HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-1-1, Page 8•fredo-cdtr 4 t ai 447 en eir i c l mst,4 e 7Ate,atfren,ita. GIPSY'S MARRIAGE 444,444•,..t444-tait It is ,welt for Gipsy that, rite ars- f Erin as Ito speaks a cloud parser !'tut Hee the t'tpreurlou lint contorts , torr the mom, ,nal iu a second the Miss jo,,ke'r face, AN, in the. *,utile � earth Is w rape • I its darkness. A of her owl! room, she paces up and w11t1 sighs among the branches, and down and thinks of the man I lillay alio Vera. rho ham loved with the whole force! "('owe in. any tingling ; the slew of her shallow, selfish nature. Silo is, Is fgliing," he m►y'r; and out of the perhaps, more miserable than Gladys, l darkness they past Into the warmth weeping for her dyad loser. Nhe ,and light, hieing not anti dream Btu a right to mourn, with the prowl, pa"si(state tears that fall froom Mise Nlake'N ryes are in lhrntsrtves a nip- gianttirsn, bitter chops, Gist burn her heart and brain. "Mamlua, lye must be the. first to entertain the bride and bridegroom. shall We give Is bail, a dinner -party, lir what ?" Mrs. Blake hooka nt iter daughter. '•Whatever you like, Flora but, deer, I was thinking It would be pie/mutt to go to the Seaside for the summer, for Gladys, you know." Flora turns on her mother. 'Mamma, please Understated in" - 1 am going to stay here, and MI/ you are, So .sou thunk 1 e•nnnet sleet sir Maurice Dermot's wife? I e\p,•et it will be a very gay suuuu••r, and eut[gest that we open the gayatier with a ball." • • • • • Lady Dermot has evacuated Dru- limners Castle. Courteously and kindly, her son intimated to her that Ire and his wife wished to live uloue, nml no, after one protest, she sub- mitted, and moved herself and her belongings to Drtminneen !louse. Ker Meunccs wondered as little nt the number of things she took from the thistle -half the furniture it wwmel to him. "Relics of happy days," Lndy Dermot called them. The work of de- spolling went uu ; but at last the whole of her hulyshlp's poseessiour were removed. And la the ghee of a lovely sum- mer evening, with the setting son warming the hoary gray walls, Dru- rwuseen Cantle "tames with open por- tals' to welcome the bride. That half the community happen by chance to be at the railwny station On the evening that Sir Maurice and Lady '.mot are expected it slightly re- n rkable. in train ruches in. Sir lalasurlce'ss , known fare is seen looking out 4 white rows at her breeart ankh rringe window, and In another the, dark, witching face looks In he Is Mending on the plat- lib'' Oen I.% 4.11 more gloriously be u- lplug out Bret his wife and •tifwl•Ihan ueual. A string of pearls 'Is telidel amid• her quaint short curls, and pearls nee round her throat and or, her Wriirtl. lint what nm I to say to then all, Maurice/4o elle asks, still blushing POSITIVi:: Coo' ES - his compliments. "1 shrill be far away from you, perhaps, and I don'( Rheumatism know what to talk about." -e-'Lott need not talk at esu : only , Neuralgia look its pretty ng you do now, and oil need never open your lips," he Backache says, laughing. "Come -let me put Headache on your clunk. TieaaCt' { Tito carriage is Walt- /, log; and we have not much time to Feetache luxe," • . There is not n prouder man than All Bodily Aches Si" Maurice Dermot. as Ire enters Mrs. Bryan's' drawing -room #Ilii his AND lastly young wife oro his arm, and sura the Impression her beauty makes, 0.1 1111 present. Nearly all the guests haves nrrivesl, and a mid flow of con- s swim tion Is oro: eeding la ',gutsily, the men mitariding in a grout', on the :ltvarthrug, trying to Imagnte that the nrrnngqeemeat of borne nut foliage in a 14.rrte and a fire are one and the fas- ts, tiel amber nod blacks Spanish lace, ritates her gueete with her cutting narks, as usal. t fs eight o'clock, awl roslr-shaded your slaughters to them, tot if you In , , are dlluty:-.fighting the cA►rnera au iUd," \ • t e room. With a gleam of the Tide Inst remark la /t eum' stet) Mere- •ht on her pole cheeks, Flora by It eignlfienunt look nt Mrs., EElook• PI ks' ,te and awaits the advent of sr, who leis naked this dr,:nsUni `:'K Mn ice- Pettiest. Phe W dresser) I:rrptnln Ilallday to lunch nn in err n rind antis and white lace, than once. fur the is de will bo in white. The conse•rentlon Is getting un ,-Ansi then they come. In the shadow plramurt-every one is beginning to •d the door ay ale sees them. Sir wish the dinner would be announced. Maurer, tall awl linldsime, stn.! The door opens at last, end lillay• squall el childlike, shy=eyed a tall, soldierly mann, with w I used I, al I siring m punl`o no a long ministache, comes in, makes f.ati Del snot fu, tile firoi +.1WE .�llee, o%heing d6 tate irlliHT�ieFi_:.;r►it:-TT-ftr�`l..r••:-' -lt- add the - f - acetoThL, ons pride in her sling slowly at his heels, the but- etp fe sg leer Repeats rind annrwsnces solemnly sMist sillier is served. N'e't of a what! forte, 1 then a , rge collie log. 1'ery slLv- h' PGipsy etnlris, bolding the dog'. lain, and idling while Sir NInurlrs, diver back I to the. carritage for rugs and parcels. Jnsery one h n !capital'flew of the young bride rut stir Maoris's% nodding eireiessly' right and left, leaves the station with his vlfe's arm and the collle Irking anti bound- ing around thele. hey go straight to the carriage, - sl are howling away theism,' the t n before the gossips have half real el that they have arrived. Oh. the "tweet home-cv, slug of this evening, the fleet of nil' the even- ings they hope to seed together! "I am the hnppilwt ma i In the world," the now murals' husbn 41 nays, fondly,. looking down the'tales at the wee figure at the other en, dur- ing this, their first tete-mi-tet din- ner at Isms' -sic lots sal to 'ly, Willi n pretty blvrrh os her face mi Iter shy velvety lye. full of trap IMMa. And sifter dinner, when the r.hn,l's nl night are creeping up fold after after full, ,minty and gray, sir Mau- rice lust nipsy purr up and ,own the terrace aide by site in the warm n emit- ter air. Ile is gind to, be nt home again, bort to his hones (Ifs', hes farm - Ing, his fishing. and nil the other pleasures and duties that make up her life; amt ;now he has ids wife to share lila pbensnres end his truu- blea, If so be that arty come. The wlilt e snmoolight tooeheb the gray wail, ant) the clinging ivy. and bsyoud, all lies In Window. tiipay'■ eyes, shirk and fnthomlees,are raised to his, ansi two small arms are ehtap el around his arm. -- "lManrtce " The want you to promise Ino romelhhrg. 'Anything, darling "' tnking one of her hands Into blot keeping. "I want you to promise oesrr to spent to your mother about me," sole goes on, "to tell me everything your self -anything I sin wrong- stupid things, i mean. You will, won't you. Maurice V' "My wife, no one shrill r'Vre any a word to you but myself," and lie takes her In hie arms. Liltfe, world lgrkorent Gipsy I Bur - !nee all her MP sir will never (ergot what once palmed between her and Maurice's mother. The remembrance of that Interview tiring,. the blob hotly to her ehreks yet. she hos never told her husband, and never will_ tell him, -((Thee renrhpe up isnil winds both ,rens round hes !reek, end, with her Warm cheek against tile, strifes out, with tears In her voice: "Oh, my hnshanl, If i enaddn't tit .-happdt- f -••-_' I dess••Treph .c, !former 7in'g' ,trio i In tones low awl -matt lie aa"iwwrwIfo-4w' row-vfru}f ttsmre -'lit' Wt -MAIM its he hold. her tightly to his heart: lila'spitenrain's' directly," -Mrs. Bryan "Wife, without yea my life Would Is saying. hove been worse than death.' Sir Mnnrise replies tint lie Ione So they whisper awl sow their los. (nets r Ind that pieaanre, ere' sows, while the white moon The d/ or opus again, and Lord and travel. ^l: over time trees, nisi her haily ihnrlanil are Announced. The silver light hathe. the (inlet world. alerting, npn{s110(11. old couple, who oa biters. eat life, Sir $ir (Maurice Faye, Iian omen of -,ny• WIC anhsl le, pinyin's dinners ln, into hie face to the (she sk pntirs they and n fstd y lir enFtset chairs con find, and Ing not of nay dark days to come. CHAPTER. XIX. Mrs. Bryan hs (beet, after aH. With lightning -like steal site cube Ott the tort le end brWegns,m, and she next nnrnlog deelietrilee a man ou horso- mark to summon sixteen picked num- bent of lowb'ty to meet Sir Maurice awl Lady Donna, at dinner. Ste asks the great county - bag- wl te'H. Lunt and Lady ltantard, tum apoplectic old couple, who l.ok more 1 lie it retired cook and butler than rung thing f I ee : and Mrs. Itryau's d car friend -Afro. Hooker, also r'crlves tat Ittvl,tttit,n; as do two of the Misses Hooker, who cannot be unit to act up vo their names, 'lasing never Locked the smallest of inale fry nu es. They hie twenty' miles off ; but Sir Maurice war intended once for one of the Masse. Hooker, and It still let very good for them to bee w•lust they have lost. As to` he Linker' insitnteen, Mrs. Bryan's pen actually derived user the 'wiper with me lice as elle summsaed them to +u lend. The Doivungr•r Lady termot is also a favored guest ; and the oth- irs ore asked to flit up the in:.le and sulk,• themselves agreeable sir dire ItIOe'ahle, its the CallMAYe mIle. • • • • a • It is n hot summer night, and Glpry stand's smiling before her husband. and blushing at lila lucks and words of rdmirnllos. They sire Jest starting for the dinner -party at Bryan Court. it in their first nppnnrance In {subtle tote fhrr, and Gilbey is feeling ter- ri1R rservuuei, as the ordeal ap- priNiclitva "My darling, how lomthyiT ou look sir Maurice crier rapturously, stntrl- ing gazing at his wife till the swift color dyers her cheeks. Silo Is all In white -dim white silk. �tl plain, with soft lace �n the 3aly and el'eves, and a c .ler .sit Join the mild conversation. "And these are dinner -parties !" Ihutkr Olpry, looking round on the assembled group of polite lion and tigers' wnitllag for lesllug-(lute. "Du people really ctuJoy this ,kin of thing?" she wonders, thinking with is regretful sigh of the dinner at home with Maul'L:e tuft the twilight walk uftree aril. lie is now rtaudlng tainting to Mrs. Hooker and the two hlrtrke'r, olio of whom rets up to be o 1r W i d- llud aper• buns nmrer- d wlut and 111111,-1i I its htamcs - e of bad u to but N , one iu- ent She dy- way Cop to rId- een. e lr lir loierd be ee." re- So - of lm- Id- is - ea the e we a ✓ s. no he ala ter lid TN, he iii' yr r ods ay dy n we Y' rinser, and the other cIn►mr t it beauty, Mrs. 'Hooker heir e Keisling air, as If the wtKld used her cruelly somehow -alk imp" it has, Her very cap -rib Wing lu u depreeeed fashion, elle has a limp appearance ge ally. Bat then the poor no lists so very far In the country, 1ygs twelve ehlldren stud +s tyre s!!il Borland, who never shows public. and slows very muco w win. or Mrs. !looker mach to contend with. Lord Bantatd Is roaring out m, thing about the depressed slut the country generally, and the hay !torrent in lmirticular, to county magnate who is anxious Masse the minion fisheries, cennut get IA a word etgeway Mrs. Bryan hi setting every by the ears by annouucing her listen, of violating the string ruler of the tennis club. declarer 1410 will bring a In Urs. 1'Ivinn-who run uen from heriLusbniel with taut holiday, and who has come settle -of nil placer in the wit In the neighborhood of Drumau "But, my dear Mrs. Bryan, sh nut a proper person," remunstra the Dowager Lady Dermot. "stuff and fudge! ,Bile le as g lir the rest of the world; I like purely. rely. They are goingto married when the law rets er fr e'Walt till they are married," marks Mrs. Hooker re"eroly. " Orly cannot countenance people\ that claw." Mrs. Bryan chuckles delightedly "And what do you think, Miss Or slum ?" closely regarding that-ma ac's righteous countenance. Miss Grirrshaw colors furiously ''Mamma would not like me to d cuss 'much things," she answers, Ilk child of sitter . "We pas, by On ther side of the street when ret tint. Vides." "'And by chance there came Samaritan that way,' quotes Ni Bet an. "We are all very mural, doubt, but do you pass by on t other ride when you meet Capt Hnhday, Miss I;rinediaw Ulm ()Hinshaw lures still rocs under the 'sarcastic rework; u Mrs'. Bryan continues: "And do you all know, niy dot that Mrs. 'Vivito' la dying ? S won't trouble you or your tete ground long, nor shock the eusce idbllkles of this select neighbo hood -rhe ill hi a conrutnptlon." "Yes; but becalms one line c mlmptlon. one need not run nw with another man," puffs out La Brost/1rd, with a laugh at her ow wit. "I didn't sty one need, my dea but are we all no good that can afford to throw stoner at her "i lease people of that sort alone. "The women, you mean; but the men you would receive, and marry GO:'o: CC ST. JACO8S. OIL 0 it CONQUERS PAIN 000 /! tl wife owl the out hrislsod's face, ire It to like hosteNoe direr The Downgrr Lady sweet ,lel gracious to In-law, and calls her "m, hl ort mom affectionate m Wieryttrhy Kiss all ter: is things In the way of wed e mgrrlDilation , pod one Theses f:rimallniv, who is dint eforping nt Bryan Court, IN aIth(sut her there would have thirteen, owing to mune 411 Isluitneettre Is mentally tali stuck of Gipsy's dreg., of It relines*, and slmpllclt i, and resolv- ing to base one hint Ilk: it for the neat Will. #fives ItMkr - ng le. ermot Ia very kGipsy, i'kisa out of the open wis- er daughter -(low - the cosi! and quiet beyond, dear eldld" starts as Mrs. Bryan addresses her. nner ; and 'Lady liermot, allow me to Intro - of kiwi duce you to my nrphs•w•, Colonel con nn'1 Bryan." ,f the She turn', a shy, startled face, and and sea's it tall, military looking man, muss' who grows white as death. ern "Sibyl!" Inc gnarl)* ; mush then, no he takes another look at her race, lie rp'uvers hie .elf-posoession and tit - fees her Isle arm. Nobody Men hears the toped out word but Gipsy. Maurice__ »mater,, sis 141. w•I passel." him on Colonel Bryan's urn, why her chrrke nee so pale, and lie an les a bright smile it. their eyes meet. "I\r little is mean, rig an, she 1. h- tovall to • ' -4tn. t'h,*m,t lag lu ti woke of wit the *Meese with \Ins ryas, and looking over their hesuer t tPpsy in the pen of hotter at Colo el Bryan's' right lintel. The rest of a people have sorted themselves no, al. Lately Dermot has secured Lord Mord, am) Is con- tent : she is at len dal to the leant tsy one of equal rail and, If, after lie addressee hlm,rpif to In soup he nev- er speaks, whist does I erlgnify ? Colonel Itrynn takes fi lee glances at tipsy, with n pestles miserable etpreenhm ern his fare. gl • timely elle rouses her eiee and lecke fit I at him, all the 'shyness gone, as a says earnestly In soft, clear toner; "Wily dhl"you cell me 'sibyl `' " II In is spry innocent question, it lid yel (Liloirpl Bryan looks etrnngsly nmlxsrraeel, and gulp, clown a glass of ahorey before he answers, evas- ively : "Yost are rather like 'tome tine I once knew of tint name nmn,i then lac 'srsttrhae up the menu earl and immix It to her. "I always like to know what la coming," he remarks, tetth a amilee. "Aral I know my cads!'• dinners are things to dream of " CM be Coetluwed.) rails'ns-.ouch$,', toie•h'•s the bride's ringers: and (+tp.y, glans.- 11'.g up Into her fact•, twee the look h: her eyes, and dun ws back to her huslmnd'e side. "I doyi't think you hove stet y Wear I That's " the greatest thing in the world,"—in anything that's worn. 'You get style, fit and finish too, in Granby Rubbers —Bot the one thing we emphasize is their Wearing Qualities. "Granby Rubber', wear like iron," Consumption Salt pork is.a famous old fashioned remedy for con sumption. "Eat plenty o pork," was the advice to th consumptive So and too years ago: Salt pork is good if aman can stomach it. The idea behind it is that fat is the food the consumptive needs most.. Scott's Emulsion is the mod- ern method of feeding fat to the consumptive. Pork is too rough for sensitive stomachs, Scott's Emulsion is the most refined of fats, especially prepared for easy digestion. Feeding him fat in this way, which is often the only way, is half the battle, but Scott's Emulsion does more than that. There is some- thing about the combination of cod liver girl and hypophos- phites in Scott's Emulsion that puts new life into the weak parts and has a special action on the diseased lungs. A sample will be sent free upon request, ee ears that this mews Is the form or • label non ths C tcouppee of ee env buol• el lea's ro,e bur SCOTT & • BOWNE, CHEMISTS, Toronto, Ontario Soc. and $1; all druggists Thome Girds. Conletla-Are you going to bank ►p yes' stockings on Christmas? Hoiteiue-Well, I certainly ain't ;oln' ter let them hang down IIte rtroesaa As The Spreads In dry gruel., so 1101,11 nn sflammatluo In the I hroat grow down Into :be lungs. Deal prom tah. with is cold ne with e fire, and when you 'ls'ghi to cough nee ill,•u's Lung Balsam. New Variety of Sunflower. A German florist Gas prods,cd a tew variety of e,,nflower whish he •nibs'tbe Giant Blsmurek: or Ilehan- ta.w Annua Blsmrarcki^nsis. That it 1s s glint la esklenq frang a photograph. 1'h^ stalkis fifteen 1 en feetI rind high h r o our inches thick and the flownre u"ntnve eighteen itches neroam. To numbs titan' res.Ites it is item/Nary o Pow the arils in groups of two or here w•hete the plants are wanted -for the sunflower does' not stand rntnplanting-destroy all Mit the atmongest of each genie) of plants tort when this is about five feet dgh ott off the lower leases and bods old so throw all the strength of lie plana Into the crown. Says Mike to ('lancy. "Kept alive, hike; we're rescuia' ye!" Voice frons -the Debris - is hi= Clancy up there mid ye Y' "Sore he is." "Ast him mud Inc ho eo kind es t' 'step off the rooms. I've onot.;:i on top av ten widout him."-Tlt- Bits. Mfhtard'iLiniment Cure, Diph- theria. A Determined Widow.' Lawyer (to the widow) -Tide law gives you a third, madam. The Widow -Well, I'm not going to take any chances in that direc- tion. i shrill procelel to Mettle for my third. Jung Its I did for my first and second. Hard on the lor•tor. Old Lady -My 'nsbnnd 'e never did 'did with doctors. and 'e wouldn't let no send for yen till 'e was real lead. What's wrong' with -.him, doctor .Doctor-Maluly senility, Sir,. WIi- kina' • prnw wouldn't 'Av�nAnd Idresser e'adit if 'PA 'ad yes' snon enough. bspxneMExletrLAEo i.avlLlelunntrrpelyemo 1 en from my horn*. I take pleasure In emu ending ths rslnadr, awvt-s sets with ttettirorirt tomes or. lined. soft „" r"cn lou.ete d Plump , blood .pavan, splint, curbs, ■weeny, stifles and plains. OF.OR,tFRuDI1Farmer, Markham, Oat gold by all druggists. To , C mmmn. K,n•,,, i dry Star. ♦ Small boy was taught the a To throve re Lord's Prayer and found it much Chase's Ointment yonienai Dr. to lie tnetr, Pro a few days he lies kept it giving with great aNNidult v, and absolute euro for eaa•h Inand every form or itching, but then he annrnnnced to his mlt oth- Dlesngandpmtrndlntr pile, the manor/whit'en/ lists guaranteed it. Seotos- r Last Word. l'emlydn gutlem-Fltrtnad Our - lag lite a )-1 moot have besu a fool whets I n' 11 riot you. idle-Undot-bttelly. But the adage still holds good. Ilu+batrd-Wlutt's that 1511e -.k fool for lurk. - Chicago News. Life IN r And th its great le to get Allied Version. Montreal Star. life is earliest, rive to not its goal, ie. thou sadly !earnest, sufficient coal. Many of us might be happy if we dist not suffer from disorder. of the liver. Thee we ought to use Dr. August Kocis:K', l Iaaaa'bllrg Drop, witch cure the stlsorderr and bring the w:tolo system to a healthy con- ditism. Football Illustrated, Buffalo commercial. 1 Bnwdolnluuu, Me., farmer Naw the Bnts's-Bowtiuln football grime at ltrun•w•iek. .t neighbor asked him about it. "Nothing to tell," he said. "Just let :'O •bdet hugs out in a tuft field any day and then throw tknvn a peck or au of corn in a sick and sec'uw go for It, and you'll know 'boot what a game of football looks like to a farmer." A (food Talker. "i'Iruthuefoll Is considered a pretty good talker, isn't he?" "So people say. I have only heard lien speak Once myself." "Anti how slid Ice impinge you?' "Why, when he -first got up he re- marked (lust Ire had nothing to say, and he /mid It for Jut forty-five minutrs." Minnnls Liniment Cures Itstem- per. More to Follow. Baltimore Sun ety Ivester -Rhe is a woman with a part, I underrtanet ttaiwiotph-Yes, and more coming, ('hanging Women loess Than Men ,tt the old fashioned into and res- taurrultN In rids+den it is customary to (quire's• less for N'omell than fur sten on the theory that they do not oatleo much. At Wale 'hotels. in Swe- den It mein rind wife are charge, as one and one-half person* If they occupy the tanne room. .t heehaw! and miff, may travel as one and one- half ts'rrone by railway, and also by the poet routes', furnishing their own carriage, • yt:`tnnl's Liniment Cure. Garget in ('ow -e. A \try Neat Hint. ('enalian Baptist. Very tunny of our aisbucrli,crs seem to have forgotten that money to needed to pay the printing and pa- per hills of the Baptise_ We cannot forget it, however, and we wish to ohms' the anxiety that tide eon - bluntly recurring oversigiet causes us with the frletul, who .hould re- i Reye us, HOW'S THIS?' We oder Use Hundred Dollen' Reward for tiny sae.! of Cat+.rrh that cannot be cured by Haul'. Catarrh Cnn•. F. J. ell l:NEY a CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned• have known F. J Cheney for the lost 13 year. and believe him perfectly boe..rnbee 41 all !.!lanes• trnua- actious and auuudally able to carry oat any obligntiona uu:ulr by their Ilnu. w'a,r • TmrAI, s1'hi dranle Druggists, To. Ic'In, o. KI,iA.t • ilasvl'e, wholesale Druggists, Tole.lu, t. Half. ('stank Cure la take. Internally,aet- Ins directly upon the Aloud an,1 mucous err. fuel of the system. Teetimonlnls spot free. Prtcu'- mic per bottle. sc.lt by all struggles. liable Faintly I'Itls are ten best. Iltefleetlona of a Bachelor, -- A painted cheek and it. Mash are sion parted. The kind of a woman man likes L the kind that wants him to like her. When humanity begins to think it .tops having fan. The man we never can forgive lathe man who caught um trying to do a wrong to him. TAKE NOTICE, Daring the year the space devot- ed to advertising MiNA-110:S LiNI- LIENT w;fl contain expressions of nw uaeertatn Monne# from pe pie who .,peak from personal exps'rf- enen ns to the merits of this best of Ilnrouehoid Remedies, Part of the Bluff. "Why!' 'she finally ventured Iet fal- ter, "do you look NO sid when we are sitting thus?" "Because," he answersrl, gazing tenderly down Into her troubled eyes, "a man always look. said when he Bolls a lovely hand." she was something reassured, nl- thongh she dol not altogether under- stand. or In dewed : Umonials In the dally press and ink your neigh - "I heard another fellow say that bars what they think of h, Yon e.411n owe It and prayer toolay, mother. It's go. rig Wet: mon o. hark if not cmr.lOs.nhe x, at to get all around town." I all deaden or F,nrA saoe,HAtta L CO.,Toronto, Cure Your Cold with the old standard reme- dy that has stood the test of 40 years experience and is more popular to -day than ever before, Gray'syrup Red SpruceGum is carefully prepared from Red Spruce Gum, retaining akl its healing, somhing pro- perties. It is pleasAnt to take and is always effectual. 25 cents. At all Druggists. Dr. Chase's Ointment Men and Maidens. New York New.. Bertha -Sometimes you appear really maul;, and anmelimes you D Ih 17001.044 you you account for it Tlarold-T snppoie it la heredit- ary. Half my ancestors were .nen and the other half women. What shrunk your woolens ? Why did holes wear so soon ? You used common soap. GIIT O.A1iP REDUCES EXPENSE Alla Ilse taw seellasea ear, ay is A Domestic Dlaarranitemksat. They hgd been married three ',mettles and were having their 18th quarrel -au unlucky number, by the way. "You only married me for my money'," he said, with exceeding Ma termitic the t of 11 "I didn't to anything d y R kind," she retorted. "Well, you didn't marry cause you loved me." "I know I didn't." "In heaven's name, what did you marry me for then r" he cried. In detpatr, for he had not expected this. "Just .to make that hateful Kate Scott yon were engaged to cry her eyes out because' she had to give you up and Klee me get you." lie tell down on the white bear rug at her feet and rolled over on it until he looked like an animated snowball. (Great t'neiulr, woman!" he shrieked. "what have you done ? Why,' 1 married you Net because rho' threw me over." And by the tlFre dinner was ready their sweet young hearts were ones more so full of sunshine that tier -Mere were abonitutely ncressary. me be - Monkey Brand Soap clams kitchen uten- sils, steel, iron and tinware, knives nod forks and all kinds of eutlerv. ,,, Oh 1 the Famous! l'hicago Record -herald. "What would you do if you ware to wake up lo-uwrrow morning ark', flush ,sours-hf famous?" "Lb. tilown 'mato and sleep t'III I felt like getting up _for once." Ths North n laid lath !now, nod w Ili It collo'. the in lune of rlwmmathno. Drew warmly, slay In dons as ueuch ns you ea. end rub the •moles, tender murales with l'rrry Davis's Painkiller. 33 and 50c. Imaginative. Indianapolis Sus. May -They say he has written a lsttcersful book of fiction. stella -I knew he could do It. You ought to see some of the love lettere he useel to wilts. to me ir910KE BARRISTER 10, cent Cigar Guaranteed deer Hal -not l"Ill,A ANOTHER MARY. She Also (rabbles In Literature and Stress wousaess. "I am is hard proposition 1 "They didn't know MN In this flat! "Third place in a week. and to -day I've broken oily one cut -glass sugar bowl and two china copal getting too • expected me wages/ only n'( tick her i snpptnse Nature=or keep the dropped the mlatrrsa. to Rare the , les her hne- oo-goo ry ea k rim Bret not to -dot! real lace; d trnve her mold 'mill urns to a "Bahl My hands are steady I "The woman mall she e to work ! Me! And my i8i2 a month! "I'll go in the parlor n dog! I love to hurt dogs! that I. the devil la my the beer 1 "I wonder where they wine! There! - I have ctrl mint Melt I I'll tell the Perhaps she will want pieces! The crash of broken chins IA music to my mire! "I woader why etre level hee- haw!! lie has made gt at me only once! Thin for another place ! No, The parlor certain," am I'll teat r r them tS•(urr I go "Wend the tnistreea wont writing ((leak own. Then I the ink on the piano keys. "I'luelL-co►verL'd. furnit Harlem net ! Basil I'll give them notice to change It ! "I wax not horn for Joy! i coma not Innen when they choked on Ila:' coffee. I herb pert red pepper in it. Tiemnrrow i'li put soap In the waf- fle.. "To -eight i shaft walk under_ Jim -reser` meet -n- ItieII,•m,in t)Q the door of the family entrance to "I wonder why some girls stay n week In one peter! How monotony most grind into their II yew. nut I .rlplarste they rnnnot till is' Mnry Ma. Jall.'a. "I grow Weay try log to toe good. I inlet bren.k a dinner plate and epoll the set! In any next pines. i will take the mornings nut nit will an the after- nrt,ns. ISSUE NO. 1, 190" Mrs. Wtseslow's esothtug syrup sows,. Mused for Childress estilry-ly youths, the child, soften the`ut�, norm undo and as the bees remedy for lllarr►gr, NvANTED To PUBCIl•ek-ANT tiUAi. til,,.r of mixed wuud, •rltabls fur brick burning. For Immediate use, stab rash price 1 o in your •latlou. itluepsuu Brick 1'V I 'run,u to •In•rt, 'Toronto, telephone Malul'ul TEN COURSES BY MAILp; e ;;u ui thoroughly taught. Expert Instructors. ludl- vldual attention. send for ha udeume cata- logue fur particulars. C sa adee Depart. mist C[NTRAL RWIN[55 COLLIS', Tweets Cu. WANTED, AQENTS Canal)ti to all mode to micron h♦ lea•n Sults, Jnekits and Skirt.; guudeommlwlooe, 4'rowu Tailoring Cu., Canada'. Largest 'rail. on, Toronto. WANTED,' AQENTS•�i1�„�;-n co.., to sell MISN'S ordered rlulhing; gra.) rumor hs•luus, uulua label. Crown Tailoring Co , Canada's Largest Tailor., Toronto. IiIPERIAL MAPLE SYRUP. The quality stnudard from Oman to Ocean. Your money hack if notsatlsfac tory BUSES A LA FLAME, Agents, Montreal. Xmas Poultry. Turkeys and limns.. selling higher Butter market nruirr and �arge rolls of choice butter In good de hill 1. It any butter to offer please n,lvlw. Will ell, 311 m its per Ib. for ROPY wndelivered lit 'rurouto. 1', nulgntucu is r and co rrespo udrnce wllrl tr, l JOHN .1. FEL O''4 Frost St_ Kant, Toronto DEMILI LADIES' COLLEGE r re all Interested In H,• education of young ludb•a or girl, w herr an ettensi,• course nu,y be heal. ioriud. Snug tine r.,WYlue red high school branches, skirmer, Languages, Music, rine Art, Commercial Cour..., Voice Trntulrg, Elocution, Art Needle 5% ark. uud 1'11) - sknl t'ulturr write to Ile. A. B. Dl'Mlf.l., President. St. Catharine., (tut., f..r calender that gores you very •ta,9al rnlw. Mee•re,e tills rhes. A GOOD FOR WATCH 82.35 Send lar roll particular. iJ n... Dept. A. VIM SUPPLY CO., Hampton. Ont. Christmas Jewelry. THE Brooch which we show shote (No. 900) is a Sun Burst Pattern of 141. gold mounted with sixty-five pearls. We send It to any address for $24.00. W. ham hudrede et on'o nt lr.. Tee may sane a goodly amount es your Cbrinmaa perchers br sending ee one 1902 catalogue -Ws wed it Imo of rest. Tee e111 Rad In it Ills met sf la- samershie gilt pleats at pre.ea cess' Isrineg. Ryrie Bros., Jewelers, Tease sad Adelaide Sows, Toronto. " DIAMOND 114 u.." Est. 151.4. Blood will tell se When an animal is all nm down, has a rough cost and a tight hide, anyone know, that his blood is out of order. To keep an animal econo- mically he must be in good health, DiCK'S BLOOD PURIFIER is • necessity where the beat results from feeding would he e11: lined it tones up th- system, rids the stomach of tore:e. worms and other parasite, that suck the lie blood away. Nothing like Dick's powder for a run down hone. 50 cents a package. Looming, Mlle A Co., Agents, 1IONTRP.AL. • "There is n feeling of heaviness tr116.111-111' .....�� bringbeside me. 'rip cooking of tide mem- twingrhos not Wlekm with me, and It ,DOCKET POCO s on the wicket feeling klinard's Liniment Cures Colds, Humor or she Day. Lightning knocked t he ehureh ertesple Ayr': melte, one Nald to 'Brother Dickey. " Yes. Britan'm eyes always finish fire whets he WWI • °Introit tilt...pie Corinel up.' another at a ramp meeting." Old de reit' er dem, en ',sometimes Swots de Itrudete." ' And a wencher wait drowned In Abe river last week " " Oh„vres, Satan is In de water, tee, 'hleege ter dam ter cool off ea, ou tan me e•erything (“I a "I feel that, I am not long for thea , weer+- CAMERA'I cannot tenet myself to write makes n dainty holiday present. PRICE 90.00 Inc more 1"-v v n.._ • Good Point in Chrantan Helene.. I There is one thing In favor of Christian Selence-it deniers the in - upon the to 'tem of one whoRim soul ' attuned to the divine harmonies', at the right pitch. To um a mines. pie IR a mighty tootheornis pier of mortal error. wilt pie- TORII TO WATCH FR E E 1 want a waylaid that wlil equal for time any &kW 0•141 Wattia made. send on your name a.nd..amit.bdir.tweN.I.:, ,i.,,,, z,rirmini.d ants r2.; to. aeholl.onlyA grand remedy and mire for all impure stet wadi eornlition• of the blood, India...lion, stonme h trouble mmatIpat ion, *paktum- nerraus disorders. rhomm•tiato and ?anomie. tronfilea. A Mind to111,. and life imilmier These are mmr vernier Ns. aloe. they are easy to mit as emit enatomer who imye • box of Mlle from yon. feeTITM • Pelee Tieket. whieh entitles then. to • fine Mew. of ailverware. Dime! mlli. tits sAiinee avi yew IVA, &Willa Fr order and see will aend the In bores and Pelle Tteketa by mail. tpaid, when "lid you send mma the money I If 'A, iimi .• will ion von the Welch with* A GUARANTEE FOR 20 YEARS s e• sm. no ne.e,y I. l'Pe•i 'eft We nee 'Ions away them watehes tem mtlekly intresinre mar remedy. tin t when . MI rrePIVII. the re•teh, we ask !on to please ahow it to your frtende filindreds Moo recel red watcher. from ea anfl are Moro than Moliffhlmfl .Illi them Tbt• la a glorione opperionity la 11•1 • Iles• ignstot. nr Ithont perm, • cent for it, end yrs, ahnuld writs st ones