HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-12-25, Page 10busimay, Deo, 25, 1903 THE1HIQNAL : GODERIQH ONTARIO. • New Year Gifts . . .. t-...et.e..e.Y Quite a choice selection left, and at the prices they are now going at it would even tempt you to give another present to your friends. • Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Ties, Fancy Goods, Dress Goods, Jackets, Furs, Millinery, Toys, Books, Etc., Etc. Map..�.nea,..,w Tickets on all Purchases on on our Handsome Premiums. Smith Bros. & Co. DUNOANNON. ' Norte The loom agency to Uunirminua tee Txg eurvat is at the Aloe ot J. O. Ward, J. 1' . con, minion. to.. who will reoeive orders for sebsonpUoos, advertising and lob work. and is authorized to it ve reoelpte for amount/ paid for the tame. TCx,DAT. Dec. 23rd. We ore p.'o.eed to see that croup( o.} townsmen is semiostd for oounty none. liar in the pones of T. E Deride. Tura 'boot is fair ploy, and It is time w had a repre- sentative from this side of the tovnabep. Mr. Durbin is a good oitl/oo and would make a rod representative. CARLOW Trs,i.A1• I),o..3rd. 1 our cerrespoodeol learn' that Alex. Christ= =man Presents Something appropriate is something appreciated; some- thing appreciated is something useful. Wo strive to have all our Gift Goods on those two lines, and consequently have one of the nicest lines of Gift Books -books that will be read and re -read with delight. Our beautiful boxes of Sta- tionery are filled with the bast grades of French Organdy Note, giving two values for ono price. Our line of sttx;l-beaded Wrist. Bags and Chatelaines were imported direct from New York -we could nJt pro- cure the latest in Canada. Our Ebonized Candelabra we also imported from New York. We are staking an awful run on Ping Pong-only 3 doz. sets left. Our regular $1.50 for $1.00 -sand paper rackets, walnut handles, wal- nut poste, 4 balls ; also corru- gated rackets, the latest and bort for a good game. Call and look around anyway. K1DD & Co. 's oueg, of this berg, 1s a nominee for the pasittoo of uuu It ooneoth,. for the district. If slam .•l ho wonky maks • wurtht repre•eotettvs. SNOW BYLAW PASSED. Jsdgmpt In the tame. (gran--swmmer *Morel- rugaem defer. the romoell, The regular meet mg ..1 the awn coupotl wee held ea Fndey evsetse, all the mem• hon holy_ pre..•at.xospt Mr. Elliott. The resignation ot F: N Lewis as I lemtate loetflute trustee war received and scapted Huth Dunlop riluestd that, as the lease of 111 armory bad expired, the sweat re meets be removed os woo se possible. The olark was instruoted to notify Col. Va►oe, • A communluatroo from Frederick Scaly, publtaler, of Toronto, tortoise the town te advertise In the (anodise hummer Rreort liulde, woe referred t• the specal oommlt• tee Bylaw No 4.,. to compel t he removal of snow from the itranohtbfo etdewslkr, was road three times eo.l paced The by Isw sabots that all pentane owning or eeeupylog property on streets on whims graoollthic tweaks have been eonstrooted .hall remove all snow a.d toe ham the roofs of the prem• tees owned or 0000pti,1 by them, and shell remove ud clear rw•y all mow. vee and dirt and other obstructions (ream the side walk.. street* and alley and alleys adloio- ins snob proudest to Dao the owner et oc. upaot of saes property shell negleot to remove anon snow, foe. dirt or otter ob struotlo.r. the reale may be removed by the street I.,peoter end the commie* obarrsd te the person In default : sad •tber previs- iene are made for t1e solos *moot of the bylaw. Coaoolller Mutiny df-seutd from the wising of the bylaw. The following letter from Yearn. Dlckto- e es & t:arrow in regard to the rimiest judg- ment In the moos (No. 21 of Holmes v*. 'lows of Goderfob wee read : "The Divtaio.al Court has given luig- aired he this sot, allowing the plalnslWe appeal with moats. par N.nis advise us that s very •laborers iedgmeet has bees prepaid by Mr, .)wtlse Street, et whiob we have ordered • copy, It Is, however, not vet to band, and we cam, therefore se yet only report from the ossdet ed &drimes wotalned 10 our ageos't lower. fee jsidg mein, though advert, 1a the geeerel .asap, appears to hove dooldd some very perplex - leg .;uestiom of monlolpal au In favor of the town's contention. 1t decides that ex psodlturee le reopeol of debentures, oak* fond sr, mint, esuoty rete, :.od all the sa- n al.Ily rsournov expenditures, eke• pt these In respret of 'obeeis. were to be desm••d era dlnery expenditure for the purpose ed term- ing a Luis on which to mandate the 80 ear amt. llmrr►ttoh of the sueosedh,g year'. borrowing In addIMee to that their neei of coarse, borrow whatever amount may h* required fur school porpoise. In rsepsot of which there le no limitation whatever. Th. Divisional Court, is 6adlet that tate otos! borrowing wee 1n noses of the Halt, has proceeded 'rpm • quite @eldest misosmsep- Uon of the rote. They hove waned 'hat the 317,000 borrowed, prier to the boor'''. 1111•ttaokd, was ter pmr.ly munlolpel pur- poees. while, es ■ matter ,t tot, It soma proses Motet 18.000 of school mases. lm Tr. sport 01 .blob the borrow,ei power I, no. limited. With that sum dduohod the• ger rewlsg wa- within the powers of the *our oil, •000rdfng to the &maims .if the Quart The mle0000eptloo is towhee to the het tbat the borrowing for soboel purview sod l r muulolpal parpor..s hes been misfiled In one bylaw. without any dlstlsetloo se 1e the ob- ject. 1e lotus there sheel& be separate bylaw,. The *obool exps.dlteres ars not muolotp.l dlebur..ements at .11 "'i'I • Divisional Court, however, forth** deotd..I that this eartloaisf berrrwfsr era* eli.otlonable, 1.osa0.. rt was in v.opeot of something wblol was tot o,templ•lmd .Useful Presents are best appreciated. McKENZIE & HOWELL have a full line of After Xmas Special Discount for Two Weeks Handsome Holiday Pape - tries, in fancy bores, containing h i g 11 - grade Note Paper and Envel- opes Picture Frames and Fancy China. All the New Books: The following rents were referred N e tlaanoe oomm CETSOMETHINC USEFUL': NO DUST IN THE HOUSE ffJtOU.USE ABIS$ELL'S Now is the season that we are remembering our friends. When picking these remembrances why not get something that will be USEFUL every day, such as A Carpet Sweeper, Nickle Silver Tea or Coffee Pot, Chafing Dish, Pair of Skates, Set of Carvers, in Case or Otherwise, Pocket Knives, Table Knives, Silver Knives, Forks and Spoons, A Coal Oil Stove, Etc. What would be nicer than to make your wife or mother a present of a nice, up-to-date Happy Thought Range t CHAS. C. LEE Carries a full line of these useful, up-to-date presents, and you are invited to call and examine them. the eellolt.,,y �la regard to t1e oases of Rad- ohH. sad McDonald smiles% the tows, stat- ing that Moadey. the 12•.b of Jsasery see►, sad T'ueedey, the 13.1, had been fixed 1.r the trial of these oases, re.peotivel,. (glengarry School Days, $1.15 net ; Mrs. Wiggs of the Cab- bage Patch, 75c. ; The Story of Mary Mac- 1.aue, $1.15 ; ('astle Craneycrow, $1.15; :Miss Petticoats, $1.15, etc., etc. Pocket Diaries, 14103. Canadian Almanac, 1903, Publishers' new price, 35c. e 1 Phone 100 B. PORTER'S BDok = Store when the estimates wr•e prepared and. therefore, eoald set be deemed ordinary •xpeodltore without drs.rras/ing the hoaooMl Somme provided. 1s other words, ►he► money 1r, uforseseo coatl.- geaites "assent be borrowed without the eoesml of the electors, se mete,, hew M- owery or ureeet the demand, which seems i stortlla/ and *raw, remise proposition. .ghat Use full text of the iodtmest,bew- 5.er, ams w nimble to live say oompl.to report. Yours truly. Dn r teen, & Gaz•ow." 1 her. was • seemed cummn.lesU.s from the Mctesald a N111• ems. Toresto,ie eapplNe, 13.17; Packard Electric s•. Catbadw, 69 sleotrie Ilea meters, 11.078 t,2; (lod.sleb B1.7.1. C. \reipeore 31 90; 1'oerd- more Belcher, G,. Tomtit°, belting sad belt cemest, $25 95 ; Natives! Carbon ('e., Cle,elaad, O , serbeee, 112. Tb. flail oommlttee reverted recommend - log that the Moreton of $J for molt roan la lb. par of the fire brigade should tab afoot t11e yea. The report was adopted. A rswrameadastea from the inert of re- vision that Wm. Poetic liwaits tie allowed 15 ea unseat of his loos by fire Was adopted h osummf. Notice to Farmers ! AND ALL WHOM IT MAY • CONCERN '. The undersll•Ited wink to purchase ONE MILLION FEET -or dud and Soft Wood LOGS Tu be delivered at their mill, t.oderich Harbor ur on shore of Lake Huron un suitab o p ace for watering and towing away. PRICIfli FOR LO(11.4 DELI'•F:RED .1T MiLL:- First Clam -Elm. 20 inches and over, $1''2 per M. ; Basswood and Aeh, 15 niches and over in dutoeter at mall cud, 112 poi M. M oplo 18th 1- u" and oyer, $10 per M. Senood Class ani ems ler logs at legis prince accord- iug:W salon. Al logs take, ou the beach :2 per U. lees than above pnoe. Cash will be ppaaid for logo as trey are de- litered anti awed. All logo W be cut 10ft. to 14tt long. The Goderich Lumber Co. "A Joy Forever" VIOLINS, PIANOS SHEET To the recipient will be your Christmas remembrance if you get one of G. W. THOMSON .t SON'S ACCORDIONS, GUITARS, HARMONICAS, MANDOLINS, GRAMOPHONES. AND ORGANS. 8ee our "Dominion'' Pianos and Organs. See our "Wormwith" Pianos, See Our Goderich Organs. MUSIC AND MUSIC BOOKS. All the standard and popular Music in .tock or obtained cat. -*fittest notion. SEWING MACHINES. We sell the "White," "New Williams," "Standard" and ''Queen " All supplied with latest attacbine.te and guaranteed for ten years. Y6stee ,harpened in the most approved styli•. C. W. THOMSON & SON Maio sod Siamak f11.1•so. GODI RICH. Have a look at �r "`ick °f Christmas Gifts The Best Silverware, Table Cutlery, Spoons Pen and tat cket Knives, and a great many other useful thing. If you want the best come to us. We are now distributing our 1903 Calndars to customers. McKENZIE & NO W 3LL OOIRIOH. CAST 010E SQUARE. consisting of WATCHES CLOCKK8, SILVERWARE, CHINA, RINGS, BROOCHES. PENDANTS, CHAINS LOCKETS, NECKLETS, SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES, and dozens of other arti- e'en too numerous to mention, especially adapted for X -mass Gifts. We think it will be to your interest to examine our stook be - tore purchasing elsewhere. Watch and •Jewelry Repairing carefully attended to. .,,(;. A. ["lumber & Son GODERICH The flames ceelmtkW reosmmesd.d the payment of • large sumuber el soesa.M and the publpaUoo el Auditor WIIII,mees's r. - port re the two town papers. This sloe was adopted A metio• was passed to et t.ad the time of payment ter taxes to February lee, 1903. No appolntm.at harm. se far bees reads 1e the pee(Ues of tout, wlhttor formerly held by Jade' I'ores w, Mr. Thomases meted that Messrs. Dishtowel & tremor, who have been utesdtng to the town'- Iogal hew• Isla to the mea•tln,s, be the oorpsrstles rolloit.or.. beee.ded by Mr Knot. Mr Humber meed 111110,W111 Prondfoes Do •p. RANDrRUNK New Year WHAT GIFT ? WILL BE MOST r APPRECIATED? This a the all -absorbing topic at this season of the year. Let us offer some suggestion. along this line. One Gift, which is acceptable to anyone, and which i moat acceptable to men, is a pair of stylish House Slippers. Call and see our values. You will beTperfectly safe in deciding on a pair of sur famousU E E N for your lady friend. Whit g i f t QUALITY could be more appreciated by lady than a pair of these perfect -fitting and a lute. 1 comfortable Shoes ? One never has too uta ' .e Shoes. Ladies' Slippers, all styles, for house and dreg wear. Comfortable house Slippers for winter for the Children. We wish our atany Custotners, one and aU, a Merry Christmas mud . Happy Now Yea, REPAIRING F. DOWNING, Red Front Shoe Store. pulnted, but t►uta was no seemder sod the metian oars red. The oeaooil dlrour,d the sltu•tloa re• peptise the rumater betel Tb. time set by the *meal derlsg whlak it agreed net to rake betas, peadlag as attempt by the eredlton to 1.'1 er Imes the promises, had expired. but seehlag hes been beard Item the amigo. The clerk rade the Ist.reet- Iq statomoot thee he u.doretood Mr. Stealth was patted metre' of the pl.e. agile sad would settle with ab. oredltore In fo11. F malls abs desk was lnetr.oted to o• e- mnaloats with the assignee, drswiog els attesUea a too foot that the time .et by the essecll heti *lured sad mates him is glia reams, why the town should ail sew take aotios. Th. market oemmtt so was Instructed M advertise for toedere for the right ief oeUeet• BARGAINS IN GROCERIES H. d idays Tu every custua.er purchaaing 31.50 1.903 worth d (;roo.nes 1 will g ve the beat _ _ &eat it'_2 puuude for the dollar. BETWEEN ALL STATIONS IN CANA1A. All etattone id t'anade. t,, Detroit Port Huron. Mich , Buffalo, Rlack 4k, luepenioutt Bridge and Niagara Falls, , GENERAL PUBLIC. Slac x Flan -CLAW FAILS -Dec 31st 1902, Jam. 1st. 1903. o'xd returning until Jan 2nd, 1903 1t \is First -Claw Fare red Otto Third.- 29th, 30th. 31st. 1902. aol .fan 1st, 1 wood retunnng u.tii Jan 5th, 1903. BCHOO VACATIONS TO Tea. hen Pupils of e.;tn,olu red colleges on eurreo .. of School 1-a.stioo Railway ('e-ti&sto tuned by Prio •ipal. At Single First -('leas are sod One -Thiel Good itoiag until Dec 31st. 190" Good re. armee until an 19t 1903 N.1 Bottled Catsup, tot 25. Regular lines 15c loch. Regular 1S.. hahpuu, 2 fur 25. 'The cheapest bonen ou luau at which to buy Grucerieo. and whrrc you get the beet goole. A line Line of Fresh and Choice Confectionery Goode. Floral Department. Roses, Carnations, Violet., Palms. Pena, etc.. alwayr os hand. Floral designs a specialty Out -of Worn under% receisr proiupt mrd careful attention ch T:detseta, folders". and all .formate ou fro, 'CEO. ST EWA RT Agent.. F F. LAWRBNI : GROCER ANO FLORIST Town Ooderich. I wan siva .Rl sae. ►Nit let 0111/0/11/01111ti * 3 TeverNaa Re. ria 3 3 As3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 • 3 3 3 I. the market fees. Meyer Caesarea eased thee be r,.4 Mr. Campton were • arklue together ea the ooaeslldatlen el the titre ►.laws, whl. 1 he hoped annul as ..m;rlimed by tie set/ me.ta.g of theo.RsrU. Tele was the eve premie. made .t the be•aalad of the veer *blab bed met yet 1... fulfilled. The muesli impressed their s.tidestles u 105 His Wes . blp's soden In N. mall.. It was *Mowed that Woe. law's societal far . earlo.d d Deal, jibe t0, b. paid The omegas .f paw* • hydreet are Bt. (3esete's Creso.m', as Um swam of th. Rome reapers", was wile takes op I. 0110.00, sad 11 wee tuneamd that the plea . scald be carried set. TIN will .flood .ret.ollee hem are for the sawmill eN Nam perpei, se the wharf. Tim seamen lobes whammed. AMERICA'S BEST Editorially Fearless. Consistently Repubtloan hewn from all of Um world -W.-11 written original stone.-.111,we4, to querier-Aristl.. 011 Health. the Home. New Hook*, end u0 A urk Aoout the Yana aid t .arden. The Weekly Inter Ocean "MG' 11 a member of tits A.. dated t'rr••., the only Western Newspaper rote.. ing the eutire tvlographic yews mei the of Ito New 'York Nun mad 'woe' able of The New York World --daily report" from over 2,000 special cora respondents throughout the .-ouutry. YEAR O N E DOLLAR a.Mertka her The Now sad yes meetly Inbar Owed NO (15*. liesb Meer. the OLIO �� � M 11r 11/1M11f11f11f11t1bN►1111b11111ft1f111111111�f lt�fllflb11f11f w II IF t t 11 1 ODGENS BROS. lad DOOR MUT N ■4UILTO1•$T. • Aleve h Hour Shopping ELEVENTH hour shoppers, those who for one reason or another have left their Xmas shopping till Wednesday night, will find this a good store to come to, for everything is arranged for you to see and buy In a hurry if you wish. People who make New Year's their gift day instead of Xmas will find this a good store too. Our holiday gifts re the sensible and useful kind, and during theholiday wre-Tc they will be good enough to give you ample variety to choose from, right up to New Year's. dkerchlefs Kid Gloves Li n e n s Cushions IN GREAT VARIETY, ALL SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS FIODGE3NS BROS. • �, 1 • x. !!1! IPIVM !PT.1441414014,9!!1!!1!!/!!1!!1!!1!!1!!1!!11 ,T ff fiT,r,0! 4, . M