HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-1-8, Page 7'y,.., "', ..syr, ..
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--- - ---- -- - - ~' - I Uas:lah chunnel. N n.ON LESS kLS t kit tLD.
la the atflrmativs, and 108,051 In the lYlrafarr tthYrup:,y," life gaid. OR1H SAID 10 BE IIVINE
TROUBLE Ili MOROCCO nfeKal,,e, giving n wnjurlty cif �: SAMUEL �'A1SON •.fit)"la by b. -lion a ebauper potent
___ ___
O_8. 1'hu riaynotive perceutager u[ of cumwuulwttuu, ts,cuwe a putout .'henlbrrlaiu OpeubrK Eyed of the
11.; 0 for unit 34.1 again t are not South Arrican Proplr.
utf ctc�l b,v filo obnnKa In filo ilgurea ,.gul.cy Lt Ccateut ug filo tier ,hut
Inn,\llay tR Ir 11ovv liiu eft euka-bind t:uglaud to her colonies• 'Pito Lomhou. Jsa. e. -Mir. (lcumberkiuOVER 5BROTHER « +Ilii°rrcy fine which filo returns err 1HRESPONSIBLIps ea►Arr aro eltk:irt►t atul �[7iot.bat filaASC Aarala Orums t i idlatowa fit of '
lui-.aapletu. cost lrohiWtr their use to the public A oduke Makes his Habila- pito:t, of tea lwmwhutu rlleot tat lot Ell1y�% I hove a euutr with the which ws Illi uudteuce thot•u Ir no
,,N.,,4,,,, o:uvcrnwcat t •alt eu111- tion on an Ionian Isle. doubt, mtayr the w,rrespolxlout of the
a .----- w' lwiul m0awgcm at u r t)t feu
CUH10N S SPEE�N AT DEINI eclttr a word Land htirer crit bauwl hall ba Ill tury p,. One Ir hat file as
near not
five oentr n ,Vali u,{ don't filo tiecrrtuty prcacepal■ flet tits col -
you ,hulk this very ehoap In conn ANOTHER AUSTRIAN MYSTEFiY ut"it ,Vliet hodlto se learn Its own
Who Has Been Held a PrISOner, - Middleport Tragedy Investi- partsou with the rate twenty-five durupect v Rod fittes`t] in h At-
cuat► it word, chargu,l'by till- cal,!v t bvrrtir. Jan. 1f.-ArchJuke Lcol*, d pc'
6161 t,tive. The people v( kloutlt A[-
7 a CowP+aldt,s; laud doti't yooj 9:Fo thick vvau ammW '(I Id@ Sister. the Crown r1u:a tar" whibegch ug to find out that
Deplores Decadence of Indian Prlilovene otLartYurs les her elopement 'ttrattrnc which Seemed to them bo- i,
e p gated by Coroners Jury. flet this rcdtralon will do a grrna y, Pe („n, u( Supreme importance ore
but is Now Liberated c dual toward a tetter uu-ler•Stnudini; ,Vital hi -r c•hildreu'm f•'ei-pcu tuaor, la,a- dwarfed by others not Included be- �1
Native Art,,. _ and butter r,vutioos b l+vo •u tilt, two nrudo the, reI'bational aatau•meti► to a fore In their everyday phllorophy.
cuuntrie'i? Thu criWP rtnrt4d r, uo:lug a,porter-of Lio Zeit thilt Archduke Mr. Ciatuterlaln'ei continual up- r'
.- __ - _- mosmagem at the rate of t} u vvwrd
ARRESTS i ANCASTER bet hag COMO l►uwu to twe -five Jlricien r.Y ,1,t„k lialvatur. t, _ sir prat to oo►enfnle ft) itirMel all petty, h
LACK OF HOME SUPPORT ornt«. In tile raa►K, of wlDel.-sm ,fele �tuad►feuat-tti"tilt'"►'►+ut wok tlut.aalut jesior'"lesc 1KNkes how". It will be �
n h bl It nut 'romisln final when or Juhn'Orth, kind w,as 911111 Oil to ,urlirlaiug It 11161 Limit Is not found
like So -Called 1 retender N ants the Ihrore Icr film--- A Sranirh Sluop of gr p Y' I x lutvi, perfmhrd Its a shipwrockk off the to Ifavu left behinod a more reamon-
lhpihl, Dempatch-This wits the Seo- It starts with tell cents a word It ; twth .Ymi-rk-les const, 161 Scull plhc.
War ties Arrived at langitra and Morocco Is Quiet --lurks and oral day u: Use ew0uwuier tar Lilo Na►y coon. down to outs cont a vv(rhl l" Y little sttittwle on tote part of the war-
. Urih wits• or it-, nn Illicit lour cwlonles, and greater readiness I,
Bulgarians Firlit and I ,fiscal of five Turklth 'troops Are Killed u eurunutiun durbur, at which King Allred ftaole.% and EdNartl Ila). \Yell (Applause.) Ill Leopuld and of the Crown Prili- to Rive and to au 1n their lutercolon-
Wounded-Bulgariaa,s Locaped- -the Iurlvish Commander Fell-- E,Ward ll- w bo proclulmod Ent1wro= Knuvvl I;utt-hrrr, l'hurKt-tl YL`ilh - cess, I,fko him nelpht.w. he IVft the pal relational.
r,f Utdlu. Lord Corson, filo Viceroy c+uurt to go with lilt actrrmr Frau- - .
Oerman Trade With the United Slc.tes. list- I'ar%Tuu., Hold -II!, tilt• 110,0.- I t ivin Miss! .;trubol yr am with ,lolranti 1
Elf Indyt.carritd out- the prograsvme lar til,. vlaitm,,,I Hlnahrnr. Much NOT GI T. R. G011iSO Orth when 110 disaipl,pared SULTAN QUELLS REVOLT.
Ulbraltar, Jan. 6. -Tito dempoteh of rill , for the rarely of the roach run- for td-Juy by opuning Lite Indian Lk"wid rays 110 bu:ievt-s him uncle
umk through their territory. Arts Exhibition In the prawence of Intea.-_t les l'amr.
Spnnlstt reinforeetuente to llorucc•o! oho 'p I p �- Is It,.to with the Archduke Lould -_
utowh r uo Or war lufuuta the Lesko uud Lttchasr oI Cuunuagh( , JtLaL9Lg- nth, unka
oras bcee reustermanlel. Th- battiet j Pial lurlir ArrtcuT here. Cnihrritls rjf astlLe Brantford despateh-J£he taVueml --- _ _ . .._
uad a Lrllila►ut ViC?IfTf Bridge S etie .17t a tIw t►rereut Grand Ilvko
advices from Fes, Morocco, way that , k•: trod liullruriuu. Fight. prioccoa. Into the circumstances attending
city roawtlur cele. g Turcuuy. Archduke Luuim it ecoers- )IUry Flom Fez. OUClling
I COurtanllnoplc, Jun, 5. -les s t•e- Lord Curzon tendo a noteworthy lion tragic death of Woolley Wotmon, it and slendr ten m6lithr of the
hiKhUug our StlItAll'm Belit4rr• I ecut tlAht betwel•n Liulgarfans uud speech on tho decadence of Indian ova- which Occurred tart Tuesday mora- Railway Tragedy. Lar all It tipsy loin:til i«les and the Morroco Rebellion.
Tnnsler. Morocco. Jan. L. -The pre- a Turklth tio,ps tat the village of Dre• tivu urta !les doplured that native lila; ut him home near M1i+1rtl1 Wmn a
rt• - - i oAL of the Limo uyacht. --- -_
,lova, 1n the Honcvytlr district, off- tasto was declining, said til:tt.ulany war ribumetl yesterday les lite hull tyro Are,hcluko Johalilr war au of- .
louder has traiu(•d n pro.•lauwtlun, tours of the latter were killed or ojude•n ineadcim were debased. It wall Of that village. The rerrlkiff"'oocu•
that he to not fighting for the wounded. Tim Turkleh commander In the hobo of arresting tie prog- Pled about five hours. The chl,A es -1- ONE CONDUCiOR UECAPITAiED rH'"r hi tae Austrian urauw Joke Isle
Num antoat: tan killot. Till, Bulg:arl- ress tatdoc%ft that the exhllaition had ,tenor: wtar that. prevented by James n. phew, unit 4uurri-icJ with err RETENt,ER IS NUW FLEEING
throne for hinasrlf, bol for filo foul-' ,ant• wilt) i%orc barrivadt;a its a house, been orxrtiosd. lie flibPe'llyd to 1311- W"Wpsk' a brother of the deceased. Mls,ntreuldom atuh--Fo"Iowilij cluve- Lnhriti-i .t-hief hit who war the
tan•e imprisoned ' lar, 1•["1+11 Idea, rurlrtitiai lumsed, but till- sur- llr. Ftsbette. of Livid cit reNldcd. �' gt•nr•1'ul-fu:iima tat Lilo les"trioti g tolcr, ictalMorocco,,Tun. elvoit ere
tiro artists uvd their imatronr to Y. p ly a}w.l the uuvlead dlsatLe: tie
Maihsmmed. Lltore eut-al•tsl. study atilt] imltatr till- bouutifrl mire- atilt A. J. Wilkey, K. C.,rC wn At- t;. T. It. 11.10 war the rcaue Of :another 'truly• 'rtli" and ilii levo for 1'rnu- Nog to uf(tciut neer received hero
it tr aQrr cOaflrlutd til t_t te_title l:errw►w l'• zi 1'radr-- -- zilucuaat of the lwamt euhcet+mi at the turns re, 011144t-ln Strlulxd ftiducrd lite to r.-nouncr Irwn b'qz this udruit wove of the
"-- -Lrerented Che Cr wn. W. acglda'at-1 tL JULLac_u-
('. Llvin -tun luoktxl after .1k.o les- iaTT iiiwiitT. r rind oiodiFfil as welt at- Intim in twinging him brother•
tau ha■ onicrat,his lxethrr'r-llr -Sortie.-Jwe. fi- Ttlee. erre wilnrsminK g ,lately' lila-�Oarl_41---11I1t ,1Lt:l_ hit Y"'I a:o4uawaaai -.�laa the Ira lel.
Prasg, and that the-Lonuir- from the cuneular district indicate In India oat- amtwct of a prucrum thst Zola tat the R'ulrogk. 9Lmue W+►t- great. Sm the result of a collT�lun nTm-rmr` -'Yhr i+r+*,j lit il.ke �
- ,:esti war tet _ u.as ultJiUtid the dartrc�l object of
I t Titrrius a> m, eipor i -,-i fie pee -Plat -Ale- "l- cetw•een taro torr 14tr. , n.l k„ tate - _----- J '
itJ pttd to him. _.. a.x 1 u n oil throughout lLu world. tlu, decm:u him n enranue +a lar. ��f��t tic• natrir, orf 3011ftnn Mth: 1�► M[ µ itrJ+ mt of hie Nrew-
lrtcrrts�l in_ link: -mac _ g PP du tar tort iii Gr anti coarii,lrrui>�e
- 1ga1!ad-c=tiaguiwtaod the cevatnr• To -morrow, niternooe H^ tori{, 1 aira;v to.t;awth .Ynw,rlca t►gC xiwl the latter hum retired dls-
The Governor at n re•ent con er- IXwUt10 u•er tho.-!f or 1,.01 T1icTn1- munoal Indumtricw of Oreat Britain, y' Cartiage was n0 o pr , ,;alL,y the ;Intra Mtarthur- credltrd 'til T.tza. He had been de-
with the Kabule Clappers Pointe] . portal troika till) V. K. fell off, but no and was rapidly extinguirhing those will ne taken before Squire Lekt h. Thu rreuu of t ri.s. B liege, % was In ,a sill}
out to them that they weir. re.pon- reliable figuros lire available. of China find Jalman. Nothing cull"11 of tills city, the Ito, leuvl'lg half u willioa dollars, eerfrcl by a number e local trlb:•r,
gre+aC \'IctonJ Bridge, which
sou It, bra:aurP ft war Inecltablu les James H'utsop told o[ the attac mpanr tore Kt. Luw•reu:•e he!ween In various ►r:unk" for him IMlrm. VYhne WIIO ulmper►cJ to woke Dore Of their
P on himself and brother by b'- - Itho
ntreal on the north unit St. Lam. till) Knutn l4trghnritu %%am l)n route lwx,ty,'
- - ---- - nn ego which wnutal things cheap lnrs on November _lad. who rub -t on the south shore of tae river. flout Buenos Ayres amount Cm liuhumera, the pretender, having
laud did nut mind thclr ising ugly; jec:ted, thew to torture to obtaino freight train-# from the east 110111 to Vul{datmlto I'll" Is "UPpodtd prcacMull,if flee luaintnedion of fenthron-
which caret] touch-for_momfurt, and tie katowledge of Lila wlwrsalrautitIf Iowlrg each Other on the to hate• lawn Nre:koJ. No mem:er of lug no lingeramwed, rebecov-
• little for Im•anty, which, ever nmsert- of their money. His testimony wanuotlN-rt Ado of the ttrldge Nhort- tho company thtat IeaileI un her, and ir+u tau ►augur uuy reuoroa to coc-
int: its ow,p muclrls, was soeking mom^- that they had.on several occasions•gore noon,, running a partutl that incl•nd,.l Johann Orli and tinue, at- toe Sultan has publicly re-
Ulltig new t): strunge. It watt poor• ro"ght to have their landlord re -0 norutal couccltiuu+, pht-n tl� Fralwn Strubel, who he is said to eonclleol himself with ills brother, and
rain twat if many old Indian arts atilt iwdr+tl.e buildings on tho farm, butiu or tote .aecorrl traln r:all into baro tisarrlcd tat ,once South,- Amprl- M[olul lduauiuLued has made a solemn
x bfirolierafls were to be revive; I and u3buccesbfully, nail during the pro- tat ,.e at tWu rear end or the call port. wan Pier bora ngnin. `rhe entry Into Fell acclaimed by the PuP-
Statistics of Mines Sent into the Strike ,,,lneed In n flourldaing condition It seat toll they decided to with-st, a 1 the force of the Itupact %Peel wnm'1'u•trd ore hoot, but of ulace.
could only )N+ cone by tho patron- hold the rent of $;,W until suchm a., rent that the lovouiolive Into, years It wam mai 1 that. am the The Sultan haam &onoumeoi the qqpp
agil of Lho It1111nn chief@, thin
arlsto- time nal the repairs demanded wereve til enboore from the track t'vm:ulu, wit!' a new set tar papers, polatntcut of him brother as (lOM-
Commission. made. Fearing that the landlordto Lho car fn front or It, and Nil- vvfis still rnflilt= the. mens. nor of the Province tat Fes, thus
lonr,v at t cult"rtd lied fol Walt so
lung as ihpre lreferrat to fill their Could xnrnlolbeu the money tt theyspltntea tion co•ndtnaun Ocluve Thu Atx•hdukr. Johann h.um been prudng ihu rumors t la nisi }lu-
� dact,m with riuming Itrussels • car- tend It fen tic- bink the? withdrew oftemWuy. o cc4ldulr wsa follow- ,,,nuo•V' ulnarowt till over the world. It-ttpmed ctsplred to the throne. :Yh-r�
Puttg"I . I'a.,derpatch-11y au ez- PmpluyrP", 11.:J:; average earn- f illi, This with the nnluunL derivedby n con migration. w•Idrh re- H•, w•an rui.l to ho. ail ufti:ur in Lite thin lead been dune, according to the •
iuelon at oho ink Itlll eo.Lcry ]o-1 ingw of mlaprd $6:3,]•9+('; coverage Pet, elicup ltrltirlt furniture. Itailan from the male of their elcntt,dm,t Uldliuu army, o b• t;cu,•rut Yamaa- oliieiml nuthoril for these state- .
p r Pnrub,gs d :laburera. $':ea•.%'; {«'r Muynu•a. i'rench o:cvogrupbo. .tum- trol the nPr 1,+•r o. the )f nir.•ul g1 y
.Ley rix or wore ►nisi+ workrr9 ,Vete V coutuKl+'o: enrw ducked, lNu: uv'er-' nrnuuntel Lt) nbuut $.,800. Tileye derartmen to mu rces. gain, who_pl•mn,-1 an -t fought the meutm, flip tribes around Fez swore
trials lumtr,•a, and f:erllimi bruenden. I PP
kL'le.l and a hour' o •merely laurnrd. j sgL I,f tin Wuur aLiy. breakers thin+ worm not much ho}e. Ll)nl deposited thlr sum In two Ind, Jare•ow Lho t feu rAln9 came to be CI teal a war I:x .I:ypin Ill- ,Lar a In Itllittll to Liao Sultan and denuurteut
land Inlrted them la dl(ferent Parts of running 'o cl trrl b h;n 1 o'ach oth,.r ,ai,l td b., living la 'hernPlt a life. In IAthumnraa as an importer, whom
Aotooa; oho klihml strop Ilugh l urr.Or, 1 wor k1•d, .Olt; nvprage nnrliber tar Cursu i maid tint h- .(]lit atilt mean the form. They Willa few prrAO"m that it nn•montary stoppage of tiro at Ko'uth 1'3cClc l:l"'", to b+ leach- they would prevent from comlog to
11atric•k Hartle -Awl, 11110"'...1 sties dnyr irrenkerN mlrrtc,L :'Wt: near- to Nrwclallc reproach the taw, In- utpout doling @ca 'Tile burglars ze- felliwatc+rt of the"two should have iut; I _tIguag-•a,lO nn Ameii nn Se tui- .'OZ.
a K'• u,uul.�•r of-1`or"err-TireaicNr work- 'lirw fur tf:rlr Imirsmlt or torplKn cured the smaller •tr. Ever Vince the unr; , to t✓• it 'rinmrr In itumr. nn+l
i lual Minis Ksto,11+-.-__ _i,tL1,or +l.,y', 76 ;0:_uveragO nuit- g:tuds.- M4ttt.rre were just am bad � been the reel by the. f it all-ro runnln; 1 _All IwwatiatP danger hps es
o ['n., Jau:t:.-Atalt*ticr 19.61 ,it hunt a .street tat:ni-r.i�"ill" Tit-f;rraTTtrlTaiSn.TNt fen w w p1-T�i tcculo + tlol+lk ull .ortd o: t-hiugntlii.+ ieate/�, The routes froth Fez to
w at s rervoiim fear. ve'tlgntlonffita explain. ('omhac•tor mo tet neler Tai1t7•� t " fii6i-,.o:rfi It. cut+Ir .tree-operf-I[ 1s nett] tile
nn hours unit wag -6 fur L'>Ul_ h::%e l-+1 tier -10 Irokanr d.ay. 6.143; another impr. wt- uten him hecrrerw that Sup- Thio Jury returned the following Trenit"y wait in the -act of disc -on- :tet t when she p:as+el away sono left a Sultan 18 now preparing a large ex -
been rorwnnhri h*4Mr-Mli+re--slif+wP of casn[+++uy---twuaL• :,tied nveragc Port of witiv,• art ma.t cum" from vPnfict: "We rind that Wooley Writ- ue•tinic his can (tour the roar of thiel 0f h+•r turtuuz. for htuu. The tri tltlor. vrlth the Intention of cru@!t-
Commb,-lull by til•, lslnwarr•. L!tt-k.- 'ran,fugm of
cuwp,arny hardy. India• Outwldo imtronago alone sun ,net ills death from a xunskot lire trails. th.l uruul practice at- 'Eurofwan courts have. however, dc- Ing the rebellion. -
awanne, t W,attertl. Among the x:,ll to.:, av'ragl• 1•ntl,iugr of buys Or,uldt not Nulikort'it. Ile was con- wound inflicted by Samuel Watson. train# leave the bridge. wheu the clarel Idol dead f -pr legal purpobpr• Ad%Icem received here from Fez
Ito -1114 of til,- Nomoaary nr.. TT . '- t 'Of•t9; nvcrilve enrnin" of sit viner{t that in an nrtiQtf- era's"- ;hr- ,luring' a porloo i,T trremprn ollhtlity engine o' the. second crtuahe•t Inial awt d]strlbatM his anttrtn. under date of Dec. 29 are that the .
_ $;.^._:G3. _ di;a wake llut d,ad. , Kh„ eoald still - ------
Aurutw+e of colliurird 19: LLLmI1L•L_u( ,tar •LKerw Induced Jry_epclladve nervous and ii._lia tear ataralLGt:.1lflLweYa_ --I11C -_-ttJJte, who were fighting .for -_---
-_ -, __ - __ Rico -azul -ferrate.. w,►utwl- temp--bortlwlatf.-oa_ ilia-nesiiar in "I'll r t � iITt�1C�.
_- --- -_ _ __ ��_ '.-ptrclt:f)1lPr, have declared IUalr_ __
V.AR'V4CVwlc-%.JC'\i•C'►� by ill- rdatlzlinrf of the Np.rit tat Tllo art collectlbn iei the result ,rf duo to the maltreatment preiious- mnktng the dim•oullection when the --- alltgLarico to the Sultan. Twenty
ft- nofittar tit Nhfel% wa% f„rwtII fel,:• it prolong-i,told careful re,menrelo. It ly inflletcal by burglarm. and the volllNlon took place .1,o-alict• BI•W+h 1'+n•:•r I'iglktlug the thousand troapm have reached Fel
(� �) �Mn �/f uruu-ly rxcbudt,cl, y.wrri a i+ rn'.m- inrindrs p•icc•li-w brocadra. enninPls. belief that they were again lobi• _�__ _-_-_._ '•JyJVa"?fl:o. from the Sum district. The Bullan
1\[+ iI J I1T BRIEF / u,g ObstaclPr to the entrance of Kold rand *liver plata carp, -too wov,-n suliyrtrol to worse nbure by the her psnCP+l ldfl brother. Mintel Mu -
Ir ll lE iWS N li {► Lt.itdon..(afi. 1i.-\11t..a the-lrues-
� � -� ,•migrant K, whot*r only capital it to order for moguls and rrolerora enters laarttea: We flrwt no_ ev.dl!noe lr�-jrF- fel i Ipuilt,lo.1 ►n ruaUuru .,Ig,viu was h:immwl, fI: commission of the ezp.:•ll.
7reWVfVH•�7NV't2 filar rtro,ng working arm -l. kwelry fr'Nn the tnrnruro house" of Irt�mahre lar pmmalltrid:an. and?*• OYtJ I L� r RADE DUIId�D' tlor. nguiaet Buhamnra.
rlmating of tore fvtmr of the Iltmavo ralalis, nor.! ex4ucrlto carr•_ Iltjvr that lip fully nipposed hi" v.c- Cymp,cted 1 woe --j : gat 1t wur
world. M Nordau *mym- tie, open- Ingm in wow„]. inarbio and Ivory. Our ym ems a burglar." lorthJiMUgmt ttlIt the-"ftvrw Wild
LANADIAN• lit, kat tin„ PAnama txnnt, ulKier rif the aural s to the tent fir -ter ,•d IturRtarm l'anxht. -- -- laismed. La w r u[tl-rw,ar+n., fouler, E\GINE It UNDER ARREST.
pe4 K sats Water. that a m.eond Ati-Its e.- _
Torvino�lm -bulldfrig rribnTTal trOPr enn ownvr� alp. N inn ., ]lid \tat Lr* ltewioiu►bfe-7recaat ns --
Tpar uuuunteil to $;,U 1,U00. be.ginoing Id a newr ep,rc•h. At Lr•It t«•nrl". ruTrfar, pnlern!d■ land div.- erre urrrrtM In Ancnmter Tt)wtl- Effect of itis Sea: a Over Fatal lt).1y: JJ -ilei but n.ur. Iluttc *o extenr.ve u. Avoid 1Jan(trr.
!ke Oliver Ml„wnt perm ,rally wel- tilt Angluliaxun elemrrit will se,•k morutai, it cost sixty lakhm tar rn- -hill on Kunstty on a charge of fen- its it.; a:c.ri.iciug ojo rtatiosol.
wowed his 1W Now Years callers. ' to drlvo out th•: french ,tali (;Pr- peer. tering the• hwae In NI.dydleport of We and Banqu:'t. Thi-bocu,.dJu-les Is c:,llrcl the"Igw•at \lubtrral dcmpatcli: Kam. Bird Iw
Winelpet now islands thiel In the Rtes+ flux% fbotttong oxer mingle Pop -11th 14.1 to it,i aMl '.11tm,•* Wat9•an. Kn K- ,la -jt", Its +Il Yute+•r sty'ill'g ' ttlem
list of Importing centres In Gnarls. f l the• Tactic OP,•nu : then the gins! +takid binding the two brothers tr.vttl- !n the native hOlgiwge toe under nrreait In connection with the
struKRIP will lie currlerl further CO U. S. CABLE LANDED. Mail .robl•ing them. They were '•Surae of Ili ver;.'• The seat Ill oln.r:a- Victoria Bridgo accident.
who first tiro of the ye.Lr did V-00 the tshatic cowl•,t, vvbrrp Anglia- , , browght fl) Brantford toy Consta- tions was tie town of Owt Nullad• '-That we, the undersagued Jury, de-
damwse to rttswley. Larrackm, Tu- \•I%Onft Iu,d ltu� iifi� w11t ll,vn tri n"---F'rsYi,-L-W-o Sew [.talked With blow Arimmir Anil Mti•rrflt, arrnt¢ned ALL ENGLAND IS ALARM-10ruportTu7LWrc:idhi;Anlle•ues!lleut at
rugs 0. - - Par Netrrbry lamfore deirft A,--.f,Plta:h, tiivrrf ih.rt a+rrr]ffre+,rwrrr ire r++t1y (,[.,art. that octave Tremblay wee
decide-. t�9 111mont�S [lcwwrintn. 1_uukfutt, r . Ito kill.•d f" Montreal on Wednerda
Dr. A. Y. 8lDoM__X Toronto, %L•a* wht-tLer fsamtern or itti .i,an AMI, Hunottt{>t demptsieh- U. ti. cable Justice oN the fence, unit pled&A taksl;g I'l.'e" lat-ri, the I:o.t aacr ice y
reported muc►1 worse, with Irttlr shall ro•maln Brit."h tar f:n9sian' wa,m euro actexl at 8.IU o'clock Iawt not guilts. Tho came wall ;adjourned London may drterw.n:. to throw utl I,, .4 to ... k.ili ig W ro,u Is,. JILc.,aJst, iJU:', as the rewult of all ,
It of recover th" exciteulent of hi t hrirtm:t%-
opo 7• T,. ,tilt fonr.nxt M. Nonimu adlt,r, Right, wfu.n 1tla, two ends wire until VY'elnps.tny nrteruofai it :. Ou lar. llr :�u , x}m•.liuuu wur tar- ncddnnt bit Ili++ (:rand Trunk hall. I
Newr her been ticriTel at Ottawa .., I. inn kwl - Ima lilt+ with horror o'clock. A great deal of interest Is tide, .ometuln,r extraordinary' -Ill g,uitziJ to cee,vr n •a sot lite of
K brought to other les MlWolial Channah 1"' 9 w•ay. the loeonunlh-o urn ter control
that n receipt rtorin IayPl havuc K g ways crops up to keep pcoplr uvrake leader» ants ria o-/fic outuuu socr&c
l: ,Vliet Nauc'I n xl;tantic atrugxle car ;t_, ml[ra (rum Ilonoluln, where the taken to thio; nrrbmt. After the inn- a 4`' of l<tamurl BInJ h.avitcg Struck llw
with the Yukon Ud, feu h Ilne. 'Plum year the expUewcut 1" over
R p twUuum last] receN will mixtilfy•" K,tn Franebovu snit had been buoyed fortunate tragedy In Nliddlepurt T.w e'pulu.t)n uruvv.xl u:f the town main that had xtopppd.
y oy'mta• s Tarr fatal tints el balm net m., N.lhad tau the ulurmog of No% -
There were 373 entries at the To- I mince iack.. ell. Shortly after com- till TuprcLiy morning luat, the two y 1 uc a '•tl'p deglnre that raid Asmuel 13►rd
route Canary nml Crag,• Blyd mociety w brothers told a story relating tit \'incherter ]as caused no end
than the report].mucacntlun wee established the feet 3' g to 17, ,u.d a wctw"tgi-r west I*ait to lite did out tusr rcn*onuble ttx-nutlonr
WAS GREEN.f s„uaat;un. L'ur. Jrtauurteats p
tion cnuo+ s that lel to Lilo "hoot- p chiefs; of Cflr Znvcn s m:Ilon.ng them
allow. 54 more ----HE wee announced to the crowd In wait- _, which de:laref the death or nine} to) acu41 d: train h following too
Of iti• :,not was greeted with applause muse. Ing. They home
that on Nov.NOL.�' ln•t elji(-arrl•'" l'IUM,I the train ahead• and more -
The Toronto 1 ill(! rropert F. K t P [atilt their home wax enteral b two prominent vlCame to be due to ty• Thi- Cuu•fm # -lit l,tck n must Je[iuut ra
Music has purelinr •11 the property to loin ad a t•rook 010 lit Sri Trna1,1. •lu,lge ('expjKr, rl-presentinx l:ovrrnur maskaaf men, whip meized them when t'b m. Lour swullowiug dim u.e l 0.1 It 1114,gx•, nod iK uc lave: 1•ti the Bit- dorovofly not having his engine un-
tho south of its prement preunlme". I Itoc, why worm nbmcut from tho Island, lcrw, (olluweJ by tine death of the s' dc's complete control in order to
It011dingItcvohe. hemi a lncemage to 1'resid at Itoose- they camp, In, bound end- gagrtell ti«b forcC liNora List- 1, it ec hod rout ,mit)+ 1t within a few feet;'
Thomas K. Haywood ens Nentersc.- Lean of \1"lnche.ter, also from hoc- 1
y 1 V. -It nnnoaheing file opening and ex- then. and tortured them Into tell- ire a moot. In a vert ruurt t:w„ it T•ka of the n were 1n favor Of
w1 at Itraeelirbtge to three yearw,n , . C•hici.go, .jean..:. -William Green. a Ing contain oysterm have had n wt)"t 4 jury
tendinir n greeting from till- eltlzfne reg wh^re they had hidden motile teats ft)cuJ lural Lha cnc•tuy, Ntitr kthe elrove verdlet, and two dl"mmpt-
Ki ston I enitrntll mor 1•ublel- g illenatrot« offs -t on the Eaghmh eye•
sg 17 y fnrrurr (ruru Sngivavv, MII:IL, war of ilmwnli. The p+t►rlfc celebration, muni•}' that they wire known to .1'111 tau: tai niN.�t, wiry puwti-d .Al:.II ort. lrfnl w:ardetnfnca on n warrant
Mr. C'hrir I'ol'y ltas c•onmente t to to trade
the victim yesterday afternoon of• which hah been held in nil• nttee until hNLP In the hone. The bnHherw n+- "nand ttu l ala.:., Ic,:p'� ::u.l :a ccrcla
stand as indopendrnt lulwpr candl- y Mr. retie, clam of the Ifirer"t Iaimd,xl by the,pon,uer, and vvUl up
aeltel wl the time that lhc•yknew Ill X. futlnrd of tfur falter. Olitiautg
It cuntl•lenre men. vvhudP mnnuer O! the• completion of the cntrle, will ire w11uL•=ilio oyster merchuntm its {:n:;- ir•ar before the ponce tnngistretr.
-date 1n Barrord Wal the Uommonr. hilt] in Lite oap:tol grounds to -mor- will) the men were. In spite ofthe brlr.:u fibout d uplork, ,cud cotilinntrl -___ .
At the annual buil of the liuelph lrbualnuig llww'y from urspumpec4lnx fleet that thoy Lvere masked end of 0 les .s Interview, ,1fl11L.,fetid lily s,1L• until l In the niternotm. fly that time
:ilio brlgexlo,- y[ayur 1{conntdy. .tau sUnngers was uevv to the police. row. , x' - l.' Attempted to dl or o; •t:vs had fnl:en by about 7.i MASKED MENS1•GAL:4800.
p 'Igulse their veleta. per ,•eat. •'My own books," he oi.id, :rrm,at tiin:. o! ill" ant,, troop% r
teltall Of the flowerless men of the liroera<orIAgAMAU.0 -fill"� tilpo..l`.lvc but that the only vritness who wrro wWJd.'I, fel: wail slugm. Li tat.
CANADAallow that I have tailors lou nhout
City, prevented the rem - AND- eu+ikl know awythtnR, er - _ ._ I4 -lAst Aic�Llarsa-waware.t a a(.x4t wuutul. L+aft N'atCbinan and Then Dynam lite a
t.evv b1111an1 table. tntion that for a porton u( that ---- ---- I•r411sa1 to teotily, smY -,;,ill. snit rlrrgt. t•'oggan -weir ltrulk'14 fill Ip.
mem hr Nwslt ser the Maculate Tent- days than I should have, heal thim
lieTeral changer are repcetelt.ln til p_ a.0o:► d'hanned to Dese•nd t'lwn fort) they could not take any ac- t 'hold warn not occurred. I emtf- wunnJ.-d Ls threat pL ors, hal tht,g:r
p pl» t+trfl -lis --stew _1xi11eveil- tae ttotr. lbrt-r a>~' uo bradeace to offer 1 r - -- r yvrr� riL*tot 2vnr t'Itic.taKci:,M n. R.-i'ivr mnmktet toren
•tVlnnlppg Tribune wtaft. MIr. It L. Ili- I Ntrnoger when Inform-nd that fir Pht<t'ertt tfta. costo t •tat tlttriiex <lm premrnt oys i
e•hanlrun bccOmeN b"aihnex" mnnng r, except that car themaielve%. Tire- tPr-er...ou U.l« untbre.•ik elft coif w -cru r -own::;{ tot uueuuyr ki.1clL unit 1vu"mltcd the mare cN the b'Irmt
would get his change back/ it Ib \routerny, Jan. 5. -Dec. 29. -Gen. PrPntm Or bast Tuesday, however, the tinkle nbrwt $. 11U.11W worth of It w•as►4ultu r,videlit that havoc had National Bank nt Abingdon enrly
nand M aueccedW In the eJltorinl Nnitor) n few mo,mentm on the street B.unuvi !'.-arson, flit, former liter put a dfffcorrnt Pumplexlon rnI the teen "aurid nmung the Pncmy, %l chair by Mr. .1. J. Mttnle.rirf, new■ I corner. Green dill nm lie ryas told. Irut c,• umm�der; who: in hrrp, m:t -r thattslnesr rthi« morning s, stole $iJ)00. Two
r 3 mutter, end James Watsonw'nteon swore ;Y w -oleo feature, huw-ever, than tkrnl.:r4y b}• the yL•Iaiut. Nat- vcntr
editor. n(trs wnitwg nlmo+t an hour for the t,;nnm had horn made f llr :Ot Investors out nn htfurmntlrm nxainmt ![fin- the loam to tion I:u'gr tcxn butt" will food eou.d Im ubtafnnl Iron, Lilco pincr, •n[ the rooter* were arremted at
Heirs to the Plf Plymnn emtate, To- 1 bullfl[rq:Koturn and another hnur for ,.f' ('ana,ka with nn army of pro-floer Icoy RIK] Rey. -They stoutly fnaltl- lan the falling off In the employment :'rd it w•Jh doc..ied to return to Quibcy un tit, arrival of thio fast
ronto, nrn springing up All over the 1hr man with ilia chance. he bN'Cn1111` ,lellerivarlw, vLhi-n n rl,br waS put to thin their N1nockince. Bail wws lac- of tbo9e echo get th"Ir daily' brt,a,l OwcrL moil on til, Harlington from Gslem
country. Th„ latest claimants lar• M1millepo+ls that lilt hail been main- t he prvm i•r,linarm by- lilt- death 11f the ep hell for coach of the two men ou in that oyster roducigg districts. The British brought Irick w•ilh them burg.
a+t L_satuuLt L_ihu_CueC_Cv iM- pPrtk.o,-,+V.:-+.I--_the uwvcut .. - - n t 1 ill n:aivr min nn,l iwf wontln. Thu • Till- five, men hell up the night
to. 111"Chleta "'If -Fill I sieenr{tlew of 4400 each. - --. - _.
the first Liffe era, .alis ='_-- -_ _- _ _ _ i r e� feu must 061 --
in --
m Trill. -- 11riu dot ti
tern of the Toronto ariver hravP bees t%rath. or the ecraraf"iii t t"th llr[ Edward Vanness, of 7�evt 600 men emnloyeJ on t]re oymte,r /1uuWlcls hilt] thO IAltirh r:ut thou tar- R t hurtly after midnight.
located. I,Lwyprm, clnlm to have nil orpeon land been in chicneo tpr•n.l- York• flit- iownai,mi wi to lI L' t•,t'r bilis. The �nre mean" A mhciringe rnroi m"t of tilt" would have been Imrulnl nn,] gagged him anti plaeprl
the proof tlutt is necessary to mai- Ing the holldays with friends on tote mate chtring Minrch or April. Thr Vu t T-Wn�n - to 500 or 600 ramfllea-several thou- snoriflcr-d bins Its tin officco of tilt• bank while
.tabllsh their position re the estate. mouth side lie left for him howl -Inst war-wnwmrt rmrlrttmrti Y_ {f ��}}}{t t sound pormoua. he e.��OTThc nim- kurthrr olocratinniatt waw added, th•; 'wri•ekel the vault uud-wntn
OI�I LUN. night. bet having n few hrnurm, [pis- Ynnnemshadagreed to furnish all _„_Jaspit
BRL(I'H AND F oro before troll" time, deeide,l to sir _----.-_-_�- __ aortic' .luso IN b•ml Net forth fn the tlea•o h tri or rnnjit against
u-j twin; with dynnntite. 1[nr4tix 'he wa ch-
411! atof at taint t-hary�__to andraii fen low4 %tutwuent 6 t�iTiu bi:iEiiir►TtLn u- 10 a tt1P gave
+Indian staff corer is les be ulnll- I Lho might*. Of fee ens Atnazrvi nt tltr nrrny of at 1 w tli by tluw%nnti moo. 1, alae of the Ino c"t "tet haants 1 iuLon. +'•1111 the.00t Lir 1 �cders should not em- mail $i0 ntM, fbv1. Their teecape worm
TYc I height or till- Mmm�ntP Tempi•• nlwl Ifo worm A wealthy rrtlrard Nrw Marconi Prophecy for the don : g ca.pc, it V:rcv of Niger"n truopm wits to made In n boggy mtolen from A
talaslL was gating akyw•ard whin hr wits Y,.rker, whoop rutlrm sympathy was
The e,alAco tram Sou Francisco les c►c,cO,ttnl by w well-drowoal mtrnnrer' with till- Iters, According to nen. Near Future. "lit tho week h^torr, C'hrl"tmnewe nlmrnUp on the other sldv of the irnrn In the uutaiktrt". Tlu•ir horw+
lannolalla was complett-d ••1'rptty tall building"-remnrked __ ratckan to smlt 1W.Ol)0 oysters, but
town; etfarttttg from n l*aifll flumnS prove.] A I,IO1P traveller.,and they
Pearson's statement. what flat* happpneJ In that In tic• milew away exchangell it at a (arm house near
Fifty-etglit men ,Vivre klAeot In a the INinkn man. - -- ' work before the mr'are we sold from --_ tow
mining disaater at It:achmut, 101981". "Thu NV90et 1 ever ace, • auww'ered NAVAL. PRISONERS MUTINY. THE INVENTOR WAS BANQUETED 15.00:) to 40,o0U. On Monday, the day FIREMEN LOSE STRIKE. The thimem, It i" thought, dro%m
Austria and Hungary have r,nOwd Green. - previous to Lilo first publleation or _ to Galealrurg, w•hepe they boarded
sa agrepuret which ,,ettlem thcir'j Yea It 18 a big one, ]+tat the •lacer- I1sUfac Jer etch-(Xticeux of Ca e t
mtc s ,IIcIPs ttlsputr•e. et- pert or It nil is that it Im tnrna] Diw•hAr9Cd Itrvt)her•m, 11111 Wrrr Brelt)u uLu u ,brlI--Qt ]wan net lust tion ttphoid outbreak, we mold i',- 1 otitic So•ntlnwnt Forr.-m 1'nio„ feu n Burlington exprem+, toned mouth.
. cu om Pc rcwrnl every there hnurm," eoattmle'1 l'owrd b Hrwve l►akt,k rm. t+ 4 WU : on Ttrawlny the neo Iter vena 3,- lit-sunn• Work its Trzes. /nfot motion wait ,viral nhend. and
1 eight at Sydury' to Mlarcunt, the wage (1110. since thou we have not disposed detect+Len were In waiting lit
It Is brileved tdutt tilt' call"' ':1"- th- bunko artist. Jan. 5. -It was learned to- -
ny►re In the State of )tamwlellumA::: 1 „Yrru don't mean to tell me ��b%
„f elicits+ Ulegru},hy. 1•aghty gurm(r of 1,000 n day. On Saturday vtr did Ib,tt9tun, T'xnm, .tau. Ii. - iI nt.+- tZuutcy' Leh:•n the train drew into
_ _ ... T r- tll�i rotf,rwtzs, -- - +- ';.Ii"�a - -- - --- - -
toll'" nem f 1v t•n t -ol d^c•I:tr-
rxrin"ntmd Grein. , , -161
two iltw- stria -
�()EN► nrrtrei at c
. �(rl'ivt.il--by- - - r. leltnv
The 1pattotutl rltvit,w (err Jauuaa•y' I m of war Rere the etttet gllLo n brli-t murvt,y of til,• Indemterl+ea '1'1#ni, yd'sare u•ielva+. Thin week Lb,OW Tnsl dight: They found that
puid(e were relrrg'rlr-rel Ineta�ly, and troth
reprisals tilt, mtnry utile D111,171-1 -; "Thiat'm tnmt what ors. oft T, -rd Th -e SfuniT YtnP t�T t. e puiorr ttr•at 1
,V wTreicre •R ap 8 ` more rif ale oTLhe i TTipy w b.• +i.,rTriiv; crew, w1u1" when iTie oi'fleiie feu +Ti-
tULU attacked the King and the• Brit- yaks. rind In Jn.7t tlnre hnnrm from � them. The cit • council land h"I'l n P i
Igk tsonplP. rwtw it will b, tarntl n•-ald. It Mnmt mtrnmrr !'tynwwth Liel night. On abt.ut two yp,xars u hu thought that I hncp at pre+rnt In the bras niioul ) el upon them, Intl they arm (lulck-
. r,.a,,,- f„rs"m,t a few INvtrd were twelve general[ ernn•t- by u4iii; greater,power than he heal 7,00,(M ovsterm. vaitle,l at brtwppl, mperlitl muting Arid agreed that ii ly orcor(mwrret land disarmed. j
)rtt"r .
Sam n forlilddeu In nets Tir r'STTa'�'•1T"`Yy , k
of cholera ion wrndl Ilko to more, mtmlt n might
w. c o � of
itwhen raerrr aleft lhrlr term An me rt
-� .
t • lar
for ]hal pury'w� ,ill ('ern Lull tJ
--lt[Tt •t-"'tir
tr. f bn-r ax trterlr t:It
' suspicion
other partm t p w•hit,b no wt) yu•lun
p umo of the prevalence
alp en [ amt fen hr could till nlxpnt
1n ExJDt. I1 1
hn(.k to fMginnw, but 61x- mnriner nccnrn panird the men.
ancortnln xvhelhl! ft wits or wait
attnrhew, but the prellPnt mcare will
Cable Cfratuany In nt- tor' got
flint he dill not here time to Two of the long-term Iprlmor;ers
atilt Im»Sktdo to communicate aerosol
retailer their dl.pomil ex,•cedin.ly
Tho ttltleh
Th t Inlned
Ipmping to Fanning 10 Ind. r Aa ion Ntrnll l mina ills train. wfxre unshacklml and merit brluw fn
the Ationth!. The cutty1(nuty did erect
difficult." --_
purchiaoe nit.
n,nL urwTnr British protection, wit"ro ; The stranger ash] if Grein vFrndd rhnrxr of two mnrinrs. Thine PNe-
he onerm dlmarmed their guards of their
wcl• s rtntlon at n trial u( one huu-
dreal thtunrind dollar,'•
thrlr first czrlplp rtrttlun rmrt tot Y':tn- let him have tjJ prrhnpm cad,]
to bete the rrLvlv.-rs arN1 brxnn n xenrral fuall-
••Tim fort made nt aSlgnnl lull Inwt
,,YNILer to hwatftd I brine the rnglnrer
to Jnp.in- Mdlding make an extra turn GRri-n aisle Tho officer in cltrarge, when he
year aaturef m"," sald Marconi, "that
Itnvord Neck by a Servant in the
Jlong Kong dc_pVRtch"n
may that elld not hnvn two dollarm In change, todgieard. w•nm-rntfrontcd by- otoe Of
Dre. drawn rrvulver.
trans-Atiantic wirelovii+ tvlegrryrhy
MLy for to
.Per Papers cktted r}frltll
on pasp of Kwnnxeo i'rovincP . now ,bet Kavr, the man n $10nnotop. Tile Ibe the The vten rah It
, halt Igor thr-9
wad p:m,siwv. reason going
St. fulin•r war that It wits the near.
Port Antonio, Janudt,n, Jan. ;,.-
;in the hands Of handitn. N• wit fr'w s.trnlger doors and oreea line not "Now, dno't Ito anything foedimh:'
In hand
ret p i,t to Europe, but urdurturtaely
Among the prima oflPr,d by till'
hie tells of a R/r"d rnlring vinfilmince. nn,l film words had the effect of bring-
a cable company that appeared to
c;l"rtutr, a Jama•ea nowmpuprr, In Ito
Ilboom -there. Ing til^ unruly m"n Into mnhml,10m.
Iaavu it monopoly on every mowle of
(h,Lmlmaia numlw•r wvas ace to tho a r-
Thm Central Npwm nnmwinrry thni " _ Th-• vm-n were,rsshaekl,,1. Ten Phots
a,nnnunleation pxcl.pl by Npvcl h, les-
rant wl'o corl,l mliow the lOngo.'t con•
Vitro claim of h6ty •.lade fair $1';,11410i In nil were fireol. The prlmnnern were
tprveued, nal we had to forego f+,r-
tinuo.iw opr%ke In one family In Jn-
stgalnst the Agtnte of jas,rd FrfanPls Inrsetpd nt Fnll Rtvrr and brought
New"cndd•iml I
ther work. \\'hill• In f
Bgre ins urian mrttlnl Antlrnhly. The -- hole ipr. (roto today.
rpci-lrsd genl-n,tlm invltnlinns from
Th re wrro fl,ly-r ►am coatletilorat,
vas of Ike mcttlemrnt have not linter Itrtnrn9 In.-rt-m9r rhe MA,I„rilly
tho t'ann,lstn (2,vcrni ent to com••
and the prize w•aw rewarded to an old
Ueett publlwhrpfL ro nn.tr2"• 300 CHILDREN MURDERED.
to Capt+ Itrt,lon. I -came, and met
lfrican wom•in, with srveety-four
Fort \Vit•
with most rnthum!artie rperyatlon. 1
years' imervlcm to hpr credt. Slie In
Complete returns from _
would he doing the Italian Oovprn-
now righty-nhuo years old and (little
OR RUSSIAN i' n m nhe i eke ,or the W-1--.1 show Hnrrlhl.• Itnby F'nrminK Conmptrary
ment an InJuetice dill I not vxtpreas
tion total veto carat In that hp rtmnkn .
to IL mJ' Rrwtitaxlo for Its morn) and
!llr II't f lxhl esrtlAnts had
The at t y-
((r/"' p MIpOhVt l'nmtpat' thamtlult,nry In favor Of puttNtg the YokOhathn, Joan. ':.-Detallr Of a
Mac 1'n
material nmsistance of my seliPrne►
fr•,om the very nttlart."
hPwro rmraloyel from five to orvrttty-
Nl)rolaN r Prntloo herrlhlb' billy fnraninx aoniopirary
fir :'uprrw+a' )'• I Ontnrlu ligllfw• act Into oIt Osaka have, born made Twlbllo
Mr. Mfarconl then referred to the
yenee. I
. ..-------- --
6. -In that cettrme of wen 759, agnlnmt 71 t, R•clnx n mit• .kwt
hire An rl,lrrly womin, her married
usf" to which w relrei tfbexra li is
P 7
Annlm Orr, n
need le yearn, of Kt.
Ylwnt►w, Jan.
an exhaustivn rt'v'Is11f ,at- Ulm h:mtory' J,rlty In favor of the fact tat 1:', In- droughter, humtpaml, and two otherm
f til to ]llr first re- have been nrrrmtr,t for lnfraptMlde,
nt prpmnnt nPpllyd nn.l wnid that
whin the rryetem wno further (level
John, N. it., was ngr!iyxlntid during
Friday night try x•Im fr„m n molt coal
c•ntr tit aaAlnet, nt at
orf thio worn, o -unl:ill, mtrMd I it In lrnrnr.l that nlnes they
by Mex h the to;t♦rll cote lar.
real It would mnkr it pnsi.lhlr for n
wtove. flat"ritny morning when Sita.
Neap Frio Prenre
def -Ply. depl•tren tit, p.)rtal. Tllu brings
mpr,llr.l hnCot", mtarted nprrntlnrra thin pilar there
n plait ingthe
ship in tied C ly nalbeen
had Creakily been done In til•
%fito the with whom mho boarded,girl went
the writer
tm1/1`(inllsnt to rant, Irr('IVp`Ptfvr of
ith d which 191►,077 wore handred chl!dren were kiilPxl,
ship lar ea (l
to the rooglt she found the slit �kad
xrowlh Of mllltnry rill that tip to ri)s.t.9,
lbs im, nrn]
w Ir r
tri tuns call 1 tar t cut Ikpfl-
ko f h 1
"loo . tae A fir-,T-,Ttho
words, "It. A. Ynnce, with the Koc-
men agrral to consider the alkali-
vrnment Nerv'Ice."' Ile sail he for -
ter it' dailghrr wragem•Melly
had been a United tttatea
llmviou10-co�to mtrik:ng the city fire-
mf•cret rervlee detectivP. Haidkem
men notlfG+l th" mayor that they
had tho flame Qultln on him -phut,
would certain work tit midnlght for
land nlsno n matchbox with '•Q" on
tilw torement waged, but w7wh1 stay
It. Each man hall a grip Cllal with
.oil fluty LS ho1Ns fur, tat cost'
Inow- money, burglars' tool" nndex-
Thtt firemen recently formal at
hop or imi,ih and made it de•nuan,l tar
ploslvf+%. Tito money amounteol to
lair fucreuwe 4t wagaim. The mtrAe
141 7,-,2.
ivy n report that
wast commipro,cipttee
i tin• eomnuttee luivinx the u1:Utet
In ch:trgn would recommend no par -
URI Inerenae. K,Lenty-thrry turn
F,'%Iw•-t From MMsimmippt Cloing to
w,•re affected. the nffl Ells nnit the
wioleg lo department loo Included.
Iwrrnlon, .tan. e. -Mr. J. P. Prince.
It In stated on good authority Hutt
it cotton expert, or Oreenvflle. Mils.,
Slugs-, Cooper A t'umpratiy, tile. big
Nnllal from Liverpool for Nigeria.
\nt"rlenn rvtnll mr,rchalntV, have per-
Africa. ypoitenlay to report 'm the
freted nrraiwemrntfoe the Openitig
cotton It row ing experiments in
M n depertme'still In Toronto
ltrhiml, VVw+t Arrfen.
on n wale in kcrp;ng with their
lair. Prince goems out under the
New York :••lad Chlengo hurincesem•
numpleai of the BriVah Cotton
Theo. Dnonmt, nrebilert, of Mont-
Growerm' Ammorlatlrm, wit ell Is M•-
rvai, Ilam Joint, e(1mp!eted lit Iran for rias
Ing warmly supported by the Gov-
hote!, which ('ICvaxo and NewYork
mroors of the West African colon-
cc.pltnl"ete will build In. t Ictorfa
P(lunre, llfontre-ti, extending front
It la expected that In the rottrae
At. Jamar to (Vnig •trent. the same
of mlx monthm a regular mupply. of
to ))a- mix glories high and to cost
W"t African cotton willbe�� to
$1..§UQAM i
reach the Manchester tnaTte�,