HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-12-25, Page 7O..eoll shell be ktet rte the day f the said Tows 'rroe. Mall be bllowl,yt ta.. leader. the ► ler .' tee hour tad matlealne & et these •. Itinerate r OIC IIrn,ont'e Ilho,., 11� • fr« eed *ore, own H al xi mimeo . tamer. Weltoa's ahoy, c •e. :o&8hey s 'areal• i1t1!•s Olcor. 4 Mee Nsr J marl text. d '1'... at teee Ielnt 0,7.1 M 80 Planes aforesaid et the vote, Or coat 101 aimed ' the a tesla* of ten chaff altoat tea o clack le •h der of Jma ml voice worm ter. Uod.rlob, tau • 18 day of CAMERON Mayor arlkee l ore• r �fe �st►eeevd.08 k' obtol..4 Ise grN publl r, the due .1 1Mo 11 h. Ma. •o of they roc a the de) Mm deed. MlTCILBLL Clerk. service fel. ,W' PROP- S, p to .1•0$1•4r. /}z,eeg,ettt.•• k Vines t. d>fro.dfett, J. 1. beam .er•o. to 1►. Immo n►, eeoretry les t'smmlaq flealorth , H Owts and get Is Climes. or ewe. Rod. god E stove wood 'ed to &ay .me day as dephone or bria street, On. EWAN. 6.19. lisim A G..' lanes i Sem'send Pie. the pm.. wit:me.ts fit rinci *L SS. 1108 iron, ..t. (rt Gard., ERICH. LE *ply by 1, beet. 4303- ). to. Id daily irgei n. les are gcods make 1 n 91 W. Acheson & So Holiday handkerchiefs :and Kid Gloves. NEVER had we such a stock of Christmas Handker- chiefs and Kid Gloves. Our efforts to oder variety, style and good values in such desirable goods are being warmly appreciated Ladies' pure linen bewatitchad Handkerchiefs, with neat anti beautifully hand ewbroidtred Initials, haud.owety arranged, } dozen in box, all lettere, at 25c Ladled' pure Irish liIlou hew• stitched Handkrrelii"f•, ju ' - and Saab hew, at .each ,:., ...... I0e, !2p, 15-, 20', -901:- Mems t11: Diens largo size hemstitched pure tine Mesh linen Handkerchiefs, handsomely worked initials, all letters, at each.... 35e, 3 for 11.00 Ladies' sheer linen lawn ehubroi- ered II.ndkerthtefa, in finest -- and dais: ie -A work we have ever Ia.lrr•Id, t, largo chane et -2,5c, 35c, LOc, 60=, 75t•, $i 50 11.50 Furs. Boas, Capes, Muffs, Ruffs, Jackets. Many new and stylish novelties, ,just in for holiday showing. Our stock is larger and more complete than at any former season. Special Astrachan Jackets, 27 to :o; inches keg, and all this season's stock, at ,...... , , . • . , . , ... .. 00,4';'!:60, $211.00 questions Pressing for Settle- -- - - meet in the Transvaal. 1 THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. SO VERY "+ DIFFERENT Some people condemn our advertising because it is eo very different from other advertising, Many people praise our Medicine, because it is so very different from other Medicinal. The difference In each case Is intentional, IRON -OX TABLETS ARD AN INVALUABLE NEMO TONIC, A GENTLE BUT LPPtCTiVE LAXATIVE Try Them Your health will be so very different. A COLONY'S PROBLEMS. Alen's Fur Coats. Calf, Coon, Wallaby and Wombat. We can say of them, as of all the other furs we sell, they're the most for your money in quality .of_matorial, and �ltrat workmanship. Calf Coate....$18 to $32 Wallaby Cleats 20 to 25 Wombat Coats..,.tcl•i to glee Coon Cosa . a:, to 60 W. Acheson & Son. COUNTY CURRENCY. Hoilstt 1hoe. Hill bought the 90-1ore farm on the, I road, Haleett, know', as the R.oee form. It 'stand : R3 MoDowell has moved his household •ffent. to Gal.r,oh where he, sod his family are tak,•g ■p Mel, raid...,., i reabrook MIN Campb•I', who is new attending the Normal SJbml .t L ,.don. hae been engaged as mooed te.ober la the Craobr, ec►ool for (903, a, Mea Calder ba ralgDed. Zurich : Word was received by frieeds.' aspvaeo.eg the death e1 Moe Merl!. Hardy, .meed dans►ter of lir .ad Mrs. b,lemo° HA•dy, of C.reoev,lle, M,ob., formerly rat. dr•ot. oI Z .r...h Remelt : I' ern* to the Illness 4 Rev. Dr. Medd, o1 Homan, R... ler. Wieners, • former paster of the Etimy.11e circuit, M skies his work •t the Hensel! and Hath- ( t ad. speetatmeo's. Crsobro,.k Joe H.aypt..o, of Detroit, sea fit A Itnano. CrenDrook, who ann.' well as opa,tl.0 for appendicitis la the hoopnsi, t• able to be &boat 00011 81010 00 will soon he as well as ever. Sesforth . A gentlemen in town has lef en order with J. 8%. Beattie for half • lee to be *prem to the poor as Corutm•sohs.,, *bile eno'her ems wade prov.alon for 12( leaves of bread to be given with the mea This it practical t..hnwtlsatty of • commend- able ware. Walton : Royal the ..yestee, year-old son of Adam and Christie& Rwpp, Detroit M,.h., formerly of this loru,ty, passer away o0 110 inst. The cense of death we, • very bad attack of diththert• wi'h *hitt 'h• yowl) was dile few d.1,, Mr. Haupp •0gawe l to the wholesale eoefmtiuoer. buuoess to Detroit, Clinton . (.l.eto.r►ns will rem.mb.r'Mr. sad Met. Grace, who are m,rstonertee u A11eh•bed, In lie, the letter being Moe B,.1 01. Rime i.l3..l Jeughter sat Mrs. Amu Rue. orm•rly of town.; on n.• 10.h of N oven. - bee • 108111 Ie m,s..0aary arrived at the„ ben.. who for the present will do no mor Ilan In. k .i: or h:s non wants. N.. 'mow ARVERS 1 N CASES .load *...11• Expected tram ter. Member. tale• 'Isle -I eaae.ties ■I d.Ys•..•- burg-Hi.t tarfaeaeba la,U.ls•l. reelected stx►tbltlea at Cape few■. •Special oorreepundeuceof MK Sh.vat. 1 At the 08••..1 moment tbere are •m c'ry Important irmertions o0u,py ng .. motion. of the mtizaue of Johauemburg 1101 the on tots of J..heaa0eebur,l aloo fie whole whim populeton of Suath Af 4d adieu Iy a one, d•raLl-.ec180a of •eople in 1; rest Britain. First Io ImL....- ace coma the qu.s'iOn of the prom l'on 1 war eon. to be bora• by the T ml, t fol ow• closely the great Tabor problem, h'.n the uoparall.11ed rase to the Rend end nm Io.dequ.te provler n tut the a flux ..Winton and the reiteration of roil flit and general trate, and last but -151 the system of Milner bating whioh C .me provident 11 certain sections both in drttala end 1n South Attlee. . Tres qu..tloo of war u,r, . i. the alL.h.orb. me too* among the mining magnates. To nillie.85 re .re the mainspring that maks fie whorls 09 round, the omnipotence o1 lohancesburr, the Archimedean lever that ores th . land of magolhoent monopo1 . y the wee the e.nyi•g impurity 1. eery ,.uch maimed. A. a eyesrya.s.- the twee 840: r.' inert arae".,. y • 0901,.. 00.1 a it ... , ua,n' fie y at! Ir ter 8,11. ems .rt. quick enough, he p eiub,.ens te 8185•, oram are obliged mu rue their balsams oriel ,.11 !baraee.l stock or meruheed.s, "raise, the tea•'bowe, and beaded .'ore. of the one lr y . so to be: rimed Mee' mme la - n. N •w Peter ma, the troops have oral y 11 1.11 Sou h Afrloa end the majority .1 to, .fuer prim ears ba.e Irmo re1N'ated M &herr 'rote, •o'h,t the railway trete is Ito s .oagegOrl and bids fair to be an omoothly 1a a short tlu,e. TOO ruhood.ln problem io Jok.00abors Is not so mull rghted. Never at the hu•ory of the tow au there soflioIent accommodation for Ib population. Eyeryrhieg bit ewers let 'n• bo,ldi.v of a house except the brick h .0 be Imported, to [hit buil ling °pennies tee now prart,ually at ■ .teod.tlll, and nay be safely predicted that never *1811 Ioh.mne.hurg le in a tl eurish:ne °"n $,''o, •.11 • sob•,anll.l dwell ng h"u.e be had et euonally Wimp recta. A preeeat • mall tura. of gr,•und for y dve lest by en.ty fee., wets • live roomed plain break o I h,,. .0.11v .Dower 1l.. to rhe imam, •ey• within two moos of the o a het .g ear,. oe • £1,500 ( (wilt .•ya0 h ae0ud five ,t .. 1. ), ern.0n ,..;.a 1 1,1 ra r- end La..., br,uge to a rectal a £13, o, DiV per muu.h This ,. tea u mal muu•1.1. no al ler sn.( bou•.s, mumble for tradesmen and better clog workmen; warners. doctors and all p'ot•seiooel peo- ple have to pay •1 least £25 a month, or $125,• hos making their rent nonemor• than tbet, usual yearly income in othero..untrles 1t would be. splendid paying specu.at•on for any of our •aterpnsinv Canadian o•pi- �.lute to start 054 export trade of .mail, ••t, woad•as hr"a.., which o..uld be mono n was„ons or tb• framework prepared he - tore .h,pp,ne, 1•od1og Ib.m •1 11-1.1ru. R... ready to out together. The distant. Ito' th.r• t.0 Johaouesbarg re only two buodr:n .elle•, .n tbet the soilage wool 1 be moo - mrzed, and with a lew.mper•i on the groaod L.. •uperietend this oon.tructlo. a *00 MI. '••we quo• ,.arable to the elimars ooglr w>. roe 0.11.11 en10 ,.here.., g -m11117 to the 4,10.081 advantage of the nyeetor and his too oil. THUwDAT, Dec. 25, 1902. 6 ts4(2d e 1`3 0? e • are &Imply kidney disorders. The kidneys s filter the blood of all that shouldn't be Y there. The blood passe. through the kid - es neys every three minute•, if the kidneys • do their work no impurity or cause of O disorder can remain in the circulative •• longer than that time. Therefore 11 your t blood is out of order your kidney have 1 (ailed in their work. They are in need of " stimulation, strengthening or doctoring. 2n. medicine will do all three, the finest • sed most imitated blood medicfoe then is 11.1.11 It is imagine, If tt were not so heartless, he I •.4 ec •er,00e a l ' 'er, '0 wetohtb• entI. N,I.,erl'..1. th. mstm. Pirl.ameot, 1. the e oat Cape H..use of A•.embly and in the Liberal 11u1 prime, fid hr -B e• re, bnrh at home and here 1h, o uog.11 their powere o belittle the 'Ugh 1%nmm e -inner'• policy in the naw onto .1.. I is • mi.t0k• to believe that e1, the impel.. ,v. 0rarnrioal ebiIn.re are mimed to 'be venous C •n'rn..t.l P.rliamenu. Rnel.Od of has among her R•110.1 .ad Home Hui. mem. rein -.specially .ha•D'e.-.unser of '►. na F- nm. .r.ld lair-m.ber. who see . reedy .. has n. P renonman re atter epigram.,spot hegm- .00 perorations on the drgh'.st prove*. .ton, •u 1 all the brilliancy of their mod 1•.:1 h.a bode directed against the m.. who • to them •imp 7 00041uv.1 blot/Amos per see .osphed, Tale has spread I.&• the plague t• Ctn., Colony, and from the B.,ad member. .d the Homo of ra5t.ninly to the Dutob yo001m' err .1 Dchnol 100.70ns 1s ready to ia'prop thatLordM,Io.r does not pogroms • ors .od for some time there bave been rum 1 strife, not between the Boer. and Weer, at tonere° the in tong m0go.toe &ad illaer. The point of cu .teoti00 evidently . the rate of unionist to be imposed of tee "1501 ea that they ohm* carry their just Mom of the burden of debt. A eerteue arotuwl was mach by the H,ob (iommtes,en- er, based o0 the yearly output of the mines, eh oh was considered too heavy by the nar.bo,ders, red • dead lock ensued. Th. ...hi eInt.e cle,0, that owl.g to the losers "uvh destruot,on or depreciations 1 pl.nt.doring t -u was they aboold '.e 11em.rt Iron t•x•trn0 for DOOM e.r. o0.d they have • choice to reeov.r. A...1 they father rano or I ct •rt to the high .to of laag,00 propmed A. a result the mime &r• not wetk.ng •r th.,, Is.t werkree •p•u'iy end do ..o' mem i •oIne,1 to go fel mm ahead non* tiro •11•imp..rranr pro . M' fled, The ttdvc,' of Mr, Cbemte• Ivo • tbtelor. looked for with the moo rime fol aallotp• iota by •J comes of the coo •euu;ty arm ,t 1• bslr..y„d Viso • mote.l.y •arisboory ae. dement Ind o. sr1.014 .t, I'tor .91'18881. IDvuI.e' in Phie y 0, loo pe worth Jamie; cost derision from all .ides 1 meter of a few mill owe here m, too • e. hot 11.0000 ly r qu u grans ooe•i,ler. Heft on the R.Od, but when it armee to • H r n.•• between the m•nee awl ,rr S i lab Oovromeat of .omv Of. v and surlier 1t to rot Sur pr.•.ag taw 'h. • rat Coloo:,l Sur.tvy •-toil.• es'aoL•h • • •,edrn to l•&.80/ hie 1) 'wrote strew orifi es to cooler p..re.n.11y • ith ohs M18 II n ..'the Ppol. So ler as oee 1, •, areae the feeling o J -ba nen sed, F. . r'••nau're at ger. d.o:.r-,d that tif- '., port.'. woe .her. ra.r ohms ..f ti. r d ", or rn:,'y reg 'her 'h• a d single Tutu., • tangle redeeming quality, .ad ell such would be highly d I'gnted t' the auI`eauou cou.•d to marred out .hick ea a.. l• le S..a1n Af 100 by rbe R.sr •ym vertigoes and tiveobnod and empbaslrei 8. England, trot another sobers of useful...". .boald he dimovered fur Lord M Icer. That. bowete,, . sot hkrty us c., aur, for the Loy• •Bate In Cape Colney look upon M r. Chem herbin's visit and the ppm.. n at the He. m•sgham baoqu.t ea the eve of his der. - tar• a. as Iner.oes of his resolve to b Hi .11 the stseck• oa the H'ah Commies, .n r .od of ht. io.ee'toh 10 rapport hu poi cv. Cape Town is at primer devrinplev n.ly .0'.ren to •'oh me •0 S1t 7 (Mod. Open for h .14,.v • Womb •'d Colon al es Mbrttoh in (:.p. Toa n, nolo. *.11 10.1 for ' ItoIP.. -d of f sr ni.ao. Isom No•rwtb sat 1903 ro F •.e•ruery, 1904. Tag 1,80 oho.,. is a e. termlag gas;, Wass to the 001054e•t ii.•d•"e, enonly nye meow•• from u, w otfi v. me ent.rpr,ee is tory npp,.r- a e, mire, .b.t duetog the past abr. y ore the leder nm of South Alr oft ham been •om.whst p•relysed. sad 'h&c for -rime .,m• ,o coin. S -0'h Aires will be t►. Rn'iah l'nlo.y nl.'m.r.g most attebtlt a (0 and all kinds of CUTLERY for Xmas Presents LADIES' HOCKEY SKATES, GENTS' HOCKEY SKATES, BOYS' HOCKEY SKATES, LADIES' AND GENTS' SPRING SKATES. :ct.11ssI r A N C Y Shears The best is the cheapest in SH E A RS •ee tba'. H.e 'a mcg Wet •.e not ft, be zed lee this pa•oo00. The •moult& the, Rritale emorlied ebeald be tai 1 was ow uttered willow, to be faired by O ten per r •n', t0* n0 the yearly "type', .o there to • • ,de Pap for Mr. Caamberlai0 to bridge Ver. Angier's Petroleum Emulsion with Hypo- p:losphites is pre - 1e nm.. .e � scribed .-by physi- cians for children's diseases. The little ones thrive on it. It t toot would rnmo tr• en the t 1,. m thea follows the astrv• I•hor gae.tine, It has al..). b..n •puxz .o* problem in +oath Afno. rod Melee le more 0ooenr0.t. -4 'hen ever. Luring the war the• mpbr.rl. • a, .zed colied laborers by the hi.'h wa,o wed them ea hats of 00mman cotton as muledr', rs wad ret heir merlons copeopi.., •not it i• alno.t Impee. h' e ,n get e. miller work at the (."mer wage* Frame's me esp.oully re,.aflame trent rile h'..) • ea demanded for c . o e I labor, Bat ih. • r, et nae of rhe Astor ma'ket u J .onnt'ars 10 of more 'mpnrrwnoe. fie:wa war a to,•1 of n r.e y-,.kl,' 'b. bete were employ d .0 the v.rioue e,. *Arlo to,'at , ,,.y hi. 1 -five 'hous- e r. titled Ile r "ark. The ',b dy re drawn from •,he v. r , n• tro,ee to b0rth of ..1e 7' ''..y. •one coming r . Irom t"e mese•,. Z n,b•et 1'1.. out (5 .1.1 zi3Onae i - rec.tii 1..4.n4 br'oy- e, '8. boy. to. the lie4.8 .u• .. iy *"rider. bit, and it ler eme.11r the nw0 •hat a I 0 at/ at .,:.1' ,.y of pa 1'.•,. ' f too•u*G ,Ars earn.! encaab in at le* rro.)U•e .' ,hvu' two pound• •mon. h to beide th, m mg;ry then return to 'heir hon, s with •0 „rot ono. to enrrhu. wive,. Tr• it IS n;' FANCY Scissors is pleasant to take and agrees with the stomach. It is the best children's medi- cine. They become fond of it. Put your child on asteady treatment of Angier's Petro- leum Emulsion, and note how x quickly it gains in health and becomes strong and robust. The Emulsion improves ape !setae, aids digestion, regu- lates the stomach and bowels, quiets the nerves, and revital- izes the whole system. Dry little girl teas trembled with bronchitis and e harsh hacking moth almost more birth. NntMng benefited her until Inv drugg4.t ,1,161 1 me In give her An Permle,rnYA1mu�l.itr,.yop�.113' 1, t del llmpItt o pP •m er,his a Improve io cok+r. To-rtav the Ia as ,crew; soul obese .• sas bo -A. P•a.sy, Ts 10540, Canada. Angier'. P,trntrum Emulsin 1s .nM tv dnggW, everywhere. Remember the name and in'iet rxs wetting Angler'.. Large .ire, 11. e.. Small. toe. ANGIRR CHEMICAL COMPANY. BOSTON, MASSACHUSLTTS, U.S.A. ALL KINDS OF PEN AND POCKET KNIVES ` and everything suitable for the Christmas trade. Be sure to get our Calendar. ALLAN & rlcIVEI? lie Lesilleg Iardware, host hods at blest Prices yt_i al rt$tptd. aid 111111 _to nu op ewes. Ith reel r.rrutte. Fnllowene up n the die medment of tee Irreeo er ferries engaged fel the war the . zn.rireent woe trod if owns he white labor thee could not And m: r. ■ 18.hle employ.. rpt. Bur 'bis was Only • 'snipe -aro tenni eat and It dao frond mime hl. i., econom 0 returnee N empl.y a. sk'I ei whit,' I,.hnr et ilte Phil imp per 4.y Inste.d 01 111-f$o a' one' aril .'IP0eee •hilt, the • re: do about, as much . telt as the white sae. The deartl. of raw K ffi• '.hot i• deo to ',tort Orono tl m't11e, In the •.nn ereet'y and the Sen'r.l pre-perity of the 'tarty.. tort:tortes• as'1 so long ss they hAte provision for the present they prefer remain .t hrm., Thu. 't ie h►onmire • atom Impress' gn•.rles whether the yatieea i•donr'es o.., rsa.onahto otpect to draw from Seth Afnoa. NIA'mitt number o f eat se In'..pply the oa•k'hrd boor re - haired set Holy for the old sed new mitring e nterprises hhl 1h. Iboreea'ag went, of Iho !arming population, the ralw.y. and ether o.. of employment. 'II it I al mp•eed up ihoga.eties le thle oe0ntrc se writ.. n Ana mal a end America of •he imps► elms fit Arline', and a re.Ay there le ,riorlon hr 'WIGS india sad the hem. ae'hn,,L:t over 'he Mimi/ratios mini treatment of rev .,s, of Atlrish 1adi., who are looked upon here a. sedmir.hles hat who onm. in ',t-g.ty 1. •ntmrgnumbers by rho monthly steamer, from Bombay. t h fmpesslble fs11y to AAttoribe the QAlrwltlot Men km aeon I'i .lehon[t.bare thrsegb the 1vtero of rrla'ese sed sty. lade, of Sow pepelatlee. Tro maps., s.t1Mtti.. 8,.14 the raAweya and rolling NMb Of the new n01nn1.1 sod ewes, to the dwfw..N.. and 'ho wear and tear missed DON'T ;FORGET • THA ..1_:i. . .F�.% •r r(L ;Lt 19 Ti1)1 1'1.11" 'IU rnr'y VALVE FOR Vitt it MONRY, OpeosJ•n. S'h, IAM, Two routes., r•nmmrr Mal a d Shorthand. Send fnr College .1 .urns'. C. A. r1.101iN", A. L, Me1NTT1tIt. ('roe. Bon. J. BROPHY & SON - Ttla LLAn116,1 - - ether(►\ \"'treetw t►ad bosom \'herr,.. larder. carefully s'teeded he of •Il b ..r•. n11b1 er day. aehew atrfil. Dodd's Kidney Pills only from to. Mother Country bot from her sister ooloal.s. 1t w.11 aadWtt.dly bring eh mat en outlet aur Impe,..l mwuf•utorers, •fid annual eetabluh of ger tta re r.latlo•r be Irmo Goode and the Sootb Afr,neo Dui nods, 1 hope. however, to devote • low or . wo at . lifer dat. 1e the poseib,hM.. of Canadian trade 1n tit a eosin ry. u E Mt•CotrdaLL Grey : Th. annoaooemeot Is made of 1• e m.rri.g. of Mrs E.,z•be,b A Kos z w d re of the late Hsory Kuala, of Woe'. peg, sod Grdeoa Perris, rbe wed-koo -■ • Mete, of Brgs.ele, wb-oh occurred on' h. even'0g of December 9, Rey. Conon Furnerat officiating. 8..forth: John Beattie, grocer, has dig - ^....d of his property 1n Eamoody,le, to W Atorh•rr, of fuoker.m.th. This a the old C..Ihs h. tue.teed, and Done no of three sores '1 he prim pa.d w.. 9825 Mr Renato has moved to u Tho.. H.I!•' break elders.e fur the winter. CI aloe : We regret it, (earn of the death d Mire 111,a. Hezby, only 4.0gbter of Gee.. H •11 y, of Winn.p.v, from the after .fleets t g.,p. M'. H .xny was until s coup'. . f r•►n mgt. a'se,drot of town, and Moe Hex. by was a popula• young lady who's demos will he deeply regretted. ('renbrook : Alfred, Gs riot and Jee Ray 81.00, formerly of Creabruua, hate pu'- ....ed the t'.nadles business of the 1l•Iron •\ *ping L. , sed will r.k• possession en Lou.ry ls•, with headquarters at Windsor, 1'h• first wroti:men' will return from Ste Fr.ncuoo, where he now 1.. "Credit lost is like a broken glass." It's Makers dare not discredit what cost so much to establish, viz: - The wide reput- ation, and standard value of - "The Slater Shoe" /wow wehd- WM SHIRMAN, Sole Agent, Goderich. "4 The Bing of Kongo.- t "Dunk'• Happy Thought" From the worst worry to the h's L eln t•.•e,ehe- tion_ One stepping stone The Though? Jordan k.O]'1c KIM'S Ooderich, Blont. FOR CHRISTMAS Handkerchiefs. ;c up to $1.00. Furs. Bargains, $1.50 to $.'5.00. All our Furs are reduced in price. We have too *any snd we think this is the best time to reduce the price. So if your "pile" is limited we will help you just the same as if we gave you the cash, See thew. Jackets. The new styles. Only a few left. rf5.UU for $4.00 j 17.50 for $5 50. Jackets, not the newest, at quarter price, some less. Specials in Dress Goody. Specials in 1ab:e Linen. Men's Ulsters Ab $4.00 and 16 00. worth up to $10.00. We are going out of the overcoat line. Now is your chance. Boy's Coate at any price to clear. liorKIAVS BUSY STORE. Lightness of a Dorothy Dodd On the Scales. A great many interesting facts may /A be discovered with a pair of similes, but it is doubtful if any single fact will be more interesting sod valuable to the average woman than the weight of her shoes. For this tells her the n ber of ounces that Inust be lifted thouu, ds of times each day, and a little calculi, on will show that she lifts tons of sh leather a day -no small labor in itself. The "Dorothy Dodd" shoe saves the lifting of more than one and • half tons every day. A psir of -I.K.sothy DrAid" shoes are several ounces light. er than ordinary shoes. The feet are just so Much more comfortable, and you are so much leas tired. Put a pair to the test. They cost,' $3.75. N, Ei -Of course we will RIVI• vou particulars of the '41,000 l'rize Contest Wm. Sharman, Jr., has missive sak at 1 bays remitted N•w Stems of etc., for FALL and WINTER Wear. If you an. getting a DOW 1,110•4( aui., I GO. please in int.c1•, ti, oat prtor tirReadt•Wisirte koala' in meek, H DUNLOP, r FY, Nftkit() ?c,i' The Ventilated Illesolmeteil Oven. The Division Drugs and Medicines 19 V defined hem, stock, tial, goods of ontiotmed Purity arr ofrned to C1119109191/11 Leave your culinary troubles, worries and expense behind you ; enjoy the economy, the convenience, th. absolute reliability of The " Happy Thought. " The best friend the careful hounewife can hays. bust • touch to tits patented dampors and it is reedy for any work. Its efficiency will be • revela- tion to you if you are using the common klud Is this not worth Investiga- tion ? fiend for booklet to co.. Llmitodordir 'Brantford or tall and ace the &feats. Rosa bs Oar stook f may Imo* P-tmer are terer, F. JORDAN HELLO ! THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND THE 111LsT Scranton Hard Coal linirM. LEE. 1.8t, .8 ran & BEZPILIILD'S Store psomptly attended to 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS TRADE IMAM. DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS ste. Annuls *online *ewe eh and rloacripelon meg lament if pr..hably patentable t'..tren Ilona mewl ly e..t)flelentlal. II•nelbnolk on Patents .0.1 tree,. aewneLor Scientific Ji1merican. et. !told bran neoadeatere hIRDIOAL 11ALL Brooch mince. fir V to.. Washington, D. we or tp ta t rff ty py re 11 in tn 10 se PI 10 tt ir ot its id es •