HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-12-25, Page 5n TEINS: MI % ClItS or Pi „)OS 11 I 11 solet.tion of Christina 11 be plawd before our customer - al snaps Ladies' IleIts, Ladies When' W11i8t11 and Skills itt both as Skirte in black and dark grey, nly six Ladies' Coats four long liatever they will briug, for they od shape for Clui.tuans tore too lam rise in pricea, are actually team than prceent y Dread .Niateria's, its lion.. is and other heavy -weight good., to it few lines still on our table. best °Glom from 50o to V 1 • 0'. mica gootis, *If new. ya', womasn's and girls' Under are been very large in these liner. beeu atleled to this week in many cool, Neva Scotia Wake, from ;a 1c Vont, 4i4ece lined, aye to 75c, tittle' front 1:Le to 50e. Bey* ite cats, a chub* lot, up to 25c ty, and tut to pricey they 'peak h Hosiery in mom° of their be,t irl American makes, fast col° Is, 1 5,-, both light and dark co/ors, 14 of ail %%001 \Vaulting geode that hita Shoots to says away, BORNE A I ! ISTMAS._ Love and Song Gift Goods t, •t. ntettiest and newest -vo.da th.. autiful, Up-to-date Manicures awl Toilet t:ases. steiltu,.; .1%er, in loathe' case., Dressing Csac t arid Collar Cases, Shaving Capes, t, . et, ft Pipes, Yriat 31-00---tzr-14-110.-- -ring Imelity;--- (-anew/ charm the heart of a ....oiter t Igor C'eses, Cigarette Cases. et, • hit the Cirt Pits- nds, whether ready to ot. mist, BED -FORD RLOCK. • 11 k pp- etables, ds of Sargent's vith G,,;in Food p e r • GVIE. THR S1GNA.L : GODERICH ONTARIO. GODERIC11 TOWN FINANC ES. Report of Provincial Auditor, T. G. Williamson. Sundry Recommendations for Future Management. -The Cost and Value of the Water, Light and Sewer SystemS.--Valuation of Other Town Properties - How the Assets and Liabilities Stand. -Supplementary Report. FUBLIt-liEL) FUR THE INFORMATION OF THE CITIZENS, BY OR 1.4.11 OF 1 HE TOWN COUNCIL. Tomearo. Ith Ih•ceinlita-, 1002. been ituuri**tlit• third during the hied To the Mayor and Council two or three years. l'his ham heen of ow, T.)... or tind..ricii. ihit. don,en Isreanse the school este having , lie high, the public ins, thin; ahowtt lientlemen : -At your requt•st and what they have to pay. for the te•hools. under inatt•uctions flour the Provilwial Our extit•ritatis• is that the ma 'ority of Auditor. 1 trweederl your town on the 5th o March last fur tire purpose of making an *mint of the is )(lit"' Anil ileeourits, and tin e1C01111- ination into *lie affairs generally, of Pair torporitt Since that Buie. I ha vt• spent witch time in your town oleo' this sjwcial work, my moat reeant % isit having terminated on the gth WU.. I have now lb. -lemur to teport upon the Y'ariotis matters which raffle tinder my native. The work of Ono aiottammor vitte ciao - plated on the 3talt April. as required by , and the roll nhoweil no in- crease which t lut4t- been aitt infec- tor). to thy ',outwit. .1 comparison with last year ia here given: Von Peounat hallow sat. Tusal hie - 1.1.73.Kie re, ataineca 1.11A.stAi Awn sae ill...So KM* 101.41/14 . 111, be... Of thi. increase 16191,111111wits liable to be assessed fiw st•hool tax only, while the beta/we, /1101.0711. teas liohlts for full tar:,"ille nature of things, swine ap- peals vrt•ri• to he expected. but the assesminelite 11441 been made through- out in a just and liberal sphrit. which could fail to he recognised. anti that. tethletittps tliatte on entreats were not important. divniends 1m certain Attires in ompantes Were asmisoms1 fOr the first I 01101.111111.4.41. a//11 It OWL Kehl ttttt 04111111, 1411110: lii• this -inatter the that th.• offeratin relied ot* the 1 Ontario Statute., chap. int.oriect settlement. %%Welt the Gem- & Sectiun tt, 111161. and lepton the /1.- 'If 111)Wfi 1 fife,. 414".Pts. S.O. amp. 1184, sect on :47, of I min% Tli.• 11111y KlIggl•lit • fin• The Asses/intent Hull. for the first Went which it APPears IteeessatrY 10 time shore the. ia t lot* of exesnitt ms. wake is that the Coileetor's 1(.41 showed the true value 1.1 the la Xa ble contain all the particulars pr.. - property in the timuit-ipility. a change scribed hy . R.S.O. Chap. 221. see*. WhICh 4111/014 111/1 tend to ittcream• the 130 to 1:cet. dignity and credit (of the town. AV.tTElt V1,111t1(st. It is sitonalently evident that the lire/tent etettreil is. as turititne. farmed.. Ali iml.ortaitt statent-4 4 waterworks. have been, willing 140 tenet the foetor• ails begun in 1.446 41141 has been 111 kis tal liberal tellies aml 00. manufac- Heti% work situ', ife • I liters no• attars, of this. having been considerably extended &Imola imaginotors rot, 141 favor of ofterrat value to the town. but they granting A hal ii to enable t company have lwen lse he el111•4`1,f tire of tlie Organ Factory. anti the l'heme have, without doubt. prove(' The meet/ disastrous destruction hy PIM and 427. to build A lailter fact.,.... and in cn,.„1. 1•11t1/11y. 11/1' 4.11111101 1111114 111/ to the end shoW clearly t hat 114' rate 101111.4. 4/140. 11 is /1.0 ..41 record that arty ealettla- per one thuitaand gallon.. for 100 to WU , gallona per day, to 11 rents per 1001.1101- ta ittervening prices 111.1•iii '25c., 21c ' 1(1'7 ! ., or Orel' :10,000 ga oils lam day , is paid within ttttt • lit fro... ha tle- 7 ; 17c., 1:1c. A discoUllt of 10 14.1- relit. is ; alloWelf off meter rate(' w len the bill livery. The town tampon metro+ if desired, (harging $3, et 145. or mote 1°1' 0111101g 00 mit. iwcortling to mize. At Brantford the sliding *rah for meters is rie, follows : Frisono 13 • ts. per 100 cubic feet, for 14•KK th11» ;.01011 ettbie feet wt. month. From 10. oer 1110 cubic feet INT 15,00110. 1110,144 feet. per month. 011 ths. 'visas that sass I anal titbit. feet are equal to tur kaiton., tia. Amiln. are changed flu t compariatat with 4 htlt 1/1-ires. Thus I from 20 14 -III eents per 1,0141 gallons fo 11,..at than 31,2511 gallon.. per month (say IMO gallons per day) to lit cents per 1,1100 gallons fill' 111/111 3,01/0 glint/11S ItO 20.0111 gallons taw day, Larget 111.1a111i114•14 CHU 14.1• 101•011g111 la• special contrart at lower prices. it may lal• presumed. .111 rates atie payable half - Yearly, on I/114t 4/1 31101'h 111141 f11141 01 hieptell1hel'. Twenty par t•eitt. is al- lowed off all rates paid before flat 15t la 141' the 111.111th. and ten per vent. paid if het %Veen the Lith and 1.011 of the Month. After that no diseol1111. .111 regulations are strictly enforced and the effect has been inest Ka laitary ill ini ting prompt payment and avoid- ing hews. Any tails not paid at the end of the month are follinved up at 411145., S41 that delay itig payment brings talent: anti obvious (Baud. tottattes. Various ea/vitiations have been made to arrive at the etea per thou...riot wit- hin,. of pumping the water. It is only (*imp NM that the ptinsping station captor:mos have lasareepara tri rill/owed to water works and to electric light, KO hat it is difficult to go hack beyond that year. The coal is still charged iitirely to Watt•raorks department, tut this will he changed in 1011-1. These talculations are appended. yarr or COAL AeTt'ALLY taiNst7411:0 '/1441 Pill 11411141 IN 1811111. 1/441 AND HIM. Ist Jam, 1910 Paid in 18110 . • • • • 3473C1:47f1.-'11:1110: e people lacter 11. pay III fill .111.1teit41 of by instalments. In 44 (41011 such as yours. it 144•41110 1.0 111e 1101 tWO ment n 0111d I/OH/Chi. Hist instal- ment should be made the larger. one and payablt• in August." It is alhaealter likel% that. in t% well -to -di. municipality Ake yours, the nans.• result would be experitawed. Many of your i•atettavera would prefer to pity in full and nate the discount. which would rt•liet'e you to 41 (.011Kifiet.- tehle extent matter --.4-• interest eliarges. Tires. rec, t entlatiorn4, etatitutini- oated to you Wine ago. have already been actid on too a certain t extent, hut the date for payttwut of 1 Hod instalment. should be madt• 4101- 4 siderably earlier than was the ease tltis year. I venom Ica..• t his department veith- out eitying a W0141,111 praise of the very eatioditettory Qat 1111er ill wItit•h the collet•tiont. have 1/14411 made Durin • the flee yearn which 1 have examined into. the itettlementa of each yt•ar *4212.50 277.50 were eorrect to a cent. This is more unusual than may be generally imag- --- Med. and it reflect.. great credit upon . 0131415.08 yoor eollector,, for his prompt collec- tions and correct mettle:tient-a. and it reflects credit also upon your tree/ewer foe bin satisfactory inane/gement of hie ishareliflhe business. rhe tailtealffrf and aettlement of taxes are somewhat Stock 31,ot Dee Columned Int hut., Wist. 8 Z7T.30 Paid in 11100.. ......... . WHOA' grantin • t usual tax exemptions ••f 11101 atimaintina m00(7.040.111 Are %tilling gi% th.• most favor.. treatment le ittantifit..t %nem whe Rita .11,4111C* lmaiefil the •itatlity. The examination into these niatters diat•Its.e.1 the rasa that various proper tie., hail not been propetPly aatiessed and taxed for echoed p IL /LS !pre, scribed ley law. See 144. 0. Foie ard V 1 chap. :it, see. 77. and chap. .10. sec• co. The attention of the rottneil was at the tinie dritali to this matter. It sliced./ he borne in inisid ilia( the collection of artears.4f school ratA., is merely righting a wria which hae. been unwittingly. mll al upon all other ratepayets. A certain mom (.1 ev has to Is. provided eaeh %ear foe se ad toupees .., ekt the aino mints width a 4-14. 110 4'0111,1 ell 11'11111 the tirolwrt ies %%ere !pert ..re.• sums:wax' no the ratepayers generally . 1 Dons haVe Ims.ii 1111tde 10. tO the at•eur- . ate Cosi of supplying *titer f.or henna, - bolds. fat tories. ths sti yet sprinkling. 4.14'.. 111141 It is desirable that . this should now 6. done. The water supply luta hitherto been elutreoal fur at a fiat r.tte. which. olIttys nit 11141111,4.111ent 141 4111114 114 10 pract- he (f' . Iltia the ss ante lir ss at er hiss been. its 1111100.1114•1141•. 41.1' large. I calettlat id011, hid, 11.• OIK•114,14011K of last y -ear Malt lotto horn 1.416.11 Ms 1.1o4s, 111.• engineer rep..0. that III that year. there were pumped ninety -flee and ona• holf millions of gallons. Ilin opinion 1,,, that. if proper earl. to avoid waste had lawn used. from :St to 70 hat, been ..liffiejerif Kllpilay 1 WIN 11.K %Kum.. The waste is attriletteel principally' i• r 10( 11' C1.2-12(ik.1 g r* ,g % • :L to : 1 . ExcessiVc lime of lawn hydratits• Oa:retire tap; (in this Milner - 111111 he hylew holt ;atter 1. •:ti Het -tittle! eitrehatimess too part (4 novae eon/smilers. ill The tine of water to residt•nte who Are not rated. • Tapsjelt 11/111Kt9411elltb* in winter tittle. when t he temper:qt.". is below freezing tsoiot. 'fin. engineer ostitnate-s the loss from these, .-arimo. Itt Vint Ir.., than a very •rirms koss. mid late whit•It et -err effoort Anode' be made t.$ Th..rt: are various changes which coin is, easily made and which wool(' cer- tainly produce itat-reeseti revenue and with ...pod certainty would decrease the eX MIR lire. ."....".•••••••••••••••--4.4.444.044•Amsem. Bread that helps ealth, that's easily ted. that's always is-- NELL- DEAN'S iemade Bread let talking precemm knOWn has don. so 111114 to improve itts et hread a. our own pr.- 'ARNIM!, DEAN'S 14/t EARS 'toot of • los. ft. Ruperiorily I/I 1141 rnak.v. tro-sa the ani lad is ranvin.ina teatimony .111 I and perfect method. .1 in Hie making Wan ten eat :1,1, 1 th'...tN'S BREAP three the year rem, 1 and never Ws always grod. .Amty snd Iwo right Have oar agent ...male lost P. WESTOBY AGI,TCI•Tr St - GODERICH ll A .. A If a. . - i. i J .i. i _iii_.' f_____Lil, ::: d ;'. i 4 IMO •••• SX . 7- 'Y .!. c. . ....., :t '• . ee. id 4, : 4 • :.... a ; F. ,,, ,i .....- y - : . ;-, - ....- 2 .: - - ; t i ..* A z ' i ; i•-. 74 :f & .. , e 4 ?:: - -: 7 A.... ''' .:- X O. ..,t e. ; i 7. 7 .7: r '. i 1 C a _:: 7 7..; .E El -3-r - ..t. 7 .1*- - • 7.• ...., d - 4 4 • - : 7 ...„ r.: f - t at e 13 F. .J •-• t ,c - TAXES. The itionicipalny has hitherto bee outlet. the necessity to lawrow from Ito bank each ytair conaiderehlr __meet current oipentliture. If lax, riiiird-bc 'Alerted earlier in the year considerablo• savitig of interest chart(' Pt e . Moro Loney Hu:Wales in the how 116656.31 . 21011.1a) _ _ l'unnutitetl .. ...... *11.402.31 1st Jan.. 1101 *21 itikt10 Paid in Inn) 4L*4.04 *taint /Week 3144 Dee . 2147.11 . '011/411111111 g:0470.11.'i It is entisitlenal fair to apportion t he expense equally to Wittet•wol•ks and fleet He Light. say otie-half each. Mil Wein Ilan 11S17..11, itt2L.231. I $11rtS.:r.f.. The higher 11104 in 1000 is at t domed to ariationa in the prict• of coal. Tho (I t ta n - fits, of wider punned in 111/1 was %I, Kti.1110 gallints; Nay ( 1011"p0S1..4 01 11111/0100) Kett/ thousand galiona Itased ion this is till. 1'1104 Of 1.1111111111g in hit/. tiler t/F 1`1:1119.Nti 1!V 11/111. l'ary :edits and ilislotirsountatts..$116-1UA: Fire intattittiis, el24): I.oilet• hi- auraticc. tat** _ 371 t2.65. issloct anemia paid for coal.41:X(14 - .1 old half share mat trottennied BMA! - $1s12.143 hichtli( hied loy per 1111111 Add ileprociatioti t111 $72,500 at 5 per ct-nt ..... equal to 31 cents per HIM gallons. Add Int. and Sinking rural 1111111.111111 in PK and 1/4141 117:4./7 AshIllwineims1 and internality' *Mon in loam Par2 211.76 • _ _ Tote 1 rest . $1 1121611.1S equal to 11 et -el% tier 10110 gab - hats. re• s kr 'per 111110 lir per IOW gallons. _ 134 cents per MOO gallons total cost. ••:. re Ps nese (•ansitattiors are expreaseff in • detail. so that thew may lo.• no diffi- culty in tenting their iteettracv. .1 I- t lough I lit. changes 11410 reps 0011414.1014s1 1' Meet a consideralile sevifig In total expenses. the eost of I ping 81 10011 gallons a ill not la• (-hanged in et. •Inr flegree. For instant.... if 70,- 1000.14111 gallons %ere pulnpetl. awl n P.11% 111g effected of ...third of the egad hill. equal tnt46 lo the g . 1 a gross lb( 471114111 itin g ail residences a it bill reach of OW 11114in, to use th, tow ti writer. _ (3* Ily the maturing of laWI1S lit. certain -.perinea hours, sat front (1,1,0 11; t11. 8.:111 1). tn. dad.% Any Awing.* initial -eel few the general benefit ought to be loyally aupported by 'wet y out, ct en if there nay he itsron enteric.. in laidividnal Mows. A:- to metcre for int -portant consum- ers, 1111. 441110411111 age* whielt untold accrue frtan their inshallation eamiot bet he ',cognized. .1s to c.imptilsion 011 all residents to itia• the wn'er. 11111114'41 IS fully ent mowed ity t he Mitnicipn I et. sec to he the phausills. 14 4..5 Yrs. 11.si111401 t 'A (loth* the lllllllllll flints at env tehe , 11145 smile thrill. In the 1$41 14'1' 111111 Or 111 sinbnier. tha-FT. ts, !mood in loitt•r fina maid mhape thrt Inter in the year. The prement omild appaar b. he apeolefiv fa. orable t Im.• for Initiatin a natem of pa 4 1....nte 11y- instalment. Itylaw No. I, of IS141i, svhiels stipitIntes that 1 he eatepsy have 411. 1 Ith I/teen/we to pay their taxes. ant ivhich granter' graslesi Iliseetamt ft earlit•r payments. 54'ils ripe/11141 I. bylaw No. I of 1305, and no Hew bylast• has rect. been panned to take ito plowe 01' MLitt that the toward sIiiontint wa to he unfair to fife Natalie ratetrayern. ond that it wns repeaksi for this canal% %II tax 1411. over otated summit should lw iiiti wo parts. The, tint Iffteanth day (of August might he (mind a Andel+ 1110' dat./. for tha 11...t IttatatIntent, Th. toe Mlle la, sem ovit litly early In the molith neeetwarv. Th second itiatalinetit should la- mad( payable two (or thref•mboth. Inter. dincount on the **cowl inntaltnen should I* given to all a•ho pay• in ful on the !list (bite. I milked the t real lirer of the lily o Toronto for wane information t. that eity'm practice, end he coltrteottsly replied as frofiewa "Thr• aystem o collecting the taxes by lnatalnienta has been in operation in Toronto fo over twenty ream. There ar.• thin* menta. th.• .0)1.4 rate, hating miply witiats. ranging front 00 rent t• • would pay for 10,01.10 gistiotis tluring the year, or about 1 10 gallons for .•very day of the year. The experiment which you hat e joist made of installing 1. meter for the supply of yout• largest cult woo. the (baud Trunk Railway C patty, ir likely to he followed hy install.% lion of meters for other est. C4111- /411/10114. AlthOlIgh a genet inatella that is not under ....iwiderattion. /1 ellleUlltt1011 IlK t11 the 1414 'twilit+ effect ot s14.11 41 (intone 141111' be inte•resting. The largest collection of %valet -rates in 1411V 0111.' )1.111' 11110 twit realited 1404111. Th... Water plitlipts1 last yter was teii millimis of K01141110, uf withali a very ling.. proportion was 'lel, nit ph•tesi. '1'111. figures for 101E1 will. it hi p experience not peutiliar t 'oderieh. The figures for 11102 art. 111 yet emir /toped, be consitit•lably 1OWer, May 71' to hh. millions. lf, by any means you could supply and get. paid for Mt' mil Mats at a net. pricy of 15c. that vvold aggregate 1.74.11). a cousidgeolde. in- er am. upon the record and about what it mav 6.• expected to reach when the 2:0 new consumer.. arc added, and the advantages of Meter- ing large consumers begin' to be reit- /teed. I enclose a written memorandum .4 various ai tttt tints which ;should, I think, lie put 1 1111/11g11 the deco ts liS (111044 4.1111141, 1.1.., ell•dit.404 10 Ole W/114•11.1401S 1.1410111111ellt 014 Chtleged tli V01111110 /UT t4.. ail 111141i4liteil. These atnitillas to go to t•redit of the Department %yin aggregate about tiaitts. .%11 estilliatt. of the ineoille in the coining year might 1111* US fol10014 : 141.01seame -hva141.--14111111- • Present hie...line. say tttt els, (fiat rate) .... Increase f roni large CO/isomers Al(11.11:ae!Alt.11;e)t• foal» 12 11 hilt: 11.1110 %V.a.k... he., pay ..... :111111 110 g that the total ex*pcilans(1. 4).4 th11:11.De" partim•nt eat* be reduced to $1211110 (n• t he is•a ta a it t here 4110t11(1 still rensain a, differessre of 101#100 to he /fade up in order to 'mike the tit•pat•t meta self-sustaining. lt is likely that the installation of meters for tile v•arious fat•tories wtould reault beneficially. No one. of the factories cOtild reasonably object to peg the aettlal cost of the svater tht•y actually use. It' tio improvement if, ine111111' attotild cellar. there would roiltletical of expenses lit a pi•inted report on the 'Water la'orks of tlw City of St. Thomas. liy• W. A. MeLeall, I... E.. the folloa•ing istragratili ir. waggestive: "Meters are tieing placed on all large consumers 01 wat4.1. as rapidly as possihle, as they - are 101111d tf1411Teet 1.1 (•..tisiderable S115'. ilig 111 the atiattuat ..1 watra- tistsl." The del/Art /Wait Charges. ail a 1111 I irt rent for meter. of say Xt and tipwaills. aecortling to size. lat the C'it % of Brantford they have 1111 eXcellent system of record... connection th6 they have ••a complete stateliarill of all 110a144. phoohing and id the eharayter and location of all it•rground pipes. this twing mad.. 114004e by. the systen1 of licensing plumbers. and requiring from them t•ertain detailed information. ' This idea is a go s oin.. If 'You li- , 'lose he pitiful ours you coo hat e theni 111111,1 the neeemsary contrOl• no, ..ught 1.. w,.1,01.1..• t thang,.. rm. it Woad neeessarily pre - Vent Unlicensed parties from otwrat- ing. Aecortling to the alitta- works by. law •noi. in force, e ..... totwssitai 1111. called for, but this has not been taps of 014.'4s...ethanol are, 1 believe, tbose %%Melt preKKOlre 110$41/- %1111111S. 10111 1111 beillg 1.4.1111t4P11 411111K 1/111'1,. and stop the flow. These 1111. $111101.illl' IA/ 41 • Other 01///lpreS- s11111 141111. 111 far they cannot be flats!. at least itot without P44 diffi- culty. Proper strvision ahould he exercised to See I Olt elOhetti and taps in hotels and elsewhere are not kept running, The officer wh.1 may- he tip - 1111111411 to il(11 V11111141 7111d Ire0111 the eleetric light meters ..... tithly attend to this tetwk, rind exercise stip- erVisitni (Wel. lawn )1% drants as well. ELECTRIC L1(41 -1T, „ 'this department was first installed rkt; atel was YonsiderahlY en- larged in ret16-07. It luts prilveil 11 great boon to the reaidents•:• Theeapi- tal expenditure to the (aid of inol tovirear, boo. Z5, 1901 power) simplies1 Wil/ lay isti important matter. but will not present any in- superublt• difficulty. Your etignmet• Mot already fot•tned some t•lear ideas spat this point. The plant ham hitherto stood in the tecounts and meet.. at its actual coat, without any allowance bring made 'or depreciation. At my *quest the alineer prepared 1411 inv rctory and va nation, whieh has been reined by the AK1444444101'. and which li 110N 1,1111- 111111011. 11111S 1/1/(111•11 the pressynt Valli - at ioll of the plant at *27,131.20. .1 writt.•11 niettiorand ..... is enclosed of various serviees rendered tt. the town, with which the depart/tient 11111.0 1N• 1111•4111411. The tlifferenve helm, eels the total ex- p. -nays for 1001 and the c.ollections for the sante year Ill ........ t 141 111.14011 $1111110. r1110 VI/ill be 11.4110'041 by 1 114' 0110 ..... IS to be chariost to the other depart tnents for lights supplied. It is reasonable to hope that the various (-barges which are likt,ly to be made will Nerve ny eurtailimr expenses and by miaow it possible to supply a lat•gely in -- creams! number of 41111. ..... ell., to gradually bridge over the remaining part or tit,. bnip, and eventually to place the depatainent ott /4 104f-.41114- 1 aining basis, tvItieh is the great (1111- 4414•111ti011. .t Writtt11 memorandum is tamlosed embodying the collections and net maintenance expenites for the past three year., and also the gi•Oas eX- pelises for 1901. 11". W. a: E. L. COMMISSION. The propet• method by which to se- cure tht• most satiefactory results froin the Water 1Vorks awl Electric Li ht De• rartments in to place them ins er con ro aim.. Contents show,* (the Mayor mid t wo othet• **si- lents) as provided for in the statute. Without continuity- of nianage•ment the prospects of Klleeellh any. Nisi- *IVA" are gravely impct•illeti. 'file nee- eswary annual election of (mum -ilium is fatal to tont• y. 4Iy the end of his yeat• Chairman 1/1' Me1111/1•11 C0111111it 11Y" linty fla Vt. 101101te tilt...ugli- ly acquainted with the work, and he t hen as likt•ly as not to be trans- ferred to another committee, or he may not even rejoin the council, and his value in this particular matter is lost to the municipality. In Goderich you have many capable and snceessful men of boldness and borne of these lutve ample leisure. ft should not he difficult to find two of thege gentle- men to take up this -work in the inter - eats of _the_ tsunutunity for_a nondual considt•ration. There b. 110 .IA(1 of 111111114. in your gond Ginn. Especially in such • Department s an these is the lack of emit innity (4 man- agenieut felt. The appointment emitinisahmers is clearly the best remedy Available. hiel•tions 411 to 47 of chapter 235 11 S. 0. (Municipal Water- works Act) pnovide for this. Section 41 says, ••The en isioners shall eon - mist of a board of 11411 loss than three and mot more than the. of whom the heitil of the C04111101 shall 'ex officio' be (me. - Sect' 1 1 of chapter 231 R. S. 0. (Municipal Light and Heat Act) incur - into cottsidt•tation, the charge of 1440 trat•ett tack ill the records to their for each hydrant cannot lie considered filet inatallation. The capital e. - exerted ve. penditure each year- has }nom added 11 EA I. l'It OPERTY. to the similar expenditures of prey- iotis years, anti the valuatitnis which ! With the asairtaine of the awwesor ha% e hitherto appeared in the annual ' a revived list of properties has been statement,. actually reprt•mont t.he total prepared, which is herewith atibmitted capital expendittits• since the hirers. with the itareetor's v•aluation append- tion of the respeetiveayetems: No al- etl. It would appear Oat the ...... lilt lowance had erer been made for de. exts•ouleti on .tgriculbtrat I ['ark e..11- priwiati1)11. 1 .n.ler I htsa• sitlerably- extotaltsi ,the vote. A fair it cannot ht• doubted (hot tho pub - proportion of the oyer-dtit• rental due bodied .itlitations have /teen too high. to the Ctorporation 11a4 -t• !leen collected. The simplest and most _satisfactory STK method tof arriving at the right figutes appeared to he to ha4•13 complete in - It is toectsoary to call attention to 4•entories and valuations prepared, the irtitnffieient width of the public and this ttas dunt• ley Mr, J. II. Kelly, lane oil West IsItt•eet. 'stoning south the Chief Engineer of both depart - between lots six and 01•51/11. 1114•111.0. Tht•toe lista have been carefully vitamin's' by Mr. J104. Reid, the town assetator, who consider% the valuatIone to be fair and just. They have also been MOP11. t11111 NEe generally approved (ti,f,,w11)1y,MirtstitArt4.1,. /tolterteson and Ball. the Tilt` !sewerage syst. has 11e4,1)1 placed at actual coat: Certain parte of the systAin are not in quiet tatisfat•- tory order. it it'll! he found noted in another place thet there is an um expected balance which should appear ar credit of (hie account, Ad-vent:ea for granolithic sidewalks. are treat.011 10. nctiVe assets until re- 1 paid by the imam. of Local Improve. nient Debentsires, when the Nidewalka will be transferred to the list fpf fixed assets. investment in stock of the Elevator C pany it, treated AR an active asset, arrangements having been /mule for its heingrefunded,in consider- atiou*of the'Corporation guarrutteeinft the C'outitany's debentures to a like q amount. Thitt trantniction hut been completed during the corrent year. oThiwerativoult of the Elevator Company's iconii for the year, and its greater proapects for the fnture. give good promise that it will he a great and lasting benefit to the town. It weenie impossible to doubt that, with the rapidly iocreasing wheat areaa in the North West, the capacity for handling grain uf all the ports Oil the eastern shore .4 ',eke Huron and on the southern and eastern shortat of the Georgian Bay will be tested to their fulleat extent. SEWERAGE FINANCES. At nay request, the plan depoolited in the Registry Office was exantined by the asaeatow. The plan calla for 41, Width 111. :110 feet 7 inches. wht•ts•aa the lane tall, measures 30 feet 1,1. thereaboUts. According to the plau. lots and 7 call for 00 fta4 each. where- as the balkier /111•71,11111, about tio feet and the latter alanit 77 feet 11 inches. Solite of the Att. g lots appear in lesser degree not to agree with the plan. FIRE 1NSCRANCE ON TOWN PRO- PERTIES. Conditions inserted in tire insurance Ix/ides vary considerably. and some of these may. undt•r t•ertain r•irciazu- statiet•s, be seriously prejudicial to the assut•ed, in case of loss ocetiring. This fact ha., of late years, become generally retaignixed, and many lead-, Mg merchants CanaAia and else- 4withetueirre haiy‘owlitehit....,tigfurht expeft tariam. *ton by some reliable lawyer who has given apet•ial attention to such ques- tions. In the eases which have COMP to my personal klitowledgt• the results have fully (le ...... istrotted the wisdom of such action and tho• 111151 for siteh examinatiom Thi•reft ore. I submitted all the polieies %%Iti.•11 the town is inteeested to a critival examination by Mr. George H. Kilmer, Barrister. of the City of Toronto. I have tht• plea- sure 140 endue(' his retawt. which cent - taint; eh of intetssa. It is grati- fying to note that he reports the town'm polities &A iu better ahape than municipal policies generally ore. Dor- ing my atay in Goderich I drew (in- formally) the attention of the Council to the heavy •rate charged for insur- ance of Rt. Patrick'a Ward school, (•aused by the proximity of a large wooden -shed, which was not then te•nanted. On applicat it on. the innur- hag company declined to reduce the rate. Sitter that titnt•, the sheet has become occupied 110 all apple e%•aportt- tin., and has been completely destroyed by tire, which destroyed the school also. Attentiou should be called to the fact that the insurance ton the ((*1;',..1:."(841 iti.11 hilt Tioy. )11111' 004.4114/00'. 111.1.4 policy expire.. 014 the 24th inst., and it galas- he well to ronsider wht•ther it should not 1.4.• re- duced. The ainounts eorered ovi the Water potates these seettons 10 to 17. appat- Wot•ks and Elect i•it• Light station are. rntly for the very purpose now held :::: ;-;11:firglipsilessit0(21,14.111:41111:iitinnaguiltur:411).74,111):, lsoilers $1000. on beltitig 4209, a 114i MI *hafting 4200. altogether $48111111. Th,. inventories and Valliat s Which at.- compant- this will enable the Council sante manner as the head Of the V111111- I" judge vrhether this ; um is stall- oil.- could manage the affairs of theme tient. The boilers are further jetsam' 11.:;:/.1 il:Nr111411:41111 itil'•1114177e11111111°/1111//;111:•;-. l'-''154iNn1:4 exPh""" la thP "Itt111 "1 1.1" ...until. 'Presuming t hat their man- DEBENTI- It Es. \ agement proved aatinfactory. to. is in llic whole of these liabilities were every way likely, they would be tea- earefully exa ... i .. ell and a 114'W 1100k 14411111111 ' 1411/1. Of re-election. and thus t was pr.attinal in which all are entered . 114 4 an age 0 of rmitt--' with --fail partieulat.s. „ahc__n__Ault hog moment %oat he obtained. • ' eorresnondence will he fitund al ella 1 pr....tired 111.111 the Corporal i.a. or 1 I. the town sof Galt a copv of their belaw. The, redeemed debentures and tsoit- appountiog water works tommissioriers lams were (mind in satisfaet <Pry eon - /Intl this copy. with the neceasary al- (10 ion. and a Issas was 441SO procured tent thons. f have already aent to the for them. in which they elm be posted Ma 11.111'. The Corporation hanker has ex- si7ra"citlioeft tfh"ti: (17•Ibeivakttel'Ul-es'IngiO ftittrcif•Iiiisi :lilt).- preased bin svillitigneset to receive pay- tend at the latter end of the 'I.Ptithlv meta of all II Mel' MO lighi rateteat the Halains• Btok. where it is opts' at all la• of bank. a matter which would naturally- tittles for the inspeetioo of the mein - •11 interest to the Commiss- Iwo. of cumuli At page Pi of tilt. i ..... as a het. they are appointed. Cash lkaik, the $1301 bonus 00 *25000 FIRE PROTECTION. debentures ought to have been tairried to the rredit of the account for vrhieh The property of this departiment the debentort•s were sold. has been subjected lo re-valtration, per enclotas1 list, whieli is believed to rep- SINKING FCNDS. renent s• aceurately ita present Examination into these proved ePutt value. Thy steam fire engine is the the amount at credit was mimfficient. only item calling for remark- It ie Thy sinking funds to redeem theearlier irsooltraloa Op.g911 01411 70 11 hopap hit stmt.__ not in workii order, cannot he need de•bentures (which were in c ahle to laborell under a great disadvantage. in Its prr.sett tarlion. l'he lime on at t re en«. ell' respective terms and steps should Is• taken, a ith as of the Connell (in lettyingit -Without were calculated at the same rate,. of little delay 14K possible. to improve its repair . appears almost disingenuotts. I interest whith were paid 1111 the issues tt.,:4,,u.itiwt,,,,,_,.. t„ ici:t.4, ttit,h,mw,„ titwar-cl t he Me insurance comptinteettx/spectively 4.1.../onete,ajority of etiaes to snaky a fair showing of aestilts, Its dittleulties ate distinctly traceable oht miller the unpresmion that the Ilble m the investment of a sit who are intyrestestand who ere pro- this rate Was -,77 a rah. tittitacifiliiiTalii to the Hat rate which consitint•rn engjne is in eftieient (•ondition. If it fund. Therefore the funds lagged be- iir.' "hail."' fin* light '""Pii"1. Thr al‘-'oellil•IO.''.51()•1pailati•t)iip.'elftit"...11-11.'Wsld. ntohf; retwiltettire' the 'position at 3Ist Deeemher. 11101. .on.,. and lilly 1111111141ti011s, 1110ped 011 11101, this method .4 (-harping a fiat rate is conmidered. the more to keep up Sll great a preastlre ill the showed that Mfter ertslit Mg $0114.1.7.2 t•learly it is been 10 be all error of the teeffers, intarrenee tutor* were named mains. 11 would be a nikfortutie if paid into Fut•niture Com any loan or 1. 411' fltly 11./1111.1e. 1" eXeesis % e tete- of lea It hydrants daring the 010114 1111.1.'401044111 11111.1 11174.1.1 1.114. WIltel' 101144 sore greatly. 1 I ix tip 114• hOpert that a bylaw will prohibit the tole of these hydrants during the do) alai prescribe that any eontrit tent ion of the regula . Abatis v10411 bs. tansisIssl. to the hot and (Iry systs. at imy Nib's, to impish mop], pressure ha, protect tont nom nee might 1soill in a noel serious con- flagration. J lea what proportion 44 the expeases of waterworks de- partments can la• fairly charged to 111,17,,iptms:teinsti. io(ntithr.:Isiel,loittilir.,. itiseism•tisita tilisi. 11111•11. 111111 he Attie doubt that the 111:1)01% With a 00111111.4111 gOOd 111.10i1111414 104.11, especially elet•ted hy the rate- payers "at the same time and th • fit cent; Issr 14714140.11444s.. II f104.11 1110 appear pr./amble t ha 1 nitwit less water Ile 1111111111,1 1 his year. ao, the year is airports- well att 411107W1, 11 /Id any ebonies 1111111111 1111011 0)11 1/110.....111, 1 nor 141 initiate. _ le to hoped hoW..Ver. that. even if no leas by pumped, more will be paid for. The theory noon a•hich mond- f•ipal watery% twl.s me nut. is find they pay expenses:. but should mak.. profit. The town must hear itfair share of the cipenses for 111 Ilydrante for tire protect . 121 W Ater 11441•11 for sprinkling streets and pitt•ks. and flushing seWers, i3) .Free water supplied to %anions 41 4'01)1 Eih111.4. his fair share to the cost of an the ad$,•nontages whith enjoys in the llllll ticiptility. Sufficient etonsitler- t ivy to the fart that all 11(/14.1O41.4 1/111/4 pro any one shirks hin reeponnibilitieto hi ' neighbors hair to asniel in making fir - • slutringe. If rtu• Witter %lark, V. ere 1111.41c self sustaining, the mimed a ottlid higher., hy enabled too odium the netters! lat. of foliation. As to th.• •watering (of loans. expert foice lut• shown that the Moms 141141W1 Ablell• are in every war eonvenient 11111 .411itAthir. 1/11. The% 11re 11,11 sumer. W140 unit MAO sprIelklirtg after his evening replied, and 4-ontinue till tw Hight. I to They 111.1. ("011VC101.111 10 1 he W MAT tlepartnictit. for the factories 1) • W:1111.1. hlipp111.11 10 $124 110 lll 1 l 111111 b11111110101. A(1.011101g 10 the T111041111.1.'SregistoT of water rates, there/41V 117 comprinlITS 1$1111. Of t 11..1', In ergs commuters provide $1300. ing to P1575 isle Mann. hliou ing 1111 115 etage of about 114.2:%. leisoliallh' (hal this .1%. -tag.• is 1.0" hig to Ire wifely- toast itt est tritnt- ing tegistei• all Ass% Mg water .41.11 if114. Filter, this it ...toilet ;nitwit r tliat 137 eesitleilts 11.10. in the matter of itusimo• 1 at it a orks Intinatisfactortty I- the Intone, has been imminent- increasing for years. win/ iss-111021y its continue to increase. It is in the matter of Yost of producing the light-thet t flat rate ley-. it self open /Ai conth•nituit' . From one vrnrsi etrrl to /mother hundreds of lights burn till 7 s. a. which tiught be tawn.iloff 44_7 1...11. stores anti at 111 Jo 12 V. S. in resitly0res. lights AO as a P1011i11111111.4 11M11 11/.• machinery fr the time it la stailed in the evening until it is stopped the Morning. This avoidable load add, (141111,111e1111Ply to the connumpt if III .of coal 4411a 10 the Wear And tear of nniehiuswy. and in the intereab. of the . Mit was 32331.71. Thole amonnt was duly proviiirtt -her tht. vent when striking h.• late. and tbe sinking funds are await in satisfaelory emelt. ion. In order to pre% rut them from again lagging behind in I he period whielt thesi• have stiff 111 run. it is Is• sleeve...ATV to inereass• the allotnients. 1 ha vi• al- ready prepared 'calculations for this. bill ant desirt Put, to satisfy mysylf for- t het tht•ir boolute correctneas. and 1 do not include thetn now. as they will not he required till the rate 1/1 struek 111741. this will eR11/14' 110 it • .t.111).1,111114.1.411.4.,1"111,11. Ih'111111 1111111 1141' AS41't4itki4.0711•011 MOnfirtrii;.prrtiC.f- for the water which it Mar point. • • • ha -,44.--iny--antitgasttion----tios--4,o' power is fie- the protection oflife and pt•operty. IA.11(.11. wells are ..... tierons, 41•1 111 Goderich. the si lyin of house- . „ though a great vont...Mem*, cannot be. coniiliTtis-47 as a A very great part of the heavy cost of patch syetenis is by reason .-1 the hi. stall/ill( • of larger power and heat ler itti; (.1%, • th.oht htch•r:%,,iistepplia; tnlen44.- pre/0411 VI' 1,1111i1111 10' lir Vire Depart- ment whenever Ho. 15 in prig's.... Not only is he original cost In- i•ressed. The keeping tip At ell t (lay and night. winter and 2 of the high yrressatre. increases co:odder- ably the rota of Maintenance. 1f the Ph 4' 1 /elm rt Men( Were charged its proper share id' thy l'`IP1`11,4... ;dike (of installation and maintenance. the hal A nce wonlrl represent whet 4'010411111- 1114.114 P411011111 1011i for their *amply. The coon llllllll ity tray t he ynt ire expense. l‘hatio-m• share is thorned to the Vire In•petrtnicrit twist he col• haled iti ths• general rate. ingl Whilt- Irr sitsvppr.11. times Illy. this 611 ry I vs mill Is. sio exaggeratross 10 say that these lights Jict as a clan Moons load from mie 141141 1111 111101 her, 101. there can be little (ffitibt that or nig . at. or wee ay , !NM) .th, t hey_ arc,. installed until tin". an. 401'1114i out. 'the flat 1111? eh. 14,04100114i1114. for this tinfortimata• sta. te ef a (Tents. It has enabled 4•011• 40110111. No 111011 all /11/11' lights all the tim.• without increased direct cosi to hemstie 'eolith/1,01y. aithougheati, has to Iser his share. (Moto h the gen- 1 0.11•01 10 Ices, id the i1/1.1.0/1441 exPenses 1 servo -es who ille not timing the Avatl-r. tif the deisirtment. Now that the writc•r hylaw has Stores And residenees % it. with each peened, this will. of etairse. la, 11,1 i 411 her in brilliaucy illtunittation. sk' • of those 137 peoplo• may be The *411411' 114 enormous. If the lights onit- summer residents, hut e nifty Wen. doing any laarate gg HAI eatentate on 125 at. Nast. as being mane rognmeut in their favor mittlit regular resident M. • Ilf• 110.1,4101V. Hitt tint LE). 1.:Ven 4101/10. /41 0 p. 111.. and there Ian in , sun mock elvetric light used dur• • ing these looms. so that premsnr. • re 11 AIWA-) II N11411'111 t hein for lawn set% • Wes. let They are 6.4 for the inn.,, 1, for it fa well known fhnt *winkling I. most beneficial after sim-down. Nit- a hire tenches this, for she sends no flew n‘yept at night. 1 The by-law which ymt hat 1, reccittly- passed t (114111444 the 1110.411 NI% 11 Water f Appel. tw 10 Meet the present termed- , ties of the coat% 7'he fixing of the rah, 1. w water our f plied through meteys 1111 import/ant and somewhat difficolt matter. It r he impriperilde tortes,* everviselv. At Drill n settle for meter Wanks. t how, t he 4.ngiarws• reckons hen t he whole town is writ kt in that 1 Ma., ale about 125 tresidents . ishinsher these lights thire mi. 1 'ordi. 11 ii hill 111041 Pd 1 ht. Wilt pt. mains 11 ho , fail t4) 1 ho /111414111114. Apr n11 ' have 111, Sp.11 leeh. The411. Illakf. Op 2:1/1 1 his 01140 4•. , 141 Ill' added to thy alder commoners, The ..‘ blew reinctiv is to nodal and if thew he taken at the reason/v*44 ettetyrs tool to l•harm• ir,„..11 light •aop. low average (435 each. they Will pro. plied. There 011. 010111,4 prorodplo I. vide $12511 as 0 151de • r i, i 1,1 int,. Tii,. pH, me I. lllll IMO* ""' 4" rithIlri'd to '14/0411hlerS Is e01- ., . reverme. .%ity final-1er tea vie... rend- iv* °punt 11 ini.t eleetrie light frettehise. Peeled 01 f he form ornate). rates. ered, es for faith. eloart5. and laWlis through...It the ...glint fry Are ill Ili,. lt call hardly he denied that. Wonhl he 011 afirlitirautl iiverearw. taisinesa to make tit lllll at. Anti nearly , i• , Pirv.,112"teet1"22) "1""ild he Paid . ft i. mit probable that the install:1- all of them vimpic meters. and eltarto- rot' 21Y all ratels.12ers aceording to f ' 11 4 V 111 111' .1 1.1`11•11flable !monthly rent 6,, Hs,. 1,1 their reapective Intereets. email commuters would increaae the them. The instollat Ifni of these meters 2. Water supply ahould Ion paid for incomr. The feeling noopoe. 141 hf• 114r1Pli not he a difficulty finaneially. as by all contiumer, ats•ordiun t,, ow Ma %lite? rote. for t•eaidenees are the initial $•xpenta• might to he trentell quantity us.sl. Presuming that it high in proportion /Outlier containters• 1144 II "Palatal" investment. for which heti loan necensery to Install t wo sys. 4 lamb mei livery eta hinn. and other debeilt HIV% emild he Castled. The temps, ime fin- Fire Proteet if on, and the otabfeat At the present -von than* VA firtnnillIV rent n 0/1/II yiehl a rettisfnc- : other for Water Simply in aheolutelv ' for a dwelfin with .i% el a net price a for pet Pm gallon.. tht, ' fixing •4 I he 1111.1er 11111., f.a• light tot obtained. Taking Al .4 thr emitter. TM, co.* of these system. hit. heal; 't t • • . n gt of the p0111144 10111fer- r111 by act•tion '4211 of the Municipal Art to 1101. practically- all the tinin- vest...1 sinking finale in the airchoote f e It •al ' o i• monicipa y. 1 ' 1- wert• isaued uu .t.lae_aty equal annual payment of principal/end interest, a avslent which the Corpora. t i,111 11101111 (1.0 01•11 141 1'01100 . Sinking funds constitute an element of trouble and danger in 4iny propel and succeoefol,manage• 1.1.1111t1.1, 11/1/01 1'1411' Mid 111t011. t ion. a 101 is 0 Ohm* so difff rain of fle llll - 11114hIlleflt 1 hal icipalit les would do well to avoid them altogether. I It this Hein...lion. I was glad to be able mak, better nri•angentein... as ils the fowls which ate• 401 deposit with the 1 11111111 111111 111-1111` 1 /OHO • 104111' 111101 1 111. 111W0 4. Ple10.1111111'S are MORTGAGES .VS0 BONDS HELD issued. BY CIMPORATION. ainination e.f these stunted the hist tra ne.• policies 111.11.• ineoMplete. bot Aft /.1. corms's Indiana. a it It the tpagms and Mir local agents seettrities mow iti satisfa. t..ry shape. thee tnotters 01'11' rectified and the ASSETS A Yi 0 LI.% t. ITI Es. The list (4 /1/0414.4 WW1 (0111111 141 11.• 411011. 11.1 44400. The 11'51101/ 14511 Is 111IW as being A 0.•liahle statement of the present %slues of the %melons sisswts of the nninicifsillt is in P.S. men,. I he o•lear Vie0 of the reit ion can 1Vorks loner filet -7,4e 41.1i7htthsevtantils.i. These call for mime retuark 1F.40$000 was borrowed ton debentures, late in Itintl, and $452 was reeeit•ed am pre- mium 1111 same, altogethet• 3304W. Of this &UM ..... t 304,306.31 was spent 11616 arid 1807, anti the total expemlit ure to end of 11101 waft $19,130.- 1 1. So that thel'e 111.1. fl&I.86 which roust be {dared eredit of the eleWerage eVatell1 1 Allanee 1111-4.21- pelideMl. Tht. iiiterest and sinking fund required to "repty this 4201100 are being collected by an annual asseoes ineut over the whole list of ratepayers. This looks like rot injustice, for it must be that nutny ratepayers are assessed who are not henefltted. I learn that half of the vost of all new extrusions assessed 1.0,11 those who ts•tition for them, although they may Im• already paying their share in the ge1•11/etrittit rlaaittah- ;re iticludts1 in the 1111.• 114.10,1111411i., alt hough t•nt itled to partial 224exelittit.asim(t).byns:ceretio,:11,08. (1,2p) lowf ienthardp: ship ill Stich eases, as the assessor proliahly takes these matters into consideration when fixing his valua- tion:: But the .11,1', first mentioned are clearly unjust, . 1. Theorearepeoplt•fety.iiig ft a, sewers who g•.t. no benefit from them. 2. There are people who Are paying t witv. AM ratepayers And then 101 petitioners. If a frontage tax was imported, rta eati_lre donel on all property abuttiug on henefittod by the sewer, aufft• (1.-111 to pry.duet• a ...... ally the amount of the coupons anti sinking fund chatoes. t he proceeds wo1114 be opecial- ly applied fot• that purpoo.e. This a (add relit•v••• those who are not benefitted by the seal•is. and would give fair treatment to all. l'he trim - taw. tax should be uniform. on the , theory that all properties trenefitted • are 141111111Y her...tilted whether the sewers in ft•ont Is' stnall or large. LAWS. The By -Law Book WAst lined ditrIng the audit to a considerable extent. 1 7itfortunately it it. not complettoly wt•itten up. 1 could not tract. 10 mid I) of 1001, not could I Set. any record 1. of the "spitting on sidewalka" by-law I having posited. The hooks ahould by -up- Soma . by. _ laws which required regintration had not been registertsl. This was com- pleted r . section Sitt. 1 imderHiind thy connoliehttion of hydaws in being proceeded with, after which (•omplete index nhettld he initiated. important hy-laws have been Iniring the year now elosing,p=r which will, it in to 1"oped, remilt it; $ substantial /*nein to the mordvi- A sitmdententary report, relating principally to-iriflee system, will tot - Jou. ill a feW days. I am, Gem lemeil, Yours faithfully, T. it'ituansox. loartereti Accountant. t ALI trorx of rug otonittlett ELEC- TRIC LIMIT PLANT AS AT APIRLL Isit, 1002. Buildings $1790.00 Chitnney 3000.00 One otasion boiler and connec- tions httilt in comflete 1600.00 One 13x30 in. Whee ockengine 1500.00 • rengine--150-119-- One :t2x311 inch engine, all pip. , . Mg ant/ valves . alarm ! Foundation % 'ap MtOttell (Or f011ildatiOn lllll . 216 011 enic. .111t. A lit one 1:1-ttieli belt • -a...-4.4sattsauttow..„....„..,....,..,_ tiltkon One belt fon. tlx31.1 famine 28138 1 13-ingalt for No.2gtonerotor. One ti-iitch twit for No. I arc generittot• ..... • . . 25.211 One *knoll belt for No. 2 gm generator . 11141 Mbar( pillley.s /41141 chltelles MOM, 1: lation for ihafting MANI Two -art• light gt•nerutorro 1000.1)•• Foundation for generators 3ttist I Mr at.. light generator.. .. • • 100.00 'One incandeseent Remnant.. „ 18,85.00 lllll Bon 25.00 (me intataleseettt generator- 31810.(21 Font -Mott it . . • . . • • . 20.119 I 'overing for steam pipes ... • 100.011 One hand•aleigh • 5,00 20 rot tisfin•titers . 2186.50 It pail. lightning iireelaters, . Ifit3.011 'hada sir 1011,00 111 111/1• bollps, 11.11111170, rtspes. arms. Of. 1%1.00 One AM MN it clitsailil 81.1111 1 1,710 Ih... No. 4 wire ...... 21 15.00 7:r.25 lbs. No. 6 wire ...... - 1,111P.Z0 2:414 lbs. No. 111 wire 408.05 Erecting lines, efr 500.110 1114 pssles 1111110.110 .17 poles ,. . 87ftiai : an eno.ni•tii. tato() i tigging :itt5 holes 01.2.5 IOC pito' 16.42 1273 instil/don. olams to2 'ware.. 2180 hi ineAmie-went street lampSAO truosilimit Intirt. in town toollel- •