HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-1-1, Page 6!• 4 'runway, January I, 1903 THE SIGNAL : GODERIOH ONTARIO Clearing Sale of Furs! FUR COATS, FUR CAPS, FUR RUFFS. For the mat ten drys we taut all our Fut Geste ata dteouuul uta 10 per ....Litt. Fur Cepa and Huth at 15 per cent. dtatount We want to ohm tut all our Fors ,just at lhu time you need them the must. There is luta of rough weather ahead and Furs will not only give comfort but possibly ware a doctor a loll. Don't put off buying until wet 111141 —Pura will be gory much dearer thou. Think of the se, log ' 10 per sent ou Fut Cuata, end 15 µ,r t eut. on Fur Caps and Rio,. CAPS ! CAPS ! We hats luta ruwiced anulus• large shipment of hods Yacht and College Cap, to sell at 50.. Them are the hest Caps we have rein teen tea the money. They aro warm and droi'ay, and cost only 50c. SOCKS ! SOCKS ! It you want the bust 25. Halt -Hose call and sc.,. our tmportal back wonted Sock• at 25c. ltIt no oraggeration to -aN this is the lost 25o Mack wur•ltd Beek in the utarket today . H •• ha,e sold a lot o' them. Our customsse in many cases return to buy more, they are so well pleazad with thea:. W. C. PR/DRAM. • Ycu'a CloUuot, I uta w n..t .. I Heti, t way pesolweMog the palm of hie head. It eae thought at hi .t that Healey would less his limb, but ifti nls ttaedteel ekul the dao ter is past Seaport► : John Kai.11e, see of the hose farrows and feeders Is Timkeee':ab, I delivered • heifer to J. W. Beattie, far Cortina, hest, whish wait • besetJ. Sb. was twoears old and weighed 1,220 pounds. die was stall fed all loot whet -r. Kr. Khakis ',mired the song sum of $67.10 for bee. Wing that • I Lest wr broths', and fell brother of fare ('lieu banJlee la the it thele sa •bout t .luring paying Seale Maoltel week. Walton • bent e to his of 640 • • crop I Br use 1 last w. Downie but ao Mise 1 of (•lad• Mks p Yrs Year • &;list( M.Lean e Blush. assI NIL M JPdaep COUNTY CURRENCY. Toledo) Mr. Pa Wieghaut : Mrs (Dr I Hors, y and that oltt ebildres, of Owen "aund, will spend tab• was nolo w .etar to Wisgham. Clinte \Iingbem : J. C :Assert hu sold his by -Nee new reel/imam at rho east end of \ lotoria H• was serest to Mr. Mali/toy, of li.lmotr [loo In I • log tall Skts PVIUVJI W EVERY THURSDAY MORNING SY Ifo 111•1111J.114,11141101 QODIR1011. THURSDAY, JAN. I, 1N11. SNAP SHOT S. —Write It "1903." —If you think it is no use motoring off don't do it. —You've had turkey, plum pudding Mud holiday., now get down to hog, hominy and hard work. —Another European Princes+, has gone wrung, and the newspapers aro giving her a great deal inure prominence than she de - set vee. —The Hamilton Spectator in not standing by MP HALL Joyce in the municipal cam. p•igu, as It ought to no. Anti this is partic- ularly thy este when in Hamilton, as in other plasm, good nieu are Pearce. WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING - THE CPPISH STALL OF AU °notion Toronto Newt: K•v, J. L. Gordo, nays there are throe stages of alrebebant— tthe wla.cnp, the brocup, sod the lock-up. But he forget the fourth and greatest— the wlnd•up, 1,0• r MAeg A M1.TAhC. The (.lobo . The Liberal (:overoment of Ontario has faithfully admioiet, led a vast estate of Haltom' and mineral lands for many yeas Thai estate stands i,atwton the people tad a haat, burden of taxation. A single mistake or a'bugle surreal', It. private Infleso.+•. and It would be rose be- yond recovery. It is not a wise policy to pat It tato patriot] hands, sepet tally when glees who seek it have no pirpoee In view lops I. oblate .ibos, nag ..1 Nl'rio't 174 apvgMrteltt... Printers' lot. Taal adyertteer has muoh to learn who s del erred from alcmrlturg n • medium because he does not Ilk• It pole cr Ita rsligloe, or Its politic'. Walla* Itolerate:: That ei perfectly true and good 'mild roes. The manager of a mere who would be guilty of that folly would refuse half • loaf b.uau c • whole one mould sot be obtained, " Busine..s 1. bust tasse"Juow a days, and the Doth of one man le quilts as good as that of soother. who.. test he is a I:rit or a Tory, • gnostic nr as • goe.tio . 'l be sweat of 'risme' is 000u.ct and lodiol.ns advortl nt:r, and Inr gosdoeea' sake nowt talk of hard them before you. summer or he will go and bang the cash he started from bona to Have at your store for a.eessary thirsts for his family IA)Ok• M gl.i' ATtn'. Canadian Chorohman: Ono* let this ynaetlen of prohlhitloe, which divides the Moods of temperanoe, he removed, tub lel all unite on some p.ractioal measure to regulate still further she sale of Minor, and we may them tope to see still greater *- movement in r.epeot to the oon.amptloe as • beyerag., of ale, wine and spirits. I dose not follow beoau.• people are not par, Dared to endorse ether the prtomrls or th, effeotivenese of prohibition, (bat nothing more ma be done. and we fully beli.y• they would gladly support sea meawn that would redoes and minimi,, toe acknow- edited evils of the tratllo in intoxloating liquors. Tb. real remedy. of course, le • mead publlo motto tot, and to so educate the people as ro the eyil resume and sin of drunkenness that they will be irmperale, and support aeon legislation as will remote temptation out of men'• paths, and ,enure, as far u possible, a saber population lo res- pmet to the rue of lotouloants. KNEW WHERE 10 TURN John J. Sorsa Cid.', teed le he Told to try Redd', Kidney rills lar seeewd Thaw Il•roleJ I' I'. I., I)oo. ,^tth - Spyul.l— •loba .1. Burne, who Item on lot 18 of Hit township, tel'e how trodd'e Kidury Pale speedily rehires the 4110566n 11111-efl-ii follow eo attack of the Origin. Two year• ago be was cured of chronic inflow motion o the loloc and I.fdsrys t.y bald. Ktdn.y Pills, so last winter when that,rlppe loft hits with pal, in hie back he knew „here Tiiern 'I was In good health two years alter taking Dodd a Kldoey 151ie," nye lir. Herne, 'until last *lour 1 took the Grip pe which •Oectrd my hack. I took a few more berme of Dond • Kidney tats and I am now implying 000d health agate." 1)odd's Kidney Pals fail to n',., e and core permanently all the.. •oh., at d pains remelting teem diseased Kldueys. new be u. elm*. (follower Hegoblt, ars Hoary Oov Carlton, whom stuttering is fatten. tolls a story of th. tato William Traver., whore stuttering wa neterfou,. It le that Travm ooe.. get In Imo ..t Ins wi.• dew of a ma Hoed depot an I, when hi. turn same, Degas "Of gi give in la, • a t taboret ler fes Oh, get down to • ht t. o1 of lb. Ilse" Imp•tlestly ydl.d 'h. I nay I.etst sailor. "Perkins, by this time I ,e waited on the feat you'll know what yon woe, Travers mmit y retired and, *ilea ho feepp.and at the wladow leu minors/ later, he era "Jest. e • meed men—me by by a freight What e• you mesa' Why do you May liar asked the ttebM seller NNel1, low •••.e -ea," orphaned Travers, e'I--ed-eY't •tpreee m m•mvmlt '. Seam your tubeelptlee her IROS of former reeldeeom of this section and w He . • reports they are doing well. He brought ingly li back samples of copper ore is a err Belton . ler 1 tong, ,d 'bitter, sort• ten Manitoba, was In taws '.tat overt The Wlv doctor practiced in I'onstanoe about twenty moo on years ago. ham, ha Walton . Altar an .Lseoos of sIxt•eo Conduct you \%alter "l urohull is renewing o'd murning acynaii taeuer His Ileum Is at bander, Mr. Ma Man . where b• Is prospering. don la t l:ny U K wiring/tone, Intii ooa., t. , w ho bad hie lee broken eight or nine weeks a bol Yr too, is able t• get about yult• baml�ly nose • ide Nei More formed) Heoeell : -lasses W. Johwtoo had the bee for mud', tam re. eptly, while enraged at tht b •feat work bench la his shop to pet the top of le • bus, one hie hogere out eff. ter mid Craobrnok Ker. D B. MORee roomed Hullo a I.ttle bag of oat from the Christmas Ire. of twee al Beth"' oburob ae a taken of 65 hags lbat os rete wets delivered at the nun,. stools it. rrerkly Dort day. ,r.o"me Gies'. I u.eo ty •het noon of Is week weeks a .leve Bateman, t,tb coo. and Mit Martha of ails !serial, formerly of Morris, were ualtan •acomp, in marriage at iib• Methodist parsonage. dim oft. Ethel, hi Kev, C. P. Wells, It A. K. D Teske, Morro : Neil Blank has strived homy • dei from Sault Ste. Marie when he hod eon. Tuok•w with the handy of Mre. J,.lto McDougall, (,lint I Hrue•ele, :who were mooting then. to not They had taken oh•rae of • beardin;, bone. I • fore to the "St.." Mr Black met a large numoet saw eel Cis lirey William Inglis, of Tyner, North „soI Brantt I !Idiots, is tuition his tether and brother vowed on the 7.h conceeeion, sod other friend.. roteey Mr Inglis bas been in Dakota for nearly the to; . twenty three yeas* and hat prospered there. ors Iv sy. Wiogham . Ile Jas. Are.•., of Cranium, 'be Bapt Ohio, and Dr. Wm. Agnew, of Dayton. In veer.. the same "tate, aro spiodtot Christtn.• W.nr1 with their patents hoe, Dr. Keble. Agsew, of kern of (Tinton, is abo expected. too,"ant Krueseb : Henry MaCr,te, • oat -tuns 81,:m"11reeldeot of Broom's, was elected as a Star. btnta ,r, Senator at lb• recent elections in Non) '.ndlmg Dakota The hon. gentleman served to, was tee two terms In the I.eglehatore result t of Naar. Brussels: Wean p' wed to hear Int Hobert Work, formerly of Iirey, has be.. reelected ooun'y auditor of I..yalier ooucty by anolamat.00. This is his fourth term Mr. Work Is a brother to Wm. Work.(! muss north sf Brostl•, Exeter : The marriage is aenounued of A..1 Snell, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Snell, .1 Master, to Mies Edna L. Kilh •anis, laughter of Mr. and Mrs 0, .t ty, KB hours', of Winelpw. oo December 10 b, Mr. Snell, am Easter Ito, has done well n bore ways than one out west. Morrie Thursaay, Deo Ili h, Alex. Rob. lasso diad at the brine of \C H If *Cat. ohms, ,•'h line, where ha bad limen Hying luring the part season. He was an ung le to Mr. NILS; ataheoo and father to Mre J 1 'ott and Mrs, Holt. near Jamestown. Th. funeral took place to Houiok township. Or.l rich township : Hasley Canteloc, of ho 9th coo., mat with a '•leas mishap the ether day, while dehorniog cattle. When o the sot to holding an infuriated beast he tumbled and fell, onm,ng with Holm. Finns on his loft bard, some obtiaole In the narrow tell on etalrw.y and cut ung tl.• and rhe state •II leg wer 1 uu nr..t a to the head. tar see nose, lb merles le isfeet up a oolr A tr'al Is the me ours foe Asthma outfit, $ N C. 1'o) Hamill sew, Christmas Oifts IN FANCY FURNITURE L' 1 _ -_- _.. r. Thus a J. N. CO L BO RN E 4irrr:d•a XflAS GOODS -1111111 I; 11111r 100111111" "1Sei19lyti5:i mSbas-a'4.b. S`.StiSbi.SA; a'i'''t'Sh>-.tic Pure } to eat a • assured pie of ,t _ g supremacy over all ether stoves is 1 their oven is so constructed the freely throughout it, cooking left active, fresh air, a factor that retains to the all their Lich, natural flavors. —Ask our agents for Booklet —illustrating ver}' compietiy —the principle of the aerated —oven. , ••'t.ssY',4catiTaauD.R.eelpet.a*AMaa+iia,ewnraw,.a•,..;+•t+kv'Nrmaw+.e.•+eetaemessw.,,...•...00 foods cooked T- Maw WORSE= Z SOLE AGENT OODERICH, - ONT. (4 p. m lee eppl•eat.oe. U•nr spied. woo noree. DO YOU BUY GROCERIES? No one who buys Grocerieu can afford to overlook the bargains which we offer on every lawful business day. Our Orooeriee are of the beet quality, and the prices are se low ma first -chow geode can be bought at If you are not already dealing with us, make a trial purchase, and see if we cannot wit you. ST 7 " CC_ THE GROCERS, WEST SIDE SQUARE. ootln promptly delivered Telephone No 91 a { , aro 1.•t.Mtargi- �t OI Life ass fee4 v•; everything that makes hr.vt the 'oni- voreal food is °anointing testimony to t -e care and ski 1 and perfect ntatltotla employed in the making You can eat l'ARNELI. ARAN'S BREAD three times a day the year round and never tire of it.. It's always gond, meaty an.l faker) last right. Rave our agent leave you a sample loot. W. P. WESTOBY ACFmN'/' HMnhlsn St - GODERICH