HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-1-8, Page 6h 14.
iim, 2Ca, _
y7LdG11et'� Guilt, 4472
** -O• i •F -F -F
Bet G(psy'r grave voice, Igrwrlt
tie' bill of fare, goes. back to tl
other subject perawteutly.
"1 lout a sister Sibyl," she falter
with a little sigh for the dead el
(Cr, whose place In her heart ha
been well nigh filled by her hu
Istii1. "lint It could nest have bre
.ulv, for she died au loaf ago,'
H* drnws -a king breath, non) is
rovers, cheerfullj, helping himself t
Melt meanwhile.
Aed the Sibyl I turn- la
and welt -rat least, Kite Wall Nhen
raw her last."
And yet more thica once he look
Into Gipsy's fano with the sante pit
slnl etpferston, all if tee eight d
her were re••nlling str:keige Sud tm
itl. •Pt11 a ..' [ '- ) • r,t
tits. es+ Vl a .a u w mu i t
Hate you any other sisters 7" h
ticks presently ; and again the oil,
troubled look comer into his flue n
Gipsy's dark eyes meet hula.
No; there were mile Sibyl ;pundit.
'And site Is drat Y' hn asks, gPntly
" Yes, long ago. slate aallew•err, wi•
a sold look in the gym.. that aro puz
Ming- him so.
Colonel Bryan nppenrs to have n
uhp•tite tonight . th,•ri• right tooth
mem. plats remain.nntoueh.Ml 'in ht
plate, find the chilmpagur alone seem
to take hits fancy. And, wiele alt
suing of conversation goes glltrly
ru.md, he remains curiousl: silent
and ntterly oblivious that he is so
Sir Maur -lee ;:In sdv' hie wife from
the fnf rn'1 of the table, ncru,ar the
dessert and fl snore, and, Inter -I k"
)Iso witches for a emit'. from he
sweet eyes, and he ti,. ke she i,/k,
wistful end sad, Mt; bow henutiful
The evening, like any other of Its
kind, wind, up with n little mush: ;
and Gipsy sings In her sweet, un-
trained voter, o.,lr an old ballad: but
tale pnseatu and ill, radii u, hir tow. -
are true and real. and. when ser
stops t hre Is n pause belnre a t hien.
s.f thanks comes. • Thie rouug wife,
however, rare* most ut all for the
lots and pride in her huebclnd'a eyes.
Flora Blake la flirting d.Nperately
with the ie 1; a,. IIaW • flirty at twin
In the room. Mrs. Bryan, in her
Malan. rebew, -Hustlers--up-tats-
. Toe will ping something, won't
year MIs, rttait y,.
"Certainly not," she replies, "after
Lady Dermot": and perhaps' it ie the
effect of the crimson drl•s. but eer-
n!r to ).
n I/Pitaty. looks ice"' %% fete
to -night.
As the husbltNl and wife drove
honor In the dark, quiet night, n
gentle rain is falling. The air .s
Irish and sweet. Inden with the
oanit of crushed. wet flowers. ane
Ile. thirsty world Ir refr.'situd,agasn.
"How lovely!" tlipsy says, softly,
leaning her cheek against the situ
dew -frame, and letting leo sofa ruin
Jai upon her face. "Maurice," she
oxeye, lnughiug a little, "dr. you like
dinner partite'?"
'•Yee. I think i do, he nu..werr.
"Why do you .t.& my pet 7"
No, turns her fact toward him ail
she! eie'/lke,
"Because I was s-t.n'Ierlior if any
one renlly liked sitting hour after
h.ntr rating. oh: ever Ni) 11111
things one Lifter the other! I think.
3hturIt',', my plat.• was .h th g'•I
sixteen. thorn; I tried to collat.. A
then Mrs. Bryan and eters hem
'seemed to linty touch unkind things
to each other,"
" Yoe little phllula)pher !" Sir
3faurl:'n Iniiglls. " But. ,tiler,.
wouldn't JWL like - to meet ;mode
aout really esteeat, noel xleltl • jotlt
evening 7 WW'hy, my darling. 1 011
ought to hat u.�ujuypd.lt=yuuwore
the ansntlon of the evening; every
one wait rutting of my wife!"
"Moans.. I was your wife," she re -
'Mee, with Innghlr'r in hen voice, "and
irmni,e I tool on it petty drew..
When I wore horrid, ugly things, no
one ever rotted abort nu' then."
"Except me!" he whisper'', thinking
of the first night* he saw her fees•.
-Helie Gays her beide-..rata-IItr_---- -
"And, deer, I don't want anybody
to care .about me -only' you!" -
hiding her two, nn Ili. shedder as
elle speaks. "till, Maurice, ttlt,,t it
lovely world It wriuld be if there were
for ruin. and lawn nn.) no smite
and it every one mold he happy ill
their ow -n way '
Yon shall be hippy in nay tiny
you like, my .barllug,'• lie tells her,
holding her In his arm. nnd yet wish-
ing In his heart that ids wife would
get to learn nest like n little of the
ways of the work!, would get to
fancy the life of his mother mei
grnmlmothnr-a life of mild Ihellh,g
and regular .'ntertninment, of din-
ing out nnrl pinketings-a life of
jtstldrws mingling of Mende nnd
oe4Rhber a -ler highly--.r„prtaaDlo
xtatel(ea In the 'fl ' h'.n.
iashlon, "She will get to -take- tt-}m
(line," he thinks, as the carriage
*tops at the 'Hall door and the
Ilgl}ts 'if 1)rumanvert Costlu shine
tit ..1... _rnmn...eai�.�.
"Who wan she? Aunt Kitty Y" asks
Colonel Bryan, stranding on the
hlnnrlh-n'g, after the emote. have
Mrs. Bryne takes hint up stingily.
"(('ho was who, Pant fray be
more explicit!"
"Cody Dermot. i mean.' lir IN
looking puzzled ,illi, :uud his face fe
grave and thoughtful.
"Pile was Bir Minster's rennin. a
wild little thing Lady Dermot I,elept•
t+1, who arrived in rage ;and un•
are trot vowing," replied Gipsy, raid
I(Melted arta had angry with Maurice.
"'Dieu It is all right," the satyr,
heartily; ; "end I have given you
quite it Itch ure fur nothing. Uut you
must ask the whole O'tuguu faulty;
woo .1My, and show theta the place
Heel everythiug, anti he lends her
into the thick of the elite of the
taunt I), where Iiipry finds+ herself
pluuturl with Lady Banter,' on nue
side and Uuluuel /Aryan on Ike wilier,
"Demi pluylug tenni,?" ho askti,
with the Howe unhappy e%presr.ou in
lam eyes', an She noticed on the first
1.i'11 r
t they met.
"\o -I never play," 0tpay ansn•ere,
and 11117s ne tour.. She le
longing to he at' home,
It He tawny from it all,
for \Murio,' is not pleased with her.
Ila Le at.. i.hiit , Clear now, looking
gntte grim noxi eteru ; and trlpsy luau
'tot know that Misr Blake is Allying
to elm, In her languid drawl that is
pwully heard ill it crowd of ten deep
"l .lel not kilos. your Nile woe so
intimate with the Vitnitular 1 cup-
poee., 'Mimetic, she thinker that, b.. -
cameo she Is Lady Dermot, .lie may
ku..w Huy one ; but it wort be re-
membered that there are others who
rill trot permit themselves to be
.forcinil Into the soeimty of there peu-
pi,r.. d 5L+Qtt'S Inlul,iof� i im
jsir afeuriee mutters something, and a milk of pure cod liver oil
itiWlfriliy curlew a friendtship that
eisowm duet by the doubtful pets i1•5.! with some hypophosphites
of retying unpleasant things, rola then
Lorttae Hirai looks at his wife. it Is the especially prepared for delicate
first time since their marriage that stomachs.
Ito lin, seen a cloud On her fair face-
tn.w the eyeY that meet like urn wise- , Children take tri it naturally
fol. lilt goes W her at once. •
"You look tired. (ilpey. The oar- because they like the taste
rlage Is here; would you like to re-
lu�rY she replier,--en4 by tlteal.e and the remedy takes just as
Urumanee•n Castle is touched, Glpsy naturally to the children -be-
rover b s A Dramatis, Ending to an Advertlrlag
In Merlin, as in all other cities.
"When the butter won't
come put a penny in the
churn." is an old .time dairy
proverb. It often seems to
work though no one has ever
told why.
When mothers are worried
because the children (lo nut
gain strength and 'flesh we
say give them Scott's Emul-
sign.. -
It is like the penny in the
milk because it works and
because there is something
astonishing about it.
Ig ns+ Ignorant as a savage. Sir Maur -
in I •n fell .in lute With tier, and they
art' married. That is, as much Its
N. I knots on the Mibject. .tent. now,
good•nlght-croaking to all those
N tireeolu,• people IN very faligu-elf.''
r-' .tad Mrs. l(ry:.0 taker herself u -(f.
ti pigging at the doer to look hi.lek
at. Colonel itry:aa--'S114 don't {.et_
a- t Nat in for Mier Blake. Paral 'Oak
o' bats plenty of money." ltl Iltt to
-'t-do leen wimh to go in [
and ti
that i
e buxom young widows.
of recto recently decided
Its time for her to marry
again, ' iI therefore rhe advcrtin-
tsl for a huabau,l.
She received several replies. and
after carefully studying them alio
s .lee
t vonec
r 1 w il•h t } eel
r t to
th 1 r
P p
cowl from a proem roue country'
urrrehuult, notal wrote to bleu, say-
ing that rho would be pleased to
meet Want sat the railroad station
In ter J'ritelrlchstrasse, at a eve -
Then ser grave a brief, but flat-
tering description of herself. and
concluded by saying that he could
easily identify her at the a a:frond
etatiou, for shut' would have In her
hand a launch of red roses. and rue
..IKKe l,r
I that
wear a fewNvio-
let.. in his buttonhole.
At the appo.uted time she went
to the station, and, sure enough.
among the torn there wits one whu
Wore a few violets In his Mutton.
once. andet he ,Ir
il mire approach
her. SWr. tor,, recognised diol, and -
was nshaut.l that rhe and he
should meet to this fashion.
- The simple reason war i.s'Caasc
she discorerrd too hate that rite
had made tit} app,tutlueut with her
own sun. it leaf of 1x years.
for -oily a torah.
ms+.- yearns -tr T ausett 1'fl'l'tivadapted
tt`oeIn-" hem" tifpsy at i+ru'"ar'o"*--tO their wants,
(',,..tie Is an different as p risible (rota
a After all, Oar 3Lauricc'r wife Is pro-
z- meowed to .be a social failure -very
I Inlet W kAak at, very well dressed.
,t Outface to her mull ; hut beyond
these s two attraa twee she has noLh-
, lug to recommend her. So says uv-
rrybtoly ; and who dares doubt es-
. erncody'S word ?
s The summer is wwaring away. Sir
3tairk'e and lits bride have appeared
at all rho ('utertaiumerrts given ifs
b their honor, anal ut the earl of the
time every isle -mays they ,k) not
know l.n'ly Dermot a lilt hotter than
o they did when sb.• firpt came amongst
Poor little Gipsy hits not the retort
ct-u of what Is exper•t.'1+ of her ; she
, 1(.rw wherever her husband ways she
,sight to go anal feel. a lit t le courage'
not confidence by Ills shin; bnj ser
Makes ren frlenrls, azul people my she
is either of weak Intellect or put-
ting on a 'groat deal of "side." And
at last the crowning oftener iaj+oan-
miter. ' -
it ii. the -viewing day of tAr tPn,tl',
club, nest ti w.rt of fete is s;.,ing u•,
-much piuywg of tenets aiunng.t
the Males -for it Latah t of, ultru'ip.-
p ;tykes awl grupi•s presented by Mrs.
arae,.. The eaditta.-_.batmi--braay&
gleefully dual gives tall air of epright-
loten-e- to --Ole- -s--ee'-,- art i the tont
ruts of ter season ,s being or 'wed
in the "lent
M.,a.i Rink,• nine the panic's mei
or..pes, awl halide teem, ha.-ket.ni,s.
unit $11, sweetly, t•. (l,'. ('nrwd o.
'omlani eha'Ireu wntilting osier (ii-
i'.all. Mrs. Bryne I'uke it:t: r le r
a -
itttrhatlon La nu•.ib r My cont, n_t rat 'd on
Lads )Prmitt viii -i: -Tet ..ilv sit--
(lug rei the mato:' b rich as tie- rlyla-
giuls-regularly In the bosom of the
U Iingari f.,mlly :
Iiyrey, all uneo lw'Iol►N of her crime,
listens to the "oilsiu'satioa of Mrs
O11ngen, wish it half-shanurl Inter-
est hr the cornute w'ho,.' Muth -r Knv
ton ,bins, end I who is out anhsialed
to sat. ti.l.sy N tlaeaks tilwny'. burn
eV lith.' (etlttlet ofFf...t gf est• '
her tibia dead uwlher, unit enrich❑iW
1. regime that Uiii p -sir, fat, tulgtr
wullArl. lilt* lair,' real nob;Ills of
+rail than herself, "tipsy in a dr IP!
of the tailor, of a w'Ither-
ell lent rots b°ti'l'e:- the gor-
"e.xt`ic nrrayel Uliagall't, and never
Irv•iuns eht.t n dozen gold rimmed
eyeglasses are betas l!te,k-1 in her
"Awl vita will curt'. anti +es+ the
gurdena and DI'otuinren ramie?'
ehe Ie „ft Htg-kl,rtty. With a remit
hctlnn of IIrs. OHagnn'e lensing mitt
ebe w•Iehed to sketch the ensile,
1lid the Innovetit ' words ore over-
hear.I, nisi magnified. and han.lir•.i
about till the lulus reach,', Sir \Ino
i lee's ears, n'nd he locomen paiutally
eoneclouN tint his wife has -uutdr it
social mistake.
' a'unl'f yell come tomorrow 9'
.y Nnye, with street, intoeei
ter tit
tuncri:w nn you curie, too. al half
owe?" o•?" blustling at the tellies fly
of -tier- owtfvitntion
But 3frs. O'Ifugan• with notrv"I'ouss
tnrt, repairs tie
hears-- __
'Thank yon, Lady Dermot : but i
think- we u -mull rather go Hone
day when you aro quite mons'."
At this moment Sir Maurice comes
uP sins) takee low wife away -
-.:ragged her off,' some of the poo-
llP who were ,twits * -near ankh and
-hetes. _h}•i' ett^�1-a(_1. ok. -::: __
on hiltve-nem.' ten is all
he too s, .,n d-NnfiTinTi,
'e y• pion •,itit -
It rat the1.111:lgi«s n.. lie
\ inns. "Tent S very foolish:
I Its-u.k rlty ,tnotlter yergy;tl't
of ter nurpris,+l cousternulion on
his mother, face.''((•int tene foolish 7'• she asks: nn•I
there in a plight "introit/ ri-w"ntment
in Gips -'u tones. "Wen it ntly' harmasking then% to lunch 7 - Viet sant
I alight ask whom I liked," Nem
mitis, half timidly.
"asked then} to lunch, my d.-nr'i}il')'
Y 1,1 don'tnt'nn to Kny Soil .111 that?'
I view Sir Maurice, aghast,ru.ulino
ever In hie mindthelist el select.
Itue•ste fur the mm'Inv; t1:.. µse,
the tiipry of society. Tiluee woo see
her in company would hardily believe
the evidence of their senses eu'll i
they ser the htlsletn•I and wife it
home, co happy in.,enctl other' In the
sweet daily companionship, ntl0Rah1r' thee
walks. rates, and drives_ together,
a hen Gilkey can say what she likes
without restraint, with only M'iurico
to out+h. and assent to every worst.
if%e he so bright, so perfectly natural
with him, and lie alone knows It r
:as she really Is. The grave, quiet lit-
tle lady known to the outer wort i is
totally unknown rat ltrumuneen Ca.-
ti', alien• her light footstep unit
m^rry Laugh echo through the .ltd
-Why can't you be always Ike
this Gipsy-?" her lihsbattd asks one
I:ay. las they aro talking /kepi laugh-
ing together, alpsy having had the
Is..t Elf A playful usrgo,uterii. "Pio sots
kit•;eit war. me, darling, to nes you
!r. very shy!e"
'h o hardly knows, after alt, it he
set. I.- Tie..., h. -a' ..,.ht t-ftafi-eey
In the fact that her life la happy anal
:it her tiara only will, him ; but he
ti !Mil i'esti her to !eon Tittle more
I k' other people, an•1, though even In
s e- ,,
Lnal um t heart 1. will not_Rllpw it,
In our mammoth kiahen we employ &Chef
*Au is an expert in making mince pies. lie
ha charge of maki,.g as of LibbYs yfiq,e
Meat. Ile uses ❑.e eery choices. materials.
lie is told to make the
Eder sold -and ole d.•.+. tier a package at
your grocer's—enough for two huge pies. Youwill never use another kind again. Libhy's
Atlas of the World. with ti new maps, sue Ban
inches, sent aarwhere for to cents in stamps.
Our booklet "how re MASK held) Tiimut
To EAT," mil:r,l free.
1.1130Y, (OAHU. & LiBBY,
:till he le atrial that (Tipsy will, ono het
of terse dna+,ke eerie. stupid t
Lllmder-will der pdm''tilhug that the '
1► r ••, • os..1 M 111' Out. over 11e hardly
�- o i.2-ei. tlrlal:•�}
.v hen -els (,eels yen lg
Wt. up'- is her '
li r.s to spank, he watt+ with a feeling
.d' tjread Tor what telt' wail piny. Sate -
le so outspoken, her every thought '
o totally nneoate•ntinnal, that'. Sir
May'rlre, u-ith ell the prile Tinel pre"'
puller. of lei.. ears•, fe,l. nimos'. angry
n ill the c!It1,1 lir has mirth -11 w hued
in public she stays near elm with a I
rrh,h,enrd, t imi I air, fearful of *nisi;
or (hang the wrong thing, wit
for 1hthlnar, from ilia. Lyre toil per.
ryyis his diis•n m.'intier rtiuiI t bee, torto.
nnd preventa her h'ing,natnral. Arid
role, when Ile ens., '•Wily' e,tn't you
he Airily!' hike telt 7" alio nidi,,.. Iter
e_ -es to ilia with n worshipping look.
" nrrn)tecI never far I like m; sof
For all weak and pale and
thin children Scott's Emulsion
is the most satisfactory treat-
nl °n
t t.
We tt,ll! send you
the free\, I. C., a
samrie free.
C. dere that ' 5 picture Is
the fora pt a l.brlen rho
wrapper of e.rry boure, of
kmulaon you euy.
Toronto, Ontario.
pc. and iteco ; all dn.ggi.ta
How the OW )romans Solicited Yublls
Latin inscriptions. e�nrertisements
of trndesnien, form an oiteresting
clasp, says 3lnemlllan'e Magasine.
Wee one
nearRome f
La 1. w Iyou sono:
lener•iptIons made,' or have ny Befit
of n.iu•bie work. you'll get it here,
.tal.tlter eaisrpubeug man at Ito(-
egos iineonnces: •:.( bath In town
style and every convenience. .A
Mintier notice meets tie only t iget
miles from Rome, where, of course,
most of the customers+ world he able
t., know whether they really had
"tonal etrrlc" ogQtyt.
A curious axumpae e6Th eTrom
Lyota►+--weigh Ma, -tut -paraphra'wtl
Apollo safety,1't
anal f+eptltasnnnr
bed atoll breakfast. Ile wile hap been
here before will be trentttll all the
better a-seconst time. Stranger, set-
tle on your I«1R•;ug beforehand."
A more Independent tone Is taken
by another Innkeeper, {vin doesn't
Iuixltate tat_Itei•iirp_that
is not letetula'd-for t/erspeeef-.tee,lers,
attr"tttt+tlttw. • If you nes i.. 1Lnorl .tyM,
herr'.. the boas, for you It In poor
fashion. I'll put up pith you, but
I shall he eishaluat of having you."
i'erhnpp there are a good many
modern 'liotrix conducted on title
principle, (nit UM proprietor,' are
not, as a rule, quite so frank in ex-
preising_ .their _scat Wentz -
Take a piece of woollen cloth, or a
piece of • blanket, and boll It thor-
oughly in a strung solution of caustic
soda, and you will and the wool will
gradually be eaten away, leaving
nothlug but the skeleton. Women do
not realise how " soap substitutes,"
wbick are generally surcharged with
soda, or how comwon alkaline soaps
destroy their clothing; consequently
they, week by week, subject costly
fabric, to such treatuient. The hands
also are huwerstd for hours In such
na resulting
in N
czena' coarse
skin, and brittle nails. The caustic
soda may loosen the dirt, but It eats
away the fabric and ruins the hands
There Is no economy In such work.
'It is so easy fur a woman to test the
difference between an alkali charged
soap and • central washing soap, that
It is strange that there is room for
any but a pure soap on the Canadian
market. Sunlight Soap has been
tested by chemists and analysts the
world over, and Its freedom from tree
alkali or caustic has been demonstrated
by the highest c t medIcal authorities.
Consequently the true saying. " Sun-
light Soap redu'ccs expenses." 601
N. V. NUN.
Mineola Liniment lures D
Making tee or His Learning -
York ourr-orae-introducetio-by---his
teacher to the ditto mark. its
labor -.saving pos.lbllitLes nppettlett
to h<m, soul he stet' Ruud oera..l.n
to turn his knowhrlge to ac-
(('hie are iy on it short shot h_
wrote to hie father. The leiter r rt tn.
Dear -rather.--
I hope you arc welt.
" norther :s .
" " sister '
"• " lack
" granahnother IN well.
•' wIsh you were lucre.
mother was
„ " N.rter "
frisk " "
grandmother was herr.
Son n•ou1.1 wend me atom.
money. Your off. Nun. T1131,
Hernl,l-t}ive-mea ties
-Geraldine--tint there me wlerobl's
In kisses.
lii'rild-\ctrl nllud; they. - won't
Minrtrals ►Juhuent , (tires 1Ratem-
pe rt'
ISSUE NO. 2, 1943
Mrs. Wloaiow • bombinget)yy oald
Meows lie used fur Children Teething, le
soothes the child, soften. disiruuteours., w1ad
route and to the beet ,,meds Mr or Diarrhoea
City of mired wood, suitable fur brie"
burning, fur immediate use; ,tato cash prep,
f.o.b. your swtlun. aDupson Brick Cu.
Toronto street, Toronto; telephoto Hata 7'u7
j�thoroughly taught. Rawest instructors. Ind
l. attention. Fiend hand•
logo. fur particulars. Csrn,poadence Depot.
aunt CENTRAL SU$INEas+COLLEGk, Toronto Cs.,
WANTED, AGENTS 'n°�°r aa�tt��awu
Canada to sell made to iae ur, LATONt
Sults, Jacket's cud 'Skirts; goodrummlrluos,
Crow n Tailoring Co., Canada's Largest Tall -
urs, '.°rout°.
WANTED, AGENTS °ver town
Sud ell/ate lit
Canada to sell\<x ordered clothing; good -
romnrtneUptonone; label Crown Tnllurygr
Co , l':utudu's 1.Itraeel Tailors, Toronto.
The quality .tnodard Irons (Verna n.
Oman. 1 our moues back If not sathdartor,
Rosh a 1.AYLAMe.
Agruls, tluulreni.-__-
Xmas Poultry.
l'urkey. ulid Ili,-cs, M,mu.. higher
Nutter market firmer end large rolls
rholre hurter in gwosi •t►mnn,d. tr soy but tor
to offer please advtr. Will par :tit rent. ,.r
or Iteesw:ry's delivered nI T
•-Cousienmentsande,rt•n,eptiu.h, ,,s.'Ikltr,1.
lire Name rile II Ilii. JOHN J. erg ti, fruit St. East, Term.
N. Y. Sun _. _
N .
De Folie-(Yh-v dose slut chill him�111�•���1�!'!1
lust manned. habeas"•' • I
l;auubu.ia u tanto,-tllO'a utter hl. #
en, ----4 ■ YYY
We offer nue Hundred Dollars' Inward fur,
ray cem h.tkuua
of Cnlartat reaL_ lraadureuby
H till's Catarrh Curr.
F. J. CH EN EY A ('0., Toledo, it,
{Cr, the udill'itgnwr, have- Lhown- F'. J
Cheney fur the lest 1:. years and Iwilere illpt
prise fy honorable lit all business trans-
aeNune nod •eeaerany able to terry out toy
Mllgatlu•a mask by their lino.
Wrcy a 'meat, Wboiwule Druggists, To -
e t -ria- t t'r'r\at-a ldattyrt. Wholesale
hrug5lsts, Toledo, U.
Hales Catarrh ('atw is taken Intern If
Ing dittitly neon the Moist cold mlteuua sur-
face ut tate ey stein. Teetlm,Wrls dent fee.
fele,-.:,e per bottle1401.1 i.y nil drag/riota.
lir/Wet Family !'tils arc the best.
N. V. s um.
first Little tato
se'o ,.ttle ('Its Roy -Why. yea.
There were twelve. Hotta Clause, la
Aur flat-itortsr•- t'hrlstnuas PIP
makes a dainty holiday prow ut
I' It n % Enter
V. C. ►uirs.tlak't 4 ('o.: / BULLE CAMERA
Deur stirs, --('tour MI\.tills', LI\1-
�1 '\4 N.. wt aha t a
l 1 nor remedy for «nal• 1 t hey went. b..
e1,t...lItroat, eliOlif -.1.- iir
. ,
it It never falls to retire,' and cure sou w'th\\onler 1 will pr.
1u nsula. ..elia .111,7 way Ode... ,
pt etal•tly Yllullnll:t. S.d•1by
Port Muterpve.
A ('urluus story Front Hungary by
Nay of I..ndon.
A abort tine since a wealthy Hun-
KmtnmmsstRtte offered Me bospisat
It/_of,his button to _tin_travell(tg
nuns -an elderly Indy in specta-
cles, who said she w.te the reverend
mother of the eon% eta. cal a young
nun, Intelt- profeased. Mau. Ia 1hr.
wurtlr of leo official -fop.rt, "sae
ns+ putts -as it plettil'e' -1'hc Wit? t
raid that they were collecting money.
rah.: during the rive Weeks' of their
stray they fuanagni to *crape to-
gether a oonshlerabie aunt,. which,
they expininot sous fur the ootttt'nt
enorita -a* _ wilt,.
Mee and Otlterwhie.
De Temple-t'lever fellow, that. Al-
ways ways the right thing In the
right place.
Sidlgott-I've never noticed it.
lh Tanque-I did last night. Ile wee
in lluyIe's saloon, and he• paid:
%%'hat'II ye hate, boys?' '
Ile that l• down nerd fear no fall.
_lisetscat Tatter kae_lookin' mer-
v-oua dl. mornin'.
Fray Dodges -Vest -1_itl'ejys git ner-
roue a'ter Sundday.
Lagoon Tatters-'t'a tee de day o'
rent Is over, ch 7
Fray Delge+--New,'Cauee it's wash
Got heals, and the donor takes the
fee. --Franklin.
itiSloT pe e I the lit -He-
"What's the mallet. my .kith] 7' A Sure lilt.
�. L W. CNAWEe12 •
— - is. teat deuet to-tke
part•.ry the la,pas.. .
10.5* be nicer, e.eors Mayr
throat antt pitwso.c,
Catarrh and11 ay F
tree. An deniers. or Dr. A. W. Chess
Medicine Co., Terms, me hila
to kiss them bode "every morning nn'l
evening'. t Sir
lit. cn,i senses r
r undertook rang•
important step without a!onsulting
the, revercud soother. it last the) '
euri.h•uly vaniehet. and with them a
number of dlamon•Is anal other port -
also valuables; nnd w,len dlanorer-
reloand-ter-r•wt ret -the .....g int.'s -grind i
Was covered will, illinmr' iii
nate ruffian twice n .Inv fur free
weeks.-Weslndnster -1 insetta
l ntlrw'rved l'rrdii.
. Cleveland PlaIn irrw'er.
- "Setae -Brinker say.+ hr ntnyel nn
der water for nigh it With -at -a -half
One day In R' ,ilnrm,•r."
Mtnardl 5 Liniment Cerus Colds.
Medicbee-ler Heir.---
' ill, wife Ilam t'.'nsuredl all the let-
"imlee(! Ile roust be nmpe:bioue: ten he wrote to her when he was
"Eh ! - Walt, if that's the 1ireek for heJ'tins,. " Jtcepr thaw by -lacer all
liar you've hit it right fust time.' the fieri,,.
Ylrnciou.! She elormn'Mread them
over does she?"
"No, but she threaten,. to ren.)
them to Idm when he gets obstrep-
Stomach Disorders
If yon want to enjoy each meal to
tho utnloit extent nnd feel that your'
stomach Is taking the good out of
the --food yen tat you shoald---try - •�-b
r.Carson 'sTonic At�t wMite r con11nrt{,- tclog
it, Ices
N hat Happened to Mary.
f reef a-'thette fame, -
Feria t '5
(0 (('fit. Cigar
1, ' • - ,.sr If al alba r111M
Stomach end Constipation Bitters it ?re kicked rap• rattler reign.
It will giro feet to your appetite, ' Site grabhnl the waiter by the
Our pamphlet ou the um. of this sntw'rinr Aru,I on him wl1e'.h her feel,
tong .rot in exchange for year senna• "That lamb," she ea .1, "is a
nnd sddrem 1111 poet yard.
GOc. per bottle at all druagfata ns+ pent ere -
1,n111on receiptI.f1,rlr.•. It lsf't fit to eat."
Maniple sent on reeetpt of .s•. letamlr, to
sever pe.teg.. "Why ubwl,l you use an Md
Ittt GMUt$011 GO, tenon'-- -6°1'2 -
— ate— liecettert
The Nancy Inn:.I replied.
.Iust then it "copper" wanalernol In,
And took her to the retie,
.etord that they kept 1ir-jelf
Torr 'Mary's finish tell..
They- op'nel Nidi' the prison door's,
Sorb e'sulllet nett./ (Napa
Tonal final lam-
e :Mary scrubbing
JnI jna for sixty day's.
askest the kind nil Huls. "Ila v you
no mother to love you'"
"Yea. I got one that lovas me too
blamed hard. She Saye It's 'onu.P she
sk,mrrrilir .fournal.
A woman never bite what air elms
at unless elle throws a kiss,
Il., Inught+, .hut Irtlf-frowns, too.
" My own ! lint it soul I never do
for hnsfiir t Sad wife to ser or epenk
.o no one tett thrm'elves ; they Wool,'
ire of rich other's society very
Would they i" ser aske, with a
doubtful tynilr•, " Are you tired of
me, Mnurlce ?"
"Mc darling, co; I only meant
runt i think
..tet n•old I be happier
enol ince mor- roofade'nrs' In yourself
1'at acne tans.. a iussto
�I }'tau treat
trot -_any' Ihet' th[iska^ __- .711OO(- J'ott Annie _you can drive Vdts.
mho ('olor springs to tier young well now-nnd gra nnd sec any one
wito',, face, real like."
"Wt13' amid,' year 'moiler ;h''nk " i don't like any one," site replies,
_,eau t
m In has pa ted her: iA• leeks
dour tenderly lin her (low want tete•.
"Darling, I didn't mean to vex you;
but yon know PO little how to than
rage thinge that you have made n
drendf:d mletnkr. You must write to
there people twilight. inI put them
off to morrow, L Ain't mind them a
hit quite by ourselves; but you pee
It would never do to fore them on
other pr'epie: an.) so 3011 ritual write
It Polite MO- note nth' pnMlollm the
"I ureal net Isi•'tc any note- they
We make Granby Rubbers and Overshoes out of
pure new rubber. Can as much he t;ud of other make?
Granby Rubbers
coot the maker more, hut they cost the wearer less, for
one pair doles the work of two pairs of ordinary rt:I-1 'rat•
"Granby Robbers wear like iron."
,hr•p Illi all ver ell It I ens not +trial
oil. by my"self."
" Yew, ohs, ,Gipps. Why not drive
over nn,1 see my mother T She In not
a stranger to yon."
Ile Ike'w not.tr•11 her that hie sug-
getton la -only delivered second-hand
from the Dowager truly Dermot,
n -)}o toil hen non tent els wife was
only n doll or a to, 1, that people were
beginning to 'wonder why lie neer
let her go,any where without him,
nail why, when they slit! Ombra' to -
get fier, he' never left her alit'. Was
It J'nlwlsy, nr what t t -
Of remote Sir &Wirier. did net know
haat Mfss Ri,k' hail kindly told all
her friend i That Sir Maurlee'e
pretty wife is nnfinething quite com-
mon nnd ntterly savage --"one of
those pretty faces, pm know, so
kvvely till they spank." But he does
know, that he widens hie wife wool'
accept n few blot, from hie mother,
nnd learn how to take her place ae
one of the hooter. pf the ,ureters of
the neight.whnoal, unit not remain
n11 hoe life n shy 'alai -wife, so ter-
ribly afraid of every one.
('lb be Oo'IInue0.)
There In no gnit,rnlc meter with
a rena;tiv.n,,u. egnwl to the lot e
Of woman.
sow--'m,r we,e en •n
Thn, mea who make history hive
not time to write ht.--Metternieh.
*Entomological rtrwearch,
Marna Cnmmrrrlal.
Towbar -Now, ehiklren, this queer
incest is called "Tile devil's darn-
ing needle."
.Benny Ion ter Iin"k rmvi-please,
tin. why don't Ili' 'lot .t make fila wife
-darn o'er work*?
Down Sick with a Cold
If ler could only convince you how easily
yon could cure • cough or a mild by wing
Gray's Syrup
Red Spruce Gum
lb.,. wnpld he lean } neemnnl* and eon•
anmpine, Itwillcuteyouro•oldaapkk-
ly s• you cowed It.
All nrntgleh, ,s cent,.
all hard, soft or rallnnsed Lumps nnd Mew.
Phew from horses, Blond Mpnrin, Curb.,
Splints, Slag Bette, Nweeny, Mtld.s,Nprnlns,
Sore wad Swollen Tbrunt, roughs, et'. Marr
51(0 by use of one brittle. Warranted the
most wosdeHul Blemish Care ever known.
Mold by all druggists.
nu* at Ptrai3Tit1 n
ter, it In n p"htent 011111 II rompnny
While the general opinion of those. tl.nt clears !(1.700 a year. My sal -
supposed to he authorities on tape tory l+ tk•;0 n w.•rk, sell'
omit i..,‘Ilo,NNPNI
1 R.. 1'I., SuM -
nl/e one, now see aoeording- " o sol enve
to recent Ioveetlgatlons, (hat n lit- mo L'i aliarrn of It rnllwny elo^k
tie water, If not too cold. is bone-. now quoted at• el. T•lI nor. Jitr.
(hint. ea it lte.iwts In the digestion
or food. \ ton soploun statpegy n(' Aar't. well sal lin mine •
water dilutes the gatstrie jilts,, aim t " u I,' Shp replied, "till i get n
If too coal towers, tete temparnturp of ' p•nvli."
•t 11
There are three poi rts
hich makes "Its i,c"
Diarlcnd a mast satis-
f tetery investment I
Wsh,ro scree lr r,eJae of
busneed Vuu,l-..
Te scot rersra.lty ewer*
noise esarasg ear stock -
11.cheerfully reread Cyrtall
pries it • [Lorelei
per: Aeonl of u. g, roe
perfectly ssilafa:may.
V.V. for see Now Fula! yrs
Ryrie Bros.,
Toege o.d Adrlaade
A Common
Bred Cow
\Vt}en tone,' up by
Ulck's Biteal PurHer will give as
much and as rich
tuilk asahighly
Mathematic,. or love.
Nseetk Nen..
, )4 if gorrtyn--
Spon or•
feel, and
a Jersey
cow when
will wonderfully increase her yield
of milk. It saves feed too, because
• smaller amount of well digested
food cati'fies the demands of the
system and every particle of nour-
ishment sticks.
fAc.,.t.apert ribs. _
Leeming, Miles & Co., Agents,
vu, Irf,os normal, thee lm- For sh•• never Awl been
patting digestion. if, however, water tn. ntal ntlthtnatir•, gond, at 11(nut».,
Is taken In limited quantities the p•p- I ih four.,
tones forme( by the action of gastric 1 -
Young Ist, Her Years.
N. V nue.
F,lla-I'm it Ileingbter of Ere.
Strlln-Yeo holt your lige very,
jnlee nn fond still Ins watched aside.
thereby facilitating n1/.1°,141011. By
this' mentor the un,lig.lard food Is holly
harp and la more ml.nrptible to fur-
ther nation of the gastric Juice. Dar- '
leer 1hr period of rest phlegm or
mucus I, drt.oeile I on the walls of the
stomach. This phlegm, Wire very tee -
riotous, preterite the free flow of gas-
tric Julep for Homo time, Ware delays
digee(lon. A drink of venter before
m-ule 1e rrcrnnntendwl, h•rnugs it
loosen* nnd wartime away thI do-
plclt of muenu, thereby permitting
the aa It nter,, Our. atom:
telt ric juice to the food
"Why don't you employ a steno-
gu'apher 9'
"What'* the nes? My wile aaya
I would harp to hire a homely old
lady or a man."
Liniment runes (target
iadlr.' or (/. Qs+
�..r �te to f 60. Don't term.. pi
want . pier Aone SoI if teh
mads. W�TON That will and
*deual forn time t any nd(ag agree
to watch
10 horn M nn, Ynn,oeu V.getahl.N w tonne pmt err.. is ho only
grand remedy and enre for all Impure and wen* *t 7J,• s fx A
blend, Indigestion, wen* rnnrlltinn+ nf th•
a ,aro
Iron life. ere..
d,aor,lsra, rh*n,n,h,m and female trcnhl+j°IlA aiu.I ,u i, -torous+:•
builder. These are our r e5nlar tat... site; they ga,. ess alto sell ..
Task t soh n'w who buys a hot of pill. tram��nu. twelves a Pr..,
� �ala entitle* them toad,. F'eee of eiTterware Sent 'ma'.
1b a ihie Hind Cf ye•r fits, Nand as pail, arts er,l w. w ill s.•n,l i I
m the money a12 So. had ee bsol Ian'nd tp.'ad, when .old yam •.,' I
.rt', fh. W&i h Ifh
the name Aa
► ?nanny la race red. We are Ming away tl•,••.r trot. era
M galrkly Introvdni. Ser remedy, and wen yen recede^ the watch, we sue yon to pin"'
�kpw ,
a =bled with them. Thi. is w sepnrtnnity to apt a Ins Watch without paying
••••Iss tet It and ria Amid writ -eat anew
It to your friends. Hundred. has* rs eiv,•d wateh.s from TIN and aro mars Iia
.toe itwtnr,l felt Mas. LIPS ¶UMSOy OO., Deet. 'a .: Tnrente, O*t.