HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-1-1, Page 9- -- -- -- -- "
-- Tq 5i ill«Ileal herd u! examfucrr, tt,whom t LOHa �OYI�rBe cult or the cl.lof dtewul,l takinglhlr A 1 I I l �Y H OT MAUl1 ONLY :a�O,�•
hocticai ixtr the •armadas, but war servlet, If there Iwppttuat Y,+'ill atar _- t ;TtiE CROWN Iwrrltlivl wuru Ilia six err gravu� atxtar,l to du +0 11r.lutena l'ould Have (dol se Much ,
shook their heaalm lied rcpurtud that CA Another pe,/a lla . e"",pIs;'leuro war Haat !io Mtayrd at Ilurttr.
Ih(;v uolo,we%red Ile war flow leeumu tilt!I g out at night w Wl•r at beat
ovally' cka tootloy wad. a WAN, the tn41 o aauad the grrIf brat BMW t Now Yort, tee.21.-Lr. .WOW lw)r-
tyt y �t 1 soil stlLling atuarsyhc Cf tlu' crus, who j."uruwl to this City !roma
FROM SAXONY there fort•, •kept under the closest Seven Weeks h rom Australia cabins. And what h. ap tun ticeruFLEES • wittuh uudrestrutut and nearly wade lie to It: Mout 111 le, w.waA - Visit
to -day, whllu atild in
bis -
Itl"belt Likud with uuxlet�' before he to England, milk rule Ill their alra0 u+vur xn.l vlrlt to this uouutry, rxld la au fu-
IlMube41 uuo of the 'terser to euuv �>' thea way le been n yI rrtoa re- too -view 'til night : "There Ir one
to his pnpur the bowie of his plight, mentbling an army of waMliurth RAIN rgthing 1 want to ray, and that r is
plot scan .then hid troubled ware nut --- - laden with Maul-ets flat pillows that. I to ffuantw. 1 we It- reported
over, tar the d(wtors screed to bound for the upper (lack and how A Shocking Tragedy on a Ilei 1 huvu mrulu le, this country,
• uou bl the explanation offearoot, and I I i of the steamer. %%-It thu wallow 810U.000. Now, Lilt a matter of [act,
Strange Disappearance of the Ilna"'AU certified that the tie n CROSSING THIS EQUAIUBa h41e Lilfaatly i>'ell tit ,work eanwnr.- Farm in Middleport. 1 gut utwsea of i•W,000lnChicago,have
deangea•ous lunatic. A Npechil curu Ing up the railing to awake It Bu„ -0 nod N1 Ilia four eurnetl I hove been
• wlryluP .liar flow been ap{winte,l to ,e:ltale1. 1Tadr Lure uu'tt(tlu, tel by _ - he[ra 1 have earned poltt 8u), -
Wife of the Crown Prince. rhvelltigate hid cane. plarlug two dock chnird (a{fcthcru[hp Lr prnthu at home
Pleasure and Raeitdment of 81ee b►uoketr ehread king tb,a'lte ramu o: b/ four months !s worth
II- the abase [ortuwile to ,flat. puwwuek&, that. True. I have roan u number of
---------- OEf EAT�OTURKISH TROOPS. 1 c Vie flews fidget "fiat - charm- TOOK NIM FOR A BURGLAR, I have patients .It6d; lu each the cities
ing oil Decd. 1pq view or the heaven* one can got I have v11,1t(s(1; but, its you Aworl-
L-It DutIH9 • Halt and 511pped Away -All Europe tlunting for Her --=Fled hero Lit night. ut►d ie w'akt11g up cunr tubi la no Instance fie hnvo they.
about 3 a. w. lucre, rhuofug mules tfutr pelt the freight. Ar a s
From Her home at Salzburg After Midnight Dec. a and ties Left \o - ----. riglol In our face, fu nil her gfur- matter of tact, 1t has been the phyrl-
lour beauty, was Venue, her appear- cianm of the vulious cities who have
Pretender to Throne of kATIN3 FIVI 19IL5 PEB DII. It
fill- exceeding in radiance tiny'- -wrodey' Wal.un Coater Houw Frout profited by lily visits. They Are my f
Trace Behind -humored Domestic Discord - Left Dummy la tied. •
Dresden, Saxony, despatch: The 1•rmoens the mold ercefved u dummy li,lxg 1 had Door ecoreen librater acltli jM•tndt w Steroid <'hribu11ato H16 colleagues, and I am glad they did; d
p A ship, a bltlp, ok>u't )-flu see the the moan at. her Ismurt al♦d rlculo't I but bun sae I reuutlnerl only three.,
crown Princess of 13Bxouy fled from figure. rho uwakuued the lady -ill- Morocco Scores. Nbip7" war rhuuted truw two,' to Lite walte. Atwit the second quart-' Hre,ther. Thinking .Ih- \Aatr A tour Lir nerhupn five days. During e
widti'tg, uud the latter, with Other
liar home during elle night of becem- nt, wba a pr the Primitems suite, _- stern, and all, eager to got u •e, both loud fi 0.1 bill u .bort 'a+taw 0 Burglur Itau c>tt-('ems 11:%.'k and that thUe I w•ar w•or•king In the Itoltpl-
bar 11-1.. TIle Lretduuor Journal w'arehtwl all the neighboring apart- giiwpbe of this welcome %lritutr ill ,tum tilt. horlsu;t,nu.l there, ru'al:ht tats le, tl,•) clinical! The prlvuto )da- e
tar 1 rays: me'ttr, thou Lhu entire curtly, aadtl11- .croass the wutcv gleumod the Lillian- '.hot 1)1,"11. tieuja began to come in, and they, t
ally the gl the alt the o:a.an ,tut LATER FEPORTS SAY HE 'FLED the deep, rubbed to the lee ride. tW`ring light. 1 ball'iened to have were operato„l on by the local bur- I
,,The 1'rlutserr, le, a stale of in. lvheta le, the tar dlstuncu ccwW b ,dtohud mY trod tit the uxtrauta bow Bra �tfonl d apatieh: at. alrel:dy 1,a gouur who had witnessed my clinical. 1
Ila trt.oe of the Princcyts Ivan found. Tnngler, Morocco, Ira. 2'J.- The
talons weutal oxCitawent, till
At dawn Lila {a>l.oa of mal2butg were Noun only just with the asked ey. Lid (>C the cemdul that ncutt, oat lin ported. Wesley Watmon; uged 2,, wx, IHtt 1 am Kind
)Wl l rami. The t y r
deserted liar fatally at tialzburg and inform•d of tbo uisuppoarnnoe, and Imperial troops Lavo been 'totally de. .lune to diaALarb In the wlcpt murniug ltooll the erow n(Ibq success of my Ills. 1
Li speck aga:prt lIlu horl2uu, w'lalCg. i'vutetl. Hot Ing slvu the cu".lapt "hot and fprtnntly, klllawl by 11lr bio Niy trip hero halt been successful eth- 7, '
went abroad. Thu Saxon court rune- (Holuh•les were made throughout the featod kofter a rauguinary biattlo b)- drgreer, grew turgor nod lung- ,!luny: ill the screw eiireotty beueuth Ther, James Watsuh, at the ramp) ically, but not mate0ally." t
w halo douttryeidex, but with flu tau- w•Ith tit,- rebels haaaled by the Pre-
tluue [Lir !hr wfut(r, including lite it I 1 rutrult. Tito enquiry by the end lou(1er to the throne. Thu )atter pl flat, fofluals and marts were . the one of thing; Of this wM tt home, near llkkllepurt. Erupt cuuuty til, t•orcns spoke gratefully of the
Now Year (if
rb.:epllun, have been can- of that (bay had extended to all parts plululY 'vlrible w;ahuut the uW of tel tbu woldcrtyl works of map• at 9 O'cic k this worfling, being mile hompltallty ha h ul received at tits
of the Kit dam of tiaxou land on d(rnrltatwl forty of the ttiult:an•r "babe promotive war evident ttibl a hand" of the Americans. t
veIad.'* Ig Y. fled klnarer. Ob. what jay. to at .title emburrum.iug, taw, for when on taken for a burglar. who 'was ratp
Tile loregollt= paragraph in til- rsuthori(y ,from .Drotslen flu the end +oWLut. TLelr hexa(lx are flow or- last lid able to rest the eye upon. the way to our Catrin W the morning loomed to have eutered the house dur I
of the almond da: to all of Euro{e. l:aw..atltll lits tart. ]OCTORS HANGED NIM,
Say's ufflulul },w'uul, whlcta war le,- Y Imp rl of nlntoroctnepl« h'ivo ),e:•n rumctl►i't Lir ,,flue ub�Ot [raw Lha nes vvoa:d a:Cou11ter teo:a{ts lying Ing the cuurro o[ line flight.
order of tltu Klu • Had Dragged N'nice in Valls. ,;;,tit to uttem t Like capture o[ g .bout oil the ;uwor decks with bare b s
curial by 1. P p outer w'ur1aL Thu Inst mouth due". The, n;ene u( rho rhceklrg lrag(x>,a I
---OMWB Pelace, had turned tutu truth • The theory of mikado wits Rugg. Nt- T.,s:1, tho hoadeluarters of the Pre- .eel proji-vtirlg at one Wed unit u
t•'u:lee. in:•eu,mod b the bucccmNer to ha trsru auultipliowl CO many. net-.(] at the other. mat OF ovary was oA the K&rtI farm, two nM1 +
,,�hn( for several day. port has beau rij, asst s frultlorrr rruroh for the y ['y}° - -
reganled an all incredrofe tate. The PliueeashasbeensAade. Ali 0.110 pOudd of lily rebels, the Allilau h:as orlon- re, lung duces it Nation ounce leualut• conceivable pattern. raring like Vhuu- half ulfi:•r wrist of MWdlepurt iilinge
t,ruw11 Princasr, burrouuded by lies anrtotharplwcaofavatarIntt.0v.ctn- 1,1 lite soldiers to Npure no one at Aurtruliau .hureK. !t really lto a lz fri;m Its ashes, and fgingalrotrt ie,'Lhu T,w'utohyr to Uuo'td+ag:a. Th p`1.�.,. �v
ladies-le,-waitiu uud nuworour at- Il of lilt, gamic Lata Leen dragged 7F,za, its is lit., of the counsels of the .t'Wuai "lila b il' but to 'thuit.LJ1 h. 1Q _ iJJ11L0 _Lan Get Allte-
teladautr and servautrill tied ltuysl withlout rt•aait. - Ll lsoll, wLo couubeliaal him not 14 grout twcelt)• trucell:ng flu theca f g.ury leudbig-but to the b:+Illi ear -til, w'LkD welts -rented by aramu•-
a Vast south.-rn octtinr, ult•l to a &At" one Of which had been erected of huge anal James i\"atbura, w le, rather b
huuleltuW, Imo vauolrhod re, utterly T!u• dlet:ap>pcnraisle of the t'rluccwb lrMulKe to (,zcnoescrr Mortem Statement.
that the pollee or 'every klugdow of will doubll(ssouumo the ctrculat,on Lit Loudon, Lir. " i --In a dc+apateb up one's ":tad to Il-ttlu down to touch "oporuone, m::de, of auil cloth, Wooly part Lit the tuw'aship, row• e
$utvpo hava for ten dayd beeu uu- le, my,aturie 1. It is already rtbxtid [rout Mtngl,^r. dated yesterday, a a' Liu for seven waekd. yluuy' w") •way upon the forward deck for the dialtanc4 off the mala rcmttl. Thu Wal
able to trace bar. the official alt- that rite ch,prti. but enqulrier made rorrdallon.lent of jibe Dully M-111 w•otwer how much u length Lit l,w, ccOmaILmLAU 11 Of a down at a time. tun bier>therN, who aro banc�:err, Ilea O HOURS �
uuuncomelit was mads fu order to here have, brought out nothing to ways if.,) sultun'a troops have on- is Went, and 1 would lose to gi., ,cis. the na:•n's rCathag phase was nut
obtntu the aid lac uta general public ettlbtanthate or support this t.ul'110- trrat Tata, nal that the Preten,fer my re aderm a little idea ui Low tilt Iwaym errtaLl. I rtmcmber one poor their mother at. huu.ekecper E�t\ SIRETCHED FOR r
►p aiu the
the I f til rt., nes l pub na Iddon. 1«.w flail to Ilia ('Matta Hills. lout is prawtad among a whip Inn'. , itow who hold pache'l his bell tut tilt w htl , Lha other brothers t\'r.
the finding
that rllotl 0ccrre„1 Aw to ttk,turatir Uitotr,rd. of am passengers. The i:rwt avec. war the draaba Baugh, got nn uw•fti: t'Y l%'atsm'. wall muppusd to be, N Detrult, Mich., Dec. 1-4) Hoping to
I In fi retirement Lit Salzburg Drctour o tjouluis Thu fight . the it usually taken up will, alakiur pocking. quito unknown to that 6311- !)"'droit,. where ho war ewploy'e't '.'twtoro to cunmcioumness a luuu who
rather thou to return to her bud ucquu,utancer Bud ch,w,bulg oou'. >rs, fur they floudad tho upper dock B•me da,'r Logo the mothrr left tc 'aid been paralyzed by a knife wound
1«a'td Aad chl.:lmn Lit Drurden, cep- Princedom tans c awed gro at excitement. I�{'V 'yI ^ Fr friend-, arranging cowmilleer til, •n the early morning. TIJe %Vito Lila pay a atoll w sown hien lie in r►u .a the throat, their desire being that
not luegor be mailit.013011. It 1. reported th..t the Arcli,iuke Fer- HEM USED UYllrl IT[o the various gawo:d alhl outdOU- meolW of Lt very ectorply and wet other part ot the towurMp, IcnclA4 ,o might make, a rtatemeut cOn-
Ur%rlop ca I.ol-crnerwiu.-r. dittand. uccontpuueed by 0110 of til'• sports. also concerti, dancing Rua run roar' that naorn:ng. the bachelor brothers to keep huu,lt:. -erumg the Imau who is charged with
Ascom tifat L Ilio Crown Prloee, wart chamlwrl.aiflr, wool to Genet/:'' Cant pxartiur, ,laid an our fellow pub somet11nrs when the alarm of air Returned CnanuOuaa,•d, uflicting the wound, physicians re -
pe, J w'tdthcr :t war suppoacd tho Prince.+m l "elagerr on thin trip "era mule O. ,two. oiling rain was &ignullcd by roma 1Urted to an unusual expedient last it
the I'riuceme went to Lite castle of had 1,(d. but [;chat to find any trace Blew Uel a Nouse Ki�:!I1 r (lie realm all Aurtral:au, tic>me Of ol• it the offlcers from th.) bridge lite After tL• rk In utAht Lhu Ywu n light Y
Emperor Francis Juseph, near rials- of her. Tito !'rheas+' brother, til,' I t b country birth. It goes withuut Kay Cl•aatmrt excittme:,t pri-waled among br.,ther rcturncal ulna"uunced loo
me -
burg, s woytlt ago. A week arias Archduke Lecrlx> Far Lid, b rabid b In am opinioneremthe man r condi- r,
'hall• arrival the Prince broke her A h with Alto,bat ear id. blow Lt`�11er Of It, aUg that there, was nu lack o. he wome.o. In their anxiety to get uucxpecttrlic from Doted[, albs Wtlfll iUll Watl the re&ult,Or a partial aC- of
awurruteut, and. rcutarkable t, lrlwed and 11o•e with their birds to to lite farm houso atter tho elle oring of the spinal cord and tho t
.Img awhile hunting, and war brought etYl:lillcrl lid t1t tier wher ,louts. -- ss
Y. they were till of the saxo: he cabin, they -.could f.tiriy titml,l„ ubuaberm field retired [Lir the night
back to Drer(luu. Thr 1'rincerb, haw- It 1a oltdall (•x rtlM ihnt tit L'
I. of a bla)ddot wldch presle
y pt tongue, lout unit exception, Lia. town the ladder, n tlttlo epibodo lhuwe 73,mv tlnru rr[uv ret,r,uq they , An d u w>n the cord. After a eonvulta-
ever, ■flu romulned at urn uantle. Prkcoas' ails _ppearapte Is d e to mt•lt- A 1 T EMP1 AT COWARDLY MURDER many an isiterebting herr, :our sten, 'rueI ofil:ens enjoyed tiamunsirly• The r(iweb"sly ,twat the p:Cwtbale an !
Why site did so the people- or the t,.t (laial,gelusnt. There lie I:tlla• lou they decided that should they
of pow except that 111e tdan'tIHKton, y'. Va., Dro. ,m9. -The :n,gaketly watcehiug Lir 1:+:Lsuit.,Fla ult::dra•n who were aroused In haste ill the titura all (,utanco was mad 3 >
court dial A k D dunbt. I'oweaor, that It -wit aacuted the lite hi.to4)•, u>oru or icily, V. rom bl,wp would cry. "Ntothi hay to the kemrhio dowuof rAt. 1't m. oeWb hilt neck -Just Lia sure of
Princess, with gtuuwY tenacity, low nv ihtw,.te eWlcore4 growing out of residence of Rupert Floyd, two cities wavy of oar ICIjO,t I piddengerb. ,vo got w F:ugland:" l,ruthers; who are u( rather a tie. lune by bunging -rho pressure of
-uaily does wlrnt rho wants. For a her hu,band's r,):atlO!,N with u Be- north or here• war blown up with Thera at.• ':wed ! huvu knancl, No, we had yet between two and nature. Fmmootil:atcly busyrubcd the, dao clot wuuld bo rent and tit
_--tittle while till's explrulation rut- tress ill tile, Dr• &den Court Tit •Libre. dypnoollo by r>b1>ers last ,light. Mr. w'hru a Ntraula':r RAtiag 'text V%6 .hrco weeks alt life on Lilo ocean avave were the %i: t11ad of a, burg) -try, and ; icthui restored to cayleclousne,ra.
lived ; then fragments of gu►sip be- it U urs'rted lure that the l"ri keed's ark if 1 know Oita of my Le"' "•lora rbnehing the homeutlnl, but gathrrlxq a fora• artcled of elotlnelit rib !him end they fnrtrned weights
,- San to roach Dremtlen. It war raW trtquc.aty tforentenad 'light on tilts Floyd was kill:.d lnatiantly, and lira frirralh, when upott further Ile h,• te•,v d Lyti tropical heat wnm ovrr: 'the;% m:adc their eme apo atilt of n bed o Ills chin and around his neck, let- •
that the Princeton had surrendered C- aunt, and th.+t slat, was inc•cr "I Floyd and the, servant girl were seri- ,lualutauce hu Lir mite may air,, .v0 h:,..lcroated the cycator and were tu,m wfudvav naJ f:r•.1 to u1e house u. fag then. Iulnq Dart of the 'red, a(r
herself to perititta of nervousy•xcile- :L'. Wr father, tie,- Graau Duke of I&n,jI 1, at thet) Ill- ti ll the strfalt "add tome On
c c Iter of t0 tot a burly injured. ZtD Louse was Rpm- prove to ba it friend Lit Doe nowt rratldng frcrly nR:iin. Tile old cur- n nl,lghtraa•,wherit , • farm: -r, •r, Mr. G,ug la•rty ho "all the of the nark. WhenOn
mens, anti trout her et,t utrl i c ::.y, for couase (ling tier g
deportmout taused much concern to t..r hitmibLeal Alto it Rall t0 be c -- pletely delbc>lib,hed. One thou"nud party, wlr:ch mar a most {Kcanubat Haler ely oa thing talked not HOW11dayN, Roust) hitil been eat ere l bCd y Liar 114 its. tit, first weights were fa>und to be
liar suite• nntl to roiled of her Aur- '1,11nre, whleh, It la kaW, Floyd had rWi: lb. e•
ruytte. N'„ 1►ad s(,a•crlel r,,lr:y goat urZi,Kt, Ind tal,ve tiro, toll of the dren,dfut rttrt tir•mett-Las br. allow,#4 to rewait. >J no avail they wore added to, and
trian klnrfolk, who were staylsg la ;, tie rumored ht re to n RDt phot the he lite houoo, in missing. 'I1., portralt p ilutcrto had no trutl�e 'ton" hlvyod on thein when croo,aing fur Ilia flight. Ace .wuluilrttion '"}it. ;Lir eight Iw,ira the patient lay lied{r-
- the castle with her, It to now I Priran•NI .w.ls accootTraitied.l•y the EOline,'.Ata., Dom is A. U. Bass• g p thio wirrious line. ,, uaA. fur th:m, Ia'td till rPmulm •oto, the heavy weights stretching
Ilevod that site 'wits under burvell• FcoLch tutolr Lit I,oe chAdron. 1n elcnrrog euOJ,a s,':+a-1 Our weI my S
re iln of the coal chutes Ot the py little newbpaper, puulLoaa,i ora N'>"', lvhen I rcRrct r.fel ROMPof cults- toot -e IN W liuckthw maiming ,al hIr nick to Ila full theretw
lance. Dresden• StnLemy,-_ Dt•c. LS:1--It;ittg bfls ayd Uhto l:aiirond, war kill' ,a w, cit. la•Ld the Cie%ere,t e.Lrtuon fit �c oli nimt.rtd u/ N}+'i> life Inn great ail theartly bei .re, U t Lick ihey rclith 1 jtthorugh at Intortnle there were
Irl! Ituaanr) lit 'tit 111.41. l(F..•r,�e nal til • Uruocn Prince Fred- rel and J. 1•'. Jopoa, rlgeut of the h,udlllg, bhowiaq woad r(ul talent heat like thin woe, It makes ,no ire: w itaclr flea how,r, urnl.d acltli l' rdieatlono of returning conscious•
The narrauve of the events at !4112- j erlck km,w wh••ru the, Vrown Prin- run 1 hrrC. avalr wounded last night, wl.l_ h Is more than 1 can ray for the Ilial 4i a thiuq of the past. ! ,.r .hoteuu, .eat tlnuu eau riuq,the pre icrr,-they were only momentary, and
refuge. Rohl milt nq at the supper tnWo (>f (sllaot. inntnnue, to It:acc an cxtrentelY st,' tt mt.ru .Ir,wndtntrs sive lb at rune, om
burg during the nights of Doc. 11 r+b)d t err., l.tarttoe, loan s:wght but ! he rnticat'd stn r became deeper
1I its to:d In hn•wlen, V 'hut the they burr decide•1 to secept the 1't.- :L dao i, the asx3ulns firing through ,t penny a peep war charge.! fell- ,„ntllaulon in the Nixon c:b.bi;n will, had rnterr'1 rho lr,uae and had beat: t t�
YM mla tuna Uunt kind been 1n1k1u1; h mbdt at hams, \Glib til' =r luau {>nxrat. At the end of eight
1 rhee,K who appeared le, be in eau i trauf ement +,t Ilii t'rince s Hari her the• w sow. Thera is loo clue to the tl.fs ptp.:r bad thin p:ureel flu. pun they lljocr*aicd to make un tn• ours. during whkh tlmO the welghtr
unu.utatly trnn,,ull mu(wL rcUre,l b,.•- 1, !,band Lir lrrtysarabte. They have trrt,et ,tor". Tt.', chulrmtn of colamittcos, the• mien twice at'tnlch l t;mr. The ;tris Ind not laver removed. the man died.
- fore IL o'c:(wk, and'nfter til" Music Inubile the Catbluct privov u, the circ Illoom ngton, III., here. �l• - Tile Hon. l:i t►.ird --, I,d the life Or a ,,A, in. It IN a shame to say - ver- vebtirHxtbxb.
tu'tu Iiia, for tht;v were tLe very The {atirnt wan William F. Has-
In Int• ation Tftrtle hours later • when rnmgtane m a+f the i'tlllersn' rught, barb. fu he caro Or Pulay Carlton. m•rrlyr until things rALI.1111 a e:i' swr11se of goal uatnre and trir,l On ttta.l at. Ile lacy in lit•d. - `ivit. lie quarreited in his 1101116
n m,ILI looki.f into tho,.ltoyal bird- tit the,• t tb-j l and, it ilpmrren Of du:rR(•al ith the murder, Or Mrs. rya x. nod hu resigned in de+p.►tr, -
t a ie, the appear- I'tavurcw lie talk -i td ns n 'tree sa,ry j(«ce tit I he, has r(,ndrred n Ver- .\nnoun:''weuls were umui,lly wade tit hard to makes the very,lrast of them- i')r.n gu,,,, u;,tfu,,, (t to out of the ,with hI" tot,•P taro, Format Rebates•
eluamtmr. sonletiIb K ppe 1 t.. the f'rincrm+' rescNutlo11 =cilia,, knower,g x,. w'lj that their t a,lrwrm they fu.ie,•1 enc of ti'e door. est Thurwlay night. Mrs. Haskett
mace or the h- d prompte'1 her to go t sequ'nc• ltietlor eIOL gUllty. I1Cr p!ea was m••al lime&• whlt'tl w'OIIhI be tile Nig- onin was rativit more aec,+pta,tl!e that' halt opt•14 and the form Lit a nlan ly wall thv only 011e pronrnt, when the
••loser and cx , nilue !t- Irurtead of the tat left`,• t lt.' a *art forever. self deferke Mrs. Les3o who was nal for outburetr or uppiaus •.
Wald to i►n j Ions of MI*n Carlton, T'l,w all on., elnxe and {oras -you- :11elc can:peau}'. tint then atg:)in the iuR le, Ltd. Ar tbaY re"eba11 Ihr door uunK •r mrao. it Is rsaid, piked up a
nitcmptcti to toNewhip the Inti*r, Ph•a•o ,tyle of Ihtng .secmel like appearance. I,f the ill' - tewards the alcolwr rxjtocd h.mrelf sllghtl) ,trend knife sad rtnbba,l his ■Lep
t `` N� CASE auris ,'tri feel that •the too,) ns to, ufnm lair i1bOw•. and Out• of the, thus ;:tth(-r In tar tack of the neck.
LORENZ FAILS IN O J wny9aying her the street. Mi opo big picnic. might wear the ILL. conditi„u wait ve.y gnrelfu abtr, %(lily frightened gun, inbngining fn Wlk,.n the dowtor wctm culled Ham-
c•trlton, w:oo ha been warned, Car- sam•• frock for tea no cue wore fur ,dally the moup: j1[jily ,m• two dunk u; toe ourkcn,.d he.froom
rural n revolter and shot her pie Lr•akfast, rant It wads" pnNe aft- `'p kelt was unc(>nmeloov It would
. - - noir al. Wtat a relief. I rabu Rurc ?:algid of It befog t") hoFto"t, nT ttl�'zrttx ttm 17n[gar-bf-tin im wife's niotlicr Iocr would prompt
Na!!ant when at ad. which wam.-truo enough. ,Beat wh• t night W,fore, Immediately took slit, ter to shield her son, unit the pica-
et S� ht of the �- many will agr•e wltl. me that there " out throe who haat thR prc•pnrin t r-tld f.re8. Tile conrgo, which was o, icv
One Physician faints 9 'Lor l lm+ no such thing as swell Iiia- Lind eRrvipg for so many thin gr:•nt wtu,D shut, tuttc aftaet !n t11u mans naked the, physicians jo (!o all
CANNOT BE A BROKER. n. rt. or full dress cantertainmenta on (try could to bring llaskett back to
board a &I.1p, but think metead of a heat 7 I wan often struck with ttlr Ito. , nlmort blu)alug the side of his x)nselournrts, even if only long rn-
Heroic Uperatio*�. wan nrul thio nnpnnrapcn Lit Ihr race of[ :u1d kalLit bum I e apply nigh for him, to mnko what might
King Vetoem I'ri)lm . of Prinve lin,) game o[ two's nisi three's or stewnr(ds, .but It IN rarity ac-o,unteI lit nn Lbstuut It bloamC npprarenl om+considered tan ante-mortem state-
s Franc►"ufTee x turn tit skipping tl.a rope up on t•)r when one conetdrrn their dnily r n to th'l: disordered imagluatlon
I)Otton. Mums.• Dr. L'9.-Profdgrur pat0ilt Ill I""iolly. To%o other cases the forward dock where there w•'ls routine of eintles. even through the the t tilt- sappo:,ed burg:ar vvus tilt Ment.
wr.r•e trental suceemsfµtly- London, Dcv. f.'9• - . story Is •pl,'nty of room and n eOIRnIIt' hnttost weather, I,ro u•r wi:um they, !bought to be Ar the dirclorn tx•tfeced for point
L)rens falldt of complete success In I D„ring the demonstration fn the printed to the effect that tibeKing 'brresr. An t.oar or more of till+ - >r the knifo filed emml between the )
trouble at the rlrtlt rr,so rho ufiumual force employ- hat► vetoed a proposal .b) Prince tr+•nitobful exeril-e, eiery afternoon, Tb,,n ^nL• crud ctecurrrnco of the still Ip tktrout. Pp
as operation for hip trot vrrp'Hgo happened nbout till, (line, Tl.c . brothers :;^.muel vital] James •curet nail second Vertebrae, they
tel by INC. 1.orcns to breaking down, Fra*o:u of Tock, a brother of th." Sun..ay excepted, ju+i before tea, itherl an ngnl passln;.;er sccrnnthed %%, ommcdl:flet), grre the Hlaru I(rtto,I this ple-ible. An autopsy'
Children .a Hospital hero ycstenlay, ; nail fn atn•lchine oth,r mustiter, I'r:uccmr of 11%, It, to 1>et, o ra Root tL,• tonr"t njgrCtlzcr. loul•1 It to the trytug heat nlul the b'mf w )s to the al>;hbors. The ur.turtunnG. +ilnw tl the certrbraR had not ►)ren
bat the ,abject, a hey. was ramt , made. touch an impression on a man t;taack bro..:•r. The 7:rm of 1'un are. W wonuorud at If there was n Ron- hur{cd at ray► abut 8 o'clock In tlir YOat:g m u. twic('cor, "tar LeJond tea ':axlcherL aur wait thorn nnY clot
of mlW!o age, that the colupany (;onion a (t►. offered the Prince i3e ir.iLoitampAit irrcn til:; bugle o:tl' evening, b)' lamp -light. Thin was a roach u 11 uLLL and must hnvo shell :lremsluq on the spinal cord.
N1a limit. n i saw Ill(, 1311111,1131 OPCCtaClo of a play- -(!0(1 n venr to enter into a p t- "'Ila 11Cr1r,1 for tra. a rush to the most Impressive cArcmony_•anti the h,etantly. r. ,\. 1:. it,
of Onou Tho pooterlor Ifg:unentm of the neck
Dr. Lor*ns, mucccefa,l, however, 1 slcinn flailltlnq In the operatAnK- neirmhip. Other prominent flr'tam lin -e cable to git alightly mtraightened tip f; -.et or thyro hel•1R no r*lHtivae Lir d'lglo. it vvc -known farmer in that had 1wrin nei-ered, which permltled
placing the crlpp!r.l limb In a pot!-, tram. A mectnd physician lens just truce o>ltrred much higher figure a Lit. ant t6)n commenced thework frietai., of the dcceakiA on h,.nrd Ktction. who was cillied ht ■tiorti) Aw field to fall forehead on- the
Ilan, which probably will help the • /.!teal !rota fainting. there tr•i11g a keen contest to_ me- fOr iter poor table atewnnls, but ft made It all the m.re du!Cmn. 'fila uitrr tie sup intent o[ lila trngcofy hreant Hold proolxelol a swelling at
-- -
- - care his servlctim. ,erred a i.oprl.e" task trying to till pir ol•1 moul'm great dvalre teas to inuuedl:ately re &raid to tilt- city neo tho lack. I"th, its ens maid, wits
ulcerb•'. AsNoclntinn, met to rongida:r. The I:fng, however, wonl.l not .tt va(troe w -hole. for Immo, y rrneh til.; Viand (>'.hilt birth nn.l to ace q.Lve Ll;crmatiu of the ,dials to tilt tun to Paral)-mld.
a brother of the future o o mC:,t wavy cleared away anottrer 'lee ,tear tined once more, but px)iCc. The Cuun Y Curtner, Ili. Fi>•
•d>•tt'V61i,+te��v�1k>f� ,1; ijo>rts of ownibers reg. ding brat Of -to I,e c 'irwl, Five nasalo arias_ ,for
til rlif. l2tiren e�rhlmtfrR qtr 1t. ptrrtt+ort. ttI h !trttv"ttrrtaArvrrr't trrmic 1w seri --- +to I:et.it iL no,P. gilition antiva ilk,, is -��1�T FIND THfi CAPTAIN.
+ %%Welt woull be in -any cnaR n ,1 - not untnng nn early morning cup of Now the battle dray Is Pnod, to ►:o (1 un tncrbtglltion nml mnko arc ---
NE�WS 1N BRIEF Z wrr.• Porter has toren arrested on este oto• and vvWc would 1re011le (on d joint at ti.30and another Now ltanon the farther shore rLng,mentit for nn In ,newt.
ra charge Lit altdnuitlnK, with intent iral,e,psiblr in Ihr vent of the tit 11 .til. .\fternoon tela• tit, II p.m.• Ln ods the c,p•agl,r rat Inst." _ Itr•oenrl-m t\t b 4iood 1 I-Scil 'o. i'nM(fl' t:rutlrmwn tt ho Has Dis•
ltitJ•1� to rob, }{!chard wawa', of Fiemherton, Prince of prates becopliug • Saver- wan ti indles' faaorit'e hcmr whin An irur voyagrrappronche!_theeHaj --- -----, -
P° tLe tilt absorbing thought wam ho -v 17.1' rela;1 onilbip>o Irl t con the Leo- surrounds
the' asappea a
qpw alga. ____ -
wild came to Toronto with cash to their e n rims old tea t, the ter surround■ the dlsH oarnnco of
CANADIAN I b,ty a horse. - AastrMia wo nan'm delight, weaN to peek and stow away' all that's thtrs in N[f(f ileport an, the union- )' PP
TLC proposition in on foot nut'rtrg ffllal to tf brim severni tines over ilii( wauted, n difficult task for tilm.1.0 visitor from Duly Lt neo un Captain Fretlertek J. Lewey, of Car-
( vele a large r circle In Toronto to BERNiiARUT'S LAURELS. to a Ionrty of Invited friende (,filter those who hart n family of children. der"too.l to lu.vo been of i t motet of tier, England, from the Bath Rotel,
]► Rase or smallpox is reported at 1 K' --_ in tiro obtain maloon or In somo con, I wish lily rrn,lrrm coald' get a peep r(etion.%te clwracler, tend motive v
London• out. I lrtvr (:Norge F. I[artt•r rert>tr ant Int Rt. Jfonh Lie street. Ile came here
m�yaalr)' enn':klut^, If that (, i- v1uk1+ n Il it Iii n Nrw', t'In)' IA'foer (wrnrr on rias The Krntlemen es- (lora info the hold oa One of these for clic commis«i0n u[ the crNno tuts l
1'arLiau.lnd(rner. )moll • wLould su.r of an Invita occasions, what a well,l seenewould been suggertcd. with hill family sit weeks ago, anti K
X118 house of ez-lf+aor 6h+zw�-pL_Et,p �. _.rvllilaq. himself to cu,ue -- I _----_R� " .nat �r L as -_ _--_--
flbronto, was enter oT `Tofwaril. Parity ilraq)ntc�:�nr,T Ik•r i . wC .r - liaa o» Fatal he }elf wordw,"
things, cxnnitomr,l t the choicest con- II ht In the tmwe n OT -iiia Tr p. .--- `-- - i----
Ti(o Bunk of Toronto olrnei n H ->n. 6;+1«ry Fbsh^r, Ilan. ('113rlila R film young son that he would not re-
)lv i• tat tie! oven theatre to-tatgttt. trrtinncry from n Ich fruit enkR to Many packing away, others nailing loll: b:: pLncd under urrcat.
otw branch at O.aka'llle, !'llz{):%trlci, ll ,n. bt"Ali.un Paterson, I Y 11g turn for lunch that do t
a Ihm, .l. Imrnel Ttarlr nn•I Ntr. ft. I.. nddni n freRlt trrmiah to her mea ru lady finger. It o private store or attending In moms, way much Whoa- very
mvtNr&ro reported to be of n Y• Since then
I}dwRlt took $610 from the ILIf Mon, c.1 were l Turt the 1tp*akarm tit iahrlla by the creation of the title til. exhausted there n more at the el] luggage, allot tile- best Of, good l tinxi•l db+iomitlon, lie has not been aren by any of lila . �
onf,banes rrvnllln with all. r,r.d are sail lq those who know Menden, Had (Alter Carpenter and all
a the Union Ilou*.), Toronto). the tannotirt (rt the Mmilnhlu torn- roto in •'Tl.eroiguR de MerWourt," a bar, where nn Hbundn o of rhe name prevailing til, m best to be LncIL
Col. Prior ani lir. Ellerin, of the merclral Truveiierm' Asn,clnUr)n at o�al41 Iso bought Lit eco o Pr!c*n. :\t The lank day to eve rho Iogreat il� Ifi of hurl, et.. hhN staff esttbtrac have failed to get r
new pixy, by L'uul liertleu, avh:c)t 8 m. sharp, supper ls\serveo un- Of the 49, owing to every one'ngreat Th- an grIvw111 ngnl'tt thrix brother. the slightest trace of ltlm.
Briti.11 (blumbla Government, rare 3ibmtrml. - -
going to Ottawa to negotiate nor BRITISH AND i'OREt6N. scale with the meteoric career of a (ler any and ever clrc11n tanen. .\ anxiety to inntl. All the caacertN. Th it grtet„ %%,en it dawned upon
now forgotten wonnn who, trrglnp:ng mtrtw rd with a 1L'-Rxllou n of Cs- clxn('!ng anti card pxTtlrr were some- m that the had do ilii l their K'Ile thr Kate.
better terrnw thing of the paint, not forgetting youtigi'r brother of lite life, wain
Toronto's anter for 1,000 loom or An and, rground raaw: for (',I,- as n courtratut, become a Prominent cellon% exttnl*al Koury fs t ►Otrm- the chefs tournamentm, my favorite 11ee.rirpneiiiapt til tiro extreme. From "Tu fro ,old -For (leo shillings,
ROcki Valley coal hail Ircen can cage• lw`in'•eN e*ctlons I" talke(1 or' r"one. o dark tho reign of terror Ina In the, dietnnco from the delicti, %%teat arose he learned of the kltuxliun til)- wife• Jano Heebaud. She Is
Orrman el ctrlenl (Irmo nor Lir np- R R g nod Icy the time the poor Ilow x+n°"ement. I felt galla trinmphnnt ter stoutly iuiK, stands firm, and is
celled. R and ended in a lunntic'm cell. Mme• p In the fact of having beaten all the It secmy.they lento been nn bed by
I-1ng gigantic comblilailn.la• 1lernbardCo lmrrr„Ointfotl of till, r(vtchc,e rbc dinlnK lrllrxrn he *o bext players on board, and they pocople approaching their premises NOt1n'%• wind Rail Ilmh.
T)ominfon I,tne 6teamerN be-tween murrounded with customers, armed ren pl:iyr,l very well. after dark. nnd'that repraterily their "ata+ can now and roap>, hold a
Lfvo mi of and t)oytea will call at Plot C:arlrtro, of Firilp, la W141 to have basaltic w r.m warmly applauded by a
HlRllentr,l In favor of film "on. typical nudlenco of Parlslan first- with cup>* and spoons, ho known not ;he wonlen could have held quite 111'1[ ex{rrwled their fin"ra that lhelr Plough and delVo a teem; and would
n bliss• whnro to turn or whom to serve n Creditable bnsanr with all the prlmia(w and the lone! situation ,,,• an"wrr any stout, able mm� that
Halifax, tscR1s1n1aR next mantis. Y
fIR10 Court of A {mal
Will begin on Thr Slnlc Lit ('arorcticut was tie- iII flrmt with hill hullo ladle; luastdo thlq• pertly nn41 uaotul Hill(,lRm that hit,] .hr, Hume m 1.de them Piton Lary Ilnbpr a'an hold n tight sesta, for she b
,J-- top C -th�paN[IQ Lit rho npprnlm ,•lareii free of the cattle dixrnme. r - thyro were mplrtulld hrra,l, butter and been mnde. Ninny were able to keep to Inlrrfeirener„ ' hardnluuthal and hoadstrong -, but it
In the Month Oxton! an7T.etitidTtltt4 --wtrISF lee aimeetewee4wl++e'law"+e's� irrtm('trrvstthc'vvR+rlt ---. woui.l either lead___.
titan case,. volt will ,,vent to art nm nrldtr_ator . - thoroughly aptirmilat"I that 110th- having every necommalation In the INN drivo no tame nm a rabbit.
eel to (n the �'Ct1eZ11R a troltble. 'Plla 11, t`, F°rieit-Co. A&I S1,600.Ot:0 Ing )nit empty dishom were to he seen way of laundry room, stationary I..AURA B16GAR'S CASE. "Iter h11mheand parts with hot be.
Mr. Joseph Bennet 'will app a Vear• to itt PAY Holt" In a tow mimttre. It wan really tuba, plenty of frrmh venter• heated c'nilso she In too much for him. In-
liuprn on ponrt from the ting on ti The per.-nHil a were
of llndcnRnl, ___
the Montreal court unseating and the Composer. wl,ro Rttnchwi at r'h1 I'Ittshurg. Der. t'0. -The Il. C. Friel' 1 tits n *O11Mr of nmgnRglrnt ovary by atrhm, drying grounds were le- At'r,41en-Hrndrd Jury And itv Qucrr 'llo!re of the, printer.
VAi film jitilifir to ii .lin nhan (1 t to watch two ramllehed n on tl1 ot acioum (leeks n hot "v. IL -,\11 nor clothes will be T.
--i�mgnAlll'yiltg`ttt��- "-"`) ok>neb l lronyt I► 0 131 ,Iw W ours prt� n iron coo 1 n waym 1 t .
A portrait of the Tato 1 rduglAali. _116111�gneerfra of Lilo Unitol that*t Steel T)1O for ole U nn
TrRH*� "' ;PK' t (Or Ora on.` r�sT1QT ltetteErn t-Lr7c3t► a pcooLl rykusn-.zat?aL iLc. copk for n smell Leo..__._ __.ment
Dooalt A. MdBr qor wet Hnvello,l by imrntor, talkie or ,roing to Cornwall P i - "'"g '8L�
t)olakin. An Dryden tit the N[cMaater In n m1n)rt tlmo to make nrrnnRr- pail lbs Connellmvtllo cote region to- Tato mrirllnnl part of tllcmo Lew Bnt, "throw tip Yair lint,, brrym.' o over n conte"' "' and wa& Ir
gar, the a(,lre•x.q, fm Loa cent, rind Ili.
University at home. mrntt far rtimm K the e n air for tiny or nu Increase of wager averag- hundred doubt roeejvell no Hick of sane cmc. wram 11^nal to Any: for ( harlem C. Iientl:'Ickm Hall 1'cuto ,Tum- pwlAlahM In Virginia.
William Henry ItarH(,t, a colored (vmmerekll J'uxlnrN*, it H parr Cont. for itm employeem, nttentlnn either. It rrmindAl one we err til last xa!linq nP tit,, dear tfrc 8unu 1 r(Uutton, who wrro with
f 161 Clinton street, Toronto. Morn
bu ness. & rttrnts wire Tuft Un•reaso w'Ill qo into rrre•ct on moro of revival mHetingn than tither- miuldy oil] Tham„••, Nand T.Ibnry Icer ehnrged with co imillracy, Aire To KnuR Volcwnorm.
Ind, o .lanuary lilt. It Hffectt twenty then- wide. Three Metbotlist and 'two docks are nearly reached. Ttfen Love) C
died ander (,Ircummtnnese which have, !esu,+l to red,hsnt* of Eng land der- sand min and will ndd 81,(100,000 H f'r*mh}t(,riran ` mInIIRRre wrro qn Inrt Ikottrm ar^ nPtwnt to hl,Idinx %pi., ,%, nr•cr•rv:Llg to the re•uuarknhle Volcant>es can Cnsity he, extin-
been lnvemtlgnteol by the police. Ing th^ year than to people Of any n4vii to aur friend, of the ocean. no ,II t of tilt• Jury yestenfny aft^r- elftim, it theles. of New 7.*ns nd
Hon. fT. Israel flute reruticm to y bene to the payrollto of the company, board. Tinny contrived to hnvo b nu.•n It (ter nlmomt twenty -Inns hours l
otL-•r ol.l world land. which will by thin Increame continue prayer -meriting every morning at ,At Intel, ave Hire bring towel Into „f slceplomq deiiheratlota. A.'m^ of the I lnlmt, ,atl.l there are mraoa' pRrnon,l \
dLmeunx tLe report that he may to pay the highest wngex of tiny 7.1.i to 8 o'clock, Rundnya and week port. Bat ):sten, the Aumtrntinn in ori chi who nurse with him. A
joint .N 1l Is nr);marrnt, irK'k the %Ire
drink n sen,t in the BrIlfmlt 110118e, Of rnncrrn in thin country rmploylnq days, tho limunl 'Sund.'ay xvi-vice a t 11 call, "Icer-ee, cumrm acrt>n.a the after
Ilium Winn Is, aril hr nays that
Ibnl NI1�" J:I:rgnr had deautrd hA•e of
UI)•TQ•DATL JOURNALI$111, the Lanae kind of labor. Thorn In a n,m., Stend,y Yahool for Lilo chitdr*n water (Tram nolVounly wnitIng aft man,• experiments he ban at
Common". r the next Yenrtl Lit her life, to the
Burt Barker, an E11911A11 1n+t Of 18. rrjio)r[ that tlte'(A[rnrprta Rt"I hosts :tt :t Pim., cOn(hictr(it by a prunutnCnt am01iq tta throng oat _thn�eL. _ wAW lww lab! dlacucerul n Iyu:d by mean, ad
waw tlllnt tit }'ort (;ollatrne I)w a R sixteir of the lfethott tt Charch In `v'h'eti rrrtfn ally rntltlr+l to till, anti m(>rr, Lhnn whkh rolenntrrr, whrlhrr active or
veranbroken els n tetree striking him -111111 How a Itep,m•ierGot les slit Alit Ion' Hari Pf+11 aa'nl^natal lricreaae th6 wages MrlTtrnrnr, who also KHVe n effect upon r►IIhN�t (,ainteymfen ton elml41y throaatealryt, can quickly .Wt.
acne+ given her by hill will. ezl Ill
Mt,aktng lite acct.
Could Not flirt ,tut nip BeFisemer fvnkr Company, which fru tory' Interenting hcturen inn lrr>nnt. J;rr•,re nett Tuewlri %, the Ir ml Fnl"hcd.
TF.O rc•.T,tnn%lon tins beam nil• 1'311", Dec. '.'I)-- .% journ:alimt, d*toir- in the mecond lar•gemt Independent her work among the pour In til, o I cnncltHln by gnntlnR the follow" limit, a visit of *rias will ,top flt,l Iia IhtrrwlN to afros lila services to
ro'Inenl or J. Franrly Lm!, wad wit- ,,u" of Imrnit-9 how Inurltom wore coke pr(thrcing lnterent In the Con- !time or that great city, tenmetlmem mg linea am they occurral to me nett nn nppral wilt b, tnk.•n to the the (in%rrnlyrnt of New 7.ealwntl, as
Trafflo Mnnagrr or the µ'hlte Paine y• •ervlca for the maltor" wan hr61 on whin d*OergtttfiK the, gnnK%vny of 14v-,remo Covert. will am to :.this clnullrlrn which are
trent-,d. gilt 16111"t If kyr tilt" n flu) nrllsvllln fl*ll, to -da Inform*tl Its the tnrwnnl dark, from 6 to 7 P. m. our Roal al.xpp for the last tlnle: afflicted with volcanoes, nn,f the
A Yrkon Railway. ta*tL1 c. "tum and ace mltrd a Rrnd. *mployees that an advance of 8 Roil on, thml der. and dark bill* •
Air William Mu1(xk waw lrnng11^ted ;,rtnR �n the elrret Wfl11 nn angry' px r e*nt. in vvngnn at all the plant* wtdrh wat enteral Into hen lily by P only gnettlon In whether tip will ,M,
scan, 11anr's I•ellrtiarttcm, able to obtnin thn ,price which he
Try 1Lo citizens of MRnfor,l In revolt- P• ,rnnrt of n Brew, Pwl)weroo atop when Thr>n vast an.l'Never mounding nra, "l+ho. wntrhrw that Air peller penp Wallin for Ilia alleged dltrov*ry.
drmugd w:1, for 411.1 It t walls. the of the ran any would to*come ef- well known h)mn" mew 11 tot -
of him a^rvivem in Hitt tr their F;lyh.ror Ngi011on 1. whin ha mit trrtlVn on Jnnunry int, Thn notice Wonderfltl art Mimi groat r;ement. Am It It win n •web -
harbor improvrmenta. him. 4'he rclslrrinr pronil,tly arrriet- of til,• Relynnc^ was announc(md nim- ,owrel by the evenlnR m*rvlre from y '
t 1.1 lhr jrrr11n;lmt net,[ r, nn,cr$1 him ❑Itnneonaly at the, five Plants of 7 to Fl P. M. 1Vellnewiny evanlrK I doer to wander ri*r thy bill("vm If tiny One '11t kirk It, wiry iIt>-You ars R Cruel, he!artl*ns
Yr. H. W. Aral^n, M. A., (Lgdmtan- Areal hearken to tit-, thowights til Thi d hnft to f creature!
tMlsdnr of Fottrt licit*Rt., F:ditt- to lien sanli.m, w'h•rc In du^ rnnr.c Ihr emnpany, and nffrots ilia thou- Plt�Per ThrrrRm MinRe a%e ^mt`�M eat*rm toneh- y F.Is, [tyrrtn It milk r rnIl Mrllere'iHloaxt 8'1r--iirnv n,trturrl! A mrmrnt RKO
bprRh, haw been chosen Princiflal Of hr wan tranmf*rrrvl to art anng,r1al nn mond man. •nlydy attandel nm n rale Of "treat Rtrrnity, eternity ntxl power." An' mnkrw a tad o' *1laavingm. YOH Omit] I lift,) atul(,n yotlr heart,
Upper Canatla College. n patient rnfferinK Prow dnnq:•r,"Is _,_ `_ and raw
0urinnm. :P itt a banning lhoraighly T1u" French nMhorlURn have bo• It Im ne*atlesa tO *ay that t11r, t3undHy -NI. ,f. y, Hnmlllon. Ar' when thry go to rttt it out I you may i haven't any. -
Rov. J. W. McMillen, of I.In0wly, ,Ile IAI•atrm of treatment to which roma cOnvincell hint the death of morning rervil,e* wrier nlwny� 1'mt Ort to h^at. her lavin'w' ACcorcUrltt to Ae&patohew from Heun-
wilt ear*pt the tmll to Ht. An- hnnatlrx err subJf,CLNl file yaornHltst Wrw, klb'n (torr warn ncxl)ental, and comtrretoal after cul Church The tint•fatltl a Welff'm yards, W.I. FLc'w rtwl'r.l / goo.! to that dumb Knry,alp►I•reotionwere fros*n to death
dire', (1lnreh, Winnipeg, with tie IIi,�I tie tV )ea%rt the ngchum and Khe have d(old*d to drop the rase it Enplarl'1 form. whl�'h h ilii ruts faint, t11rnld out Olv Irrt)rr IlnFra, with brats. I thyro during the last there dnya
e•of"'A 11 the iinnipt*ry• htF paper nl"t the pnb•Ir t11c b^n*fit ngnin+l M. dr Rytlzrwaki. The item- ,>n Ward n1: 1[il, It:oj•sty•m shipa, xn nggmgnte Of 79,07 tons, and An' r0OI to nil the others. Wolves torn devastating the sh,ep
Iron nntl sle*1 mnnntartnr*rt, .i ills rxplrl carr IL 0#rofure re- tl)n will not be trial oven l.pOn the wherever floats th* BNIIeIl ling on Workman, ('lurk i (:OmplRny twelve Bra. esti. jolt ort to cotme an•1 des fold' nail have devourr/l thrpa mil*{r
mIron o11 the Cann/llnn Manufac. , , sled 1e, 1w branrghl before the cWgo of hotaAeWe thro�h lmpre- the high vests, the captain him- vessels of 73,988 tons. Her slap het tittle brotbere I ham&
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