HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-12-25, Page 84-4,„,/, cif afri.0 levO Atu totwe GIPSY'S MARRIAGE 4444+44444 4* 'ails.. sae been putting; such non, will ''Paola to return the t�tlls." Sense into your head 7" he said, half : "What does ' that mean ?" she laughing. "My darling. I have chosen ark:•, gravely. my wife; I am flatland with he'r,' "You little fgtxrramUs," he laughs'. and If you ray any more I shall be "1 tae•tta everyone wk0 tome and lay tory angry with you" -looking down yl pi a thou„ 4,ave Boris an1/411 all LIMA With Iota in his eyes at the weirdly exert ty: Sting, tine you swell have to beautiful face that has so fadenttitAl, return their vfentw." lam. "diad ever a mart N') sweet a' wife he asks, with a termer hi iia_ velee. "Oh, darting,_ how_ Iwplee. MO'altall be!" .ant they dream not that they shall drink tho cup of sorrow to the dregs. Ile never dreams of the day's to come, with their, pa.sunt stud their puha. Why shout.. he? And die, In her t'hddixh innocence and grace knows not that through her will come testae the greatest trou- ble of his fife. Ah, no Hand ii hand and through the budding %vette they go, nod plumy to watch the beer 'shaking out their , leaves and to hook at the here of gunfight whining on the mass of fairy green. • '• • After all, Airs Blake le tenable to curry uut her intention of dancing at Slr Maurlce'r weeding. Thur +h•• Leet or re/swine-that the .n airinee dime not take place In the outgo liorhotl where Sir Maurice born. One fine morning the I)erluOt family coach. well piled with lug gage, rinubled under the archway and drives straight to the elation. Of coturee, every one tenet It. anti draws. itis own conclusion. One de- cider that Lady Bennet and her niece aro off to London to pdrehasw the trolls/Nene ; another Is positive that only Miro Dermot Walt in the enrringe, and that the match is broken off ; whilst a third conil- deialy us•erts that Lady Dermot is sit annoyed lit Sir Maur- k•e marrying lily cousin that elle will not countenance the wokling taking place in the old 'Ar- iel' church of Drumaneen. Thu luggage tell* its own tae ; onueuni Is going sonewhere. The Kuws:pa guests guy and every but the true noel very harmleue reason that Sir Maurice doe. not care to amuse the neighborhood, and will not have :t owning." lie and Gipsy will he marritsu quietly *anile fine morning, and the newspaper nnmutn•I•nu. ut will be all there will be t. gratify 'the curiosity of the neighborhood. And the Drumaueeen folks, are''•inlig- naat accordingly: and feel a* if they had been robbed of a legitimate aub- Ject of gossip, and as certainly de- prived arpriveel of the ffwtivitire that ehoukl anent the marriage of the waster of lirumaneeen Castle. The select few of the county aruttoeracy, who counted. ou being amoltg the favored guest's nt the wedding. are very much an- noyed, but protease most emphatic- ally to have known all about it from Uw first, whilst, ns' n mattes of fact, not is few of the ladled histo chosen and orderer) their dreisea ! Then those people who lntenlod to give air Maurice and his bride pres- ent. change their mind suddenly, and dieaeove•r stoat ilreseetie lin is private wattling ure 4o.t Ily unneersecsry. -and others, I -'Iw never ',trimmed d skiing 'the belste ter bridegroom clny- lttLeg, make s great talk o: having clanged their minds. And ser over teocivet ts•or 'nnumer+aleln Sir uriee E fie nacre's •urareiage Is dis- till, ilke It Bilin sk'ttleolt, the gin . '. ltrIfeellientlient o tftw, mimeo ti the morning newspapers. Tho LI Mt are con(:dent t'tiat there wast t i' u e res ..,n ;or tide hole4n a -corner t rktge. ,dere n.) one even knows hat the treble wore wevt her urn -ening dreier our, or asnyt tang. What could Ito grad -s ttupld OMNI Bloke mould have . ls.t'lylt, tleeligh everyta 11141 et, Wave seen In Haat Wily, even Flatau bean a betrter known the. Mvalies hes "Oh, deur!"-with it pathetic dis- may. iu her eyes. ''But you will oome with use Maurice ?" ' ills; darlttrg. of courier -at tenet, tho first time." "There needn't be any other time, need there?' Gipsy sake, seriously. Sir Maurice loops somewhat pus- alol. "My mother will help you," he re- turns, as 1f by Inspiration ; "she will hunch you up a bit. (bit, my darl- ing," be cries rapturously, "You have billy to look as lovely ns yon do now, and the whole county will fall Clown and worship you!" lktor deluded man! The rest of the nude sex may fall down and worship gladly enough ; but flow about some of the feminine divialon-the Grim- shnwa, for lnetane', and such as have the platoon of aim Lander their tongues ? "Ansi AN we pane through London, we mart get tbe ldvelteet dresses that can be procured. My mother said she would help you to choose them," lie goes on, cheerfully. "Swell dresses are everything. 1 believe,. nand my wRe must be properly turned out." ,,A gleam of mirth flashes out of the depths of Gipsy's' eyes, is smile struggles upon her lips. I "Oh, do you remember, Maurice. when you saki it was all 'the collie -to'?" rhe tucks, looking up at him, mixcltlovotedy ; and then, with 'smitten and sweet gravity, due adder vYou will help me always to do what la right.; no one moat ever laugh at your wife, Maurice." A °stsklen crimson !bombs her cheeks as she goes on: "1 think I ahoukl be happier if I thought I was never to se' Mires Blake again. She hated me even the first night 1 Caine, and I wan so frightened." Sir Maurice stoops anti theses hie wife out the lips. "My own, what toes It matter, when I love you 1" Thus the sweet, goldeh stays {Nass by only too swiftly. Beside brawl- ing mountain gtrotms and through wilt, unfreeuent.vl glades they roam in happy firelxtxn. What would the gossip's of Prumauaeen have "said it they could have seen Sir Maurice and i.adly Dermot Inhabiting n small bothy to the 131gbiands, riding and wetting (tarn morning 4H1 night, spending the whole day to the open air, flshing for trout -and catching them, too -In t1.e brown, parting stream ; if they ooukl have seen the bride, throwing her line with Judg- ment and decleton, and laughing with glee when 'she landed the spotted, xhining beauties on the bank ? And with tee enrolls In the 'scented Cummer air, the sweet, free life of perfect happiness -no letters, no newspapers, tau anything from the buoy world outiWe-(ilpsy would be content to dream away her life. But 8 r Maurice, after a time, flndx his thoughts turning to Ile home, to take up Its life where he left It off to begin the new life with Olpsy. " Darling, shall we go home sex l week ?" lie wh4tpers In the twlllghl one evening ; turd, for an answer, }she Lute her hand In his. CHAPTER XVIIi. Not even the member., of Flora ItlsskNs own houseltoW titer knew what she felt when 41118 opened th, morning newspaper,' cud saw the ale inenicement of Sr.Maurice Dermot'. marriage. With a calm face nod ,t steady voice, mite rend the paragraDh aloud fur the benefit of 1110we r0u11u .Ie breakfast tab!:, and remark"q, earelesm • Old Mrs. Bryan affects the tea -day $ON+aN+NNN++N*Nee greatly, for It is to her a capital CROSSED FINGERS opportunity for sending shafts of hatred Into unsuspecting bosoms. Everyone 1s so awfully afraid of Iter a+♦aNiN�ig•ttitttt♦t14j caustic tongue that alt are anxious to conciliate her. lire. Bryan, there- 1 1 crouse the first and second flu - fore, bar a seat, with a cushioned gars on each baud and tors hung (luck, and the etrongert cup of lea, I" 1w�, duwil by the d de of my 111111 other little attention.' not eu- chair au that Cynthia could sot wee joyed by the other members, 41111 them. This little formality attend - there rite sits and retie at mention'e1 to, 1 looker! at Cynthia with a Curl womankind generally. bright rwlle that was much forced The day on wbioh the anuouttec- anti said : meat of Sir Maurlce'r marriage alt "1 am glad, Cystitis, that you are Peens falls' upon a tea -day, and to ro Iota! of 19111 dlnluwtrlug.' the lawn tennis ground the members •, ew " tu. esI C'yutldia to flock In as body to dtrtnnaa the event. 1aurprOltlee.aro ''%yIy,7! thought you Jld- The crowd is pretty thick, the band p't approve of slut." playing lustily, the tea flowing Intel elesen'l appease of haus?" 1 said, water, -*hen tt carriage drives up In simulated surprise. "How in the the sur..y street and pulls up- at wartd did such an idea as that eater the gate of the tennis ground. In a your least•" couple of minutes the Blakes appear I "1 don't know." responded Cynthia, upon the scene and everyone inheres doubtfully. "1'urluspa it was beout re 4he belle for the next few emceed'', ; you took dual pains to cut bus nese UM they pewee to look at the sew ar-at the flop the other evening and rivals. I because you once add that you wott- Mrs. Blake, with Algy by her side, !tiered wily his mother did out put with ten- sohooL" In crkketlug (lainnelr and I h a blm In the refers tris bit and attoee In his hand, comes 1 "Olt, well," 1 auwwer.ed, "that was fleet, and then Misr Blake appears, all In the past." 1 wade Kuru that advancing leisurely, and surrouutled !nay lingers were In the proper poet - by no fewer than five officers, who thou, -ant theu rail: "1 regard Phil must have been imported from the teesreat barracks. Here they come, worshipping the beauty, aurrounihng her like a body- guard, as it were; and verily the beauty lookeleharming to -slay, drew: - eel all In white, with a white hat, and a white parasol shading her loved' face. Very slowly she coulee, languid- ly bowing to her acquaintances. liar filen it paler, perhaps, than usual, null the wort, golden curls lying on her forehead are even more earefully arranged than they generally aro. Very graceful, very exquisite she Weskit. sntiliulg on her attensiant oavnlier, who aro looking round to awn 1f there are any other pretty series on the ground,; for these sous of Mare Inwardly feel that flue men femm l talk to one woman at it tines Itul Misr Blake thinks otherwise. if they cannot talk, they can watt upon MT, and elle Inten a them to stay at her Ade. Four of the Muses (;rim.haw nrn playing a virgin game toge- ther In flannel dresses, gorgeous with crewel work, and the eight resb'es the beauty like a glass of champagus'• Next to hating men worshlppIug nt In own shrine Is the pleasure of seeing other women without any. Miss Blake signifies her intention of playing, tells off( three of her adorers to .play, gives the fourth her parasol to hold and the fifth hs elft standing, with nothing to do but gaze on her sylph -like form, thrown Into a headrest graceful movements at every moment of the and w tat lifiltum. K... NRNIIt the lease people oe Iirlunseneen are bane ragweed, etanc oltterc In 141, grin ours Eilghle edit- ttie tel o: • flood unit woe 'Hain • ale re tile grist wave.. of 40e wee, Wool atota/ the shore- + sir Oluuttee and SIM 'llrhle are spend lug the tktye tie Stair llomeymoon- rl`o- gue!ser they c1Ltn;) the breezy ux)un- o.I1a 1114g hal land gate tato the pur- ple dietette.e *wrest, send, in the grand loneliness of the maJ.•s- t o hills. talk bll.efully to emelt other ie all the years of happiness to come. They watch the groat *un dipping behind the wavres, and wonder how the mountain -eldest! will look when erinr,on with heather -bell by and by. "Take ane le the sea," lilpny said wit* rt great longing !e West iiw tt 14a wasters again. And they nrn as happy no two children es hand in hand they climb the 6111 -lees and grow brown rut! ',unburned In the bracing Moun- tain air. -_"erAV"RR7t H cicala ling," Aar Maurice asses, laughing. rust looking at her glowing, sun - browned cheeks ars she efts nt sin due In the warm mundane, the w -Int blow- ing her wort curls across' her fore- head. and her beautiful eyes looking tut renew the Nen, where the wave" are eparkling and ',hieing frees rind creep, leaping past the bow,' of the llttie sallho*te aitt running In on the some, fonmy and whitey, "Oh. Maurice, how lovely It all M," she says, Noftly-"so still, No beauti- ful. and no people r "Nae people 1" he echoes. anteing a little. 'What nm 1, then?" "i mown tabor people," elle returnee, Nnttll to q.dck. merest ww•eep elf tier kut/epee ti tit allows herr eyes to book talo ed*-"n.sbnrly b'rt you end me, alionicR. I never •want 40 wee nnytwrly eine." "Nethlter do 1. my Ns.ri1n " he nos were. wmtAng Int(. 111" wMe's fare "'Ret, you wry, repay, terser nee eer- tetn duties Chet one owner to more sty," he goes lin, with tt verse Idea ,4 wannding lip for Cie Inal-tutlnns sir his e'tmrrtry, "end one cannot make one% RoSI remarkable. You and i wilt have to ernerta.le. and tie en- tertalnM, leo. i wippoe: Alai you will hind, dear, rout will get to like - W1,av .. lwrribte t,am affnir It all 1.!" Aire. Blake, flushlgg crimson for her daughter's sake, made n mon unenllel-lin rattle atnongat t brenkftul cepa ; and May, the only other member of the houseliol1 pre - 'mut, looked quickly at. sin rlsh•r's mtr uoteel face, lied Muttered mom, Jting about Dermabeing an netts' ANP. • • • • • ''i wonder how Allem Blake will take It 7" The pent greatly e\er- eltcn Uteminds of the Drumnueen ladies, and not a few elf loculi fere tory glad (hail the beauty of the county into been cut out. "Hatt we. she take It 7" They are not left vera- long int doubt. The count prerwPeees the great nt- traction of -n lassta tenni. club, and all the neighborhood bolo:tg, to It. Thisclub IN a neser-fnl!Iug all uroharitablen and the tights iii T- w equablereillat ''Tilt lfre1e I'it the'ground are a sight to bee. The m:•tuln'rs 411%140 themselves Into seam roll clique's, arta each wet hater the other with a cordiality truly our- Kissing. ur- prlestng: But, for all that, tate club lives and flout -Wire. The (Ritualising bison It very highly, nal play lin a gleeful winner In meet artistic tennis dragnet;nal tennis aprons , and old Mee.Grimslmw site on a bench and watohre her girls like a hen watch- lrkg her chickens The club de generally the regent of old maker and dilapidated colonel's rind majora, who make tennis thevery boniness of life. But, on the wives, It Is n most m,eeecsfttl Insti- tution, and no matter how ehnky it seem may appear when the squabble too far and the general fninlo 10 tbrentenel with demolition ,lt al- ways. rights Dere, and menages to live down roam -la's, roana's, "tart freed'ones, end go on gayly am ever. liner n week the militia tend piny very testi, brassy music on the greuml, and ties and cake am hall tut In the tent, and the county Sent - terra Coma rolling In In their (mt- g./Igen, and play tennis, drink tea, K fat .ar a nine. end fraternnlite mildly with the ne- She looks duMotw, had lir goes on litre wh., dwell In the "mall town of "gveryoos w i stall On you. and you I)rematteen. game. Mrs. Bryan envoys the sight great• ly, and moves over to where Mrs. BlakeIs sitting, feeling horribly ner- lour. lent Sir Mattrlce'i marriage may be mentioned. Yrs. Bryan levels her glass at the fair Flora and gives a preliminary snort. "Very glad, my dear, to sec she carries It off so well," • "Yee, Flora plays very well," mur- murs Mrs. Blake, wishing Mrs. Bryan were at Jericho, or some equally re• mote 'spot. The old lady gives her most malig- nant chuckle. "Oh. yes, to be sure! and how le Gladys? Is She pdnlag for mad Lefroy ?" "She Is la London," answers Mrs. Blake. with a Nigh; her daughters are not very natisfnetory, some- how. "What a min -prier. our friend Sir Muinrlee'. marriage wan to every- body!" snorts Mrs. Ilryrin, next, "It war o moat unlucky investment for the hearts of the ns•Ighborhood. I was told. on good authority, that no fewer than fourteen young ladles fatttted this, nte.rning when they ,saw It In the paperg. I nun glad to see as a 'splendid young titan of great promisee. A roan who ld essentially and in everyttlug manly. You rhuuld be proud of lila friendship. 1 doi t wonder tlett every girl he happens to meet fairly throws lerself at ids laeltl, 1 auk Got eut•prIeod that you are no exception to ate rule, and 1 congratulate you on your good taste." When I bad Unlashed this speech 1 leaned back In my chair cud men- tally patted wyareelf oa the back. 1 regarded PIl1 1 Ulalnwaring as effec- tually bottled. 1 expected L'ydrtbla to petit. _ )Gut also didn't. In'stead, she rushed over and caught toy hemi and pumped It onthusturtieally. "You are just as good all you can ate," site said•"1 like to meet a man who la not jealous of other men. 1 wish I could tell Phil all about it. You know 1 um going with him to the party lo -morrow 'night at the hotel"^ -- "But I thought you were going with rale," 1 pet in wrathfully. "Ole no- full asked mo anat. Yon ofd something about going to the theatre Thursday night, but there wad nothing definite, and mo when Phil naked mo 1 said yen to that, too." "But you've known him only a short time, and--" **But 11 ho la all the things you sa44' putt to Cynthia, "I don't atm what difference It meskee, and you are my beet and o:dont friend, and of course your ertineste of any one 1s equal to yearn of acquaintance," DR. A. W. CHASE'S 25C CATARRH CURE Cas t. Is sent direct to the diseased pans Jr tit Improved liwwe. Heal, ate nice,.. wean the r, eaalages, stops dropp:l In the throat and perma,wnt�l�rr torr. ,: rh and liar Feverlittower free. All dealer. or Dr. A. W. Chase Yadkin* Co.. Timms sot Dana& a surprise. for Ororge. lrettoit Pews Pros, "! hear that George W to be mar- ried next weak to thutt black-eyed girl IH' became engaged to rut the, era - Ade," r;tld t'unwu. "1 thought that was ono of those temporary summer engagements,' SAW Cawker. "tloorge thought so, too." Very Nut•tdwrrul. Clara -Half rho tante he ways he do1••alt know whether I love Idnk ur pot : about one-quarter Ito hopes oinka I the rest he t that I do, and h aisly, tort lu uddltloU I.! i i' nearly ale star utterly miserable,.• Matti -'t%', 11, I'ui glad you're making ouch a • sucac'ur of the affair. -Life• Innards Llulment Relieves Neural- , gin. "Ile's a rank email"' 1 snapped. an- grily. "and the last mat--' "Why," wild Cynthia, opening her ryes wldety, ":',n1 you Pahl--" "I know whnit ! salt," 1 responded. "Tat, I had my flrgtre crossed at the time. I know that I1 you warn a wornln agalreet a MAO rhe instantly takes his part, while if you gusts over him and tell her that all the women throw thenise,ves at him and that she Is first like the resit she'll tine of Idea quickly." "And you think 1 nm just like other girls?" "Well, ye.." I mite lamely. "Then why .11.1 you undo your work anis say Phil was a snub and that you had your. fingers crossed.wjten you. still how Noe he was?" your daughter has more sense, my "Decease,' I answered: "because In deur." mite M white- I said you didn't turn from hum. hut.commeneed to tell me all the pincee he w•nx going to take lou " "Then you will admit that I am not tike other girls?" send Cynthia, "Ill have to,-" I and. "anything to keep you from going around with Phil Malnwnring." 'But I hadn't the tenet Idea of go- er'. face. "Ills Mother hates the lag utty 1 said Cynthia. last youa ftee•1'1--.. match; but Sir Maurice pleased him- Cynthia looked down at the pattern self, In "spite of everybody." of the rug. "i had my fingers crossed, The game Is over. Miss Blake, with ton" she answered, shyly. -Chicago her five attendants. approaches. -Trllune, "J>jow do you do, Mrs, Bryan ". Heard of the well li ng, 1 sumlt.Ce n," "i'll be bomul you hare!" sna;k; Mre ere an,, ill-naturetlly • and .c�mainly KIP is a-ieFribly rude old Iae),i But Miss Blake stands an 1111f olio ham Lot hens!, (mint tor a solus. 'Will you gel me some tea, please?' she says to one of her cavalier"; end the five maks; a dash to the tent. The band strikes up a perfect liar - Ocoee of martial inuwlc, apQ 1 Mtss Blake's five worshippers return pre- aurally with tenand cake. Half the other womelt on the gn'ounl are r.bligevl to get tea for them - telt ,ta,,..caul. tn.ilgrlaat -sees -moo at Miss Blake, who hips the fragrant mixture calmly and serenely. She it oke ro pirvoklitgly crest ; other girls who Ince beau playing era crimsons and perspirlug-mot unbecomingly warm, after the exertion oY dashing about and stooping for ball'. TIi lately Miss Blake could have baif- a-dozen herons groveling for the ball, if she eltose. Stile need never exert herself In the least. And now she elands, as cool an a cucumber, w,th the slightest 'flush nossihle on, her pale,• smooth cheeks, smiling sweetly Into those adoring male faces around The men are apes, all five of them. But there is a magic charm In the mystical title -officer■ " and (manic hearts aro palpitating all round. en her heart Flora thinks these "officers" Idiot,, with their neat hoots, their waxed mnstaehes, and high collars that threaten to sever the windpipes of that these..gYatlant-offlaert_.ot Ave *sleeety 41 "Stith Royal- Hcatterbraln !'lunger, are men -such as they are - and troll aro amerce In the county. The MI"sea Orimshaw prep at them from uttler Dolly Varden hate, nn'i other sweet young creatures rapt , undry longing ginnees nt tbeee e martlyalreaset beings, In the centre of whom 'tante Mies Blake. one hold- ing aloft the white parasol to ,had° her lovely face.- and the other four worshipping. And all too aeon the whole party leave the ground and drive away. ens be Continued.) Mrs. Blake Colors furiously. As many as three different sets are standing around, listening to every word, literally rampant to snatch up any crumb of goeslp. "The new Lady Dermot 14 very lovely,” goes on the oil lady, thor- oughly enJo)Ibg the situation. and the distress and, anger on her listen - (Great 1e tthrrtiesng More Mumient•. .t merehnnt In one of our rnnrthnrn splen lately put In an advertise- ment In a paper headed; "illy wanted 1" The next morning he found n tonna to* on film dooratrp, with Ihls In- me'rlptlon on the top; "itnw will thin one answer On opening it ha found n Mee. fat. Nonbhy looking specimen of the nr- llele he wanted, warmly crena up in flannel. Gray's Syrup soothes and heals the sore throat uui weak. lungs. After a few doses the cough is re- lieved, and the soreness passes away. Gray's Syrup cures to stay cured. At all Druggists 25ets. !lo Not Like the Egyptlau Potton. A report from Testae stater teat experiments, fur the eradication of the Mexican Gotten bull worm have dcwonatraled that thin disusetroue lona, will nut touch 1: R.t Ptorn cotton. The deptrtnient oar bee! ex{aerimunllug mouth Egyptian cot- ton for several years, with marked success. 11 this last report praxes to be true. It will undoubtedly re- sult In the planting of i;g}ptiul cotton to Texas in the future. for up to tho present time np satisfac- tory method has been discovered of preventing the destruction of or- dinary Button by this. peat. CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED with L(k'AI. APPLICATIONS, as Alley rut nut reach the sent ul the dlmetre. Catarrh 0 a blued or cuaatHutlueel _dht•ner, and tit order W cure It you must take Internal mid- edler. 11 u11't Catarrh Cure Ir muco Inter- nally, and tela direct], ua the blood and ypurere *urban.. Hull • catarrh Cure Is out a quack medicine. --TiaresertherlaeTmn 01 the twat physicians lu thin country for yearn nod la n regular preemption. 11 brute - mooed of the beet tunic" known, combiawl with the beet blood purinern, acting dirwtl) on the mueuud eurhecee. The perfect combi- nation u1 the two Ingrrdleu to le what pr. duces much w ireful results in curing ca- tarrh.. Send for teetlmualaln, far. Y. J. l'HENEY a CO., l'ropa.,Toledo, O. Sold b7 Druggist., price 75e. Hall'. } awlly 1'114 are the twat. A Bargain. Brooklyn Lifo "I thought she refused him some time ago because he was so fat ?" 'Well, she dkl ; but ranee then he's been reduced from 20J to 19S." Mleard'e Liniment for sale every- where. - That's Different. Life. 'It's a redeeming trait in any man td bo foul of children." - " Ott, I don't know. What alxn.t tho cunnibal 7" }ler Speetticat iotas: Lae. The' Widow --1 want n man to do tell jots, about elle house, run on errats►s', one that never answers back. and le always ready to .10 my, bidding. .(eplletant-You're looking Tor a uses and. hia`ain.' Mlnard'a Liniment Cures Dandruff.. An Ode to Cookery. Philadelphia Press. Boast beef all week, first hot, thea cold; Then hash. and new, 0! my. They've n.tded crust turd minima anti It's •erwssl as Gainer mrett pie! Nol Nol Nol Nol This word Is used four times by Prof. W. Hodgson Ellis, Omdal Analyst l treportiltthe g then lou resultofGovern- meat, u analyses of Sunllgbt Soap, "No unrapoultled fat"; that means no waste. "No free alkali"; that means nO damage to clothes or hands, "No loading mixture", that means every atom Is pure soap. "No adulteration whatever"; that 'means pure Ingredients. Try Sunlight Soap - Octagon eta on Bar.- R I St a Bar - and you will see Prof. Ellis it right He should know. 202 Uccle harry as a Nubstltute. Montreal Herald. Uncle !trotting Ilnrr.v 00 his knee) _alis you like this, my boy " Hurry-1'rotty well: it,t 1 rote on n rcetl donkey tato other day ea" the (uu. Aa Plea Ptllwlas ala dry grass-. suewe an' lnitammttiou In the the , t grow down Into the lunge. heal promptly with a eold as with a ars, and wlwn you Lenin to rough oar Allen's Lang Balsam. We believe MINARD'S LINIMENT -le the host : ' I list lldwt Fuley. 011 t'!I* Ont, J u.frptt &lose, Norway, Me. Chas Whootcn, Mulgrnve, N. S. Rev. It. 0, Armstrong, Mulgrave, N.S. ['hare l,audre., sew., t'okemtuolte, N,B. Thomas a'abaru, tklcfflc4l, N. B. t'neu.tlaable Meantime. • Chicago News "'hs) ad gentleman played a 'nighty ,Ia„a r, telt le (01 Goer retuarkt.t the young hopeful. "What was IL v.” "Well, yea klrrty 1've always' car- ried tut old watch that 00 pawn- broker wend Bevan look at, all fa- ther promised tun It new bee for my birtlrlay." "Well 7" "Well, ell, he pilar' it to ale, that he haat my name engraved on the came" In washing woollens seal flannel*. Levers Dry Soap (a. powder) will be found very satisfactory: .1 v�wry/✓lraJ Lei` DAl N FEATS OF TRt SOME WORKMEN. New Yark San. e • IN'l' 1 Watching h DanToo' hail. 1 h stemma to the tenth story' of the framework of a new Mink buntline by- the t:Impie expedient of ,etandlog on a Targe beam and tending on to the hoisting rope. ":It's ngalnst the rules." repinlneel the contractor, "tilt they will do it. You can't ".top Nen. It le Jus/ as quick tar a fellow to go np by the lodder.i. ns to rirk, Its life in that way, and ..tight- IlttlAteore trouble, but familiarity with danger breed, contempt of it. Thaec why there are very few big Mllldhlg : putt up In this town without at least one man !ring killed in each. "Only this imecial.providence which wenches over the reckless as well as over babies' null drunkards prevents a whole lot more death:. among three huu,•etmlthx. The inherence cow - Pa utie.< /into to lake thein art risks at any price, and 1 dont' Wastes them. There'd a hairbreadth escape a .hay, at leant, 011 one of these+ tall build- . -Some of the thongs I'r'e seen my- self I'd hardly Ilan. believed If any ono had told me aimtit them. I'll tell yon JIIrt tele• and though i don't ex - and liked him ns'goal 'foreman. when he went over the edge of the framework i wits horror ',truck. -"It wax a minute or two before I recovered my self po',aeratua. Then 1 horned down expecting to find six mangled body in the ,treat. "Am 1 went .town tho Milder 1 met him cooling u(t, bruised but un- hurt, and nil- he was thinking of was how he could beat tell the mea who let the beam clip what sort of n blanked set of blankety blank Mill tine, good fes nothings they trent', "Ht' did. Though he haat had an narrow an escape from 'death as i eon t•uncrior of a ntnn's un,Ier- ening, he went eight hack to work anti boomed the gang for the after- noon, fetter firing the man who h„ believed was rcxp_pnxlile for the accelent. "Som. folks Were xnrprlhed 1n read of the brldgemen and hon •e- Kmlths. who only thought of h'•ing pa3rt for lieu -overtone when they went back with the firemen up the tower of tit" Fact diver Bridge and fought the fire. btanding on the burring bridge while they hacked away the timber.. 1 wasn't, 1 know the kind they are. and for sheer have reek tlnrjn¢ 1jie 're .hard . to_ Philadelphia Preva„ Thee two motet 'sprinter hook” for' the holiday woman are the cheque- book and tho pocketbook. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT removes all hard, Colt or call°n•tl Lumps and BMm. 1shea from horse*, Inured npavin, ('orbs, Splints, Ring Pone, Sweeny, 1ltltee, Sprawl, Sore and Swollen Throat, coughs, etc. Sten 15o by ase of one bottle. Warranted the moat wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by all druggists. Halving a Problem, Washington Theta. (1^nrge-W0:e!e sail' !ashler their way Into all�leduntrien. Jack -That's W: 1 have just been list•huriled to make way for a wo- men. . "You halo? Well! What are you going to do now 7” "I nm_Srring_ tQhtllrry the wo- Ma n. Peerless Plum Puddings. With the frost come* tar tomtits ler heartier able dainties. Why ,� spend time and labor page, whnleseme seed' no easily secro uedel lcl Ask your Grocer. They are among the beet of LIBBY'S NATURAL FLAVOR FOOD PRODUCTS Pot op In (nn,rnient al,. key opening rens. Ourlittle hook. "lion 10 hate l,nnd Things to Fat." is free. Write for it. Lit.hr'e Atlas ne the World mailed anywhere ler 4., sr atsmpe. Libby, McNeill & Libby, CHICAGO, U. p. A. Minatd,. Liniment Carve Burrs, etc. Newbolt's Poems. Henry Newbolt, whose poem's on nava) and military wubjecte ha 'see him ttaawo hwtmtllar to ....wsl...pe-r readerp, has had a volume. eptllled "The Wailing of the Long Ships," pule Italiec1 by George N. Morang Al Com {any, Toronto. It contains a emptier of poems Lased upon Incidental of the late war In Health Africa, with oth- er.. on such subject's at "Tho King of Engiand." "The Nile." "among the Toynbee" and "Northumberland." It 1s n nice little collection of good verse", anal Moranlf bar pert It tap In tidy shape. ISSUE NO. 52. lam. Mea Winslow's iootetng eines dway. be wad for Children Teetbltg vuutbw the ch suttear the u wale sad fa tie t remade for °Yn' '•1M WANTCU TO P�ItI'l1ASk)-ANY efts, say u1 seized wool, •opsin, lar L,bt burbles, urble lur Station.eda slutse; stale Call( frier yourpets Itrlek L'a f uroa W 'newt, Tomato; telephone a ala l!UT TEN COURSES BY MAIL'''"'lit pnlr. i thoroughly tte Itught.nd I t5, ,; t,oe. lull vlduul attention. Neu, lar Lnu,le„11„• Buy, logo., for ,art leotard. Cons cafe Coasts dna Demi. steal CENTRAL iYtlNElt COLLEGE, lerasy Cr HnWlltuuHeaO'let PI6EONS WANTED .._will pay 46 haul Is•r ualr dud express choral.. Addy. nt lin ult+,n. Out.wlurd, ai king street lees IAPERIAL MAPLE SYRUP, Tb. crudity staadarl tr,na 11.e.... to Oats. TOO, aosa7 back Ilu"t anlleho 8081 a LAYLAYE, Agrute, u„glrW, Xmas Poultry, '1'ur►eye w,d .lower rrlllug higher. Hotter market firmer Mud Nue sander butter In good dr•Hihd. --1f tug limb, to offer plr,ur• .ole ler. NW pa?• ;hl ,v•b II•'t lb. for Beerwuy'e denier.' 4.. Toronto Cuurlgnmentenodewrrwpuudrm,• a„Ileltel. JOUR J„ FM. e2 Frost re. Final. Termite DEMILL LADIES', '1'u :1%14.4%7 u U,te e.harn uua 1y,.uug tor girls when. aa, esleL.h- rourm• tans be Lad, Iuelod lina[t the rumm,,t u. 1 hush ash°ul (rase(,-. ,x,-Ir,w. Imnp,ager, 11 .1 -. Art, t'nnuuer•I:,I I „nM Vohre Trultdug, do nthq. deAal nature write COLLEGE -04 , , r ,•eat, Nt, 1'M hnrllrr, oat., !.n ea4wlrr amt g1.ra „a tM °tw•Inl tate, rxvi, a (f r r t'rl. The Ainanuenale Job. • A London typewriter and steno- gSrapLcr tells a rnanbrr of queer *torten ntxntt the recentrieitlnx Si n n tit'• pert or t mployrra do not know, haw U. loaf th'•tr tbtytgghta Into goal Engilnh. Oita day\tot's iv Ilea haul rent) Irtckgleu, Penni to tt certain employer. "Yea, ler! t �.tL-. /O{l.._a'. nn.l "w-.^ ••tat e..-, dictator. reeling off a long poen thee- --There waw ny tsar , Or It ltd the mite,'. "If yota will it," mild dletatee, "I did not (rear It." She omit thin for politeness, being port - Biers In her oan mind thn,t It hnd not been sail. it to easy to alae omit a word or a phrase. hit ware,. ly a whelp paragraph. "Very well," roared the dt'tator, ' next tinkle you don't hair, make a note of 1t." beat" The Flow of Mille will be increased. Why go 10 all the troui.le of keeping cows and yet unl about half the milk they abouk' pro- duce. ro duce. The North hind [math 110... and with It cornea the twang.• rl rheumntl•m. Drive warmly, stay- In chore as mnrh as you ran Ind rah the woollen, tender mnwele. with 1'erry ('seta I'nInklller. i' nml :i•fc. Nlmlhter Judge. " lellinitiinm's religion, la like his property,' lucid Trhaet to Dicer: How's. that 7" •' it's all In Ids wLre'a name." Dick's Blood Purifier strengthens the digestion an.! •net- gorates the whole system ao that the nutriment is all drawn from the food. It takes jest the same trou- ble to care for a cow when she gives three quarts as when she gives a pail. Dick's Wool Pun1n will pay back its cost with good interest in a few weeks, 50 cents s package. Lasmlag. Mlles & Co., Agents, rtOS(TaEAL 1. - .11I1L'til 1111„1111 Your Address. A request. with your address attached, is a!I that is necessary 1,1 obtain our new and handsomely illuslraled catalojue. 14 will set yew in tour the fovea aauenmeni el 1151 JEWELRY in Canada. Th. prize, which is Malady given wok well •slats, ,s the coot el Ilia article d,l,.rd M yow- HEB LI Liyed HIS OE Lived on s•ulrnt Years LAM ( A Toro Hyl�tan, gatta , on the ward No. yesterday U00 wort! him, reps, one corpo Hyman had bee] thirty -awl years, un the cnarli veleut li craved No. from a s,I wonith, • vert* Atilt ity c,s,1.5 svgs, ny,ry Ate Cep aassther aftreet, al *tiering r 'the after it 1s Bak suffering.. Ing on to that done for t!mom I , He gave at the lo, Ids right name Of ('la I Lust So toy ton li setfferllag Ary, lin to r' u:seta ar•, rd, and en Jutged tla etl•augerr to lend n: to L•ot row IgM to the •57? Chum Itloxeom N; only it 1. n, sent for, 'firemen! mania hang bl, nail a box -t. to s.nlll yawl. swank to m to. mrlc tl 11 1 ■ hats 1. •'*yy vtet, When H) 4,o haul u the mere nwny for t into a IX.] that It col Bat wln'n rr-at'd drat s Mrgo Oa creels. TI ncldrtoreei CLta'chtlll•• Phu is e paper* ha ttac tly, so parcel aa 1 pat In olli the handle script was lockets. Had It n, Ing exelaa likely have fernac'i. r' Samuel 1 who knew c t; -n Invesrt1 101 0,s. hoe ,!'•ata end lite fae•t tht over $00,0 Dealt We ehwsrl.ly Plicas Pse money ,1 yew desire it 'sief eTerIrnul:!11IR11DIlletel 1 i IlTRII 111 1!i Kyrie Bros• Jewelers I0 lmi1lluYoctejt. To/ .f.° SMOKE BARRISTER 10 cent Cigar Ouarantt►d ,'lens 1!.•,• 'CI I '•"'1 ear ! That's PHOTOGRAPHERS! (10 you know that ROTOGRAPH BROMIDE PAPER Will giveon different results than ail) atter breamA. payer? I wen seal you a 14 dos. paekngs lea 20 Rotor/rapt' Prnmt le Paper for ry 1 . g, and prepay rapes. Mar, S. VISE c.nMlaa •pet BIB Queen St. W„ Toronto NNNNNNNN world,"—in anything o fit and finish too, in to the greatest thing HI the that's worn. You get sty c, b —lint the one thing we emphasize is t'leir Wearing Qualities. "Granby Rubbers wear like iron." HANDSOME WATCH FREE A S*IN So1atttlew' ns' (sent'. Wata'h I, imam from I4� to IDO. Dealt threw year A*w*y •a n . wont" WATCH that will etinai for time any N psis WO" made, send your nam• and pAAreale at °nee and agree to roll' 10 horew ill �ar "'mem• V wr.table N.w 1Jfw �11• .t 54' • 1 f the ;Irrang remtdy •nd "nor.• for all tmpporo and wk s',...5 ns'' ,• },tarsi lnrng,wtlnn, etnmarh trnuhle. mnmtl Ula, we•knrw 1' d..°rrle, Th. rheumatism.reMfr .n1re femstar ale tan. trowMbloat. .01 ♦ (rand tool "nA itis lmildrr.rear; a•11. 'weh matron.? who hay. a Ms of ll. frnm ra'^f•r' " ,ir• Ticket, wtlr h entitles Mom M • ens pier" ofeel�a ikai., •f s, scull tan ytmr nrrer .ad ave ..111 "end end n hoer" one Prlkw i and w by m•IL part p.lA. when u• the money ilk M)I and ww will sa 'o, tit. Watch ^ ,"' A GUARANTEE FOR 20 YEARS Ihr •stn• 1 mime it retM,ed. W,.re ,ung sway torte v M pitckly-intr°nor rrme.ly, and w en ran Perri,Q fhe watch, w" ••k r„n r^ par""• „ow itto ynnr irt•n.1. i. 1.. m u hc,e re -.*,0A w.teh*LCrom n• •nA ars more then • lent with them. 11.1. 1." `` et nn epprwtnnity M a• Anw Wasf•h wit M!Int • emit ins It ise o chick write at ..nrn ersa• etas"Trl VMS Noes LIPS ♦IMipv 00.. et. 30200a. 2) Tmm�te. One. There we dr'poeits wl find amnia tI yy� 'lab Cn nedle ed and. NI Brltl.h-Ami rento Elect Ons Co., Dc Co., Union London an r-et1 ut_1 Co. and of Itis whin night, lith. eir'umelan tannest at trrnl, and noi() stoner ill Lnwy, nftr+r tier II Papers eft null ndtnnc new clothot ling togo vine nccasl. rise In 187 Begged Whenever ho left Inst ---'r'-ri-7r5ri<c lin Would c did call he G the two -car Pliny saved Not long ..the...ptpss{e{I services at a small alto Hymen wit Inw and Irl One of the ole remains Pam (,rm1Me Coroner ) Warrant fo en the .bol Dr. Normat a past-InOT WHY TI y„mr ndA M: inch I 'Pe uhf•rs cotes ror U pant's lessee leg notes, 1 frog n nun t) )xt)s. to Jam,.. foe 1 attar h•rakl "plea', fors 1 env mote Pica„,, goo' none the ie