HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-12-25, Page 1m and diplomas. Nine ubutue del)
`bay lav all ham eslested with
as�In poui lasgs cows and .x0eption.
ho -vv milker+. Are ul supposed to be
•If to the Purebred bull to be sold.
CCU °ales•, }ir•fera dud st ors, au Go.
good lot Four y.arlive r.rela. Yrup.
or ldr ,I`he N•�w be, Huron road,
,rtoh township, 1 mnr. east of I:..do.
b"0.y tbing - ,r 4 w 11 be °old to
tat b rider• •r Yr, Neww•mte 4 g,nre
e .x'eer,WeIV Into the pia bnsl4e.►,
.,, "'ZitV, auaitu°eer.
16WAY, Us, . 19;b.-AuttIOD Sale ,,, a
call of good culla, boilers and steels at
Yallruch house, 0861MODOD, commove
r- 1 *'cloak ob&rp, RI, uAkll I'x[R,
prl star• T'Uth. UUNDay. auotionNt` -_
s "t otLTOV aa' I �,
ich to do your Xmas t
e five days of rush, it
will find this a con-
anage it, by far the
11 Kant to makeevery F
conveniently.i--ova__,; —
v big the cost. F.
er the store. 'they =
re will give you many Ir
. Come and see the Fr
II worth the seeing. __
venience of holiday
anti NVcdnesday eve-
/ jai =
~ �i t . ,,t— =:Moves t
.-, "�� __._- tisk any t
-• lady if she it
ever• hits lF
i oo many
kill glover;
Ili she will tell you- no. _
hat is the reason why rr
lev always tuake an ar- F
ptable holiday gift =
Oil call hardly wake a it
listake selecting then, F
)r a lady. - You take no e
ancees if you buy then► _
ere. We handle the lc
'st kill Gloves at each lF
riot' that Money can buy. it
:vtrry pair we sell we F
ual'Rntee. All the now r
st styles and - colorings iF
oW in stock. c
ushions. F
What about a Push- !
n Iur it X tufts gift'
hose' we + are showing t
re certainly handsome. fe
Vl are new and you will fe
of find any such assort
(fent to select froln any• z
vhere else' in town.. i
Lithographic Cnahioor. _e
.lapallee'. Callhion Tout =
llautablc curhion 'COPD. _
- _
('u.6imt Cords c
Cuaiton Foritth.
SnG•ent and `Jilko)inell. _.__.,
- , -._. -,__..
[Are You
Goino to
Give Furs ?
�f ou are thinkin of iv
�'__ a x
ins Furs for Ninag you can't
fi„d a Stock nr goo') RA this
anywher- near l,Prn. Any
uoal. (lunliti� aro all &boo-
lww y - -ar l"itji itraid ..-It'Yct
f4ected here call be depend-
1-:1 on W Riya perfect sattsfac
here are Ntitl a few
turday you can buy
lieviota, 3.4 length.
: $7 to $10. Fi(
irday moroiog at
9 '.
I .d.; .t.
TNRtE "A'8''
ADv, r6 Alva
` y 11 -
a.,r • l
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4,l , i�'uZ ..al/ \
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�� Pr _- ell% J \ i ►
k ' �- . y f �'l 1 1
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m rt. � • v -
• .. 1903
W E W /SH A MERRY CHR/STM - _- -- —_ ----- _ I�oR.
rubes Nott«. -- - --
- -- - —
AROU VD TOWN tM w•Jd,a of Jam•. - - __ N
=�� ____-;-'_. R U.t'uw rPt Yn. bwi-----____---.�-_ �! - AL
_� DR creme over to •ttesd rhe &server••r
'RYLA W NO. 4, Olt' 19M OF '1 H F 'Al. w ('rise, wblo6 teak ,.1&. a •a tee res,deace of .vd • 7 I NEW 7 EACNERB. - -. -- -
'1'UWNftHIP Oi l: LIWRNs, 1n &r. r -other•. N.Ikeld fires. tele hnd* l° Sr, good • fell Aaya wnk Ate brother. _ YAi rBRB Ottit. -
1' EIItO x 00 O► IL ur6a[leq for &ootber sale nl Aednsv's ward. Mr.. U. I FATRaR tv rNel — `—
ICON, R� A'I'1x'K IK THE ,borehors De r•lyd Mo Ht,eo pa t•,rm.J he duuut of bride,- mases RAST DAY.-4UQday, ; sr&wl •IMeaaa as a:M•Hel ase av
CUE ArIU OkXY iLtC'rKl'•' ostsU, looludbg "Is60 bol'• ro male, wDlb A. I Cu. U m CJwMa 11en All ,merr..lac ooe'!-M fr""y*so almarrrw1r1 f.r
ILWAY (XJt(1'ANY. steal fsmslN. The sale will take Dlses mr blind the rote of t em.dwr 21.-, ,h- pe rooel (--u oI the v The bo -rd ul exrmm•rs I.,r tho ,woe y u.ne rlrlr ■esll a• utlt (sec At. O
a'roae Ib• 13•b of J&ourry tear. Tb. er.oi '" mea Mr' sad Mn. Uauow b.v• the D -.tor ..1 :i Y• s '• j ,y G , Kev. el Bolus met :0 trio Cnuton M.eel nok,,,,l I M gn 4 rr 9lvl m• O ,uga .ro .um sa.l�•li Y•' �RIFFIT�
trio d cel tel& Btirrr, R use cull Uny Ileo- A6M .rad other peruou len wdl Oe adver oenrrar ulott..w ,.f .II °pea Iter m•trlmoD- F •t ,er H ht, was a der o(j .Y amd ooe
y 000'pael D&re &ppltM to the lel venture. Insq to b+ rem+ob• e,I by m -m ser° Of ills uD Y °day and u.m pl •fad th" %,,rk '.I th. 'O Ill a Nt as they *raw ,o • clo• Y
minds pIft D of Colborn° to take t wo hundred lived °bertly. 4, h .al• , f he T'ne
•kala• of dvd untrregs ,oD, e•p,c r I h 'M'" -t " u„•y for too `Y” ft. l,•l• n.vv g„uW 'o r. n,..
W *Omt. W v
Ore4•revow A Wtcark[t iJ► I14rsa A14u , rRtx,. Aitmzae. -Tae darty ben 1 ► ,b. , „or mem es.o:oII u.t oloNA d. . t.,o 'Dees iS
NOOk O $100.0p YOD la their Yell wet. and It [DUlhu.-Uc Thond• In the slurw a, a' tb,Y o'ulook, no 1 Tner. w.re .. st e.d- Y ger ,neo t0s nine apuounne.n-thee
line r1, • aveaisg las& Rev, I of elle wt. err and aor,*g sola+• u( the err nlleat p,ugr•m wY vrod•rod i* ha no° °p°° at the UoderioD Motel ,yoh••r '•• ills will ooe, y
°°°ted to D. to W labra•[• of thn Ur. Wmi.l ofroloud •t otroait )odsN aro atiu,uaoed. Na Ju+tlw I thee'... I 1 ruu• their nr ich to
,rD•�V °rd°r 1° °°vas's tp° 000etruot(on aa4 F•rfw°° will b• is [iod•rlok o° Tuesd• ur by the Vupd• nl bt. Peter'° •eh ,ul. Tha tamwl• acd °[t male candidates. µ'W°Nday, Div. 31st, trailed of atelier u°
ri Otto• ••[d ngotY br the sate Cum. -- --- - - (1wtou there were elghteeb female cod I Suaday crit. Nuuday INt was O°e of rhe /�
:Oq°( ya • mould De ca. the ( ow Y•roe 17. for the ar •m.cM •ad life• °r600Lroome were ynttlly deoorne i for the •r nr =O M
t ail w•l. ea br ant b lyse tarso r node t)•O7. seri It le Denby dletiuetly 1 Y owwiva wl[D appropnat• mottnw, aver- R mel• oagded•tte. All [k• oeudldar •e I Q1wt euooeee(al days of the o•m pals° tiooree V / ► / /N� / r
auadltUa.yre*d a sod ++,rood sad ,an ed that the COaDany "'Of Ju+tloe F,loo.bndse will hold tb. r 1° 1„tb ranool• wan •a 1• •Good u
ttata •ad pO° betweso the Corpora. •nail tor• Oo n� bt ['NII*, tl ,R• and uL&ge. The loldlRgtl,an oaeder Ib obc.ly- of D•OP p ° tba grlat mase •
tela c 1 L&ilw.r ._ oecup� my poruoa of °0 Ivry tktlagt begio°leq Thur"AY, Juo• were thrown ape° to woommoda[a Ills as 1- °it tblyd-:1•N certificates. To ubw[o ° m°°t[°R for rasa sad jar, a• many In tela
Nwms&ad ceaditloo• see D 1 omMo,. which Yld highways nsln•• sad 'at1 6o u ,o aueb
A,ad w snlDdtur Nt fort D, terms cell , oadlltoa• as tD Nr yy wool, and ereo Ins° there wd cot sl mdl wnlBoat* arodld.us were n nlred to W mestio
LeesN, la oM•r t ret Ids fes lutrrewu r Ka6rdtnt t h• I womsD'a m
Jest K the {{ yy Dar - tela retell •C °lost sa'Q�IgA lots Sr' vAL block buukey teem orgap w f �,Om for all. °d m.ke Hit 4 I s wDea the teat
tial! pas •utteol°ulbedR o! dent. iftMNmr OAyeuthr•a/a'1'owbatjp CousollrD• for the ae•Nv lest R•v, F•tber Went, Joiq• yy per coot of the totwl number of 4Qhttooe were put by the ev,orellst• 7
tor. It will A r iscw .0 �o �m�°r° y see et s ebar•ddr allibit sad U,yl• and the member• of ,be se eke' Tbo•e candid&ten who obrrloW , udwatinq tel• desire to W Dnyed (or '
tw latae debs,tutes ul eM 'fo wtinh(0 0! l;ol Aon said I ora an Dpnfa4d rb• follow,° Ofj +sn. Honorar Mrwu ����01-1 J 0 0�
6sewoOar LM•um of *M -Ne- dreg acd af[ I S ereby of two bull- 1 .eh -1 bw,d .coupled •atm,,, ,hs platform. q °'T five ►oar nom t. of oyer of tel. btal At rngbt is Knr.e church tM door• bad to ` � jtR pU a HOBO
Da) h Y n°rola 1 (151b •ba. Drpr lest, U. IMrG !!u°d•) be closed at 7.:5, .e t.o• r owu• °drbc• we•
atsaldod who, tae *ardlt s Aarolson,f 'r- Nur 4c- per esn . pry•,Ae, , y: bnoorory vwe The Brea sumb•r nc rel• pact •m ase • w.l- 'umbar of marks obrritinble are pl•o.e it p0
!altm4&d with rogar•d to tae is•ul f°ew°0i • Ork to said TowYhlo as sad Cba•, Gerrow, B. A-: praodear, be c oed at 7 to 1 V Y, omd
Ute. are fulfilledf na of euoh I���0VN ldtotook, oy any part ,be y be James W.lwn; vice reardm t, W, "'me choice, ••M."y Happy R,tur, c of the 'he uoaer list Wt -1 the forIy candid. te. is utmt: 06 .Ort
wldrms ,l b Y hereto prl v14ed roof, W P T. Welsh; U.y." o.mpo•wd • ( ,•rlro eROw•Aed rm ehtarpro hopon
QesIrlDli to lesuo ihs le conr4levwno0 w eocoad vice ptNideet, •1rm Mal,e•e; Pr,I ally (or Ins n.. u•oD. R Te• orders weregivm to 64MIL °o mare, Tuesd
dnb.mtttre. et ooe tlmv, and Io m nes b . ” of a ha nrA tune ya 4, •ea..&N TDO wY fnllow.A by ..eui,•rl IW lowing t• the Ler. Tu• ra er Oirofr ootitaiosd .rout eirhty a
d Ina •aid debt oke tb° �'fr oOa•eruet. rrperate and m&1et•ia •0 1. Atrhar Cbmtu ; trwuter, ao. 'TDs nab- P y �%
�takJI repayable hs year) 6'eotno Kallwa MaLea:; mu •r, K. I m• U,rm/y or the 1'n.•,bond " by Ad"o• RONOa� rueken of [be •ftK arrrlo• acd 1°rge nem J
rRmadtflgtbep•r 1 i between e. andoa acd Inn K W H. R•tx rraon ",alas• K,dd. Fien&atiooa awes lyssa nl•p D Msr (yak +ben thron
W nod d•bayniuns. seta we•tra f unmrs toe Nile. sad IDs Owe mtitee, H µ, IN, A Y Anon E. Martin [Dow. the ohuruh t°•ufi•d. by
tea atwr bd/ e' lbs said ra Auttun. •W of Wemost, W, Mc- Cm-e&eoe UrrfiD and Moller v H.ttb Caren Flora McEwen I't•Ddteg up, theme desire t° eery• (iod. P,o M
sten In" ae06 [ .I eotive +ams with °ufftor.°t f.o welo for @r d'o"' l Yeas ,n ably L.rse; m..00t, Allan T -R -rd. ,a .ha 1:•,th. E C E 1►j B E
carry ua •U M[ A v Yeul E. Jwkeua D
eaM tea, ter Onggrersate •movat py elo4 nail• hwaWisea tEa rfd Iowa Of Ucde MWi PARLt[ AtpolrTap .-The (-oils. 'inn qii •b� teO mlDjteeb tote nuuL'!*d res, s Eybytta.4-1 rove bablY never las the history' of the Iowa bur n
D wlml tad let&e•.et i1, std for Nid vnl TrDr J•.ots;Os S C:odu,ob be•R rJ thoroarbl 3 O
biidP=tot a Gtno &li D•Yasul Palo-. age+ or latervsalpq 91&10 Institut• board hes filled rhe Y moved Ant- D
e� 1 N set a "to L U-41 Lacer°no• Tho". J. O'Loughlin wlthst.od,sg tM busy ••aseo 1 0 0 2
bis •�a&1 to W awoast eo perable la...n Of Bald furls made by Yu" Molwllatib rad vaaaR,y L.dy wf r h- Nnowe Two or her *borsses , puuple fiuuk I
eels ndhK,lm aA i v,a of acid period . °•rel Ordin6 1 t1aa11 De r'oastfooled r u eeatio0 by the " D nr U ,°g. Hsar cbe 8ateol Bell Rln 1?Jns Monolog Harry W uk•r Ito tel• h.rvwd, mA wore+ of w 1
b AA kmrsos tel• bol amount n ul from U a�ry nUway freight ran °po°latmeat "I Yw Parise, of Cbeton. ".tl°rrr Y••°Lgeten,' were rioehaotly' acd
1 red to nul'rrppk ,ll war e4tloti of V MN• fru. tolls queen are read out tram the ple,toram der•
tb say 0r •t ol&1 me for Myist noA I'rtver swltob S •hall be ooe Y•Col ors bsw Lu tb. efuu of d, Jared k•v. F•tber West was the rvorpuat M6b•1 K•,Ifw liditk Taylor tat rhes mNtlags. DevaY of can
till ay /(, ••d f• °°[ °° ar'°'oDefon oro• °D ns b tnn•fer f e °ODep stored Uwtoa Cotlegul• IYNLuU fes lour ytre of r° afdtcw ala • hWest W Lerma° rase,. L.mr• stydr•• Y•r ti a mso ars -
p t' war or r ISMOare to Rad from Iedil rod bas o k. Y Truv smnoq tel• swkere, sad &C tlmN It •cams
td Vompaey toad tram the Ur.ed ba.e vett •coaees(nt Is ba w r cai alarm clack !, ,m chs of Go •o. Mu O vette Brith.m Li)L6n Willow d,t Otlll to x1,.66 the service, Ogres GR
Okla resat of Ne whole ret rrank Bellway at OOdey(4h, w •ooe as • Nt Her salary wdl be $700 Aoote M. C,,urtne , se talons. u J IFFITH
aW the sold Tore= pf Ori I aryesra•ae sap tit mads witD t e nnard Dv a000m 1'h° 'er Jok° G. Bia read the addrese To• Y M•bl• W.IeD hs interest msulfesred. At least two than,. . wl)O ytandb
m 'tw .•1. s10R ,130. IaH nr Nns" rust /call wry Corpptay of Cao oda P°°°°1 the loilowing resnlotioo presentation was matte h Bvo IJuoloP Fred Br omJ were at t6• mast mevuDts oti land°
�'hd wltD rvq h,. I tn* rraarbl •eq ardwr M h Re L,llan's ran avlou . N-ra Harl• V Irene Merlin, M.y Hoa y.b• 1 without A peer "America's Greatest
•&,d caber call there V _ o04teeAi still tent DI 0 f ,00h & to Noted q Y •°d /eta W«hb. AI -or h,qh R Clark F....r °t UfDOOD, tel• meeting for men bolos ad_ L
ieuayy QeDrmture otwl h'. ltunidUom Ay tutvrorre,• b1 Jadgs U.,ylr, NoomLd b mase r ° K,tr,e H•rtt
dOhtof thrid munid 'bu,tatnokaa4 p•W Y k+v ll slier b,ve ,waited ° Wmlli.m.l dru•Nd b 1Ving Trsgedian,,, BUp��� by
r1' ,sleet V•Ips eh .11 ap plaoeAYtO Ur. lore. that we soca t rM rest osr.n Felbe W poo k•,v. lrwr° y Ey.°gel sc 4%roryler. •n1 the �/
ereNltttledpm,lDl.wghtheetlW of wash ret, V g r est, to rbevN,ry. cad prroeorad M'bly Har,y (;so. r.hn•tua meeting fir women by Rry. Mr. He tar. DtI:3.� L001913 IIIP
Asp wlNw•s the top &monet vtth• debt Laelreveli d partba a( aar niall*G, open or and deetre to place on record him with a b"a•ifal ro0vuir for his legal Mable Jennison µ'm Jarrott sweat aueg* ul Dor LiY, the Grrbt
4LMdW to °° created by tb,e b law for The Crar•aey end tel• r,�,,�
y tela altag waw, It• retlway my be [rooted, 0•t °PDr sol°Hwa of her high mor.( oh►r.otar day. The oceasjue was marked &leo by rhe Ella J..bnr ACt[e$$, l
trmr�o•a ofor.aotd U Ins Nld ooe!In t ofpb.- la.•ose eke sale 7ewa•D i, and of her sb�fit sad a R.Dort Krog meg"•Boent B,bla re°dutge of Yr, tlnlatC
000 salMewf at a• trams w, t nreA ,t b Ala 1 a N t te.cber M'pD,v L 4 L. Kn„ o„D,Inue to be the main attraotfum Is these
t•enuuoa nl K,r Hnctsr 8tC OC Slr
or* too nmol' pal Coupal o' rhe hods - p' ' Dr zN rO pupils who had i Henry I1Ving's great COHI t►II , 11J1d
Ta+rYh(s at Co1DorR. (Dr bt th•anid ['pmt 3. it ihohugei Gol•ru It, U77aw A, - W, Prn01I wh. I&ep apocorfsl oe, the Inst 6o r n JemmN Lowrie YHbero u„ , ae ted • n,tW a-rviose, p y
eeaou y t Iwws bid penIh•pptarr of the Iwn for mos ea anon ro cbe • ce exam[• MoUowell I t
1. 'rG l'orperotioa of rill Tpwestlp of (:ol- •old a,artlr• etiatlt o 11014, Iter eater' the e°° ► Y h_. asst*� with UoLgt•te Inatlruw Before J�pki:.o L'm• CDarles g.wev i be msetiep will be held le Kani oearob at. o ptionally gtr0 CO[Ij n
Dorno ebnjl est• twn Dunn v0 ,Iu&a aeMtrotor ((wtM tl n ofA,e u1 Yr. Holt sod lase) Brm,ato the Alalthorinu M-°t.r Ea wee Dego s,. Rttblg0e 1dOCo0tt E Iward Stewart n(± pa jr --
Or a. IO+s per co&t , reA ane efts sh.ITe YOrDOD•Of ea0q tL• Ni' freight nth. ipd la an, q rhe remundar of Yells week. Oo Thund♦ _ _
0/ $lOo•W aro D tpe Drafe►eure esOwl ata k "Ys tDe ra,d arbl laton in” to as nanofrt h• e000•eded. Ras ties, , e-. Ped f°rw•rd and thank•° Hr- n P' Mend• P."Or
Q LOr ebrp b tt- Jobs W. Todd wvrniOq thou will ire • eon y I'{'e have DeC
FGectn Uuroo, brute&.d Unt Jrd•wof ree(oua'y 4 Hsrw �ollagree^`the •f sed bas so,eated • D.0,1,04 to the Pwt- cP tl191ra e L dtom t esrm.n oo "A UN(F pis attraeti,u
o RWwoy lompany cavo file fwd, O 0014• Y. t L•odao, R.v F., b•, Re„ Y Rob,oeoa Elward Wilford Grr►t An°ounoso,ent,'sad on Friday ..•°-
moot by 'a cold (`ora { turd orbll•or g tot to • •ward of rye d Itis U•purmome st U taws. While core• 'b• trestesa.Dd o•hen r t gnteldi F ih R„bsuu ,req tel• last rally (or you* at a Inrge e1C nye, land
00adilloes barOte.ftar et I'('De trhin the er a+store. or two of lyse Ntd ••wan ,tr•tul "te' Yr D eeeR i° R rash avd i� hope the
test It mo within rte Hall ba peal and •ball g w e Yhmon peon bb stood for- •o" ►pll"'OK it words, for the kind and Oao. BAIRD. Nroy„ eromes, Lbou who ars •IDgle of stag IFl the le Of G
atorharelaaher•swOlaad. Dot sot o•1,0 t18w Cusgany, Oe btadin o° the vee inn saver ng tbu po•0uon, bb rnomA• Dracrlael r„ersee rest nae •1. fwJy of the anurat. sed m.rUad
i It slay be lawful fur the C ave mar rf.Gt- _-___.__^-4 Chstoa lip OderiCh all
etporallon of I• bat. AN -mad b•IWirea'be said cora acd cbe arm woledr al°soot °vorynoe tD °d '° tic. Pour'. Gohool. Rev. Fatter Wes[, people Ip
ar s” raOf "Ll for too nrpne• arore•6ta rad rfo eaiJ Tow'iW14 test 'he-amberuK wr) rynt ext dualy me a.o•Nlty of y Judge Uo ie, tyLl aR ATa (RRT(TSTIN tXatto, tAs sallwry omd ado twit Will appri)Ciate our endeavor III
tO laate'MMturr of the r� HaoiclpaiLL to regG far rel , coo ver v °°°'•teed b y pre.°nled the Lib Nu*A•y morDlOr Mr. Crohle
MoalawMt of i)r0.' Ov ID aunu X not Ise. thio from oo'ferlOb all it a Of pdd, a nra a a••is hl le r,s Gnderwb. He will be r D 'z • to the euuceesfai '1'M tuilowrs ars the reabt. apes Y will bringing such a str0
.2;o • P&ysbte la anenu Ins• wa • not he I.N ah.a roar can► v0, • g R wl'y r D1,DIIs, A I , h- pu. R W tN of rhe k sod sing In North -et, church, Mr. � Company t0
aMf�p' seer • •Imo • ax s ,laity, haloes pr"v•atad by un&+oid•blo °d t° many circles ; indeed ,bar* .n P'1° w►o were sncesevigi at tM ratracco ell octal ohtandd by the pep,iG of the th.e. Hunter to Knox church, and Mr
t P.ri,sd t tweets )°cera frnm &uoldeuts K obstructloN foes o wit lower forms at the root terminal ei.m,ee- Roo "' Q Gode[ICh. .This 1$ t:ho only place
bel tLw w►ao rDe M DIs old as& O this 14 • ad in rhe oven, oawe4 Df •mow ■ vommo mea wbaes i•p6rr■n • O1oruoae were presenud wfrh Iw&auln, n V,otona-et. onuroA. Ill the .tteraooD ar
r - &n•horlcsd b Dr b -°.d. ) storms' of tne.betreltor, by would Nr- • • r inns. Pupils whore vmu .re out v o b 45 •glee m6N meerlrg wrN De geld ID WQ$t Of
ae later t o•ch d,t ,, @saw a Fiat. ,be Com [oat ° no le the oommes. °"zN, rhe gip, „t H • Lo•d•bip Bishop Mo- g • London this attraction Can
else tel dear ds, of Jd A. ) ! !. toe diligence in M,, ac^t° to use 611 ,•y. r. Ya•mw. wig lea+. ter Octsw6 Ir'•Y. R -v. F.Oher tvsec, R y ty,,. Ir were ol)aeat from the whole or ohs gfw4r Ktioc obarob fur mso .red wome
the ate o fe te hese tit Ol•t t° ua , ora °, tel be seen.
1l. rale of Door wsOar ear oxoeed,..g ,belt ,rwk*. aaA nsaro *r ►-o„�K fr •hurt • part of eke KamtoeLion : iW,es eco. mo toe
Orr •his from I• barreed bola y Nr New 1'.as't eau°, Haw. Mother Angels, Mrs. K .ly, Gtr PY a fis,lenee cod the mea
ty jn[• per se°°m es,t rte sa,n l' JUNIOR UIv
t f [br»0f. M/aAis pre ,Ds ttlrttstb lar 't° rid Towa*h p hat the �°Mn� aoA GunU cls rna 9Tx•g.-Apaloaoor 'res, �• and M"•srs. J. U. OCs°°•'I, Foul I , IpION.- 'ion
*"1410104 Ill Grob N d •.° too of ('was Grl( L. Har6eA body o[ the obarob, Oreat mes. '�- \
Tear , -Goo" therefor ,s lwal •ball be c,mpleaod acd to 0 (;dn ty held • omooh.hl .took eale Bs, P. T. U •to, J. D -ell, Jo.. G, M ,, Jt11. 76' J Doan 69, l'. 18Awl 669 J. 81,a°R 67, W e 1aO°° . afgnt Mo°d.Y.
tin l*&tt&•b•d to Wd debOo peva loll f -r Jnhe K-dd Gad Jas. Ilolnru•b A WeL.• d 6j. $.
1 ra t of the Nid d, tore' w or such p wIG4 ache er Novem Der. Ilgi, o Tedday ted Prominen
N* oomM, n} tb• Haroa road, oa E•.h pawl i. , P. H Ilse, bp, Ndr cern a,00uneed N thew days of t Incidents $Ilii
be Mie tel* etas &ta" T !u1"t„r•°a °Ori the r+Thmearb pwnel c nuns De all orm Dr hun'!ty Wi 1 a ores Juaroy rwom was •he rrap,emt of a for [,,, N' ('solei"O b9. O. [l•&0 57 J. Pae [r&ce. "C.rde .aq the Theatre" will Le du
Oth RddOe o/ rte •treed Dr 1•°+'raa nee o/ Oo • to r brge e d bl)eoe, rel• site of We L,rdah Aube t b7. f3
etner said TuWiYhlp w 5 sows Tb1G if law a6a11 -t ell tela seU ori rerusse cern d eons p E �a 1 e bT. K. An., r• -n ear, L Ons,off oo Monday night rD the Scenic Effects.
Deno• am4orued JJ �aaeloro Dalt ►erne aced O Yt vet. b5. C Farr
ease Yd M tee -,---- R7rw fo s a ip rfle [ % an ec.ry pa•ar,1 °(ter havin 1 •t gas d prIr.ae TL* m1loh a w• broeq r.t R -v. Father West thank -d the popll. and Toad rA DF P Iley 54, K Utraitaa b4 obnroA, sad ' rhe North.,,.
•rad tee (7••t.l.,t or rld T'ow .sir, web, a.arDlor tela *tee r »lei r•+.ve rMv r.toher for the s Nnell 53, J Were.h b3, M l., Parlor Douce" On Tue•.
&noob 'teye'o tb. owpor. 0)001, IL tore etiuNed to +oto rye of bead, nod the calve• .Y- x'.Ilwsa prosnm McLeod 53. B day evasier In Knox church Tae farewell ALT I -The Haunted
W ee6! gf the seed 0 owseh,0. upon the (Wel -roeed .Dna• $I6 Tne purebred •her. ,boy b.d pepa•ed, rad exp•&Nae hr ac- II Yhr 53, L Tw•e lir bl. A. M• l,..00a1, bl, service will be hrl t o° Wedtie*d. • •
Nemt Dy viae loom, a•y of t&r tetrna6pA "Yt'�I y Ut �0 •+ora toll, "L,rd Bs or," wen pa•nhsred by re,reur,n .1 rho sols m•aosr in wMoh v0
-Raise,■ ) +•Dmf ACT II—Macbeth's Ca$tle.
eine br•Or sp ,r eat yortn wtthl6 lbs tines 1.4 J. H N. Rwmtal 49 M Hdwod tin 6Dot uharob, Go early .1,d get o sand ACT III—
LK.,O•nw aOO.... ified. LN'. Yr JO!v AH.i aLt i . of C:e Yee, /or $90 Chas °°d .tgciatod lhwms-Ives of tel• T.rin.e 48, B Koex 47, Y $rase 4T, L YoViaar esA' I;oger,oh is sure v and lie t0 D• a Tho DTeam.
e n sd ft ah&:. De ,,wtW for Inn I<sevs and Aad take •aicothat thsanovs botruc11iPwy Se kAoroih r'ryb tn.Alp. be°gut &be tw.. MrI* a•a•tua t ,nem. Ia response to R• T 46 It. McCrea 4 4b, M, Dttn 4<, jt. Hnw. 'haee mm (ot tM tbrrd compslg,�. y A(,T I V-� dnt3's
Tremear.r far rbc rase Detagut rDe -aid Tows o1 rel, prowavt Father W-s,'a ret u -•t, swnNo were mad• •'e 43 .1 P emelwt 43, D R.•vN
MtOef (blbor,e t, fila Rfte- which hes b.om ate. tread LII 'Lnd Buller' gni Mur. b 4 __ t n
04 fes els t of MY ll Wd s0m of lay.lin by eret[o° and wlI oh °hall be finally Y." IK $114 &sd (02, by Jnd4r lMyle, �, W. U'(.>•tpnell, Jco (:. Q 2. D, UQL%T 42, w. Kiel 4'b. M It N avoneoaJ nn Tuesd
A T V—Tele Wi ur
fm'saoe d pnlfnq ter the rip eY'e- /Yew[ Dy tpw l:ouecll of Ike Yuoira lit!! Nr lirevlal--k, of Wma, rsapeeuvely In• Joe A. MOlsto•b, Miller 39, H w r 10 •Y evom,vs f; tChes' tiaVe,
'room•" oar"= w •sv`'C'o•bayr fta the event sf Ilse tswgmfll• onrebrva J b unit rel, Mr. F'nrd nod Jco _
Pe•&tlsa w to load theme. Kidd, atbgr.tabuh ttomr c I w• 36. !f. lwsao I Hood wwre R v + t
a..*•t vsOtyalte•Im •Minor, b•laq ---i wwwwo anar eine At / aey' "Yalrl.md '' b► 1j1y1. R pYtor on hu K u� a .Alla° to ' 'N"" (r oNlvy and ic,T I -Telt. HAIld 7f Death
1 yenn, old u Yew In mu [hereof the •a 1, b from tk, ►nasa,mea ea lendeY yg Iwt d°y •°d t ask" e•soh•n .ori paplis k. BI/dgea 31, J. 'j'ratbaw•v 29. Tnomu to sw dt Cnr'amN f DA°• io u
rarer V
r St.
*older art of tM wW 0arporatbe. ane'6e esu, now lbo path Wit's, n Tnd lira. 7 sees • res cbe nn Fotr L, S 'e..,.���
Owes dA •tl W1 tb. •oa0er, U,a dare N .rb Joh ti of Run ,eylr.ed of oasis Iur Mr. P 1m R litd ttrette -Lemi ase m.dosl lttol aaliOt DIVISION -J•°° Too manner the omolbut fine,, to maks prep r
NdWny d the rid Q b*Mu is to ugbr the Iw&it•% wag the rbth day °f liNember A.1) Over M hour at reed h4ardt er)en them. 71, W. I'r•.aAfoe, 67 Y DRQ
age. K the k•a10+'a&bbttiebr,mck I"J, acd that o Ddl w 11 be held •ad -,be -_ Mrt 59 •9. J Cul ODoectlon and the rateseil ten trio They Unrinlf
of gi ow ere&i tl ri o -ill b tel• .l, •Ory -( 'he rid VuaiolOditl A Y111TVt F](OJ1 DA [Ort. Nomi•l L L'' y°O°R 59 R &,,lteo 511, (: left, however, to &heat ternoo,. TO(tlfBat A IIr•
w� ^ip or(r I° 1b°•OmMI °r tt of tela wUf be iat00 then•g oa ,i, 11 of Glu, r ou, • ul Ki SAL NEWS IN BRIEF. Rh p • b7 R Jordan b7, J Proodl,at 56, 'Ore for the moe&ro °°A will n- the PHAI( TOM FI(�T ja.0
rats Tow•*Dlp rf (olbeems N rM'ow•. 'Town hone •ed plaer• fixed 1s ,be ay asd he nth & T atiebrldPe, i God°• Fr.
p weI Flaw •Dove weetr three reads 54. A s &bb eyee,na IT(3-
s►1),sf (�elDgrM Hen, , 8rucr sd AbdorNs b3. L. R••Ai°wu -- — ION will bw thown�
trr PRO tri rwy else- else ycare ago ter hu ED D•• I t.ke tb4 oDDortuDl or wbhlag •It rap 49 C. Carne 44, i. S.Dita 4R, I.
thetl M °Ok 'eroau " red tb+ s as kat&, when M NtUed, merned 6a onetomsn a ver 1y ,,y l;or-.tm w. r, f, Nawrno COUNi V COUNCIL NOMINA 1 IONS.
d for ~'aBM • ua 00 s o° u.• 1,amt ehpaN "b' w,MCDONApH" non.d bb J 1 "d. Ins[ rham. the very h: 47, B- No berl,nd 47
1tNvaud Tre•.arar is Dee Irl. 7°tL amd ratna ro pr,Yaa lit othlor, U. Mu(:,Ilr°°d-ty 46, A LIVING HUMAN
at shoe -/d T*wmakip vs e►a0 be .xder elayl ---_ _ _ .b., •oommalatbq noes. L.a► wedk ke A M eery Chn•tmas t• all rva !wy ret T,rs L YoW,,eald 44. F W gt,ns Qi. M Yr.°d- ulyh,roN No. 1. BEING VANISHES 1N-
perfo fth too eurp0se AIOrerld. unmanly, to was In tewm en hM Wi. r lowAt feat 43 N. Kidd 43 A. MoLseu 42 L '1 b• lollnw,og Romtnotloae were mrd* o0
m. fes LN pnrNen, a cags•I clock lar, be - -x—«$« y e hie sally p6 (=-T Faber Kest ►tr•od•d t w (neer°I of 1�0k 41 K' (..tq a 4p M Y. Lacs 4p, R Mondry for enua,y onv°oil d vu oa No, 1 : TG AjI�_
ar. Tbed rKY •fora aid. -- N - -• ANBdd. Hs oorloed wnh sresc prr4 Ceres, 36, N (: ahem 32, W. (1,604 40 C Mo h Uh.m bunt
l Tlwe nh&ll 4 meed aa■ret ly Dl special ��rTytARNINU.-ApY PFLR9 tel BA1 q. ped Aelr;bt &b• pregr,sg •°d Ira rovsmwok rkl &NO Rev. Father Fuq.rt n j
rmt. ora all tit* nuhle • • las ham rte rrdd. eel of the• 6.od D g Y t , r "silly y. Unr I D, un Romhd, 29 R A,hdaid-proawed by A CIIEIIICAL and ELECTRICAL
v rc Mrt, to the Nnl K tM/ tewn w the lace, r•Rln ea• Foar 11 nR JrtNtOs lIL-A. Vw•oo 90, Tbomaain. Campbell Aah6 1d� propowed D
TwwYllp w GlbwD* durtoF� the term of witbout�nPwmlwfon, sha,tl°a, r other •Od to rotor* fes the ,•mpllmwM wb cs ba �10°° will be ooadserrtl fo [be fft t a l U.M fi3. H Ur •dale 76, M y TRICK
mis0�w*aty rows how t►e w&u wt,oa 'b• laid de D„�rr••ted "D14 say Par o1 tel° Proteny wU: Paid wr br6a fol N ret 0 Y
1 ah h Ile B rWi nclOorllad to Dc la 6eA Droaecucod N own w• ehul gat tba tpx'. BuaA.y, moram[ aaA evenlaq, 72, M. Tbu, a,. TZ Ky kinnt Lions W'm• Mallocge tad Juespb Fi•ok.
i 0 atm of S I !or the pas•po« Of C C ATT,tIL4 Mr M`rtin 1• N doe fookin4, healthy a0d Oy o P"Ia-or Kv•rvb°dv welunm°. w, 7 �2, l.mrs- K,ch•r° )swell, Colbnto°-pro that has •ttoniahed the public: in ever
newt. tb ,spool d l to rash of lho•6ld _ _ - R'd&@wmd 1' -rt. 'b""'gsat a yo0aq 0366 a1 orae could wish Ja A. Sardebao has tmoued for tb., nom_ A G.Imas 71 N. N•Ae169 C. 8•fr• Jacob Mosier and Geo. A.h►ol sd by City where it Mae been presented'
ter flrtsalpat sari Lterow in respect of ,•* •.r. His I'Or 64, L McL e.D 63, T. ),wwlft 69, L JnbO Y t/oKrozi.. A•hfielA-
~ • Pw*Gts, Mr. sad Mr•. Jobs
rJsesuA we NItOF S. L TAUHI•, Munn, lateitd b but I a v 'rev ooe GMs . o►trlogne oI toe tool. Ttehb,.b• 55 K. R -ek•t proposed by by this COID
G Telt vo shah thr,twuMd alseto.a or tnb I [rpd famil n- IDS" f nrOd wt tM )'totona.lt. mwtioe •00 54. C F' .0 53, G. Ito e, 55.bD R. e" Alai.. Deltolao A Inver Ctoott. �'
musblD,llq shall DO taala 0D the Byi&w by ANI r A, 1,•RIN,. aPTI,'IA.7 ARu erg union Do Chriatmes flay at the old home- win 4• g, Crrtlloree-
eb. INdu.) keturminto (Asea,• her•in&nw et•ECrALIeT stood &t Kler.brid e. rO•� 51 R. Tye 52. U. F'elter PrneN•d by
am•d YThursday, q,- u&ry. All kindsof8 7 ttwNmode [ Mr. Yon,n will re. in• ti' a Med's Bible IjINo will maul 49 M 11.❑ 49, 5 0. Fort. 51, 1, Bl.ke J•71N R,reasd JN FL,-prob,
A.. D. Iso& eamrnm rad dq of Ju toerdK. s 0•oeselre aei t • tura to Dakota on the 00-OIUWOO of hu Olt. -r asa•1, ID' •se 45, N. Wni e- MorRao ll.lton, /�
Oleg u .b. Mur of nlno p*cblartwtloo glrla to slue the It. --Cor. mb H,tl, kNt ,'rear, o° Ir 44, E. 0,: dtbor 42, LV. kfrroheN Henry Morrie, Wrlllom A �pRVEOUS TALE OF
Obok U IDs moraly ted omtlmolag ustll °rO g ldod+y .tce�000 ° n'ula k. All young E. W„ • 40. Yount sed Robert E01wtt &bo wen nom.
mo edoek ri t* oltornooe •i be wader- Vfdeft by mail en,mptly attended to Be. Tug LATL Yta, KnntRTMN d• 40, 0• 1'tlt 40, F. gt°rdy 36, I, ID.ted, but wRoberw
ma.1 t I b-Iffi wan of `l,&ells °•iaq my same. N I em lay -Tb. fagK. Oen oordrlly yirri . . Eliot 3b ENCHANTMENT IN
Mwttlag f)ah dlvtsmm ., t, a tie Tq r Do trevnq[ur agent, whned,w P el of Mn Reb•rt•on, Willa of Job• k,bert The ago ciao td . g &heeC fast bort. Foalr I1L-
yyw- sea. Protea *treat, took I d- wish eewvee A. Naylor 73, C. Robert. 73, LATRR. Wm Nrotben, ■omiwating ofH•
since Halo HtemUMr, Andrew H'ddb, I)ep- 1 IUCHM ranFILZ L, . T )Rd IM: t D .oe ro TbanA.v y, oar for U.vuroo Ne 1, nottfls Trio NiarvA4 SIX AC p S.
to) Retttr°I°sOB1o•r. 51 FiICHYONp BTRffRT w.. T,RUNfO •Iter°oo° the ran) on• beinglater,r%din1,01 K N•hwl folio {2b pos•ttl.)- g M„°')T1eI Weodt70. L' afilhrse70. tool
ell. ea ► tow No.:. &tthOTOmpor,ke. eine eemeury ksv. J l8, U river. : H. Rut on. " D k0 �. y Mcllwaio 63, D. Dd.as 70. Richard Jewell has retired from tb•
tarelllut IOr'nOor. �. T' Ooldahwrpw. DrratyRw- _ Int - A Aoe•rseo' of 15: p n 1U FoP A D le 67, Z� McF:ren 67, U, Wiabtm60 000teet, ami that John N. McKrnr •.len Ilk: letC W'
Keo: church, con re t;d tb• srvtoes, red (%•mpro ld. F Yrou 12; R y' 13: I tori 66 C. hY w,thdnwD nut nis Dntios of wrtAdnwal p ith New RevOlTing
I'oalUag spbdl►lsfoa V0. 3, &t Iho T.wR �_ `_ ultat�y B1A. h* p&Ilbsarer• w*re Geo W, T. N.ltdi, A,Mrtna 64, R. B.,maoomhe64, M. i)nrern
Halt, Los s HILI. haat YcI --- _-_ Reber► Them TA.mpsooI 7• W' L••tm•m sear M •hots. 64, T D1orn,n E4, H. L-wg 63. F: Render- esu Dot delivered hr elms cod, lose -lore, Scenery.
)o&yD, Uepat CHAN, li YHA W, U6JTERAI. [:kiUR• ro 6fM the elle arolo
fte014164g b.4ir. 1 t j Ores, •tonin Phorb, Ft tl. ('art, 'f h• 9e.lorrD FSipeeit Me the tallowrog �' E. YaMflIna 62, K R„h,°e„a R nAi xr could not °ecepc tr Mysteries of the Spirit World.
PoUI,g eek-dtOlrapa Ne. i, a rho Ten,��ssrr doll ANO,! sad rwl saute ago*,, Omoo. lyse David Nce,Id.y and Alex sterling• Mrs reference for former U O. A gwtn 59 J Yegor 59 F. N'c,d 62' Mr. McKeOce'e Oeme )
•Oce Hol. LMbun. R, Williams, i)evuty ito- INAIn�mvt,ul fi.. { slaw. sora ,anter • l tiO °Mei 6 sit bat cam• b this oovetr Oellsono arioA DM ser el J C&„tial*- T 59, cele A•flOt, but he wane• all el+o ore Intbt ChemIC81 8nd Electrical IIIrld. 11.
Aaeet for to �as harm in Sootl&od Nrrary. 'ehnminu old k�oA ,e 58 O Cr.wtorA 5 f. KrID•
vurmipg Officer. leeding •lark nom Wnr,rnnery N0 rick 56 U D. t.n 7 t d vision to under• PICttUresq
- On W64,64"al. the21std& atiaou vdhtla rhea 'Imtw yeoe •T o Thw •bn,vnn•ry rv,ue• to 55, M. Ku'Aer/.. d b2, taod &bat he r Oct is tb. ue Groupings,
D. i073, tel& 1 O a 11•rotatlw and mo,a(scturinq risks 6t [• She and her husband ,•anon with So.fortb .Mrrhodtt b W AndwtG„n S j R ruomng ibis time, l3$ndsomo
Rewvr a< Me NIA 1 owashl • II lowest rat•• Call at O'eoe. were among rhe peonsere of Col nurse [owD• held on arOh RI L^°nen bl, R. T.y COBtuOleB and
T �u tM TowYnip ,fall 4 the rhf _ S,bb.rh lea F�owa) 49 bl, W Ycli.enr 49. M. [%nnn'Daham DIvlaloN vo. 2.
D• Rt ewe Ireleol Ill tM toresooe, W -_ ship, and •ora• twenty year• tan ther r. a (nrmer k•r. r- �IAGDIIFICENT
a°spPtl 1 dressy to &rtsid at'he ntrlous pu11 %• a• R0 B h; R rso N. tired trum tb. farm sod wine Le t, to God. DNlor, Preached both 'oPQ0000 ann '! l.A a40,on 47 A. Be ver• 46, M. Tan 1)♦yrd C:•otelrnD unton: ,ls, f oenolh
OMassafrtes,ld end ot� the dD6J anmm!e AOnouatsat ■DA lyunos A &-ai.e. rated, were FsrTp ewe t ? ._.. _.oVosol ((•t4 OmmtrllrYOyilfiii
Host• 011e seat, welch Res1des her aReq huttr+Dd, abs IeavN •r �tPgarions R• Y 4 35, o, B•!- s h _
esg snot tow TT y,
Pth.vas Dl ah*Townsb p Clerk. m ting or coed sli made 0p. a moors bar a .ea nod • dauthtar- both dl.0 of wergnIp. m the ev q tb. t, arm ttrt eo Bei;
t"s bAp omit of t I„ the promexfnr or n edlaga nce reed note celleel•d P. ;1. church � Goa. H lit+
1j00s1°It IMPss"wJe or Chir lyres res tive ylr 1Ngnoon le British eo t' RoDertwn of t olrwr,•, omd M D°'°[ fi;IM, kvv, Mr. Howe bas '�TECT OUR INO ulvlsrom 140. 3. TABLEAUX.
poo (ompsnlaa d aritdlao re• Wafker, 'set none of bas Ho lceeel end eeroesttese USTRIEl3
b. The ('lark of tel• .n4 Township of Col UAloe- In 1'roudfo,,l k H• • .1 Us' Gar Sha U survived Av ° brotter, acd dollyored two ver able a sf.tin The Oandtdate• for this dfvieiom ars Wm.
tory H,W of street_ fioderteeh, ) o(Sn e. NwtA •(oho liardser, of Ibrrwr • Hilt, asd three Ger(none. Tl:e corer, -h chop .Iso rnauvid Ltmuor. lurioh; Kobt. YoMwd a, Ki
&sed at tel* laid Townehip listI Y all prwetfoal aaysat w l'veelela•ra-■fMw• to be
tl tea orl0pt ID rho fore -a. of rridry. the - 1�1r nst&n Mrs. (:es Greven, of rowb, Yry A thele w•1 /u,mtttef Juurl S1Y. Wm. C"o*n, Hills U
ppet; -
'*a4a1 of January, A. I) Ilia, to•um 0p the 141 J. T. NAFTEL, /;F.NEkAI, iN Aller• of Uoolop, acd Mrs MNoo, Of Rruea ,nn on tAitrnsq,I rp own,! lolly up forth Itr At the polling (or mn,iorp•1 ofiicos os Naughton, l•'&lc• rMll, sod Jobn Mc-
eember oy vote• g/vOR for End agmle.t the 1' . sUKA\,;L &till Bdd \J_.Oa►rq 5th •very freeholder will have ao Characters in the Pi$y
nyrw, a (terns in Ofoot, best Off,rt. Thwinff•,logs, also, esu• Lb ll., y0orenmity of ntlfyrng tee byl&we peeeed nrcraury No. 4, •
TLRW AND I-V"IJIfIONS. BatelfoFlmu ual ordcaeee tan it lowoe Nn.tkN WRuut, W Nominations held at Beater fes ebb
N1 r '
bas v, ' Yr. Mr 11160 'e many old frt°0de here war. h) 6 former oense,l grastlog to The Goier divislos rwevlted la the Noetics by or ill' Macbeth .... , Griffith
The yallowbg •re this form. and ,oudlttons r•1°0 DooitNa. Otaa &t lowest sad Mrr. Hotl.Od'e ANptdul new rNldence Dles,ed to are him lookto ah�cm John
°gnu e• bN wYn tris t%el Zi l,a sod IM beret aarllwh snit Cet&rlian oom0amen rep- ori Merit•, u., rwrmed ever g sn well and t, baR G., 'd., sod Tne N-derieh &^ion rel H. Spackmsn and R Hicks, the Ntacdu6 .... I .. li'A RR6X COUWII
srld Haroe. Bi von asd O1. itteetrio Rall roseeted. Khtir that naval no F'n•ta evett0•r .oA have •Doth -r opprrtomty of lerteom to KO ill I:e , Lt old
f smog Iur him. B dxsmptioa Irom mem Dara.
"O7 1%°mtt+say. asd eta tr�le of stook In OMOS next d'vw to DlokiaWioo & Uarrow •'nen the wen ae Dom° r t an, e`xne t.oboel t'ax•_ dy NiaCbetii.. N(Jaa Iq
TowWd C'o0s,w) by aM C+rtaarsuoe 01 tel R&r'btnn, H.mUtyt lluwa, Y o more ,Dao lorry - she tr P t es, !or the b.lata of ,)V os No. b,
°ahtD res Odlbtrrr ueder for Bylaw u Of Chir ntlsr hs• ►v t friend.. The oocre,00 COMING AND R ann Thr Wi greeted b o Yc ! S( k r sty . • • • ...... 1C r. aR RIPL[
Ki D
1iw°Drd w&, the 'wooly v GOING two aim m• sodas J Lo to, of Tno r•m1.h (ooe of King Alf DRawe
t ar b t p( M M tatleW tt•mwtq see tela fifth Waal rear of t etr - q1°s k° yea • c, n t f ne a pars . wren
to b•Md toe •mfr,toot Ilrbr tialp, wedd Or. y A I•we were evot tom g ° y he ( rmer mem ) B. R. OOon -f ancon..... CRARLRp FiARTL[T
wDla n,Daart -_ - Alcor a-umptaous *u Mw Ntr.° r Ple1 The cos,. Nw.4100. u•elwted b I�'irrt Witch.. Nt tae LYULA W
!K &ed ly°at 1. to tb Dt»r else R h home from G OmshV •Joel ro pl &!1 'the aompalq'e- rn Low° oe Y &Oct& 61,,oa !or rb • ILLHO Ra
MIOto thOea.d llsllw (• tI°r' be*o carve 1 asd the roe•. else goon Aack for Ib• hotldey•• dtvu,oR. Nfwond witch . , E„wARt, I''. Ft
maoose p} e( &! •Om Dao) sole faro• HOUSE TO KhNT.-FURNISHED OK to tel dr°wt°R room ole of the olecre rwA Mrh \ I) Rwrlly le epeedleq tel• holiday telt. 1 nim ' aTlRee
till timet st forth thenvio, aafuretabed. 0004 is PI olaaar tree
N A e , o"id I, sad eo DivlsloN Nu 6 Thilrl 1i'ttch - ,
M pee ter»o! nA611 wOdd bR hamt. tpp•y tb tt"nattT• Lhs fnl o*int °Adieu wean V B Qalo. portn t stat tee ro,Ve ehauld en. TM old mem6wr, W H Kerr and ,IomN Flesnce r•• IIALs
with ,Aa•rld t waat� •xesot In iteoord&ace SON, ilea, ZMte DCA it :1rvT 1,v DIA AND -- --' eotl_fs�, a ice tells rte., Npavi&II u Rowm&o .. • .... .
O^ uDsm tutBlmomt of sue Lerma and af•a1, Wil, UNCIJt. tV tt.L,-_ YI. OBTe Turner !I •tdNt fiboaL a Y,then it ca , are n ra.atOd b►• • • • • • • • ARTRCR K ILLHOAx
rlNtdltlob9. ---- WO ret rase rslativ 'I0- Y w oulam&ttoe- "0641 •___.,
>' N asd friends who ase R tar *inter, bq Ins•
1t'hers6 the Ha [j OR SALK OR H) KKN U -FIR. rivml• ed to he w.t4 flim Fhill Turner, tR ” o°.o a •e ie the DIVISION No. 7. • • • • • . --... MISR Anri1R LAlrs
''no Ballw&y Com Mo! badubeen Ina,trey also- L 91'- p t You towgbt •re very Mase 1 oro°to. will De Ibe a q• • omp°1,,N' they The °•adldstw In divt..q LbnOi
,cadet p0t&ted clam 2W sor. farm, 21 lulls from tV,Fl[ happy to have this opporalatty to uEar nor Moan, of f, nsdoo, b epspole({ tE• Paying 6 1►rger aa'ona' •)Ohs T. Ne. I are : - 11 AeRY 131IRTRARD I
t� v '�r"l of ODWi0. •.ed IR rhe year tam oR UU:: w road , I&M* bnlldlan• fair- *ongntulatiou• red 1, tat wt has oD t our .r bohdave in tow ' A.n before, (Jarrle, East %Vhwyosbl Jcho Leyton • .. • .... • ,
I� dstdt 4 , Dead batt .yea ° wr h her mother. Th°y a both growing and 1V*hGWO►, ilbrd - D P•ttarmet, Apbarn, Cientlewom F
thnrrzed. �•�°. &eA h•- ae Ra v°o1l un URRIIa
.d. , ri aiw-a►dRwoeA B prospsrocalRduetrlY,b ,
II A1.000 b'�tis) qac[ et s.,ti0.0(• , whertvd &rm le w Nate o cclNvafoo, AVp 1 v Y• fes mel* -else• of motif E. B. Tilt. of hijUtU. L-aWenity, Ment. CM Lina us t d Ing al-rg*Dsy-I q. and M. Lackha•t, Aabe1's. an, • • • hilea i,IzziE WOOD(,
RoocamuWlvc pnhreaeastook v, UK(1 TIIJMiOv, Uodertat, or to HaV NY m•,.Isl Ith. vVe onggratalare 1 Oc hw•e,e real, la home far the holiday •e.sov. rp �°Ry o°4�rmovw osttrff: Phytic, ,
•iod $li0.ap'lr at TH•11fb06t, Wlhgham. 01 tf • k,Dd F'revideeea net •pared gnu to Nch M .,s EmN ,", ? a ire mmll, ion► to wwaitl thn nano0 Of "..�.---�..•. rr
1'he nomfesuoaR Ill obis ,drtrlct ase , ii. I3xltW, .I
Aad whales•• ! y�
Aesiroueof port ow ipof OeliN>rp• b ether ter se many veue, sed •IM becsaw, Koa v y Ker ban ,a, whys teaches •t the rsreriavers before doing thH. W trust R,bt. MtllOr, IWro wser ; + .. i' •I• GUwA"
nae, betty °1r aNWc raliwq owmrma& THAT ._ Sjl INF: HI)1 NF: WITH while four llvws have boon re P 111*, rshoot* fnr the boftdayr. ,hat every tieel+older wth m•r1t bb M11nt st 1'° t �.�.. rag S. J. FdrgGlen'. hint nflicer.... (:. A, n
sM tin r road Trank *ad be •L- ` hdt ►e oc i of laud, on Viotos •treat. stn perfectly nu 1 Mr. and Mrr. ,1. M Fe» f►vor of ones Dvtsn,. rastte I Y__-_^ paws it AYTOp
' iald Q_ }►Dor k Ypdrrf°b, sod D*I"I h* bovaht for f1; espfw oa the ddtlu (f Nap to h►pDily Alsdod, we het° never boom per .r Id and daughter � [ f boa ooeoeNia° _ .
fialtrord, nine Tniek Rall way "&Ltan °Rd ped u0 D°tv ROmeoorken and Invsbn olexrd to know which wN which- ° °p'"l1Ot the Chrlstento rear,,, 1° to these '_em oo°rslht them to
acid to sr1&nd to ahoOpaMtan. Niro would do well to int lea hays este. Tcr- P.nIN acd eo __
Afiff fI•erwtvaN eatls&,e. eachDtefet•1n•d v,nr lodlvid°alit wDlsrgs MARRIED.
Aad w of ♦shays: AAdrw Yy ____ - -�
b.ssY fo oMar thereto It le Flood THEO. J. M,N)liHot SK have been so Inns acocatomed to thluk of Mille Mol,,ll.n la•, of t ha I'ollevl►ts There °ever was •time in Its hlsiery of COR,: r 'AN'raLUN - 8ia clal t�Cener
rbfor I al 1hO laid To..tth i etaQ, )eft o° Moots nor town whe1, &h• oppnngair mann•, • WcdO N -At JCntx oburnA y l luted fOr tells
Allo bnodrsd ane'M p ares of equo bub. Ottf IMy4dd P. O. you Y among tele yennseet of teles soots noA Y fur her hmne ret Nrrtt. Int Y wN u Filar y, DOa. 11th, I'J02, b Jest r
may pf y.sore tf saw bfgd- - Rooted it creme hard to rwhze that It b O.IW ford, prngraes, with the tn't"triN we 'rev' JN. A. Andenva. R. A. Henrj '� p odnCtlOn tet eVeyy
alas a&1dOamMAn w(as•a •ed sn 1 h.ve t:erO
etch wit 0•r«°t• A1.1'ABLR FARM FR0PF:KTV FOR %wooly five Year@ sie,:r first Mrs. N. 1.'rtolr, of ret ioaw a ictric ra lee 1 0( rnlo. to Ebz&bOth Act And Scene in
yoe hue tM v to vow, If tb• OOder loll. V&osetoR, of the play,
n1100%he bans. eta gtld (:ump&my b, vrflhag whtrtl e' brae'frM fDt bar . ei Jtr•- Ftotwt a»Fls seri yotn Wise •ddwd to "the m rt N,'tt• rel Clinton, sr R City,' Mr Mise oltireot will all pull topth•r aFlA r°onarage
•-vttalanlm^ oawdl Y• ooat&lelDl Rl cores, iod ng atm y l;ue•q f Mn. U, o'Aer feAostrl.a to lrfoa[w I \
1; in Rod mslnual r+ow�yrtat c oosaailf of lot 1; In the Stb confidence dud I awW .d MmN of firth,^ Y -I we know the Box on. n our m,da, wire _ Bl
VOw �•+ EbotHc li&Owq Ilme I ao pe nor .pleodtd nannl advW• Qsl►Q.. '—__ --
tri° IDAtelISM wi�eN.o�p ►artol lot 1l la the 1th nonceesfo,. OoderIch R Y Yon by hies wall s st. Yon C"" fl 11•y, of the Hank of ('ommeroe, •,aR be tba moat Res we should
at i� tINYU wfM, rte cbe wttn thoOtDKr towuAty This • fist Also farm •oD b Oln have °i way had • h•Ipine bane, not cele a spendt ff L'bru,mas li♦ •t 1;.°.do. P'o�rN°0Y. sewn :e [j OR OOUNTY t7p MOre Electric Et'eets than @Ver
surf °bout four mals from Ooderlah. Title for those ewr of kin, hat you hove reached 1)aelph Y hfs home In __ 1. (1iCILI,n- -
died hla Ma •ale 'railway b fully canyNt.d Perfaot Forprtloabre.appir tO telt aRAer- omt, cad omv to Deed of yevr ale tonsil van IntTotlUCed by 8ny other site
of0 rOOdy for Ile Yellin, of In the tews M b' Mre. ,►nAowron sari I,tUa Aauthur, Of Mgl- ANNO LADI►e Axn Ok, ih to nnn avaco
�j�.,. ra&dv sTmoa'.M,era We ho 'f��`�G� rTt•"149 •a traction traVellin r
Nt&UysHch hem Ike pnwd Tnipt 1411wa1 lttdJelr, Va. f W tbu, '�ier� can, .r• •intens thel,,rmw,is mrlror. tb. rid t*IinbyENy g, hnu•r th t I w a candidate tKt a (tO11Dty twpM g,
ca ro tb0 wbstand cwba&eyd with rho PHILIP HOLT, y os" may Onatfsns to be Mrs• (ie to ee in No. I ill vision. 1 two
aaMre•d In [iwdarl ynuemnL•.d°rlRg W°Mrwr. ('ioteliwResnursmt •'+IrawstntlrelLorvOacntte•t,iaAtht
!Ilya ane mil M Toasohl0 of l o1DorRo cad _ oh. tb• oomtao +says, W* ask you to decoct West atreer, for GNA Ila►) win given Io oRGv# acd w tt cbe 'else ��w�
�issMM �wf tMs•idroad from the itlaa. _ tkb u.a Nt d 6 sen&II tnkwn rel nor Inv*, ►nA I r- Y,°war ,,I Molitll I nlvwniy, Mnar °y°1en, °nld 1n hulk and all ogles: ntOwr, •"dld&cwa w,ai r wi,h,fraw t ie vMr, war 4
}g�mm��e.Rr14M eb IN OMd Tpwnd/ Obfu117 --~ n.l, ie wum4 else ('hrl*tmN turkey at tba fry. cr raw°' (;,nt•or.nenwty, fruit, lobes_ Hills ens withdr°wn but Mr rh&Obors has
y[M"�1 °d rlad7 for the rolling toot, -- - W ,sit. -�_- -- w* will prey th.e tela U,w .Ae never •,lam, ” AUST” Yinke into
�"--'" ppnnM. UAan addltboal$1..9% h`rr ns Hwap met q°uA year Inrere N IFw Parenrel item•, ON &ad dean. C Bhecgary,14t. Drnpthtnr should De Hrecw m` oandidaure• Honore ob[iViOn T►t,�
�, tot mtl�tlletw,ltey (•, ,a a ramllor rasa �% ANTRD-DiLY, AllH OR RAiN h.. rhe part ICs trust :vee will Irma he W&eted- have s Wvel aros1,A and no ono ohnnld cohlparefl with thins perftltm.
wood, d k.v .las. !f oefo w, Mn H6mfltrc wort (16sfN nil be'tet, moeOpey, irollCltle
acd ah° balread to lbw r0A r� , dM for ca.b, "IIF Op&•wd to enjoy ywar D•W hem* and as rhe ehUAren ars tpeev!r•s Ofir,•tmN with R, utkeR seAr6wa, 12 N,': Risk R lour vote and MACbAtb•,.
m vrlirat tilRdafd rD•rI b a.,in RRNPINY N rU ti'ITL'Ha Oo„ agp. 20,; t iseudnca,sndwbete anc0 of "
gg ♦, l:•; N�• 1 mask oftme sseft 1 n roe au ttUeompl'men t
Gtr t�1rt7 it&y wile tela 01 -Mn A KINt'ON, lil&syW. t wwiob. ►sides mnest of tNfDl Ilves wr• wilt find Wr. Hamlltee is 8,rerfard. er fat. $4.00. (tor $.5 OD "Mala tons rel
RlpMed for from pert. yea •N11 hand to hand NOtned, no b*haif MIN -s Aline sad Ids R.rwr, wes►ly wren a M`6° a sn a by _ TH(>e. R, IICHNIN, '
~ "''���rssrr.. ■it i 00 It cease wN wN A
asd tMpsw wort of lbs famtl M whys have Yb.. YcC&Ilam, I:mA, R y (jo NTY t;o1JNCIL!lLbClIUh9,
t$tlOtta, Y ART F, inRRts, IeeaavendiegtheCOntralHaat,•ea(W • KIN., Y/IMtaR. lVJ
—. SARA M HAakf•,. "q F'or ell° A of Iaet w•.k. + PIRn opetlt st Kidd'p ROok N� t
_::, Cowen To o tayam gnat ,'r LER PRKLL - - Toreetn, an sp-red ,q tel• h*Ldn s st Masan 1C,Ad I TO TAR =LTr•TORil1/R nfATBICT NU 1. Weeineada
_w, °; I.. OLIS[1h CsYPRkLL, A Bttbf re0'y was marls and the evening home T h C-• hNd wnot night Dia NIIeA a wall papOt F.AnIR& &ND ntSilly f f
aa1,11 _- K Mem urwe.. rix y Datc. 24th.
��er a pOr1oA of twenty wN inset seiny°My epwa•. RNIAs lha tea Mn t'wfwr k••rd sml oMltru fate, nR 11nn. I rrawp,ina °t the H&41f rd Hnrrl TUe r Dominated Y • ow,did&tw fpr o•entt� k'"°n
M Its l rse GIO or w,mOeoamsat Oratmmeebt sed mtrlxl dirwtnr of North street e•rvON Dtr soy Mrs 111II•°d rOidee t man dnv fur Uc-AY rn rea•nugv• rel H Hergr, •.{otg N- 1 r f.r IlhA & c r noanntl
M Desalt "fitNwmnigfurther Metbe410fiburrh,tYoher of plaeo. Dine K t y 1't^ ttfr. Re,A, w B*R• No. I. rws
'i _HRyyrtes to eery mesa ODA then Fel An hu' In. wy prwa*nt, 'E a•° al your voila ►nA tefinrnea I o,ngI noel
!t i nIG n Mr rwklaa of •ir.,f ,es .eA u1Nm, tnclDA hes werkinY there Hnco tel. lq,eloq rel rhe I Nm 1 very Inrge any g$ t IderaMs ex YAl and etsnty ), --`
7,-ftt b4 Dn octo'1 fes all n a k•rr, N ''
b er. w q, ,�ttmd •Abet. neo &mlmtlem n! tM Tsroncd Uonorrvatery of Int +alas from Il n Rrnnklye, *nae fa°&°r D N Placed ne IAr D one, ehowlw •thin and M�Iwnos to toll p RiC.F'
dust, „pelt 1 tM right to Il sato. Will De Ploa•cti to ros`41e applies L,sbelllw, RoA.lo, lbrerois, i'•terAnro' wh-1• efltt•& of the sow N w [ tM! rdiA ant of theAbliry�t native ane nnetinunn& i .� • .; �t.
yid l y k eRy with• tfwne from All rho" r•wnnlrlat *nnh intorno- nee ether larw , !Ir°• (i• (% 80asnnn •n i Mies k.mlltea I dennrst, t Yllerr t AndD o n and S I
mstml Yom as Ab naw dtAte nvwr Tnonmsvn't m*eln D 4 r. RnllanA s g ft u, hu bel as 9ata-A& tw • 04• A brew renin! wr ei 16Meshe the regnlr*menro of teles dlstHel wnd If el•nstedd Reserved c,.� '�i
��ss wrf* wN • Helel,moh Y pwaa A foe d.v !n 4*ntlmse g call wlh dnAeaoor ,o @KTo fon falthfnlh an .�eett$• !!• .,
wl)tt b► 'rrsreslp emus asses. Usnlplaeo fK Ml.v. mw) 1-n &r Pbnn, 'I N. Hol ioroste b• erO r•„•wduig tw (wew.fl, P, teak rile tau r Op-Ilo r' attbe'annO(I Do,erA.
p» ( of enw n w
t'amfad ter half Is'" °y Warree. 11 . esu °moDt r M apes, P
wl.ra ►ley will rom•le for the wtetar to N0 �' D 1 'ed • esmMr of I .a&oe �� sea au IAr nompHmen $red a I. �,
Kdwre w•» even pla•-orf ewe eta ,put ° Am yells reoo,tt u of the
AI . .
`rise• _ i1r.a,:�... • N° •` t- :n
.- _-rev;.eta,Jrsi�flv::rmia_ i.rt! '_.s•I ", , ' .