HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-1-1, Page 108 Teuiteuvy. .lanuary 1, 1903
New Year
Gifts . . ..
Quite a choice selection left, and at the
prices they are now going at it would
even tempt you to give another present
to your friends.
Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Ties,
Fancy Goods, Dress Goods,
Jackets, Furs, Millinery,
Toys, Books, Etc., Etc.
Tickets on all Purchases on
on our Handsome Premiums.
Smith Bros. & Co.
Ue to the 61,1 reliable oyst, r hru..,
tlot.rla Ksstu;ramt. West street, ler fresh
oyster, sold in bulk and all styli'. stews,
fryr 01 rases 1 uotectI000ry, fruit, tob•o.
Neyear Irk lidays
1 8 0 :3
A11 station., 1n 1 Lauada, 10 Detroit
and fort Huron. Mich., Buffalo. Black
Rock, Yuspen•ion Rrnlgc and Niagara Pella,
JII I,LL Flarr-CLIeo FOUL -Der 31st
1902, and Jan. lat. 1903, rad returning
until Jan 211(1, 1903
At Siegle First -Class Fare and Out.
Third. -Dec. 29th, 30th. 31st, 1902. and
Jan 1st, 1903. rood teturning u,.Ul Jan nth,
To Teachers and Pupils 'd nails and
ollegcs on surrendei of school Caeotnnt
Railway l'e.tifcate an•nal bt I'riu ir,a::
As Single kint-('Iain Fare Anil 1)ne• 1 hall
Good going until 1)e,, 31st, 190' 17x.1
re.nraing until Jan 19th, 1903
Ticket., folder, and all informal too tion
• • 1'. r I,AWkh:N':E,
Town Agt.,nt, Uuderich.
ON and Mears. C. KLat:asroha, proprietor.
Wanted -Chide* roll butter. L; Iresb
egos, 20r turkeys asdrawa. 12;:; \s 1 mist
or fox, 14 00 Uor l}S,QIt pnn given away
weekly with • $2.00 porches was won by
Jobs E.,leeoo, tlso. E Klre., Witham,
Anal, an To° LATE -A large Import
package ot ve'y fancy decersted china , u i
and 'tootle tot rooms ed at the Maple Leaf
Grocery 1,00 late for rod/truth trade. W e
don't want to keep them, to will sell them
mew at 251, pot half ebur real value. Don't
fall te,.• them duplaye! la our wiedow,
Nouu'• ell laaaTan COI! Cu. -Ow
tomer ot Mr Ttohng who hese received
sarde offence a free quarter -pound sample
e1 Wod'e celebrated coffees will please pre.
Notts to Oi'sdltors.
'TO1T('F -
U en ICUS.
1a the matter of the e.lals of John H.
Weatherbead, lase of the Towsshlp of West
Ww'a•osh. 'a the county of Huron, farmer,
blame is hereby ideal. pursuant to the Its
Tilted g1slutes of Ontario 'Ifll. Ch. IV, that all
creditors and ethers. having o1•Imsagalnet
the estate of the mid John B. Wratherhead,
who died on orsbout the let day of August
A. I). ten are r.i u'rd, o0 or before 'belled
day of tebruary A. 1) WO 1, to 'cod by post
pr.pald to 1'. blearier, tldertcb trot., eolidtor
for the ins apes of the lest .111 of tae said
demise J. their 1' Helton and barasmss, ad-
dreseea and descriptions the full particulars
of their claim', a statement of their accounts
sod the nature of the security lit aa)• held by
ALd turtbri take nolle, that altar Dia said
I lest mentioned date th.- said *smote o will
t•rur el •0dlutrIbur,the meets or tee Moodier'
among the patties oath lod lbereta. haven6.
reward unly to the claims of which they shall
then have notice. •ed that the said eucnlor,
...Moot boilable for 11,. said assets or for asa
psi 11 heree' to any person or persons or whose
oWms no.iou shell not bate been melt d by
them at the time of suoh distribution.
1%ict )Ith say or December A., D. 191e!.
t. tl6A(1ilt,
Solicitor for the sold MaecMora
The Past
Year . . ..
Has been one of success and prosperity
for us, for which we are thankful.
TO our patrons and
all others who
have contributed to
our success we wish
a new year of pros-
perity, health and
1111'0'1%1111 fll In/I1/I%/11
Our Motto is':
"A Joy Forever"
To the re, iptent will be your (:hnbttul.. remenun•ancu if
you get one of (1. W. THOMSON S SON'S
See our "Dominion' Pianos and Organs
See our "Wormwith' Pianos,
See Our Godericn Organs
All the standartl and popular N1 101, III stock or oLtaiueti on
`borte;tt notice.
We sell the White," "New
and "Queen "
All supplied with latest
ten years
seat them M as sad roesiye the sample.
We have werokased Mr. Tlplloa's business
earl the sale aaeaoy ter (bedaub for these
lemons ctrl... baa bees Insides ,ed to as.
lot rr & /title es, Bedford Block.
yron laL hurries --Marto/ sold oat m
homeless, 1t Is ...••easy that all these wb
are Id.bled to me 'mould settle ih•
aeooe•ls before the lot .f 1.bruary, 1901.
After that date all sootiest' r.malolii out -
steadies will be plaued is the bands of •
solicitor far eolleutloa. The books will
be loft la the bands of Miss Hattie Spence
at the old stand, who 1s aatborl,d to give
rroelpae ter all amouale paid. T. U. 'fir
L'uratulunt. LIMA Tela. TISK.--The
Harmony Athleao sod Swat Club bee re
organized for Ito mind y.a, and has now
oommettod what le confidently expected to
be • very eaooseetul season. Ufb..me base
been sleeted •o follows l'raeldeor, K. Nat
tel , t toe president, H. Motaw , secretary
13. South , treasurer, 1' , Moore. rhe olu
has bail • presper.ne threes aid temmeaoes
lie third year with a membership of twenty
tiro. The cemfort.hie slab room' me West
.115.1 hay bees newly aeuora►ed and make
a very •ttfaotive meeting place fur the
young men. The Harmooy hockey team
will be ou the lee avele t►b water. and
has It, .y• tooth more on the local hockey
r„lvyy.rivl Y'aua Maaalto. - The
Wt•.bam Tem.. of Dee 113th had the follow
Inc Mr. sod Mr. W. 11 .neo ol.bratid
the aoalysusary of their marriage on :tet.
srday loot. leo event was very pleasantly
celebrated by the riving of • dinner te a
largo numb.: of lmvttd relatives and
limeade 1:aeste were present from
Uodert. b, Mitchell, Kleo•rdiee, Ripley
and Lsohalah. Mr. and Df1- Groes were
►he redpl.ots of many handsome prom
sate. la the •Seam( a tee was Given to
the members of the Ladles' A d of eke
Metmedlet oburob aid their friends. A
silver oollsouon wee taken and over $30 uses
realized, which w.Il be germ te the Ladies'
A d to be applied to the building fund of
the ..w Methodist search. Mr. and Mrs.
('sea's many Meads wish team many m.,.
year. et happy Me.
A Ceutsrata, duras. -A mercy oompany
assembled on (Arleta. lay at t he
t i eve", uuton.er purchasing 11 601
worth of H_rocerise 1 will g to the beet'
Sugar at 22 pounds for 100 dollar,
Mottled Catsup, 2 for 2S, Regular
price the each.
Regular 151: beams', 2 for 25,-.
The cliMrvat house in town at which
to buy Groceries, and where you get the I
beet gaols
A Fins Line of Fresh and
Choice Confectionery Goods.
Floral Department.
Itsem>, Carnations, Violet., Nelms,
Ferns, etc., always iso head. Floral
design' a apeci•lty.
1)111 ',1 town osiers rece, t r prompt and I
cart -lid atttmtlon.
hemp of Mr. sad Mrs. Ueorse Tb,.....,
Kish amines. to wltasss the :senders o1
sheer dawhter Harriet Loslla (Hattie) t.
Welter W. Hon. .t Eumv11M. At 12.30
the 0rid., ssossted by lute f•oher sad *seemed.
for Twc
IHandsome Holiday
tries, in fancy
containing it i g 11
Note Paper and
Pape -
- grade
Picture Frames and Fancy
AI l
the New Books:
Glengarry School Days,
$1.15 net:
Mrs. Wiggs of the ('ab
bage Patch, 75c. :
The Story of Mary Mac
Lana, $1.15 ;
Castle Craneycrow, 41.15
Miss Petticoats, $1.15,
etc., etc.
Pocket Diaries, 1903.
Canadian Almanac, 190:1,
Publishers' new price,
Phone 100 B
Wry MIME esrasr seers: las
This is the all -absorbing topic at this season of the year
Let us oiler some suggestion., along this line.
One Gift, which is acceptable to anyone, and which is
most acceptable to men, is a pair of stylish House
Slippers. Call and see our values,
You will beiperfectly safe in deciding on a pair of our
famousU E E N for your lady friend. What
g i f t QUALITY could be more appreciated by a
lady than a pair of these perfect.fitting and absolute-
ly comfortable Shoes ? One never has too many nice
Ladles' Slippers, all styles, for house and dress wear.
Comfortable house Slippers Iorwlator for the Ohildren.
tt a wish our many Custoteer', one and all, a
Merry Christmas nod a Happy New Year.
REPAIRING Red Front Shoe Store.
ow is the season that we are
rellle11lllering our friends. When
picking these remembrances why
not get something that will be
USEFUL every day, such as
A Carpet Sweeper,
Nickle Silver Tea or Coffee
Chafing Dish,
Pair of Skates,
Set of Carvers, in Case or
Pocket Knives,
Table Knives,
Silver Knives, Forks and
A Coal Oil Stove, Etc.
Williams,' ' Standard" \\.
attachments and guaranteed fee
Skates sharpened in the moat approved style.
Music and Bicycle Dealer',
ed by bee doss, Miss Bessie 1 Maws. se
said of heater, moored the peeler, whlo►
wes dseorst.d with sysrareow, Mlle sad
.N►1otes, asd Seel ter plass beside she
(room 1e frees of • book .f ..ties sod holly
Miss Hera, Meter .f the greeter, plass! 0►o
w.ddlor msreb. 'lobe •up'i.l cerseaoay
sea. performed by ti.•. De. UMl.I, pso►.r
of North retest Methodist anima, sad Kos.
A. 11, M. Thosees, of Rode.,. breiher of
the bride. The bride loo►e,l very 'irate
and pre*Oy la • sews of wbtss esaendlla
erlmmed with white Vaioeeteaass liesrtlea
sad .hhlea. S►. oern.d • shower bouquet
of white .•rwU.•e ` b. raid .t hose al..
was daintily dressed la white orgetil e. At
the sowloslea of Oke eerem.•y o.aaratul•-
M.us were est seeded, and the asuman y,wbirth
•..,bared abut lefty, Men partook of as
.aselleat ropes , a0 whlob the totes of the
bride was 5teieg11y hssureki Mr, sad Mrs,
Hera We by 0056 : 16 r.111. 4aln 11111 their
Mme at Manville, s.e.mp.M4 by the lei
lotteuee» el loamy won. wab re, The 0rld..
/slag away oo.0sttso Walla es Weed ssbellae,
trimmed with white bsosdol.t►, and pm is
mates. Mrs. Hen 1e a asst ssNaa►ls
re•o, lads, sad will as *really tired la
00. amiss in wato► she a..ed. The wet.
d1a4 preseate won messy end beautiful.
Tea ae. rel. HODG ENS BROS. ...raT.a .T.
rad gees wWT N I I.
3 �
3 Annual JanuarySale3
3 Commencing
E make no apologies or excuses for announcing today the com- F
3 mencement of our annual January sale. This making of special 6,
3 prices for January is a settled part of our business policy. Stocks all F.
3 over the store must be crowded down to the lowest possible notch be- 6 -
fore the end of the month. Not a dollar's worth of winter merchandise 1r
3 that can be moved must be on our shelves when we close our books on 6"
• January 31st.
3 Our program for the month will be interesting. It will be money -
3 saying. It will be worth watching each week in this space and the
reading of it will be profitable if you take advantage of the bargains
Here is a list of specials for this week's selling. Every price is a
3 money -saver, every bargain genuine. There will be many another too,
3 that will never get into the papers, because gflantlities are not Targe
enough to advertise. We are going to make it well worth your while to
do your January buying here. Come and put us to the test.
3 =
3 Two Big Flannelette Bargains for January
Here are two bargains in the ever popular Flannelettes. Last month we 6.
3 cleared from one of the big jobbers :1000 yards of Flannelette at less than they E.
3 would cost at the mill today He wanted to get them out of the way before he E.
.3 entered stock and we got a bargain. We kept it for our January sale and now
3 pass it on to you. You can make no mistake 'if you buy all the Flannelette you F
3 will want for six months to come while you can buy at these prices.
s 36 -inch Flannelette, 74c Pink Flannelette, 64c IF
_ ' Iver 1000 yams 3ti inch flannelette, assorted 'heavy P annwltette for 6 �c •Sart! 6 inch ink flIF
fancy stripes, in desk and light colors format that sold wholesale at 7,10 This ie one ofIF
3 of then[ pink, good weight and firm cloth, the hest flannelette bar'Rains we ever *ave.
sold ell over the land at 111c peryard, for
!t is a soft, firm, heavy cloth, abaolatedy E
our January sale we have over 1000 yards fast colons, will wash and wear well, for Jan -
to sell at per yarn ........ . 7,1c uary selling our price 63.c c,
Dress Goods
January dress goods buyers are going to save
money if they come here. We are making it an
easy thing to (10, with special prices on many lines
`or this month. Ilere is the list for the first. week.
Fancy Flannels,
patterns only, lu best qual
ity French flannels, last
ends of lines we want to
clear, regular 's0c per wl.,
for .f anuary sale 35c
Black Skirting
Serge, 55c.
•,4 riches heavy black suit-
ing or skirting serge, hard
worsted serge, very service
▪ able. regular 11.00, for
3 January sale .55c
.3 Fancy Plaids, 38c.
ss yards fancy plaid drew
3 goods, all wool, uiwl vol.
orad combinations. suitable
3 for waists or children's
3 tltehses, regular 50C noel
ti0c, for January sale per
3 • yard 3ri(
Black Cheviot, 95c.
.ti inch fine 'juality all wool
black Cheviot, will make
stylish and serviceable suit
or skirt, regular 11.3.5, for
January sale ..... -95c
Dark Grey Cheviot,
tine only end dark grey
cheviot suiting, t2 inches
wide, good weight, regular
50e, for January sale ...38c
Homespun Suitings,
12 suit ends homespun chnin.
its and ladies' cloths, last
suit of linos that sold for
91.00 and ail 25 per yard,
for January „ale you can
take your choice of tht, lot
at per yard .... ...75c
• Men's Underwear, 371-2 c.
3 The halance-of-tmr-IhrelYnderwear at
7.,e per suit. Nearly all we have left are small
sizes, but if we have a garrntttit to fit you here is
3 the place to buy your Underwear, if you want to
save looney.
3 Men's fleece lineal shirts and drawers, al,o • few lu,ew of all
wool, regular :KR-, 75c and "1.00 each. For January sale,
3 choice per garment
3 Wrapperettes, 7c.
3 Ino yards English mod Canadian wrapperettes, exhorted pat
▪ tern, and colors, suitable for wrappers or quilt linings,
• regular 121.c, for January sale.... . .7o
• Wool Bose, 35c.
3 and f0 . !.very pair must is• cleared daring .f►nuar35cy,
3 'aturday morning at, per
▪ pair .
and will go on sale commencing
3 Comforter Prints, 7c.
yams .lark fumy ciinferter printf, fart c )tors, yard
.� wale marls to sell at 1. 1.03 per yard, for .lanu,ry sale our
price will he
}fere in a bargain for hosiery buyerd. 1511 paint of wool
stockings, suitable for ladies' or boys' wear, regular 45c
What would I)0 nicer
than to snake your wife or
mother a present of a nice,
up to• date
Happy Thought
Range ?
Carries a full line of these useful, up-to-date presents, and
you are inviter) to call and examine thea).
1 Mantle Cloths, 90c and 75c.
.3 iree eutl only 1,10,k furl mantle cloth, T„o end. fawn mantle cloth, all wool,
3 heavy weight and good quality, regularfey plaid back, suitable for children'.
3 till ,0. for January sale 90c coats or ladies' jacket, r'egolar $1.75,
for January sale 75c
Mantle "Odds"
Mantle stuck,; are betting
dawn to thti last Ulles and
twos of the various line.. Jan- I
uary 1nuL4t Stie the host gar-
ment leave the store. Herts
are some "odds" that have c_
had new prices made for Jan- 1c
uary. If you want a jacket E
you can get a. bargain buying ,
one of these. All but the last
six new this season.
Fawn beaver ,jacket, coat Dollar.
inches Tong, lined throughout, acyl
ish garment, regu'ar =10.00, Jan- e'
uary sale !7.60
One only jacket, line quality beaver,
strapping of same down front and F
back, lineal throughout, pearl but- E
tons, regular $141*), for January
Rale . 1l0.uO F
One grey frie,e jacket, velvet collar, F
pearl buttons, trimmed with strep. IF
pings, ;it; inches, semi-tittisg, reg'- f
lar $1000, for January sale #7.30
flue fawn beaver jacket, tly front, coat
collar, a very stylish coat,ular 2,-;
41..01), for January sale ....�9.:10
One only black korsey mantle, semi -
fitting, mercerised lining, 27 inches, IF
pearl buttons, regular :!11.50. far -
January sale .... i8.7lt
one only black frieze jacket., semi -fit
ting, mercerised lining, fly fronts
regular $i1.5o, January sale ..$baso
One only tine black kersev mantle,
uicely trimmed with strapping. of
the same material, pearl buttons,
.coat collar, regular $13.50, for Jan-
uary sale . $10.00
One only black beaver mantle, 27
inches long, pearl buttons, regular
$7.00, for January sale 5.00
One only grey frieze Monte Carlo,
lined throughout, very nobby, regu-
lar $1 1.00, for January sale?* 75
',no only grey frieze ulster. good
quality, well made, a stylish anti
serviceable garment, easily worth
510.00, for Jsnusry sale ....$h.1fU
One only fawn ' overt ulster, tailor
wade, a gory rtae d
stylish garment. regulcomarfowblholesaanle
price was $10.011, for January vale
. $.1.00
One only navy beaver ulster, very
fine quality, tailor made, good lin-
ings, pearl buttons, regular price
$20.00, for January sale ....$A.75
only odd jacket., assorted styles and
materials, carried over from last
season, choice of lot for January
sale 75.-