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S p,a1aisse
Dv D. irAna+M*•
'elilriti0)AY, JAN. title liltet.
rN++++eOx, e++++N+++++♦
121.11.12T COMMENT
Chicago school teachers are now
to be referred to as "women." The
term "lady usulter" has Oren form-
ully ala,llwhed. Good! "Woman" lea
word of respectable etymology; It
nay a whoksoms sound.
Frank Mitchell, u negro burn In
slavery 105 year, ago. le *till liv-
ing at Akron, 0, UII'I has a vivid
recollection of event,' that occurred
lu the first part of last century.
He lar mmoked and chewed tobacco
for over 100 youse.
Rockefeller -mode a Christmas gift
of • million to tete Univeriety of
Chicago; be likeWiie raised the price
Of 01I 3% cents a gallon *ince the
Boal strike. which will bring lam
literal millions. ft I* a way he
bate of pricing the hat to rube
money for donations.
T?u• resignation of Mr. Justice Ilob-
'rtluu la expected in the near future,
end the appoint tuenl of Mr. Joule*
Magee. of London, to succeed lam s
probable. Mr. Magee.. one of the
ieadltlg lawyers of the welt, and a
former partner of Mr. Jueitice Mac-
llahoa e
.[propos of Lord Kelvin's assertion
that in 400 years the twat of the
world will be used up M. (brtleuxe
chief engineer of the Northern Hall-
way, of France. save that In ten
year*, between petroleum and al-
cohol, coal mtnI4 g will, not pay.
An artistic memorial tablet to
Thomas Henry Huxley wait unveiled
in the public library at }sling. Ids
birthplace, a few days ago. The
tablet contains only hos agme, dates
of birth anti death, and one of alis
best eptgrame: "Try to les some-
thing about ererything and very -
thing about boututfeng."
Well. it ma;, be vetei naughty
the liaxorly Crown Prtncesr to el
wail a wale teacher, but if the
Crown Prince is the coutetnptible
brute be to said to be the world
will not be so !land ou the woman
whom be has insulted, scoffed. beat-
en and neglected. The Prince should
bate five yearn at the atone pile.
"Vannma0utanel; which 11 tio-
mostl, for the "deme of tar stinging
IH 111" le the nameg Igen to her new
residence In the Santa Cruz moue -
tame of California by Mrs. ltolx•rt
Louie etc vens. e 1. The spot is In one
of the quietest parts of the great
Moe mountains thud much like the
OW borne ut V aliima. Mr.. Steven -
von had a hourewarming party at
Vanutrwnutnngl recently, where she
!mule w-el,oue all the It'etdlag Noelal
and literary lights of San Frunc*o.
Abdul Hamid, Sultan of Turkey,
has Just celebrated his sixtieth birth-
day. Thirty-four Otltmuur hath
reigned hi Turkey and the longest
relit was itss than fifty year*. duly -
man 1. having nut upon the throne
from 1520 to 158e. Only one *Milan
in the nineteenth century, only 0110
In the eighteenth and only one in
the reventee0th ruled longer than
Abdul, and most of his pretlecurrore
have been rlaln or put Ln chains. be-
fore their 1rloudr were able to wish
them many returns of their rlxtMtll
Bertillon, the expert who won un-
enviable notoriety In the Drey(ue
0060, has at Inst vindicated Ills
01114w14 fur his syetcw of detection.
A mysterious murder was committed
at 1'uris lately and ia clew war left
by the murderer except certain fin-
germarks, on a window pane. Thio
streaks were photographed and ell -
larged and Bertillon kleutlfied them
as belonging to a man who had un-
dergone the anlltropometetc eye -
tem eight years ago. The man war
found and arrested, cud the murder
has been proved against Slim.
William K. Vanderbilt and Grover
CI•''elantl recclted reopectively the
lat•gcot and smallest checks ever 5. -
stool to ldhidualr by the Unite.'
Stator Government. At one time Mr.
Von.lcrbilt owned g;,(y000000 worth
of tiov..rrntwnt bonds and oat titin
umot.ut drew annual interest of
$_.000,000. At tho ohne Of Mr. Cleve-
lnnwfr s"t'ond adminlbtration it wag
oteoverill, in settling up Ido ac-
tcunts for salary. that tbO Govern-
ment owed him 1 cent. A check for
(b:it amount was forwarded to hint,
ant us It Isar never been presented
for payment it Ie probable ttatt\tie
rcr•lplenU preserver 1t as a 'ct.riosMy.
Paul Keep In leis memoirs tells
the story of a secretary whom ire
p niched (or being drunk by tying
itlm to a wagon wheel. !haring the
night 1,000 Kaffir, and about 4.1400
Zulus attacked the iio•r camp and
were not driven off fIl daybreak.
Tho secretary slept so roundly that
he noticed iothing of the fight, nod
the text day, when he at lust awoke,
be looked around In astonedimeht
and asked. "Have you people been
flghtlt4S daring the eight ?"
Wh•:n the 1ti'lttsh Iloulo of Cora -
moor voter it marches out Into the
lobbiei, where the jfuemterr nr,
tuantod by tie Leber. The aver-
age elrtnnee traversed by eaohmem-
b.'r from his seat to the lobby In
dlO fret, 40 that al ono all-night
edtttug on an important b111, were)
thirty-three eli)irio11e were made.
etu•1.-member tramped exactly a mile
an t n haIf, without counting inolflo-
lti excursion,' to the smoking awl re-
lr, shoo'nt room.'. AN a r:ltf.ien ue-
rally takes twelve minuter tele
house was etc hour* nn,l a half on
its feel that night.
Emperor 'Malan leas unformed the
ttlu:o*H Salm Hoatmalr and .earn'
,,then ladies of his court that they
r,) not fitted to fight %lee or ele-
v r' the social conditions of the
tint Thu uoblewowen had Immo
tr1 untl-vlco society In Berlin,
and thEmperor in discouraging the
movcmea wrote- 46 tle 11rl.nceoe
that the "ebo li know that stat
things aroueh better left to the
law and Ito u!'(Icerr, and If 1t is true.
Wit twee thcy'•nro frequently pus-
s! .1 as to what nurse to pursue.
c residing Inpol-
how tan you won , r 1 g iK'
ro s sur-
e[. or n codeine n sur u
u s0
mein:tinge. u,atertnko sutoesrf il-
ly light tho evil ?"
tttrasburg is about to erect n
monument 10 Goethe. The Bierman
post paned biome of the beat years
of h1■ youth in the ,tleatinn IAMB
and referred to It frtqueatiy with
wool* of admiring affection In 141
memoirs. '1140 (Weigle for 1114' etntue
',has not yet been arlectea. but 110
•ttempt will be wpared,t,, make It
worthy of the great name which
1t is1 to Cnmme11110rat0.
effort is put forth to belittle the Curr
adbw prairie country tad exalt the
t aped Malt0. 11 argues that Canada
Ir without fuel; that t110 settler
mutt 11e Idle fire month/ unit that
few erne can be relied. 1t praiser
tVleeoIlrin and blind .•rutlt. and won-
ders/ that feu tuu.y thousands rhuuld
bo moving from those Mater to Cau-
ads. The Lumberman ought to review
Ile 'facts." •Our Northwest le not
without feel. There aro Important
coal fields in tho prairie rection, and
111 British Columbht wo have aupplt.'I
Impanel(' of
to Inst the continent for 1urn r 1
pore. Moreover, the Canadian North-
wood rottht enjoys a better ltoveru-
nwnt, can grow larger crepes wile
lot work, lots 110 1110r0 revere wea-
ther, and Is freer from toruadone nod
bllzsarols. The loran who are rushing
Leto the Northwest aro making no
mlrtnke. The informant t?l who told
the Lumbermtus that to keep the set-
tlers in tho prairie country from
'starving to death the C. 1'. II. al-
lowed then[ to burn every other tic
for fneh mutt have thought the edi-
tor was an easy mark.
,Ilnrper'b Weekly Keys "a medal for
pure and unmitigated goo.Iatnre
WAN awarded, not many drove a to
a youth In a Moble school. Ho laid
not made n noteworthy record fnk
prugreoo In learning ; he had n4111
even reached a point :beyond the
average among hie fellows; ho heal
simply ecl:pactt them all In amiability
of the kind that accreted rewards
or puna-hnlents with urbane and a :ell
philosophy." And why should not
%Ochi goocl nature be rewarded ?
Surely it is such t'aWres, Ulw•aye
tu11113, 11401 wake mllnkin,t's existence
brighter arta 11•u.l to brotherly love
prat get:tlrned.•. That Kort of thing
hale w'1ne pe44111'' about ('5ridtwa1
tune.- What a_ptto f should not -bet
contagluu every tiny of the year 1
H. Combos, the French Prender, 1s
only 5 feet a inches tall. Ile Is by
profession a physician. Ile was at
one time a achoolmasler ami Is a
leading nuthortty to French edu-
rational affairs. Hie sollolarelep anti
literary actleitkw have for years
been large fuel comprehensive. em-
bracing such t(•ploe as the Latin
--pot Tse• iCant'e 14Gtfjfhyafrz:
philosophy of 81. Augustine pad the
omelet theories of 81. Simon.
A Kennet; polltlenl manager la of
1Re; opliron -Mgt iiia.. rt:1 T upfirttlt
II rry *7ltem with Its d1hy news-
pnp•r Is largely reaponeible for the
po'Itlenl np.'tthy 111 that `duet". He
polrta oft that the pdil,cnl rally
boo heretofore given the former an
opportunity to drive to town anti
moot his neighboree; it Iona been one
of oho remotion for the lonrllnete of
farm life, but the /tally newspaper
now delivered et his door remove.
Otte feeling of loneliness and servem
to merely agree*My his l'laure hour.
Emperor 'William of Germany ie
fond of bllliarde, but in too 'wet -
none to play a goal game, 1( he
ll1NNCN an rnNy shot he lt'oomee
"ea t t Its ' 11.44-eaA--be-ean117 beaten
Ly Ili, 1111).4t hmnteuri.h of the pal-
ace gwwt14. But 11 -in not consid-
ered good form to beat big ronj-
piety and no matter how had hie
game may be him advrreary con-
trives to play n wore(' one.- The
Kaiser recently manifested his d1e-
pletanure at the conduct of a ra-
thterfnmhi(wtnlde preacher by Renting
him to labor in a very poor thing.
The preacher forbade the members
of his congregation to wear myr-
tles at wadding ceremonies, though
myrtles are nerd all over Germany
like orange blossoms' In the 1'nite11
8t eN. The Emperor became eery
angry on (earning oT 1T114 '`fiTn1lun
of egstom tend pu rer:hrd the clergy-
man In the manner named.
$,tun of the b'ue-stockinged females
of the failed States W. C. T. U. are
raging because the Prerklent his. had
a celebrated example of the nude in
art hung In the White House dining
room. 11-0 hnvo not heard that 1lrr.
R. had kicked uta a fuse about the
picture, awl we're i(IellueJ to think
rho is to ha trotted in the matter
before the ;,rotersloal regulators of
the unlverre. Ito,oevelt won't till
1 act, and lharper'r \V('ekty soya
"Nothing but tato btroage*t ren1e of
nbilgation, combined with enforced
Ieleure, woukt be likely to Induce 11113
prudent man to dlrcus, art -with the
W. C. T. U." Tltat is a little severe,
but in the tort matter not too (severe.
W know a man pant meddle age
who s a very youlg face. Not-
withstanding grey hairs and 52
years' hard work and constant
study. he, has a young face. Peo-
ple often 'remark the seeming In-
congruity of, hl» g(-cv hair andlr
youthful face• One day Ito -told us
how it 'happened. In the first place
he tae avoided Nall those business
relations which tem' to bring wor-
ry and 'care. Ile has never spent
an hour worrying about finances.
FI•, ,air never spent n Moment while
lug to be rich yr fearing he wouhl
become poor. He ha* taken life at,
he found k, net barrawsing himself
with forebodings or making lt,m-1
self haggard with ambition. says
Medical Talk.
Ile seek* much the company of
younger people than himself. He
likes the chatter of chikh'en, the
gossip of young !settee and the
horse -play of schoolboys. Ile avoids
all coutrover.y, shunt the dirqulet-
ude of argument,- let$- every one
alone with their own thouhla or
preferences. and quietly pursues' his
own way o7 jditntlhg. Ito dodges
trouble in every possible way. As
wxin as he discovers something
that tkapleases him he goes away
from 1.1 ler adjust• himself to It.
Every morning he washes his face
in coil water, splaelter hie face and
neck thoroughly. With a sufficient
amount of fine soap to give the
skin h aoftnema and pliability, he
kneads+ kis face carefully with the
01)4114 of his fingers.. going over
oroughly every portion of the
r, then splashing the face again
cold water. Title l.+ done every
ng regularly, and occupies five
minutes. This has the effect
*thing out tho wrinkles,
Nticity to the skin mue-
g the akin tetrotg hind
smooth The, ao doubt, In part ac-
count for h. youthful face.
The everineting servant girl ynes-
1ir Ott? ter One frim•, nmi- r -'n ;'-
eon linen to puzzle over the why of
g irlei preference for the ahoy and the
factory. 'Rao Labor Bureau of WI.-
conain Ion been making over 7(X) In-
quIrtnn on the oubjert. and the ans-
wer! aro very Instrnctive. We quote
theme, commending them to roletress-
11' consideration;
I1 Ia.11rs would only give glrle bet-
tor rnoma. kinder treatment and
warmer beds nn(1 let them live Ind0-
p ndrntly more girls, would elo bonrr-
i love honoework, but, like a host
of elle r girls. I rerun() to do It nn.b'r
prement dondlttons.
Tin, reulon i won't 110 holmrwork
Tr.r' moat remarknbfe of all llrlt-
Ode lighthouse. le to be found on
Arnl.lt Hoek. Stornoway ltny - 11
rerk which le separator from the
lelen..l of ',ewe, by a eteinnel over
non fret aIle. On this reek a cont -
ea. beacon to ereetel, and on It.,
ea.mnmlt a lantern Is flu'., from
w11.5, night after night, ehtn•'s n
llgiet w he'll is aeon by the II:Mermen
far and wk1e. The way In which
tt.10 llghtlimoce la illuminate, It.
thio On the !eland ojeLewhe It. a
lighthouse. nal from n window In
the tower f stream of light I1 pro-
or to
of s)1
giving c
olio, keel
Urfa phle Ueale rIt,)len nf- `>{n Explorer's
Ile per knee Th
In this untried ground. with the
confusion nt mist, rain, rt m and
dust, and the booming of the crat-
er at. our very feet there w• no
temptation for writing nny t
the most appealing facts. These Id
An Exhibition of Bear Taste and Bear Spite.
Iteery Attoabra11y of 11410 u4ly, I
saw a rurprLlutf exhibition of bear
nature on a Anent visit to Yellow-
etono Notional 1'ark. Rears ars *bun -
dont 1n that great prurorve, and •1
It la ugulnrt the law to kill theta*
they lure become impudent to a
uutrked degree.
Loin uta night the gueate ut the
hotel whtvu Mr. Alt.'nbruud war
stopping were waked by u great hale
bub on the p•umbree, cud learned
that a b1g hear had battered in the
door and waw thea la pusrorriou of
tie kitchen.
"11 memo" 1.471 Mr. Altofbrund,
"that the hotel cook had stowed u lel
of prunes that day and had stored
them awe), lu u two-gallol Jar. Beare
aro ver7 fond of sweet* of that kind,
and this. bear had probably got scent
of the prune* trod 00010 to gel ppeoe'a-
idou of- them.
"At any rate. the cook had heard a
great lwugllug at 1140' k.tcheu door in
the night and had hurried down, kero-
sene lump 1n land, just W limo to
Roo the door tumble to pieces find a
big bear force itis way through the
"Tho cook put hos lump down on
the kitchen table and made a grt'at
stow of tushh:g or oho bear to drive
hint out, but the bear trade a rush
himself and one that meant butanes.
Tne cook took to his steels, got out
of the door into the adjoining room
Li time to metope the bear and slaua-
med the door behind lain.
"There were window, in the. kit-
chen, too that from n porch on the
outside any one could see what was
going on 144044'. Thos) of us who
hustled around to se0 what will up
got to taw kitchen door just al+ the
cook came tearing out, only half it
Jump ahead of the bear. Thee we
vb'w'ed the further proceedings
through the 'windows.
"The lamp righted tom room well,
and we raw the bear dancing about
on his bind feet, with his lama in the
:Jr, miffing. When he canto to the
pantry ho &topped yanked the door
open, went inside, 111111 soon name out
with the big jar 0 prnnew, holding
it egnlm)t his chest with his rordegs
clasped around it.
"lie teetered with It to the tab's.
where the lamp was, set It down on
the table. and dabbing first one paw
In the jar and then the other, fetch-
ing out a handful mach time, dripping
with juice. lie feed himself pruner
with a gusto and a comical -looking
enjoyment on his faCe,that bent any
funny picture of a bear the funniest
artist ever drew.
"The bear hall been at thin oil
(oast perhaps a minute. when we saw
the head of another bear poked In at
No, lien dor. Thar• war au
tag. , *ging expretlrlto uu hlr lace,
and r u neenent'r tntmectlou 01
the .rior rte crept uautllwrly all
the way in.
The 11. .101 or a ,third bear instant-
ly aemeurodl cot the haltered door,
and tires[ we saw that there were two
mote boors prer►lug on txtlWid that
(ale, plainly eager to got Inside. These
tooter were mealier
Irr U
nae the
witch had committed tho burgLtr
'' They gut halo the kltehcu before
the big bear at the table pada any
uttentlou to them. Then he swldeuly
(putt Isle feast. fell upon the intruders
tootit and claw, and with hair rain-
aleIng, mapping of Piave and fierce snarls
111111 gruwlo throw thew (au. Then
he wont Ipnck to bis !anal.
T110 cuteide bear' hung around
awhile. whining and growling and
muklug true or. two !elute at rualdug
au and making It ,warm for oho lucky
01143 441 the loam[, and thou slouched
4441[,3 and dlsu,ppeu3J in the dark
"Tate burglar boar ate every prune
In the Jur, seemed the juice out wltb
his pawl+, anti licked these clean w
every d.'up, and with a deep grunt
of satisfaction waddled slowly out of
the house, awl went Ida leisurely way
WVe. ,were In the midst of our hilarity
over ,this eztruortluary entertaln
0etlt when tut of the darkness. uol
far away. came meet unearthly
soun(1» of savage combat.
"Jaws: snapping, snarls, bcllowings
growls, 1'(1114 and the emaishiug ran,.
rradsing of anciergrowth indicated a
tierce battle among wild beasts. The
range a the struggle shortly ,brought
It near enouglt for lid 10 see that :he
fight was moon boars, and as. there
[:ere tour stall ones and our big one
wo eaturally looked upon them a*
the burglar bear that lout gone away
a few tubtute1 before full of pruner
and lhobearr that had been .shut out
of tho feast.
" Tho fight leas short. The bap
Lour sent one of the moiler 01101
rgtrn'vling ten feet away WIOl one
mighty cu'f, and that boar never
rose again. His co enpanlons force(
tho fighting, .nit when they wen'
IIn1.ping away after the tight was
over tho big bear lay kelpies from
Ms wounds, ds, howling lu pain. Ito was
so Holly torn up that ho had to be
" 0: course, none of us believed
anything clso but that lour [Icor
pointed bears lad lin to watt lo'
the greedy burglar bear rind attack
cd him. Whether that was true'01
not, It oceano to me stat after what
I saw of boars that night there wit'
bo no bear story hereafter that 1
won't cane pretty near beRst:ig:
+++++++}+++++++*++++Ie+++++ ++++++i•i++++++•eN+d•++++++
Honeymoons Livelier Now.
♦ Ft++++++++++++++++++++++++++++,) +#++++++.>+++++++.11-4.
(New York Sun.) ; etmter's, nor the c,x,k s, an't noleol3
For brides and bridegroom(' thole rlst woulf offer her footwear of ally
are troubtourtimer. A Man has to be dese'rlpLun.
J!, the boor girl well turfy in n
an A.d P1'uth and a Shirked Holmes ; travelling costume of naive* -wade
combinedd, not to mnention a Lord gown are! hat it 41.1 Willie satin Blip-
Chesterfield awl a 1Ccme0, to pull off I pees! Luckily it woe a night trioti
a bucconeliul weadliag uowadayr, "' and In the retooling they could take
But crab to a hotel. R t
t a white ele-
phant on her ioods woul•1 have
loo med w _ pie/noire to that girl In
exchange foe those white cath i1'ge
perm on her feet.
At another weakling . the brhle-
gropm's travelling sett was stolen and
hidden away during the reception,
so that ho was (+bilged to go away
in his evening clothes. The next day,
In the t•Ity, he shrtoded himself In
an overcoat, and went out early to
buy a hand-meak,wn slit of clothes
In which to face the public until the
arrival or his trunks,
As for that Interesting Incident.
the' arrival of the trunks, nothing In
married life is more of a lottery.
If the bridegroom loaves to a friend
Ciecking of the Luggage.
or if he lets the cheeks out of his
lands, nolxdy not in the conspiracy
con give anything bat n goers as
to whore the trunks will go.
Sometlmee an a result of this
pl'vlaant little attention on the part
of their friend'', a bride and lirlu0
groom 410 not got hold of their lug -
Vigo for a wJek or ten days after
they start on their wedding Journey.,
Of oonrse, this means n good deal of
expense In addition to the worry and,
inconvenience it causes.
lint to go back to tho welding of
which a falthful account was pro-
mieod. Am the day of the ceremony
drew neer, the bride surreptitiously
lnetallecl ;ter trunks In the cook's
room, aterIT1ifio-NO little, stenting
away now with this article, now with
that; aomrtlmen meeting a -brides-
maid In 1114' hall and with her heart
in her month and her best petticoat
bohtnd her back, sliding by as If she
were a pickpocket ; *gale in n
panto of terror bocnume, having for-
gotten that the wedding atoekinge
were at the bass end or the piano
oho was looking for tllom In the
neighborhood of high C; In tronblo
and terror, with fear and fretting,
the bride packed her trunk.
As sown no tho bridesmaids reel 'sot
that the part of oho trolNsenn which
was to go on oho welding Journey
had been spirited away they woke
nil t4 their duty, thole uty accent-
ing to tho standards 01 tho provall-
Ing mnnla.
They poked Into corners. peered
Into closets, mounted to tho attic,
doecentled to the cellar, Invaded the
kinTil Min 1eeatlae RMiilgltt &Wnired
thrterf the trunk• wore not there. At
!mint, when they naked Rrldget, that
guilerhl young woman exclaimed;
"In my room 1 lYyo think now,"
mournfully "Llai I'd leer have 010h
Wok at. thnt ? Faith, Pet ye warot
rent thlin thrhnkN In Bridget McFar-
ley's reach, an' I'II show Mime Martha
what mo powers of Invintlon rely
Thcrc ono n leak wnnewhere,
howovier, and In epiloi of itrldget's
loyal ovnelon the trunk., ',err discov-
ered. Next followed a march for
the keys, which, thank. to the name
luck that attends tho fnellotierr pf
the fad, wan also suocesaful.
it wan then the brklesmalds' tarn
to do thing.' (secretly. But many;,
hands make light work, so It didn't
take long for them to nnpaek the
unmuspecting Mnrtha'n troika,
Quilt Orr I'ndervfe&r
Our _pr►las-p•upa0 are cue geuera-
_tlon plumose thou fathers -bad to he
up la flue jLon o-C11estarfieid com-
bination, but they did not have to
do ally of the [bark scheming which
falls to the lot of the marrying tueu
of to -day. When they had tuado love
behind the. scoueti and had done the
po.lte thing to the family and (Mende
tht y bad done their whose duty. Ther
troabins ended with 111e bang of the
c.u-rtagc door whoa they started fur
the station. .. ,
Taos• were palmy cloys for brides
and brldtgrootut• lint they are insert.
A change Ina come over the spirit of
;ova's young dream. It's a little like
a nightmare now, 110 can b0 meet)
from the foOowiug faithful talo 01
one recent wedding, though Ulu one
le p.110 and uninteresting 'uesade the
oceounts of house others.
The wed4bs look Voce) in a good -
used town in 'thio Stat*, mei was
quite the fashionable event of the
fall srasun. The bride was n Dainty,
refixed,• rather Dresden -china Hort of
girl. The bridegroom wail past hie
skittish days anti a thoroughly fine,
likable fellow.
There was the usual array of
brideson tldr from out of tow'', the
usual viraing beet min. the molt -
able minater wino wan a traditionary
aoeociatinn with the ftlml y from
the cradlo to the grave. There were
overflows of guo.ets 1n all tho big
honor's in town.
Moreover, eNery y was gond
m. Thry were Intelligent, *ducat-
rellae.l people, the sort from
wh one wou,d expect end receive
both nity and delicacy.
Rut ity, delicacy and all the
other maxillae' virtues of breeding go
down bc(ore oho modern
Manta fl.r Guying a Ori
lino Irldr•gr . Knowing thio, the
about -to -be -ma rind young people
were on their ard.
Tor n week or wo before the ar-
rival of the br4lcshgttida, the trous-
aeau had been on ahlbitton to in-
timate friends. No s ner had the
Pleat. begun to arrive, Wever, than
the bride'', anther was forcc,l to
Make sotto voce exlplanntlbnd lifter
Lids manner.
I m sorry I can't &how y the
two prettiest night dresses, but
Martha," In a whip r, ' has beau -to
slip the thing» off •) as to get th
�alsfely Into her trunk."
Or . '' Juniwa n. 0)
bring Mnetba'r bine negil4n In or
you to flee. It's under the hed In the
co k'N room."
I ung eiletnken," ..he whimpers on
returning milli-hnnelett. "The moo
Ileo wnen't there. 1t was her travel-
ling hat. I thint the negligo 1s In the
attic --or next door. I don't remem-
ber whltat."
Or : " Yat rally ought to see
Martha's wesyltng stockings. Out
they're Inrkle the piano, rind nn the
young folks nra In the room now; of
emote I dlaren't get them out."
In fact, though the bridegroom hat
his troubles, the hrkle comet In for
the lion'. *hare. The grand point to
all this fooling seems to be to pot
the young nmrrlr.1 couple to *., muc'I
10 lrrnnoe 1 will not be treated Inge Rept, ing to the dean of a woman's embnrrnesmrnt and in,nblee at pee
Iw,lf n gey
*love And always a nobody. eoilee who r,rn0rhen young moth- s1Me.
None of the girlie 1 know would do ars with over -caro of their habies, Tampering with Their 4 lorhing
h(nimwnrk tr'cnner n girl who does the editor 0f Nature romert0 flint goes to the extent even of holing 11
It Is nlwaym leokerd upon as a kit- while a wanan mnv be Ineklentally so that the newly nutted pnlr must
Then drudge, nlwnye on duty And rep• nn artist, a politician or a tee rap- go away short of even the .molt
cion trolled }lolly., tnln, he first huslnren la to be a necessary things. 1n intricate if somewhat eccentric
1 no L.mirD litter In the fnctnri mother. Wo MVP alroadty endeavor- Ono bride. In thin 11001°b
r town, nn patterns, sutitnte wnme nrticl.s
In 1•Crr\ any and, for&Ids., 1 am no el to point out that motherm. (letter, going to her room niter the resell for other. which they nbetracteol
longer obliged- to entrrinln In the proepeetlee newt h"nnrnry, mak' up tlnn to +Irene for her trail, found and then re -lock and re.nlrnp the
51)05,0 or refelve my !Oriole nt the the mum of human rsl:error, anal Ihnt trouble et the very ontaet. Her shoes Inggego 011 that It should tell no
lock door, 01000 1 Min Dor' at hemp nit 11in 11101 (to elfleaten every human were minting. ,
with my own pbmplw ring, Irre.'pretlrr of orv, any tlol Not onwar. bar awn shoes gen., Now was the limn for the bride -
employment. Tile editor of but every pelt of Orlon In the Elute groom to take hold. The bride
The Anted/ruin lumbermen of Dec. ANntnr. Ie. right 1)11' first hu11n'1a 11 had vont/Med, except, of metric. (hose having been, R1 Om anppOl.d, ane -
that of motherhood, not the nnhteat which other people were wearing. oe.*ful In eluting her frlen(la, it
}root on to a airier 1n the Inn- has an article on "Wleronsin V1. the of pit:Romero Ilea In telling other 1100- Unfortunately. she could not wear OW behoo ed John, the bbppy,
tern on tow, mama of Aralsh Rork. Northwest for Settl&ro," In whSh an pin how to bring up their children. her mother's shoes, nor her little happy John, to do 51. part,
their roughness may possibly give
to others the impreselva of Pele.oe
crater w'ith•.omething of the fresh-
ness. of the field Itself. From my
rain -woke.' field -book, therefore. I
tear these notes direct:
Three thourund four hundred nn'l
fifty feet. Sulphurous fume.). Block
strewed nuance. Duet in the nlr
Roaring pulverised sulphurous de
poalt, nt on modern (Ole of crater
2.:18 p. m. Great roaring outbreak
gradually subsides. Hovey Jaya
"Hear that. ok! man !" Continued
rain; blows hen)ily. Sulphurous
fumes.. Rock.' tumbling.
2.50. Still heavy, clod. Bursting
and falling of ruck* continue. ler.
\lent sountie come from N. CO W.
mato on tuner elle of -crater. Hest
by comparison of observations.
Brown dust tninglee with stream of
crater -cloud. Ilovey thinks we are
nearer the cone than before. Con -
'tent a uption, which varies in
:i.8S. A Brash. feel the hent from
8.52. increase in explosion.
in (hie connection It 'should be
noted that at about 4 o'clock
Thonpaon, the pilot, from the
sloop in St. Pierre roadstead, eau:
n "great smoke shoot np from the
crater. A trench gunboat taking
.OUIitngs in the harbor blew I1rr
wld,tle (which we, wlthbn the crat-
er, hent'.)), and pet to wca. The tug
Ruby. which had brought mix
priests to 'march the 41. i'lerre
ruins. burliest them aboard anti felt.
-George Carroll Fortin In The Cen-
Nmmnn'. Highest (ilery.
While the bridesmaids were at a
luncheon the trunk:: were taken out
by the back way, carried down the
alley to a "loyal" barn and hidden
there. Thu day before tbo wedd'ng
the bridegroom bribed a colored
man to take thou to the 'nation
aisl check then) to the city.
With a ohrewdnu.s worthy of the
role he Blatta a visit to toe na-
tion that afternoon to ask the
buggugenoul to send the next day
for the trunks. 11'hlle there he car -
uglily looked the truukr over. mot-
to' him and Dturthu'r, and %orlfled
the ClIeck) the colored - man Incl
given haw. There *1104(11 are 1100 -
bible lu the stations of email tower.
Ho the night of the ceremony
anal John and Martha were warried
anti were as guy anti happy nr u
brkle and bridegrooms ought to be.
Mortis* ('orbited a little
about her cleverneor iu eluting lier
friends. and John crowed a wool
deal, as refitted a Luau who had
proved hlmrelf to smart for any-
"Ila, ha I" sal he. "1 fouled you
oil thio time! The trunks. are lu
the city already. and the checks
are In 1113 pocket."
"I don't believe It," meld the wily
frk! pee. John put Ids hand lu leer
pocket urtl clinked the check* to-
"Prbaw 1" sail the bast man,
"Tbooe aro not trunk check». That'*
the money you borrowed of me MIR
John joined In the laugh, but nev-
ertheless pulled the checks out ul
hiss pocket and held thew warily up.
ready to put them back again 1f
anybody junlped fur them. iuiere
war a pause. Then the maid of
honor snllft0L
"05, you won't fool us that wayl"
she remarked. "Those are rust aid
chequer or lwltatlou ones of some
°Of course they asp," suit] every-
body, with a superior air which was
very tentallling.
"Are they ?" triumphantly demand-
ed the bridegroom (holding them w
that the maid of honor could wee,
but not match, theta.
With a lightlting glance mite took
In the newtern. awl two minutes
later had gone Into the next room
and written them down.
The rest was •try. Bonze of the
guests went to the city on Hueneme
train with the l'ridal couple. Before
the guests left the station they va-
tted the baggage noon,, found the
t funk.,
1►ecvralral 1 hem
with several Is,llr of whits rib-
bon, with flaming hearts and other
pictorial references sal saw them
later on a [tray bound for the hotsl.
Tole night before, the bridegroom
had displayed more of lila genius for
detective work. Ile had' engaged a
carriage to come 111) the alley aol
wait in the rear of the barn. The
inutile carriage war to drive up to
the front of the hour..
When the two y•iling folks had
rimmed for the journey they clutch -
(r1 their bigo, slipped down the back
Ntalre and were about to steal ont
the back dour to the carriage alley.
Again there war a hitch. The back
don had been 111110d up &1111 there
re:nealned only the front and side en-
trance«, ioth of which wens guard-
f3tt they had to give up and ride
to Ole station, eseurtewt by a scorn
of hilarious friends armed with pla-
cards. big white bows, old shoes, a
*mall plantation's crop of rice, and
so on. Hume of the placenta were
nailed to the outside of the ear be-
I w the w•Iulown Ofr
th Ir election.
Others were -bung from the bell rope
01) the Interior.
The entire car was decorated, in -
tilde and outride, with white stream-
er.. Jura before the train started,
one of the unbars walked the length
of the sleeper shouting:
"Look out for the couple In sec-
tion 8 ; they've rust been married!"
And so, with nothing to disturb
them, nothing to mar the Joy of the
great event, the modern bolds and
bridegroom begin their honezmoon.
A ('ami of Contralto
The Signal
u rcol,lsaw
■T U. Metlla•LICVDDt. .J
Tome .f Sebacrtptt.ae
pee month, lu sae auoa
Three .bullet,
cis •tondo. (Marline.
1 It
Advertising Rotas,
Legal arid other casual ad v.rt!mimeo.. So
per tut. fur 0,•11 nsrr41.34. 1i 1 3 0441• per Ilse
for emelt .ubawusetloot w.u. Itvu•ure,l t,
• nonyaroll rale.
ifu.l u.ra lards et els Inner and under. et w
Adeertiwmente of lost. gourd, Strayat
slLualwus Vacant. 1111.1/6 .100 W•rt.t at. ai
Purdue= Chance. W't'aut.d, not extending t
lin s none reel, 11 per mouth.
nutters no Sale anti Vann' on awls, not 10
eso.ed a Innes. $I for flirt mouth. 10e per ..!,
rr4usut pinata. Ungar saris. 1. pr•pp.rtL t
A. •peolal notice. the 041.01 of whirl! !. ,n
prompts the pecuniary be.eat of •wyleulvlb
so or company. to bt euneld.r•.d an ad trot.'
1 esti so shard=
: oar1ty
=uproar you one out of
word, no oolt,,e !tee Moo r6a
Local nodose to ordinary reeding lips tea
oriole per word. No no(loa for Ir.. them Y.,.
N0440.o for churches and •I her etlLgleeu tad
Ms.rolest la•Uu111oeu. half rate.
S ubscribers who All M receive Ties floe.%
regularly by ma11 will n,.nfer • (aver Ly ,,.
quain1t.,g us of M. foot at as early •dao. ti
Whoa s ah•m= of addr.et 1. dM1r.d 4.•1
resl4 sof tle sew badger should 5.
On Thanksgiving day, two women
in a New lurk hotel, saying they
(11,1 not 1..1 very well, ordered the fol -
iowlnt. dinner rent to their rooms:
T.vo pa,rtlo le or oysters on loaf
Two portion. of green turtle roup.
Two portions of celery and et1Jw-
wo portion. of (lett.
Two portions of filed 01 beer.
Two entrees -
Two portion. turkey.
Three vegetables.
Two portion:, noted wild duck.
Two portiorw letlnd.
o portions' p.um pudding, mince
pl . cake, leo cream, champagne jelly.
Bannnaa, oranges, apples, assorted
nutsd raLring.
Two, )*dors, of ohrevar and coffee.
A few later, In the name oily.
WOmin aid chlId. without fuel mud
tt*, fe•mirdlrip to withstand the cold,
froze to dent fn a tenement house.
Wily visit the hovel or go abroad
In search of ileo►then ?
0)4 T11Fa HI LTO.
Iltrnoe Termer -f played' in hard
Inck yoaterdny.
Mins Sato Drette-in what wiry ?
Meow Termer -Knight St ds
asked me to give film my honest op-,
Ion of hes act Ing, and whon 1 tot ,
slim, a copper pinched Use for tieing
profago language.
re►ueb..'. t1.u...
1.1. 110 Teazel. of Oodenr►, dee M.n sI,
flneed Loral Travelog Agent rm. Lao 1
lps of Oudertoh, t'ol►orn., A.be.ld • 1
• wemoeh.
Lnlal postueut.•• over the dlerlct are els
empowered to reo.ly. .etoorll.U0•a to Tia
-\wm a L
All NMlosal.•tlon• 1230.1 Ala addr
D. Motli.Lll'CDDuf.
Tea same
lslephsse 0.11 I► Ooderteb, 0.a
T1I1'IMIDAY, JAN. 81h, i1mkt
tltarlu.rsNr aviDs
Sized ftIII •1►
411 and lisp's+. 1 l p .x
Ire r re peer
Mail 464 [sprees lar p.ta
(x11 and tier.«. f Is • in.
111.111 end[1wr.aa.. .. sees 1 M p In.
)ti anal ._ .xlSp is
Chimer Mao. o1' ]Ming Thing..
In ('hlna nil fence gate* That kwing
mind owing In. In Ampler* mast
goitre awing tit. In Chinn ell doors
that (*wing ripen outward in Am-
erica /Morn open Inwnnl. The Menson
when for "wins/hot gntan sol doora
ohne In ('hlno In that they are more
convenient when ownng that any,
nnol It 1• the *natant. in An,erl,a
the rates and doors jos swung In
oppoelte dlIrectlone for the same
NICHOL.D.S., . 4 C TAL 1011515*,
Rooms openolt the ewe 0f•...
Oeld fYillaw. Prow■ •td Boase Warr •
Strata *zp.rtener•
E('.lx!'ION, 1;. ('.-Rarrirter. cu
▪ )bettor. Notary. tie Office to,
h -.Ig bren..St. awl Rioter•, next Ilan•
ps'r'r Itestaurant, Golerioh.
f 0. JOAYSTUN-N.lkkl:eTkn. mule-
oo 1 • woo. l'n.nsiseloe.e . as. Moo -y
:cen. (Mess: o'er Haat•tob all at Arne
*reset bed.e,se. Uta led .
1)ROUDTOOT &B&T tItttiniirlit
eslMtnra. notaries po procture in
Maritime Court,te. OM -es: Nenbh et.. not
door moo at dies. Priors. /'utda to lead N
lowest rates elf IIMessa
W. PIIOUDirOOT. IL C. l leg».
1 �irl u' `UARIROW. BARI[IltT):M�
A: y•. 4'ulkltM-. eta. O.dortel..
1.. I.. 111, kin -on. florae Uarrew, Ll..lt.
t)H1low. Hutte>• Public. rte. lOinuo ra.t •eel
c'uu14 House .yuan.. lduuoy to loan at lue
rates of interest.
HAS. es. -torn - B*1t8111TRR,
notary ..4 roa
es.'ee*i' tis'
es Hamilton stir rt eDDou n 140.
Hetet. r .•
Und••ttrb. Private Nods M teed .•1.
a 1 pie toot. Int/'Mt Farmer.
1 U. NA RI.. .0%.1 a, . at LJK..La. A&.
.3 • rnra,0.e1easr fur t •s•11 r..'t•49,
neeanau.e.a of bell. 114:11da.1.• .r .alta•
WOO. 4.pe.,tions.r =lemur 4..4&.,U... le w
eesnMpt14tar a.1aem, salt or prwesdlos Ye
the Har► Court of J retie*. the 4'.1.14 of A pYwl
1* Ontario, sr la ally t'sa.ty es. 1)Ir10.1e.,
Court a 11 t•avwtloes oarsfully anti preenOW
e ase *tad. k••d.ala ata Y. U. ttddel-ihr
/••1401, one NINO
of prlv.te funds lar ferretiaert al be
sot rates and expense on Arx4e1s.. mergwge-
Apply to 111010on f (larrow.
1 Vacatur. Undeileh. Ont. Baca attend. • .
lu In any loafed the musty.
TOIN KNNOX OI tItAL 4l'ti'„111th
0.1 sad Land Ye; odor. 1htertea opt. Han
Ins Wi ewsld.nble sapotence eo Y• vee
I*.reerfee trade. he 1e Ia • egetee re 4.
.lerga with thorough oa: 1 Vo all 51*.'
artuna aoa [rested b Mo. haler, On el
eitoes Hots, or sent b tail to his vIrd�
=wish P. 0.. eanhaly •er4ads1 to. .1011411401, Una Asetl •neer, US U
A lion' ltemmrKtrnee.
When lar played .luny long no.
Our clothing 1101 not fret on,
WO wore to* oblitti OT innde•t glow
Our mothers wouldn't let as.
Oh. we were coltish in one glee
LV() lored to prance and whtntw
We aakevl ji) "11hilck" and 119 '-tee. '
When wo wore playing .hiaay.
Oh, 'where • are those cntlelpanl)w.
'Mr thin thin leo' we coital "tatty,"
The terry 111 clad, with grimy arrow ;
Tho bony no neat nod natty;
The bey who WAR 110 Tray fat
Ills comrad„N nnmed him "skinny,"
There IR no friend:1hlp here like that
Wo know while playing shinny.
l'ereliance one d*,v a ohlh I'll take
And tet the golf ball flying,
Al least an eerh..t Oinav ..-__.
There's naught, Son kn•,eg, lift,
Itnt I shall mine those kinin 1.5 fetende.
8o freckle -facet hal granny
No modern genie ran melte nmends
'For thaw -hat halite 'or .film 7
-Washington Star
I. :eking for n Ilusbnn
"When n woman wants it huNtinnd
o ho tloern't go looking In a chit(
for ono," mkt the short -hatred:
onhl(n leeturnr.
"Not nnleee mho happen/1 In 1:s.•
married," euggented one of the long -
Hie Fad fee Vol lertlog.
Sone --Rave yon heard tho news? 11$0-
PolomOn In to marry again, to) 1011(4
thee, I believe,
-Tas, f'rortrrt a) ,it 1!.Ilent"
011 noes oho rageverfor eollec'ting wail
take droll of n mon. fiometlmee Oen
(Net bonito or playhllli. and tom--
tlnr'e It's postage Mantle. In M'-
Polomon'a onto It appytro to 1114
1 (i , or • ) rt P • 1 1 •
Per Jung hilly slur, friar' Min: -e( e•
to lila King of Nepali', wens n te,'
ban decorated with J.•welw w•. •1 h
*2,(100,0X0, Ireln41ng an enorr'"'9
rutty In front. The yotng Sultan
Jfl.hnre, whet 1* now very ,e,inh to
the lore In Loudon *evil ety, also mike"
tavl,h dleplay of *vela. At the tho-
ten reesntt, he Wore twelve dlamond
mn41 rlth7 range, sig on (tach hand :
Menton() stud of ookjsaal propnrtlnno
do'orated big abort tb00014n, amt hiss
wntatoat Pothole there diamonds