HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-1-8, Page 44 Taw ,Tanuary 8, 1903. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO We want you to know That we keep a ten, Targe stock of Shirts, Smacks, Overalls and Mole Pants for working men. We control the celebrated -Ann and Ilemiorr Brand, -Registered," for this district. We want you to give this brawl eine trial, which we think will be sufficient to wake you a immanent customer for the*. good., Every gar- ment is made large and roomy. Every seam is double atitkhed. They cost no more than inferior wakes and if ,t doceu't give gatiahetwn we replace it with another gaunt ht. Uiye the "Arm and Hammer Brand ' a trial. Interesting Bargains in Clothing. Boys' $5 Resters, $8 60 Cued hoot frooe, toted Iuuug, -luno Lollar, sir.. 29 to 33, regular price ftp00. red mewl ler SO Sires 24 to 27. 'router 113 25 for .92.50 Working Mena Trousers - Wo have two ape rad lino of 1'tou.et'e for.workiug men. One is a heavy blue serge at $1 50. The other ie a hevvj dark grey tweed) at f$1 75 Either of the above will be warm mud Mara era good west. See them. they will .unviu,e you of being extra goof value. Boys' $4.60 Overcoats $8.00- .1 few bop'. long Overcoats, iu nine grey tweed, with tweed liuiug, storm co!- lur, ones 24 to, V. regular pr os $4 50. ',doused to 13.00 10 per Dent Dlsoount on Fur Overcoats - We want to chew' °Pout 1 ur Overeoa a 'Moor" the wagon is very tar advanced. If veru want a tur twat vow a the tune to get one cheep, ,lietter lowest your money motor coat wiled ybu get such a liberal discount that' put it iu tbe bank. Vou make more money by leavwg it with in, Remember the diatouut is 10% W.C. PRIOHAM. W. C. PRIDHAM. FAREWELL BERVICE8. 1 It aagellets Crowley awl Master My e.ed. Mtn, 1 lothit-t 1'nu,,,,,ei curl Halt, litl.0at1'e lilutk. Iht Siqnal, �t 111 ruausneo EVERY THURSDAY M111tN!NG _ NT a. IlellILIAMIblei GODSRICH. THURSDAY. JAN. b, 1111. AROUND TOWN Citi -to. FAII"'e-(.odenob Lodge, Nt. 157, ('soadis. Order tf eaten Friends, he. elected officer. as follow.: C. C , Kober' Henderson ; V. Co Jobs Sotlmgenur ; treasurer, A. Farrow recorder, H. W. (tall ; prelate, A. Duff ; maibal, 1Vm. McClure ; warden, Ju. A Straobsn ; guard, K Parsons ; sentinel, H. Sturdy ; delegate to l.raied Lodge, Jus. Hook ; alternate, A I. . A''OTLEA pan NoTl^'. Some Important change" ars anooucoed by John W. Loud, freight trail)' manager of the lir.ind I rook 1). 1 r, \1'oo 1, assistant freight travelling agent, has signet to •ooept •ervloe with Robert Reined ,t ('o , Moauuel, as sweeten" agent, with bead.,a•rten at Stt;rtlord, trio 1. suowsded by F R. Porter. of Hamlllen. Mr. Porter b a former (.oderloh boy who it, The Hamilton Herald s.ys,"1. being pro. meted so rapidly that bis friends ser baying a bard time to keep track of him." L U. 1.. Otrr tR<.--Followio,; are th. Beak -.elected uftioen of L. O L Ko. 182. Oodenob W. M„ James Wells ; D. M Malcolm McDonald ; obaplsio George hie Mllieo . r.oerdtng secretary. W. to v. mo ;' neonatal seorstarv, Ilavld t1.I1• ; D. of C., A. M. I isId lecturers. James I 'night sou demo Motown : committee, 1'. D. Toth. bourne, kobert Sharman. IV'illiam Yount, Year Wylie, .tames Mllu►o; Inside tyle, %Vm. Erwin ; outside tyler, John Kllpst• ,leek ; auditors. Js. \fall• and M. Molten O ld. A Ns, FIR',. -1 he grocery business o T. 0. Tipene has l>e., purohaeed by The. mu Coit, o1 awn, and Jame. Moliwen, of Jamestown, woo will continue it at the 0l. scud In the Bedford block, under the firn n .me of 1 btt A M..l.wen. Mr. Cott Is al surly well and faeor.bty kneel, In 0000ec- ton with the grocer trade in l:oderiob mod Mr. McF:we •lee has had r\perlsi. b the gams Ilse We trust the new tiro will build up a huge and pros' able buskis.. Mr. Ttpling, we understood, Intends to ;;o west about March. Urn' Ells , r 1't ttest,- 1 •Nr -At lbs last r•eu'ar meeting of Inverness C'aa,p No 54, Sons of `oottaod, the foLow ing othoere were duly *looted. 1 .lel, James S. Talt, oht talo. N R. Smith; pa. chid Jame. bluebell. chaplain, Rey M. McKay : fioauolal secretory, A. D Molest ; recording secretary, W W. Mmlloer; treasurer, A. P Moles; marshal. A.sto Chisholm, standard. bearer. Capt. M. Mc. Donald senior guard, Wm. MoCsagha; 'color guard, Wm. Menlo; physiolao, A. C. Hunter, M. i ). trustees, Capt John Cosign, A, Steelton, Jams Ytewert, piper, Capt Reibt, I nigh. A }'oar Ht mos, WtDD1'ro -A very pretty wedding took plass to tb. hem. of Mr. and Mrs. 4tlliam Hardie. n Genteel4 street, Port Huron, on 1'nsday evening', Deoomber 2'•, wino their eldest daughter, Clara Kenna, wati united to menage to 'William Wateen, son of \t ilttem W Oaten ef'thla town The wedding oersmony war performer! by R•v 1)r. 1•rat. Moue Millis M. A1•odooald toted as brldrimatd Little Mies Mabel, sister of the odds, acted a. i1ewer girl. Th. groom woo •emoted by 1.. lingo•. of 1',trolt. The happy unapt. 'imbed 1 ..,dereob no their wedding trip, ..od were guests at the groom's forma home on Elgin avenue, A I'ROSIsbole Com! •NI - - A mooting of the dlncton of the Huron t. Rruo• Loa, and Inyestm.ot Company wan held at the Company's o1ln son the eyeot,.• of the h day of Desmber. when the president, F Jordan, and the manager. W. 1. Hort' o, submitted • report of the Outline's transacted for in. year, The report was a al Minter, esti, and the Company, beside, being able to p.y the usual dtv,d.nd, has been able to place to the .edit of the rest motion,. th. sem of nine hundred ao,l 8(ty•two dollar. (61&52 00.1 'I ne affaire et tit. (',mosey ars in a sound fiasco,' 000dttloo and the public should have no hesitation in depositlog memo, where thny will be allowed a hylose rale of Interest than oan be obtained from postoflice or banking institution.. Judge Holt, who has been the l'omt,any's solle,tor for a number of vein, resigned LIB 'Dildos. aad W. 1!zocdloot, h. L , osuappotated..o his stead The .fudge .1111 rel .Ins hi. tesltb's on the board as one of th• dlr•o t^rs r, t'. 11 A'ni.. ll i• -Ihslo roeto papers reoeully reported the death of 1 'apt. 1'. 1). Andrews, the Deb. bested blind life-sverwb.- was well known la Oodert,.b I1e was taken soddenly III on ll•tamber Med a1 his news vend on \ one. street, Toronto, and was removed to St. Mlohm•I's hospital, where he riled the next night, from •popl•ty. Cep,. A°draws was horn Ie Kingston on May 19, 11153, and 1a his early dove worked na abs water frost 'hers 11. hen but totem yon of age he name IoM promleenee by tesooing a boy from drowsing le lbs harbor. In 158', he lolned the I'toted States life saying atvlw, and was stationed at ('lsvel•od. For life- saving Captain Andrews nicely, I1 may medals, u fellows Kingston, 1969; Owes &mad, 1873; Toronto, i/17o. , rose of viler, 1881: Royal Romans Seamy. 1801; with okapi, 1882-1883: the Sehleobew 1 1e .evl°g la.dal, 1883; Royal order of Kelpollee, 1fM0 1.511155.. fe these he r.wle.d mast other eeellnwld., and wa. reeemmwdsd Inc the Obeli Nadal oy R 11,H. the bilk. of ('en eaorbt. Rls blindness was omosd M expo. gen be the weather and water. Caplets A.dnws pebllshed and sold • hook, ..N - tied "Th. IAfebeai," In which he gave a ores/thin aeoeeat w1 his life laving •tplette. With the help el hie friends h• (vee.d a news 'lead a \age awl Adelaide s'vtaM, sad sheet a year Doge meed te the aerator of 8hatee sad /'..pa strmte, ?oversee (opt. Tedi ewe w u • member of the Masonic or dor, •od Is survived by his widow, who lives at Lai Bleeoker street SAt tNc GuuL.-lit t.-Uo New 1 ear's night the elbows and tesohers of North street M.tbodhl Sabbath sceool met a1 the re tideooe of K. W. IYoKs°de, w ex-tuper- Intendeat of the school, to Ltd fare rel! to M... L'.- • Acheson lied Will J. 1'asmore. two taithful and •tho,eot workers whose Opal tore from town means • great loo to the sobool with whh h they have been aotlyely oo°o•otr1 for many ) it.. The gathering was gaits • large one, all Mt. Aohesoe'e ;end Mr 1'..more'.lelIow-wee;ken who 000ld MMoore being an11ou, to -hare In the parting tribute Rs.. 11r. I Wiled, pastor of the cbaroh, prsldcd over the gathering wbll' addtt'ese' were read and presented to the two gotten of honor, ex- ercising •ppr•clulo° of :heir past serrloo, regret at their departure and good wish*. for their lotus. Miss Aobson wee pi met- ed watts • pretty ormolu oleok and Mr. Pawnor" with as elegant Metholut bymo• book and a volume of Hood's poems. The ✓ i,lpients mad• lotting speeches in "'Frivol veotog t'betr sorrow a' leaving the work In .hlob the nil delighted to share tog atom .1104 of their 000saet reme nLr.uoe. through the years to come. of the pleasant hours they bed spent In NCrth street Sus day school. Short adds AVOW wen given hy the chairman, Mr. McKeore. W C' l'ndbam, superintendent of tee sobool. and others, awl severe! expression woo given to the high esteem 10 whose the deputing ou an hold, both permoaliy and to theIr cap °o ties al ..Ihcers of the .• hool Afterward. . upper was served and the remaleder of the ..ening was 'peat informally Mr. Yasmor• left ou Saturday for Ottawa to tak• a prettiob at stenographer in the peek th:• D.par!meot, a..1 Mtge Aohson le't o° fusday to commence a course of training es note .t Erie. P.. Lt•.u. lJtEaTtoee.-A Loss correspon- dent had eu moult? answered la the legal •olomn of To. M.11 need Emp.n s. follows . F. J , Lane P. O -1 purobued • nae of p gv represented to me as thorough• heed pelt reed animal., and gild a good ,.,,os for them. 1 mud that the party mis •spresenld ►hs animals to m . they are not thoroughbred, and be he. no: furnished me with a pedigree 1 so 1 sae blot ler Jamag..' (2, Can 1 promote him for eh - writes money under 1.!.e patens: Ans.-- You can rf1.r to return the pigs and pan, at the same time, demand back the price you oatd tor them, and the omit of keeping the . seals whits you have had them. It yoar demand a Dor °emptied with, you o.•o sue for the woo•Ilattoo of the ooatraer. for toe money paid, and for damages Ur you dao sue, to so aot,00 tor fraudulent misreprs- .•otetloo or deceit, for damage,. to nob so notion the oourt or jury will, aoeordl.g to the evidence, plea) a value upou tb. pigs .u1 wi'1 give tadgmeat in your foyer for the dill.rencr between that value and the p Dos you paidhal you will keep the p ge. lint the right to remind • 000trao' must be ex. roil. 1 en dl•ooverlog fraud. If n ot the right to rsoied will be wised, 1Campb.11 v Homing, A and F:. 30 , Red - grove v. Hurd. .:0 oh. Div l I I Ability to ream the thing purchased, uoobaobcl. bled ' Namable to the Oxen ilia( the right N .fogad I`Itreet v Rlay. fiend Ad. 459.) pt) Vou Deo motoring* the vendor for eh - moth, money nod sr false ptoaooue. But tb• law will presume him to be loaooeot uunl you oan prole him to be ru,lty. A person who maks • tale• prst-xo• r mho repr.rcnat,on of • matter of nor, either prsent or past, whoa,' he knows to be (.lta end which he make. with the fraudulent intent to kilu.-e the potion to whom It Is made to a ' upon It, and therein, s eu000ed. O obtatoing money or any other valuable bhiog from the person to whom the fabs .,stem a u male, onmmtt■ a onminal t fres •. and renders himself liable to punishment. Hut the evtdehoe which would be somclent to 0000• a rodement la • civil ectfon might 1,ot be sufLcleot to secure a cenvlo r o In • nominal promotion NILE. T. r•t.o, . 1100. ,'Uth '01e. Et Iroi,, I'ermit me space to your oolumo,- to ortsiil my hearty thank. to the many triads why. o generously Dame to ,no aid hy donation and In other ways when my .roe was taken irom me by tire. Most t ncer•ly 1 desire to thank each one, hot, e nable M do Chit 1 thank each through your oolmmn. Thanking l ou for epees SrT" 11s11,14. A 4 •pllal Parr raiser Totems le to oleas a gargle a few drops of t'olseo s Nervtlm• In •w,•• toned water. and before retiring rub the throat end obeli vigorously with Net ills'. 1i murclo the nrfr ave . isopsear •purely Renville' drives away the pain .,, I et i os sot *throat ,rid bwrsenes gsbkly, simptt 1. amine that'. what 11's meds for. Hu, • .0, • bottle from your druggist to -lay. 1)r. 11.mlltoa'e IMII• Stimulate the Liver bye se v.evtcs. l arewell .nobs were meld os W.4ass- d•e, Deo 31.., by Esaegollsta Hooter ad Crowley -one a1 Ninth st. Methodist chorea la the atternoeu, the other el .ivbt in Keen uburub. They were the soot lotorestlog s.t'tos5 0150. .0,1...,,.. sod peed.ued • deep Impreeetou. Over 300 hays beaded ,a their Domes to the oentr.l oommlttee and *Dotes of others wen deeply •ffeoted whew name. have not been recorded 1'be fan well words of the evaugelLM at Knox 'murals were full of patbo 'plaited with llaahes of yualot homer so ubarao.ertetlo of the mem. It was Impossible to seat all wbo throuaed lbs spaolooe edltlw, members had W stand darlog the whole of the e•, ,toe, which loud pearl) two hours ; but no Gas Dome tired,ead when the levlt.tlon was given at the oluw of the first wrvloe b°n.irc•ds responded, •tor *blob all la mon*. prayer circle was formed and bitty mon rallied their band for prayer. It was probably the mrat impressive servlae ever held in Code - d oh. About 10 o'olook tb• mst,og was drought u • elm and , he Immense •mdleooe formed lo deals line and died .lowly past the two •vangsllste who shook .soh oats by she nand oommend,uv item to lied sad praylog for ttu I,Iseenie art... Al. Many *yes were tilled with tears and many • geed -Oro was said with tremtb°g lips, for to... men had touohed the hearu of the multitude and they will 11.• la tee memory of the people of Goderloh for mac.. tears to come. They left by the early morning train for SL Thomas, whirs they enter upon their third revival u•mp.lgo .1 number of our oitl• nos were •t the 'tattoo to see them off and Ind them O,d.oeed on their lout Ley. Their v.rlt has u°doub t•dly been a creat bloomy to our tools as "video, .d by the large num 1or .skiog admhs-los Into the churches. The tint reception service was bsl.i on Sunday In North et. Methodist oburth,wbea •bout 120 were rso.ly.d o° profession of faith topetber with • large number by let- ter. Tin 'unverte al ,,,u,,.1 by the pistol, ranging all the way from Ot years of •g. to 7. were reg eived by the rept *..hw those of the ohuroh and o'loomed sot the pastor, oath ase reoelviar a oopy of the oharcb's prinlad raise. l oon( ohlldrea .,11 not be r.00go,eed its full members of the chin oh at poison but will be pia, ed In catmhomen oleo se toiler oereful super vision until they are old •nnugb to under - ''and the obl•gatloos of membership. Next `ebl.atb oiebs all the converts together with the members of for oIurch will b•vr their arse oommunloo A large number will t its toe Presbyterian church sod also \lotona-, e t Methodist churob, for these evangelists make to, die In Iron between churches, which I.,t largly a000ue'A for their maredlome success. They rail against the oberohe• or criticize other me. hods of churob work so often iodate/ad la by some • lues. ?in do they In lutes in excessive tsulr b•d,og of luster In the oor_rega•tons who gather so Mar them an uobe•itby uodertooe of pee - custom mot discontent of coulee they ere ou spoken and they employ ottoman term• whessver they are denouncing any Boom. •vd. lint (het always can, with lbem a buoyaot and • hopeful spirit sod ars neither e xtravagantly erratic) nor morbidly .own trio in their prssotatton sot the old soap d truths that always are able to snake woes oath ulvatloo THE PEARLY GATES AND GOLDEN A,. ARRANOau ANL. 0l NI. Ft 11 7 t 4°0.1.60 bo you oak Rte where our loved Dues aro, N hoe we w lament lave tsuuhed They're 'ery n ar, ye: ter' far. But tieither (food nor bautehed, They lite to that tetter land today With the saints of aged olden. And we'll enter in by the holy way. Through the pearly gates and victim it', the land of .ante, ser fair and br {tr, That laud of macre 1 .tory ; Rut the heart muss Ire pure acid the con• octants ri.ht I hat would reach that realm of glory. The wor dry mat ter ite joys may you u. When pride an.l pomp embolden But never for him wall he htogge. turn Of the pearly gatee and golden While the innocent ,told, with eye. uhdim As the sky 1n its oluone.e u'er him, Has only to touch the portal's rim, And it opens Doi !e before him dome day when our sun iu darkness dips, We'll see that fair laud olden ; Ant we shall touch with our finger tips 'I he pearly gats and ¢olden. BOOKS AND PERIODICALS MR TARTS AT Home -A writer la the Jeseery Canadian Mager no thu. deeer;bee ter. Tara's new ofl, ,• ' ',a the 'mooed Boor of the building on Se. Jsates, street, Montreal, which le the borne of Le Patrte, Is • sew and web: !orals, d etbs, Rebind the low, rin•re, regelatleo ndts desk, 1a an easy chair, dim t ho Hea..). Israel 'tato, 'b. ex Minister of Public Werke When the writer vult•d him rm• eea11y, be fount him reading Graeae• "Shorn History of the it:agileb I'eople." He look. muoh younger than he did a year et r we ago and le as gay and debonair as • young man ,n h'. twenties Hero Mr Cert• moles. his friend. laugh' pl•agantly over hie departure from the Leerier Admin utrablo., peas tree, haat articles for i.s Petrie (Willes to now second If not Bret, In tmporanu. among the 1 retool" journal' of Cenada) and a gathering •truogtb .od In formation to, the tort polltloal mot e. H• declares that the change Is a pl..asot on., that he 1s gid to be relieved of the ironies of • I;.binet hi mister, 'bat his friends have been k.od and not forgotful, tket hie only immediate ..o°oern is 10 keep lbs reader. of Le Pat: le well eopplid with the dans' poll11oa1Inlormatlo,, in the }'roylooe o1 ;,u1 0, , the Freoob daily and weekly paper. pobl'.hed weld. of Montreal and Quebec ere tot of moth Importa„o., or, at least, do not measure up to the standard of those published in Hamilton, Kingston, thank• elle, Brantford, Strarfnrd and ether On- 'erlo towns Coesaluen'ly, toe daily papo, rpm et -xebec or Moareal le everything poi. tloally and sealaIly lo Frsnoh Canada. 1t- CMOS' of 1h1. Ls Pattie 6IU a lerge plane i. h• toarm•li.tlo 11f. of Quebec, anti Mr '1'srw meal Satty-wt%S a Istms a°d1e.ee tau, he rays, a sante for his ' om plainuo". ' 'I he .1 meteor official boort of i;r.o. church, 5 '4noose, has onanlmno• y deoldd to eyelid as Invitation to Rev. lir. G,lord, of ('nnun, to suoosed Rey. W. Godwin In the pastorate, the ohange to Writ platy nett .lune, provided the s0►lonleg committee et th. conference 1. agreeable. OD* day the mat of • trading schooner, overhauling, the log, 1.. rid that /h. captain h .4 written to It, "Mate drool' inlet The Matte eopeetulat d with the c•pta,n. s•rinr,''IA hat is the nee of Dwelt. (tot do The o'p'al° weld, "In h.ppeaed Why ghoul le't I write 1t dew o"' The neo' day ,he mite wrote ,ha ler, 1a winch alter wards the oapWle footed the read. '0•p tale ember Inlay."-Eteha°ge. A. etohoeg. sty.:- Now that fool 1a as otm h a matter et lawnry am of e.eeeslty It might he as well to ton. what noneettot.' a oord of wood. There are Menhir' fest In • enrd, ye. we ♦.stare to *.y that most people who boy and pas fee what ,s old se • oord et wood resolve only 'best ?,I oablo feet. liar noel mernha b. 11`11 compelled to give a fell toe of ooal, when • toe 1e par. °hued, and when armed moot shoo (holt weigh bill Why should net Inc.,.,. rid weed de ewe be made dellyer 128 eeihle feet fee a oord of wool ' l PORT ALFIERi ,ta1l41, .. Sut.b, r an ' M. S,he.B•r and lan,lly el Wlsgham, .n. ben no ., 0.11. Mr. sod Mn. lo Hawkins spent 4 titbit TOO with Their son, J. 1 ., la Underloh Franc,. I;ansingham and h4 danghler. Mary, are visiting relative. In Arthur this week. Mn. Jas. Ole., and toe see. an to Staff. attending the marriage of MIs. (hake, o1 that ph,* The Mims E. MoM111as, Creole ('raw - ford sod M. Cunningham, of he Goderloh Collegiate leaden's, are among the holiday seeker. One et the most dlswMeae fires that ever visited this plata 000nrrd here al an early heat y .t r lag mort.a,, remitter In the Set•I d*.En.o(1 ,n of ill* large roller mills owned by John Suho.oh*', Whoa thew. wed the .04re south .sten port en el the build or was la ti .me. an 1 ',tithed ism ooatn,l o' the me awemhld The entire loo le r boatel a1 615,000. TrASL.Ai, Jas. t.eb. Allred Rata 1 returned to ('nleage os •;vurdat Mrs. A 1 H•wk'es, lett yesa►dayl for a volt to rel Oleos Ie He1).. Ila Ju McConnell, to 11 am Item, Is bowie 1. r • vile te hie parent'. Mr. sill Mrs Fd. Wessell. A V. I'anal 'stereo.I a Tense, )mbar. clay alter •p•ediee New Yeas'. Doi b his family Sato Qn tea ,,amber of our yens, talks had • meet en nyahl. time on 1 woodsy evening sl lob web at a New \ ear. party ,;hen by SOME REASONS WHY. YOU SHOULD TRADE AT OUR STORE: We handle only reliable well -made Furniture all doors and drawers work easily and well. ALL PRICES MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES You can walk through our store and read prices for yourself. DISCOUNT! We give a special cash discount on all sales of $10 and up. Goods delivered free within a circuit of ten miles. REPAIRING, UPHOLSTERING AND PICTURE FRAMING promptly attended to. BECKETT & STAUNTON UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS. Night and day store, calls promptly attended to. Night bell at the West side of the Square. Phone 88 the hi Wee Haidro, .d :lbeppatdboa, honor el tbsr tnva,. I,00, Poruoto. 1°Notice to Farmers ! The following r(fieal appointment. have Leen made by His Lordship the Bebop of London, 1a the thous' of L-'mdos. Ree. Father Neo»° le .hasg•d from Bidduipn re Dubllo, to 111 the Twomey mads by the deist's •I Fates' Fogarty. Rev Fu her McMenam- in, rotator of the new pariah of Cllota and Myth. well eocoeed Fa' her Noonan at 'Sid dulph Rey. Y•tb.r l'.nsooneauls la appoint. ed Administrator of Clmto° and Rio ti Roy. Fat her Stanley Is appu,otod assistant Prise to Vicar G.,rral B.vard la SL Teems. Rev Father Driscoll summed. Father Stas. lay as awlatact to Windsor The newly ordained prtsu-Father Duu° and Father Emery -an attached to the Catbodtal staff. tkli/Vre5 Ane til[MTtr LIVER MON" -BOWILS • S t1'1E SYSTEM CLEANSE E><FECTUALLY; o ' CO�pA EELS: �f OVERCOMES S11PATION NAgITUAL GOPPERMANENTLY. ITS gENEf IGIAL EFFECTS pity TME GENUINE -MAN'F'D BY Qin-4NRITGymi3c . 1 AND ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I i, ,nni••,s,. ,.nl wish t„ puruhass ONE MILLION FEET or dard and Soft Weed LOGS 'lo be lellwred •t their mill, (,odench Harbor. oe on shore of Lake Huron in euitab!e p acs for waterlog and towing away. PRICED FOR LOOK DELIVERED .1T MILL.- First Claw -Elm. 20 inches. .ted over, i12 per Y. ; 11esewoo.l and .tall, 15 inches surf over in diameter at mall euti, 912 pa. Y - M .p1., le tu.h- ue and over. $10 per M. Second Claw sad smaller lugs at les. prim, acoorJ- -lug:to yaluo. All lugs taboo ou the beach 112 pal M. lees thou above pries Crib wall betwirl for lugs as they aro de - And •salad. .ill loge to bo cul 101t. to lett. lung. The Goderich Lumber Co. THE MARSHALL SANITARY MATTRESS. PAT SEPT. tape, THE ONLY VENTILATED MATTRESS IN THE WORLD. Perfectly Veu'Abted, Perfectly Keeihetl, Absolutely Noteele.• it hari handle. to lift or carry i1 by. n ninth -rheum and more durable than the best hair mattress. It cannot. get lumpy, awl will riot wig from u.• it is the most healty and meet Comfortable Mattress subtle 't-IIIVO.111 w.d examiue its 'nerds. (fold only by WILMER SMITH, Dealer h' High (:rade Furuituro, Furnishings and Art leoode, Flu.' 1'phnl.l.euug lou,' tO miler Kant Street. GODERICH. COOKING OF MILKY FOODS Souvenir A Mut $uccess J•; rEn VP.RV rook apprect• ates, somewhat dia. appointingly loo often- the difficult" o1 getting milky fools to "dn" loot Ngbt. Milk is of an impres- sionable nature and takes to heel( eterytbing With wbicb it is autroundr,t. If you've rooked n roast w the oven pre, lousily the some remains usually in the "ern and imports its savor to the rice pudding or easiatd or other dish coutain- ,ng milk Diet goes to nett. This Irrn,blr i. or ercumc completely with au aerated otfn. Pond cooked in thisway1, aloay, eurrotinded by pure. fresh air. TherI1.. constant Row of this health -Rix ing element in and out ail the time, making impossible the retest. tion of any Incl tnlore to destroy the flavor of the most delicate and careful(, prepared daintr. The Aerated Oven is found only in the Souvenir Range, Sold Everywhere, One will Last • Lifetime. 1-X. 'WORSEZ Z SOLE AOENT GODERICH, - ONT. a J. He COLBORNE CashnillSer JANUARY SALE IN THE FOLLOWING LINES FURS DRESS GOODS UNDER- WEAR 20 per cont. di°oouut on all Furs now in stock , newest wakes, and all new for Fall art 1190_'. 1 A lot of 'Tweed etfwts, good colors, fur winter want. Vic. for 20c , 20c. tor lfic., laud 1Sc. for l2.1c. Homespun. in black, dark and Tight greys, .Y brown, grey -brown, green and navy, at prices (that defy oowpetition, and all new goods French Cheviot in black and navy, 5(i iu chem wide, all wool , the latest -cwt put into I stock a few days ago. You eboald see them In Mao's, Boys', Ladies', Girls' and Chil dren's wear--• well-aaaorted stock and prioe„ (right. Cesm•polllaa Patters tee ode, Fables Shoots l wive away. J. H. COLBORNE The Best Possible -Co -Rh Care 15 FOUND 114 A BOX OF LAXA - QUININE ASSISTED SY OUR BLAC.K CHERRY Cough Cure • Tbsu, if any w.aku. ss remaw., fortify the entente w th our .. . .EMULSION of CODLIVER OIL and HYPOPHOSPH1TES, *Ad ser build up the ey.te o -sake • Cow" impcuikie. W. C. GOODE, Chemist, asviarn /'LOOK, . . We can Interest you in Rubber Goods. New supply just in. Annual Stock -Taking Sale. We have jIUt O 1pleted our animal l6ventory anal find we have too heavy a stock in some lines. In order to clean out a lot of lines we are offering 20 per cent.` Miscount -oii- TABLE CUTLERY. SILVER SPOONS and FORKS, CASE CARVERS, BERRY SPOONS, in CASES. BROOMS, , KING, GATINEAU and CHIP SLINGER AXES. I or further pal-ticulars lit' ,ale see uext week's issue. N. D. RO UGi V I E, GODERICH. /1 AMERICA'S -BEST Editorially Fearless. Consistently Republican. Ni ., five all of (tie world -Well o r l t tt u, original -lone, -.l Dom et, to queries -Arta lee un Health, the ilome, New Hooke, and ou tt ork Aouut the Farm and ItarJuu. The Weekly Inter Ocean I • .i Iuewher "l the .l..,e Weil hem. the only 00esten, Newspaper recant - n:g the enure telegtnphic iawo seri- ne, of The New York Sun and 'special coulee' The New York World -daily imports from .ter 2.000 epectal tor- ro.poodeuts throughout the twuntry. YEAH 0 N E DOLLAR wMUly trothentre Ocean .we year, troth 1pM5•.rtlto reg T s Waal and Tie M *Lae. THE MARSHALL SANITARY MATTRESS. PAT SEPT. tape, THE ONLY VENTILATED MATTRESS IN THE WORLD. Perfectly Veu'Abted, Perfectly Keeihetl, Absolutely Noteele.• it hari handle. to lift or carry i1 by. n ninth -rheum and more durable than the best hair mattress. It cannot. get lumpy, awl will riot wig from u.• it is the most healty and meet Comfortable Mattress subtle 't-IIIVO.111 w.d examiue its 'nerds. (fold only by WILMER SMITH, Dealer h' High (:rade Furuituro, Furnishings and Art leoode, Flu.' 1'phnl.l.euug lou,' tO miler Kant Street. GODERICH. COOKING OF MILKY FOODS Souvenir A Mut $uccess J•; rEn VP.RV rook apprect• ates, somewhat dia. appointingly loo often- the difficult" o1 getting milky fools to "dn" loot Ngbt. Milk is of an impres- sionable nature and takes to heel( eterytbing With wbicb it is autroundr,t. If you've rooked n roast w the oven pre, lousily the some remains usually in the "ern and imports its savor to the rice pudding or easiatd or other dish coutain- ,ng milk Diet goes to nett. This Irrn,blr i. or ercumc completely with au aerated otfn. Pond cooked in thisway1, aloay, eurrotinded by pure. fresh air. TherI1.. constant Row of this health -Rix ing element in and out ail the time, making impossible the retest. tion of any Incl tnlore to destroy the flavor of the most delicate and careful(, prepared daintr. The Aerated Oven is found only in the Souvenir Range, Sold Everywhere, One will Last • Lifetime. 1-X. 'WORSEZ Z SOLE AOENT GODERICH, - ONT. a J. He COLBORNE CashnillSer JANUARY SALE IN THE FOLLOWING LINES FURS DRESS GOODS UNDER- WEAR 20 per cont. di°oouut on all Furs now in stock , newest wakes, and all new for Fall art 1190_'. 1 A lot of 'Tweed etfwts, good colors, fur winter want. Vic. for 20c , 20c. tor lfic., laud 1Sc. for l2.1c. Homespun. in black, dark and Tight greys, .Y brown, grey -brown, green and navy, at prices (that defy oowpetition, and all new goods French Cheviot in black and navy, 5(i iu chem wide, all wool , the latest -cwt put into I stock a few days ago. You eboald see them In Mao's, Boys', Ladies', Girls' and Chil dren's wear--• well-aaaorted stock and prioe„ (right. Cesm•polllaa Patters tee ode, Fables Shoots l wive away. J. H. COLBORNE The Best Possible -Co -Rh Care 15 FOUND 114 A BOX OF LAXA - QUININE ASSISTED SY OUR BLAC.K CHERRY Cough Cure • Tbsu, if any w.aku. ss remaw., fortify the entente w th our .. . .EMULSION of CODLIVER OIL and HYPOPHOSPH1TES, *Ad ser build up the ey.te o -sake • Cow" impcuikie. W. C. GOODE, Chemist, asviarn /'LOOK, . . We can Interest you in Rubber Goods. New supply just in. Annual Stock -Taking Sale. We have jIUt O 1pleted our animal l6ventory anal find we have too heavy a stock in some lines. In order to clean out a lot of lines we are offering 20 per cent.` Miscount -oii- TABLE CUTLERY. SILVER SPOONS and FORKS, CASE CARVERS, BERRY SPOONS, in CASES. BROOMS, , KING, GATINEAU and CHIP SLINGER AXES. I or further pal-ticulars lit' ,ale see uext week's issue. N. D. RO UGi V I E, GODERICH. aaNIEsT+MseNeMY--- Household economic° hes beoowea scientific study, and oue of rte most important lessons is that the foods which enter the body should be the greatest purity and best quality that is possible. For the preparation of these wholesome foals care moat be exert cised in procuring tint -class Groceries. and it is in this branch o the houeekeeper'a work that we believe we can help you. Our stock i. good and fresh and extensive, and we fill all orders promptly and carefully. Give us a trial. S'17..T.R=r= clt CO.. 1'l1E GROCERS, WENT SIDE SQUARE Telephone No. 91 Fstabllehed I8A0, Phone Main 4303. W. F. DEVER & CO. STOOK AND BOND BROKERIe. ie Wellinarton 8tr9at East, Toronto. Nan Offices -47 ifwlsay, New Tort; M State Street, hasten. STOC$S, BONDS A.ND GRAIN Bought and Bold for Cash or on Margin. Psrtleular atrset.ea rtyea N (1a..44. Rsneridee Marks eters malted daily 14 p. m.l en appllnstlo. I-e.rsepesd.ne. Invited i _ THE Bread that helps health, that's easily digested, that's always good, is-- PARNELL-DEAN'5 i Homemade Bread I N. ,n her taking known in The R}�!� Bl Life of process Canada has done so much to improve the quality of bread as our own pros . tees. PARNELL DEAN'S BREADS area proof of this. Its superiority IP ovoryt that 'makes dread the era l- lyt,r al food is convincing testimony to (locate trot] ski 1 andM rfect method s it ompplIowed iu the mabinl;. You can sat PARNELL DL'0N'S BREAD three times a day the year roue i and never tin of it. It's always gleed, laity and hated "jai -TWIT: Have our agent leave you a :.ample loaf. W. P. WESTOBY AG T Hamilton St GODERICH aaNIEsT+MseNeMY--- Household economic° hes beoowea scientific study, and oue of rte most important lessons is that the foods which enter the body should be the greatest purity and best quality that is possible. For the preparation of these wholesome foals care moat be exert cised in procuring tint -class Groceries. and it is in this branch o the houeekeeper'a work that we believe we can help you. Our stock i. good and fresh and extensive, and we fill all orders promptly and carefully. Give us a trial. S'17..T.R=r= clt CO.. 1'l1E GROCERS, WENT SIDE SQUARE Telephone No. 91 Fstabllehed I8A0, Phone Main 4303. W. F. DEVER & CO. STOOK AND BOND BROKERIe. ie Wellinarton 8tr9at East, Toronto. Nan Offices -47 ifwlsay, New Tort; M State Street, hasten. STOC$S, BONDS A.ND GRAIN Bought and Bold for Cash or on Margin. Psrtleular atrset.ea rtyea N (1a..44. Rsneridee Marks eters malted daily 14 p. m.l en appllnstlo. I-e.rsepesd.ne. Invited