HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-1-1, Page 7• WE ate stet plias keasistits. WE mass eastchiul people hew the greye. WE isms' lay that we are nstenag to With thew who have been Shen up by anywhere Mat three to thirty eminent Derairs. WE asks may the wry mires. shim that IRON —OX TABLETS Sr. an invaluable nerve tonic. a our. for lndig..ttonand con- stipation, a blood matter and purifier, a corr.otivs of slug- /fat lug- ofthe kid �.dertirysm.nta ONLY THAT: kg whop that b unto( kr 23. • THE SIGNAL: GODERICH ONTARIO. TivasDAT, January 1, 1103. es W. Acheson &Son' Holiday Handkerchiefs and Kid Gloves. NEVER had we such a stock of Christmas Handker- chiefs�Y and Kid Gloves. Our efforts to otter variety, style and good values in such desirable goods are being warmly appreciated Ladies' pure linen hemstitched Men s largo sire hemstitched pure Handkerchiefs, with nest and fine Luh linen Handkerchiefs, handsomely worked initials, all letters, at each.... 35c, 3 for $1.00 beautifully hand embroidered initials, bandsumely arranged, dozen in box, all letters, at 2:ic Ladles' pure Irish linen hem- stitched Handkerchiefs, in 1, A and inch hem, at each IOc, 12}c, 15e, 20c, 30c. Ladiei sheer linen lawn etuhroi- ered Handkerchiefs, in finest Bud daintiest work we have ever behold, a large chooie at 25c, 35c, 50c, 60c, 75c, $1.50, $1.50 Furs. Boas, Capes, Muffs, Ruffs, Jackets. Many new and stylish novelties, just in for holiday showing. Our stock is larger and more complete than at any former season. apeoial Aetraohan Jackets, 27 to 36 inches long, and all the season's sink, tit $20 00, $22.50, $25.00 Men's Fur Coats. Calf, Coon, Wallaby and Wombat. We can say of them, as of all the other furs we sell, they're the most for your money in quality of materials and good workmanship. Calf Coate .... $15 to $32 Wombat Coats ....$15 to En Wallaby Coats 20 to 25 Coon Corte 35 to 60 W. Acheson & Son. faUJEVALL. TeusDAY. Dec. 23-d Mr.. Wes. Messer is In poor beam at pressei. Mr. sed Mrs D Lewis are visiting friend. V MiteheLL Mrs Abele Serena Is keens from God«lob Celle iste for Christmas JUDOS Thynee la still tbresbut He le sway ever ab• headed day stark new. Near, town., of 11.4 Are, Idiot , !s coals. es old friends alter • less abeam. Edward Leeeh be. goso es se int t•eded visit to his desolater Is N asbtagtes, D C Mr. Wardrobe, of Teeswater, preached le tee Pre.byterlan olaare► last Sabbath more Ing. Mw Lille Oliver. of TeresN, le dotting be, grudpwstr, Ur. sed Yrs. Jets Borger Pere, Pesteroes sed Chester Psrb are home from Stratford Koalases College for the ht days. Me. Clayton ae MI.. Mary Dsff return ,d this week frees Lutowel to wood She hsled.ys a hors. Mr`rud Mrs. Davy sod twe oblldree, of Ltatew.l, •re flautist@ Mrs Davy's parent.. Mr. and Mrs. enaries Gannet. Wee Ate. Duff a boas Irmo her saboo at E tonere, R.**. moiety. 5011 will toed' No. 9. Yana Wawuo.h, snit year. Oa Jassary 11th special eervteee will be held in the P.esbyteriaa Merle. and 0. Mendey *senior following an old-labiose te.-ahaetiag will be bold sae first rosettes of the Women'. Letltette will be held sel the regio too of F. Swann on the altern000 of loursday, Jas. Stk. A foil attoaduoo te rtgemted. The anodal meeLlaer of the CD.... ant Butter Ce was bold last Tnnroday. 'In. season's boelseee os reported ey t he of era .1 the company appeared to be *stela" e.t TM •bareneld.re •e-eleoi.od the old board or dirges. re, Vi.: Job. R. Miler, W. J. Jabaeteo, Georg• Torrey, James E nett, sad T. K. Powell. Court Doogla No. 27, C. G F , bas be. CARVERS IN CASES and aIQ kindsruf CUTLERY for Xmas Presents LADIES' HOCKEY SKATES, GENTS' HOCKEY SKATES, BOYS' HOCKEY SKATES, LADIES' AND GENTS' SPRING SKATES. F A N rt—Y Shears The best is the cheapest in 5 HEARS gather's, them is la great shape during the last week. Creator -sr Jobs Torraete. of Lutewel. ' ewe and mw and oosyuered He we. here just Me days, sod tb. reals we. ►weey.five Isltim at e• and three or tour mews to ovine. Oa Tuesday evening lost, after tee sew members were made to walk the plank, tables were spread and oyster., btecurts, eaodwiobes, cheese and ooff.. war• partakes of by member,, their wives sod best wile to the somber of one ha' tired and forty. Speech.. were delivered by A H. Mut rove, Rey Mr. Wort, John To, - teem 11 Holmes and J„e*ph Leen. Mr. Douglas gave -moo good recitations. Al - get ee • most enjoyable events, we. epee'. Mr, and Mn. Robert Damen received the seed latelllrenoo of the death of the r daughter, Ann Jane, wile of W tlliam Mo - lomat., at Kegio•, Northwest Territory. Cho death 000arrol on November 26'•h. 1' •Dysart the Mrd Mulatos% was soder- g.lo ereatm•mt as be hospital and was weproytog eatlstecoordy, when she took broaobltie and was usable, la bar weak eon - Mire, to withstand lbs attack. It web b• remsmhaeed 'hae diseased at one time aught the )ower departmeet el our soba. bore nod gays the Leet of lit "demon to that oapaotty. She also taught tobeol n H.rrietoo, and the doctor woo attended her a her last Illness had been one of be, Harridan pa, Is The news of Mr. Mo. thrush's death we. received here with pro found sorrow, as she was beloved by all who knew her. She leaves a husband, lir as. daughter of twenty years Mrs. Me lntoeb was forty -fin years old. Mr and Mrs. Osman have the sympathy of the community In their bereaves -sot. Thee were ezpsetlmg • letter axing the date of an eteeded Visit when the ad news reached 'ham. FANCY Scissrrs We keep the B F. S T ALL KINDS OF PEN AND POCKET KNIVES and everything suitable for the Christmas trade. Be sure to get our Calendar. ALLAN & Z1cIVER 1110 Wig liarlinko. /osoSt kid. it West Prices DUNLOP. Moo ore, Ilse. glad. Oar popular residents. Mr. sad Mrs A. C. Yeedonaid, left on raes.lay of this we• k ro visit their ohildreo is Windsor and D• . roit, and are to remote there for the wis- er. Both will be much missed here by .. ergs circle of frleode. Mrs. Allem was called te I.odorloh te a•• end the funeral of her Meteor, Mary Card. Ger, the wile of J •b■ i+oberteon Wes Roby Malone came op from Nrooe8eld stood her aunt's funeral with Mrs. Allan I•b. rem.loe were laid to rest la Colbo.ne cemetery. Sceool. F -t AYisATION. — The ensue' t'tool szemtoetton of N . 9, I Iborne, narked with a farewell to he.eaon.r, Y -e. Eva Cooper. came off en Wednesday al e - soot", this 17th Inst, There was a largo a :ond.00s from Loyal, Labura and thf• oleo•, ahlob tared the 'eating capacity nl .n11 college of learning Io its nlmoet, Co Wm. Fulford sod 11m. Tobin, as tutor., meneged to stow the people away meet °laces to d Yerent grade. were eramto. by Mus I.. Gordon. preceptive, of Shop p.rdtoo . Mn. Blackford, of No. 5. Leg- horn ; and L. Ksox, the tsooatrg teach* of this school for 1903, mad. his debut b. 'camels, • oleo. All three aiberwerr, e gate addreeree expressing tboaeeltes we "leased with the able aay is wheab the cholera bad ecguitted themselves. Th. eaterteinmeet was well gob su up end ...oe of the scholar, In recon g or envoi showed say bervoueoses. Soaoe forbid• 'outmost. exceptte( In d to Master. Wilber Stewart and Edward Shaw, Ir, who to their recitations fairly brooant down Ines house A parody mos, by the aoye on the peat notables of the esotloh was also well 1 mooieed, and a domestic .mote by tbs girls also made • great bit °sortie the sod of the program A A W:Iltame, chairman of the meet log, sum- moned the teacher to the front to meet ten 'f her pupils, Ruth Shaw and Cleysllo C,chbourne, who Demented her with an ad dross and • travailrry nompaaino on behalf of the school motion whleh she has laugh• for lb. past two year, with signal euoots.. To Mine Eva ('onder. Doan lam_ NOR.— lt fM *AIL feeling. The very best medi- cine for the relief and cure of chronic coughs and bron- chitis; dry, harsh throat coughs; irri- tating coughs of grippe and consump- tion; whooping cough; croupy coughs of children, is Angier's Petro- leum Emulsion. It soothes and heals the in- flamed and irritated mem- branes of the throat and air passages, promptly relieves the cough, removes foul mu- cus, makes breathing easy, and puts the respiratory organs in a strong, healthy condition, so that they are able to resist further attacks. It is pleasant to take, agrees with weak stomachs, aids di- gestion, and has a healthful action upon the bowels. An ....mann EnciSe. Is ketose asd in; by , nest to h .eptsts,.r rl( by Omaha ssetTnintn- 10 STOlf, MA81AC II I$TT1h V. Z of wooers regret that we are calls I up to to /seer 0011 Ile whir h "tads u• a• earlier .0.1 opus For two te..s you have ire.° .. rt" a',d a LOW. 1111.• 500 have rt •" y it on. y,urola„Nir:rst te.cns u ..n ., . v..0 ,weie d yawed( a u. all •n , w. '.•i 'eat .0 you we nays a suuere it •td ,re Iv o , w'u ever be Ioare.tel ea the .eliare of No 9 S S , Dunlop, ('oilier.. tuwesb p. Huron emote, 0” are taut to v.ur eabo-,I du lee aloe. b.ve you ore • rotthf., to, is our uou•'h w., k. I ii.1.',.o (..duvet aid S.Oo•.0 subooi, nod to Iso, in everything whiob bad fur i oto,, . G.• adviee..owlet of good In our .about. We desire to thank yen for all you have teem and ars to U. and to tie name of the seethe wk you to acoopt its tr•y.11tnr uump.uiuo as a motel tangible apre.eron of our feeling. toward• you. lu parting we wool I w ea you every seoo.s. through Idb, wherever your los may to cwt, Go on mattog yoursolt useful la the Master's work, and may the God whom you s•rye •ter go blurs you, making your path brighter, you• j'ye deep - .t sad your a fr.,.. eaglet to be torus. S good In o•h.il of ins a °tion. ('.y ou•.r.') ("1 irup'le) A. A. t1 ILL JAU&. RTO. Stow, floes=T Qna1D. CL.v GLAND I1cii BOSS J Amis t YISNOI,II Duorop. Vat 17th. A. D1902. M 1.• Co -ler math a pl-as a< reply, tb•uk. e at. h..egad.•• for their klua. a. is •telt o tog her stay among thoiu. Otto had at ways toted them seedy to oblige and holy new in the advaec.went of the whorl. Al, had worked .o nutty to forward her teak as te.obel- in their midst The tie wet now savored, lee she goes to rake a Normal ""ores. Fs -trustees Shaw and Clutton •poke of the plea.or• of beteg prevent at the . eamiostloh and the able way the soholare nod beam prepared for ii and the grogram Toasts were pursed to Mee Morris and Miss Dev.ne, of S.ltferd, for their molt.. lions, which were given In good voice. Jae. Link later, Leebitu's veteran violin•', mended to the organ selections played by M e. El t• Youog, 01 Loyal, and also Mow L. H'rtoo, of Le.buri. Also Mactievto, she of lw.buru'e yonagQ.r viol.nt•u, aloe played, sed Horase Bermes a000mp•n'ed him with the organ. The !atter afterwards ably pl.yted the tart of Santa Coosa. The I -ree this year Dams from Le- barn sod wee ( pat Is its pla-s by the Dunlop architect and dors stripped of its promote wee bidders from he audteoos in a nest •louts, and n000aled fry a ourtaro. '1'be teacher was ss n ed in preparing the too. and schoolroom iry Moots Ante and Ciao* Lawson, Clara Fulford and othua. Herbert Mersa lent a nand by storing one of hie popular s. age. tVe regret that Harry Morrie was usable to remote to the "lose of toe grogram. Orme. McNeil gave •u addles., lid wee follows.( 'y trustee* Quid and James Chisholm "God Sate toe Roth," aid "Auld Lang Syne" brought the entertatameat to • clow, and the ibirreenib year of our sohool came to as end. Quits a number of the metron. and others of the fair sex bade Mees Coops. an aSootiosate lariat/el. To all her pupils the t.aoher gen a souvenir card. Previous to leaving for her bows at Clemens she as. present at Sheppardton sod L..burs exam. 'r auooe on Thursday an 1 Friday aftersoao. Ibis year an organ was hired by the tesob. er. at her a ee expense, which was used for the rehearsal of suede and marches ry the .cholars. Among those pleseht from ou•- cade the sec .ou, sot already meoNnssd, seer, Mrs. R Froze', ;r., of Samford; I', e• Hasebtoo, of Gatefold; Mary •"d (idea Yeuag, 111 Loyal; Marie Gordon, of Sheppardton; Harbert Taylor sad William F.11 rd. el L..burn. l 't.uav, Dec. 30 0. Our sailor boy, Janet Young, t. home nem his Met season on the Great Lake. and its meeting smiles of welooere from h •' oumeroue friends among the fair maids of Colbo,ns and Arhfeid, who will ooi•r more shower the not,s of his "beery violin, on he II airs of their ear nue horns. le lb. oto so winter pa' I es to hen n..t engeved it ti t. duty h• will nit thrillrnu tales of hu expee reaoe. oat 'b• de -p eaters. mitations of Dodd'. Kidney Mlle are legion. The boa le Imitated, the outside coating and shape of the pills are Imitated and the sauos--Dodd'• Kidney Pills le imitated. Imitations are dangerous. The original in safe. Dodd'. Kidney Pills have a reputation. Ignite. tors have noes or they wouldn't Imitate. So they trade oa the reputation of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Do not be deceived. There is only one DODD'S. Dodd's is the original Dodd's la Ib• name to be oar*. ful about - KIDNEY PILLS brings quite • number of apples that aero grows !u Canada's El Dorado, Br h Col- umbia. These he has give. to a number 01 abs ri sfdents of our 'neighborhood a..p.ol- men, of what Gan be rained to the Coast PIA/TIDOS LEtbultN. Tr'.Nnst. De,. 30th. R»' Gaklaier, who re a s mica • a the Gs.lph Agnosltural College, a. home lee be holid•re. From • fellow etudeot he • "Praise a fair day at night." Approve a brand of shoesafter you have worn out your second pair. The last pair as good as the first, and the first pair as good as can be produced for the Makrrz price- Stamped on the soles of— "The Slater Shoe" t. •Soofyear rider PORT ALBI- Ri . MONDAY, Deo 22nd. It. Anderson, teacher, loots. tomorrow for his home in Constance. Among theme spending the Christmas Vacation with relatavea and friends are to Item and Alfred Bennett, of Coto.gu; Edward and Frank Oliver and Hector Hawkes, of Port Arthur; John K.ohardeou, of Cleveland. Ohio, and Walter Hawkins, of Maletiug. DON'T FORGET THAT 18 THE PLACE TO ORT VALUE FOR TOUR MONEY, Open. Ju. 5th. 1503. Two cone..., Commer Lal a .d Shorthand. Bend for College Journal, C - A. ILEMING, A. L.MoINTYRE, Pres sea 1 BROPIIEY & 30N — THE LIADINII — ettxera\ llvccet or* (and tersere rarefslly atesded le er •ll h•.un, aiget er day. Quebec atreet. Mtkillop Mutual fire lusrr,oce Co. FARM AND ISOLATED TOW' PROP- ERTY INSURED Value of P.operty Insured up to Jsn'nr-. Bel laa,w dkies.M OYVit:EHN AND DIRECTORS. J B. Mofrean, pros. : T. Fraser. vlr•w.r re.. : Jee. Connolly, J, Dale. W. O. Broadtott, J. Wart. Ja-. Evan, J. H. Or eve, 1 Re•toew.'e dig caws;W H aro .Ito r, lealo-rn, Inepsc- tor or tones ; T. E. Hays, 8asfurth, secretary. treasurer. AD t.'r711, J. W, Tee. Rolm•sville; James Cumming Egmoodvtllw ; It. McMillan, eeaforth ; R Smith, Harloak Policy -holders can pay aiaeeeemente and get their Dards miming/4 ot Mr. Coati Clinton. or at McLean Brea' Palace Clothing Store, Gale doh Mill Wood FOR SALE The a. ove is cut into stove wood length and will be delivered to any part of the town the same day as ordered. Orders received by telephone or left at r(sidence, 128 Cambria street, will receive prompt attention. 'Phone 98. PETER McEWAN. WI. MARIAN, Sok Apert, fiodeneh. (Toterich. November 21st, 1899. 53-3m The fund of Rangje•- - UCH's HATTY THOUGHT" One Hundred sad Pifty Thousand Canadian Women have decided for The "Happy T fought" Range. Common Ranges were not good enough -why should they be for yr - Don't be imposed on by "just es good " talk. The construction of The tr Happy Theecht" is pate.ted, its design registered, it is totally different in every respect to any other. There is none like it. There can be sone so good. If yen only knew the time, the trouble, the labor it would save yon. how little fuel it uses, you would not be one single day without one. The WM. BUCK STOVE CO.,L=h*otD by illtS, C. Lib, UOdCIiCl GET READY. Ts ,a ..,., w.• sect .Ass a, 1 I , anti A . 1.... hsyug a fhesangh keeaNdge el (:,e,n'.uc .led rte' h'sd .,r5. Tb. IAN DON, ONT.. has assisted were eterl.nu to profitable poe.uee& during the put year 'has a V Scheel to the Writ. We w, n14 ire pie...d t• .attar yhe Particulars lin . poetal J. W. WEBTZICtVSLT. Principal. IJordan OMc K I M' S aoderich, Blont. 3 Bargain Days 3 WY E intend 1903 to be our best business year yet in Gode- Y rich, and as a starter we will make the three first business days, January 2nd, 3rd and 5th, three red-let- ter bargain days. We have not space to give you a list, but when we tell you that in acy department half dollars will do duty for dollars it will bring you here, no matter how small your wants. We have many oddments in every line of winter goods that must be cleared before stookta%ing. Dress Goods, Millinery, Jackets, Cloths, Clothing, Furs, Etc. This is our first bargain day sale, and we will make it • success if small price tickets on big value goods have any virtue. Come to our bargain day sale, Friday, Saturday and Monday, Jan. 2nd, 3rd and 5th, and see our idea of bargain days. A little money will go a long way. M°KIM'S BUSY STORE. Lightness of a Dorothy Dodd On the Scales. Agreat many interesting facts may be discovered with a pair of scales, but it is doubtful if any single fact will be more interesting and valuable to the average woman than the weight of her shoe.. For this tells her the number of ounces that must be lifted thousands of times each day, and a little calculation will show that she lifts tons of shoe leather a day—no small labor in itself. The "Dorothy Dodd" shoe saves the lifting of more than one and a half tons every day. A pair of "Dan °thy Dodd" shoes are several ounces light- er than ordinary shoes. The feet are just so mucin more comfortable, and you are so much less tired. Put a pair to the test. They cost $3.75. N. B.—Of course we will give you par iculars of the °4,000 Prize Contest. • • 7 p i I l t I a t. Wm. Sharman, Jr., bas eldrsive sale at GODERICH, ONT, TAILORING... 1 hay. ren.- ve1 nay New stoca of Suitings, Trouserings, etc., for FALL and WINTER Wear. If you are getting • new .pang suit, • 1 ht "three .1, or anything in my line, 1 o •n please you in goods, tlt and prIcy. LW'teady•ttade Cleahlsg le Meek. H DUNLOP, T:AE; meri The Division M, ween gond and indIOorent Drugs and Medicines is stronsly defined hero The (edit. lerent k nd are reared anti neyer permitted to form tart of oar stook. Only goods of mndouored parity are offered to ens' onion. Our stock . f Proprietary Medlolnes Is any larvr emote are Itw, F. JORDAN, 11E.111. H 11,1,. H°1 THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND THE BEST Scraiitou Bard Coal IN THE MARKET Al Coal wel1s�hed on the Market Scales where you.get =11 Ile. for a too. WM. LEE. Orden left at Liz a SEIpg&.gD'B Ston promptly attended farm 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS • TRACK MARRO Onsforis COPYRIGHTS to A'trnrle mending a stet eh and eonrrt0ton in., Tartly .murrain nor opintirr free whether an ot went Inn le prn10,1y patentable. (nmmonte . Homo. newly commented. Handbook on Pot.mta pent !roe. ride.[ •R eney fir maturing ps tenni. Potentm taken through Munnri. receive forret notate, alt lout Chart(., In the Scientific Jimerican. A hendonm.iy illustrated soultlf rareest elr- ',Awn • of any .eleeua. gwruaI. Teras. •7 a ear ; four moot he, St. Sold by ell newadesler•. MUU & CO 3.18'..ew.^ New York