HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-12-25, Page 44 .THU104111T,
New Year Gifts
You want something %motel, don't you j Well, you certainly
can get it here. Our *took of Qtristmas and New Year's
goods is not ouly unusually large but also very handsome.
TIES -In all the Stylish shale. and tel the best designs
51111 11RTS-Made by the W 0..t It Uutupauy, regale* 19113 *piing goo 1,4
OLOVEt'4.- -Urey Mucha, Tiu Kid and Buek, unlined t Buck faced, with Kul had. 1
brown Mucha. with Chrwoi,e lining ; tan KM. with St k lining ; Wool Gloves and
UMBRELLAS.- Very ha deolue. Eug fah ads 1 oodles with go'd monuuugs, bus
wood luted es with gold wouutiuge. good *ilk •aid wool Lupo, would . make a very
desirable pr•seut.
Alcoa largo tosortmeitt of Neck Start., H.wdkerchiufs, Suspenders, guff Lwkb, tat,
15 per cent. Discount Sale of
We want to clear out all our Furs before the Beason is too far advanced.
K'e will therefore give • discount on all our Fur Cap* and Ladies' Fur (tuff*
of 15 per cent. Every Cap and Ruff should be cleared ont inside of a week
with such a good discount. Call early and get the beat choice. Itemember
the discount on eery Cap is 15 per cent.
Mete- Clothier, Yurulaner attd Hatteritilean s tib k
Shut Aigtuti,
to rOatIIM•D
Olt •. UeWWCV T
IN last week's issue of The Seaford'
Expositor the following appears:
"The retest judicial appointments in
thio eowity serve si • another reminder
that We t. Huron bae, u, rwvut year.,
been excessively favored m the war of
Government patronage. It has had a
Lieutenant-GoverI,orrh•1p, a she, a caul-
er, a deputy -collector of cuatome. s Mas-
• ter m Chancery. u Superior Uou•t fudge.
__re comity judge, a minor judge, largo
barber i*penditurei. two post office
buildings, and malty smaller per-
quisites. And will the cry is for
more. 1t a quite evident there are some
people who would like to own the ea 111,
and have a fend• around it a- their *pedal
yteacrve, During thew yore what have
East and South Hartar.reeuived
Our esteemed contemporary is esa-
deptly hard pressed for grievances
when it springs the above upon the
public. It reminds us of tate manner
of oxaggeratiug things and waking
mountains out of molehills which was
peculiar to our friend Toe. O. CcRall.
in the old days when Patronism flour-
ished like • green bay tree. Let us
examine the plaint and SOO what is in
} It is quite true that the late Ilon.
M. C. CAMRlaoi was appointed Lieut. -
Governor of the Northwest Territor-
ies, but that position was not • coun-
ty appointment, but was made by the
Dominion Government to a public
man who had played his hill part in
the political •rens. Will 'file Expos-
itor say that the appointment should
not have been made'
Tha .appointment of Sheriff Rrt-.
il0LD� wan a well-deserved promotion.
For twenty yearn Mr. ll eol•us had
occupied the position of deputy sher-
iff, -and upon the (pluntary retirement
of the late Sherif' Glneoin, Premier
MARDI', with the concent of ti mem
hers for the county at the time, pro -
looted the deputy. No tault wax
found with the appointment at the
tine -not even in the coluuns of The
The appointment of the gaoler was,
U mut�ke s eat, a las the Tber-
tf, we-abi t Wit the Expositor
will say that the position Is not satis-
factorily filled.
Then reference is made to a deputy.
collectorship df custom's in Goderich.
What nonsense' The appointlnent of
a deputy -collector in (:orlerich was
trade by the Government just as a
deputy -collector was appointed in $Ra•
forth some years ago. .body up
here cavilled when I'Rttn. MUSLIN was
appointed in Seaforth.
The statement regarding the ap-
pointment o -a er 3n Chancery 1.
as absurd as it is misleading. On the
death of the Master in Chancery, who
had been 1A recei.pt gL4l, Q9.rl sear
the statute, a hirh states that the
county lodge shall perform the duties
of the office, wi- carried out. Had
politicians or jurists are not Targe
enough to he recognized that is their
Tlie "recent judicial appointments,"
referred to by The Expositor, is an ex-
aggeration. In reality there is only
one new appointment On 11a, retire-
ment of Judge M Absu %, the Govern-
ment very properly saw fit'to promote
Junior Judge Dov Ls, who had served
on the County Bench for nearly twen-
ty years. The new appointment to
I.the position vacated by .1 udg Dove&
.was given to 1{r. HOLT. who was the
unanimous choice of the Isar and mem-
is of Parliament of the county.
What does The Expositor tind to com
plain about in this instance;
Then, the ''harbor expenditures''
are dragged in. Does not The Ex-
poeitor know that Goderich, in addi-
tion to being a port that dots million'
of bushels of trade annually, Is a dov-
ernment harbor of refuge, and has to
be kept up by the Government ' In
South • Huron, at Hayfield and St.
Joseph, where the necessity for Ila -
kir improvements is not so great, we
ot.servo that works have been in
course of construction, yet no env in
Goderich raises voice against legiti
mete expenditures for development of
trade. One thing is certain, the pub-
lic'conld not be served by creating
harbor improvements in Seaford,.
As to the post offices, nobody (with
sense will find fault with towns like
Goderich and Clinton having public
buildings ip\which to transact busi-
ness. It ie •good many years siuce
the Goderich poet office was built, and
the new post office in Clinton is a tri-
bute to the business, interests of the
town And the push and vim of the
member for Wert Huron, eh') lives
in:that town.
If we mistake not Seaford' recently
made a strong kick for a new poet of-
fice, with the result that, although it
WW1 not successful in getting a public
1 , ing, such improvements were
made in the present oMoe that it is
now a very suitable edifice, a credit to
the town, and capable of satisfying
tl a requirements of the people of that
enterprising berg for many years to
We think we have said enough to
prove that there is not much in the
plaint of The Expositor. Every con-
stituency, according to location and
requirements, receives benefita from
the Governments, and if these were
catalogued, in the style of The Expos-
itor, they would assume dimensions
TON SII,'AL could easily run up a col•
umn for South Huron, but we are not
in parish politica.
-It looks as 11 the Munroe doctrine t, as
rtea(t Mlle, 'g iillewan who originally ex-
hibited it to the e'eotton.
-The diapason of the eamiu ado, '((..y
down at. Venezuela will give the Minium
oc nae s. 'is • in the°hack,•
- Hoes- U. W.. Meso hoe IruttliahioI hen
f:prstle to the Oatariwte, and J.1'. WHir-
the judge lived in Seaforth he would 111.'' Iwment*tIona aro now in ord.r,
have been delegated to perform the
duties. We may say, too, that the
Province has saved about 1900 yearly
by the duties being performed by the
judge. The editor of The Expositor
was member for `south Ilurbn at the f
-After the holidays the next order of
bushman will he the hye-elecNons, and
alter that the Provime will know where it
-The Premier of Ontario is an or'thminx
Presbyterian, and in soudiug out hl, Muni.
0 1 Itelieves that it is more bis sed to give
lass to r(teive.
time and took no exception to the ap-
Again, Hon. J. T. (;minim Aloap-
pointe•rl to the 1)ntario ('abioet and
subeequently t(. the Court of Appeal.
11 we mistake not the Expositor ap-
proved of the elevation of Mr. OAR -
Row in each instanoe, and we fail to
see why it tries to make nut that
West Huron should he blamed now
heransr Justier' (IARsow has been
honored. Justice GARROw obtained
eminence not because he lived in
.eat Huron. hut because he had abil-
ity to All the peeitioes that came to
him if South iluron would las
-We ,int informotl upon the must reli-
a.'e althority that .i the matter of the
r.,,,, t° mayoralty a .ran riun i W. F
MA, I,LA. h • 1ns ear to the grotnnl, •111,1
MAY hear sutnethu,g of naportaree Hit dares
not get frosted.
- The Oakville papers are twitting Ham-
ilton beeaue .0.1 ran be bought in (hkvil11
cheaper than in }famiItai. We are watini
for 'I'no Hamilton Spectate), to retort Lha'
fuel 1e more plentiful in Hades than it is in
the tit 1.er plate
Tnenn•n Mur The mea wbe will mood
• her•• In, halo/ series ee&slippery pent -
meat meld to be put es a Awing elle
tool with skates on. Get your horse weU
ahead and give the ursators a fair show.
rtl. MTtN.t NAIL.
Wives and daughters all remind us
We must mare our little pile ;
An 1, deputing, Irmo bobtail us
i 'ash for thou, to live In style. -Lite.
AUL Ott,
Chloaao Journal : This . 1s • full amount
of on Iowa eouuty lair for ibis fall, printed
10 the Iooal paper where the lair Nes bed;
"1'he poultry exhibit •etiolated of two baa
tame and as owl. in the horticultural ball
one stalk of core and two •owe mals up the
•took display. Tnureday, the owl ate the
()Woken. and the oowe ate the Dorn, and the
fair adjourned. '
"11055.4 TO *Calf."
foroate Star : Tae I'rovinolal,Gowervat.
Iva party should be congratulated on IM
improved fortune•, for, sitar proteeslog for
yeah that it Is without fund. to do mere
thai maul the bare wants of ezletenoe, it
stands reveal -d as • party with wore money
b, ids puree than 11 knows what to do with.
lar the Lecuox trial at N•panee the Coas.r-
vattves were represented by no lees than
seven lawyers, lootud ng some who charge
very blob Ices and of here who do (cry well,
Iodoed, In that respect. These terse lawyer,
were not hired for • song. lo North Nor
folk the (Jo iaervat., • candidate, Dt.
Solder, admltt,d in the wn0oes stand that
be had resolved $ati0 from the committee to
Toronto, had used $200 of it, and kept the
react. Nobody bad asked him to give book
the Mange. The same thlog owutted In
Lennox, Mr. T. 0. Carsoaileo admitting
that he had got $500 from the same mune"
In Tet onto and $100 el+ewbere, and, haves
O u use for the greater psit of this money,
and nobody asking that It be rerurn.d, M
had ptaotd it to his private amount. 'Phi
argues an abundance of money -so much of
1t as to render bookkeeping ueneo.e••ry,
No (ouches are celled for, there being more
money io the funds than the candidates can
find means of •pending. Of the many
evidences of the . motry's prosperity ander
Liberal rule, nom *Mold be more courant, -
tag that the plenty with which the Oppust
Lion orgaalaatlon In Ontario now hods Itself
bleared. It has rlaeo in the world. 1t le
dolro well, •aid can now pay out moony,
sooroing le ark ohmage back from any-
i This 841J. tie CO LBORN9,ca-hTor EINS�u:e.
Christmas Gifts
Elegant Wicker, Oak and Mahogany
Rockers, Polished Oak and Mahogany
Centre Tables, Easy Couches in Vel-
ours, Ladies' Desks in Oak and Maho-
gany, Music Cabinets, Pictures, Wall
• Pockets, Easels, Etc.
Practical Undertakers and Embalmers. Night and %)sy Coll, promptly
attended to. Night Bu 1 at St.inr, went side Souar,•. 'Phone No. $9.
EMMEMsEE,lllf._IIIl11MMONs� =11111
ben Smith, Amy House, Mildred McColl, .ter y at Bt easels, where the boebsst, sad
Admits Manse and Nettie Knbiosoo equal- father was buried 00 M-rs4.y. Mr. Saw -
George Kell, Nellie Bell, Harvey Grummete t obelmet had Wee 1• poor health fee seta
years war h a speaim of sandy!. 5 ,
panic Leath ereveeta 1.11. • Tale el soler•
lag aid law alt. was Relieved.
5'. Maglolr., true., Ileo. L.l.-(Spatial 1 -
Too feeble to wore, tortured with the pates
.1 Kbeumatlsss, sat *lag from Bright's
Deem ani Hoare Trouble, it was little
wilder that -Woe Iwai Broyo•es had
mImoet dcoided to give op the strews.
Bir today she la • .,room Marty. happy
wanton sod she always says, ' Dodd'. Kid-
ney P111e rated my life .'•
"1 tried all medlotties In the ((odd and
grew wet.. sod worse,' says I..me Bro.
vests, "There was three months 1 .topped
taking •vsrytbld'g and made up my mind to
let myself die. Then I wss led to try Dodd'.
Kidney fall.. 1b• rood the base box did
sa surprised ms. 1 bate taken twenty
Poxes sod I am well .get•. I am to perlest
h ealth and 1 am very ioytml. Dodd'. Kld-
..y Pt11s saved my lib."
'1'bie following are the prumotloas in the
public schools s000rdlug to merit
Dtv. 1I to Un. 1. -Bemis Thomsoo, Ors
Batas, Rosa Aitken. Frank Doty. Stanley
Masson, Melville Rhyme said Liu • Kerr
rotund, Pomba Beacom, Mev Stoddart, Er
nest Hoskins, •Ismee Wlgglos, Florence Mc.
Donald, Amble eray sod Nelle Gra-
ham equal, Evelyn M•whieney, Fromm
Decal, b, Marlon Fraser, Ellen Sparks.
farceur III TO GRADS IV. -Meal. Mw.
eon, Agnes Hamilton, Chatter Elliott, Gera'
tie Munising., Melvtlie Anderson, Harold
Johnston. Fred. Crabb, Flo. Sallow., Clar-
ence Stewart, Reggie Platt, Arable Tom.
Willie Orate, John Meisel. to, Eleanor Wal-
ker, Neu Macaulay, Mabel McLeod, Kddle
Watson, Acthar Mcl;dlioaddy, Boddie
Leonard, David Attkln, May 'Thompson.
Myrtle Nevis. and Gladys Hograrth equal,
Gram Vivian, Ernest Bates and Eimer
Wells equal.
GRAPE IN r0 GNAW; Is OR Dir. 11 -
Mornb. MrCiymoot, May Thnrlow, Ketta
Clark, Mary McLeod, Ilhve `mltb, John
Salsbury, Edith Algie, May Cr; cell. Etta
Veoaten•, Willie Smith, M Lawson
and Boddie Johnston coal, Pearl Knox
awl Dan Nicholson equal. Eche Sutherland,
Jack I'roodfool and Harry Craig nasal,
Ilnssle Campbell, Curs Givens, Brno. R.Id,
Bell. Hearts. Celeste Cant.lon. R.gga Ma-
theson, Era Inkster, Memo Bell,
GkADO II Olt JtNloa 111 n, GRADII 111 OF.
S.NIOR IIi.-Mead. Beacom, Ceo,l Stewart,
Timmer 4si1•t, Watley t„leaear, E•,1•vid.00, Wilfred Lewitt, Jennie N.obol.00,
Norman Lewk., Willi• Marwick, Hattie
Belcher, May Wilson. Nina Kerr, Viol.
.I.knetoo, Gram Goebel, Charlie Mies. O.r
to Venereal', Donald McDonald, 'Nellie
Heade/non, Velma Douglas, Gordon Drhk•
waser.Staely Warnock. Pearl McGillivray.
GRAni I To GRAi. II nes JUNIOR 111.
-bees I'ridham, Jessie Kerr, Oreo. Me -
B ride, ll. Alien, Mary Sutherland, Pearl
Morg.n, Clayton Peanook, Agnes Soled.
Ethel Wootton, J•aa Rhyme, Murray Ms
DonefA, Lotti. McCreath, lack Swarts,Rer
Maid Dunlop, Cera Blair, Ernest Colborne,
Sydney Love, (lease Warnock, Llzt.t.
I(reso, L rale Muir. Eddie MoDoaald,
Maude MoGrsllso, Bookish! Stonoo.M,
Elul Elliott, Loma Clark, Janie Mo(Itllt
.;eddy, O;w.11 1:odd, Minnie Johnston,
11. Martin, Fred. Loye, Kenneth Mother
mid, Willie Johnston, Willie Robinson.
Pearl Wils.., Earl Kennedy, Beatrice Mo
WAR. &IIOOLt. To CENTRAI. Boatrtee
Prldham, Reggie Prldhsm, Marl/arse Gale,
Lorne Macdonald, Ella Hrimaoombe, is"MI
Matheson, Fred. Parsons, Time 'Telford
Harty H.1., Harold Ai Moo, Charlotte Cuff,,
Ko.. Tiohboroe, En.sst koaeg, Erma
Whitely and Gl•dyo Coats equal. H.rold
Thompson and Annie)MoL•.d also', ,lohol
Mair and Conrad Cj eq ' , bl•hel Platt,
.tonne Knight,, Oerttud• Smith
r 54.51 '1111.R TO '•1'1011 1/1t-15105..
St. Andrew's Ward -Mari. Carrell, Jean
Nulty, lotus Carey,..Celia Rnhiasun, Mar•
',ria Moore, Warty-Rrfmsoomfie, ft■,y
Yount/ . Mabel Jones.
Se boos'. Ward -fires. Thomas, itea-
Teralaa tows the •errors.
• marvelous rveluae curOi'-Lratarr homes bra I1
b.leg much mated about Thousands are
daily reoogniz,Og ID. ezoepttooai merits of
tot • 'ample Inhaler treatment, and instead
of running to the doctor with their Ntoter I
ills they protest themselves by Catarrh i
•rove; it kills oolde in the dead 1n ten mm-,
oto•, quickly relieves o•iarrh, bronchitis,
astbnte, Tung troubles, and owes even;
though all other r.meA;er have felled.
Cater rhoz one is Tory pleasant, safe sad
Ooyeal•nt 10 use. it. beat recommeodatles1
is tie enormous sal.; try le today. I'rios
$1.00, small .la. 25o., at Druggist s
else or tae Meioses me 1s Accused W Moa1-
leg lame Irene l:ederlrb.
Tot onto, Dec 20. -Allred MoDougsll,x
ealiouor to tee removal '1' y,
appeared b the Pekes Court retort's,.
His •ppsari-tai-M- eeyw••�t did look so
part In the proosrdlogs. Tore. new charges
of theft from the Uov.rament were preferr-
ed. 1a the two ben is.. Mr, Wittman M
obareed for stealing cirques for $390 ani
for. 86,564..
To• tires83of the new charges is con -
male( • obuiu. dated April 28. 1899,
for 11239.10, made by Juba
"o the C•n•dian Houk of ( .mmero• at
Paris, payable to the older of Harley &
Sweet, and endorsed by them in favor of
Mr. MoDougall
Tb. 'mond new merge deal. w•th .
obt,lue doted Nov. H• 1897. for tel i:49 92
Made by Phi p Holt oo the Bonk t
Common* as Gnderich to favor of Mr.
The third refers to • oho as I.to1 Aorta
28, 1902, for I16.OPO mods by Jeannie 11.1:
em Mron•o.e' Batk a: Ottawa, m-
eth. to Mr ticDetigeli
J. H 5l ocdonald, K e , who appeared
for Mcbl.0*,I'., watesa eramtsatten oa alt
Live cbara-* agreeing to a. omn.tm•Ilt for
trial at tie January Asalras.
The chulut lent to Met/co/all by Mr.
Holt was for succession du les in connection '
with the Galt ie estate.
Notice of oranges mast be left at this
Office not later than Saturday
noon. The Copy for changes
must be left not Ir ter than Mon-
day noon. Casual Advertisements
accepted no to not u Wednesday of
each week
Mme tes■Ir. .r impure Mimi.
A blotched pimply, disfigured hoe, tee -
Ing of exhaustion, e.ck.d server. head-
sobe aed • dull brain. The proper ars lo
AGO Faroeoue Ttb:et after etch med.
Farm cos clears and beautifies the t simplex
ion by making rich, pare bl ,nd. It restore.
the eofeshled brain and unstrung 'tortes to
a healthy yigoroue condition 1 iovtgora'ea
all the pbystoal and mental powers, .aid
bn oge strength and .mbt on to the deprer •
ed. Kafue' • subultu a for Ferro/ one -it's
the best tonic, rebodder and Invigorator
Moan. Inc.'50o , at Maggie*. or I'.leon
& Co , Kingston, Oct.
MONDAY, 1)e, 15th.
('apt. MtPhall hes puroharod a new
Joe. Sbas 1. (+caking :n the north emus•
ry at pretreat
Dr. Stewart et Clinton. p'eschul In
Benhauy oo Suody
litre. Fred Morgan ,pent fait week wttk
relatives to (;oderfeb
Mies Hsmllt0. of Colborne township, la
Ms met of her cousin, Mr,. Joo G,ardu sr.
Mies Edith Bell, of the B.ytield line. wen
the meet of her friend, Min Prlscdla
Torr.00e,on Sunday.
iso rridy evening Mu- t'!iesele t. Nott
gave a party to honor oI her cousin, Mos
Jesse. McDougall, of Eamood•nlle, who 1e
es leave fer Portland, 0 . this week.
Time A•.alzla/ rem. of Rheumatism.
-'woileo, oohing iolnt muscles are stiff
and sore, every movement •coompaned
by pain. The most potent remedy 10 Pri-
mo s Nervil ne, which has five times the
pain 'obtain/ power of any whir prepare-
te,o. Aoply the Nervllios oopiouely, rob I
on well and then bind in a hot flannel band•
age. Thu will cure the wore ease. In a
short time. Try Nervil;ne for Rn.amatlsm.
Neuralgu. Satiates. or Lumbago -it's all
right and only coasts • qi, ori or.
1)r Hamilton'. Pills our* Coo.4 pm%ioo
Seaforth William Ilarry and James
Young, of Cyprus Riser, Manitoba, are visit-
ing at the home of Jame. Lvwreoee. 'I'ney
'surpass remaining in Ontario for the winter
months, after which they will return to tb.
I'rlirte Provlooe.
Bruuele. A wall.knoe !torm.r Hruese'.te,
ID the person of Absalom H.wt'nhe me-.
passed •w•y from time on the 14th 1t•,
dying •t,Clinton. lie war about rev�J
years of age. His death removes the last
member of the holly, as his wife, Ivor
daughtere and troy atm all sleep In the crow
ACTS liCl?ty BOWEL,' - CR
15PL5 LDS GH ;
"n sr rttf n''T~ fit{+}7
THP. Brooch which we show
above (No. 9001 is a Sun
Burst Pattern of 14k. {;old
mounted with sixty-five pearls.
We send it to any address •for
ws hive h,.ndreda 01 ether style..
Toe mer 4444 4 Knoell. mount 04
r Chrt.,ms. r(nrah•t by renting
year a
or err 1902 cetslogoe We arnd it In.
of cost.
You will find in 9 illustrn lino of in•
numerable sift pieces at prime meet
- res1,
Tema. and Adet.id. S,rert.,
F.; II04.
*Ai t1/t1/tlrthtlrlbiiotad thtWNr0/lllftlr0111r11►IM10%liIli NI,tWtb iIr,hthtbththththtA)%31thIIfVit.
.41 . 4 It is Well to Remember thatF.
I`r s7 IF
1 „_ :.., ..„. „..... ,
rpol RA NGES
r r �•l r' i fir.
t tt a",•N�/
S , ` ore made Icy Lha oldrsit, laruo»t aril most extensive *tore buil(lets
1• in Vaneda. C0ngeququtly they have Ili • Isrgent sale. Our person
11 guarantee gone with every ()sole Sold by lauding deniers, everywhere. .
THE OURNEY•TILDEN Co. Limited, Halmiltm."" 1 "l F
Ttiaeemver. wlaarp.g l..oate, M+wheat,
Xl'lA5 GG30S
Just re'turlied from Toronto with a tits selection of Christmas
staple and holey My (Goods, which will be place)( before our customers
at special pfi.e..
Handkerchief* trout 20 to 75o, real snaps. Ladies belts, Ladies
Ties, Ladies' Collars, Ladies ()fovea, Ladies' Weiste and Skirts in i.otL
black and white, Ladies' homespun Dress Skirts in black and dark grey,
extra value. There are just now left only six Ladies' Coats four long
and two short --which will be sold at whatever they will bring, for they
wu,t ,o at some price.
Uur Fur *Lock never wee in such goott shape for Uhri.tw•s trove
All our goods in this line wore bought b,•fure the late rise in prices,
which wluua that our figutes for them are actually leas than present
wholesale prices. -
We never had sgCII success in heavy I)rusd Materior, in Home
apuns, Friezes, Venetian , Basket Cloths and other heavy -weight goods,
as we hate had this seasuu, mutt there aro a few lines still on our tables
of 5l -inch to 58 -inch wide goods, in'the best ooiors, from 500 to 11.411,
which you can get at right pricer for choke goods, all new.
We make a specialty of useu's, boys', women's and girls' Utsder-
clothing for this season and our sales have been very large in these lines.
Our stock is still well tssorted, Laving bruit ar.hled to this week in maty
lines. Men's Shims' ai.J Drawers, all wool, Nova Scotia 'make, from :, C
to 311 25, warranted not to shriek, Wool. 4Meoe lined, ;Ate, to JSc.
Uerwtram lbw ei '. ' t
fLadirom '25o tond50e.ear latents' allto wool white F(lirest•, a ehuioe lot, up to 25i.
Hosiery and Glove* iu gnat variety, and as to price* they speak
for themselves. We have the Goderich Hosiery in some of their best
makes, Also their Mitts.
Wrapperettes in both Canadian and American ulrkes, fast colors,
loc and 121c. Flannelettes from 5c to 15., both light and dark color,
plain and striped. We have a few ends of ail %tool Waisting goods that
you cau buy very cheap.
Cosmetic lain Pot ti/GS cur tefe. Fashion sheens to giye away.
The Season of Laughter, Love and Song
Now for Christmas Gift Goods !
.11. usual. we leave *cute .d the daruth,t. Prettiest acrd raswe.t'vo.ds un Ihv
1'a. ka,;r. Irr%ef nu ia:autitul Some m
useful ul\k meal e.e.o, leather kerchief
eases, etc,, etc S m. to sterling silver
eland*. Dei Awl prrlt•y
Neat awl pretty' •kages at 1& to2K
Lenz r atol tatter t 35o I0111 00
S�sii al e.. fit fur i . , , eco , a , t n 00
No di t More se ptabld t in a dainty
perfume. It Al y.i please. rained
Fine'.t.w,nrtm tit uv
seen in Gooderie'n
CaII and see the
Beautiful, Up-to-date
Manlare,. and Toilet Came, .tetlui,.
•l%cr, in leather casae, Dreaming C..
t,sfarel Collar ('aeen, Shaving Can.,
to et.
Gift Pipes,
Pram St-IXt St-IX114.00 fine ilu tis y,
-uredo :harm the heart of a smoker
l igar 1'ore., 1'motette Canoe. et,
I.„t. ' 1. 11 to -1' the I:1,1 Pipe.
on your rounds, whether ready to
\ buy or not.
W. C. GOODS, Chemist,
• BLOCK. •
meat, v etables,
ds of
and all k
food with Sarcjent's
Gem Food
HE Bread that hel r
' health. that's eas y
that's always
is -
Bread of
An 0 het hiking promos known in
Canada his down so 00(•11 to improve
the quality of bread to our Own pp00
are a proof of 'his. its superiority 1n
eierythina that make 6real the 0ni
cereal food is convincing teetimony to
1 e tete tied ski I and perfect method-
-employedlife in the making. You cwit
- tines a day the year roue 1 and et.. er
tiro of it. It's alwwy. orwMI 'sot v am l
baked just light, Have „Irl ,,Kent
trove you a sample loaf
- •
Hamilton 31 - GODERICH