HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-12-25, Page 3e Signal
• V IMUM to
D. 111.O1O.L1CVDDY.
rem of h►asrtptteat
adranor ..... 9 U
l .s
Advertising lastest
thert.set,sArert'w+nsnu, 1pq,
r41nw•rtlo l. ant .t ,.,,, tw p«r Ili.•
on esmo
t tur tun. leta•etr.d y
rde sf .11 Mur and undo. $ fw
orate of Lost. Ironed, tltrayed
so..st bitus n.. /Y..te4 eog
anc J. trot etaeedtsc
a•11, �( p.r mouth.
ale„and Yana* op bale. sot 40
$l for not . neth !Co per
tb. lore.r advt.. . are rtlun,
1 anit.•e, {be uj.4 t .tr a' oh late
poonnlary Iowan lel may. told.
ay, to be Mwtedered aa tidos
road areoretraly.
en In aonpnrefr typo ems .set p.
Ins ler thea 24 1.
:ora In oral,ntry regale' tyre two
rd. No notl.. for I. plena 70°
h erc►r and ether l'gliMne sal/
wtttuttoru. hal rate.
whit tap is noting Tib N;nasl
.nail •111 r•.rier a favor I.r ..o
of td10 bot rt as sa: li' a day
antro of eddreea 4 drlred. ►.,'t
le so w see roar should b. aired
►•bIlabwr's Settee.
orarel. of (:edertr►, bee loon op
a1 Travelling Arent for the ion,
odertol. C..borne. Aehde:d w,e
Wastes over the dI. r1et ore nlen
b retvelre .utwortptl•...e
aware glen. Wool be a.',' owned
1). Notill.(.fr. l'1't,y.
atlx Ti,. `ten.
Ooderteb. 0e0
btX:. G3,1110a,
ILO am.
7.111 tarn
sprawl 111.11
mtweet. 1.H am.
3.15 pry,
DENT•t 0.714•11.
oereato LI.. Vett 0111•Mo.
or, Notary, ar. Offiee COI
Mt. 1112,11itiortro- meat Ilac-
a. wanir.ieno Le, Mom y
. Crar. Homilies sod St. Abe .
t. onion. Privoto tunes tolled to
of leterost. 'tot
Imes. (Morrow, LI it
Notory Pebble. ode. Wale root ,dda
Tarr Money to lulu •t
0▪ 0007 and ooneuaaerr.
naie• siess• ter bales sad rerveriaa
aims Or 44.11•100 .1110.110slewo la of
Amy arta., tot so premellg
Vionoacehose woefully one pew -
/vote fends tor invemonent to low
0,1 tispoom grin -claw mortgage..
tirkloron Ostrow.
ter, Gedorlek. Out. ads. otorneol
rt of tho COUNT.
nd Valuator, 'toted h. 0 Mae
trade. ho to la • testelee *lir
ito thorough wel-tooarit all Immo
estrnotod to barn. Ordain left et
otal. or went by man hla add owl
minty •artleeeer. INF It
The matter of feed is of
tremendous importance to the
farmer. Wrong feeding is
loss. Right feeding is profit.
The up-to-date farmer knows
rwhat to feed his COWS to get
the mosknilk, his pigs to get
the most pork, his hens. to
get the most eggs. Science.
But how about the children ?
Are they", led according to
science, a bone food if bones
are soft and undevelo, a
flesh and muscle food if they
are thin and weak and a blood
foosl if there is anemia ?
Scott's Emulsion is a mixed
/oath the Cod Liver Oir in it
makes flesh, blood and muscle,
the Lime and goda make 'k.ne
and brain. 'It is the standard
scientific food for delicate
Send for fret
Pe elre picture
ilb.1 401 the
Toronto, Ontario.
4414 SI, 411 druggists.
lot tante and morality. there is meth- a
Waiving for the moment all bones
oseitaneouu news. aramtat. gossip and
day nrwopaper of to -day. To Ile-
a, asan, an Cardinal ltibliong gittly re -
for rational recreation.
nattily to port. over that of ma-
rit neither for worship nor
brain of a people than indinerimin- !
Illuetration which wilier. tip the tem- ;
lag better calculated to rotten the
awe le Over hrre we are growing
almost ite tired of hearing about the
Darbou•-the "Curzonatlon," am /Wine
wtor hate styled it -us we dld of the
Coronation before it was over. Well!
there IA a toying about "pour
grap014" 11114 I have little doubt that
ell the lucky (MeV who have means
foul intermit to get them un entree
to all the wonderful new Arabian
Nighty' enteatalaniente are uot feel-
ing at all tired ut the prospect. Every
off with trunks; full of wonderful ger-
mente. feontion will be howling dee-
(et with so teeny of tito staart set
tout -quite "another etory"-the al-
tercating set -awaa. I hear that tja
"Fotsulle Leiter" are coming out ear-
turially strong to do honor tu th.
outvote anti the Durbar. Ham Ditloy
Evart* Into leant getting the west
revaretti; toilette,. loom Norte, in
leta•at am! her frock fur the big
ball on Jan. :At le a alit tering
Littly Curzon, eith tactful pulley. le
maser lu timely for beautilut bidet's
tiattraw_leat: Mut a_ sae Move aver -
and exottar -tunnies uuluc▪ ky about
Our -le a alai, supple black eatlts
worked Mil tWer WWI tut, 16.1%er
1047610 One Charing note of color being
a soft man goal in "cherry ripe"
wMett crows* the core....gu and
finishes with Lig cremated up clam.
it will eat ler queenly etyle to per-
fection, London le very ant of temp-
ple gottiag their burbler outifts.
moat of Ole big *hope, such us Wool-
latere, have opened charming tea
rooms, whtlre tile poor, exhauteeo
ladies may be refreshed alai talk over
tit lr purehesee wlth each other over
a fragrant cup. Everything la made
110 r0111fOrtable and labor -staving in
tiles year of graeo. whet! WOOltt
wpm that luxury be tht• breath --
We to a greet molly of
Fortune,. Favorite*.
There la a reverse and sad side
thepieture. of cour.e. but on that
it doe., not. Ile in my province to
dwell to -day, which Id a• well fur
atom eivralising la not my strong
point! Everyone lu et111 talking of
tie, "pad map," for which as a rute
wa la England never and out -Joliet'
preoare•I. we al way a greet It with
curprise mingled with reireuttnent;
there lute we been frota enough for
Mutilate watch a joy eagerly seised
upon over here on every Ito *hie oe
lotion, but then skein there bass not
Men enough to 0t0p the hunting
aud. uninterruptedly in the rttri0,12
hunting -414(m I have had a peep
at .01110 lovely tea-gewne real "for
&sleet° robed" for comfort na much
ne mama which Week) Vent Off
14. 11 big orountry•hou•e• where the
w. tore like to step int., thin style
to garment when they get off their
Isporong toggery. One was copied
from the •
What to Do lt• heft lInto In I 'retrial and
It Lt• wro:•,4; to take up a wakeful
baby growth.- ermine ntel walk ft les
and down the 'floor nn night. It de.
moralities the banal und enelasee the
Ferrety. Baby doe* not cry for the
fan of the thing, it ram. becanee
Ms la not Well -generally. tweertuee lot
soingeeted, its skin hot and feverith.
Relieve It nob it will 'sleep all night,
every Mehl growing stronger In pro-
ponent. Jean witat Molitor* Ivrea ite
told in a letter !rent Aftli. E. J. Fiala
tiers, Nrarbletoto. tpie., who mays:
"I eannut soy too nineh in favor of
worked like
who. wale very rattle...at night. bull i
Bettye& Cave Tablets moon brought ,
quiet eleep nal rein. I -tall never be t
without et box white I have it habr.!
ailments, of lilt I» 0:1014, and are guar.
enamel to e mole) no opiate or a
imrzufle drug. Th.,y are mold at '
rents a bex• by nit denlern, pr you "f
writing tiireet to the Itr.
afoltellut Brockville. Ont.. or
flobeneetady. N. Y.
What eel pat 1. aen at reh tot' L
1110bhoe-1 ten.11101 20 say. '' Yeo,
Pa -Are yen rawnyn going 10 fifty "
witli-ite quaint. straight lines anti
hanging arms. It war in "oell de
ret" elite seettot, very supple and
the*. end jure. on las back. covering
It alraoat, eras a mammoth money
flower done in rabled glad embroid-
ery, find the gown wAt.. booler..1
werywaere with lona tor blue pato%
'ye• t" There woos the 1:weetest lit
le bate end gold :twee to go will
t, and it would ho very beeomia
tan with pale creamy okin ant
f cream Alencon lace. to he warn
oar a complete. drew of ren
11 round rso &erotically.. nee going
mind the arniliolea to reach to the
ooate of baby con skin, it is so tlur-
gelid lt la very warm aud cosy. Thom
who can afford it etick to weaken
and landau iamb. but petit grim and
caracul, ansi the lam expensive petal
are uow aside ow ornate, with em-
broidered yakes, collars, revere, and
sio forth, that llsey are noire mulled
for town, than for driving or motor-
ing In the eountry-side.
Boa* And Moho
ars growing wider and longer, with
more boucle,* of tally to finial' the
mob., and the modish way to wear
them le round the shoulders in 1830
etyle, pretty Jewelled oreamente
nine thom to the ehoulder for safety.
looked on teti thzitat Or elleitt pro -
la Cabe, therefore nothing but Hav-
ana tuirteee ever teats eau any Part
of any ol cigar*, I employ Cuban
;workmen only Pio wholetolers, re-
tailer, conuniselon salesmen nor bad
aocouttts-thatai all In the eigara
011101e1.21. No dealers need apply.
381.000 aced in tile Met year, ONE
I inanely you, THE NEW WAY. TWO
YEA.RS, for the same mon**, 70tI
pay the old way one year. Theirs
Mare are superior to Imported 15 -
cent Havana& The name of lily cigar
is NO. 72. PrICO
$2.50FOR A BOX OF 50
being equal .t flre matte each. I
prepay all exprese or postage (regis-
tered). and thus deliver to you free
all over Canada Band money with
order, one or more bolus, and you
shall be a customer of mine. Some
have ordered the fiftieth tape. Bay
whether mild. medium or atroug.
R. K. FERRIS Vitnig
Torrent, Canada
merVerti their -use is time nullified.
teals, que voules-vouy? It it. toile to _
be eariy Valorem -tie Iteconti Eut- every sort -a la Kipling In Amer-
pire, according to your natIonalitY. Ica -and with offers from symputh-
talh season! &sure pretty theatre leen to mend their ductore, gratis.
beetroots are Mang made in p/eated of eourhe. am told they aro Kin.
white eill1fUll, 411111 deep corelet gularly pleatoont and refined to meet
belt. of black brocade patterned In in an ordinary way. but one feels
pink, velvet robes, mauve (weals* or there might always be a hidden claw
The Fortner Won, Althoush Ile Wsuo
the Lighter Lao wcfmni.
ow bunters have always el/Aimee
that allele ut certain Cantos anti
111044240 IV an ugly customer to Meet,
he le not tu he compared am it
fightt•r with the lawk (I People
(MN tot a bible, or at. least aka nil
ustaccuyttenetl to the wa of will
animals have generally garde('
exaggeration. but la :is 'Ouch,
of Iktytten, Ohio, one of a party -of
Obit> sportsmen. who have Just
concluded a hunting triii tit Mt,
taoix Lake, le now ready to melte
affidavit to the truth of what the
veterane say. 110 hos oven a buck
mane back to*tile battle ground to
gloat over hie victory.
Otte day feat 'Week Hr. I AM ch
Witt4 traveling over an old bagging
rood. ellen las attention wait at-
tracted by a .fitavage growling in a
bust near at hand. lie left the
rood mini proeeedeti to itiveittaritte,
anti had gone only it few rode
ohm, lie mime 1.11100 it buck deer
mid a inflation kireti bear engaged
in deadly condrat. it wait a fierce
battle. the bear neing Ills teeth
and Mawr( anti the buck lils Itt•rno
and Otero Imola Thar boar • was
idnialy getting the worst of It,
told in a few minutes he turned
and fled for his life.
In Making 11114 eeeltpe ate bear
ran directly poet eir. leach and
Wile nfl edey mark. bat the oleer
got &sway. Alr. Leach dressed the
beer eat hung the carcass' lti a
tree, returning then to camp. Next
knoth of ve.vet on the front or toornlug, when he went back for
ao,ateat le tee ahedee Le tee fa,aeria tkw charming manio (41 yen, mow, 1 h., bear. there were fremit deer
askod to meet them. . thin time in
tote talittle of the 41000011 CUL) lace, tritelot arbena the tree. rind iteent
They look .very quaint, and the bits 4.4'"It. 1 elk , I•tt Netta•urrierOt life-long ,friend.
down on a .log anti waited. in the
3 dtol not go, hut apart from politica
of b..r0nimmt1L-tim.iti _AEA Ir.,a1 woram taaale Ic; g delightful wawa' with _r.,•=irm. or il4listrur the moue warlike
There is a perfect rage just now : whom one can always enjoy a really lualea-ailate rarantiolithed- tbe---
for little toy fiamarenouoi. th046 . Intereming chat Or discuseion. 1 aPPeareti. and began pawing tatt
diminutive -jet black doggies which , lila 'Sunday "at lettuce" are the areeind around th» tree where las
really brighteen gualteriage. You meet al) Jgaat‘ce (Thor ixte cek-alitiliiiott,ngtiong5.),Mmrt. 12..1..12(1h.
I nationalitiow in the huge art -crammed
tie over itie victory. and then drop -
Look Eike Tiny aquirrella . studio, and nearvieyr,otitsi.rj
e"rnee acua"neas ped hint with one ehotafront his ti-
nge)" are extremely costly. too. One Panama in Ilt.e.
fie. The buck dreamed led pounds
and the bear 235 pountlat.-Smigor.
I met yertertlay would have been
worth *2511 had it nut unluckily
ton you comma walk two yards
without hireling one and 1.1 wee ti
ludicrous sight to behold 4 tall,
iselenvi-e Imaged clergyman carrying
0110 wrapped In a 1.11711Wl. 1 thought
it looked as if he ought to' be 4r:tw-
ister it along on a Little green wood-
en stand, with four wheels under
it, for it looked too Coy to he a
Rye *hot. They are sou vstluable
to their enemas. I should may. One
lattly-TOld-'ute-slie never liked to
of the other visitor* vvould be kind SiNSATION
leave hers in her hotel, "unleme one
enough to mit with It I" I thought
how the sold vishore would bless ,
lit•r and It, Anothea bow -wow, elm ,
had 'suffered from toothache, had I
been given a new set of teeth. I
complete. gold plate and all. Cam '
canine devotian go further ? . Wonderful Cure by liodd's
At the recent Art Expooltion in Kidney Pills Cattsing Much
Parts. the pete"atinets" . were ob- Talk.
jecte of great soiltetude toe their
tender owners. They provided them _______
•ultii downy baskete and cradieta Dame demob Millette. of St. !beater.
lusby "belted -earl." tsil quilted awl She got It Id or Them.
wadded aod lined Its row. Menet: '
or blue ' matte, with Little draped tit. Rohnire, D'Artita beleco, Q47..,
earl/101V to keep them shaded from ilea 8.--0.4.1aciaia-afaselia tega asal'Il"
of tade naghborlev 1 there has been
the stares of the vulgar herd.
Toys. too, tvtre provided. elicit ato went talk u4 lat. of the numerous/
Indio rubbo•r done. and bailie It toga,* resulting from tee mat of Do.kl'e
ical touch of all was that one or w.ttion, Bnckacae, Heart Diseeete
twe IA ,1 t i LI y ii,xibie gold clia.dp., 1101 %ten Catarrh have yieldoi rend -
round their leery necke. no °oleo.- Ily to tato wonderful 'enmity, and I
parish, ere Oust leitritiug ;tear Ira -1
gold greet balls thing/log !rota It. ei.ot.I I b.• it -pt In 'shape to perform trade unloauree ; it invades w it bout
teat, are said to love perfumes it to Ir titty of removing impurities+ dislocating civil life; 12 male the .
have had a regular pletborsi nal earneetly of file good Dodtera their eptrits-thes• are wonderfni
of new tiooke this mouth, yery mee .1i...1 itmy Pills anve done is the good; feats. vbeitee to na beholders. But it i
it is, for I Rattrap; think they are `"'Irt" -J'a"al"'" mi""latte. Site setter- i la impossible to help doubting the
the beta things tri all for lather col from kidnry Complaint aud Ca.: genueueneets of Its greatert nerrica
Cluestmas to bring. Nearly terra, ant le 01.M completely ctired. I Of /111, the creation of a military
Every Author tot Note It los root to be eveinaered ut teat I marl'. whose aploottor la Impresosed
like myself. hut some must play audl-
mete, .1 commute myself wort refleht-
ing! There le 'generally good muele.
You often hear Otrmotn end French
artier, who eame to the Mogehrles
corm. In Louden, and oaten too aou
aro lucky in meeting old anti tried
triende and favorttem of the London
mago or platform. Nearly every one
who la, or 14 to be, any 011e, turns
up there ermuer or later, both those
Mho are straggliest on the momewlint
rug,ged path a life, and time° who
The totter Learn* Nothing After War
The dlfereuce between Um Geruten
00.daer end Tenuity Atkin's, anti too
trysttms 1711...e.1 they aro the ovi-
duct., la well put or' "Linesman,"
ever much he tuay main Moore it tear,
wilt leuto nothing la war. Hilt hood
fellows who lu eouth mace took te
new contatione like a stuck to water,
111k1 inure/red Upt.11 innotationst to
Loot tam 111110V11.10113. 1.1 hat the Uer-
man hos letirsieti lie has learnetl with
it litorougunta• ef which no (altar
human Moog capabte. aliat he ham
not learneo the fear of depth aerie
rwift tutor though it be, tee( not: le-
ttuce lam to practise. When au army
la defeated tit battle, 211* ealvation,
let the text -books say *Lot they *LI,
depenae more upon the outate value
and loyalty of the yolt.ierd than atom
any siticip.Inary codas; and the
Mager the /1/ tuy the more title im the
ILIZIJn.. for anarchy lurks; evor in bort-
fled or despondent mobe. A British
army- her ne•ver in al! history bee»
sloftnited in the sense of hating its
power of rt cuperat ion deatroyal • for
inextingutolistils. loyalty. the child, of
free-whi and the cause. of free •erviee,
permaating the rank find itle, hats ren -
derail a deface. Conscrip-
teen bo a great. jaggier la the Father-
land ; tt takes the trader, and leneev
C0000000a000a00000 0000000000000
la order (I Ltriiii 114
INna.1 tie t (M1 ilt th0 Maine way as oth-
ationtki bo rocelvest not only
for the motley inveutol the land.
elea'k awl impientente, but 111//0 for
the Isibtr and rare.. of toanagement.
Every farrier py is steeple
1e0teel ,,r 11.4E -keeping, keep it care -
fel cheek 44.1 recelpte end ex-
yleklIng lam a profit, which tiro
mentlacted at a loot, and which are
eau. Ing hint uti•rely "merk tenet."
A little (leering of thle meet may
reveal to lam ot monitor of little
arab' uway the profit., teat Omit!
rs *aryl hla labor. 1,1 those theys
Here° rOtilpet akin 11 only by keep -
Lag ekswn omit or production .anil
preventing all wento that farming
One of the chief leake on many
tenure le the loins of time anal en-
orgY becouee the management le not
carried out tea any definite toyettent.
A tautly ot any eel and euceosafttl
busInems well :Mow that *emcees has
been largely tiler to a methodical
and isyntettiottle way ett doing things.
Speen'. may be earned too far so
AV to lacotne merely mechanical, but
218 itetv0H1210/1 It may bo
-setld taint after a well defined plait
ehoulot be rigidly ea riled (mt. .4
ideas; atooared. it will be necreratry
to make eheingen in the routine, Ma
no change ehoul.1 mado without
due dalleeratIon. All work hhould be
oarefully• !entitled 111 1111Catlee and 11.11
tools anti Implements got ten ready eo
that there may Ito no delay when
operations actaally begin.
Coe of Vow Tabled.
Ali men employee on the feral
motor:it, so that their\ tithe may
be abed to the best ativatitage, A
Ing of 7tock at reviler hem s emelt
ere,' et regular hours, theyelu•
come acetuotomed to the regular e
of feeding. and thi•ive much be
ter than if feol at, (lifferent hours;
on each succeeding Hay.
A very common source of loss I
farm *implements find toolm. Theo
the• y. have bet•ei lured, (subject to al
the inclemenclem of the weather
actual tow. email tool* are fee
tnents rind or rot. There should be
a ylacc on every farm where int
plements may b•• kept under cover
and none shuttle be left outsold
n hen not in time. .t workohop should
also be provided itt metneotton
the toOl-houhe. 140 that during
rainy days or other !slack perio.le.
Implements' tuay be painted ant
necessary repairs mad». 31(sell tied
is lost by farmer*, during busy !en
5.0102, such am Needing. haying mid
harvest. became. ti bolt or vont('
other small part has 'been love
anti a trip to blacksmith. *hop ter
This. waotte of valuable lira» might
• ytreventeti by et lit tle forethought
or exonsinatIon trf the Implement
before It WAN required for use. In
malty • casco implements are pur-
laterrei•reewhielt -the termer. could well
to without.
Keeping Unnetreshary Stock.
Phi. Is another frequent eallea of
1010i, If re Milner 14.1?.. more Mr:ore
than aro roptired to carry on the
work of the farm he nhotilil
Shone he doee not need. If n. figure
at all reastonabkt can be obtaine1.
TI1P cow which doe*, not yield en-
ough, milk or butter. to pay a gootl
profit on keep elarald be (Motet -
et) of, and aer place filled by on -
other. A few wreloe nse of the
males and itahrock tester will use -
ally turnalt moue rprIelng re -
/mite in thin direction.
Improper reeding of Stock,
To secure nutriment profits It is
neccoary that stock' should be fed
Intelligently for the object in view
/tallow. should be carefully coon-
pouteied in order to secure a proper
alligtirates. or ite le called'. et pro-
per nutritive ratio. Animals illitould
bo I:elected for early maturity and
fed Ho ne to Tat rtettly for market
at aa._osrLy, age. Tar nearer mat-
urity en animal cornea: the -great -et
'semen:Fen the tout of growth. Again
neene•y le lord by fulling to provide
green crepe for feetling during the
iiurioue to the animalm as well.
'Mode of Manure.
In the oltier Nettled portions of
!mottle, the reatortaion or main -
anent* of teal fertility Is alreatty
to Important opteetIrm. ilow (ash --
able ps it then that 0,11 the manure
made on tho. farm Should be seated,
and used fn the best passable condi-
tion. without 1,1*1- trim leactohnt.
billaint• Seed.
In many caeca it partial or tOtIll
failure of a evrtaln croft Is otne to
the purchnee of a ellen') or inferior
garekt of west. Sitch 14PM? ie usually,
badly metal with foreign twellts, so
at. the form become* over -run with
labor to get rid 'pf. .11vhiort
Ida 01 ten provide* numerous
(maw owner*, and other uacultivat-
ad opiate.
Neglect or Fences end Buildings.
Another leek which takes oneallY.
out of the termer:is placket Le negleet
ln keeping feucee end Wieling.. la pro-
per repair. inferior fences allow Isle
own tend hes oseagabora stook to in-
jure lee crops, and are a lemon+ of
contra:int worry and loes of tints The
tad proverb, 'law the want of a nail
the tunas, was lost," Is very appro-
in touch a case. A dollar or
twu spout for lumeer or nails will
oftett remelt in a large saving ta rood
and Inerettetml 1,01111071 to *140 stook
during the winter months. Negleot of
a leaky roof le often responsible for
heavy logged of grain or fodder. mad
the twittery of the buildings. Many
n good, frame has been ruined by a
Itoky roof.
Look of' Knowledge.
Nearly all tho leaks previouely
mentioned may be yet down to care-
lemeess, but fanners also lose be-
cause some of them think that no-
thing 01111 be learned from (Altera
acd that ti new Idea, neoessarily
nonsense. No matter 14014' gO0t1
farmer a man way let he coot stle
gain itleue from °there that will
prove of value to hem The experience
of - the Experiment rttetione and of
succendul fanners should be esre-
fully scanned for "pointers." How
mancr farmers there etre who do not
eubeeribe to a paper devoted to !arta-
tug These lure are certainly Omens
money by false'cconomy. In thlit ago
of program it is ideas theit count ;
single Wee. gained from a paper will
°flea, *lien put into practice. repre-
tereltion price. The local paper
should also always be supported, and
eech fanner should do all he can to
moist the editor of the asalculturn1
imper 'teethe local paper to prodtan
ea good a sheet aa possible., and to
extend the circulation of each. -F.
W. Hodson, Live Stock Commissioner.
COM WW%nortrifitliftertrWWWWWWVIVIAI
Few people Snow where Kuuo is or
yvitat sort of peoale initeaut it, but
Lothar wali it ere matty years
the wonacrs of Africa. It• high walls
, Mel me. it pint hi t Ion of 1 0J,000 peo-
I pie. living tu houses, whale though
- built Of 11111.1. 1tre 110t hy any massive
to ho deeplooede and ;which line bread
streets and rea.de 'which would put
.., many Louden at La to shame. Mast
of tho houses ar shaded by trees,
e and one traveller deeerthed the
nppearance of the t n aa being that
of ''a blg. beautiful rotten "
The great market. Gaye this travel-
ler. Who %kited Kano a yeear or tete
ngo, b. one or the woriolere of the
Alutont nuything can be
catton, cloth, anther, needase crock-
ery, tinware. dyer. limo, charms'''.
Meat, eleven, carmis, horses, lomi of
31,1t1211:lieftiti Ott:. tets11,:iltPdrdr:,gavahnze;11t1iniet:i it a na:112:11b1eSehve•en114•171-.
thing. The money of country la
tang agent ;le 400,000 /111 a present.
hut the Maria Thereat dollar le
adorn, and the great men gladly bus
aro:Ain; in paver awl gold, anti lo na
tomato lile 01711 ore and works up him
eity had thirteen gates. (.1V1liell are
tattoo twelve fourteen Ogles In cir-
cumference. Chi the (whole, It lies
four caviare, bat moue of the walls
nee a attle Irregular."
There le dignity in majesty, even in
the heart of Africa. It le maid of
one Aftican. numarch abet each
morning after breakfast he leave,
his hut And opens his treat titobre-
lia and then deelaree before all the
earth theta the sun may front thae
moment shine. Theme uho would fiat
the King of Kano on ails throne ranee
take off the!? gimes and even their
edockings and bow their beads te
tile ground. Three honest it British
nrission, wafted at the palace eldest.
pathway was suddenly cut and •
mognificent warrior pranced up ante
'drew, rein at our feet. 'Phis wan the
I of mud architecture, was a metes of
people ath1 the courtyards were
crammed. While we eionsi in t he
judgment hall. which was throngol
with well dressed men squat Unit On
were snatched from 011.
hnodm am., we were harried into the
king's audienoe ehanrber. Aft
tho far end, on a rich red dais. was
seated the king. weering a black
yvetre of age and to he quite white.
but ho le more probably oopper col.
0 bah had moinething ln the 141.0...5, b()(11 "I mitered ammo front malady of 1 with an Inehrtenco almoot prithetle,
" the "Elltabetle," hava imonething new Ina Manua ft 'withal In the quite unconvincing. They ao protein
- 10 offer, Toe liaronewe Von .1rnim, lobate and gave ne. groat pain and too much. Conecription ne yet has
I about who.,. blentity there ham beet' alo•oinfort. I took two bor.,* of heeded tlie nation only to suereee;
K much discu.sion niol myatIfientIon, oro kl's Min..). PHA nod am 'perfect- ' the spirit wh1ch .botirm up and wrows
1 Vim Beauchamp before she married "Dold's Kilmar P.IIR are it gran() time of the free alone In every hurt -
eloutt•r under disaster, the inspire-
r that Gernian "man of wealth," and remedy for ale. 1 give paters am- nom under the sum how shall it dwell
P ober, "Elisabeth and her Gerstein • tie, Pills my certificate from a big in millions who are not free?
MI Men" I iret aperients!, her brother 'wort."
.. -a very tall:Peal ul 1.traidon doctor- lifony Otrl.•rs, onrr palterers, now Harold and Hie lea. •
told lue tleAt no one wan more aii, In goo!. mania unit • with Dante "Pm what is the crape on that
*Diseases! than /teetotal and her fano. Josrpa Millette In 'engine. the preasen 43°Ilet‘ far 1:
, Ily at the way it had caught on. of ao (42'4 El In. y Pet,. Tney env(' "a'ar a azaeral--
ethe had hardly Intentleti It pro bono proved emochalvely . teat no dieease ."1t4 A faneral something t ha t very
. to fine she bad lktipta.ite popular note. titan 1 before tneM. .
brought back to dio on ths
not think that aity ono with
off and both hands free could
anything more atrocloal
thet this- rubles bee
to the indolent in any we...
I believe, nome yearn nit
objected to 0. public per
•e Monitore smote of the 'mites
ir dreormee cut too low In the
ng of that sort. think tho
.1 tliat it wouldn't bo correta
ming man to one a lady In to each a' scanty attire, lea -
choice exhiblacen or etom
was evidently calculeted to
a lot of good.". -From latt-
er November.
atislannhioneal In buttercup yellow
tel green Oaten. It wa (me of
loos' dillstY en -attune which 'half
publics, at flr,a, but was (tenanted arising frotn eiseased Watley. can °flea haaaaaa?"
I "Not very often-rmly once in n
, I hews tom eowl KiennOr 4447,71'S - tnv boy. But that'e equal!
hail grants water after her vlalte "Oh. Iota of thinec It's a very
solemn ocegalon."
colleen". nate arta_ revenl t...• form -
witchina. a yellow satin sash with a
big noft clam wan. I must tell .%
tied high limier the :trona In prett
"lorephlite" fashion.
A her Irlaterr (town
mat- atm
snatosettne de sole, worked rear witti.
122,‘ of starry "equine ; lt hung
s'1.1.7 over a pale bate silk slip, the
'tiddler being of accordion pirate. The
elbow sleeves were connIntav oda up
their entire length. and fastened
Heroes with 111IVer cord and helve with
Napa on the ends. This had the
snot prett.v vague .Empire effect rim
10 one I hone just described. lam
rally wait outeopread wings to rest
et keratoid the pompadour on n
tie cluster or curie. A coquettish
eature of an 'Empire gown of cream
Int (I' reprit, yvitleh wax Most
lilt peoeh-blow Mnicanouseeline and
trit (wet n to match, wan that
hien nettle( era ft to end there.,
ere t tt ti IS 1/1 laineit.:1 of pink tipped
eying coiffure. Foe "Mooting unm-
et tioeteer teat et, Fp"( teil,
ttea plain, loo being IniffC.1141°
M4 (If trine. The mktrim mid Not-
e May strapperi In iffillt tee rental
t on rer-y fancifully and invariably
fur Mob. acreneattere the centime.
le hat lot mmally a moleskin felt
leorne, or elite et big hairy eintran.
saw it e.hic hunting -green
relveteert freak, mole with re
at tome! Mart, atet :Aged vvith
Mn fur ; the Rutation blotto. was
tight In with n green potent lent her
14, with an old Elernash mil VP?
hard ehttop to lengthen the waist -
e In front. The hnt venoo 111 black
tin frit, with nn ttstrleh feather
ring over it, anti_ under the wide
este• k'e featherro, closes tog▪ ether,
meg en otteornmoW lining, .tho
on, and hoth milted the
Peens Diana of the Chaste.
A meant end Mallon th1e lett for
ndy day's. and of (hone mos Move
surfeit truly, le copied front
Perelan "Kaftan.' it suits poo -
with regular tenter.* mei ham
.tal orttnment just in front with
the deete, or to lunch with the
ea." twosome* are wearing 10eg
' if one le it married 'Elizabeth" who "What tio they do ?-
are now finding It n pretty ,vrell-kept
or whether ',Opting would say it Im
Another friend 1.2 'Du' Heavier and
General Louis Botha
The armless Painter.
mei hie wife have both been Iola up aboin I mr the last time wam
in town. They have been nearly kill- Antwerp, I watehed blot for some
ea with kindness. Wien with food of thee com,ying a picture o( Frank Hats
'"'"••••• meet beetuti hoiding the palette
TH-li-Pg4f44.14.-1310 weeu the teste of his left "foot rt
1,11.11aS IN THE EATING." with rota hi front the right -foot
The (Meters are thientioutitiet. the toot totaled the bream" with the
dem:sista ttelonisled, the peo- utmost (leo teilla. lir hail Nome
ide eitated And joy WI over the won, . mat of toelrea mittens on hie feet.
earful cures ami trentemlotte sales I aekot for a certain addrenn I
of the peat Mannar -at. Jacob:et/14. -tvan-ted, and premently he came
Every ease of itheunintbun-mome or Ilottlog up to me, bolding the
many yeare' state:leg-hag given way ea rti 011 .W,111e11 lie had 'writ t,tn it.
of certificates like the following van 11.1 owl charming ol I Man, and Isl.
be furnishe.1 ns, to ito value:- Npiniuttion of ramie of the 011 Man.
George Seleyer. Publisher of the ars' works will always remain with
Chilton, aloe, a•volesthete," need Mt. M rm. tt, ta a trent to meet with
pain. in tbe bark, which line emu- mentional in "In Bohemia With
talcottionio rural Ina entirely. ett not hear of twiny Can:tenants In
Mrs. Fred. Mara, Bellaire, 0., wan tow', for the niontent, bet there are
for a long tam severely troubled it tuultitutle. plea nod present, by
Instantly rel eved nn I entirely cur- et 1 •nn by birth. /in v tt now derterted
ol her.
Her. Dr. 8. Plek. of Rochester. N. "Nikita." the ginger, gal le now
t Mr. laraimae, the t. eviler of
Preach. loopier norneatione frOlit Cho chi •ago Tlimord-Herela, Tine Tomo
a bottle or Mt. Jacobs Olt -relieved hero awl there; alre. T. De Witt Tot-
%nage, in trim Yankee titration, spent
"Twn npiteentione 0' e• taroba ail from the continent to -Ameiten. see
cured me Of great nal long -continued friends with her, end tee Iftgli
,P3M'e)soitrnsi."1.1":. If."."11.1;teminste anti Son. ep.ot for her lusehanda memory, on
Ste riff pill her a teat, out of re.
"ste Jambi 011 has a wonderful maim Arglo-Amsairmn weskiling of Wm
We roll eight bottle,' at retnil yee- Ward and Cept. Ilinekbern-Tew
terany. ales will ghat you monie bo termon twoly mere The trom-
ilea of how well It liked in this seen los being dant. la Pori" by the
sect ion."
1s. V., On.V/if-'1 roll at. Jacobs laro-tirno prnecelt. and
Hr. Lords Hinkel, of Enta Popoten, tang fork brine dreant of lovollneett.
Mot makers( of failltion:y, tl:pearewritil:
011 tl ti
Fibroid Tumors Cured , if"
' Note the result of Mrs. 11):'
-----afternitatiMerago -1 Wrottr to yens tie- to
irribing my symptoms and asked your pr-
stivice. Yon replied, and I followed ,In
yertir directiono carefully, and I:0. --a
day I am a well woman.
dia E. Pink/tame/
laned the tumor end strengthened fa
*4 Lydia E. Plnkhamao Vega.. fet
table COMpOntld a worth five dol. a
'leo a drop. advise all women who T1
are afflicted with tumors or female tr
ltreuble of any kind to gem it &faithful
411 Dudley Mt., (Roxbury) Roston- a!"
;Ma". - 81000 forfeit I/14170ml of abate WM-
aintintalne of fiord could her
purehase such teet/mony- or
take the place of the health '
end haat:anew( which di
totight to arra Hoye..
Ink liarnei Vegetable Compound ral
Such totem, :iy should be aeeepted Inn
by all mamma se romancing evidence tea
er se a remedy for ail the distress -
tag Moot women ; ail ovarian troubles ;
lemon; Inflammations ; tdeeratien, bee
Meng nett dimplarerne t
march, I Irregular, semiretired or pl.
totems and ehararter of the teotimo- me
Sisl irttem we are dolly printing la ste
itahosuiitottcpspert can leave no room for gin
the min& of fair people. "ea
aunt* Now-llo you orer try
temple by the elothea Saar
Illtte-Pititnet 'men For in -
in hie hand. I'm
dollar he's a polleenvea.
It enrol me of Itheutnataim rind pain
the hack."
German Rainer. Mnneltrater, N. Staten. rittidy In.
:-"I have 0101 St. Jamey 011, ned Dtiletin 124. of the Ontnrlo Ag -
fount it meellmt. 1 11 theme who rItraltural rodege. 1m devotes) to "Nn -
have purchnosel it speak of It owe t1.00 " etrtriem In aerate -
wan in lad muttering from n molten earth, pinnt tomtit', the /dory of n
leg, 1 used Mt. .Inaprees Oil, Its effect great of wheat, a pound of butter
"1 thought I heard music -what'«
"That's to barrow up the meurn-
ere. riometimeto the people don't
feel badly enough ott funerals, 50
they here tousle to innate it 'worse."
"I OPP. And wbat are the ne men -
are morry that the man Is dead- hi
and coign of the relatliett. If he
happens. to be well off."
"It snake., a difference if the
"Some. Often hundrede of diallers t
-thrtt le outward (hominy." a
"Awl wh•tt is an outward dly.
"An outward and vioble sign of
tin Inward and unmplritmil recog-
nition of bond.. Mocks and real
"When I dle, prtpn, will there be
all ON fuss?"
"Ole yes. Everybody would eome
la to hear all nbaut it and sy no-
pathire. Flower's would be merit,
hymn! ming anti everything done to
emote the agony ne long arown out
"But. pa, eoultin't you be eorre
without all Ole?"
"'Why. of collate, but it isn't the fie
ll'iod4ial I.:sample of Generosity.
South' Germany's olden monaster7a
the Ilenedatone Abbey, at .Westea
bre n. roomed in 735, anti confiscated
1,803. hoe been restored 'to the
win *oon be rrorompletl 4)110
mon . Tap -istrrorr-noopt tag -
land mill remainlog buildings of tile
rad ahhey for 000 000 marks front
the Rotarian Ante and sold theme
to the Denallearma for a nominal
n roue- tios-pitals--in-Motdrea
_ _
But the Doctors Could Not Cure Mr. Cloutier Said He Would Never be Well Again -
After Slx Years Of HolploSenoSS He Was Cured by
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food.
The mom ol Mr. Simon Cloutier,'
Montreal, teactare more then jellgs-
tioninny severe.
wit* an Mated, unable to attena
Ivan 'coalman!. The foitnivin't dny twee, hints, etc., mai 01101.1 I furnieb hie work, et ot moch of blos time was
I ntten.'n I tn /12,2 business again." rret elt Inform/it:on to tiers vont In the Imaintrlit of Montrone
Yofing 'Phe dootorot gave lam no hope of re -
Dr. Otto lel., it aiding'. 0. ivritem- peonln. *Pli ON to tbrI1 014,19. covery.lint, on the coittrary, to (I him
''The sale of Se dneeto 011 it eon. It le lawl of rending thet
*terrify InerensIng: it le prebend by be pinerol In the handa of till who'll thnt be *mild never he well nanIn.
everybody. nIsl never hale to glee etaktren. They routs! letten moch A treetment thnt reeitere to
isotiefaction." Wbile enjoaing the storied. good heesith a person Wb011e ease. was
ooneldetrol hopeleors meet be of more
than ordittary value., and 'thim IR only
One of a terles of rt•markable cures
thnt have Man brought /theta la the
am of Dr. Chose'. Nerve PoOtt.
IggOtio.he 11 are st reel, alon t fen I, lay'
Males: "For 017 ytotom I watt nbt
able to work. my larva, %Vete all nu -
'arena and my ollavetiem had. I heti
54 .7ere attnek• of headache, cow(' not
nem nnoi muttered with sollooteig
tie in tap ovn ill of my hnok. I WW1
in tone homyritela. bet the tU•otorn
never be well agnin In neat. of the*
&view* I legran ate wee of Dr. Chem.'
at toe Pood Nome menthes ago, and
lionvinatt that I Owe my life tO
tbis medicine. I have noot been at
work for over two week., Kea believe
that my luvath has been fall
iny tertImony to the host. of °th-
eta frOnt metonym who have been cared
by that wonderful meofalne
De. Mesas Nerve Food. 50 eents
()eater; or Etim ttesion, Bates • Ca.