HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-1-1, Page 5•
Cask at Mice
lotion of Christmas
store oar customers
dies' Belts, Ladies'
and Skirts in both
lack and dark grey,
Is' Oasts four long
will bring, for they
x Cbriatmae trade.
late rise in prices,
less than present
•teri•ls, in Home
heavy -weight goods,
still on our tables
from 50c to 911.40,
I new
and girls' Under.
large in these biles.
this week in many
it make, from SW
hied, 50c to 75o.
12c to lOo. Boys'
oice lot, up to 25o.
prices they speak
tome of their best
makes, fast colors,
at and dark colors,
Wanting goods that
rye sway.
and Song
►ods I
I newest roads nu the
Toilet ('ams, .terhng
arms, l)'esstng Casa..
Caere, Shaving (.saes,
$4 00. Fin. quality.
e heart. of a smoker.
trette Cases. etc.
t'ilt hpe.
ther ready to
• BLOCK. .
ids of
fat helps
is easily
1 always
nes known in
Ich to Improve
our own ppro•
.N'fv ARE Ai)S
superiority in
bread the nni-
;( testimony to
effect m•thode
You can eat
BREAi) three
and and neves
rind, tasty end
ver our agent
Taol111DAT,. January 1, 1903. 5
W. Acheson&Son
Holiday Handkerchiefs
and Kid Gloves.
are sea publicbes.iylltr•.
on sitaseldifag people fess the gr.VN.
nd say that E
ars restoring t
of eisoers rerr•t t'.et we are *elle I •pts to i
rater the tie obi. h mods a. as 'seviar tiedold. Vow two trete you have bees aut.;
u•, and in Mast tau. lou bore a .o. y
pi ere I y ir•a I I • , , omit teach. ..a t fit •
miasmal...y• miasel yeerS.0 a s• ell. •u I W.
'NI teat i. yea we ..v0 • •.neem Is
rue we, will ever be warring.'a tisCoins/goseller. of No 9 S d , Duulup, Coins/go
..week p.Hato. ueuu'v. G'. oro Net to
your mho..' du ow •t..0b1
e bons yea ...
reubfsl, but la oil, otos .uw w., b, Ci, .►
V ..4.•..v •.A
UPL NTii.hn. ., ...h'.... .+A '.. 1....
mitatious Jordan Mc K I M'S God
Ont. eric
Block. O
o( Dodd', Kidney Plus an . 3
Marlon. The boa Is Imitated,
the outside coating and shape of the
P41.1.• Are Imitated .red .h+ ry .••e
Bargain Days 3
1011a*. ,
SO Mtsre•Ite, remora= remised ►F
ray let Mirka.
Ray. 1e1 M . it., I he oeletrsted pre/nest-
rotor of S ire s. Uo. promises us plenty
f weather t. is first month of the sem
ear. H• r- ors M. fermium for January,
903. Th.anons ones may preserve this
allele sod 0 para the predlotlom with
a actual ao• her 000dltioos of the month
they dowel ,.
"Reaouoo.' y •toren disturbaeoes, in the
ren of role. et+et owl snow, will be in tree
a from •e• In 'mit •t the *ponies of
paltry. A Seroury period le central is.
▪ oov.n'.g . h. 1.t to tb• 13th The
10 pro„ a •• at the cinemas of January
II show the ' B .-nos of Maroory by thtok,
•loogad of'.w ooer, with heavy sleet over
1 demon •o most parts of the wintry
rise of the b.rom•ur. high northwesterly
lads, coo. Ani • -ed • oold wave may b.
bed for amity on. Lit to the 3rd
"ins roaster •'nrm period beginning on
• 4th Ie mo tel with the Mercury per
the 6 b, •ar.edmr to the 9:b 'tbou
dib the b.rt.m.w will /all decidedly, It
ill grow much warmer, beginning 'n rho
est, sod do'in'g the 4.h, to about the 8 It,
vy winter • or.,.. of rel., snow tad deet
ill pass is regular order from western to
tern parte of nor oeotiosot. Very cen
al and dom.g.ag deet storms will oo •
rked obs,.c erotic of them storm., fol -
wed Irons 'b• west aid north by dnvue
u.,erdou, snow, rising baromet»r and very
'Look for metre and cooticued cold over
wt parts '.t .ha,ouotry from about ih.
it to the 11 h, proorri"yly, of course,
t with ter• .em. degrees of oold every -
be. a during ell .tet time.
'•%Satoh for the toys to hit your mintier
'a^ time between the 7.h and the 11 1.
d do no• be du•pootnted It the north
Ie a dnmp.A .a•" your yard every day
om the 7 n to'St. 11th Rcmemb.r tee,
d wave., 1'k. ..,her great and :cod
ago, Cr. pr•grr•elve -'hat they Dome to
u from •h• we.t, .hide with you usually
r • limltel time tad then pose on to more
tn•rly ports of Lee or un'ry.
sad •nucbi.g the 12_h tad 13th the
• velli*$ 001.1 will moderate, weeds oil
itt to southerly, toe barometer will fall,
inning no . mr• malted ohmage, sod r•
tlo', to mor., r'n, scow, deet sod storm
fie. Moon 'e to psrigree ors the 12th sad
II on the 1,1 n, foots wbi.'b always teed
aggre. a'. corn oon4R.ons that in.,
recoil at ter• s.Ine time. Look for simila-
r sharp and decided cold wave named -
tally on the heels .f storms central es the
2.th and 13tn
"The Batt r valor eaten period a mineral
be l"tb. n•ch,ag from the I,th to th.h.
eon is on the mle•t ti i,la.tor in the 1 h.
se s g -neral change to warmer will .et le
t that d.•., wish falling barometer Lod
hod return of goneral storm conditions
From shoo' `i.tard•y the 17ib, to Taos
the '20 h, the storms t f this ueriod will
s reached their calm letting *ride in all
tr•I to *sworn pert• of the onaotry
mono p..... mouth of the a•Irttel slue
en his 17•.". hest.. With laminisimire for
semen will be natural ea sad about
td✓••, w'h winter lightning sad than
vs' ; probable enothw•rd. lint tropical
urn will omen disappear, and genuine
ter norms, tero.e, to bl.,ards 'a many
font. wee .(u ally fellow.
About the 22 id to 24th. look for some
oration of toe promotion cold with fa
n►romet or, growing oleadin•es and re-
el rale awl rn is in raids • ottoes. The
will be a gooiest moth d.oliaalles
le time, cowing stmoepherlo, as well as
o tidos re lean that way. hese. on
'd oold, with northerly wind. will he
natural ler many day about this
I he last storm period for the month
ds free the 2'7 h to the 31st. being
v so the 29th. New moon falls ea 11.
• !sot that will bastes the oases*
It I. very marked storm osoditlooe.
There are good reasons to apprehend
t bard sod general winter storms w111 oc-
on sea sad load during the last tear
s'.f January The Venus perturbs, Ise
is a decided factor la the last tee
periods for the month. Tale meow
t very sudden and extreme obsess, of
perature will •eeorwith whitey rains,
sad thunder. obing with sarprislnt
noes tato tearful blluards sed tete
as, boreal wlads bad cold waves.
such results need set surprlse say
✓ of these f.reoaeln doylee The last
la Jsaaary.'
ng Mmes mmisg tile meati. If the
*read Probabilities be anywhere ens
Ca,tow, Doe. lb. Ilk{"
statutory meeting of 0.lhe.es r 'a•
held Is Mae t•webm ball. All the
were present except Mr ASMIL
sel•cteelel the •evisas mashing were
and ssoept•d
• tellewine seaman mews paused, sta. t
McWhIaaey, wire kw Issas, $7.b0:
• Yetsr, barytes sbsep, line; Welles
ng sulpest, $4: P. Mesmsi.
saes $IZ 66; Jsmss .fewcll, ,e sirl.r
valor. 96n : 11. If M.P►to, sell sad
•Oct se. use.. 133 leads o1 $gavel.
M. sebwaetz, twelve leads a $weal,
M. Mimosas. gavel. pl Allot B.-
$•; G. Slosa,b.s, wplrlag sal•
cart, $1 76; John Yymtev•o•., r al we k,
travel so.. a -s of rood $6 92; J. T (, .l'-
iro p., lamb r, $2371: J.a,e. Toth, re
p Bier .elven, $1 50; w' I.m MuWhio-
0.7. repairing on .•' , $1 50; J..ho Sande.
'spa rent hill, $8 60: Jo n. Nei•., roan
w'.•k $'4.60; Mr. lama.Cam, .b.11, I,
$4.08, oicmat, printing $6 00; Allan It Mc -
leer, p.'-' mod bush, $1 06; J'ma. Young,
meteor. 76: A'idr•w M t ion, t le oolror,
$1; maw y , nulseer, also. and aaeo.fio.-
Nuas for Beem,ller bride-. $5; William Mo-
le•vre were for loom. $12;,
14 pr.ot'g,
$4 76; Heery H rnav, gr..el $2Ps er Mo
S..., lumbo $6 20; 'I heli•• e . oh Lumber
C . loo her, $29.45; tt'm M.1 •'v•., gra{,
$6 85; thee :i.Ilow., burying •'••.p, 50 ;
Edward Good, road work. $1.50; J,•rph
Thnmp.00, rep•ir'ng outlier. $3; J.oub
M.; err, r.pavnng culvert, $2; R. do Wllss,
FarI',-.•' w r
overall age $1.50; John 1 p ••olltat
sad recommit ..ivory $8 10; John Clark,
repel. int mlve'., $3 60.
Moved by W. Hill, seconded by A. Rob
...term. 'bet Mr Hoilb.ueon's sad Alex
S''•Id's rat.. b. reloaded. C•rrled.
A .drew M 'lion and Ches. Treble welted
on the o. uoJ 1, r.gawa'teg rh•t damsel SN-
. rve•' tax no rem{ tort, his house having beat
be•net that A.v.
Moved by R. Jewell, ssnneded by Ales.
R hsr•eoo, twit lb. re -quest be [ranted
The tnepec'or of custom. weeds. Jw•ph
H... Marley' made hie report for the year.
Moved be A R'bert.on, ••oersted by W.
Hill, l's •h- report he ren.'vt'1 sod Mr.
Hato, iodine s mongol, $10 85, be ;raid,
sod th.' 'ha te•pect.or stood tee ot at na-
tion arA r'•• his views on the weed quoi-
t en. Carried.
To. Haan., Brum a t.rev r,l.ctrlc Rall.
way Cnmp.r•y pre.ea'ed • petition r:gnad
by the neee•eary number fit frvvhnlders,
aektog the council rn introtluoe and submit
• bylaw to 'he ival.6ed electors et the
tens ooh. p.
11,1 eyed by W. Hili, aw000ded by A. Rob•
ert•on, that the petition he aoo.p-ed. Car
Mooed by W H ll,•en..oded by R J•w.11,
that bylaw N. 4 be res.. • first time. Cor-
Moved by R Jewell..eeondr'l by W. Hill,
•hat bylaw No. .1 be read a .cooed time.
f' rated
Tne clerk was laeiroo•ed to notify all
parties who hate taken grime! from Its
township pita, for pmvat• use. res pay for
mime; of.., all parties settler, the um of the
cedar. for private use, to My for IMMO.
The felbtw'ng perms. have paid for pH -
yam a•+ of rader, sod aro credited for
same : Wm H-11, II; N. J. Kernlghan, $1;
.1.mes MrCler•, 504; Om. Vs.sta., 500;
L. v Sevier. 50'..
Moved by W. Hill.•ecor Jed by R. Jewell,
that the nem'eatlon rte held .t the township
hal! on Doe 29 h, Inst , from the hen- of 1
o'clock re 2 0 oink p in , sod the election
be Ladd on the following Monday, •t the
enrol pnll•ag please, viz . N.. 1, B•nmlllor.
remperenoe ball, A Heddle, D.R 0 ; No 2,
Sol'ferd •emperaoo. hall, .1 T Goldthorpe,
D. R O ; No 3 town. hip hall, F W. Mo-
D.sash. i).R 0 ; No. 4, Lee lure, Raby Wil.
Llano, D R O.
The ••*sell thee adjaessed.
F. W. Mclor.Ac.H, Clerk.
Nonce -Tie local ageeer le I)uagana..o
ter Tnn Ntotre t.le et ine omoe of J. O. Ward,
t. P. eooveyano.r. kit., who will receive
orders for subecr.plod, advertleing and lob
work and is authorlred to give receipts for
amounts pald 'or the same.
Tcs.DAY. lien. Lard,
it PAY.. - t Of several years R. Moises
ha. purchased fat • .Ives from W. A WI(•
• on, one of the enterprising stock raiser, of
West Wew•noeb. H• reoeatty told Mr.
M0Lean a.plendid fat calf for hisChrist.as
display of meats la Godeech. Mr. Wilma
has several times takes first primes at Ibtall
abew• at 1)uaeoegoe. and ether plasm.
Thee IL peye to raise geed .seek.
Dc,AaTCAa O. PIONEER.- During Prtday
nitht last Edward Br•pby departed this
life. Ills remains were letersed In the
family plot to at. Augustine cemetery Os
Moody, the 22nd. The droeassd who was
seventy year. of age woo a plebes, of West
Wawenosh, tad was highly esteemed as a
oltl,at, and an eteellent neighbour. He
had boss is very delicate heellh tis •
somber el years. His tundra! we,. largely
attended, ehewlag that he was held In great
esteem by .11 who knew him.
PxaeOWAL -Master Maxwell Wilton, who
has bean is Manitoba for some It.,. arrived
haute last Friday to spend the winter with
parasite. Mr. and Mrs. Mark 7ttleee,
AsbfleM. He is msoh pleased with the
N.nbweet and thinks It le a Bee teneer,
fey Tease men to melds is Tb•
many Mann' et Dnotw (.es, who has bee.
ladlepoael fee atme day., are pleased to
knew that I. le eeevalaia,• Ales our
genial henry km/pm. who has boss laid up
with a severe attack el lambao fee a short
thee. Is able se attend to his business as
soma ...... T. E Ovule. wbe has boon In
Mee Northwest fns seam time en bua/esss,
reseresi b.• last week.
A O.U.W. Alrorat MaryINt..-Oa fri-
day eyelids. • large n.mh•r A the members
o f Hares Leine, Ns. 363 A.O.U. W. met la
Wm ledge ream, wham the tellew(ng officers
fa 1903 were abed: R J. Kirk, master
meeker; H. 10Ieff, fer•maa; John Tlgrt,
recorder: U. Bwaey, Maa.les, J. U.
Reber. MNiver W.. Sletheee, eeensert
Hugh Gleo. Fe de; Wm By.e, inside
estUP. ; 111oe W goo., outside watch; medi-
o.l •a•m•o.r, D.. T F. Case; treor••s,.
Wm. 11eWhinasy, Jar Toter' mad Jen.
Il•yy. After relr,bo a..., ooneistina of bet
c.'Q.., cakes, sad ' ye ere, of whiub there
ea. an •I.uodan, yuppie. the meet.sg was
noosed, end Mom tamest weeded their way
SCHOOL HxronT.-Tho following I. iii -
standing of •b. pup le.•f the junior dive o..
of Deng.seon pnhu.o anho•4 6'r the n u..h
of Dr ember, 1902 • Sr. b.00nd-Ce "toe
Soli h. NoA•'I u . Boetah W Ikon,
Fred P ni lend, L v ('i.e. oo, May S u•• I,
Rn, S us t, Mciv Ile Ill .on Laura thenen,
CI • he bowler, A len 1. e • M.gei- 11 ober
Ku••la,, t4.v. Jr. B•r..n..-Knees Trei..t_
en, Edi h Tntlaysu. Smith, Penal M •
N.IIy. Blest C goitre Smith. S•. 1'.r• Il
-Clara Sproul, n , • a s. R v
Vera bars,.. Jr, t I Vera. McNally.
E hal Bien., Ilse. ye .A., beet e %% tag no,
tiertle BI«k, L•.1'e clan Nr Part I -
(9sr•ec. Seidl e, L s .mule., ,Jr.
Pert 1 Y••pbss M•tA.\\Mor n Durban.
Frank McArthur, Howard fee
SARA MCKNiOHT, Aria lips T cher.
*baro* S.t.b. h school aoo.•r • was
in theehareb on Wednesday, 17 b 1 r, w
a vary m'erosttmg and pra6•shf. •ven'an w
spent. There .as a fair attending* o
adults and S•hh.th school pupils. Tne
pastor, K.•. 5'. Rutherford, presided In hie, of
usual happy way. The .e. r was • great
gnomes, both es an on • r ainmeot sod ,',
hoonoteily. The progem o' nested of
recitations by the pupils. which for children
were so well reottet at to mer t green TMwJ
•pplaur•, from the adult t a•c of tee •udmac, ;
Jim -homier, dart,. at d nu. metros. which
were apprec•at •.'ly re.e Ted. Th• N le
o:ohestra ',mitered exoelle't mule to the
great de -i ht of the audissoe. Mr. and
M.s. Da.tow, of N Is, e. g • &oat, winning
loud applause from the audience. The
ee'ertaromwat will he long remembered by
the obildren sail others present. Too mach
•redo cannot to given to the pastor, the
N le orohes'ra sad others wt n metered In
mak on the entert«oment so snooe.•tut
The p.m.•ds, whtotl •moot to $15 will, be
appl.ed to (March sad Y.hbatb school pun
The( irletmae Farmer's Adveel..
''Toe e'1 ten fioile ore wares,
The sun eat. holden red.
A el.. pi g E..p re's waking,
Ao Ewp te'• d y u breaking,
maid.. Kmp•r:s m.k•at
A motto, Empire'. bread."
.The obey• I nes were written t Cy.
Warman, the clever American author woo
m. km hie borne in l'ao,ds, for the
0..0 slut oniored fro* opium of the
C. r s'm.. F.rm.r's Al., case'', of Losdoo,
Out., to which readers of that ev-r
popular period 0.1 have boos treated.
Yom. Ides of the m .got ode of the Isom may
be sero from the foot ' h.t it martially "quit -
•1 over 161 tone of p•p.r to print n! some
thirty or letiv ape.: •fly -woo on artlol•e on
phase of tor cu are and kit'r.d
by n liniment them the moat wi 'ers on
this 00otiseot and in Of Bnt yo, appear
in Its nigh' y r ac.., wh'ob are emhellished
with over 100 pnotogroesres aril rep-edue-
'Inae of masy of the beet of modern p.lnt-
'Ole. Is is . uo'que prodsotros, every page
dieoloenog something of Interest anti veins.
We 000gratulate The Farmer'. Advocate on
1.s ■ucerr,, and terming :merest• of this
noun,ry oo h.y.og soon amp'eneltd erpneeut,
Wish . large and coe'p.tent vas, thoroughly
ond•r.t.niing the pr.olir,tl needs of all de-
pa•tment• of sir"culture, The Advocate has
Ind pane for 1903 that make it fsdlepmeehle
the man .ho waste • reliable and high -
farm paper at . very modem outlay.
Sart'guar, lien. 20th
Chas. 11'll•r, of Lo oil .m, a spending hie
holidays here.
Nell Smith h.,• disposed of his for. to S.
Phillips, •f Ashfield,
Mrs. R.nder•oe, was of the lais-Wt. H. t
Her.lersno. of 'tabors, Is Yielder bleeds la i
the. •lo.olty.
Robinson Woods has sold his form so
J••hn Dornio and has bought hl• brother
Henry's farm,
R Mafia re -old • good ho, -a to Mr.
Hesitt, of Kincardine, sbnot noon last
Thursday sod the . un. night delivered It
in Kleeardiee.
Two very w. oeeilei public eeaminoltoes
were held in the school,. of Mies A. M.
Clark and t F. Mo'D-mild es Thureday
and lnday. reseeetively..1 tble week
\tit+ Mina Rutherford and R. J. Miller.
of toe 1;,('. I. , and Miss Mit ' Clark mo.l
Thee O'Loughlin, of the G. M S., •: a spend -
log their vacation under the parental roofs.
our teacher, Mr. Tehbott, has been laid
off work the greeter part of thle week with
• very severs cold, but was satbotently Im
proved today te lea•• for his home near
Clinton. 1V• hope that he may •coo be en
j•yiog god health again.
A very.uooe•sfal N S entertainment was
bold in Galvin ohorch en Friday I)eo•mber
19th. The program condsted of choruses
pad recitations by the children and •peeehes
from Mr. Roth.rferd, th•superiateodattef
the oabbath school; Mr. Stuart, of the Kato
Collars Student's Missionary Yeoiety, sed
the Rey. C. Rutherford, et I)•egoaeee.
The chii'iren performed their part very
n icely and refloat great credit both on them-
selves and on thee, who trained them. Mr.
Rutherford and the Rev C. Rutherford
both .peke In their usual earnest and inter -
eating way. wbloh Mr. Stuart held the as
Motion of those ef all ages by his very In-
teresting and vivid dasorlptlen of missionary
work among rho large-hn•rted cowboy. of
the West .1 nolleotl•n, ameueting be
•bent $13, wee taken In aid of the .. S.
Moet empathy Is extended to Mn. Jones
and family la Mils the Mme of sad afillotfe.
Mies Mary L. Groat has re/urged trete
sttss•Ilag the white fair at Oselpb. I. ed-
dlMss te He (els smelt end the lectures In
eseeeMaa with It, there were the meMage
of the Experimental Using, the Fall Steel
Olsb, the ladles' Institute wed the varlets
brooders' asr•oleMese. The ladles held toe
eery late esling mNHsps so Tommie, s'4
Mrs week, Miss Blasebe Maddeek, et
trselpb presiding to tbe mer.lsg, sad Mies
Lours Res., She lady Isewoetrese et MN
0 A.O. presldleg in the afteraose. In u•
•veal./ all attended the eeseol beauwet el
the H:aporlmeetol Vale, at wbl•h Dr. Mills.
pe.eldsst of the t /Marie Asrieull.re Cellga,
Tao SlueAt, be say stirees In (heal. er
U. S. fee $1.00. Seed It te yeas Mtaae,
and everything suitable
for the Christmlas trade.
Be sure to get our Calendar.
lbs ladiat Iardware. !west liss&I at Roost Prices
'scAAy acatsttelelt.-TheJasoery
comber`of • • rinser • Mag-z.ne, which merke
the bogtbttt of its thirty -•bird volume,
*wain' tern . the notable features of the
miming year: t Is seldom that the op•
pprtunity ten offer • to pr«,rot the brl'liant
lettere of a worn.• ho ho. filled the high-
e st ',twat tad . Rini poet, ions at the court.
of Europe. The tette of Modems Wed.
diooton, wile of the most Ersoob Am•
has•ador, M, W Illlun 18' ilitiptoe, begin in
this number, with enter, nteg and witty
• *counts ci the Enplisb coni.; o the eight a..
Madame Waddington's lettere were written
to her relatives at the very t m- to which
the events described were fresh to r or mem-
ory. Th., are therefore spoo.ane'us, eat
ural, and 000nnyentton.11y bright, 'lb. new
serial tv Joho Fox, jr. (who ha. already
•oo a d a'mguiehed Mime by b • Kretuoky
Mran•s'n stories), is ect.tlsd • T -s Little
Shephard of Kingdom Com. " The scone
of the sro. y opeos In the M •a' 'sins sed
later le transferred to the Pio.- (J•as• rootlike.
sed then becomes involved to the mov-
m-nte of the armies during the C vii War.
e h., intro eating features make he opinion
sumt.er of this mow .oe for 1903 a very
attractive one.
If it• the best you want get Tur SIGNAL.
A Weekly, 12 Page,
7 Column Paper
Sent to any aldrsa in Cana'', or the
United States for Seventy -bye t eels a
year iii'a.lvante. Valuable picture
premiums sent to all
1 H
"Western Advertiser"
"Farming World"
LINT t..it
Annum., :
intend 1903 to be our beat business year yet in Gods -
rich, and as a starter we will make the three first
business days, January 2nd, 3rd and 5th, three red-let-
ter bargain clays.
We have not spans to give you • list, but when we tell you that
in aty department half dollars will do duty for dollars it will bring
you here, no matter how small your wants'.
We have many oddments in etery hue of winter goods that must
be cleared before etuckta•:ing.
Dress Goods, Millinery, Jackets, Cloths, Clothing,
Furs, Etc.
This is our first bargain day sale, and wet will make its aucoew if
small price tickets on big value goods have any virtue.
Come to our bargain day sale, Friday, Saturday and Monday, Jan.
2nd, 3rd and 5th, and see our idea of bargain days. A little money
will go a long way.
Lightness of a
Dorothy Dodd
On the Scales.
Agreat many interesting tante may
be discovered with a pe)r of scales,
but it is doubtful if a single fact
will be more interesting an valuable to
the average woman' than t e weight of
her shoes.
For this tells her the number of
ounces that must be lifted thousands of
times each day, and • little calculation
will show that she lifts tons of shoe
leater a day -no small labor in itself.
The "Dorothy Dodd" shoe saves the
lifting of more than one and a half tons
every day. A pair of "ll,. uthy Dodd" shoes are several ounces light-
er than ordinary shoes. The feet are just so much more comfortable,
and you are so much less tired.
Put a pair to the test.
They cost
N, B. -Of course we will give
you par.icuiars of the •34,000
Prize Contest
Wm. Sharman, Jr., has eldrsive sale at
The above is a cut of the new Gasoline Engine, built by
The Gasoline Engine Co., of Toronto Junction, and in-
stalled in " The Signal" Prnting Office recently
by -James A. Strachan, Machinist, Goderich.
The History by Miss Ida M. Tarbell which began
"tithe NOVEI'IBER McClURE'S isthe
Great Story of
Standard Oil
" Miro Tarbell'e work in of unequalled importance as a 'document' of the 'lay.
Her etery ham live men in it ; they suffer sed work and win and bee their twttlr.,
with the verisimilitude that rimovem the tale from the dry statement and clothes
it with the color of human interest and the vivid rainbow portent of human
sympathy. • • • The results of tier work are likely to he far reaching ; 'hr's
writing untiniehed history." -Boston OLihe.
" Au ibeorhing and illuminating 'out; ibutirni to the trust question." - Chi .a%,
"The most important annouua+ment toad., by buy maga iso." -N, Y. Jmin,11t.1
For other great features of 1903
send for our prospectus.
10 cent& a copy, $1.00 a year. Ssntl tie the dollar, at
New }'ark, or tuheeribe through your dealer.
146 East 26th Street,
passages, promptly relieves
the cough, removes foul mu-
cus, makes breathing easy,
and puts the reLpiratory
organs in a strong, healthy
condition, so that they are
able to resist further attacks.
It is pleasant to take, agrees
with weak stomachs, aids di-
gestion, and has a healthful
action upon the bowels.
An P•t.'.1..,'n t.mwtd.. 1. 1'•90.4
dd e
iiv.A M p.kiam, sial In M'.pldls, a•aM by
Anttglws ..whrywbe.
ulna. Li. LGG, UUliGI1ll
Tn r• noir• t.• ouch . r..n so l t ' I.., ,,- ••• I o n' i• rn' •
ratitnv A thnlongl, konely dal rt I. 'n."'. t.• I • 'I Sin" h fid
• rI Tor
1 have reammil my New `Owe of
Suitings, Trouserings,
eta., for FALL and
if you ams getting • new .pr, off snit,
• 1 .ht ...erre.•t, or anything an my line,
1 o •n plaose v,u to sonde, ti, an•t price.
aaraeadr•$ade ('1.41155 Is mock.
$ DUNLOP„',;:;',-;
1 r
The Division-
M, warn good and indlflrrent
Drugs and Medlolnes
u strongly drfioed here 'the lod.t-
ferent k od ate ordered and
never permitted to form t art of nor
nook. Only grinds of uodoun'ed
parity are offered to cu«omen.
Oar stock tf
Proprietary Medtmnes
le ve•y terve. Prtcts are hw.
HELLP' 41. 11 41.1..
TIN 818TScraitol Hard Coal
Al Coal well/had on the Market Moslem
where rowan melba for • too.
Orden left at jus 88ZPBAaD'S
Sten prestpti, attended be.
Anyone sending a sket eh end de•.mptton may
milettr s.eerain our net free whether en
nrenttnn 1. erneehy ppetentahle. (•ommenbw.
noes Si Melly coned entlit. handbook no Patens
rent fres. °Hest amen/tor seeming Patents.
Patents taken ARMmer Munn 5 r n' reMve
N none., sir hoot o arse, In the
Scientific American.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly t,erva.t m r
lail'm "f any ecientldn 1' nil. Term., tel a
ter roar WOWbe, Il. &,ldrby all ne.,de.ierm
NN & o aelentedwey. New form
ml, son.-.. 141 K et . waehinst'o. Q
LONDON. ONT • ha. •••teied tor. send In profitable poen inn. Aur.n4 'he put
veer het a • School In the Wr.r. We w. old to pleawd in ....•t tri 1'.rncn'ars Int
J. W. WgsTgitVELT, Principal.
• postal