HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-12-11, Page 10e at.atttaoto, Ise, 11, 1'.11'2 • THF KIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. hristmas ••••••diving CHRISTMAS GIFTS will now be foremost in most people's minds. What to give that will give pleasure, be useful and orna- mental that is the question of the hour. Come and let us help you to decide. Our stock was never so complete as this season In all suitable and useful lines. HANDKERCHIIsFS and GLOVES always stand first in the line of gift -giving - dainty and use- ful. When in doubt wha;to give buy • Handkerchief- we have hundreds for you to choose from. Smut VALUE Child's Handkerchief, white, with lace edge. a flood, dur- able article, going at 5c. each. EXTRA VALVA in White Silk, with worked initis:., best yet, at 25c. Lovely embroidered, with lace edge, Handkerchiefs, 15c., 20c., 25c., 35c., 50e., 75c. Ladies' Ties and Stocks. Never lave we shown so utany beautiful 'idea for laches, wt er as tide reason. Nice designs et 2:ic. Handsome line et 50c., 75c., $l.00 to $1.50. Ladies' Kid Gloves Every rice, every shade, in the bent makes shown in the trade. Ladies' Kid Mitts Comfortable and d u r r h 1 e, lined throughout, with fur tops, at 75c. and $1.00. HANDSOME FURS Yes, handsome Furs -lots of thew to choose from -prices right : Caperines, $2.50, $3.50 to $25.00. Itutis, '_'5c. to t1l2.00 and $15.00. DRES8 GOODS and SILKS A nice Dress or Waist "oul.l le an asoeptable gift. All our Ikea going at reduced price'. CHRISTMAS TIES and GLOVES What nicer for a gift to boy or man than a pretty Tie. We have a large stock just to hand for Christmas gifts, 25c., 50c., 75c. NIeu's lined and unlined Gloves, 75c., $I 00 and $1.50. LATEST NECK MUFFLERS Black Silk, colored satin lining, a lovely gift, 50o., 75c., $1.00. CLOTHING The boy may need • new Suit or an 1 )vercoet. As s Christmas gift it would be ,just right, and our prices' lust now will save you toot , y. Come • in and look them over. NICE SILK WAIST Black, Red, Blue and Pink ---regu- lar $4.00 Waist for it' -.75. , NECK RIBBON All colors, all widths, ''Oc., 25e. :;5c. LADIES' and CHILDREN'S JACKETS All golug now at clearing prices. Come and get a bargain. Special lot of Children's goods, nice styles, going very cheap. MILLINERY To clear balance ut Millinery- tnmtne d and untrimmed -at had price. FREE ! FREE ! FREE ! Do your Christmas shoppiog with us and till out your ticket so that we may be able to give you one of our hand- some and useful Prewiuws. Tickets on all Cash purchases. CHILDREN'S TOYS AND BOOKS GOING AT HALF PRICE. Smith Bro's & Co. A Small Sum It rightly ap- plied„will clad your feet prop- erly for Fall and Winter Wear'. UVJOU It Fall stock of Boots and Shoes has been chosen with a view not only to how cheap we could buy, but to how good for the least possible tnoney. Mous Log Bouts. in all grades, at p,pu'at pro tie. We have a good range of tueu's Leather Loggias* with the latest Improved fastenings. In hew), Lumbername% Knitters was have a uw- p:Ote range at right prion... Give u: a call when you need anything in our line and you will be well satisfied with our values. '1 he $ ,COO Queen 11nstity prize oa,uteit t. still open. Ask for particular,. REPAIRING E. DOWNING, Red Front Shoe Store. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF the majority on the retereadaes le rowlaa and so le the assoority of wen -dread me. who pet their tailoring al P. J. Pridham e, the peoples lathier. A Sande has retort's,' to l.leooee. Berrettas is hood mirrors at hien',, M. Y. Melissa, of 1h.Seelortb Frpoettor, was In tows Thursday. W. A. Harrleoe Dame down from L'aok- sow ea Thursday to poll he Tete fee probitniitse. W . Barrows R See sbioeed lest week s x oars of este to Poetised and eon ser of wheat 1e Os.lph. The Collegiate Institute oommet, .moot will be held teme,row eveate., A good program hoe bees arreeged for ib. measure. The oohr, W. H. Rouods arrived stator day r vesting with 600 tons et owl for the Bra !dill. Tot. was the only arrival at the bastion the Net week. Tee revert of she 0000ty (masoil meetwr test work, latae t og hu,Igete from some of our towaebip oorrespoodeots sad other mat ser will M hoes In the sepplemeat tssu.,l wi h Tum ttIce sL this week. Court Osderlch. Iso. 32, O. O. F., will bold their regular teeetane next Tuesday lbtb. ler the .lection .f *Moors. Ali mem- ben a.e ngp..tod to be preeset Tie Carroll Comely Uompwy offered • prize for the lnrge.t number of words form .d treat the letters ' waned la tb• word Carrell. Hey Brydges put la • let of a ty-ese wor.'s sad received the pr n, $250, as the matinee on Saturday. McKinsey tiros. Mioe•rel. will fi:, art. turn eageg.meot at %totems Opera Ileum sett Wednesday eveata•. They delighted the audience whlob heard them hero • fee. weeks ego. end will doubt:... ,.es • full hour Melon Ww'. 1 seep, of Uolbore., u•arly lost the sight e1 w ey• a few day* age. H• was wieldteg • whip sod the lash oaaebt him 1a the right ear., rusk's/ a oerteue wound Fort use.sly tn. sight was set:dee sieved and the Injured member is healing steely The fuel supply at the Collegiate lotttute haying roe very short, the trustee board at Its meatier es Thursday gave Isetruottose for the immediate purchase .f a lead of hard .o.1 end • load .f Pah oeaL Th. •000seee of i) S.edd.rt, $230. Allan & Halsor, XMAS BOOKS ••••••••••••••.•• "Boy's Own," "Girl's Own," "Boys of the Empire," "Chums," Henty Books, "Chatterbox," "Kindred of theWilHoosier8chool- master,"__ -Jungle Books, "'Birds an Animals of the World," Toy Books, etc. All the latest and moot ' pular works for young and 0 tea► BURNT LEATHER GOODS i'p., Hacks, Wt, .k Holders, 81 tors, Smoking Sete„ MfftlItIllIttttftftfAMMttlffttitt,, As good as When you hear a merchant say that his stove is as good as the Happy Thought an rest. assured that the Happy Thought is the leading Stove and that others are trying to equal it but have not as yet been able to do 80. The fire put of the HAPPY THOUGHT a deep and narrow, which gives it a great heating surface to oven, and will bake and cook with very little fuel. It is the stove that slices down the fuel bill. A dollar saved is Fix ti, 1s a dollar made. I have a full line of HAPPY THOUGHTS, and you are invited to call and examine thew, whether you intend purchasing or not. I have a full line of COAL and WOOD HEAT- ERS, which lead the market in priee and duality. Also a number of second-hand Coal and Wood Cooking and Heating Stoves, one Wood and two Coal Furnaces. CHAS. C. LEE, titlectisor to Let; & ' HEl'IIAItU. CALENDARS Itsset.ifsl large when moun1ad ' - .ed.n, specially made for w and the pnl lu.t ever shown in nab rrch, EBONIZ ED. - Ink Were, Candle Stick., Candel- abra, Inch Gazelles and Shade. to match. The latent thing in New fork. CHINA 1'renbli, English and Japanese, of beantitul design.. CHATELAINES. We have • tart* stork of leather Had headed chatelaines, at all prices. NOTE PAPER r 10, 'ole' trail '.1 note• In beautiful ,teen ',boot I•' ,•,1nallr•d• l'rsUy 1'n titres. Tor.. 1Jam►.. girls and Mo. • to delight It ' ays the Best to Buy the Best IF iT I8 THE BEM' YOU WANT THEN YOU WILL DEAL WITH McKENZIE & HOWELL ' F The Beet Silverware, Meridan-B itannia ('o.'s snake, The Best Table Cutlery, The Best Pocket Cutlery, The Beat Assortment for Selection, The Best Place to Buy Useful Christmas Presents, The Best is none too good for you, The Best is what you want, The Blest place to get it is where it is always kept. We are now distributing our beautiful new 1903 ..*lenders to customers and purchaser.. Gone early and get oo•. - - bE. $2.76, sad Bee►.saser Lawson,.3 iJ, sere Nemo by the board. Feeder A11voeate ; Mir .I hl Rebertsoe, who hes bed sberge of the bleb sobool work is ear public *MINI, baa soo.pted a pant. o is the psbl.o soboel at 11 sllaaebarq. M tee Robertcia le a teacher of splendid ability sed wl1 be mash muted from our school Matt ANNOUNCEMENTS. t'b*loo Mobs% 1 orfumes sI tilt ,, $. Don't fait to see the,plendld dully •I obliawors at the Maple Leaf l;rooery, See t*• l,b"e nl •e oe.fume. and Soo toi- let goad* at Wastrel Moog 5 err. WA'.yam -Choice 11 butter, ,%tc. Good turkeys, undreamt, Oc. We buy if. r eras or trail«. A $20.tvk to select Crum. lit() E. KING, Win{, am. Christmas fruits are eels quickly at .h. Mophe Lea( Greco..,. Cb ase e.:• .c'.d ru.la. at 10., Ib., 1, new 00..,1.4 ourrsets ; 1b.. for 25a. A .to•niry of lent year'. corrin' n an 5a 1b. a Idle �y last. Ideal mas Gifts AT PORTER'S FOR BOTH LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Waterman'. Ideal Fountain Pstiahom r!.50 w $14.00. Cheaper Fountain NW, l.olid gold points), $1.00 and $1.25. r Fancy high grade Stotionen, in elegant box.., Mulish holly end other choice designs. ranging in twit* from tic to $2,50 each. Russian seal lea'her Purse;, Traveling{ Caere, Chain Wrist Hags, Preach and Bn rlish Photo Frames email Freud' and Austrian Fans, .Meals i'inegerette., etc., etc. Leather Mallets, folding Coln Purees, ink We'b, Letter Weights, Paper Shiva. Smoking Seta, Cat Ohms decanters, Travelling Flasks, Folding Diluting Cups. liter ing Silver \lounted Pipes. 1?;b ny !1 hta•y Hair Bru•Ie., etc. !'ing Yong Ye . from 25c to $4 00. :leper ate !'ing Pang Rectotata, lbd up. __-- Hundreds of rot times in children's Hooks, Boy's Own Annual() r sown Annual Solidity at Home and Leisure Hour, $1.75 each (:hat erboa, pub leper's price 11 00, Xmas .ale pr cit 75c An e•aborate dis- play of Pres.nta- tnos Co/sedan and X mae Card. In water t:olor., sepia, COe011a- tiou redo and all'the new tints. •_ Phone 100 8• PORTER'S Book Cart Bosse Square, • Writ W• kava parshased the vert bees fealty eh - biteable, rod **supply ye.ur 'Teri woo; plow ostler earl. and ovoid the rash !etre. 11. W. ELLtoyr. Wasted weekly 1000 1b. of well m.de sees, better to one sod two le prime or roil•. We are pr.pired to pay the subset cub prim. at the H•mtItee at eroo.ry .04 prods.. store. W ILL J. Mosiuw Prot, 't'•ub. sad Yes Lill e0 '!'rate, *portal speotaliete, are of Hotel Belford tine week till Saturday. 11 you have any. Ibis wrens with your oyes earl aid see them. 'Ph. demand for Happy Thought ..sale le larq.. M.. ever tb . sweep it it trios, sr •. wend pelting • bele 1 Iles •`•'UIJ I a,• their ostler wt,h t0 h• ages', t% 1.' L.•. M Ise • advert semen. wilt•poert sear t' 1 SrautaL hews -Ravine sol' our 1,i. Dees we .01 be Ieeeto• town sono *tot .raye smoothes nos settled 'store .1.0 1r 1'IuL w111 be heeded ie to uor wll.,,tun .u, Immediate outlet!. ton. Kl, t 1 .5 tb- anti save year eU extra exposes. RB h Coaour.. Go te the old reliable slitter hews, Mein -1r Resrsuroat, West • oo 1, foe fresh .• 4.14 la balk awl aN Nylw :.,•.e, f,a .,r rine 0,111 0 '.y fruit, •g.1s taboo. • e.�s. r. l' NL Cea'TUsr nu et snot " ' 1. y big . .rr 004.1e mer. •boa 1' "., , w el 1t11130i 11''tts. Ih'r! Nswe: Ws tory aver sheet Cewote, but the fado:atioes are that we wilt as.51 a -aro preawtage of tae's ,.deude. 1 TRI.•r&Yati NO. w. HODGENS BROS. gag DOOR #E.T es MASI16TOa or. OUR CtJRISTMAS DISPLA Y --ow.- OUR special display for the holiday` is now ready. We think it well worth your while coming to see. The useful for holiday giving has first and only place here, and you will find tnany a helpful hint and suggestion if you come and see this store in its holiday dress. Every- thing is arranged for easy selling. Stocks of goods suitable for holiday gifts are displayed to best advantal;_, and you can shop in comfort here. You will be heartily welcome whenever and ai often as you wish to come. We want you to see this great display of holiday goods, whether you wish to buy or not. 55.00 Day in the Man ties. We Are going ,to make Saturday, Dec. 13th, a $5 00 day in the Mantle depart- ment. There is lots of mantle weather ahead of you yet. but we want these goods out of the way at once. We want more room to display Christmas goods. To get it and get it quickly, we place on sale Satur- day between 15 anti 20 Ladies' Mantles at $5 each. Not one in the lot but is worth more, )good deal, than this Price. Most of them re\ worth as inuch as $10. regular. Betty lb and 20 Ladies' 51antlei, mostly j gar• went+, this, reason'e goods and 'Wei, very ser' ice - able germ t. that will look well give Kati. factory wear, Mens, greys and black*, sol regular way at $10.00, choice for day Holiday Gloves. .1 lady never has too many kid gloves. An extra pair never goes astray and they can be selected as a holiday gift with per- fect safety. You run no risk if you buy kid kid gloves here. Every pair that goes over our counters is guar- anteed. For the holi- day season 'we will place each pair of kid gloves sold in a pretty fancy box. Ladies French kid gfoven, black and ell the lending colors, two dome fasten- ers. soft pliable skins, a perfect glove in every way and extra special value at our price $1.00 Ladies' fine French kid gloves, made frochoice skins, thin. soft suct plia- ble, perfec,. fitting, blacks and all coon, an extra good glove to wear, special Eper pairF. $1.25 xtra line rench kidgloves, made from choice seiectf•d skins, one large pearl or oxidized medallion fasten erx, one of the handson,e,t vas wi1Tareev5r chow,, tants, browns and greys, per Go To STEWART 'S If you want choice ,,,w Fruit. A fresh stock just arrived. Now it the time toerd•r. Peels. -New .t -,-k i. c .mplew. Retsina -4 pound* tor 2&e beoeiolatrlls.-A [bone collection of freak goods You got uoLhinl 1,u1 the best goals, for low prices. IPLORAL DEPARTMENT. Roan., 1 laruatinn., Violet., Palm., em. , always os hand. F'ioral designs • specialty. Out -of Anon orders s •, eise prmpt All N N rarebit attention �cxENzlE & HOWELL CEO. STEW�iRT GROCER AND FLORIST KID c0. EAST AIDE 8(�UARE. OODERICH. wgrr .Isle sat Aar. rw.is Ise Lull and Impact !NIT -took, whether )ou Imp Or not. Belts and Neckwear. Many pretty gifts can be selected from our stock of ladies' neckwear and helts. Some of the latest novelties of the season have ,just been opened n�1 and We show a wide variety of new and up-to-datem/styles .. 25c, 50c, 75c. Holiday Linens, New lines that wilt de- light the eye of every lover of fine linens, made and bleached by the world's best makers from Ireland and Scotland, where the world's best linens are- blade. New patterns bought 'specially for t his Christmas trade. Fancy Tray Clotho, square, obs long or oval shape, fringed with drawu work or hew• stitched damask, see pat- terns and Al values at. . ..,. 25o, 3'c, bOc, 75c, $1.1all Sideboard Scarfs, iu pleb. line.. and damasks, drawn work de• signs, fringed edge of hew - stitched .. 25c, 50; 75c, $1.00 Fancy Swiss Applique Shares, tine assortment of pattern., each ' ... ..... , 50c to $1.27i Pure Line, Tat le Napkin., fine bleachetidswseks, good weight and quality, handsome new Ile signs, at per dozen . .81 to Fine quality bleached D fanatic , Table Cloths, handsome new desigus, heavy weight, all staple sizes las stack, ostade sized procured at a few d:eT, entice i :: to (14r i to CLVTHs AND NAPK1g' TO MATCH. -We have a big range of new Napkins and Cloths, in matched este, that make a very acceptable 'holiday gift. Royal Linen. We wail have oa exhibition for the holiday season a set of linen table dawark, exactly to, same as that provided by the Canadian Pacific }tail, ay for the use of the Duke and Duchess- of uche..of Ybrk on their trip across the ntineat. It is made by the maker and the design and Ity are exactly the same as y the royal party. It is a e "Louis 15th" design quality of heavy pure We have the Cow pieta set, plums and cloths. and will be plrav+l to show them any time you ra 1. Xmas Han The handkerc ing none of its its a Xmas gift and pretty, always in taste, always pfu to the recipient,- its own as a little token of remembrance. Easily sent by mail, it is an ideal little gift for an absent friend Our showing is comprehensive, and has been gathered from Ire- land, Scotland anti ,Japan, the world's great centres for linen, muslin and silk handkerchiefs. We have imported ninny lines our selves direct ft'om the \makers. There are thou- hds here to + choosedeals and yin rr i l l _.�, butter values, anywhere. Just. a few price hints Ysur Pintoes:Haialkerchief, men, o .1 end c»Mimi designs t, pleanr the little folks -2 for Sc, 3 for 10• Oootl qua ity hem-ktitche t handkor shoe(. dulls se, s!se fancy embrul derod handkerchiefs in goo l goali'y muslin, with or without leer edges', extts special value at....5, Fancy embroidered) handkdrehief• many different deeigue, good yyria'. i lea, at each, . , .... 10.• and f5' Finn quality !Swiss omhrmderell hereler:hi,fe, jowl. of new and m h.inhoe pstterne, oleo very fine gush!purr listen hemstitched haudkerenief. narrow hems. ported by °ursettle direct from 1►0 waken, each 20c and 2&: Estes fine quality embroider.tl mus• lin slat linen handkerchiefs, dainty, delicate dimwit, hand or machineembroidered on the floret of linens .,r mnslins, many new ppsatterna hut rant msnv of any one design 35. , bOn, 7bc, $1.00 erchiefs. ief is 1„s= po ularity ainty nod acce le 1 For the Home. What slakes a brit ter Xmas gift than something for the home ' " Things for the home" are much in: evidence here. Something selected from the stock we are showing will make a most acceptable and sensible holiday gift. Chenille arid Tapestry Table . Covors .. , . 75c to 1:1.00 l'h.uilleCurtains, per pair.. $3.50 to $6.50 Tapestry Curtains, per pair $ 2.50 to $6.01 Door Mats, Aawinater, Sheep skis or Smyrna $1.00 to 81.25 i,rrge Smyru• or Axminster and Wilton Rugs, new pattern* and colors , 642.50to18.50 Cushion Tops. 1t is hal'dly--p l,aiblr to have too many cush- ions around the house these days. That is why one of our hand- some art cushion tops snakes all acceptable holiday gift. Easily the best values and Zest assortment in I o w n can '•boa found I ere American lithographed cosh- .' sh- ' ion tops, dosivrq in new su'..jeua, good y'.1 tlify, make ha';aanme ctrbadeinx •37 Vic,, Oin0c,75c.ilk sirtop I 4 deaigna 1n tinsel Ind silk eml,roiciery on pi:tin white or colored silk grounds, each :)0c, 75c Arad $1.00 Handsome cup!) ioa trap+, complete with bs'.ks in damasks and velvet, all soler'.., htnrlsomr lr.Neenr - each 60.1 and $1.00 'Mercerized cushion cO&g, 01 all colors and combina- tions, regular sires and the new heavy cable cord 10e and 25o ('amhinjtion cushion, fine, iigft, fluffy, will retaintheir .hare ... 50c, 60c, 75c i'lain and Fancy Sateenls. l'.very' war,te.l slta.l.7 11i 1;1 ,1u iatOen and Roman satin, and many different patterns in fano} sateen.. suitable for cushions, fan. work and ooasfortare I ir, 20c, 2:'c Arttki#aMnr, full yard w new American pattern bright silky finch, used for drape', comforters and fancy work ..... , 20c, 25u Fancy Work Ribbons. Ribbons are used now t, dozen■ of ways for fancy work. You'll save time and bother if you come here first when ribbon shopping. Not many shades that we have not got, Every wanted width in stock. Salk or satin baby ribbon', 1e , !, All silk ribbon, 4c, 5., 10,1 to 20, Good satin ubbon, be, 10e- 15.. HODGENS BROS. THREE "A"8' Aov'n ACT/V, AGEN1 WHEN PLACE THE SIG.', �r,�uuuuul�u�uuu�1 FIFTY-FIFTH /T /S T/ D\'I.AW NO 40 OF 190 II TOWN Or NODURICH. nYLA W POI( kOTAHLISII I.00 LIBIt&RY WITH 9'R11 OF THIS RLICCTOlt Hylaw No 111 or 1902 of lbe Tu rreb a b' lees to pro' de foe the of • t'uWio library to Iso Town Whe,'e•s ,Is,t rl -ctora have Council of the or d Town ot'lod for the eetabli•n,n ml of 1 Pt under 1•e 1111 , .breroee Alt, R it •he'efutoenaotr•d by thea tom rd of Inc raid Towner Oa 'ism the ammo or t0. s•edo1ul Bylaw • l'u ''110 1., marl Iw es.ab Muslci.'alit' lnawurdaoce w.t. ions of the Pub ti Lib..',os An And b, It further rim 'tot the the eleeton ria ask m oo into H 4as. the :AI day et Unwary, nt9 n'oluok la t • m,ruist and tel lee o'deak 11 the artaen•'a, ltea tMead places IN, 0.10e. I'o1,1 et Plea•. I MoClymont'a Wag an Chop. W Y P1 ea« - Feed store l' a Town Hal. {-Huac'toso• "boo. .1 6 -Mn. Wsl'or'e Shop R e .Brous>'a Furnur. dtofe, H T -enols Fryflte'h, Ileus., Jo That oath -:c .1 aK•. •f Ja Aar hu oaks In t he \payor • wan«.• la 01, fc, snout,. - e Maeh ar e writing Nigherby I. m ,le, D• to the dal •Whining on 01 h ('leek AGC Duo pr rs, , to a'taod Vete on behalf of the parson and drof m•n lot law serronad s lis numinitfr be?e o persons interested to and domino alt« passage set ibis Bylaw. That the Clerk of the raid poranon shall alt esd at rite U.e hour of el-veao'olock to the Mltbdar of .lessen. 19)3. eumb•r of now ghee reepar .1510.1 the Byla, W13V, MITCHst.L,wkL O, 1'1 TO, NOTICE BY CLF; The above Is a tau, oepy of law wb rh w PI he taken tato - the Council of the Tows of Oud moat.. ?,,,n. the eleven'h d• 1109. bolos the date o1 the 11 thereof. and the pots for tool the electors will be held at • he Nam. Neel is tee said 5.1. W31. B1LAw NO 43, 1902 OF Or (K>UERiC-I. TO CO LX LMPTION•KOH TAXA sU Tv THK (1'DSRICH L CAN\' AND ItRCTIPY THS Wt.'oa• to Ilse year - 19 Lumber Co. rrupe el to the Porticos of th• town et Oen., • ..w mill within the •std to sideration thereof applied Loth tion to old ' he's Balt maoufact u meat he sir tt. "1 It from t• pries of tet , •.rta ommeocm year IAP And whet. •.- he •aid 1' grant ate t - «zemp•Ino bt kerr'ofere est •-•ed in catty to he-. been Illc.n and improper. ons to rectify the sem. the It therefore emitted by couoell of the corperause or Recut• h. and It le herby sees 1 The real write butldinire, other *0018ty fermlaet Net I,tltl. *al immediately used 1 those/ or In coatis ems the purposes of the said Nat'l and the tame are hereby de empt from muntrlp.l %sena tate0 sod rata' for l00.l Imow from and of er the rear 190 . a tog the trelldoe of the aald part If rho 'met mit tenni continue during the said 'sem. 2 Tale Hylaw shall tate e of th• coal pa.sina tber,of, '1 The rOlee Or a eleeton of Oodetichentitled to vote t tames 0. 15Y B) 1.w at the foil places. that i. ,o ay. ors Moo of January 19Qt. oommenning alae o.loek in ibe fore.00n tin eve oolock In the after del by the following Deputy oars tot, !)avid • Ward. Div I. Mc Wm Mti'1 mune Knrnlo tl81.Uav4. hard. Drir. s, Vtd Chu. Hat... 11' orates Otc 8t. Pa'rlck s Ward, Inv N.. x Vsesysry, Returning OMMt, Patriots Ward No. 1. ti .. F. Hat.., R .ursmgOtic Nt George• Ward, G:v. No. #bop. K. IL Wats 0, Rot 9t. Aodr.a • word. Div Furniture store Harry W Oil, •r. et Andre* a Ward Div. Na Donee, J.Uralale. Return! 1. 0n Saturday. the Sed del the Mayor of tie .old town l ousted Chamber of the ea °clerk l0 the f' rehoo0 to a attend at the varlou. Doting and at the noel osmates u the .ark, oo het ad of the ad in and In p•nmuring or o itif of Ib'.H,Iaw respective T. The otetk or al.* sat 1 t0 the sod Coonit 111 .,.tubers forenoon of Tue.4s', the 01 1903. to sum up the number •ad &gala•% this Ity'sw listed at the t'o'tnril Ch this oat day of Ureember, I Read a diel • nit vetoed t i TN/ember. 11103, esti M17CHs1 tr M. Cert, rAKE NO- :I 'fh.t the above la a ora. By .w, which sae been 'ak teen and whish wit be be. Connell of the Munblpaht the sweat of the el•oto thereat atter one month 1 limbos In the eioYAL n. of whtoh Her p,,nto:atm 1902, and tho. the 1015. the said munto,psitty wit on the d.y sed a• 11. tbirel• 6,.e4.., w YLAW NO 44, 1902, Or 0001{00 .1 Tt N \ItM1'TiON 111 M TA. 944R 0Olrienti M T"RY. AN D stet; I'1 r\' Ti Whereas In the rear Renting Yeetory pro Corporailnn of the town o Hell • Knuth./ ti sentry er fled to employ ten hands t Of t«n year* .ra4 (1 rote ap011ed Io the said 1•or raid Id manufacturing «eta lag It from taxation for th year., comm. -ft 004 wl h t And where.. the ,.,4 C greet the sold ee emptlnn n ...oldhot the method he retrying ons thalami 1411 i.n4 It Is espedlont tercet reeldne of the aid leo ,ea 1. ittherefore roosted tbnecltd the torp roti 140.lereh and 1t la bcrnby 1-. I'I.n real estate. 0.1,11 other property forming s n nfanta rl n, eat a bl len n. ly used In the operation t 1105 therewith for the per tablet -mem eh.11 be and Osherow) erect to be exempt f 'Ion (extant snhosa twine improvement work.) f 19')! and for and daring in P nod oftenear• 9 Provided that .o . lecturing lN•t,luhment e syarage of tan employ Ilahment on each and eye •nit 105 neer lave and et near MO) r arol4nnt or .,4 010001 11.1. mamma talv,lehmenr may be el. Petro then the said Mon et liberty 00 re5mi this *hall Of the fail pestlesthereto Ihe rolese the None