HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-1-1, Page 44 TsIJasDaT, January 1, 19o3.
Clearing Sale of Furs !
For the neat tell ditto we offer all our Fur Cuts at a discount of 10 per c.nt. Fur
Cap. and Huge at 1b per cont. demount.
We want to clear out .11 our Furs just at the time you deed them the must. There
is luta of rough weather aimed and Fun will not only give comfort but possibly save a
doctor • bill. Don't put off buy mg until nest year -Furs will be very much dearer then.
Think of the saving ' 10 per taint on You Coate, and lb per cent. uu Fur Caps and
We hate just reoeised ruuthor largo shipment of heavy Yitotlit awl College Caps to
soli a1 SP . Thee, are the hest Caps we have tour lavers for the tummy. '('hey are warm
anti dressy, and cost only 50c.
It you want the bust 25c Half -Hutu call cud sox cur imported back worsted Sook •
at 25e. It to no eraggeratitnt to say this is the bent black. worttod trek in the
market today. w e have sold la u' them. Our customers in many cases return to
buy more, they are su well pleased with thea:.
Mu.Clutlugr, Furuloher and Hattti.
M. heal. Block.
Is POiLItuign
SNAP 8H01 8.
-%Write It "1903."
...If you think it to no use uuu baring off
don't do it.
-Yeu'se had turkey, plum pudding and
holidays, now get down to hog, homuij' and
hard work.
-Another European Princess bas gone
wrung, and the nowspspsrs are giving her
a great deal more prominence tbau she de.
-The Hamilton Spectator is not standing
by Wt HALL Jotca iu ,the municipal cam.
WW1. an It ought be do. Anal this is partic-
ularly the case when in Hamilton, as in
other plareet, goat men are searu.
Tug rrrlon STAGE., ..r aU .'NULIsM
Toroeta N•w.: Kev. J. L. i.ordoo
says there are thrift Mugs of al -robotism -
She wieecbp, the btucop, and the lock-up.
But he forgets the fourtn said greetwt-
tbs wlnd•up.
PON T MARI A 41.1ahl.
The t.lobe . Te. Liberal i,ovsremeot of
I(uteric has faithfully •dminuta.ed•oast
estate of limber sod mineral lands for
many year. This estate stands bet.tos
the people . and • hears burden of t•f•tlou.
A single mistake or a '.'Dale.urrsnder to
private ledeeotet and It world he gene be-
yond reoovery. It 1s not • wise pollny u,
put II Into untried hands. mow idly wiles,
these who seek it bare an purpose In .l.a
u oept to obtain ethos.
1' ■t.l M17IO.'1. At'IRTI•1....
Printers' Ink Test advertiser us. moot) te
learn who • d.tarred from sties, ltrove it
a medium boners he does not hk• it. poli
oy- -
it. rai.glon, or its politic
1.itmooe Keformet: That is perfectly true
and good mond wow. The manager of •
Mere who would he guilty of that folly
would refuse hail • loaf booau-e a wools one
meld set be obtained, " Rosin. o is bus!
Mes.",IOo'e • day., and the °••h of en• man
I. .Sotto as rood as that of another. who.-
th.r he I. • t:rot or • Tory, •.nestle or an i
• g.mtao . 7 he moan of tucoes• as cone.,,t
and Sodloloo• advertlsits, and for gonooes.'
eek• don't talk of hard times before low
customer or h• will Io sod back the cash
he started from hoot. to Imve st your store
for esseserc thieve for his family
1,0005 TO ebtliATIO'.
Canadian Uhurebmen: tree hit this
question of probitotloo, which Meld** the
friends oaf 'emporium', be removed, til
les all uo:te on sons. prectlosl moron to
regulate still farther ohs sale of liquor, anti
we may then Lope to me still gre.ur tjr•
orovsmeol to rwpeot to the consumption
ea a beverage, of ale, wine and spirits. I
doe, not follow bse.Ow people are not pro.
Pared to endorse ether the prnotrle or thi
e ffmmvantm of prohibition, that nothing
mon oan be done, and we lolly b.,ay• they
would gladly support ane meaesre that
would redoes and minimi,., the arknow•
semi .v11• of the Irerllo In fotofloattng
*looms. The root remedy, of course.. Is •
sound publlo motto . art, and to so *ducat"
the people se to the •yll remit e and sin of
druskennew that they will bo t. !upstate,
and support ouch legtdatlon as will remoye
temptation ..art of men a paths, and eeoure,
se far as possible, a snMr populat ton to tee-
peet to it. Ow of Intorio•nte.
Jobs J. Maras M1de'1 heed Is I.e TOM t•
try need's Dreary ruts tk. e.etesd
Darnley, I' I. I., Deo. 7rit►,-(Spoon(
Jobe J. Rorer, who lives on lot 11, of tho
tam.ship, tel'e how ilodd's Kidney I'dis
speedily :obeys the wlmsat• thst etc
follow sn attack of the Ilrippe. Too trot.
ago he was 'urs.l of ohrentc inllan mottos u
the loin- and t fdn.y■ t.y torte'. Nolo.,
Ville. so Imo winter when the I.rippo left
hot with pall- In Me beak be knew abate
to tem.
"1 woo to good health two years after
taking ((odds Kldo.y lila,' say kir.
Heron, 'outil last .Int. r I took the a .rit pe
whtoh affecrr,l my Smelt I toot . law
more taxes e1 Dodd • Kidney I',Il, and
am now V. flying meed health aga'e."
Dndd's KWo.v fall.o fail toes..eas
and oore permanently all these soh.. ar d
pains vaults, trent dimmed Klderyg.
now tees Blew.
1 I Never Republl. acs 1
Henry tiny 1St -Item, whom stuttering is
fames. tolls . story of the late William
Tracer., wino. stuttering wa notorious. It
le that T'rwurs ono. got In line ,.t the wle•
stow of • ra (road depot an I, while his tore
came, bran
"GI gl wee m m.o • • t !-tic. et ler for
'Ilk, gat down to ,h• t. tit ' I tib. Ilea:"
imp•meatly t•Il. i 'ho Iu.v '.eket sailor.
"Perhaps by the time 1 • wanted on the
rest you'll know what tot, wan'.
Travers meekly retired and, wins he of
reappeared at the window Ion Wants' later,
►e said
",lee. 1.•teedmem-toe by by 11
Whet do you mean? Why de you eay
fire" asked thee mtekot seller
"Nell, yne r-• gee," eiplaleed Travers,
ai-e-csaisS express in m•myr.11
Rewe year ,ebsorlptio. fee Ica0t
Wisgb.m : MI. (l)r I Honey and
obndren, of Owen eanod, will spend the
wuuter in Windham.
Wiegbsm . J. It Siewa't bas sold his
new reelleoo• at lb. e•stend of Vlotorla
etroet to Mr. Mulvey, of Bellmore.
of tomer resldeooe of this motion and
reporta they are doing well. He brought
back samples of cupped ore.
Seifert . 1)r. 1 clog, •'I 'Linsey,
Manitoba, was In 'ONO '..t wool The
doctor practiced to I'oostanue about twenty
years ago.
Walton . After an ahaeooe of sixte.e
year' ll alter i urobull Is reot•wlog u'd
acyuof,t.ocer His home is at l..oden,
Man . whore ho Is prospering.
Grey D K. I,lyingston., 1511, oon.,
who had his lag (Token eight or floe week.
•go, Is able to get about quite ban.lonce
R.e.all : lames 1c' .1ohosto. had the
mls(ertune re oath-, while engaged at th.
week bench In his shop to get the top el
MN his fingers out o8.
Oranbr"ok . Ker, I/ B. McRae reotved
w Ialt1e bag of tete from the l'brutmaa tro.
at Motion oburob as • token of ::S begs that
vete delivered •t Lb. o,•D•. Stable tie,
o.'tl d.ty
Gre,• I used .y .ttarnoon of I. . week
.(ewe Hetma., tith coo., and Miss Martha
!swam, formerly of Morris, wonunits.
in marriage at 'the Methodist parsonage.
Ethel, bt Kev, C. P. Wails, It A. B. D
Morris • Neil Black has arrived home
from Sault Ste. Marie where ho bed gent
with the family of Mn.. J. I,e McDougall,
d Itrussois, ;who were moroug there.
They hod taken charge tit • boardte - house
In the "S..." Mr Black met a Largs oumo*,
I;rey William loglir, of Tyner, North
D.kot•, Is victim( his father ted brother
on the 7 h cooceesloo, aid other friends.
Mr Iogli. boo Mem in Dakota for nearly
twenty three years and has prospered there.
Wisgham . U• Ju. Agecw, of Crotuoe,
Ohio, and Dr. Wm. Agnew, of Iloytoo, to
the same ',tate, are Spending Christens'
with their patents herr, Dr. Kobe Agnew,
of ('amen, is also srpeoted,
Brussels Henry M0Le..o • oar -limo
reeldeot of Brussels, was rimmed as a Si•t•
4on•tor at the recent oho lions ID Norti
Dakota Th. hoc. gentlemen erred for
two terms In the Isglsi,.tare
Bromide . We are p meed to hear i h •
Robert With. formerly of Grey. has be.,
reelected coon• y auditor of i'at. slur county
by aonlamattoo. This is his fourth term
Mr. Work is a 'mother to Wm. Work,11
melee north of Brasted-.
Eteter : Toe marriage is announced of
A. J Snell, son of Mr. and Mr. .Jobe Soot',
-f Esteem, to Mies Edna I. Kill, 'ore,
laughter of Mr. and Mrs l% •t top
hours*, •' W.natpeg, •'o Deoembet 10 b.
Mr. Snell, an h;toter I,,,, hes dons weh o
roere ways than one out west
Morris 1'hurvtay, Dee IM h, Alet Rob.
'naso died at the home ,of til- H MoC;ot_
ohms, trh line, where h• hal helm living
tenor Sb. past season He w.as an un- to to
Mr. MaCaimheen anti father to Mr. .1 Pott
sod Mrs. Holt, mar Jamestown. The
tuners' took plain to ifowiok towoohip
Ural rich township : Hanley (;•salon, of
be 9th mo.. met with a artnue mishap the
other day, while dehornmg natal.. When
n the sot of holding an infuriated beast be
tumbled and fell, oom'ng with eluleo'
fore no his left hard, some obtlaol• In the
way p•..WaMaa the palm of ►1• hoed- U
earn thought at fit .• that H•aley would Ise
his limb, Out Ibro.g$ medical eMil tDe dee.
ace is pest
9eef.rtk . Juba Kala►is, os,• of Lb. best
farmers and feeders In Tsukaeemltb,
deltvnred • h•if.r to J. W lfe•ttle, for
cbrletm•• beef, wbiob was a toasty. ?Ms
was two years old sod weighed 1,220
pouod•. tibri woo stall fed ail last wins...
tar. Kelskts received the eeug sum of $67.10
for bar.
Windham : Nloak 5.1 is h•ylog more
than a full share of berm...meata at ,reeeaa
Last week he reoelyed wua 1 that one of by
brothers was murdered at La Port, Mico ,
sod following this Demes word that another
broabor. Welham. Is dying with an attack
of foyer at Cleveland, Ohio.
('Ilole.. An m itte °, of how tusi.use is
bauJtoeppod by the late octal etnk• to shown
In the foot that Messrs. K.ndord, at owe of
their salt wells, nave been oomp•lled to pay
about .,as tbeu•aad dolls,' mon for ooal,
dorms the lash six mouths, than they were
paying b.fses tis• strike took Mao..
Sea/orbit . Walton T'urobull, of Lauder,
M•eleoba, was in town oo Monday of last
week. Mr. Toruboll formerly resided afar
Waite,,. He has nodded in Manitoba for
about sixteen y•rr• amt this I. hi. first visit
to his old home Mr. Tomball bee a form
of b40 to vee neer Lauder, and has it.,., had
• "rep talion.
Brussel. : Invitations tem• to town
last week for the marriage of Ephraim
Downing, • former w11-knowh Brussellte.
but now of Maple Creek. Assinatiola. to
Mho Viols Jane McCrae, a young lady
of I,ladstase. Manitoba Tb,. wedding will
take plass at the latter tow., oo New
Year o Day.
Clinton N. J Paisley, our well-knoon
license uspeetor, Ick last week for Teuum-
ash, Min► , to attend the wedding of
h daughter, W lanitred, which tarok plats
Tuesday The lucky man is a brother of
Mr. Paisley's son In law, Mr. ibowers, of
that alt►, of whose reeld•eee the eeeemeay
was slomeic•d.
Clinton : K .fit. Holmes is hsiping in t h.
bye-eleoNM in North Grey, for the Local.
He was age of the speakers at the Domani,
Moe In Owes Sound, sad la to *lay inth• rid -
log ustli the election la over, which will t e
en the 7* of Jan. Tb• contest to ass .aosed-
mgly lively one. toe Cooeervallvea putting
in a strong lot • in the hope that they may
carry the riding.
Wl.gham : D W. McCallum, by;g.ge-
mao on (abductor t,Mirk's train from Wing -
h am, has loan appointed t° so. oeed this lots
Cuoduotor Fitzgerald H• will hays the
morning sou from London to Wingham.
Mr. McCallum will move his family to Lee -
don In the spring.
Walton A.1. Morrison rod daughter,
Mist Mary, of Wapell., Mau , are making
a holiday volt with telativw and treads.
Mr. Morrison to a son of Andrew Morrison,
formerly of this loo.lity is has not be..
bon for over %meaty year- Mt Morteeo
le agent for the Massey Harris hulloes. and
is a buoy man, Mrs. K. Furguson le • as
tor and M. Merriam@ an settle to the visitor.
Bullets Lwnoelot Tooker, • young mon
of t weary-eighe years of age, pared away
on Saturday eight, Doc 20th. H• had been
weakly very bard all summer and had
neoome considerably reduo•d. Aboet three
weeks ago he was attacked by • complloation
of ailment., which oulmlooted to typhoid.
aocompaoled by p.rltonitte which carried
Im r R, Mn, Tooker was • son of Lasnoslot
Tack or, of H.epurbey He leave. a widow,
'laughter of Mrs H. Mca.avlo, of
Tuck•r•mitb, and one child.
I. Itnton . Another of those *recto whlob
to not cone in all toweled persona II' e•, in
' • farm of • gol len wedding soot
was oelebrwted at the boots of Win. Robb
o Christmas Day Though th • Is not the
enact ,day is which Mr. and Mn. Robb
vowed to take esoh ether for better or tor
•otse, yet the season was well worth wait -
a,. for They were married at l'ort Unto
nn Noy lth, 185:, by • Key. Mr Bated, of
he It•ptut faith, who hoe b,s0 Meed is
Woghm Master Thomas Helmer, ate
of Barrister K Holme,., met with • eerlous
eaoteent use mooing rooently He woo
ol'mbing to Ike tap •f • polished cherry
bullet sr, sod losing bis hold, fell to the
'.ndleg 'Natio,: on his right'-mple It
was feared °mooeefen of the orals would
moult but bele now r.00vorfng. A cooed.
of .ears ago the mime little boy had s
narrow metope In • similar w,', when he
toll to the middle I.oding of the in.,.
stairway In his father's 'loroutenal'leno.,
and cot lite te.tl .ev.rely. hotwithslao•S-
tog the seven shook of the list,amld.nt
and the foot nt lits being to • oomateee
state all e'ght, his first words in the morn-
ing were. "Wasn't that • peach of a Myr!"
a gsrprteteg MI
1,u II he surprised in trying tAlarrb•
t r to End bow 'iuiokly It ours, meld in
the head. Tae •orembie, p.uotr ting vapor
tr see every a'r cell and paswgo of the
cow. throat •til longs Is ono hree►h it
n•rrlts lastest death to the mllliobs of germs
Infeet'n_ the respirator, moons and breaks
up a cold in ten mtootee.
A teat w llonnvtnoe you thatl'wtarrozese
Is the moot Wont, satisfactory and plesmot
ours for Cold, Catarrh, Destinies, Bronobltls,
Asthma and Lung Trouble. Complete
outfit, 11 00 small e is 25e. Druggist" of
N C. l'oleea 1 b , Klegrtee, (lot.
Hamilton's Mandrels Pills lure Bilious.
:-�Kt3S4a5.54t+SSa'i .54.:Oh 3'tcaa `.ssststso-sof-sw5ri.+a. s' +susatsa..y,
Pure Air
IVE abundance of pure
air amidst which to
breathe and pure food
to eat and one's health is well
assured. The active princi-
ple of the
Oven ---
that has given the
Souven i r
supremacy over all ether stoves is found in the fact that
their oven is so constructed that pure air circulates
freely throughout it, cooking being done amid pure,
active, fresh air, a factor that retains to the foods cooked
all their rich, natural flavors.
-Ask air agents for Booklet
-illustrating very completly
-the principle of the aerated
-oven. ,
T- MM. 'WORSE= z
Christmas Gifts
Elegant Wicker, Oak and Mahogany
Rockers, Polished Oak and Mahogany
Centre Tables, Easy Couches in Vel-
ours, Ladies' Desks in Oak and Maho-
gany, Music Cabinets, Pictures, Wall
Pockets, Easels, Etc.
Practical Undertaken cud Ewbaltuurs. Right and Day Calla promptly
attended to. Night Bell at Store, weal oido Square. 'Phone No. 59.
Mees Yost, Baby Cry at glakl
If oo, Is le well to know the gleet value of
Ptleon'e Neat in., a hm@mhol l remedy for
stomach mdse. metope, tootbaoho. Wok
headaob., and the, manifold ill• peculiar to
children. A few drops of Nerytlise In
sweetened water makes • pl•assut drink
and fall. to gnokly relieve. hor-
.thorn leas good as lb• doctor to omnrgenwlee
and onate only 250 • bottle. Get Norville.
from your druggists today
Dr. Hamilton's Mandrake ('.Ile for
lora• Wracked an* lateeea.ss
Eve/Tilling roes wrong. bead Isola heavy
aad dud, mind is plied with stnasge fore-
bod'egs, •tomaoh is oat of kilter. 1 es
mei a good toolo Ila. Ferreaone to brag
back your loot appetite and dage.tlea, and
chemist the blood .if all Impurities
Forrocone Is • wooderlul Inylgorant ten
strengthener that will Womb gloomy
Jepr.»uon and .lutokly restore you to a
healthy, vigorou uonditioo of mind and
body. Nothing to so gond for oho sick,
weary and debilitated se [errezous. Prim
50a per box, at druggists or Polson k Co..
H•mtitoo • Mandrake fell, curet on-
: �d
What Every-
body says is
good is worth
1Vhcn l'yor' ere .at. ,1 gated
uvtr, later .1 thing it is hctause
it i. a good thing. Try
" Abbey's" then s.iv what
y'c'i Clink about it. -A tea
spoonful on retiring vt ill
cleanse the .ystem of impur-
itiee-stimulate the liver
quicken the circulation -quiet
the nerve. -tone up the sto-
mal$ and digestive organs --
present indigestion and dys-
pepsia- pet and keep the body
in good health - the tonic pro-
perties of '0 AMey's " work
All Druggists sell
Notice of orange@ unmet be lett at this
Office not later than Satarday
noon. The Copy for obanges
must be left not Ir ter than Mon-
day noon. Casual Advertisements
accepted so to Dor n Wednesday of
each weak.
Notice to Farmers
The urdereipned wish to purchase
Hard and Soft Wood
T. to delivered it their mill, I:oderich
Harbor or on shore of lake Huron
in euitab e p ace for watonug
and towing away.
MILL.- First Claaa-Elm. 20 inches
and over, $1'2 per M. ; Basswood and
Ash, 15 inches and over in diameter at
small end, $12 per M Maple, 18 in: h -
us .lel user, $10 per M. Second Chea
and seta ler logs at less prices. accord•
ung:to value. All lugs taken on the
beach $2 per M. less than above pricer
Cash will be ped fur lugs as they are de-
litered and scaled.
All logs to be cut 101t. to 14tt. lung.
The Goderich Lumber Co.
Editorially Fearless.
Consistently Republican.
Now, from all of t,be world -Well
wntten. originals---i----Answers
o queries-Artiels. on Health.
the Home. New Books, and on
Work Aon,ut the Yana and
The Weekly Inter Ocean
I. a member of the .ls•octatel Preen.
the ally Western Newspaper receiv-
ing the entire telegraphic news spy.
ice of The New York Sun and op cial
cable of I he New York M odd -daily
report. from over 2 000 epecul Dor•
reepoudeutn throughout the country.
Subuerlbe for Tke Signal sag TN
Weekly Inter Ocean owe year, tomb
spew ON $1 10.
I'''rk. t.ly Vent dated Perfectly Rotolo art, Absolutely Neieele,s.
It hos handles to lift or carry it by.
i, touch oheaper ami more durable than the boast hair mattruo.
It farutot get lumpy, and will net sag from use
It to the most hualty and most comfortable Mattress meds.
s'M"t'all awl examine its merit:. Sold only by
Ibonito dui High:Grarle Furniture, Furnishings aid lit Gouda,
Fnn• I i,hul-lnnug .luau Io onf.r. Fist Stnv.t, 001/F.RIPH
Just returned from Toronto with • fine sideotioo of Christmas
staple and fancy Dry Goods, which will be placed before oar customers
at special prices.
Handkerchiefs from 'Jo to 7Sc, real snaps Ladies' !festa, Ladies'
Ties, Ladies' Collars, Ladies' Gloves, Ladies' Waists and Skirts in both
black and white, Ladies' homespun Drew Skirts in black and dark grey,
extra value. There are just now left only sic Ladies' Coats - - four long
and two short --which will be sold at whatever they will bring, for they
must go at some price.
Our Fur stock never was in such good shape for Christmas trade.
All our goods in this line were bought before tine late rise in prions,
which means that onr figures for them are actually less than present
wholesale price.
Ws flavor had such suocees in heavy Drew Materials, in Home -
spur. Friezes, Venetians, Basket Cloths and other beavy-weight goods,
as we have had this season, and there are a few lines still on our tables
of 54 -inch to 58 -inch wide goods, in the beat colors, from 50o to $1.40,
which you can get at right prices for choke goods, all new
We make • specialty of men's, boys', women's and girls' Under-
clothing for this season and our sales have been very large in thew lines.
Our stock is still well assorted, having been added to this week in many
lines. Men's, Sbtrts ..ud Drawers, all wool, Nova Scotia make, from S0c
to $1.25, warranted not to shrink, Wool fleece lined, 50c to iso.
Ladies' Underwear from 15o to $1.25. Girls' from 12c to 00o. Boys'
from 25c to 50c. Infants' all wool white Vests, • choice lot, up to 25o.
Hosiery and Gloves in great variety, and as to prig they speak
for themselves. We have the Goderich Hosiery in some of their best
makes, Also their Mitt..
Wrrapperettes in both Canadian and American makes, fast colors,
Ilk and 13t1c. Flannelettes from 5c to 15c, both light and dark colors,
plain and striped We have a few end, of all .wool Waisting goods that
you can buy very cheap.
Ceemepoltt•e Pawnee ler sats. Visalia Sheot• to gly. away.
The Season of Laughter, Love and Song
Now for Christmas Gift Goods I
A. usual, we have sonic of the alaultle.t, prettiest and newest roads un the
Packages never so beautiful, tome to
useful oak jewel caws, leather bets chief
.cases, etc., etc S tun mu sterling solver
studs, new and pretty
Neat and pretty packages at ide to 25e.
Larger and better at 3$c to 1.00.
Beauties, tit tux M primer, -$1.00 to $4.00.
No gift more-socNpfabls then a dainty
-perfuse. It alwlr pleases retinol
' peopk.
Finest assortment over seem in Goderich.
Beautiful, Up-to-date
Manicures and Toilet Cases, eterhng
silver, in leather caws, Doing Cesar.
Cnff end Collar Cameo, Shaving Cisme,
note , OW.
Gift Pipes,
From $1 00 to $4 00. Fine quality.
titre to ehanu the heart of a smoker.
Cigar thane, Cigarette Cases. etc.
lfuit't fall to see the t.Ift l'ipew
Call and see them on your rounds, whether ready to
buy or not.
W. C. GOODE, Chemist, -
(LOOK. .
Established 1890. _ Phone Main 4303.
19 Wallint 'teen Eltraat East, Toronto.
Maio Offices -41 lira/way, New Ysit; N State Street, nista.
Bought and Sold for Cash or on Marian
1'..t.rul.r .nen.lon ,t •,a to I'ens,i,es S.r'..tie, Mulct lot'.,e n.,,'•.1 .1.',
(l p. m t on ,ppm sot .,. I,., - op ioA• n,•te ut-retI
'Co ono who buys Groceries can afford to overlook the bargains
which we offer on every lawful fmuiness day. Our Groceries are
of the beat aluelity, end the prices are as low as first -chum goods
can he bought at if you are not already dealing with us, make
a trial purchase, and wee if we cannot suit you.
G'17.71=0"2" dz Cow
1P17ontis promptly delivered Telephoto Ni,. 91
Bread of
TME Broad that helps
health, that's easily
digested, that's always
good, is -
Homemade Bread
No o her baking process, known in
f'onoda has darn., Ito much to improve
the ,inat'ty of bread a. oar own pro-
ofs.. l'AfRNKLL DRAN'S RRF.Ai)rt
are • proof of his. its Superiority in
everything that makes /road the ani -
s -until food is 000vineing teatimnn to
Vitt fare and ski I and perfect methods
employed in tate making You can eat
i'ARif};LL 1/RAN'S BREAD three
Uremia day the year round and never
tire of it. It's always good, tasty and
baked just right. Have our agent
leave you a *ample loaf.
Hamilton St - OODERiCH