r1ob ant tb,- said vil'.te- or letersDala points Bald hallway shell lac eunat.rueted as to carry ordtnsr7 ntolalu nllwsy Itriglat an from Oral Tramk H.Ilsee atehon at (lode" rich. I'ruPlo siwltohe. oball tae oou:,truo&*d so N to lransfe• 1 eight sur. to sad from Hall - war of r'd Company to land Irom the fir sod Truals itsalway at Oodorich. w won •e a mths rectory Settlement call bt uuie with ills hand l rm,k t si&lwty comp toy of Cahadt with raw&ra to flit% transgtpmeot of @,lab care sud frulaht. 'I be aAld Oomptny futher socru w that ,t• ttsok not t' ilea @b ill bu so placed as to Interfere as little " p wslble with the stfety of tae travelled portion of ally htah way upon or •long wbtrb ItarsUwa ,tray tae con te-noted. I o alaeo tel M14 Tow ails p ob )of I b, If► "tldot at any Ute wI b the rales Obey fur restates, by tkeemild (le'yte). it le betweea the PPar I" Loss *, that east. o the mid parties,h&UaavdatamarMtestor lar Wsi fouroe,eof sting thG ori t realists' rates, cad to are too" Erbtratnn foot to scree tbs Jadge or theCoun y a Rano shall •ppolat • third arbtl ator.lalaltb, am,rd of chs mid arnttrsbn.or two of tote mud rb,traho sbslita+0o$ and shall she btodW,c on lbs Cu,n se •1 I{ is ales s9'sed between the rid Company •ad fh • said "I",awaship ha Il,e * amber of ,rloafor thi coGeeyahe@ of pM,te ire" to and from Uoderich abs.! Got be Ives &ball four each way dally, unless pruven-od by uns+olde'As s•,oldects " • litructior caused by mow storing, -ad In the event of the ohstrouoll br snow et rens. ,hs Company atr+u to ass ell due dillRoeae in Clam talc out the row from O,elr •rooks. Ladre•untbma h-osrvlce. II is agreed betww the rid C impact sod the rid Towoeh p that the r d ..a tom of Fall-or.ball be con, plsled sad ,a upora,ion 00 or beforethc3r.hday of Novemher, laps, o- w i Wu sorb perioi u may be vuhorued b)' the 1 I urs of On srio This HS, shall rotas loto tall force •lad off*- t whom fins,. mammal •(fee hn lac retaiv- d th- sseer lof the etaoton rest led to vote upon It. "Will. YOUNG Reeve ' F.W. M( JON AOa Clerk And take notn:ethat tL+shove is strrw copy of the pru.,oad1 Bylaw which has bwe Lakes in{ncocalderotian&ptwhlnb bell be fieally Va,ss 1 by the Cousoll of the Muslatps tl of Combo, e« u, the homes of the asn..t Or the •leoloro Inlet obtwLae 1 thereto) after one month from th I Ara pubM3atton a hila 810- aAL oo., *V&PW. the A&fe )( whlats C'at putt li,stion was ,bs Skit de) of cell• ober A.1) 1711, snit ,bit a p .II w II be LNd sed the vole' I Lt,* eta: trio f ,he min tleniotPal'ty will be taken thamoo on the day anti he boon and plasms Geed In tee Bylawabiv wrltcea. - " -F W.MCDON' ROH." ter t. _ Nouoe WARNINU.-AN 1' PKRi,)N BATH. Ing from the island• wing the terry w,thoUt permission, abootlic or otherwb. tregpsW,tt upho say par: of th+ pruterty will Ou larfusasd and pt o@ecut*' t C ATTRILI, Ridgewood tars. ROF. S. L TAUB% - AwCr&crtmllm Oly?Ic1AY Awl, Rye spar, ALIT All kind. of Apoota,da• s11 myetlasoem msAe to order Special s'.tentboo al roe to Gtdag the eye. Orden le mail prmmptly attended to Be- we/tof ion es tdf[ my marme, e I employ Ga tees la1 lag &A, sa wbsterar Satisf ction `earamteai. Eatabl Nd 1471 if1 RICHMOND 8TRERT W.. T ,R -)MPLa ansurs_now eta CRA4. 9..1Rk V,UEVRKAI,INiUK- ANCE cad real a.tw agent Office, she deer set of P. O., Ooderials. Attest for ibe Irding mat nal Gra I Isur*aos oom,aals, and leading stock comtsn,as MercanWe aid tttwufactu Hag risk@ at oweat rare& Lail at omne. I - W. R. KOBhRFSON. Accountant and Insurance Agent Hooke sad a000antm made un. Halldlaas reacted and raise estimated. yin lasuranos In British and CanaAlan ''oaip.nhw. UIRne- le Proa-Ifool t Hays ofDce, North sumer, ' hod@rtah, tag Lf E,. J. T. NAVD.I„ GhNERAL IN C SURANUIC and Reel Nature asect. rum. Life, Aooldeitand Plate Glass Insur.00e rd+ote'I on mutual Or nub Plan At beeGot rase@ Possible. Hest gartliob and Canadian oomPanise rep" resent d. amen ne=t door to. Dickinson d Darrow list is"re. Hamilton street, For sale. FOR SALE. East J of lot &can. I1, W D.Colborne eontaln ong .0 .ore , the OmPw.y owned by the IeAa Alfred M•)rrls• There Is • sots 11 • tor! frame house. 17X96. and kttebon le. 2,. Btone rout:datioe, cellar uaddr mate, bu,liq orchard to fair ondf , ,n. This to is $tua,ei -m a good r »d about 7 and a half miles train iiodin L Fo- pert enter. teew:7 to the matter .i.bed a to PROW I)Mrr it N A• 8. Aarrle ter+. Gberloh. ,K INK M,aRRIS. Administrator, &e Mn. Mc W hranoy a, lot 9, 'm 1'l.001borue. 21 L OR SALE -IHR BRICK HOFF.L AT L` lfolynfod with fifty •arts of tacit attached. The purchaser can imy the hotel with Dae or two &,re@ of land• wlstohsver eat • him. The o,ri and our bull atn9e are lu a good risk, of rep str and doimtt(( L Rood basics". This 's one I th,L Mist 00untry @Leads to the fount). For f Uri br r pa rkc a ta re a t 9 to P TEIt CORRiGAN. It Luctnow HOUSE rURPN tl'KNIVH91)•)K onturiished. (food supol (,focal and weed on hand. App l to tag. K. H ) -EKT- s ,N_ Wal Saute Ageut. U U. [,SUR BALK OR '1'O KRNI'-FIKyI'- C clan Ret ante farm. 2i miles from Wing. to en Looksew Pegs, i +aL9a buildla¢s, fair. Pwwd uillardnioed. 9004 barn. orchard. arra 1* I•, 9",t4 little of onitiva ton, Itp a o Lige TH'►M {Ov. O td"leb. or IO I041t ril•)MdON, Wlawbam- list fly THi NEW COUNCIL .iia is, halt an hour later, and luind the five dation be ltlysm In illi upper shoe) ut the ABOUT LItCTRIC ROADS. Y -- Itl,tsel other attune L'u•s •a¢eged i & mitlog up trie town hall h,r the clothla,( &end ayulpm a -- Mayer Lewl. ore. tele 8411 /elltes hr wmmr tau for the year be oomyla'o- of Nu 1 o,ntp*Dy wos sent to the OP -t 1 Report of CIIIbar••e reel..&.&... total west Igei al with tome iod,gc•,vou Ibit the wroug oomm't'e', with power be &at to T110".1-rb most eatossfllrg-. Toe gev m e0othomsa ob»mgr by lh- hour b.d be,o st.,oI to the.o!!&✓ton A I•y.•w aa. p -•b it to.pyy,u,100 Janie K. Fora,er, of Cslberse, .oil ha eeeer..,ten sleo,on u' O ,d.iigh to truewt toe a.N wb,om had been •sits• him, Has fellow. Wasou ac t 1) Mai I o u I 'v to tae b as-' A d«lrRa' Ion, cuts@,.NhR of R.eve Yuuog anal oat bareness tot the pronat )-tr member,, h,wtevor, had Do, (urrultoo him, 1st health for the ve.I. -a t Councillors Jewell suit Hol, vested aaseuhh el •: tae town h,l ou Blom fay and he was gives pie old plies at Ibe hes4 A le ter from tx• tf•yu, C•.m-rno dram, Woo,ts,eak out Hammon ash D•oember it I m o e tut that Insu ural msetlo g J R A nca u tet toe imy tatsh dopsrtmmt of pot .o v utaoo to e• .rel matt« 1 s a pro ooh ah h 11-h, 1902, ho make q wl•1 Ihoary Iota, and IA• hoar spallOtsd for tht est Ittag there works. '-►oognr should rwr'we the o n.-deratioo tel rent - ut its Be.magi the terminus of the was one absentee, Coun i llor Thompson Tee report of the striking eunmltte,s was the new OGDaad. The , the r glst of Ih• penoo•1 .ompeot,op eft Rho Woud*t00k aua hellishly f•!led ho appear, and whom be omen- adopted a1 fullaws: ,home oip•il y 'o appotoe a dueator of the lolyerseli 19 wino Railway. end tbo Homi1 Oongann,in. Dau. 3U.h On.', Fuspos-Humber, Reid, Brown, Marahy, G E-botL treasurer ,d*nuh E'evator C .; the bond. of th and collector, and the town'. on and Urtmeby Electric Railway A H.wtlton they were Joined by 1V, B. Fur. - - Found T- 1'dhl,o Works and Parks-Thuttpeon and cities all the other chambers of the ouuoull. We or and Llrht-Moraey &rad all the 'he &defeat the Elevator C,,. for tetereet fba coac ll appointed M.v,-r Lewis am tar• wants repre entstive for 1905 on the u( of Colborne. FullowtOR is the eapun the delegation ; - FUUND.-A 8U fl OF AONBY DUR- Ins this Christmas eta . 'las owner mar have l• b, or temA lit!) s a u u L Ap Ob wit, t member. of the soauml. Elevator G,mistny board. W'e telt hodalah ou the mortue2 !rale, to OW. PJHrER, C*mrier y-Elllotl, Humber Brown. A grant of S10 cat v,rted to the Toronto Dewmber 11th, and arrived at Woodstock He thought int 000001 sboald "Deet bcr Fee-Reld, Moraey, B•owm Ho•pit&1 Market -Brown, H-hott, Moraey. for Stuff Children. Af,er dwldag that the regular eteetioge ale ae 11 A %I We met Mr. Merrimac, city k, IFr F.wo, treasurer, Mr. t'stette, _ Wanted• __ __- ___ _ _ __ Kaitet-fila or, MOrmap Reld, Brown. Court of Kevlldon-Thompvua, Brews, Fridays h 9 year should be tea too Fret cosi third of the m ntalib counciladjsurned oocut clerk, sod several other gratLamen. The" Reutlemsin wood not ta a posi'ao0 to ASH UK BA3'1 wANrED-ELM, wltol, dryr or green. for cask. '1'tie RKNSINulJN ruKSITI"ItK RO., Ham bar, Held, Ed at b. -- _-------___.-_. Sp*ofal-Elhottload all SheAlUserMN00Mre _ -- - Ma►ef Lewli Iheaglrmt •ddrNs ls uo g tv us any mlormation reepa.t•aR doult• .( the W'cod to: -k •oA IoWnu,l $Icotrw M -3m W A ItIN C )M, M•atver. linierinh. of the council. ------------ ate I :» first Osma appear daboy orewAua . la nal u L, LL as. - --- - - -. lad, but said that the rood was ner,@ial) -sloot coa•ealgrOen to the trove':halt pn61." " _ Y/l0. Cita uhatrm.a •,f that Goer tt Nt` N 'riv lmgso of br,un,o* & friend to the •t hutne, anj mute b. p.yi.a woof dividends w lh --- "--- ad.yor L,wi- read-ills-fsltawsnEJgrttor from :5n,r f Koyuosdo, seet,lew of thq A{+©U"-T WI#M - - roakholderr. The providest of the mom uauy sus not •I h,me, bus Mr, Wet,aae, _- W. GLENN CAtIPRKLL. iml. b bad at%- a an •agog+moot that h• summer he tel: A'd tiooal coal news m'poie 4 of thin Ill soLo.ior for clad cu-.:p.Gy. s000mili a- Organl.l a,d mudlal director or North *tree, Mrib0Alet church toanher of piano, or I beg to report that I have, with the a• .•ver the road to l ,getifoll, • distance of Dice baa sod Iboor) PUDUG Wether ll for all *a- p roval and onn sat of I he los cwre o• D p- ''he is the CHANO= Ili HARDWARII FIRM. -'Cb ha►d- el•veo mules He to d and ab at the timaoa s amtn&tIOn of the T•ironto con tfrvatory of Go•ate, arr.&red a•11 summa w.rte was of Allen k Aulver has boom of trio Oo upany and spread to maks oat a Whole. Will be ples"4 to receive applies. ,,o al proper y w Idea N-1 e B Smith, and gss•,llfod, Mr. Mcivsr rat tris[. Tus statement. neu@from all those re"Irt" much Ims'ruO- ties at hie new studio over Thomaon'e mo.lo J@* mad• ea.ssfaotory Nrwb with her to b.sai..*" W II be continued Ly C,orge L. We mv,pped of at Ilswhvtlle, a ■mall store• Vice of Plana l b,r r"Rice may be ar wag tee ore More' alalma O fall. Mn •1 lav ffr. MaIrer h+. %rima vh- tog •dlage, lar lam boar Hers mot Mr. r.&end for fi7tf uittb tuition• going nu auk th+ seedo•1 •Washy mprovemo,to -a t to hotel. snobNMo ables, ,prawn f..r Wseuro On •no for the Pty• o boder twice sod oommenwd ba li rborebo, cohme,ur for W.st Uxfmd, $e oa,d the', he f+rmers r.rv.d by ,be real _ Publlo Notloe op the tr•n•ems 1c all the bodn,om,, mom- a,,rk on the road this week. were well tet offiw, w far " h• knew, to _ _ _. - _ ple-1.6 the ¢rates sod the Da u togs say a re y t1 R. Law t6' DEArH -rbe Lowe was fact he had not beard of soy oempia at. J I19U1-Ur1Ur Or PARmwintP. •ad boa alto a ate what ,be taspeow a lee' sure are •.tuf.O,Afy •rr.oaeanows to• tr ov-•A ou lute I -v , y the uneso"!ood news the villager■ du DO' Joel that the r uusw*es l" Notice is he•ebr *ft•m that the pertnenL D ,orryus on the hoof bor•rif She is, .a I ht trio d -•:h tel I a L -w:., fur an.,.y ve.r. bas beau a jnrlou.l, •f,, ed by he rued o,se,ne through Mr D,-Dey, reeve of of Alpe t McIver• hardware mer,hant., of utslorotaati, O-U'lGg tots asryeao of •,. Cr Ian Astor„ -y .ted 0toit of ,he P a•o (•, Went Oclurd, Huhl um tees the iPad was .11 td,derieb has this dust bean fe.olved by mutual oocsieat. Thr buvlurt will bereft.' r rtes l*ti ,•tli ). mall e•, sol a sur durom •R 7 moonlit, fir. L-wr. woo ash••. this is F„d. ' R•,t..nil that, &fter i.e ynn of experl- be ca -r1 -d em by ter )rge L. Alla ,. ooh) wily ''O'nDotooc ash! .xp.r,mooad e.swarAeee fo o rte wuet h• use uu y .n..rumr, La b . a • h+ „ m 1, ise h d .! ,a rem ow I .Des, I hey ,-cold oat do without It The alluduetl*• or toe Grm &ad O011emt ail e•A,ptaa room .oil knob". 1V 1Ih h t D au•nlm,•w opip on of all wnh whom .e &co •coon ta due the nem. D•Lmd January 6th, It01 two aa.,va m.n.Cemarat suit .uo g,n,.md- tome. •, voi be qu o ly paeoeti away at n„o.. TueeAmy, Irow h •.cal, f.,tur«, A mo.etix u+ ! oomvnreauoD, sur th.l the road must L•)FTor a DANOSY, 1R t4oltsltor fa George L Ails eau., tris Ins eowrs have no reewn to tetak V nut that Rha Soret will be ran ge.r. ssslul y •soda 1 reloreow to thx A.o*ale 1 will he e pas well le silt tlrsl bis npmfoo was that the town shaalJ o the to ore Mr@ Sm,tb, before sevloov n.4 , our f,u@of o«x. %-•k. T,ts lune- r cheaply reed, sppoera to ly "Ot t, bat perh•ps.ub.t•n'lally tbuagh for forsulose Ibe mort:its and 1m shoo w6 •, y [ \A EKTI\t: OF lHl: HURON C'OUNCY +till me for tlas nrcheM O:uae rq the '•1 V v will take place this (Tharsjoy• •her wna' a letoteoded ; sur pa, soveor only are Yl (• rUNCIL. The Counts 1 0' the Cooperation of th- p,.,p-,ty sod accepting the dea'a .h,.. can. m, 2 o'olytk' usrr.d, sunk snob parcels ea ,he ma have ) 1 County of Har,•n calla moot In rhe Coutucl: 'ate Sema male nn matnr.i lag wall,. to tae A 11C bt lest$ ExrAs*l,N-- tmltb__$res, k e,th th•ml. The esu, toe Of country Ibroach chamber In the Town of Ooderlch on Tu+@dv 7 'tat to the proper po.ttimo as • arehaaer; and (7O. P half. tom•ed the romises Herr door t.• V • hich :Dis road ,mos a lof+nor, as •farm sa he 27th day of the prt .sent month •• t o'cl nna :C. i herewith •u''mn a rosolu'1oe (or Ill* so teat pre -e a stand, now oemupitA by W', Gom:,00, to the eighth eo&oeGafoe of our ow r al. LAClN woval of the o uoo,l, which will be socep• Tilt, sad wi I occupy the whole b Ink with u*uah,p, an far m• se could judge ; sea la.'d at Godaich this 13th. day of January. shim to all partial, *o 1 on peel, ■R of which pair drvvnotie, ala blow sod millinery bun, from the oar window we could see the U. T. ill" 17 M he tran.a,-,ou will he o•.Inalti•e1. 1 city lay that pract c.fly M a. 1 non's io, the only , ,ems. Toe new portion wi 1 be fitted up as septi furolm9mlte and Dietitian depart- R sod C P R tracks and the Old tali road rte +bole Irelith of rhe line. The elwtrlo y mean the ole tel of th- du• oo the Whit' HURON AGRLCULTURAL f,, 1 have r-w.v.I notch w.•uld moot atit , anti otMt ob.ogsas will bemsde giblets roast falls •loogs,de the Wit read eh a strip a4CIETY. T -.e aseettm.ettorot tlsSe enol,) w'1 be with the spy,oval of -he n. en, ore. R a„1 provide more, .usmodroo• quarters (or t 1o11di orobs.d Irom the (arenas and p held as the Taws Hall.Oaderioh. on Wedno. G KaYSOLDS. he v.rl••u. d«p.rtm-+ate of ill. firm'. grow• gives an hourly servlw both ways. Wood •) Jaousry 21st, HIM wtnmeo,Ut. •t 1 Asahauea. ,.,R bunnas•, to order to fao litaw the .tock has a oa,pulannn of noarly 10,000 and o, oc. 1% w.. rot re giving the sonnet rep•r,, etartisc dficere and Ir&neaotingany genera Him Worship °'-sited t tet the onulu t ..xcsea.ry sltormtlonl. Smith Rros, k (Jo, lumvr@oll 4 000, cost the Ooaatry popululoo business. A Large ••tenda.aoe f wemt»n u would mem'. Io she evcQ DR and could theb ••x having s special el-tnnly dale, Caruso• stems much the Guam u here. spwWly r gnoa ed. It you have ear mom- da"uvs this matter. •• - of w , I.m will be Lund os paga B of The oo•upanv operating this road ls now to &Into to nue or bu2•estiots tooffar for the A hyl.w tram plassi appwatinR J. H ( .I- I HE 81011AI uonatract or s road tram Brantford to Gait, Coming FW Fair, plea* • be oo hand. B11 o•da, cut as I- the Collegiate I fetieu a tram,.. F N. Lewis, RMY►Aw-Flat .DAog.-A yatat wodd'N ,H, i will hate • nlu0 0( the road ,mad Do Y 'or JAMES MITVI(ELL, rw'y. "card m place of reasoned, ami .buff w •t B.vliold on Watsesda 7th tneoure early nextaDru2• This Company Ooderlets, Jas. 2. that. the a -anon than aajnursed until the ere . 154. ,,,,,,P;he caro r.ottne ptrues being Oliver m„che-_ 'lid not rte-fv• any M cos or stock from any ,ynmtwilmilly. mor do they in,•at be a -k any .11r I M • , fit 1. THL =, 21.9110 MEQrgm, •1 •u • terltaafo,-,Ngsmer of Jueo F*.Rnee:e, rinsu nal &msstasse from ash music D.Iit 7 1 The annual mse,lat of the What Wawaaohe to the eve-aug eel site wow Lon were n, • B.yd d. The b.ppi sweet rook plea• as • ooR their sew Ila.. Mutual rim I,s.urone,e C unnany Oral tea blit heti eM'.• ag•'n sail lie-e•ed to May -. ha la, ala o: the br1As's tot her. the oersmn, y tt a left Woodstock Im the •vsaing sect to tb, Agnou.raral lull, Dumas memo. Wed. acedy the flet day Of J.hu art. A u. 19 toy Lewis' tns6torsi aidrew, w►lee we r.. '),IO p -dorm -d by Rev. J. McNeil, • or [ M -o• to Ifatntbom. Oa the way we me' W the porsoer H reoelrlod Item, dtrwt.rr+ •Eau *lead by the enumillion with marks of spa of the B-Vdel1 Pr"bymrtile church Aha K. Fora,er, of Cslberse, .oil ha eeeer..,ten of report and &IM rhe eaA,ters repor of the ptoveL be woAAur repast Mr. sed Mrs. Rh)I;an „ i -m u• on ear trip se the Hamilton and rwxlp a and expem4llume at the Commony ,,Iver ff Rev wide, &a$an" of Lbs *0111 rte: let sur London, wbare lblf la aro hyme (•r noo"y Road. %Va spent the whole day, du-, .a the past seer, also furthe sloctinm of three direction to fill the •scene!" a'. the being, w6& to,s board s refe-raoa ,e &a. wool lee, Mr. Rayaas hay.nR Gamep'ad a need Ileo' altar Rha 12 h, op thte road u bard• In •u,m4 by the retirement cf Nostra or lsomiuos far -he dispwal of the propter/y. ao•,tm& tbara Hi:b prom aodlandeaLawe mom my with lir. W&Ftr, manager. We Jobe K•,ke, J ,loss Orl to mud lames ,rein, Hsi omit tI ►ai taseo hOnd men tia oa l G.nv Ineadm Im Oo,brlob, who wuh them rent - ut its Be.magi the terminus of the whose termof she o wlllre its exDl ce. all of whom ars glen;tele tar rn else ion, tflaO&t Ara .:genote I- ro Aod a pa•our«, .nand+rat n•pplsela &oil prcaperlty is tboir .,,d, Iwents, 'brew utlee from Hamilton Hour arms* taw o .a,, ••loot I w, tar the hoot, and M s 3 tet to'. was Lb• reddt 1 Ito The o•,mp.uy are now come rat •. in9 five Oongann,in. Dau. 3U.h On.', oily off.r u' ,h--ee reuened which th, fit TH= Wo.fE1', INcTrrrr7 -The (•oderlrb a ,es tet o• w road Thu ro.d appar• Io u• J. M. ROBRRTS. .poo on outld oOnrirlc,, floc wan mast.- r ,,reach or the W odea'• lasting" met es . be suberane.Ily built, bay o2 a Rood 8se dad teat Mn imlrn was • yn Mp.bl« women &,id that color bar macs em.n. i harsday lost it the h -me of stn J. tulles, . D•v,a's ward. There wu • moc,l &item ,amen d and Th ei rat. and ,,rias . h a*eeegars wit froight. W*sew (' P. R. -- _ _ OTICE. 1 --- rte hoes! onulA b+ 000Auot*i saocca(all 7• tsiam, iv dpHe of the taelsmeat ws.rhar. fly, she Aare eo illi. Itos lcad*d wnh coai, Noche hereby gl, eG Rha the t.enty-est He thought int 000001 sboald "Deet bcr Too work of the mestte* was utsfoly the ,,dor posts sod hud I ag stone. Mi Waller ti each u'nuet mogolt of the• members of the M-Killop Mutual Rfr. Iumranos ''om afar, making of &r►aorrmon•e foe the •000%1 at ofurmed w that the tntlor, • he.vy a w• @*on will be add D the Towm H*II. desforth. nn Jon I to Ip- rlr Mr. Ke holds rf'sfed D Y 1' - ? M,n. S 'i Rene, whtoh,l• to M h -Id rhe fret 1'hnraLv ar ,r, nas dour three C', P R fly@,ltht can o.rryloR snout ')0 toot S J.nR, fur Yridaf. J.aaary 16 n, I*A. a one u'rinok r.is •eat Mo terms watch n,th ba 1 made t e February • Mre. Broke- home, 'a Tne DIN me no. lee shall net here coop retand b? them at the time of much distribution H udeGm reret•lor lane A ,Not s.secl ,r,-) e, +i,h the rrefu,re +ere •hat .hs was Ni pry th L&rano&" Eaoh area Wr will h,Ie rhe 1164,02 sort unloadin frel*hr sir• pro:i led lt freebooters and soli-or's annual roping. the ebut,on of &beef n •eeto: * i wo to: th n.lt from claims thio a• sod beI nes, y' 'riv lmgso of br,un,o* & friend to the •t hutne, for the convenience of the Fluid •beat very halt mile. Posssoverr are taken o0 wwn•hlo of Tuetermmuh and one for the towasshop of Startles) ash . arbor hu-Inew f ,r yo.r, sod ty•lfe • un ane. mo tir.ye on t • , MI furniture to tee weegO". J•mea trJ vyn•nm" ar. exile[ sent rte• re tae they branches el the I act ate tbroogh0Ot ,r let ref, R .sem., sl any pxr.,, the wood anti welfare of the t tomp&ny The iml. b bad at%- a an •agog+moot that h• he Onnply b J, II to rhl. I,c.nl Wneela'n. There a pre anloadicg rat height at H •to I retiring d n',tor+ are J. H. Sf al. iso W. U fir ►DA Th s. Fraser. wna are olagslhle •artist wane h» cL,m. Tnw ramal of tM r III be ,eeyea from 6 to A Ralock, 'no lhae tt co be eapr to Mootreet, Ueaou, for rs-riectloo. mole al ams ag•,@ee Rho setate was If3 150(1, exon- f to o'ulock, fulloond by • mshmioal &oil Wionl Det or &shy other market i hat is, 1. B M• hEAN, TH08. E. HAY$, v+ -.1 Jamse 8msth's oletta (eroten te for atertrY ureltram, asst &vat pl*leant and Intertal a oar loaded op this Ilam le rat direct to It• Prsllent, deoretary. ✓ 3 900 1 C•,iluodlnr Thomp,om declareti his tales• leg eveatirc may bu expoJted. dart alien. and the lrdahe is •t rhe esm• rate a@ If ship rat ped Hamilton. Any farmer UT(l'E _. pop to to •k af'r• sn@ later"te of the t MI v Hlu: - Lt- tCR6.-Let Thsradw or husiot,r man oO she Ilse may 1.44 & L to berths, given thei •m application will be amd out of site areAitere a this matters mood . -veawg was a •totaay wi,Ti'at, etwth• freight oar to R mil,un and It Is rsken out mads w tbe wet ol&tive 4".n My of the pro- u ea guided by the Llwts ael:,,•ta;_. Alsodln¢ the c,cl-meaty- ef-aho ira"b*r. a a any allies fur $5.00. (foal, manure or via a of oratorio at the next e•i.ubn¢-ee°lon Cc&.. 3eticar, who wen pre°*ot sowalteltor fair su:l:enoe gathared In 8t. U•orreraohurcle .shy whor like freight, m lose than oar 1n d, thereof oo behalf of the Huron. Bra), and ter ,tyre. 6m b, was nerd, &A pn,pteA oa .eheul n.m o wl.ao" the vrewo of the G earned for 25 0 ou per too. Tran ro.d Grey Electric Railway Oompam , for an Am, amen lag theorlaimtl elan -r by empower• hist d ibis ufsr was not aoeept.ed the h ,te own of V,mpe!t program r f by flan Hit t of tow• a large carrying trade lam fuel, fru, , pow the Comoaa) to construct, operal. and •night be ct,aed_during the coming s aeon. Toronto Mw Hill» • lady. who has m.de rifled b.T, grate, wins, horns@, sheep, p a- m•intmlo lu railway from t) tahrannon tothe C,samll,re k I,ott and Muruey el,mred •every! ,non on the European coettoes'. and all k rade of ba Jdo.R m•rtinu. Horan of the To w, t f al tae County t Bynoe to Ino of Walkerton and &lei e 'Ofor(n.Lioc that the ocher of*re re• ,tied cnns.,lWtslly bar I0uture Womened this rhe r„a I r:gmve. as ear feet of roadway wbab through the'fowasblpe of W"t ad Eas Wa selvd were op los b.si• of seear.on the _ arm of ceuR glyng by Ow who Im toot end [cos a'o ltR.de the Dubho dnyswgV w,uo-h or •lona t ,e northern ,lots idery thea, ,am• position as let I. •,myth asked to rola• uglily onnvt•aat with the plows desont. •a far to • he side ss it to p,olble to build of w the town of µ'mg bent to order10 connect note the(' P,R., Ili f. -r powwr to pee & b} •.00 to the town, Mr. D towu . f. 61eOy of the views, which were sharer, ua • t&1`RC o&Dvae._, were very beautital, anti An hourly eervlca le given for passenger. nosh ways. We Beam•vall low ere" •w praomece attack :and o:,ga aeeomelrm lgisw Nowef the %trtstetpaf Our- ok•asou, ,the *ollo'Lor, was hoe tip virser a remained at fioar,-40419w.yer.@turn trip otepp•d I porattoo or h • Tuwu ,if Oudw oh and the tlrsl bis npmfoo was that the town shaalJ and winegrn of eke Ant o•.n'ory In Pompeii for an hoer at Gnmehy and &n hour at the Ino Hu n. l3roenntGrey f rte Huron, Hruoe t Grey forsulose Ibe mort:its and 1m shoo w6 •, y [ N it H 11 also ave a camber of Fleseattgre g farm of N. 1) Smith, k q , M. P , who ILLIC D11way ComWo7. b. D• Bh JILLIt'QUUY. •Id of tea wlditlne* o} the rather Improv,• view.. load onnoloded with • @*rise of omen- wale@ an a large fruit sed oursery business. swn4 car ,melt barriers which bs,l hams made wait Mr. og pictures for the yosegwr pastime of bor We mat W. I''. Clark. E ., e2- Wsrden of listed at the Tows of Goderich• this : tis dap r smith. Mn 8muh-. uH,r would ball• thte audl*ace. Jud ;s Holt wait chairman of , Lincoln count A. Coreoetbs0, Ea Reeve r. 4 . of Jana•rY, 11101..._-- __. property In precisely the nine onadltioas as t was a last year, and the town would)l the evening, &end at the coealudom of the -ntertatoment 'tendered the lecturer the of 8et,fi •et tp., F. D. 9mlth, FAy , M. P., *oil "Total oshu gentlemen In the settlos --_ - -- Notice i o Creditors- 0 0o •orae pos tloo then It wast before. Jt thanks of rhe sualieone and of she Womsn'e of country served by the road, and es'ery "--- - - - ._ •r perhape rather fare to tho - aeon for tok Aux Nary, under wh• ,e auspices the enter- one of hem was exceedingly plewd with MOTIVE TO URB1nTGR1. o* no sat-oo of foreolosets• as It moonlit Lk* botel twomsnt woe riven. the road ao •very reapwr, and stated the' tha •arm bed 141. c /lesander• y mean the ole tel of th- du• oo the MARED TUE CE,TI RT MARE --Another value of an, will./e Drop*rtor in the .Vatter of tAr or Walls" WalcAnMf.r Lale of the Town of podeumi Jn ilk Co. o/ e m u9 .e•e,u i was for trio • oino I i.•. &wide. Poocbly it would els well to ,nsk- „ Iiu ,eneh'. old men ha+ be.0 removed 1 he d*. h of John Cruwleyr, w;amh occur. d ,frostily mama-il atone ,he road was hu It : ash f all were satisfied that the •rcokhdl len Nvrole. UarraAed. am ad Iitioual arreamaoot w1 h Mn. Smart .•o Tnurmd, Y I .rt, st the 7r of otomy • = were reentvio h+odenme rofits, sud we g P Notice is beteby roves. umnuant to the M 'or the further guarding of the tow i'a iD yo+re. l'or some y ars his health had b.o• b••1 neistied Ihat such is the case. vet mtstuthe of Ontario IthG. C, fee, that all ores,@. He eugteran •o streodment of the• Hery trail• anti for @,s mootr,. pe -1 W'e do not coreider, however, that sn ore Iron and rombin h,mmgr Wm. cgs est ver etre n other Alexander &4etlson, who , Nola high submits• -1 by the a*al sea by r h • I,A1 bee, nor. figeA to ohs hnp-.,, Donna oleotrio road, s6 from Ondertob to W Inv• 7 died on or abeus Rho 1 •t Aa, of Jm:.an 1903, o he amt d. .snkto of c 1 these war •'from f nu time he had t h* uurrmt,.no2 Dare &ort n• wri I am ac r. , r m w A •& l a h e read •moo s y r e are required on or before she 15th dy of has t•tso " . Tai alaeetto0 of foss ll Ages wteeBesw-wietss, I-- IV Mi Is whrw#wttvedic- our aopttls"" 46-saetslw.bler !w per mile April. luM. to send by past prepaid or del esir ,a the un A•,relgnnd exncurmrm of Ill , last will *nn It sten be lo,ke4 Into. ander a an' ue agreet it %vhtoh du'dd back q ban •loan the Hamilton and 17nmaby rc,ad, A the @&tn Mien*ed their cnrwtian .wd ear- M,• Soa[ur w u uo4arstnod to ray that half a oostarv. Tee iiaes"*d was a native -'ve r insider that the monptry thro,mb tam", addresses &nil deearlpdon., the tut. Are. Smith was t *lady to m.ko t,i aRreemon, ,I Ireland, and coming to ('.nfli eacalted ohich this ro.A room was unfortnr to th. curtloulare of their claim•. a statement tet tnelr &omm ne sort the natursof the aeourotie. A the mature Ir. twitted by Mr. Dickinson• to t•rml,R on what is now Jnmem U1.ao's eighth oouce•uon of lWharne b+fore the nca u.b &..IA Ito is-- &.A ran how rata. s There we/ a'm• fnfiher diseamioa. n !alai. On 1h• et¢hLla O.oaaoadtoa ai QelbofDe. ria 1 wet built. Th• Orim*b dlprlo T YALE Or ALUAj" like cal • executors will proceed to dutrthate the PLANING MILL PROPERTY. area a of thedeoe•toed am ei(IMIURi-i entitled thereto, havinr retard. only to Ill _ r Pan,Laet to Instrvstlons re.elrr4 from •M olalwoR of wh ah they shall to n have notice. +oil that he rid ex.•cutore will nM be light froprletor. I will nfi'er for rtw hl pmfro re o- for the said a*•ess or say part thereof Lamy) •. at m> swot on Moms la the tows of own of person m per-onn of whose ole me notice shah lodoat rte Batunl•y, Rha 71 tr Amhor nn& hate h .ea rnoefrsd b) them at tbo lime ter A. D 1!so, at the hour of two o d sok Im of anon he oft•motm the fol,owlnc valuable property: fish d y Jan. Date'1 fill dal Jawtuly I10.V Lot No. 7e2 to tho'fow■ of Oodaloh le the Mi LARVA Cruet7 of Huron. is frame (JOHN Kiemltormi (-un& Un this propert srw,ed a plasticity i AGN[8 WALLAt1E so!11, d0a U. two efotse )limb, with grsr 1 roof: l GoAeHot a brick regime and hos le, hones. 3nt16 nee The 6nlld- _Ot dory high, with wee, el root mid ipcontaintherotowingmachinery:tplana TU111'IF TO tRFillrOR3 ANI• and match, r , I su fact plan.,r , I matcher ; 1 AI U NImns. Iy raw mod table . 2 brownout "we and In the matter of the cosmic of John H. taM" 1 turning lathe . 1 sander; 1 Jolater - Weathaha&d, late of the Township of West 1 Jia caw I arced caw , I I:Oo,.ing (of ilii w•.-suGuh, to the (:,coot? of Haven, farmer. machine l'l'hs feet two aH blaolwllf.b• sold still document. feet to a vendor a lien I Notloe Id limb! ghee. pnrenaflt to the Re I hie r.ropwr if ts mown as rho Morrie 1 Ian- ,Iwc4 ';4lntM of Ontarin 877. Ch. 12P. that al! Ing Mill, It le well ethueall and a ,claims the oreditore anti others. having lalmr ecstatic machlnary na"emrc for the carrying ea of • the estate of the mitt John ), rstherhesd, Solari mill who died on cr about the let daf of Andoo At the prea,•ni time there le only one other A. U.IfH2. are rapntrerl. on or barite tnw2od vlaning ,still la opera lento :h-+ tswn and It hwliavwd day of rebru&ry A. It 1013, to erred b poo (ipAwrinh 'to that a NOW opening for another -Imts stud that a conA Itt,lnese min be AOne pn.palA fo ('. Heger flat , wlieitor 7Or the eve utom OI ,he last will of the Gold TERMS OF BALK To per Mal down ae A*cw eel. their t' ,!anon and awre&me+, &4 - be day of sale tothe vendor nr him molleffor Arose s and descriptions, the full partinalsre 6 Me belance w,thle Iq day. &her" ler, or ,f their eletm@, a •tatwmwntof theft eaoounts ft .D tombstone d"Ime. an srtantomfinr +` f-Jtmads whereby • portio- of the Dur- Poll% 111►IKiiiii m4, will be allowed to remain an a and the nature of the security Ili an), hold by them. And tnrtbwt take notice that after the said them. Jl+ letetmo and fiendishness t, be last menti Onel date, the said executors will aeA p tne,tto proceed todleVilinuthe&ontoof tnedeoeowA tyre q' gitators wlot he made on gds or wan be obtalso,l from the •mon* the posting sethled thereto. haven rows"] only to the claims of which they leaf vee * I Mwsars, Might ,eon A. (harrow, ,ben nes a notica sad that the mid *loot atop. vto n ledsirtntl. WI111•m tt"sreook, Ra will sot he Iishle fo the said seg•ts or for a ,r In r JO uoAmrrignd. fY-4mrto0 part thereof to ant porous or VeMn@ of whom.. ,,. this 5th day of Jansary, DIN me no. lee shall net here coop retand b? them at the time of much distribution tROMAss 01114DRr, pq.. Llatml Wh day of Decamber A D. IM2. f* HAYR. Avotlea"e. ,th for reader. I . HEA(if``Itt, Aolieltor for the KcecubetY, v the Iib rt` NA T. I ptf/. Mf. D.mkmoOa DolOted out that the ff-at et the possimlt of the revelation In the -maps to which at was submitted moonlit be o relieve Mrs Smith of any obligation for he defaults alma tag mate la the camysaalt .Ith the town. Mr, Seager at. first debtor ,Gd to rhe striking our. of the words be which Nr D,ok1111 ,1 look OOj1OLlon, bite finally --fit the oaand might strike them out and .s would submit the amended motion In his ,hent. Finally a motion convert by Mr, Humber anti 1»ooeded ber Mr. Blarney w" ennmit- o I, with rhe onlsnt. enable phra to sUmmsr. 11 anti a of twos afiled placing the mother Is the meleotl-r's hands for cumplonrio. Tne w.G passed wnh only one oponsleR vote, hitt of Mr, F,lyst-on The roeolarten As dopl-A was os billows " I'hat tyle sale of he .nmmer hotel prup+rty by Ms awilinee .n Mn, N.II,e It. Ymnh he avid is herrt'y • &ol adn m •A A ted rat e D Ie nor rasion D pre ra. Smith to t.ke the property ■ahj •o to the p.rform.ow of Ihe onvenast@ in rhe mar,`mgso to the ,own : end that the matter he ralGrr* to nor ao,witer to primp + a." F ig.s-•r Kelt? sebstltsd a s .,f nun nlles ter the water and light pl.u,@ w hich .cold Lt amecled for the prsaect year. The watts ant I,Rb( committee was Instructed to sdyartlse for ptloeo an geese grind. MI, K•Ily &IM eked that some see be sppolnted to road Cie water and lipht ,nsfaro, soft that A rate, for the maters h, .track wd s bylaw Devoted gwarelnit tha .&m•. 'Phis was referred to the same main mitten. A Mlessilroml'"aps.(.raet that so@*mmo• HURON, BRUCE If GREY ELECTRIC RAILWAY. h1EETINGS fly) UIS( rs THF. Colborne Railway By -Law Rill he held at the following tjmes and placer; : NILE -Thursday, Jan, 15th, at 7:30 p.m. BENMILLER-Friday, Jan: 18th, at 7:30 p•m• Everyone is invited to attend theNe meetings. A full and free liscus8ion 19 deslrtd. It js particularly reRuested that all those who have objections will appear and state theta, so that an opportunity may be given of meet- ing and, if possible, removing such ob,J i ctlons. he read were well sauefiwd, end we think, by what we sew soil board, they bete every *.sea to be. W M. 1'1IUM(:, Rlt,HARII JE YELL, W ILLIAM HILL, W. B. FUYINK, Tbo fellowint le•ter fr, m Monagar W' •Ilex •f Ill. $amfttou, Urtmeby and Be.m.vllle R. R. speak• f•,r itself : Ha,ntlroo, Can , Dee. 15, 1902. W, Lima. Esq., ('.am, y Clark, G der -oil, Ua DRAB `4tR,-E icl..,ed vola Brill And state - •e --sol of H.m 'to ., Gremeby iga N*•m•ville R. R , which I prom,g•t: you, sad sell ch can r» v.nbed at .shy ,tae. Number of C P K freight curb ort oar line row J,en si v to N vtea loor 16,b of thin year, 604, onat,balor froul 20,000 to 80,0(10 the snob Paa•en¢ers carried ,during same period), 300.000. 1 he population •long the road mom in- creased about SO ar oent. sod the vale* of property about 25 Der cent. We pay a d.-Aend of i per coot. p*r .nnum on (200.000 paid up capital stock sod ;85,000 bonds. Cost of uuos•ruc'io* p&r m Ie, Iooluding power sod , yulpment, $13 000. Inoreas* to business its .Ignt years, 40 per __ - oent. URO. F,. WALLER. HOCKEY 't(OTEa. The H.rmrey Ci and the Dollar. E ght:e• ere playlna e2ato th•s @@amen, rh- re te tells of • league oompr,alog thus two team@, the Shorts .ml the Signals. '!b, senior team ht@ re nr9ao'aa,d and oommsnood pew Uriar this week. We hope •.o se• some good sport before the Ica gee@, though the nalghborme , , *n° do not appear •o he taking much Intere@, to the game this "ssoe The hveliwt thing the, hu happened s6 be rink me far , )l,• oci was the hockey ,.,tch on Pounder rye t,ag between rhe ,1,,1`111:, mod too SIUNAL block to.m. There *sir-• ,ui,* a combat of epootasor l pree•ot o mea , he fun• The Shortie. were one mu •herr, •u tel Rom• was played dx • side, as f Ifaw. : 3nnm7M. 2I(:NAlb. L Cuff Tinel N. Anh.tt L•IP.reone Pool IL Mo Lead r C Lane t over paial B Sheppard C D*y I I M, Colborne C. Campfbn Fnrwsrd A. MoLe&a F. Campion I S, Omese rhe Signale Not down to bur rise@ early In the - g.m.. sod soared the first two goal@. Thee 'rte Short@ unalrteed t„ Ret past their opponens' slrhe[ Aafenne soil moored sine. - _ - - _,- Ir,•. fror h vast wear to the Si.ufl•, tel . fifth t„ the Shafts and tel sixth to she Sig. •,le, and time we, Gellert with the were 4 ,o 2 ,n favor of the S,9yal•. The earns was florae at times but. good matured. and the Signal Nam earned their vlotory by wood playing They have comment: d ,he "ono well, and we hope to see them win a good many gam" the, season. AUCT'IuN SALES hits Oouauy, asst fifty yearwy*" 0-d.. M andanataad OI the Did 100 0/ is Ins .emoment with tie Imre Mrs. Thomas Dirk tied that the" ere now divided Into late of lay •hien she agreoi to keep him for the h,1or, five, ten or twenty serer, sod moth ,sot of his life, 'n co-i$dera:lon of wbiuh he under 1, ort OUILurr, anti the road afford* t •va her poa•e"ton of hie farm. With Mr rapid shipment of all much produce to th .rad lin, Dirk •re now klnr deceased, larges cents" of pripnlatlOm. bat the ooatp,:ot me -1- on many year+ 6Rn A -t,rte quarry bat boon opened es tot• tots here fn Ihfully sed money" Iyy rah..rred moon'e•e rail• sod by means of a elide the by the family, The deea•@ed was an -'ones aro' -lost dew•. t, the track sop Annhosn, and Io rnhrioa he R+ve the all loped for buildings pa pnsr. Tne rw,- fl,nseryative party ash nnewery,et bOppart ,so doubts hoe men.. A p/-fi-ahle ban, fa R v Ma -k Tarnbo'I, rector of N . Ilenrtye's, for many men In this smetto if an, has d - 41i nivell •t the toneral. w•"nh to,it isi to .eloped a bade ss tot itself royond what M•iLland enmet•ry on 9atnrd.v •f{ -rooms. sues Over &D•.e gaud by the promoter* nI he residents of i he bo,oswn ANNOUNCEMENTS. Th• o,ty Of Hamlltee *aye . "mum n• _ $2.5,000, A04 the to -ewh'p of Sahli.r t R.v- Out annual sale I I ,try wit-, mantles and $3,000 ' Ihie to all , he •IA roe. y• t by t he overooa,. I. flow 03. 75 $1 00 anti $1 25 0 -,party from muulotpali,iem. The m, I .•m -sous@ and settle@s 50 . 50.t. 60 a A sad dxp-eee bMlne-o Is earlOA by 1lds road 'rev) -n tet mr.I rho-xpreem bassoons .a Is,g , Me 9•• i i.if Frrnc,Q fl.neo e, 350, •I•.oe p+yr mM,u X10 000 + it r Inv er,.r a. a y, sn Arian ov..r.,o,,@, worth $10 00, for IU 50. 114o F. KING, Winghan.. I he com-).n, Dint .is• a t.1-plarin• an -leotria light settlers, since ,h- nnw be th-• Ua scaomes •,J the storm Ino peat week f.rme'. aeA hnsm-we man may coke .A v.D %e nave deoaded to pr,.l felt -ter a .Oat Zak rng ,ace of , hams If t hey alio tem stolon( obseaware, RrooNres, al•se, d•t.e.r I- the matter of fright.-ning hostiles, w vd see sets, tolh*ten,@, aotll Swuroay, th. field that a few -oral Ion,@ bed ."good. ho 24 h. B.rraies In every I a• of good• ,t the nnly a low. We saw many people drlt low Ham iso -a. Rre^ery and predves *bre. torht sloop Ae the car o- which we were Wf1.1. J. MnRRnw, riding end the horeafl seemed to take a(»ten- NTfI L Tiny Co,ta. ---Aenther bankrupt lag any nolo* of rhe oar *took -will arrive at the linderioh horrifies The classes of the year Aid nal solve tea an alifts tie a wsek. Tare u a genorsl -tacm, cippertanity of e"i-R anyhOsvy snowdrifts. . I new, poo to d•t9 Randle, end as fiscal will bot we were asenrtid that Reaw did not i n -e of •rood vett cheap. This oh-sp sue will pods Irstho •nT ane* than on a actions road, oommenlw wn Saturday soil, 17th Janmvr-, se Ibe track is kept clear by conUeuai tral- iD03, .). W, ftR^pgllCw, ...- I An. lice feued that the "OrN served h SAtURDAT, J•0 24-Auotlon male of working herself, roadster borsee, Recital mortgage col,@, single aeA double harne", two efstabe, t.we oshitsirs, these string of belle flood roma cattle, at Gnoil, y's aua, 1„n .nems. Goderioh: No reserve. T[oMA4 (,lusimv. anotioneer. Now that yon are thr„ugh with electing 4licwr@ to manage y. sir lodge aRw(re laud muninipal af,Ir. end w f •cath'• sup rob you e act y„ pre If to s nn,n lartatne taa.irlon- ,hs de of @lents of r. J. Pndham a ace tailor tea. 8atief•o ion guaranteed. Y "one area's H, hie at -to meet* a A••em• Illy Hetl, K•et-,t„ et 2 o'olo a en Sunday ,Iternoo,,. Ad )•wog men invited Service morning and evening in the Rep. elgreltn,10".F. flarmlay, Ifi'tl. The paster, Roll. W. 1) M*gee, w l preaoh at.. both our. vt.W' IOTWYOee aordiatty tuvtesd Tne cal" of R.Aol ITO and Mal), cold g,lnet the t)*a, which were down for trial '.c,ek. rote naw ,ownnoo.untl l may take_ poen, ,n'o oonGrddra esu- -t0- a am-stlmr, BORN. McLEAN.-tn Oederinh on Anhday'Jam. l lth, to Mr, and MrR. A. i). MoLean, a cam, PFRAMMER.-At Myrtle, Moa, o, Dee. 16 h. 19m. to Mr. and tire. fico. r. Pfram- mer a don((little. Mrs Pframmer I • A-nwhler of 3. H, K'ward, Colborne Town- ship MARRIED. ItIIYYAd--FKlt(fl1AO1c At H%rfi.l1, re Januar 1, I1a)1. by the iia J M.•Mell. Other . Ithrnas, or -ioAa hch. to M O. Mand, daughter of John Fmr,caaou, Hay - Reid, KATCI.IF.FK Itl'81 rLL. Un Ueeamh,r 21@•. fa,£, at Ittvir•Ido rarm. Rioter, by the Rev. Hobert rowlfe, "*tiled h, the Hew. Collo ric r.her, John N. Ratcliffe to Viol• mne A. Ituooell. IIOHT- N H(-I+TIIN.--At the home of the omelet, nit Worts)man, 0 Aeneh, on Wed. needy, Jsuuar, 7tn. h R.v We, I.we McKa Jam. H .nu r. e n of Ill rel) n s e M D, KI -can Hutton, o I,ewh , e. Hl IAL oU )TUN, In firms" a nn Jan 7 W he ere do.." of ,I, A IJe,Om-n, it" e* -t. b, o, her. n law to tete h lit., . ,he Rev. Jolie Raw., B A , R. A HED, tet lht'o. , to Mfee K+ w Uu lor, of ('uru o, •1.Othter of Ill, into John Unttoi, f i• afford. ULat-alt-GIL!,ItBPiF.-At Buevsh* on Now '•e&r'r Dory, -Irlsk at the rm,a"omn f Jolla Buraem, sneer fret' of fn6hoLMllon s Rev. Mr, Lm tt may Ullver. formerly of o per oh. Go R', J U111e•Dia of Tomato. DIED. CR0WI,RY.- In uotafch, on TborWy. January nth. John I :ro+ler. are a Rist year . I,R VL Iv. In Underlch. she Tuesday. Janaayy y 13,b ire Lesson. "*it M Tsars a mosye anA 1I day. • .i .6 .g .g t .1 i .s .I .7 i .1 .I .. I I , t L in